N.N. M.M. HARING ss A.A. C.C.

Introduction: II Geoffrey s Life (p. 3); II.II. GeoffreGeoffreyy s works againstag ainst Gilbert and their manuscript tradition (p. 17). - Edition of:of: r.r. -- S. Bernardi Vita Prima, LiLi b.b. III,III, 5,155,15 auctore Gaufrido (p. 30);30); 2.2. Error(es) Gilleberti Pictauensis epi scopi (p. 31);31); 3·3· I,ibellus contra capicapi ulaula Gisleberti episcopi Pictauensis (p. 36);36); 4·4· Gaufridi epistola adad Albinum Cardiualem, Albanensem episcopum (p.(p. 6g). - Appendices (p. 82 .82 .


Geoffrey waswas among thethe twenty-one Parisian students whowho entered Clairvaux about II40II40 asas aa result ofof sermons preached byby St.St. Bernard on way through 11 Paris (( .. HeHe waswas born atat Auxerre about III5-II20 and had gone to Paris toto study under Abelard. In II45 hehe became St. Bernard's secretary andand as such accompanied thethe onon many often exhausting journeys. TheThe firstfirst journey waswas inin II45· AtAt thethe request of Alberic, cardinal ofof Ostia 22 (rr38-rq8), St. Bernard went toto Toulouse (( .. OnOn thisthis occasion theythey passed through Poitiers where they met Bishop Gilbert (II42-n54) and,and, probably, his twotwo archdeacons CaloCalo andand Master Arnald Qui-Non-Ridet. TheThe exiled 33 ofof Bordeaux, ofof Loroux, waswas alsoalso atat Poitiers atat thethe timetime (( .. From

Poitiers went on toto Bordeaux and soonsoon departed for Toulouse. OnOn June 29 St. Bernard preached atat AlbiAlbi and sent word toto Clairvaux thatthat he would bebe

back thethe octave ofof thethe feast ofof thethe Assumption ((44 .. NotNot longlong after thethe return toto Clairvaux he embarked on aa journey which included -v isits ofof Arras

and -Bertin ((66 ..

11 (( )) SS Bernardi vita tertiatertia g;g; PLPL 527527 D:D: Contingit aliquanclo uirum pro qui- busdarn negotiis aclacl Gallie proficisci. Cumque iuiu itinere etet inin reditu scolaribns pari- siensibus, utut solebat, fecisset dede conuersione sermonem ...... (2)(2) SS Bernardi vita III,III, 6, 17; PLPL 185, 313 BB W.W. JANSSEN, DieDie piipstlichen inin in:in: Kolner hìsthìst Studien 66 (Cologne rg6r)rg6r) 42-51. Hist.Hist. littlitt 13, 73-78. 33 (( )) N.N. M.M. HXRING, Bischof Gilbert I II von Poitiers t t nttn sei nenesei Erzdiakone in:in: Deutsches Archiv 2I2I (1965) 163. EE VACANDARD, VieVie ee Saint B~rnard 22 (Paris 1927) 229. ((44)) VieVie 2, 237. 66 (( }} VACANDARD, VieVie 2,2, 287.287. 44 N.N. M.M. HiiringHiiring S.S. A.A. C.C. TheThe \Vritings againstagainst GilbertGilbert ofof Poitiers byby Geoffrey ofof Auxerre 55

InIn thethe following yearyear (n46)(n46) Gilbert held aheld a synodsynod atat Poitiers. During aa sermon TheThe French armyarmy waswas toto gathergather atat MetzMetz andand toto setset outout forfor thethe EastEast onon June rs. inin thethe cathedral he made some passing remarks conceming thethe Blessed Suger,Suger, abbotabbot ofof SaintSaint DénisDénis (II23-II5I), waswas appointed administrator duringduring thethe toto which Archdeacon Arnald did notnot hesitate toto objectobject inin pnblic.pnblic. ToTo settlesettle thethe king'sking's absence. mattermatter anan appealappeal to Rome waswas mademade and,and, according toto Geoffrey, bothboth wentwent toto FourFour of fìve days after thethe meeting, onon February 2222 oror 23,23, St.St. Bernard submit their disagreement toto thethe arbitration ofof PopePope Eugene IIIIII (II45-II53) andand Geoffrey leftleft Étampes for Sens andand Auxerre. OnOn Febmary 77 theythey werewere beforebefore whomwhom theythey debated atat Viterbo. Eugene passed no sentence andand ordered bothboth backback atat Clairvaux. ButBut lessless thanthan threethree weeksweeks later, on March 13, St.13, St. Bernard parties toto present themselves toto him inhim in ParisParis onon Easter Sunday ofof thethe following attended thethe dietdiet atat Frankfurt 'vhere'vhere hehe metmet HenryHenry of Mainz (II42-(II42- yearyear (20 April II47)II47) ((66 .. II53),II53), Albero of , Arnold of Cologne (II37-II5I), and bishops Bucco of Worms, AtAt thethe endend ofof thethe yearyear II46II46 Geoffrey accompanieaccompaniedd St.St. Bernard onon hishis journey Gi.inther of Speier, Burchard ofof Strasbourg, Siegfried of Wi.irzburg electuselectus II47-II47- toto wherewhere theythey fìrstfìrst visited snchsnch cities as Mainz (November), \Vorms, nso),nso), Werner of Miinster (II32-II5I), HenryHenry of Liège (II45-II64), Anselm of 1212 Frankfurt, and Speier('). ThenThen theythey wentwent as faras far southsouth as Zi.irich. On Christmas Havelberg, andand Eberhardt ofof Bamberg (n46-II72) (( .. AlsoAlso present werewere AbbotAbbot eveeve they returned toto SpeierSpeier wherewhere they met Archbishop Albero of TrierTrier (II3I(II3I Wibald ofof Stavelot (III7-II58) and,and, probably, the abbot of Cluny, PeterPeter thethe VeVe II52),II52), bishops Hermann of Constance (n38-n66), Ortlieb of Basel (n38-n64), nerable (II22-II56). The archbishop of Mainz was chosen toto administer Germany Amadeus ofof Lausanne (II45-II5g), Burchard ofof Strasbourg (II4I-II62), Bucco of duringduring thethe absence of KingKing Conrad. During thosethose exciting daysdays Geoffrey, a youngyoung Worms (II20-II49), Gi.inther of Speier (n46-n6r), andand Anselm of Havelberg andand insignifìcant secretary, saw and heardheard thethe menmen who were shaping thethe destiny (n2g-n55). AlsoAlso present werewere thethe Benedictine abbotsabbots Fridelo ofof Reichenau inin ofof Europe. thethe diocese of Constance, Benedict of \Veissenburg inin thethe diocese of Speier, Berthold While all thisthis was going on, Eugene andand thethe papalpapal curiacuria werewere onon theirtheir ofof Murbach inin thethe diocese of Strasbourg, andand aa number of . One ofof themthem journey toto Paris, follofollowingwing a ririgid,gid, well-planned schedule. OnOn MarchMarch 3030 theythey waswas thethe Premonstratensian OttoOtto ofof Kappenberg ((88)) whomwhom theythey werewere toto meetmeet againagain were welcomed inin thethe namename of Conrad IIIIII atat DijonDijon byby a delegation including atat ReimsReims inin MarchMarch n48.n48. bishops Bucc.) of Worms, Anselm of Havelberg, and Abbot Wibald ofof 99 1313 TheThe reasonreason forfor thethe presence atat Speier of so manymany dignitaries was aa dietdiet (( )) Stavelot (( .. TheyThey arrived atat Clairvaux on AprilApril 6.6. St.St. Bernard hadhad gone from convoked byby thethe Emperor Conrad IIIIII (rog3-II52). St. Bernard preached thethe Frankfurt toto TrierTrier where his presence is recorded on March 27.27. Returning toto Christmas sermon andand duringduring hishis sojourn persuaded thethe emperor toto taketake partpart Clairvaux viavia MetzMetz andand Toul he arri-v-ed justjust inin timetime toto receive thethe illustrious inin thethe crusade toto be launched in II47·II47· visitors. WeWe maymay assume thatthat onon allall these travels Geoffrey was constantly atat St.St. OnOn 33 January II47 St. Bernard and hishis secretary left forfor Worms. AtAt Bernard's side.side. Kreuznach onon Epiphany, theythey passedpassed through Boppard, Koblenz (January 8),8), TheThe papalpapal visitvisit atat Clairvanx did notnot lastlast long, for on April roro PopePope Eugene 1010 1414 andand Remagen onon their way to Cologne ( )) wherewhere theythey stayedstayed January 9-13.9-13. AfterAfter waswas already atat TroyesTroyes on hishison wayway toto ParisParis (( .. On April 1313 thethe archbishop ofof 1515 visiting Brauweiler AbbeyAbbey andand Ji.ilichJi.ilich theythey arrived atat Aachen described as "celeber Trier ((Trier )) joinedjoined thethe papalpapal retinue atat Provins. Two daysdays laterlater we fìnd thethe travtrav rimusrimus etet amoenissimus locus" (n).(n). From there theythey wentwent toto LiègeLiège viavia MaaMaa ellers in thethe territory ofof Meaux" ((1616 )) andand onon April rg, Holy Saturday, atat strichtstricht and,and, afterafter passing through Huy, Gemblours, Villars, andand Mons,Mons, arrived Saint-Dénis. a a tt Cambrai onon JJ anuary 26.26. They stopped aa Laon and .Reims. OnOn February 22 WeWe have seen thatthat inin ItalyItaly PopePope Eugene had givengiven instructions toto Bishop we fìnd themthem inin Chàlons-sur-Marne atat a meeting withwith King Louis VII (II37-n8o) Gilbert of Poitiers andand hishis archdeacon Arnald toto present themselves in ParisParis onon and many French, German, andand Sicilian nobles discussing thethe crusade. ItIt waswas EasterEaster S11nday (zo April II47)II47) ((1717 . . BothBoth St.St. Bernard andand Geoffrey were in Paris resolved thatthat thethe fìnalfìnal dedsions sho11ldsho11ld be postponed until the next meeting toto bebe where Bishop Gilbert was triedtried byby Pope Eugene himself a t a consistory ((1818 )) attendedd heldheld atat Étampes. This meeting lasted three days (February r6-r8),r6-r8), andand thethe general starting date ofof thethe crusade was fìxed:fìxed: thethe dayday ofof Pentecost (June(June 8).8). 1212 (( )) W.W. BERNHARDI, KonradKonrad I.I. pp.pp. 54-5-546. 1313 (( )) \VIBALD, Ep.Ep. rsorso (I3I);(I3I); ed.ed. Ph.Ph. JAFFÉ,JAFFÉ, 1\Ion. Corbeiensia, in:in: Bibl.Bibl. rer. germ. II (Berlin(Berlin r864)r864) 22442.2. 66 1414 (( )) Ep.Ep. adad Alb.Alb. 2,2, 4-5.4-5. Libellus III,III, (( )) EuGENE, Ep.Ep. 165;165; PLPL r8o,r8o, 1202 D.1202 D. 1515 (7)(7) W.W. R@NHARDI, KonradKonrad III.III. (Leipzig r883) 527 ff.ff. (( )) BALDERIC, GestaGesta Alberonis 22;22; l\IGHl\IGH SSSS 8, 254·8, 254· 1616 (( 88 )) ww BERKHARDI, l{onradl{onrad III.III. p.p. 528.528. OnOn 22 January II53II53 EugeneEugene granted Otto (( )) EuGENE, Ep.Ep. r67;r67; PLPL r8o,r8o, 12051205 iLiL 1717 aa privilegimn. Ep.Ep. 553;553; PLPL r8o,r8o, 15681568 D.D. (( )) EE pp ad 2,2, 5:5: Utramque partem sisibi precepit in solemnitate paschali PaPa  (( 99 )) 5. Bernardi vitavita primaprima VIVI (r),(r), ·· I5;I5; PLPL I85, 38I B. O M OO O OFOF FREISING, GestaGesta risiusrisius presentari ". 1818 Frid.Frid. I,I, 40;40; ::VIGH::VIGH SS (ad usum schol.)schol.) 46,46, 59:59: "Princeps generalem curiamcuriam inin natiuitate (( )) TheThe legailegai oror canonica implications ofof Pope Eugene's procedure are very compecompe Domini apud ciuitatem SpiraSpira mm celebrandam inclixitinclixit ".". tentlytently ana.lyzed byby D.D. Lindner in: Zeitschr. derder 5avigny-5tiftung ff Rechtsg., kan. Abt. ((1100 5. Bernardi vitavita primaprima VIVI (2),(2), 7,7, 23;23; PI,PI, r85,r85, 387387 D.D. 4646 (rg6o) 541-544· AsAs I,inclner points out, Pope Eugene followed anan ancientancient rulerule ofof lawlaw (ll)(ll) IbidemIbidem VIVI (2), g,(2), g, 31;31; PLPL r85, 3'ì3 B. thatthat the trial ofof bishops isis thethe prerogative ofof thethe pope.pope. TheThe Writings against Gilbert ofof Poitiers byby Geoffrey of Auxerre 66 N.N. M.M. HiiringHiiring S.S. A.A. C.C. 77 byby thethe curia,curia, anan unknown number of archbishops, bishops, , andand schoolmen. ofof Saint-Martin in thethe diocese of Arras, toto studystudy thethe doctrine. TheThe mattermatter waswas IItt must have taken placeplace duringduring EasterEaster week,week, probably onon Tuesday andand \Vednes then to bebe takentaken upup again in connection withwith thethe council PopePope Eugene hadhad dayday (April 22-23), for onon Easter-Monday PopePope Eugene consecrated aa church onon planned forfor Letare-Sunday ofof thethe following yearyear (2r(2r MarchMarch rq8).rq8). 1919 WhileWhile Pope Eugene waswas inin Paris word reached himhim of aof a crimecrime committed Montmartre, assisted byby St.St. Bernard and Peter the Venerable ( . . Geo:ffrey whowho attended the consistory tellstells usus thatthat Bishop Rotroux ofof Évreux, against the papal legate,legate, MasterMaster Osbert, byby monksmonks of Baume-les-Moines inin thethe laterlater archbishop ofof RouenRouen (n6s-n83), aa ratherrather richrich manman ,, andand Master Ivo, diocese of Besançon. OnOn 2929 MayMay II47II47 hehe sent three letlettersters toto di:fferent addressees deandean ofof Chartres (d.(d. n65),n65), witnessed in favour of Gilbert (2°).(2°). FromFrom OttoOtto ofof announcing thatthat hehe hadhad reduced thethe abbeyabbey toto thethe rankrank ofof priorypriory andand thatthat thethe 6 6 Freising we learnlearn thatthat two masters, AdamAdam ofof Petit-Pont (d.(d. n8r),n8r), whomwhom we shall community was toto be placed underunder thethe obedience of Peter the Venerable ( . . AA meetmeet againagain atat Reims,Reims, and Hugh of Champfleury (d. II75), later the king'sking's chanchan letterletter byby St.St. Bernard toto Eugene suggests that,that, wisewise asas itit was,was, thethe pope's sentence 77 2121 ).). cellor,cellor, gave testimony against Gilbert (( ).). MasterMaster J ocelin, bishopbishop of Soissons (n26-(n26- seemed tootoo severesevere The letter showsshows that,that, perhaps toto investigate thethe crime,crime, II52),II52), and the learned Benedictine HughHugh of Amiens, archbishop ofof RouenRouen (n3o(n3o St.St. Bernard andand hishis secretary hadhad temporarily left thethe pope's retinue. 22 n64),n64), areare knownknown toto hahaveve takentaken anan activeactive partpart inin thethe investigation ).). St. Bernard OnOn JuneJune IIII Eugene set out for Meaux. FromFrom JulyJuly I4 toI4 to September 66 hehe also joined inin thethe enquiry(2323 ,, butbut no cardinal is recorded to have questioned stayedstayed atat Auxerre whose bishop, HughHugh of Macon (II37-II5I), onceonce abbotabbot ofof Gilbert. However, itit may be taken forfor granted thatthat Cardinal Alberic diddid notnot Pontigny, was withwith St.St. Bernard whenwhen theythey entered Citeaux. St. Bernard andand hishis remain silentsilent duringduring thethe debates. notarius attended the General Chapter ofof Citeaux in September which was pre There was nono unanimity among those present atat thethe trial.trial. As Geo:ffrey sumssums sided over byby PopePope Eugene who before returning toto Auxerre consecrated thethe church 2828 ii up:up: "" Agebant pro eoeo quidam, quidam propro fideifidei ueritate, maxime Clareuallis ofof Fontenay (2r(2r September rr47). BothBoth St.St. Bernard (( )) andand hishis secretary witness reuerendissimus abbasabbas ((2424).). The main difficulty atat ParisParis waswas thethe surprising andand eded thethe ceremony. IItt seemsseems thatthat St.St. Bernard continued toto staystay withwith thethe popepope andand almost unbelievable factfact thatthat nobody hadhad aa copycopy ofof Gilbert's controversia com itit is a reasonable assumption thatthat Geo:ffrey was atat St.St. Bernard's beck andand 2929 On October II,II, stillstill atat Auxerre, Eugene summoned (( )) thethe prelates ofof , mentaryPope onEugene,.aa cautious judge, refused toto restrest his decision on hearsay and, Germany, England, and SpainSpain toto meetmeet atat a council on 2121 MarchMarch rq8.rq8. AtAt first,first, forfor thatthat reason, putput anan endend to thetheto debates, ordered Bishop Gilbert toto send him itit seems,seems, hehe intended to convene itit atat Trier.Trier. InIn thethe samesame monthmonth (October 26) 6 6 a copy of his work, andand instructed thethe Premonstratensian Godescalc ( ,, abbotabbot he consecrated thethe cathedral of Chalons-sur-Marne whose bishop, Bartholomew (II47-II5I), wewe shallshall meet again atat thethe council of Reims. HisHis archdeacon, Robert de Bosco, also wentwent toto Reims. Present atat thethe consecration were eighteen cardinals, 3030 eleven bishops, andand aa number ofof abbots( ).). IItt isis knownknown thatthat Theobald ofof ParisParis ((1919 )) Gallia christ. 77 (Paris(Paris I7H)I7H) 6I36I3 C.C. (20)(20) Ep.Ep. adad Alb.Alb. z,z, II.II. Cf.Cf. N.N. M.M. HA.RI= G, DasDas sogenannte Glaubensbekenntnis desdes ReimReim (n44-II58), HughHugh ofof Auxerre (II37-II5I), both recorded as present atat thethe council ser I

)) 2323)) GestaGesta Frid.Frid. I,I, 54;54; p.p. 75· ( LibellusLibellus I,I, 5·5· 66 (24)(24) Libellus I,I, 55 (Mabillon(Mabillon's's reading). )) Epp.Epp. I85 (to(toI85 Peter the Venerable); I86 (to William, countcount of Macon); I87 (to 25)25) Godescalc, ababbotbot ofof Saint-Martin, notnot ofof Saint-Éloy (as(as Geoffrey states), seems Humbert, bishop ofof Besançon); PLPL I8o, I227 B; I227 C; IZZ8 B. TheThe monastery in question toto havehave suffered fromfrom somesome cerebral disorder which maymay havehave affected hishis speech. On z8z8 isis alsoalso calleclcallecl Baume-les-Messieurs (OSB).(OSB). Gall. chr. I5I5 (Paris(Paris I86o)I86o) I75I75 B.B. InIn Kovember November II6zII6z Alexander I I IIII wrotewrote toto Henry, archbishop ofof Reims (II6z-I175), toto taketake I I 5757I Frederick Barbarossa restored thethe monastery toto itsits ancient rank. Cf.Cf. J.J. MABILLON, care of Godescalc "" quoniam infìrmitate grauatus ad propriam administrationem noscitur Anna . OSB.; ed.ed. LuccaLucca 66 (I745) 405 ancl 460. See also PetriPetri Venerabilis preceptio seu insuffìciens .. Ep.Ep. I I I ;;II PLPL zoo,zoo, 182182 D.D. InIn aa letterletter ofof 2323 AprilApril II63 (PL zoo,zoo, ZIIZII A)A) constitutio ee Balmensi monasterio issuedissued onon II January liSI;liSI; PLPL I89,I89, 479479 B.B. TheThe naturenature Alexander confìrms thethe provisions mademade by Henry "" adad necessariam uite sustentationem .. ofof thethe crimecrime isis unknown. 2727 TheThe Chron.Chron. Sith.Sith. S.S. BertiniBertini (Recueil des hist. I3,I3, 472 B)B)472 specifìes thethe illnessillness capitiscapitis doloredolore (( )) BERNARD, Ep.Ep. 25I;25I; PLPL I82,I82, 45I45I B.B. 2828 grauatus whilewhile thethe Chron. camerac. (ad(ad ann.ann. II63) relates thatthat hehe resigned "" causacausa inin )) VACANDARD, VieVie 2,2, 3I3-3I4. 2929 fìrmitatis s u eesu (Recueil I3, szo). According to thetheto Chron.Chron. Aquicinct. (ad(ad ann. II64) he washe was (( )) Epp.Epp. 23I (to(to23I Henry, bishop ofof Olmutz) andand 232232 (to(to Eberhardt, archbishop ofof infìnnitate capitiscapitis grauatus (Recueil I3,I3, 278278 C).C). HisHis deathdeath is recorded aa thethe Abbaye Salzburg); PLPL r8o,r8o, I284I284 BB andand D.D. 3030 de Joyenval-Seine-et-Oise forfor the month ofof August: " C." C. Godescalci, Atrebatensis episcopi (( )) Bernard ee Clairvaux, in:in: Commission d'hist.d'hist. ee l'Ordrel'Ordre ee Citeaux, Abbaye N.-D.N.-D. quondam abbatis MontisMontis s.s. Martini ex ordine nostro [Premonstr.] qniqni errores Gilberti Por d'Aiguebelle 33 (Paris(Paris I953) 632. 3131 retani, iubente Summo Pontifìce, scriptisscriptis doctissimis refutauit paulopaulo anteante concilium RheRhe (( )) Gall. chr. 99 (Paris I75I) 88r88r C.C. mensemense cuicui interfuit. EEtt obiit cum fama sanctitatis anno domini II59 ..II59 AUG C STE MOLINIE].{, )) VACANDARD (Vie(Vie 2,3I)2,3I) suggests thatthat Card. Alberic died during thisthis visit.visit. HenryHenry Obituaires ee la province ee SensSens l i ::li Dioc.Dioc. ee Chartres (Paris(Paris I9o6) 299 E.E. Bernard dede Warren agrees and claims in Bernard ee Clairvaux (Aiguebelle) 6o96o9 thatthat St.St. 88 N.N. M.M. Haring S. A. C. The Writings against Gilbert ofof Poitiers byby Geoffrey of Auxerre 99

Archbishop Albero was on hishis right and Arnold, archbishop of Cologne, onon including Card. Alberic), one maymay be inclined toto conclude thatthat Eugene was an his left. W ee are told thatthat theythey werewere preceded byby numerous bishops "from Germany, xious to have allall cardinals available toto advise him. However, thethe council maymay 3333 Belgium, Burgundy, Lombardy, Tuscany, and fromfrom every nation under thethe skysky "("( . . havehave beenbeen thethe real reason forfor thethe arrival ofof cardinals who had not beenbeen withwith thethe Archbishop Baldwin ofof Caesarea (II42-II55) whom wewe shallshall meetmeet again atat curiacuria in France untiluntil March rr48. At thatthat timetime thethe entire curia consisted ofof 4141 Reims was present. AlsoAlso atat TrierTrier werewere Henry, archbishop of Mainz, bishops abont thirty cardinals (( )) twotwo ofof whom werewere withwith thethe crusaders andand atat leastleast seven SvenSven of Viborg (II33-IISo), Hartwick ofof Geneva (II35-II8S), Amadeus ofof Lausanne had stayed behind in Italy. (II45-rr8g), and thethe controversia bishop-elect Henry Murdac whose consecration How much personal contact Geoffrey had with thethe cardinals who werewere inin tooktook placeplace onon December 77 inin thethe presence ofof St.St. Bernard . . With Henry werewere Paris, Trier, or Reims isis unknown. ButBut hehe hadhad nono doubt thatthat thethe mostmost important twotwo archdeacons ofof York, Master Walter and Master St. Bernard's onesones favoured andand supported Gilbert -- cardinales quorum principales fauisse 3535 4242 presence inin TrierTrier isis confìrmed inin aa letter toto Eugene byby Henry, count ofof Namur (( ,, reoreo etet euidenter etiam fouisse constababa '''' (( . . ItIt is well known thatthat oneone ofof them

3636 andand byby thethe VitaVita s. Hildegardis (( . . TheThe powerful archbishop ofof TrierTrier waswas notnot waswas Cardinal Hyacinth of S.of S. Maria inin Cosmedin, later Pope Celestine III.III. ableable toto copecope with the infl.ux of so many dignitaries and their retinues. Heavier The trial diddid notnot develop asas planned byby Pope Eugene. Abbot Godescalc waswas 4343 taxes caused louder complaints. About thethe middle ofof February II48II48 Pope Eugene in poor health (( )) butbut hehe had prepared the InIn addition to Gilbert's comcom and the curia left forfor Reims where theythey arrived before March g.g. While theythey mentary hehe handed overover to the popepope aa scedttla ofof patristic textstexts oror excerpts 4444 werewere thethe guests ofof Alberon de Chiny, bishop ofof Verdun (II3I-II56), Cardinal "manifestly contradicting "Gilbert's teaching, as Geoffrey maintains (( . . Geoffrey Alberic died. St.St. Bernard waswas absent atat thethe timetime butbut shortly afterwards saidsaid points outout that,that, Godescalc's eloqueuce being unequal to thethe task,task, PopePope Eugene

3737 MassMass atat thethe cardinal's grave (( . . Geoffrey deeply regretted thethe cardinal's unun passed Gilbert's commentary aud thethe scedula onon to St. Bernard. 3838 timely death, forfor hehe considered himhim an important witness against Gilbert (( .. Writing to Albinus, cardinal ofof Albano (rr8g-rrg8), overover forty years later 4646 At the consistory ofof Reims which Pope Eugene convened after the closing Geoffrey mentions thethe presence of Geoffrey, archbishop ofof Bordeaux (rr36-rr58) (( ,, ofof thethe council all cardinals, asas hnhn ofof Salisbury (( 9 9 )) claims, si ddeded withwith Gilbert. the PremonstratensiananPremonstratensi Milo,Milo, bishop ofof Thérouanne (II3I-II59) ((4646 ),), Master Jocelin, 4747 Records show thatthat thethe following nineteen cardinals werewere atat Reims: Cardinal bishop of Soissons (rrz6-rrsz), andand Jocelin's dosedose friend, Suger ofof Saint-Dénis (( . . Bishop ImarImar ofof Tusculum ((4040),), thethe cardinal-priests Herbert (Aribert) of S. Anastasia, St.St. Bernard's secretary noticed thatthat Gilbert's metropolitan, Geoffrey of Loroux, Bernard of S. Clemente, Master Hubald of Ss. Giovanni e Paolo, Guido of S.S.of Lorenzo spent most ofof the time in silence. ButBut Master celincelin had already argued "impa 4848 inin Damaso, Guido of S.S.of Lorenzo in Lucina, Julius of S. Marcello, Gilbert of S. Marco, tiently" withwith Gilbert atat thethe consistory ofof ParisParis (( . . Bishop Milo, a saintly and Master Guido of S.of S. Pastore (Pudenziana), Hubald of S.S.of Prassede, andand Jordan ofof learned man, maymay alsoalso havehave beenbeen atat thethe consistory ofof Paris though there seems toto S.S. Susanna, thethe cardinal- JohnJohn Paparo of S.S.of Adriano, Gregory of S. Angelo, bebe nono written support forfor thethe view.view. ItIt isis almost certain thatthat Suger had attended chancellor Guido of Ss. Cosma e Damiano, Oddo of S. Giorgio inin Velabro, Hyacinth the trial in Paris despite thethe factfact thatthat there isis no historical record to prove of S.S.of Maria inin Cosmedin, Guido of S.of S. Maria in Porticu, hnhn of S.S.of Maria Nuova, AtAt Reims Suger was among those whowho sharpened their tongues against 4949 andand Octavian of S.S.of Nicola inin Carcere. Gilbert (( . . AlsoAlso mentioned asas particularly hostile toto thethe accused aa Reims areare WithWith thethe exception ofof Bernard of S. Clemente, Hubald of S.S.of Prassede, andand ordan of S.of S. Susanna, allall these cardinals werewere with Eugene aa Trier. Since a thethe consistory ofof Paris in the previous yearyear thethe number was smaller (sixteen, H)H) Other members werewere thethe ca.rùinal bishops Guarin ofof Preneste, Conrad ofof S.S. Sabina, andand Dietwin ofof S.S. Rufina (on(on Crusade), the cardinal priests Guido ofof S. Crisogono (on(on CruCru sacle), andand Manfred of S.S.of Savina, thethe cardinal cleacons Astald ofof S.S. Eustachio, Roclulph Bernard said MassMass atat Alberic's gravegrave aa fewfew claysclays later.later. Since Alberic waswas stillstill with the of S.S.of Lucia inin Septisolio, and PeterPeter of S.S.of Maria inin Via Lata. 4242 curiacuria inin Tri' r,r,Tri' hishis deathdeath occurred atat Verdun onon his way fromfrom TrierTrier toto Reims in February (( )) Ep.Ep. abab Alb.Alb. 3,3, I3.I3. 4343 I 148.148.I (( )) SeeSee notenote 2525 supra. 4141 (33)(33) Ru,DERIC, GestaGesta Alberonis 23;23; MGHMGH SSSS 8, 255. (( )) Ep.Ep. ad Alb. 3, 13. 4545 34)34) VACANDARD, VieVie 2, 327. BERKHARDI, Konrad III.III. pp.pp. 687-688. (( )) Cf.Cf. Hist.Hist. litt.litt. 12,12, 541-545. 4646 3355)) (WIBAI,D), Ep.Ep. 87 (72); ed.ed. JafféJaffé I6o.I6o. (( )) Cf.Cf. H.H. TII,I,MANN, Die papstlichen Legaten inin England (Bonn 1926)1926) j o ~jo ~ OFOF 3030 )) VitaVita s. Hils. Hildc gardisgardis I,I, 5;5; PLPL I97,I97, 9595 AB.AB. V A O . ~ D A R D , VieVie 2, 335· SAI,ISBURY, Ep.Ep. 200200 (acl(acl Milonem ep. Morin.); PLPL 199, 227 C.C. InIn Ep.Ep. 1o8;1o8; ed.ed. W.W. J.J. 77)) S. Bernardi vita prima IV,IV, 4, 21; PLPL 185, 333 B. Mrr,r,oR, TheThe Letters ofof fohnfohn ofof Salisbury rr (Lonclon 1955) 172 JohnJohn speaks ofof Bishop MiloMilo 3B)3B) Ep. ad Alb. 33 14.14. asas sancto episcopo :.\Iilon:.\Iilon e p ae a rere optimo ".". 4747 39)39) Hist.Hist. pontificalis 9;9; ed.ed. Reg.Reg. I,.I,. Poole (Oxford 1927) 21. (( )) Ep.Ep. adad Alb.Alb. 3,3, 16-17. Six letters written by St.St. Bernarcl toto Jocelin areare stillstill extant. 40)40) St.St. Bernard wrote severa letters toto him:him: Epp.Epp. 219219 andand 230-232; PL.PL. 182, 382 D-D- Cf.Cf. Hist.Hist. litt.litt. 12,12, 412-4r8. 44 419419 DD Without offering aa listlist PP Pelster writes inin A1iscell. Lombardiana ~ o v a r a 1957)1957) (( j j OTToOTTo GestaGesta Frid.Frid. I,I, 54;54; p.p. 76. JJ76. ocelinocelin metmet Gilbert a tt PoiPoi iersiers inin .May I 145· Cf. S.S. Bentardi vitavita prima D.D. 6868 thatthat onlyonly seventeen cardinals werewere atat Reims. BAI,DERIC, GestaGesta Alberonis 23;23; l\IGHl\IGH 4949 II,II, 36;36; PLPL 185, 288 SSSS 8, 255 names aa totaltotal ofof seventeen cardinals, including Alberic, as present atat Trier.Trier. (( )) Hist. pont. 8;8; p.p. 17.17.s.s. IOIO N.N. M.M. Haring S.S. A.A. C.C. TheThe \Vritings against Gilbert ofof Poitiers byby Geoffrey ofof Auxerre IIII

5050 6262 hishis twotwo archdeacons CaloCalo and Arnald (( ).). Geoffrey payspays special tribute to Master Tostate theirtheir casecase theythey drewdrew upup aa idei symbolum (( ),), divided intointo four parts,

5151 Arnald (( )) butbut never refers toto CaloCalo inin his writings. According toto OttoOtto ofof Freising as aas a reply toto thethe four errors oror capitula ofof which Gilbert waswas accused. Those whowho 5252 bothboth archdeacons approached St. Bernard asking himhim toto support their cause (( . . werewere present atat thethe meeting gave their consent to the proposal thatthat theirtheir presence and Robert of Melun areare likewise known toto havehave attacked Gilbert should bebe recorded inin thethe document. Hugh ofof Auxerre, Milo of Thérouanne, andand

5353 withwith aa certain bitterness (( ).). Abbot Suger were delegateci toto submit to the popepope andand thethe curiacuria thethe profession ToTo showshow thatthat hishis doctrine diddid notnot deviate from thethe teaching ofof the Fathers ofof faith with thethe names of those present when itit waswas formulateci. The three emis Gilbert instructed his clerics to bring to the consistory aa great number of large saries were toldtold toto point outout that,that, while Gilbert hadhad given thethe popepope aa written dede volumes from which thethe pertinent textstexts werewere toto be read in their originai con claration of his readiness toto correct hishis teaching should itit be found wanting, their 5454 6363 texttext (( ).). St. Bernard's secretary soonsoon realized thatthat Abbot Godescalc's scedula wordword waswas so fìnal thatthat theythey wonld change nothing whatsoever (( ).). became thethe object of derision andand mockery byby comparison withwith Gilbert's imposing According toto Geoffrey PopePope Eugene told thethe delegation toto inform thethe gather

5555 array andand useuse of originai sources ( ).). inging thatthat theirtheir profession contained nothing objectionable andand thatthat bothboth hehe andand To remedy thethe situation he paid aa visitvisit to the cathedral library ofof Reims thethe cardinals intended toto protect Gilbert's name and station without approving his afterafter thethe debate ofof thethe fìrstfìrst dayday waswas over. Among other works hehe decided toto doctrine (6464 ).). We are thenthen toldtold byby Geoffrey thatthat Gilbert freely renounced each borrow St. Augustine's De Trinitate inin which hehe waswas happy to discover a texttext capitulum publicly inin thethe hall where thethe trialtrial had taken place. Then thethe popepope 6565 thatthat agreed almost verbatim with aa statement made on thatthat dayday byby St.St. Bernard condemned thethe fourfour artiarticlescles or charges uunnderder painpain ofof excommunication '' (( ),), forba against Gilbert ( 56) ..(56) dede thethe reading as wellwell asas thethe copying of Gilbert's commentary unless itit hadhad beenbeen 6666 ff wewe remember St. Bernard's travels and endless journeys in II45-II48 corrected by the Roman Church ( ).). Geoffrey bemoans thethe factfact thatthat no correc

6767 itit is obvious thatthat neither the abbot nornor hishis secretary could spare thethe timetime toto fami tions were everever m ade (( ),), There were several other charges against Gilbert.

6868 liarize himself with Bishop Gilbert's way of theologizing. TheThe tasktask to prepare ButBut Geoffrey never even bothered toto ascertain their contents (( ).). thethe casecase against Gilbert hadhad beenbeen placed inin thethe hands ofof Abbot Godescalc whose InIn aa number ofof details other contemporary sources do notnot confìrm Geoffrey's health waswas apparently causing diffìculties. description of thethe events. Inspired byby a deep-seated aversion to the bishop of AtAt thethe endend ofof thethe second dayday ofof thethe trialtrial thethe cardinals declared: WWee shallshall Poitiers, St. Bernard's secretary can hardly be called impartial. ButBut especially weigh thethe evidence andand pass sentence accordingly .. To quote Geoffrey: AuAu inin hishis Libellus he has recorded a number ofof rather pithy oraloral statements which hehe

5757 6969 diuimus que proposita sunt. Deinceps iudicabimus qualiter debeant diffìniri '''' (( ).). must have jotted down atat thethe trialtrial (( ).). Very valuable from thethe historian's point ForFor Gilbert's opponents itit was a foregone conclusion thatthat thethe sentence would notnot of view is also his listlist of those present atat thethe meeting inin St.St. Bernard's residence. amount toto aa condemnation. Deeply disturbed byby thisthis turnturn ofof events theythey gathered, TheyThey were fìrst recorded inin thethe document sentsent toto Eugene and thethe cardinals andand 5858 asas Geoffrey relates (( ),), atat St.St. Bernard's residence onon the next again inin Geoffrey's scriptura aa copycopy ofof which hadhad longlong been lost atat Clairvaux 5959 The gathering was attended by ten archbishops (( )) andand almost allall thethe andand was discovered when he waswas about toto sendsend hishis reply to Master Albinus, Car 6060 00 bishops ( )) stilistili atat Reims. Most bishops hadhad already left.left. InIn addition, many dinaldinal Bishop ofof Albano ('(' ).).

7171 abbots and schoolmen were present atat thethe gathering: abbatum etet magistrorum Geoffrey hadhad written this scriptura about forty years earlier ( ).). Listed asas plurima mnltitudo ((661).1). present atat thethe meeting areare thethe archbishops of Reims, Bourges, Bordeaux, Tours, Trier, Caesarea (Palestine), York, Canterbury, Rouen, andand Vienne; thethe bishops of Soissons, Chalons-sur-Marne, Paris, Auxerre, Amiens, Tournai, Thérouanne (Mo(Mo (( 5050 )) Ibidem. 5151 rinie), Norwich, Valence, LeLe Mans, AletAlet (Saint-Malo), Angoulème, andand Saintes; (( )) Ep.Ep. ad Alb. 2,2, 4-5.4-5. 5252 (( )) OTToOTTo GestaGesta Frid.Frid. I,I, 48;48; p.p. 68.68. the abbots of Cluny, Citeaux, Clairvaux, Saint-Dénis, Fleury (Saint-Benoit-sur- 5353 (( )) Hist. pont. 8;8; pp I7.I7. 5454 (( )) Cf. K. M. HARING, The Porretans andand thethe GreekGreek Fathers in:in: 1 dd1 cdStudies 2424 (Ig6z) I82 ff.ff. 5555 6262 (( )) Ep.Ep. adad Alb.Alb. +,18:+,18: Calumpniabantur fautores illius hominis quoclquocl decurtata te-te- (( )) Ep.Ep. Alb.Alb. 7, 35· 6363 stimonia proferremus eumm illeille coclices integros exhiberet . (( )) Ep.Ep. ad Alb. 8,8, 39-40. 5656 6464 (( )) Ep.Ep. adad Alb.Alb. 5,5, 22-23: DeDe Trin.Trin. VV ro,ro, II;II; PI,PI, 42,42, gr8.gr8. (( )) Ep.Ep. ad Alb. 8,8, 4I-42. 5757 6565 (( )) Ep.Ep. adad Alb.Alb. 7,34.7,34. ByBy referring onlyonly toto thethe carclinals Geoffrey may have triecltriecl (( )) Libellus I,I, I3I3 (PI,(PI, I85,I85, 597597 B).B). Geoffrey either clropped oror acldecl this remark, to exonerate PopePope Engene. But the history ofof the trials shows thatthat Pope Eugene waswas aa forfor itit isis notnot contained inin thethe Budapest manuscript. 6666 manman whowho cliclclicl notnot snccumb to pressure. (( )) Ep.Ep. ad Alb. 8,8, 43-44. 5858 (( )) Ep.Ep. adad Alb.Alb. 7,35.7,35. (( 6767 )) Libellus I,I, I3I3 andand III,III, Io.Io. 5959 6868 (( )) Ep.Ep. Alb.Alb. 7,357,35 andand I3,68.I3,68. S.S. Bernanli vitavita prima III,III, aa patribus dede (( )) Ep.Ep. ad Alb. 9,9, 4+4+ 6969 cemcem prouinciarnm ''.''. (( )) See,See, for instance, Libellus I,I, 5;5; III,III, 6-9.6-9. 6o)6o) Ep.Ep. ad Alb. I3,I3, 68.68. ('o)('o) Ep.Ep. ad Alb. I3,I3, 68.68. ((6161 )) Ep.Ep. adad Alb.Alb. 7, 35 ancl I3,I3, 68.68. No mention ofof thethe magistri isis maclemacle inin hishis Vita.Vita. (( 7171 )) Ep.Ep. ad Alb. I3,I3, 68.68.