arXiv:2012.03588v1 [math.CA] 7 Dec 2020 h uoenSca ud h eerho h eodato w author second the 2020-2021/157507. of AK BE research Hungary The of Foundation Fund. Social European the ..-621-02 n h FP3621-07005pr EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00015 the and 3.6.1-16-2016-00022 equation. functional problem; equality ; as hs en r oaascalled nowadays are These en.Frara number real a For means. bev ht for that, Observe xeso a nrdcdb .Gn 6 n13 h,frtore two for who, 1938 in [6] Gini C. by introduced was extension [21]. and [20], well-deve [7], is [5], [4], means monographs power the of in found theory The respectively. means, R H en omasbls ftovral iimas ned fo Indeed, means. Gini two-variable of subclass a form means + 0 h eerho h rtato a upre yteK-134191 the by supported was author first the of research The 2010 Date e od n phrases. and words Key oin hc usmstecneto rtmtc geometr arithmetic, of concept the subsumes which notion, A h ls ftovral oe en a enetne nnu in extended been has means power two-variable of class The = by G eebr8 2020. 8, December : ahmtc ujc Classification. Subject Mathematics HRCEIAIN FTEEULT FTOVRAL GENERAL TWO-VARIABLE OF EQUALITY THE OF CHARACTERIZATIONS a, arkaeicadCuh en.Orami oso httei the equal that is show assumptions, to differentiability high-order is They under aim functions. Our power two-va means. of The Cauchy terms Bajraktarevi´c and means. in expressed power two-variable means of of classes class the o to intersection equal the that is states which Soc., Math. Amer. Proc. A − BSTRACT a . a hsppri oiae ya soihn euto .Alzer H. of result astonishing an by motivated is paper This . 1 = , oe en arkaeicma;Cuh en iima;St mean; Gini mean; Cauchy Bajraktarevi´c mean; mean; Power a a 0 = G the , a,b and , ( two-variable ,y x, H w-aibeGn means Gini two-variable := ) a a 69,3B2 39B52. 39B22, 26B99, = ( USAIHEI MEANS QUASIARITHMETIC SL P ZSOLT ,y x, −          1 exp  := ) h oe mean power the , x a x a th b  LSADARZAKARIA AMR AND ALES 1. ´ + + -H      x jcs h attopoet r ofiacdb h European the by co-financed are projects two last The ojects.  √ Introduction y y a le or older ¨ b a log( xy x  otecaso w-aibeqairtmtcmeans. quasiarithmetic two-variable of class the to sspotdb h iaea tt coasi fteTempu the of Scholarship State Bilateral the by supported as a 1 a + 2 h lse w-aibeGn en n tlrk means Stolarsky and means Gini two-variable classes the f x x − 1 KI rn n h 2019-2.1.11-T the and Grant NKFIH a b + ) y + a a a aual egnrlzdi em fteso-called the of terms in generalized two-parameter be naturally form can means Stolarsky and Gini riable treto fteetocasso ucinlmeans, functional of classes two these of ntersection n a aiyseta h w-aibeH¨older two-variable the that see easily can One . th  H y y pwrmean -power oe,ms ftedtiso hi hoycnbe can theory their of details the of most loped, a 1 lparameters al a a a cadhroi en stecneto power of concept the is means harmonic and ic log( qasteaihei,goercadharmonic and geometric arithmetic, the equals r if if a n .Rshwy ulse n20 nthe in 2001 in published Ruscheweyh S. and y eoswy nteltrtr.Oeearly One literature. the in ways merous a a ∈ )  0 6= 0 = R ehave we , , . if if H lrk en eeaie quasiarithmetic ; olarsky ,b a, a a a 6= = : endtemean the defined , R b, b. + 2 → H a T21-04,teEFOP- the ET-2019-00049, ´ R = scasclydefined classically is G a, 0 IZED G = a,b no and Union G : 0 Public s R ,a (1.1) + 2 and → 2 ZS. PALES´ AND A. ZAKARIA

Another extension of the class of two-variable power means was discovered by K. Stolarsky [27] in 1975, who, 2 for two real parameters a, b, defined Sa,b : R R by + → + 1 b(xa ya) a−b − if ab(a b)(x y) = 0, a(xb yb) − − 6  −   a a  1 x log(x) y log(y) exp + − if a = b, ab(x y) = 0,  − a xa ya − 6   −   1  xa ya a  − if b = 0, a(x y) = 0, Sa,b(x,y) :=  a(log(x) log(y)) − 6 (1.2)  −   1  xb yb b − if a = 0, b(x y) = 0,  b(log(x) log(y)) − 6  −   √xy if a = b = 0,    x if x = y.   We call these means Stolarsky means today. We note, that these means are sometimes called extended means (cf. [8, 9]) or difference means [22, 23]. One can also see that the two-variable H¨older means form a subclass of Stolarsky means. Indeed, for a R, it is easy to see that Ha = S2a,a = Sa,2a, and H0 = Sa,−a hold. Therefore, the class of two-variable∈ H¨older means is contained in the intersection of the classes of two-variable Gini and Stolarsky means. In 2001, H. Alzer and St. Ruscheweyh [1] established a surprising result which asserts that, instead of inclusion, the equality holds here, i.e., the class of two-variable H¨older means is equal to the intersection of the classes of two-variable Gini and Stolarsky means. In what follows, we will recall further important classes of two-variable functional means that extend H¨older, Gini and Stolarsky means in a natural way. These classes are the quasiarithmetic, Bajraktarevi´c, and Cauchy means. Motivated by the above-described result of Alzer and Ruscheweyh [1], our aim is to show that, under 8 times differentiability assumptions, the intersection of the classes of two-variable Bajraktarevi´cand Cauchy means equals the class of two-variable quasiarithmetic means. Throughout this paper I will stand for a nonempty open real interval. In the sequel, the classes of continuous strictly monotone and continuous positive real-valued functions defined on I will be denoted by CM(I) and CP(I), respectively. 2 Given a function ϕ CM(I), the two-variable quasiarithmetic mean generated by ϕ is the map Aϕ : I I defined by ∈ → ϕ(x)+ ϕ(y) A (x,y) := ϕ−1 . ϕ 2   The systematic treatment of these means was first given in the monograph [7] by Hardy, Littlewood and P´olya. The most basic problem, the characterization of the equality of these means, states that Aϕ and Aψ are equal to each other if and only if there exist two real constants a = 0 and b such that ψ = aϕ + b. Observe that, by taking power functions and the logarithmic function as generators6 , every power mean turns out to be a quasiarithmetic mean. In 1958, M. Bajraktarevi´c[2], [3] introduced a generalization of quasiarithmetic means essentially in the 2 following way: For f, g : I R such that f/g CM(I) and g CP(I), define Bf,g : I I by → ∈ ∈ → f −1 f(x)+ f(y) B (x,y) := . f,g g g(x)+ g(y)     The mean so defined will be called a two-variable Bajraktarevic´ mean. It is clear that, by taking g = 1, the mean Bf,g equals Af , therefore, the class of quasiarithmetic means forms a subclass of Bajraktarevi´cmeans. Assuming 6 times continuous differentiability, the equality problem of these means was solved by Losonczi [11, 15]. A recent characterization of this equality in terms of eight equivalent conditions has been established in [18, Theorem 15]. CHARACTERIZATIONS OF THE EQUALITY OF TWO-VARIABLE GENERALIZED QUASIARITHMETIC MEANS 3

Another important generalization of quasiarithmetic means was introduced as follows: If f, g : I R are ′ ′ ′ 2 → continuously differentiable functions with g CP(I) and f /g CM(I), then define Cf,g : I I by ∈ ∈ → f ′ −1 f(x) f(y) ′ − if x = y, Cf,g(x,y) := g g(x) g(y) 6    −  x if x = y.

The mean value property of this mean is a direct consequence of the Cauchy , this is why this mean is called a Cauchy mean or difference mean in the literature (cf. [10], [12]). It is obvious that if ϕ is differentiable with a nonvanishing , then the mean Cϕ2,ϕ equals Aϕ. Consequently, the class of quasiarithmetic means (with a differentiable generator) forms also a subclass of Cauchy means. Assuming 7 times continuous differentiability, the equality problem of these means was solved by Losonczi [12]. A characterization of this equality in terms of eight equivalent conditions has also been established in paper [18, Theorem 16]. In this paper, we recall the following generalization of quasiarithmetic means, which was introduced in [16] and also investigated in [17]. Given two continuous functions f, g : I R with g CP(I), f/g CM(I) and → ∈ 2 ∈ a probability measure µ on the Borel subsets of [0, 1], the two-variable mean Mf,g µ : I I is defined by ; → −1 f [0,1] f tx + (1 t)y dµ(t) Mf,g;µ(x,y) := − . g g tx + (1 t)y dµ(t)   R[0,1] −  ! R  Means of the above form, will be called generalized quasiarithmetic means. In what follows, let δτ denote the Dirac measure concentrated at the point τ [0, 1]. Using this notation, one δ0+δ1 M B CP ∈ CM can see that if µ = 2 , then f,g;µ is equal to f,g provided that g (I) and f/g (I). On the other hand, if µ is equal to the Lebesgue measure λ restricted∈ to [0, 1], and g′ CP∈ (I), f ′/g′ CM(I), ∈ ∈ then, using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, the mean Mf ′,g′;µ simplifies to Cf,g. Therefore, the classes of Bajraktarevi´cand Cauchy means form subclasses of generalized quasiarithmetic means. The equality problem of means in various classes of two-variable means has been investigated and solved by now. We refer here to Losonczi’s works [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], where the equality of two-variable means is characterized in various settings. A key idea in these papers, under high order differentiability assumptions, is to calculate and then to compare the partial of the means at diagonal points of the Cartesian product I I. A similar problem, the mixed equality problem of quasiarithmetic and Lagrangian means was solved by P´ales× [24]. The equality problem of generalized quasiarithmetic means with the same probability measure µ, i.e., the characterization of those pairs of functions (f, g) and (h, k) such that

Mf,g µ(x,y)= Mh,k µ(x,y) (x,y I) ; ; ∈

δ0+δ1 holds, was investigated and partially solved in the paper [18]. In the particular cases µ = 2 and µ = λ of these results, the equality problem of two-variable Bajraktarevi´cand the equality problem of Cauchy means was solved under 6th-order differentiability assumptions. The aim of this paper is to study the equality problem of generalized quasiarithmetic means with the possibly different probability measures µ and ν. In other words, we aim to characterize those pairs of functions (f, g) and (h, k) such that

Mf,g µ(x,y)= Mh,k ν(x,y) (x,y I). ; ; ∈ The investigation of this functional equation requires 8th-order differentiability assumptions. Due to the complex- ity of this problem, we will assume that the measures are symmetric with respect to the midpoint of the interval δ0+δ1 [0, 1]. The final main goal is to solve this equation when µ = 2 and ν = λ. This is exactly the problem of equality of two-variable Bajraktarevi´cmeans to Cauchy means. As a consequence of this result, it will follow that the intersection of these two classes of means consists of quasiarithmetic means. 4 ZS. PALES´ AND A. ZAKARIA

2. Auxiliary results on measures Given a Borel probability measure µ on the interval [0, 1], we define the kth moment and the kth centralized moment of µ by 1 1 k k µk := t dµ(t) and µk := (t µ ) dµ(t) (k N 0 ). − 1 ∈ ∪ { } Z0 Z0 Clearly, µ0 = µ0 b= 1 and µ1 = 0. In view of the binomial theorem,b we easily obtain

1 1 k k k i k i k−i k k k−i µbk = (t µ ) dµ(t)= ( 1) t µ dµ(t)= ( 1) µiµ (k N) − 1 − i 1 − i 1 ∈ 0 0 i i Z Z X=0   X=0   and b b b b

1 1 k k k k i k−i k k−i µk = (t µ )+ µ dµ(t)= (t µ ) µ dµ(t)= µiµ (k N). (2.1) − 1 1 i − 1 1 i 1 ∈ Z0 Z0 i=0   i=0    X X It isb obvious that µbk 0bfor all k N. If , for some k bN theb equality µ k = 0 holdsb then µ has to be the Dirac 2 ≥ ∈ ∈ 2 measure δb1 . (In the sequel, δτ will denote the Dirac measure concentrated at the point τ [0, 1].) On the other µ ∈ hand, the odd-order centralized moments can be zero. One can prove that µ k = 0 holds for all k N if and 2 −1 ∈ only if µ is symmetric with respect to its first moment µ1, i.e., if µ(A)= µ (2µ1 A) [0, 1] for all Borel sets A [0, 1]. − ∩ ⊆  In what follows we define a two-parameter class of Borelb measures which will be instrumental for our investi- gations. For two given positive parameters ℓ and p, we define a probability measure π := π(ℓ,p) via the following equalities for its moments

1 (2n)! n hni π := 1, πˆ := , π n := 0, π n := ℓ p (n N), 0 1 2 2 −1 2 n! ∈ where, the modified power phni is defined by

n−1 p phni := (n N). 1+ ip ∈ i Y=0 Clearly, ph1i = p1 = p and the recursive formula phn+1i = p phni holds. 1+np · It follows from equality (2.1) that the moments of the measure π(ℓ,p) are completely determined and, there- fore, by a classical result related to the Hausdorff moment problem, the measure π(ℓ,p) is uniquely determined, however, it may not exist for every ℓ,p > 0. It also follows that π(ℓ,p) has to be a symmetric measure with 1 respect to the point 2 . The set of those parameters (ℓ,p) for which the probability measure π(ℓ,p) exists will be denoted by Π. Lemma 2.1. For the parameter set Π, we have the following inclusion Π ]0, 1 ] ]0, 2]. ⊆ 16 × Proof. Let (ℓ,p) Π. Then, due to the estimate t 1 1 , we get ∈ | − 2 |≤ 2 (2n)! n hni 1 2n 1 1 ℓ p = π n(ℓ,p)= (t ) dπ(ℓ,p)(t) dπ(ℓ,p)(t)= n! 2 − 2 ≤ 22n 4n Z[0,1] Z[0,1] for all n N. This inequality yields ∈ n! 4ℓ n . (2.2) ≤ s(2n)!phni CHARACTERIZATIONS OF THE EQUALITY OF TWO-VARIABLE GENERALIZED QUASIARITHMETIC MEANS 5

In order to compute the limit of the right hand side, we shall use the multiplicative version of the Cesaro–Stolz theorem. Denote by an the expression under the nth root on the right hand side of (2.2). Then, according to this classical result, we get

n an+1 (n + 1)(1 + np) 1 4ℓ lim √an = lim = lim = , ≤ n→∞ n→∞ an n→∞ (2n + 2)(2n + 1)p 4

1 which implies the inequality ℓ 16 . To prove the inequality p ≤2, we apply the Cauchy–Bunyakovski–Schwartz inequality: ≤ 2 π (ℓ,p) 2 = (t 1 )2 1 dπ(ℓ,p)(t) 2 − 2 ·  Z[0,1]   (t 1 )4dπ(ℓ,p)(t) 1 dπ(ℓ,p)(t) = π (ℓ,p), ≤ − 2 4  Z[0,1]  Z[0,1]  which reduces to 12(ℓp)2 2ℓp)2 . ≤ 1+ p This simplifies to the inequality p 2.  ≤ Lemma 2.2. Let τ [0, 1 [ . Then ∈ 2 1 1−2τ 2 1 1−2τ 2 2 (δτ + δ τ )= π ( ) , 2 and λ = π ( ) , , 2 1− 4 1−2τ |[τ,1−τ] 4 3 where λ denotes the standard Lebesgue measure restricted to [0, 1]. 

1 1 Proof. Denote µ := (δτ + δ τ ). Then, µ = 1, µˆ = and, for n N, we have 2 1− 0 1 2 ∈ 1 n 1 n 1 n 1 n (τ 2 ) + (1 τ 2 ) ( 2 τ) if n is even, µn = (t ) dµ(t)= − − − = − − 2 2 0 if n is odd. Z[0,1] ( 1−2τ 2 1−2τ 2 On the other hand, if p = 2, ℓ = ( ) , then, for all n N, π n (( ) , 2)=0= µ n and 4 ∈ 2 −1 4 2 −1 n 1−2τ 2 (2n)! n hni (2n)! (2ℓ) n 1 2n π n(( ) , 2) = ℓ p = · = (4ℓ) = ( τ) = µ n. 2 4 n! n! 1 3 (2n 1) 2 − 2 · · · · · − 1−2τ 2 1−2τ 2 Therefore, all the moments of µ and π(( 4 ) , 2) are the same, which proves that µ = π(( 4 ) , 2). For the second assertion, denote ν := 1 λ . Then, µ = 1, µˆ = 1 and, for n N, we have 1−2τ |[τ,1−τ] 0 1 2 ∈ 1 n+1 t=1−τ 1 n 1 1 n 1 (t 2 ) νn = (t ) dν(t)= (t ) dt = − − 2 1 2τ − 2 1 2τ n + 1 Z[0,1] − Z[τ,1−τ] −  t=τ 1 n 1 n+1 1 n+1 ( −τ) (1 τ 2 ) (τ 2 ) 2 if is even = − − − − = n+1 n , (1 2τ)(n + 1) 0 if n is odd. −  On the other hand, if p = 2 , ℓ = ( 1−2τ )2, then, for all n N,  3 4 ∈ (2n)! (2n)! (2ℓ)n (4ℓ)n ( 1 τ)2n π (( 1−2τ )2, 2 )= ℓnphni = · = = 2 − = ν . 2n 4 3 n! n! 3 5 (2n + 1) 2n + 1 2n + 1 2n · · · · · 1−2τ 2 2 1−2τ 2 2  Therefore, all the moments of ν and π(( 4 ) , 3 ) are the same, which proves that ν = π(( 4 ) , 3 ). 6 ZS. PALES´ AND A. ZAKARIA

3. Auxiliary results on generalized quasiarithmetic means

In order to describe the regularity conditions related to the two functions f, g generating the mean Mf,g;µ, we introduce some notations. The class C (I) consists of all those pairs (f, g) of continuous functions f, g : I R 0 → such that g CP(I) and f/g CM(I). For n N, we say that the pair (f, g) is in the class Cn(I) if f, g are n-times continuously∈ differentiable∈ functions such∈ that g CP(I) and the function f ′g fg′ does not vanish anywhere on I. This latter condition implies that f/g is∈ strictly monotone, i.e., f/g − CM(I). Therefore, ∈ C0(I) C1(I) C2(I) . For ⊇(f, g) C⊇ (I), we⊇··· also introduce the notation ∈ 2 2,0 2,1 Wf,g Wf,g Φf,g := 1,0 and Ψf,g := 1,0 , Wf,g −Wf,g i,j where the (i, j)-order Wronskian operator Wf,g is defined in terms of the ith and jth derivatives by f (i) f (j) W i,j := . f,g g(i) g(j)

We recall now a result from the paper [18, Lemma 1] which estab lishes a formula for the (i, j)-order Wronskian in terms of the functions Φf,g and Ψf,g.

Lemma 3.1. Let (f, g) Cn(I), where n 2 and define two sequences (ϕi) and (ψi) by the recursions ∈ ≥ ′ ϕ := 0, ϕi := ϕ + ϕiΦf,g + ψi (i 0,...,n 1 ), 0 +1 i ∈ { − } ′ (3.1) ψ := 1, ψi := ϕiΨf,g + ψ (i 0,...,n 1 ). 0 +1 i ∈ { − } Then i,j ϕi ϕj 1,0 Wf,g = Wf,g (i, j 0,...,n ). (3.2) ψi ψj · ∈ { }

In particular, i,0 1,0 i,1 1,0 i,2 1,0 W = ϕiW , W = ψiW , W = (ϕiΨf,g ψiΦf,g)W (i 0,...,n ). (3.3) f,g f,g f,g − f,g f,g − f,g ∈ { } For small i, the first few members of the sequences (ϕi) and (ψi) are as follows: ′ 2 ϕ1 = 1, ϕ2 =Φf,g, ϕ3 =Φf,g +Φf,g +Ψf,g, ′ ψ1 = 0, ψ2 =Ψf,g, ψ3 =Φf,gΨf,g +Ψf,g. The subsequent elements can easily be computed by the recursion (3.1). In the sequel we shall need the following consequence of the recursion (3.1).

Lemma 3.2. Under the same assumptions as in Lemma 3.1, for the sequences (ϕi) and (ψi), we have ′′ ′ ′ ϕi = ϕ + 2ϕ Φf,g + ϕiϕ + 2ψ + ψiΦf,g (i 0,...,n 2 ), +2 i i 3 i ∈ { − } ′ ′′ (3.4) ψi = 2ϕ Ψf,g + ϕiψ + ψ + ψiΨf,g (i 0,...,n 2 ). +2 i 3 i ∈ { − } Proof. Applying the recursion (3.1) twice, for i 0,...,n 2 , we get ∈ { − } ′ ϕi+2 = ϕi+1 + ϕi+1Φf,g + ψi+1 ′ ′ ′ ′ = (ϕi + ϕiΦf,g + ψi) + (ϕi + ϕiΦf,g + ψi)Φf,g + ϕiΨf,g + ψi, ′′ ′ ′ = ϕi + 2ϕiΦf,g + ϕiϕ3 + 2ψi + ψiΦf,g, ′ ψi+2 = ϕi+1Ψf,g + ψi+1 ′ ′ ′ = (ϕi + ϕiΦf,g + ψi)Ψf,g + (ϕiΨf,g + ψi) ′ ′′ = 2ϕiΨf,g + ϕiψ3 + ψi + ψiΨf,g, which completes the proof of (3.4).  CHARACTERIZATIONS OF THE EQUALITY OF TWO-VARIABLE GENERALIZED QUASIARITHMETIC MEANS 7

The remaining auxiliary results of this section were obtained in [16] and [26]. The next assertion characterizes the mean Mf,g;µ via an implicit equation. Lemma 3.3. ([16, Lemma 1], [26, Lemma 1.1]) Let (f, g) C (I) and µ be a Borel probability measure on ∈ 0 [0, 1]. Then for all x,y I, the value z = Mf,g µ(x,y) is the unique solution of the equation ∈ ; f tx + (1 t)y f(z) dµ(t) = 0. (3.5) g tx + (1 − t)y g(z) Z[0,1] − 

 We say that two pairs of functions (f, g), (h, k) C0(I) are equivalent , denoted by (f, g) (h, k), if there exist four real constants a, b, c, d with ad = bc such∈ that ∼ 6 h = af + bg and k = cf + dg.

The property of equivalence in the class C2(I) is completely characterized by the following result. Lemma 3.4. ([26, Theorem 2.1]) Let (f, g), (h, k) C (I). Then (f, g) (h, k) holds if and only if ∈ 2 ∼ Φf,g =Φh,k and Ψf,g =Ψh,k. As a consequence Lemma 3.3, the next lemma shows that the equivalent pairs of generating functions deter- mine identical means.

Lemma 3.5. ([16], [26]) Let (f, g), (h, k) C (I) and µ be a Borel probability measure on [0, 1]. Assume that ∈ 0 (f, g) (h, k). Then Mf,g µ = Mh,k µ. ∼ ; ; For a real parameter a R, introduce the sine and cosine type functions Sa,Ca : R R by ∈ → sin(√ ax) if a< 0, cos(√ ax) if a< 0, − − Sa(x) := x if a = 0, and Ca(x) := 1 if a = 0, sinh(√ax) if a> 0, cosh(√ax) if a> 0.

It is easily seen that the functions Sa and Ca form the fundamental system of solutions for the second-order homogeneous linear differential equation h′′ = ah.

4. Higher-order directional derivatives of generalized quasiarithmetic means We first recall the result stated in [18, Lemma5].

Lemma 4.1. Let n N, (f, g) Cn(I) and µ be a Borel probability measure on [0, 1]. Then Mf,g;µ is n-times continuously differentiable∈ on I ∈ I. × In what follows, we deduce explicit formulae for the high-order directional derivatives of Mf,g;µ at the diagonal points of the Cartesian product I I provided that µ is a symmetric probability measure. Due to the symmetry 1 × of µ, we can see that µˆ = and µ n = 0 for all n N and that Mf,g µ is a symmetric two-variable mean. 1 2 2 −1 ∈ ; Given (f, g) C (I) and a fixed element x I, define the function mx = mx f,g µ in the symmetric ∈ 0 ∈ ; ; neighborhood Ux := 2(I x) 2(x I) of zero by − ∩ − 1 1 mx(u) := mx f,g µ(u) := Mf,g µ x + u, x u . (4.1) ; ; ; 2 − 2 The symmetry of µ yields that mx : Ux R is even, that is, mx(u)= mx( u) holds for all u Ux. → − ∈ In the subsequent results, the derivatives of any real function h up to the order 8 will be denoted by h(i) for all i 0,..., 8 . Alternatively, h(0), h(1), h(2) and h(3), will be denoted by h, h′, h′′ and h′′′, respectively. ∈ { } Proposition 4.2. Let n N, (f, g) Cn(I), and µ be a symmetric Borel probability measure on [0, 1]. Then, ∈ ∈ for fixed x I, the function mx defined by (4.1) is n-times differentiable at the origin. Furthermore, mx(0) = x ∈ 8 ZS. PALES´ AND A. ZAKARIA

(n) and, in the cases n 1, 3, 5, 7 , the equality mx (0) = 0 holds and, in the cases n 2, 4, 6, 8 , we have ∈ { } ∈ { } ′′ mx(0) = µ2ϕ2(x), m(4)(0) = µ ϕ (x) 3µ2(ϕ3 + 2ψ ϕ )(x), x 4 4 − 2 2 2 2 m(6)(0) = µ ϕ (x) 15µ µ (ϕ (ϕ2 + ψ )+ ϕ ψ )(x) 15µ3ϕ (ϕ ϕ2 3(ϕ2 + ψ )(ϕ2 + 2ψ ))(x), x 6 6 − 4 2 4 2 2 2 4 − 2 2 3 2 − 2 2 2 2 m(8)(0) = µ ϕ (x) 28µ µ (ϕ (ϕ2 + ψ )+ ϕ ψ )(x) 35µ2(ϕ2ϕ + 2ϕ ψ )(x) x 8 8 − 6 2 6 2 2 2 6 − 4 4 2 4 4 + 210µ µ2(ϕ (3ϕ4 + ϕ2(7ψ ϕ ) + 2ψ2) + 2ϕ ψ (ϕ2 + 2ψ ))(x) 4 2 4 2 2 2 − 3 2 2 4 2 2 105µ4(ϕ ϕ4 + 15ϕ7 + 2ϕ3(5ϕ2 + 6ψ )(6ψ ϕ ) + 4ϕ (6ψ3 ϕ3ψ ))(x), − 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 − 3 2 2 − 2 3 where the functions ϕi = ϕi;f,g (i 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 ) and ψi = ψi;f,g (i 2, 3, 4, 6 ) are defined by the recursion (3.1). ∈ { } ∈ { }

Proof. Let x I be fixed. The equality mx(0) = x follows from the definition of mx. The n-times differentia- ∈ bility of mx at u = 0 is a consequence of Lemma 4.1. By the symmetry of the mean Mf,g µ, mx : Ux R is ; → even. This implies that all odd-order derivatives of mx vanish at the point u = 0. f 2 For brevity, let F denote the vector valued function : I R . Then, for u Ux, (3.5) can be rewritten g → ∈ as   1 F (x + (t )u) (F mx)(u) dµ(t) = 0. − 2 ◦ Z[0,1]

Differentiating this equality n-times with respect to the variable u and using Leibniz’s rule, we obtain n n (i) 1 (n−i) 1 i F (x + (t )u) (F mx) (u) (t ) dµ(t) = 0. i − 2 ◦ − 2 i=0   Z[0,1] X Now the substitution u = 0 gives n n (i) (n−i) µi F (x) (F mx) (0) = 0. i ◦ i=0   X Using that the odd-order centralized moments of µ are equal to zero, this equality finally simplifies to n 2 n (2i) (n−2i) (4.2) µ2i F (x) (F mx) (0) = 0.   2i ◦ i=0   X The evenness of mx implies that F mx is also even on Ux and hence all of its (existing) odd-order derivatives vanish at u = 0. This shows that (4.2)◦ is nontrivial only when n is even. To elaborate the condition (4.2) in the (N) cases n 2, 4, 6, 8 , we shall use Fa´adi Bruno’s formula to compute (F mx) as follows ∈ { } ◦ N (N) (k) ′ ′′ (N−k+1) (F mx) (0) := (F mx) BN,k m (0),m (0),...,m (0) . (4.3) ◦ ◦ · x x x Xk=1   N−k+1 Here BN,k : R R is the incomplete Bell polynomial, which is defined by the recursive formula → N−k+1 N 1 B (x ,...,x ) := − x B (x ,...,x ), N,k 1 N−k+1 j 1 j N−j,k−1 1 N−j−k+2 j X=1  −  such that B , = 1 and BN, =0= B ,k for all k, N N. When applying the formula (4.3), we have that 0 0 0 0 ∈ the odd-order derivatives of mx are zero at u = 0, therefore, we need to compute the Bell polynomials only for such arguments where the odd coordinates are equal to zero. Now, an easy calculation shows that, for all N i+1 ∈ 1,..., 8 , k 1,...,N and argument xi := (x ,x ,...,xi) where x j = 0 for all j 1,..., , { } ∈ { } 1 2 2 −1 ∈ { ⌊ 2 ⌋} N+2 BN,k(xN k ) = 0 if either N is odd & k 1,...,N or N is even & k ,...,N , − +1 ∈ { } ∈ { 2 } CHARACTERIZATIONS OF THE EQUALITY OF TWO-VARIABLE GENERALIZED QUASIARITHMETIC MEANS 9 and, for the remaining cases, we have

B2,1(x2)= x2, 2 B4,1(x4)= x4, B4,2(x3) = 3x2, 3 B6,1(x6)= x6, B6,2(x5) = 15x2x4, B6,3(x4) = 15x2, 2 2 4 B8,1(x8)= x8, B8,2(x7) = 28x2x6 + 35x4, B8,3(x6) = 210x2x4, B8,4(x5) = 105x2. These identities, together with formula (4.3), imply that

(F mx)(0) = F (x), ◦ ′′ ′ ′′ (F mx) (0) = F (x)m (0), ◦ x (4) ′ (4) ′′ ′′ 2 (F mx) (0) = F (x)m (0) + 3F (x)(m (0)) , ◦ x x (6) ′ (6) ′′ ′′ (4) ′′′ ′′ 3 (4.4) (F mx) (0) = F (x)m (0) + 15F (x)m (0)m (0) + 15F (x)(m (0)) , ◦ x x x x (8) ′ (8) ′′ ′′ (6) (4) 2 (F mx) (0) = F (x)m (0) + F (x)(28m (0)m (0) + 35(m (0)) ) ◦ x x x x ′′′ ′′ 2 (4) (4) ′′ 4 + 210F (x)(mx(0)) mx (0) + 105F (x)(mx(0)) .

From now on, we shall use the notations ϕi and ψi which were introduced in Lemma 3.1. In the case n = 2, using µ0 = 1, equation (4.2) yields ′′ ′′ F (x) (F mx) (0) + µ F (x) (F mx)(0) = 0, ◦ 2 ◦ which, in view of the first identity in (4.4), reduces to the equality

W 1,0(x)m′′(0) + µ W 2,0(x) = 0. − f,g x 2 f,g ′′ This proves mx(0) = µ2ϕ2(x). In the case n = 4, using µ0 = 1, equation (4.2) gives (4) ′′ ′′ (4) F (x) (F mx) (0) + 6µ2 F (x) (F mx) (0) + µ4 F (x) (F mx)(0) = 0, ◦ ◦ ◦ which, by the first and second identities in (4.4), implies

W 1,0(x)m(4)(0) 3W 2,0(x)(m′′(0))2 + 6µ W 2,1(x)m′′(0) + µ W 4,0(x) = 0. − f,g x − f,g x 2 f,g x 4 f,g ′′ Thus, applying (3.3) and the formula for mx(0), we obtain m(4)(0) = 3ϕ (x)(m′′(0))2 6µ ψ (x)m′′(0) + µ ϕ (x) x − 2 x − 2 2 x 4 4 = 3µ2ϕ3(x) 6µ2ψ (x)ϕ (x)+ µ ϕ (x). − 2 2 − 2 2 2 4 4 In the case n = 6, using µ0 = 1, equation (4.2) results (6) ′′ (4) F (x) (F mx) (0) + 15µ2 F (x) (F mx) (0) ◦ ◦ (4) ′′ (6) + 15µ4 F (x) (F mx) (0) + µ6 F (x) (F mx)(0) = 0, ◦ ◦ which, using the identities (4.4), implies

W 1,0(x)m(6)(0) 15W 2,0(x)m′′(0)m(4)(0) 15W 3,0(x)(m′′(0))3 − f,g x − f,g x x − f,g x 2,1 (4) 4,1 ′′ 6,0 + 15µ2Wf,g (x)mx (0) + 15µ4Wf,g (x)mx(0) + µ6Wf,g (x) = 0. Thus, applying (3.3), we get m(6)(0) = 15ϕ (x)m′′(0)m(4)(0) 15ϕ (x)(m′′(0))3 x − 2 x x − 3 x 15µ ψ (x)m(4)(0) 15µ ψ (x)m′′(0) + µ ϕ (x). − 2 2 x − 4 4 x 6 6 ′′ (4) Using the explicit formulae for mx(0) and mx (0), this formula simplifies to the statement. 10 ZS. PALES´ AND A. ZAKARIA

Finally, in the case n = 8, equation (4.2) reduces to the equality (8) ′′ (6) (4) (4) F (x) (F mx) (0) + 28µ2 F (x) (F mx) (0) + 70µ4 F (x) (F mx) (0) ◦ ◦ ◦ (6) ′′ (8) + 28µ6 F (x) (F mx) (0) + µ8 F (x) (F mx)(0) = 0 . ◦ ◦ Now, applying the identities (4.4), gives

W 1,0(x)m(8)(0) W 2,0(x)(28m′′(0)m(6)(0) + 35(m(4)(0))2) 210W 3,0(x)(m′′(0))2m(4)(0) − f,g x − f,g x x x − f,g x x 105W 4,0(x)(m′′(0))4 + 28µ W 2,1(x)m(6)(0) 420µ W 3,2(x)(m′′(0))3 − f,g x 2 f,g x − 2 f,g x 4,1 (4) 4,2 ′′ 2 6,1 ′′ 8,0 + 70µ4Wf,g (x)mx (0) + 210µ4Wf,g (x)(mx(0)) + 28µ6Wf,g (x)mx(0) + µ8Wf,g (x) = 0. Then, using (3.2) and (4.4), we get m(8)(0) = ϕ (x)(28m′′(0)m(6)(0) + 35(m(4)(0))2) 210ϕ (x)(m′′(0))2m(4)(0) x − 2 x x x − 3 x x 105ϕ (x)(m′′(0))4 28µ ψ (x)m(6)(0) 420µ (ϕ ψ ψ ϕ )(x)(m′′(0))3 − 4 x − 2 2 x − 2 3 2 − 3 2 x 70µ ψ (x)m(4)(0) + 210µ (ϕ ψ ψ ϕ )(x)(m′′(0))2 28µ ψ (x)m′′(0) + µ ϕ (x). − 4 4 x 4 4 2 − 4 2 x − 6 6 x 8 8 ′′ (4) (6)  This, together with the formulae for mx(0),mx (0), and mx (0), implies the required result. 5. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the equality of generalized quasiarithmetic means

In what follows, given (f, g), (h, k) C0(I) and a probability measure µ on [0, 1], we say that Mf,g;µ equals ∈ 2 Mh,k;µ if they coincide at every point of I . We say that these two means are equal near the diagonal ∆(I) := (x,x) x I of I2, if there exists an open set U I2 containing a dense subset D of ∆(I) such that the two means{ are| equal∈ } at every point of U. ⊆ Lemma 5.1. ([18, Lemma 7]) Let µ and ν be symmetric Borel probability measures on [0, 1], let n N and let 2 ∈ (f, g), (h, k) C n(I). If Mf,g µ equals Mh,k ν near the diagonal of I , then, for all i 1,...,n and x I, ∈ 2 ; ; ∈ { } ∈ (2i) (2i) mx;f,g;µ(0) = mx;h,k;ν(0). (5.1)

In the following result, we consider first the particular case when µ = ν and Ψf,g = Ψh,k, and then we characterize the equality of the means Mf,g;µ and Mh,k;ν. Theorem 5.2. Let µ be a symmetric Borel probability measure on [0, 1] with µ = 0. Let (f, g), (h, k) C (I) 2 6 ∈ 2 such that Ψf,g =Ψh,k. Then the following assertions are equivalent: 2 (i) The means Mf,g;µ and Mh,k;µ are equal on I . 2 (ii) The means Mf,g;µ and Mh,k;µ are equal near the diagonal of I . (iii) For all x I, the identity m′′ (0) = m′′ (0) holds. ∈ x;f,g;µ x;h,k;µ (iv) The equality Φf,g =Φh,k holds on I. (v) (f, g) (h, k) holds. ∼ Proof. The implication (i) (ii) is clear. The implication (ii) (iii) is a consequence of Lemma 5.1. If (iii) holds, ⇒ ⇒ then, according to Proposition 4.2, we get that µ2Φf,g = µ2Φh,k, which reduces to the equality Φf,g = Φh,k proving (iv). Finally, Lemma 3.4 and Lemma 3.5 imply the assertions (iv) (v) and (v) (i), respectively.  ⇒ ⇒ ′′′ ′′′ Due to the symmetry of the measure µ, the third-order necessary condition mx;f,g;µ(0) = mx;h,k;µ(0) does not imply the equality Ψf,g =Ψh,k (as it is obtained in [18]). Therefore, in the sequel, we want to consider problems where either the measures µ and ν are different or the equality Ψf,g = Ψh,k cannot be established. In view of Proposition 4.2 and Lemma 3.1, without any further assumption on the measures µ and ν, we can easily see that the ith equation in (5.1) is a nonlinear differential equation of order 2(i 1) for the unknown functions Φf,g, − Ψf,g, Φh,k, and Ψh,k. Therefore, for the solution of the equality problem of the means, it seems to be enough to take these equations for i 1, 2, 3, 4 and solve the system of differential equations so obtained. However, the integration of this system∈ in { its full generality} seems to be hopeless. Therefore, we take µ and ν from the two-parameter family of measures π(ℓ,p) : (ℓ,p) Π introduced in Section 2, for which we will be able to derive a solution method. { ∈ } CHARACTERIZATIONS OF THE EQUALITY OF TWO-VARIABLE GENERALIZED QUASIARITHMETIC MEANS 11

In the subsequent lemmas, we will take the following additional hypothesis: (H) µ = π(ℓ,p) and ν = π(ℓ,q) for some (ℓ,p), (ℓ,q) Π. ∈ 1,0 −p Lemma 5.3. Assume (H), let n 2 and (f, g), (h, k) Cn(I) and define V := W . Then V is (n 1)- ≥ ∈ f,g − times continuously differentiable. If, for all x I, ∈ ′′ ′′ mx;f,g;µ(0) = mx;h,k;ν(0) (5.2) holds, then V ′ qΦh,k = pΦf,g = =: Φ. (5.3) − V 1,0 Proof. If (f, g), (h, k) Cn(I), then W is a nowhere zero function which is (n 1)-times continuously ∈ f,g − differentiable, hence so is V . Due to the formula for the second-order derivative in Proposition 4.2 and Lemma 3.1, we have that ′′ ′′ mx;f,g;µ(0) = µ2ϕ2;f,g(x)= µ2Φf,g = 2pℓΦf,g, mx;h,k;ν(0) = ν2ϕ2;h,k(x)= ν2Φh,k = 2qℓΦh,k. Thus, the equality (5.2) yields the first equality in (5.3). From the definition of V , we get that W 2,0 ′ 1,0 −p f,g V = ( p) Wf,g 1,0 = ( V )pΦf,g = ( V )Φ. − Wf,g − −

This proves the second equality in (5.3).  As an easy consequence of the equality V ′ = V Φ, we get the following statement. − Lemma 5.4. Under the notations of the previous lemma and appropriate differentiability assumptions, we have V ′ = V Φ, − V ′′ = V (Φ2 Φ′), − V ′′′ = V ( Φ3 + 3Φ′Φ Φ′′), − − V (4) = V (Φ4 6Φ′Φ2 + 4Φ′′Φ+3Φ′2 Φ′′′), − − V (5) = V ( Φ5 + 10Φ′Φ3 15Φ′2Φ 10Φ′′Φ2 + 10Φ′′Φ′ + 5Φ′′′Φ Φ(4)). − − − − Proof. Using the equality V ′ = V Φ, we recursively get − V ′′ = ( V Φ)′ = V ′Φ V Φ′ = V (Φ2 Φ′), − − − − V ′′′ = (V (Φ2 Φ′))′ = V ′(Φ2 Φ′)+ V (Φ2 Φ′)′ = V ( Φ3 + 3Φ′Φ Φ′′), − − − − − V (4) = (V ( Φ3 + 3Φ′Φ Φ′′))′ = V ′( Φ3 + 3Φ′Φ Φ′′)+ V ( Φ3 + 3Φ′Φ Φ′′)′ − − − − − − = V (Φ4 6Φ′Φ2 + 4Φ′′Φ+3Φ′2 Φ′′′), − − V (5) = (V (Φ4 6Φ′Φ2 + 4Φ′′Φ+3Φ′2 Φ′′′))′ − − = V ′(Φ4 6Φ′Φ2 + 4Φ′′Φ+3Φ′2 Φ′′′)+ V (Φ4 6Φ′Φ2 + 4Φ′′Φ+3Φ′2 Φ′′′)′ − − − − = V ( Φ5 + 10Φ′Φ3 15Φ′2Φ 10Φ′′Φ2 + 10Φ′′Φ′ + 5Φ′′′Φ Φ(4)). − − − − 

1,0 −p Lemma 5.5. Assume (H), let n 4 and (f, g), (h, k) Cn(I) and define V := W . If, for all x I and ≥ ∈ f,g ∈ i 1, 2 ,

∈ { } (2i) (2i) mx;f,g;µ(0) = mx;h,k;ν(0) (5.4) is satisfied, then (5.3) holds and there exist a constant c R and an (n 3)-times continuously differentiable function B : I R such that ∈ − → B + c (p 2)(Φ′ Φ2) B c (q 2)(Φ′ Φ2) Ψf,g = − − and Ψh,k = − − − . (5.5) 6ph2iV − 6p2 6qh2iV − 6q2 12 ZS. PALES´ AND A. ZAKARIA

Proof. It follows from Lemma 5.3 that V is (n 1)-times, i.e., at least 3-times continuously differentiable and the case i = 1 in (5.4) that (5.3) holds on I. Using− the recursion (3.1), we obtain Φ ϕ =Φ = , ψ =Ψ , 2;f,g f,g p 2;f,g f,g Φ′ Φ2 ϕ = ϕ′ + ϕ Φ + ψ = + +Ψ , 3;f,g 2;f,g 2;f,g f,g 2;f,g p p2 f,g ′ (5.6) ′ V ′ ψ f,g = ϕ f,gΨf,g + ψ = Ψf,g +Ψ , 3; 2; 2;f,g −pV f,g ′′ ′ 3 ′ ′ Φ 3Φ Φ Φ 2V ′ ϕ f,g = ϕ + ϕ f,gΦf,g + ψ f,g = + + Ψf,g + 2Ψ . 4; 3;f,g 3; 3; p p2 p3 − pV f,g These formulae, together with µ = π(ℓ,p) and the formula for the fourth-order derivative by Proposition 4.2, give (4) 2 3 m (0) = µ ϕ f,g(x) 3µ (ϕ + 2ψ f,gϕ f,g)(x) x;f,g;µ 4 4; − 2 2;f,g 2; 2; ph2iV ′′′ 3V ′′V ′ 2V ′3 2ph2i(V Ψ )′ = 12ℓ2 + + f,g (x) − pV V 2 − V 3 V   pΦ′′ 3Φ′Φ Φ3 2p2 (V Ψ )′ = 12ℓ2 + + f,g (x). 1+ p 1+ p − 1+ p 1+ p V   Similarly, using that ν = π(ℓ,q), we get qΦ′′ 3Φ′Φ Φ3 2q2 (V Ψ )′ m(4) (0) = 12ℓ2 + + h,k (x). x;h,k;ν 1+ q 1+ q − 1+ q 1+ q V   Therefore, the case i = 2 in (5.4) reduces to h2i h2i h2i ′ p ′′ ′ 3 h2i ′ q ′′ ′ 3 2p (V Ψf,g) + V (Φ 3Φ Φ+Φ ) = 2q (V Ψh,k) + V (Φ 3Φ Φ+Φ ), p − q − or equivalently, using that V ′ = V Φ, − h2i h2i h2i ′ p ′ 2 ′ h2i ′ q ′ 2 ′ 2p (V Ψf,g) + (V (Φ Φ )) = 2q (V Ψh,k) + (V (Φ Φ )) . p − q − Hence, after integration, for some real constant c, h2i h2i h2i p ′ 2 c h2i q ′ 2 c 2p V Ψf,g + V (Φ Φ ) = 2q V Ψh,k + V (Φ Φ )+ . p − − 3 q − 3 Denote by C the function standing on the left hand side of this equality. The regularity assumptions imply that C is (n 3)-times continuously differentiable. Now defining B as B := 3C 2V (Φ′ Φ2), we can see that B is also (−n 3)-times continuously differentiable and the above equality yields− (5.5). −  − 1,0 −p Lemma 5.6. Assume (H), let n 6 and (f, g), (h, k) Cn(I) and define V := W . If, for all x I and ≥ ∈ f,g ∈ i 1, 2, 3 , the equality (5.4) is satisfied, then the equality (5.3) holds and the identities (5.5) are valid for some real∈ { constant} c and an (n 3)-times continuously differentiable function B : I R. In addition, we get − → 5pq p q 4 (p q) − − − V (5)V + (2B′′V + B′V ′)′ + B′B = c(4pq + 3p + 3q + 2)B′. (5.7) − (1 + p)(1 + q)   In particular, if p = q, then cB is a constant and if p = q and either 5pq = p + q + 4 or V is an at most 4-degree polynomial, then there exist real constants d, e such that6 B3 c(4pq + 3p + 3q + 2) (B′)2V = + B2 + dB + e. (5.8) − 6 2(p q) − CHARACTERIZATIONS OF THE EQUALITY OF TWO-VARIABLE GENERALIZED QUASIARITHMETIC MEANS 13

Proof. The equalities (5.3) and (5.5) are consequences of Lemma 5.3 and Lemma 5.5, respectively. Using the recursive formulas (3.1), (3.4), the formulas from (5.6), and the first identity in (5.5), we get

′ ψ4;f,g = ϕ3;f,gΨf,g + ψ3;f,g 2Φ′ Φ2 Φ = + Ψ +Ψ2 + Ψ′ +Ψ′′ , p p2 f,g f,g p f,g f,g   ϕ = ϕ′′ + 2ϕ′ Φ + ϕ ϕ + 2ψ′ + ψ Φ 6;f,g 4;f,g 4;f,g f,g 4;f,g 3;f,g 4;f,g 4;f,g f,g (5.9) Φ(4) 5Φ′′′Φ 10Φ′′Φ′ 10Φ′′Φ2 15Φ′2Φ 10Φ′Φ3 Φ5 3Φ = + + + + + + + Ψ2 p p2 p2 p3 p3 p4 p5 p f,g 7Φ′′ 15Φ′Φ 4Φ3 12Φ′ 9Φ2 9Φ + + + Ψ + + Ψ′ + 6Ψ′ Ψ + Ψ′′ + 4Ψ′′′ . p p2 p3 f,g p p2 f,g f,g f,g p f,g f,g     Combining these identities with µ = π(ℓ,p) and the formula for the sixth-order derivative by Proposition 4.2 yields

(6) 2 m (0) = µ ϕ f,g(x) 15µ µ (ϕ f,g(ϕ + ψ f,g)+ ϕ f,gψ f,g)(x) x;f,g;µ 6 6; − 4 2 4; 2;f,g 2; 2; 4; 3 2 2 2 15µ ϕ f,g(ϕ f,gϕ 3(ϕ + ψ f,g)(ϕ + 2ψ f,g))(x) − 2 2; 3; 2;f,g − 2;f,g 2; 2;f,g 2; Φ(4) 5Φ′′′Φ 10Φ′′Φ′ (7 6p)Φ′′Φ2 15Φ′2Φ (2p + 21)Φ′Φ3 4Φ5 = 120ℓ3ph3i + + + − + + p p2 p2 p3 p3 − p3 p3  ′ 2 2Ψf,g ′′ ′ 3 6Ψf,g ′ 2 ′ + 12pΦΨ + ((2 3p)Φ 15Φ Φ+8Φ )+ (2Φ 3Φ ) 12pΨ Ψf,g f,g p − − p − − f,g 6(1 p)Ψ′′ + − f,g Φ+4Ψ′′′ (x). p f,g  (5.10) Using the first identity in (5.5) and V ′ = V Φ, we recursively get − p 2 B′ + (B + c)Φ Ψ′ = − (Φ′′ 2Φ′Φ) + , f,g − 6p2 − 6ph2iV p 2 B′′ + 2B′Φ + (B + c)(Φ′ +Φ2) Ψ′′ = − (Φ′′′ 2Φ′′Φ 2Φ′2)+ , f,g − 6p2 − − 6ph2iV p 2 B′′′ + 3B′′Φ + 3B′(Φ′ +Φ2) + (B + c)(Φ′′ + 3Φ′Φ+Φ3) Ψ′′′ = − (Φ(4) 2Φ′′′Φ 6Φ′′Φ′)+ . f,g − 6p2 − − 6ph2iV (5.11) Now, substituting these identities into (5.10), we arrive at

40ℓ3 m(6) (0) = p(p + 4)(Φ(4) +Φ5) + (7p2 2p + 6)(Φ(3)Φ+2Φ′′Φ′) x;f,g;µ (1 + p)(1 + 2p) −  (8p2 13p + 9)Φ′′Φ2 3(p2 11p + 3)Φ′2Φ (4p2 + 31p 3)Φ′Φ3 − − − − − − (p + 1) (p + 1)2 B′(B + c) + 2pB′′′ + (7p + 4)B′Φ′ + 3B′′Φ B′Φ2 (x). V V − − V     Similar argument applies to the case ν = π(ℓ,q), we have

40ℓ3 m(6) (0) = q(q + 4)(Φ(4) +Φ5) + (7q2 2q + 6)(Φ(3)Φ+2Φ′′Φ′) x;h,k;ν (1 + q)(1 + 2q) −  (8q2 13q + 9)Φ′′Φ2 3(q2 11q + 3)Φ′2Φ (4q2 + 31q 3)Φ′Φ3 − − − − − − (q + 1) (q + 1)2 B′(B c) + 2qB′′′ + (7q + 4)B′Φ′ + 3B′′Φ B′Φ2 − (x). V V − − V     14 ZS. PALES´ AND A. ZAKARIA

Now the case i = 3 in (5.4) simplifies to

(5pq p q 4) (p q) − − − V 2 (Φ(4) +Φ5) + 5(Φ(3)Φ+2Φ′′Φ′) 10Φ′′Φ2 15Φ′2Φ + 10Φ′Φ3 − (p + 1)(q + 1) − − −    + 2B′′′ 3B′′Φ+ B′(Φ2 Φ′)+ B′B = c(4pq + 3p + 3q + 2)B′. − − 

Using the first, second and last identities from Lemma 5.4, we can easily see that this equality is exactly equivalent to (5.7). It is easily seen that the case p = q implies that cB is a constant. On the other hand, if either 5pq = p + q + 4 or V is an at most 4-degree polynomial, then identity (5.7) reduces to

c(4pq + 3p + 3q + 2)B′ (2B′′V + B′V ′)′ + B′B = . (p q) −

Thus, after integration for some real constant d, we get the following first-order inhomogeneous linear differential equation for the function V :

B2 c(4pq + 3p + 3q + 2)B 2B′′V + B′V ′ + = + d. (5.12) 2 (p q) −

Multiplying this equality by B′ side by side, the equation so obtained is again integrable, therefore there exists a constant e such that formula (5.8) holds. 

Lemma 5.7. Under the same assumptions of the previous lemma provided that the function B : I R is 5-times continuously differentiable and if p = q and either 5pq = p + q + 4 or V is an at most 4-degree polynomial.→ Then we have 6

B′V Φ B′′V = + R B, 2 ◦ B′V 3Φ B′′′V = (2Φ′ +Φ2)+ (R B)+ B′(R′ B), 4 2 ◦ ◦ B′V 7Φ2 1 B(4)V = 4Φ′′ + 6Φ′Φ+Φ3 + + 2Φ′ (R B) + 3B′Φ(R′ B)+ ((R′R) B) 8 4 ◦ ◦ V ◦ + B′2(R′′ B),    ◦ B′V 1 B(5)V = 8Φ′′′ + 16Φ′′Φ + 12Φ′2 + 12Φ′Φ2 +Φ4 + (20Φ′′ + 50Φ′Φ + 15Φ3)(R B) 16 8 ◦ B′ 5Φ  B′ + 25Φ2 + 20Φ′ (R′ B)+ ((R′R) B)+ (R′2 B) 4 ◦ V ◦ V ◦ 3B′  + (R′′R B) + 5B′2Φ(R′′ B), V ◦ ◦ where R of at most second degree polynomial which takes the form


Proof. Using Lemma 5.6, we get that identity (5.12) is valid. Thus, using V ′ = V Φ, we obtain − B′V Φ B2 c(4pq + 3p + 3q + 2)B d B′V Φ B′′V = + = + R B, 2 − 4 − 2(p q) 2 2 ◦ − B′′V Φ B′V ′Φ B′V Φ′ B′′′V = B′′V ′ + + + + (R′ B)B′ − 2 2 2 ◦ B′V 3Φ = (2Φ′ +Φ2)+ (R B)+ B′(R′ B), 4 2 ◦ ◦ B′′V B′V ′ B′V B(4)V = B′′′V ′ + (2Φ′ +Φ2)+ (2Φ′ +Φ2)+ (2Φ′′ + 2ΦΦ′) − 4 4 4 3Φ′ 3Φ + (R B)+ (R′ B)B′ + (R′′ B)B′2 + (R′ B)B′′ 2 ◦ 2 ◦ ◦ ◦ B′V 3Φ = (2Φ′ +Φ2)+ (R B) + (R′ B)B′ Φ 4 2 ◦ ◦  B′V Φ R B B′V Φ  B′V + + ◦ (2Φ′ +Φ2) (2Φ′ +Φ2)+ (2Φ′′ + 2ΦΦ′) 8 4 − 4 4 3Φ′ 3Φ R′ B B′V Φ + (R B)+ (R′ B)B′ + (R′′ B)B′2 + ◦ + R B 2 ◦ 2 ◦ ◦ V 2 ◦ B′V 7Φ2  1  = 4Φ′′ + 6Φ′Φ+Φ3 + + 2Φ′ (R B) + 3B′Φ(R′ B)+ ((R′R) B) 8 4 ◦ ◦ V ◦ + B′2(R′′ B),    ◦ and B′′V + B′V ′ B′V B(5)V = B(4)V ′ + 4Φ′′ + 6Φ′Φ+Φ3 + 4Φ′′′ + 6Φ′′Φ+6Φ′2 + 3Φ′Φ2 − 8 8 7Φ′Φ 7Φ2   + + 2Φ′′ (R B)+ + 2Φ′ (R′ B)B′ + 3(B′′Φ+ B′Φ′)(R′ B) 2 ◦ 4 ◦ ◦   V ′  1 + 3B′Φ(R′′ B)B′ ((R′R) B)+ ((R′′R + R′2) B)B′ + 2B′′B′(R′′ B) ◦ − V 2 ◦ V ◦ ◦ B′V 7Φ2 1 = 4Φ′′ + 6Φ′Φ+Φ3 + + 2Φ′ (R B) + 3B′Φ(R′ B)+ ((R′R) B) 8 4 ◦ ◦ V ◦  2R B B′V Φ  B′V + B′2(R′′ B) Φ+ ◦ − 4Φ′′ + 6Φ′Φ+Φ3 + 4Φ′′′ + 6Φ′′Φ+6Φ′2 + 3Φ′Φ2 ◦ 16 8 7Φ′Φ  7Φ2  Φ B′V Φ  + + 2Φ′′ (R B)+ + 2Φ′ (R′ B)B′ + 3 + R B + B′Φ′ (R′ B) 2 ◦ 4 ◦ V 2 ◦ ◦   Φ  B′   2B′ B′V Φ   + 3B′Φ(R′′ B)B′ + ((R′R) B)+ ((R′′R + R′2) B)+ + R B (R′′ B) ◦ V ◦ V ◦ V 2 ◦ ◦ B′V 1   = 8Φ′′′ + 16Φ′′Φ + 12Φ′2 + 12Φ′Φ2 +Φ4 + (20Φ′′ + 50Φ′Φ + 15Φ3)(R B) 16 8 ◦ B′ 5Φ  B′ 3B′ + 25Φ2 + 20Φ′ (R′ B)+ ((R′R) B)+ (R′2 B)+ (R′′R B) 4 ◦ V ◦ V ◦ V ◦ + 5B′2Φ(R′′ B).  ◦ 

Lemma 5.8. Assume (H) with (p,q) = (2, 2 ), let (f, g), (h, k) C (I). If, for all x I and i 1, 2, 3, 4 , 3 ∈ 8 ∈ ∈ { } the equality (5.4) is satisfied, then Φh,k = 3Φf,g holds and there exist real constants a, b such that

2 2 1,0 1,0 3 1 ′ 2 2 Ψf,g = a W and Ψh,k = b W + Φ Φ . (5.13) f,g h,k 3 h,k − 9 h,k     16 ZS. PALES´ AND A. ZAKARIA

1,0 −2 Proof. The equality Φh,k = 3Φf,g follows from Lemma 5.3 and we also have (5.3) with V := Wf,g . Then V is seven times differentiable and hence Φ is six times differentiable. The validity of (5.4) for i = 2 and  Lemma 5.5 imply the existence of a constant c and a five times differentiable function B : I R such that the 2 → equalities in (5.5) hold. The parameters p = 2 and q = 3 also satisfy the condition 5pq = p + q + 4, hence validity of (5.4) for i = 3 yields that we have the conclusions of Lemma 5.7 with u2 23cu d R(u)= + + . (5.14) − 4 4 2 Using the two-step recursion (3.4) for i 4, 6 , we arrive at ∈ { } ′ ′′ ψ6;f,g = 2ϕ4;f,gΨf,g + ϕ4;f,gψ3;f,g + ψ4;f,g + ψ4;f,gΨf,g Φ Φ2 4Φ′ 6Φ′′ 7Φ′Φ Φ3 =Ψ(4) +Ψ′′′ + 7Ψ′′ Ψ +Ψ′′ + +Ψ′ + + + 4Ψ′2 f,g f,g p f,g f,g f,g p2 p f,g p p2 p3 f,g     9Φ 4Φ′′′ 9Φ′′Φ 8Φ′2 9Φ′Φ2 Φ4 6Φ′ 3Φ2 +Ψ′ Ψ +Ψ + + + + +Ψ2 + +Ψ3 , f,g f,g p f,g p p2 p2 p3 p4 f,g p p2 f,g     and ′′ ′ ′ ϕ8;f,g = ϕ6;f,g + 2ϕ6;f,gΦf,g + ϕ6;f,gϕ3;f,g + 2ψ6;f,g + ψ6;f,gΦf,g Φ(6) 7Φ(5)Φ 12Φ′ 21Φ2 Φ′′ 3Φ′Φ Φ3 70Φ′′2Φ = + +Φ(4) + + 35Φ′′′ + + + p p2 p2 p3 p2 p3 p4 p3     3Φ′2 6Φ′Φ2 Φ4 105Φ′3Φ 105Φ′2Φ3 21Φ′Φ5 Φ7 4ΦΨ3 + 35Φ′′ + + + + + + + f,g p3 p4 p5 p4 p5 p6 p7 p   22Φ′′ 42Φ′Φ 10Φ3 16Φ(4) 56Φ′′′Φ 86Φ′′Φ2 112Φ′′Φ′ 128Φ′2Φ + + + Ψ2 + + + + + p p2 p3 f,g p p2 p3 p2 p3    70Φ′Φ3 6Φ5 46Φ′′′ 124Φ′′Φ 90Φ′2 142Φ′Φ2 20Φ4 + + Ψ + + + + + Ψ′ p4 p5 f,g p p2 p2 p3 p4 f,g    40Φ 72Φ′ 48Φ2 60Φ′′ 124Φ′Φ 34Φ3 52Φ + Ψ′2 + + Ψ′ Ψ + + + Ψ′′ + Ψ′′ Ψ p f,g p p2 f,g f,g p p2 p3 f,g p f,g f,g     44Φ′ 34Φ2 20Φ + + Ψ′′′ + Ψ(4) + 12Ψ′ Ψ2 + 48Ψ′′ Ψ′ + 24Ψ′′′ Ψ + 6Ψ(5). p p2 f,g p f,g f,g f,g f,g f,g f,g f,g f,g   These identities, together with the formulas from (5.6) and (5.9), µ = π(ℓ, 2), and the formula for the eighth-order derivative by Proposition 4.2, imply that

(8) 4 2 2 m (0) = 256ℓ ϕ f,g(x) 28(ϕ f,g(ϕ + ψ f,g)+ ϕ f,gψ f,g)(x) 35(ϕ ϕ f,g x;f,g;µ 8; − 6; 2;f,g 2; 2; 6; − 4;f,g 2;  4 2 2 + 2ϕ f,gψ f,g)(x) + 210(ϕ f,g (3ϕ + ϕ (7ψ f,g ϕ f,g) + 2ψ ) 4; 4; 4; 2;f,g 2;f,g 2; − 3; 2;f,g 2 4 7 + 2ϕ f,gψ f,g(ϕ + 2ψ f,g))(x) 105(ϕ f,gϕ + 15ϕ 2; 4; 2;f,g 2; − 4; 2;f,g 2;f,g 3 2 3 3 + 2ϕ (5ϕ + 6ψ f,g)(6ψ f,g ϕ f,g) + 4ϕ f,g(6ψ ϕ ψ f,g))(x) 2;f,g 2;f,g 2; 2; − 3; 2; 2;f,g − 2;f,g 3;  = 16ℓ4 8Φ(6) + 28Φ(5)Φ + 14Φ(4)(6Φ′ Φ2) + 35Φ′′′(4Φ′′ + 6Φ′Φ 3Φ3) + 70Φ′′2Φ − − + 70Φ ′′Φ′(3Φ′ 7Φ2) + 105Φ′3Φ 630Φ′2Φ3 + 329Φ′Φ5 34Φ7 8704ΦΨ3 − − − − f,g + 64(22Φ′′ + 119Φ′Φ 85Φ3)Ψ2 16(6Φ(4) + 49Φ′′′Φ + 77Φ′′Φ′ 51Φ′′Φ2 + 117Φ′2Φ − f,g − − ′ 3 5 ′′′ ′′ ′2 ′ 2 4 ′ 238Φ Φ + 51Φ )Ψf,g + 8(46Φ 127Φ Φ + 45Φ + 360Φ Φ + 125Φ )Ψ − − f,g ′ 2 ′ ′2 ′′ ′′ ′ 3 ′′ 4352(Φ 2Φ )Ψ Ψf,g 2816ΦΨ + 2432ΦΨ Ψf,g 8(10Φ + 99Φ Φ 26Φ )Ψ − − f,g − f,g f,g − − f,g ′ 2 ′′′ (4) 2 ′′ ′ ′′′ (5) + 8(44Φ 53Φ )Ψ 64ΦΨ + 32((272Ψ 46Ψ )Ψ 44Ψ Ψf,g + 3Ψ ) (x). − f,g − f,g f,g − f,g f,g − f,g f,g (5.15) CHARACTERIZATIONS OF THE EQUALITY OF TWO-VARIABLE GENERALIZED QUASIARITHMETIC MEANS 17

Using the identities (5.11) and V ′ = V Φ, we get − p 2 1 Ψ(4) = − (Φ(5) 2Φ(4)Φ 8Φ′′′Φ′ 6Φ′′2)+ B(4) + 4B′′′Φ + 6B′′(Φ′ +Φ2) f,g − 6p2 − − − 6ph2iV  + 3B′(Φ′′ + 3Φ′Φ+Φ3) + (B + c)(Φ′′′ + 4Φ′′Φ+6Φ′Φ2 + 3Φ′2 +Φ4) , p 2 1  Ψ(5) = − (Φ(6) 2Φ(5)Φ 10Φ(4)Φ′ 20Φ′′′Φ′′)+ B(5) + 4B(4)Φ + 10B′′′(Φ′ +Φ2) f,g − 6p2 − − − 6ph2iV  + 9B′′(Φ′′ + 3Φ′Φ+Φ3)+ B′(4Φ′′′ + 16Φ′′Φ + 12Φ′2 + 21Φ′Φ2 + 4Φ4) + (B + c)(Φ(4) + 5Φ′′′Φ + 10Φ′′Φ′ + 10Φ′′Φ2 + 15Φ′2Φ + 10Φ′Φ3 +Φ5) . Substituting these identities and (5.11) into (5.15), we have 

(8) 4 (6) (5) (4) ′ 2 ′′′ ′′ ′ 3 ′′2 mx;f,g;µ(0) = 16ℓ 8Φ + 28Φ Φ + 14Φ (6Φ Φ ) + 35Φ (4Φ + 6Φ Φ 3Φ ) + 70Φ Φ − − B′′′(164Φ′ + 35Φ2) + 70Φ′′Φ′(3Φ′ 7Φ2) + 105Φ′3Φ 630Φ′2Φ3 + 329Φ′Φ5 34Φ7 + − − − V 1 + B′′(110Φ′′ + 345Φ′Φ 61Φ3)+ B′(106Φ′′′ + 61Φ′′Φ + 357Φ′2 321Φ′Φ2 + 46Φ4) V − − B + c 17B′(B + c) Φ 90B′2  22B′′′ + 51B′′Φ+ B′(157Φ′ + 11Φ2) + 52B(4) − V 2 − V V − V     1 23B′′B′ + 12B(5) (x). V − V !   2 Similarly, using that ν = π(ℓ, 3 ), we arrive at

(8) 4 (6) (5) (4) ′ 2 ′′′ ′′ ′ 3 ′′2 mx;h,k;ν(0) = 16ℓ 8Φ + 28Φ Φ + 14Φ (6Φ Φ ) + 35Φ (4Φ + 6Φ Φ 3Φ ) + 70Φ Φ − − B′′′(205Φ′ + 380Φ2) + 70Φ′′Φ′(3Φ′ 7Φ2) + 105Φ′3Φ 630Φ′2Φ3 + 329Φ′Φ5 34Φ7 + − − − 3V 1 + 5B′′(74Φ′′ + 267Φ′Φ 55Φ3)+ B′(326Φ′′′ + 187Φ′′Φ + 1139Φ′2 3V −  B c 75B′(B c) 1111Φ′Φ2 + 162Φ4) − 50B′′′ + 225B′′Φ+ B′(575Φ′ + 25Φ2) − − − 3V 2 − V    70Φ 5B′2 5 B′′B′ + 2B(4) + 4B(5) (x). 3V − V 3V − V !     Therefore, the case i = 4 in (5.4) reduces to 12B′(2B2 21Bc + 2c2) 16B(5)V + 16B(4)V Φ 4B′′′(4B + 29c) 64B′′B′ − + 80B′2Φ − − − V + B′ B(104Φ′ 8Φ2) c(1046Φ′ + 58Φ2) + B′′(72B 378c)Φ + B′′′ 112Φ′ 100Φ2 V − − − −     B′′ 40Φ′′ + 300Φ′Φ 92Φ3 V B′ 8Φ′′′ + 4Φ′′Φ + 68Φ′2 148Φ′Φ2 + 24Φ4 V = 0. − − − − Using Lemma 5.7, this identity simplifies to  

16B′ + 6Φ(2B 23c) (R B)+ B′ 12V (4Φ′ +Φ2) (4B + 29c) (R′ B) − − ◦ − ◦     + 24Φ((R′R) B) + 4B′(R′2 B) + 12B′(R′′R B) + 12B′2V Φ 2(R′′ B) + 1 (5.16) ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ 3B′(2B2 21Bc + 2c2) + 3B′V (2B 23c)(4Φ′ +Φ2) = 0.   − − − 18 ZS. PALES´ AND A. ZAKARIA

Now, by (5.14), we get B2 23cB d B 23c 1 R B = + + ,R′ B = + and R′′ B = . ◦ − 4 4 2 ◦ − 2 4 ◦ −2 Using these identities, then (5.16) reduces to B′ 5B2 190cB 81c2 22d = 0. (5.17) − − − We show that this equality implies that B is constant on I. To the contrary, assume that B is nonconstant on I. ′ ′ ′ Then B is not identically zero, and hence B (x0) = 0 for some x0 I. By the continuity of B , there exists an ′6 ∈ open subinterval J of I containing x0 such that B (x) = 0 for all x J. Then, for all x J, the equality (5.17) yields that 6 ∈ ∈ 5B2(x) 190cB(x) 81c2 22d = 0. − − − That is, for all x J, the value B(x) is equal to one of the roots of the second degree polynomial 5u2 190cu 81c2 22∈d. By the continuity of B, now it follows that B is constant on J, which yields B′(x ) =− 0, − − 0 contradicting the choice of . Therefore, has to be a constant function. Then denoting B+c by and B−c by x0 B 6ph2i a 6qh2i b, the equalities in (5.5) simplify to (5.13). 

Now we are ready to present and prove our main result. H 2 C Theorem 5.9. Assume ( ) with (p,q) = (2, 3 ) and let (f, g), (h, k) 8(I). Then the following assertions are equivalent: ∈ 2 (i) The means Mf,g;µ and Mh,k;ν are equal on I . 2 (ii) The means Mf,g;µ and Mh,k;ν are equal near the diagonal of I . (iii) For all x I and i 1, 2, 3, 4 , the identities m(2i) (0) = m(2i) (0) hold. ∈ ∈ { } x;f,g;µ x;h,k;ν (iv) Φh,k = 3Φf,g holds on I and there exist real constants a and b such that the equalities in (5.13) hold on I. (v) There exist real constants α,β,γ,δ,ε,ζ,η such that

2 2 2 2 2 1,0 3 (5.18) αf + βfg + γg = 1 and δh + εhk + ζk = Wh,k

3   1,0 1,0 and Wh,k = η Wf,g . (vi) There exist two real polynomials P and Q of at most second degree which are positive on the range of f/g and h/k, respectively, and there exist real constants η and ρ such

′ 1 f h 1 h 1 h 1 1 f g = , k = , and = η 3 + ρ. (5.19) √P ◦ g k 3 ◦ k Q ◦ k P ◦ g   Q !  Z   Z 

p2 1,0 (vii) Mf,g;µ = Aϕ = Mh,k;ν holds on I with ϕ := Wf,g . (viii) There exists a strictly monotone function ϕ : I R such that M = A = M holds on I2. R f,g;µ ϕ h,k;ν (ix) There exist a strictly monotone differentiable functi→ on ϕ : I R and real constants a and b such that → ′ ′ (f, g) (Sa ϕ, Ca ϕ) and (h, k) (ϕ Sb ϕ, ϕ Cb ϕ). ∼ ◦ ◦ ∼ · ◦ · ◦ Proof. The implication (i) (ii) is obvious. The implications (ii) (iii) and (iii) (iv) are consequences of Lemma 5.1 and Lemma 5.8,⇒ respectively. ⇒ ⇒ Assume that (iv) is valid for some real constants a, b. Then, the integration of the identity Φh,k = 3Φf,g implies 3 1,0 1,0 Wh,k = η Wf,g (5.20) for some real constant η. Now the first identity in (5.13) and implication (iv) (ii) of [25, Theorem 10] yield that there exist real constants α, β, γ such that the first equality in (5.18) holds.⇒ An easy computation, using the CHARACTERIZATIONS OF THE EQUALITY OF TWO-VARIABLE GENERALIZED QUASIARITHMETIC MEANS 19 second identity in (5.13), implies that the expression

2 3,0 2,1 W 2,0 3Wh,k + 12Wh,k h,k 5 5 8 1,0 3 −  1,0 3 Wh,k Wh,k     is constant. Applying implication (vii) (iv) of [19, Theorem 7], then there exist real constants δ, ε, ζ such that the second equality in (5.18) is valid. Thus,⇒ we have proved that assertion (v) holds. To prove implication (v) (vi), assume that (v) is valid for some real constants α,β,γ,δ,ε,ζ,η and define ⇒ P (u) := αu2 + βu + γ and Q(u) := δu2 + εu + ζ (u R). ∈ It is easily seen that the two identities in (5.18) are equivalent to the following two identities

2 1,0 3 f 1 h Wh,k (5.21) P = and Q = , ◦ g g2 ◦ k  k2  respectively. Thus, P and Q are positive real polynomials on the range of the ratio functions f/g and h/k, respectively. The first equality in (5.19) is a result of the first identity in (5.21). The second equality in (5.19) is 1,0 2 ′ a consequence of Wh,k = k (h/k) and the second identity in (5.21). Furthermore, using (5.21), we have that 1,0 1 f ′ 1 f f ′ W = = g2 f,g = W 1,0. P ◦ g P ◦ g · g · g2 f,g  Z       This identity, together with (5.21) and (5.20), implies

′ ′ 2 1,0 1 1 h 1 h h k W 3 1 h,k 1,0 3 1,0 = = 2 2 = Wh,k = η Wf,g Q ◦ k Q ◦ k · k 1,0 3 · k  Z       Wh,k   ′ 1 1 f   = η 3 . P ◦ g  Z   Integrating both sides, then we arrive at the last equality in (5.19) for some real constant ρ. Therefore, assertion (vi) is valid. The implication (vi) (v) is obvious by reversing all the implications in the previous calculation. Thus (vi) and (v) are shown to be equivalent.⇒ To prove that (v) implies (vii). Assume that (v) holds for some real constants α,β,γ,δ,ε,ζ,η. Then implica- tion (ii) (iii) of [25, Theorem 10] and implication (iv) (vi) of [19, Theorem 7] imply that ⇒ ⇒ Mf,g;µ = Aϕ and Mh,k;ν = Aψ,

1 3 1 2 1,0 1,0 3 respectively, hold on I with ϕ = Wf,g and ψ = Wh,k . The identity (5.20) gives ψ = η ϕ, from which 2 we get that Aϕ = Aψ is valid on IR. Consequently,R (vii) holds. The implications (vii) (viii) and (viii) (i) are straightforward. Therefore, all the assertions from (i) to (viii) are equivalent. Finally, the⇒ equivalence of⇒ (viii) and (ix) is a direct consequence of [25, Corollary 9] and [19], respectively. 

For the proof of the equivalence of the nine conditions of the theorem, we essentially needed the eight times differentiability of the generating functions f,g,h,k. On the other hand, one can observe that some particular implications can be verified under weaker regularity assumptions. The assertion (i) trivially follows from (viii) in the case (f, g), (h, h) C0(I). It is an open problem whether the reversed implication is also true with this natural regularity assumption.∈ Finally, we can answer the question formulated in the introduction about two-variable means that are equal to a Bajraktarevi´cmean and to a Cauchy mean at the same time. 20 ZS. PALES´ AND A. ZAKARIA

H 2 Corollary 5.10. Assume ( ) with (p,q) = (2, 3 ). Then the intersection of the classes of means Mf,g µ (f, g) C (I) Mh,k ν (h, k) C (I) (5.22) { ; | ∈ 8 } ∩ { ; | ∈ 8 } consists of the symmetric two-variable quasiarithmetic means. In other words, if a two-variable mean is simulta- neously is a Bajraktarevic´ mean and a Cauchy mean with eight times differentiable generators, then it has to be a quasiarithmetic mean. Proof. Assume that a two-variable mean M : I2 I belongs to both of the classes of means. Then there exist → (f, g) C8(I) and (h, k) C8(I) such that M = Mf,g;µ and M = Mh,k;ν. Hence, assertion (i) of Theorem 5.9 holds.∈ Then, by this theorem∈ assertion (viii) is also valid, hence M has to be quasiarithmetic.  As an application of this corollary, we can deduce the result of Alzer and Ruscheweyh. R2 R Corollary 5.11. Assume that a two-variable mean M : + + is simultaneously equal to a Gini mean and to a Stolarsky mean. Then M has to be a power mean. →

Proof. If M equals to a Gini mean, then there exist real constants a, b such that M = Ga,b, where Ga,b was defined by (1.1). This shows that M is homogeneous and it also equals a Bajraktarevi´cmean with generators f and g defined by f(x) := xa and g(x) := xb if a = b and f(x) := xa log(x) if a = b. 6 If M also equals to a Stolarsky mean, then there exist real constants c, d such that M = Sc,d, where Sc,d was defined by (1.2). Then M equals a Cauchy mean with obviously chosen generators. Thus, M belongs to the intersection (5.22) and hence it has to be a quasiarithmetic mean. Being also homogeneous, it follows that it has to be a power mean. 

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(Zs. P´ales) INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS,UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN,H-4002 DEBRECEN,PF. 400, HUNGARY Email address: [email protected]