#13 29th July 2021 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Primary School Newsletter “Truth is Trust; seek the right path” ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— bubbles

Today it’s Wednesday and today my class went to the courts to play with bubbles. The bubbles were reflecting the sun. It was like a bubble parade, I think Room 6 loved it. The bubbles are a 3D shape called a sphere and they are rainbow colours. The wind was blowing the bubbles right. By Anaya

by Roomby room 6 six Principal Mr Vaughan Franklin Deputy Principal Mrs Christine Troon Head of Junior School Mrs Jane Franklin Head of Senior School Mrs Paula Brinsden BOT Chairperson Mr Anthony Pearse www.terapa.school.nz bubbles bub- bub-

Blow Blow Blow Blow I Blow and then I stop for if I keep on blowing Archery - North Island Youth Champs

When Cameron attended school camp at Karakariki in 2020 he had an opportunity to try Archery. He enjoyed this so much he then went home and talked to his parents about the possibility of taking this up as a sport. After some research into costs and clubs etc Cameron was able to purchase his own Archery equipment and get involved in the sport. One year on and with lots of practice Camer- on attended the North Island Youth Champs held in Auckland on the 8th-9th May 2021. He won two golds and a silver. The other images seen here also show Cameron at a competition in Tauranga during the 2021 Archery season where he came in first place, and practices at his local club here in Hamilton- River Glade Archery Club. Another big achievement for Cameron was scoring a Bullseye at his home club. By Cameron (11) Room 14 - 2021

What’s happening in Term 3

Conferences PTA Meeting Wednesday 4th & Thursday 5th August Wednesday 4th August

ICAS Digital Technologies Hamilton West Exchange Monday 9th August Tuesday 10th August

Sports Photos Waimaths Wednesday 11th August Wednesday 11th August Principal’s Column

Welcome Back – for Term 3 We welcome back our established students and staff, and their families and we also extend a very warm welcome to our new students, staff and families who have joined us beginning Term 3 2021. Students – Not Returning Please contact us on 8492232 or [email protected] if you know of a student not returning for Terms 3 or 4. Long Term Plan – Term 3 Committed – TO KEEPING OUR SCHOOL FAMILIES WELL INFORMED This went home with students yesterday for the front of your fridge door. We pride ourselves in the level of communication we have with parents / carers, and this plan outlines key events for you which are scheduled for Term 3. It is part of our school’s commitment to keeping our school families well informed. It also appears on our school APP and website. Have you put our school APP on your mobile phone yet ?

Key Dates 2020 Term 3 Mon. 26th July to Fri. 1st Oct. Term 4 Mon. 18th Oct. to Fri. 17th Dec. Labour Day - Oct. 25th Mon.

WHAT’S HOT WHAT’S NOT New School Term - Everyone back safe & sound Wet start to Term 3 OLYMPICS - Lots to watch and enjoy More Parents / Caregivers yet to book-in for PRODUCTION - Our Arts focus for Term 3 Conferences please Students need “Shorts for Sports” for school

REMINDER – Early School Finish Next Week Conferences Evening #1 Bell sounds at 2.00pm Wednesday 4th Aug. (Wk 2 – next week) Conferences Evening #2 Bell sounds at 2.00pm Thursday 5th Aug. (Wk 2 – next week) Please Note : Children will be dismissed for the day at 2.00pm on both these 2 x afternoons

CONFERENCES : Mid-Year “Student Achievement” Focus …… Leading into Terms 3 & 4 Thanks to the many parents and carers who have already ‘booked a time’ to attend a Conference with your child(ren)’s teacher next week. Te Rapa Primary applauds you, and thanks you for getting actively involved in your child’s education. Mid-Year Conferences aim to …. (1) inform and involve parents / carers more in the second half of the school year, and also (2) re-connect with our parents / carers again after the April Conferences earlier this year. We hope to work together with you to help your children / our students progress to their potential. Our school wants every student at Te Rapa to “build on” and then “maintain” their focus throughout Terms 3 & 4, and this lift in effort will come with ongoing parent / carer input. Being Positive There are many good things going on in your son’s / daughter’s life, and we need to constantly remind them of this. Avoiding negatives and / or anything that is not so good is the key. Focus on the positives, and remember we are the role models in their lives, so we must be there to support and assist them. You are the guide at home too who helps them take on more responsibility, and this approach, along with us here at school will successfully help shape our young people going forward.

Reporting to Parents / Carers on Student Achievement 2021 Schools are obligated to report on student achievement 3 x times each school year, and our programming for 2021 is as follows … Term 1 Wk 2 18th February Orientation “Meet the Teacher” Evening Term 1 Wk 10 14th & 15th April Parent – Teacher Conferences #1 : 2 x Evenings – Schoolwide assessment(s) Term 3 Wk 2 4th Aug & 5th Aug Parent – Teacher Conferences #2 : 2 x Evenings – Progress statement card and next steps Term 4 Wk 9 16th December End of Year Written Report

Good Attitude & Behaviour ….. must come first at Te Rapa Primary School Growing ‘Good’ Citizens Attitude and behaviour must come before good learning can take place. We need our students to take responsibility for their own actions in all settings, even when we (parents / carers and teachers) are not watching. If your son / daughter is being a ‘good person’ they will know their boundaries and they will learn to make you / us proud. Some children can however prove to be difficult at home and / or at school sometimes. Your role is really important in helping them learn how to “make good choices” and to do so frequently. They must take advantage of the Te Rapa HEART opportunities available to them. Learning to be a good citizen in the school setting and in their wider community (and in their family too) is our schools aim for your child(ren). Many doors will open if they are being a good citizen, and they will then enjoy a much wider selection of choice in their lives. I am sure you agree that we all want our children to have lots and lots of choice(s) in their future, so let’s work together now to help them ‘work at’ the really important things … which are adopting “good” attitudes and presenting “good” behaviours.

The 3 x Pronged Approach Doing it together in Terms 3 & 4 (1) School + (2) Student + (3) Home = Good Progress Please remember that in the 2020’s schools cannot do it alone. We are just 1 x part which contributes to a child’s “learning”. The student themselves along with you (parents / carers) are parts #2 and #3. We need to get the student switched on to learning and fully engaged, and couple this with an effective home-school partnership. If all 3 x are moving forward together a student is able to make good progress, and if we can all do this exceptionally well together then progress (learning and behaviour) advances even more rapidly.

Student Voice Student Leadership – What does it look like at Te Rapa Primary School ? Student leadership is leading by example so that others can follow and help people achieve their goals. Our school has heaps of opportunities which are really good. Lots of these opportunities include leadership like road patrol, peer mediator and the opportunity to get to go to sports camp. Te Rapa Primary makes me happy and makes me feel like I belong because all the teachers / staff are really friendly and the kids are nice too. I really enjoy attending Te Rapa because you learn heaps and make lots of friends as well. By Kynan Rm18 Student Councillor Principal’s Column Page

To me, leadership is when you take charge of something head on to benefit you and others. These are the people that bring out the best in themselves to make others the best that they can be too. This skill is something that isn't in everybody, but that doesn't matter because those who have this skill can lead / teach / coach the followers. Leaders are people who show all five values displayed in Te Rapa HEART and other virtues too. At Te Rapa Primary School we are encouraged to lead, and this leadership brings out the best in everyone and produces role models in the younger kids so they can lead the way in the future. By Ryan Rm18 Student Councillor

COVID- 19 Vaccinations As Principal, and as a Board of Trustees, we are aware that some schools are being questioned by people opposed to COVID-19 vaccination. Feedback from the Ministry of Education in Wellington is as follows …. These people are peddling misinformation about the vaccines and / or suggesting that Boards of Trustees should not approve the school as a place for vaccinations to take place. As the Ministry of Education have previously noted, the Government is considering the roll out of vaccinations to 12–15-year olds. We (Ministry of Education) will update you as soon as any decisions are taken. While it’s a choice to be vaccinated or not, it’s essential everyone is well-informed and has all the facts they need from one source of the truth …. which is the NZ Ministry of Health.

Dressing Warmly – Please ensure your children come to school dressed warmly this Term, but with shorts for sports in their bags too.

Sick Students – Should not be at School Te Rapa Primary is a large institution with approx. 540 students and 50+ staff and we ask that parents keep your son / daughter at home if they are not well this Term. If your child is away sick please contact the school office on 8492232 after 8am and before 9.15am on the day.

Principal’s Incentive Awards : Has your son / daughter made contact with their sponsor to say “thank you” ? Reminder - The lucky draw recipients from full school assembly on the last Friday of last Term must contact their sponsor(s) to say ‘thank you’. Parents are asked to please ensure your child does this if they won a gift. The “thank you” is crucial to keeping this sponsorship going. Te Rapa vs Hamilton West School Annual Sports Exchange Tuesday 10th August Our 8 x Te Rapa Primary teams are being selected to represent us in the upcoming winter sports exchange vs Hamilton West School. We host Hamilton West teams here because we have the facilities for netball, rugby, soccer and hockey. They will bring their 4 x Year 5 – 6 teams and their 4 x Year 7 – 8 teams. The “shield” was won by Te Rapa last year, and we always look forward to their visit.

Teacher Only Days (TODs) Each school is permitted 8 x TODs between 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2022. Our school’s next TOD will be on Friday 10th September. Please put this date on your calendars at home. Our professional focus for the day is “Teaching Literacy” (reading, writing and oral language). Ministry of Education : Fully Funded Training … for our Te Rapa Teaching Staff Our school has a secured a professional development contract for 100 x hours of specialist training for our staff. This will see Professional Learning Consultants working with our staff at our school to provide regular professional development. We have a trainer for Digital Fluency who is contracted to provide 70 x hours of training for our staff, and we have 2 x trainers for Cultural Capability who will provide 30 x hours of training for staff. This will certainly benefit our teachers, who will then filter down this new learning into our classrooms for our students. Performing Arts – Te Rapa Primary School PRODUCTION Fiona Greaves (Production Director) continues to have things moving along well. The title of the show is “A Lesson in Time” and the students involved are already busy learning their lines, and practicing their dance routines. Our bi-annual Production is scheduled for the end of this Term, and we have booked the Clarence Street Theatre for 29th & 30th September. Please keep a night free to come along to watch.

Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) 2021 Camp Dates for next Term (Term 4) Reminder .... # PENDING Year 5 & 6 : Rms 12 – 16 Week 2 Term 4 : 26 – 29 Oct. Papamoa / Mount Camp # PENDING Seniors : Rms 17 - 21 Week 3 Term 4 : 2 – 5 Nov. Finlay Park : Karapiro

Front Fencing Project This is a fully funded Ministry of Education project, and will see new fences and gates added to the front of our school. This is to prevent any new students from running out onto the roads. The project managers are Gisler Architects, and the fencing contractor is Mr Fencer, and we hope to see this project commencing in August / September.

Drivers Let’s “park our cars smarter” this Term, and Remember : Parking Wardens and / or Police are visiting Te Rapa this Term too.

NO DOGS : REMINDER : Dogs are not permitted on our school grounds. Please leave them at home, tied up at the gate or in the car.

Thank you for your continued support of Te Rapa Primary Waikato’s Top School 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019. …… a full primary school where “everyone knows your child’s name”

V W Franklin (Principal) and Staff REMINDER : CONFERENCES NEXT WEEK

Wednesday 4th August and Thursday 5th August 2021 Thank you to those who have already made bookings online. What to do: Go to this address: www.schoolinterviews.co.nz Click on the link ‘MAKE A BOOKING’— at the top right of your screen.

Enter this code: 8tm23 and then you will be guided through the booking process.

Booking conferences is as easy as 1 - 2 - 3: First enter your email address and full name of who is coming to the conference/s

Then enter the FULL NAME/S of the child/ children the conferences are for. It is important to include the last name (surname) too so that children can be clearly identified.

On the next page, choose the teachers you want to meet with. .

Then you will see a timetable showing when your chosen teachers are available. Simply click on the times that suit you.

When you are finished making the booking/s, your conference timetable will be emailed to you. If something comes up and you want to change times, you can return to the site and change them with any that are still available. You will receive a confirmation email to the email address you supplied. You can also print the list of bookings if you wish. Support is available: If you do not have internet access or need help, assistance will be available in the school’s Digital Media Centre. Ask at the school office and the Deputy Principal will assist you.

IMPORTANT: There is only room for one conference for each student. In the case of separated parents, we ask that you either attend together with your child or that another arrangement is made with the teacher. Please do not attempt to book two conference time slots online for the same child as there are not enough time slots for this across the whole school. Why meeting is so important:

Students have the opportunity to talk about their learning in key areas of the curriculum and to share their goals. Our confer- ences are student-learning focused Teachers are able to discuss progress and any areas of need, based on data from assessments and ongoing class programmes. Parents/ Caregivers are able to form a clear picture of how their child is progressing and how home and school can work in partnership to support their child. Christine Troon Deputy Principal

Te Rapa Primary School Empowering Learners for Life

Room 11...Year ¾3/4 Jump Jam Competition

“I had the best Wednesday EVER because we had the Jump Jam competition! I was so nervous. My heart was pumping so fast I couldn’t think. But when it was our turn, I was ready. So ready that I did it so well I was puffed. It was the greatest part of the day when they announced the winners. I crossed my fingers and closed my eyes and … we won! I was jumping with excitement. Yay. I was so proud.” Hazel

“On Wednesday the 7th of July, it was the Jump Jam Competition. I was pretty nervous and also pretty excited. My amazing class did the song Greased Lightning. When all the year ¾ classes finished their awesome songs, Mrs Brins- den the judge said my class won. The crowds cheered and cheered. I like being in Room 11.” Lin

“Yesterday we had our Jump Jam. When it was our turn to perform, I felt super nervous. After a while of standing in our positions the music started. I was nervous for the first few minutes, but then I got more and more confident. When we finished I was feeling really proud. When Mrs Brinsden announced the winner, I held my breath and hoped that we did well. After a few seconds, she asid “The winners are… Room 11!” I was so happy that we won!!” Owen

“When I was doing the Jump Jam, I felt like a winner. I thought that when we were doing the dance we had the best chance of winning! We had the best sharp strong moves, big smiles, and we kept in time with each other too.When Mrs Brinsden announced the winner, we could not believe it.It was us! We jumped up with excitement. We were so proud of each other.” Isabelle

“Yesterday it was the Jump Jam Competition. I was as scared as a person dying! But I tried as best as I could to not be nervous. As soon as the teacher said “now we have the fantas- tic, amazing, incredible Room 11” I was so nervous, but kind of brave. After I got into it, everyone smiled. The winner is ROOM 11!! Yay, I was so happy.” Chase

“At the Jump Jam Competition I did not feel nervous because we had already performed it in front of the big kids. When everyone had performed their Jump Jam, Mrs Brinsden an- nounced the winning class. Everyone did a drum roll and she said “the winning class is ROOM 11!” The whole syndicate cheered with excitement. I was so proud of myself.” Ame- lia

“In Jump Jam, I loved that we won. I was a little nervous and confident. At the start I had butterflies in my stomach. When Room 11 WON, I yelled so loud my ears tickled.” Brooklyn CONGRATULATIONS !!!

Information Sheet on Vision and Hearing Checks in School

Vision Hearing Technicians from Community and Southern Rural Health will be visiting our school. The objective of the test is to identify previously undetected vision and hearing defects. If any parents/caregivers do not want their child to be checked, or their child is currently under specialist care for a vision or hearing defect, they should let the school know.

Which children are routinely checked?

Children who have not completed vision and hearing checks as part of their B4 School Check Children absent from previous visit, require retests or follow up In special circumstances, parents, teachers or others may request a vision or hearing check

What tests are carried out? Ears Audiometry (hearing test) Tympanometry – middle ear function test (only carried out when hearing test is not within a normal range) Eyes Long distance vision tests – not a complete visual examination, but a simple screening test NB All of these checks are non-invasive, safe and should cause no discomfort. The Vision Hearing Technician will: Notify parents of all test results Enter results on Ministry of Education database (Enrol) The Vision Hearing Technician will obtain personal details from the school ie; names, date of birth. If the technician needs to contact parents or caregivers following the visit, addresses and phone numbers will also be required. Our Service may share this information with other health professionals involved in the children’s care.

Community Notices St Andrews Library Presentation - Maramataka - Living by Volleyball Academy—For beginners to performance, from the Moon A reminder that we’re taking registrations for an 3.45pm-7.30pm. Where: The Peak - Rototuna High awesome presentation at St Andrews Library this Thursday School. When: Wed, from 4/08/21 to 01/09/21. Cost: nd evening, 22 July, 6.30pm, MARAMATAKA – LIVING BY THE $50 one time fee. Registration Link contact Alex Mariano MOON. Graeme Huia has been living and breathing this at [email protected] ancient indigenous knowledge for years. Come and learn how you might apply this Maaori maatauranga into your We now have TRUMPET and VIOLIN available to own life and create a more sustainable lifestyle through learn with guitar, ukulele, piano, voice and drums! connection with the natural environment. Kai will be provid- Just contact Carl for more info… ed. All are welcome to attend. Please RSVP online for cater- [email protected] ing purposes Living by the Moon: Maramataka – Hamilton 027 388 9558 Libraries or email [email protected]. Net Safety Night at the Library - July 26-30th is the first even Net Safety Week, being run across the country by Netsafe. As part of this initiative, the Hamilton City Libraries are hosting an evening session with representatives from Netsafe on Thursday 29th July at the Hillcrest Library , 58 Masters Ave, Hillcrest. The idea is that they will be able to speak to people about some of the online threats facing whaanau, and how they can mitigate them. There will be a short presentation followed by an open forum, and we would encourage anyone from your school community to come along if they are interested. We will also have some resources for people to take home with them. Email: [email protected] for registration or further information. Hamilton Book Month is on in August, with 21 events covering storytelling, writing workshops, author visits, talks poetry, and more. Most events are free although some require registration through hamiltonbookmonth.com. See website for details and attached list of events.

They are also running an Interstellar Writing Competition with . To enter, visit the Interstellar Exhibition at the museum and respond to any aspect you wish in either poetry or prose. Entries are to be no longer than one A4 page and there is no age limit to enter. Send your entry to [email protected] by August 13th. Winners will be contacted and invited to read at the National Poetry Day Open Mic event on Friday 27th of August. See attached flyer with all the information or visit www.hamiltonbookmonth.com. Advertising Sponsors

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