Step 1 PREVENTION DISTRIBUTION MAP Community Engagement & Awareness-Raising Sites Reached Our team works around the clock to capacitate and empower refugees in order to prevent infection and transmission within their families and the community. Individuals Reached Akkar Soaps/Hygiene Kits Distributed Refugees Awareness 1,816 51,140 49,189 North Know preventative Would call the Ministry of Public Health or approach 1,384 82% measures to protect 92% 28,665 2,221 against COVID-19 a PHC if a family member had symptoms 25,273 95,137 72,333

Communicating with Communities

100% of refugees known to UNHCR were reached through all social media platforms with information on: & • COVID-19 symptoms and transmission Mt • Hygiene awareness and prevention methods • Diagnostic and treatment procedures 341 • Government instructions on movements and curfew 10,996 • Self-isolation procedures 10,029 142,476 calls related to COVID-19 assistance responded to by the Call Center - The joint UNHCR/WFP call center since the beginning of March 2020. Bekaa Awareness Sessions, Hygiene Kits Distributions and Community Engagement 1,843 145,991 Humanitarian agencies conducted hygiene promotion and awareness sessions as well as hygiene kits distribution in informal tented settlements, and other similar sites reaching all individuals living in such overcrowded conditions. Dividing work, UNICEF focused on tented settlements and 62,791 UNHCR on collective shelters. South 437 10,481 450 32 345,041 refugees with medical training sessions for 10,711 persons background doing health and non-health 100% community health workers surveillance

of the population Nabatiyeh living in informal 650 settlements reached 69,010 UNHCR staff and 6,529 108 families refugees trained and frontline workers mobilized 2,721 trained 3,038

78% 7,014 919 Rapid Response informal tented collective Teams established in Governorate Coverage settlements shelters cadasters 1,315 NORTH 100% of the refugee AKKAR 100% population, living in BEIRUT & MOUNT LEBANON 100% private accommodation targeted SOUTH 100% BAALBEK - EL 100% More than 5,000 masks and 6,000 soap bars produced by refugees and distributed to refugee and host communities. BEKAA 100% NABATIYEH 99%

Scan the QR code to learn more about the PCR Testing Campaign COVID-19 RESPONSE IN REFUGEE SETTINGS - JULY 2020 Step 2 CONTAINING TRANSMISSION MAP OF SUPPORT FOR ISOLATION CAPACITIES Isolation procedures in overcrowded settings

We are setting up and supporting isolation facilities as well as providing related guidance in over-crowded settings where people might not have the possibility to isolate. 22% 4 7 2 of Syrian refugees in Lebanon live isolation centres being set up in municipal isolation centres supported sites ready for use with a Guidance on Isolation in informal settlements and refugee hosting areas by UNHCR in North, South, Bekaa and capacity of 89 beds collective shelters Mount lebanon Standard Operating Procedures on isolation and quarantining of refugees confirmed or suspected Full Quarantine of having COVID-19 finalised in compliance with national guidelines. 4 User Guide for refugees on the isolation and quarantining procedures shared with all refugees 3 Community level known to UNHCR and humanitarian partners providing support. AKKAR Municipal level Tal Hayat Terms of reference for site management finalized in compliance with national guidelines and 2 350 beds capacity through a consultative process outlining the administrative, management and service delivery 70 beds accountabilities and responsibilities for Level 3 isolation facilities. 1 Household level Al Aziz 40 beds capacity NORTH August 15 Koura Residence, BAALBEK Supporting Communities’ Capacities to Isolate Btorram Dalia Company, 98 beds capacity Baalbek TBC 60 beds capacity Capacity of 10,000 contingency More than 450 refugees with medical 1,759 site community groups of 3 TBC shelter kits ready to be deployed background mobilized and trained on to 5 refugee volunteers established Maarad Hotel within hours to support L1, L2 and L4 isolation procedures. accross the country to play an (Quality inn), Tripoli MOSA Building, isolation situations. active role on isolation procedures. 350 beds capacity TBC 64 beds capacity TBC Rapid Response Teams of humanitarian Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) Distribution of food/hygiene parcels partners established and mobilized in procured for all UNHCR staff, health with humanitarian partners, 1,315 out of 1,612 cadasters, ready to workers and Rapid Response Team targeting 10,000 vulnerable support on isolation procedures. members. families. MOUNT BEKAA Additional contribution to cover 3 LEBANON Al Hayat Health months of cash assistance targeting Centre, Santa Maria 76 beds capacity 11,500 vulnerable refugee families to Shelter, Aley August 4 help them cope with the emergency situation. 70 beds capacity TBC Makassed School, Jihad Sports 68 beds capacity Centre, Mreijeh 19 beds 120 beds capacity Support Sample Testing in Overcrowded Settings TBC In collaboration with WHO, AMEL and IOCC, UNHCR facilitated sample COVID-19 testing 147 sites covered across the country for refugees living in overcrowded settings together with MoPH at a planned rate of 200 PCR tests per day and over a period of 5 weeks between May and June. 3,599 samples collected SOUTH results received, all negative 3,599 Qana Public Hospital, Qana 33 beds capacity TBC

The sites showed on the map are available to all persons in need regardless of nationality or status.

467 sites assessed for L2 isolation capacities Operational by 211 suitable sites retained Operational Isolation centre

Municipal isolation centre

*Any prefabricated, rubhalls or additional structures established will be dismantled when Scan the QR code to watch our video on no longer required for isolation within the national COVID-19 response. Isolation Centres in Lebanon COVID-19 RESPONSE IN REFUGEE SETTINGS - JULY 2020 Step 3 TREATMENT AND CASE MANAGEMENT PLANNED HOSPITAL EXPANSION PHASE 1 We are expanding and rehabilitating the capacity of 6 public hospitals to receive and treat COVID-19 patients and avoid competition for care. Care is accessible to all patients regardless of nationality. 6 281 39 Governmental Hospitals Additional Hospital Beds Additional ICU Beds Projection A target of additional hospital 800 Priority phase 1 targeted governmen- Zahle Governmental Hospital is now beds and 100 additional ICU beds 6 across Lebanon distributed over tal hospitals in Tripoli, Halba, Baalbek, approved for an additional 60 hospital 3 phases. Beirut, Saida and Zahle. beds and 10 ICU beds in phase 1. 43 52 Progress 4 6

Tripoli Governmental Halba Governmental Hospital Hospital 36 Operational . Operational . 5 20 A first phase of expansion In Beirut, the rehabilitation of a Medicine stock for over 22,000 works is completed in Baalbek, 72-bed capacity ward in RHUH COVID-19 patients and 30 4 Baalbek Governmental Hospital Halba and Tripoli governmental is also completed and ventilators received in country, August 05 hospitals. The delivery and operational and in Saida as part of medical items Location TBC installation of medical Governmental hospital, procured by UNHCR for the in Beirut/ Mount Lebanon equipment (including rehabilitation work is ongoing response. As second batch of ventilators, patient beds, to increase hosting capacity of 25 ventilators to arrive in emergency trolleys, and other the COVID-19 section. country of 27 July. 100 ICU medical furniture) started early beds and 800 hospital beds 36 July in the completed received in country and being expanded structures. dispatched in phases. 5

UNHCR will cover 100% of test and treatment for refugee patients. Rafik Hariri University Hospital Ward of 72 beds operational Expansion of the MoPH COVID-19 Hotline 64 Expansion of the MoPH COVID-19 hotline capacity to take up to 4,500 calls/ day, with 10 additional trained nurses mobilized by AMEL 10 Association to serve as operators and a referral system for refugees calling to be immediately transferred to UNHCR for action. 30 Zahle Governmental 5 Hospital Support to Hospitals Network October 01 UNHCR is expanding hospital capacity to benefit COVID-19 patients from both refugee and Lebanese communities, through: Saida Governmental The design, construction and equipment of temporary COVID-19 Personal Protection Equipment (PPEs), Hospital units annexed to selected hospitals, or rehabilitation of existing renewable medical supplies and medicines to enable them to August 12 unused structure within hospitals to be COVID-19 units. manage COVID-19 cases.

Total target over 3 phases Hospital bed

800 Additional hospital beds ICU bed Operational by 100 Additional ICU beds Operational

Scan the QR code to watch our video on hospital expansion across Lebanon COVID-19 RESPONSE IN REFUGEE SETTINGS - JULY 2020