nt Cou ntry mo ler er amp V S Free January 2021 • Statewide Calendar of Events, Vermont Map, Inns, • Entertainment, Real Estate, Book Reviews • Plenty of Good Reading! GREEN MOUNTAIN STOCK FARM RANDOLPH, VERMONT OUTSTANDING BUILDING SITES WITH SPECTACULAR VIEWS Lot 14-28 - 20.40 acres %HDXWLIXOSURSHUW\ZLWKDFRPELQDWLRQRIUROOLQJÀHOGVRSHQZRRGVDQGDORYHO\ stream. Panoramic 180 degree views of the Green Mountains to the south, west and north from the house site. Lots 14 and 28 are each 10.20 acres and could be purchased individually. Lot 109 - 18.41 acres %HDXWLIXOEXLOGLQJORWQHVWOHGLQWKHZRRGVZLWKYLHZVRYHUDWHQDFUHÀHOGDQG the Green Mountains to the west in the distance. ~ Pricing Available Upon Request ~ The beautiful, 1,300-acre Green Mountain Stock Farm property is divided into choice 10-plus acre building sites, which are protected from future subdivision to ensure privacy and protect view lines. • Access to 35km of maintained trails that run alongside the Third Branch RIWKH:KLWH5LYHUWKURXJKÀHOGVZRRGVDQGORYHO\VWUHDPVIRUELNLQJ hiking, x-c skiing and snow shoeing. • Adjacent to the 18-hole Montague Golf Club, the 2nd oldest, 18-hole golf course in Vermont. • One mile from Downtown Randolph, and only 3 miles from Exit 4 off I-89. Beautiful, 18-hole Montague Golf course and Brunswick School Randolph Campus PROPERTIES FOR SALE: For Further Information and to Arrange a Tour: Lot 6 - 10.37 acres Sam Sammis, Owner 2 South Main Street, Randolph, VT %HDXWLIXOEXLOGLQJVLWHRYHUORRNLQJDDFUHÀHOGZLWKSDQRUDPLFVRXWKZHVW- Email:
[email protected] ern views of the Green Mountains including Killington and Pico ski areas. Mobile: (802) 522-8500 RANDOLPH, VERMONT Deep Winter Journal Bears in the Att ic by Bill Felker All through last fall, we kept hearing things in our attic: Thump and clunk right above our bed.