International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 SJIF (2019): 7.583 Population Growth and Sex Ratio in South Plain (): A District Level Comparative Analysis

Dr. Shahid Imam

Ex. Head, Associate Professor, Department of Geography, D. S. College, Aligarh, India

Abstract: Population growth of any region is a crucial factor in the development of any region, because it helps in the management and development of the region. Apart from this sex ratio are among the most basic demographic characteristics and helps in understanding the survival of male and female. The sex ratio is said to be favorable to women, when the number of females exceeds the males, and is said to be adverse, when the number of males exceeds the females. Sex ratio in India normally remained adverse to woman but in Bihar it remained favorable to women till 1961, except the year 1931. It is because of his fact that the growth of population in the study area, occurred at faster pace, as higher female population can have a substantially higher birth rate, which will lead to higher growth of populationin the study area, occurred at faster pace, as higher female population can have a substantially higher birth rate, which will lead to higher growth of population. Sex ratio can change not only the size of population but also their characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to keep balance between male and female population, for the perpetual existence of the human population. In a state like Bihar and especially South Bihar plane sex ratio is a key factor in understanding the development of the society, because it has got both the demographic and social implications. The decrease in number of women will reduce the marriage rate which will be resulted into decrease in crude birth rate and will also lead to many social evils. In this research paper we will examine the spatio-temporal variation in growth of population and sex ratio at district level in South Bihar plain, furthermore there with a comparative analysis between population growth rate and sex ratio by means of Karl Pearson’s method of correlation.

Keyword: South Bihar Plain, Population Growth Rate, Sex Ratio, Karl Pearsons’s Method, Coefficient of Correlation, Bihar, District Level Comparative Analysis

1. Introduction country as a whole. Therefore, it must be understood with respect to the natural resources of the country. When Population geography is a division of human geography, population size remains in equilibrium with the available which includes geographical study of population in terms of resource, the country is said to have an optimum population. its spatial distribution and their characteristic. As a spatial A country is said to be overpopulated if there are more science population geography emerged from 1950s onwards, population than can live in comfort, happiness and health. In and focused on the systematic study of the spatial other word, if there is too many people, and not enough distribution and variation in population characteristics, such resources are there to maintain a reasonable standard of as fertility, mortality, distribution, density, composition, living of people in a particular area. migration and growth of population. Due to rapidly growing global population as well as baby boon in the developing Since the end of the cold war, there has been a sharp rise in country like India, population geographer studied the population of sub-Saharan, African, the Middle East, South relation between population growth and sex ratio. In Asia and South East Asia, specially China and India; which demographic study, the change or growth of population can has become a strain on the natural resources and other be measured in two ways, one is to measure the difference amenities. between the numbers of people present on two different dates at a particular place. Then we can easily calculate the Contrary to the trends of population growth in India and rate of change (growth) during this intervening period. On other states, Bihar as well as South Bihar plain as a whole the other hand, other method is based on changesin births, recorded a high growth rate, but birth rate rose marginally deaths and migration. Total population of the world from 26.3 to 26.8 during 2015-2016 in Bihar. It is certain exceeded seven billion people in the year 2012, and it that the population growth will occur at slower pace, when reached 7.8 billion in 2020, whereas it has been predicted birth rate reduces. In 2011 total population of Bihar was that it will reach upto 9.6 billion by the year 2050. Over 104099452, which is estimated to be 12.4 in 2020. By mid population is a worldwide phenomenon, because of it extra of year 2020 the projected population is 124799926 as per people are treated as a strain on environment, economy, Unique Identification Authority of India, Adhar updated 31, government, social institutions as well as other May 2020, whereas South Bihar plain registered a total infrastructure. The geographical study of population growth population of 38551925 in 2011. Growth of population is and sex ratio play an important role in understanding the Bihar and South Bihar plain as a whole has declined during dynamism and planning at local and regional level. In a 2001-2011. Bihar population growth rate has dipped from country like India, high population growth is a big problem, 28.62 percent in 2001 to 25.42 percent. It means there is a but zero population growth has also become a threat to the decline of 3.2 percent during this decade. In the same way highly developed countries because population is one of the growth of population of South Bihar also declined from resources for the growth and development of the society and 27.79 percent in 2001 to 23.64 percent in 2011, with a total decline of 4.15 percent, which is larger than the decline in Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020 Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY Paper ID: SR201024152413 DOI: 10.21275/SR201024152413 1567 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 SJIF (2019): 7.583 Bihar state as a whole. But during past decades population 2. Study Area continued to surge, with the state being top three populated state of the country. Alarming population growth in Bihar The land of alluvium, South Bihar plain is located in the and South Bihar plain has been a cause of concern and eastern part of India. The alluvial plain of South Bihar is a professionals should inform people about various linear tract, demarcated by river Ganga in north, Rajmahal approaches to implement family planning, but women in hill to the east and Chotanagpur plateau to the south. In Bihar still likely to have over three children in her life time. other words, South Bihar plain is the southern part of Bihar state and geographically it is also a southern part of Middle Apart from population growth gender discrimination is a Ganga plain. It is bounded by river Ganga and North Bihar common problem due to cultural preferences in India as a plains to the north, the Bengal Basin to the east, Ayodhya whole as well as Bihar and South Bihar plain. In our society (Oudh) plains to west and Chotanagpur plateau to the south. females are confined to household’s works and face gender South Bihar plain is narrower than North Bihar plain and is discrimination in all walk of her life. Gender discrimination triangular, in shape. Many hills are located in this alluvial has been a social issue in India for centuries and birth of girl plain, like, hills of Gaya, , , , child is not welcomed. It is only because of patriarchal Jamalpur and Sheikhpura. South Bihar plain is located norms, which have marked women inferior to men. It is very between 24o46’48” north to 25o30’21” north latitude and st difficult to imagine such a gender biased approach in the 21 83o36’20” to 86o59’20” east longitude. This region has been century, when women have proved themselves in every mentioned in Hindu epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata field. But in our society girl child are being discriminated in and once a center of Buddhism extends over 46179, most of the households, even after such a progress. In spite and bordered by Kaimur district in the West Banka in the of Parental Diagnostic Technique Act of 1994, the female East. It gradually tapers towards east but widen towards feticide through sex selective abortion are continued to be west. There is a general slope from South to North and the practiced. Therefore, the child sex ratio is at its lowest, ever, elevation decreases from 500 feet in South to only 100 feet with 914 girls for every 1000 boy in 2011. In our country in the north, with an average elevation of 173 feet. Gang is sex ratio has been gradually declining from 1901 till date. the main river in this region which flows from west to east There were 972 females per thousand males in 1901, which in the Middle of Bihar and north of South Bihar plain. The has now decreased to 943 females per thousand males in rivers of South Bihar flow through alluvial deposits and 2011. As compared to India, Bihar registered a higher sex from a wide flood plain and the catchment of these rivers are ratio in the year 1901, with a sex ratio of 1061 female per larger. The drainage pattern is trellis and dendritic due to thousand male, which has decreased to 918 females per physical conditions. Ganga, the master stream enters into the thousand males in 2011, and almost same conditions state from Chausa, which forms the boundary of Bhojpur prevails in South Bihar plain. South Bihar plain registered and Saran districts. Ganga later on joined by three large 1052 females per thousand males in 1901, which has now rivers, viz., Ghaghra, Gandak and Son. Bihar has a decreased to 913 females per thousand males in 2011. continental type of climate with three district seasons. South Bihar plain is comparatively warmer than North Bihar plain, Sex ratio affects both growth rates and the evolutionary because of its distant location from Himalayas. Eastern part trajectories of the population and is the most important experiences humid climate, whereas, western parts have dry aspect of the demographic studies, sex ratio affects the climatic conditions due to continental effect, in other words socio-economic and cultural status of any area. Sex ratio is distant location from Bay of Bengal. It means there is basically a ratio between female and male population, which variation in climatic condition from north to south, is defined as number of females per thousand males. It is especially from east to west, therefore South Bihar plain among the most basic parameters and provide indication of experiences modified monsoon climate. both the relative survival of females and males and future growth of population. Sex ratio is a key factor in the South Bihar plain has also some good resources like Bauxite development of any region, because it helps in planning and in district Jamui, whereas, Bhabhua is rich in cement mortar, development. Sex ratio has been continuously declining and dolomite and Glass sand. Apart from this mica is found in its consequences have already been evident. The declining Nawada, Jamui and Gaya. One of the precious mineral, sex ratio has led to more violence against women and human Uranium and Beryllium are also found in , trafficking. However it is not in dispute that over next whereas, precious metal Gold is found in Jamui. twenty years, there will be an excess of males. These men will remain single and will be unable to have families in our The economy of South Bihar plain is dominated by society, where marriage has been regarded as universal agriculture due to alluvial soil and irrigation facilities from phenomena, which provides social status and acceptance. different rivers, and the chief crops are rice, wheat and Therefore, an imbalance between male and female oilseeds. Apart from agriculture, stone quarries, and some population will lead lower fertility and slower growth of cottage industries produces textiles, sugar, paper and population. An understanding of the sex ratio and growth of vegetable oil, and large number of handlooms and power population in terms of spatial variation, especially at district looms are also found in Gaya and . has a levels is of fundamental importance for understanding cigarette, factory, whereas, Jamalpur has the country, major different demographic attributes of the study area. railway engineering workshops. Above all the capital city of Bihar and Gaya, the religious center for both and Buddhist, are educational centers. According to 2011 census report, Bihar is the third most populous state of India. With a population of 104099452 persons, whereas, South Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020 Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY Paper ID: SR201024152413 DOI: 10.21275/SR201024152413 1568 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 SJIF (2019): 7.583 Bihar plain recorded a total population of 38551925 persons. The aforesaid basic formula can be represented in the If we go through the sex ratio in Bihar, in the year 2011, it is following manner, 918 female per thousand male, whereas, South Bihar plain 푑푥푑푦 recorded sex ratio of 913 female per thousand male, which is 푟 = 푁휎푥 휎푦 little less than the state of Bihar. 푑푥푑푦 = 2 푑2 푑푦 푁 푥 푥 3. Objective of the Study 푁 푁 푑푥푑푦 푑푥푑푦 = = 2 2 푁 2 2 The specific objective of this research paper is to analyse the dx x dy dx x dy 푁 푁 district wise decadal variation is population growth and sex N x N 푑푥푑푦 ratio of South Bihar plain from 1951 to 2011, as against = 2 2 state as a whole. We will also try to find out the reasons dx x dy behind the unprecedented growth of population and Therefore, the correlation between growth of population and declining sex ratio in the districts of South Bihar plain as sex ratio will be based on the formula derived from the basic well as Bihar state as a whole. Apart from this we will try to formula put forward by Karl Pearson. The numerical value find out the correlation between growth of population and obtained after calculation will be classified into high, sex ratio by means of suitable correlation statistical moderate and low levels and on the basis of these categories technique. all the seventeen districts will be mapped by means of choropleth technique of cartography. 4. Database and Methodology Spatio-temporal Variation in Growth of Population The present study focuses on the district wise comparative Since, there is fluctuation in growth of population from 1901 analysis of decadal variation of population growth and sex to 1951, therefore, a detailed account of growth of ratio from 1951 to 2011, as well as their correlation. population will be presented after 1951. An analysis of Therefore the study has been primarily based on secondary district level growth of population in South Bihar and state sources of data. The required data have been collected from of Bihar as whole shows a continuous increase till 2001, but census reports published by as well as 2011 registered a decline in growth rate from the previous Office of Director, Census of Bihar, District Census decade. Both Bihar and south Bihar plain registered a Handbook of different districts of South Bihar plain. The decline of 4 percent in the year 2011. If we see the district study now extends over seventeen districts in South Bihar wise decline of population growth rate, we find that, both plain. Therefore, for purposeful organization of collected Nawada and Jehanabad registered a decline of 10 percent in data from different secondary sources have been tabulated, the year 2011, which is followed by Rohtas with 8 percent computed and analysed, and have been represented by decline. cartographic techniques like, bar graph and choropleth map. Decline in growth rate may be attributed of improvement in Spatio-temporal analysis of population growth and sex ratio socio-economic condition and awareness towards health must be studied in time perspective too. The present facilities, which influenced the fertility rate. Apart from this research paper covers a time period from 1951 to 2011, migration also played an important role, because people because the growth of population occurred at faster pace migrated to distant places in search of job opportunities and from 1951. better living conditions.

Apart from the spatio-temporal variation of population Population Growth during 1951-61 growth and sex ratio, present study also depicts the There has been a rapid increase in the growth of population comparative analysis of sex ratio and population growth during this decade in Bihar,because it increased from 11 from 1911 to 2011. Therefore, the correlation between percent in 1951 to 20 percent in 1961, there is an increase of population growth and sex ratio will be carried out by means 9 percent, but surprisingly, South Bihar plain registered a of a statistical technique put forward by Karl Pearson. Karl decline of 7 percent, as growth rate declined from 24 percent Pearson’s coefficient of correlation is very useful statistical in 1951 to 17 percent in 1961. This decline in percentage method in which the numerical values are applied to growth of population in South Bihar plain may be attributed measure the level of linear relationship between two related to socio-economic backwardness and less developed health variables, which is expressed by r and the formula read as facilities. But the higher growth rate in Bihar reflect the follows: improved trade, transport, employment, health facilities and education. Due to improved health facilities and socio- 푑푥푑푦 푟 = economic status, the living 푁휎푥 휎푦

Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020 Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY Paper ID: SR201024152413 DOI: 10.21275/SR201024152413 1569 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 SJIF (2019): 7.583 District wise Decadal Variation in Population Growth and Sex Ratio and their Coefficient of Correlation Year Bhagalpur Banka Munger Lakhisarai Sheikhpura Nalanda Patna Bhojpur

Sex Ratio Sex Ratio Sex Ratio Sex Ratio Sex Ratio Sex Ratio Sex Ratio Sex Ratio Sex Ratio % Growth % Growth % Growth % Growth % Growth % Growth % Growth % Growth % Growth

1901 1057 1057 1045 1045 1045 1020 1020 1096 1096 1911 2 1040 2 1040 3 1046 3 1046 3 1046 -1 988 -1 988 -5 1062 -5 1062 1921 -7 1028 -7 1028 -5 1022 -5 1022 -5 1021 -2 949 -2 949 -3 1029 -3 1029 1931 15 987 15 987 13 998 13 998 13 997 17 931 17 931 10 995 10 995 1941 14 968 14 968 13 998 13 998 13 998 16 935 16 935 17 981 17 981 1951 12 944 12 987 11 940 11 988 11 1007 18 969 18 937 15 1007 15 984 1961 22 929 17 985 19 943 11 995 17 1008 17 967 16 920 16 1029 18 994 1971 22 897 22 938 18 898 25 944 20 952 20 933 21 890 20 977 20 951 1981 27 898 24 931 22 891 22 928 19 942 26 927 34 890 21 952 20 928 1991 21 864 24 893 18 856 21 880 20 896 22 898 20 867 20 904 19 884 2001 27 876 24 908 21 872 24 921 25 918 19 914 30 873 25 902 29 899 2011 25 880 26 907 20 876 25 902 21 930 21 922 24 897 22 907 22 922 Co. Cor -0.8946 -0.9072 -0.8201 -0.8594 -0.8049 -0.6228 -0.8236 -0.8089 -0.8655

Year Kaimur Rohtas Aurangabad Gaya Nawada Jamui Jehanabad Arwal BIHAR S. Bihar

Growth Sex Ratio Sex Ratio Sex Ratio Sex Ratio Sex Ratio Sex Ratio Sex Ratio Sex Ratio Sex Ratio Sex Ratio % Growth % Growth % % Growth % Growth % Growth % Growth % Growth % Growth % Growth

1901 1096 1096 1037 1037 1037 1045 1037 1037 1061 1,052 1911 -5 1062 -5 1062 5 1035 5 1035 5 1035 3 1046 5 1035 5 1034 2 1051 0 1,033 1921 -3 1029 -3 1029 0 1003 0 1003 0 1003 -5 1022 0 1003 0 1003 -1 1020 -13 1,003 1931 10 995 10 995 11 1001 11 1001 11 1001 13 998 11 1001 11 1001 10 995 27 982 1941 17 981 17 981 16 1001 16 1001 16 1001 13 998 16 1001 16 1001 12 1002 6 977 1951 15 963 15 955 11 991 11 995 11 1040 11 1013 11 980 11 980 11 1000 24 976 1961 21 976 23 959 19 1001 18 996 21 1054 21 1020 17 1000 17 1008 20 1005 17 978 1971 25 932 26 924 22 964 24 961 21 1017 24 985 19 951 22 962 21 956 22 891 1981 19 907 23 909 22 956 25 966 23 1001 21 967 21 952 18 959 24 948 24 931 1991 24 884 22 894 24 915 24 921 24 936 22 903 18 915 21 926 23 907 22 894 2001 31 902 28 910 31 934 30 938 33 946 33 918 31 925 26 935 29 919 28 907 2011 28 920 20 918 26 926 26 937 23 939 26 922 21 922 19 928 25 918 24 913 Co. Cor. -0.8988 -0.9185 -0.8295 -0.8427 -0.5380 -0.7573 -0.7585 -0.7477 -0.8762 -0.6695 Source: Calculated by author, based on Census Reports conditions have improved, which resulted into decline in there are twelve districts, namely, Banka, Munger, death rate and faster natural increase of population. If we go Lakhisarai, Sheikhpura, Nalanda, Patna, Jehanabad, Gaya, through the districts of South Bihar plain, we find that Arwal, Aurangabad, Bhojpur and Buxar, which recorded Rohtas recorded the highest growth rate of 23 percent, low growth of population, whereas, five districts can be which is followed by Bhagalpur with a growth rate of 22 categorized under moderate growth of population, these are percent, whereas, Lakhisarai recorded the lowest growth rate Bhagalpur, Jamui, Nawada, Rohtas and Kaimur. Out of of 11 percent. If we categorize the South Bihar plain seventeen districts, none can be categorized under very high according to decadal percentage growth rate into Low growth of population. (below 20), Moderate (20.01 – 25) and High (Above 25),

Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020 Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY Paper ID: SR201024152413 DOI: 10.21275/SR201024152413 1570 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 SJIF (2019): 7.583 Population Growth during 1961-71 In the census year 1971, south Bihar plain registered a Out of seventeen districts of South Bihar plain, six districts, higher growth of population with a growth rate of 22 namely, Mnger, Sheikhpura, Nalanda, Bhojpur, Buxar, percent, which is 1 percent higher than the growth rate of Jehanabad, recorded low growth of population between Bihar. Except two districts, namely, Munger and Jehanabad below 20 percent, whereas ten districts, namely Bhagalpur, rest of the districts recorded growth rate which is higher than Banka, Lakhisarai, Patna, Aurangabad, Gaya, Nawad, 20 percent, whereas, maximum growth rate was observed by Jamui, Kaimur and Arwal, recorded moderate growth of Rohtas with a growth rate of 26 percent, which is also higher population between 20.01 – 25 percent. Apart from this than the state of Bihar. This increase in growth rate may be there is only one districts, namely Rohtas, which registered a attributed to the advancement in farming technique, high growth rate above 25 percent. communication and transport facilities, urbanization and decline in death rate due to improved health facilities.

Population Growth during 1971-81According to table, increase of 13 percent from the previous decade of 1971. both Bihar plain and Bihar recorded a growth of 24 percent Patna also recorded 10 percent higher growth rate than Bihar in 1981. Bihar recorded a 3 percent higher growth than the and South Bihar plain, whereas, Arwal recorded the lowest previous decade, whereas, South Bihar plain recorded only 2 growth rate of 18 percent, and it is 4 percent lower than the percent higher growth than the previous decade. Among all previous decade of 1971. This unprecedented growth rate the districts of South Bihar plain the highest growth rate was during recorded by Patna, with a growth rate of 34 percent, an

this period may be attributed to accelerated developmental Apart from these fourteen districts, there are only three activities and improvement in health facilities, as well as districts, named as Bhagalpur, Nalanda and Patna which awareness towards the education. recorded high growth rate above 25 percent.

If we carefully look at the growth rate of all the seventeen Population Growth during 1981-91 districts of South Bihar plain, we find that there are four During 1981-91, Bihar registered a growth rate of 23 percent districts, namely, Sheikhpura, Buxar, Kaimur, and Arwal, which is 1 percent higher than the growth rate of South recorded growth rate below 20 percent, whereas, ten districts Bihar plain as a whole, but there is a decline of 1 percent named as Banka, Munger, Lakhisarai, Bhojpur, Rohtas, from the previous decade, 1981. In the same way South Aurangabad, Gaya, Nawada, Jamui and Jehanabad recorded Bihar plain also registered a decline of 1 percent from the moderate growth of population between 20.1 to 25 percent. previous decade, with a growth rate of 22 percent. Out of Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020 Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY Paper ID: SR201024152413 DOI: 10.21275/SR201024152413 1571 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 SJIF (2019): 7.583 seventeen districts, only six districts namely, Sheikhpura, There are six districts, named as, Munger, Sheikhpura, Kaimur, Aurangabad, Nawada, Jamui and Arwal, recorded Patna, Bhojpur, Buxar and Jehanabad, which can be higher growth rate in the census year 1991 than the previous categorized under low growth of population below 20 census year 1981. It is very surprising that, five districts percent, whereas eleven districts namely, Bhagalpur, Banka, named as, Banka, Kaimur, Aurangabad, Gaya and Nawada Lakhisarai, Nalanda, Kaimur, Rohtas, Aurangabaad, Gaya, recorded the highest growth rate of 24 percent, whereas the Nawada, Jamui and Arwal can be categorized under lowest growth rate during 1981-91, was recorded by two moderate growth of population between 2.01 to 25 percent. districts, namely, Munger and Jehanabad with the same But none of the districts can be categorized under high growth rate of 18 percent. growth of population during 1981-91.

Population Growth during 1991-2001 population during this decade in the state of Bihar and South Both Bihar and South Bihar plain recorded a higher growth Bihar plain may due to continuous surge in past decade of population during this period. Bihar registered a growth except census year 1991, when growth of population of 29 percent, which is 6 percent higher than the previous registered a sharp decline. It is important to note that Patna, census year of 1991. In the same way South Bihar plain also Gaya, Nawada, Jamui and Jehanabad have contributed much registered a higher growth rate of 28 percent, which is also 6 to the growth of population during this period. Being a percent higher than the previous census year. Out of the capital and prime city of Bihar, Patna has more pull factors seventeen districts, the highest growth rate was observed by than other districts, for migrants. In spite of this fact division Nawada and Jamui, with the same growth rate of 33 percent headquarters also attracted people from different and districts, namely, Patna, Kaimur, Aurangabad, Gaya, neighboring districts. In the same way Gaya, acenter of Nawada, Jamui and Jehanabad, recorded a growth rate learning and religious place for both Hindus and Buddhists which is higher than the state of Bihar. Apart from this, the attracted people from different adjoining districts, as well as lowest growth rate was observed by Nalanda, with a growth from different states like, Jharkhand, and rate of 19 percent, which is 3 percent lower than the West Bengal. previous census year of 1991. This increase in the overall

If we categorize all the seventeen districts into low, categorized under moderate growth of population between moderate and high growth of population, we find that there 20.01 to 25 percent. Apart from these six districts, rest of the is only one district namely, Nawada, which can be eleven districts, namely, Bhagalpur, Patna, Buxar, Kaimur, categorized under low growth of population, below 20 Rohtas, Aurangabad, Gaya, Nawada, Jamui, Jehanabad and percent, whereas there are five districts, named as, Banka, Arwal recorded high growth of population above 25 Munger, Lakhisarai, Sheikhpura and Bhojpur,which can be percent. Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020 Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY Paper ID: SR201024152413 DOI: 10.21275/SR201024152413 1572 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 SJIF (2019): 7.583 Population Growth during 2001-2011 and South Bihar plain may be attributed to migration of rural Census year 2011 witnessed a decline in growth of and urban people to the National capital, Delhi, and population both in Bihar and South Bihar plain as a whole. neighboring state capital, Kolkata, even commercial capital Bihar registered a growth of 25 percent which is 4 percent of India, Mumbai, in search of employment and better living lesser than previous census year 2001. In the same way conditions. South Bihar plain also registered a decline of 4 percent with a growth rate of 24 percent. Out of seventeen districts, there If we take the similar classification approach of classifying are five districts, namely Banka, Kaimur, Aurangabad, Gaya districts of South Bihar plain into low, moderate and high, and Jamui, which recorded higher growth rate than the state we find that, there three districts, namely, Munger, Rohtas of Bihar and South Bihar plain. Kaimur registered the and Arwal, which can be categorized under low growth of highest growth rate of 28 percent, which has been followed population, whereas, there are nine districts, named as, by Banka, Aurangabad, Gaya and Jamui which the same Bhagalpur, Lakhisarai, Sheikhpura, Nalanda, Patna, growth rate of 26 percent and the lowest growth rate was Bhojpur, Buxar, Nawada, and Jehanabad, can be categorized observed by Arwal with a growth rate of only 19 percent, under moderate growth of population between 20.01 – 25 but there is a sharp decline of 7 percent from the previous percent. Apart from these twelve districts, five district census year 2001. Bihar as well as South Bihar plain namely, Banka, Kaimur, Aurangabad, Gaya and Jamui are registered a sharp decline in growth rate as India witnessed a categorized under very high growth of population above 25 steepest decline in decadal growth rate since independence percent. in the year 2011. This decline in growth rate, both in Bihar

This change in the growth of population has been affected position of pride has been assigned by our religious by fertility rate, mortality rate and migration. Human being scriptures. Social reforms have been brought by social has found cure from the dreaded disease due to advancement reformers against Sati Pratha, child marriage, female in medicine and health facilities, which has resulted into infanticide and prevention of widow remarriage. The great decrease in death rate but fertility did not decline, so rapidly saint Swami Vivekanand stated that the country which had as mortality rate declined. After independence the gap no respect for womanhood could never become great. between mortality and fertility rate has increased, which led India’s nationalist movement under Gandhiji’s leadership to higher growth of population. But census year 2011, brought changes in prevailing attitude towards women in our registered a sharper decline because the birth rate has been society. Census year 2011 reveals an alarming sex ratio both continuously declining from 2006 onward from 29.9 per in Bihar and South Bihar plain as a whole. Bihar recorded a cent in 2006 to 26.3 percent in 2011, there has been a sex ratio of 918 female per thousand males, whereas, South decline of 3.6 percent during this period. Bihar plain, even recorded lesser than Bihar, with a sex ratio of 913 females per thousand males, which is far less than the Variation in Sex Ratio national sex ratio of 940 females per thousand males. But Sex ratio largely affects the socio-economic and cultural there the census year 2001 and 2011 registered an characteristics of any region, therefore, it is necessary to improvement in the sex ratio from the previous decades. study sex composition for understanding different aspect of the society. India with a sex ratio of 940 females per Sex Ratio during 1951-61 thousand males recorded lowest among all the neighboring Census year 1961, registered favorable sex ratio in Bihar, countries in 2011, except China, with a sex ratio of 926 with a sex ratio of 1005 females per thousand males, which females per thousand males. Sex ratio always remained is 5 points higher than the previous census year 1951, unfavorable for female, because of patriarchal society in whereas, South Bihar plain recorded a sex ratio of 978 India. But Bihar recorded sex ratio favorable to female from females per thousand male which is much less than the sex 1901 to 1961, except 1931, whereas, South Bihar plain ratio of Bihar, but it is 2 points higher than the previous recorded favorable sex ratio till 1921. Higher sex ratio may census year. Out of seventeen districts, seven districts, be attributed to the fact that Indian religion and philosophy namely, Sheikhpura, Bhojpur, Aurangabad, Nawada, Jamui, considered womanhood nearer to divinity and respectable Jehanabad and Arwal recorded sex ratio, which is favorable Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020 Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY Paper ID: SR201024152413 DOI: 10.21275/SR201024152413 1573 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 SJIF (2019): 7.583 to females, whereas the highest sex ratio was observed by If we classify the districts of South Bihar plain according to Nawada with a sex ratio of 1054 females per thousand sex ratio into low (below 900), moderate (900.01 – 920.00), males. It may be due to literacy rate, which remained higher high (920.01 – 940.00) and very high (above 940), we find as compared to other districts and Patna recorded the lowest that none of the districts can be categorized under low sex sex ratio of 920 females per thousand males. ratio. It may

be attributed to the fact that the actual decline in sex ratio points from the previous census year 1961, with a sex ratio started. Patna is the only district, which recorded moderate of 956 females per thousand males, whereas, South Bihar sex ratio with a sex ratio of 920 females per thousand male. plain recorded a decline of 87 points with a sex ratio of 891 Similarly, Bhagalpur is the only district, which can be females per thousand males. Among all the seventeen categorized under high sex ratio, with a sex ratio of 929 districts of South Bihar, Nawada recorded the highest sex females per thousand male. Apart from these two districts, ratio of 1017 females per thousand males, whereas, Patna fifteen districts, namely, Banka, Munger, Lakhisarai, recorded the lowest sex ratio of 890 females per thousand Sheikhpura, Nawada, Bhojpur, Buxar, Rohtas, Aurangabad, males, which is 30 points lower than the previous census Gaya, Nawada, Jamui, Jehanabad, Nalanda and Arwal year. recorded very high sex ratio above 940 females per thousand males. If we categorize districts of South Bihar plains according to the sex ratio in low, moderate, high and very high, we find Sex Ratio during 1961-71 that there are three districts namely, Bhagalpur, Munger, and Census year 1971 registered a decline in sex ratio in Bihar as Patna, which can be categorized under low sex ratio below well as South Bihar plain. Bihar recorded a decline of 49 900, but none

of the district can be categorized as moderate sex ratio. We Sex Ratio during 1971-81 can observe from the table that there are four districts, During 1971-81, Bihar registered a decline of 8 points with namely, Banka, Nalanda, Kaimur and Rohtas, which can be sex ratio of 948 females per thousand male, whereas, South categorized as districts of high sex ratio between 920.01 to Bihar plain recorded a sex ratio of 931 females per thousand 940 females per thousand males. Out of the total seventeen males which is 40 points higher than the previous census districts in South Bihar plain, ten districts, namely, year of 1971. Out of seventeen district, eight districts, Lakhisarai, Sheikhpura, Bhojpur, Buxar, Aurangabad, Gaya, named as, Sheikhpura, Bhojpur, Aurangabad, Gaya, Nawada, Jamui, Jehanabad and Alwar, registered very high Nawada, Jamui, Jehanabad and Arwal registered, sex ratio sex ratio above 940 females per thousand males. higher than South Bihar plains, but seven districts, namely, Bhojpur, Aurangabad, Gaya, Nawada, Jamui, Jehanabad and Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020 Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY Paper ID: SR201024152413 DOI: 10.21275/SR201024152413 1574 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 SJIF (2019): 7.583 Arwal recorded, sex ratio which is higher than Bihar state. sex ratio of previous census year 1971. Patna is followed by As usual Nawada recorded the highest sex ratio amongst all Munger with a sex ratio of 891 and Bhagalpur (898). Out of the districts of South Bihar plain, even till 1981, Nawada seventeen districts there are only three districts, namely, maintained sex ratio, which remained favorable to women Bhagalpur, Gaya and Jehanabad, which registered an since 1901. Apart from this Patna, with a sex ratio of 890 improvement in sex ratio from the previous decade. females per thousandmales recorded the lowest sex ratio amongst all the districts of South Bihar and maintained the

The stratification of all the districts of South Bihar plain high sex ratio is a positive sign toward the declining sex according to sex ratio reveals that there are three districts, ratio. namely, Bhagalpur, Munger and Patna, which recorded low sex ratio, below 900 females per thousand male, whereas, Sex Ratio during 1981-91 two districts, namely Kaimur and Rohtas, can be categorized Census year 1991 registered a sharp decline in sex ratio both under moderate sex ratio between 900.01 – 920 females per at state level and South Bihar as a whole. Bihar with a sex thousand males. Four districts, named as Banka Lakhisarai, ratio of 907 females per thousand males registered a decline Nalanda and Buxar, are categorized under high sex ratio of 41 points from the previous census year, whereas South between 920.01 to 940 females per thousand males, Bihar plain with a sex ratio of 894 females per thousand whereas, rest of the eight districts, namely, Sheikhpura, males recorded a decline of 37 points which is 4 points Bhojpur, Aurangabad, Gaya, Nawada, Jamui, Jehanabad and lower than the state of Bihar. As usual Nawada again Arwal are categorized under very high sex ratio above 940 registered the highest sex ratio (936) among all the females per thousand males. Improvement in sex ratio may seventeen districts, Nawada has be followed by Arwal with be attributed to emigration of male population to the distant a sex ratio of 926 females per thousand male, whereas the places in search of better job opportunities and health lowest sex ratio has been observed by Munger with a sex facilities. Higher number of districts categorized under very ratio of 856 females per thousand male.

Out of the seventeen districts in South Bihar plain, above fourteen districts there are only three districts, Bhagalpur, Banka, Munger, Lakhisarai, Sheikhpura, namely, Gaya, Nawada and Arwal, which are categorized Nalanda, Patna, Buxar, Kaimur, and Rohtas can be under high sex ratio between 920.01 to 940 females per categorized under low sex ratio below 900 females per thousand males and none of the district can be categorized thousand male, whereas, Bhojpur, Aurangabad, Jamui and under very high sex ratio above 940 females per thousand Jehanabad are categorized under moderate sex ratio between males. This is a matter of grave concern that larger number 900.01 to 920 females per thousand males. Apart from the of districts in South Bihar plain has been categorized under Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020 Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY Paper ID: SR201024152413 DOI: 10.21275/SR201024152413 1575 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 SJIF (2019): 7.583 low sex ratio, i.e., below 900 females per thousand males. by Munger, with a sex ratio of 872 females per thousand Declining sex ratio has become a challenge towards our males. Nawada with the highest sex ratio recorded 10 points society and state as well as central government. It may also higher than the previous decade, whereas, Munger, with the be attributed to literacy rate, because of awareness women lowest sex ratio, recorded 16 points higher sex ratio. have been opting for sex determination, and as they come to know that they are having girl child, the immediately go for If we categorize all the seventeen districts of South Bihar abortion, because of girl child prejudice. plain in low, moderate, high and very high, we find that there are four districts, namely, Bhagalpur, Munger, Patna Sex Ratio during 1991-2001 and Buxar are categorized under low sex ratio below 900, Census year 2001, helped us to take a respite from the whereas, Banka, Sheikhpura, Nalanda, Bhojpur, Kaimur, gloomy data of declining sex ratio in 1991. Bihar with a sex Rohtas and Jamui are categorized under moderate sex ratio ratio of 919 females per thousand males recorded 12 points between 900.01 to 920 females per thousand males. Apart higher sex ratio than the previous census year, whereas, from these eleven districts, Lakhisarai, Aurangabad, Gaya, South Bihar plain as a whole recorded a 13 points higher sex Jehanabad and Arwal are categorized under high sex ratio ratio than previous census year 1991, with a sex ratio of 907 between 920.01 to 940 and only one districts named as females per thousand males. Nawada again registered the Jehanabad (946) has been categorized under very high sex highest sex ratio of 946 females per thousand males, which ratio above 940 females per thousand and males. is followed by Arwal with a sex ratio of 935 females per thousand male, whereas the lowest sex ratio was observed

Sex Ratio during 2001-2011 South Bihar plain registered a sex ratio, which is higher than During 2001-2011, Bihar registered a decline of 1 point the state of Bihar. Similarly there are eleven districts which from previous census year of 2001, with a sex ratio of 918 recorded sex ratio higher than south Bihar plain (913). females per thousand males, whereas, South Bihar plain as a whole registered a growth of 6 points with a sex ratio of 913 Out of seventeen districts, three districts, namely, females per thousand male as compared to 907 females per Bhagalpur, Munger and Patna are categorized under low thousand males in 2001. In the census year 2011, Nawada level of sex ratio, below 900. On the other hand Banka, again registered the highest sex ratio of 939 females per Lakhisarai, Bhojpur, Kaimur, and Rohtas are categorized thousand males, which is followed by Gaya (937), under moderate sex ratio between 900.01 to 920. Apart from Sheikhpura (930) and Arwal (928), whereas, the lowest sex the above mentioned districts, nine districts, namely, ratio was observed by Munger with a sex ratio of 876 Sheikhpura, Nalanda, buxar, Aurangabad, Gaya, Nawada, females per thousand males. District level data of sex ratio is Jamui, Jehanabad and Arwal are categorized under high sex somewhat discouraging, because out of seventeen districts, ratio between 920.01 to 940 females per thousand male, but namely, Banka, Lakhisarai, Aurangabad, Gaya, Nawada, none of the district can be categorized under very high sex Jehanabad and Arwal registered sex ratio, which is lower ratio above 940 females per thousand male. than the previous census year of 2001. Eleven districts of

Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020 Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY Paper ID: SR201024152413 DOI: 10.21275/SR201024152413 1576 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 SJIF (2019): 7.583

It is very surprising that Nawada always registered the sex ratio in Patna may be attributed to literacy rate, which highest sex ratio in the respective census year, and Patna, the encouraged women to go under sex selective abortion capital city of Bihar normally registered the lowest sex ratio among all the districts of South Bihar plain. The low level of

due to prejudice against girl child in the society, whereas, people to distant places and adjoining states in search of the high sex ratio as compared to other districts in Nawada better job opportunities and living conditions. may be attributed to the migration of young and working

Correlation between Sex Ratio and Growth of that the process of reproduction should remain continue. Population There must be sufficient number of eligible males and The ratio of females to per thousand males, in other words females for the continuous reproduction, which will sex ratio, strongly affects the growth of population. Higher ultimately lead to growth of population. Therefore, it is female population can have a substantially higher birth rate necessary to keep balance between the male and female than predominantly male population. For perpetual and population. Imbalance in sex ratio may arise due to various continuous existence of human population, it is necessary reasons like, natural incident, war, sex selective abortion, Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020 Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY Paper ID: SR201024152413 DOI: 10.21275/SR201024152413 1577 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 SJIF (2019): 7.583 etc. Naturally in human population more males are born. It demography of the state, such as population growth, rate of may be due to the biological characteristics of X and Y increase of elderly people, insufficient people of working chromosomes, Y chromosomes are comparatively lighter age. Which will ultimately hinders the productivity, than X chromosomes, therefore, it moves faster and reaches efficiency and economic progress of the state. to egg, earlier. Y chromosomes are responsible for birth of baby boy. Therefore, more males areborn, but males Table shows the relationship between decadal variation in experiences higher mortality as compared to female, at all population growth and sex ratio. The correlation between ages after birth. But during last one century it has been these two variables has been carried out by means of Karl observed that the birth rate of girl child and total population Pearson’s method of coefficient of correlation. On the basis has been declining in India and almost all the state. In spite of the correlation obtained by means of aforesaid statistical of the fact, till 1961, Bihar observed sex ratio in favor of technique we can say that all the districts of South Bihar females, but after that there has been a continuous decline. plain and state of Bihar as well as South Bihar plain as a The sex ratio within a population has a significant impact on whole reflected a negative correlation. It means population growth of population because it affects the marriage, and kept on growing but sex ratio continuously declined during ultimately affect the birth rate. last century.

In our country and especially state like Bihar, where the If we classify all the districts of South Bihar plain into Low literacy is at the lowest level among all the states, imbalance level of negative correlation (0 to -0.25), Medium level of in sex ratio is matter of grave concern, because it affects the negative correlation (-0.25 to -0.75) and High level of growth of population. Strong son preference and negative correlation (-0.75 to -1), we find that there are discrimination against girls is widespread in Bihar and twelve districts, namely, especially in South Bihar plain. Discrimination leads to imbalanced sex structure of population and affects

Bhagalpur, Banka, Munger, Lakhisarai, Sheikhpura, Patna, 5. Conclusion Bhojpur, Buxar, Kaimur, Rohtas, Aurangabad, and Gaya are categorized under high level of negative correlation between South Bihar plain is located south of river Ganga and -0.75 to -1, whereas, there are five districts, named as, extends over the fertile alluvial land formed by Himalayan Nalanda, Nawada, Jamui, Jehanabad and Arwal which can River Ganga and its tributaries and distributaries. South be categorized under medium level of negative correlation Bihar plain has been characterized by very high population between -0.25 to -0.75. None of the district can be growth rate and low sex ratio as compared to the country. categorized under low level of negative correlation. The This high growth of population along with low sex ratio has highest negative correlation has been observed by Rohtas (- hampered the socio-economic development of the study 0.9185), because of higher population growth and declining area, which aggravated the poverty and reduced the sex ratio, whereas the lowest negative correlation has been employment opportunities. Bihar ranks among top three observed in Nawada (-0.5380). It is only because of the fact populated states of the country. South Bihar plain has been that among all the seventeen districts of South Bihar plain characterized by very high population growth, 28 percent in Nawada alone recorded highest sex ratio, throughout the 2001 and 24 percent in 2011, with a decline of 4 points. census year from 1901 to 2011 and maintained sex ratio in Similarly Bihar registered even a higher growth rate of 29 favor of females till 1981. Bihar registered a high level of percent in 2001 and 25 percent in 2011, with a decline of 4 negative correlation (-0.8762), whereas, South Bihar plain as points, similar to South Bihar plain. But one of the most whole, recorded medium level of negative correlation (- encouraging thing is that Bihar registered a sex ratio, which 0.6695). 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Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020 Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY Paper ID: SR201024152413 DOI: 10.21275/SR201024152413 1580