([tRI~ P~R~OJ!oT] " -~---=~':=""0-:c-~..-- AGENDA MATERIALS TRI-DAM. PROJECT



CALL TO ORDER: Oakdale Irrigation District 1205 East F Street Oakdale, CA 95361


ROLL CALL: John Holbrook, Bob Holmes, Dave Kamper, Dale Kuil, Ralph Roos, Gail Altieri, Brad DeBoer, Herman Doornenbal, Tom Orvis, Linda Santos

PUBLIC COMMENT: The Joint Board of Directors encourages public participation at Board meetings. Matters affecting the operation of the Tri-Dam Project and under the jurisdiction of the Joint Districts and not posted on the Agenda may be addressed by the public. law prohibits the Board from taking action on any matter that is not on the posted Agenda unless the Board determines that it is a situation specified in Government Code Subsection 54954.2.


I. Review and approve the regular board meeting minutes of August 16, 2018

2. Review and approve August 2018 financial statements and statement of obligations

a. Investment portfolio and reserve fund status

3. Renumbering of Resolution TOP 2018.03 District Distributions to TOP 2018.05

4. Presentation and consider approval ofResolution TOP 2018.06 Distribution from Maintenance Reserve, Operating Reserve, and Other Cash to Pay Down Unfunded Accrued Pension Liability

5. Purchase Authorizations

a. 2018.09.01 Streamgaging Proposal for 2019-2023- Watermark Engineering


6. Discussion of Beardsley Alterbay Maintenance Project

7. Discussion and update on the Basin Plan COMMUNICATIONS ITEMS 8-11 8. Staff reports as follows: a. General Manager Report b. Maintenance Repmt c. Operations Report d. Compliance Report 9. Generation Report

I 0. Fisheries studies on the Lower Stanislaus River

II. Directors' Comments

CLOSED SESSION ITEM 12 12. a. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Potential Initiation of Litigation Government Code§ 54956.9(d)(4) Two (2) Cases

b. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant Exposure to Potential Litigation Government Code§ 54956.9(d)(2) One (1) Case


ADJOURNMENT ITEM13 13. Adjourn to the next regularly scheduled meeting

D Items on the Agenda may be taken in any order. D Action may be taken on any item listed on the agenda. D Writings relating to an open session agenda item that are distributed to members of the Board of Directors wm be available for inspection at the Tri-Dam Project office, excluding writings that are not public records or are exempt from disclosure under the California Public Records Act. D ADA Compliance Statement: In compliance with the Americans with Disability Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Clerk at (209) 965-3996 ext 110. Notification 48 hours prior to meeting will enable the Project to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. MEETING·

MINUTES TRI-DAM PROJECT MINUTES OF THE JOINT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING August 16, 2018 Manteca, California The Joint Boards of Directors of the Oakdale Irrigation District and the South San Joaquin Irrigation District met in joint session at the office of South San Joaquin Irrigation District located in Manteca, California on the above date for the purpose of conducting business of the TRI-DAM PROJECT, pursuant to the resolution adopted by each of the respective Districts on July 29, 1955. President Kuil called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.




Also, Present: Ron Berry, General Manager and Secretary, Tri-Dam Project; Rick Dodge, Finance Manager, Tri­ Dam Project; Genna Modrell, Finance Asst., Tri-Dam Project; Susan Larson, License Compliance Coordinator, Tri-Dam Project; Brian Belitz, Operations Supervisor, Tri-Dam Project; Troy Hammerbeck, Maintenance Supervisor, Tri-Dam Project; Steve Knell, General Manager, OlD; Peter Rietkerk, General Manager, SSJID; Bere Lindley, CFO, SSJID; Sarah Bloom, Mgmt. Accountant, SSJID; Tim O'Laughlin, O'Laughlin & Paris, Water Counsel



ITEM #1 Review and approve the minutes from the July 19, 2018 Regular Meeting

President Kuil presented the July 19, 2018 minutes of the Regular Board meeting. Director Holbrook moved to approve the July 19, 2018 minutes of the Regular Board meeting. Director Doornenbal seconded the motion. The motion passed OlD 4-0, SSJID 3-0-1. Director Kuil abstained.

ITEM #2 Financial Matters

a) Review and Approve the Financial Statements Finance Manager Dodge reviewed the July 2018 financial statements, noting net revenue of $2.4 million for the month. Page 1 TOP August 16, 2018 b) Review Investment Portfolio and Reserve Fund Status Finance Manager Dodge presented the monthly activity and securities held in each of the Project's reserve funds.

c) Review and Approve the Statement of Obligations Finance Manager Dodge reviewed the monthly statement of obligations and responded to questions.

Director Doornenbal moved to approve the financial statements and statement of obligations as presented. Director Kamper seconded the motion. The motion passed OlD 4-0, SSJID 4-0.

ITEM #3 Consider approval of additional payment(s) to unfunded accrued pension liability

Finance Manager Dodge provided a presentation to the Board of the impact of additional payments to reduce long-term interest costs on Tri-Dam's unfunded accrued pension liability. After presenting three possible options and an explanation of the CaiPERS process, FM Dodge recommended paying an additional $3.0 million for 2018-2019.

Director DeBoer moved to pay $2.0 million in 2018-2019 and reassess next year. The motion failed for lack of a second.

GM Knell cautioned the Board that money not distributed from Tri-Dam puts pressure on the districts to transfer water.

Director Holmes moved to pay up to $3.0 million in 2018-2019to be funded from any combination of reserve funds and/or current cash flow, to be decided at the October board meeting. Director Orvis seconded the motion. The motion passed with a roll call vote: OlD 3-1, SSJID 4-0, Director DeBoer voted no.

ITEM #4 Consider approval of ACWAIJPIA membership

Finance Manager Dodge advised that ACWA has determined that Tri-Dam needs to officially become a member in order to continue to contract for employee health benefits through ACWAIJPIA. ACWA has agreed to pro rate 2018 dues, which will total $4,207.50.

Director Holbrook moved to approve ACWA membership. Director Santos seconded the motion. The motion passed with a roll call vote: OlD 3-1, SSJID 3-1, Directors Doornenbal and Kamper voted no.

ITEM #5 Consider approval of purchase authorizations

a. 2018.8.01 Hells Half Acre Bypass Amendment- Condor Earth Technologies

GM Berry explained it was necessary to increase the current budget by $30,000 to make the adjustments required by the US Forest Service. These amendments are a requirement by the Forest Service as part of the evaluation of alternatives required to convert the road from a temporary to permanent classification.

Director Kamper moved to approve PA 2018.8.01 as presented. Director Santos seconded the motion. The motion passed OlD 4-0, SSJID 4-0. Page 2 TDP August 16, 2018 ITEM #6 Discussion of Beardsley Afterbay Maintenance Project

GM Berry advised that Tri-Dam has received authorization from DSOD to perform the work. At this time, given the schedule of DSOD, although the plan changes they requested were minor in nature and submitted within two days of receiving their comments, there is not sufficient time to perform the work starting in October 2018, as anticipated. Given the lead-time required for materials procurement, job bidding, contractor hiring, etc., it is expected that the job will be deferred to 2019/2020, which will allow a more conventional budgeting process to take place as well.

ITEM #7 Discussion and update on the Stanislaus River Basin Plan

GM Rietkerk updated the board on an agency stakeholder's meeting held on August 22, 2018. They had approximately 20 agencies in attendance and fielded numerous questions about the plan.

ITEM #8 Staff Reports

In addition to the written reports, GM Berry advised the Board that the fencing installation at Tulloch Bridge is scheduled for August 20, 2018.

The Ops Supervisor Belitz and Lead Operator Hardie will be attending the FERC Emergency Action Plan Functional Exercise Workshop in September in Portland, OR.

Ops Supervisor Belitz reminded the Board of hazardous materials inspections scheduled for August 20, 2018.

ITEM #9 Generation Report

No discussion.

ITEM #10 Fisheries Studies on the Lower Stanislaus River

Peter Rietkerk advised that FishBio is already working on 2019 Suppression and Steve Knell ·added that the Predation Report is pending.

ITEM #11 Directors Comments

Director Santos asked about the Donnell fire and if we are preparing for sluffing.

Director Holbrook asked if we have considered buoying or netting.

Recess to Tri-Dam Power Authority

President Kuil recessed to the Tri-Dam Power Authority Board of Commissioners meeting at 10:15 a.m.

The Tri-Dam Project meeting resumed at 10:18 a.m. after the Tri-Dam Power Authority meeting adjourned.

Page 3 TOP August 16, 2018 ITEM #12 Closed Session

GM Berry announced before closed session that the following items would be discussed:

a. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Potential Initiation of Litigation Government Code§ 54956.9(d)(4) Three (3) Cases

b. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant Exposure to Potential Litigation Government Code § 54956.9(d)(2) One (1) Case

President Kuil announced out of closed session that no action taken.


Director Holbrook moved to adjourn the Tri-Dam Project Board of Director's Meeting. Director Orvis seconded the motion. The motion passed OlD 4-0, SSJID 4-0.

President Kuil adjourned the meeting at 11:30 a.m.

The next regular board meeting is scheduled for September 20, 2018, at Oakdale Irrigation District in Oakdale, California beginning at 9:00a.m.


Ron Berry Secretary, Tri-Dam Project

Page4 TDP August 16, 2018 FINANCIAL

MATTERS Tri-Dam Project Balance Sheets (unaudited)

August 31, 2018 July 31, 2018 August 31, 2017 1 Assets 2 Cash $ 4,863,842 $ 2,453,009 $ 9,867,733 3 Investment Securities & Money Market 13,069,560 12,979,353 12,146,304 4 Accounts Receivable 2,746,027 3,492,522 5,253,815 5 Prepaid Expenses 391,533 439,609 370,406 6 Capital Assets 106,180,181 106,210,018 102,634,546 7 Accumulated Depreciation (48,724,544) (48,618,946) (47,065,589) 8 Intangible Assets 8,213,938 8,213,938 8,213,938 9 Accumulated Amortization - Intangibles (1 ,830, 733) (1 ,811 ,272) (1 ,597,201) 1o Other Assets 33,685 72,873 11,628 11 Deferred Outflows 1,807,851 1,807,851 1,525,404 12 Total Assets & Deferred Outflows 86 751,340 85,238,955 91,360,983 13 14 15 Liabilities 16 Accounts Payable 353,447 532,645 58,936 17 Other Current Liabilities 443,462 463,696 418,187 18 Long-Term Liabilities 6,164,420 6,164,420 5,302,736 19 Deferred Inflows 277,700 277,700 296,517 20 Total Liabilities & Deferred Inflows 7,239,028 7,438,461 6,076,376 21 22 Net Position 23 Net Position- Beginning of Year 89,349,897 89,349,897 85,852,439 24 Contributed Capital - Districts 602,963 602,963 602,963 25 Distributions (21,119,000) (21 '119,000) (32,773,000) 26 YTD Net Revenues 10,678,451 8,966,634 31,602,205 27 Total Net Position 79,512,312 77,800,494 85,284,607 28 29 30 Total Liabilities and Net Position $ 86 751 340 $ 85,238,955 $ 91,360,983 Tri-Dam Project Statement of Revenues and Expenses Month Ending August 31, 2018

Percent of Current YTD YTD YTD Budget 2018 2018 Budget Month Actual Budget Variance Budget Remaining Operating Revenues 2 Power Sales $ 2,413,570 $ 16,031,810 $ 21,115,920 $ (5,084, 110) $ 31,673,880 49% 3 Headwater Benefit 174,000 232,537 (58,537) 348,806 50% 4 Total Operating Revenues 2,413,570 16,205,810 21,348,457 (5,142,647) 32,022,686 49% 5 6 Operating Expenses 7 Salaries and Wages 175,779 1,412,713 1,556,475 (143,762) 2,334,712 39% 8 Benefits and Overhead 117,164 970,173 1,214,775 (244,603) 1,822,163 47% 9 Operations 10,124 93,425 103,887 (10,462) 155,830 40% 10 Maintenance 102,305 761,820 2,465,027 (1 ,703,206) 3,697,540 79% 11 General & Administrative 196,340 2,353,152 3,384,883 (1,031,731) 5,077,325 54% 12 Depreciation & Amortization 172,459 1,346,950 1,345,776 1,174 2,018,664 33% 13 Total Operating Expenses 774,171 6,938,232 10,070,823 (3, 132,590) 15,106,234 54% 14 15 Net Income From Operations 1,639,400 9,267,578 11,277,635 (2,010,057) 16,916,452 45% 16 17 Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses) 18 Investment Earnings 26,638 187,224 153,125 34,098 229,688 18% 19 Change In Market Value of Investments 28,490 (99,106) (99,106) NA 20 Water Sales 56,000 74,976 (18,976) 112,464 50% 21 Equipment Rental 2,200 17,600 17,600 26,400 33% 22 Gain/(Loss) on Asset Disposal 5,959 5,959 5,959 NA 23 Reimbursements 6,412 98,648 133,623 (34,975) 200,434 51% 24 Other Nonoperating Revenue 2,720 1,144,549 54,503 1,090,046 81,754 -1300% 25 Total Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses) 72,418 1,410,874 433,827 977,047 650,740 -117% 26 27 Net Revenues $ 1,711,817 $ 10,678,451 $ 11 ,711,461 $ (1 ,033,01 0) $ 17,567,192 39% 28 29 30 Current YTD YTD VTD Budget 2018 31 Memo: Month Actual Budget Variance Budget 32 Capital Expenditures $ 58,953 $ 1,144,190 $ 1,276,667 $ (132,477) $ 1,915,000 33 Major Repairs - Hells Half Acre Rd $ 9,799 $ 13,692 $ 190,000 $ (176,308) $ 285,000 34 Major Repairs- Tulloch Unit 3 Access Rd $ $ $ 600,000 $ (600,000) $ 900,000 35 Donnells Extended Repair $ $ 88,968 $ $ 88,968 $ General Ledger Expense vs Budget with Encumbrances by Fund

User: rdodge

Printed: 09/10/18 07:48:48 y---~~~-~~ Period 08 - 08 Fiscal Year 2018 _!Rl~QAM ~~9.J~T - ~---~~----

Fund Description Budget PeriodAmt EndBal Variance Encumbered Available %Available

1 Corporate I Bank Fees & Charges 18,000.00 1,245.31 10,217.57 7,782.43 0.00 7,782.43 43.24 I Performance Incentive Exp 43,200.00 0.00 83.18 43,116.82 0.00 43,116.82 99.81 1 Corporate 61,200.00 1,245.31 10,300.75 50,899.25 0.00 50,899.25 83.17 1 Operations I LaborExpME 1,258,729.00 97,763.23 758,410.39 500,318.61 0.00 500,318.61 39.75 I Oper Super & Engin OH 940,871.20 46,797.53 362,455.47 578,415.73 0.00 578,415.73 61.48 1 Interconnection Exp 3rd Unit 2,000.00 168.28 1,346.24 653.76 0.00 653.76 32.69 I Power House & Dam Util 19,600.00 819.87 26,536.31 -6,936.31 0.00 -6,936.31 -35.39 I Dam Monitoring 5,500.00 0.00 3,650.00 1,850.00 0.00 1,850.00 33.64 I Operations Office Supplies 2,540.00 477.33 2,807.72 -267.72 0.00 -267.72 -10.54 I Dam Supplies 10,300.00 460.48 1,913.16 8,386.84 0.00 8,386.84 81.43 I Furnishings & Misc. Equipment 15,000.00 0.00 1,196.81 13,803.19 0.00 13,803.19 92.02 I Safety Supplies & Related 18,090.00 3,453.99 15,450.52 2,639.48 1,050.00 1,589.48 8.79 I Site Utilities 31,800.00 4,285.42 23,211.89 8,588.11 0.00 8,588.11 27.01 1 Resource Mgmt USFS Beardsley 108,000.00 0.00 97,852.00 10,148.00 0.00 10,148.00 9.40 1 Travel & Conference 31,000.00 458.40 16,104.20 14,895.80 0.00 14,895.80 48.05 1 Schools & Training 18,000.00 0.00 1,150.00 16,850.00 0.00 16,850.00 93.61 1 Trustee Fees Operations 2,000.00 166.66 1,333.28 666.72 0.00 666.72 33.34 1 Small Tools 2,000.00 0.00 57.87 1,942.13 0.00 1,942.13 97.11 1 Depreciation 1.785.131.88 152,997.68 1,191,261.75 593,870.13 0.00 593,870.13 33.27 1 FERC Relicense Amortization 83,099.88 6,924.99 55,399.92 27,699.96 0.00 27,699.96 33.33 1 Beardsley Recreation Amort 150,432.24 12,536.02 100,288.16 50,144.08 0.00 50,144.08 33.33 1 Operations 4,484,094.20 327,309.88 2,660,425.69 1,823,668.51 1,050.00 1,822,618.51 40.65 1 Maintenance 1 Cornms & Security Labor 1,056,347.99 77.058.70 646,818.93 409,529.06 0.00 409,529.06 38.77 I Corurns & Security OH 823,230.00 34,482.79 275,251.16 547,978.84 0.00 547,978.84 66.56 1 Project Maintenance Operation 1,500.00 27.58 476.30 1,023.70 0.00 1,023.70 68.25 1 Safety Supplies & Related 17,500.00 140.00 6,393.90 11,106.10 0.00 11,106.10 63.46 1 Maint & Repairs - Structures 153,699.70 4,168.74 9,946.98 143,752.72 0.00 !43,752.72 93.53 1 Maint & Repairs - Facilities 841,000.00 11,421.92 212,479.21 628,520.79 110,863.94 517,656.85 61.55 1 Maint & Repairs - Plant 340,000.01 0.00 107,814.77 232,185.24 19,522.00 212,663.24 62.55 l Electronic Exp 50,200.00 296.98 9,164.20 41,035.80 0.00 41,035.80 81.74 1 Site Improvements 7,000.00 0.00 19.89 6,980.11 0.00 6,980.11 99.72 1 Mise Hydro Expense 95,999.99 3,243.92 16,928.48 79.071.51 1.510.25 77,561.26 80.79 1 ComputerMicro Repair Replace 15,300.00 0.00 3,448.67 11,851.33 0.00 11,851.33 77.46

GL- Expense vs Budget with Encumbrances by Fund (09/10/2018 -7:48AM) Page 1 Fund Description Budget PeriodAmt EudBal Variance Encumbered Available %Available

1 Radio Repair & Replace 10,000.00 44,701.89 44,701.89 -34,701.89 0.00 -34,701.89 -347.02 1 Power Line Repair & Maint 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 100.00 1 Comms & Security Sys 84,140.00 3,893.56 27,472.60 56,667.40 1,581.54 55,085.86 65.47 I Routine Road Maintenance 609,000.00 0.00 14,385.03 594,614.97 0.00 594,614.97 97.64 I Donnells Extended Repair 0.00 0.00 88,967.76 -88,967.76 126,612.00 -215,579.76 0.00 I Travel & Conference 14,700.00 0.00 1,571.10 13,128.90 0.00 13,128.90 89.31 1 Schools & Tnrining 23,200.00 0.00 0.00 23,200.00 0.00 23,200.00 100.00 I Reservoir Management 6,200.00 7,956.23 57,611.91 -51,411.91 784.00 -52,195.91 -841.87 1 Rolling Stock MaintRepair 70,000.00 6,703.40 40,433.55 29,566.45 17.522.42 12,044.03 17.21 1 Shop Supplies 15,000.00 2,298.20 12,624.89 2,375.11 545.45 1,829.66 12.20 I Small Tools 15,000.00 416.23 8,096.83 6,903.17 0.00 6,903.17 46.02 I Miscellaneous Equipment 11,900.00 200.00 16,597.87 -4,697.87 0.00 -4,697.87 -39.48 I Disposal Expense 6,000.00 283.77 2,530.24 3,469.76 1,698.05 1,771.71 29.53 I Fuel and Fuel Tax 95,000.00 6,705.11 64,349.79 30,650.21 0.00 30,650.21 32.26 1 Equipment Operation & Maint 15,200.00 48.24 2,112.02 13,087.98 0.00 13,087.98 86.11 1 Major Road Repairs 285,000.00 9,798.89 13,692.46 271,307.54 29,009.12 242,298.42 85.02 1 Tulloch Spillway Road Repairs 900,000.00 0.00 0.00 900,000.00 0.00 900,000.00 100.00 1 Maintenance 5,577,117.69 213,846.15 1,683,890.43 3,893,227.26 309,648.77 3,583,578.49 64.26 1 Administrative I Administrative Labor 19,635.00 956.76 7,483.20 12,151.80 0.00 12,151.80 61.89 I Administrative OH 14,861.80 35,883.99 332,382.84 -317,521.04 0.00 -317,521.04 -2,136.49 1 Office & Administrative Expens 26,600.00 2,117.03 23,769.40 2,830.60 500.00 2,330.60 8.76 Prof. Organizations & Subscrip 7,200.00 33.75 5,924.90 1,275.10 0.00 1,275.10 17.71 Utilities Straw 33,500.00 3,539.21 21,836.38 11,663.62 0.00 11,663.62 34.82 I Travel & Conference 35,500.00 5,210.82 18,028.48 17,471.52 1,803.50 15,668.02 44.14 I Meals 3,000.00 525.39 2,917.38 82.62 0.00 82.62 2.75 I Drug Testing & Physicals 1,500.00 0.00 995.00 505.00 0.00 505.00 33.67 I Computer Supplies & Support 20,500.00 0.00 4,256.33 16,243.67 0.00 16,243.67 79.24 I Schools & Training 5,500.00 0.00 0.00 5,500.00 780.72 4,719.28 85.81 I Telephone Expense 20,000.00 1,987.46 12,981.73 7,018.27 0.00 7,018.27 35.09 I Data Communications Services 3,100.00 496.50 4,804.00 -1,704.00 0.00 -1,704.00 -54.97 I Website Internet & Network 28,300.00 2,177.50 19,508.00 8,792.00 8,440.00 352.00 1.24 I Legal Fees 118,500.00 8,067.00 81,788.05 36,711.95 0.00 36,711.95 30.98 I ReservoiT Management 55,500.00 0.00 5,396.52 50,103.48 3,447.88 46,655.60 84.06 I Auditing Services 14,260.00 0.00 14,410.00 -150.00 0.00 -150.00 -1.05 I Accounting & PR Software & Svc 9,400.00 797.37 6,378.96 3,021.04 7.500.00 -4,478.96 -47.65 I PERC Part 12 Inspections 55,000.00 0.00 100,865.06 -45,865.06 11,325.45 -57,190.51 -103.98 1 Stategic Communication PR 36,000.00 4,600.00 10,550.00 25,450.00 75,900.00 -50,450.00 -140.14 I License Condition Implement 35,000.00 0.00 0.00 35,000.00 15,349.60 19.650.40 56.14 I Shoreline Erosion Mgmt Plan 500,000.00 0.00 4,431.25 495,568.75 53,896.00 441,672.75 88.33 I Tulloch Rec Pian - Article 409 325,000.00 0.00 893.00 324,107.00 3,806.69 320,300.31 98.55 1 Tulloch Shoreline Mgmt Plan 57,500.00 0.00 0.00 57,500.00 0.00 57,500.00 !00.00 I Mussel Risk, Insp & Monitor 15,500.00 0.00 1,097.00 14,403.00 0.00 14,403.00 92.92 I PERC Cuimral Resource Tulloch 25,500.00 0.00 0.00 25,500.00 0.00 25,500.00 100.00 I PERC Culmral Res - DonnBeard 170,500.00 0.00 3,181.82 167,318.18 156,111.90 11,206.28 6.57 I Fish Study Publications 100,000.00 6.160.00 46,465.00 53,535.00 53,535.00 0.00 0.00 I USER Pin of Opr & SWRCB 420,000.00 35,000.00 219,583.35 200,416.65 0.00 200,416.65 47.72 I Lower River Non-native Investi 1,000,000.00 10,000.00 570,924.17 429,075.83 0.00 429,075.83 42.91 I Adult Chinook Life Cycle 550,000.00 20,000.00 326,250.00 223,750.00 0.00 223,750.00 40.68 GL- Expense vs Budget with Encumbrances by Fund (09110/2018 -7:48AM) Page2 Fund Description Budget PeriodAmt EndBal Variance Encumbered Available %Available

I Reliability Consulting 40,000.00 0.00 9,700.00 30,300.00 25,300.00 5,000.00 12.50 I Labor Relations Negotiation Co 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 0.00 30,000.00 !00.00 I Haz Mat Business Plan 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 100.00 I Legal Fees Fish Studies 100,000.00 911.99 18,256.99 81,743.01 81,743.01 0.00 0.00 I Liability Insurance 420,025.00 29,496.04 254,706.53 165,318.47 0.00 165,318.47 39.36 1 Property and Use Taxes 13,000.00 975.35 17,979.66 -4,979.66 0.00 -4,979.66 -38.31 I Legal- Stan.River Basin Plan 0.00 1,030.00 2,815.00 -2,815.00 0.00 -2,815.00 0.00 I Dam Safety Fees 160,100.00 15,829.92 120,398.82 39,701.18 0.00 39,70Ll8 24.80 I State Water Rights Fees 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 !00.00 I FERC Admin & Land Fees 195,000.00 16,250.00 130,000.00 65,000.00 0.00 65,000.00 33.33 I Streamgaging 74,400.00 6,200.00 49,600.00 24,800.00 12,400.00 12,400.00 16.67 1 Streamgaging Cert USGS 49,540.00 4,351.73 34,197.56 15,342.44 0.00 15,342.44 30.97 I PERC USER HWB Tulloch 90,400.00 7,643.00 61,144.00 29,256.00 0.00 29,256.00 32.36 I USPS Permit Fees 11,000.00 983.51 7,868.08 3,131.92 0.00 3,131.92 28.47 I PERC EAP PMF Security Plan 58,500.00 0.00 6,000.00 52,500.00 3,000.00 49,500.00 84.62 I Legal- District Water Rights 0.00 491.65 1,296.65 -1,296.65 0.00 -1,296.65 0.00 I Washington Advocacy & PR 0.00 10.053.21 20,116.48 -20,116.48 0.00 -20,116.48 0.00 I Relicense Special Consultants 5,000.00 0.00 2,433.75 2,566.25 0.00 2,566.25 51.33 1 Administrative 4,983,821.80 231,769.18 2,583,615.34 2,400,206.46 514,839.75 1,885,366.71 37.83 1 Capital Exp Fixed Asset I Rep! Micro Link to SP Labor 71,100.00 0.00 0.00 71,100.00 0.00 71,100.00 !00.00 I Rep! Micro Link to SP OH 47,400.00 0.00 0.00 47,400.00 0.00 47,400.00 100.00 I 300kW Diesel Generator 72,000.00 0.00 0.00 72,000.00 0.00 72,000.00 !00.00 1 Rebuild pressure relief valve 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 !00.00 I 16000# Tilt Trailer 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I One Ton Truck 55,000.00 0.00 0.00 55,000.00 0.00 55,000.00 !00.00 I Tech All Wheel Van 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 Technician Trailer 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 0.00 12,000.00 !00.00 I Res inductor for pwr factor eq 21,000.00 0.00 0.00 21,000.00 0.00 21,000.00 100.00 I Operator Truck 66,500.00 0.00 0.00 66,500.00 0.00 66,500.00 100.00 1 Excavator 178,000.00 0.00 0.00 178,000.00 0.00 178,000.00 !00.00 I Grader 274,000.00 0.00 0.00 274,000.00 0.00 274,000.00 !00.00 1 34 ton maint truck 34,500.00 0.00 0.00 34,500.00 0.00 34,500.00 !00.00 1 Loader 163,000.00 0.00 0.00 163,000.00 0.00 163,000.00 !00.00 I Rep! Micro Link to SP 120,000.00 0.00 0.00 120,000.00 134,050.23 -14,050.23 -11.71 I Replace DVR's (9) 85,500.00 0.00 0.00 85,500.00 0.00 85,500.00 !00.00 I Dell 720R Server 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 !00.00 I 5' x 10' EZ Dock 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I Upg phone system CPUsoftware 7,000.00 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 0.00 7,000.00 100.00 I DVR replacement 9,500.00 0.00 0.00 9,500.00 595.07 8,904.93 93.74 1 Megger Infrared Tester 9,000.00 0.00 0.00 9,000.00 0.00 9,000.00 100.00 I Battery Test Set Equip 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 !00.00 I Office Remodel- designdrain 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 100.00 1 Repeater (voice radio) 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 0.00 40,000.00 !00.00 I Flag & Flag Pole 7,000.00 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 0.00 7,000.00 !00.00 I 60kW propane gen- gate house 19,500.00 0.00 0.00 19,500.00 0.00 19,500.00 !00.00 I 2.4Ghz radio replacement 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 !00.00 I Skimmer Gate Actuator 55,000.00 0.00 0.00 55,000.00 0.00 55,000.00 !00.00 1 Install radio link BPH to SPH 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 0.00 30,000.00 !00.00 GL- Expense vs Budget with Encumbrances by Fund (09110/2018 -7:48AM) Page3

~-··"---··-----~- Fund Description Budget PeriodAmt EndBal Variance Encumbered Available %Available

1 Upgrad GenTrans Protect 1 & 2 178,000.00 0.00 0.00 178,000.00 79,838.82 98,161.18 55.15 1 Upgrade SCADA RTURTAC 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 100.00 1 Major Road Repairs - Donnells 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I ISO Metering DonnBeards 70,000.00 0.00 0.00 70,000.00 14,384.46 55,615.54 79.45 I Fire Suppression Sys Unit 1&2 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 0.00 30,000.00 100.00 1 Fire Suppression System Beards 60,000.00 0.00 0.00 60,000.00 0.00 60,000.00 100.00 1 Capital Exp Fixed Asset 1,915,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,915,000.00 228,868.58 1,686,131.42 88.05 Expense 17,021,233.69 774,170.52 6,938,232.21 10,083,001.48 1,054,407.10 9,028,594.38 0.53 Total 1 Tri Dam Project 17,021,233.69 774,170.52 6,938,232.21 10,083,001.48 1,054,407.10 9,028,594.38 53.04

Expense 17,021,233.69 774,170.52 6,938,232.21 10,083,001.48 1,054,407.10 9,028,594.38 0.53 Total

GL- Expense vs Budget with Encumbrances by Fund (09/10/2018- 7:48AM) Page4 Tri-Dam Project Reserve Funds / Investment Portfolio August 31 , 2018

1 1. Revenue I Operating Fund Moody's Purchase Maturity Purchase Face M arket Yield to Average 2 CUSIP Issue Date Description Rating Date Dat e Price Amount Principal Value Gain/(Loss) Coupon M aturity Life 3 3130AAPV4 1/24/2017 FHLB Bullet US Agency 9/14/2017 2/ 1S/ 2019 99.972 610,000 609,829 607,408 {2,422) 1.32% 1.34% 0.46 4 3133EHUK7 8/14/2017 FFCB Bullet US Agency 8/16/2017 8/14/2019 99.955 610,000 609,725 603,833 {5,892) 1.40% 1.42% 0.95 5 3134G8JT7 2/24/2016 FHLMC Bullet US Agency 8/29/2017 2/24/2020 100.063 400,000 400,253 393,564 (6,689) 1.50% 1.47% 1.48 6 3130ADN32 2/9/2018 FHLB Bullet US Agency 3/15/2018 2/11/2020 99.651 210,000 209,267 208,589 (678) 2.13% 2.31% 1.45 7 3133EFBF3 8/27/201S FFCB Bu llet US Agency 8/17/2017 8/27/2020 100.188 610,000 611,147 597,349 (13,798) 1.65% 1.59% 1.99 8 313376XNO 2/8/2012 FHLB Bullet US Agency 10/12/2017 2/8/2021 101.144 610,000 616,978 601,911 (15,067) 2.10% 1.74% 2.44 9 313378JP7 3/5/2012 FHLB Bullet US Agency 10/ 12/2017 9/10/2021 101.959 610,000 621,950 602,582 (19,368) 2.38% 1.85% 3.03 10 3135GOS38 1/9/2017 FNMA Bullet US Agency 10/ 26/2017 1/5/2022 99.911 600,000 599,465 584,460 (15,005) 2.00% 2.02% 3.35 11 3130AC5A8 8/15/2017 FHLB Bullet US Agency 8/17/2017 8/15/2022 99.862 610,000 609,160 S89,486 (19,674) 1.85% 1.88% 3.96 12 3135GOT94 1/23/2018 FNMA Bullet US Agency 3/21/2018 1/19/2023 98.278 _ _ _..:6~10::!•:::00:::0:.___ ....: 5::.:9:.::9.!.:,4:.::9.:....7 ___;;:5 9::..:9~,3::..:3:..:.7__ -:-_ (l.::1::::.60::..:):....__ _:::.2:..::.3:.::8•:..::%:....__ __:2:.:..7 :_:6:..:.%~_ _:::4:..::.3~9 13 5,480,000 5,487,271 5,388,519 (98, 753) 1.86% 1.82% 2.45 14 31846V203 NA First Am Govt Obligation MMF AAAm NA NA 100.000 ____.:. 7.=1::!8,:::07:..:2:..___ _: 7~1:..::8!::,0:..:..7.::.2 ___.:....71 :.:8:t.:,0::..:7..:2__.:.______:::. 1:.::.5:::3:.::.%__ __: 1:.:.;.5::.:3:..::%:.__ _:0.:.::.0:.::..0 15 Total - Revenue I Operating Fund $6,198,072 $6,205,343 $6,106,591 {$98,753) 1.83% 1.78% 2.16 16 17 2. Maintenance Fund Moody's Purchase Maturity Purchase Face Market Yield t o Average 18 CUSIP Issue Date Description Rating Date Date Price Amount Principal Value Gain/(Loss) Coupon Maturity Life 19 3130AAPV4 1/24/2017 FHLB Bullet US Agency 9/14/2017 2/15/2019 99.965 590,000 589,791 587,493 {2,298) 1.32% 1.35% 0.46 20 3133EHU K7 8/14/2017 FFCB Bullet US Agency 8/16/2017 8/14/2019 99.955 600,000 599,729 593,934 {5,795) 1.40% 1.42% 0.95 21 3134G8JT7 2/24/2016 FHLMC Bullet US Agency 8/29/2017 2/24/2020 100.063 600,000 600,379 590,346 (10,033) 1.50% 1.47% 1.48 22 3133EFBF3 8/27/2015 FF CB Bullet US Agency 8/17/2017 8/27/2020 100.188 600,000 601,128 587,556 {13,572) 1.65% 1.59% 1.99 23 3133EJ HD4 3/22/2018 FFCB Bullet US Agency 3/22/2018 3/22/2021 100.000 625,000 625,000 620,738 {4,263) 2.48% 2.48% 2.56 24 313378JP7 3/5/ 2012 FHLB Bullet US Agency 10/12/2017 9/10/2021 101.959 600,000 611,754 592,704 (19,050) 2.38% 1.85% 3.03 25 3135GOS38 1/9/2017 FNMA Bullet US Agency 10/26/2017 1/5/2022 99.911 600,000 599,465 584,460 (15,005) 2.00% 2.02% 3.35 26 3130AC5A8 8/15/2017 FHLB Bullet US Agency 8/17/2017 8/15/2022 99.862 600,000 599,174 579,822 (19,352) 1.85% 1.88% 3.96 27 3135GOT94 1/23/2018 FNMA Bullet US Agency 3/21/2018 1/19/2023 98.278 ___..:6~2~5,;;:0:::00 :.___ ....:6::..:1~4~,2:..::3:.::9 ___ c:::_6 ~14~,0::..:7~5:....__ _ ~( 1c:::_6~4):....__ _:::.2:.::..3:.::8.:.::%:....__ __:2:.:..7:..:6::..:o/c~·--~4.:.::.3~9 28 5,440,000 5,440,659 5,351,127 (89,532) 1.89% 1.88% 2.48 29 31846V203 NA First Am Govt Obligation MMF AAAm NA NA 100.000 _ _ ..:1!::,6:.::0~5,:.::9:::87:....__ _....:1~, 6::..:0::.:5~,9:.::8.:....7__ ~ 1,:::60::..:5~,9::..:8::..:7______..:1:.::..5:.::3.:.::%__.:._ _....:1:.:..5::..:3:..:.o/c~·---=0.:.::.0~0 30 Total- Maintenance Fund $7,045,987 $7,046,646 $6,957,114 ($89,532) 1.81% 1.80% 1.91 31 32 Total - Both Funds $13,244,059 $13,251,989 $13,063,70 5 ($188,285) 1.82% 1.79% 2.03 33 34 Other Monthy A ctivity- Revenue / Operating Fund: 3134G74S7 11/27/2015 FHLMC Bu llet US Agency 10/26/2017 8/27/2018 99.672 315,000 313,968 314,789 821 1.00% 1.40% matured 35 36 Other Monthy Activity- Maintenance Fund: None 3134G74S7 11/27/2015 FH LMC Bullet US Agency 10/26/2017 8/27/2018 99.672 600,000 598,034 599,598 1,564 1.00% 1.40% matured 37 38 Market values provided by U.S. Bank Record close: eoow es&P 500 eNASDAQ 10-Year Treasury Note Yield- August 2018 Shaded Areas Represent 9am-Spm EST 3.10 ·········· ···· Previous Month's Closing Yi eld U.S. said to consider raising The U.S. said balance After a report said President proposed tariff rate to 25% 1-­ of proposed tariffs on Base effects kept CPI inflation Trump could soon move on an additional $2008 of I Chinese imports (2 5% at 2.9% VoY, 2.4% for core; President Trump's forward with tariffs on $2008 I Chinese imports firmer rents, autos, and former personal of Chinese imports, the 3.05 I on $168) would take I airfares offset weaker attorney Michael Cohen president said the EU was The BoE rai sed effect August 23 I medical care and apparel to pled guilty to several "almost as bad as China" I rates for the I drive steady 0.24% MoM core criminal charges I l second time since Ch ina retaliated gain l l U.S.·Canada 3.00 . with matched : Fed Chair Powell said from : trade talks to respon:: ______, Reports indicated : Jackson Hole he doesn't see : carry over into

I President Trump said 1 inflation accelerating or the 1 Septemb.er ~...... ; .... ·.. ·- ~ .. ·· .. ·· 'ileiail sa.les:;.;e;e ·.. ·.. ·· .. ·r;.; ·w-••·alsa.pi>airiit.CJ ·...... ·· · .. :· · ;;,;,;;;,;n-y ·a~ertieai i'rii:; ·.... ·.. ·.. ·: ·· · · .. ·· · T · · .. ·· · · · · · · · 2.95 UI I : solid in July but Jay Powell hadn't 1 however, gradual rate I I l ------• ----, : revised lower for been a "cheap- increases are still warranted : I June money" Fed Chair with economic strength July payrolls missed at 157k but expected to continue and 2.90 were offset by strong prior inflation near target revisions; unemployment fell back to 3.9% but wage growth remained a modest 2.7% VoV ____ _, 2.85 I I I Small business I The Fed left rates I confidence rose to 4.2% on stronger unchanged but teed up I unexpectedly to business investment 2.80 I resume low-level •-, September hike with I its second trade talks .- -_, I and trade .. "strong" economic highest level Tariffs on $168 I ' assessment Turmoil in Turkish since the 1970s President Trump said he wasn't of trade ADP projected assets sen t global thrilled with Fed rate increases 2 75 between the · 219k private markets reeling on and wished the Fed woul d help U.S. and China Th e U.S. and payrolls were concerns about him with strengthening the went into Mexico reached a added in July contagion risks for economy effect trade deal emerging markets 2.70 10 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31

Markets were Moved about in August by Emerging Market Concerns, Twists and Turns on Trade, and the Fed Setting the Stage for a September Rate Hike

Markets: August was an interesting month as stocks and bonds responded dissimilarly to turmoil in emerging markets, global trade developments, and t he Fed teeing up a Sept ember rate hike. Longer Treasury yields never recovered from a flight to quality caused by t urmoil in Turkish assets that stirred fears of contagion across emerging markets. In addition, continued uncertainty about the U.S.'s trade relationships with China, the EU, and Canada weighed. Short yields, however, were steadied by Fed communications that dotted the i's and crossed the t's for a September ra te increase. As a result, the 2s/10s spread crept as low as 18.8 bps during the m ont h. St ocks recovered from an early sell-off amid the emerging market noi se wit h the S&P 500 ending t he month 3.0% higher while the Nasdaq rose a defiant 5.7%. The Dollar was volatile, rising 2.3% to a 14-month high amid the emerging-market flight to quality before pulling back to end t he month up 0.6%.

Consumer: July's retail sales showed positive prior-quarter momentum carried into 3Q with core sales up a solid 0.5% MoM. Real personal spending, the actual GOP source data, rose a more modest 0.2%. The labor data remained strong as a large, positive two-month revision offset a miss in payroll growth in July. The unemployment rate fell back below 4.0% and the four-week average for initial jobless claims edged to a near-50-year low. Job openings rose to their second highest level since 2000. Still, wages rema ined muted with hourly earnings up 0.3% MoM but t he YoY rate st uck at 2.7%. The Conference Board's consumer confidence index, m ore heavily affected by t he labor market, hit an almost 18-year high while the University of Michigan's fe ll to a seven-month low, primarily on less optimism around making big purchases.

Private Investment: Business spending was one of two major drivers of the tick higher in revised 2Q GOP. Businesses spent more than initially estimated on both equipment and intellectual property, the two largest components of private fixed investment. The momentum behind t he equipment outlays pushed into July's capital goods data, where both orders and shipm ents nearly tripled estimates even after prior months were revised stronger. While both ISM reports were weaker than expected, small business confidence rose unexpectedly to t he second highest level in records back to the 1970s. After slipping in four of the last five quarters, residential investment showed no signs of picking up in July. Housing starts, building permit s, new and existing home sales, and home price trends were all weaker than expected.

External Trade: Trade was an even larger boost to 2Q growth as export growth remained above 9% in revisions but imports actually contract ed (init ia lly estimated +0.5%) for the first time since 2015. Wit h some anomalous items credited for the surge in exports, an anticipated reversion was evident in July's goods trade deficit which widened by the most since 2015 to a five-month high.

Inflation: Core PCE inflation printed 1.984% YoY in July, the fastest pace since 2012, and core CPI t icked up to 2.4%. Other secondary measures of inflation, such as import/export and producer prices, were softer t han expected.

Monetary Policy: The Fed's August M inutes echoed the related Statement' s strong assessment of t he U.S. economy and sa id another rate increase was likely "appropriate soon," setting the stage for a hike at the September meeting. Powell toed t he same line in Jackson Hole with his remarks t hat "there is good reason to expect that [the] strong [economic] performance will continue," and so "further gradual ra te increases ... will likely be appropriat e." The only other major cent ral bank to meet in August, the Bank of England, raised its target rate for just the second t ime since the financial crisis. However, t hey st ill expected additional tightening to be "gradual" and "limited" and Governor Carney said it's important to "walk, not ru n." Treasury Month-Over-Month Global Stock Performance Value MTD Change QTDChange YTD Change --813112018 --713112018 Dow Jones 25,965 2.16% 6.98% 5.04% 3.00 S&P 500 2,902 3.03% 6.74% 8.52% Nasdaq 8,110 5.71% 7.98% 17.47%

2.50 Stoxx Europe 600 382 -2.39% J, 0.61% -1.78% J, China CSI 300 3,335 -5. 21% .j. -5.03% .j. -17.28% J, Nikkei 225 22,865 1.38% 2.51% 0.44% 2.00

Global Sovereign Debt Performance 1.50 Yield MTD Change QTD Change YTD Change (in bps) (in bps) (in bps) U.S. 2-year 2.63% -4.3 .j. 9.9 74.4 1.00 U.S. 5-year 2.74% -1 1.0 .j. 0.0 53.2 U.S. 10-year 2.86% -9.9 J, 0.0 45.5 0.50 German 10-year 0.33% -11.7 J, 2.4 -10.1 .j. U.K. 10-year 1.43% 9.7 14.9 23.7 0.00 French 10-year 0.68% -5.0 J, 1.7 -10.3 .j. ff3Ml 2 3 10 30 Italian 10-year 3.24% 51.6 55.6 122.0 Maturity in Years Japanese 10-year 0.11% 4.5 7.1 5.9 Month-Over-Month Change in Treasury Yields O.o7 0.10 0.04 Commodity Performance 0.05 0.00 I Value M TD Change QTD Change YTD Change 0.00 • WTI Crude $ 69.80 1.51% -5.87% J, 15.52% -0.05 • I U.S. Dollar 95.14 0.62% 0.71% 3.27% -0.04 -0.10 I I I -0.06 -0.15 -0.07 • Gold Spot 1,201 -1.85% J, -4.13% J, -7.80% J, -0.11 -0.12 -0.10 FF 3M 1 YR 2 YR 3 YR 5 YR 7YR 10YR 30 YR Commodity Index 83.74 -1.94% J, -4.20% J, -5.03% J,

Treasury Notes lntraday Ranges: 52-Week Yield Range I I Last Traded Yield

2-Year Treasury 5-Year Treasury 10-Year Treasury


1.25% on 1.6% on 2.95% on 2.01% on 3.13% on 9/08/2017 144 bps 9/08/2017 136 bps 5/17/2018 9/08/2017 111 bps 5/18/2018

Nonfarm Payrolls Unemployment Rate Existing Home Sales MoM New Home Sales MoM Core Retail Sales Consumer Confidence

July July July July August July - 157k 3.9% -0.7% -1.7% 0.5% 133.4 Down 0.1% Up 5.5 pts -t-S9k in prior monlh Housln~ dlsappomtment shoWI!ci no signs of abating. StrOllS July remvery as July \fat~- mi$$~d ~cross U1e board from coo traction m HI& hen slote October revisions offset current 2000 111i5S Jun~ ISM Non-Manufacturing ISM Manufacturing Manufacturing Production Core Capital Goods Orders Trade Balance Core PCE YoY

July July July July June July 55.7 58.1 0.3% 1.4% -46.38 2.0% -3.4 pts -2.1 pts -3.28 Up 0.06% Tripled e>q~ectatlans Non·manufacturlhg fell to an U-mollth lew; Trade detldt widened as 1 . 9~% was the fastest 2.Q.baast b"gan to- lade Manufacturing- waslhe second worst1n a year- since2.0U INTENDED FOR INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS ONLY. The information included herein has been obtained from sources deemed reliable, but it is not in any way guaranteed, and it, together with any opinions expressed, is subject to change at any time. Any and all details offered in this publication are preliminary and are therefore subject to change at any time. This has been prepared for gen eral information purposes only and does not consider the specific investment objectives, financial situation and particu lar needs of any individual or institution. This informa tion is, by its very natu re, incomplete and specifica lly lacks information critical to making final investment decis ions. Investors should seek financial advice as to the appropriateness of investing in any securiti es or investm ent strategi es mentioned or recommended. The accu racy of the financial projections is dependent on the occurrence of future events wh ich cannot be assured; therefore, the actual res ults achieved during the projection period may vary from the projections. Int erest rate swaps and derivatives are offered and sold via Vining Sparks Interest Rate Products, LLC. The firm may have positions, long or short, in any or all securities mentioned. Member FINRA/SIPC. Tri-Dam Project Statement of Cash Flows Period Ending August 31,2018 C~IIE!IU:MeR.~~E.~,t) - ,~ - ,. - Current Year Month to Date

1 Net Income $ 1,711,817 $ 10,678,451 2 Depreciation & Amortization 172,459 1,346,950 3 Decrease I (Increase) in Generation Receivables 774,226 748,509 4 Decrease I (Increase) in Other Receivables (27,731) 344,643 5 Decrease I (Increase) in Market Value Securities (28,490) 99,106 6 Decrease I (Increase) in Prepaid Expense 48,076 (184,359) 7 Decrease I (Increase) in Capital Assets (17,563) (1,102,800) 8 Decrease I (Increase) in Other Assets 39,188 (273,194) 9 Increase I (Decrease) in Accounts Payable (179,198) (322,316) 10 Increase I (Decrease) in Other Current Liabilities (20,234) (19,111) 11 Increase I (Decrease) in Long-Term Liabilities 12 (District Distributions) (21,119,000) 13 Net Change in Cash & Investments $ 2,472,549 $ (9,803,121) 14 15 Cash & Investments 8131118 $ 18,121,686 16 Cash & Investments 12131117 27,924,807 17 YTD Net Change in Cash & Investments $ (9,803,121) 18 19 20 Net Change in Cash & Investments- 2018 21 January $ (11,423,192) 22 February 1,604,361 23 March 1,242,655 24 April 4,009 25 May 1,406,986 26 June 1,554,581 27 July (6,665,070) 28 August 2,472,549 29 September 30 October 31 November 32 December 33 Total $ (9,803,121) Tri-Dam Project Total Generation - MWh 80,000








Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec • 2017 • 2018 • Historical Tri-Dam Project Generation Revenue





$0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec • 2017 • 2018 Tri-Dam Project Storage AF - Donnells & Beardsley 160,000 100%

90% 140,000

80% 120,000 70%

100,000 60%

80,000 50%

40% 60,000

30% 40,000 20%

20,000 10%

0% Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec • 2017 • 2018 . Tri-Dam Project

Statement of Obligations

Period Covered

August 1, 2018 to August 31,2018 TRI-DAM PROJECT STATEMENT OF OBLIGATIONS Period Covered August 1, 2018 to August 31, 2018

One-Half Oakdale Irrigation District $ 395,950.65 One-Half South San Joaquin Irrigation Distict $ 395,950.65 Total Obligations $ 791,901.30



Tom D. Orvis John Holbrook

Gail Altieri Robert A. Holmes

Linda Santos Dave Kamper

Herman Doornenbal Ralph Roos

Brad DeBoer Dale Kuil

Each ofthe undersigned certifies that he is President or Secretary of his respective District; That the amounts designated above have been properly incurred as an obligation of the Tri-Dam Project; that checks for payment of said amounts have been drawn on a Tri-Dam Project account at Oak Valley Community Bank, Sonora, California.


Tom D. Orvis Dale Kuil


Steve Knell Date Peter M. Rietkerk Date Tri Dam Project Statement of Obligations Period Covered From To August 1, 2018 to August 31,2018

No. Chks. Amount Vendor Check Register Report (Please see attached Check Listing) 111 $550,610.56

Payrolls - Net Charges

Pay Date Payroll Amount

9-Aug-18 Regular $ 130,720.65 23-Aug-18 Regular $ 98,556.48 24-Aug-18 Retro $ 12,013.61 Total Net Payroll $ 241,290.74 $ 241,290.74

Total Disbursements for the Period $791 ,901.30

Distribution Between Districts - Oakdale Irrigation District $ 395,950.65 South San Joaquin Irrigation District $ 395,950.65

Total Districts $ 791,901.30 Project August Checks by Amount

Check Number Vendor NoVendor Name Check Date Description Amount

124657 10289 Federal Energy Reg. Commission 08/17/2018 Annual Admin Charges 146,881.33 124647 10294 FISHBIO Environmental LLC 08/16/2018 Fish Studies 77,053.90 124682 10813 ACWA Joint Powers Insurance Authority 08/22/2018 Health Benefits 64,642.58 124672 10877 Ray's Radio Shop, Inc. 08/17/2018 Radio upgrade project wide 57,779.75 124651 10501 O'Laughlin & Paris 08/16/2018 Legal Matters 24,464.15 124646 10202 Condor Earth Technologies 08/16/2018 Beardsley Abay Seepage Investigation 18,769.72 124684 10815 Cal PERS System 08/22/2018 EE/ER Retirement Plan 17,652.68 124631 10815 Cal PERS System 08/07/2018 EE/ER Retirement Plan 17,310.23 124652 11204 VNF Solutions 08/16/2018 Jasan Larrabee - Consulting Services 10,053.21 124661 11124 Holman Craftsman, Inc. 08/17/2018 Tulloch Log Boom Repair / Dock Removal 6,455.93 124713 10514 Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 08/31/2018 Utilities 6,426.13 124662 11049 Hunt & Sons, Inc. 08/17/2018 Fuel 6,253.38 124681 10778 Watermark Engineering Inc. 08/17/2018 Streamgaging 6,200.00 124626 10661 SSJID ~ Routine 08/03/2018 Conference Expenses - Holbrook 5,210.82 124678 10991 State Compensation Insurance Fund 08/17/2018 Workers Compensation 4,705.67 124650 11028 MHD Group, Inc. 08/16/2018 Strategic Communications 4,600.00 124649 11169 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 08/16/2018 Legal - Employee Matters 3,850.00 124613 10215 Custom Fire Protection 08/03/2018 Annual Fire Extinguisher eval & training 3,163.92 124630 10183 Cal PERS S457 Plan 08/07/2018 EE Supl Retirement Plan 3,011.00 124683 10183 Cal PERS S457 Plan 08/22/2018 EE Supl Retirement Plan 3,011.00 124637 11212 Doug's Dockworks 08/10/2018 Tulloch Performanc Deposit Refund 3,000.00 124641 11210 George & Emo Hites 08/10/2018 Tulloch Performanc Deposit Refund 3,000.00 124643 11211 Wilfred & Hazel Parsons 08/10/2018 Tulloch Performanc Deposit Refund 3,000.00 124645 11213 Bruce & Catherine Shaw 08/10/2018 Tulloch Performanc Deposit Refund 3,000.00 124696 11214 Carole & Tony Mekari 08/24/2018 Tulloch Performanc Deposit Refund 3,000.00 124699 10900 Chase Cardmember Service 08/31/2018 Fuel, EE safety luncheon, small tools, travel, meals, waste labels 2,903.39 124609 11185 All Repair Machine Shop, Inc. 08/03/2018 Pump Repair - Tulloch 2,525.03 124633 10812 Nationwide Retirement Solution 08/07/2018 EE Supl Retirement Plan 2,150.00 124686 10812 Nationwide Retirement Solution 08/22/2018 EE Supl Retirement Plan 2,150.00 124655 10935 datapath 08/17/2018 Network Support 2,095.00 124717 10666 Star Microwave Service Corp. 08/31/2018 Repair two receivers - Tulloch & Telegraph Hill 2,091.38 124704 10225 Debco Automotive Supply Inc. 08/31/2018 Batteries, oil, filters, bearings, misc supplies 1,996.31 124658 11184 Gatewood Heating & Air Conditioning 08/17/2018 AC repair at Donnells 1,880.00 124688 10067 AT&T - SBC - Pac Bell 08/24/2018 Telephone 1,860.87 124695 10815 Cal PERS System 08/23/2018 EE/ER Retirement Plan 1,751.48 124648 11124 Holman Craftsman, Inc. 08/16/2018 Tulloch Log Boom Repair 1,500.00 124614 10225 Debco Automotive Supply Inc. 08/03/2018 filters, misc shop supplies 1,477.25 124654 10182 Cisco Air Systems, Inc. 08/17/2018 Spacer/valve assembly incl gaskets 1,400.51 124687 10663 Standard Insurance Co. 08/22/2018 Long/Short Disability 1,394.10 124685 10811 IBEW 08/22/2018 EE Union Dues 1,188.88 124632 10811 IBEW 08/07/2018 EE Union Dues 1,158.87 124673 10618 Sierra Motors 08/17/2018 bearings and gear kit 1,109.59 124619 10879 Lowe's 08/03/2018 small tools, shop supplies 1,061.26 124617 10287 Farmer's Blacksmith & Welding 08/03/2018 900.30 124715 10632 Slakey Brothers Inc. 08/31/2018 811.95 124692 11011 Pacific Gas & Electric 08/24/2018 807.41 124677 10665 Staples 08/17/2018 723.86 124708 10360 HOLT of California 08/31/2018 611.28 124623 11160 Pape Machinery 08/03/2018 569.59 124705 10227 Del Oro Water Co. Inc. 08/31/2018 568.40 124615 10227 Del Oro Water Co. Inc. 08/03/2018 558.58 124706 10288 Fastenal Co. 08/31/2018 543.35 124691 10831 Mangan Meticulous 08/24/2018 500.00 124663 10382 Interstate Truck Center 08/17/2018 493.71 124671 10564 Randy's Tire & Wheel Inc. 08/17/2018 474.61 124621 10439 McMaster-Carr Supply Co. 08/03/2018 439.26 124628 10735 Tuolumne Co. Tax Collector 08/03/2018 398.67 124640 10938 Great America Financial Svcs. 08/10/2018 358.42 124669 10709 Tidy Tech 08/17/2018 345.29 124716 10904 Sonora Ford 08/31/2018 339.67 124660 10320 General Supply Co. 08/17/2018 325.85 124679 10718 Tractor Supply Credit Plan 08/17/2018 315.22 124675 11005 Sonora Lumber Company 08/17/2018 312.44 124656 11048 Fastenal (Vending) 08/17/2018 299.45 124625 11001 Rexel USA 08/03/2018 297.04 124665 10466 Mountain Oasis Water Systems & Btl Co LLC 08/17/2018 292.75 124676 11075 Sonora Tool 08/17/2018 286.12 124680 10757 Utility System Efficiencies Inc. 08/17/2018 270.00 124629 10776 Waste Mgmt of Cal Sierra Inc. 08/03/2018 260.84 124697 10068 AT&T Corp - Data Link 08/31/2018 249.50 124611 10068 AT&T Corp - Data Link 08/03/2018 247.00 124664 10439 McMaster-Carr Supply Co. 08/17/2018 237.10 124707 10846 H & S Parts & Service 08/31/2018 233.81 124668 11004 Pacific Gas & Electric 08/17/2018 228.58 124624 10168 Petty Cash 08/03/2018 225.55 124674 10933 Smile Business Products 08/17/2018 185.47 124698 10111 Breshears Inc. W. H. 08/31/2018 179.74 124667 10513 Pacific Gas & Elec - Non Util 08/17/2018 168.28 124612 10111 Breshears Inc. W. H. 08/03/2018 163.63 124700 10184 Clark Pest Control - Pest 08/31/2018 154.00 124710 10402 Kamps Propane 08/31/2018 152.55 124711 10439 McMaster-Carr Supply Co. 08/31/2018 149.63 124638 11058 Richard Ennis 08/10/2018 EE reimbursement - safety glasses 140.00 124666 10485 Newark element14 08/17/2018 126.07 124670 10536 Pitney Bowes Purchase Power Inc. 08/17/2018 122.52 124702 10204 Consolidated Electrical Dist. 08/31/2018 119.07 124701 10185 Clark Pest Control - Termite 08/31/2018 101.00 124653 11086 Benefit Resource, Inc. 08/17/2018 100.00 124636 10154 Calaveras Telephone Co. 08/10/2018 99.09 124689 10111 Breshears Inc. W. H. 08/24/2018 93.68 124659 10319 General Plumbing Supply Co Inc. 08/17/2018 84.59 124703 10935 datapath 08/31/2018 82.50 124622 11012 Virginia Modrell 08/03/2018 EE reimbursement - safety luncheon 81.00 124618 10290 Federal Express 08/03/2018 74.70 124634 10971 Bear's Garden Florist 08/10/2018 67.57 124627 10696 T & C Signs 08/03/2018 57.79 124693 10696 T & C Signs 08/24/2018 57.79 124616 10250 Downey Brand Attorneys LLP. 08/03/2018 39.50 124642 10399 JS West Propane Gas 08/10/2018 38.94 124719 10786 Western Communications Inc. 08/31/2018 33.75 124620 10435 McCoy Tire Co. of Sonora Inc. 08/03/2018 30.25 124694 10749 United Parcel Service 08/24/2018 27.58 124690 10428 M C I 08/24/2018 27.50 124639 10290 Federal Express 08/10/2018 23.98 124714 10618 Sierra Motors 08/31/2018 23.05 124635 10986 Cal-Waste Recovery Systems, LLC 08/10/2018 22.93 124644 10776 Waste Mgmt of Cal Sierra Inc. 08/10/2018 21.50 124718 10749 United Parcel Service 08/31/2018 19.75 124712 11147 Pacific Gas & Electric 08/31/2018 12.46 124610 10681 ARC 08/03/2018 9.78 124709 10399 JS West Propane Gas 08/31/2018 4.00

Report Total: $ 550,610.56 RESOLUTION TDP2018.03



LIABILITY California Public Employees' Retirement System Actuarial Office P.O. Box 942709 Sacramento, CA 94229-2709 TTY: (916) 795-3240 (888) 225-7377 phone· (916) 795-2744 fax CalPERS www.calpers.ca.gov

August 24, 2018

CaiPERS ID: 7579927706 Employer Name: TRI-DAM PROJECT Rate Plan: MISCELLANEOUS PLAN [419]

Re: Lump Sum Payment to reduce the Unfunded Actuarial Liability

Dear Requestor:

As requested, 2019-2020 employer contribution rate information on your lump sum payment follows.

If you are aware of others interested in this information (i.e. payroll staff, county court employees, port districts, etc.), please inform them.

The information is based on the most recent annual valuation and assumes payment by September 25, 2018 and no further contractual or financing changes taking effect before June 30, 2019. The Unfunded Liability will be reduced or eliminated by a lump sum payment in the amount of $3,000,000. The payment will be applied to the Asset (Gain)/Loss 6/30/16 base, Asset (Gain)/Loss 6/30/15 base, and Asset (Gain)/Loss 6/30/13 base.

There will be no change to your 2018-19 contributions.

Valuation as of June 30, 2017 Pre-Payment Post Payment Projected 6/30/2019 Total Unfunded Liability' $ 5,721,198 Payment on 9/25/2018 $ 3,000,000 Revised 6/30/2019 Total Unfunded Liability' $2,562,661

2019-2020 Employer Contributions

Base Total Normal Cost for Formula 18.774% 18.774% Surcharges for Class 1 Benefit a) FAC 1 0.609% 0.609% Phase out of Normal Cost Difference 0.000% 0.000% Plan's Total Normal Cost 19.383% 19.383% Formula's Expected Employee Contribution Rate 7.951% 7.951% Employer Normal Cost Rate 11.432% 11.432%

Payment on Asset (Gain)/Loss 6/30/16 base $ 31,864 $ 0 Payment on Asset (Gain)/Loss 6/30/15 base 38,602 0 Payment on Asset (Gain)/Loss 6/30/13 base 140,202 71,312 Payment on all other bases 173,367 173,367

2019-2020 Employer Unfunded Liability Payment $ 384,035 $ 244,679

'Calculated amounts were projected from June 30, 2018 to June 30, 2019 based on a discount rate of 7.00%, which will be used i~ the June 30, 2018 valuation, rather than the 7.25% used in the June 30, 2017 valuation. Fiscal Year Required Employer Contribution 2019-20 Employer Normal Cost Rate 11.432% Plus Either 1) Monthly Employer Dollar UAL Payment $ 20,390 Or 236,264 2) Annual UAL Prepayment Option $

The total minimum required employer contribution Is the sum of the Plan :S Employer Normal Cost Rate (expressed as a percentage ofpayroll) plus the Employer Unfunded Accrued Liability {UAL} Contribution Amount (billed monthly In dollars).

Only the UAL portion of the employer contribution can be prepaid (which must be received in full no later than July 31). Plan Normal Cost contributions will be made as part of the payroll reporting process. If there is contractual cost sharing or other change, this amount will change.

To initiate this change, the enclosed Lump Sum Payment Request must be completed and returned to the Fiscal Services Division with a wire transfer or a check by September 25, 2018. A copy should be sent to us. If you have questions, please call (888) CaiPERS (225-7377).

MAY SHUANG YU, ASA, MAAA Senior Pension Actuary, CaiPERS Tri-Dam Project Tri-Dam Power Authority Pro Forma August 2018 Distribution

Project Authority Total 1 Cash and Investments 8/31/2018 8/31/2018 8/31/2018 2 Cash in Bank 4,863,841 4,551,382 9,415,223 3 LAIF 5,855 14,608 20,463 4 Operating Reserve 6,957,114 1,000,000 7,957,114 5 Maintenance Reserve 6,106,591 21,000 6,127,591 6 Total Cash & Investments 17,933,401 5,586,990 23,520,391 7 8 Less: 9 Operating Reserve (6,000,000) (1,000,000) (7,000,000) 10 Maintenance Reserve (6, 106,591) (21 ,000) (6, 127,591) 11 Day-to-Day Operating Cash (2,000,000) (750,000) (2, 750,000) 12 (14, 106,591) (1 ,771 ,000) (15,877,591) 13 14 Available Funds 3,826,810 3,815,990 7,642,800 15 Less Repayment to Maintenance Reserve (750,000) (750,000) 16 Total District Distribution 3,076,810 3,815,990 6,892,800 17 18 Distribution per District (rounded) 1,538,soo I 1,9o8,ooo I 3,44s,5oo I Tri-Dam Cash Flow Projections

Project Generation - MWh Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Donnells 14,335 8,381 13,268 14,473 17,406 2 Beardsley 6,355 2,729 2,525 2,814 3,747 3,144 3 Tulloch 12,832 9,172 5,080 2,733 3,320 4,251 4 Generation 33,522 11,901 15,985 18,815 21,540 24,801 5 6 Generation Cash Flow $3,187,796 $2,413,570 $856,888 $1,150,956 $1,354,651 $1,550,894 7 Other Cash Flow $35,041 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $255,000 $25,000 8 Total Cash Flow $3,222,837 $2,438,570 $881,888 $1,175,956 $1,609,651 $1,575,894 9 10 Cash Payments ($721,798) ($750,000) ($750,000) ($750,000) ($750,000) ($750,000) 11 UAL Payment $0 ($3,000,000) $0 $0 $0 $0 12 Net Cash Flow $2,501,039 ($1,311,430) $131,888 $425,956 $859,651 $825,894 13 14 Beginning Cash & Investments $15,432,362 $17,933,401 $16,621,971 $16,753,859 $17,179,814 $18,039,465 15 Monthly Cash Flow $2,501,039 ($1 ,311,430) $131,888 $425,956 $859,651 ($3, 723,925) 16 Ending Cash & Investments $17,933,401 $16,621,971 $16,753,859 $17,179,814 $18,039,465 $14,315,540 18" Operating Reserve ($5,388,519) net of cash used for UAL 19 Maint Reserve ($5,351, 127) net of cash used for UAL 20 Maint Payment ($750,000) 21 Operating Cash ($2,000,000) 22 Avail Cash $4,549,819 23 Jan 19 Each Dist $2,274,910 24 25 26 Authority 27 Generation - MWh Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 28 Sand Bar 8,593 2,765 3,370 3,164 5,701 4,653 29 30 Generation Cash Flow $831,937 $618,719 $199,050 $242,612 $227,829 $410,507 31 Other Cash Flow $1,417 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 32 Total Cash Flow $833,354 $620,719 $201,050 $244,612 $229,829 $412,507 33 34 Cash Payments 35 Net Cash Flow 36 37 Beginning Cash & Investments $4,783,547 $5,586,990 $6,187,709 $6,368,759 $6,593,371 $6,573,200 38 Monthly Cash Flow $803,443 $600,719 $181,050 $224,612 ($20,171) ($4,409,693) 39 Ending Cash & Investments $5,586,990 $6,187,709 $6,368,759 $6,593,371 $6,573,200 $2,163,507 '"41 Operating Reserve ($1 ,000,000) 42 Maint Reserve ($21,000) 43 Operating Cash ($750,000) 44 Avail Cash $4,802,200 45 Jan 19 Each Dist $2.401 '1 00 Tri-Dam Project Tri-Dam Power Authority Pro Forma January 2019 Distribution fii~J,Pa:oo itn!t4~cjri'l - - . - -" Project Authority Total Cash and Investments 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 2 Cash in Bank 7,293,964 5,537,592 12,831,556 3 LAIF 5,855 14,608 20,463 4 Operating Reserve 5,388,519 1,000,000 6,388,519 5 Maintenance Reserve 5,351 '127 21,000 5,372,127 6 Total Cash & Investments 18,039,465 6,573,200 24,612,665 7 8 Less: 9 Operating Reserve (5,388,519) (1 ,000,000) (6,388,519) 10 Maintenance Reserve (5,351 '127) (21 ,000) (5,372, 127) 11 Day-to-Day Operating Cash (2,000,000) (750,000) (2,750,000) 12 (12,739,646) (1 ,771 ,000) (14,51 0,646) 13 14 Available Funds 5,299,819 4,802,200 10,102,019 15 Less Repayment to Maintenance Reserve (750,000) (750,000) 16 Total District Distribution 4,549,819 4,802,200 9,352,019 17

18 Distribution per District (rounded) 2,275,ooo 1 2,4o1,0oo 1 4,676,ooo I 19 20 Total Distributions- Project 21 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 22 13,164,000 9,324,000 8,759,000 15,918,176 32,773,000 21,119,000 23 24 Total Distributions -Authority 25 1,500,000 1,384,000 7,383,000 26 27 Combined Distributions 28 14,664,000 9,324,000 8,759,000 15,918,176 34,157,000 28,502,000 TRI-DAM PROJECT RESOLUTION NO. TOP 2018-06 OAKDALE IRRIGATION DISTRICT SOUTH SAN JOAQUIN IRRIGATION DISTRICT


BE IT RESOLVED, that the Joint Boards of Directors of the Oakdale Irrigation District and the South San Joaquin Irrigation District ("Joint Boards" and "Districts") meeting as the Joint Boards of Directors of the Tri-Dam Project ("Tri-Dam") adopt this Resolution.

WHEREAS, the Joint Boards have adopted Tri-Dam Project Resolution No. TOP 2013-01, dated January 17, 2013, "Resolution Re-establishing Tri-Dam Reserves & Semi­ Annual Distributions"; and

WHEREAS, Resolution TOP 2013-01 requires that the Tri-Dam Maintenance Reserve be established at a level of $15.0 million, and that Tri-Dam shall provide funding of the Maintenance Reserve in amounts of $750,000 each January and July prior to any semi­ annual distribution of funds to the Districts until the Maintenance Reserve reaches $15.0 million; and

WHEREAS, Resolution TOP 2013-01 establishes the Tri-Dam Operating Reserve at a fixed amount of $6.0 million; and

WHEREAS, Resolution TOP 2013-01 does not stipulate the conditions under which funds may be utilized from the Maintenance Reserve or Operating Reserve; and

WHEREAS, the Joint Boards find that it is prudent and/or necessary to begin to pay down Tri-Dam's unfunded accrued pension liability.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Joint Boards of Directors

1. Agrees that Tri-Dam management shall make a payment of $ to the California Public Employees Retirement System from a combination of a) money market funds within the Maintenance Reserve, b) money market funds withing the Operating Reserve, and c) cash in banks.

2. Agrees that all provisions of Resolution TOP 2013-01 remain in full force and effect, including the requirement to replenish the Maintenance Reserve in the amount of $750,000 each January and July prior to any distribution of funds to the Districts until such time as the Maintenance Reserve reaches a balance of $15.0 million.

Page 1 of 2 3. Agrees that the Operating Reserve shall be replenished up to $6.0 million at the discretion of the Joint Boards of Directors.

PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Joint Boards of Directors of the OAKDALE IRRIGATION DISTRICT and of the SOUTH SAN JOAQUIN IRRIGATION DISTRICT for the TRI-DAM PROJECT this 2oth day of September 2018 by the following vote:






Tom Orvis, President Dale Kuil, Presid,ent

Steve Knell, Secretary Peter Rietkerk, Secretary

Page 2 of 2 PURCHASE


Date: September 20, 2018 Item Number: 2018.09.01


RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the Watermark Streamgaging Proposal


The Tri-Dam Project is required though our FERC License to have certified stream gaging for rivers, reservoirs and . Patrick Stiehr with Watermark Engineering has continued to serve Tri-Dam Project with calibration, and measuring of stream gages while reviewing water data.

FISCAL IMPACT: )> Included in 2018 Final Budget 1-7-04-96-59640 & 1-7-06-96-59640 )> Balance to be budgeted in future years

ATTACHMENTS: )> Watermark Engineering Proposal

Board Motion:

Motion by:------Second by:------

Action(s) taken: Watennark Engjneerjng, Inc.

DATE: July 20, 2018

TO: Ron Beny, DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT General Manager Tri-Dam Project

FROM: Patrick Stielu·, P.E.

RE: Proposal for Stream Gaging Services for Water Years 2019 tlu·ough 2024


The following table provides a summary of the proposed individual and total costs for five years of operating and maintaining the gages and providing flow data per USGS guidelines. Scope also includes all coordination efforts for USGS annual review of all gages except S87, S99 and S101.

T a bl e 1. S ummary o fC OS t S Tri- WY WY WY WY WY Dam USGS# STATION NAME 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 ID $ $ $ $ $ MF Stanislaus R S87 11-292615 Low-Flow Release 1,800 1,900 2,000 2,100 2,200 blw Donnell Lake MF Stanislaus R blw S88 11 -292700 14,400 14,600 14,800 15,000 15,200 Hells Half Ac MF Stanislaus blw S89 11-292900 12,800 12,900 13,000 13 ,100 13,200 Beardsley Dam Oakdale ID nr S96 11-300500 7,700 7,800 7,900 8,000 8,100 Knights FetTy South San Joaquin 10 S97u 11-301000 7,700 7,800 7,900 8,000 8,100 Canal Stanislaus R blw S98 11 -302000 13,000 13,100 13,200 13,400 13,600 Goodwin Dam SSJID Main Canal S99 NA 7,000 7,100 7,200 7,250 7,3 00 blw Division OlD Nmth Main blw S101 NA 7,000 7,100 7,200 7,250 7,300 Division Totals 71,400 72,300 73,200 74,100 75,000 Note: Serv1ces mclude stage and valve flows at S87 on ly, and temperature record at S88.

3153 Jenna Court Phone: 916-774- 1111 , Fax: 916- 774- 118 1 Rosevill e, CA 95747 Mobile: 916-71 5- 11 67, email: [email protected] PERSONNEL

The staff that will provide the gaging services includes Patrick Stiehr, Bill Slightam, his staff at Western Hydrologic Systems (http://westernhydro.net), and an additional hydrographer as needed.

Patrick Stiehr has been doing almost all of the gaging work for the past 20 years. He will continue to manage the work but will transfer some of the field work to Western Hydrologic Systems. He also had 5 years of gaging experience while working at the US Geological Survey. In addition, Mr. Stiehr has a Master's Degree in Civil Engineering, Water Resources Planning and Management and is a licensed Civil Engineer. He has extensive training and experience in open channel hydraulics and hydrology and hydraulics modeling. -The focus of WatermarkEngineering is stream gaging and. water resources engineering related to drainage hydrology and hydraulics.

The new members of the team are Bill Slightan and his staff of two hydrographers. They are headquartered in Camino, Ca, and have 20+ years of stream gaging experience in the Upper watershed, as well as gaging in Solano, Napa, and Lassen counties. These hydrographers will be integrated into the field work over the next year, along with the analysis, production, and review of the streamflow records over the next several years. They are familiar with the USGS review process and currently service gages that are reviewed by the USGS.


Following is a list of references that cover both stream gaging and water resources engineering. Please note that Jerry Smithson could also be considered a reference for Watermark Engineering.

NAME ORGANIZATION PHONE RELATIONSHIP Jeff Wanless, West Yost & Associates Gaging for City of Engineer 2020 Research Dr, Ste 100 530.792.3245 Vacaville & Water Davis, CA 95618 Resources Engr Mark Rains, County of Sacramento, WR Gaging & Water Engineer 827 7111 Street 916. 874. 8649 Resources Sacramento, CA 95814 Engineering Jerry Rockwell, Carnelian Bay Field Office Stream Gaging & USGS Lk Tahoe, PO Box 1360 530.546.0187 Open Chnl Hydraulics retired Carnelian Bay, CA 96140

Additional resume information and references are available upon request. I look forward to a favorable decision and would be readily available to discuss this proposal. Thank you for this opportunity and your consideration.

Please call or email if there are questions or if additional information is needed.

\\SERVER2017\Shared\Board Meetings\Agenda Items 2018\Agenda 9.20.18\PA #I Watermark proposal.docx pg 2 of2 BEARDSLEY




REPORTS GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT TRI-DAM PROJECT of the Oakdale & South San Joaquin Irrigation Districts Board of Directors Meeting September 20, 2018


• 1099 Days without a lost time or disabling injury or avoidable auto accident.

Project Activities

• GM Berry and Watermark Engineer Patrick Stiehr will be meeting on September 13, with the Federal Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) Team to determine the severity of the potential runoff of sediment and debris expected during this winter and spring. • Donnells generator ran for 60 days when the Project had a setback with a thrust bearing failure. Staff is working with our Engineer and bearing manufacturer to determine the cause and steps to correct the issue. • GM Berry and Finance Manager Dodge continue to work on our Donnells generator thrust bearing insurance claim. All documentation has been submitted to our insurer and we are awaiting a response. • GM Berry and staff met with PG&E on Thursday August 30, to discuss 2018 outages and scheduled 2019 outages.

Tulloch Reservoir

• GM Berry and Ms. Larson met with Calaveras County officials to discuss the permitting process for the upcoming Tulloch Recreational Day Use Area. • GM Berry is reviewing the current permitting process for docks. • Susan Larson continues to report to GM Berry with updates to FERC required conditions of our license. • GM Berry and Ms. Larson are working with attorneys concerning the house on Lake Tulloch with the slide. • Staff continues to process permits as they are received.

FERC and Related Proceedings

• FERC annual inspections of Donnells, Beardsley, and Tulloch along with a review of project reports will be taking place from September 11-13. • Staff continues to submit reports and respond to FERC information requests to meet compliance requirements in FERC license conditions at Donnells, Beardsley, and Tulloch.

Other Noteworthy Activities

• Next Advisory Committee meeting scheduled for Tuesday, October 1, 2018. • Operations staff continues close coordination with Silicon Valley Power (SVP) and PG&E concerning generation scheduling and water management. • 2018 Annual Hydro Related Conferences: FERC Emergency Action Plan Functional Exercise Workshop in Portland Oregon September 19-20 NCPA Annual Conference in Monterey September 26-28, 2018 ACWA fall conference in San Diego November 27- 30, 2018 Tri•Dam Project Meeting

Date: September20, 2018 To: Board of Directors From: Troy Hammerbeck Re: Maintenance Report

Tulloch • Weekly tree inspections per FERC. • Yard work Cottage #1. • Yearly dam hole cleaning/inspection complete. • Reset buoys.

Beardsley • A-Bay elevation wire weight install for actuals during A-bay dam work. • Road to A-Bay stilling well re-established. • Exciter OIT replaced due to backlight failure. • Pad poured on dam in preparation for new emergency generator installation.

Donnells • 4700 roadwork to get propane to dam prior to winter. • Microwave air compressor/dryer removed and replaced. • Disassemble unit after bearing failure. • Met with insurance company representative and engineer. No findings. • Met with Kingsbury bearing representative and their field specialist. Found one bearing was missing the check valve for the high-pressure lift system.

Sandbar • Acquiring cooling water pump replacement quotes.

Misc. • Service vehicles, emergency generators, and equipment. • O'Byrnes Ferry Road project completed. • Old vehicle surplus sale complete. Tri-Dam Project Meeting

Date: September 20, 2018 To: Board of Directors From: Brian Belitz Re: Operations Report

Reservoir Data (NF)

Facility Storage Storage Change Acre-Feet Used Spill/Bypass

Donnells 51,080 -7325 11 ,771 1,509

Beardsley 49,268 -20,866 36,312 22

Tulloch 65,228 0 98,193 0

New Melones 1,824,631 -46,209 99,107 0

Operations Report

Donnells generator separated from the grid at 00:04 on 8/28/18 due to high thrust bearings temperatures. (648 hours, 4 minutes).

Beardsley generator stayed online the entire month of August (744 hours, 0 minutes).

Sandbar generator stayed online the entire month of August (744 hours, 0 minutes).

Tulloch Unit 1 and 2 generators remained online the entire month of August (7 44 hours, 0 minutes each). Unit 3 generator separated from the grid at 08:01 on 8/25/18 and increased units 1 and 2 load to compensate.

New Melones Inflow: The total inflow to New Melones as of August 31 st was 879,583 NF.

District Usage: Total District usage for the water year 2017/18 through August 31 st was approximately 398,430 NF.

Precipitation: Total for the month was 0.00 inches.

Other Activities: • Attended a scheduling coordination meeting with PG&E on 8/30/18 • Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) inspections completed 8/20/18 and 8/21/18 with no significant findings • Preparing for September FERC Dam Safety Inspections BEARDSLEY PRECIPITATION

YEAR JUL AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE TOTAL ------·------·------·-·------·------·--

1958-59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.40 1.39 1.40 1.04 0.00 11 .23 1959-60 0.00 0.03 3.09 0.00 0.00 1.92 5.74 8.38 4.68 2.45 0.35 0.00 26.64 1960-61 0.05 0.00 0.44 0.63 5.33 2.43 1.60 3.04 4.96 1.49 1.84 0.29 22.10 1961-62 0.21 1.12 0.77 0.70 3.39 2.98 2.04 15.32 6.13 1.12 1.04 0.02 34.84 1962-63 0.30 0.16 0.35 2.98 1.05 2.66 5.91 8.37 6.08 8.24 3.70 0.74 40.54 1963-64 0.00 0.44 0.59 2.63 7.81 0.81 5.84 0.21 3.02 2.01 2.44 1.64 27.44 1964-65 0.00 0.00 0.34 2.08 7.40 17.93 5.90 1.34 2.44 5.27 0.32 0.29 43.31 1965-66 0.00 1.47 0.60 0.47 12.38 4.59 1.68 2.33 1.00 2.39 0.43 0.10 27.44 1966-67 0. 13 0.00 0.28 0.00 7.55 8.48 8.77 0.67 10.02 10.25 2.04 1.05 49.24 1967-68 0.00 0.39 0.90 0.54 2.47 3.35 4.94 4.81 3.48 0.73 1.44 0.02 23.07 1968-69 0.10 0.65 0.00 2.12 6.22 8.28 19.45 8.35 1.88 3.39 0.21 0.39 51 .04 1969-70 0.00 0.00 0.55 3.41 2.98 6.46 17.06 3.11 3.43 2.50 0.00 3.17 42.67 1970-71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.91 10.71 8.44 2.83 1.16 4.87 1.49 1.80 0.77 32.98 1971-72 0.00 0.02 0.29 1.22 6.22 10.31 2.39 2.78 1.01 4.03 0.10 1.62 29.99 1972-73 0.00 0.58 0.17 1.85 6.27 5.57 12.08 12.06 5.31 1.11 0.72 0.74 46.46 1973-74 0.05 0.18 0.07 3.65 9.88 9.10 5.08 1.84 8.18 5.15 0.02 0.07 43.27 1974-75 2.57 0.10 0.00 2.82 2.38 4.95 4.25 10.16 9.90 5.41 0.84 0.63 44.01 1975-76 0.03 2.02 0.15 6.75 2.04 0.74 0.49 3.03 2.66 2.42 0.91 0.05 21 .29 1976-77 0.10 2.43 1.00 0.93 1.54 0.24 2.50 2.68 2.06 0.25 4.65 0.38 18.76 RECORD LOW 1977-78 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.24 4.76 9.72 10.85 8.31 8.67 7.97 0.19 0.23 51 .52 1978-79 0.08 0.00 3.98 0.07 3.17 4.43 8.45 7.60 6.05 1.86 2.88 0.02 38.59 1979-80 0.17 0.03 0.00 4.66 4.63 5.22 14.62 13.03 3.61 3.09 4.33 0.77 54.16 1980-81 0.43 0.02 0.03 0.71 0.58 3.04 8.05 2.69 6.26 1.67 1.42 0.00 24.90 1981-82 0.06 0.00 0.15 5.27 8.76 8.39 6.08 8.08 11.23 8.19 0.12 1.34 57.67 1982-83 0.03 0.02 4.02 8.78 11 .30 7.32 10.83 14.34 12.86 6.29 0.74 0.12 76.65 RECORD HIGH 1983-84 0.01 0.09 3.86 1.35 16.44 12.75 0.27 5.51 3.56 2.70 0.84 1.31 48.69 1984-85 0.00 0.05 0.73 3.97 10.28 2.58 1.52 3.13 5.84 0.86 0.07 0.28 29.31 1985-86 0.30 0.12 2.64 3.09 7.71 4.52 4.70 21.98 8.43 2.37 1.58 0.00 57.44 1986-87 0.02 0.00 2.18 0.00 0.49 0.73 3.42 5.89 5.21 0.79 1.63 0.15 20.51 1987-88 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.19 2.22 5.79 5.42 0.88 0.73 3.15 1.66 0.79 22 .83 1988-89 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.07 6.96 4.29 1.45 2.73 10.08 1.41 0.74 0.02 27.80 1989-90 0.00 0.33 3.28 4.30 3.02 0.00 4.75 3.40 2.75 1.66 3.46 0.21 27.16 1990-91 0.00 0.11 0.59 0.41 1.62 1.30 0.40 1.79 16.08 1.74 2.54 1.54 28.12 1991-92 0.17 0.10 0.32 5.54 2.32 3.10 1.97 7.68 4.58 0.45 0.45 1.66 28.34 1992-93 3.26 0.35 0.00 3.05 0.44 9.61 12.19 8.74 6.29 2.07 1.24 2.43 49.67 1993-94 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.25 2.11 1.97 2.93 7.08 0.86 3.71 2.22 0.00 22.13 1994-95 0.00 0.00 0.77 2.82 7.92 3.68 18.32 1.14 18.76 6.98 6.72 1.02 68.13 1995-96 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 9.13 10.32 11 .17 6.81 3.94 5.51 1.24 48.52 1996-97 0.05 0.01 0.23 2.55 7 .1 4 16.19 18.16 0.80 0.53 0.82 0.51 1.24 48.23 1997-98 0.17 0.00 0.33 1.39 4.99 3.70 12.86 16.30 6.69 4.94 6.46 1.35 59.18 1998-99 0.00 0.00 2.84 0.49 5.12 3.13 8.93 9.71 2.63 3.03 1.28 1.03 38.19 1999-00 0.00 0.13 0. 18 1.05 3.51 0.51 11.68 14.13 2.58 3.70 2.72 1.06 41.25 2000-01 0.00 0.07 0.96 3.17 1.01 1.59 4.69 4.70 3.08 5.39 0.00 0.07 24.73 2001-02 0.02 0.00 0.60 1.17 6.97 9.75 2.56 2.13 6.88 2.29 2.02 0.00 34.39 2002-03 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 7.42 11 .17 1.12 3.50 3.81 9.36 2.69 0.00 39.16 2003-04 0.09 1.32 0.06 0.00 2.88 9.97 2.79 8.52 1.07 0.17 0.55 0.02 27.44 2004-05 0.02 0.00 0.19 7.66 2.93 6.67 10.52 6.95 9.35 3.35 5.76 0.80 54.20 2005-06 0.00 0.11 0.71 1.70 3.34 17.72 7.75 5.26 10.14 10.55 1.97 0.10 59.35 2006-07 0.08 0.00 0.01 1.53 3.56 5.25 2.08 8.70 1.30 2.61 1.33 0.10 26.55 2007-08 0.01 0.17 0.34 1.02 0.95 5.01 10.15 6.69 0.87 0.26 2.85 0.00 28.32 2008-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.65 6.17 5.08 5.88 6.98 6.78 1.97 3.37 0.79 38.67 2009-10 0.00 0.10 0.00 4.37 1.31 5.89 7.97 5.86 4.92 6.66 3.65 0.06 40.79 2010-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.67 7.15 14.21 2.15 5.76 15.22 1.94 2.94 3.21 61 .25 2011-12 0.00 0.00 1.56 3.13 1.77 0.00 6.25 1.62 5.96 4.76 0.37 0.92 26.34 2012-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.27 5.78 12.56 0.64 0.93 3.26 1.11 1.48 0.80 27.83 2013-14 0.00 0.00 0.72 0.56 1.80 1.22 1.59 9.23 6.17 3.43 0.98 0.05 25.75 2014-15 0.52 0.03 1.03 0.15 3.72 7.25 0.13 4.49 0.43 3.08 2.75 0.80 24.38 2015-16 0.39 0.00 0.11 2.26 5.36 9.74 9.53 1.74 9.19 3.13 1.82 0.34 43.61 2016-17 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.26 3.19 8.30 22.25 20.47 5.49 8.06 0.59 0.46 76.07 2017-18 0.00 0.09 1.44 0.50 7.34 0.42 5.20 0.76 14.50 3.70 1.02 0.00 34.97 2018-19 0.00 0.00 0.00 Current Year

Average 0.16 0.21 0.75 2.25 4.82 5.97 6.61 6.27 5.77 3.47 1.84 0.65 38.84 2017-18 -t/- (0.16) (0.21) (0.75) (2.25) (4.82) (5.97) (6.61) (6.27) (5.77) (3.47) (1.84) (0 .65) (38.84)


INCHES +/- ANNUAL AVERAGE (38.84) Tri-Dam Project Meeting Date: 9/20/18 To: Board of Directors From: Brian Belitz Re: Safety and Environmental Report

SAFETY: Annual FERC Dam Safety Inspections scheduled for 9111 to 9113 • Provided site specific Bloodboume Pathogens training • Soliciting bids to facilitate the EAP fundamental exercise


Recordable Injwy Rate 0 0.00 0.00 Recordable Injuries 0 0 0 Days Worked Since Last Recordable Injury 31 1082 NIA Day Worked Without a Lost Time Accident 31 1087 N/A Employee Hours Worked (Plant+ Temp) 2625.75 32599.00 50775.25 Number of Safety Event Reports Submitted 0 0 NIA % of Online Training Completed 0.00% 0.00% NIA % of Site-Specific Training Completed 70.00% 31.16% NIA

ENVIRONMENTAL: • Tuolumne County CUPA inspections completed 8/21 with no significant findings • Resolved discrepancies from the CUPA inspections within the 30 day timeframe • Provided site specific SPCC training • Implementing Universal Waste Monthly Inspections for all facilities

YTD AUGUST ENVIRONMENTAL DATA MONTH LIMIT/GOAL TOT/AVG Notice of Violation (NOVs) 0 0 0 Deviation from Regulatory Requirements 0 0 0 Enviromnental Incidents (e.g., non-reportable spill) 0 0 0 Tri·Dam Project Meeting

Date: September 20, 2018

To: Board of Directors

From: Susan Larson

Re: Regulatory Affairs/Compliance Report

FERC Compliance • Continuing work on Beardsley Abay maintenance project. Tri-Dam completed the initial study, and environmental clearance needed to obtain permits from the USAGE, California Department of Fish & Wildlife, etc. Comments were received from DSOD on July 20, 2018, updates made by Condor and resubmitted by TOP on July 24, 2018. Staff is still awaiting comments from DSOD on the latest plan submittal, which may affect the project's timing, causing the project to move to 2019/2020. Waiting for an update from DSOD staff so that we can schedule a meeting in Sacramento to discuss project schedule and any DSOD plan change requests. • Working on FERC Tulloch Recreation public day use site. GM Berry and I met with Calaveras County public works staff to review onsite access considerations for the day use site development. Currently working to assemble the Planned Development permit application for submittal to Calaveras County.

Permit and Other Assignments • Tyler litigation coordination and review/update documents as needed. • Work on permits, site review and compliance questions for various properties at Tulloch. Respond to daily inquiries from the public. • Coordination with Tuolumne and Calaveras marine safety units regarding buoy locations and adjusting of buoys by Tri-Dam crew to ensure safe operations at Tulloch. • Assisted with the coordination of the Tulloch Bridge Parking project. Work was completed during the last week of August, and the County has installed no parking signs at the gate. • Attending a FERC Shoreline Management Conference in Oklahoma, September 16-191h, and speaking on a panel regarding Enforcement Challenges. GENERATION

REPORT Tri-Dam Project Generation & Revenue Report 2018

Donnells Beardsley Tulloch Project Total Average 2018 Net Avoided 2018 Average 2018 Net 2018 Average 2018 Net 2018 Average 2018 Net 2018 Generation Generation Generation Energy Generation Generation Energy Generation Generation Energy Generation Generation Energy (1958-2017) (kWh) (kWh) Revenue (1958-2017) (kWh) Revenue (1958-2017) (kWh) Revenue (1 958-2017) (kWh) Revenue JAN 17,405,814 16,440,507 - $1,183,717 3,143,628 3,535,221 $254,536 4,251,358 5,503,490 $396,251 24,800,800 25,479,217 $1,834,504 FEB 17,340,980 10,547,315 - $759,407 2,941,779 2,086,227 $150,208 4,975,579 7,984,954 $574,917 25,258,337 20,618,496 $1,484,532 MAR 23,385,784 4,163,145 - $299,746 3,602,497 2,490,886 $179,344 7,634,665 4,342,220 $312,640 34,622,946 10,996,251 $791,730 APR 32,148,154 4,009,493 1,019,220 $362,067 4,681,257 6,889,911 $496,074 10,742,874 14,900,224 $1,072,816 47,572,285 25,799,628 $1,930,957 MAY 41,746,950 9,368,103 871,870 $737,278 5,758,684 8,254,094 $594,295 12,032,967 18,015,440 $1,297,112 59,538,601 35,637,637 $2,628,685 JUN 43,239,822 1,467,881 - $105,687 6,311,532 7,808,578 $562,218 12,034,298 15,116,011 $1,088,353 61,585,652 24,392,470 $1,756,258 JUL 36,662,848 23,341,553 - $1,680,592 6,603,124 8,212,895 $591,328 12,607,319 12,720,498 $915,876 55,873,291 44,274,945 $3,187,796 AUG 27,789,309 14,334,606 - $1,032,092 6,268,321 6,355,411 $457,590 11,852,234 12,831,793 $923,889 45,909,864 33,521,810 $2,413,570 SEP 20,385,274 - - $0 5,266,138 - $0 8,567,790 - $0 34,219,203 - $0 OCT 12,572,067 - - $0 3,788,231 - $0 4,617,929 - $0 20,978,227 - $0 NOV 12,061,580 - - $0 2,814,056 - $0 2,484,366 - $0 17,360,002 - $0 DEC 14,472,739 - - $0 3,747,474 - $0 3,319 982 - $0 21,540,195 - $0 Total 299,211,320 83,672,602 1,891,090 $6,160,586 54,926,721 45,633,222 $3,285,592 95,121,361 91,414,631 $6,581,853 449,259,403 220,720,454 $16 028,031

Note: 2018 Price per MWh is $72.00 2019 Price per MWh is $75.00 Tri-Dam Power Authority -Sand Bar

Average 2018 Net 2018 PG&E Total Generation Generation Energy Coordination Revenue (1987-2017) (kWh) Revenue Payment JAN 4,653,080 4,991,459 $359,385 $0 $359,385 FEB 4,005,658 2,115,982 $152,351 $0 $152,351 MAR 5,357,317 3,203,619 $230,661 $0 $230,661 APR 6,779,865 9,786,475 $704,626 $0 $704,626 MAY 7,955,373 11,469,502 $825,804 $0 $825,804 JUN 8,800,176 10,807,607 $778,148 $0 $778,148 JUL 9, 123,143 11,554,681 $831,937 $0 $831,937 AUG 8,508,340 8,593,318 $618,719 $0 $618,719 SEP 7,163,815 - $0 $0 $0 OCT 5,054,929 - $0 $0 $0 NOV 3,164,291 - $0 $0 $0 DEC 5,701,490 - $0 $0 $0 Total 76,267,477 62,522,644 $4,501,630 $0 $4,501,630 CALIFORNIA ENERGY MARKETS • September 7, 2018 • No. 1504 • Page 4

WESTERN PRICE SURVEY [9] SoCal Natural Gas Inventories Up Average Peak Power Prices Maximizing natural gas storage ahead of peak winter demand has been an ongoing concern for Thurs., 08/30 - Thurs., 09/06 Southern California Gas Co. amid continued infra­ 50 stmcture repair and maintenance issues. 40 The California Public Utilities Commission on ~ttr .. - - · March 13 directed the utility to prepare a plan to 30 increase injections at all of its gas storage fields for .c ~ reliability purposes, citing concerns about its storage 3: 20 inventory, system operations and ability to deliver :iE gas this summer and next winter. ...,...-.. 10 As of Sept. 6, So Cal Gas had 76.4 Bcf of natural gas 0 in storage, according to data on ENVOY, the utility's electronic infmmation bulletin board. This is the high­ 8/30 8/31 9/3 9/4 9/5 9/6 est inventmy level SoCal Gas has had since early 2016, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. -- - - Mid -Columbia - cos The net regional storage addition was 5 Bcf during • ....,._ SP15 - Palo Verde the EIA's Wednesday-to-Wednesday report week. The addition occurred despite greater statewide demand. SoCal Gas natural gas sendouts increased 19 percent week over week, according to the EIA. Average Off-Peak Prices Pacific Gas & Electric expected a 6-percent uptick in Thurs., 08/30- Thurs., 09/06 its Sept. 6 sendouts, based on slightly higher tem­ 40 peratures in Northern California. Western natural gas values reflected demand pat­ terns, with prices generally up in Aug. 30 to Sept. 6 tract­ 30 ing. El Paso-Permian Basin gas added 87 cents to reach $2.21/MMBtu. SoCal CityGatewas the exception, with 20 the price at that hub down 38 cents to $4.43/MMBtu. Henry Hub natural gas spot plices eroded by 2 cents in 10 Thursday-to-Thursday trading, ending at $2.88/MMBtu. California Independent System Operator demand peaked at 36,258 MW Sept. 4; thermal generation 8/30 8/31 9/3 9/4 9/5 9/6 supplied roughly 44 percent of demand that day. CAISO forecast the week's highest demand on Sept. 7, • -- · Mid-Columbia - coB when load was expected to reach about 37,702 MW. Total renewables output reached 15,340 MW - .. • SP15 - Palo Verde Aug. 31, fulfilling 43 percent of demand, while solar sources supplied roughly 29 percent. Average Western peak power plices rose between $2.10 and $12 in Thursday-to-Thursday trading. Califor­ Average Natural Gas Prices ($/MMBtu) nia-Oregon Border peak power gained the most value, Th.,OS/30 Tue.,09/04 Th., 09/06 up 44 percent to $39.50/MWh. Off-peak power prices fo llowed suit. Mid-Coltm1bia nighttin1e power prices He nry Hub 2.90 2.96 2.88 jumped 33 percent, up $7.90 to end at $31.65/MWh. Sumas 2.24 2.31 2.43 In August, average natural gas prices were gener­ Alberta 0.26 0.73 0.67 ally greater compared with 2017 (see "Price Trends," Malin 2.40 2.35 2.53 next page). The average high price last month at Henry Hub was $3.01/MMBtu, 1 cent more than last Opal/Kern 2.31 2.31 2.46 year. Western natural gas hubs, save for Malin, gained Stanfield 2.31 2.31 2.45 value year over year. So Cal Border added $2.21, with PG&E CityGate 3.16 3.19 3.17 an average high price of $6.32/MMBtu. Malin values eroded 8 cents to $2.83/MMBtu. SoCal Border 2.54 2.58 2.82 Early August heat bolstered average West- SoCal CityGate 4.81 4.11 4.43 ern peak power prices. Compared with 201 7, Palo EP- Permian 1.34 1.81 2.21 Verde gained the most year over year, skyrocketing EP-San Juan 2.21 2.20 2.35 $233.10 to $377.50/MWh. North of Path 15 prices, however, fell roughly 90 cents to $132.10/MWh. Power/gas prices courtesy Enerfax -Linda Dailey Paulson

Copyright© 2018, NewsData LLC. Unauthorized reproduction is strictly prohibited. Ending At Midnight- September 11, 201 8 CURRENT RESERVOIR CONDITIONS


Capacity Histoncal (TAF) Average

2448 2000 % of Capacity I%of Historical Average 1000

0 Trinity Lake 63% 188% 50% 184%

2420 2000 2030

1000 1000

0 0 Don Pedro Reservoir 1025 77% 1110% 0 Lake McClure 65% 1127%



0 San Luis Reservoi r 51 % 1116% 1000 52: J---~ ---ti-- 0 ~~ Pine Flat Reservoir 25% 170% 54% 1123%

50: j~ ~~!!::=. Lake Perris Castaic Lake 78% 1 102% 87% 1108%

Graph Updated 09/12/201 8 08:48AM FISHBIO ------~FSHBIO ______

·1 517 S. Yosemite Avenue • Oakdale, CA 95361 • Phone: (209) 847-6300 • Fax: (209) 847--1925

September 7, 2018

Tri Dam Project Ron Berry P.O. Box 1158 Pinecrest, CA 95364

Re: August 2018 Invoices

Dear Mr. Beny:

Enclosed are invoices for consulting services provided by FISHBIO during August. Services provided for each project are summarized below.

Li(ecvcle monitoring Snorkel surveys to estimate the abundance of oversummering 0. mykiss were completed in August. Data have ben analyzed to generate abundance estimates and a summary is provided in the enclosed San Joaquin Basin Field Repoti. A comprehensive report is under development.

With fall approaching, activities during August also included preparations for weir monitoring to resume in September. Other activities included downloading water temperature data and processing 201 7 redd survey data.

Publications During August we made fmiher edits the outmigration manuscript based on comments received during peer review.

Non-Native Investigation/ Predator Study During August analysis and QA/QC of stomach samples for diet analysis and scale samples for age analysis of predators captured during June was completed. An update call was held on August 1 with the technical team to discuss initial results from field sampling and to discuss other elements required by the WIIN Act that are being pursued for 2019. Other elements include conducting predator removals and evaluating the effects of removal on improving juvenile salmon survival. A draft document is nearly complete for distribution to the technical tean1 during the week of September 10 which reports findings from the 2018 study and proposes a study design for 2019. The technical team will be discussing this information on September 24. ------~FISHBIO

1617 S. Yosemite Avenue • Oakdale, CA 95361 • Phone: (209) 847-6300 • Fax: (209) 847-1925

Budget Summary

Life-cycle 2018 Monitorinf!, Publications Consultinf!, Non-natives TOTAL Jan $46,281.69 $9, 165.00 $15,005.00 $19,365.00 $89,816.69 Feb $36,205. 17 $ 18,890.00 $235.00 $8,213.61 $63,543.78 Mar $51,978.42 $7,225.00 $1,160.00 $2,788.92 $63,152.34 Apr $30,030.53 $3,940.00 $165.00 $19,187.73 $53,323.26 May $34,864.56 $- $780.00 $44,757.55 $80,402.11 Jun $ 17,524.79 $1,085.00 $- $144,853.57 $163,463.36 Jut $38,828.40 $6,160.00 $911.99 $3 1,153.5 1 $77,053.90 Aug $55,345.90 $2, 100.00 $- $43,220.33 $100,666.23 TOTAL $311 ,059.46 $48,565.00 $18,256.99 $313,540.22 $691,421.67 Estimated 2018 $550,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 1,000,000.00 $1,750,000.00 Remaining $238,940.54 $5 1,435.00 $81,743.01 $686,459.78 $1,058,578.33

Sincerely, ~~ Andrea Fuller ~ FISHBIO

SJB August Field Report

Fall-run Adult Migration Monitoring

The 2018 monitoring season for adult fall-run is underway on the Stanislaus River. The weir was installed and began operating on September 5. The Tuolumne River weir will be installed the week of September 10. Total fall-run adult Chinook salmon passage (September through December) at the Stanislaus River weir in 2017 was 8,500, an almost 40% decrease compared to the previous fall (i.e., 14,369 individuals observed in 20 16). Adult passages at the Tuolumne River weir were also lower (~25% lower) in 2017 (2,720) compared to 2016 (3 ,555).

Summer Snorkel Surveys

Snorkel surveys were conducted on the Stanislaus River from July 24 - August 2, 2018, between Goodwin Dam and Oakdale. 0. mykiss abundance increased from only about 5,000 fish in 2015 and 2016, to 9,629 in 2017 and 22,11 3 in 2018. This is the second highest level of abundance documented since annual surveys began in 2009 (highest abundance in 2012; 37,357). The large increase in overall abundance compared to the preceding years was largely driven by high observed and estimated abundance of small (<150 mm) fish in the Goodwin Dam reach (from about 2,000 individuals from 2014- 2017 to over 12,000 in 2018). 0. mykiss were documented downstream to Highway 120, following three years of extremely low densities downstream of Orange Blossom. Highest densities and abundances of 0. mykiss have been consistently documented in Goodwin Canyon over the past decade. Sacramento sucker were the most abundant native non-salmonid species, with over 10,000 individuals counted during the survey. Sacramento pikeminnow were far less abundant, with approximately 500 individuals observed. Striped bass and black bass were also observed (approximately 80 and 30 individuals, respectively). A few juvenile Chinook salmon (n = 12) were also observed.

Snorkel surveys on the Calaveras River (New Hogan to Shelton Rd.) were conducted from August 6 to August 17, 2018. Data from the surveys are still under review, but preliminary estimates suggest that 0. mykiss abundance has increased substantially compared to recent years. Sacramento sucker and Sacramento pikeminnow, both native fish, were significantly less abundant than in past years. Non-native species were exceedingly rare, and only two bass were observed in the entire study reach. No juvenile Chinook salmon were observed in the snorkel survey in 2018.





CALL TO ORDER: Oakdale Irrigation District 1205 East F Street Oakdale, CA 95361 ROLL CALL: John Holbrook, Bob Holmes, Dave Kamper, Dale Kuil and Ralph Roos Gail Altieri, Brad DeBoer, Herman Doornenbal, Tom Orvis, Linda Santos

PUBLIC COMMENT: The Joint Board of Commissioners' encourages public participation at Board meetings. Matters affecting the operation of the Tri-Dam Power Authority and under the jurisdiction of the Joint Districts and not posted on the Agenda may be addressed by the public. California law prohibits the Board from taking action on any matter that is not on the posted Agenda unless the Board determines that it is a situation specified in Government Code Subsection 54954.2.


1. Review and approve the regular board meeting minutes of August 16, 2018

2. Review and approve August 2018 financial statements & statement of obi igations

3. Commissioners' Comments

ADJOURNMENT ITEM 4 4. Adjourn to the next regularly scheduled meeting

D Items on the Agenda may be taken in Hny order. 0 Action may be taken on any item listed on the agenda. D Writings relating to an open session agenda item that arc distributed to members of the Board of Commissioners will be available for inspection at the Authority office, excluding writings that are not public records or are exempt fiom disclosure under the California Public Records Acts. D ADA Compliance Statement In compliance with the Americans with Disability Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Clerk at (209) 965~3996 ext. II 0. Notification 48 hours prior to meeting will enable the Authority to make reasonable anangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting .. MEETING

MINUTES TRI-DAM POWER AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING August 16, 2018 Manteca, California The Commissioners of the Tri-Dam Power Authority met at the offices of the South San Joaquin Irrigation District located in Manteca, California, on the above date for conducting business of the Tri-Dam Power Authority, pursuant to the resolution adopted on October 14, 1984. President DeBoer called the meeting to order at 10:15 a.m.


COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: GAIL ALTIERI; RALPH ROOS ALSO PRESENT: Ron Berry, General Manag.er and Secretary, Tri-Dam Project; Rick Dodge, Finance Manager, Tri-Dam Project; Genna Modrell, Finance Asst., Tri-Dam Project; Susan Larson, License Compliance Coordinator, Tri-Dam Project; Brian Belitz, Operations Supervisor, Tri­ Dam Project; Troy Hammerbeck, Maintenance Supervisor, Tri-Dam Project; Steve Knell, General Manager, OlD; Peter Rietkerk, General Manager, SSJID; Bere Lindley, CFO, SSJID; Sarah Bloom, Mgmt. Accountant, SSJID; Tim O'Laughlin, O'Laughlin & Paris, Water Counsel



ITEM #1 Approve Minutes of the July 19, 2018 Regular Meeting

President DeBoer presented the July 19, 2018 regular meeting minutes. Commissioner Doornenbal moved to approve the July 19, 2018 minutes. Commissioner Holmes seconded the motion. The motion passed OlD 4-0; SSJID 3-0-1, Director Kuil abstained.

ITEM #2 Financial Matters

a) Review and Approve Financial Statements Finance Manager Dodge reviewed the July 2018 financial statements, noting net revenue of $752,000 for the month.

Page 1 TDPA August 16, 2018 b) Review and Approve Statement of Obligations

Finance Manager Dodge reviewed the state~ent of obligations with the Commissioners.

c) Review Cash Flow Report

Finance Manager Dodge reviewed the cash flow report with the Commissioners.

Commissioner Holbrook moved to approve the financial statements and the statement of obligations as presented. Commissioner Orvis seconded the motion. The motion passed OlD 4-0, SSJID 4-0.

ITEM #3 Commissioner's Comments



President DeBoer adjourned the meeting at 10:18 a.m.

The next Board of Commissioners meeting will be September 20, 2018 at the offices of Oakdale Irrigation District, Oakdale, California immediately following the Tri-Dam Project meeting, which commences at 9:00 a.m.


Ron Berry Secretary Tri-Dam Power Authority

Page z' TDPA August 16, 2018 FINANCIAL

MATTERS Tri-Dam Power Authority Balance Sheets (unaudited)

August 31, 2018 July 31,2018 August 31, 2017 1 Assets 2 Cash $ 4,551,382 $ 3,747,939 $ 5,756,166 3 Short-Term Investments 1,035,608 1,035,608 1,021,503 4 Accounts Receivable 618,719 831,937 793,908 5 Prepaid Expenses 74,360 82,622 77,399 6 Capital Assets 45,330,766 45,330,766 45,330,766 7 Accumulated Depreciation (20,927,574) (20,885,630) (20,422,654) 8 Intangible Assets 9 Other Assets 3,515 1,289 911 10 Total Assets 30 686 775 30,144,531 32,557,999 11 12 13 Liabilities 14 Accounts Payable 57,457 29,726 151,590 15 Other Current Liabilities 4,554 4,554 4,966 16 Long-Term Liabilities 17 Total Liabilities 62,011 34,280 156,557 18 19 Net Position 20 Net Position- Beginning of Year 33,820,203 33,820,203 28,037,311 21 Additional Paid in Capital 385,873 385,873 385,873 22 Distributions (7,383,000) (7,383,000) (1 ,384,000) 23 YTD Net Revenues 3,801,688 3,287,175 5,362,258 24 Total Net Position 30,624,764 30,110,251 32,401,442 25 26 27 Total Liabilities and Net Position $ 30 686,775 $ 30,144,531 $ 32,557 999 Tri-Dam Power Authority Statement of Revenues and Expenses Month Ending August 31, 2018

Percent of Current YTD YTD YTD Budget 2018 2018 Budget Month Actual Budget Variance Budget Remaining Operating Revenues 2 Power Sales $ 618,719 $ 4,506,130 $ 3,563,136 $ 942,994 $ 5,344,704 16% 3 Other Operating Revenue NA 4 Total Operating Revenues 618,719 4,506,130 3,563,136 942,994 5,344,704 16% 5 6 Operating Expenses 7 Salaries and Wages 18,248 141,847 208,038 (66, 191) 312,057 55% 8 Benefits and Overhead 7,483 62,175 157,320 (95, 145) 235,980 74% 9 Operations 291 8,859 9,073 (214) 13,610 35% 10 Maintenance 6,650 27,329 186,533 (159,205) 279,800 90% 11 General & Administrative 33,233 149,039 183,971 (34,933) 275,957 46% 12 Depreciation & Amortization 41,944 335,549 340,000 (4,451) 510,000 34% 13 Total Operating Expenses 107,849 724,799 1,084,936 (360,137) 1,627,404 55% 14 15 Net Income From Operations 510,870 3,781,332 2,478,200 1 ,303,132 3,717,300 -2% 16 17 Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses) 18 Investment Earnings 3,643 20,356 20,000 356 30,000 32% 19 Interest Expense NA 22 Total Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses) 3,643 20,356 20,000 356 30,000 32% 23 24 Net Revenues $ 514,513 $ 3,801,688 $ 2,498,200 $ 1,303,488 $ 3,747,300 -1% 25 26 27 Memo: 28 Capital Expenditures $ $ $ 129,667 $ (129,667) $ 194,500 100% General Ledger Expense vs Budget with Encumbrances by Fund

User: rdodge

Printed: 09110118 07:48:53 -~~-~ Period 08 - 08 JBI-DAM PROJ[Cf Fiscal Year 2018 ----~--­ ~--~-----~------~

Fund Description Budget PeriodAmt EndBal Variance Encumbered Available %Available

2 Operations 2 New Resource Impl Labor 140,582.25 13,643.08 93,553.11 47,029.14 0.00 47,029.14 33.45 2 New Resource Irnpl OH 105,738.75 5,227.15 38,969.45 66,769.30 0.00 66,769.30 63.15 2 Powerhouse Supplies 800.00 0.00 313.50 486.50 0.00 486.50 60.81 2 Furnishings & Misc. Equipment 800.00 0.00 46.75 753.25 0.00 753.25 94.16 2 Powerhouse Utilities 6,000.00 290.92 2,339.18 3,660.82 0.00 3,660.82 61.01 2 Streamgaging 6,010.00 0.00 6,160.00 -150.00 0.00 -150.00 ~2.50 2 Depreciation 510,000.00 41,943.66 335,549.26 174,450.74 0.00 174,450.74 34.21 2 Operations 769,931.00 61,104.81 476,931.25 292,999.75 0.00 292,999.75 38.06 2 Maintenance 2 Cornms & Security Labor 124,614.00 777.91 18,034.35 106,579.65 0.00 106,579.65 85.53 2 Comms & Security OH 94,995.00 253.84 8,009.14 86,985.86 0.00 86,985.86 91.57 2 Safety Supplies 300.00 66.00 66.00 234.00 0.00 234.00 78.00 2 Maint & Repairs to Facility 41,000.00 4,470.50 10,797.65 30,202.35 955.14 29,247.21 71.33 2 Maint & Repairs to Plant 70,000.00 0.00 251.27 69,748.73 0.00 69,748~73 99.64 2 Electronic Expense 5,000.00 0.00 100.00 4,900.00 0.00 4,900.00 98.00 2 Mise Hydro Expense 500.00 113.87 113.87 386.13 0.00 386.13 77.23 2 ComputerMicro Repair Replace 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.00 100.00 2 Power Line Repair & Maintenanc 100,000.00 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 0.00 100,000.00 100.00 2 Communications & Security 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.00 100.00 2 Routine Road Maintenance 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 0.00 30,000.00 100.00 2 Shop Supplies 500.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 100.00 2 Equipment Rental TDP 24,000.00 2,000.00 16,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 8,000.00 33.33 2 Fuel and Fuel Tax 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 100.00 2 Equipment Operation & Maintena 500.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 100.00 2 Maintenance 499,409.00 7,682.12 53,372.28 446,036.72 955.14 445,081.58 89.12 2 Administrative 2 Administrative Labor 46,860.75 3,827.44 30,259.73 16,601.02 0.00 16,601.02 35.43 2 Administrative OH 35,246.25 2,001.71 15,196.62 20,049.63 0.00 20,049.63 56.88 2 Office Expense 500.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 100.00 2 APPA & NHA Dues 7,000.00 0.00 7,130.05 ~130.05 0.00 -130.05 -1.86 2 Legal Fees General Matters 30,000.00 1,080.00 3,610.00 26,390.00 0.00 26,390.00 87.97 2 Auditing Services 10,207.00 0.00 10,207.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 General Consulting 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 18,980.00 31,020.00 62.04 2 Property Insurance 115,750.00 8,262.18 67,786.11 47,963.89 0.00 47,963.89 41.44 2 Property and Use Taxes 500.00 0.00 144.00 356.00 0.00 356.00 71.20

GL- Expense vs Budget with Encumbrances by Fund (09110/2018 -7:48AM) Page 1 Fund Description Budget PeriodAmt EndBal Variance Encumbered Available %Available

2 FERC Admin & Land Fees 30,000.00 23,890.33 27,899.65 2,100.35 0.00 2,100.35 7.00 2 USFS Campg,.ound Fee 32,000.00 0.00 32,262.00 -262.00 0.00 -262.00 -0.82 2 Administrative 358,064.00 39,061.66 194,495.16 163,568.84 18,980.00 144,588.84 40.38 2 Capital Exp Fixed Asset 2 Repl Trans Line Caution Balls 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 100.00 2 Repl aging line struc & insul 130,000.00 0.00 0.00 130,000.00 0.00 130,000.00 100.00 2 Rep1DVR 9,500.00 0.00 0.00 9,500.00 0.00 9,500.00 100.00 2 Repl. wicket gate bushings 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 0.00 40,000.00 100.00 2 Capital Exp Fixed Asset 194,500.00 0.00 0.00 194,500.00 0.00 194,500.00 100.00 Expense 1,821,904.00 107,848.59 724,798.69 1,097,105.31 19,935.14 1,077,170.17 0.59 Total 2 Tri Dam Power Authority 1,821,904.00 107,848.59 724,798.69 1,097,105.31 19,935.14 1,077,170.17 59.12

Expense 1,821,904.00 107,848.59 724,798.69 1,097,105.31 19,935.14 1,077,170.17 0.59 Total

GL- Expense vs Budget with Encumbrances by Fund (09/1012018 - 7:48 AM) Page2 Tri-Dam Power Authority Cash Flow 2018

Power Other Cash Monthly Net YTD Net Cash Month Sales Receipts Outflow Cash Flow Flow Jan $ 630,007 $ 5,396 $ 7,392,279 $ (6, 756,876) $ (6, 756,876) Feb 359,385 380 1,375 358,389 (6,398,486) Mar 152,351 522 9,039 143,834 (6,254,653) Apr 230,661 4,382 34,913 200,129 (6,054,523) May 704,626 733 8,145 697,214 (5,357,310) June 825,804 969 271,724 555,049 (4,802,261) July 778,148 6,099 102,323 681,924 (4, 120,336) Aug 831,937 1,417 29,912 803,442 (3,316,894) Sept (3,316,894) Oct (3,316,894) Nov (3,316,894) Dec (3,316,894)

Total $ 4,512,919 $ 19,898 $ 7,849,711 $ (3,316,894)

Budget $ 5,344,704 $ 30,000 $ 1,311,904 $ 4,062,800

Budget $ Debt Payments (P&I) 1,117,404 O&M Payments 194,500 Capital Payments $ 1,311,904 Tri-Dam Power Authority

Statement of Obligations


Period Covered August 1, 2018 to August 31, 2018

Total Obligations: 7 checks in the amount of $29,911.62 ==~~;;, (See attached Vendor Check Register Report)



Tom D. Orvis John Holbrook

Gail Altieri Robert A. Holmes

Linda Santos Dave Kamper

Herman Doornenbal Ralph Roos

Brad DeBoer Dale Kuil

To: Ron Berry, Secretary of the Tri-Dam Power Authority:



Brad DeBoer, President Date Ron Berry, Secretary Date Authority August Checks by Amount

Check Vendor No Vendor Date Description Amount

20795 I I 0289 Federal Energy Reg. Commission 08/ 16/2018 Annual Adm in Charges 23,890.33 207954 I 00 I I ADS LLC 08/3 1/20 18 Pressure Transducers for fiowmeters 3,914.63 207952 1050 1 O'Laughlin & Paris 08116/2018 Legal Matters 1.080.00 207950 10373 Modesto Industrial Electrical Co. 08/03/20 18 555.87 207953 105 16 Pacilic Gas & Electric Co. 08124/2018 290.92 207955 10225 Debco Automoti ve Supply Inc. 08/3 1/2018 113.87 207949 102 15 Custom Fire Protection 08/03/20 18 66.00

Rep011 Total: $ 29.911.62