Present: Cllrs Adamson, Bottomley, Cook, Doyle, Forbes, D Hardy, Steel, West, M Wilson Guest: ERYC Sue Steel, 1 other

324. Declaration of Interest: Cllr D Hardy – Planning 6a

325. Apologies for absence: Cllrs R Hardy, Robinson, K Wilson

326. Confirmation of Minutes The Minutes of the meetings held on 23 May 2018 were RESOLVED as a correct record of the proceedings thereat. Cllr West abstained due to not been at the meeting.

328. Clerk’s Report: • M Wilson told members of proposal from Mr Elton – will keep members updated. Clerk has contacted ERYC regarding lighting costs and is waiting to arrange a sight meeting. Cllr M Wilson to contact Mr Elton for update. • Clerk has now heard from Paul Clubley regarding the former Junior School Playing Field – reply attached – Members discussed this at length and agreed not to accept the terms set out by ERYC as it would not benefit the parish but would cost to maintain it, ERYC are already maintaining this piece of land. • Clerk has obtained a price from CCH Engineering for a beacon, the cost is £788.00 plus VAT – the cost of Bullfinch Gas ball is £317.50 plus VAT and delivery – if members are in agreement this can be added to July agenda for approval - Agreed • Lions have now had the bench delivered to the Village Hall ready for maintenance team to install. A memorial plaque will be added in due course.

329. Receive Information: • Members received Police Parish/Town News. • Members received information regarding ‘Permission in Principle’ – new route for planning permission for small scale housing. • Members received information regarding – Public Space Protection Orders and were asked to consider any area they would like to be added to the order. • Members were told of damage to the Amenity Area and on the Plumtree Road playing field.

330. To Resolve: • A letter from a resident of asking members to support his proposal to have the East leg of the ‘Tour de Yorkshire 2019’ re-routed through the Holderness villages to – Members agreed this would be a wonderful idea, Cllr John Dennis told members that funding was a big issue and neither Withernsea or were big enough. Clerk was asked to write to Mr Parnaby ERYC and Hull CC asking them to work together to try and get this fantastic event to the East Coast.

1 • Planning Applications: • 18/01782/PLF – 1 Jasmine Cottage, Marsh Lane, Ryehill - Erection of single storey extension to rear and installation of roof light within existing flat roof - RESOLVED • 18/01640/PLF – Holcroft, Station Road, Camerton - Erection of extension to rear and construction of 4 dormer windows to sides to create first floor living space – RESOLVED • 18/01468/PLF – 116 Hooks Lane, Thorngumbald - Construction of a new vehicular access (dropped kerb), erection of 1.3 High vehicular access gate to front and erection of 12.83 high wooden boundary fence to front and side – RESOLVED • 18/01246/PLF – Land East of Mulberry Hill, Main Road, Thorngumbald – Erection of a dwelling - RESOLVED • ERYC Planning Decisions: • 17/04156/REM – Land East of Chatsworth, Main Road, Camerton - Erection of a dwelling (all matters to be considered) following outline permission 14/03115/OUT - RESOLVED

331. Accounts:

ERNLLCA - Subscription 796.90

Ryehill Building Supplies Ltd 14.04

Supplies 80.67

B&Q – Maintenance 97.70

Ryehill Village Institute - monthly 100.00

Maintenance expenses 183.62

Village hall expenses 20.00

PEAC – 1/4ly photocopier 1396.77

Eon – electricity 93.00

Eon – gas 69.00

NEST - Pension 81.32

John Deere 237.01

KCOM 91.00

Everflow - water 46.39

HMRC 672.36


Clerk )

Village Hall Secretary ) 3792.5

Maintenance )

Income Allotments 894.00 Village Hall 848.00 Cemetery 275.00 Precept 5511.83

Account Balance – as at 20 June 2018 Current account 44805.72 High Interest account 38450.03

Accounts for June were laid on the table – RESOLVED


332. Any other Questions: • Invite from ERYC to 53rd Wildlife Photographer of the Year Cllr D Hardy to attend. • Cllr M Wilson asked if clerk had heard anything regarding the phone box at Ryehill – she will speak to Helen Wright again asking for an update, Cllr John Dennis said he would also speak to her on the council’s behalf. Cllr M Wilson thanked him. • Cllr D Hardy told members that a presentation of gala trophies would take place at 6.30 on 18 July in the small classroom and everyone is invited.

Chairman …………………………………….

Dated: ………………………………………..