Members of the Executive who were present

Cllrs Jonathan Bacon (Chairman), Paul Fuller, Luisa Hillard, Phil Jordan, Shirley Smart, Stephen Stubbings


Cllr Ian Stephens

Members also present (non-voting)

Cllrs Reg Barry and Dave Stewart

Confirmed as a true record of decisions taken ……………………………………......

Leader of the Council

Agenda item Minutes of the Last Meeting Decision reference 39 (15/16) Decision Taken That the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, 4 August 2015 be agreed. Questions / None. Amendments

Agenda item Declarations of Interest Decision reference 40 (15/16) Cllr Stubbings declared a personal interest in decision reference 47 (15/16) as he was a member of Town Council who had been involved in matters involving the Undercliff Drive.

Cllr Hillard declared a personal interest in decision reference 51 (15/16) as she was the local ward member for

A - 1

East and the decision included the Cowes Floating Bridge.

Agenda item Public Question Time Decision reference 41 (15/16) Questions No written questions had been received and no oral questions were asked.

Agenda item Adoption of the Draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Decision reference 43 (15/16) Summary of The Executive Member for Planning, Licensing, Public Discussion Realm and Local Engagement presented a report which sought member’s approval to adopt the SPD following a consultation exercise undertaken by the Council.

The decision was deferred from the previous meeting of the Executive owing to some changes to government guidance following the statutory consultation period. Issues raised by No issues were raised other members Decision taken I. THAT the adoption of the affordable housing contributions document, including changes made following the consultation period, as a supplementary planning document, be agreed.

II. THAT the authorisation of the Head of Planning and Housing Services to make editorial amendments to the draft supplementary planning document, in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning, Licensing, Public Realm and Local Engagement, be agreed.

(These changes will not alter the meaning of the document and will be restricted to grammatical and typographical errors and consequential amendments) Named Vote For - (6) Cllrs Jonathan Bacon, Paul Fuller, Luisa Hillard, Phil Jordan, Shirley Smart, Stephen Stubbings

Against - 0

Abstentions - 0

A - 2 Reason for the To underline the council’s commitments as set out in the decision and council’s Corporate Plan 2015-2017, particularly priorities corporate objective one (supporting growth in the economy, making the Island a it aligns with better place and keeping it safe) and four (ensuring that all resources available to the Island are used in the most effective way in achieving the Island’s priorities).

To conform to the Island Plan Core Strategy and have due regard to national policy and guidance. Options considered Option b) - To not adopt the affordable housing and rejected contributions document as a supplementary planning document. Declarations of None declared. Interests

Agenda item Development of a Destination Business Improvement District (D-BID) - Next Stage Decision reference 45 (15/16) Summary of The Leader of The Council and Executive Member for Discussion Childrens Services and Lead Member for Resources presented a report which updated on the progress around steps being taken to develop the D-BID.

The proposals followed the Executives approval on 4 August 2015 to support and work in partnership with Visit Isle of Wight (VIOW) to progress a D-BID proposition which, if successful, would provide sustainable long term funding from the private sector of around £800,000 a year for tourism marketing and public realm enhancement.

The bid would be supported by means of the council providing a loan of £80,000 that would be repaid over the life of the D-BID scheme which would normally be three to five years.

Following completion of the consultation processes the D- BID company would provide notice of its intention to progress to a ballot and the council would need to determine whether it would support the proposition. Ballot costs would be in the region of some £8,000. The Leader clarified that costs would, not could, be recovered from the D-BID if it were to be successful and would also be a condition of the councils support.

Members agreed that the initiative would be a progressive move as tourism was the lifeblood of the Islands economy.

A - 3 Issues raised by No issues were raised. other members Decision taken I. THAT the support of the development of a detailed D- BID proposition by VIOW be agreed.

II. THAT the offer of a loan to the organisation of up to £80,000 as staged payments repayable over the life of the scheme (as set out in the Appendix and forming part of this Record of Decision), be agreed. Named Vote For - (6) Cllrs Jonathan Bacon, Paul Fuller, Luisa Hillard, Phil Jordan, Shirley Smart, Stephen Stubbings

Against - 0

Abstentions - 0 Reason for the To support the following four corporate key objectives: decision and corporate objective • Supporting growth in the economy, making the Island it aligns with a better place and keeping it safe

• Keeping children safe and improving their education

• Protecting the most vulnerable with health and social care, investing in support, prevention and continuing care

• Ensuring that all resources available are used in the most effective way in achieving the Island’s priorities

With tourism being a key part of the Island’s economy, the proposition seeking to sustain and grow the visitor economy would support the council’s objective of making the island a better place. Options considered Option A - Not to offer a loan of up to £80,000 to VIOW to and rejected develop a detailed D-BID proposition Declarations of None declared Interests

Agenda item Proposed Relocation of Seagrove Bay Toilets Decision reference 46 (15/16) Summary of The Executive Member for Regeneration, Economy and Discussion Public Transport presented a report which sought approval to treat Mr and Mrs M Pacy (Sunnymead) and Mr and Mrs M Paul (The Boathouse), subsequently to be referred to as “the prospective purchasers”, as joint special purchasers of council owned land and the public toilets at Seagrove Bay

A - 4 which would enable them to create a vehicular access to provide garage and off street parking spaces for their properties.

The agreement to dispose of the land would also include a requirement for new public toilets to be built adjoining their current site which would be managed and maintained by Nettlestone and Seaview Parish Council (NSPC) in the long term.

Any final decision on the sale of the land would be made at a future meeting of the Executive.

It was noted that the local Town and Parish council and the local ward member were in full support of the recommendation.

Members agreed that the proposal was a good example of how such facilities could continue to be provided to the public via alternative means. Issues raised by The local member for Nettlestone and Seaview commented other members that the proposal would be good for the local community as it would provide good quality public conveniences on an all year basis as well as addressing the off street car parking problems. It was also positive for the council as it would create a much needed revenue saving and capital receipt. Decision taken I. THAT the appointment of the prospective purchasers as special purchasers be agreed.

II. THAT negotiation of the final terms of disposal for consideration by Executive be agreed. Named Vote For - (6) Cllrs Jonathan Bacon, Paul Fuller, Luisa Hillard, Phil Jordan, Shirley Smart, Stephen Stubbings

Against - 0

Abstentions - 0 Reason for the The disposal of the site and the provision of a new public decision and toilet facility managed by the parish council would support corporate objective the following council priorities as set out in the Corporate it aligns with Plan 2015- 2017:

• Supporting growth in the economy, making the Island a better place and keeping it safe

• Ensuring that all resources available are used in the most effective way in achieving the Island’s priorities

A - 5 Options considered Option 2 - Not to appoint the perspective purchasers as a and rejected special purchaser and offer the sale of the site on the open market.

Option 3 - Not to sell and continue to maintain the existing public toilet facilities. Declarations of None declared. Interests

Agenda item Exchange of Land to Facilitate Undercliff Drive Scheme Decision reference 47 (15/16) Summary of The Leader Of The Council and Executive Member for Discussion Childrens Services and Lead Member For Resources and the Executive Member For Public Health, Public Protection and PFI presented a report which sought approval for the exchange of freehold land with the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust to deliver a road improvement scheme at Undercliff Drive, St Lawrence.

Following the consideration of various options the trust approved the transfer of the land to the council in exchange for council owned land at Mead, .

The completed works at Undercliff Drive would enable the affected residents to regain access to their properties, and for the public to use part of the route as a greenway.

The Executive Member for Public Health, Public Protection and PFI stressed that the proposed measures only formed one part of the scheme and that it would not replace the footpath that had previously been approved by the Executive.

It was noted that the recommendation would be amended and the words “contingent on all of the necessary permissions being granted for the construction of a road and the asbestos being removed from the site” would be added to the end of the recommended option 1. Issues raised by The ward member for Chale, Niton and Whitwell agreed that other members the amended option was sensible and that he was in support of the revised recommendation. Decision taken THAT the exchange of land at Alverstone Mead, Sandown, for the trust’s woodland at Undercliff Drive, St Lawrence, as set out in the report (and forming part of this Record of Decision), contingent on all of the necessary permissions being granted for the construction of a road and the asbestos being removed from the site, be agreed.

A - 6 Named Vote For – (6) Cllrs Jonathan Bacon, Paul Fuller, Luisa Hillard, Phil Jordan, Shirley Smart, Stephen Stubbings

Against - 0

Abstentions - 0 Reason for the To support the following council priorities as set out in the decision and Corporate Plan 2015-2017: corporate objective it aligns with • Supporting growth in the economy, making the Island a better place and keeping it safe.

• Ensuring that all the resources available to the island are used in the most effective way in achieving the island’s priorities. Options considered Option 2 - Reject the exchange of land and endeavour to and rejected design an alternative highway scheme which does not require third party land.

Option 3 - Reject the land exchange and abandon the highway scheme. Declarations of Cllr Stubbings declared a personal interest as he was a Interests member of Ventnor Town Council who had been involved in matters involving the Undercliff Drive.

Agenda item Consideration of the Forward Plan Decision reference 48 (15/16) Summary of The latest published Forward Plan was reviewed and no Discussion issues of concern were raised. Issues raised by None declared. other members

Agenda item Members’ Question Time Decision reference 49 (15/16) Questions No Written questions were raised and no oral questions were asked.

Agenda item Bids for Additional Capital Funding for 2015 – 2016 Decision reference 51 (15/16) Summary of Whilst the report contained an appendix with commercially Discussion sensitive information, members agreed that the paper could be discussed in public on the understanding that the appendix would not be referred to, although if there was a need the public and press could be excluded

A - 7

The Leader of the council presented a report which sought approval for the allocation of additional capital budgets for 2015 - 2016 with funding.

A number of bids had been made for additional capital funding for the 2015 - 2016 financial year which amounted to £3.7m, and summaries of the business cases were outlined.

Many of the cases, such as the lease of the Beach Huts at Colewell Bay, were invest to save bids which would enable the council to deliver the revenue savings already included in the savings strategy agreed at the February 2015 Council Budget meeting either for the current financial year or for future years.

The Executive agreed that delaying the decision by deferring to another date would not be in the authority’s best interests as it would prevent access to much needed income.

Members were also assured that all relevant ward members were fully apprised of any schemes that fell within their remit. Issues raised by No major issues were raised by non-executive members. other members Decision taken THAT the additional capital projects presented in the report funded from an extension to the prudential borrowing limit and use of capital grants also detailed in this report, be agreed. Named Vote For - (6) Cllrs Jonathan Bacon, Paul Fuller, Luisa Hillard, Phil Jordan, Shirley Smart, Stephen Stubbings

Against - 0

Abstentions - 0 Reason for the To support prioritising opportunities for capital investment decision and that adhere to the implementation of the policies that corporate objective emerge from the revised Corporate Plan, and makes the it aligns with council’s capital asset base more sustainable. Options considered Option 2 – Defer approval of the additional capital projects and rejected until February 2016 and consider them as part of the 2016 - 2017 capital programme. Declarations of Cllr Hillard declared a personal interest as she was the local Interests ward member for and the decision included the Cowes Floating Bridge.

A - 8