1. Who was the Supreme Commander of People’s Liberation Army during the Korean War? A. Zhou Enlai B. Sun Yat Sen C. Yaun Shi Kai D. Chiang Kai Shek

2. An Economic and Social campaign led by Chinese Communist Party from 1958- 1962 is known as? A. Cultural Revolution B. The Great Leap Forward C. Teiping Revolution D. Boxer Revolution

3. The type agricultural production in which multiple farmers run their holdings as a joint enterprise the State holds the Farming land is known as? A. Collective Farming B. Jhum Farming C. Private Farming D. Supportive Farming

4. What was new regime under Deng Xiopings’ main motto? A. War with USA B. Peace with Neighbouring countries C. Economic and Technological Development D. Expansion of the borders of China

5. The Four Modernizations Plan of Deng Xioping concentrated on which of the following? A. War, scientific and technological development, imperialistic expansion and Agriculture B. Peace, scientific and technological development, Economy and Agriculture C. War, scientific and technological development, imperialistic expansion and Trade D. Economy, Agriculture, Scientific and Technological development and National Defence

6. How could the relationship between the United States and Japan be described after WWII? A. strong relationship economically, politically, and militarily B. weak relationship economically, politically, and militarily C. strong economic relationship but at odds militarily D. weak economic relationship but strong political and military relationship

7. What was one reason that the U.S. helped Japan rebuild after WWII? A. The U.S. wanted to take all of Japan's resources. B. The U.S. wanted to create a strong democracy in the region (against communist China). C. The remorse of attack on Japan D. The U.S. did not want Japan to drop atomic bombs on the U.S.

8. In which year did Mao died? A. 1956 B. 1966 C. 1976 D. 1986

9. What was the name of the group that, during the Zhou period, urged the government to be strong and harsh in restoring China? A. Legalists B. Taoists C. Confucians D. the Green Woodsmen

10. What did the governments of the United States and Japan agree to do at the end of WWII? A. Work together to rebuild Japan B. Work together to defeat the Nazis C. Work together to defeat the Russians D. Stop the spread of Communism into Asia

11. What kind of government does Japan have today? A. Single Party Communism B. Constitutional Monarchy C. Feudalism D. Dictatorship

12. The American commander given the job of rebuilding Japan after WWII. A. General Douglas MacArthur B. Ernest King C. William Halsey Jr. D. William D. Leahy

13. How long was Japan occupied by the United States after the end of WWII? A. Seven years (1845-1852) B. Seven years (1943-1950) C. Seven years (1945-1952) D. Five years (1940-1945)

14. Why did the United States decide to help rebuild Japan? A. The United States wanted to punish Japan B. Japan asked the United States for assistance C. The United States wanted to make Japan a colony to repay what happened in Hawaii during WWII D. The United States did not want to repeat what happened in Germany after WWI.

15. Of the following countries, which is NOT the permanent member of UNO? 1. France 2. China 3. United Kingdom 4. Israel

16. Who among the following were chief Military Commander of ’s Army? A. Baji Prabhu B. Murarbaji C. D. Hambirrao Mohite

17. What was the main aim of Truman Doctrine A. To stop the spread of Communism B. To limit build-up of Nuclear Weapons C. To send Financial Aid to Europe D. To expand Trade with Europe

18. Who was the U.S.-backed leader of South Vietnam until 1963? A. Ho Chi Minh B. Ngo Dinh Diem C. Le Duc Tho D. Vo Nguyen Giap

19. Which International Agreement divided Vietnam into North and South Vitnam? A. The Hanoi Treay B. The Geneva Accords C. The Helsinki Accords D. The Rio Summit

20. The policy of Vietnamization called for? A. Bombing North Vietnam around the clock to convince it to surrender B. Reducing the number of American troops in South Vietnam and turning control of the war over to South Vietnamse C. Escalating the war and putting as manMy troops in South Vietnam as possible D. Bombing Laos and Cambodia in order to destroy NVA supply lines

21. Israel was born in which year? A. 1942 B. 1948 C. 1950 D. 1952

22. What was Zionism? A. Opposition towards Partition of Israel B. The movement of Jews back to Palestine C. Hatred towards Arabs D. Opposition towards Arabs occupation of Palestine

23. Which is the largest Oil producing nation among the OPEC countries? A. Saudi Arabia B. Venezuela C. Nigeria D. UAE

24. Who lead the majority of the protest against Reza Shah Phalvi’s Reform movement in Iran? A. The Shia clerics and students B. The US government C. The Military generals D. The peasants revolutionaries and labourers

25. In the 1970s, when Iran was ruled by the Shah, the Ayatollah Khomeini's major criticism was of the: A. Shah's friendship with the Soviet Union B. Return to traditional Islamic law C. lack of political and social rights for women D. Non Islamic influence over culture and economy