Course Code: 5114 Tied Up In

Mt. Diablo-Silverado Council Leader Education & Discovery Conference January 30, 2016

Instructor: Bruce F. Lezer, Pack 262

1 Introductions

Please share the following: • Name • Role in Cub Scouting (Wolf/Bear/Webelos Den Leader, etc.) • Unit and location • Share something unique or cool about yourself (skill, hoppy, interests)

2 Requirements

Wolf Elective 17 – Tie It Right

Bear Achievement 22 – Tying It All Up

Webelos Outdoorsman Activity Badge 10 & 11

3 Wolf Requirements

Elective 17 – Tie It Right A. Tie an Overhand and a Square knot B. Tie your shoelaces (Square bow knot) C. Wrap and tie a package (Square knot) D. Tie a stack of newspapers like a package (Square knot) E. Tie two cords together () F. Tie a (Half-Windsor knot) G. Tape the end of a rope (whip a rope)

4 Bear Requirements

Achievement 22 – Tying It All Up A. Whip a rope B. Tie the Square knot, , , Two half hitches, and Slip knot C. Learn to keep rope from tangling D. Coil and throw a rope 20 feet E. Learn a magic rope trick F. Make your own rope

5 Webelos Requirements

Outdoorsman Activity Badge 10 – Whip and fuse rope 11 – Build a tent or dining fly using two half hitches and taut line hitch. Show how to tie a square knot. Explain when to use it.

6 Literature

7 Rope Basics

• Rope is made by twisting together the stringy fibers – Fibers are made from certain plants, or by twisting together or weaving strands of nylon, polyester, polypropylene, or other modern material. • The ends of every rope should be whipped or fused to keep them from unraveling. – For a temporary fix, tie a knot at each end or wrap it with duct tape. With some nylon ropes you can carefully burn the end to melt the nylon and prevent it from fraying.

8 Helpful Hints

• Use the EDGE Method – Explain (Tell them; Give written instruction or explanation) – Demonstrate (Show; Do it yourself as they watch; Use a diagram; Tell a story) – Guide (Watch them do it and give verbal hints and tips; Do it together at the same time; Let them try it then talk about it; Let them as questions as they try it) – Enable (Give a memory aid; Give them a task that requires this learning; Ask them to teach someone the new learning; Give them resources to do it again without you; Help them use the learning again in a new setting or situation)

9 Whipping & Fusing

WARNING: Melted rope will be hot and sticky. Do not touch the end until it has cooled. Do not try to fuse ropes made of natural fibers, because they will burn rather than melt.

10 Notes On Knots

• All knots have a purpose – Its important to understand what that purpose is and when the knot is used as having the ability to tie it. – The wrong knot at the wrong time can be dangerous. • Learning how to tie knots takes practice, practice, practice and lots of patience. • A good knot should be easy to tie, stay tied, and be easy to untie. • There are two main parts of tying a knot: (1) Making the right tying steps in the correct order (2) Tightening the knot. Shape the knot into place before tightening. Some need coaxing to get into position.

11 Types of Knots

• Bends are knots used to join two ropes to make a longer rope. Also known as joining knots. • Hitches are knots that ties a rope to something else, like a pole, post, or other object. • Loops join the rope back to itself, making a circle (or several). Some loops are fixed, some are slipped. • Bindings fasten together the ends of cords or ropes to secure packages, bundles, & bandages. • Stoppers are knots used to prevent a rope from pulling free, to add weight at the end, or to provide grip.

12 Overhand & Figure Eight

Figure Eight *

* Knot commentary and most diagrams are from “Six Boy Scout Knots” by John Geffre

13 Square Knot & Sheet Bend

14 Two Half Hitches & Taut-Line Hitch

15 Bowline

16 Magic Rope Trick

Prisoner Escape

19 Magic Rope Trick

20 Helpful Hints

• Use ropes 3/8” to 1/4” dia., 6’ long, moderate stiffness • Each person must have their own rope. • Use two different colored ropes. • Tie hitches around PVC pipe, chair legs, or even their own legs. • With the exception of the necktie/half-Windsor knot, no ropes shall be tied around the neck! • Encourage and keep it fun with games, quizzes, activities (knot boards), or “incidents” that require the boys to recall what they have learned.

25 Helpful Hints

• Have older Scouts help teach younger Scouts. • Ideally, there would be one instructor to one or two participants. This makes demonstrations easier. • Keep ropes in your Den box for a backup activity. – Jump rope, tug 'o war, limbo, rope circles, stomp the snake – Ropes can also be used for Start/Finish lines or boundaries • Practice, practice, practice. Then use it and make it fun!

26 Online Resources

Animated Knots by Grog Boys Life Animated Knots Six Boy Scout Knots by John Geffre Rope Works Archive by Gerald Findley YouTube

27 Cub Scout Knots (CUB250)

• Bruce F. Lezer Webelos Assistant Den Leader, Pack 262 [email protected]

• Download this presentation at: education-and-discovery-lead/lead- handouts • Please fill out online Survey Monkey course evaluation.