1) Public session: Ian Whitehouse gave an update on the neighbourhood plan. He reported that he had now met the people involved and that the focus of the plan was to accept change and allow the village to develop at a certain pace. Something like 5 rather than 25 families per year. He thought there was little room for social infill in the village. He gave statistics on farm workers in the parish, there are about 70 people employed in agriculture in the parish and only 17 live in the parish. Most of these were youngsters who lived in caravans. Mr Kempthorne would be pleased to have an open planning discussion in the context of farm workers. Members of the St. Tudy NP team are keen to keep local building standards high and reflect local character. They thought the village needed a clear development boundary and defined policies. The plan will need to go through several stages of consultation, drafting, editing, reviewing before it gets to the County Council. Cllr. Wood informed the Cllrs that, as the parish council was paying monthly for zoom, he was promoting the use of it as a local tool for subgroups and associated community groups.

Cllr. Rushworth wanted to report issues on the white paper ‘Planning for the Future: planning policy changes in in 2020 and future reforms’. With changes in the nature-of-work and the establishment of distance working, lots of people now want to move to . More local building was underway and the building of new homes was speeding up. He was concerned that as legislation stood, villages such as St. Tudy might be under pressure to provide houses. The white paper proposes to support to builders in the context of economic development. He was particularly concerned about exception sites being made in designated rural areas with little infrastructure for growth. The County Council were also looking for additional powers to push forward local plans. In the context of developing neighbourhood plans he could see this conflict of interest creating problems.

PA20/ 06748. David and Susan Mendham were attending the meeting with their agent Mr Simon Rix. They presented their proposal as a plan for a modest home which would allow them to continue living in the village. Their present dwelling was old and not suitable for upgrading to a dwelling that would support them in elderly years. The new house was designed with ecology in mind, especially the retention of nature and trees. Cllrs. had questions which were answered by the applicants. 1) Apologies for absence. None needed 2) Members Declaration of Interest. Cllr Straugheir declared an interest in PCC matters 3) Planning – reports and votes on the following matters and applications: PA20/06748. Low carbon self-build dwelling, Land North of Cobblers Cottage. Concerns were: the conclusion of the preapplication, the extent of rounding off, drainage issues and privacy issues. Voting was fragmented on this application with four cllrs against, 3 cllrs in support and three abstaining. Overall vote by majority: objection

PA20/07304. Single-storey rear extension, Trelowen, . after discussion Cllrs. voted nine in favour and one against this application. overall vote: support

PA20/06962. Extension sun-room and bedroom, The Oaks Barn, St Tudy. Concerns included the large size of the extension and its visibility from the highway. Voting was 9 in favour and one against: overall vote: support

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4) Minutes: to receive the minutes of the meeting of the 26th August 2020. These minutes are approved pending signature. Link to previous minutes: http://www.parish- council.com/sttudy/documents/minutes-2020/draftmin260820.pdf.

5) Matters arising from the minutes of the above meeting • Neighbourhood plan – given in public session • Allotments: update on current issues: the chair reported on the allotments. There were cup presentations underway, there were three allotments vacant, the discussion about manhole covers was underway with Mr Mutton. Complaints about the treatment plant had been quickly dealt with and the situation has improved • ‘You Are Being Watched’ posters: Cllrs. thought that dog poo issues had improved since the last meeting and agreed with Cllr. Wood that posters would no longer be needed • Opening public toilets: The toilets had been open since Monday. The chair proposed that Mr Downer is paid a starting rate of 10 pounds per hour for 1/2 hour visit to the toilets each day. Cllrs. approved a payment to Mr Downer of 150 pounds per month on an ongoing basis. They agreed to manage gaps in cover when Mr. Downer is away. The clerk was asked to contact ‘Bright Ideas’ to get a power point installed for pressure washing • Fingerpost at top of Head Hill: The fingerpost order had been placed and Cllr. Tucker would take the sign-fingers to Kernow Metals for mounting on a post prior to installation. He would forward invoices to the clerk and councillors agreed their payment • Chestnut Tree. Cllrs. had done all they could to rescue the village chestnut tree. An attempt to move it to Wetherham Estate had shown it no longer had any footing in the ground. Cllrs. discussed alternatives for the site and determined that the people of the village should be asked via the St Tudy Neighbourhood Plan consultation process and the tree site would be left fallow for now. Cllrs are keen that local people know the heritage of the tree and will explore actions such as making ‘plaques’ or special articles in the parish magazine about the ‘story’ of the chestnut 7) Financial Matters a. Bank: 12.09.2020 Deposit account: £ 3001.56 Current Account: £22,229.21 tot.25,230.77 b. Payments out: clerk’s monthly salary £ 636.09 cost to cover for Zoom meetings £ 14.39 donation to church grounds £ 300 rent due for allotments 2020-21 on 30.09.20 £ 300

The above payments were approved for payment c. Payments in: remittance advice for 2nd half of precept £ 7101,74 ‘business rates’ grant from £10,000

8) To receive Councillors Reports for the following: 8.1) CC. LMP. Footpaths – Cllr. Tyrell Sandry: The condition of footpaths and stiles in the parish was discussed. The clerk was directed to invite D Martin, Countryside Team Leader for Natural Environment to the next meeting to discuss some of the options with a footpath review process, following his email of 8th September.

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8.2 Toilets – Cllr Ruth Clench. The chair gave thanks to Cllrs. Straugheir and Newland- Hodge and Mr. Mardon for their help in getting the public toilets re-opened safely. 8.3) Roads/Bus Shelter/ Notice Board – Cllr M Straugheir: localised flooding and drains blockages were discussed. Cllr. Straugheir would be checking problem spots in high rain. Speed monitors and their placings were discussed by Cllrs. Vehicle monitoring was underway and the extent of information that monitors will collect was discussed. 8.4) Governance/Legislation/Assets/Training – clerk: 8.5) Parish Magazine/Tree issues – Cllr Paul Tucker reported on content for ‘The Magazine’. 8.6) Risk Assess/ Parish Organisations/ Insurance – Cllr G Murrell & clerk 8.7) Parish Website – clerk: the clerk reported that Cllr Lane’s photographs of the allotments are now on the parish council website. 8.8) Outside Organisations – Cllr Z Newland-Hodge reported on the Community Network meeting. Focus was on un-allocated funds for road safety issues and how it might be used to fund additional monitors. 8.9) Neighbourhood/ Environment Policy Team - Cllrs. Wood & Wright: Cllr Wood reported that he had attended a course on climate change adaptation.

9) Correspondence & LMP: • Reply from P. Mutton: The clerk confirmed that Mr. Mutton had identified ownership of land next to the allotments as belonging to Oak Park (St Tudy) Ltd. He had agreed that it might need to be fenced-off. He reported that the sewage treatment plant had been de- sludged the day after the bad smell was reported. • Letters RE: parking problems: Although Care had asked their carers not to park outside the toilets, they were still doing so, causing a road hazard. Cllr. Wood advised taking a fuller description of the cars so that the individual carers could be identified. Councillors were concerned about the sheer number of cars needing to park in the village. Cllr Lane agreed to raise issues of parking in Redvale Road at the next Playing Fields meeting. With the schools going back it had become very busy. Cllr. Mardon offered to survey parking places in the village. Cllr. Wright had observed the carers in contaminated PPE equipment visiting the toilets and the shop without changing protective clothing. • letter RE: dog mess in the village: Cllrs. resolved to suspend dog-mess issues as the situation had recently improved. 10) Parish Matters:

• Wreaths on the War Memorial: Cllr. Tucker agreed to liaise with the history society who had taken responsibility for wreath protocols. Cllr. Mardon would talk with Lindy CC re if when the wreaths are normally removed. The history group wanted to plant poppies in the bank which was owned by the church and the PC agreed to support this proposal. • Cornish buildings at risk: The history society were interested in putting ‘The Clink’ on a register for ‘Cornish Buildings at Risk’. Cllr. Straugheir declared an interest as a PCC member. • Christmas lights: Cllr. Lane proposed that the parish council should spend some money on a Christmas lights display for the centre of the village and ask people to make a special effort by decorating their windows with Christmas displays. This idea found support with the council and Cllr Lane was asked to supply some costings. Councillors wanted a morale booster for the village. Cllrs resolved to research eg, power supplies and existing light

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provisions donate money usually given to the fireworks evening towards Christmas lights – up to the value of £500.


Cemetery Plaques. The chair thanked Cllr. Tucker for the commemorative plaques he had provided on the oak saplings in the new cemetery.

Footpaths. Cllrs. told the clerk that footpaths have now been cut.

Donation. The council agreed on a donation of £100 towards a retirement gift for Mr. Jasper.

Cemetery. The chair reminded the clerk that the council had asked for an estimate regarding new gates for the cemetery. 11) Date of next meeting Wednesday October 28th 2020 7pm [war memorial preparation & 6 month accounts]

12) To close the meeting. The chair closed the meeting at 21.33

Meeting details: Link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/74778622475?pwd=QWpVaWZxYlRzQTVaUHBpcXhmNlBQUT 09

Meeting ID: 747 7862 2475 Passcode: 444744

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