March - 2018 VANA PREMI LIfe Time Subscription - Rs. 5000/-Yearly Subscription - Rs. 300/- Single Copy Rs. 30/- Vol .19 MARCH -2018 No.03 55 JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION OF RETIRED FOREST OFFICERS TELANGANA & ANDHRA PRADESH Website : March - 2018 VANA PREMI TELANGANA STATE FOREST DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. • A fully owned, financially well managed State Government Company. Raising massive plantations to cater to the needs of the wood based industries. • Watershed approach adopted for raising plantations, to make them ecologically sustainable, socially acceptable and commercially viable, with the long term goal to improve the site quality of plantation areas. • Large grower of about 20,100 Ha of Eucalyptus clonal plantations. Bamboo also grown as an important crop over 8100 Ha. • The TSFDC is harvesting about 1,50,000 Lakh MTs of pulpwood every year. Besides this, it also produces about 15 Lakh Long Bamboo and 1500 MTs Bamboo industrial cuts for use as pulpwood. • The TSFDC has also taken up the challenging task of Eco-Tourism development in the State. Already open to public – Hyderabad Botanical Garden near Hi-Tech City, Madhapur, Mahavir Nischal Van Eco-Tourism Centre, Vanasthalipuram and Shameerpet Deer Park, attracting increasing number of visitors. Vice Chairman & Managing Director, T.S. Forest Development Corporation Ltd., 3rd Floor, UNI Building, A.C. Guards, Hyderabad - 500004. Telephone Nos. 040-23395750/23392652 Fax: 040-23326420 58 Email:
[email protected] March - 2018 VANA PREMI VANA PREMI Vol : 19 March - 2018 No.03 Editor : Qamar Mohd. Khan Associate Editor : D. Nagabhushanam, I.F.S. (Retd.) The Association of Retired Forest Contents Officers, Telangana & Andhra Pradesh (Regd.