liitoti iiiil: tmtmi


liuri^lrti'.s. Yonr I'olk.s anil Onr Folk.s. Ingham County gentotrat The grocery house of tfniit & Ellis wns Miss Fnuiiie Webb of Dewitt, lown, is I'nhlislicd o»ory Thursday entered Inst night, the safe blown open and visiting her uncle, F, W. Webb. by about $10 in cash taken. Entrance wns Mrs. E. .r, Moore nnd little daughter of Gk> to Lansing and buy your P. ^11 IT MO BE, gained through a back window which was ^f.^SO.V, MICIIIGAK. Alaiedon, left Monday lor Ohio, for a visit not very securely fastened. A hole was of several weeks. drilled in tho safe aud the lock destroyed .Mrs. E, C. Watkins and sou of Ionia, I>S^SCSS : by an e.vplosion. Every drawer on the inside, were guests at C. 0, ParRburst's from Sat­ On* Vear, $I.SO ; Six monlht, 75 cenia ; Three e.vcept one, had been broken open, com­ ' montht, 40 cenU. urday until Tuesday. pletely ruining the inside. The money CLOTHING drawer in the oflice had been broken open D. C, Smith and wife and youngest child our advertising rates are 3100 per column peran- but lay on tlio floor, the contents untouched started Tuesday for Ivansas City, for R visit num. Ilnslness notices Hvo cents por line for each -or- Insertion. Kditorlal notices lo cents. and from the general appearance of the of three or four weeks. 'Business cards $1.00 per lino peryoar. Marriage and dealli notices Inserted freo, Obituary surroundings tho intruders loft in n hurry. Miss Grace Darling of Detroit, has been connnenls, resolutions, cards of thanks, etc., will here­They also entered Dr. \). W. llalsted's visiting her home in Mason for the past after lie cbarsed for at the rate of tivecents per line. Corre.siioudenee contiilnlug local news. Is solicited drug and grocery store, but as yet he miss­ wool;, returning to-day. from all parts of the county. Anonymous commnnlcatlouB not Inserted under es noiliing, though the whole store had been Mr. Cole, the affable agent of that popii- Broas, tite One Price Gfotfiier, any clrcumsiance ransacked. Cash seemed to he the only tilar .lackson paper, the Satwdni/ Eveninf), object. At Dr. ITnlstead's they broke tho Star, made ns a pleasant call Tuesday. And Save from 15 to 25 per cent. JOB PRINTING! first door open and cut a hand-hole out of a our inaterbil Is new and of the latest styles and wo S. B. Opdyke of .lackson, visited Mason light of glass in the Inner door (which was guarantee satisfaction, bolli in prices and yeslerday and sold his residence here to M. onalilv of work. more securely fiistened) and reaching Tills jtaiier may be found on file at Geo. P. llowoll A. Carpenter of Dansville. $50,000 WORTH OF CLOTfflNG Co.'s Nevv«|ia|ier AdvertIsint Bureau (10 Sprnco .St) through, sl^I the bolt. Their tools Ibr tho where adverlising contracts may be made for It in work were taken from tho chest of E, E, H. S. Fuller relumed last T'liursday :(e\v York. Hall, in n shop near Mead's mill. morning from his Dakota farm to his wife To select from, all New, Stylish and Durable. and baby in this ciiy, where he will .spend I>OG.4I. AXD OEKEnAl. KEWS. It looks like professional work and yet the winter, we believe it was Rtigineered" by some one T, B, Irish of Alaiedon. and daughtor Goois W \m i Best Maitt i U Mil! The C'aiii|iAi;?n. acquainted with the premises. Mrs, C, D, C'lough of .Jackson, county, loft Tho game of hall between tho Ma.son The eninpalgn is now fairly opcnoil by a here yeslerday for St. Charles.,, whero they The Largest^ Lightest, Best and Cheapest combiiialion of greenback ami democratic and .•\iirelins clubs the last day of the- fair, are on a visit. Clothing House in Central Michigan. forces and the nomination of as good a resulted in a score of lo lo IG in favor of A. V. Peek, his son Fred, A. W. Mchan state ticket as ever asked Ibr the-support of Aurelius. and .'V. V. Merrill of this city, are "doing" the people. Tho DEMOCPAT will do all it You will probably notice el.'icwhore lhat Cincinnati this week, taking advantage of can in its feeble way for the .-itipport of the IImil & Kllis want your ap]>los. They are the e.NCur.iioii from .Tuckson. BROAS. ticket, and in order to secure as largo a roliahlo dealers and ahvays jiay all there is .Mr. and Mrs, .f. II. Sayers passed tho campaign circulation as possible, we will ill the uuirliot. SahViath with Mr. and Mrs, W. W.Heald of • Ktiiiiveil. l'"|IIGH. VTnnted. line -rapes a short time since, for which ho Paris. They are on metal and the face ^ Best 2o. cent suspender in Mnson, at Wheal Sfjc @ ilOo lo-ilay. Farmers, I want good packing apples, hns onr hearty thanks, ' . represents a corner of the Daily TcUgrapli and will pav good prices after Oct, 2 Ford's. .Land 10 cent Bn-.;!iar, of London. Wo shall certainly pri/c them See notice of lost pocket book. Will Bray and .Miss Fuiiuie Kolfe, both H, W. AvLA.N-n. Smoke the Opera Pulf at Wood's. very highly, not ibr their intrinsic value of this city, were inarried last Sunday ev­ Boots, Shoes, Millinery aud Fancy Goods Fur Siile C]i«t%j). See notice of pillow sham lost. alone but also in reinombranco of tbe do ening, at tho home of the groom's mother, very che.ip at FULLEH'S. A. good Garland Coal Stove. Charles has new locals Ibis week. n er. J. C. SlJUIERS. liev. W, Donst olficiating. GREIIOR'S Stark A Bugs at 2-10 nt ^ 1 0. W. llalstcad has a notice to debtors Geo. W. Swan of Iiicrliain, has cnused niiNlncN!* LocalN. Oi>i»ru riilT. in another column. *Bcst lOo cigar in the market, -1 for 2oe at Buy your School Books at tho Postofllce the arrest of Solotnnu YaiiElten, charging Notices folio wingtliisliead will be charged for at Book Store. A large •lock just arrived. The October session of the circuit court him with assault and battery. Trial bo- livecents norl ine each 1 nserllon. Wooii'.s. New aud second liand books cheap for cash. F. T. Ai.iiRiciiT. "sets'- ne.Kt Monday. fore .Tustico Hammond, Friday, Oct. 20th. Cliiirlu.s* LoeatH. If you want a nice Easy Chair, call at S. P, STKOUO & So.v's. Read G. W. Glynn's advertisement. The contract for grading Elm street has Bill nnd George, tho painters, wish us to Now Goods at Charles' this week. been let to Philip N,icfi. slnlo that they will bo in tbe country for a I have just received ono of the finest as­ Wimted. IflwSttlel ISO Acru Farm. sortments of Cloaks and Dolmans ever What Money you owe mo at once, and few dny.i, and during their absence any or­ One and one-half miles from Roscom­ Go and hear Col, S. F. Norloii at the .sliowii ill Mason. Prices ns. low as tho oblige. C. (}. Hu.VTi.vtrro.v. mon ;; 20-acros improved ; good house and ders left at the Columbia House will receive lowest. court house Friday evening. MIUiitevT—New I'ull Stylex. young orchard ; situate on south branch' of their prompt nttention. Just received, a nice assortment of Pais, Miss May Telford, the fashionable milli­ Ausable river. Price $(500. ' A good inany from this section are nt- ley Shawls. Prices §10 to $30 at Charles'. Cannon it DiiBois, hardwnredenlers, have ner, may now be found ono door west of PARKER it BL.tNt,'IIAIIU, . tending the Lansing fair this week. A fine line of Women's, Misses' and Chil- tho postoHiee, Dansville, with a handsome '^tf . Uoscoininon, Mich. just received a handsome stock of guns, in­ dren'.s Underwear nt Charles'. The regular session of the board of su­ stock of New Fall Styles of Millinery, to IiutM.rlunt to TrHVelorH. cluding breech loaders, single and double The most complete stock of Dry Goods Special inducements are ofl'ered you by pervisors will be called next Monday. whieh she respectfully invites your atten­ barrel. More particulars some other time. in the cily at Charles'. tion. ______tha Burlington Ronte. It will pay you to Ill the mean liiue call nnd see them. * read their advertisement to be found else, Por fine job printing of every description, Cider Mill. OperA Piifl*. Best lOo cigar in the market, 4 for 2;jo at whereein this issue. . the DE>iocuA'r ofiico'takes a big lead. Mrs. .loseph Shaw of this city, fell from I will pay cash—the highest market Wooi.'.s. New Millliiury. n box on which she was standiii£ lo pick price—for good cider apples. I also make .Tohn Webb nud Permilla Smith of Au- Apple Jelley. Custom work a specinlty. Mrs. F. C. Parsons has the most elSgant grapes ill her garden yesterday afternoon, -S. P. Stroud & Son are selling Carpet rolius, were ninrried Oct. 3d by Kev. Doust •JOw-i S. S. DEWEY, Eden. Sweepers for $1.90. stock ever shown in the citv. of this city. dislocating her shoulder. Dr- Root reduced the fracture and the patient is ns comforta­ Have you found it 'I Part of a gold ear> It F1«»S«K Inventon and PatentceN should send, for instructions, rsasenable S. S. Dewey, ijf Eden, hns commenced ble ns could be expected. ring The Indies. Mrs. Parsons' fine stool: of Millinery. • terms,, references, itc, to Edson B:>others, operations at his cider mill. See notice in Take 'JioHcu. Henry Hinckley of Aurelius, brought us Solicitors of Patents, Washington, D. C, anollior column. I intend making a change in my busi­ To Toauhora. wbo furnishes the same without/ eJtarcie, a handsome bouquet Inst Monday in tho ness soon. Atl my book accounts must be The unusually' large circulntion of the Public examinations will be held vm fol­ Edson Brothers is a well known aind suc­ shape of n Inrge cluster of the thornlcss settled bv cash or good notes by Noy. 1st. lows 1 Third grade examination at Wiiliniii- cessful firm of large experience,ha,ving been DEMOCRAT makes it n very dcsirublo ndver- raspberries. There were ripe and green 'iOtfp O. W. HALSTEAB. ston, November 10 ; Dansville, October 20; established in 1866. tf tising medium. Mason, October 27; second grade ex­ berries on the bushes and also some blos­ Mure .Strayed or Stolen. amination at Leslie,. November 3 j; coni- ^Misses Goasamera at $1 .(i2j atGliKGOit'g. Taylor & Btihor havo the arentest enhan- soms—all, of course, of the ^ccond crop. Light sorrel, white strip in face, heavy niencinj? at 9 a. in. each day. Teachers For Sale, ao.Acrea,. mane and tail, from the farm of Edward -cer of man's chances of heaven we Unow will bring pencils and paper. We hope Two miles from railroad, 4jl froua Gaylord, Col. S. F. Norton of Chioaga, one of the Swift, Vevay., Address W. T. KEENKY. all persons applying for to tench, -of. See nolice. . ' Box 177.- Eaton Rapids, Mich. for ,f480; first payment $2CC.; balance most able, earnest and influential green- will come prepared for a critical examination long time with interest nt 7,'per cent per The Mason social orchestrii is moving baokera of Ihe north-west will discuss the Ifor the I.itillea. Third grade studies will be orthography anuuiq. Will take one good^horse as part and grammar, rend^vffi writing andspelling, towards the organiziilion of club dances political situation at the court house to-mor-' Call nnd see the Lndies' Favorite Pillow of first payment or will taks"a horse teom Sham Holder. Everyone wants thera, at geography, Arithmetic, theory and art of as first paymcht. Address, diere this winter. row evening. Greenbaf'ker8,,democrnt9 and Taylor & Bilker's furniture warerooras, teaching, United States history and eivil TAYI.OR i: WHITELV, Tho Stoekbridge fair commences next all opposition to republicanism, turn out. south side court house. government. The second grade studies Real E.sttue Agents. "Tuesday and coiiiinues three days. A will be as above with the additios of algebra, Gaylord, Otsego Co., Mlcb. ; The St. Clair Mineral Spring Company I.OI of which has al-" For - the Lndlea. : J. J. CALKiNSj-Presidcnt, nnd.quarter of a mile east' of Biuisvillei Mason, nnd if they would only give a little ready commenced,-.; - If.: 'you:; coiitcmplato Call and see the Ladies' Favorite Pillow A. U. HAUDY, less ".Tonnlv, nn doy whnlo'' business and W. A. Row K, Secretary, purchasing such an nt)imnl,'you ' has purchased one of iJi'own Brothers hy- Sham Holder. Everyone- wants lhem,;at onine, three-fourths of a mile'north i-draulic cider presses, and is propiirod >.to jnoro like some.' of'their; selections, we Taylor •& Baker's lurmtuie.warorooms, I Board School Examinera. of tho pofltoHico, Mason, Mich. .manufacture cider and jolly;equal to any.A should be {(lad to have them visit us oiVen.: south side court house. Boots and Shoes at QERR'S, Dansville. 33lf E. C. RusaELii,' ;

mmm 3fi msms ing into this country free a given Early Spring in Rome. Jefferson died the same day, but one Fresonoe at a Diatanoe. NGHAM COUNTY DEMOCRAT. quantity sells for one hundred dollars. said with his last breath, 'Tndepend- This price is roacheii as a result of the Every phase of light and shade, erice forever 1" and the other, "I resign iMay I be allowed toScontrlbute, in every change of wind and weather, is illustration of the mysterious brain or D. P. WUl'PMOIll I Pnbllaher. competition between the Amisrican and my soul to God—and iny daughter to foreign prDducers. The American ob­ such that its like would be hailed at my country." Sir Thomas Moore said "will" power supposed to exist, a story home as a harbinger of spring. The MASON, - - .- - - MICHIGAN jecting to this condition of affairs asks to an attendant, as he ascended the which appears to me more remarkable tramontana blows and blusters as if congress to put a duty of one hundred scaffold bn tlio day of his execution, than any of the narratives that have DEMOCRATIC. animated by a perverse intent to bailie "I pray you see me safe up, and for yet appeared in your columns. A friend per cent upon the foreign article,which the dazzling sunshine, but we never is done. The flrst result is thatthe my coining down let me shift for my­ of mine told me that it was related to The Tariff. takie it seriously. It is only a wiud of self." Beautiful Anne Boleyn, just him many years ago, by my mother— Importer of foreign sugar must pay one March to us, boisterous because so full ono hundred dollars duty on the quan­ before she knelt down to lay her head the Ann Taylor of "Original Poems," As one is curried by tlie railways of wakeful vitality, with no fierce 'Hymns of Infant Minds,"-and that tity which was.worth that sum. The earnest lurking under its wanlon play. on the block, clasped her neck with her through the Stato of Pennsylvania, a hand and said, "It is small, very small she mentioned the name of the family scene full of interest and instruction is American consumer who wants foreign Anon the sky darkens, and the sairocoo sugar must pay two hundred dollars sighs, and then we think of the April indeed!" What could have possessed concerned ; but tills, unfortunately, he often presented to the gaze. Ou the Franklin to say to his friends on his had forgotten. Certain circumstances ' mountain sides or in the valleys which for that which he before purchased for showers that bring forth May llowois, and are well content to feel the warm deathbed, "A dying man does nothing lead me to believe that the family re­ nestle near them, palatial residences ono hundred dollars. But what does the American producer do ? Does he breath, and wait in the temporary well"? AVhat a strange question for ferred to was that of the AVatklnsons, are seen lit for the dwellings of kings. shadow. Here, indeed, the May flow­ Cardinal Beaufort (or any other man) spoken of in the "Autobiography, etc., The houses with their walls of Quest hold his sugar at the same old price? By no means. He raises the price of ers are perennial. The brown grass of to ask at the last moment of life, of Mrs. Gilbert," Vol. 1., page 26, as granite, their architecture of faultless the sad Elysian fields outside the city "AVhat! is there no bribing death?" resident in her chiklliood—1787 to 1794 style, and towers lifting themselves American sugar to IJIOS—just under that at which the foreign article could is porpotnally starred with daisies; Scor.t said even when death was creep­ —at Lavenliam, inSufColk. The story above the trees of giant grown which the pansies never fail from tho garden ing very near, "I fool as it I were to is as follows: surround them, recall tlie castles prolltalily be imported and sold. 'l!he beds, nor the monthly roses from the be myself again." And Hood, tired out, A son of this family had gone to which lords and barons occupy in result therefoie is, if the consumer buys mossy wall. And here, precisely, lies whispered only tha words, "Dying, dy­ America. Ono summer Sunday after­ lauds of titles and heriditary nobility. foreign sugar he must pay for the same tho distinctive charm ot the Roman ing!" ^ noon, tliey were attending service, and Through the extensive grounds wan­ quantity one hundred dollars more tlian landscape; in its profound urbanity in occupying a large sqiiaie pew near the der in the midst of grateful shade and he did before; if he buys domestic su­ the midst of desolation; in tho way it SCIENTIFIC NOTBS. pulpit, in what a take to have been a fairest llowers, drives over which are gar lie pays ninety-Dve dollars more seems to have of putting aside its own meeting-house. It was hot, the door of rolled magniliceiit equipages to the mar­ than he did before. ovorpoweriiig memories, that it may An explosive compound which may the small building was wide open, and ble entrances. In tho interior the offer the stranger a smiling welcome; Tiie oliject,tlierefore,.nid necessary re­ also be used for the purpose of giving one of the party, who sat looking down walls are hung with paintings of the in ilafaiix air of vernal brightness'iulil sult of a protective tariff is to increase light and heat has been invented. It the aisle, could see out into the meet­ CDstliost selections. Statuary in the promise, siiftusing tho worn patrician tlie price of goods to the consumers. It inoaments, which tell so plainly, iievor- is composed oC peroxide of nitrogen or ing-house yard, which was shaded , by hiills and parlors aud on tho stairways is only by thus increasing prices that tholess, the title ot a lil'o lived out and iiyponicric anhydride combined with tall trees. Suddenly, to his intense sur­ stands as silent witnesses of the siimp- the producer is protected. The theory a destiny long iiccompliahed—of an sulphurot of carbon or its equiva­ prise, he saw the absent brother ap­ tuousnoss and luxury. The step is is that he ought to be preserved from artilicial composure, never porliii])s to lent. proaching through tliese trees, enter at silent as it touches the softest of car- foreign competition and that this is done bo disturbed again before the final ca­ the chapel door, walk up the aisle, come pets. All that wealth can buy is tlioie Three boys.belonging to one family by increasing the prices of foreign arti­ tastrophe. to the very door of the pew itself, and to gratify tho taste and please the have been crippled, and one killed by cles, by which he will be able to in­ lay his hand npon it, as if to take his fancy. the machinei'y of a rnill. It wonld be crease his prices also. This increase of The real spring, when it comes, is seat among them. At this moment but a higher light, lifted by softest well for all employes, if full protec­ Near by, so close that the smoke from price is enormous under the present others of tho family, sitting so that he tarill. It is on an average more than gniduiitions from this- gracious back­ tion were thrown around all places. the chimneys is often blown to the win­ ground. There is no sudden burst of The plea of "expense," or "want of was only then within their sight, saw dows of the places aro hniidreds of 40 per cent, on nearly every article ex­ him also, but at that same moment he cept food, which enters into daily con­ life and blossom; none of the astonish-, room," can ba no excuse fcA' maining humble homes hundreds together as inent and ecstasy of spring in more or murdering. vanished.. though there were no breathing room. sumption. This tarifO includes more than four tliomsand articles, and noth­ northern latitudes. The sentiment of Tho truck wheels to bo used under Tills str.mge occurrence naturally Here live hundreds of families in pov­ mingled rapture and pain which is erty. Cliildrtsn are born and reared ing wliich enters into the use of daily the new parlor cars now being built at raised sad forebodings, but in course of lile has escaped the ingenuity of the crowded into a few memorable days time a lottor arrived from the subject with scarcely the comfort of life. The with us is here dilTiised and extended the car shops in Beading, Penn,, it is plainest furniture is scantly provided deviser of this scheme of taxation, A into the tender mood of many weeks, said, cost 1^109 per pair. They are of them of later date than that of the for the rooms. Food hardly sillHcient few ot the artirlos taxed are : On books and wo neither know nor care Just known as the compressed paper wheels vision, and it appeared that he was still to keep human beings from starving is the average duty is 39per cent.; on rice when the almond-trees upon the Aven- with steel tires. The entire set for one alive and well. Ho was then written alono found upon the table. Life is an 05 per cent.; on cotton goods 3S pur tii;e became like puffs o!! tiiin white car will cost $654, The cost of each to, and asked if anything peculiar had incessent struggle for existence. Ever cent.; on earthen ware aud china 42 per smoke, or the biflows of joBsamine car is e.stimated at!iil0,000 to $12,000. happened to him on that particular in debt to the merchant, the head of cent.; on linen and manufactures of boughs that crest the boundary of the The first car is nearly completed and Sunday. He replied that it was odd he the family has no possibility ot laying llax 33 per cent.; on fruits and nuts 26 Colonnii gardens awoke from tlieir another is under way. should remember anything about a np anything for old age, so that from per cent,; on glassware 54 per cent.; on short rest, anrl becan feathering into The scepter ot cotton manufacturing Sunday then so long passed, but that the cradle to the grave every step is iron and manufactures thereof 41 per light srreen spray.—OfiioZier AtlanUo. is fast traveling to the Southern States. certainly something peculiar had hap­ weiglied witli the burdens of penury. cent.; on steel and manufactures there­ .— m » An exchange remarks that the cotton pened to him that day. He had come To emerge from this helpless condition of 45 per cent.; on lead and manufac­ Dying Words of rhe Groat. spinning in England is stated to bo in in, overpowered with heat, and liad to remove to anotlier pltice, to even tures tliero.if 54 per cent.; on leather 35 a deplorable state, without profit to thrown himself upon his bed, had fallen travel from homo to rest or pleasure is per cent. ; on marble 61 per cent. ; on Dr. Johnson, passing away amid a the manufiicturers. At a meeting held into a sound sleep, and had a strange in most cases impossible. Generation paper 38 per cent.; on salt 52 per cent.; tumult of uneasiness and fear, said to in Oldham last week, to consider the dream. He found himself among the succeeds generation with no improve­ on silks 58 per cent.; on sugar 58 one ot his friends who stood close beside advisability of stopping the mills for a trees before the country chapel; service ment, and with a cloud darkening every yer cont.; on wood and man­ his bed, "God bless you my dear!" The brief period, it was decided to allow was going on; he saw them all, the hour and every prospect ufactures tliereof 21 per cent.; on raw celebrated Dr. Adams, rector of the each Arm to adopt itsown course. door being open, sitting in their pew; wool 41 per cont,; on woolen clothes 72 high school of ^^Edinbiirg, in some mo­ ho walked up the aisle, he put liis liand The contrast between wealth and pur cent,; on ready made clothing 56 ments of delirium preceding his death, The instruments which will he used on the pew door to open it, when he poverty is nowhere else in America per cent.; on carpets 63 per cent.; and whispered, "It is growing dark, boys' by tlie transit ot, Venus "observation" suddenly, and to his great chagrin, more strikingly presented, and yet on woolen goods generally 58 per cent. stretching forth his liand, "you may party in New Zealand, necessarily of a-A'oke. The average rate of the duties is 43 go!" Queen Elizabeth of England, ly­ the finest and most delicate nature, these liuiidreds who live in these hum­ I am bound to say that, so far as I ble homes are the employes of him who per cent. The result is that all the ing on her royal couch, was heard to and requiring the greatest care in necessary articles included in the tarilf moan out the he.artrending words, as she transpoi'tation, were loaded in an ex­ know, my mother's family—what re­ lives in the palace. It is out of their mains ot thera—do not remember her labor that his property has been itc- list are increased in price 43 per cent, closed her eyes forever: "All my posses­ press car, which was dispatched from to the consumers who constitute the sions for one moment of time!" But Washington on the Sth inst, attached speaking of this strange incident; but cumulated. It is upon their strong my friend has a clear memory for such arms that this fortune rests. It is vast majority of the American people. the noble AVesley simply exclaimed in to a fast passenger train, under an Every man who wishes to buy a hun­ calmness of spirit, "The best of all is, agreement, ratified by oflicers of the things, and is certain of her having through tlieir sweat and poverty that done so. It would be his wealth has been realized. dred dollars worth of goods is compell­ God is with us," Poor Robert Burns, diilerent railroad companies, that the ed to pay one hundred and forty-three out of his head when he drew his last car should be carried through to San evor, to know wlietlior such a story is Why has not tlie employe shared dollars i'or them. On. what ground is breath, cried, "Oh,dont' let the awkard Francisco witoont disturbing its con­ known to anyone else. If authentic, more of a success of his employer? the American citizen compelled to pay .squad fire over rae!" How curious, in­ tents. the question arises-^Can sleep release AVhy has not the laborer received due this tribute to another American citi­ deed, that Lord Thurlow should have the soul liko death ? reward for his toil ? AVhy shall tho It lias been noticed that copper when I am, sir, etc, JOSIAII GILDEUT, zen ? AVhy should the government en­ cried out as ho pjissed away, I'm shot molted with salt and subsequently one revel iu luxury whilu tlie other if I don't believe I'm dying!" Maiden Ash. Ongar, Essex. act a law to protect one man at the ex­ cooled, is much tougher than ordi­ starves in the very sight of the plenty pense of another ? —London Spectator. which his hands havo made? "Ah! mes enfans, you cannot cry as nary copper, this being due, in all The fault is in a system wliich m.'ikes much for me as I have made you laugh probability, to the removal of the The Smaller Boy Took the Cue. exorbitant prolits for the one without AVhen a man has earned a day's wages, in my time!" so said the brilliant wit of cuprous oxide which is gener.illy pres­ providing dno compensation to the oth­ they are his own and he ought to have Ai'rance, Scarron, as he lay dying that ent in greater or less quantities. It A jolly clergyman in Eondout, N. Y., er; a system whicli calls -itself protec­ the light to spend them where they hour with a host of weeping friends lias also been observed that the addi­ has two sons, both bright, obedient, and tive, and which under the name ot a will do him tho most good. If be can around him. tion oi: salt to m.olte.i copper has the well-trained lads, but mischievous and tariff pretends to beiieflt the American buy a foreign suit of clothes for It was a Christian philosopher like same effect aa poling, and it seems full-loving as boys can be. It is the laborer, while it really degrades him. twenty dollars, it is wrong to c.jmpel John Locke who exclaimed with his that the determination of the loss ot custom ot the father to have his sons This very hour it is keeping tens of him to buy a domestic suit and pay latest breath that solemn day, "Oh, the weight after such treatment is an easy learn a verse of Scripture every day, thousands of men out of employment thirty-five dollars for it. If he could depth of the riches of the goodness and and rapid method for the estimation ot and recite it ouch morning. In accord­ aud out ot food, because they liave only buy foreign sugar for Ave cents a knowledge of God!" How strange to cuprous oxide present. ance with this custom one day the lads pound, it is an outrage to compel him asked their employers to give wages think that the great Mirabeau, alter a tVn important experiment is about to were called hy their father to repeat enough to save themselves and their to pay ten cents for domestic sugar. If life of such wild discord, should have their verses for the day. It happened he can buy the best foreign s.alt for 90 be carriefl out in London, namely, the to bo a time when skating was good, a families from starvation. cried out frantically, as he lay waiting establishment of works to supply hy­ cents a sack, it is robbery to compel for the last change, "Music! Let me sport of which all active boys are de­ A tarill is a tax levied upon foreign draulic power over a large area, tor the him to pay two dollars for an inferior die to the sound of delicious mnsicl" votees, and the boys naturally burned goods brought into this country. AVhen working of cranes, lifts and other ma­ article of American salt. To do this AV.ishington, with the smile of a saint, witih eager desire to be oft to the frozen it is levied for the purpose of raising chinery. The General Hydraulic Power is to say to the laborer, you must spend looked up into face of his weeping wife field. But discipline must be main­ money to support the government, it is Cinnpany, Limited, which is being your money with this manufacturer or for the last time as she bent over him tained, as tlip.y well knew, and there called a revenue tarilf; when it is levi­ formed to carry out this experiment, as the owner and deny him the privilege at Mt. Vernon that dismal day, aud was no escape from the daily scripiure ed for tbe purpose of helping individ­ well as to carry out similar undertak­ of spending it where he pleases. It calmly said as he crossed his arms above recitation. The elder of the boys had uals engaged in certain avocations, it is ings in large towns, has just obtaintfl learned his text, and was ready for the is a species'of slavery against which his noble heart, "It is well." And the called a protective tariff. In the one ordeal, .md when asked to repeat every independent laborer should pro­ last words of Luther's friend, Melanc- an Act of Parliament, authorizing the case it is taxation for the public good; it promptly, replied: "I had rahher test, African slavery was the control thon, are wonderfully striking, it seems supply of hydraulic power in London iu the other case it is taxation for the be a door-keeper in the house of God, by one man of the labor of another, A to me. The former asked him that hour over au area extending from Blackfriar benelit ot individuals. The effect of a I than to dwell in the tents of Wicked­ protective tarifl: is another slavery if he desired anything. "No, Luther, bridge to the Tower on the north side tarilf Is always to increase the price to ness," and he ".slid out," happy at his which gives to one man the control of no, Nothing, nothing, butheaveul" ho of the river, and to the Surry docks on the consumer of the foreign goods upon release. Tlie younger lad had quite tho wages earned by another. The one answered, and died with a smile upon the south side, the company being em­ which it is imposed. If a foreign suit forgotten to learn his text but his wit disappeared in the .blood and Ore of a his face. The ruling passion may be said powered to lay all necessary pipes, and of clothes costs $20 without a tariff, came to his rescue. "So would I, fath­ desolaring civil strife. AVell, will it to have been strong with Chesterfield to take, for a nominal term of payment, and a duty of one hundred per cent is er," he shouted, and oil he went to join be for the beneficiaries of the other, if when he passed away, for the last 1,000,000 gallons of water daily from put upon it, it will then cost WO. The his brother. it disappear by the peaceful methods words he uttered were, "Give Daytol- the Thames, The district thus secured process is this. The importer brings of the ballot-box. les a chairl" Did poor Cowper say is certainly a most promising one, con­ Saved. the suit to New York, where without anything before ho died—he who had taining as it does a great number of tho duty, it is worth i|20. AVith the Every man has the right to sell what always dreaded even the thought of wharves and wharehouses, where hy­ The missing eomm.inder-. and crew duty to be paid it is taken to the cus­ he produces where he can get the dying? Why, it is said he sank to rest draulic power can be well turned to ac­ of the Leigh Smith Arctic Expedition tom house where he pays to the gov­ cheapest. This is the plainest doctrine as peacefully as a little child. Ah, but count. It is also proposed to employ in the Eira hnve been picked up by the ernment one hundred per cent, upon ot justice, and an approved dogma of what did Hobbes the deist say just be- the hydraulic power to drive electric search steamer Hope, in Matacchyn that sum. The suit is thus increased political economy. It gives to the in­ light machinery. . It is proposed at first Straits, Nova Zembla. in price to the importer l|20. When dividual complete control of what is fore he gasped his last breath?' "I am j to lay about 10 miles ot mains and to he sells it he charges this sum to the The Eira left England in June, 1881, his own and leaves him free to make taking a fearful leap in the dark"; but* erect hydraulic pumping engines ot 500 for a summer cruise toward Franz purchaser, so that although the' im­ such bargains as he pleases with his the sweet Herbert said, "Now. Lord,'horse power, provision being of course porter has flrst paid the duty, it is at Josef Land. The run northward was neighbor. It individualizes men. It receive my soul!" Dear Goldsmith's i made for future extensions, exceedingly fortunate until Aug. 21, last paid by the man who buys the suit begets in them a spirit of independence. physician asked bim a few moments to wear. The Government having re­ when the Eira was caught and crushed It fixes the boundary between govern­ before lie ceased to breathe if his mind ceived the money, it is so much of a For a polonaise of velvet the waist between a land floe and pack ice near mental authority and personal rights. was at ease. His mournful answer tax to it which the consumer has paid is double breasted, slanting to the cen­ Cape Flora, Franz Josef Land. The It declares that to the first belongs the was, "No, it is not!" And yet was not crew were not able to save ihahy for its. support. power of what its necessity requires tre ot the front at the belt.> The trim­ Goldsmith really as lovely a character, ming is gathered into the left ishoulder stores, and were not prepared for spend­ and insures to the latter the enjoyment at heart, as any man who ever lived? ing the winter in the far north. Yet But the tariff in this country is not of all their prerogatives. seam and passes over to the opposite 'levied for this purpose merely. It is The deaf Beethoven, whose whole soul side, where it is fattened under a ros­ by good management and good luck in imposed to keep foreign goods out al­ The principle of slavery and robbery had been full of gloriousv harmony ette of .silk. ' The panel sides of the finding an abundance of walruii'i and together, or to make their price high is being combatted by the democracy throughout his lif^, cried out at last, polonaise are lined and caught back bears, they were able i to; maintain so as to beneflt certain Anaerican busi- of Michigan and elsewhere and it be­ "Now I shall hear!" May we hot cher­ under a very full and high back drap­ themselves hi health until June 21, ness men. The purpose is to make hooves every man in the state to give ish the hope that Byron's thoughts ery. 'Ihe skirt has a deep plaitsd 1832, when they left Cape Flora an foreign goods so dear that the Ameri­ the matter his candid consideration. were of God and heaven when he said flounce. four boats. Favored by an open, sea ' can consumer will be compelled to buy Can he allord to be robbed by manu­ at last, so wearily, "I must sleep now" ? He bad owned a settra dog and this and a good wind, they reached Nova The sun was shining very brightly in of the American producer. .Many facturers and eastern monopolists? is was the story he told: "Yes, sir; the Zembla in safety Aug. 2,- landing with­ the question for him to decide and act the room where the great Humboldt think that they do not pay anything on way that dog was devoted to me was in a mile of where the rescue steamer account of the tarift unless they buy upon lay dying, and he said, as he watched Hope was anchored. ' the beautiful rays, "How grand the just amazing. Why, he heard me say foreign goods. This 18 a very serious to my wife that! was pressed for money mistake.: Let us illustrate by sugar. sunhghtl It seems to beckon earth' to Protested notes—Those emanating heavenl" John Adams and Ibomaa aud he went and died tbe day before the The confirmed dead-best exhibits Suppose that with foreign sugar com­ from your neighbor's violin. dog tax was assessed."—Jffocton Post.: gmt pay shuni. Be alwnys at leisure to do good; never '•CUBFKW ftlUSI NOT WNO aUNIQHT.' tlori Neptune? Five hundred tliou- : A Fair Exclii^nge. mnke bUHlnees an exouiie to decline olUoes of Will you exchange u clironie owe of aand years would barely auttlce for that humanity. BY moss RAKTWICKtHOKPB. journey! Kinftil^ms would grow old Dyspepsin, or iigree to break up a JJil- and vttiiisli iiway; miUeniums come and PEESS REPORTS. ioua TerBperiiment—to give your torpid KtiKlaniVs stiu wna HBttluff o'er the hillH so far go URiitu; new worlda might be creat­ Liver iiotivity, and thus strengthen ed and old ones vamah away before tlie An Open Letter From Otto J. Doesburg, your Digestion, regain euergy, comfort, ; PilledTlmland witli misty oeauty ai inecioiie journey should be done, yet this mighty :of nnenad day; v' .' <• •• Proprietor "Holland City News," healtli and spirits, aZrfor 75c? A sin­ And the laat rayo klfifl«d the forehead of n man system whosO' parts iire .separated by Holland City, Michigan. gle bottle of ZorjJSA w'ill do this. A such fill hornless distances is frahied and mnldtin fair— " " ' ' ,^ " ,', few dcses surprise those who try Zope- Hewllhsti^u BO Blow and weary; Bhe with together ill such matchless perfection It is with no mnnll degree of satisfnoMon that sa. For Dillotisncss and Dysjiopsiii in Bunny, noatluB hair; . that ail its .vnovenieDts,'.wheel within I exprosB mysoK as to the magical pain-killing He with howed hBad;aai and thoudhtful; she wheel, are performed in most exact nnd healing propertiesof Or. 'I'homns Eclectric their many forms Zopesa is a Danacea, wilh llpB no cold and white, . and is warranted to cure thend. It acts StriiKKlBil to •"'"O haok the niuriiiur, "Curfew order, without tlie variation of a Oil, A (md cold settled iu my BIIIO and back munt not rluu to.night.'' second I Do not "the liaiiveus procl'aim which atlecti'd iny kidneys, and with rhouina- speedily and pleasantly. the glory of God." tlBin combined, I was flultorlng terrible pains. "Sexton," BfiBslb's white lipB (altered, pointing I tried reinodlesand our local doctors with hut to the prlBon old, But these distances which have amai- littlo relief. As a "forlorn hope." I tried Dr. IT'S EVEiiY ONE'S DOTY—To im ed us and wearied our thought per­ ThoHiaH' Bclectric Oil, nnd have used only half prove the opportunities presented for •With Hfl walla BO dark and (flooiny, walls BO a oOcoiit bottle, and fool as well again ns ever dark and damp and cold— tain only to our own celestial door- I did in my life. healtli, cheerfulness, aud comfort. See "I've a lover in that prison, doomed this vary yai'd. Neptune twenty-eight hundred to it,that Zori'iSA is used in your famiiy Diehttudie ^ ,,, millions of miles from us is only at the OrrOJ'. DOESBUH«. At the rlnglnir of, the curfew, and ' no earthly Sold by nil druggists. for Dyspepsia and Biliousness. It is front gate! 'When we come to speak guiu-anteed to remove them. Croinw«ll''vvilf not come till aiinBet," and her of the flxed .stars we shall need some PREJUDICE OP THE PRESS OVER- face«r«w BtranRBly white, , , new unit of measurement. Onr con­ AB B1>« spoke In huhky whrnpars: "Cuifn* ception of miles will empty itself into 0 COME. IT .STfKs—The dormant energies by inuBt not I'lng to-night." nothingness. •^Vhat do miles meai aiding digestion and giving the Liver For fifteen or twenty yonra I havo been new life. Zoriia,v (from Brazil)cleanses "BSBBIB," calmly spoke the iiexton (every word when we attempt to express tho dis troubled with that terrible disoaHo, catarrh; bad uloroHd her young heart tance to the double stiir 01 Oygni ii lost my RonBo ot Btnoll nnd taste; alBO my flight CEniiii'iiEDY. the system of all impurities. Try a 10 Like a IhouHBnd ffleamlng arrows—like n cent sample. tho constellotiou of the swan Y Whei nnd henring wore falling fast Tried scorofl of irow deadly-polBoned dart), . , we say that star is distant from ni advertisod romodli's, vkh no BUCCH'B, nnd tinnl- "Long, long years I've ruDg the curfew troin ly roBOlved to ovoicnmo iny prcjuilico and ^^^^^^^^ • •• *T*'' 'V"'*i ' that gloomy shadowed tower; three. liuiulred thousand times oni make ouo moni trial, which 1 did wiUi Thomns' Eviiry cvaulng, just at Bunsnl, it has told the hundred and ninety millions of miles'i EclectrlcOil, After uain.if part nf Ihirfirstbotllo I twilight hour; . , , Liglit travels one hundred and eighty- began to fenl oottor, and the Iniprovoinent rap­ RHEUMATISM, .six thousand miles a second. Such a idly InorenBed aud low I couoldor piysolf noar- I havo done niy duty ever, trl«d to do it JUBt Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, lightning train as that even would 'ue ly aa well ns over. WILLIAM BEID, wiioiiisalo and iietjiii ,p.nler In Backache', Soreness of the Chest, nVTiU"!!','!,'^",'"''''','",' W-INDOW GLASS PLATB Now I am old', I will not miss it. Girl, tho nine years on the , journey, while in 0. M. HOI COMB. GLASS, Jllbboil nnd Ueuub Plato for Sky Llelils. Cut curlew rings to-nlghl 1" OEEIOE Olf 'riiK SENKOA CO. "HKIIALD," | Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell­ am Kmirneb'd OiaiM, Silver Plated llar.s Krench much less thaw half a day it would nnd llennnn LnokhiK Ulaas Plates. Lead and Oil. Col- Hamilton Block, } ings and Sprains, Burns and orR Intty I'ohiia .lie. 711 and 7Ii Lamed sL, >Vost Wild her eyes and pale liar (eaturoB, Btern and rt^ach the planet Neptune I Blonmville, Ohio. Di (roit, iMIcli. tsr- If liiilMliiK and In want of any- Scalds, General Bodily tlllllK write for e.stlnn.loa. wlilto h(>r thoughlful lirow; Or take the pole star at which some FAKHAND, WILLIAMS .k CO., Wholesale And, within li«r hearL'a deep Ciinter, BBBBIB AgontB, Dotrolt, Mich. Pains, made a soloinn vow. of 'you doubtless glanced as you came in here to-night; that star, by which Who prolongs hia work to as great u length Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted THE NEW HOME She had llslened, whilu the judges read, with­ as poHflilile, nnd BUU completes it iu time? The out a t«ar or nlgii— „ „ r, , all the mariners of ages have taken Feet and Ears, and all other SEWING MACHINE "At the ringing of tha curtow BaBll Under­ rope-maker. their reckoning, towards which many Pains and Aches. will bo on oxlilliltloii Jit tliu wood must did." an anxious eyo is turned while I am II your lungs are almost wiiBtod by consump No Preparation cn onrth equals ST. jAcons OIL And her lirfalh eoine fast nnd faster; and her lion Dr. Plerce'a "Golden Rleilical i iscovery" as a .vri/.f, ntire, simple and chetip Externid STATE FAia. at JACKSON. ey»s grew large and bright; speaking to you. How far is it from us? Kenieily. A tWal entails hut tho comparatively li'orty-six years as light travels, going will not cure you, yet as a remedy tor Bt vere IiilHnfj outlay of I'iO Cents, and every onn sihterlnj; Look out for It. send to ine f!l,&5 DAILY, - - - •tlO.OO perauiuim. Firmly on th« damp old ladder,;where, ter see tliomselvea in print. Men nre modest. ami r>? Joilorson Avenue Detroit. hundred years before "Well, I—I must be going. If—" Women like to see theinsolvea in silks or vol TKI-WEEKLY, 5.00 " " 'That's right, .lohn, if," and she leaned iH -?oi,ii»iTnr« Human root !md uot been planted; and what vet, ••fUT'S.—cw Bryant & Slratton WEEKLY, - - • 1.50 " Bho this night had done her head on his shoulder: "if—you— rl,' llfl DUSINIISS UmVKltSlTY, Should lie told loDgagee after. As the rays have—any—conundrums —to — ask — "Is it injurioiiB to oat before going to sleepV" h,l'' V.^l.\.U, is the oldest, large:-., of sotting Bun asks a corrflspondoiit. Why, no, not fatally //'.',^ 4/most ihoroii Hnr.T iiracticai, has The Campaign Edition. Light ihoBky with inellaw beauty, aged sires ask—them—now." He was measured injurious. But you just try eating before you ' ./ tile most able and experienced for a new hat and a pair of kid gloves go to Bleep, if you wane to see a circus. f le.ichcrs, finest rooms, nnd belter with hends of white. r..cilitic2 ever way, than any otiici Toll the children why tho curfew did not ring on that same day. business college ir. Micliigan. Ask A The Detroit Weekly that one sad night. A new work onetiqutto says, "Soup must be r uur gradnalce and the bvisi ness men o* Sharp Child—"And so you are very eateu with a spoon." Persons who are in tho habit ot eating soup with a fork or carviug- _ Detroit, about our School. Call or O'er the dlHtant liills came Oroinwoll; Bessie poor, inarm?" Aged Party—" Ah! I'd f.»end lor>Civculnr.s. Shof.hnntl hy a saw him, and hnr brow, knite will be alow to adopt auch a now-fan- l-^actlcni Reporter. G Post & T^^ibune Lately white wilh sickening horror, glows be glad of a copper from anybody." gleil idea. with sudden beauty now; Sharp Child—"I've got a bad shilling; NOT FAIL win be sent .S MONTHS for 25 cto. tn Mtiil for onr fftll prio* VX,UJIS ov IS XAMMS I'OJi .$1.00. Snh- At his feet Bhe told her Btory,showed her hands will you have it?" Aged Party—"A Coiisnmption Cured. llHi ror ISB. JVM M scilptlons taken only duihiK Beptenitcr and Octo- all brulHed aud torn; bad shilling ain't no use." Sharp Child 'anj uddroHi aiion apptk bernt ihia rate. KTAKents roll up a blK list— Aud hor sweet young face so haggard, with a An old physician retired from practice, hav­ uHtlnu. ContHini (t«iorl|N mora la nionoy In It from now till after tho Cam-, look BO Bad.and worn, —"0, ain't it? That shows you don't ing had placed in his hands hy an East India tion* of trvi^-ylhimg reout^palitn . Address 1-OST Jt XMIIWUM, go to church and never puts money in mlBsionary the formula ot a simple vegetable ____ edtorPfertonAlor rnmlly Oetrolt, Mich. Touched hia heart with sudden pity, lit bis remedy tor the speedy nnd permnuent cure of DMa, with oim MMMO UltiitmUoM. W« ^uU Mil «owt»iil eyes with itii^ty light; the plate."—London Fun. wholoaiftlw prtoM In lu.mtliJM lo tuit Mcb»>er. r.HAVs svKaimv mmiixvikm. "Go! your lover lives," cried Cromwell. "Cur­ CoiiBumption, Br-mchitis, Catarrh, ABihina,anii D — . few shall not ring to-night." An Alabama girl slid down a rope all Throat aud Lung AtfoctioDs, also a positive TRAO« MAHK^SrMr"*" and radical euro fnr Nervous Debility nnd all wb* luk* Ihla Ulolr speeUI host Anunfalllnd cure ladder, stole a horse, rode twenty miles, * aw Wakiuk Aveaaa. Ol«a«o. IlltaaUt for seminal Weak, Nervous Complaints, nfter having tested its neas, Sperniator- paid tlie parson's fee, rather than not wonderful curative powers in thnusands of rliea, Inipoteiiey, THE VOICE OF THE SUNS. cnses. hns felt it his duty to make It known to UDd all BlaensaH have the marriage ceremony come oft. 11 (l"se-so an possibly tont? exist-A'here Hop low.Wrapporjw Wrapperj J ththee onlonly Konulneuoni . OHnraiilgc.s nt cure The Salem (Mass.) Re,7fetei'mentions: h etlzoX.'''m5 aiundldStlmnliuic, HumJnnl WL-nkiiasn. Ini- higher orders of the heavens: sun-sys­ ii'lNEBU |ilb,patteraareiuvalV"''^°'WlthO"*'"tOX- xjtonL'y.'SyiihlllH, Bi-'rof- There are no pumps where the cocoa- uatlon at goml waxflfl, artdrota VAXJiiNi'lNEBUO% ilaiuul (ill KcrvoiiB and tems and lixed stars. JHiioHvUie. I'! icEitiiip;. UMI^^ nioot! DlHcasoH. ToCIer- nut grows, which, perhaps, accounts for Ij XoAnitt3rwlmtyourto\ellnK« or symptoma (rytneii, ^dwyeri, LUor* Speaking of the distances which TDIIT&J If Mtnnrr. Pnr.MARTINIZ, iro wliat tlio dJsouao or ullW"out la tiso Hop Blt- ary Men, M « rulian ts, the milk in it. ' llIA nWjcbolocliiU I n. mm,ib«aroamp»nUhHear,Aitrol tat ao atain, with MO, iheiiTil - . 'er.s, )joii'cwttltuntllyou»%'« alclc out it you ItnnkorK, LatlJcH unrl uU separate the members of our owii plane- MlotottyatknillA WjchoIdUll .loo k of hair, itDd s COKIlkU' ^ •T I'iO., r only feel bad or nilserublo,»'n*e them at once. who8o sociontury om- . tary system he said: "When we are What IB that which a person likes to have and lUftll or your ftitur*huibani l or miU, ml i| ltn\aysavuyourllte.Ithaal»'"''oit hundruds. pIojniQnt cau.»'''e'y™rl'rlondi. iitomnoii, bowols or to the planet Mars, he is fifty millions bun'er.butusoaiiUurire U\em^™uso Hop B . ICldnoya, or who ro-; r.cmemlior, nop Bitters 1? noV7""i driiBRod quiro a ncr\-QtonIe, ap- of miles aw.ty. How far is that? Do Our Crlorious ludepondence. draaken nostrum, but tlio Vvrcst^^^" Beat pt'tizor or fltininlant. we at all coueeive ?: Let us try to make Deaoriptlve Clrotilar Jc i'rlceswrlta Jledlcino ever made 1 tho "LlVimiS^W nUBSIIl What can be more gloriouii than to be inde­ au.'. lini'K" nnd no peraoii or family^ Is fnvftluahlo, . Thona- • the thought tangible. 'Suppose one of pendent o( euftetiag, caused by dyspepsia Indi- TITK AULTMAN & TAY1.0H CO. MnnsHeld.Ohlp sI'.iiuM be wUboui then.. aMBaB lUKl.s iiroclalm it tlio . our lightning express • trains to have a gestloD, conBtlpntloD, eick headache, or other D I fj.isanabsolatoandlrrcelntililoeurot most wonclnrful Invip. ' ILLIARD i"oi.DriinItunnert.s, use ot opium, tobaeeo and' omnt tlmtdvor.instnhi- celestial track laid for its wheels and dlBeases emanating from the Btomach.':Thi8 can niireotlcs. Ml aolil by ilnietrlsta. send , (Ml Iho Hinldnf; Hystom. be easily gained by H timely use o( BDHVOOK Cor Clvenlar. Uop mitcr. Wrir. t'o., For aalo by all-Drui,'' to set out upon its journey to one ot BLOOP BrrrKRS. Prleo .f 1. ' KlHt8. , ' . . our nearest heavenly neighbors. Hov/ TABLES. lloeliesfei-.N.Y apd Tnrniite. Onret;^. TEfE 1*12. ?J. A. CirOHMOMi MKIITOAI, CO., long .would it be, running night and He who. is pulled up with. the first gale ot prosperity will bend beneath the first blast ot Bend for our prices & tlluatrutsd catBlORuo. day, before the engiiieer Of that train adversity; - '', :' I Aeambitiationofll%w •would need to lay htinds OR the air SCltUX,lSlfXVHO MF'O CO., to'xide of Iron, I'eruaUm;' liarliauilVlmtpliorvfin ' : , .brake and. slow up for the station Sitting Up Nights. •• pnlittalile fonn. Hit* V Mars? Ten years? In 10 years the , Mrs. E. H. Perkina, Creek Center. N. Y. writes ZdnoMlon ahouM De ' onlypreparatiouofiron ' £2>^ .-rf . that wiltnothUiehuntlu) train would only be fairly started! she has been troubled with asthma for fouryears. aessedliy cvB^^younRJ leeth,no vhuractwinOcof And beforethat journey would be done find to Bit up night after night with it, and >^^S^ • and woman. filher iron prepiiraliima. ••" was ultimately cured by two bottles ot THOMAS' nearly two centuries would have roiled EOLKOTBIO OIL; tOoUesa^. t^Wrl«eforCoUegoj0Uni«l-«cottt««t away!' , ;.. Of t.ike the distance to Neptune, that Mntrimony ie a great bleBsing, because even Do yon If isn wonts, i S^"" lln+nHie. a blind man has his eyes opened after a little fhlld Palenf» : then writo to or call Uf f Q jj i v farthest planet in our system, our ad- while. ' . ' ah're'lelnud'y.' I'pres'oi fheit lii iirofbieiiue'tp'uiiy Wn'|)re|ii«i'»ii6il iriailc, In lact, such u uunm .vahce guard amid the'whirling worlds »a Ull. UAKTEnT UiON ToNio Is a nocosslty In my praotlco.- KOBKUT SA^tUl£LS, ; .; CougroBsSe. Dbtroli.,-Mi<:h., A:I.T . 8T, TLOUIS ...... t.Mo.^ . Nov..T^y^^f... Mth . .DO1881, . 3104 Wash. Avftaoe. • '' 'I i, , of space. When we are in that partor Kidney Complaint Cured. ' " <, toys In Patent Cauuea. EulniillxU' ' Iffflvri^ color to the bloody i ! oiiivorbit jnea' him he iB 2;8()0,-' B. XnrnW;; Bochiester, N." writeit:: have " lt»estt. SendforciSJEhliii. natural heultUfal tone to 'j;00b miles fro'm'ua!; How long would been for over a year subject to eerioasdlRorder Hic.illgmitivoor/ianM ami otthekidneys, and often unable to attend to nervoiM iifj»tem,maklna ..oat:express trains need to iceepon it appUcaMe to Qnnerat huslneee; I procured yoar BCKDOOK BLOOD Iiiil •rumbling through space, with steady .I>ebllUtftXomit of Anpn- BmBBS and was relieved before bnit a bottle Utef\ProHtrat{on of Vital : J throb of never failing steam befor"^Pjye it waas used: I Intenintend to ooatlnua, as I feel oonoon- )•;,.',.. j,)MMANN..sMic.t.>ror riijenb.Wa««unai<>o, i; . Powera and Xmpotenoe, :: mightlfihd its excursibuista atthe^ata - fldeQttbey,wlll>,entirel)r.cate;m«.'^'P ^, .,^.v^:^.;'.^<<>;>or,««nv; •'9'™"*^ MANUMCTUAEO 6y THE OR. HARTER MEDICINE CO., 21? H. MAIN ST,, ST.iOUI&

'0 f'oalition ns was entered into between tho Ingham County ^(imocmt •laolisoii and Grand Rapids conventions, 1 desire the success of Ibe democratio parly Burned Out! in tlie slate, but will be content wilh a re­ Mackerel Do You Want Them? publican defeat, which is the iie.vtbest thing THURSDAY. OCTBER 5.1882. NotwIthiitftndinK my Kloro fiml ROOiU woro burnod to be desired, even though we may be able liut HpriDK) i ii>» »K>iiii ill thu iiiiirkut with u to claim only half of tho victory. The so- AT 25c PER DOZEN. THE NEW CATCH. UNIOX STATE TICKET. called "fusion" ticket will havo my most cordial, earnest support, and I only regret Oovernor— that any one should have hud grounds for NEW STORE .lOStAO \V. B|.:G0LE, Genesee. even a suspicion to the contrary. Remember that we carry the Largest Stock and Lieutenant Oofernor— —AND— A. P- SWISEFOBP. EUGENE PltfNGLE, .fackson. Most Complete Assortment of Secretary of state— Marquette .Mining Journal. \VILLI.\M SUAICESI'EAUE, Kalania;,oo. State Treasurer— IIEPKESENTAIJVE t'OSVESTIOXS. NEW GOODS. LUOIKN S. COMAN, Bay. Andilor-Genftral— The Ilciiiocrnt!« and Greenbackers Unite ,1AM I'lS BLAIR Kent, on a Single Candidate. Commissionur of Stale Laufi Olllcc — BEST SELECTED ^OCK1 Groceries «nd Crockery JOHN V. VAN BE VA.NTEK, SI, Joseph, John Farmer of Stockbrldsc. the Cnan- Ever olfered to tho people of •White Oak, Atlorney-Oeueral— imouB Nominee of Both Conventions. TIMOTHY E, TARSNEV, Saginaw. To be found in this City, and at Superintiuideul OI Public luslruclion— UAVIO PARSONS, Wayne. The greenback and democratic rcprescn- Member of tbe State lloaril of Eilncalloa— lalive conventions for the second reproscn- Don't go maiiy miles and paij more for PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. aLARIC B. HALL, Harry, lative district of Ingham county, were held goods tfian Ihey would cost you at home. at the court house in this city on Monday WE ARE THE Congressional >'oniliinlluns. last. second Dislrict-NATIIANIEL B, ELIIREIlGE, The deninoratio convcntio'u tvas called lo order at ll:i)0 and orgaiiixod hy making riflb l)istrict-dL'LllI.< IIOU.SEMA.V. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE SLvtb Ilislrict-EIJWIN B, WINANS, Alfred Young of Leslie, cliairiiian and mm in Kigbtil Ilislrict—OIIAIILESJ. •)i'll,LETT, George W. Bristol ol .MILSOD, secretary. Tahl lor PiiKlace. Ninth llistricl—STEPHEN IIRO.VSON. The usnni eomiiiiltees on credentials and Telllli IJislricl- .ANIIRKW 0. .MAXWELL. permanent organization were appointed as lU'Sjioctfiillv, follows : Respectfully Yours, Legi.slii(.ive Ticket. Credential.^—D, P, Whitmore, Mason ; E. S. CLARK, Caleb Thompson, Delhi j .Toliii .Sigler, White Oak. HOWARD & SONe Toy Senator— Leslie, IIE.N'RV II. JENISON. For r.epreseniative, EIrst Disiidcl— Organization—Samuel Skadiin, Tiighain; FRANK L. IIODOE. Jaini^s Knos, Aurelius; Nelson Hilliard, EDWARD FRAZEL J*or lU.presenlalive,.Second District— Delhi, InvituH you to cull ut iho ,IOIIN FARMER. On motion adjourned until two o'clock. The greenback eonvention was culled to County Xoiiiliiatioiis, order at 12 o'clock by .Milloii Ryan, cliair- Palace Restaurant miin of the ilislrict coniniittee. AND BAKERY. Sherin— Win, irohnston of Iliinkorhill, was made TIICIJIAS MCKERXAS, While Oak. temporary chairman and C, H, Williams ol IS.'t Wanliliit^luii Avenue, Clerl:- liunkerhill, temporary secretary. When you go to MILTON IIYAN, Ma.-on, 'The Inllowiiig geiitlenieii wore selected LANSING. M. W. ROBINSON, Kegister of pedis— as commil'tee on oredeiitials and permanent hiivc evfrylhiiiK tii IJO foiirnl in ii fir.'it-chi-irt TI10.MA.S 11. .MOSIIER, JIason. organization: Henry Froenian, Leslie ; D, bakery. UIHI lire [iniimi'i'd tu rii-rvo it huu'li or riqiiiiro Treasurer- L. Cady, .Mason ; A, E, Bearse, Aurelius, iiHruIs at all limirs, Wu iimko owrawn ciintlius. Wt* WHITNEY JONES, Lansing-. iiiuko u tipi-cliilty of On moiioti the convenlion adjourned un­ Cakes nnd Coiifectioiiary JACKSON, MICH. Proseculing ,\ltoriiey— til 1:;>0 p, m. JASON E, NICHOLS, Lansing, for imrtir's unti M'(MhUiif,'hi. Cull und mte uu, Kvury* .Surveyor— On reassembling after dinner the green­ thing new, iii'Uf mid ch'iin. T. II. PRESTON, Lansing. backers occupied the, main room and the EIIWAlin FR.4ZEL. Circuit Conn Commissioners— denioei'iiIs crowded into one of the commit­ tee rooms. LUCIUS 11. JOIIN.?0.\', Lansing, 11 \v(Mil: ill your own town, 'I'LTHIJ! mid Sfi ciilji J. C. SljUIERS, .Mason. The committees on credentials in both 6free. Adai'f^fi II. IlAUt.r.TT Co., rorihiml, Jluiiic, Coroners— conventions reiiorted tho district (|uite well SMITH TOOKER, Lansing, represented, lliougli bu'^ few of the delega­ II. EIIEE.MAN, L.islie. tions were complete. The reports ',vere aeeeplod and iidopled. To* IC! In the denioci'iuio convention tomporary The Ai/iiciiUiiral World, a slituncli ad. ollicers were made piirinaiienl and Wm, H. The Mail lioutefroin vocato of the farmers' interests, says : Clark of .Mason, was inadii. pormaiicnt We are now prepared to offer to the peo­ DANSVILLE TO MASON, "If any evidence wore needed lliiit lie. oliairmaii of llie gi'ooiibaol;,coiiveiition and ple of Ingham county John \V, Wliiiloii of liiiiikerliill, poriiiaiioiit Having been discontinued, the subscrit'er will gole is really the choice of the fanners and hereafter rnn a veliicle over tbe road daily (Sundays the people of lliis siale, fur governor, and secretary. and Fmirtli of .Inly e.vcisiiled) for tlio con'veyniico ol a man against wlioni no real olijection could Conferq^ce ooiiimittecs were appointed passengers, express, and freights, ut reusonable rates, leaving Dansville at eighl o'docli n. m. and THK BEST STOCK be bronglii, the evidence wouUI be lotind in as follows ; arriving at JIason ator before 10 a. m., nud return. the coiiluinptiblo trick.s, the deception and From the demooratic convention—John ing al such times each day as shall liesi proiiiole Ihe misroiireseiilatioii that his opponciils have convenience of the public. GKO. W, GLYNN. Sigler, Leslie ; Samuel Skadaii, Ingham ; Dansville. Mich. July Isl,tSV'i. -OF- 10 resort to in order tn find any prete.'ct for Janies Enos, .•Vurelius. opposing him." From the greenback convention—Goo; W. Archer, liunkerliill; Ephriaiii Potter', A GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISER? il would seem from iho following that Leslie ; .laines COUIBOII, Stoekbridge. Is the Loss of the Jjansing Daily Kcti's, boliovos the biisi. '.riie democrats having named the eaiuli- iiess of the govoriiinoiit sliould bo conduct­ dnte in Iho lirst di.siriet, it • was ooiiceded the greenbackers should have the privilege MANHdSD ed on the same safe and sound business DRY GOODS of sa doing in this district. A Levtiii'v on the Xiitiire, Treiitmeiit, iiiiil principles that a level headed ninn would That eonvention, thereloro, pi'ocecded to Kudlcul euro nf Sciniiiul WfjiItnesH, or Spcrniutor- conduct his own, but the Xews should an informal ballot and John Fill'iner of rho.'ii, indiiciul liy Self Abiisn, Tiivoliiutury i:iiiisriioiis, Iiiiljotmicy, Ntirvoiis Ihddlity, und litiiiedinifiits to I We have e^^er shown. We invite bear in mind that would be right contrary Stoekbridge, being its choice, his name MurriuRO j,'onoruUy; Coiisiiniiilicm, K|)ilc|ihy uiid was pi'esciiled to the democrats and heartily Kits; MoiilJil und riivsieul riicupunitv, *Jli%, by* KOlU to iiJ! ropiihlican T'retjgdeiit ; ratified by both eouveatlons. lillT J. CULViiHWiOLL, M. 1)., uiiiliorol'the''Greon Uook," otc. Special s^ttora-tion.! ''11' an Individual owes .1 debt, nnd has Mr. Farmer is hy no means an ollice Tho world rouownod mithor, in tliis ndminildo loc- a surplus of idle money, yet with this sur- seeker; in fact the ofTice sought the man, tiiro, dourly proves from bin own oxpi^'it^iicd lhat Iho u.vful coiiHoquiMicos of Solf AbiiMo iiniy be olloctually To Our I.iiic or ilus. he does not pay bis debt, nnd stop the iind only a very short time belbre the con­ removod without diuit^oroiis mirf;icul opt'i'utloiiri, boii- merest, all tbe people who know it, would vention he was approached by Wm. John­ Kiitij, instniineiitfl, riiigit or cordiuls; poiiitiiii^ oiu a call that follow, either a fool or a lunatic. cure lit onco certain nnd eilV'Ctiiiil, by wli jcb overy ston ot Bunkerliill (whose name had also h'ulTuroi', no matter what bin cotiditlnn may bu, niiiy Now our govertimeut has, lying idle in its been meiilioiied for the place) and when euro hinitiLdr cheaply, privately, and nidieully. vaults 110,000,000 bran now silver dollars asked by Mr. .I'ohnstoii if he would accept if^T/iis li-ctnrn will jit'ore a hoon lu tliuiii ' V,' To tho Kditor oC Tho Dotrolt Free Truss : After Iho oleotioti of the following repre­ BLACK # COLORS, 'I'here recently appeared in the Milling sentative committees the conventions ad. Journal an itotu intiuinting that it would journed ; Giinraiitccliig^ tliciii Ilcttcr Value llinn Domoei'.'itio'oomniittee—D. P, Wliilmoro, bo the duty of all g»od demoerata to refuse any other SilkM. Samples cliecrniUy their support to the democratic ticket nom­ Mason; A, Young, Leslie; 'Thomas Mo- inated at .fackson, and I see that the repub­ Keruan, White Oak. lican papeis in the lower part of the state Greenback committee—H. J, Wilson, are quoting that article as an expression of Mason ; G. W. Swartwout, Aurelius; Wm. iny individual seuliuient, I desire to sav •lohtistoti, llunkerhill. M.W. ROBINSON. that the article in question w.i8 written and printed during my absence from home, with­ Chronic constipntion, chronic dyspepsia, out my knowledge or consent, and does not chronic diarrhtDa, promptly cured hy using to the remotest extent receive my approval. Brown's Iron Bitters. It is a complete The Mining Journal is not a party paper, slreiigthoner of the digestive organs. though its' are democrntsi one oi' them, by whom the article was written, hav­ Mason Markets. ing had only a short residence iu the state, na.nN. but being so deeply dyed in the wool thnt WHKAT-lied No. -2 Per bushel @ 87 on first thought the coalition struck him ns WHEAT—White, No. 1, por hashel (31 ' lU WH EAT—While, No, 2, Per Bushel S5 'ROlJTT' j®1 00 PRINCIPAt-«-HNE CLOVEUSKED—Por bashol 4 00(S)4 10 deut or neutral paper. Having now a bet­ TIMOTU V SEED—Per bushel @3 UO The sllOltTEST, QUICKEST and ter knowledge of the politics of the state, oiiogiimiiB AND PRpyisioKS. , Mi »lr'**!^^^»JlEST line to SL Joseph, that genlleman will like myself not only SALT—Saginaw, per barrel ..M.UH'. ^1 i6 points In Iowr"*^^J>>Atchlsoii.Topek»,Deiil- vote lor, but give, outside our paper, a hearty support to the ticket nominated by KLOUn—I'orlOO poundi aw. New Mvxlso, Arlfonn, Moit YSMOB, the democtatic convention at Jackson, nnd BUCKWHEAT KLOUH-l'or lOOpounda,. taua and TeiM, OP EGGS—Fresh, per dozen „., which inet with my "approviil as soon as an­ nUTTEtt „ nounced.. As a democrat I never kick in LAUD—I'or pound the traces, and were it not that the rejiubli- APPLKS—Dried, por pound 'till itoiite has no superior for Albert PK.\CUE3—Dried,por pound.... ^BfcJ.ea, Minneapolis and St, Paul, CANNON & DU BOIS. can papers were announcing the defection Mva arooKAKi) MEAT ynlvenapT^s^gBSfcL^ Nationally reputed u of '.'a late democratic candidate for lieuten­ CATTLE—Per 100 poundi y conceded 'oT^S^gfc^^belnB the OrMt They are Headquarters for Everylhins in the Hardware Lino. Ooods bought ant-governor" I should not have ctinsidered UEKF—Dreaiod.perlOO pounds., Railroad In tho World for " • direct from the manufacturers, tor cash, therebf gettins the benefit of a cash diacount the slander as to myielf worthy of notice. IIOOS—Per 100 pound,,,,. all claasesof travel. POItK—Dressed, per 100 pounds um 00 and doing away with the middle-man nnd his commission. You may aay to your readers that I will not OIIIOKGNS-Dreiaod, per pound only support the coalition tinket, but, if I ClIIOKKNS-Llve, per pound .. ® 7 TUBKEYS-Llve, per pound .8 KANSAS CITY We Haye tbe Most Complete Stock Eyer Kept in tbe City, can find the time, will go on the stump and TUnKEVg-Dressed. per pound .. & lu do what I may be able to convince demo­ BUILniKO HATIBIAI,, All caniiectlani made As you will readily admit as soon as we can get our goods arranged so jou can see them. crats generally that the defeat of the repub­ W.iTin LIME-Perbarrel .@U0O In.Unlou lican patty, by whatever honorable means CALOIKED PLASTBIl-Per barrel. Depot*. PLASTKRINO UAIK-Per bushel... „. @ 40 . DON'T BUY A it can be accomplished, is the first step SHINOLKS-Per Ihnuaand ..a omt a Through '^ifX^^^yfSt^!^ Tnrii. towards a restoration of the democratic LIME—Rood Per barrel,. .. @i ao Tlckete via thl>5^ _)C party to power ni the state. LATH-Per M feel ..„ @«oo HIIOILLANIOUi. Celebrated Line 'oS^rf^S^^''"' travcllDf • ROUND HEATING STOVE! LAND PLASTER-PerTon.. .,8 so®6 oe aaleatallofficeit^^NJHJ^iw luiurj, tnitead COAL—Per Ton...... the U. 8. "VCvSPvflyiV ' *"*• Until you see whut we have, for wo leriainly hate The Best Bound Siovo, wiihoui s I consider It the duty of every democrat any exception, ever put in the market, and

The prohibitionists of Iiiehnm county SILVER WEBDISR. •Mary Uonderson, Gertie Kimmel, ••Rora Horning, JIaud .Mehan, IrmTiniE! FORNrruRE! will hold a niiiss convention in .the armory, •Irene Lincoln, KdltllOall. *Stulhi Spears, Ida Erclaad. liiiU ai .Mason, October lytli, at one o'clock Twenty.flftJi Annftrersnry of tho Mar- '*Klttie Vandercotik, Minnie Worden, GO TO : rinse of Mr. nod Mm. J. H. Buy era. Wiiliu nulcher, Rattle newnian. Offlcinl Uircctorr* p. in,, to tioniinalo county ofticera, ruptesen. liiliveH and transact such buslnes.s as may MAY p. HOWARD'S ROOM. S. p. STROUD & SON, The socinl (tvcnt of the seiisnn in Mason, •.Maud Raiher, •'Cliarllo Rasser, bKrIetiils n( th« OKMOCltA.!' who come belore the inecting. All prohibition- Lolta Clements, Nellie IJiiike, -TO BUY— liMVe blielllVHs III the I'roliHto took place al the pleasiinl home of ex- •Eildlu I)e.iij, Abhle Fiiwlur, Coui-t will fill UK a iMVfir by r«- i.iUs are invited. By order of conimitlce. iniiyor .1. Li. Sayera last Thuradiiy evening, Ernest Lyon, irreddie Iiyoii. (lueetliiff JUIIKU Gillitin to liavu thvir Dannie Morey, ffiiorge Moon, ••rliitlni: cluiio ut tlila ultleC. E. FAOAS, Chairman. il being the iwenly-ftflh auniversnrv of the Katie No.von, Herbert Rhodes, miirriagij'of .Mr. Sayers to his estimable •Clara Robb, • .Merlie Spears, .Fas. R. Uart of Webherville, ia ibo re­ •i'Cnicie Tnhbs, •JInnd Tnyler, KiisIncsH llirectorr* wife. •.leniiio Tiionms, Claud VanUiiesen, publican noiniiicc for rcprescntuiivc in the There aro, eoinparalively speaking, bnt Waller Kelcliiini, Maud Kimmel, •Rye Itavner, Henry Cook, ATTORNEVS. first district and Dr. I. C. Williams of few men.and wnineii who live logelher for • Rayner, '•Fraiikle Hoyt, a qimrler of a cenuiry ; and llii'turore, Eloreuce Worden, •llerlie Wood, Ono, M. lluNTisoToN. II. P llr..vnr.i:Eo.v, Sloolihridfie, in the second. The iioniiiiii- Urlu 1,'anuiili, TTUNTI.SOTOK it IIBKDERSO.N, Attorlneys and when llie iiiviinlioiia we're, is.siied, iiiviling 'f.Miiliel TeplifT, Fur&itiire! .tl Counselors al Law. ttlllco over i'lrst National lion in the second district had been fairly the frioiid.s to pnriieipiile in the celebraiioii MISS TUIIR'S ROOM, ilank, Mason. Mich. iii'l liai'Hained lo M. E. Rtiinsey of Leslie, but of the iwenly-fiflh anniversary ol' llio lanr •Mau.l Smilli, "•lleoigie Wood, OP EVE Iiy DESCRIPTiON. •EvaTuhhs, •.less* Burlier, tho dickerers went back on their word and ringe ecremfiiiy nf a oouplo, who, all PHVSICIANS. •Allie •I'erwilllKer, •Orla Liisentiy, Thoy art! snlUng nil. prndi't* of Kurnitnrtt chrnpnr failed to deliver tho goods. Simply a lillle yenrs h-AVe been residenta of our eity, il is •Eddie Perriii, "Morris llowdlsh, than tho eltoapi'st iinil will inako it nn oV'Jfct to alt RS. SSELL .4 VANANBE, Homeopathic Piiysi- nn wijiider soeiely (or pariienlnrly the fe­ •,Malile Carry, •George Smith, ciuns and Snrweens, Olhce over Howard's trickery on tho part of nonie of the repub­ *.lny Barber, "•Ohiiido I'lrrin, partios wlio buy of tlicni. Tlit'ir stock of sDtore, Mason, Mich. Attention will he given lo dis­ male portion of il) was on the fjui oioc us *.lay Terwilligor, '•Ceorgte Clark, eases of the eye and ear. Otlice licurs : ii a. m. to 12 lican bell-wethers of Ma.son. to till! event which Ihey were so eagerly *i)tnlley Ereehiml-, •Eddie'Wood, Bedroom Sets, m,, 1 lo .'i and 7 to tl p. m. awailing in anlieipalion of aiilcasanllime. •IJeorgie llarriiiglon, • Veriier Roan, Republicans are trying to aow discord •^Ularence Wheeler, pet Lincoln, P. MAY, M. D,, physician and Surgeon, Onloe Al an early hour the guests beiraii to Ida VauDnesen, Maud Itohb, Parlor Suits, . in Cook block, opposite Post Otlice N'iglit calls iitnoi)}; democrats and greenbackers by all arrive and continued to do so iiiilil after Bella Rector, Enie Groun, Lounges, answL ered at oltlce. Ross Smith, IVidler Dyer, innnner of fiilse statctnenis, \vhicli no can­ the ten o'cloek train, when ilwas esiiinaled Evert Clark, Floyd Grove, Easy Chairs OCTOR A. U. CAMPBELL, Physician, Surgeon. lliat nearly 200 were present, many of the •Willie Perrin, f.'laiiile Fowler, Olllce ovor iVilllanrsdruf^store, Mnson, .^liclj did voter onghl to entertain for ii tnoinent. Frank Tallmiiii, Eddie Carry, D In Delhi ihey tell the deiiiocriiia that iiiimUer having been present al the wed^ f.'assie tlnlier, Harry Vaniiurcook, diiij; iweuly live years before. There were OtMie P.ennetl, I'^ddi'e Itennetl, DENTISTS. llio Sfi^enbackcfs will vole (or only the I'^iliile Recter, llerlie Sanderson, They ore affcrlny .iCxien.tUin Tables, Milk also sevi.'ral from abroad, among tvhotti we Clarence Clreen, Eddie Siilspiillgh, p. VANUUSE.N, UENTIST. Ollico In Harrow Elmer T.iylor, Safes, Jfair, Wool and Wocen Wire Mat- block. Mason, Mich. K-reoiibackers on the liolcot, scratchiii;; the nmicod the following : .N[r. and Jlrs. E. S. A trasses al .Hock Bottom. .Prices. •democrats. Tliey niaiHifactiire stories to Wonien, .\nn Arbor; .Mr. and .Mrs. .las. WARD SCHOOL. FINANCIAL. •orderlo suit their customers, and voters R, Uart, Webberville; ,1. C. Berry. Big They also carry ii Conijdete Stock of Rapids ; W. .M. Pease, Chicago; Mrs. D. F. E, RORIKSC.N'S ROOM. M. BliES.SER, Insn.-ance, Loan nnd Collection •shoiild liirii a deaf car to all such poliliciil •I'Oliiirlie Ilnyle, *i;.hlie Porter, , .\Kent, AH husiness prauii> attended to Of- .]. Rubinsoii, Jlrs. L. F. i^nniiell, .faeksoii ; •.loliuie Ciil'lahan, •'^Stellii Pnddeclc, Undertakers' Supplies ! J clap iriip. llceovoi* LowOiSmead .t Co.'s B.nnk, ,Masan. .Mrs. and .Miss J3uri', Lansing; Mias An­ •.Mary Ciilhihau, *May Smninerville, ONE PRICE TO ALL. drews, ..Miegnii. *.Miiiid Coy, '"llerlie Tubhs, INSURANCE. Democrals, greeiibiickers, and all others *,>tin;i iiiirtciihiirg, '^.liilia >'orce, lleineiiiljer llie I'hici', Grout hililding, MSIMIII, Mir^, A large number of regrela were also re­ *.liiiiH'S .N'orton, '*Nena Williiiiiis, AKMER.S .MUTUAL EIRE l.N.SURANCE CO.M- interested tire invited to go to the iowii hit panyuf Insharn connly. t?afcsi, cheapest, liest, ceived by mail and hy telegraph. •.lohn Piirlier, •''i'erlii,' Clerry, F Alaiedon, on .Monday evening iie.Kl. (Oct. Many hundsoaio (loral deeoratinns were AHA 1). fiWER'S ROOM. Kor iriloriuatlon write to O. F, .^lillor, secretary, •.loniile Tleyle, 'I'Miihel lliirdeiilmrg, Kdi-M. .Snmnel Sltndan rfresidenl Dansville. !).) at wliicb time IIoii. W. W. Osborii of presented and added to the pleasant appear­ •^•Fred Bond, 'Molinne Norton, r.jansiiiir, assisted by one or two other able ance of iho siirroniuiiiigs. The silvered '•Tliiide Chillin, ''l^ri'il Odi'll, UNOERTAKING. •.liiliii iCver.v, spenkcr.s, will fndeavor to ffive .siilisfnctory fij;iircs, lS,'i7 ISSli, with silvereil horse sline •^Archie I'huer.v, '".leSsie TlIbllH, V. S'l'ROUl) .t SON, llKdertakets. In in eeiiler, over the arch dour, were also •Beilie Gerry, •^Sadle VullU^trilIIll, THE CITY BAKERY! S t tnlihlinj;, 1 door mist of City iJakery, ISInsnn,Tti. reasons why everybody not in favor of nio- greatly admired. '"Uiiyal A'orci'. iiopolies, river and harbor steals, higli tn.K- 'i'lie refresliiiteiits were elaborate in fjiial- H, E. DKitii, Supl. HARDWARE. ation, elc, should vote the combination ity and o.seelloiiee and were boiuHil'iiUy Enjoy Kcalfli iiRil lie Happy. MALAGA GRAPES,! •1(^^':;0^' .t IlultOIf?, (.'(MICTHI Hartlwuru Dfiiljrh*, ticket from top to, bottom. We ask both .served, after wliieli the company was cnlor- For depression of spirits, general dehilily C .Maplo Hircyt, JIason, Kicli, inined hv a fine male rinarteiie, by .Messrs. greenbackers and Democrats to see to il and ill-he.-iUli, also aa a oertain atreiigllien- VALENCIA ORANGES, W. .M. Pease, Wm. Dunbar, J. C. Berry er of every part ol' the ,svsioi»i, iiothini' REAL ESTATE AGENT. thut there be a L'ond allendanoo. and Sehih Worden. FRESK CANDIES, rOHN llllNSllAOK. Real Estate and Loan .V;ent. eciuals Brown's Iron iiitlers. I Over post odlee, .Mason, MicJi. Certain repiiblican.s of Biiiikerliill have Rev. .Jas. Bariielt delivered a slinrt im- proniptti address und also read an original FRESH PEANUTS, been circnlaiing tbe report that lion. E. S. FllEE TO EVEltV ON-K.—X lOC boltlo 01 MEETINGS, pnem, each very appropriato I'or the occa­ Filcli bolted the county convention at Mu­ sion. Hill's peerless cough .syrup, I also sell ENGLISH WALNUTS, DANSVILLE LOllCiE, 105 I, 0. 0. F., meets on the large bottles on an absolute guarantee. ^ Friday evening of each week, TrantienfVn-oth-son and would jjo back on the whole .com To appreciate the magnifioeuoe and beaii- vrn are inviied to meet wiih us. If not satisfied after using it return the FILBERTS, r,. F, SKAn.i.v. X. C. B. B. Mll.l.nn, R. S. biiiulioii ticket. There is not a particle oi' (y of the pre.senls you wonld have to see lliem. Tliey were cerlniiily miineroiia and bollle and i will leruud your money. I truth ill llio^stalemeiil and Jir. l-'itch's'dem­ also sell the Peerless worm .specific ou the BRAZIL NUTS, A. .1. TAVLOII, II. AVnirr:t.(:r. enough to cause most any lady lo j:.*;;i[ili!r of Ooi-'tls. iV'.loriM.'.Y mill Notary Piililie, ocracy onglil to be loo well known lo be iiearfy go wild with adiniralion, ami all same terms no cure no jmi/. Conn's Lrm.E iineslioned. lie has favored conibinnlion being aiLxious to view iheni, it was nol l^ouopiiVLLiv i'lLi.swiU cure headacbe,bill ALMONDS, ETC. T.1YI.«»U & WIIITEI.KY. ionsiios.s, oonslipalion, etc, or ao pay. from the llfBl, last and all the time, and ii iiniil a late hour, when most of Uie guests Eeal Estate & Abstract Office had given a hearty hand shake and e.siend One pill a dose, D. \V. UALSTEII, FRESH OYSTERS DAILY. able to gel 1o tho polks on eleotinii day GAYUIKIi, Oi.seKo Cli., .Vllcll. ed many good wishes for the fiitiii'e of the Jlaaon, .Mich. Parties desirini; to pui-chiise property in Ofsc^o oi there need be uo fears but what he will slill young and happy looking bride and All Kinds of Coufectionery .ud.ioininK ceunlii.s should address ns as ahove. vote il, iio stated to the writer only a few groom, and taken ^ Uieir depnrluro, lliat a Fresh and Pure, days ago, that "any man who would not modest reporter grasped his pencil and J. F. OLIVER & SON, riUVELKKS' GUIDE. noted iho loUowing handsome list of pres­ abide by the dicission of a majority—oiiher ents, represenliiig the cities of Delroil, at ,i.,r.. * .s. iJiviiinii .>r. c.itiiiiiwiii. ill conveiilinii or otherwise—wa.s •not a Trains leave Mnsou as follows, liy Chicaj^u time, Chicago. Kalamazoo, Big l-fiupida, Te.xar- wliich issevtniteen minutes slower than Masiin time. democrat, tind it was iiseless to try to keep kana, ..VrkaiiaaR, Sand lieacli, Roscommon, MASON, MICH., FRAZEL & MEHAN'S TEhrouKh tickets east orv/esi for sale by ^1 ..l.'jMurry, such men 'vn the party, Williamston, Lansing, .•\iin Arbor, iiay Will furnish t-Titinnitus f'. f'xpress.,, 0:oO p. III. Mason ; •Way KreiHlit.... ih-l.l a. m. M'ny Frei;:Iil.., rhiLI p. ni, .Ma.son boy., now in charge of a liiroe hard­ Thro' Kreitdit... :):II5 ii. m.' Tliro' FreiBht,.. Vtl.'" p. m. Orif,'lmil iioctn' (Sliver Weddinj; liny.) composed ware store at SiimV Boach, Huron county, for the occasion and dedicated to .Mr, ami Mrs, ,1, 11. sends lis a•saiuple ot lite plittus t-aised in S., eticiiserbushel. It may bo interostiiig lo (fafil silver and cut celery disn; silver vnse and p'oto Slociv of Ilorfio JllunUitls ever JirN.-VR.—Til .Mr. and .Mrs. Norman Mi- his friends to l;now that his wife is now iiouqiiet holder:; solid silver tea cup and saucer ; ele­ opened in Mutton. nar, Vovay, Oct. 2, IS.S'J, a son j v,ieii;lit gant silver v.'atrir set, complete ; elegant blue enaniel- GEO. M. HOYT'S. with him; they aro house keeping nnd like ell gold handed berry dish and silver card receiver !li poiinda. conildiied ; liandsoine silver jewel cese, muuilteil with it there very much. Onr Iriend-s, IJ. 13.lliin d piiinted pink glass iiolder, combined ; silver PRICES WAY DOWN. WOR'r.MAN,—To Mr. and Mr.t. M. .\. vase and bominel holder ; silver nnistiiche cup and Wuftnian ol' Alaisdoii, Oct i), a list of patenU issued by the U. S. PiUent sults lias not yet been reached, consequent­ Lottie lleacock, •Alice Flannerv, Nellie Krieham, •Loitie Klold, .; Thus eiiuhllng him to make « very Kice; White, atallr IndlgMtton, OyapepsiA, Inter* olBce to Michigan inventors during the ly no one is authorixed to state it - was a •May Lincoln, "'Dora Hunt, New, i'l-ocesa , • •tftteiit Faveni, Want of App«UMk > week ending September 21, 1882 : failure. What the loceity needs is a Ken- *Cor» Lincoln, •MiiyHlitan, Itom ot BtrangthiXMk of Knorgfi. T. K. Brlgliani, it>r»ti», he'e sraolilng apparatus, Iliittie Merrill, Roy Miller, •r. M.riiich, Jscktnii, tolling reel. eral reeonatriiction and that is undoubtedly Grant Masker, , •Ollln Oliver, •to. BarlobM the Mood, atronctli*' Ll/.llle Mnioii; Scuyler Uoyston, «u the mnaolea, »nd. glvoti, new: > ,• A. Johnioni Saglnair, ialt evaporator. what it will get. To be sure LBiisinu; AUuUpdyke, Willie: Reeves, N. P. Merchant. BUIne.slnnip puller. Amy PBrr,v, •Muudu Bhodis, life to'the noi>vcs. 'Acta like » • J. J. Renchard, Uetlolt, luhricator. Stockbridse, Jackson and Eaton Rapids •Claud Rhodea, •Mamie Sackihler,. ohairm !;oii tho diseeUre orsana^: G. a. ShelHeld, Three Riven, banil car; have drawn away some patronage; but we Irene Shorweod. Aggie Tlionipaoii,: V. P. Stebblna, Ovilins, cat coiipliiiK. ;. •Clmrlie Wilcox, • Frank Wvelh, That will make a Loaf of Broad that will not cause a i^^rmvwiikg M'A^ •jrmpteiiUa ,' J. B.tlniberUke, Jackson, handle for platea. •noh M taaUnir the ibbd, Belohlnff, believe there- is gO'shead enterprise: and Nina Briatul. .' •KImer Wood,, man to siiuint Ills eye and ask a blessing every; For week endiiijr Sept. 30 : ; pride enough within a radiui of six or Emma Bald'.vin, BomKliner. ;:„ Heat lot the BtomaiBh; Heartburn,. ^ E. W. Aadrewa,B.troli,a4)uat»i>Ie rooker foif chairs LuitBonnttt, . -v.---; = •••• , ':j;Hme Mie Jilt8:doKn;-to. Ihe': table, Vetc. TheioiUjr Jrb • A.O. Itarueai Moore Parki fence and gate post, v' eight milesibf^ Mksi>n, to make'^a MABilt, G. L. VAN VpLKENBURGH'ajIIOOll, . K. D.DIakealey, Grand R«l>ldi,foliJlng Uhfe. •Orrin Freeland, .. .Cliarlie Hyer,' :':''> - / . but hither make blntlrcjoi'c'e. ,.:•?: J • V that wUl not; Maoken, the teeth or O, Green; Kalaniatoo.iinteniatle binder.-; iM. able to pay larger premium* thitn 'any (air •Willie Sanderson, Arlliiir Oroeiii ' - und give thanks. Ktre heodabhei.; Sold by all Dm^ '.'^r.-'iK. Kellogg. Kulauiatoa,plow. •WilliettanioII, ; i \,Ir«Qouolier,^- •^:^^x ^'Btata- at 41.00;a.bottle;^ •;•:;;•::':;.•;• f;;.^ij';;? ' . J. W. Loree, Itenwiok, animitl catcliar. iii ceiitial Michigaii m •Teraan Burns, ..'..M •:>,^v'-ArlhurWjeth,.+ ^. BBO^NJOHEMIOAIJ CO. C . , • F. M. PrlMtl;; Grand Baplda.Hfth wheel. , • :*Xiae Belter, 'C': :f;;:;'^i:'Charlle.W*etii,..'iS'\ ,, IHi: r.B«lirlv«r;OrMdBiplA;fUraM*gnt«, C. ;:. threufhout and a c«*«ral abandonment ot •Millie Bennell;;M'Ohatlle.VV^irdeiVii-f.S'.-iiiv'^^.^V GIVE HIM A TRIAI^ 'Baltimoro, »M. Mill ,li>,'liii(iw« :.CNaiiWMi aU.pettyjealottii«i;ara;-two'uMntial point! 1 'Iraoa loaili^oa wraypMw Vi'^^'•Mm Mto'fur T«Ue It. ITilMitAtlONte^' A Saginaw man named Peterson is at mm OF THE WEEK, far plain speaking, aa tbera are issues at stake OBAT'S.aBLKABiaarBBBn. f STATE AFFAIRS. New York seeking the aid of the emigration in New York nt this moment far rencbing In Judge Lawaon haa ordered the re­ society in order to find his wife and cliildran, miaitiyarox. consequences. It is impossible to reach any lease of K Dwyer Gray on pnyment of JESOO. Tlie particulars o£ tho drowning ol who hnve been lost between New York, and A "KICK" KBOM MlOUlQAN. fltliet conclusion but that fraud eutered into JudgeLawson while defnndlug his act iu im- #il Capt. W. 0. Hill, of the tiiff Mmy Aunn; on Saginaw. , A Washington dispatch, speaking of tbe nomination made for governor by the Re- prisoning Mr. Gray, on legal grounds, said he Georgian Bay, have, lieen recelveil. The tug got The meanest man iu Ijowell goes to the Garfield monument fair sayo: "TheMloh- publlonn parly at (:aratuga,. It was unfairly felt that jiistice had now been vindicated, as. cltected. Itisvninfor any Republican to caught near shore about midnight, struck tlin the cemotory and breaks Brnvestones.Hls iden­ Igan board of commissioners nte displeased better things were lioing observable, rocks and turned over. UIU'B body watihed with tho chnraoter of snmo buildings in wliich pretend lo bo blind to tho facts. I cannot con-" tity is not known, but he must be a frightful coive that I can serve my country ot my patty nshora and haa boeu hurled nt Godorich. thing to behfll'l. the board of directors propose displaying ox- DETROIT MARKETS. Tho steamer Liberia cracked her high hllilts and havo unanimously resolved to de­ by shutting my eyes to them, Frnud aud for- Wheat—Xo. 1, white,. .* 1)7%® flg At the Howell fair a lad named Flour— 5 00 (c« 5 16 preeeure cylinder when oil Idtllu Point Au cline to proceed further iu cnrrying out the gory were resorted to in order tn inUiienco the Corn— Claude Bsnrinau wan thrown from a racehorse action of the stnte commlttoo aad tbe judg­ fit! Sable, aud lo dianbled In consoauence. She is objects of tho ontorprlso uutll thoy have satis­ Onm— nud had a leg broken, and a baby was tun over ment of the stnte convention. This wrongdo­ now In the hnrbbr awnitlug lnHtructlon8;fiom factory nsaurance as to tho clinrncterof build­ Apples-TUlibl 2 !l0 @ 2 50 by n dray aad severely ornshed. ings to be fecurod, nnd the amount ot spnco ing vitiates all the convontlon dM." Mr, Poaches-i»l>'u l 26 (il 4 00 ..c.i ""wuere. ', , , The oatcrop in Alcona couuty is very Woodford nddod, in reply to a quoation: "The Poatft—Ifthu , 1 flU( g 2 75 I A fire at Postoria destroyed the new to be nllotod to oxhitiitorB from Michignu Plums-:|i)bu i 75 1,1; 3 60 honvy this season. They also Invito othor state hoards to moot short, direct and honorable wny out of it Is Grapes-f Ib 8V@ 5 Btore building just'finished, owned by Briggs forjudge Folger to refuse to accept tho nom- Butter- IS S 20 i, Frost, aud the drug store of E. A. Brown, A halt interest in the old Ohio mine with them at tho onrllost dato. and tnko such Eggs- 20 near Hancock has been sold tor 8850,00). It actiou as may bo (teoiiiod advlsalilo- inntion uinde under the circuniHtanceii. Be tncandlarism Is strongly suspected, as this Is served in thesonnte wheni hnd the honor of Potatoes—^bu ,S0 (a 40 wfll horonftor bo known aa the Peuiuaular Swrtot Polatoea—ID bbl •. 2 75 @ 4 00 the second fire thoro within a sliort time. Loss ,TEBE BLACK ITOH 'rUK MORMONS. presiding over thnt body. I Imva nn alleclion- copper uilnlBg company. Hay— 13 UO @15 00 !f2,200. Judge Jere Black on behalf of the at'i pcrsounl regard for him, I admire him Straw— 7 IIO @ 9 OO Thos. Sillman o£ Three llivers has Col well, McGregor & Co., of Harris- Mormons will preseut to the Secretary of llio for his ability and for his purity of character Pork,meHB— 22 75 S23 lO vllle, are building n largo pllo wharf at Umt k-ork, family— 25 75 (S21I 00 Invented an nutnniallc puinp for farm work, Intorior an arguiuont la favor of the romovnl I honor him as a jurist, but the Republican Moor, extra moHfi— 13 (:0 @13 '24 etc. All that it is necessary to do ia to hitch a place; also a new shingle mill. of Gov. -Murray of Otnh in connoction with au party will uot indorse tho luotlioris through Wood, Bench luid Mnplii 75 horso to it nnd wind it up in the moruing, There is typhoid fever in tho Jackson arguinout to ijrev.i the Otim ctanmisslon un- which Fnlgor waa nomiuatiid. Ho cauuot af­ Wood, Maph) 750 slate prison aud the Lansing reform school, ooustltutiounl. ford to do so by accepting the nomiuatiou. 1 Wood, Hickory 7 50 whereupon it will pump away briskly the en­ goal. Egg ....6 75 @ 6 00 tire dnj'. nccordlDg to local papers. COL STONKMAN RESIGNS, hopo and trust ho will not, nnd in sajing thlo Coal, Store ,. d 25 Heavy frost about Bronson the flrst A Drayton Plains I'armer raised 900 ®ne of the first acts of Gon, Sherman I chearfully accept whntovor diaadvnntngas Iht ConI, Chiislnut .. ti 25 ot tho week, but the fnrmera wore rendy [or bushels of cucumbors on eight iiores of land ns acliuR Seciutnry ot War was to sign an ac­ uttorauce iuvolvoB, being sure of this nt all ovoiite, that I nin true to my conscience, my Melvillo, It. , nnd sold them for 42 cents por buflhei. ceptance of tho losignatlon of Gon, Georso parly and inycounliy," Thirty-five Norwegian settlers went Ilarriman, the pedestrian, who is Stoufliiian ns celonel ou the rotireil list of tlio Engineer Melvillo has been directed to tho PotOHkoy nnd Travorau region this week soiuewhero In tho wilds ot Kent County, v/rltes nriuy. Geu. Stonemnn in Dotnocratic candl- CALIEOUNfA PBOllini'riONIS'rS, by the Acting Secretary of tho Navy to take up homes. that a San Francisco mnn oitoru to back him dato tor governor ot Calitornia. The political situation ot the golden to retain in his possession tho records IMPOR'l'S Ann EXPOK'rS. stato has beeu couslderubly coinplicntod by Mrs. Hale of Ed more was run over and pny all e.tpunsea tor a trip to Australia ot the .Joanette , expedition which he tho nomluntiou of n prnhihition ticket. Or. by a movlug freight car being switched to a there to ooutuuii iu a six dayti' walftlug con­ The value of imports of merchandise preserved until after tbe investigation into the United Stntoaduiiug tho 12 months R. H. McDonnld, of Snn Frnnoisco, is up for which has been ordered. Melville will side track In that village. She is probably fa- test. Harrlmiiu anya ho will go in Decom- eudod August 81, ISR'2, wns Ig7'tl,i183,917; for governor, while Wm, Syius, ot Yola couuty, is accordingly keep in custody the two tnllj hurt. ber. tho preceding 12 months, $«'i:J,'21h',56fl. Tho candidate for llButonant, weather-beaten chests which he brought Stephen Sullivan, a painter, who re­ Deer shooting is lawful on and after value of exports during Ihe 12 months ended THINKS HE WILL ACCEP'r, wilh him, but he will return to their cently arrived nt Grand Rapids from New York last Monday and the woods ,are full nf buu- ters, August 31,1882, was i|l7S7,0a8,772; tho preced­ John F, Smyth, chairman of the new writers, as far as may be possible, a stnte, hai hecomo inanno, nnd has been placed ing 12 months, f891,717,'l51. Republican state oomniilteo, said to n reporter number of letters sent to those mem- ^ II, L, Holcomb, of St,. Louis, is re­ in the care of tho poor authorities. AKRIGH'ri'UL RUNAWAY. of tho Albnuy Argus: "You cnn say in tho bers of the expedition who will never ported to hnve sold his mills, etc., in that place E. H. Drake, father ot H. J. Drake, Argus thnt I havo no reason to suppose Mr. return. Melville says there is a great for«20,500. Ex-assomblyman Amasa J. Parker, of the great fire case, died at Coldwater recent­ Jr., was driving a spirited team nt Albany, N, Folger will docliue the nomination, and every deal of valuable matter in the records ly, and tho trial hns been postponed. Losses by burglars at Howell, are, H. Y., tho othor day, when the horses ran nway. reason in tho world to conclude ho will nc. that has not yet been published. He will incorporate the substance of many Kichard Metty, who was born 8i H, Mills A Son two gold watches, HnrbertAok- PnrScr was thrown out nnd htid his leg broken. coptit." . o£ these rexiords in his report, which years apn near Dfttroit, died nl hia homo iu loy a watch and fJiSO. A person Hupposed to It is tonred that the skull wm also fractured. bo tho tlilofbfts been cnuglit at Fowlerville. he is now writing. He says the ex­ Monroe county, whore he haa livod «9 years. Tho horses continued to run nnd tho cnrriago NO'r ON 'rUK PKOORAMMK. It has been decided that Mrs, Hooks, pense incurred by himself and the sur­ A white bronze monument in the struck a tree, throwing out tho three Indy oc­ During a recent session of the Bap­ vivors after they left DeLong is prob­ of Howell, concerning whoso death thoro has cupants. .Mrs. Lewis Rathbone, wife of a Union City cemetery has been shnmofuliy do- tist aBsociation at Hampton Cross Roads Vn. ably about forty thousand roubles. As been nn invftstigation, died from nntural prominent retired manufacturer ot tho city, faced by eoiiio ono who threw acid upon It. two younc men under tho Inlluenco of liquor to the Jnve3tigal:ion, lie says he does caiiaes, was inetantly killed, Mrs, Parker and Mrs, not see why one should be ordered, or Harry Wynn, the noted confldence began n pistol combat in the church, causing Sidney Burt, a prominent yonng man, S. H. Strong ot Savannah, eislor-iu-law of Col. a pnnio nmong tho worahipors. Levi Bryson why Congress need to trouble itself man who formerly constituted one or tho Port nnd ehnirmnnot the board of school inspec­ Parker, were slightly injured.. about the matter, as the .leanette was Huron gang,.is reporteil to have been released wns fatally shot by Jerry Cox, but succeeded tors, died nt Howell of binck erysipelas. A BIO PAYMKN'r ON ODR OHB'r. In fntnlly shooting Cox. Both died iu tho a private vessel, tho crew were volun­ from tho hoiiso nt correction hecnuse ho would It is estimated 116,000,000 of the teers, and the expenses were all paid have died if kept iu eonfinenient longer. Hois church. Many wore injurad by being tram­ Death of Hon. F, O, Beaman. national debt wore paid off during Soplom- by Mr. Bennett. Mr. lilelvillo, there­ now in Canadn. pled upon during tho panic ber. ANU 'rUE BRE'raBEN FODOllT, fore, is on waiting orders to-night, The Mary is the name ot a new Hon. Fernando C. Beaman died at without responsibilities or duty. It fltenmer coating tliO.OOO, now plying lietweea Adriiin, Sept, 27 th, aged CS- He wa.s The Rev, McClenihein pastor of the shows the fascination whicli Arctic Port Huron aud Algonno. It is allogod thnt born at Chester, Vt., ,Tune 2S, l.SU, He A 0IHCD8 WBEOK. Diilted Presbyterian church at. Avondalc, search has, however, for its votaries, she can make Ili inilos an hour In smooth wn. lived in Franklin County, N. Y„ from While Sells circus Avas being drawn Coshocton Co,, Ohio, wns nssnultvd by Robert that on this the flrst night of his free­ tor. She is owned by tho Marino City Stnvo 1S:0 to 1S30, He taught school there over the railroad near Point Lick, Ky., the Hood, ono ot the oldeis of tbo chufch, aud dom Engineer Melville said he ivould Company. seven winters and three, summers. He train becniuo umnanngHalilo owing to n steep btutnlly beaten with a club on account of 111 be willing to tako comnifind of another went to Rochester in 1830, and f;here grade nnd a nunibor of cars were thrown feeling growing out of a church trial. expedition to the north pole, provided Eliza .Tohnston, who stole a Port read law. He came to Michigan in Huron coat from Springer's clothing store, from the track, causing the doath of throe at- A 'rBEAOHKliOUS IfKYilt, he could have full command, and Ism, was admitted .to the bar of Len­ could have a ship built, manned, and has beeu souteneed to two months in prison. awee County in 18,30 and comraenced laohBs, and wounding ot a largo number ot The Philadelphia police have arrest­ equipped to suit him. He believes Barney Mills and Jolm Watson get three nud practice in Mancliesl^er. He removed others. There were only four brakes on the ed W.G. Whittaker, residing In Paschalvillo IS monlhsrespectively at tha lonirt prison for to Tecnmscli a few months later, and care, the others hnving been roinovod to nc- near tho city limits, charged with poisoning that the course to the Pole is by the Franz Josef Land route. Mr. Mel­ stealing. ihere formed a partnership with Hon, coinmo'late loading ot the circus, his wile Jonnio aged 44 years and his cliildron Wayaou agod 24, Alary aged 19, Eva 15, Sarah ville, while relieved from all further The revenue cutter Geo. M. Bibb is 0, A Stacy, which continued until 1S41, A LIVKLV CONTES't. 16, Bsrtha 8 and Willie 4 years. A boarder service in the line of ordinary duty, at East Tiiwns inspecling, aud has found crnfts He changed his residence to Clinton, The Republicans of tho second con­ named Wayson Cooper, 10 years old, was also was directed to continue his custody of without papoi'B and othor irregularities. She but in 18'!,'!, being appointed Prosecut­ gressional district of Louisinnn, after indulg­ poisoned. Somo of the sufferers are in a crit­ the records of tho expedition, wliich he fouud tho tuB Lark without papers, nn lonniiKo ing Attorney of Lenawee County by ing in a free fight, in which thero wore a num­ Gov, Barry, he removed to Ad'rain, ical condition. It is alleged that Whittaker found and has preserved complete and marlts on her innlii tienm, no Hiunll boat or ber of knockdowns, pistols drawn and fired where ho resided until his death. He placed arsenic in a bucket of water with which intact. The private letters and jour­ life pres.irvers, and nn ongiuoer, tlio cnptnlu and tho negro sBrgennt-at-arma nt the con- wns twice reappointed Prosecuting At tea was made. nals of DeLong will be handed to his noting ns coininandor.nnd engineer. Tho boat voulion fatally stabbed, iioininatod Judge widow whenever she comes to claim was put In charge of the ciiatoma ollcnr but torney. Among bis law partner.s were A, R, Tiffany, T, M, Cooloy and R ash Marks, tho intetnnl tevouuo collector ot them. The other records will remain will protinbly be released soon ns Captain Beecher. Mr. Beaman was an tho district. GHKUCK SUHXENDKHS. in the care of Mr. Melville until they Stroinbler olniins he hns pnpers nt Port Hu­ earnest Democrat until 184S FEMALE SDVraAOE, The report of the settlement of the are produced at the oflicial investiga­ ron. when he joined the Free .. Soil In Nebraska Miss Anthony, Mrs. Turko. Greek frontier question by tho sur- tion, soon to be held at the department, The stearabarge Lowell and W. movement. .He wns active in the Snxon of New Orleans, Misa Hindnmn of Penn­ render by Greece of tho whole frontier fixed to inquire into the loss of the vessel Powers aud tow barges Goo. Provst, N. P formation of the Republican ]>arty in sylvania, Madam Moyninn of New York, MiBs by the international commission Is oincially and the other misadventures of the ex­ Gooiiell, Geo. Kolley, Star of Hopo, Orion, Sun­ this state, ami was one of the Vice Pboobo Cousins of St. l.onis, Mrs. Shattuc ot confirmed, pedition. The records are ot the great­ shine, Win. Croaawnito, h. J. Fnrwell and Presidents of the first State Conven Boston, Mies Foster of Philadelphia and Mrs. PBEPARINO '10 niSPOSB OF 'rHE REBELS. est historical value, aud were preserv­ Norwnynnd tlio scows Mary Amelia, Alpena, tion at Jackson. He was elected Colby ot Nebraska, speak until the election The ministers ha ve agreed upon three ed with extreme care by DeLong to Garibnidi, Joseph Euright and tug Vulcan, Mayor ot Adrian in the spring of 1S,'50, decrees which the khedive will sign. The the end. When they were starving t and in the fall of that year a Repub­ In the interest of woman suifrage. with a ratt from Black River, aro all at East first decree inslitiitos a special commission tot one of the very last acts of DeLong Tnwns seeking stie.'ter trom a lioavy east lican Presidential elector for Michigan A HKPORT ON 'rUR SCIO'rO niSASTEH, was to attempt to take jihera to a place and Judge of Probate of Lenawee prosecuting of all acts of rohallion committed gale. Local Inspectors Young and Wilson by militnry or civilians. The commission will of safety. When published, they will County, In 1800 he was elected to be found of great interest, and will havo signed the report ot thoir decision in the consist of nine members and will be under the .U<^vid Cowan went out shooting near Congress and was four times re-elect­ shed much new light ou the work of matter nt the collision between tho John Lo- presidency ot Ismail Bey. Tho second orders Reading a few dnys ago, taking with him a ed, his last term expiring March 4, the expedition. Mr. Melville says that lad nainod Harold nnd n little white deg. 1871, He was a hard worker in Con­ mns nnd Scjotn ou the Ohio river near Mingo n court martini with eight members, Reouf on the night of July i, by which over 60 lives only a small portion ot them has aa Hnrolil aud tho dog laid down for a snooze in gress, and served on some important Pasha presiding, held in Cairo, and that it yet been printed, and that the books tho bushes, aud Cowan, mistaking tho dog for standing committees. Ho was also were lost. They recommend thnt the license shall give judgment according to tho militnry of Keller, pilot ot, the Scioto, be revoked, and contain a large number of careful maps a wnodchuck, shot nt it, painfully wounding chairman of a special committee on the code, without appeal, in all cases Bubmittod by aud sketches. • tho boy. confiscation ot Confederate property. as to that ot Long of the Lomas disagree, Wil­ the above named commission. The third son favoring revoking his papers, and Young Grand Rapids will build a new Shortly after hia return home to Adrian directs the assembling in Aloxaodrinot anoth­ he was appointed Judge of Probate to holding him blameless, Tbe matter in dispute er contt martial to try all oaaea submitted by bridge to coat !$17,000 across Grand River at fill the vacancy occasioned by the death is referred to Supervising Inspector Fehren. Bridga street. tribunals rccantly appointed in Alexandria Dr. Siemens thinks that before many of his former law partner, Judge bach for decision, Tantah, Tho profleodings ot both courts mar­ years have passed ships will be made It is said that a sanitarum will be Beecher. He was elected to the posi­ tial will be public and the accusedibe permit­ of s-jch tough ''mild-steel." that wheu built at Goguac Lake near Bnttia Creek cost­ MORMON OPPOSITION. tion by popular vote in 1872 and re­ ted to employ counsel. The khedive will they strike upon a rock they will not - ing i|50,000. elected in 1870. On the death of Sen­ A Salt Lake dispatch of the 28th ult. says: Governor Mnrray, in obedience to the law shortly issue a decree grnnUng amnesty to all spring aleak, but only "bulge several ator Chandler he was tendered the ap­ feet." These ships will be driven by .Tames Kennedy, an employe at the of Copgresa providing for appointments to fill oflicers from ciptaihs doWnw.ard engaged in Chicago & Grand Trunk railway shops. Port pointment of United.States Senator by electricity or gas, for, in the opinion ot / Gov. Croswoll, hut declined ou account vacancies oci:n"ioned by failura to hold -tha the rohelllon, excepting those who participated Huron, got fouled on a shaft and was In dan in the riots or joined the army since the begin­ the' learned president of the British > of his age aud ill-health. ei<ox of an amendment Lord DufEerin communicated to Lord tent fevers—by the use of Hop Bitters. ' from tbeoldNatloiiBlmine, wastorw.arded by ly follow. E. B. Coolldge, the goveru- meht ageiit,' has accepted a similar posi­ to the constitution of the state, tprevar pro­ Granville a note from the ; Porte; thanking boat to Detroit,' Tbe National is tbeilrat of tbe ' LTOINGTON, Mich.^Feb. 2,1880. tion on the Wiieeling.& Lake Erie road hibiting tha manufacture and sate of intoxl- Great Britain tor re-eslabllshlng order In Egypt , old aba^doned^^^^ jtbat I have sold Hop Bitters for four and H. Bromley, general freight and eating ikiuora wjk\mmig».'^'':''l':J:X.f:i^l Bind expressing si hope that the bonds of friend years, arid there is no medicinie that sur­ h(»i been pjie'ned ti^ agalii under'tlie^ip^ ticket agelnt, will be the only r official ship at present aubaistihg between Turkey and ] {ot the .ready; means otltransporta^^^^ by VBADDIN VKWYOBK. passes them for bilious attacks, kidney i who remain. Auditor Hayden will be Eogland will become BtlU closer. ; Lord Qrah- complaintSjandmahydiseases incident; : :tbe/0.;:&'B. B,.roBd, jand itJa saidi.tbereare here October 1 to set things in runhiug . Distriot Attorney Woodford^ of New villa replied, expreasing artlstaotioiQ ,.\moreto tollow.;^•:^^^'^'S.t•^:/.;(:•govemment.!;' work per day in the field; than in Beveu- lU/ii AiOTTSJEItOLT^ wear out your system without supply­ AJiOUV WOMEM. teen hours In theother way; and when ing the waste as you go along. Often Homo Topics. A fAiiMEK wrttiiig to nn exchange a man works in the latter manner, he when the stoniach retuaea the regular FASHION NOTES. is capable of thoughtfulness, however Siij'M: "Iliad a mare some years ago A.S 1 h.avo been the greater part of meal, it will bear very well an egg much he would be liisiioaod tq think Aatrakan cloth with tufted surfacejis that lii'id a largo warn on licr side, wliere the time since last April watching by beaten to a froth, sweetened and (lavor- the harness ruhhiid and kept it sore, tn and calculate. And yet a great many ed. '.Chis is both strengthening and revived, men spend llieir lives in .iust this way, the side bed of my mother I have had siimmur dies made it tvorse. To pre­ nourishing. AVhere there is a positive Velvotine dresses promise to be fash- vent this, I put on a good daub of lar, and seek to diiag into the same chan­ some experience in nurftiiig and cook­ nel all those coiinected with,them, los­ ing for tlie sick, iind perhaps some of aversion to it of had bettet: be ionably worn this winter, aa rivals to aud ill few weeks the wart was killed omitted. But find aome good substi­ tuilor-m.ade Cloth costume,s. and disappeared. I have frequently' ing sight of the fact that a little well that experience may be a help to others. done is far better than a great deal half A sick person, when very weak and tute that you can oat. Often it is only Shrimp pink, str.iwberry red and tried it siuce on cattle and horises, and the old, oft-repeated dishes of which Sf.'ldom had an occasion to use a second done. debilitated, should have nourishment electric blue velvet bowa are woru at in small quantities,, but often, and of a you aro tired. Indulge yoursoK in any the neck with linen coUars. application. The remedy is simple and How to Walk. extra dish within your range which elfeetual." . * kind will be readily assimilated, The fashionable linen collar is a sucli as milk, beef tea, gruel, etc you think you would like. Do not con­ It may seem at Urst ridiculous to sider it an extraviigance to so "waste" standing military band with a vine of TJIJS French mode of killing poultry pretend to teach grown people how to It is necessary to study variety in your good tilings; no one needs them so embroidery near the edge. isto open the beak bC the iowl, and witli Wiilk as though they had not learned cooking for the sick, aa they very soon much na you. No one deserves the A large white dove perched on the a shiirji-pointeil, narrow-bladed knife this in infancy. But we are willing to tire of any one dish. Milk, which was left side uf the hat is a fashionable make an incision at tlie back of the venture the assertion tltat not one per­ best you hiive ;is much as yourself. If formerly a forbidden article of diet, es­ some house-mothers were it little more trimming for autumn hats for young roof of the month, wliich will divide son in twenty knows how to walk well. pecially for fever patients, is now one the vertehiio and cause instant death, How few people there are who do not sellish and less saving where themselves women. Smaller birds are used for of the main nourisliments to be de­ were concerned, it would be the bettor turbans, • after which the fowls are hung up by feel slightly embarrassed when obliged pended upon, and can bo varied by giv­ Cho legs. Tlicy will bleed perfectly, to walk across a large room iu wliich for all parties. It is by our food that The newest coutriists of color for ing it sometimes hot and sometimes wejive and move aud have 'our be- with no dis/jgureinunt; picked while are many persons seated ao as to ob­ cold. Gruel, of various kinds, is usual­ walking dresses are moss green with warm, and, if desired, scalded. In this serve well elicli movement! How many ing~, aud if it is not appetizing the strawberry red, seal brown with cerise way tlie skin presents a more natural public speakers tliere are who appear ly relished. Sometimes I make it by stomach will do ics work but poorly. putting a pint and a hiilf of water on garnet with copper color, aud black appearance than when scalded. well upon the platform so long as they After the staples of bread and butter, with ruby. remain standing still, or nearly so, but the stove in a stiuce-pan; then tako one which we feel that we muat use on our tiiblespoonf ul of (lour and the* s.ime of Graceful tunica are made in scarf FANCY horses in idleness, fancy chick­ who become'almoat ridiculous as soon tiibles three times a day the year around, as they attempt to walk about. Good corn meal; mix thia with cold water, it is well to vary as much iis we can the shape, or arranged in a point on one ens kept for their line ornament to the and as soon as the water in the sauce­ side, aud are very much puffed aud of farm, and lino stock for city editors to walkers are scarce. As we step along daily fare. It is true every housekeeper pan boils, stir itin. Let it boil slowly great length behind. viait and pufl! iii the their plipers, the street, we are often looking out has lier type of cooking, and the aame may do for men of pletlioric purses. for' good walkers, and we finil them about twenty minutes, stirring all the things alwiiys taste about the same way Bliick iind white wool, knowu as the But when the farm i.s to be run and very seldom. What is good walkiugV time; then add a luilf teaapoonful of coming from her hands, yet she can shepherd's check, promises to be ji veiy family supported from the profits of We answer, easy, graceful, natural Bidtand about a gill of sweet cream. ring many changes on very simple ma- popular fabric for braided costumes. walking. Nearly all the good walkers the farm, a diilereut system has to be Do not let it boil after putting in the twials. PotiitoBs, tor iuaCance, aeem tliero are will be found among gentle­ cream, but turn it into it bowl and cov­ The newest embroidered squares for pursued. Tliere are no easy seals and men, since fashion insists on so tram­ almost like a different article of diet the neck have a wido hem on tlio edge, roclcaways in the corn or harvest fields. er tightly. Do not curry it to tho pa­ when miished, or baked, or simply boil­ meling a woman that she cannot walk tient in the bowl, but in a cup, set in a with a vine of embroidery above the It is tlui application of tlipmuscle,dir- well, can scarcely make a natural ed in their jackets, or cut in slices and hem. rected witii brains which wins there. saucer; a pretty Cliina cup, it you have fried brown. Some housewives seem movement, in fact. To w.alk natural­ it, aa it will taste all the better. I Dark satine dresses arb liked for small ly, requires the harmonious action of almost never to prepare them in any Chips. make oat-meal or nice gruel inj mucli way except the third, and itgrowa very girls because chey do not show soil, and nearly every muscle in tho body. A as tbey are entirely of cotton, are easily the aame Wiiy, hue it needs to ' cook monotonous. Sometimes a good chickeu good walker walks all over; not with cleaned. We have always been in the habit iin universal swing and swagger, as longer before adding the cream. dinner would chirk up tlie whole fiim- of using the chips thtit were too arnali though each bone was a pendulum A very noiirishiug drink, which I ily more tlnut three bottles of patent The latest novelty in outside gar­ to burn for mixing with barnyard man­ with its own separate hanging, but have prepared a great many times this medicines, and they would not be half ments is the frock coat, cut. double- ure. At the annual clearing up of the easy, gracefully. Not only the muscles summer, is made as follows; Beat oue so expensive. Try eating the chickens breaijted in masculine shiipe, and pro­ wood )ilo all the refuse is raked np and of the lower limbs, but those of the egg very light aud add white sugar instead of trading them for a bottle of vided with a series o£ useful pockets. carted to the compost heap together trunk, even of the neck, as well as enough to thicken; put two teaspoon- the stuff, and see if it does not work far with two or three inches of the well those of the arms, are all called'into The fancy for birds has extended fuls of thia mixture in a teacup; heat better, besides being ever so' much even to mourning dresses, and the dia­ rotted soil. A Nebraska fanner gives action as natural walking. A person pleiisanter. Don't make the rule aome who keeps liis trunk and upper extre­ two thirds of a cup of nglk, hut do not agreeable faahiou is seen of a black the following excellent advice on this farmers seem to follow, of never eating subject to fiirmeis living iu the West: mities rigid while walking, gives one let it boil; then pour the hot milk over raven perched ou an English black crapa anything from the pliice they could pos­ "In timber countries there is always a tlie impression of an automation witli the egg in the teacup, stirring as the bonnet. woodpile, a woodshed tuid a chipyard pedal extremities set on hinges. Noth­ milk is poured in. Flavor with nut­ sibly sell. Treivt yourself to some of your best prodiiGta, aud turii over the A rifle-green velvet costume border­ at every house. The soil in such sec­ ing could be more ungraceful than the meg. Thia mixy be t.ikeu hot, or left ed with gray fur, with a small mufl! and tions is mostly heavy clay, hard to mincing, wriggling g.ait. which the ma­ until it is cold. The mixture of egg value of itlii increased working ability. Depend upon it, your own health and a smaller bonnet of the same velvet, plough, easily ' dried up, soon baked jority of young ladies exhibit in tlieir aud, if covered aud put in a coo! edged with fur, is a Paris design for walk. They aro scarcely to beheld strength is the best revenue you will after a rain and generally not conduc­ place, will keep until the uext day, and the coming winter. tive to root growth. Mitny .nodes aro resiionsible however, since fashion re- ciin be used as desired. ever get from your estate if you live on quiries tliom to dress tlieiuselves in it a hundred years. Plaques of braid, made of row after employed to render such soilssullieienC- Flax-seed lemonade is a very uour- ly open, warm aud moist for the rapid such a way as to make it impossible to row of soutache wound .around to form ishing and refreshing drink, and is es­ growtli of esculent roots, especially walk otherwise than awkwardly and AuN'r EVA. a solid spot three inches across are potatoes. Heating mlinures (.long, unnaturally. pecially beneficial where the patient placed all around the skirts of cloth has a cough. It is made its follows: stiawy stiill) aro not good for such mngineoring Terms, dresses, also on the colliu', cufls and crops, and all nuuit.res are scarce; but AVe cannot .attempt to desoribo the To four ceaspoonf Ills of whole llax-seed edge of the basque. Chips fur a potato paleh are far beyond numerous varieties of unnatural gaits, add a quart of boiling water iind let it steep three hours; then iidd the juice of Aa one of the moclianical papers ' Hussar jackets of cloth, trimmed all other natural manures for this root. and will leave the subject with a few very correctly remarks, there are few witll braid or with narrow soutache, Thoy keep tlio soil open rneclitinically; suggestions about correct walking. two lemons; sweeten to taste aad thin witll cold w.ater. Drink cold. things more puzzling to the engineer are the wraps to be worn hy young they keep it moist by tlte attraction be­ 1. Hold the head erect, with the than the number and variety ot engin- girls during the atitumn. Shorter civdet tween decaying wood and the atmos­ shoulders drawn back and the chin As I Wiis going down the street not eeriiig terms in use, the meaning of basques with high military colar will phere; thoy keep it warm both while drawn in. Nothing looks more awk­ long ago two pretty, well-dressed young which varies in aifferent parts of the be woru iis parts of house dresses. undergoing fermentation and decay, ward and diaagreeable than a person ladies were jtist in front of me and country, and, iu fiict, in different shops. The newest cloth suits have a riding and also, by fostering looseness, they walking witli the head thrown back fragments of tlicir conversation floated No matter how Ciireful a man may be hiibit-basque with a kilt skirt and loug admit the air and ics genial in/ltienees, and the nose and chin elevated. back, Chiet among which were such in deciding ou the nomenclature of a overskirt that is caught up almost to which are many. Most farmers know 2. Step lightly and witli elasticity— phrases as the following: "Don't you new machine built in his own shop, to tbe waist on the left side, beneath .all this, and jtiit their knowledge into not wth a teetering gait—setting the give me away," "you bet your life," and of which he thinks, perhaps, he can a large buckle of dark oxidized sil­ practice. Many know it, and do not foot down squarely upon the walk aud "giving her taffy," "too awfully nice,'' raising it sulliciently high to clear the hitve fnll control, yet he finds after a ver. do so. 1 wish to say to these latter "tony," "made a mash," "mighty pret­ that by allowing small chips to accum­ walk in swinging forward. A shuf- little time that some of his finely-chosen ty," and many others which I have for­ names are entirely dropped in spite of all Toques, caps or turbans of what is ulate around the house they maiutaia II ing gait denotes a shiftless character, culled velvet felt will be woru with But do not go to the other extreme, gotten, and which, if not decided vul­ the inlluence he can use,and that either an unsightly appearance, and by not cloth dresses. The brims are covered hauling them to the potato patch they stepping along like ;i horse with garities, were at least iuelegancies. more suggestive or more whimsicitlare "string halt." A person with a firm, These young ladies belonged to good adopted by the workmen; and what is with gathered velvet, and the crowns lose annually fifty per cent, of the are covered with the head, breiist and crop in quantity and as much in quali­ light, elastic g.iit, will walk much families, oue of them being the daugh­ more to the point, they "stick" in'spite farther without wetiriness than ono ter of a clergymen, and I wondered if of argument and entreaty. Engineering tail feathers of a bird of colors kindretl ty. This kind of manure is immediate to that of velvet. and lasting iu its beneficial effects, is who sluinies along. A kind of meas­ their mothers approved of that style of terras in general, if analyzed, will be Cheap, handy and a dead loss unless ured tread or rhythm in the walk also conversation. found to be fanciful in the last degree. seems to add to the power of endur­ Among the handsomest garments for put to work, as all waste material It may be stylish for young Ilidies to Workmen often have a grim sense of evening wear are thecasaquins of crepe should be." ance, although, for persona who have humor combined with what, in another long distances to travel, an occasional use such language, but if so, there haa de Chine, or silk gauze, trimmed with been a great change since I was a girl, line, might be called a poetic tempera­ ten or twelve frills o( lace and many change in tho time will be advantage­ ment. The result of this is a constant Te Bit a Colt. ous. and I must confess that I am too old- long loops of ribbon. Sometimes a hun­ fashioned to like it. AVe hear such ex­ seeking after remote analogies or odd dred yards of lace are required for a The true way to bit a colt is not to .S. In walking, do not attempt to pressions on every hand from children conceits. Of course the resulting nom­ casaquin and skirt. bit him at all—that is, let him bit keep any part of the body ri.siid, but aud young girls, aa well as from loung­ enclature is of the oddest character, himself, When my colts are one year leave all free to adapt themselves to the ing young men or street boys. It seems apparently without rhyme or reason. Flowers are banished from millin­ old I begin to teach them to hold a bit varying circumstances which a con­ as if a wave of slang were rolling over Speiiking some years ago to Mr. John ery, and feathers of every kind are to in their mouth. The' bit is of pine, stant Change of position occasions. Stevenson in regard to the names which be worn. Cock's feathers will be mads The arms n.aturally swlBg gently, but our country, sweeping away the,old half an inch in diameter and live inches time culture and rednemeac, and every ought to be given to various parts of to serve in Ornamental ways, both for iu length. This piece of soft wood is not violently. The object of this is to street cars, we were very forcibly re­ hats and bonnets, while tropical plum­ maintain the balance of the body, as pure,true-hearted persou ought to do all held in the mouth by a cord tied at in his power to stay the tide. minded of the difficulty which even tho age Of scarlet, yellow, and bluish green either end and passing over the head .also by the gentle swinging motion to leading man in the trade has in making will relieve the sombre brown shades aid iu propellinsr the body along. back of the ears. The colt loves to Mothers, watch the speech of yonr riitional and proper names i'or the vari­ of the stylish partridge .and pheasant have this iu his mouth, because it ena­ Correct walking should be cultivat­ children and see that they speak their ous parts of his manufacture "stick." feathers. bles him to bring forward the teething ed. It ought to be taught along with mother tongue iu its purity. Guard There are many members of a street process. He will bite it and work it arts and sciences. In our military your own conversation that extrava­ car which it is utterly impossible to For a street costume a cutawiiy over in his mouth and enjoy it hugely. schools it is taiufht, but these schools gant and exaggerated phrases do not persuade the workmen to call by proper basque has reveerabelow the belt which can be attended by but few. Invalids, He will welcome it, and will actually creep in. If children are allowed to names. Some shop term is devoted to are braided iu arabesque pattern. The especially, should take great pains to square tabs beneath this and the front reach oat and open his month for it as uae slang a habit will very likely be them associated w th some joke or ludi­ a trained horse will for a bit. After a learn to walk well, as by so doing they formed which will cling tothem through below the point where the slope begins . will gain more than double the amount crous incident, which holds the name haa bars of braid across. The pannier few days you camtic strings, making lite. One writer says: "That relations upon the piece in spite of all efl'orts to miniature reins, to this bit, and teach Of benellt they will otherwise derive drapery of the akirt is drawn back existing between thought and speech get another adopted. AVe confess we the colt the proper use of it. Wlieu from the exercise. and between morals and speech are so from the front in plaits. Tho plain this is done lie is ready for the regular have little hope of seeing any great skirt is braided and iiniahed with a A Clever CaiT intimate tbat any impurity or impro­ steel bit. Put your bridle on with a improvement in the matter of' shop deep ruehing at tho edge. _ The back priety in the one quickly taints tbe terms. This ia especially the case in drapery is quite bouffant. leather bit, large and pliant; throw The following proofs of intelligence Other. your Check-line, if your bridle has' one mechanical departments, since employ­ in a cat you may deem worthy of a space Girls, instead of catching all tbe ers take very little care wheu building A short double skirt costume has a attached, into tha pigsty; get into your basque with deep pockets on each of wagon and drive off. This is all the in your columns: A literary friend of Blang phrases aud rough speeches that a new machiniB to find names for its mine at Bath had been often vastly they hear, should set an example of parts. They usually wake up to tbe the sides, that are shorter than the bitting a colt needs. Treated in this square tabs buck and front. Abroad way, he will have a lively, yielding, amused at the interest with which her purity of speech and exert arellning in­ fact that their shop has already named cat appeared, to view her proceedings at fluence over their brothers and the every member before they have real­ ribbon is passed around the neck, con- " sensitive mouth. He will take the fined under a strap from the darts at bit bravely when working up to his the writing table. He vvould some­ young men with whom they associate. ized that t^e pieces needed any names times jump up beside her,.'and lay his the belt, and hangs to the knee.s,'being ' speed, but yield readily to the driver's An Old Chinese proverb says: "Words whatever. • knotted loosely. The upper skirt is will. A horse bitted iu this sensible )aw On her wrist. On one occasion, are the voice of the heart." What vain lowever, he leapt on tlie table in front very full and gathered into the belt. way can be driven a forty-clip with und idle thoughts must 1111 the hearts of It is caught on each side to the waist, the lines held iu one hand, or be lifted Of her and watched her narrowly, aud many of Our young people, judging forming a full back drapery falling in ovier a five-barred gale ~ with the with such a preternaturally knovving from the low,foolish and meaningless Some time ago a man went into a Baltimore la^Ayer's odlce in a state of soft folds.,/The underskirt 18 edged strength of a single wrist. Ifyoudo' glatice in his bright eye. with his head talk in which they indulge. Surely in with a knife plaiting , under, points • not'believe it, try and see.—IF. H.H. held slightly on one side, tbat she was this beautiful and woudeiful world great excitement, and asked him to commence proceedings tor a divorce. formed of the square cUt edge of: the Murray's Perfect Horse, impelled to lay down her pen and look there might be found something of im­ Mr. Dobbin heard him through, and skirt, plaited and fastened up at one at him. What was ber surprise aud de­ portance to talk about, and there are side. then said: "I think I have something Brains vs Brawn. \ light to see him walk deliberately to tbe good, pure, strong words enough in the inkstand, take a pen in his mouth, and that will suit your ease exactly, .sit A walking dress hah a shorn paletot English language to express^^all noble still and I will read it to you." The Mil farming, thinking is as necessary leaping to tbe floor, commence tracing ideas. over a trimmed skirt. Three draperies characters with it on the carpet, fortu­ man remained, seated, all ears, sup­ are placed, shell like, around the upper as working. The highest results are posing be was to listen to Blackstone obtained by those who farm intelligen­ nately for which, poor Timothy had p.irt of the skirt, falling from the belt The Best for .Yourself. or Kent, when Mr. Dobbin began to diagonally, the back drapery hanging tly. Brain, net less than brawn, is re­ forgotten the ink. Another day his read, "Betsey and I are Out." By the quired, and there is no calling, which mistress said to him, in fun, "Oh, Tim­ over the left side. Three deep tucked time he had ended, the man's feyes flounces finish the back of the skirt.. requires more careful thoiight, combih- othy, I havie lost a button uS my dress; Many times the housewife, after her busy morning hours, lllnds herself at were full of tears. "I believe I will go Around the front and sides isa kilt led with.pratlcal skill, than the various I wish you would find it." The animal home," he said. And he and.his wife plaiting from a box-plait in the centre. ; branches of rural pursuita. As a rule looked at her, walked out of tbe room, breakfast time with: no appetite for her food, and SO, with a mere taste, have lived happiljf ever since. This is fastened nearly at the bottom , farmers should devotes less hours to! and returned in a,few minutes with the o£ the skirt in front and each plait is ' J daily labor and more to rest, thought­ missing button in ubis mouth. Alasl sets'out again for her bard half-day's A hotel was burned down in New fastened higher, until it forms a deep ful recreation and daily reading, espec­ poor Timothy t he has disappeared, and work. JTow, it is a settled fact that a York not long ago, and a Texas editor point. The loose: part is drawn back ially upon the business in which they this is probably the only permanent mill will not grind without water, You lost all his baggage.. That was -the in an artistic manner by the sides be- . are engaged. : They will work more in­ record of bis winning ways.—London must supply the motive power if you reason the papers said tbe loss was not ing gathered and fastened as high as telligently and' aecomplisbi one ; year (Spectator. wish your working abilities to do their as large aa was at first supposed.— the plaits. Shell trimming flaishes the with another, more with eight hours' best. It is in a manner suioldal to so Texas Sifttnga, edge of the skirt. 't September. . We refer to tlio yoiinR Knight ChnrlAtanit and Quack.s that took up his residoiice with Wm. Kiiight Have long plied thoir vociition on the siif- on said date. Weight 151) ounces. tei'ing pedals ol the people. The knife has NEW FALL GOODS Corn Ims received ao ninny cuts that it paved lo the quick; caustic npplicationa CORRESPONDENCE. looks "shocked." liave loi-mentHil the vjotiiii of eorii.s until Clbvc-v seed promises to be a fair crop the coiwicllon. sliaiicd itself—ilieni's no Contvltntllons to tliis departnionr of iJiu jiaper are K. D, Ruinery hiiried a three-year-old euro. I'liliiain's Painless Corn i-j.-ciraelor Received Daily. soliclted on topics of ru!MS, or aaittfTs of j;enenil lnleresi. but ln no case wlll tlie ..dllor assume any dniightof one day lasl week. prnvc-a on wlial ti sltMider basis piililic'Opin - respoiisildlity tbi' tlie ntteranees of currespondents of Manly Walker had a man "cry" while he inn ol'icii I'l-sls, If yon siill'ur IViiin eufiia contrilnitofs, Conimunicallens must he .iccoiiipanled by the au. aold his poraonal ell'eota to the highest hid get the Extractor and you will be satisfied. thor's name, otiierwls), tliey will recel.e no attention. dor last Suturdiiy. Sold evervwhere. Wholeaale,, .1. E. iJAvia Anonymous comintinlcntlons ani, ln all cases, at once Demoeiata, giconhackers und all opposed it Co., IJ'i.'tniit. THE DOUBLE MAMMOTH asalijlied to the waste iiaskol. to i-epublicaii rtih), niiisi reinember and reg­ ister. Evoryhodv has to ri?gister before tliey Wiilior MePliersoii,' Spi'iii,e-|ield. Mass., liiuisiiii;'. can vote this fa writes; ''1 have bi»«ii peculiarly iiiirtirliiiiiite Wm. Iviiiglil, has roiitod S. Halt's larin in life. .Mv guardian robbed ine nf the for- Tho poliiieal cainpaijfii on liehnlf of the and tiikcn possession of tlie same. liiiin loft me bv mv ratliti-,anil at ihe age ol repiililicans was opened liiat Tluirsiiav Mrs. Wm. Boot e.vliihiia a line aatnplo of 21 I found myself poor in purse and pool' night by lliat blatant poiiticul demiiRogiie, ripe black raspberries—second growth. ih lioaltli. 1 married a young girl whoso l3ol). Frazer. A largo house, conaislinj; DryGoodstCarpetHouse Why talk of the "sunny south?" health soon limke iown fi-oin overwork and _ mostly of empty henches, gieeted the speah- household cares. Oni- si.v children gave A. M. Howard and .loc Uutin have gone SUCCESSFULLLY ESTABLISHED IN THIS CITY. ' ef, whnao harangue consisted of mud throw- to Bulfalo with a fine drove of cattle. her gieiit trouble, and wery very puny and iiif,; and blaclfgtiai-distn. The argument .lumca Kattf and Anson Gallup have sickly. My doctor bills were larger thnn It has been brought about by First-Class Goods and one presented was llie most flimsy alfair that it purchased Wm. Paths' horse power thresh both dry goods and grocery bills together. Price for all. ha.i ever been our pleasure, if such it can ing niacliin'o. Last year 1 brought homo a bottle of he called, to listen to. Fnizerhas liefeateil Brown's Iron' Bittei-s for my wife. She tiaed every pafty tlitit he has ever been connect­ F. IT. O.sgood has moved into B. M. Reynolds' teiiaiil house. it nnd iravn it to tlic childi-en—I also used WE AIIE OPEMXG A MAOMFICEST STOCK OF ed with, and repiibHoans are ready to ac- it myself. Never did I imagine such a inir- Icnowlfitjge that n few more speeches like Miaa Julia Joiduii, teacher in school dis tnel No. four, closed her fall term of aciilons change from illheallh to perfect tho one delivered til Bucli's opel'a honse health possible." Thursday ovenilig will deCeiil their .school .Sept, 29th, She haa given excel­ lent sali.slaction and haa been engaged to party, head, piw3, body, hoots and all, ..M. teach the winter teriii. Below wo give re A Vcfretftble Product, DRESS GOODS! niiite Ouk. port for term just closed : Only used in AYEU'S AOUK. CUKK, has Eva Kwfifs. 7:1 Emma Iloeiiey :10 proven itself a never failing and rapid -CONSISTING OF- EfWili Ewefrt...... n't .lolmle niilTey '17 cure I'or every form of Miihirial Dis I'he Rolnington eider mill of Wliealfield, Katie .McClo.,l!y Til .Ilmniie Dullv,.... !H> order, .Fcvor iiiul A.i;ue, or Chills and is in operation asjain. Eloia fjidnnell o7 .Mngule DnITy OS SILKS, CASHMERES, AND FLANNEL DRESS GOODS, iil All Sliacles and Colors, Minnie Blrnev 0 Willie lUilTy Oil Fever. No injury follows its use, nud Mr.s. George UeviioUhs of Aurelius, was Ernest BIrney...... 1-1 Oora Siveozoy...... itU it.s elfocts are pcrtunncnt. It rouses visiting at Doniiis I'alricli's last week. Allreil Rlniey II Mary Freer „ Ilii the systcnrto a condition of vigorous ,'Ainies Wllco.'c and Georf.'e ,fi;cl!«on of Genie Cavonder Ij'.l lIiMiry Freer ., 2": health, cloausea tlio blood of malarial I'hanift t^avender. lid Freddie Lee -IS thi.s place welit to Leslie Tuesday to attend .Michael Van;,-liaii,....*. S Alhert Donald 22 poison, and imparts a feeling of com­ a liiinily reunion. .Ilmniie Yaiij;liaii...... 1 Rosa MclJlosky It fort and security most desit-alile in .Mary E. illduaiiii. .I.i tattle Preston ir A.giic di.strict.s. It is au excellent tonic The ruiicfal of li^liza Martin of .loe AlcCalln 'I.H Millie Piesion iw. SPECIAL 30^Y SALE! Wheatlield, was held al llie hriek school Tlmiiiie McOanii. .111 Ellle Ill and pioveiitative, as well as cure, of house lA'idny. Enimett Cassiily r» Katie Leo 10 all coniplaint.s peculiar to malarious, For the next 30 days we will offer Rose Kltie Iteuney 117 Willie Quinii 15 marshy and miasiniitio regions. Tlie Mrs, .(acksiiii has fetiinioti from ,racl!fioti, Ivatlc Honey .12 whore she Im-s been visiting her sister, Mrs, .great .superiority of AYEK'.S''AGUE CURE RoL'tllt AND RiiAUV. over any otlier coinponud is that It Olinslead, coiitaiiLS no Quinine, Ar.senic, or miii- The ladies of the M,IC.olitiroli are to give CoiiiiiiiiiiCouncil L'rocceiliiiu'ii. ei-al; coiiscqneiilly it produces 110 an oyster supper at the conier store lu CLOTHING (|iiiiiisiii or iiijiirious cll'ccts whatever Dansville, Sniiirduy evening. COMMON- COUNCIL ROOM, I upon tlic constitution. Those cured So low that every man in nebd of a Suit of Clothes will Mrs, .lime Caster has gone in Ti-avorse by it aro left as healthy us if they had MASON, Mioii., October 2, ISS2. J surely buy. to live, " ,r, U. P. Council met in regular session, and was never had tho disease. The direct atfioii of AVEP.'S AOUK AVheiililehl. called to order bv pres. pro tem May. We have $2,000 Wortii that uiiist be Closed Out, Prasent, Aiiiernioii Wm. , Rnyiiei-, Mar- CUKK upon the Liver and Bi.gestive sliall, May, Clina. Riiyner, Clark, Brown. Organs makes it a superior remedy OLTOHKR li:IS'2. Ibr Liver Comiilaint.s, prodiidng many Minutes of iiuieting read and approv­ remarkiililc cnresi, where other medi­ Mrs. T.ewis Vn\nv is visiting rrlonds aiul ed. velalives in llip stale of New York. cines liavo_ failed. The Ibllowing claims against the city For sale" by all druggists. W. \V. Spaiilding, a former resident of were allowed : Hosiery! Hosiery! this township, but lain ol ICansas, was vis. A. J. 'riillnian 5 S 7.'i itiiig in tills vicinity last week. Suutoil Prcipo.-ttili^. We especially invite the ladies to call this week and ex­ E. •!'. All.rii!lit .SO CITY CLKHKN Ori'iin;,' i A large number of onr townsmen took amine our new stock of Hosiery, positively the Largest ill the state fitir at .fnclv.soii and report a A. Billler -IS 4S i*litst>ti, Out. :iil, JSSii.j The rnpon of city treasurer Coy for the Xolico IH hoi'oliy Kivnn timi .seiilt'tl propfi.iiilN for llio and Most Elaborate stock of Ladies', Misses' and Children's 200(1 time. ' . coimtniciiiui of Um Xorlli strin-t U'I"II]M, rroiti AIIIHOII ,lolin Leliiucl of the stale of N. Y., is month of September was received and ritrt'i't lo W'csr-sirddt, wilt Im roci-'Ivfd by iiu-ut mvHosier y ever exhibited in this city. liled. oHko 11]) to Muuiluy, Ociol»sr It'.th, tit 1> o'cluuk i>. m., the guest of his nintlipr nt present. siiiil Knuli-ti» liL' coii,Hiriicti(.i in iiLcnnliincn willi tlni Aaron Vail lost 11 valuable cow 011 tlio A report was received from the street jjni'li) tj.-niibli.-ilii'il Ijy till' co.iiiiinii thut niuy Iio iniiiiu liy .jiurlio.-i intcri-ritt'il iliorain. . Sloriiliaii. Tlio sower Commiasioners subinittod a vcpot't on the main sower in district No. 1, •Uhvli OIIAS. U. UATiL, City Ck-rk. OcroiiKR :i, 1882. luaking an additional .10 feet to the_iippor >'o(itiont to ruvluw all Ui4.-)i rocoittiti'iicteil, and>'(l for lliu rucun.-itniciioii Now York, ia visiting ;it her hi'Otlier's, E. Philip Nice, for grading Elm street for llA tlioi'onf Osborn. rated ut Alaiedon, thiw 'Ith day of Octolj*r, A. D. cents per cubic yai-d, according to survey, 18S2, 31. I). i^lATTIIK\V.S, The old burn ou tho Smith place is being waa accepted. TownHliip ilruiti commirisioncr fur tho towiiriliip of torn down and will he I'obuilt. Dan Camp­ Aluii'tlrtii, In tUo county of tuj^lnuii. WANTED FOR CASH: bell has the job. KESOI.IITIOXS, The preaching appointment atthe Ger­ By Aid. Clark— Mortgat;R Sulo. Dofunit having;:bcoii luuilo in llio piiyniont nf ton man church is cliaiigcil from afternoon to Mcsohctl; That a alone culvert be con­ linndi'tiil und niHutooii dollars, now clulinud to bo diiu .evoiiiiig. structed aci-ossLaiiaiiigsti'Ofit, between Mill und iinpaiil upon a certain niortnufjo hi'urhiK duto tlm nnd Columhin sli-eola,at lowest place na fol­ founli day of Octobnr, 1875, oxccntud liy l'hil«tii.s U. Beans, Green and Dried Miss Nettie North is engaged to teach Pock of Mnson,MichiKun, to KnmllnoCJ. I'ock of tlio the Button school this winter. lows : 2 feet through ia width und side sanm pliiro, und rocordod in tlio oftlco of tho rogi(itt.>r Mr. Williiuns has rcsigiiod his postmas- walla 18 inches high before the arch begins of dccdH forlnghaiit county, titiito nf Klicliiguii, npon and 30 feet in length, put in center of tho HlNtU diiy of Octobor, 187:), in liboc forty of inort- tci'sliip nt Meridian. Ann. gagoK, on pugo ihroo liiuuliL'il and two, und no suit street. or procoodlngs at luw or in cliuncory having boon in- l^niisrille.' Adopted na followa: Yens, Aid. Wm. Htilittod to rocovor any part thoroof, and tho powur of Apples, Onions, Hulu llmroin eonluinod having hoconio iibsoluto, by Unyiiei', Marahall, May, Chaa, Biiynor, virtUQ of the Matnlo in sncli CUHU niado and providt-d, The bftiid picnic was a success. The Clurlt, Brown—G ; nnvs none. notico ifj hortiby ifivon, thut. upon Saturday, tho thir- three Sunday schools of this place were all By Aid. Clark— tioili duy of Docmnbor noxt, ut ono o'clock ia tlio well reproflonted, and the people in tho aftorniion of Haid day, I Hhull «olI at pnblic unction, vicinity turned out and made a general Jicsohcd ; That the city clerk ho requir­ to tho hlghoat bnldor, at the front door of tho Ingham ed lo advertise for two weeks for sealed comity court houso in tho city of MUBOU (aiiiil court Butter and Eggs, and gala day. of it. houHO boinjj Iho pluco wlmro tho circuit court for pioposnls to grnde North street from Mason .•«nid county id held) HO much of tho land «nibnicod in The band is now making preparations street to West street, in acgoidance with ijuid morlgagu ax shult bu necusKary lo natitiry tho for a band concert, to be given some time survey and profile now in city clerk's ofBce. Amount duo, and all loga) coatH. Tho land doHcribcd thia month. They will endeavor to make in Hiitd niorlgugo, whicli will ho olforod fur mile, iri Proposnia received up to 9 o'clock p. m,, tho undividHi ono-half of lottlvu in-l)|ock tifty- it ono of the boat ever given here. Oct. IG, 1882. onu in tho city of Maijon, tho county of Ingliiim Mrs. Pima llico uud her mother aro vis­ Adopted as follows; Yeas, Aid. Marshall, and Btuto of Michigan. , iting relatives in Ypsilnnti. K.MKUNK G. rECIv, Mortgagee. May, Chaa. Riiyner, Clark, Brown—5; LtMiiK.'^ HKKII, Attorney for Mortgagoo, M. A. Cnrpenter reUuned home Oct. 2d. nays, Wm. Riiyner. . Dated Octobor 2d, 188ii, 40wi:( lie liaa sold Ins house and lot here to Mr. AIIKInds of Produce! By Aid. Chas. Rnyncr— Chadwick of White Oak. and now talks of Mortgnffe SHio. • moving to Maioii. - liesoUed; Thnt the citv clerk be and he Dofanlt having boon mado in tho conditionN of a is hereby ordered to biiy registration books cortuin movlgago made and o.\ocntud hy "Willium 11. Diiniel Hutchinson and family nre visit­ for the cily of Mnson. , Olark and Kato SI. Clark his wifo, to Sarah E. Mills, ing friends in town and vicinity. pangh, boating date Janiiiry (lixteonth, X877. and Adopted as follows: Yeas, Aid. Marshall, Vticovtlod in tho ollico of tli" rogiator of doodti of tho xMi's. L. Suwens is quite sick again. May, Chas. ' Kayner, Clark, Brown—5: county of Inghatn, in tho ^ MO of Michigan, iu llbor Miss Minnie Atwood and her mother, 44 of uiovtgagoK, on pagetj und 2^7, and which Haid nays, Wm. Rayner. inortgago was afterwards, to-h it. April, 10,1870, duly rolurued lnst week froni the state of New By Aid. May— assigned unto JimanuelK. Leanu, und which amtlgn- York, where they have been visiting rela- inent was atterwurdH, to-wlt, April ;iOth, 1870, duly lives. Resolved; 'i^\xai the city clerk give notice recorded in mtld regintor'rt otUco in libor 48 of morl- (or two weeks of the intention of constraot- gagoH, on page 28!), and which mortgago wait aftor* POULTRY I Quite ft number of pur citizens are tak- wards, lo-wit, Octobor 7, 1870,-aS(iignod by Haid Kman- ing the' main sewer in sewer district No. 1, iiol It. Le»Ho unto 31rti'garot A. SoniniorM, and which iiiff in the Lansing fair this week. , and that the council will meet 011 Monday ariiiignmont wan recorded in ^nlU rogitttur'ii ottico May Mrs. Geo, Hnwcroftia.visiting relatives 2U, 1880, in llhor riU of inortgagoH, on page M7, upo'n in Aurelius, evening, Oct. IGth, to consider any sugges­ whicli mild mortgage tluTo iil claimed to tio dno aud We are paying 8 cents per pound tions or objeetions that may bo made by unpaid at tho duto of this notlcv, tho NUIU of nine Mia. J. E, St. Johnof the reform school, parties interested therein. liundred and twQnty>ii.\ dolhirfl (i!02il.0O) and no unit spent last week with tneiids nnd relatives orprocuoding at law havinjf boon inijtitntod to ru- Adopted as follows: Yens, Aid. Wm. cover tho Haiuo or any part thoroof, notico: U ho roby for 111 this place. given that hy \lrtuo of tho powor of sale contiilnod Rnyncr, Marshall, May, Chas. Rayner, in Haid mortgago nnd by virtiio of tho utatuto in ttich Biiiikorliin. Clark, Brown—h : nays none, catjo inado and provided, that on Viiday, tbo lOth dav By Aid. Clark— of Ji'ovoiuhov, A. D, 1382, at ,ono o'clock in'the aftor- noou, at tho front door of tho court houso in tho city OCTOIIER il, 1882. liesolved; That an 8-inch tile be put in of-Mason, In tho county of Ingham and state of aci'oaa state road to intersect the tilo of Mr. Michigan, (that being tlio place of holding the circuit 'riie ciiinpuign is now fairly begun, and court for thu county of Ingham,) said mortgago will Kenrns near his ashery.. . bo forenlorted by a salu at public auction, to tho hlgh­ Spring Chickens, Alive, ns good names ns the people ever hnd to' Adopted as follows 1 Yeas, Aid, Win. oat bidder, of the mortgaged proniises therein aid select from grace the deinocratic nnd green­ liorejnaftur dotjcnbocl, or no much: thereof , an may hu back ticket.s, causing a troubled look on Rnynerf Marshall, May, Clark, Brown—,i ; neccsnavy to etatldly tho amount dun thuiuon. with in­ nays, Chns. Rayner. terest, coBtrt and o.xponsea allowed hv law. • Tlm mort­ the faecs oi llie lepublicaiia,; During the gaged prominci* being deHcribed aa follows,: to-wit: battle we propose to shove the pencil for On motion council adjourned two weeks. All of iot number ten, in block nnnihor fWtoon in the And want all we can get. Older the DEMOUHAT, so when victorv is ours we • CiiAs, H. HALL, tity o( JUHOII, county of Inghiiin and rttatoo t Miohi- gftn,accordInK to tho. recorded plat of tho vlUago, , can say: '-Polly, we've killed the benf.". ' . _ *• City Clerk. now city, of MaHon, in Haid county. iil. 1). Bnmcry ol Dakota, formerly of ones bought also. this township, came back after his fiimily Ituzora Hitil SolaBorii. . Dated August M, 1882. V ; 'fo BUKGATIET A SOMMKUS, and will this.week start for thoirnow home r E. C. Fuller, of the jfiound floor barber '-".'.Afifiignee.''. in the far west, >.Willio .Angoll will accom- shop, located on.Maple street, manipulates IluMiNf.TON X UmnmaoN, , paiiv them, intending to make the:land of the razors and: scissors witha-nicetv and Hull Attorneys lor AHiIgnoc I bli//aids" his abiding plivce. precision that cannot be excelled. :; livery- dtC th tlOni'O'