The researcher aims to analyze the marketing of processed milk in retail business pertaining to only. This article explains the different varieties of processed milk sold in retail outlets, consumer preference towards the quality of processed milk and the problems by the retailers during sales of processed milk.

Keywords: milk, processed milk, unprocessed milk,


As a startup processed milk retail business owner, writing a quality business plan is one of the first tasks you need to address. You can minimize the amount of time it takes to write a business plan by buying business plan software A business plan software solution is an effective tool for time- strapped milk retail Liquid milk is most commonly sold to the consumer by general grocery stores. In some countries regulations restrict this service to selected dairy shops. In others, particularly those where liquid milk is rationed, special milk sales centres are constructed. In most countries the dairy industry does not invest in liquid milk retailing, except for promotion and demonstration centres and automatic vending machines. The grocers sell and sometimes distribute the milk delivered by the plant and are entitled for their services to a surcharge on the milk plant price known as the ‘retail margin’. In countries where the milk plant also delivers milk directly to consumers, the retail margin is absorbed by the plant. In many countries milk distributors are licensed but only in some are refrigeration facilities required as a condition for obtaining such a license. In most cases even pasteurized milk is sold by retailers not equipped with cold storage, and so sales hours have to be limited.


The following are the objectives framed for this study.

 To know the socio – economic background of Retailer.  To analyze the purchasing pattern of processed milk. By the Retailer.  To identify the Retailing Business processed milk by the Retailer.

Volome 8, Issue 9, September 2019 671 ADALYA JOURNAL ISSN NO: 1301-2746


Nannilam Taluk was selected for this study. Primary as well and secondary data were used for this study. Primary data were collected from selected group of retailers through a well defined interview schedule directly administered to the retailer of processed milk. Secondary data were also collected from books and journals and they played a very little role in this survey.


As the retailer of milk are in each in and every shop, it is not possible to include the entire retailer of this Nannilam Taluk. The samples were chosen by personal judgment sampling technique. The 50 retailer were contacted directly in person, and the interview schedules were distributed. A total of 50 samples were selected from a large universe of this taluk.

Profile of the study Area:

Nannilam is a panchayat town in Thiruvarur district in the Indian state of . It is the headquarters town for Nannilam taluk. Ther is a main hub for the nearby village many of the population are formers. Nannilam is located 30km west of and 30km east of . The people mainly depend an agriculture all most 90% of population are employed in agriculture most of villages developed along the river banks. The Thirumalai rajan river flows in Nannilam Taluk. Nannilam had a population of 9880.males constitute 50% of the population and females 50% Nannilam has an average literacy rate 75% Nannilam and the surrounding area is home to many temples including Mathuvaneshwarar temple which is located center of the town. The Saraswathy Amman Temple (The only Temple for Saraswathy Amman is south ) is located , 8 KM from Nannilam.

Data Analysis & Interpretation:

The term analysis refers to the computation of simple percentage.

Simple percentage method:

The following formula can be used for calculating simple percentage.

No. of. Retailer ______×100 Total. No.of.Retailer

Volome 8, Issue 9, September 2019 672 ADALYA JOURNAL ISSN NO: 1301-2746

Table 1 Demographic profile of the Retailer Age Particulars No of Percentage Retailer Below-20 3 6 21-40 18 36 41-60 21 42

Above-60 8 16

Total 50 100 Gender Male 14 28 Female 36 72 Total 50 100 Marital status Married 38 76 Unmarried 12 24 Total 50 100 Education SSLC 21 42 HSC 17 34

Degree 8 16

PG 4 6 profession - - Total 50 100 Occupational Owner 26 52 Labour 17 34 Partner 2 4 Family Members 5 10 Total 50 100 Monthly income Below-5000 9 18 5001 to 10000 36 72 10001 to 20000 5 10 20001and above - - Total 50 100


It was clearly obtained from the above table, out of 50 samples, 21 sample respondents are taken from the age group of 41 to 60 years followed by 18 respondents are in the age group of 21 to 40 years. Most of the sample respondents are female (72%). In this study, majority of the sample respondents are taken from in the income group of Rs.5001 to Rs.10,000 and no respondents are in the income group of above Rs.20001.

Volome 8, Issue 9, September 2019 673 ADALYA JOURNAL ISSN NO: 1301-2746

Table 2 Monthly income for processed milk types of shop Monthly income Wholesale Retail Dept. Store Total Below 5000 4(36%) 7(63%) - 11 5001 to 10,000 5(17%) 24(82%) - 29 10001 to 20000 2(20%) 8(80%) - 10 20001 and above - - - - Total 11 39 - 50 Source: Primary Calculated chi-square value : 2.56 Table chi- square value @5% level : 12.592 Degrees of Freedom : 6 Result : Accept

First preference to the 5001 to 10, 000 retailer. Majority of income permonth 29% processed milk in the Retailing shop.

Table 3 Types of processed milk which are sold in your outlet Particulars No of Retailer Percentage Arokya 17 34 Amirtha 9 18 Barath 3 6 Rusi 14 28 K.C 5 10 Tamil - - Vijai 2 4 All the above - - Total 50 100

Source: Primary data: It was observed that 34 percent of the retailer Arokya milk are sold in your shop. It interested to state that only 28 percent of the retailer Rusi milk in our shop 18 percent of retailer are Amirtha milk. Thus, it is clear that a majority of the retailer 34% are Arokya processed milk.

Volome 8, Issue 9, September 2019 674 ADALYA JOURNAL ISSN NO: 1301-2746

Table 4 Daily income of your shop Different Processed milk

Daily Arokya Amirtha Barath Rusi KC Tamil vijai All Total income the above Below 250 6(43%) 1(7%) 1(7%) 3(21%) 1(7%) - 2(14%) - 14 250 to 500 11(41%) 4(15%) 2(26%) 7(26%) 2(7%) - 1(4%) - 27 500 to 750 2(22%) 2(22%) 1(11%) 2(22%) 2(22%) - - - 9 750 above ------Total 19 7 4 12 5 - 3 - 50 Source: Primary data

Calculated chi-square value : 2.56 Table chi- square value @5% level : 32.671 Degrees of Freedom : 21 Result : Accept

First preference to the 250 to 500 daily income, Majority of income Arokya processed milk.

Table 5 Purchasing point of processed milk of your shop Particulars No of Retailer presentage Wholesaler 39 78 Manufacturer 8 16 Agent 3 6 Others - - Total 50 100

Source: Primary data

It was observed that 78 percent of retailer are collected from wholesaler. It was observed that 16 percent of the retailer purchased manufacture. It was obtained that 6 percent of the retailer collecting from Agent. Thus, it is clear from the above table that majority of the respondent’s retailer purchases whole seller.

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Table 6 Processed Milk are sold in Higher Quantity Particulars No of Retailer presentage Arokya 19 38 Amirtha 4 8 Barath 6 12 Rusi 13 26 KC 5 10 Tamil - - Vijai 3 6 All the above - - Total 50 100

Source: Primary data Quantity of processed milk sales every by the retailer was displayed in the table 6 it was observed that 26 percent of the retailer opined that they are Rusi processed milk higher quantity of Nannilam Taluk. Thus, it is clear that the majority of the retailer 38% are have Arokya quantity of processed milk


Table 7 Problems that frequently arise in processed milk Particulars No of Retailer Percentage Reduced fact 29 58 High amount of - - water present Reduced 7 14 carbohydrate All the above 14 28 Total 50 100

Source: Primary data From the above table, it was observed that out of 50 retailer, 58 percent retailer problems that frequently arise reduced fat. 28 percent retailer All the above. Thus it is clear from the above table that a majority of the retailer 58% reduced fat.

Volome 8, Issue 9, September 2019 676 ADALYA JOURNAL ISSN NO: 1301-2746

Table 8 How many days processed milk remain fresh Fresh Arokya Amirtha Barath Rusi KC Tamil Vijay All Total milk the above Half day ------Oneday 6(30%) 3(15%) 5(25%) 3(15%) 1(5%) - 2(10%) - 20 Onedayto 11(46%) 2(8%) 1(4%) 7(29%) 2(28%) - 1(4%) 24 twoday Three day 4(66%) - 2(33%) - - - - - 6 Total 21 5 8 10 3 - 4 - 50 Source: Primary data

Calculated chi-square value : 9.03 Table chi- square value @5% level : 32.671 Degrees of Freedom : 21 Result : Accept

First preference to the One day to Two day Fresh milk. Varity of Processed milk fresh milk. Arokya milk for Majority one day to two day.

Table 9 Maximum sales take place Particulars No of Retailer Percentage Morning 31 62 Evening 9 18 Night - - All the time 10 20 Total 50 100

Source: Primary data It was observed that 62 percent retailer Morning Maximum sales. It was observed that 20 percent retailer All the time maximum sales. Thus it is clear from the above table that a majority of the retailer Morning Maximum sales.

Volome 8, Issue 9, September 2019 677 ADALYA JOURNAL ISSN NO: 1301-2746

Table 10 Processed milk makes higher sales

Particulars No of Retailer Percentage Locally 17 34 produced Marketed from 33 66 outside Total 50 100

Source: Primary data:

Higher sales of processed milk every by the retailer was displayed in the table 15 it was observed that 66 percent retailer Marketed from out side. 34 percent of retailer. Locally produced higher sales. Thus, it is clear the majority of the Retailer 66% Marketed from outside.


* It was stated that 9 percent of the retailer are opined that they income above Rs.750 per day for processed milk retailing business. * Regarding purchasing pattern of whole seller is recorded 78 percent. * It was observed that 34 percent of the retailer are sales in the Arokya processed milk. * It is interested to state that only 24 percent retailer one day to two day remain fresh.


 The Research has found that processed milk tends to create more problems as the processed milk takes place in Maximum sales in the Morning. Processed milk remains fresh for one day to two day.  The packaged milk producer should make more number of advertisements to retain his  To make periodical review to analyse the product condition.  Innovative thinking of package must be practiced.  The retailers should arrange festival offer to attract the households it will helps to improve the sales during the seasonal times.


Processing milk Retail business take place in overall NannilamTaluk. Especially Arokya milk is making more sales mainly because of its quality in the Nannilam Taluk. The processed milk is distributed to whole small retail outlets through whole sellers. The research has found that processed milk tends to create more problems as the processed milk takes place in Maximum sales in the Morning. Processed milk remains fresh for one day to two days.

Volome 8, Issue 9, September 2019 678 ADALYA JOURNAL ISSN NO: 1301-2746

References: 1. Sujanair (2006), Retail Management Himalaya Publishing house, New Delhi 2. Alina sorescu and Ruud T.Frambach (2011) innovations in retail Business Models, Journal of Retailing, 3. Sudarshan (2007) Retail Management, New century publications, New Delhi. 4. Gibson G.vedamani (2003) Retail Management, Jaico publishing House, New Delhi. 5. Neelash Jain (2008) Retail, Management Global India Publication..Pvt.Ltd.NewDelhi.

======*Dr.M.MATHIVANAN Associate Professor of Commerce A.V.C. College (Autonomous), Mannampandal. Mayiladuthurai – 609 305.

**M.KRISHNAVENI Ph.D Full-Time Research Scholar Department of Commerce, A.V.C. College (Autonomous), Mannampandal. Mayiladuthurai – 609 305.

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