October 14, 2015 East Bethlehem Township, PA

The regular monthly meeting of the East Bethlehem Township Commissioners was held on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 at the Sewage Authority Building, 522 Front , Fredericktown PA.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM by Commissioner Paul Battaglini. The roll call was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioners present were Paul Battaglini, Brenda Bennett, Leisa Conklin and Mike Packrall. Commissioner William Hess was absent. Also present was Secretary Maryann Kubacki.

Public Participation Ed Petsko, President of the Fredericktown Area Public Library Board of Trustees, thanked the board for their continued support and asked that the funding be continued for the library in the 2016 budget. Bill Giovanelli, Millsboro, requested that the board find a way to direct traffic at the Mill Street/Rt. 88 underpass. He stated that there was an accident there within the past 2 weeks and he feels that it is very dangerous. Mr. Battaglini directed the secretary to set up a meeting with PennDot to get their opinion on what can be done. Mr. Giovanelli and Mr. Revi are to be informed of the time of the meeting. Ted Rafferty, Fredericktown, informed the board that the cat problem near his home has not been corrected. He stated that he attended a hearing where the cat owner was fined over $2,500. He has placed several calls to Animal Control that have not been returned. He presented a log of cat sightings and information on Toxoplasmosis, an infection caused by contact with cat feces, which he believes that he has. He asked the board for their assistance with the problem. Mrs. Conklin stated that the feral cat problem is a township wide issue and that there is not a simple solution. The secretary was instructed to send Mr. Rafferty's log to Animal Control.

Approval of Minutes Ms. Bennett motioned and Mrs. Conklin seconded to approve the minutes of the September 23, 2015 Regular meeting as received. The motion carried.

Secretary’s Report General Fund Receipts $38,116.65 General Fund Expenses $90,793.77 State Fund Receipts $ 2.58 State Fund Expenses $ 5,809.67 Municipal Share Receipts $ 1.23 Municipal Share Expenses $ 2,271.04 Act 13 Receipts $ 9.01 Act 13 Expenses $27,780.01

Ms. Bennett motioned and Mr. Packrall seconded to accept the secretary’s report and pay the bills as presented. The motion carried.

Tax Collector’s Report September 2015 Collections: Real Estate $2,039.13 Per Capita $54.60 Fire Service $105.53 Total Collections $2,199.26

Mr. Packrall motioned and Ms. Bennett seconded to accept the Tax Collector's Report as presented. The motion carried.

1 Solicitor’s Report The solicitor was absent from the meeting. The secretary reported that the Ferry Landing design will be provided to PennDot as their final request prior to a draft lease agreement. Mr. Turturice met with Kallie Zazado, purchaser of the property in Clarksville, to sign a sales agreement and schedule a closing date. Mr. Turturice attended the repository sale appeal as approved at the 9/23/15 meeting to represent the township and is awaiting the decision of the appeals board.

Police Department Updates Mrs. Conklin stated that the police department received an award from AAA for participating in the Seat Belt Safety Program. Discussion was held on legislation to make body cameras mandatory for police officers.

Old Business The draft Zoning Ordinance was emailed to the board for their review. The Washington County Conservation District, administer of the Dirt and Gravel Program, has requested that further work be done on the grant application to include grading of the road. The secretary reported that the grant applications for the Besco Sewage Act 537 Plan and the 540 Front Street Demolition were prepared and submitted. Presentations will be made in early 2016 in front of the roundtable panel and decisions on the grant funding should be known by early Spring 2016. The secretary contacted several municipalities, all of which use Animal Control Services. There are not many animal control services available in Washington County. Mr. Battaglini reported that he spoke with Nathan Voytek from the Washington Co. Redevelopment Authority regarding the board's decision to lien the properties being demolished using CDBG funding. Paul stated that liening the properties is costly and it makes the properties more difficult to sell because of the liens. Mrs. Conklin stated that she feels that liening the properties will recover some funding and not let slum property owners off free and clear as they will still own the property that will be vacant and clean. After discussion, Ms. Bennett rescinded her second to the motion made on 9/23/15 to lien the properties being demolished and Mrs. Conklin rescinded her motion. Mrs. Conklin motioned and Ms. Bennett seconded to demolish the 6 properties with no lien being placed on the properties. The motion carried. Mrs. Conklin motioned Mr. Packrall seconded to accept a proposal from Widmer Engineering in the amount of $4,680.00 to design and oversee the Vestaburg Park Renovation Project that is being funded by a Local Share Grant. The motion carried. Ms. Bennett reported that she attended the Tri-County Joint Municipal Authority meeting on October 7 regarding the funding of the Mag Meter. She stated that permit applications for the meter replacements have been submitted by the Authority to the DEP. She recommended that the $3,300 that the township committed to this project be uncommitted at this point and recommitted once the Authority is prepared to move forward. Mr. Battaglini stated that when funding was first requested it was to be shared by the other municipalities that were serviced by Tri-County. Ms. Bennett stated that she will find out if the other municipalities committed their share of funds. Proposals were received as follows for the repair of the at 29 Sokols Hill Road that was damaged by a malfunctioning : Keys Construction $2,850 - Myers $2,800 and Mark Santucci $1,400. Mrs. Conklin motioned and Ms. Bennett seconded to approve Mark Santucci to perform the repair at a cost of $1,400 contingent on approval by the property owner. The motion carried. Mr. Hess will not be able to perform the necessary electrical wiring/repair needed in the township garage and has suggested hiring an electrician.

2 New Business Mr. Packrall motioned and Ms. Bennett seconded erecting a "NO OUTLET" sign at the of Step Street in Millsboro. The motion carried. Discussion was held on a request to park boats under the shelter across from Taylor's Gas Station. The board agreed that it could not permit the parking due to liability concerns. Mr. Packrall motioned and Mrs. Conklin seconded that Light Up Night in Fredericktown be approved for Saturday, November 21, 2015 with a rain date of Sunday , November 22, 2015. The motion carried. Mr. Battaglini stated that work will begin on the 2016 Budget. Ms. Bennett motioned and Mrs. Conklin seconded to sponsor the LSA Grant Application of Tri- County Joint Municipal Authority for the replacement of water lines from the Riviera Restaurant to Flushing Road. The motion carried. Mrs. Conklin motioned and Mr. Packrall seconded to hire Harry Taylor as a part-time as needed winter driver/laborer. The motion carried. Mr. Packrall motioned and Ms. Bennett seconded to erect signage for the Pumpkin Patch Daycare in Vestaburg. The motion carried. Mrs. Conklin, along with the Police and Street Dept. will assess the area and determine what traffic control measures are needed.

Other New Business Discussion was held on employees parking their personal vehicles inside of the township garage. Mr. Battaglini stated that after a report of an employee's vehicle in the garage he asked the Solicitor for an opinion. A copy of the opinion was provided stated this practice places the Township at an "unnecessary risk of liability". Ms. Bennett suggested that he township draft a notice that parking of private vehicles is prohibited. Mrs. Conklin suggested that there are circumstances where an employee may have to park their car in the garage and offered to draft a policy regarding parking. Mrs. Conklin motioned and Mr. Packrall seconded that employees be permitted to park in the township garage under certain circumstances. A roll call vote was as follows: Ms. Bennett - no; Mrs. Conklin - yes; Mr. Packrall - yes and Mr. Battaglini - no. The motion failed due to a tie vote. Mr. Battaglini stated that he will consider the motion again once a policy is drafted and reviewed. Mrs. Conklin stated that she will draft the policy.

Adjournment Mr. Packrall motioned and Mrs. Conklin seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried.

______Maryann Kubacki, Secretary