vol. 163, no. 2 the american naturalist february 2004 ൴

History and the Species-Area Relationship in Lesser Antillean

Robert E. Ricklefs1,* and Eldredge Bermingham2,†

1. Department of Biology, University of Missouri, St. Louis, MacArthur and Wilson’s equilibrium theory of island bio- Missouri 63121-4499; geography explains the diversity of species on islands in 2. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Box 2072, Balboa, terms of the balance between colonization and Republic of Panama (MacArthur and Wilson 1963, 1967; Schoener 1976; Dur- Submitted December 9, 2002; Accepted August 20, 2003; rett and Levin 1996). The theory states that diversity tends Electronically published February 3, 2004 toward a steady state at which extinction equals coloni- zation. This equilibrium number of species is less than the Online enhancements: appendix tables. size of the mainland pool of potential colonists. At equi- librium, species continue to disappear from the islands, but new colonists from the mainland replace these, main- taining an approximately constant number of species. Ac- abstract: We examined the species-area relationship for three his- cording to MacArthur and Wilson’s theory, the number torically distinct subsets of Lesser Antillean birds identified by mo- of species at equilibrium reflects the influence of such lecular phylogenetic analysis of island and continental populations. factors as island size and distance from sources of colonists The groups comprised recent colonists from continental or Greater on rates of extinction and immigration. In particular, be- Antillean source populations, old taxa having recently expanded dis- cause populations on small islands are believed to be more tributions within the , and old endemic taxa lacking prone to extinction than those on large islands, the lower evidence of recent dispersal between islands. The number of young taxa was primarily related to distance from the source of colonists rate of extinction on larger islands was thought to underlie in . In a multiple regression, the logarithmic slope of the familiar relationship between species and area observed .(among islands (Schoener 1976; Connor and McCoy 1979 ע the species-area relationship for this group was shallow (0.066 0.016). Old endemic taxa were restricted to islands with high ele- Although MacArthur and Wilson (1967, pp. 19–20) rec- vation, and within this subset, species richness was related primarily ognized the contribution of habitat diversity to species ע to island area, with a steep slope (0.719 0.110 ). The number of diversity on islands, this relationship did not play a role recently spread endemic taxa was related primarily to island elevation, in the development of their equilibrium model of the con- apparently reflecting the persistence of such populations on islands with large areas of forested and montane habitats. Historical analysis trol of species diversity. of the Lesser Antillean avifauna supports the dynamic concept of In contrast, David Lack (1976) argued that diversity on island biogeography of MacArthur and Wilson, rather than the more islands is limited by ecological opportunity, particularly static view of David Lack, in that colonists exhibit dispersal limitation habitat diversity, and that small islands are ecologically and extinction plays a role in shaping patterns of diversity. However, depauperate compared to large islands. Based on the fre- the avifauna of the Lesser Antilles is probably not in equilibrium at quent appearance of resident land birds outside their nor- present, and the overall species-area relationship might reflect chang- mal ranges in the West Indies, Lack also thought that ing proportions of historically distinguishable subsets of species. diversity in that archipelago was not limited by coloni- zation. Furthermore, established populations persisted on Keywords: colonization, equilibrium theory, extinction, island bio- geography, Lesser Antilles, species-area relationship. islands for long periods. Thus island biotas did not exhibit turnover of species in a steady state but rather became saturated with species according to the ecological oppor- tunities that islands offered for the establishment of pop- * Corresponding author; e-mail: [email protected]. ulations. In Lack’s words (1976, p. 5), “On this latter the- † E-mail: [email protected]. ory [MacArthur and Wilson’s] the critical factor is the Am. Nat. 2004. Vol. 163, pp. 000–000. ᭧ 2004 by The University of Chicago. rarity of dispersal, whereas I prefer to think it is ecological 0003-0147/2004/16302-20452$15.00. All rights reserved. poverty, that chance is virtually excluded, and that com- 000 The American Naturalist petition determines both the species which colonize and Lesser Antilles, from which are, in any event, the species which fail, and also the total number of resident less likely. species.” The arrival of Europeans in the islands brought about The difference between the viewpoint of MacArthur and extensive clearing of native habitat for agriculture, espe- Wilson and that of Lack centers on the presence or absence cially at low elevations, and the introduction of potential of recurring extinction on islands and on the mechanism predators of birds, including the mongoose (Horst et al. by which island area influences the number of species. 2001). Habitat clearing may have had relatively little effect MacArthur and Wilson’s theory is neutral on the ecological on native populations because few species appear to diversity of islands compared to mainland source areas for be restricted to lowland mesic forests, which were most colonists but more closely associates the species-area re- frequently affected. Most of the narrow habitat endemics lationship with population processes as they are affected on the islands are restricted to high elevations or to other by area, hence the size and geographical extent of a pop- habitats such as dry scrub that are not suitable for agri- ulation. As diversity on a particular island increased, “the culture. A few island populations in the Lesser Antilles more likely any given [species] will become extinct due to have gone extinct since modern scientific collecting began the smaller average population size acting through both in the late 1800s: the burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia) ecological and genetical accident” (MacArthur and Wilson on St. Kitts, , Antigua, and Marie Galante; the Puerto 1967, p. 22). MacArthur and Wilson seemed content to Rican bullfinch (Loxigilla portoricensis) on St. Kitts; and extend their argument concerning population size within the house wren (Troglodytes aedon) on Martinique. Several a particular island as a function of species richness to others are critically endangered and possibly extinct, in- differences in population size between islands as a function cluding Semper’s warbler (Leucopeza semperi) on St. Lucia, of island area. the house wren on , and Euler’s flycatcher Lack attributed the species-area relationship to changes (Empidonax euleri) on Grenada (Raffaele et al. 1998). in the ecological characteristics of the islands themselves These losses are few compared to the total of 455 island as a function of island area. In both cases, over time the populations included in this analysis. Thus, the native avi- diversity of a newly formed island should exponentially fauna of the Lesser Antilles appears to be largely intact, and analyses of species diversity probably are not biased approach either a steady state (MacArthur-Wilson) or an by anthropogenic extinction. ecologically determined carrying capacity for species The slope of the regression between the common log- (Lack). The two views can be distinguished at equilibrium arithms of species diversity and island area for the Lesser or saturation by the presence or absence of extinction n p 19 ,r 2 p 0.74 ) (Ricklefs) 0.046 ע Antilles is0.207 (assuming no directional environmental change causing and Lovette 1999) This value is within the range of species- extinction through habitat shifts). Lack’s view also predicts area relationships for island groups more generally that species diversity is directly related to ecological di- (Schoener 1976; Connor and McCoy 1979). When a mea- versity, which might be assessed by the variety of habitats sure of habitat diversity, based on the proportion of island on an island or a related variable such as elevation (Ham- area in each of five habitat types, was included in the anal- ilton et al. 1964). ysis, island area remained a significant effect (slope p -but habitat diversity also exerted a sig ,(0.052 ע The number of extant land birds on 19 islands in the 0.126 Lesser Antilles varies between 17 and 42 species (Ricklefs nificant influence on species diversity, and most of the and Lovette 1999). Rapid postglacial climate change (Bonatti variation in species diversity was related to the correlated and Gartner 1973; Curtis et al. 2001) and human activities effects of island area and habitat diversity (Ricklefs and have caused the extinction of several island populations in Lovette 1999). These results provide support for both the the West Indies (Pregill et al. 1994), and present-day patterns MacArthur-Wilson (area) and Lack (habitat diversity) might not reflect entirely “natural” conditions. However, viewpoints. Distance from South America and distance to most cases of extinction of birds from islands in the Lesser the nearest island (Lack 1976, app. 10) also contribute Antilles were of aquatic species, raptors, and , and significantly to variation in bird species richness in the the fauna of small land birds remains largely intact. Forty- Lesser Antilles (Ricklefs 1977). Thus contrary to Lack’s three island populations of doves, hummingbirds, and song- hypothesis, distance to a major source of colonists ap- birds have been reported from fossil deposits on St. Eusta- peared to influence the species richness of individual is- tius, Antigua, Barbuda, and , which are all small lands, provided that ecological diversity also did not de- islands in the northern Lesser Antilles (Pregill et al. 1994). crease with distance from South America. Of these, only six are missing from the contemporary avi- According to MacArthur and Wilson’s hypothesis, the faunas of those islands (Raffaele et al. 1998). Similar fossil higher rate of extinction of populations on smaller islands deposits have not been found on larger core islands of the would cause the slope of the species-area relationship History and the Species-Area Relationship 000 within an archipelago to increase in progressively older equilibrium may not provide an adequate explanation for cohorts of colonists. Consistent with this prediction, Rick- patterns of island diversity, even though the species-area lefs and Cox (1972) showed that among birds of the West relationship there appears to be typical of island archi- Indies, the slope of the species-area relationship was higher pelagoes elsewhere. The varied histories of birds within among endemic, highly differentiated (presumably old) the Lesser Antilles suggests that different groups of species species than it was for recent colonists. Ricklefs and Cox may have been influenced by different factors depending inferred relative age of island populations from geographic on when they colonized the archipelago and on their sub- distribution and taxonomic differentiation; however, mo- sequent history of extinction and reexpansion within the lecular phylogenetic studies have supported their conclu- island chain. Therefore, we have reanalyzed the relation- sions (Ricklefs and Bermingham 1999). Thus, the species- ship of species richness on islands with respect to area, area relationship exhibited by a regional biota depends on elevation (as a measure of habitat diversity), and degree the distribution of colonization times of its members. Un- of isolation for each of three groups of species having der constant conditions, colonization times assume an ex- different histories within the archipelago. By doing so, we ponential distribution and the species-area relationship hope to determine the status of the MacArthur-Wilson settles to an equilibrium value. When rates of extinction and Lack models for explaining patterns of species diver- and colonization change over time, the slope of the species- sity on islands and for elucidating the ecological factors area relationship reflects the colonization age structure of shaping species distributions. biota and therefore will reflect its history. The colonization times of 39 lineages of birds within Material and Methods the Lesser Antilles, including most of the small land birds of shrub and forest habitats, suggest that colonization, For each island, the area, maximum elevation, distance to extinction, or both may have varied dramatically over the northern South America, and distance to the nearest island history of the avifauna (Ricklefs and Bermingham 2001). were obtained from Lack (1976, app. 10). Maximum el- The relative age of colonization of each of the lineages was evation was strongly correlated (r 2 p 0.85 ) with the di- estimated from the divergence of mitochondrial DNA versity of habitat types obtained for many of these islands (mtDNA) sequences between Lesser Antillean populations from vegetation maps in Stehle (1945; see Ricklefs and and their closest sister population in northern South Lovette 1999). The weaker correlation between elevation America or the Greater Antilles. Heterogeneity also can and the logarithm of area (r 2 p 0.40 ,n p 18 ) allows us be introduced to such data under constant conditions by to assess the independent effects of area and habitat di- a “speciation threshold” of genetic distance, below which versity on species richness. The number of species of land divergence between mainland and island populations is birds on each island was obtained from Raffaele et al. retarded by migration (Cherry et al. 2002). Distinguishing (1998). among these causes will require additional data and anal- Number of species and island area were log10 trans- yses (see also Ricklefs and Bermingham 2002). Regardless formed for analysis. We did not include Barbados in the of how this is resolved, however, the linear accumulation analysis because the island is young (Mesollela 1967; of species observed with respect to colonization age beyond Bender et al. 1979) and lies well outside the main chain a postulated speciation threshold further suggests that di- of Lesser Antillean islands. Most of the species constituting versity within the archipelago as a whole is currently below the depauperate avifauna of the island are recent colonists steady state levels. (Lovette et al. 1999). To simplify the species-area analysis, A number of species, particularly among the older taxa distance to Puerto Rico—the apparent northern source of in the archipelago, exhibit secondary expansion through colonists—was not considered. Distance from Puerto Rico the island chain (Ricklefs and Bermingham 1999). The is strongly negatively related to distance from South Amer- evidence for this consists of genetically undifferentiated or ica. Moreover, bird species with Greater Antillean origins poorly differentiated (compared to the original coloniza- are relatively evenly distributed among the islands of the tion event) populations of an endemic species on many Lesser Antilles. In contrast, recent colonists from northern islands within the archipelago; some taxa show evidence South America decrease in number steadily from south to of multiple secondary expansions. These examples confirm north (Ricklefs and Cox 1972; Terborgh 1973). the conjecture of Ricklefs and Cox (1972) that geograph- We divided the birds of the Lesser Antilles into three ically restricted populations can initiate new phases of col- groups of species: (i) old endemic residents with highly onization within the West Indies and begin a new “taxon differentiated island populations, (ii) old endemic resi- cycle.” dents that have expanded within the island chain subse- The heterogeneity of island biogeographic processes in quent to their initial colonization, in most cases recently, the Lesser Antilles suggests that colonization-extinction and (iii) recent colonists. The dividing line between old 000 The American Naturalist and recent was an mtDNA sequence divergence (d) of 0.02 lefs 1977), Grenada (Wunderle 1985), and (I. J. between island populations and continental sister popu- Lovette, unpublished data). The ordering of habitats from lations or species, based on 842 base pairs of the mito- 1 through 7 paralleled a reciprocal averaging (Hill 1973) chondrial ATP synthase 6 and 8 genes (Lovette et al. 1998; ordination of the habitats based on incidence matrices of Ricklefs and Bermingham 2001). Few species with d ! birds (results not shown), indicating that birds discern 0.02 show geographic genetic structure within the Lesser differences between habitats based on criteria consistent Antilles, and using a cutoff value of 0.02 reduces ambiguity with the vegetation structure variables that we used to in assigning species to the “old” category (i). Only five classify habitat types. The four islands have 128 popula- species exhibited sequence divergences between 0.011 and tions of birds, of which we observed all but 11 in our point 0.02 (Columbina passerina, Vireo altiloquus, Quiscalus lu- counts. We quantified relative abundance within each hab- gubris, Coereba flaveola, and Turdus fumigatus); these are itat as the number out of 10 point-count stations at which undifferentiated in the Lesser Antilles (except for C. fla- at least one individual of a given species was recorded. For veola on Grenada and St. Vincent) and none are endemic details, see Cox and Ricklefs (1977). species, so they fit naturally into group iii. Furthermore, All statistical analyses were performed with the Statis- no colonization events fall between0.020 ! d ! 0.034 . tical Analysis System version 8 (SAS Institute, Cary, N.C.). We have analyzed sequence divergence for 11 old, unex- We used multiple regression (Proc GLM) and stepwise panded species (group i). Three of these, Cyanophaia bi- regression (Proc STEPWISE, MAXR, and FORWARD op- color, Dendroica plumbea, and Tangara cucullata, have tions) procedures in our analyses. closely related populations on two adjacent islands but were not counted as reexpanded taxa because of their re- Results and Discussion stricted distributions. An additional 14 species for which we do not have sequence data were considered as old The habitat distribution of each of the three groups is species based on the presence of gaps in their distributions, shown in figure 1. Two aspects stand out. First, older taxa taxonomic distinction among island populations, or status are currently distributed primarily in forested habitats, in- as single-island endemics. Among taxa in the Lesser An- cluding montane forest, whereas more recent colonists oc- tilles for which we have molecular evidence, gaps within cur predominately in lowland and more open habitats, the core of islands of Grenada to Guadeloupe occur only including grassland and shrub land (ANOVA based on in old, endemic taxa. average habitat score per species [1–7], 3.3 vs. 5.0, P ! Based on negligible sequence divergence between island .0001). Furthermore, recently spread old taxa occur in populations, 10 species endemic to the Lesser Antilles were more open habitats than endemic old taxa, but the sig- considered as old taxa with recent expansion through the nificance of this difference is marginal (4.6 vs. 5.4, P p archipelago. Two additional species not studied genetically, .026). Second, old taxa that have spread recently through Euphonia musica and Chaetura martinica, were also placed the Lesser Antilles are more abundant than old endemic in this category because they are endemic Lesser Antillean taxa (ANOVA based on average abundance of each species taxa (subspecies and species, respectively) with little phe- over the habitats within which it was recorded: 3.7 out of notypic differentiation among island populations. Fifteen a maximum of 10 vs. 1.5,P ! .0001 ). The average abun- species were classified as recent colonists based on se- dance of new colonists was intermediate (2.6, P p .017 quence divergence, and 13 additional species were placed and .022); however, their different habitat distribution in this category based on lack of taxonomic distinction makes the comparison difficult to interpret. Nonetheless, both from mainland populations and among populations the three groups of species that we distinguish in this within the Lesser Antilles. Altogether, the Lesser Antillean analysis on the basis of genetic divergence and geographic land bird fauna includes 25 old taxa, 12 recently expanded distribution clearly differ ecologically in their habitat dis- old taxa, and 28 recent taxa for a total of 65 species (see tribution and relative abundance. app. A in the online edition of the American Naturalist). The number of species in each of the three groups is Habitat distributions of most of the species in the Lesser shown by island in figure 2. The number of young species Antilles were obtained previously from point counts in declines from south to north as distance increases from each of seven habitats ranging from (1) open grassland to the coast of South America. Old endemic taxa are largely (2) savanna, (3) scrub, (4) young secondary forest, (5) restricted to the core group of six high volcanic islands subclimax forest, (6) mature forest, and (7) cloud forest. (Grenada to Guadeloupe, excluding the low-lying Marie The relative abundance of a species within any given hab- Galante and Carriacou) and drop off rapidly to the north, itat is the number of point-count stations (1–10) at which especially on the low islands. Recently spread old taxa are it was recorded. These data come from field studies in more widely distributed. matched habitats on St. Kitts and St. Lucia (Cox and Rick- The simple logarithmic regression of number of species History and the Species-Area Relationship 000

Figure 1: Average relative abundance per species of young, old, and reexpanded old taxa in habitats in which a species was recorded at one or more point-count stations out of 10. We calculated the average abundance of the species in each distribution group that we recorded in each habitat; zeros (species not seen) were not included in these averages.

SE(n p A contingency table of species classified with respect to 0.033 ע on island area had a slope (z)of0.175 18,P p .001 ,r 2 p 0.64 ). When elevation, distance to feeding guild and distribution group did not reveal sig- mainland, and distance to nearest island were also included nificant heterogeneity (G p 5.69 , df p 8 ,P p .68 ). Thus in a stepwise regression, the slope of the species-area re- species in different feeding guilds are equally likely to fall and both elevation into each of the distribution groups, indicating that each 0.028 ע lationship decreased to0.098 and distance to mainland were significant effects in the ecological type passes through a similar history of distri- model (table 1). bution stages. A contingency table of species classified with respect to habitat and distribution group revealed signif- icant heterogeneity (G p 24.1 , df p 6 ,P p .0005 ), which Ecological and Phylogenetic Effects is consistent with the distribution of species across habitats Before discussing results from analyses based on the ages recorded by Cox, Wunderle, and Lovette (see figure 1). and distributions of taxa within the Lesser Antilles, we The potential effects of phylogeny are more difficult to address the possibility that heterogeneous sampling with test. Feeding guild tends to be conservative within avian respect to ecological traits or taxonomic groups might con- families, and so we would expect similar homogeneous found these results. The primary concern would be that distributions among distribution groups. However, differ- each of the distribution groups had a different mix of avian ent dispersal propensities of birds in different families, lineages or ecological types and that age distribution could particularly the characteristic long-distance movements of not be analyzed independently of the effects of intrinsic doves (Columbidae), might also influence distribution. organismal attributes or ecology on interisland movement Most avian families are represented by few species in the and extinction probabilities of individual island popula- Lesser Antilles (maximum eight in the Columbidae), and tions. We used Faaborg’s (1985) classification of species many of the cells in a contingency table of family and according to feeding guild (fruit, fly-catching insects, distribution group have zeros (six out of 30 among 10 gleaning insects, nectarivorous, and miscellaneous) and families with four or more species). We circumvented this primary habitat (dry forest, rain forest, widespread, and problem by adding 0.5 to each cell. The resulting contin- miscellaneous). gency test (G p 20.2 , df p 18 ,P p .32 ) was not signif- 000 The American Naturalist

Figure 2: The number of species of young, old, and reexpanded old taxa of birds in the Lesser Antilles, arranged approximately from north (left) to south (right). The islands are Anguilla (AG), St. Martin (SM), Saba (SA), St. Bartholomew (SB), St. Eustatius (SE), St. Kitts (SK ), Nevis (NE), Barbuda (BU ), Antigua (AN), Montserrat (MO), Guadeloupe (GU), Marie Galante (MG), Dominica (DO), Martinique (MA), St. Lucia (SL), St. Vincent (SV ), Carriacou (CA), and Grenada (GR). icant. When we added only 0.1 to each cell, there was still habitats typical of recent glacial periods. Clearly, there is no significant heterogeneity (G p 25.4 , df p 18 , P p a phylogenetic effect in the assignment of species to dif- .11). ferent distribution groups, and it is possible that doves Regardless of this overall result, some families appear may not progress through these stages (as suggested by to have skewed frequencies among the distribution groups. Ricklefs and Cox 1972). However, the rest of the avian This is particularly noticeable for the Psittacidae, of which families are more randomly spread among the distribution all four species are “old” and the Columbidae, of which groups, and there is no significant heterogeneity in the seven out of eight are “young.” This is consistent with the contingency table overall. parrots currently being restricted to rain forest and most of the doves occurring in the dry lowland habitats. To Distribution Groups and Taxon Cycle Stages determine whether these distributions might be statistically unlikely, we simulated random distributions of the species Following E. O. Wilson (1961), Ricklefs and Cox (1972) within each family across the three distribution groups proposed a temporal sequence of distribution from (1) with the probability of membership in a particular group colonizing to (2) differentiating, (3) fragmenting, and (4) equal to the frequency of all the Lesser Antillean birds in endemic; taxa could return to stage 1 at any time. Unlike that group. The simulations were run with 1,000 trials, the taxon cycle stages of Ricklefs and Cox, the distribution and we recorded the proportion of times that the number groups in the present analysis have no reference to sub- of species in the most frequent distribution group was as specific differentiation, nor do we use information on common as observed. For parrots, only 15 of 1,000 interisland divergence except to identify recently spread (P p .015 ) runs placed all four species in the old category, Antillean endemics. Thus, both young species and old and for doves, only 14 of 1,000 (P p .014 ) runs placed spread species belong to stages 1 and 2 of the taxon cycle seven or eight species in the young category. For the other while old species belong to stages 3 and 4. These desig- eight families with four or more species in the Lesser An- nations are consistent with habitat distributions within the tilles, the probability values were .038, .038, .086, .101, islands, as seen in figure 1 and also in Ricklefs and Ber- .308, .312, .366, and .382. mingham (1999). Here we distinguish young and old Parrots and doves appear to have different histories in spread species owing to the continental and endemic the islands, the younger ages of the doves reflecting either sources of their expansion through the Lesser Antilles, continuing migration through the islands (hence apparent which should affect their geographic distributions to some young age) or recent colonization associated with drier extent. In addition, there is a demonstrable difference, History and the Species-Area Relationship 000

Table 1: Stepwise multiple regressions of the logarithm of land bird species richness on several attributes of islands in the Lesser Antilles Area Elevation Distance to mainland 2 2 Group No. islands No. species Intercept (log10 km ) (1,000 m) (100 km) R 875. 006. ע Ϫ.027 037. ע 085. 028. ע 098. 073. ע All 18 17–42 1.281 901. 004. ע NS Ϫ.035 016. ע 066. 050. ע Young 18 10–23 1.242 NS .569 058. ע NS .268 052. ע Old spread 18 5–12 .686 868. 025. ע NS Ϫ.085 110. ע 719. 298. ע Old endemic 11 0–10 Ϫ.872 Note: Distance to nearest island was not significant in any of the analyses. according to Faaborg’s classification, in the habitat dis- onists in South America. The relative lack of dependence tributions of the young and spread groups (G p 10.44 , of the number of young species on island area suggests df p 3,P p .015 ). This reflects a preponderance of wide that all islands are colonized regardless of size and that habitat occupancy, including forests, among old spread too little time has passed for extinction of island popu- species (six of 12) and a preponderance of dry (12 of 28) lations or that continuing migration between islands has and miscellaneous (e.g., aerial or agricultural: nine of 28) rescued declining populations from extinction (Brown and habitats among the young species. Kodric-Brown 1977). Thus the present distributions of Grouping of species by taxonomic families and feeding young species probably represent the extent of their spread guilds does not show strong biases with respect to the through the Lesser Antilles. Elevation is unimportant be- distribution groups used in this study. Heterogeneity with cause most of the recent colonists to the Lesser Antilles respect to primary habitat is consistent with the findings are birds of open habitats characteristic of low elevations. of this analysis and suggests a shift from dry, open lowland The distance effect is complex because colonists have habitats to moist forest and montane habitats with in- entered the islands from both the north and the south and creasing tenure in the Lesser Antilles (Wilson 1961; Green- because their colonization of the Lesser Antilles takes place slade 1968, 1969; Ricklefs and Cox 1972). in stepping-stone fashion, one island at a time. Stepping- stone colonization is evident from the absence of gaps in the distributions of young colonists in the archipelago and Young Species also from the documented rapid expansion of the bare- The number of young species on an island is sensitive to eyed thrush (Turdus nudigenis) and glossy cowbird (Mol- the area of the island and its distance from the South Amer- othrus bonariensis) through the island chain (Bond 1956; ican mainland source of colonists (table 1; Ricklefs and Cox Levesque 1997). 1972; Terborgh 1973). Mature forest and montane habitats The distance effect in a stepping-stone model reflects evidently are not important because elevation is not a sig- the number of islands colonized and suggests that partic- nificant effect in this model. The effect of island area is ular island populations become incapable of sustaining relatively small (z p 0.066 , a factor of 1.164 per 10-fold further colonization. If this happened more or less at ran- increase in area). It may be a fortuitous consequence of the dom, owing to the particular circumstances for a newly mixture of northern and southern colonists and the fact established species on any particular island, then the num- that most of the small islands in the Lesser Antilles are in ber of young populations would fall off exponentially with the north. However, the small island of Carriacou (19 young the number of islands colonized. This effect can be seen species, 34 km2), which has about one-tenth the area of in the decrease of young colonists originating from South adjacent Grenada (23 young species, 320 km2) and St. Vin- America as one moves north through the Lesser Antilles, cent (20 species, 350 km2) and had a land connection to from 14 species on Grenada to two species on islands from Grenada during Pleistocene low sea levels, has close to the St. Kitts northward (table 2). species richness predicted by the shallow species-area re- In addition to distance from South America, we also lationship (0.5 # [23 ϩ 20] # 10Ϫ0.066 p 18.5 ). Thus, it ap- tabulated the number of colonization steps to each island pears that some young species may have failed to colonize (see table 2), ranging from one (Grenada) to 10 (Saba). some small islands within their contemporary distributions Steps from the north are more or less the same and in or disappeared from them subsequent to establishing descending order. Steps and distance are highly correlated populations. (r p 0.967 ). A stepwise regression of the logarithm of the The analysis of young species supports a MacArthur- number of young species that originated in the south re- Wilson concept of dispersal limitation in that their number vealed that number of steps was the first (and only) var- decreases with distance from the mainland source of col- iable of significance, with a semilogarithmic regression 000 The American Naturalist

Table 2: Number of species of young colonists originating from the Greater Antilles and South America on islands in the Lesser Antilles Location VE TR TO GR SV SL MA DO GU MO AN BU SK SE SA SB SM AG VI PR North 3 4 4 9 10 12 12 13 11 11 10 10 10 9 8 11 10 10 11 12 South 14 14 13 14 10 8 7 6 6 5 6 5 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 Steps 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 8 9 10 9 9 9 Note: Distributions from Raffaele et al. (1998). Steps are the number of colonization events going north from South America. Antigua (AN) and Barbuda (BU) were joined during Pleistocene sea level lows. St. Batholomew (SB), St. Martin (SM), and Anguilla (AG) also share a shallow bank, and the northern dispersal route is assumed to be from St. Kitts (SK). Puerto Rico (PR), Virgin Islands (VI), north; 14 species. Venezuela (VE), Trinidad (TR), Tobago (TO), south; 14 species.GR p Grenada , SV p St. Vincent, SL p St. Lucia, MA p Martinique , DO p Dominica , GU p Guadeloupe , SE p St. Eustatius, SA p Saba.

F p 234 , df p 1, 13 , P ! rejected by comparing the inferred colonization times of) 0.006 ע slope ofϪ0.098 .0001,R 2 p 0.947 ). Adding a quadratic term to the re- the two groups. Genetic distances do not differ signifi- gression did not improve the fit significantly (F p 4.2 , cantly between the two groups either by parametric anal- df p 1, 12,P p .063 ). Thus, the number of young col- ysis of variance or nonparametric tests (Kruskal-Wallis onists from the south falls off at a rate of about 20% per x 2 p 1.16, df p 1 ,P p .28 ). Nor do the proportions of island. There are no gaps in the distributions of southern young (d ! 0.02 ) and old colonists differ between birds of colonists. northern and southern origin (G p 1.24 , df p 1 , P p The number of young colonists from the north was not .27). We also determined that the feeding guilds and hab- related to distance and was only weakly related to the area itats (Faaborg 1985) of northern colonists (n p 14 ) and F p 10.2 , df p 1, 13 , southern colonists (n p 14 ) do not differ significantly, 0.022 ע of the island (b p 0.071 P p .029,R 2 p 0.42 ). Therefore, as seen in table 2, north- (guilds:G p 0.83 , df p 4 ,P p .94 ; habitats, 0.5 added ern colonists are not dispersal limited but are slightly sen- per cell:G p 4.96 , df p 3 ,P p .17 ). sitive to island area, with a few species being absent from the smaller northern islands in the chain. This could result Widespread Endemics from extinction of intermediate island populations or from colonists bypassing islands. Gaps in the distributions of The number of recently expanded old colonists on an northern colonists include Columba leucocephala (St. Kitts, island is statistically related only to the maximum elevation St. Eustatius, Saba), Geotrygon mystacea (St. Martin, An- of the island, which implies that forested and montane guilla), Coccyzus minor (Antigua, Barbuda, St. Eustatius, habitats are important for the colonization of some older Saba), and Dendroica petechia (Saba). Cypseloides niger, elements of the avifauna. However, some of the species which is found from Grenada through Montserrat but not also extend to more open habitats and many have colo- in the northern islands, migrates to South America during nized low-lying islands in the Lesser Antilles. The slope of the nonbreeding season. Turdus plumbeus, which is found the regression in table 1 (0.268 per 1,000 m of elevation) only on Dominica in the Lesser Antilles, is enigmatic. Its indicates that the number of recently expanded old col- population on Dominica possibly is the result of a human onists increases by a factor of 1.85 for each 1,000-m in- introduction. Myadestes genibarbis, occurring in forest crease in elevation, which encompasses most of the vari- habitats from St. Vincent to Dominica but not further ation in elevation within the Lesser Antilles. north, is unexplainable. All 12 widespread endemics occur on the four large core The lack of a distance effect among northern colonists islands of the central Lesser Antilles, from Guadeloupe in might result from the dispersal barrier posed by the Ane- the north to St. Lucia in the south. Numbers decrease both gada Strait between the Virgin Islands (Greater Antilles) to the south and to the north, suggesting some dispersal and the small islands of Anguilla and Saba in the northern limitation but also explaining why distance from South Lesser Antilles, which may be sufficient that only good America was not a significant effect. The pattern of island colonists can invade. Accordingly, distances between is- occupancy to the north also indicates possible cases of lands in the Lesser Antilles would be weaker barriers to extinction of populations judging from gaps in distribu- dispersal than the barrier that colonists of the archipelago tion. For example, the Lesser Antillean flycatcher (Myiar- from the north first crossed. Alternatively, island life in chus oberi) does not occur on Montserrat and Antigua but the Greater Antilles may predispose populations for suc- is present on the more distant islands of Barbuda and St. cess in the Lesser Antilles. The possibility that northern Kitts. Moreover, Barbuda and Antigua formed a single species arrived first in the islands and their presence slowed island during Pleistocene sea-level lows, and therefore the the colonization of later arriving southern species can be two islands would almost certainly have shared all of their History and the Species-Area Relationship 000 avifaunas as recently as 12,000 yr ago. The brown included in the regression and all but one of these islands (Cinclocerthia ruficauda) does not occur on Antigua and had high elevation. However, when all the islands are in- Barbuda but is present on St. Kitts, St. Eustatius, and Saba. cluded in the regression by usinglog (species ϩ 0.5) as the This might be due to the higher elevations and presence dependent variable, the logarithm of area (slope p t p 3.2 ,P p .0064 ) and distance,0.123 ע of moist forest on the latter islands, but the Antillean 0.393 t p Ϫ3.9 P p .0016 0.027 ע euphonia (Euphonia musica) also is a forest bird and oc- (,,)re-slope p Ϫ0.106 curs on Antigua, Barbuda, and Saba, but not on Mont- mained significant effects, and elevation (slope p t p 1.8 ,P p .091 ) remained insignificant,0.162 ע serrat, St. Kitts, or St. Eustatius. 0.294 The gaps shown by secondarily expanded species in their or became only marginally significant. This implies that distributions in the northern Lesser Antilles suggest that populations can persist for long periods on large low-lying populations of reexpanded endemic taxa may be vulner- islands in spite of the absence of forested habitats from able to extinction even though they appear to spread easily such islands. The complementary side of this argument is between the islands. The predominant use of forest and that high elevation does not guarantee persistence on small montane habitats by these birds (figure 1) may underlie islands. this difference, particularly if extinction has resulted from clearing of forest habitats, hunting, and introduction of Species-Area Relationship predators by humans. However, Terborgh (1973) and Ter- borgh et al. (1978) emphasized the broad habitat distri- The relationship between species and area for birds of the butions of birds in the northern Lesser Antilles and the Lesser Antilles varies depending on the history of the taxa independence of the avifaunas of these islands from wet, in the island chain. Species that have colonized recently forested habitats. It is also possible that the heterogeneous from South America or the Greater Antilles or that have island occupancy of some recently spread endemics may undergone recent phases of expansion within the Lesser have been caused by haphazard colonization not seen in Antilles are relatively insensitive to island area (figure 3). recent colonists from South America. The number of old endemics decreases rapidly with de- creasing area; none presently occur on islands less than about 100 km2 in area. Restricted Endemics According to the MacArthur-Wilson theory of island Old endemic species are extremely sensitive to island area biogeography, the number of species on an island repre- (z p 0.719 ) and somewhat sensitive to distance to the sents a balance between colonization and extinction. Mac- South American mainland (Ϫ18% per 100 km). The in- Arthur and Wilson suggested that rate of colonization tercepts of the regressions in table 1 indicate the number should depend on the distance to the source of colonists of species on islands having an area of 1 km2. These in- tercepts are 17.3, 5.4, and 0.3 species for young, reex- panded old, and old endemic taxa, respectively (antilogs of the intercepts in table 1), emphasizing the influence of island area on the persistence of old endemics. Judging from mtDNA genetic divergences of 3%–8% between some old endemic populations and their closest sister pop- ulations, we can estimate persistence times of surviving populations to be a minimum of 1.5–4 million years on individual islands. The significant effect of distance to mainland for old endemics might be the remnant of such an effect in the original colonists from the south. The smaller islands in the main part of the island chain, such as Marie Galante and Carriacou, also lack old endemics, emphasizing the importance of area and, potentially, elevation in deter- mining the number of old endemics. Only one old en- demic population, that of the Adelaide warbler (Dendroica adelaidae) on Barbuda, occurs on a low-lying island. Ac- cordingly, the lack of an elevation effect in the multiple Figure 3: Species-area relationships for three historically distinguished regression is somewhat surprising. This may reflect the groups of birds in the Lesser Antilles. The slopes are calculated for simple fact that only islands with endemic species (n p 11 ) were logarithmic regressions of species on area. 000 The American Naturalist and that rate of extinction should increase with decreasing structure of the avifauna. It is important to develop genetic island size. Lack believed that dispersal did not limit spe- and other analyses to determine whether the current age cies richness on islands in the West Indies but that species structure of taxa in the Lesser Antilles has reached its diversity varied in accordance with ecological diversity, steady state and, if not, to estimate the direction and rate which controlled the ability of species to become estab- of change. In a more broadly comparative context, it would lished. Extinction and turnover of species was not an im- be instructive to determine how much of the variation in portant element in Lack’s concept. species-area slopes of different archipelagoes is due to var- Evidence from colonization times and present-day dis- iation in the age distribution of colonists and the amount tributions of birds in the Lesser Antilles support dispersal of secondary expansion among endemic taxa. limitation and island population extinction and hence the Our historical analysis provides some insights into an more dynamic geographic concept of MacArthur and Wil- enigmatic empirical pattern in the slope of the species- son in contrast to the more static ecological concept of area relationship. Schoener (1976) and Connor and Mc- Lack. Nevertheless, one must ascertain whether diversity Coy (1979) found that the value of z decreases with in- is currently in a steady state within the archipelago before creasing isolation of an archipelago. MacArthur and interpreting patterns of diversity in the context of the Wilson (1967) had predicted, in contrast, that reduced MacArthur-Wilson model. Colonization rates, extinction colonization of more distant archipelagoes would result in rates, or both may have been heterogeneous over the his- steeper species-area slopes, reflecting the greater role of tory of the contemporary Lesser Antillean avifauna. More extinction within the island group. This idea would receive importantly, the observed linear accumulation of lineages support from our finding that old endemic populations with respect to age of the old taxa (Ricklefs and Ber- have higher species-area slopes than recent colonists, re- mingham 2001) contradicts the expected exponential ap- flecting the history of extinction of individual island pop- proach to equilibrium predicted from persistent back- ulations. However, birds that can colonize islands across ground extinction of birds from the archipelago as a whole long distances also appear to resist extinction, possibly or exhaustion of the continental pool of colonists. With through frequent recolonization of smaller islands within current rates of colonization, the diversity of the archi- an archipelago. Thus, distance would appear to select for pelago could increase substantially, potentially increasing high dispersal capacity (e.g., Diamond 1975), which would diversity on individual islands. reduce the slope of the species area relationship through The number of species on a particular island reflects recolonization of empty islands (Hanski 1997) or rescue colonization from outside the archipelago, expansion of of island populations in decline (Brown and Kodric-Brown endemic taxa from within the archipelago, and extinction 1977) by neighboring island populations. As we suggested, of individual island populations. Time to extinction evi- selection for dispersal ability might explain the different dently depends on island area and the size of a population, penetration of the Lesser Antilles by colonists from the and extinction establishes a clear relationship between south and from the north. number of species and island area. However, the slope of the species area curve reflects the age structure of taxa within the archipelago. At the present time, the Lesser Ecological Saturation and Equilibrium in the Antilles appear to have a large proportion of relatively Avifauna of the Lesser Antilles young taxa or taxa experiencing continuing migration from the source and among islands, which exhibit little Our analyses show that the species-area relationship varies extinction of island populations. The species-area rela- with the age of a taxon and its propensity to initiate new tionship of recent colonists has an allometric slope of phases of colonization within an archipelago. Earlier anal- n p 18 r 2 p 0.44 ). yses of the distribution of colonization times of birds in,) 0.033 ע 0.115 If the age-structure of the avifauna reflects heterogeneity the Lesser Antilles (Ricklefs and Bermingham 2001) also in either colonization or extinction and if conditions re- raised the possibility that the regional avifauna was not in main constant, the age structure of the avifauna will pro- equilibrium and that its age structure varied over time. gressively favor older taxa, and the slope of the species- Thus, differences in slope of this relationship between dif- area relationship will increase with time. Under these ferent archipelagoes might reflect differences in the history conditions it would not approach the upper bound in- of their biotas as well as their geographic and ecological dicated by the species-area slope for endemic island pop- settings. Moreover, when the number of species within a n p 11 ,r 2 p 0.68 ) as long as regional avifauna changes, the intercept of the species-area, 0.163 ע ulations (0.706 young taxa colonized small islands from both outside and relationship also will likely change. Thus, the issue of equi- inside the archipelago. Nonetheless, the species-area slope librium is important to understanding the species-area re- for the present-day avifauna (0.175) reflects the young age lationship in general and the applicability of the History and the Species-Area Relationship 000

MacArthur-Wilson colonization-extinction model in pecially on the smaller islands (Faaborg 1982; Travis and particular. Ricklefs 1983), but this does not address the regulation of Several studies published by John Terborgh, John Faa- diversity within habitats or islands by species interactions. borg, and their colleagues during the 1970s and 1980s That task requires a direct test of the temporal homoge- addressed the issue of equilibrium and the role of species neity of processes that influence species richness, in this interactions in maintaining that equilibrium. Evidence was case colonization and extinction, which is possible for drawn from species-area relationships for members of dif- birds only through historical phylogenetic analyses of the ferent feeding guilds on islands (Terborgh 1973; Faaborg age distribution of island populations. Our studies of Les- 1982), saturation curves relating local habitat diversity to ser Antillean birds are by no means conclusive, but they island diversity (Terborgh and Faaborg 1980), size distri- strongly point to the possibility of substantial change in butions within feeding guilds on islands compared to null the overall diversity of the regional avifauna over time and distributions (Faaborg 1982; Case et al. 1983), and dis- its presently being below its colonization-extinction tributions of species among feeding guilds on oceanic and equilibrium. land-bridge islands (Faaborg 1985). The results of these studies were interpreted as strong evidence for ecological Conclusions sorting and species interactions on islands, suggesting that island avifaunas are saturated and that the diversity of the David Lack was wrong to the extent that the avifaunas of system is in colonization-extinction equilibrium. Lesser Antillean islands are not close to ecological satu- We make two comments about these studies. First, ev- ration—this is certainly true of the smaller islands—and idence of species interactions structuring ecological com- that colonization leading to population establishment is munities is not sufficient to conclude that such interactions infrequent in spite of movement of vagrants through the limit membership in communities and determine either islands. Moreover, the steep species-area relationship in local or regional diversity. Competition and other inter- the number of endemic species suggests a strong role for actions are strong forces, but communities are shaped by extinction, contrary to Lack’s idea of faunal stability. Step- extrinsic factors as well (Ricklefs and Schluter 1993), in- wise regressions indicated that ecological diversity, for cluding the pressure of colonization on island diversity in which we used elevation as a proxy, influenced only the the MacArthur-Wilson model. Even if the species present number of recently spread Lesser Antillean endemics. In- on an island were organized ecologically by their inter- deed, this effect is probably due to extinction rather than actions, this would not preclude the invasion of additional failure to establish new populations; old endemic popu- species, forcing a new organization on the assemblage. lations are restricted to islands with high elevations where Local diversity within habitats is strongly correlated with they tend to occur in forest and montane habitats. Thus, island species richness in the West Indies (Cox and Ricklefs although these species might reach lower islands, their 1977; Ricklefs and Cox 1978; Ricklefs 2000), showing that persistence appears to depend on the presence of higher species packing within communities in similar habitats is elevation habitats that might provide a refuge from com- flexible. Terborgh and Faaborg (1980) found evidence for petitive pressures from most new colonists. Alternatively, saturating species richness in island habitats but only in this apparent dependence of diversity on habitat hetero- the largest islands in the Greater Antilles, beyond the size geneity might also reflect the historical development of the range of islands considered in this analysis. avifauna of the archipelago, particularly the predominance Second, tests of community organization based on con- of wet forest habitats before the middle Pleistocene, when sistency in the distribution of species among feeding guilds most of the older taxa colonized the Lesser Antilles, and within islands and nonrandomness of size distributions the onset of cooler and drier Caribbean climates associated are confounded within regional faunas by nonindepen- with glaciation to the north, during which most new col- dence of the island biotas. Avifaunas within the West In- onization events presumably have occurred. dies, particularly the Lesser Antilles, are mostly derived Although Lack’s ideas about the assembly of island avi- from the same set of colonizing lineages, even though faunas are not supportable, one must also exercise caution representatives on different islands may be divergent in applying MacArthur and Wilson’s equilibrium ideas. within the archipelago and have different species names. The MacArthur-Wilson model describes the dynamics of Consistency of guild membership in the Lesser Antilles colonization and extinction with respect to diversity, and also obscures the fact that some groups of birds (suboscine thus it applies to any system whether it is in equilibrium and woodpeckers are good examples; Ricklefs or not. 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