SHOW(fl'S CALEflDAR FOR 1945 January March I: New Year's Day (In all the 5:ares, Territories. 1: Nebraska Admitted 118671. District of Calu.::bia and pcsscas.oast. 2: . Paul Revere Born 11735,. 3: Florida Admitted 11845). Proclamation of Ernancipat.en 118631. First Postage Stamp used in U. S. 118471. 2: Admitted (1788). 4: Pennsylvania Day. 4: Vermont Admitted 117911. Utah Admitted 118951. S: Boston Massacre 117701 6: New Mexico Admitted 119121. 7: Luther Burbank's B'rtkday (California). 8: Anniversary of the Battle or New Orleans (Lou 15: Maine Admitted (1820). isiana). Andrew Jackson Born 11767). 17: St. Patrick's Day. 9: Connecticut Admitted 117881. 17: Evacuation Day. In Boston, Chelsea, Revere, Win- 14: First Written Adopted at Hartford. throp and Suffolk County. Conn., (1639). 13: Fast of Esther. 17: Benjamin Franklin Born (1706). Grover Cleveland's Birthday. 21: First Day of :9: Robert E. Lee's Birthday (Alabama, Arkansas. Sur:na. 22: (Puerto ft col Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North 75: Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia). Maryland Day. 21: Stonewall Jackson Barn 115241. 29: First Day of . s0: Seward Day IA astral 20: Inauguration Day. Begun in 1937. To be observed 31: Transfer Day, in the Virgin Islands. every fourth year fern that date by the 201h A.nendment to the Constitution. 21: Foundation Day. In the Canal Z7n.. April 26: Michigan Admitted to the Union (1837). I: All Fools' Day Gen. Dauglas MacArthur's tii: thday. 1: State Election. In Michigan. First A.E.F. Landed in Ireland 11942). 2: . i9: McKinley Born 11843). 6: War Declared with Germany (19171. Kansas Admitted 11861). 6: Army Day. Observed in New York, and some other States, by a display cf (loge and by mil'tary SO: Frank:.n D Birthday. kuoscvet's parades. 31: Franz Schubert Born 11797). 7: Peary Discovered North Pole 11909). . Metropolitan Opera House Opened in New York City 11830). 1: Victor Herbert Born (1859). Louisiana Admitted 118121. 3: Horace Greeley Born 118111. 9: Surrender of General Lee (186$1. 6: Massachusetts Admitted (17881. Sunday. 7: Uickens born (1812). 12: Halifax Independence Resolution (North Caro - 9: Nebraska Admitted 11867). tina). I1: Thomas A. Edrson's Birthday. 13: Thomas Jefferson's Birthday (Alabama). Daniel Boone Born 11734). 14': Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. 12: Lincoln's Birthday lAlaska. California. Connecti- Pan -American Day. cut, Delaware, Illinois. Indiana, Iowa. Kansas. 19: Patriot's Day 1 Maine, Massachusetts). Kentucky. Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri. Mr.n- 21: Anniversary cf Battle of San Jacinto (Texas). tana, Nevada. New Jersey, New York, North Da- Z2: Morton's Birthday (Nebraska). kota. Ohio. Oregon. Pennsylvania, South Dskcta. Arbor Day (Nebraska). Tennessee, Utah. Virgin Islands. Washington. William Shakespeare Born 11564). West Virginia. Wyoming). 24: First Newspaper Issued in America 11704). Georgia Day. U. S.- Mexico War 11846). 14: Valentine's Day. 24: Arbor and Bird Day. In Massachusetts. Admission Day (Arizona). 25: War Declared with Spain 118981. Oregon Admitted (1859). 26: Confederate (Florida, Georgia, Mis- 15: Destructinn of the Maine 11898). sissippi) I5: Constitution Day. In the Canal Zone. Slavery Abolished in U. S. (18551. Susan B. Anthony Day. Observed in honor of the First Shot of War with Germany 11917) birthday of the pioneer crusader for equal rights 77: General U. 5. Grant Born (1822). for women. Governors of 33 States and 3 Terri- 28: President Monroe Born 117581. tories have honored the day by special procla- Maryland Admitted (1788). mations. 30: Louisiana Purchased. 19: Ohio Admitted (1803). Washington Became First President 11789) 20: . Observed as in Florida Rhode Island Settled 11636). ( ?n cites and towns where is celebrated), Lou'siana (Parishes of jefferscn, Orleans, St. Bernard. St. Charles. St. John the Baptist, East May Baton Rouge), Canal Zone. I: . 22: Washington's Birthday IA I the Stales. Territories, . District of Columbia and Colonial Possessions,. (Philippines). 23: (Lent Starts). Deweÿs Victory in Manila (18931. 27: Henry Wadsworth Longteliow's Birthday. 2: Stonewall Jackson Shot (1863). First Railroad Charter 11827). National Music Week. 125