Student-Athlete Handbook


Welcome to the University Athletic Department,

In 2016-17 OCU finished with the best overall athletic department in the nation. This marks the eighteenth consecutive year that OCU Athletics has been ranked in the top fifteen. 2016-17 also marked the fourteenth consecutive year that the cumulative grade point average for all OCU student-athletes was above a 3.0. We have adopted the motto “Home of Champions.” This motto reflects our tradition of academic and athletic excellence. We are counting on you to continue this tradition.

As a student-athlete at OCU, you are among the most visible constituents on campus. As a team member, you literally wear the University’s name on your chest. Your behavior, good or bad, will define how others view the university and our athletic department. I am confident that you will represent the university, the athletic department, and your teammates well.

You have earned the opportunity to get an outstanding education. Make the most of it. Strive to become more than an athlete, involve yourself in other areas of campus and these will be the best days of your life.

In my role as Athletic Director, I am the primary advocate for each of our 350 student-athletes. I look forward to supporting your efforts in all areas of campus life. Have a great year.


Jim Abbott Athletic Director


Oklahoma City University embraces the United Methodist tradition of scholarship and service and welcomes all faiths in a culturally rich community dedicated to student success. Men and women pursue academic excellence through a rigorous curriculum focused on students’ intellectual, moral, and spiritual development to prepare them to become effective leaders in service to their communities.

OCU Athletic Directory

Position Name Phone Director Jim Abbott 5301

Associate Director Greg Kersgieter 5317

Assistant Director /Compliance Kelly Perry 5660

Administrative Assistant Toni Adams 5309

Sports Information Director Rich Tortorelli 5304

Faculty Athletic Representative Dr. Tony Stancampiano 5258

Athletic Trainer Randall Snider 6500 Emily Ridenour 6500 Baseball Coach Denney Crabaugh 5156 Assistant Coach Keith Lytle 5157

Basketball, Men's Coach Vinay Patel 5310 Assistant Coach Ryan Litzinger

Basketball, Women's Coach Bo Overton 5868 Assistant Coach Megan Patel

Cheer Coach Alicia Bailey 5395 Dance Coach Tasha Hinex 5424

XC/Track Coach Matt Aguero 5319 Assistant Coach David Crynes

Golf Men's Coach Kyle Blaser 5303 Golf Women's Coach Marty McCauley 5302

Dir. Of River Operations Michael Knopp 552-4040 ext 4111 Head Coach Tom Dougherty 552-4040 Assistant Coach TBD 552-4040

Soccer Coach Brian Harvey 5165 Assistant Coach Nathan Doll 5800

Softball Coach Phil McSpadden 5308 Assistant Coach Bobbi Bridges 5976

Volleyball Coach Jason Munoz 6205

Women’s Wrestling Coach Matt Stevens 405-328-0737 Men’s Wrestling Coach CJ Campbell 405-623-2740

Student-Athlete Campus Involvement:

SAAC – Student-Athlete Advisory Committee: The SAAC is an advisory group made up of two student-athlete representatives from each OCU athletic team. The SAAC meets monthly to address issues concerning the student-athletes. The student-athletes are encouraged to discuss any concerns with their coach, the Athletic Director, or the committee. The SAAC also organizes and conducts the annual Jim Wade Award banquet and encourages community service among student-athletes.

FCA – Fellowship of Christian Athletes: FCA is a student led group of students and coaches who meet regularly on campus and through special events. With Christ as the center of the meeting, and using the Bible as the authority, students are inspired to improve their spiritual lives and use their influence to challenge others to receive Christ. FCA is open to ALL students.

Chi Alpha Sigma – A National College Athlete Honor Society: Chi Alpha Sigma was founded at OCU during the 2005-2006 school year. It is an honor society that was specifically created to honor and recognize the academic achievements of student-athletes who have earned a letter(s) in their respective sport(s).

STARS Reaching Out - Community outreach is a priority at . As such, OCU athletic staff, coaches, and student-athletes actively involve themselves in service to our community. On campus, student-athletes are active members of several service organizations. In the community, coaches and student- athletes reach out to impact the lives of those in need. The athletic department participates in an annual canned food drive each fall benefitting Skyline Urban Mission. All teams are expected to participate.

For more information on these groups, contact the Athletic office at 208-5309.

There are many of groups, clubs, and social organizations on campus. We encourage you to take part in these groups as your schedule allows.

OCU PRIDE Oklahoma City University has won 66 National Championships and has a proud tradition of academic and athletic excellence. Student-athletes should make every effort to promote the university by wearing school colors. Every team distributes practice and game apparel; consequently we ask that you make every effort to not wear apparel that promotes another college or university.

Win Well and Lose Well Win or lose, OCU Student-Athletes are expected to act with a high degree of sportsmanship.

Support other OCU Athletic teams and invite their support of your team.


Make good decisions. Student-Athletes are closely observed in many areas: On the field, in the classroom, on the campus, and in the community. Thus, for the welfare of each team, the whole program, and the individual, each student-athlete’s conduct should be above reproach. While engaging in athletic competition, the student- athlete is expected to exercise self-control at all times. The conduct of teams on away trips should be impeccable. Recognizing the significant value of personal appearance, student-athletes may be required to conform to a specific standard set forth by coaches or the Athletic Director. At all times, student-athletes must abide by the policies, regulations, and standards of the university as set forth in the current OCU Student Handbook and this manual. Student-athletes who violate university policy will be dealt with by the Dean of Students and may be suspended or dismissed from their team.

Social Networking Policy

As a student-athlete participating in intercollegiate sports at Oklahoma City University, you represent your team, Oklahoma City University athletics, and Oklahoma City University. This makes you and your actions – including those conducted online – subject to scrutiny from the media, spectators, university officials, and the public at large. Potential employers, internship supervisors, graduate programs, and scholarship committees now search social networking sites to screen candidates and applications.

Be mindful of posting information, photos, or other items online that could be harmful to you, your family, your team, the athletic department, or Oklahoma City University. This includes information about team activities and teammates. Before participating in any online community, understand that anything posted online is available to anyone in the world. Any text or photo placed online is completely out of your control the moment it is placed online – even if you limit access to your site. OCU Athletes are encouraged to use social media to positively promote team achievements, encourage attendance at upcoming competitions and recognize individual success.

OCU Social Media Facebook: Twitter: @ocustars; #thisisOCU Youtube: @ocustars Instagram: ocustars

OCU Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy

Oklahoma City University is an alcohol and tobacco free campus. OCU recognizes drug and alcohol abuse diminishes the strength and vitality of human resources and the integrity of the institution. It is the intent of the university to educate, discourage, and discipline a student found abusing or distributing controlled substances, both legal and illegal. The university may require any student, who is reasonably suspected of drug use, to undergo drug testing. OCU requires that each student have on file, a signed consent form for drug testing prior to being cleared for participation in athletics. Drug testing will be conducted in accordance with the Oklahoma Standards for Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Act of June 10, 1993. For complete text, go to Any drug tests required will be done by a state certified laboratory, and will be given during, or immediately following, regular working or classroom hours. The tests will be paid for by the university. The Director of Athletics, or a designee and the Coach of the athlete(s) being tested will receive notice of the results of the drug tests. Any student who requests a retest of a sample in order to challenge the results of a positive test is required to pay all costs of additional tests. All student-athletes should read the OCU Student Handbook, for complete handbook refer to pdf.

Academic Misconduct

Oklahoma City University was founded upon strong values and high standards. Honesty in academics is a priority. Students should be advised that cheating and plagiarism are not tolerated. Based on its philosophy of education, Oklahoma City University is strongly committed to academic excellence, truth, honesty, and personal integrity. The university expects all students to maintain a high standard of ethics in their academic activities. Hence, any form of academic dishonesty is considered a serious matter. In this context, forms of academic dishonesty include but are not limited to cheating on tests, examinations, or other class/laboratory work; involvement in plagiarism (appropriation of another’s work and unacknowledged incorporation of that work in one’s own); collusion (unauthorized collaboration with another person); misrepresentation of actions; and falsifying information. Sanctions for a student’s academic dishonesty vary according to the nature and seriousness of the offense. Sanctions are at the discretion of the academic department involved within the constraints of the course in which the offense occurred. Sanctions by teachers or relevant university personnel may include but are not limited to: requiring a student to redo a class/laboratory assignment; recording an F (failure) for a particular test, examination, or class/laboratory assignment that involved dishonesty; or recording an F (failure) for a final course grade. Any student appeal of a teacher-imposed sanction must be made in writing to the student’s academic dean within seven days of the student’s notification.

Missed Class Policy – DO NOT MISS CLASS! Head Coaches will attempt to minimize the number of missed class days by scheduling contests and scrimmages cognizant of the importance of class attendance. Recognizing the importance of seeking quality scheduling for the teams, as well as good public relations for the university, the following guidelines prevent undue academic hardship on the student: 1. For home contests for which classes must be missed, a student-athlete can be exempt from class two hours before the contest, but must communicate with the instructor during the week prior to the contest to determine alternate arrangements if necessary. 2. Students will provide instructors with written notice of upcoming missed classes for student-athletes prior to the absence. One possible exception is make-up games due to inclement weather, in which case the coach will notify instructors immediately upon determining the game time. 3. Extended trips must be approved by the Athletic Director. No more than 3 consecutive school days will be missed on a trip. Extended trips will not take place during fall orientation, during the first week of classes, or during the final week of classes. No contest will be scheduled during the first three days of an exam period. This policy does not apply to conference, regional, and national playoff contests. 4. It is the student-athlete’s responsibility to attend all classes when there is no conflict with an officially scheduled contest. NEVER MISS CLASS FOR A PRACTICE. 5. Each student-athlete is responsible for knowing the absence policy of each of his/her courses. 6. NO officially scheduled contest automatically excuses a student-athlete from class. An officially excused absence from a class will occur only after faculty members are notified of the contest date(s) and do not challenge the absence as excused.

Student-Athletes should:

 Take a complete season schedule to each professor at the start of the semester.  Take an excused absence form (provided by your coach) to each professor at least two classes prior to the class that will be missed.  Work with your professor to make up class work that was missed.  Attend all other classes.  Be proactive! Find a friend or teammate in each of your classes to get notes for the classes you miss.  Bring any concerns to your coach or athletic administrator immediately.

Books Oklahoma City University’s athletic teams may provide some books to student-athletes. These books remain the property of the team and should be turned in at the end of each semester. Student-athletes are responsible for preventing theft or damage to their books and will pay if books are not returned or returned damaged.

Equipment Oklahoma City University’s athletic teams provide its student-athletes with appropriate equipment for safe participation. However, the University recognizes that the student-athlete may have to purchase equipment for his or her sport specific to the individual’s needs. All equipment that is supplied to the student-athlete remains the property of Oklahoma City University and it is the responsibility of the student-athlete to prevent theft or damage to the equipment issued to them. Student-athletes are responsible for returning all equipment that is owned by OCU to the head coach.


Overview of the OCU Sports Information Office – Role Within the Athletic Department  Serves as public relations office for the OCU Athletic Department

 Responsible for the following: o Serving as a liaison between the athletic department/student-athletes and members of the media.

o Managing statistical aspects of all home athletic events, as well as collecting statistics of away events, and keeping season statistics updated.

o Overseeing all athletic publications – media guides and game programs

o Maintaining information on the athletic webpage.

Student-Athletes and the Media

1. Keep in mind that you are representing your teammates, your coaches and OCU during an interview – NOT JUST YOURSELF.

2. You are not required to do an interview that has not been set up by the Sports Information office. o If you are contacted by a member of the media (including The Campus newspaper) without prior knowledge from the Sports Information Office, you are welcome to politely ask the media member to contact the SID office and tell them you will be happy to answer their questions after the interview has been cleared.

3. Remember that members of the media are not your enemies. o Don’t be nervous.

o Remember, an interview is just a conversation with someone about a sport that you love to play.

4. Remember there is no such thing as an “off the record” comment. o Anything you say, can and will be used by the media.

o If you don’t want to comment on something, it is okay to say “I would rather not comment on that.”

o Remember to protect yourself, your teammates, your coaches and OCU during an interview.


Athletic Eligibility  All first-time NAIA participants must be deemed eligible by the NAIA Eligibility Center prior to competing for OCU. It is your responsibility as a student-athlete to submit all necessary information to both the NAIA and OCU, and prior to an initial Eligibility Center determination OCU is not able to certify you for any competition.  You must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 semester hours unless you are in the final semester before graduation. o Regardless of how many hours you are enrolled in, when considering dropping a course during a semester please notify your head coach, the athletic compliance officer, or both beforehand because your current or future eligibility may be affected by such action.  You must pass 24 hours per year.  You must maintain a 2.00 GPA to be in good academic standing at OCU. If you fall below this, you will be unable to participate or travel with your team.

Transfer Rule A student-athlete who identifies with OCU and then chooses to transfer to another institution will be subject to one or more of the conditions listed below: 1. A release from OCU will be required to be able to participate immediately at the institution transferred to. The head coach will make the recommendation as to whether the transfer release will be approved or not. The request for release should come from the academic institution you are transferring to. 2. If a transfer is made to a member SAC institution, the transferring student-athlete will be restricted from participation for one year and will lose one season of eligibility. 3. If we discover you have had recruiting conversations with another four-year college or university without permission from OCU Athletics while still enrolled at OCU, permission can be denied for you to compete or receive athletics aid at the second school until you have spent an academic year in residence there.

Non-Participating Athletes: The term non-participant applies to a student-athlete whose participation is limited to team practice but excludes games and scrimmages. The head coach will determine if a student-athlete not participate for the academic year if: 1. The head coach determines that an additional year may allow the student-athlete to more fully develop their potential skills.

2. A student-athlete is injured and unable to participate for a substantial part of a season. A medical hardship request is a request for an exception to the season of competition regulation. Hardships deal only with seasons of competition (For more information, please see Article V of the NAIA Bylaws). Medical hardship is further defined later in the handbook.

3. A non-participant student-athlete is expected to: a. Participate in all team obligations b. Regain or maintain eligibility c. Observe the same rules and regulations placed upon other student-athletes

Evaluation Each student athlete will have the ability to evaluate your overall experience at OCU pertaining to academics, coaching staff, environment and team in general. These evaluations are done confidentially as a team and we welcome your honest feedback in order to improve each year.


The total of your athletic scholarship and other grants/scholarships you receive cannot exceed the University’s estimate of your student cost for the academic term.

Academic scholarships are based on ACT or SAT test scores (freshmen only), high academic ability as indicated by grade point average, and writing ability as demonstrated within the essay portion of the application for admission. Full time enrollment (not less than 12 hours) is required for scholarship.

International Students Scholarships

1. While international students are not eligible for state or federal financial aid, there are scholarships for which you may qualify.

2. OCU’s International Admissions provides services such as immigration advising, admissions, and other administrative services, such as Good Standing Letters, verification of tuition and fees, and letters of invitation for visiting family and friends. Please contact International Admissions at 208-5358.

Athletic Scholarships are earned. Athletic Scholarship Agreements are made for one academic term and are based on a student-athlete’s past athletic and academic performance, potential for future athletic and academic performance, and/or the needs and interests of the team, athletic department, and/or University, as determined by the coach and/or athletic director. Oklahoma City University has four different and distinct sessions (Fall, Spring, Summer I, and Summer II), and acceptance of athletic scholarship neither implies nor guarantees that you will be provided an athletic scholarship in future academic sessions. If you have a question about your scholarship award or amount contact your coach or the Athletic Director immediately.

FAFSA – Every student-athlete is required to complete and submit a FAFSA form in the Financial Aid Office. Failure to do so may jeopardize your athletic scholarship. The FAFSA must be completed each year. In order to be eligible for financial aid, you must meet the following requirements:

 Be enrolled as a regular student in a degree or certification program  Have a high school diploma or GED  Provide a valid and verifiable social security number  Be a citizen of the United States, or be another type of eligible non-citizen  Demonstrate financial need, with the exception of the Unsubsidized Stafford Loan. Need is determined from the information provided on the FAFSA  Respond in a timely manner to requests from the Financial Aid Office for additional information  Be registered with the Selective Service, if required  Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress toward a degree or certificate  Not have borrowed in excess of annual or aggregate Title IV loan limits or be default on any Title IV loan or owe an overpayment on any federal Title IV program received for attendance at any institution

Additional Scholarship Opportunities: Scholarship Fund – The Paul Hansen Scholarship is designated for student-athletes that have completed their eligibility and are within 24 hours of graduation. Coaches may nominate one person from their team for consideration. Nominees must submit a completed application, written statement of goals, and submit to an interview. This process takes place each spring. Hansen scholarship funds are limited.

Financial Aid deadlines

January 1st – FAFSA Application Available Online at Don’t forget to list OCU’s federal school code (003166) on your FAFSA.

February – All In-House forms for the next academic year (Summer, Fall, and Spring) will be available at OCU Financial Aid Office or online at

March 1st – File Completion Deadline for Best Consideration for campus-based federal funds (Perkins, FSEOG, Federal Workstudy) and OTAG. The funding for these programs are limited; students who have completed files in the Financial Aid Office by this date are the most likely to receive assistance from these programs.

March 31st – Priority deadline for Summer School Applications. To have your financial aid packaged by the start of the Summer I terms, you must have your file completed by this date.

April 30th – Final OTAG Deadline. To be considered for OTAG (Oklahoma Tuition Assistance Grant), you must file your FAFSA by April 30th. OTAG funds are limited and are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. OTAG is not available to students who have completed your first Bachelor’s degree. Completion of the FAFSA by April 30th does NOT guarantee funding for this award, so apply early.

May – Update your address with the Registrar and Cashier’s Offices before you leave for the Summer! We cannot notify you on the status of your file if we cannot find you.

June 1st – Priority Deadline for Financial Aid Applications for the following academic year. To have your financial aid packaged by the start of the Fall term, you must return all requested documents for your file to the Financial Aid Office by this date. Please see for required documents.


The Oklahoma City University Athletic Training Department actively seeks to provide the best care for each student-athlete’s medical needs in hopes of returning them to play at a competitive level as quickly as safely possible. The staff of certified athletic trainers and team physicians serves approximately 360 student-athletes across 19 varsity teams, focusing on prevention, management, treatment, and rehabilitation of athletic injuries.

The athletic training room (ATR) is located in room 112 on the East hall of the Freede Wellness Center. The athletic training office is adjacent to the ATR in room 113.

Team Physicians Michael E. Kiehn, MD Brian R. Coleman, MD Orthopedic Surgeon Director, Primary Care Sports Medicine Program Orthopedic Associates, Inc OU Health Sciences Center and OU Family Physicians 3301 NW 50th 900 NE 10th OKC, OK 73112 OKC, OK 73104

Certified Athletic Trainers

Greg Kersgieter, MEd, ATC, LAT Randall Snider [email protected] [email protected] (405) 208-5317 (405) 208-6500

Policies and Procedures

OCU Athletic Training staff will follow recommendations by the NATA in the form of position statements and consensus statements, as well as the NAIA-ATA Medical Handbook and NAIA Medical Checklists.

Athlete Pre-Participation Physicals Student-athletes may only participate in team activities (conditioning, practice, lifting, game, etc.) once all athletic training paperwork is completed and turned in to the athletic training department. Student-athletes are required to be examined by a physician (MD or DO) yearly to be cleared for participation in intercollegiate athletics.

Consent Forms These forms are included in the New Student-Athlete physical packet to be signed and turned in prior to the athlete’s first official practice.  Medical Examination and Authorization Waiver: o The student-athlete attests to be in excellent physical condition for participation in collegiate athletics. o The student-athlete will report any future injuries/incidents/complaints to the OCU Athletic Training Staff. o The OCU Athletic Training Staff and Team Physicians have permission to treat the student- athlete. (Authorization for Medical Treatment) o The student-athlete understands the inherent risks associated with participating in collegiate athletics. (Assumption of Risk) o The student-athlete has primary health insurance coverage; and the athlete understands that OCU Athletics Insurance is secondary to his/her individual coverage.  Authorization for Release of Medical Information Oklahoma City University will protect the privacy of all student-athletes’ medical records in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.  Student-Athlete Drug Testing Consent Form The student-athlete understands the University Drug Testing policy.

Medical Disqualification Medical approval for participation is at the discretion of the team physician and/or the Oklahoma City University athletic training staff. Student-athletes may be medically disqualified from a sport program if the medical staff and consultants believe further participation would be hazardous to the health and safety of the student athlete.

Pre-Existing Conditions Failure by the student-athlete to report a pre-existing medical condition at the time of the medical examination relieves the Department of Athletics of all liability in the event the student-athlete sustains a subsequent injury or re-injury of the affected part. Incomplete rehabilitation of a pre-existing condition may result in a disqualification from athletic participation.

Any testing or medical follow-up requested by a physician during the pre-participation physical examination will be the financial responsibility of the student-athlete.

Any student-athlete with a history of taping or bracing and/or injury may utilize the athletic training facility for appropriation of their needs. While it is NOT guaranteed that OCU will provide braces, we will do everything possible to assist with ordering of any orthopedic braces at the expense of the individual or sport.

Student-Athlete Insurance All Oklahoma City University students are required to be covered by either family or personal health insurance. If a student does not have insurance, a policy is offered through the university. You MUST opt-out of the University health insurance by filling out a waiver with your current insurance. This can be done by following this link.

Student-athletes are required to utilize family/personal insurance as the primary source of payment for all athletic injury related charges. A copy of each student-athlete’s current insurance card must be kept on file in the athletic training office. It is the student-athlete’s responsibility to make sure his/her information is up-to-date at all times.

All international students must purchase accident/emergency care insurance through the university or at a domestic outside agency each semester. Please see the International Student Admissions Office for more information and opt-out waiver. This is NOT an athletic policy.

OCU Athletic Insurance Oklahoma City University Department of Athletics provides excess insurance for approved medical and dental services when the injury results from participation in an organized and supervised team conditioning session, practice, or competition. This is an excess coverage plan that will cover those expenses not paid by the student- athlete’s primary insurance policy.

OCU insurance will not pay for medical bills related to injuries which are not the result of participation in the intercollegiate athletic program or injuries not reported to the athletic training staff. This includes payment of bills resulting from treatment or correction of pre-existing conditions. OCU insurance will not pay for medical bills related to illnesses.

Student-athletes must bring any statements received from medical providers to the athletic training office as soon as they are received. Statements/bills not delivered to the athletic training office within 90 days may adversely affect your personal credit.

Reporting Athletic Injuries The OCU Athletic Training Staff must be notified as soon as possible of any and all injuries related to participation in Oklahoma City University athletics. The athletic trainer will make a clinical diagnosis and treatment plan. Incident reports and injury maintenance records will be kept to track each athlete’s progress.

Authorized Referrals Should an injury require evaluation by a physician, a staff athletic trainer will refer the student-athlete to the appropriate team physician and schedule the appointment.

An athletic trainer will submit an injury report to the excess insurance company for each student-athlete who is referred to a physician due to an athletic-related injury.

Oklahoma City University will allow for twelve (12) out-patient physical therapy appointments under our excess insurance policy. The OCU athletic training facility is fully equipped to implement complete rehabilitation protocols. The staff of certified athletic trainers works closely with team physicians and student- athletes to ensure safe and timely return from injury.

Oklahoma City University is not responsible for medical expenses from unauthorized appointments (physician, chiropractic, physical therapy, etc.). The student-athlete who obtains outside medical care will not be allowed to participate until he/she has provided the following documentation to the athletic training office:  Detailed written report including diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment plan.  Written release from the attending physician clearing the athlete for participation.  Affirmation from OCU team physician.

Return to Participation Decisions regarding a student-athlete’s medical status or ability to return to practice/play will be directed by a licensed physician and the OCU staff athletic trainers. Rehabilitation programs and treatment information is given for the athlete’s benefit. Failure to complete a rehab program or attend a treatment session could result in delayed return to play.

Release from a physician does not mean return to play, rather, final decisions regarding participation are at the discretion of the team physician, the OCU staff athletic trainers, and your head coach based on ability to return.

Parent/Guardian Communication Policy All communication between student-athletes and members of the athletic training staff is confidential with the exception of information obtained that may cause harm to the student-athlete or others.

Student-athletes 18 years of age and older Parents/Guardians will only be contacted in case of emergency unless specifically requested by the student- athlete. It is the responsibility of the student-athlete to communicate injury information to his/her parents/guardians. The athletic training staff is unable to discuss any student-athlete’s medical condition without first gaining consent from the student-athlete.

Student-athletes under 18 years of age Parents/Guardians will be contacted when an injury has occurred and will be made aware of the care their child is receiving and any need for further testing.

Emergency In the event of a medical emergency during athletic participation, the on-site athletic trainer will manage the situation. If necessary, campus police will be notified to activate Emergency Medical Services (EMS).

For the following non-medical emergencies: fire, bomb threats, severe weather, and violent or criminal behavior, refer to OCU Campus Police Crisis Management Plan (

Athletic Training Coverage Unless otherwise arranged, the ATR will open 30 minutes prior to the start of the first practice of the day and remain open for 30 minutes after the end of the last practice of the day.

Student-athletes should be in the ATR at least 30 minutes prior to practice (earlier if possible) unless there is a class conflict. The athletic training room is not an excuse for being late to practice.

All in-season home events will have a member of the athletic training staff on campus or in attendance. Traveling an athletic trainer to in-season away games, and conference and national tournaments is at the discretion of each coach and based on the availability of AT staff.

Oklahoma City University Sport Concussion Policy

The following Concussion Policy and Concussion Management Protocol has been adopted by the OCU Athletic Department and is to be followed by all teams for managing athletes suspected of sustaining a concussion.

OCU Concussion Policy 1. All OCU student-athletes must read the NCAA Concussion Fact Sheet and sign a student athlete statement. 2. The athletic training staff will coordinate the distribution, educational session, signing, and collection of the necessary documents. The documents will be kept in the student-athletes’ medical files in the athletic training office.

OCU Concussion Management Protocol Concussions and other brain injuries can be serious and potentially life threatening injuries in sports. Research indicates that these injuries can also have serious consequences later in life if not managed properly.

A concussion occurs when there is a direct or indirect insult to the brain. As a result, transient impairment of mental functions such as memory, balance/equilibrium, vision may occur. It is important to recognize that many sport-related concussions do not result in loss of consciousness and, therefore, all suspected head injuries should be taken seriously. Coaches and fellow teammates can be helpful in identifying those who may potentially have a concussion, because a concussed athlete may not be aware of his/her condition or potentially be trying to hide the injury to stay in the game or practice.

1. Concussion management begins with pre-season baseline testing. Every student-athlete in the sports of baseball, basketball (men and women), cheerleading, pom, soccer (men and women), softball, wrestling, must receive a pre-season baseline assessment for concussion in the form of the SCAT5.

2. An athlete suspected of sustaining any mild traumatic brain injury will be evaluated by a staff athletic trainer using the SCAT5. Should the team physician not be present, the athletic trainer will notify the team physician ASAP to develop an evaluation and treatment plan.



No athlete can return to full activity or competitions until they are asymptomatic in limited, controlled, and full-contact activities, and cleared by the team physician.

Students with Disabilities

If you believe that you need accommodations for a documented physical, psychiatric, or learning disability, please contact the Disabilities Services Coordinator at (405) 208-5895 for an appointment to discuss your needs and the process for requesting accommodations. The Disabilities Services Coordinator is responsible for coordinating disability-related accommodations and will issue students with a documented Access Plan, as appropriate. Since accommodations may require early planning and generally are not provided retroactively, please contact the Disabilities Services Coordinator as soon as possible.

Preventing Sexual Harassment

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination against any participant in an educational program or activity that receives federal funds, including federal loans and grants. Title IX also prohibits student-to-student sexual harassment. If you encounter unlawful sexual harassment or gender-based discrimination, please contact the Title IX Coordinator at 405-208-5075. Visit for more information.


Oklahoma City University is a member of the Sooner Athletic Conference (SAC), part of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics.

Champions of Character

The NAIA "Champions of Character" initiative, through awareness, education and community involvement, will continue to develop an atmosphere of integrity in sport. The NAIA Champions of Character initiative will create an environment in which every NAIA student-athlete, coach, official, and spectator is committed to the true spirit of competition through respect, integrity, responsibility, servant leadership, and sportsmanship.


Oklahoma City University is a member of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics. The purpose of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) is to promote the education and development of students through intercollegiate athletic participation. Member institutions, although varied and diverse, share a common commitment to high standards and to the principle that participation in athletics serves as an integral part of the total educational process.

The NAIA embraces the concept of the student and recognizes the importance of the individuality of each member institution, the value of the conference and regional structure, and the benefits of membership in a national association.