Equipping Young People for Life “I have seen timid girls improve their self-esteem, because they Introduction to the Award The Award Program were given a chance by the Award to make decisions for themselves. Students who were truants and had difficulties settling down, totally As the world’s leading achievement program for young While the Award follows the same structure transformed to be responsible young people who now know how to lead people, The of ’s International Award equips wherever it takes place around the world, young young people for life regardless of their background, culture, from the front, knowing they have a role to play in their community” people make their own activity choices, making physical ability, skills and interests. Our ambition is that Irene Kamanda, Teacher, Kisima Girls School, Kenya every young person aged 14 to 24 worldwide should have the every participant’s experience unique. opportunity to participate in the Award and discover just how much they are capable of. BRONZE SILVER GOLD “Bringing the Award to many more young people, For those over For those over For those over 14 years. 6 15 years. 12 16 years. 18 whatever their backgrounds, is arguably now more months minimum months minimum months minimum important than ever. Academic qualifications are participation. participation. participation. important, but what goes on in the classroom should only form half the story for a young person’s Our research tells us that young people who participate in the Award become more confident and resilient, and develop Each level of the Award has four sections: And at Gold level only: development. To be equipped properly for life, their communication, problem-solving and leadership skills. young people need to develop the qualities of This, in turn, impacts positively on their communities, who Service Physical Recreation Skills Adventurous Journey Residential Project perseverance, grit, curiosity, optimism and self- see improvements in areas including employability, health and well-being, and educational attainment. Participants volunteer Encourages young Enables participants Young people discover Participants broaden control. We understand these traits as ‘character’ and in their communities, people to improve to develop their a spirit of adventure their experience by Since its launch 60 years ago by HRH The Prince Philip, Duke the development of character is the business of The make a positive their fitness and talents, braoden their and gain a deeper staying in a unfamiliar of Edinburgh KG KT, the Award has inspired millions of young ’s International Award.” contribution to society performance, and abilities, increase understanding of the environment with other people around the world to transform their lives. It now has a and demonstrate social enjoy healthy lifestyles their self-confidence enviroment and the young people, taking John May, Secretary General, The Duke of Edinburgh’s presence in over 140 countries and territories worldwide, and responsibility. for good mental and and improve their great outdoors. part in a worthwhile International Award Foundation more than 1.1 million young people are doing the Award right physical well-being. employability. project and building now. The Chairman of the Award is The Prince Edward, Earl of new relationships. Wessex KG GCVO. Outcomes for Young People Impact measures The Global Need for the Award The immediate value of participation for The long-term value of the Award for individuals In a world of rising unemployment amongst young people, the individual and society unequal access to opportunities, and education systems maps to Award sections maps to Award sections that fail to equip them with skills for life, the Award offers Confidence • Improved educational attainment • young people the chance to challenge themselves, leave their comfort zones and gain invaluable skills for their future. Managing feelings • Improved employability and • According to the UN, there were 1.2 billion young people aged sustainable livelihoods • 15 – 24 years globally in 2015, accounting for one out of every Resilience and determination • six people worldwide. The UN states that: “Young people can • Improved health and well-being • be a positive force for development when provided with the • knowledge and opportunities they need to thrive. In particular, Relationships and leadership • young people should acquire the education and skills needed • Increased participation in civic life • • • to contribute in a productive economy …Some countries are Creativity and adaptability • struggling to educate and employ their young people, while • Social inclusion • also anticipating substantial growth in the number of young people.”1 Planning and problem solving • • The environment •

Civic competence • Gender equality and the empowerment of women Intercultural competence • Reduction and prevention of violence, conflict • Personal and social well-being • • resolution and peace-building Communication • Reduced reoffending (recidivism) rates • • 1 www.un.org/esa/socdev/documents/young people/fact-sheets/young peoplepop.pdf The Award in the USA An Award Story: Now, more than ever, we need a framework to equip American Lincoln Hall is a residential educational center for young Noble Varughese, Associate Executive Director, explains the young people for life. The Duke of Edinburgh’s International men from marginalized or at-risk communities throughout value of the Award to the Hall and its students: “The Award Award provides that framework. Our vision is to inspire the state of New York, aged 12 – 18 years, who have been has been the single best addition to our residential program. and empower young Americans, from all backgrounds referred through the Family Court system. It instills in our students a desire to help others, a belief and communities, to challenge themselves and exceed in themselves and an understanding of the importance of expectations. With over 43 million young people in the USA setting goals and achieving them. between the ages of 14 – 24 years old, the potential reach Most of our students come from disadvantaged backgrounds. and impact of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award The young men are closed down emotionally, except for program is extensive. The ambition of the Award in the USA is the anger that they harbor from past abuse and a history of to reach 500,000 young people, one percent of the population failures. This is an opportunity for Award Leaders to tap into of young people in the USA, by the year 2026. their real pain and help them to work through some of their In order to meet our goal and transform the lives of young buried issues. It is also such a unique opportunity to develop people across the USA, we aim to form collaborative empathy in our young men. partnerships with established youth organizations. We will Our experience with the Award has been more positive than engage with dedicated and highly skilled volunteers and we could ever have imagined. Our students are setting goals we will work with the strategic support of individual and for themselves, achieving these goals and then wanting corporate stakeholders. to push themselves even further. The concept of being recognized for doing positive things in the community is an incredibly strong incentive for them. And the more they grow as people, the more the community benefits. These are young men who come to Lincoln Hall broken in spirit, angry and directionless. The Award awakens something in them that they cannot even believe.” The Award in the USA

Contact Us

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation Head Office: USA National Office: Award House, Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award USA 7-11 St Matthew Street, 53 W Jackson Blvd, Suite 1742 Chicago SW1P 2JT, IL 60604 United Kingdom +1 312 763 2087 +44 (0)20 7222 4242 [email protected] [email protected] usaward.org intaward.org

©2016 The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award USA All images © 2016 The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation is a registered 501 (c) (3) charitable organization Registered charity in England and Wales number 1072453 Company limited by guarantee number 3666389