Declarative Quick Reference

Jenkins Pipeline enables users to build complete continuous pipeline { delivery (CD) pipelines as part of their application code. The agent { steps to build, test and deliver each application become part docker { of the application itself, stored in a Jenkinsfile. Declarative label ‘docker-node’ image ‘maven’ Pipeline syntax offers a simple, predefined hierarchy to make args ‘-v /tmp:/tmp -p 80:80’ the creation of pipelines and the associated Jenkinsfiles } accessible to users of all experience levels. In its simplest } form, a pipeline runs on an agent and contains stages, while environment { each stage contains steps that define specific actions. GIT_COMMITTER_NAME = ‘jenkins’ } options { timeout(6, HOURS) pipeline { } agent { stages { label ‘’ stage(‘Build’) { } steps { stages { sh ‘mvn clean install’ stage(‘Build’) { } steps{ } sh ‘mvn install’ stage(‘Archive’) { } when { } branch ‘*/master’ } } } steps { archive ‘*/target/**/*’ In addition, Declarative Pipeline syntax also provides junit ‘*/target/surefire-reports/*.xml’ } the ability to control all aspects of the Pipeline execution } environment in a straightforward format. For example, } building a Java application with Maven in a Docker container post { that only archives and tests the “Master” branch and times always { out after six hours. deleteDir() } } } DECLARATIVE PIPELINE SYNTAX - REQUIRED DECLARATIVE PIPELINE SYNTAX - OPTIONAL » pipeline - Contains the entire Jenkins Pipeline definition » environment - A sequence of “key = value” pairs » agent - Defines the agent used for the entire Pipeline to define environment variables or a stage • credentials(‘’) - Bind credentials to variable • label - Existing Jenkins node label » options - Options for the entire Pipeline. For example: • docker - Requires Docker-enabled node • skipDefaultCheckout - Disable auto checkout SCM - image - Run inside specified Docker image • timeout - Sets timeout for entire Pipeline - label - Existing Jenkins node label • buildDiscarder - Discard old builds - args - Arguments for Docker container • disableConcurrentBuilds - Disable concurrent • dockerfile - Use a local Dockerfile Pipeline runs -  - Name of local Dockerfile » tools - Installs pre-defined tools to be available on PATH - label - Existing Jenkins node label » triggers - Triggers for Pipeline based on schedule, polling, etc. - args - Arguments for Docker container Pipeline parameters that are prompted for » stages - Contains Pipeline stages and steps » parameters - at run » stage - A specific named “stage” of the Pipeline » post - Defines actions to be taken when pipeline or stage • steps - One or more build steps that define the actions completes based on outcome. Conditions execute in order: in the stage. Contains one or more of the following: • always - Run regardless of Pipeline status - Any build step or build wrapper defined in Pipeline • Run if the result of Pipeline has changed e.g. sh, bat, timeout, , archive, junit, etc. changed - from last run - parallel (optional) - Execute steps in parallel. May not be used with other steps • success - Run if Pipeline is successful • Run if Pipeline result is unstable - (optional) - Execute Scripted Pipeline block unstable - • Run if the Pipeline has failed • when (optional) - Runs stage conditionally failure - - branch - Stage runs when branch name matches expression - Boolean expression - Created by CloudBees • agent, environment, tools and post may also optionally be defined in stage