THE TUB BOAT Newsletter of the Canal & Harbour Society

No. 55 Spring 2011 THE TUB BOAT Newsletter of the Bude Canal & Harbour Society

Forthcoming Events: Sunday 15th May Visit to Pentewan & Ponts Mill organised by the Rolle Canal Society. Cost £5.00 per person. See booking form enclosed. Thursday 19th May Social Evening at the Parkhouse Centre at 7.30pm in Room 1. Saturday 21st May Garden Party at Barn House, organised by the Bude Canal Trust from 2pm to 5pm. Cost £3.50 each. Sunday 5th June Bude Motor Classic Event at the Rugby Ground with BCHS stall. Sunday 26th June Wildlife Trust Reserve day at Dunsdon Nature Reserve. Meet at 11.00 for guided walk. Limited places. To book ring Fran McMurray on 01822 613628. Donation of £3 expected. Saturday 9th July Bude Canal Trust Open Day at Pancrasweek Village Hall. Saturday 16th July Annual coach trip to Bristol including a boat trip. Cost £21 each. Saturday 30th July Barbecue at Barton Gate organised by the Bude Canal Trust Sunday 31st July Cornish Day at Adventure International organised by Terry Bale to raise funds for Stratton Hospital. Stallholders welcome. Sunday 7th Aug Bude Stratton Heritage Day (formerly Canal Day). BCHS stall and display panels. Saturday 20th Aug Bude Carnival with BCHS stall. Saturday 27th Aug RNLI Weekend with BCHS stall. Sunday 18th Sept Visit to Kelly Mine & Bovey Tracey Heritage Centre organised by the Rolle Canal Society. Cost £5.00 per person.

Contributions for the next edition of the Tub Boat should be sent as an e-mail attachment to [email protected] or copied onto a USB memory stick or CD and sent to Mike Moore (Tel: 01288 361878) to reach him by 25th June 2011. Trustees: Chairman Audrey Wheatley Vice-Chairman David Phillips Secretary Vacant Treasurer Chris Jewell Events Secretary Betty Moore Minuting Secretary Jill White Other trustees Bryan Dudley Stamp, Anne Longley Ralph Daniel, Pam Daniel Membership Secretary Mike Moore (non-trustee) The Tub Boat Editor Vacant The views expressed by the contributors to this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Bude Canal & Harbour Society which does not accept responsibility for them.

Corporate Member of Supported by THE TUB BOAT Newsletter of the Bude Canal & Harbour Society

No. 55 Spring 2011 CONTENTS

Creaks from the Chair...... 2 Treasurer’s Report ...... 3 Membership Report...... 4 The Tub Boat Editor ...... 4 Bude Canal Trust Partnership...... 5 Bude Valley Management Advisory Group...... 5 TRAC Project...... 6 Tenth AGM...... 6 Events Reports...... 6 Forthcoming Events...... 9 Obituaries...... 12 Woodland Tea Rooms...... 13 Letters Page...... 13

Cover: The gig “Speculation emerging from Whalesborough Lock on the return trip to Bude during the Navigation Event on 26th March. Photo: Mike Moore

1 Creaks From The Chair Readers have no doubt noticed that our magazine has undergone a change. For some time now we have been concerned at the escalating costs of producing this small but important booklet and have been looking around for alternative printers since it is the printing which costs the money. All other bits of the finished article are produced 'in house' as it were. A printer has been found, the finished article is what you see before you and we shall be interested in opinions and/or comments if readers feel strongly about anything. Do let us know. We are experiencing a rare and lovely start to spring; my garden is a riot of daffodils and the roadsides and banks everywhere are lined with them and also clumps of my favourite flower of all, the primrose. In this part of the world the wild daffs are called Lent lilies or so my West Country mother always told us. On the canal the ducks have paired up, and as is common these days, there is the usual preponderance of drakes so that mating for the females is more a fight for survival than the natural continuation of the species. I have not yet seen a drowned duck thank goodness; nor have I seen my first swallow though that cannot be too far away now. Our otters are elusive as yet but the birds are nest -building with enthusiasm and singing more and more each day. You can imagine then, what a pleasant occasion our first event on and around the canal was. The brain child of an old member and friend of the society, Jean Hall of Exeter, it took the form of a mass navigation from bottom to top of the barge canal and back, using both inland locks there and back. Canoes, kayaks and Bude's two gigs took part plus the odd electric boat from up country and lots of helpers and walkers. There will be an account of this elsewhere in the magazine; a most satisfying occasion as you will read. In my address at the recent AGM in February I stressed unreservedly the influence on our present vibrant society of the early years, when all was struggle and not a little strife to be overcome, in order to establish an identity and integrity all our own in the face of the inevitable hostility and derision that all would-be pioneers experience. Many of the old friends from these years continue to take an active interest in the society's doings as this first event of the season has shown. Our secretary of twelve years Bryan Stamp has resigned from the post though not from the committee. He also remains a trustee. We are sorry to lose his services but will be glad for his continued involvement in society affairs. We thank him for his work for the society and hope for a year or two more! Hence we need a new secretary which we may or may not, be able to recruit from the committee. What is really needed, however, is new YOUNGER blood on the committee. Please search your soul and think if you can find the time and interest to offer to this society. You won't find it difficult to be younger and will be hugely welcome. STOP PRESS. Today, 5th April, I saw my first swallow along the canal in a small group of about six or so - possibly all martins but looking right. Spring is well sprung and summer round a corner or two. Audrey Wheatley 2 Treasurer's Report - AGM The balances of the accounts as at 31 December 2010 were as follows: £ Account 1 2,350.02 Account 2 Educational Fund 612.03 Account 3 Project Fund 2,426.98 Account 4 Canal Day 221.29 Account 5 Archive Project 121.37 The accounts are all stable and the end of year balance for Account 1 is £417.94 more than 2009. This is a good result and comes from extra activity by the Society and the support from the members by continuing membership and donations. This support is much appreciated by the Trustees Account 2 This will be used to fund the exhibition at Bude from 2nd to 17th April 2011. Account 3 Of the £2,426.98 there are two sums which are marked for specific projects. 1. £1000 towards a project to replace Rodds Bridge with a new bridge to allow navigation. 2. £500 towards the cost of re-roofing the Barge Work Shop at Helebridge where the Tub Boat is stored. Account 4 From 2011, BCHS will no longer receive any financial support from Council towards the canal element of Bude-Stratton Heritage Day in August. This will have an effect on the society's involvement in the event. Account 5 During 2010, BCHS had a project to digitalise some of its slides and to acquire digital equipment. This was funded by a grant from Cornwall Community Foundation of £1,000, Bude Stratton Town Council of £100, a community grant and finally a generous donation of £150 from a local member, the balance being paid for from this account. The total cost of the project was £1,447.58. BCHS are truly grateful to CCF, BSTC and our member for the monies provided. Membership as at 20th February 2011 Total memberships including Life members = 125. Total members including Life members = 141. Total Life members = 26.

The Treasurer then gave an update on the situation in relation to Higher Wharf. There is no change. The owners, , intend to sell the land for commercial development when: (i) The land prices improve and (ii) The 'sitting tenants' have re- located. There is an estimate of two to three years for this to be achieved, which is possibly the lower end of expectation. With regards to the provision of a slipway, David Attwell, the local Cornwall Council Officer has a view that when the land is sold, it should be possible by using planning procedures and Section 106 agreements with the prospective developers, to achieve access to the canal. This, as you know, is contrary to

3 the stated view of BCHS and many others including Town Council, which strongly feels the land MUST remain in community use. Neither Cornwall Council nor the now defunct North Cornwall District Council purchased the land. It was inherited from the previous council by changes in the local government rearrangement during the last 40 years. With regards to the replacement of Rodds Bridge to allow navigation, this matter also faces a bleak future. Cornwall Council has 'no money' for such a project and it is understood that they will not budget for officer time to pursue funding bids with grant bodies such as the HLF. It would seem CC expects other bodies to do that. This is a bit of a cheek when they are the owners of the Bude Canal and inherited the need to complete the canal project, so that the canal is navigable and can realise its potential. Finally, the Treasurer thanked the following: Mike Moore for help and assistance, Betty Moore for her continuing efforts in relation to fund raising events and activities, John Harris for inspection of the Society's Account and fellow Trustees and members for their continuing efforts in running the Society and doing the best we can for the Bude Canal. Any member who would like a copy of the accounts should contact the Treasurer. In due course the accounts will be put on the society's website. Chris Jewell Membership Report Following my request in the last newsletter, some members have still not renewed their subscription and it does appear that the renewal rate for 2010/11 is not as good as in previous years. This, along with a downturn in the recruitment of new members, does not bode well for our finances for the coming year. The statistics show that we recruited ten new members in 2009, five in 2010 and none so far in 2011 with the last member joining in June 2010. If any members have friends or relations who they think may be interested in joining the society, would they please let them have a Membership Application Form (The Way Forward) which can be downloaded from our website or by contacting me on 01288 361878. Your assistance would be much appreciated. Mike Moore The Tub Boat Editor Vacancy As you will be aware from the last newsletter, Geoff Turney has resigned as editor and we have not yet been able find a replacement. We are therefore appealing again to our members for a volunteer to step forward to take on this important role. The only requirement, other than time and enthusiasm, is to have the necessary computer equipment to receive contributions as text or Word files via e-mail or memory stick and assemble them into one complete file to be submitted, along with suitable photographs, for printing. Assistance will be given initially in setting this up and handing over to the new editor. This is a very important function in our society as for many of our members, especially those who live outside the local area; the newsletter is their only contact with us. As I am not in a position to continue to act as temporary editor indefinitely, the trustees will have to decide what action to take to resolve the situation. The appointment of a permanent

4 editor is vital to enable us to continue to produce a newsletter which is up to the standard which you have become accustomed to over the years. Please think very carefully about this and if you can be of any assistance please contact one of the trustees or respond by e-mail to [email protected] . Thank you. Mike Moore Bude Canal Trust Partnership As you will know, the Society is a member of the partnership which comprises of local authorities and other parties. Since its inception, the monies given by the funding members have been held in a holding account administered by Torridge District Council. Following cutback imposed on councils, Torridge District Council cannot budget for the service it gave to the Partnership. Following various efforts to seek similar arrangements, BCHS have offered to administer an account in the name of 'Bude Canal Trust Partnership', to ensure the work of the Partnership with the Bude Canal Trust can continue. Chris Jewell Bude Valley Management Advisory Group The group met on 7th February 2011 and the main points covered were as follows: · Cornwall Council is looking at 'partnerships' with other agencies and groups. The object to seek best value. The BVMAG will continue for the foreseeable future. · Whalesborough Lock - There is a leak between the top towpath side gate and the lock structure. This will require attention, as it is NOT to do with the gates expanding in the water BUT a defect in the structure. There is also a problem with one of the gate paddles, which has become detached The leak at Whalesborough Lock from the winding gear. Photo: Mike Moore · Cornwall Council has submitted its bid for the 'Green Flag' award. The decision will be announced in July 2011 for the 2011/12 awards. The bid includes the amalgamated management plan for the canal and marshes, to show better management. · Licensing - Cornwall Council is formulating the new system, following consultation with the main users. This will be a more effective system, with prescribed days of use for some users. It will include an 'on the day' licence with a simple booking system. The new licences will be effective from October 2011 and will include the Code of Conduct. · The group is looking into setting up a 'Friend of the Bude Valley' support group. The next meeting is on 4th July 2011, including a site visit, starting from 1pm. Chris Jewell

5 TRAC Project (Tourism and Rural Access in Cornwall) On 2nd March 2011, a meeting of the TRAC Project Team was held. The main points discussed were as follows: 1. The Underpass, A39 - Planning permission has been granted. The legal agreement re the land is basically agreed. Work on this important element should start in the near future and be completed in June 2011. This is a vital link that will ensure safety and increased use. 2. Land at East Helscott - The legal agreement re land has not been finally agreed, but is expected soon. The issue concerning the new bridges on this section is being reviewed by the EA and is due the end of March. In principle, the EA agree that the route is possible. The works across this land to Ball Hill should be completed by Spring 2012. This will leave the route to Titson to be finally agreed with land owners. The project has to be finished by December 2013. There is the issue of maintenance to be decided, as it will NOT be in the remit of Cornwall Council. The name for the trail from Titson to Bude has yet to be decided, but it seems likely that it will be a compromise and be something like 'The Ruby Atlantic Trail', to give cohesion to the large project for the South West area. The 'jewel in the crown' of a multi use trail from Bude to Holsworthy is still to be achieved and is a MUST to ensure the sustainability of tourism in this area. Chris Jewell Tenth Annual General Meeting Another AGM but a different venue. The Bude Canal & Harbour Society plus 25 members and 5 visitors and guests, including the Mayor Cllr. Peter Moores, met in the Education Room, Castle Heritage Centre on the 20th February 2011. The Chairman, Audrey Wheatley, reminded everyone of the Society's origins as the Bude Canal Society in 1990. The Secretary, Mr Bryan Dudley Stamp, spoke about Cornwall Council who have taken over management of the Bude Canal from NCDC. BCHS volunteers have manned the Barge Workshop at Helebridge on Sunday afternoons, helped to organise Bude Heritage Day and taken part in Bude Carnival and Lifeboat Day. Committee member, Anne Longley spoke about the history of the Bude Archives and the meeting ended with a digital presentation by Chris Jewell and Mike Moore of historical photos of the Bude Canal. Jill White EVENTS REPORTS Exhibition 'James Green's Canals' from 2nd to 17th April 2011 This exhibition was held in The Gallery at the Castle Heritage Centre, Bude from 2nd to 17th April and it was open between 10am to 5pm with stewards available on each day to give advice and information. The event was a joint enterprise for BCHS with Bude Canal Trust and the Rolle Canal and Northern Devon Waterways Society, who displayed information etc in relation to their waterway. The exhibition was well attended with 451 visitors who came to see the wonders that James Green constructed in the 1820's. Chris Jewell 6 Navigation Event 26th March 2011 On Saturday 26th March 2011, a flotilla of gigboats and canoes gathered in the Lower Basin of Bude Canal to navigate the canal from the Basin to Helebridge using the inland locks at Rodds Bridge and Whalesborough. Twenty eight members of the Bude Canoe Club in a mixture of Canadian Canoes and kayaks and two gigboats (Bedehaven and Speculation) with the youth members of Bude Pilot Gig Club set off on the trip at about 10.45am. As the day progressed, the weather improved to a fine sunny day. Both the gig boats and most of the canoes were locked through both of the locks on the outward and return trips in separate lockings for each group. All of the boats were back at Lower Basin by 2pm, when the crews received refreshments. Overall, the event was well received and successful. All the participants received a Certificate to mark this occasion. The purpose of the event was two fold: (i) To highlight the need for a public slipway for access to and from the canal and (ii) To make use of the restored inland locks by boats (other than the contractors barges during the project). This event was the first time that locks had been used by non-official boats since at least 1922, if not longer. Finally, BCHS would like to thank Bude Canoe Club, Bude Pilot Gig club and Cornwall Council Environment Services (East) for their participation and support in this event. Chris Jewell

Canoes passing under Rodds Bridge showing restricted headroom, in Rodds Bridge Lock and waiting for gates to be opened to leave Whalesborough Lock. Photos: Mike Moore

7 The Navigation Event on 26th March 1 - Gigs rowing back from the Sea Lock. Photo: Chris Jewell 2 - Gigs Bede Haven & Speculation leaving Rodds Bridge Lock



3 - Gig Speculation leaving Whalesborough Lock 4 - Gig Speculation passing under the A39 at Helebridge with the old A39 bridge in the background 3 Photos 2, 3 & 4: Mike Moore


8 Occasional Lockkeeper On the Navigation Event on Saturday 26th March, I took a stroll down to Rodds Bridge lock to find it full of canoes and the upper gates being closed. Happening to have my lock windlass with me I wound up both lower gate paddles and when the lock emptied I opened one gate while two boys opened the other. While the canoes were leaving I closed the gate paddle on my side and when all the canoes had left closed the gate and watched the lock fill. When the gigs had entered and the upper gates closed, I opened the gate paddles and watched the water level lower. I opened the gate and as the gigs left closed the gate paddles for the last time. I had long thought my days of working locks were well over so I was delighted to find I had worked as well as ever and wonder if the council would like a ninety-year old occasional lock-keeper! Lawrence Wheatley FORTHCOMING EVENTS The Society's Tenth Anniversary On 18th May 2011, it will be the tenth anniversary of the formation and registration of our Society as a registered charity. Since then, many things have occurred, either directly or indirectly involving the canal: · The completion of the Regeneration Project in 2009 · The establishing of the walking routes, giving better access to the inland sections. · The establishment of a Bude Canal Day, now part of the Bude Stratton Heritage Day. The Society continues to work where possible in partnership with Cornwall Council and Bude Stratton Town Council on issues of common interest, as it has done in years past. To celebrate this anniversary, the Society is planning two events: 1 A members social evening on 19th May at the Parkhouse Centre, Bude 2 A special annual visit to Bristol on 16th July including a 3 hour cruise on the River Avon and some free time in Bristol. Full details and booking form in this issue. We hope you can support these events and celebrate what has been achieved and look forward to the next ten years and the many things that need to be done for the benefit of the Bude Canal and the local community. Chris Jewell Members Social Evening on 19th May As part of our Tenth Anniversary Celebrations, we are holding a members social evening in Room 1 at the Parkhouse Centre, Bude starting at 7.30pm on Thursday 19th May. Although details are still to be finalised, we hope to show a selection of slides and have a celebration cake. We look forward to seeing many of our members at this special event. Betty Moore 9 Tenth Anniversary Celebration Coach and Boat Trip on 16th July This year, as it is our tenth anniversary, for our annual outing we have arranged a special coach trip to Bristol for a 3 hour boat trip on “The Flower of Bristol” through the Floating Harbour, then along the canal and River Avon as far as Hanham Lock and back. When we first arrive at Bristol there will be time to take lunch or explore the area before we board the boat for our trip. There will also be a short break of one hour after the trip and before we board the coach for our return journey. A bar will be available on the boat and there may be a small selection of snacks and refreshments. The itinery is:- 8.30am Leave Bude by Coach from the Crescent Car Park allowing for a stop on route 11.30am (approx)Arrive at the car park near the SS Great Britain 1.30pm Board boat at Wapping Wharf near the SS Great Britain 4.30pm Return to Bristol 5.30pm Board coach to leave Bristol for Bude 8.30pm (approx) Arrive at Bude allowing for a stop on route The total cost for the whole trip including the boat is £21 per person. If you wish to join us on this trip please complete the enclosed booking form and return it to us with your remittance by 30th June 2011. Please book early as we need to fill the boat to make the trip financially viable as we will have to pay for the hire of the whole boat irrespective of the number of passengers taken. Thank you for your support. Betty Moore Bude-Stratton Heritage Day on Sunday 7th August The planning committee for this annual community event has been made aware that Terry Bale has been asked to organise a funding raising event on behalf of the Stratton Hospital League of Friends. This Cornish Day event will take place on Sunday 31st July in the Adventure International marquee and include , a Cornish marching band; Celtic musicians and choirs; retail stalls; beer tent; cream etc. The planning committee agreed that this charity event will impact on our planned two- day event, the following weekend, therefore Saturday 6th has been cancelled but a one- day event will still take place on Sunday 7th August. The programme is still be put together but will include classic cars and steam engines; brass bands; children's entertainers and fairground amusements; Cornish musicians; a number of stalls relating to canal/water and local history interests; local food producers and examples of WWII USA military vehicles. The day starts at 11am and goes through until 5.00pm. Patricia Wright, Manager, The Castle Heritage Centre, Bude

Bude Canal Trust Events Garden on Saturday 21st May This garden event will be held on from 2pm to 5pm at The Barn House, Poundstock to raise funds for The Bude Canal Trust. The Barn House is on the Widemouth Bay to Millook road. Turn left or straight on at Widemouth Manor Hotel towards Millook then

10 follow the road for ½ mile, past the square house on the left. At the top of the rise, turn left and The Barn House will be clearly signed. The route will be signposted from the Widemouth Manor Hotel. Entrance will be £3.50 to include a cream tea. There will also be a raffle, cake stall, and maybe one or two other stalls.

Devon Wildlife Trust Reserve Day on Sunday 26th June Devon Wildlife Trust have organised a Reserve Day at Dunsdon Nature Reserve on Sunday 26th June meeting at 11.00am for a guided walk. Places are limited so please book by ringing Fran McMurray on 01822 613628. A donation of £3 is expected.

Open Day on Saturday 9th July Bude Canal Trust Open Day at Pancrasweek Village Hall.

Barbecue on Saturday 30th July This event, organised on behalf of The Bude Canal Trust will be held at Barton Gate (just on the Devon side on the Bude to Holsworthy road) from 6pm on Saturday 30th July. Come and enjoy a social evening and meet members of the Trust over a hotdog, salads and puddings! Non-alcoholic drinks available or bring your own wine if you prefer. The cost is £5 per person.

Rolle Canal Society Events Visit to Pentewan & Ponts Mill A guided trip to the area has been arranged by the Rolle Canal Society on Sunday 15th May 2011 to which our members and friends are invited. We make our own way to Pentewan in the morning meeting at 10.00am in the village car park for a guided walk of the harbour conducted by Roger Evans. Following a pub lunch (cost £7.50 if required) we then travel to Ponts Mill at 2.00pm for a guided walk of the conducted by John Smith of Cornwall Council. The cost for the visit will be £5.00 per person. If you are interested in this visit please complete the enclosed booking form and return to The Membership Secretary, The Rolle Canal & Northern Devon Waterways Society with your remittance.

Visit to Kelly Mine & Bovey Tracey Heritage Centre A guided trip to the Bovey Tracey area has been arranged by the Rolle Canal Society on Sunday 18th September 2011 to which our members and friends are invited. We make our own way to Kelly Mine (on the A382 between Moretonhampstead and Bovey Tracey) in the morning for a visit when guides will be available. Vehicles for the mine visit to be kept to a minimum so please arrange to share vehicles wherever possible. Please wear old clothes and boots and note that there are no toilet facilities available at the mine. Following lunch at a venue to be arranged, we then travel to the Bovey Tracey Heritage Centre which is on the site of the old railway station in Bovey Tracey. The cost for the visit will be £5.00 per person.

11 The Bude Motor Club Classic Motor Show on Sunday 5th June 2011 Bude Motor Club will be holding its 3rd Classic Motor Show at the Rugby Ground in Bude on Sunday 5th June 2011. This year the show will again be totally FREE to all entrants and visitors alike. Entries are invited from all interested parties, including clubs and individuals. Vehicles (and visitors!!) of all types, age and condition are most welcome! BCHS will have a stall at this event selling our usual canal books and mugs etc as well as our bric-a-brac stall including second-hand books. The show site has full bar and food facilities. Camping for entrants is available at the venue if required. Instead of sending out entry forms to those who would like to attend the show with their vehicle, the club have decided to hand out the forms on arrival for completion on the day. If you wish to attend could you please e-mail the Bude Motor Club giving details of the vehicle(s) you are showing - but this isn't mandatory. Once again, any monies raised during the event, by collections, donations and bring and buy sales etc. will be donated to the club's chosen charity for 2011 which is Shelterbox. Betty Moore Bill Young 1919 -2010 Six members of the BCHS committee attended the Memorial Service for Bill Young at St Andrew's Church, Stratton on Saturday 19th March. The service, which was also well supported by local members of BHF, was led by Father David Standen and reminiscences were given by Bill's sons Nigel and Martin with Joan Heard and Barbara Simpson. We were reminded of Bill's love of Bude and Stratton and his subsequent career as an author. A fitting tribute to a well-known local character. Mike Moore Liz Whitfield Elizabeth Mary Whitfield, nee Maxwell, was born on 21st June 1936 at Bideford, Devon, where she grew up. After qualifying as a State Registered Nurse, she trained to be a midwife, which she practised in the Barnstaple area. In 1960, she met her husband to be, Ian Whitfield and in 1962 they married and in the next few years had their two children. In 1970 they moved to Bude where they were both able to exercise their love of the countryside, coast and the heritage of Cornwall. They joined the Bude Canal Society in its early days in 1990 and remained members through to the present time. Ian was the inspector of the Society's accounts between 1994 and 2001. In 2008 Liz contracted cancer and surgery followed however in late 2009 the illness became a major concern again. Nursing was carried out at home by Ian and his family and Liz died at home, as she had wanted, on 6th January 2011. I remember Liz cycling to Summerleaze Beach with Ian on a daily basis - a kind and good lady. The Society reaffirms its condolences to Ian and family and wishes them peace in the years ahead. Chris Jewell

12 Miss Joan Rendell, MBE The funeral of local writer and historian Joan Rendell took place at the Parish Church St Martin of Tours, Werrington on Tuesday 15th February. Miss Rendell died tragically as a result of a fire at her home at Tremarsh on 4th May last year, at the age of 89. She had worked for the Old Cornwall Society for 30 years and had served as Parish Clerk for Werrington for 63 years as well as writing many books including at least two on the Bude Canal. Mike Moore

Woodland Tea Rooms Following a number of enquiries about the new building which has appeared overlooking the new lake at Whalesborough we can confirm that it is to be a wildlife interpretation centre with tea rooms/restaurant which will take over the from the Woodland Tea Rooms by the end of May. Although it will be sad to see the old tea rooms close, they were very attractive due to their secluded The new building under construction position; we wish the new venture at the end of March Photo: Mike Moore every success and hope it will be as popular as the original tea rooms. Mike Moore LETTERS PAGE E-mail from Paul Niblett of Stoke-on-Trent dated 23rd January 2011 Hello My wife Kathy and I have belonged to the Society for some years now and have enjoyed various visits to the Canal, including a special event with you in October 2008 when we were part of an IWPS weekend in Devon. Recently, I had reason to inspect my 1920 copy of The Dunlop Book, a large tome designed to provide motorists with information about towns and garage facilities A copy of the Bude page in the Dunlop Book throughout the British Isles. showing a drawing of Nanny Moores Bridge The entry for Bude is attached with its fine image too! The artist's name, which appears on the majority of the sketches in the book, is CG Harper. Best wishes, Paul Niblett. 13 THE TUB BOAT Newsletter of the Bude Canal & Harbour Society

To Bideford A39 Kilkhampton Tamar Lake

Virworthy Wharf B3254 Dexbeer

Puckland To Bideford BUDE A388 Burmsdon Sea Lock Stratton Chilsworthy Blagdonmoor Red Vealand Wharf Post Stanbury Wharf Hobbacott Helebridge HOLSWORTHY Merrifield Widemouth Bay

River Tamar


A39 North Tamerton

To A388

Boyton Werrington Bude Canal as built Rivers Inclined Planes Druxton B3254 Wharf


Published by BUDE CANAL & HARBOUR SOCIETY Enquiries to the Hon. Treasurer (Tel 01288 352298) 4A The Crescent, Bude, Cornwall EX23 8LE · [email protected] Registered Charity Number 1086646