Landfall in Russia Responsible Infrastructure Development in the Sensitive Area of Bay

1 Providing Reliable Access for Russian Contents Gas to the European Market

Nord Stream 2 is a planned pipeline through the Baltic Sea, which will transport natural gas over 1,200 km from Russia via the most efficient route to Europe. Responsible Infrastructure Development The proposed route is to start in the Southern with a landfall in in the Sensitive Area of Narva Bay the Kingisepp district.

Providing Reliable Access for Russian Gas Gas production in the European Union (EU) has fallen in recent years and is to the European Market 3 expected to fall further over the next 20 years (- 50 percent) while traditional Careful Planning of the Route Through the Baltic Sea 4 suppliers from Norway and Northern Africa will no longer be able to supply Europe at today’s levels. At the same time, EU gas demand remains steady Our Approach to Selecting the Landfall in Russia 6 so additional gas imports and capacity are required to meet European demand Route Selection in Russia 8 and safeguard security of supply. Comprehensive Environmental Surveys The 2 pipeline will help compensate part of the shortfall of the in the Kurgalsky Peninsula 10 EU’s own production and the declining output from some of its main suppliers. Alternative Routes Are Carefully Compared 12 The pipeline is meant to connect the EU market to the natural gas fields in Northern Siberia’s Yamal peninsula. The connecting pipelines on the Russian Narva Bay Route as the Best Option 14 side, from Siberia to the Baltic, have already been constructed. Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure in Russia 16 Nord Stream 2 is beneficial for both Russia and the EU: Responsible Approach to Crossing the Kurgalsky Reserve 18 >> Reliable long-term access to the key market for Russian gas Creating Benefits for the Economy of the Leningrad Region 20 >> Important source of budget revenue for Russia >> Gas supply security for Europe Nord Stream 2 in Numbers 22 >> A more competitive and better functioning gas market >> Cost-efficient decarbonisation option

Nord Stream 2 will transport gas via the new Northern gas corridor in Russia, which is needed due to the growing production capacity of the Yamal peninsula fields. The routing along the Northern corridor is about one third shorter than the Central corridor and thus an environmentally favourable option. Moreover, the Northern corridor is also a newer system operating at higher pressure with subsequent positive effects (environmental and economic).

The Northern gas From a Russian perspective, Nord Stream 2 is thus an integral part of an ongoing transport corridor has project to create an efficient state-of-the-art pipeline connection of over 4,000 km high economic import- from new fields in the Yamal Peninsula to Europe. The Northern gas transport ance for the Russian corridor has high economic importance for the Russian economy. It also contri- economy. butes to the sustainable economic development of the Kingisepp region.

Nord Stream 2 is aware that the proposed route presents significant challenges as a result of the protected status of the area at national and international level. However, we believe that the proposed route is sustainable based on certain criteria that are listed in this brochure. Furthermore, we will outline the approach to selecting the landfall in Russia, the environmental surveys that we undertook as well as introducing the benefits for the economy of the Leningrad region.



EU Member States Nord Stream Pipeline in operation NORWAY SWEDEN FINLAND Providing Reliable Access for Russian Planned Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Gas pipeline network in Europe Gas to the European Market LNG terminals

Nord Stream 2 Pipeline landfall Nord Stream 2 is a planned pipeline through the Baltic Sea, which will transport Illustration indicative only natural gas over 1,200 km from Russia via the most efficient route to Europe. The proposed route is to start in the Southern Gulf of Finland with a landfall in the Kingisepp district.

ESTONIA Gas production in the European Union (EU) has fallen in recent years and is expected to fall further over the next 20 years (- 50 percent) while traditional suppliers from Norway and Northern Africa will no longer be able to supply Europe at today’s levels. At the same time, EU gas demand remains steady so additional gas imports and capacity are required to meet European demand Nord Stream RUSSIA and safeguard security of supply.

EUROPIPE DENMARK LATVIA The Nord Stream 2 pipeline will help compensate part of the shortfall of the EU’s own production and the declining output from some of its main suppliers. LANGELED SOUTH The pipeline is meant to connect the EU market to the natural gas fields in IRELAND NORPIPE LITHUANIA Northern Siberia’s Yamal peninsula. The connecting pipelines on the Russian

FRANPIPE side, from Siberia to the Baltic, have already been constructed.

ZEEPIPE NOGAT EUROPIPE II Nord Stream 2 BELARUS Nord Stream 2 is beneficial for both Russia and the EU: >> Reliable long-term access to the key market for Russian gas UNITED >> Important source of budget revenue for Russia KINGDOM INTERCONNECTOR >> Gas supply security for Europe BBL NEL >> A more competitive and better functioning gas market

EUGAL >> Cost-efficient decarbonisation option -EUROPE OPAL POLAND NETHERLANDS YAMAL Nord Stream 2 will transport gas via the new Northern gas corridor in Russia, which is needed due to the growing production capacity of the Yamal peninsula fields. The routing along the Northern corridor is about one third shorter than the Central corridor and thus an environmentally favourable option. Moreover, GERMANY the Northern corridor is also a newer system operating at higher pressure with BELGIUM subsequent positive effects (environmental and economic).

The Northern gas From a Russian perspective, Nord Stream 2 is thus an integral part of an ongoing transport corridor has project to create an efficient state-of-the-art pipeline connection of over 4,000 km high economic import- from new fields in the Yamal Peninsula to Europe. The Northern gas transport LUX. ance for the Russian corridor has high economic importance for the Russian economy. It also contri- economy. butes to the sustainable economic development of the Kingisepp region. CZECHIA Nord Stream 2 is aware that the proposed route presents significant challenges as a result of the protected status of the area at national and international level. However, we believe that the proposed route is sustainable based on certain SLOVAKIA criteria that are listed in this brochure. Furthermore, we will outline the approach to selecting the landfall in Russia, the environmental surveys that we undertook FRANCE UKRAINE as well as introducing the benefits for the economy of the Leningrad region. AUSTRIA MOLDOVA











TUNESIA Responsible Infrastructure Development in the Sensitive Area of Narva Bay

NORWAY FINLAND Careful Planning of the Route

Through the Baltic Sea Narva Bay

The proposed Nord Stream 2 pipeline crosses a small section of about 3.7 km RUSSIA of the Southern part of the Kurgalsky nature reserve in Russia, which is also designated as a Ramsar site. In view of the protection status of the area, we are fully aware of our responsibility towards this sensitive habitat, which is characterised by a rich diversity of flora and fauna. DENMARK SWEDEN LATVIA

Protection of the environment is a priority for our company – and for each of the over 200 dedicated professionals who work for Nord Stream 2 AG. Adherence to regulatory requirements and environmental and industrial safety standards underpin our approach. Through careful planning, engineering LITHUANIA solutions and comprehensive offset activities we will mitigate the impacts and safeguard the valuable and impact-sensitive habitats and species. Nord Stream Route RUSSIA Nord Stream 2 Route Lubmin near Territorial waters border The new pipeline will The new pipeline will be built with full awareness of ecological conditions Greifswald Exclusive Economic Zone border be built with full aware- and strict processes applied to identifying all environmental and social risks Midline between Denmark and Poland GERMANY POLAND Landfall ness of ecological and avoiding negative impacts. Where avoiding negative impacts is not conditions possible, we shall apply advanced mitigation and compensation measures. Illustration indicative only Nord Stream 2 has committed to comply with all applicable national legislation as well as well as with the International Finance Corporation Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability – Proposed route through the Baltic Sea. the highest international criteria based on best practice. In addition, Our commitment to Thorough Planning, Mitigation and Compensation Nord Stream 2 will invest in community initiatives to promote health, The proposal to plan the pipeline route across part of the Kurgalsky reserve safety and security in the vicinity of the project based on an Environmental has been made after studies and assessments of all options. The preparatory and Community Initiatives Strategy for the Landfall in Russia. phase of the project has taken around five years, during which all possible route options have been studied, the risks associated with each scenario, and ways of mitigating the risks. We have carefully studied every kilometre of coastline in the Gulf of Finland. As a result of the route evaluation process, only two possible locations were identified offering access to the shore for the pipeline, and based on comprehensive overall considerations, the route crossing in the Narva Bay is believed to be the most sustainable option, with the least environmental and social impacts.

Whilst we are guided by the objective of finding the solution to routing our pipeline with the least overall impact, our team has demonstrated this The experts at the Institute of Geography of the Russian commitment with the successful implementation of the existing Nord Stream Academy of Sciences provided positive conclusions to the pipeline. The results of annual environmental monitoring show that the reports on comparative assessment of the route options for environmental impact caused by the construction work was in line with and the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline in Russia. The reviewed documents in some cases considerably lower than predicted in the preliminary assessments. A. A. Tishkov, presented strong arguments justifying the selection of the Narva Even more so, compensation and offset activities in Germany have received Deputy director of the an environmental award and are lauded as exemplary cases of responsible Institute of Geography of Bay route as the preferred option. Construction work here the Russian Academy of would have lower environmental and social impact; the impact infrastructure development. This experience showed that pipeline construction Sciences in a sensitive area can be managed, and we are confident that implementation on the ecosystems along the coastal strip and shallow waters of the Nord Stream 2 project will also result in an overall improvement of the would be minimal. affected area through our mitigation and compensation activities.

4 5 Responsible Infrastructure Development in the Sensitive Area of Narva Bay

Our Approach to Selecting the Landfall in Russia

Nord Stream 2 will be built in compliance with national and international law, with the International Finance Corporation Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability – the highest international standards based on best practice.

The selection of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline route is based on thorough analysis of technical, environmental and social constraints as well as Russian safety requirements for pipelines.

In addition, the necessity to bring additional gas to the South of the Leningrad region is a key component in the overall planning of the project, as the supply gas pipeline for Nord Stream 2 will be built in accordance with Gazprom’s plans to bring more gas to the Kingisepp district under an agreement between Gazprom and the Leningrad region authorities. Birdlife in the North of Kurgalsky: a seagull on The Narva Bay route has been defined as the preferred option due to its lower Lipovskoye lake environmental and social impact compared to any other options considered.

The final decision regarding the landfall will be made by the competent Russian authorities based on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

The Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University working group peer-reviewed the submitted documents and concluded that the Narva Bay route is a preferred option in

M. B. Shilin, terms of biodiversity preservation and environmental risks Peter the Great St. when compared to the Kolganpya Cape route. The reliability Petersburg Polytechnic University, Department of the assessment is beyond doubt. The degree of validity and of Civil Engineering and reliability of conclusions and recommendations is high. Applied Ecology

Small fishing boat in Gakkovo on the West coast of the Kurgalsky Peninsula

6 7 Парголово

Responsible Infrastructure Development in the Sensitive Area of Narva Bay

Nord Stream Pipeline Route Selection Всеволожск in Russia Planned Nord Stream 2 Pipeline – route options PAO Gazprom pipeline Санкт-Петербург A dense urban development requires Planned PAO Gazprom pipeline CS «Portovaya» a route south of St. Petersburg Shipping routes Along the entire Russian coast of the Gulf RUSSIA Roads & railways of Finland, only two options were deemed EEZ Boundary appropriate, both within the Kingisepp district – Leningrad nuclear power plant the Narva Bay route and the Kolganpya Cape and potential exclusion zone (20 km) Плотная застройка route. Plans to deliver gas to the Kingisepp PAO GAZPROM берегов Невы PIPELINE Industrial clusters district isFINLAND another important reason for favouring this route. Compressor station (CS)

Settlements and Industrial facilities Понтонный Berezovy e Мга ostrova Protected natural areas NORD STREAM PIPELINE Отрадное RUSSIA Important Bird Area (IBA) Колпино Anchorage zones

Restricted Area (Russian Navy) Пушкин

Gulf of Finland Ferro-Manganese deposits

Hogland Ульяновка

St. Petersburg KOLPGANPYA CAPE ROUTE Alternative Route CS «Izhorskaya» Kolganpya Bolshoy Cape Tyuters Kurgalsky Nature Reserve

Malyi Tyuters

«Ust-Luga» industrial facilities Narva Bay NARVA BAY ROUTE Preferred Route

ESTONIA CS «Slavyanskaya» Pig Trap Area RUSSIA

«Fosforit» PLANNED PAO industrial facilities GAZPROM PIPELINE ESTONIA 8 9 Responsible Infrastructure Development in the Sensitive Area of Narva Bay

Comprehensive Environmental Surveys in the Kurgalsky Peninsula

Survey operations are the cornerstone of large-scale international infrastructure projects like the Nord Stream 2 project. At all stages – from the earliest feasibility

studies, detailed planning, engineering, permitting, route clearance and pipeline the Kurgalsky reserve and distribution of its biota. During 2015 –2016, construction right through to operation of the twin pipeline system – different Nord Stream 2 carried out comprehensive offshore environmental surveys survey stages play a pivotal role in enabling the project to move safely forward. for the project. The survey area consisted of two corridors which correspond to the two route options – along the Kolganpya Cape and the Narva Bay routes. The scope of work included offshore water quality measurements, Nord Stream 2 started performing environmental surveys in the Kurgalsky survey of physical and chemical characteristics of seabed sediments, Peninsula in 2015, for the purpose of selecting an optimal route for the hydrobiological analysis, survey of ichthyofauna (including spawning fields Russian landfall. The surveys included an assessment of conditions and mapping), aerial and boat surveys of marine avifauna and marine mammals. constraints of the route – engineering, archaeological, ecological.

In autumn 2015 a number of environmental (mainly zoological and botanical) studies and engineering (geodetic and geotechnical) surveys of the coastal The surveys included and onshore areas were carried out near Kolganpya Cape and Narva Bay. an assessment In the spring and summer of 2016 more detailed studies were carried out in of conditions and Narva Bay. Additional detailed studies throughout the Kurgalsky Peninsula constraints of the were carried out in the spring and summer of 2017. Scientists from highly route – engineering, reputable research institutions carried out geobotanical mapping of plants, archaeological, physical and chemical analysis of soils and onshore waters, performed ecological. surveys of fauna, including ornithological studies covering different seasons and mapping of rare species and conducted radiological studies. These comprehensive studies covered all environmental components and greatly expanded our knowledge about the ecological characteristics of

The studies completed as part of the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 projects have been added to the shared

A.P. Pedchenko, stock of knowledge about our region and perhaps about the director of the State whole of the Baltic Sea, because such major studies have Scientific Research Institute for the been conducted along the entire route. Freshwater Fishing Industry (GosNIORKh) An environmental and socio-economic monitoring programme will be developed to verify the environmental impacts and confirm conclusions of the EIA report. The results of the monitoring will also be used to assess whether further environmental mitigation measures are needed. 10 11 Responsible Infrastructure Development in the Sensitive Area of Narva Bay Kilometres 0 2 5 10 15

The Kolganpya Cape Route passes close to the future Eastern Gulf of Finland (Ingermanlandsky) Alternative Routes Are Carefully Compared nature reserve

Eastern Gulf of Finland (Ingermanlandsky) nature reserve

KOLGANPYA CAPE ROUTE Alternative Route +39 km The route is 39 km longer than the Narva The route passes through option, which means construction work the important bird area would affect a larger area and take longer. Koporski Bay x2 The duration of construction works will be approximately double, which means greater disturbance to birds and marine mammals. Koporski Bay

Pig Trap Area CS «Izhorskaya»

Kurgalsky Peninsula

Kurgolovo Doesn’t cross Kaipaala shipping lanes Lipovo «Ust-Luga» RUSSIA NARVA BAY ROUTE Tiskolovo industrial cluster Preferred Route Konnovo The Kurgalsky nature reserve The Kolganpya Cape Gakkovo Ust-Luga route passes through Kiryamo the Kotelsky nature reserve

Kolganpya Cape route would require Narva Bay a significant amount of bottom dredging Planned PAO Gazprom pipeline Bolshoye Kuzyomkino The Kotelsky nature reserve Planned Nord Stream 2 Pipeline – route options 2 585 000 m3 Kolganpya Cape Shipping routes Russian section length: CS «Slavyanskaya» EEZ Boundary

Industrial clusters 525 000 m3 Kolganpya Cape route 157 km Narva Pig Trap Area Bay Compressor station (CS)

Narva Bay route 118 km Protected natural areas Haul-out sites of grey and ringed seals Important Bird Area (IBA) Anchorage zones

The Narva Bay route passes «Fosforit» Restricted Area (Russian Navy) through the narrow, Southern industrial cluster section of Kurgalsky nature reserve Ferro-Manganese deposits Shipping routes crossing ESTONIA 12 13 Responsible Infrastructure Development in the Sensitive Area of Narva Bay

Narva Bay Route as the Best Option

Comprehensive surveys are the cornerstone of large-scale international infrastructure projects. There have been three stages of research work over five >> The Narva bay route crosses 3.7 km of the Kurgalsky reserve years for the Russian landfall of the Nord Stream 2 project, which began in 2012. >> The route is 39 km shorter than the Kolganpya Cape: • Total length of NSP2 will be approx. 1.225 km, Russian section – 118 km • The Gazprom supply pipeline will be 71 km long (66 km to the

Stage I Stage I: Evaluation of the Corridor to the compressor station and 5 km to the pipeline service facilities) North of St. Petersburg - Bundling not possible >> Requires four times less seabed preparation because there are deeper waters and smoother seabed >> The study carried out to evaluate the corridor to the North of St. Petersburg Far from shipping channels, ports, industrial and other facilities, which concluded that it would not be technically feasible to lay new infrastructure means lower impact on ship traffic during construction and reduced risk along the route of the Nord Stream supply pipeline due to safety distance during operation >> requirements between high pressure pipelines and settlements: seven bottle- Further away from habitats of grey and ringed seals, will have less impact necks were identified along the route. on the proposed Eastern Gulf of Finland (Ingermanlandsky) nature reserve

The Narva Bay route is the preferred option due to its lower environmental and social impact, compared to any other options that have been considered. Stage II Stage II: Choosing a Landfall on the Southern Coast of the Gulf of Finland

Two landfall options deemed appropriate, both within the Kingisepp district based on the following constraints:

>> Urbanisation and abundance of cultural and historical sites in St. Petersburg suburbs >> Industrial and military infrastructures, i.e. the Leningrad nuclear power plant >> Heavy ship traffic and anchorage areas in and around the ports of St. Petersburg and Ust-Luga

Stage III Stage III: Evaluating Landfall Options in the Kingisepp District

Two alternative landfall options are the Kolganpya Cape and the Narva Bay route, both within the Kingisepp district.

Experts from the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University supported the selection of the Narva Bay route as the preferred option.

Environmental baseline surveys are an important part of the Impact Assessment process

14 15 Responsible Infrastructure Development in the Sensitive Area of Narva Bay

Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure in Russia

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedure is the main condition for obtaining the required permits to build the new pipeline through the Baltic Sea. Phase II (Q3-4 2017) >> Finalise the necessary surveys & analyses The EIA procedure in Russia and in all countries through whose waters the >> Preparation of the draft EIA report pipeline passes – Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Germany – includes a >> Available for public consultation for 60 days comprehensive analysis of hydrometeorological, geological, biological, social, >> Feedback is taken into consideration while preparing the final EIA report economic and other conditions, as well as protected nature areas, rare species, vulnerable habitats and other factors. The EIA assesses all potential Next steps of the EIA process environmental and social impacts from the planned activities, and recom- After public consultations about the EIA report in 2017, the project mends​ environmental protection measures. documentation will be submitted to the Russian state environmental expertise authorities (Rosprirodnadzor) for review by the state environmental expertise which will give an opinion on the admissibility of the proposed activity and The EIA process is conducted in the preferred pipeline route. If Rosprirodnadzor approves the EIA report, the two phases: project documentation will be further submitted for state review under the Town Planning Code. If there is a positive conclusion, Nord Stream 2 will be Phase I (Q2 2017) able to obtain the necessary permits, including a construction permit from the >> Development of the EIA terms of reference Ministry of Construction. >> Available for public review for 30 days >> Feedback is taken into consideration when moving to the next phase

In addition to the EIA terms of reference, the company disclosed the EIA programme and reports prepared by independent environmental consultants providing a comparative environmental assessment of the route options for the Russian section of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline

16 17 Responsible Infrastructure Development in the Sensitive Area of Narva Bay

Responsible Approach to Crossing the Kurgalsky Reserve

Nord Stream 2 is committed to building and operating a major natural gas pipeline in a reliable, efficient and environmentally sustainable way over long term.

Nord Stream 2 is aware that the development of the new pipeline in the Kurgalsky Peninsula presents significant challenges as a result of the protected status of the area at both national and international levels. However, we believe that the proposed route is sustainable based on the following criteria:

>> The route crosses a 3.7 km section in the Southern, marginal part of the Kurgalsky nature reserve: impacts directly only 0.14 percent of the Kurgalsky’s onshore territory. >> The biodiversity of flora and fauna is significantly lower here than in the North >> The majority of the onshore route within the Kurgalsky protected area goes through areas that have been modified by fire and include some young plantations. >> The Nord Stream 2 pipeline service facilities and Gazprom compressor station will be built outside the reserve >> The proposed route avoids sensitive areas such as the Kurgalsky reef and the central part of the Kader swamp as much as possible. Only the Northernmost marginal part of the Kader swamp will be impacted. >> The primary coniferous forest along the seashore is of most value and The Narva Bay route Narva Bay route passes approximately 1 km of this area will be crossed. goes through partially through the narrow, southern modified areas section of the Kurgalsky The Nord Stream 2 team has extensive experience in the successful nature reserve and is impacting only 0.14 percent implementation Nord Stream project which received an environmental of its territory award for the construction of the pipeline.

In my view the implementation of such complex infrastructure projects is perfectly feasible. It is no simple task, to be sure, and one that will require a strong commitment to accomplish. And it is quite possible that further programmes of compensatory L.K. Korovin († 2017), measures will have to be worked out in order to achieve the contact for the Russian Nord Stream 2 service Federation on HELCOM desired result. facilities will be built outside the reserve

18 19 Responsible Infrastructure Development in the Sensitive Area of Narva Bay

Creating Benefits for the Economy of the Leningrad Region

Construction work on the new pipeline has not yet begun but the project is already boosting the growth of Russian companies contracted to take part in the preliminary planning and design stage, environmental and engineering surveys. St. Petersburg and the Leningrad regions play a special role in the implemen- tation of the project. From the very earliest stages we have actively sought the cooperation of businesses and scientific organisations from these regions. The Nord Stream 2 project is a powerful stimulus for the development of State Scientific Research Institute for the Freshwater Fishing Industry Russian business. The potential economic effect of the project for local (GosNIORKh), Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and business will be in excess of 1.72 billion euros, or around 108 billion roubles St Petersburg Scientific Centre under the Russian Academy of Sciences (CBR, 2017). This sum is comparable to the total 2016 budget the Leningrad have already been involved in various engineering and environmental surveys region (Leningrad Oblast, 2017). Cooperation with local manufacturers and for the project. suppliers is a priority for Nord Stream 2 AG subject to compliance with stringent international procurement standards. To date, the total value of contracts awarded to regional suppliers stands at 19 million euros (1.2 billion roubles). For comparison, the total budget for the In 2016, a considerable share of the contracts placed for the manufacturing Kingisepp district in 2016 was approximately 1.725 billion roubles (Kingisepp The total value of of pipes were awarded to Russian companies. For example, the Chelyabinsk District, 2017). A number of further tender awards will be made in 2017. contracts awarded Pipe Rolling Plant (ChelPipe) will be making 27 percent of all the line pipe According to preliminary estimates, suppliers from the Leningrad region will to regional suppliers required for the project. The United Metallurgical Company (OMK) will be be eligible to bid for contracts worth a total of 50 million euros or more. This stands at 19 million supplying a further 33 percent. Procurement of line pipe is one of the biggest is a real benefit for the local economy and the population. In addition, small euros to date. cost elements of the project. and medium-​sized businesses in the Leningrad region will have an opportunity to provide a broad spectrum of services in the construction phase for The total value of contracts already awarded to Russian companies is Nord Stream 2, including catering, transport, accommodation and hotel services. 1.47 billion euros (around 92 billion roubles). Tenders worth 252 million euros (around 16 billion roubles) with the participation of Russian suppliers are ongoing, for instance Russian companies may be contracted to undertake construction of the onshore section of the gas pipeline as well as pipe-laying operations in the near-shore area.

When “big gas” arrives in the Kingisepp district, Nord Stream 2 AG will enable us to implement projects that the Russian economy needs. We will V. Geshele, Head of the Kingisepp retain a major resource and this will create new jobs. Municipal District Administration

Public hearing on 30th June 2017 in Kingisepp

20 21 Russian Landfall in Numbers

The pipeline will be approximately

Throughput capacity: 1,200 km long, and will run from the Russian 55 billion cubic metres coast through the Baltic Sea, of gas per annum reaching landfall in Germany.

Narva Bay The Narva Bay route route is is far from the habitats of grey and ringed seals. 39 km shorter than the Kolganpya Cape route, meaning work will be concluded faster. The pipelines will have a constant internal diameter of

1,153 millimetres (48 inches) and a wall thickness of up to 41 millimetres. up to

A total of The Narva Bay route is 600,000 far from shipping channels, man hours ports and industrial and invested in environmental other facilities, with less Notes surveys since beginning impact on ship traffic during construction and reduced Central Bank of Russia, Calculations based on the bank's average exchange of the Nord Stream 2 project. rate for 2017: 1 euro= 62.598 roubles risk during operation. (access 23.06.2017) Kingisepp municipal district annual budget performance report for 2016 (access 23.06.2017) Leningrad regional budget performance figures for 2016 Significantly less dredging upload/iblock/e91/publichnye_slushaniya_08_06_17.pdf (access 23.06.2017) (1/4) will be required Image Credits compared to the Kolganpya Nord Stream 2 AG invites Experts the region’s inhabitants, Leonid Korovin († 2017), PhD in Biological Sciences, Contact Representative Nord Stream 2 AG, Cape route because there is for the Russian Federation on the Helsinki Baltic Marine Environment Protection Antonio Santaniello, Axel Schmidt: less shallow water and non-profit organisations Commission (HELCOM) Cover, p. 7, p. 15, pp. 16-19 no boulders on the seabed. and all stakeholders­ to take Andrey Pedchenko, Deputy Director of Research, State Scientific Research Nord Stream AG: part in the dialogue. Institute for the Freshwater Fishing Industry (Gosniorkh). PhD in Geography p. 11 Mikhail B. Shilin, professor at the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic Anatoly Medved: University in the Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Ecology p. 21 Together we will discuss Arkady A. Tishkov, professor and deputy director of the Institute of Geography Studio 533, Moscow: what steps can be taken to of the Russian Academy of Sciences, corresponding member of the Russian maps on pp. 8-9, pp. 12-13 further improve the quality of Academy of Sciences mc-quadrat OHG : Viktor Geshele, Head of the Kingisepp Municipal District Administration Design, maps and infographics life in the Kingiseppsky district of the Leningrad region.

22 23 Nord Stream 2 AG

Head office: Baarerstrasse 52 6300 Zug, Switzerland Phone: +41 41 414 54 54 Fax: +41 41 414 54 55

Moscow: ul. Znamenka, 7/3 119019 Moscow, RF Phone: +7 495 229 65 85 Fax: +7 495 229 65 80

St. Petersburg: ul. Reshetnikova 14a September 2017 196105 St. Petersburg, RF Phone: +7 812 331 16 71 Find us on Social Media: Fax: +7 812 331 16 70 [email protected]