 Color coding: . Very important . Extra information


435 Biochemistry Team OBJECTIVES: • • • To structure To To learn have have the of an an DNA central and understanding idea the and about dogma role RNA of 435 the of . Biochemistry Biochemistry Team histone of molecular organization the composition, biology . of . DNA types in and the The central dogma of Molecular Biology

Central of dogma? The flow of information from DNA to RNA to .

Gene: portion of DNA that transcribed into RNA. .

contains about 35,000 . The process of protein formation in the cell : transcribed into - a RNA - RNA translated into proteins..

435 Biochemistry Team NUCLEIC ACIDS

DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid). Nucleic acids are - Required for the storage and expression of genetic information -

RNA (Ribonucleic acid).

435 Biochemistry Team Building blocks of nucleic acids are nucleoside NUCLEOTIDES triphosphates (nucleotides).

Adenine(A) Purines Guanine(G)

Nitrogen base. Cytosine(C)

Nucleotides are Phosphate composed of groups Pyrimidines Thymine(T)

pentose sugar : pentose with 5 carbon ring Uracil(U) in RNA

Ribose Deoxyribose (without O at ( OH at C2 ـwith) C2)

435 Biochemistry Team NITROGEN BASES

Purine bases (A ,G) have 4 nitrogen atoms.

Pyrimidine bases (T,C,U) have 2 nitrogen atoms

- Nucleoside = nitrogen base + sugar( ribose ).

- Nucleotide = nitrogen base + sugar ( ribose) + phosphate group (PO4) 435 Biochemistry Team PENTOSE SUGAR:


- Sugar carbon  number + primed (’) - Nitrogen base atoms  number + unprimed

• *The nitrogenous base is bonded to C1’ of sugar. • *The PO4 group is bonded to C3’ or C5’ of sugar.

435 Biochemistry Team CHEMICAL STRUCTURE OF DNA & RNA - The PO4 bridges the 3’ and 5’ positions of ribose sugar.

- The PO4 and sugar bonding is the backbone of DNA structure.

- The linkage between the nucleotides is called phosphodiester bond

*مهم جدا معرفة اسم الرابطة التي تربط بين النيوكليوتايدز. * مهم معرفة كل كربون ايش مرتبط فيها ..- مثال النيتروجين البيسسز مرتبطه بكاربون رقم 1 -.

435 Biochemistry Team Polymers of nucleotides (as DNA or RNA) store and transfer genetic information. Function of nucleotides Free nucleotides and their Other derivatives perform various nucleotides: metabolic functions not related FAD, NAD, to genetic information CoA

435 Biochemistry Team THE DOUBLE HELIX DNA

Was determind By: James watson and Francis crick which commonly known as *Watson and crick structure* Features of Watson and crick DNA Structure:

Nitrogenous bases are in the center of the double helix 1 Two polynucleotides chains wind around a com axis 5 *helical axis* to form a * double helix*. .. Sugar-phosphate are on the sides. 2 The two strand are * anti-parallel* 6 The surface of the double helix contains 2 grooves * Minor groove* and *Major groove*. 3 Each helix is *Right-handed helix*. 7 Each base is *hydrogen bonded* to a base in the opposite strand to form a (A-T and C-G) .. 4 Its helix has 10 base pairs per turn. Known as : complimentary base pairing.

Adenine (A) Thymine (T) Two hydrogen Bond

Guanine (G) Cytosine (C) Three hydrogen Bond * In RNA, Thymine is replaced by Uracil (U)*

435 Biochemistry Team TYPES OF DNA STRUCTURE

Watson and crick model Direction : Right-handed Right-handed Left-handed

Base Pairs (Bp) Per turn: 11 10 12

Major groove: Deep and narrow Wide Not real groove

Minor groove: Wide narrow narrow

Helix length:: short elongated More elongated

Zig-zag pattern (nearly Displaced away Centred over the Placement of bp perpendicular to the from the helical axis helical axis helical axis)

Conformation of deoxyribose: 11 11 11 435 Biochemistry Team #DNA SUPERCOILING

The of many bacteria and viruses contain circular DNA which is supercoiled. • DNA supercoiling refers to the over- or under-winding of a DNA strand, and is an expression of the strain on that strand. Supercoiling is important in a number of biological processes, such as compacting DNA.


• The temperature at which the double-stranded DNA is separated into two single strands. • MT of DNA depends on nitrogenous base content (A-T and G-C). G-C has 3 hydrogen bonds  stronger than A-T.

435 Biochemistry Team RNA RNA is : a single-stranded polymer of ribonucleotides.

TYPES OF RNA mRNA tRNA rRNA Full name Messenger RNA Transfer RNA Ribosomal RNA Function Transcription process Recognition and Site of protein synthesis (from DNA to mRNA). transferring. It (factory). recognizes amino acids’ codons and transfers the selected amino acids to the growing protein chain.

435 Biochemistry Team THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DNA AND RNA DNA RNA Stands for Deoxyribonucleic acid Ribonucleic acid

Structure Double stranded. It has two Single stranded. It has one nucleotide strands. nucleotide stand. (Double helical DNA) Nitrogenous base Adenine links to thymine Adenine links to Uracil (A=T) (A=U) (Base pairing) Cytosine links to Guanine Cytosine links to Guanine (C G) (C G)

Sugar pentose with 5 carbon ring pentose with 5 carbon ring Deoxyribose sugar Ribose sugar (with –OH at C2). (without O at C2) Propagation DNA is self-replicating RNA is synthesized from DNA

435 Biochemistry Team HOW DNA IS ORGANIZED IN A CHROMOSOME? Important Facts about Chromosomes: 1- Each chromosome is a complex of a single linear DNA molecule and protein called chromatin. 2- The DNA from single 23 human chromosomes have a length of 1 meter. 3- 50% of chromatin consists of protein called Histones.

- Major types of histones : H1 , H2A , H2B , H3 and H4. - They consist of amino acids that are positively charged ( arginine and lysine ). - Importance : These proteins (+) bind to PO4(-) groups of DNA, stabilizing the structure of chromatin.

435 Biochemistry Team NUCLEOSOMES:

Nucleosomes are: particles consisting of DNA and histones connected by thin strands of naked DNA.

Nucleosomes consist of: the histone octamer (eight) and DNA (H2A)2(H2B)2(H3)2(H4)2 - H1 binds to 2 complete helical turns of DNA. هذي الصورة ممكن توضح فكره الباكجنق:

435 Biochemistry Team DNA PACKAGING PROCESS

معلومات الرسمه جدا مهمه!

Octamer : 8 protein complex found at Binds two complete the center of nucleosome helical turns of DNA particle Videos protein synthesis DNA Double Helix Structure Funny video talks about RNA and compares it with DNA How DNA is organized in a chromosome? How DNA is organized in a chromosome? Nucleosomes DNA packaging DNA packaging

435 Biochemistry Team Boys Team: Girls Team: - شهد العنزي. - عبدالعزيز المالكي. - نوره الرميح . - بدور جليدان. - مهند الزهراني. ـ عال النهير. - أفنان المالكي. - أحمد الرويلي . - أمجاد الدهيش. - دالل الحزيمي. - محمد الصهيل . - فاطمه الدين. - جواهر الحربي. - خالد النعيم . - جوهره المالكي. - خوله العريني. - إبراهيم الشايع. - لجين السواط. - منيال باوزير. - محمد الدغيثر. - نوره القحطاني. - رزان السبتي . - رهف العباد . - وضحى العتيبي. * نستقبل إقتراحاتكم ومالحظاتكم على: - ساره العنزي . 435biochemteam@

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@biochemteam435 435 Biochemistry Team