Mempb,::isNews and, Not~s ••• .0 • .• ,e

~ THE EDITO~ I S DESK .,N~wsFrOmQlr .. Fellow' Puplishers, Tools f'or Researc1').,:E'aJni.1y '.

Histories, Potpourri e; .• 121

CONGRESSIONAL.RESERVATION . .' .. ". . . (. . ."'. .'. DILLAHUNTY CEMETERY, HENRY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Cqn:yributed by: Elizl3.be:thG"ret;:lrMcMaster (Mrs. Guy W.) 126


OLD mISE CE:M:E:EERY, ';E'AZEWELL, CLAIBORNE' ,COUNTY, TENWESSEE (Incomplete) Copied by: Milburn Divine '.'.. o. •• 0 ••• •• • • " • 129

SPEARS-GABLE BIBLE Contributed by: Mrs. Paul A.Carnahan

PErITION OF SUNDRY, CITIZENS ASIaNG .THAT, A l\1EW'. COUNTY BE MADE FROM THE COUNTIES OF ANDERSON AND Ci.ArBORNE (TENNESSEE) -August 7th, 1806 . Copied by: ElizabethR. Tolar (Mrs. Reginald H., Jr.). .• •• 133

STEWART COUNTY, TJi.lNNESSEE MINUTE BOOK, 1804-1807 (F::ina1 iI;lsta1lInent) Abstracted by: Ruth Henley Duncan (Mrs. I. G.) •.••.• •. 135

BIBLE RECORDS AND NarES ON FAMIIJY OFWILLIAMROBI~SON NEWLEE, 1785-1862 Compiled by: Milburn Divine ••••••... .• •• •• 148

SALEM CIIURCH CEMErERY, WASBINGTONCOUNTY, T~SSEE (Few old stones) Copied by: Milburn Divine •••••••••••••••• •• 148

TENJ9ESSE:ANSBY .BIRTH \. RESIDENTS .OF KENI'(JCKY IN'1850 Copied from thel850Census on miGJ:'of'ilm by: Thomas P. Hughes,Jr. CALDWELL CCY-lNTY (conIt f'roIll Julyh CALLOWAY. (Part) !J •••• .". 149

Qum.IES·;, _ ,e; • .0 ••.• '. ••• '.0 ". '.. . '. . .' •• '. •• ." •• ~ .~. 157."

INDEX~ORL962. • •• ••.• ••• '. '~'. ,.:. ..~;...... ··"-ilal . , b1~(, I d l .....ed qU4rterl)l,i~theJqtl..rP{lrt,CofJanuar)l,;4.pril, July, and October. All,ubscrtptlOns retroactlve to wst ..sue of t""t year....nn mem e~ .p. onc u es "Ansearchin' " N~'w~) $5.1)0: Single ;;(lpies~I.4S. Neil""rthe Editor, the Memphis Genealogical Society nor "Ans"archin' .. N~ws _urnes responsibility for error / of opinions or fqctsll.,pre~ed b)lc!'~trib,':'.tors., -120-

, .,C,",' ,': MEMPHIS.

As the last issue of ANsEARCHIN' NEWS goes to press for 1962, yourpre:,ddent is. pleased to report that all four loc/:!.l projects, outlined in January, haye been completed. The last of these was the microfilming of ELMWOOD CEMETERY -RE"CORDS, 1853-1904. Two rolls of original records on film were presented to the Memphis. Public Library in september.

We would like to say a sincere THAN}(YOU to:

all our subscribers and contributors for their support.

our study group hostesses. In July it was my pleasure to entertain for the night meeting. In August Mrs. L. D. Bejachj 43 Belleair Drive, was hostess. In September Mrs. Joseph Mobley invited us to her home, 2240 North Parkway. New ideas and new books are exchanged at these meetings.

Libby (Mrs. ReginaldH. Tolar,Jr.), vice-president, for serving as a most able technical advisor.

Jerry (Mrs. W. R. Blair), corresponding secretary, for doing double duty editing our ~uery section and sending the monthly notice of meeting cards.

DIAnn (Sullivan), recording secretary, for keeping our business trans­ actions in order.

Henrietta (Mrs. Roy Gilley), treasurer, for her up-to-the-minute book­ keeping system which also provides a double check on mailing addresses.

Judith (Mrs.· Scott Julian), director of research, for filing over 10,000 surname index data cards on our ancestors.

Margaret (Mrs. Willis E. Ayres), librarian, for her capable leadership of the library committee.

Virginia (Mrs. HarryE. O'Hara), editor, for persevering where ANSEARCHIN' is concerned.

Myrtle (Shelton) for addressing all of the envelopes which briJilg the bulletin to you. She also had the master-job of indexing all of the names in our 1962 editions.

the committee of volunteer workers who gaily assemble to complete and mail this bulletin to you. It just could not be done' without their help.

Many persons working together with mutual interest have made the Memphis Genealogical Society possible.

In January we will present new plans and: projects for 1963. We need sugges­ tions from our members. Won't you please continue to offer new ideas, send new material for print and last, but not least, be with us in 19637

let's continue the search for all our ancestors and as each line is com­ pleted, we will .. st.and a little taller .1m.owing that man.... Y.bef.~.re uS.h.e.l...ed to make America the wonderful free country it is ?t.Od.. /.... d '~.'.. ~.. ~. . .' ./ -;e'/( P ,,' '. '.' ./ ,",. '--#- . .. ,. ~ October, 1962 -121-


The growing n~~ber of family histories, books of genealogical source material, conferences on genealogy and a noticeable improvement in Society publications all point up the fast increasing interest in the subject.

Our Society exchanges publications with approximately thirty-five other groupJ and all issues are carefully read before being sent to the library. The 'I,rork on the part of society members from coast to coast has been noted and is reflected in the many now worthwhile bulletins available to the public. Whether you are a contributing member or just a subscriber makes you a needecl partner in order to keep the work going. If you have never "written an articleII or "addressed an envelope, n why not volunteer this coming year? You will enjoy the fellowship and contribute your bit to the finished product.


The Ohio Genealogical Society has a uni~ue periodical called the REPORT. They publish ads and answers for the genealogist and the historians, as well, as genealogical and historical articles of local, state and national interest. The REPORT is printed in newspaper style which makes it very readable, but rather hard to file. The price is $5.00 a year from the Editor, 454 Park Avenue West, Mansfield, Ohio. '

To celebJ:'ate ltThe Tenth Anniversary Year II of the NEW JERSEY GENESIS, the Editor, Mr. Harold A. Sonn, has decided to publish A FIFTH EDITION OF THE NEW JERSEY FAMILY INDEX, the first since August 1959. It will be ready in early 1963. For order and enrollment form write the editor at 105-C Troy Drive, Sp:r-ingfield, New Jersey. THE NEW JERSEY GENESIS, a ~uaJ:'teJ:'ly de­ voted to :genealogy and history of New Jersey, may be ordered for $3.00 a year. (Deadline for INDEX entries -- December 15, 1962.)

Pauline Young, 105 Byrnes street, Liberty, South Carolina, announces three new genealogical publications. They are: NORTH CAROLINA GENEALOGICAL MAGA­ ZINE, SOUTH CAROLINA GENEALOGICAL MAGAZINE and GEORGIA GENEALOGICAL MAGAZINE. They will contain copies of old estate court records, marriages, deaths, land plats, etc. The magazines will be mailed every other month. SubscJ:'iption to each bulletin is $3.00 a year. ~

The very popular North Carolinian now bears the official title of JOURNAL OF NORTH CAROLINA GENEALOGY. Thi.3 excellent ~uarterly of North Carolina records may be ordered from the Editor, Mr. William Perry Johnson, Box 531, Raleigh, North Carolina, for $7.00 a year.


We are happy to announce several new TENNESSEE records now in print, and the availability ofa few'that have been in print for some time but not mention­ ed in our publication.

Mrs. Chas. A. Embry, 609 DUnstan Drive, Nashville 11, Tennessee, has just completed the INDEX, GILES COUNTY, TENNESSEE, WILLS - oJ:'iginal wills before 1900 on file in the County Clerk's Office, Pulaski, Tennessee ~- $2.50; "Ansearchin'" News

-l22- (~) l850 CENSUS OF BENTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE - indexed - $lO.OO; l850 CENSUS OF SCOTT COUNTY, TENNESSEE - indexed - $7.50 and SMITH COUNTY, TENNESSEE MARRIAGES l838, l845-l854 - indexed - $7.50.

THE BENTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE MARRIAGE RECORDS have been published by the Lydia Russell Bean Chapter, D. A. R. Order from: Mrs. R. W. Hillis, . Maloney Road, Knoxville 20, Tennessee. Price $5.00.

Write Mrs. Adele Weiss Sneed, l625 Laurel Avenue, Knoxville l6, Tennessee, for information and price of TENNESSEE BIBLE RECORDS, VOL. III.

Vol. III, Series II, Summer Issue 1962, THE SOUTHERN GENEALOGIST'S EXCHANGE QUARTERLY (2525 Oak St., Jacksonville, Florida) has the l830 United States Census for Hamilton and Hawkins Counties, Tennessee transcribed by Pollyanna Creekmore. Jefferson County, Tennessee l830 Schedule will appear in the Fall Issue.

The Family Record Service, 204 Mercantile Building, Knoxville, Tennessee, has CARTER COUNTY, TENNESSEE MARRIAGE RECORDS l796-l850, transcribed and arrang­ ed by Pollyanna Creekmore and Robert Tipton Nave, for $lO.OO pos:tpaid, and HAWIaNS COUNTY, TENNESSEE MARRIAGE RECORDS l789-l865, transcribed and arrang­ ed by Prentiss Price, for $lO.00 postpaid.

GRAINGER COUNTY, TENNESSEE FEDERAL CENSUS OF l8l0, and COUNTY TAX LIST for l8l0, edited by Pollyanna Creekmore, is available for $3.50 a copy from: McClung Historical Collection, Lawson McGhee Library, 217 Market Street Knoxville 2, Tennessee.

McMINN COUNTY, TENNESSEE POPULATION SCHEDULE OF THE UNITED STATES CENSUS of l850, transcribed by Reba Bayless Boyer, also includes a reprint of the historical sketch of McMinn County from the Goodspeed Publishing Company's HISTORY OF TENNESSEE FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE PRESENT (published in l887). Price $lO.OO from: McMinn County Chapter, East Tennessee Historical Society, P. O. Box 35l, Athens, Tennessee.

Need a chart large enough to hold l023 ancestors? The Genealogical Asso­ ciates, l4l7 Rosalie, Evanston, Illinois, has just such a chart for $l.OO. It will fold down to fit a 9 x l2 folder.

The Seattle Genealogical Society has access to a valuable and extensive collection of historical books relating to the genealogy of southern New Hampshire counties. They wish to raise money to buy additional books in this series and have offered to search the family history sections of their present books for $2.00 per surname. They will send the data per­ tinent to your family (providing it does not exceed two pages of typewritten material). Please address any query to the Editor, Arthur D. Fiske, l605 E. Madison st., Apt. 503, Seattle 22, Washington, enclosing $2.00 per sur­ name and at least one date, one place name or other data relating to the problem.


-123- offered for sale by Borderland Books, Anchorage, Kentucky. The pamphlet consists of 20 pages of names of over 1200 men and the acreage they re-' ceived. Price $2.00 a copy.

A GENEALOGICAL ABSTRACT OF GOODSPEED 1 S BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRS OF MISSISSIPPI has been compiled by Norman E. Gillis, 1485 West Chimes Street, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The information from over 3400 surnames and nearly 25,000 individuals has been published in alphabetical order and each listing gives such data as birthdates, marriages, residence, parentage,etc. The 685 pages are bound in a hard cover and may be bought for $20.00 a copy from Mr. Gillis.

The Indiana Historical Society announces the preparation of a series of publications dealing with Quaker genealogy in Indiana. Cumulatively, they will comprise a seventh volume in the ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN QUAKER GENEALOGY begun by William Wade Hinshaw. The Indiana material will appear under the title, ABSTRACTS OF THE RECORDS OF THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS IN INDIANA. Part I, which is scheduled to appear t4is fall, will contain abstracts of the records of Whitewater Monthly Meeting, the first monthly meeting to be established in Indiana (1809). A separate section will cover the Hicksite records for Whitewater. Also included will be the records for Chester Monthly Meeting of Wayne County and Silver Creek-Salem Monthly Meeting of Union County. Williard Heiss, Quaker genealogist and historian, is the editorial director of the undertaking. Part I (300 pages, ~ x 11 in size) can be purchased from the Society at $7.50 (paper) and $10.00 (cloth). Address: Indiana Historical Society, State Library and Historical Building, Indianapolis 4, Indiana. Part II will deal with the records of northern Wayne County and Randolph County. It will be re­ leased in 1963.

EARLY CEMETERY RECORDS OF ABILENE, TEXAS (1880-1960) is ready to mail for $6.00 a copy from the West Texas Genealogical Society, H. W. McDade, President, 1317 Sayles BOUlevard, Abilene, Texas. The records list about 15,000 names of early day Texans. The names on the tombs have been carefully checked with early settlers, newspaper accounts, and military records and all soldiers of every war since the town was founded have been nemed and identified, giving the war in whiCh the soldier participated.

The following books pertaining to Monroe County and Aberdeen, Mississippi, are offered for sale: BON ACCORD HISTORICAL AND PROGRAM BOOKLET, an interest­ ing and valuable booklet containing a history of Aberdeen and the l25th birthday celebration of the city. $1.10 postpaid from the Aberdeen Genea­ logical Society, Box 283, Aberdeen, Mississippi. HISTORICAL SKETCHES OF ABERDEEN, MISSISSIPPI, compiled by Miss Lucille Peacock, librarian for 25 years. Price $1.10 postpaid from the compiler whose address is Aberdeen. MONROE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI RECORDS containing abstracts of wills 1820-60, orphans court inventory 1821-1829, abstracts of more than 200 estate settlements and guardianship papers, lists of first 700 estate and guard­ ianship papers in the courthouse and many more valuable records. $5.00 postpaid from the compiler: Mrs. Elizabeth C. Jones, 104 Canal Street, Aberdeen, Mississippi. Mrs. Jones also offers the MONROE COUNTY, MISS. MARRIAGES 1821-1825 and 1834-1850 for $4.00 postpaid. Mrs. William Nickles, Box 283, Aberdeen, Mississippi has compiled the following two books: MONROE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI, 1848 TAX ASSESSMENT ROLL for county and towns which also includes a map of the county. Price $3.00. (over) "Ansearchin'" News


1850-1858 MONROE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI, MARRIAGES with much genealogical information such.as exact date of birth of the applicant, etc. $4.00.

FAMILY RECORD SOCIETY, 204 Mercantile Building, Knoxville, Tennessee, has secured the remaining stock of KOGER'S INDEX TO THE NAMES OF 30,000 IMMIGRANTS GERMAN, SWISS, DUTCH AND FRENCH INTO PENN., 1727-1776 SUPPLE­ MENTING THE 1. DANIEL RUPP VOillME by M. V. Koger. The Index was designed to be used by owners of the Rupp volume, but may be used alone since the year of immigration is given. $10.00 postpaid.


GOVERNOR GARRARD OF KENTUCKY, HIS DESCENDANTS AND RELATIVES was published in 1898 by Anna Russell des Cognets. A second edition is now available, being a photographic reproduction of the original. It is indexed -- more than 3,000 names -- and it also contains A POSTSCRIPT ABOUT THE GARRARD FAMILY by Mr. Louis des Cognets, with about a hundred pages of material that was unknown sixty-four years ago. The Garrards are carried into an earlier period of Virginia, and the Mountjoy are followed back from Staf­ ford County to Wiltshire, England. There are 279 pages, cloth, illus-. trated, price $8.00 a copy, postage paid, from Mr. Louis des Cognets, Jr., P. O. Box 163, Princeton, New Jersey.

We wish to thank Mrs. Peyton Randolph, 219 Beech Street, Plainview, Texas, for a copy of the book she wrote titled, SLAUGHTER-COOK-BEAUMONT FAMILIES. It is an interesting compilation and a nice addition to our library.

Thanks, also, to Mr. G. S. Stein III, 503 West 2nd Street, MUscatine, Iowa for the biographical sketch of THE STEINS OF MUSCATINE, IOWA. The present family have been traced to the Rhine Palatinate in 1645 in a well written story.

The North Carolina and Tennessee branches of the TROUSDALE FAMILY have been published by J. B. Trousdale, 107 Kay Street, Ithaca, New York. Price $4.50.

Mrs. Frank Cline, 914 Summer St., Hot Springs, Arkansas bought a copy of HOUSE OF FOWLER published in 1940 by G. P. Fowler. After buying the book she found it did not contain an index, so she made one. She offers her 69 pages, mimeographed and bound index to owners of the book. Write her for details.

Mrs. Frank Sherman, 518 Hamilton Avenue, B-2, Peoria, Illinois has a few copies of the HISTORY AND GENEALOGY OF JOHN CALVIN DAVIS left. The book contains the allied families of Toliver, Connelly, Reed, Bull, Garner, Goble, Rodes, Turner, Phelps, Waltrip, Hall, Renneis, McKenzie, Adkins, Watson and Edwards. 116 pages, hard back and well indexed with many pic­ tures for $6.00 a copy. She also has THE MAUPIN FAMILY, a genealogical and historical record of over 5,000 descendants of General Maupin, born in France in 1650. The 160 pages of lithographed material includes many pictures and a full index. Price $10.00.

Mr. S. F. Tillman, 3212 Cummings Lane, Chevy Chase 15, Maryland, has just completed a new family record titled, SPES ALIT AGRICOLAM, the Family Re­ Cord of the Tilghman (Tillman, Tilman) and Allied Families, from 1225 to 1961. Bound in light blue hardback cover, prihted on 8 x 11 paper, it ,October,; 19Rf,

-125- contains the f'amily coat..of' arms in color, pictures of' old English homes and 50 individual pictUres of' outstanding members of' thef'a.m11y. $10.00 f'rom the compiler. Mr. Tilllnanhas also published the REYNOLDS FAMILY, 1500-1959 and has a f'ew copies f'or $5.00 each.

THE CARSON";BENT-BOGGS GENEALOGY compiled by Miss Quantril1e D. McClung and published. by the Denver Public Library shows the extent of' the ex-· haustive research done to get into print the line of' William Carson, ancestor of' "Kit Carson," famous scout and pioneer of' the Rocky Mountain area. Order f'rom the Manager of BusinessOff'ice, .Denver Public Library, 1357 Broadway, Denver 3, ColoradO. Price $3.50 per copy,, postpaid.. DESCENDENTS OF THOMAS BRUMFIELD OF BERKS ' COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA is a nine generation genealogy of the Brumfield family. The book has a skeleton outline of' the f'amilies of' Lincoln, BOone, Tallman and Van Pelts and their marriages into the Brumf'ield line. Mdress co:mmunications to John Woolman Press, 4002 N. Capitol Avenue, Indianapolis 8, Indiana. Price $6.00.

Thanks to Mrs. Ed Lipscomb f'or securing a copy of' BEATTY, A FAMILY HISTORY by Troy Beatty, Jr. f'or the Iibrary• ***** ** ***** CONGRESSIONAL RESERVATION

Many readers have requested a list of' counties (present day) to be found in the CONGRESSIONAL RESERVATION as established in 1806. (See article PETITION OF PERSONS LIVING IN THE CONGRESSIONAL RESERVATION ASKING THE LEGISLATURE FOR RELIEF - 1812 in Vol. IX, No.3, July 1962, page 80.)

The f'ollowing rough drawing of a map of' west Tennessee will show the counties, as we know them today, in the Reservation. The heavy line on t~e right indicates the eastern boundary. (The editor.)



(1) Lake (2) Obion (3) Weakley (4) Henry (5) Dyer (6) Gibson (7) Carroll (8) Benton (9) Lauderdale (10) Crockett (11) Tipton (12) Haywood (13) Madison (14) Henderson (15) Decatur (16) Part of' Perry (17) Part of' Hickman (18) lewis (19) Part of' Maury (20) Shelby (21) Fayette (22) Hardeman (23) Chester (24) McNairy (25) Hardin (26) Wayne (27) Lawrence (28) Part of' Giles "Ansearchiri°' II News


DILLAHUNTY CEMETERY, HENRY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Contributed by: Elizabeth Greer McMaster (Mrs. Guy W.)

IDeated between Paris, Tennessee and Henry, Tennessee, at now extinct Routon, Tennessee off U. S. Highway 79. The cemetery is easily accessible. William Dillahunty, the owner of the land, whose interment in 1838, opened this cemetery, was the grandson of John Dillahunty, a Revolutionary War veteran. Joining this cemetery to the west was a Negro burial ground for slaves of the Dillahunty's and Haynes's, but ruthless land owners have cultivated this land and there is nothing left to identify it. Efforts are now being made to restore that part of the cemetery that is identifi­ able. Tombstones mark the following graves.

\ 1. William Dillahunty born 4-9-1793 died 7-4-1838 2. Zany Dillahunty born 11-8-1792 died 7-28-1875 3. o. C. Dillahunty born 3-6-1828 died 6-1-1852 4• Tabitha Dillahunty born 11-20-1834 died 3-25-1855 5. John Dillahunty born 1-20-1815 died 12-25-1880 6. John Haynes born 9-5-1807 died 1-9-1892 7. Elizabeth Haynes born 4-18-1818 died 5-10-1891 8. Preston G. Haynes born 5-15-1814 died 7-21-1888 9. Minerva Haynes born 5-16-1814 died " 10. Newton Barham born 4-20-1837 died 12-31-1913 11. Martha J. Barham born 1837 died 2-18-1895 12. Henry Hugh Barham born June 1870 died 12-22-1897 13. lugion L. Barham born 1873 died 7-14-1902 14. George A. Barham born 12-19-1878 died 8-25-1907 15. Thomas Copeland born 1823 died 11-2-1895 16. Iuzany rove born 12-15-+832 died 9-9-1858 17. Page Davis died 1872 18. William Bush born 8-14-1823 died 4-6-1892 19.'-.... lucy Bragg Bush born 1-12-1826 died 7-2-1897 20. 'Bryson Greer born 2-16-1806 died 11-12-1884 21. lucinda Greer born 6-20-1806 died 11-18-1861 22. W. M. Wimbish born 3-19-1841 died 7-24-1917 23. Helen Wimbish born 9-10-1843 died 10-18-1916 24. Martha B. Wimbish born 9-16-1872 died 9-16-1873 25. James Oscar Penick born 3-15-1842 died 5-17-1871 26. Oscar P. Penick born 12-1869 died 1-20-1871 27. lucretia Davis born 1847 died 1922 I .l~... , October, 1962


Recorded by: Milburn Divine, June, 1962

Rev. William Milburn Sept. 16 1797 Sept.12 1877 preached for half a Century and five more years Methodist Episcopal Church, Chaplain 8th Tenn. Cav. Vols. War 1863-1865

Martha Ann Frame Milburn b. Apr. 10 1802 d. Feby 14 1861 aged 58 yrs. 10 mo. & 4 days.

Mary E. wife of E. K. Shanks 1841 1868

Joseph Fraker June 25 1811 Mar. 12 1874

Solomon Miller Jany. 21 1816 May 21 1873

Margaret E. Baskett wife Of Thomas H. Brumley, Mar. 25 1854 Dec. 16 1886 George Creamer Milburn June 20 1862 Nov. 25 1940

Mary Milburn wife of Joseph Milburn, May 13 1801 June 25 1882

Joseph Milburn Jany. 23 1800 June 18 1873

Sara Ann Creamer Milburn 1830 1901

Archibald Frame Milburn July 26 1839 May 18 1849

Mary Ann Milburn 1821 1825 Margaret Milburn 1836 1851

Lt. Jonathan Milburn 1775 1811

Dr. John Jonathan Milburn Nov. 10 1864 Aug. 28 1936

Laura Mattie Baskett Mar. 4 1867 Jan. 5 1959

Joseph Glen Milburn Apr. 1, 1901 Oct. 30, 1945

Matilda wife of Christopher Good June 26 1862 Dec. 24 1890

Eva Mahoney Milburn Nov. 22 1867 Dec. 3 1901 Joseph C. Milburn Oct. 28 1899 July 1 1900

T. A. Coin Feb. 8 1833 June 11, 1907

Sara C. Fraker 1873 1951 Amanda C. Lewis 1868 1944

Rebecca J. wife of W. E. Robinson Aug. 9 1862 Nov. 14 1888 "Ansearchin'" Nel;1s

-128- Martha, wife of William Shanks Oct. 22 1837 Dec. 16 1866 CJ Silas Carrick Shanks 1799 ----

Elizabeth Milburn Shanks 1802 186- (wife of Silas Carrick Shanks)

Louisa J. Shanks 1827 ---- Nancy A. Shanks 1830 ----

:Martha Jane Armeni?rout, wife of F. V. Armentrout :May 31 1848 Feb. 24 1883

Charley D. Roberts 1883 1928

J. C. Powell May 3 1823 Mar. 23 18-5 Mary E. Powell May 4 1850 Jan. 8 1877

WIn. G. Roberts 1841 1913 Sara A. Roberts 1849 1911

Rev. Jamec Earl Milburn Apr. 4 1888 Jan. 18 1959

Hazel Shanks Milburn lmg. 12 1888 ----

Amizon, wife of Alex Smith Aug. 3 1850 Feb. 13 1891

Bethia Jane, wife of W. C. Fraker Dec. 23 1831 Feb. 22 1917

WIn. C.Fraker Aug. 251818 Feb. 26 1896

Andrew F. Walker Mar. 6 1852 May 2, 1925 laura A. Walker July 25 1859 Mar. 13 1901

Lt. Jonathon Milburn 1775 1811 (now an unreadable stone. This date supplied by war record and other data available. M. D. )

Elender, wife of WIn. Lewis Milburn Mar. 9 1837 June 2 1820

Frederick V. Armentrout Dec. 18 1843 June 4 1914

Alice Cochran Armentrout 1859-1917

WIn. H. (R.?) Milburn 1886 1958 Bessie,A. 1885 19-­ u. S. Hughes Feb. 141866 July 15 1914

Hattie M. Rector July 29 1879 Oct. 30, 1925

S. C. McMaclin 1855 1925

Mary Brumley McMaclin 1860 1938

Gilbert D. Royston Mar. 29 1856 June 1 1905

Nancy J. Good lmg. 17 1836 Ap~. 23 1902

catherine, wife of N. ? Hays 1828 1857 (There are many more graves here, some are not readable by me. M. D.) October, 1962 -129- (~ om mISH CEMETERY, TAZEWELL, .CLAIBORNE COUNTY, TENNESSEE (NOT COMPLETE) \ Copied May 20, 1962 by Milb'.lrn Divine. A storm, some unreadable stones and darkness kept Miss Divine 'from copying more information.

Dr. John Washington Divine MD April 17 1836 July 28 1903

Ada New1ee Divine April 24 1835 Nov. 26 1915

John Glen New1ee Sept. 1808 Sept. 1873 (See Newlee Bible Record)

Eugeni~ Newlee Slaughter 1837 1886

William Henry Newlee Sept. 1833 June 1886.

Asaph Leander Snow 1842 1899 his wife Teresa Louise McKinney 1846 1882

Ralph Joseph Snow 1887 18-9

Bernard Willis Snow 1864 1941

Edward E. Eppes April 14 1844 March 14 1906

Kate L. Eppes Sept. 14 1848 Dec. 21 1932

Ruben Rose died Nov. 30 1860 aged 77 yrs. born in King George County Va. February 16 1783. John and Frances Rose were his parents.

Frank E. Divine Aug. 13 1867 Aug. 28 1885 Twin Babies of Dr. John W. & Ada Newlee Divine April 16 1876 July 1876

John Divine, infant Apr. 4 1868 July 21 1869

Kate Divine born Aug. 241874 July 10 1875

Dr. James Fulkerson May 27 17961859

Ann G. Patterson Jan. 12 1772 May 2 1859 Iula Lee dau. of B. F. & Eliza J. Schultz Mar. 1 1873 Mar. 17 1879

James Patterson departed this life Apr. 13 1826 aged 80 yrs.

Joseph, infant son of A. A. & M. A. Kyle

Maria Graham born in Tyrone County Ireland, died July 9 1859 aged 75 years.

Hugh Graham born Strebane County Tyrone Ireland Oct. 20 1784 died Tazewell Tenn. Mar. 22 1865 Catherine Nenney wife of Hugh Graham b. Bent Creek, Tenn. Aug. 12 1792 d. Russellville, Tenn. Feb. 15 1833 William Houston b. 1790 died in the 79th yr. of his life IIAnsearchin'" Ne'tV's


A. J. Francisco Dec. 5 1845 Mar. 20 1925

Benjamine F. Schultz Feb. 12 1842 Feb. 12 1915 (He was a Capt. in Con­ federate Cav. Troop in Missouri in which both Frank and Jesse James were members. Schultz built t1Meadow Hill" house and farm. Here Frank and Jesse came when wanted in Missouri. Schultz sold t1Meadow Hi11tl to Dr. John W. Divine and old papers found in the garrett over the kitchen in this house in 1954 confirm the Schultz-James story•. M.D.)

Eliza J. Schultz June 26, 1853 Dec. 24 1899 stirling R. Robinson 1874 1944 Lizzie S. Robinson 1885 .

Joseph Martin Brown Sept. 23 1850 July 26 1932

Albert D. Overton Sept. 14 1844 Jan. 8 1884

Mary A. Fugate wife of A. D. Overton Sept. 25, 1845 Aug. 27 1920

Thomas D. Arnold 1859 1936 Schultz Robinson Mar. 19 1908 Jan. 14 1942

John Gipson Essary Nov. 13 1874 Sept. 25 1932

Grace Devine Essary Ja~. 20 1888 May 4 1960

Cora Mae Evans May 10 1890 Nov. 28 1945

Elizabeth Rose died July 18 1862, age 73 yrs. b. in Washington Co., Tenn. July 1786. zachariah and Sara Lane McCubbins were her parents. Zachariah McCubbins was born in Baltimore County, Maryland in 1752 and died in Clai­ borne County, Tennessee in 1834. William and Eleanor McCubbins were his parents. Zachariah and Sara Lane were married in Pittsylvania Co., Virginia 1772 (on back of stone). Sara Lane was born in Iunenberg Co., Virginia in 1754. Johnand Elizabeth Cloud Lane were her parents. After the death of her husband, Sara Lane McCubbins claimed her letter of dismissal from the Big Spring Baptist Church and went to Indiana with her youngest son, William.

Daniel Willson Aug. 11 1834 Mar. 12 1889

Fannie wife of R. F. Patterson Aug. 29 1842 June 10 1877

Rebecca Jane Moritz Feb. 20 1867 Aug. 8 1886

Dr. Frederick E. Fulkerson Jan. 31 1845 Sept. 30 1870

Jane Fugate Fulkerson Sept. 14 1848 Feb. 11 1936

Peter Graham Fulkerson Dec. 5, 1846 Sept. 10 1929

Emma Glen wife of P. G. Fulkerson Jan. 6 1850 Aug. 8 1881

Jasper Treece b. Dec. 8 1841 d.--- Matilda D. Riley wife of J. R. Essary Jan. 27 1849 July 21 1897 J. R. Essary June 22 1852 Jan. 4 1919 October, 1962


Contributed by: Mrs. Paul A. Carnahan

The Family Bible containing The Old and New Testament with Brief Note and Instructions designed To give the results of Critical Investigation, and to assist common readers to understand the meaning of the Holy Spirit in the Inspired Word including The References and Marginal Readings of the Polyglot Bible Published by the American Tract Society 150 Nassau street New York 1861

Married 1864 On the 20th of January by W. S. Yohe Christian Minister, at the residence of Amanda Spears the mother of the bride Mr. Frank N. Gable and Miss Sarah E. Spears all of Leavenworth Co., Ks.

Julian F. Gable the Eldest son was married to Miss Minnie F. ( ?) Todd Sept 13, 1893 in leavenworth Co. Kans .by Rev. Burr Christian Minister at the Home of the Bride Leavenworth Co. Ks.

Robert Spencer Gable the Second Son was married to Miss Jennie K. Beach Feb. 27, 1907 at high noon by Rev. S. W. Nay Christian Minister at the Ho~e of the Bride Leavenworth Co., Ks.


Frank M Gable Born Platt Co. May 5th A. D. 1842 Sarah E. Gable his wife Born Wilson Co., Tenn. February 2nd A. D. 1842 Mother &Father of Sarah E. Gable Lewis B. Spears, Borne Sept. 1808 Wilson Co. Tennessee Amanda D. Spears his wi~e Borne October 23,1808 Wilson Co. Tennessee Barnibus & Mary Gap1e, Father & Mother of F. M. Gable was born in Green Co. tenesee. Father Feb. 14, 1812 and Mother Aug. 28th 1820. Father died May 22, 1866 Mother died Feb. 20, 1904 in Leavenworth Co Kansas. Baath came to Plat Co Mo in 1839 Francis Hamilton Gable, only son of Robert & Jennie Gable Born & Died Oct. 26th 1908 at 4 pm grandson of F. M. & Sarah E Gable "Ansearchin' "News


Julian F. Gable Born Leavenl{orth Co Kns August 30th 1865 Spencer R. Gable Born Leavenworth Co. Kns March 6th 1869 William & Dosilla Gable Twins Born Leavenworth Co Kansas March 15th AD 1871 Walter Todd Gable, Grandson to F.M. & S.E. Gable was Borne Feb. 16th 1895 in Leavemrorth Kans DEATHS William Gable Died of Conjestion of the Brane July 11 in the 4th month of his age Leavenworth Co Kans. Dossillia Gable Died of Membren Croup December 2nd in 3d year of her age 1873 in Leav~nworth Co Kans. I.ewi3 B. Spears (the Grandfather) Died of Bronchial Trouble April 22nd 1857 in Leavenworth Co. Kans. in his 51 year Amanda D. Spears (the GrandMother wife of Lewis B. Spears Died April 11th 1891 of Stomach Troble in her 83 year . Leavenworth Co Kansas William A. Spears ther son Died December 5th 1881 sudently cause not known Suposed Heart in the 49th year of his age. Leavenworth Co. Kansas. (Single) (He was a widower) His wife was Mary Talbott b 1850, d 1870, they are buried in Gable Family lot, Mt. Muncie Cemetery, Leavenworth, Ks.)

All Bured in Mt. Muncy Cemetery Family Lot Leavenworth. Co Kansas

Mrs. Sarah E. Gable Wife of F. M. Gable Died Dec. 14th 1923 12-30 P m of Pneumonia Dr. A Axford Physian at the Home 60 years Marage Life Leavenworth Co Kans F. M. Gable died Dec. 26,1930 Buried on family lot at Mt Muncie Cemetery Leav. Kansas J. F. Gable died March 28-1937 Buried at Mt Muncie Cemetery Minnie Gable wife .of J. F. Gable died Oct. 24, 1939 Buried at Mt Muncie Cemetery on Todd lot Leav. Kans. Jennie K. Beach Born 1871 Oct 23 wife of R. S. Gable died Feb. 12, 1958--Pine Street Nursing Home-Leavenworth .Mis s Elizabeth Beach Born April 9, 1870, died June 22, 1944 Buried at Mt. Muncie on Gable lot Leavenworth Kansas

Mary, the wife of Barnibus Gable was Mary Henderson, born Aug. 29th, 1820, in Green County, Tennessee Frank M. Gable had a brother Tom Gable (There was also another brother John who lived a mile from Mr. Frank Gable.) Fairchild, N. F. 32 -- Amanda S. Spears 21 March 18, 1869 WID. S. Yohe -- Eld Chris Church -- Marriage Book page 113 License #230 Leavenworth Co. Kansas Mrs. Fairchild was always called "Babe" October, 1962


Copied by Elizabeth R. Tolar (Mrs. Reginald H. Tolar, Jr.)

House of Representatives Aug. 7th 1806 Read, referred to the Committee of proportions and grievances and sent to the Senate Edward J. Cobb, Clk House of Representatives In Senate Aug. 7th 1806 Read and referred as by the H. of R. John A. Gamble, clerk

to the Honorable General Asembly of the State of Tennessee Your petitioners beg leave to represent to your Hon. Body the Disagree­ able and great Inconvenience they have Laboured Under for years' past by being so remote from the seats of Justice and being compelled by Law to attende as Jurors and witnesses and in Consequence of the Extant of Country lately acquired by the General Government from the Indians leaves a large number of your petitioners upwards of Forty Miles from any Court House And your petitioners beg leave to suggest that there is Bounds Sufficient after leaving the countys of Anderson the labours there consti­ tutional limits to make a New County Between them which your petitioners prays may be done and which will more satisfactorally appear by haveing reference to the Actual Survey of said countys - your petitioners beg leave to state that great Injustice have been done by commissioners in fixing the seat of Justice - therefore if your Hon. Body may think proper in your wisdom to grant us a county we hope it may be left to the sufferage of the majority of the Citizens thereof where the place shall be for fixing the public Buildings upon and we Duty bound each Ever pray

, 1. Sampson David 23. Johan V~derpool 2. John Cliborn, Sr. 24. illegible 3. John Cliborn, Jr. 25. Thos. Hill 4. Abner Lazell 26. James Bruton 5. Michel Quenen 27. Ryer Raines 6. ' John: McBride 28. Nathan Raines 7. Robert Glenn 29. Benja. Poleck 8. Richus Smith 30. Elyja Willhite 9. Patrick Smith 31. Jorge Mathews 10. William Polley 32. John Simpson 11. Daniel Johnston 33. Iewis Richards 12. Spencer Graham 34. Iev:L Wilson 13. John Cox 35. Eli Wilson 14. Georg Hoover 36. Isaac Wilson 15. Simmeon Willhite 37. John Sweeten 16. Vollentin'3 Mowrey 38. Samuel St~le 17. Sanro.el Wr1.1son, Jr. 39. Mosses Sweeten 18. Joseph O.t'aven 40. Thos. Wheeler 19. Dav:Ld Yount 41. John Vaught 20. J. B. Montgomery 42. Jas. Finly 21. John Campbell ,43. Thos. Mode 22. Winant Vanderpool 44. Michael Halpare IIAnsearchin'lI News


45. Henry B. Greenwood 80. WIn. Gauss 46. Richard Lenville, Esq. 8l. Page stanly 47. John McCracken, Sr. 82. John Sweeton 48. John McCracken, Jr. 83. Berry Crowly 49. Henry Gamble 84. Jonathan Denton 50. Jonathan Basham 85. Abraham Denton 51. William Rain::; 86. Joseph Gray 52. DO-vi,l Yount 87. Edmond Gross 53. Alexander Cowan 88. Morgan Cros:::; 54. Robe.L'G Baily 89. John Whitmore 55. Joh...'1. Rogers 90. Daniel Queener 56. Joab Cox 9l. Jacob Queener 57. John Ie\.,r 92. Henry Queener 58. Bartlet Marcum 93. Andrew Hatfield 59. Travis Finly 94. John Newman 60. John English 95. missing 6l. Robert Pollock 96. William Cox 62. Joseph Pollock 97. William Lo'yall 63. John Pollock 98. Thomas Hammon 64. John H. Madison 99. William Hammon 65~ WIn. McGuire lOO. Dalton Sweeton 66. Joseph Taylor lOl. David IBne 67. John Taylor l02. James Martin 68. Stephen McCormas l03.David Tazwell 69. Linsly Poe l04. Bob Patterson 70. Benj. Kirkendall l05. James Daves 71. Walter Co'x l06. Benjamin Bracket (ker??) 72. William Reynolds l07. Charles Bracket 73. WIn. Marcum l08. Kenedy Bracher (ker) 74. John Bruton l09. John Bracher 75. James Bruton llO. WIn. Hays 76. Lewis Richard 77. Samuel Adkins These signatures appear 78. George McNew to all be in the same 79. Absolum Morris handwriting. October, 1962

-135- STEWART COUNTY, TENNESSEE MINUTE BOOK 1804 - 1807 ' (Co~tinued from July, 1962) The Clerk having produced' to the Court the paper Containing the publications of the lands reported at Septr' Term that Judgement be entered up again that th~ Clerk Issue Execution against the Said Lands for the amt of Taxes to­ gether with the Costs & Charges accruing thereon fr the year 1804

Miller Sawyer 320 Mouth of Saline Creek William Polk 200 adjoining James Gatlir.. Charles Baker 640 adjoining illegible John Rich 1000 opposite James Gatlir.. Marti~ Armstrong 640 adjoining Side David Davis 640 on Bull pasture Do Do 274 on Bull 11 Iewio Cannon 388 on Dyers Creek William Tyrill 1000 on Cub Creek Abner Lamb 2048 below N Cross Creek Joseph McDonald 1000 Dyers Creek Elisha Clark 640 Hayne~ form of Saline Creek wycoff & Clark 1000 adjoining B Shepherd Nat Dudley 640 Willis Jreek Lardner Clark 1000 adjoining T. Smith Do Do 640 Elk Creek Solomon Hill 640. adjoinin~ James Stewart William Balfourd (Balfour) 640 on Willis Cr-eek Jacob Mathew 640 on Wallen Creek Marmaduke Scott 388 So side of C. river Alexander McCall 640 n branch of X Creek James C. Montflorence 640 6 or 8 miles below the last Timbered island below X Creek Willoughby Williamc 640 B Creek below X Creek David Kindall 640 on Saline Creek John Vesey 640 on Cross Creek Cannon 388 on Dyers Creek ",.---.",,--Doc"tor Harmon 1000 on Cub Creel{ .' William TYrril 640 on Saline ~e@k Abner Lamb 2048 below N Cross Creek Joseph Mcleod 1000 Dyers Creek ·Elisha. Clark 640 Hayn~J fork of Saline Creek wycoff & Clark 1000 adjoining B Shepard Nat Dudley 620 Willis ,Creek Lardner Clark 1000 adjoining T. Smith Do Do 640 Elk Creek Solomar. Hill 640 adjoining James Stewart William Balfourd 640 Willis Creek Jacob Mathew 640 Welle: Creek Marmaduke Scot 388 So side of C river Alexander Me CI.:.11 640 branch of X Creek James C. Montflorence 640 6 or 8 miles last Timbered Island below X Creek Willoughby Williams 274 3 miles Creek below X Creek David Kindal 640 on Saline Creek Thomas Molloy 96 between Willis & Elk Creek HAnsearchin'" News

-136- William Tyrill 640 between Elk & X Creek " "640" "" " " "1280 two tracts on X Creek " "640 on Swan Creek William Tyrill 640 on lick Creek II "640 on waters of X Creek II "640 fork of Elk & X Creek II "1144 below Yellow Creek " "640 below Dyers Island John Coats 1175 North X Creek and the following for. the year 1806 William Balfourd 620 on Welles Creek Benjamin McCullough 640 --~------~-­ Robert Hays 320 on Shelby Creek Martin Armstrong & A Martin 320 on X Creek James Abercrombie 620 on NX Creek 640 on Elk Creek Thomas Barrett 2000 on Barretts Creek William Betts 1280 on" "" 640 on Willis Creek Clark & Wycoff lOGO, 2 miles below Dover Grant Nr 825 Clark & Wycoff 1280 2 tracts on Saline Creek "" 640 N Side of Cumberland River Richard F(l)enour 25000 in two tracts N Side C River Jonathan Guice 640 on Guice's Creek Christopher Guice 640 on Guice's Creek Estate of Charles Gerard 1920 3 tracts on Guice I s Creek Jacob Moore 640 adjoining T Smith () Heirs of Jesse Morris 640 Head of lick Creek Thomas Molloy 1000 on Barretts on Bear Creek N- of Grant 2968 ------~ -----­ Benjamin McCullough 128b 2 tracts above the Creek Philip & Campbell 640 2 tracts above the State line William Polk 400 below Dyers Creek Ruebin Smith 640 first branch below Saline Benjamin Shepherd 1560 below Dyer Creek William Thompson 228 on X Creek John Turner 640 on Dyers Creek Eli West 428 Adjoining Capt Barrett Isaac Wycoff 1000 on Saline Heirs of Thomas Molloy 1280 So X Creek " II " 640 Callender Creek II " 'I 640 N Side Cumberland opposite Dyers Island " II " 640 Barretts Creek Enoch Dauge (DoZier) 640 on the So Side of C. River Bushnell & Dorbyns 640 Waters of Hickman Creek John Williams 1144 on the N Side of Cumberland about 2 "m.iles below X Creek -- - .. - Richard Armstrong 1309 on Willis Creek Absolom Burress 500 N Side of Cumberland River Eli West 500 on Willis Creek John Lancaster 640 on So - X Creek Bennett Hill 428 on N-X Creek Thomas Roe 640 on Callendar Creek Abraham Hoover 400 2 miles below DYers Creek October; 1962


Robert Barnet 320 on So. X Creek John Smith 640 on lick Creek -Do Do 640 Do Do Willoughby Williams 274 Do The Heirs of Burton or Bently 274 on lick Creek

,)01 ::"'""1 Henry E3~r came into Court & Returned the tax list for Cap't Warden Compy.

Rachel Roscoe Widow of William Roscoe petitions for her dower to be laid off which is granted agreeable to the prayer of the petition.

Ordered by the Court that the County tax for Contingent Expenses for the present year on 122 each hundred acres of land 122 cts each town Lot 12 cts each White pole 25 cts o~ each black pole and one Dollar on each Stud horse kept for ~overing of Mares.

Ordered that the tax by the court for public buildings be 12 cents on each hundred acres of land 122 on each white pole and each black pole 25 cts 25 cts on each Town Lot and one Dollar on each Stud horse.

Ordered that a tax be Collected to procure a Standard of weight & measures to wit, 4 cents on each hundred acres of land 8 cents on each town lot 12~ cts on each Stud horse.

Ordered that the tax for the District buildings be 6t cents on each white pole 12~ cents each black pole ~ cents each hUndred acres of land 5 Dollars on each Merchant ~ cts on each town lot and one Dollar on each Stud horse.

On Petition of the heirs of William Roscoe it is ordered that Joseph B. Neville John .Acre Jame:J Gatlir. William Hubbard & Cornelius Anderson be appointed to divide the. land agreeable to the prayer of Said petition

Stat'3 ) The Defe~dant came into Court in proper person and Submitted, VS ) and the Court considers he Should be fined 22 cents. ~~~_~~~~2 __

Ordered that Joseph B Neville John Acre James Gatlin William Hubbard & Cornelius Anderson be appointed to divide the Negroes of the Estate of William Roscoe Dec'd

Ordered that Robert B Ellison have leave to build a Millon Willow Creek on his own land IAnsearchin'"News

-138- On motion of Jason Brinson Junr' and the administrators of Jason Brinson Dec'd ordered that John Henry Henry Edwards Walter stewart John ? & James Tygart be appointed Lay of the Said Jason Brinson Jr. his Distributive Share of the real and personal Estate of Jason Brinson Dec 'd.

Tuesday April 21st 1807 Court met according to adjournment pre,sent Joshua Wi;J..liams Charles Polk and Joseph B Neville Esqr.

Deed of Conveyance David stewart to James Warmack for 640 acres of land, was proven in open Court by the Oaths of Hiram Warmack & Nathan stewart Subscrib­ ing witnesses thereto & admitted to registration.

----~------The Clerk Coveated a bond ~~th Yancey Thornton & John Sanders Securities in the Sum of five hundred dollars for the collection &payment of public monies for the present year

On Motion ordered that Yancey Thronton Martin Wells Jacob McCarthy John H. Hyde Thomas Al1Jnand Thomas Smith & Robert W. Ellison be appointed to :view and layoff a road from near Hansberger's Gin the nearest and best way to John Henry's Esqr on Guice I s Creek

Ordered that the Sheriff have a Credit for a tax by him returned of land twice given in for taxes for the last year 1806. Also for the lands by him offered for Sale for taxes for the year 1805 and couldn't sell them for the want of bidders agreeable to the prayer of his petition.

At a Court began and held for the County of stewart at the Courthouse in the Town of Dover on Monday (date illegible) July 1807 Present Joshua Williams Esqr James Togart Charles Polk George Petty William Outlaw & William Allen Esqrs.

Grand July Impaneled Sworn Isaac Hill Ward Chairman Charles Pistole Peter Kindall Asa Atkin James Warmack lemuel Smith Nimrod Croswell James McCullough Thomas Boyd Elias Watson Zachariah Oneal Elijah lancaster Moses Lewis David Scarbrough Davis Yarbrough

On Motion it is ordered by the Court that the Empires (umpires) appointed at last Court to layoff Jason Brinsons Distributive Share of the real and personal Estate of Jason Brinson Dec'd layoff the same and make return to next court.

On Motion it is ordered that William. Curl Sheriff of this County have a Credit with the County Trustees for the Taxes on aquanity of lands by him which ne exposed to Sale and could not Sell also District Treasurer for the state tax pm tje sa,e a,pimtomg om a;; tp ;3866 acres 'OC'i:ober, 1962'


Bill of Sale David Childers to stephen Raines for a Negro girl ester was acknowledged in open Court and ordered to be registered ------Bill of Sale William Outlaw to David Childers for a Negro woman Peggy was acknowledged in open Court by William Outlaw and admitted to registration.

Ordered that the road leading from near ramsays to the Blooming Grove that Richard Thomason is overseer. Discontinued and the same hands work on the near road that leads up Cross Creek to the County line.

Ordered that a road continued near widow Brinsons the old way p 44 from there to Cumberland rivef near Yancey, and his hands and Jacob McCarty William Lyons illegible work on the Same"&Jacob McCarthy . '

Joshua Williams Esqr having proven to the Satisfaction of the Court that a stray horse taken up by him has strayed without any charges it is therefore ordered that he be Exonerated f'rom paying the value of Said Stray. ------Joseph B. Neville Esq Returns the tax list of Capt AJ.lins Compy for the present year ( ------Peter Brinson ) &) John H. Hide) Case VS ) Damages Thomas aunton) $300 Deed of Conveyance Richard Boyd to William Bell for 100 acres of land were proven in open Court by the oaths of William Outlaw and Nimrod Croswell Subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be registered. Court Adjourned for the house Court met according to Adjournment. Present James Togart Hamlin Manly and Charles Polk Esqr.

WIn Haggard entered into bond for the sum of five hundred Dollars for tavern license with James Haggard and Caleb Williams Securities. AJ.lowed by the Court.

John Scot ) VS ) Appeal Aaron Fletcher) Jury 1. James Scarbrough Senr 6. Joel Yarbrough Jesse Whitford 2. John Graham 7. Paul Horne Yancey _ 3. John Warden 8. Ruebin Elliott 4. John White 9. William Hubbard duly Elected. 5. Henry Jackson 10. Charles Williams t "Ansearchin " News


On Motion ordered by the Court that Thomas Illegible be appointed overseer of Said Road leading from the Mouth of Dyers Creek Said Creek to the County Line.

'fuesday July 21 1807 Court met according to adjournment present Joshua Williams William Allen William Outlaw & George Petty Esqr

Ordered by the Court that Asa Atkins be appointed a conmlissioner in the room of Robert Cooper to Settle with the Collector and entered into bond with David Hogan Security in the sum of one hundred dollars for his performance.

Be it remembered that Robert Sample this Day to wit the Second (torn) of this term filed a Petition for the amendment of a Grant N si"""de-- (torn) 2992 Granted by the state of North Carolina to James Gatlin for 640 acres of Land on N Cross Creek

Deed of Conveyance Edward lucas to Asa Atkins for 384 acres of Land was proven in open Court by the oaths of Hamlin Manly & John Atkins Sen'r subscrib­ ing witnesses thereto and ordered to be registered. C) Deed of Conveyance Burnell J Thompson to Lewis (torn) for 188 acres of Land was proven in open Court by the oaths of David Hogan and Asa Atkins Suscribing witnesses and ordered to be registered.

Ordered by the Court Thomas French Philip Hansberger and Peter Rindal be appointed Inspectors of the the ensuing Election for members of Con- gress etc.

Deed of Conveyance David Childers to William Outlaiw 274 acres of Land was acknowledged by the said Childers in open Court and ordered to be registered.

Ordered that Burnell J. Thompson be allowed to return 376 acres of land for taxation for the present yeex & that he be exonerated from paying Double tax p 45

Arthur Oneal Records his ear Mark a Crop and a Slit in (faded) and a half Moon under the right.

Executors of Thomas Molloy to wit: John Overton Andrew Ewing & James ful­ herring, this day to wit:· the first Day of this Term filed a Petition for amendment of a grant N- 24 issued by the State of North Carolina to Thomas Molloy for. 160 acres of Land.

George Petty & William Outlaw Esqr Returned a Settlement which they had made October~ 1962,

-141- with Elijah Lancaster administrater of the Estate of Robert Lancaster Dec'd together with a number of his vouchers agreeable to an order of Last Court. -"------

Ordered by the Court that William Pearch be appointed overseer of the road instead of Henry Gibson and the same hands work under him

Ordered by the Court that Yancey Thornton Martin Wells & Jacob McCarthy, John H. Hyde Thomas Allmond 'Ihomas Smith & Robert W. Ellison view and lay off a road from near Hansbergers by Clements & Hydes store an on by Esq. Herveys to the County line the nearest and best way to Capt Wests in Montgomery County. ------,--_._-.

Ordered by the Court that John .Sanders be appointed overseer of the road in­ stead of William DOWdy and Andrew Catheys land in (page torn and mutilated) armstrong under him.

-----ordered that James Scarbrough be appointed overseer of the road in­ stead in the room of Bryant Oneal

Ordered by the Court that Abner Kelly be appointed overseer of the roads in room of Richard Manly Jun'r.

On petition of Johnson March Banks it is ordered by the Court that the said Johnson March Banks have leave to build a Millon panther Creek a water of Tennessee.

Ordered by the Court that Travis Moore be exonerated from attending the pre­ sent term as a petit Juror

Ordered that John Cooper be appointed overseer of the road in the roam of John Polk ------Ordered that John Scarbrough be appointed Overseer of the Streets and around all the Inhabitants of Said Town be under him

------~ page mutilated John Scott) on motion o:f the De:fendant by his att . a:ffidavit VS )Ma.lpros) of said Defendant to continue this Cause for Deposition *aron F__) Jolm :aJrrow John Potts & John Foley of the state o:f Kentucky agreeable to an order of last term William Allen Joseph B. Neville) ------Joshua Williams Hemlin Manly ) Miss for Defdt James Tagart ) Humphreys :for plt:f ----- The Court. ".Ansearchin' "Ne~vs


Jury Thomas French Senr' William Hamberger Jermiah Harrod James Dunbar Jason Brinson David Anders William Dunbar Larry Satterfield Anderson Anders John Scarbrough Joseph McCarthy James Anders being Duly Elected tryed and Sworn the truth to Speak upon the issue joined upon this so to say they find the Defendant guilty in manner and form as Charged in the plaintifs Declaration and assess the Plantif Damages to one hundred & fifty Dollars, whereon it is considered by the Court that· the Plantiff besides his Costs in his behalf expended Recover against the said Defendant in Manner and form as assessed by the Jury and the said defendant' in ~rcy & from which Judgement the said Defdt by his atty an appeal to the Superior Court filed his reasons. The following . Court ruled the Defendant to trial when two of his material witnesses absent and when he was Established a Continuance__Court admitted improper evid~nce on the part of the plaintiff when my opinion are Sufficient reason for an Appeal Motion for the Atty-- from the Court granted the Appeal according by for defendant that William Outlaw Robert Cooper Robert Ar.m- strong Randal. Isaac H Ward view and layoff a road from Dover Road at a ridge above David Childers plantation the nearest and best way to Oneals ford on long Creek thence up a hollow above Marrings, the nearest and best way to Mays ferry Cumberland river

Ordered that Hamlin Manly, Dan'l lewis Jonathan May Benjamin Edwards lewis Atkins, view and layoff a road from Jonathan Mays ferry on Cumberland river the nearest and best way into the Cross Creek road on the North Side of Cumberland river

Ordered that Archibald Ezell have leave to give in his tax for the truant year Viz 1 White pole

John Scott ) Assault) Present JamesTogart Joshua Williams Charles VS ) & Polk & Hamlin Manly Esq. Aaron Fletcher) Battery) Jury John French William Harnsberger Jeremiah Harrod James Dunbar Jason Brinson David Anders William Dunbar Larry Satterfield Anderson Anders John Scarbrough Joseph McCarthy James Anders who being duly tryed and Sworn the Truth to Spread from the issue Joined upon their Oaths do say they find the Defendant guilty. (torn) for in the Plaintiffs Declaration and asses the Plaintiff Damages to the Amt of Ten Dollars besides his Costs in His Behalf as full Damages as filed. Whereupon it is considered by the Court that the Plaintiff in Manner and form as assessed by the Jury. from which Judgement the Defdt by his attorney brings an Appeal and filed the followi~g reasons, to wit, That the verdict of the Jury and Judgement of the Court· was contrary to Evidence and Law Minos Marr atty for Defdt ,Octobers, ,iL9.6:2';;


Certificate Britain Bronson to Jesse Denson Demurring a Dispute about land between them was proven in open Court by the oaths of Robert Armstrong a subscribing witness thereto and admitted to registration

Ordered by the Court that all the hands on Dyers Creek and on the County line work under Thomas French on the road up said Creek except those W Haggards plantation and 2 from Cooleys was also the hands on Neville Creek, and Cub Creek above the road

state ) VS ) :Malpros Aaron Fletcher)

William Lindsay a witness in this lease proves eight days attendance a witness since the Commencement of Said Suit • .;-----.------Ordered by the Court that William Henry be allowed to return 822 acres of Land for taxation for the present year

Joseph B. Neville ESClr returns a memorandum of the Division of the Estate of Negroes of William Roscoe Decld. Page 45 state ) Indictment Withdrawn and submitted to the jury by the VS ) for Court whose judgement is that the defdt pays John Spen~er) assault all costs.

Be it remembered that Joshua Williams and William Dunbar personally came into Court and made oath that Hezekiah Rory on the first Day of :May 1806 was settled on DryFork on Hi Cross creek on a piece of lend which he now occupies and which he claims to be vacant and unappropiated Land.'

Be it remembered that William Haggard and Thomas French came into Court and made oath that Charles Campbell on or before the first day of :May 1806 was settled· on a tract of lend on the head of Dyer Creek and he claimed as va­ cant and unappropiated land. ------Be it remembered that David Childers and William Leake personally appeared in open Court and made oath that Joseph Smith on the first day of :May 1806 was living on a tract of land on Long Creek which he claimed as Vacant and unappropiated Land.

Be it remembered that George Petty and Jesse Denson came into Court and made oath that Wiley Whatley was living on a tract of land now occupied by ( him on the first day of :May 1806 which he claims. as vacant and unappropiated Land. "Ansearchin'''. News


Be it remembered that Jeremiah Norrod (?) and John French personally came into Court and made oath that Thomas Boyd was on the first day of May 1806 Living on a tract of Land which he now occupies and Claims as vacant and unappropiated.

Wednesday July 22 1807 Court met according to Adjournment, present Joshua Williams George Petty & William Allen Esqrs.

Ordered that William Hornberger be appointed a Constable for this County who entered into bond and Security in the Sum of five hundred dollars with Yancey Thornton and Faulkner Elliott Security for his faithful performance in Office and took the necessary oath.

Ordered by the Court that Philip Hornberger have leave to keep Tavern at his Dwelling house, who came forward and gave bond and Security in the Sum of five hundred dollars with Joseph McCarthy Security on his compliance with the Law in that Case.

Ordered that David Rushing be appointed overseer of the Road in the place of Philip Hornberger.

Edward Williams proves two days attendance as a Constable this Term for which he is allowed agreeable to I.e.w.


Reynolds & McFarland ) assignees of James Ruling) Present George Petty, Joseph B. Neville VS ) and William Allen Esqrs Faulkner Elliott Debt The Parties in this Case by their attornies came into Court and on motion of the Plaintiff's attorney to overrule demuria, and after argument it was considered by the Court that the said Demurer be overruled and the plaintiff recover against the said Defendant, according to Specialty,to wit, the Sum and Costs - with interest thereon at the rate of five per cent from the 16th of December 1806 until paid with costs in this behalf by his attorney from which judgement the Said plaintiff prayed an appeal, and filed his reasons as follows (to wit). ------.--- Be it remembered that George Petty and Wilson Randal personally came into Court and made oath that John Sanders on the first day of May 1806 was liv­ ing on a tract of land on Long Creek now occupied by him and claimed the same Vacant and unappropiated Land.

Wiley Whatley proves three days attendance this term as a Constable for which be is allowed agreeable to law. October;, 19,62,


Be it remembered that-Joseph Smith and Larry Satterfield came into Court and mde oath that Robert Armstrong was on the first day of May 1806 living on a tract of land on long Creek which he now occupies and that they heard him say he had a lease of said Iand from Jesse Denson under which he claimed.

Be it remembered that William Jackson and Wilson Randoll Came into Court and made Oath that JolmWhite on the first day of May 1806 was liVing on a tract of Land on IDng Creek which he now occupies.

Willi~ Allen Geo. Petty J. B. Neville

At a Court Began and held for the County of stewart at the Court House in the Town of Dover on Monday 19th day of October 1807. Present Thomas Clinton, Joshua Williams and William Outlaw esqrs.

Bill of Sale from James Herod to David Foster for a Negro girl Rachel was acknOWledged in Open Court and Ordered to be Registered.

Deed of Conveyance William Iewis to Henry Haynes for fifty acres of Land was proven in open Court by the oath of John Henry and David Fo ster Sus­ scribing Witnesses thereto & ordered to be Registered.

Ordered by the Court that Jolm Pearson be Exonerated from paying the State and County TaXes on One Hundred Acres of Land for present year it having been twice given in sd year.

Ordered by the Court that Wilson Randall be exempt from serving as a juror this term.

Deed of Coveyance William Cavit to Adam Mc ( ?) for one hundred and forty acres Land and was acknowledged in Court and ordered to be registered.

Ordered by the Court that an orphan boy Nathaniel McFaden be bound unto Archibald Cook said Cook agreeing to give him eighteen months Schooling and a-_._---.------New _suit of Clothes when of age. Power of Attorney S. Foushe to Enoch Donge with the County Seal of Currituck County state of N. Ca:t-oiina was produced in open Court and ordered to be registered. --;~------

On Petition of Robert Ianphl qualifying a Mistake in Grant ~ Two Thousand Nine hundred and Ninety five which originally {?) to James Gillingham assignee originally of the heir of William Sanderson for Five hundred and ( forty acres of land Surveyed by Virtue of a Military Warrant yO Three ­ Thousand Nine hundred and Eighty. IDeated the Ninth of February Seventeen Hwldred and Ninety seven it appearing to . the Satisfaction of the Court that all persons concerned have been duly notified agreeable "Ansearchiu· ','Ne~;Ys

-146- to the Acts of the Assmbly in made out and provided. It is there- () fore ordered by the Court that the Clerk Certify to the Secretary of State that a mistake has been made in the Certificate of Survey and Grant afore­ said by Armstrong the, second line of the Plat (to wit) after the words. Thomas Sharp Southeast Corner in said Certificate the Surveyor Should have inserted the words llthence North with Said Sharpe's line two hundred and fiftyfive poles to said Sharp'e North' East eorner 11 and that a further mistake has been made in Sa.1d Grant and Certificate of Survey describing the length of the Third Idne of Said Plat llwhich Sa.1d line-----(page muti­ lated)----- the Certificate is said to be ond hundred and Seven poles long and the same line in the Grant is said to be One Hundred and twenty poles long whereas the sd line ought to have been ------is one hundred poles long and no more! ------Be it remembered that Edmund Taylor and Timothy Gage came into Court and acknowledgedthem.selves severally ------to the State for the said Edmund Taylor in the Sum of One hundred dollarEl and the Said Timothy Taylor in the Sum of fifty Dollars Severally to be------of the State ------to be void in condition that the Sa.1d Edmund Taylor do not depart this Court without leave first here and otherwise acknowledged in open Court.

his Edmurid X Taylor mark his Timothy X 'Taylor o Test R. Cooper C. H. mark Page 50 -- badly mutilated. Cannot be copied. ~ginll:~ , Ordered on the Oath of MJses I.aripe (?) that he be exonerated (mutilated) state and County Taxes on two hundred aild thirty acres for the present year. Court adjourned until tanorrow morning 'fues October 20th 1807 Court met according to adjournment. ' Present Thomas Clinton William Allen and George Petty Esqrs. Wi111em ,Allen) VS ) ~t1mus James Molloy ) Dismissed by the Order of the Plantiff asswning Half of the Costs.

~njam1n Spencer) The Arbitration in this Case having advised the Defend- VS ) ants in this case and held to pay to Plaintiff fourteen John W. IDwther) Dollars and fifty cents therewith all Lawful Costs VS ) Therefore the Defendant John W. IDwther------into Wi111am Bogard :",) .. " Gourt and says he has nothing to se:y' in case of the said ------(torn) and Confesses that he justly owes the said Sum 'of fourteen dollars and fifty cents and the said Costs. Whereon it is considered by the Court that the Plantiff receive VS the ~feIidant above Sum of fourteen dollars and fifty cents and his costs in his half expended.

John Boyd personally came into Court and Acknowledged ----- if a deed of Conveyance to FrederickJIaze {?) for one hundred five acres of land. ------_.. October~1962

-147- Thomas stokes ) VS ) Assault & Battery Richard Yarbrough) Dismissed by order of the plaintiff and the defendant ordered to pay Costs except the Plantiff's Attornies fees and Elias Watson for the Plaintiff. ,------

Benjamin Spencer) VS ) J olm W. Iowther ) Joshua Williams esqr a witness in this case. proves four VS. ) Days attendance & ferriages. William Bogard )

Page 51 stokes VS Yarbrough) Elias Watson a Witness in this case three days attendance.

Be it remembered that Whitnell Arrington came into Court & acknowledged him­ self Indebted to the State in the Sum of One hundred dollars and Wiley Whatley ------(torn)--

Ordered that the Sheriff summons David Hogan, Hezekiah Rory, Denis Yarbrough, Elias Watson, Peter Kendall -~---Randoll, Asa Atkins, Charles Pistole, Nathan Morris, James Dunbar, William Dunbar, Isaac Hildebrand, Ninrod Crowell, Jolm Scarbrough, David Scarbrough, David Anders, James Anders, Anderson Anders, Frederick Oneal, George Cathey Jun 'r, David Childers, Jerendah Herod, James Warmock, Elijah I..e.ncaster, Thomas French, Sr., Jolm Allen, John Landers, SamUel Smith, William Hornberger, ------Brinson, Cornelius Anderson, Moses I.e.ripe, James McCullough, Thomas Boyd, larry satterfield, Joseph Smith, Travis Moore, Joseph McCarty, Bryan Oneal to be and Appear as jurors to next term. William Outlaw Esqr Returns the Tax of his Company Joshua Williams VIDl. Outlaw J.P. Hamblin Manly Court adjourned in Course

Due to mutilation of last pages of records the remaining part of the stewart County Minute Book will be concluded with this issue. We are omitting the Docket ~st of Cases for the years 1806-1807 as the cases have been covered and would be repetitiou~. I sincerely hope many have been benefited by the context of this long lost Minute Book of Stewart County and the missing link of an ancestor brought to light.

Ruth H. Duncan (Mrs. 1. G.) ".A..nsea'rchinr''';News


Compiled by: Milburn Divine

WID. R. Newlee b. 1785 d. June 26 1862 (was buried in Cumberland Gap but removed to Tazewell when the railroad was run through and under "the Gap").

Mary Glen Newlee (wife of William) b. 1782!- d. Feb. 18 1851 m. N~v. 8 1807

To them the following children were born: *John Glen Newlee Sept. 25 1808 (1st permanent white settler of "The Gap") Sara Newlee Aug. 6 1810 William Newlee Jan. 10 1813 (Went to Missouri) :Adolphus Newlee Feb. 23 1815 James Newlee Oct. 19 1817 Robert Glenn Newlee Mar. 14 1819 George B. Newlee May 6 1821 Syrena Kathryn Newlee OCt. 3 1823 (married Rev. Frazier otey of Bedford Co., Virginia. They had a daughter, Mrs. Fanny otey Kesterson, who lived almost a century, see picture in D.A.R. Magazine Dec. 1955, page 1154. Age at that time 94 M.D.) Mary Jane Newlee ,Mar. 10, 1826 Charles Augustus Newlee Apr. 1, 1828 (l-B.rried Capt. Huff's daughter and went to Missouri) Mellie H. (Melanie) Newlee Dec. 22 1832 (Died in Cumberland Cap, Tenn.)

*John Glen Newlee married Elizabeth Kyle (b. June 3 1818d. Mar. 19, 1844) eldest child of Sir William Emmet Kyle, Jr., of Tyronne County, Ireland. Sir William was descendedfr0Il1 Kyles of Ayr Scotland and is said to have been the first 'licensed merchant of Lynchburg, Fincastle and Christianburg. He b0ught Lynches Ferry on the James River and land that is now most of downtown Lynchburg. WIn. Kyle's brother, Jeremiah, survived him in Christiansburg. The old Kyle house is a square brick with double galleries about opposite site of the old Newlee hOUSd in Christiansburg.

The old Newlee house in Cl.unberland Cap, build about 1842, was used as a hespital during four batt1es at "The Gap." It was a doub1e ga11eried 10g house. The mi11 and forge used during the Civi1 War have been restored. Some of the New1ee grave stones, on the hi11 under their apple tree, were lost during the war, as s01diers used them for bread boards. J. G1en New1ee deeded the land with the soldier's graves to the U. S. Government so the B1ueand Grey cou1d be side by side and remain in peace forever. (M.D.) , .. **********


Copied by Milburn Divine

Jacob IQ.epper Aug. 13 1790IvEr. 26 1862 Magdallna, wife of Emanue1.Arn01d Feb. 20 1790 Aug. 17 '1858 :Emanuel Arnold A-- 9 1796 Sept. 2 1826 Joseph Bo1ton 1821 Aug. 30 1891 David Byerly 1810 1892 Hiram Armontrout Feb•. 21 1822 June 25 1866 John Pence . Apr. 7 1806 Mar. 15 1880 October; 1962

~~. -149-" TENNESSEANS BY BIRTH - RESIDENTS OF KEN'IUCKY IN 1850 Copied from the 1850 Federal Census on microfilm CALDWELL COUNTY, KENTUCKY Continued from July, 1962

House ,Name of House Name of Number Person ~ Sex Number Person ~ Sex "I 617. Caroline Jones 7 F 798 Thomas GarvieI', Jr. 24 M ManeI've. Fitz 16 F 799 Hardy Bloodworth 21 M Eliza Fitz 30 F Mary 21 F G78 Alexander Miller 48 M 800 Nancy Rowland 35 F Iifdia 48 F 801 Sarah J. Foly 22 F Andrew 19 M Mason C. 21 M Julia 14 F John J. 18 M ArmilJA'J. 12 F Nancy C. 19 F 681 John A. Brown 58 M George W. 16 M 688 Susan Sparrow 23 F 807 Wenborn Jenkins 25 M 700 A. T. Braswell 30 M 810 James M. Powers 25 M 716 c. M. Shelby 24 M 813 Elizabeth McCleary 35 F C. T. Brunson 21 M Mary J. 8 F 726 Iifdia Spar~s 43 F Jackson 3 M George E. Cooper 18 M 815 Richard F. Huddleston 29 M 728 Sarah T. Ewings 30 F Mary A. 25 F 737. William L::mg 50 M Elizabeth 5 F 739 William R. Edes 37 M 824 Robert Fleming 24 M Sarah 37 F 825 William Roberts 24 M 7 Eliza A. 14 F Catherine 21 F SarahA. 12 F GeorgeW. 5 M Salina 7 F John Fleming 20 M John B. 20 M 840 Pleasant P. Ward 30 M 740 Willy A. Thompson 2 F William D. 8 M 754 L. B. Evans 24 F 842 John W. Ellis 25 M Dana M 6 F· Manerva J. 25 F James C. 4 M {347 James Griffin 22 M Benjamin C. 2 M . 848 Martha Griffin 40 F G. B. S. Crane 22 M 857 James M. Iady 39 M 756 DaVid Anderson 25 M 861 George Dulin 30 M Thomas S. 2 M 862 Sarah Young 52 F Sarah J. Brainer (7) 12 F Jacob T. 25 M 757 Catherine Tiley 5 F 863 Henry Iady, Jr. 26 M 758 James Tiley 13 M Irana 25 F 767 Robert Shaver 15 M 772 Elsor Holder 23 F Second District 782 William Banes 8 M Sarah E. 7 F 17 Elizabeth A. Nelms 14 F Alexander 4 M 19 Elizabeth Nelms 13 F 783 Mary J. Victor 16 F 33 William H. Sigler 40 M 796 Thomas J. Allen 26 M Martha 16 F Eliza J. 22 F Alice 13 Fl 797 Thomas Martin 16 M Isaac B. 11 M .Amanda 18 F William 11 M Margaret J. 14 F John 9 M



House Name of' House Name of' ·Number Person !:i!!:...Sex Number Person !:i!!:.. ~ 605 Mary JOIm13on 31 F 726 Gustavus McRacken 2 M Elizabeth A II F 727 William H. Garner 7 M John D. 8 M 741 Willis Browning 32 M Edward. 6 M Elizabeth 27 F 606 Malinda Duncan' 30 F 751 Isaac Pettit 29 M 622 Robert Peacock 32 M 756 Elisha Mason 33 M Thomas 9 M Lilley Jones 18 F William Burton 18 M 757 Nancy Wright 47 F Frances E. Burton 11 F 767 Terry P. King 45 M 624 Daniel A. Goodrich 12 M 769 Isaac Gray 25 M Arabella H. 11 F 773 Elizabeth Wren 32 F 625 Drury Bass . 33 M Matilda C. 12 F Frances 10 F Robert 6 M Job 8 M 789 Francis M. Keaton 23 M Ann M. 6 F 802 Obediah Sm1th 30 M. Martha 4 F Mary 30 F 635 Martha parks 34 F John D. 8 M 636 M. stephens 30 F 806 Absalom Rodgers 27 M James Browning 27 M 813 Washington Keaton 20 M 650 Olara Moore 16 F 816 . . Williamsen Browning ? 37 M 666 Ennis Holland 28 M 833 WilJitUll McCollum 16 M Solomon C. 10 M 836 Percilla Harris 36 F Harrison B. 5 M 849 Edmund C. Bearden 48 M Elizabeth 2 F Robert R. 11 M 667 Hannah YOWlg 45 F 669 Alcey A. YOWlg 27 F CALLOWAY COUNTY, KENTUCKY 680 Orville Bloodworth 25 M District f2 Margalee 25 F Harriet 6 F. 15 Catherine Peak 20 F Sarah J. 5 F 17 Nancy Tinn 70 F Allen L. 4 M 18 Andrew J. Marshall 28 M 681 Margaret 'Randall 41 F 30 George W. Gatley 10 M 691 Reuben N. Sm1th 21 M Iucinda C. 7 F 693 Thomas D. Simmons 22 M 32 James King 71 M Elv:l.ra. 21 F D. W. 8 M Sally Bloodworth 25 F M. M. 6 M 695 John rand 39 M Juanitha B. 4 F Wylie L. . 15 M Thomas P. 2 M 696 William. Sm1th 36 M 33 Sarah Ann Jones 5 F Barney Orr 14 M John 2 M 710 Motley D. Gore 26 M 34 William W. Hutchins 12 M 722 Catherine Coleman 35 F 35 P. E. T. Gould 25 M 724 James E. Williams 13 M Martha J. 22 F Robert F. 10 M 36 Jane W.Craig 52 F Joseph R. 8 M William Heath 26 M Georgie Anne 16 F 45 Sarah P. Simmons 16 F Andrew J. 5 M John J. 12 M Thomas C. 8/12 M 46 Martha P. Burton 18 F ( 725 George W. Pirtle 23 M 47 Sarah Robertson 22 F 726 Elizabeth McRacken 36 F Louisa 20 F Amanda C. 16 F Mary 18 F Rachel 7 F Joseph 14 M "Ansearchin '''Nel;I1S

-152- ( ) House Name of House Name of Number Person ~ Sex Number Person ,~ -Sex 47 James Robertson 12 M 102 Thomas Ogilvie 18 M Matilda 10 F Sarah 16 F 50 Mary F. Bennett 24 F Elizabeth 12 F Martha J. 7 F 103 Mary Purdom 41 F Mary 4 F B. F. 17 11 Sarah Ann 2 F 105 Martha Hawkins 36 F James Edmonds 15 M Mary N. 10 F Nancy 12 F ll4 Lett Rogers 33 M John 10 M Rebecca 34 F 59 w. A. Boyd 27 M Samuel W. 11 M Mary Ann 23 F Reuben 10 M Casandra 2 F Jane 8 F 61 Mary Higgs 42 F ll7 Andrew Vance 45 M Stephen 15 M R 20 F Reuben 13 M John 18 M Judy II F Sarah I 23 F Sarah B 9 F Edith 19 F Mary Jane 7 F ll8 Jesse H. Garland 38 M Emily H 4 F Phereby 32 F 62 T. J. H. Lightfoot 21 M 126 John W. Barnes I 32 M Martha 17 F Sarah B. 21 F 71 W. H. Feltz 36 M 128 Elisha Hopkins 24 M Elinor 35 F Nancy 25 F C_) Isaac G 13 M 129 Elizabeth Collins 13 F Mary A. 16 F Lucinda· 12 F William P. 8 M Eda 7 F Josephine F 6 F Matilda .5 F Sarah Crooks 20 F 130 Elizabeth Ramsey 45 F 73 Mary Taylor 36 F 141 William Stubblefield 39 M 74 Nancy Rowland 16 F Martha Ann 18 F Stephen Ellis 8 M 142 Eliza Stubblefield 36 F 75 Zelphia !ewis 35 F Thomas 31 M 76 Eliza J. Duncan 29 F Sarah 28 F 77 T. J. B. Miller 30 F Rebecca 22 F 85 Sarah Ann Heart 14 F Arthur 19 M Jane C. II F Mary Dunn 33 F 86 Easter Smith 48 F 151 John Robbins 26 M Isabella 22 F Eliza 28 F James W. 16 M 157 C. S. Stubblefield 36 M Sarah 15 F Mary B. 32 F .John 12 ·M Joseph Robbins 28 M D.. "J~ .W•. &nith to M 164 William !ewis 26 M Eliza 8 F J. H. 23 M 88 o. O. Alexander 19 M Hiram . 21 M 89 Nancy rassiter 23 F Elizabeth J. 17 F 92 Andrew Taylor 33 M Malvina A. 15 F 101 M. L. Duncan 21 M F. M. 13 M Thomas C. 19 M 168 William W. Haley 23 M A. A. 17 M Sarah 20 F Elizabeth 15 F Edward 17 M Mary 13 F James 14 M 102 !ewis Ogilvie 48 M Martha 13 F October,: 1962

-1~3- House Name of Hoose Name of Number Person ~ Sex Number Person ~ Sex 181 Susan McKinney·· 62 F 277 F. T. Gerner 29 M Bird 31 M James T. Dotson 22 M 182 Martha N. Fare 21 F Hugh Egnue 14 M. 183 o. Serls 48 M 284 R. W. Blalock 26 M William C. 10 M William 20 M James H. 7 M 285 William Ward, Jr. 22 M Thomas 4 M 286 J. A. Mallory 38 M 184 Phinetta Rolfe 20 F 287 F. M. Mallory 26 M 187 Martha J.. Beckham 40 F 290 P. A. Weaver 17 M 198 B. F. Clark 17 M L. A. 15 M 199 T. C. Smith 32 M Rebecca T. 13 F 200 Wilson Hunt 39 M Maria E. 10 F Malinda 32 F George N. 7 M Julianna 10 F Nan~y J. Paxton 23 F Mary Ann 8 F 298 William Russell 66 M Martha Abb 7 F 299 Vicy ? Ann Willis 26 F:.,1 J. T. 5 M 300 Kisara Jones 78 F J. W. 4 M 302 James Ellis 28 M 201 .Al.emeth Hunt 45 M C. T. 22 M sarah 30 F 303 Rebecca E. McDaniel 21 . F Zubia 39 F 314 ~ Morris 20 F Elizabeth 30 F M. C. 18 F 209 James Ra:tteree:; 45 M Amanda 15 F 212 Alfred Stalley 48 M David 14 M 213 John Dalton 17 M D. H. 12 M 223 Almeda J. Dark 9 F A. 10 M 225 E. W. &lith 48 M lucy 7 ·F Plety' 45 F 305 Elijah Morris 32 M 232 Martha Ann Bucy 6 F Elizabeth 28 F 233 Iucret:l.a :Bucy 29 F Allen 13 M 245 Claroline steel 33 F 306 Susan McNabb 27 F , 246 Rebecca FJ.k1ns 35 F 313 James l-Bupin 22 M Thomas 5 M Frances H. 25 F George ~. 3 M 314 Clarinda Bizzell 47 F .247 John R. Elkins 40 M Nancy F. 16 F Vany 34 F James W. 12 M M. w. 14 M 315 B. s. Ross 18 M F. M. 13 F 316 John Ross 21 M Irene .E. II F Elizabeth 20 F Martha d. 8 F 317 M. ree 34 M A. J. 6 M 318 Nancy J. Goodin 11 F. 249 Jehn P. Crabtree 55 M 321 John Williams 10 M Elizabeth 44 F 327 Briant Holland 37 M 250 ,Nicholas Fakes 25 M Nancy 28 F ·261 Elizabeth

II Ansearchin fll News


House Name of House Name of 0 Number Person ~ Sex Number Person ~ Sex 25 ;William T. Hutchens 9 M 109 Martha E. Jones 20 F 26 lucinda S 24 F 112 H. K. Russell 36 M 38 J. B. Coasey 40 M 119 George W. Taylor 29 M Martha 36 F Jesse 9 M Charles 1 M 122 Felix Garland 42 M Mary Grant 29 F Lucinda 37 F Louisa 21 F Lavina 16 F Franklin 14 M 123 R. T. Williams 25 M Green B 11 M 124 Pheriby Hopkins 39 F Richard Heath 11 M Thomas A. 19 M 42 H. P. J. 'Hughs 35 M William H. 18 M Martha S. 30 F Elizabeth J. 16 F 44 Luraney Albritton 39 F Wi lie 15 M 51 Martha 0. Bridges 23 F Mary 12 F 53 M. W. Walton 24 M Peter 9 M Elizabeth 18 F sarah 7 F Margaret R. 16 F Pheriby 5 F Frances J. 13 F 125 William B. Elliott ? ? E. T. 12 M 134 Sarah Ann Henry 35 F Gracey N 11 F 136 Frances Ligon 55 F John James 14 . M Mary 32 F 54 John Simpson 53 M Blackmon 25 M Sarah J. 28 F Sarah 23 F ('-) Nancy R. 25 F America 21 F Eliza M. 22 F Willis 19 F ? F. 20 F Iuphenia 15 F Mary F. 19 F 146 James H. Wray 38 M 64 Martha S.Albritton 24 F Sarah 26 F Richard R. Stubblefield21 M 150 William A. Miller 25 M 65 Martha Albritton 32 F Elizabeth 20 F William R. 11 M R. C. 18 M Sarah C. 9 F 160 Melissa Outland 27 F 69 Elizabeth Wade 23 F 170 E. F. Alexander 27 M John Henderson 21 M Elvira 22 F Martha 16 .F 171 Walter Bennett 28 M 70 F. A. Ellis 33 M Mary 23 F Nancy T. 27 F 172 James S. Hart 33 M Thomas A. M. 8 M Mary Ann 30 F Mary Ann 5 F Joseph 22 M 79 W. E. Perry 45 M William G. 18 M 80 Rebecca Sims 40 F 173 John Faris 24 M 83 Eliza Jane Allen 24 F 174 Frances Faris 34 F 84 Mary Ann Hutchens 21 F 175 Fielden Acuff 40 M 93 Mary Campbell 26 F Clarisy 18 F 94 S. B. Lavender 26 M 179 H. G.Hodges 32 M William Hendley 7 M Maria 36 F 95 Daniel Holland, Jr. 25 M Edward S. ·9 .M 96 Elizabeth Purdom ,37 F 192 Sarah McGuire 35 F Sarah 18 F Sarah J. 20 F Benjamin 13 M 180 Martha Lew!s 19 F William 12 M 203 John Bronson .20 M 109 J. D. Jones, Jr. 26 M Thomas 15 M October, 1962



All members are asked to contribute to the ~uery section of this publication. Pre­ ference is given to ~ueries which stay within the fifty word limit and which pertain to Tennessee families.

1962 - 138 CLAYBORN (CLAIRBORNE, CLABORN, ETC.) Want inf on John Clayborn listed Bedford Co. Va. tax list; Revy War Pensioner Knox Co Tenn. Could have had sons Jubel, Lorenzo and Alfred. Alfred m Catherine? Moved to Weakley or Obion Co Tenn. Alfred's sonWil1iam m Mary Jane Blackley; moved to Sebastian Co Arkansas. Mrs. Melba C. Osborn, 8916 Crenshaw Blvd., Inglewood, California

1962 - 139 HALL JOHNSON - Want co of origin and names of pts of John Hall 54, Arrry 39; chil: Melissa, Eliza, Elizabeth T., Almon C., Manerva H., as shown in Fayette Co. Tenn cen 1850, all b NC Want Co of origin and names of pts of John Johnson 55, Mary A. 34, chil: Margaret E., IDuisa F., Delona F., Clarissa A., Duncan V., Cath­ rine C•. Daniel A., cen record Tippah Co., Miss. 1860, pts b Tenn, chi1. b Miss. MYrtle L. Shelton, 3402 Park Avenue, Memphis 11, Tennessee

1962 - 140 SHIELDS, WHITE - Robert Shields, Jr. b 1772 Va d 1833 Sevier Co Tenn. m Sabra Wh1te b 1776 d ? Sabra had sis Penelope who m James Shield.s bro of RObert, Jr moved ca 1808 to Ind. Trad. says White sisters were nieces of James White of Knoxville.:Bo"th named sons Meedy Whi"te. Who was Meedy? How rela"ted "to James White? Mrs, Mary Shields Shore, 7103 F'ul"ton Street, Chevy Chase 15, Maryland

1962 - 141 YADEN (YADON), SHIRLEY - Lavonia Yaden b Tenn 14 Sept 1818. Need pts, b.pl, da"tes and p1 of mO. Lavonia m Felix Shirley, Jasper Co., Texas 25 Dec. 1842. When and wi"th whom did she come to'Texas? Mrs. R.· G. Mlrrie,· 3601 Gorman, Waco, Texas

1962 - 142 COOK, BARTON - Need inf on John F. Cook b 1837 nr lebanon, Tenn. s of Jesse Cook & Mary Ann Clay Cook. Pvt. in Mclenmore's CaYalry; Sgii 14th Tenn Inf. during war; also James L. Cook b 1843, s of Jesse and Mary Ann Cook, pvt Co. I, 12th Consolidated Cavalry Civil War; son Jacob N. Cookb Apr. 15, 1832 nr lebanon Tenn. served Co. I, Col. Forbes l4"th Reg Tenn CaValry m Ellen Elizabeth Barton. Any inf on "these sons of Jesse Cook, Wilson Co. r:t.'enn. will be appreciated. Mrs.A. Pra"t"t,2245 S. W. 27"th Terrace, Miami 33,' Florida.

1962 - 143 JOHNSTON, HODGES, RAM, BAILEY - Ruth Johnston, my gr.gr.gr. grandmother, m 1st Jesse Hodges 4 November 1812, 2nd (my ancestor) William C. Ham, 9 Nov. 1816. Both marriages in Madison Co., Ala. Ruth was dau of Samuel Johnston, Sr. who d bef. 11 Feb. 1833, probe Limestone Co., Ala. Bros. and sisters of Ruth were Samuel, Jr. Joseph, William, James Johnston, Sally M Bailey, Patsy m Hodges, Milley m Bailey. Invi"te correspondence with all descendants. -- --- Mrs. Charlene McAllister, 2013 Kingston Place, Bakersfield, California

1962 - 144 KING, McKINLEY - David King b 1777, N. C., pts b N. C., father of Hardy King, b Tenn. 1824, where? Hardy m Mary J. McKinley, b Tenn. 1827, Thomas J King (son of Hardy) b 1846 Tenn. I find this family all living together in 1880, David­ son Co., Tenn. What co. were they in before? Need pts of David King, pts of Mary McKinley, and wife's name of 'Ihamas J. King. Doris Gillahan, 440 Dubuar, Northville, Michigan

1962 - 145 - SPENCER - Any info on Wm. (Octavius?) Spencer in Ga., S.C. in 1750-90. Mrs. w. B. Blair, 1900 Mignon Avenue, Memphis 7, Tenn. "Ansearchin'" News

'-158- CJ 1962 - 146 ELLIS, WRIGHT, ESCUE, LEE, COOK - Thomas Weld Ellis b 1799 S. C. m 2nd Sally Wright, chil: Albert F. b 1823, Rufus b 1825, Missouri b 1827, all in ,Wilson Co., Tenn. Albert F. m Martha Escue b 1826 Sumner Co., Tenn., dau ,of leonard and Mary (Polly) lee Escue. Need leonard's bros. and pts. Mary's pts? Thomas m 3rd Martha Cook. No issue? Welcome correspondence & will exchange data. Mrs. Lon G. Ellis, 226 West Chestnut St., Canton, Illinois.

1962 - 147, PRICE, MOONEY - Need inf names band m dates of pts of William Price b 1826 m Martha Mooney b 1856 where? William in Civil War; chil: James, Kenderick, Sarah, George, Harvey, Jacob, Laura, Nela, all bEast Tenn nr Rogersville, Morris­ town, Chouk Creek. Will exch. data and welcome all correspondence. Mr. Price E. Groves, 1002 12th, Lauranceville, Illinois

1962 - 148 HOOD - Want lineage of William J. Hood, b ca 1827 Tenn. m ca 1848 Claris sa M. ? b K;y. 1st child b Feb 1849, Cedar Co., Mo. In Green co., Mo. 1850. Fam. listed just before Sarah Hood, may be mother? Sarah b N.C. 1798. Two of four chil listed 1850 b Tenn. In Mo. ca 1836, Lawrence Co., Mo. Cen 1860. Wm. J. & Clarissa M. Hood's child; Sarah 10; WIn. D. 9; Mary E. 6; John W. 5; Clarissa M. 3; Ames L. 1. Willis E. Thompson, 111 West Locust street, San Antonio 12, Texas

1962 - 149 RANDLE, JONES - Who were pts of Ann Randle b 1824 Tenn. What co? d 1851 Gonzales, Texas, m 1839 where.? to Augustus Harris Jones son of Russell Jones, Jr. & Sophia Harris. Chil: Wm. Earl 1841-1900; laura, Emily, James Cunningham 1846-1882; Sophia Ann 1848-1936; Augustus Harris, Jr. and Charles Randle 1851- ~ 1881. Will greatly appreciate any help on this family. ',--,' Mrs. GeraldB. McLane, 112 leach street, Hot Springs, Arkansas

1962 - 150 BROWN, BATTLE - Want names of David Brown's pts and 1st wife. Both b Tenn. prob Bedford Co., moved to st. Clair Co., Ala. ca 1818. David m Sarah Battle 9-19-1831. Chil: Miller, Marion, William, Harriet, Louise, Margaret Ann, Rebecca, Unity. Mrs. J. Fred O'Kelly, 426 - state College, Mississippi

1962 - 151 BULLOCK, HALSELL, STEELMAN - Josiah William, my gr. grandfather b 1836 Tenn., m Elizabeth Ann Halsell, Ark. 1859. He had sister Cynthia Ann m M.A. "Cue" Steelman. Who were other bros. and sisters, pts. and relatives? Mr. J. Floyd Bullock, 521 Chestnut Street, SW, Camden, Arkansas

1962 - 152 BEAN, BOWEN, GODWIN, MEFFORD - Need proof of pts of Sarah Bean b 1768 Pittsylvania Co., Va. m John Bowen III, b 1766 Botetourt Co., Va. d1823 Grainger Co., Tenn. Want pts of Peter Godwin b 1776 Fincastle Co., Va. m Mary Mefford 1800 in Botetourt Co., Va. Mrs. Jamie Ault Grady, 4404 Holston Drive, Knoxville, Tenn.

1962 - 153 Need pts of William Carter b N.C. ca 1796; in Hardin Co. cen 1860; m Sarah - ? b Tenn. ca 1816. Want her pts & other data on these people. Mrs. Rena Carter Isbell, Rt. 1, Box 50, Wortham, Texas.

1962 - 154 SKIPWORTH, SKIPWITH, DAVENPORT, SHELTON - Need pts from N.C. of Willis Goodman Skipworth b Maury Co., Tenn. 1821. Need evidence of name change from Skipw:lth to Skipworth. Want inf on Mae Minerva Devenport from K;y. m Skipworth ca 1864, came to Texas. Sister, Delia Shelton in Fayetteville, Ark. 1888. Seeking contact with any descendants. lJI..rs. D. B. Hemphill, 1007 West 15th street" Odessa, Texas ()ctober~ 1962

-159- c 1962 - 155 BALLARD, RITTENBURG - Need inf on Thomas Ballard &w Elizabeth, res. oflOOmphis area. in 1860's; also pts of Elizabeth Ballard b 1842 or 43?Tenn. m William RittenbUrg, d 1886 Michigan. Mrs. E. S. RittenbU:r'g, 15920 Hazel Road, East Cleveland 12,Ohio.

1962 - 156 HATCHER, WELLS, PUCKETT, BOAZ, GOODWIN - Wi·ll exch inf em William Shelton Hatcru.'1r b Va. ·1797 d KY. 1871, w lucy G. Wells b 1800 Va., d when & where? W. S. Hatcher in Henry Co., Tenn. bef 1850. Had chilo b Henry Co., Tenn.: William Thomas m Victoria Puckett of Henry Co. ,Reuben Newton m Olive Boaz, Alexander, James H. and Sarah m Thos. Goodwin• .Mr •. 1lmriy R. Hatcher, College Farm Road, Murray 1, Kentucky.

1962 - 157 BROWN - Wish inf on pts of Dickson Brown and w Mary; listed in 1850 cen Jackson Co., Tenn. Chil: Louisa, Martha, Morris, Sara, Samuel, Isabella, Robert, David, Catherine, Zachariah, and Napoleon. Mrs. Bunyan Webb, 99 Cherokee Drive, lOOmphis 11, Tennessee.

1962 - 158 ALEXANDER, BANE, BELCHER, BUTLER, OAKS, CLINE, RAINES, HALL, CAMPBELL, PURCELL, IJ:JY, DISCEL, HALSELL (other spellings) - Joseph J. Alexander b Bedford Co., Tenn. 1840 m 1854 Martha Bane b 1833 Tenn; John Belcher b Tenn. 1796 in Jeffer­ son Co. Ala. 1850; sampson Butler b 1820 N.C., Knox Co. Tenn. 1850, sister Martha b 1823 Tenn~ m ca 1841 Isaac oaks b Tenn. 1821, in Knox Co., Tenn. 1860; Joseph Cline b 1787 Tenn., in laurence Co., Mo. 1850. D!i.d he have s sam M. b 1825 KY. who m Eliza Raines b 1835 Tenn? WIn. T. Hall, b 1840 Tenn., sisters Mary, Margaret & Martha bros. Frank and George. Were they crdlof Joseph or WIn. & w Mary Campbell? Mr. c . Pureell 1st husband of Mary Gillenwater in Hawkins Co., Tenn. ca 1845. Where did Mary move & m her 2nd husband Mt-. McCoy? Henry wy & w Jane Discel had s John Brooks Loy b 1841 GujJ.ford Co., N.C., later in wy's Crossroads, Union Co. Tenn; Hasel1 Fam. lived 1800 S.u.; one son John m a Miss Waggoner and moved to Tenn. Mrs. Frank Cline, 914 Summer street, Hot Springs, Arkansas.

1962 - 159 RAINEY, G.ARREIT, IJ:JYD, GARRETr - Zebulon Rainey m Nancy Loyd in Bruns­ wick Co., Va. 1795. Known chil: Isham & Wesley. 1816 records show Zebulon Rainey living Madison Co., old Miss. Territory. Isham b 1802 N. C., d Haywood Co., Tenn. 1853, m Mary (Polly) Garrett; Mary Garrett had bros: Jack, Josiah, Henderson, and Addison, aJ.l b N. C., d Haywood Co., Tenn. Need dates & proof. Exchange data. Mrs. Robert IDuis Cox, 626 McConnell street, Memphis 12, Tennessee.

1962 - 160 COWAN, TROUSDALE, SADDLER - Need pts of Matthew Cowan b ca 1775 Tenn. according to 1850 cen, m Catherine Trousdale 1800 Smith Co., Tenn. lived Caney Fork Smith Co., later Jackson & Putnam cos. Tenn. Known chil: Elizabeth m her third cousin John Trousdale, Jr., Emily m George Washb.gton Saddler and Delia m Chester Calhoun saddler. Mrs. Gaylena M.Kenney, 1155 Random Road, El Cajon, Galifornia.

1962 - 16l PARSLEY, WATTS, ATNIP, PEDIGO, MEGGERSON (MEGGINSON) LOONEY (LUNA)- Am. working on these families in Jackson, De Kalb & Smith Co. Tenn. areas before 1860. Have much inf to present day to share with others. Correspondence invited. Mt-s. R. Marcello, 55 Glenwood Avenue, Apt. 5-J, East Orange, New Jersey.

( 1962 - 162 WALTER,WARREN, SEVIER - Need inf on pts of Robert M. Walter, Marshall Co. Tenn. 1863-64. Need inf on Thos. Jefferson Warren & his sister Virgin b Dec. 2l, 1821. Their pts were Susannah & Thos. stanley Warren, settled Bedford Co., Tenn. l828. Susannah was a descendant of Valentine Sevier III. Miss Estelle Walter, 1406 Northwood Road; Austin 3, Texas. "Ansearchin'" News

-160- (~)

""",-",,- 1962 - 163 KENDRICK, ERWIN - Need pts of John A. Kendrick b 1782 Va? moved to McNairy Co., Tenn., was first Thompsonian doctor to practice there; d there 1850. w Matilda Erwin, chil: Polly, Thomas, William E., Lucy S., Merline P., Nathaniel Erwin, John Pinkney, ClariSsa A., James C., Joseph A., Sarah Ann,Elizabeth Matilda, Susan Minerva. ' Mrs. Margueritte Garland Nation, 655 Rutherford st., Shreveport, lB..

1962 - 164 PATE - Need inf on Edward Pate & fam. of Franklin Co., Va. ca 1796. Could be father of Perlemon & bro. Anthony Pate because he handed down an heirloom copy book beautifully done showing him to be a well educated man. No record of birth or pts or family. ThanKS for any clue. Mrs. Mary Barrett, 2217 A street, Oroville, California.

1962 - 165 LARREMORE, BLAIR - Geo. Washington Iarremore b 1813 Ky. (1850 cen) m Elizabeth b Illinois, age 45. 1st child b Washington Co. Ark. 1834; Had chil: MaryAnn, James, Marget, Martha & Joseph 1847 Wash. Co., Ark. Rev. Wm. T. Iarre­ more & J. M. Blair organized the 1st Presby. Cumberland Church in Cane Hill, Ark. 30 August 1830. Correspondence invited and data exchanged. C. T. Chambers, 3659 6th Avenue, San Diego 3, California.

1962 - 166 TERHUNE, McINTIRE, HUFF - John Terhune (1800-1873) m Marjorie McIntire Fleming Co., Ky. Their son Joseph 1837 Ky.-189l Ark., m America Huff (1837 IlL? 1913 Tex.) Want ancestors of Marjorie probe had bro. David; also anc. of America Huff. McIntire may be incorrect spelling. Mrs. Glen Terhune, 873 Santos street, Abilene, Texas. (~)

1962 - 167 CROW, FARROW, WALLACE, YOW - John Crow m Elizabeth Wallace of S. C.? Known chil: Iucinda & Cynthia. lucinda m 1st John Farrow ca 1862, probe Knox Co. Tenn. He died within year. Iucinda m Henry M. Yow of IlL, 1864. Want to con- tact all Yows. Mrs. Ernest Nelson, 2331 stoltz Hill Road, lebanon, Oregon.

1962 - 168 SILVERTOOTH, YANKEE - Need proof that pta of Geo. W. Silvertooth of Clinton, Ky. were Barbara Yankee & Jacob Silvertooth m Mercer Co., Ky. 1808. Wish to correspond with Silvertooth and Yankee descendants. Mrs. Ira B. McCullen, Sr., AmOry, Mississippi.

1962 - 169 CARTER, HORNE, LEDBE'ITER, LITTLE TRULY, MURPHEY, LE:WIS, ADDKISON, MADDOCK, SUGGS - Need pts, b dates and place of Samuel Carter, b c18l0, N.C. and w IDuisa Horne, b c18l2, N. C. ~1vd to Tenn. and had foL chil: Martha W. Carter, b. 1832 - m Thomas ledbetter, Miss.; John W. Carter, b 1833, m Berah W. ?, Ala.; Mary E. Carter, b 1835, m ,Tobn R. Little, Miss.; Sophia Carter, b 1837, m Clark Truly, Miss •.: Samuel l\lbert Carter, b 1838, m Sarah Frances Murphey, Miss.; Margaret E. Carter, b 1841, m.John Iew!s, Miss.; Mariah Polk Carter, b 1844, m Matthew Bain Mdkison, Miss.; Samuel and Louisa mvd to Madison Co., Ala. and had the fol chil: William C. Carter, 1848, m Jennie Maddock, Miss.; Blanche (Brancey) Ann Carter, b. 1852, m Rolling Maddison Suggs, Jr., Miss. Louisa Horne Carter had. bro, John E. Horne, living in Giles Co., Tenn. 1841 with his w M.M.. Will exc. any and all info on above. Claude B. Carter, 313 E. Washington st., Kosciusko, Mississippi.

CORREaI'ION: 1962-117 (july) The five children listed were by Cynthia E. Dooley's second husband, William R. Caldwell. Children by her marriage to Paris F. Dooley were: James D., Rachel J. and Paris F., Jr. Sorry I made the mistake and was my face red when I made the discovery. Claude B. Carter. Page 161



Compiled by: Myrtle Louise Shelton

-A- T. 54 George 14 T. H. 54 Grant 10 Aarons, Martha 13 w. C. 54 James 84 Abbeville, S. C. 74 Z. (7) 54 John 28, 63, 83, 104, 111, 147 Abbeville Co., S. C. 9 Addkison, Matthew Rain 160 Jonathan 98 Abbott, John 118 Adkins, Samuel 134 Letty 94 L. A., Mrs. 34, 74, 118 Adwell, Anna 60 M. 54 Abby, Mat (?) 13 Demin 62 Phoebe 94 Abercrombie, James 109, 136 Margaret 62 Polly 94 Aberdeen Genealogical So. 123 Mary 60 Sarah 98 Aberdeen, Miss. 123 Samuel 60 Thomas J. 149 Aberdeen, Miss. Rist. Sketches 123 Agee, James R. 101 William 29, 32, 33, 63, 91, 104, Abernathy, David 82 Martha 101 105, 110, 111, 113, 114, 115, Ephraim 82 Aiken, S. C. 34, 76 138, 140, 141, 144, 145, 146 Willy P. 83 Aiken, Samuel 91 William H. 26 Abilene, Texas 39, 73, 117, 123 Aires, John 105 Allgood, Samuel G. 96 160 Akin, John 82 Allin, John 84 Abilene, Texas, Early Cemetery John, Jr. 82 Joseph 84 Records 1880-1960 123 Robert 82 William 115 Able, Mary 86 Sam'l 83 Allins, Capt. Compy. 139 Abner, Joseph B. 60 WIn. 82 Allmand, Thomas 138, 141 Thomas 60 Akles, Wm. 82 Almand, Thomas 29 c Abstracts of the Records of the Albermarle, Duke of 6 Almond, Jane 48 Society of Friends in Indiana Albritton, luraney 156 John A. 48 123 Martha 156 Thomas 64 Ackerman, C. 19 Martha S. 156 Alridge, Josiah 47 Acre, John 137 Sarah C. 156 Alsop, John 67 Acuff, Clarisy 156 William R. 156 Alsup, Bardiolamew (7) 102 Flelden 156 Aldman, Hezekiah 90 Drury 89 Ada, Okla. 76 Aldridge, Nathan 27 Alus, Nancy 48 Adair Co., KY. 12 Alenander (7) M. E. 14 Alva, Mississippi 38 Adair, Okla. 3 llJ.exander, Ab solum 82 Amarillo, Texas 5, 73, 75, 119 Adam, L. 15 Alexander B. 83 American Archives 9 Thomas 15 Daniel 11 America~ Genealogist 41 Adams, Absalam 66, 91 E. F. 156 Amis, Haynes 79 Arena 87 Edley 89 Amory, Miss. 116, 160 Brittain 69 Elinor 49 Anahuac, Texas 73 Edwin 69 Eliza Ann 154 Ancestral Notes From Chedwato 41 (1) Green 95 Elvira 156 Anchorage, Kentucky 123 J. Louis 25 Ezekial 83 Anders, Anderson 142, 147 James 95 Francis 53 David 142, 147 John 89 George 89 James 142, 147 John R. 21 James 89 Anderson, Addison A. 93 Martha 86 James L. 154 Cornelius 105, 137, 147 Martin 26 Jane 154 County, KY. 51 Polly 95 John 82, 90 County, Tenn. 35, 70, 133 Sarah H. 21 Joseph 27 David 149 Susan 95 Joseph J. 159 David P. 65 Tyle 85 Larriza A. 85 Elisa 53 William 26, 69, 83, 88, 95 o. O. 152 Emily M. 93 Adamsville, Tenn. 75 Patance 50 James 15, 73 Adare, John 81 Priest 78 M. A. 13 Adcock, E. 18 Sarah 49 Matthias 89 J. 18 T. M. 13 N. A. 51 Addams, A. M. 51 Virginia Wood 78 Rachel 13 B. 54 William 27, 66, 68, 89, 90 Resigna 73 C. C. 51 Alhambra, Calif. 71 Rob ert, Col. 8 G. w. 54 Allbritten, Beverly 86 South Carolina 8 Henry 54 Allen, A. 54 Thomas S. 149 J. A. 54 Amelia M. 58 w. P. 29 J. w. 54 B. 54 William 11, 82, 85, 89 L. A. 54 Benjamin 13 Andrews, Anderson 30, 105, 110 M. 51 Bric Mensidoe 18 Ephraim, Sr. 68 M. J. 54 Capt. Company 114 John 68 ( N. 54 Tracy 68 ,~ Co., KY. 13, 19 P. 54 Eliza J. 149 Angel, Amanda 94 S. H. 51 Eliza Jane 156 Babe 94 Samuel 79 Franklin 94 Delila 94

161 ItAnsea:r:chin' If Newa


Atkinson, Elizabeth 59 Sarah E. 149 Mary J. 94 Atkison, Amos 27 William 149 Sabina 94 John 66 Bankhead, Richard 37 Annals of Newberry 9 Auburn, Ala 76 Banks, David 95 Antes, Elizabeth 43 Augnsta Co. Va. 35 Happy 94 Anthony A. 14 Aull, S. 13 John 94 E. 17 Austin C. 17 Nancy 94 John 81 Dory 19 Sarah Ann 48 W. A. 17 Jane 19 William 94 William 66 M.E. 19 Banyan, John 69 Archdale, John 7 Nancy 55 Barber, (Barbee) Elizabeth 50 Archives, The 9 Texas 72, 159 Barbour, E. W. 15 Archives of S. C., Inventory of Willis 15 Jane 15 County 8 Avery, A. C. 103 L. 14 Arkansas County, Ark. 46 John 110 M. A. 15 Arkansas Family Historian, The 41 Avry, Edy (Avery?) 47 S. 15 Arkansas Federal Census 1850 46 Axford, A. Dr. 132 Barclay, Jacob C. ;13 (st. Francis Co.) Aycock, James W. 47 Barekman, June Barrickman 43 Arkansas Genealogical Society 41 Aydelotte, Jediah 65, 88 Bargain, M. 55 Texas 34 Ayr, Scotland 148 Bargar, Elizabeth 96 Armentrout, Alice Cochran 128 Ayres, James M. 154 Barham, George A. 126 F. V. 128 John H. 154 Henry Hugh 126 Frederick 128 Kin and Kin to Kin 40 Iugion L. 126 Martha Jane, Mrs. 128 L. P. 154 Martha J. 126 Armer, Lemuel 96 Lavina F. 154 Newton 126 Armistead, John 52 Margaret (Mrs. Willis E.) 120 Baring, Abraham 89 Armontraut, Hiram 148 Nellie F. Miss 40 Barker, L. 55 Armstrong, James, Jr. 79 Patrick H. 154 P. G. 55 James M. 86 Sarah Ann 154 Barkley, John 11 John 27, 79 Thomas J. 154 Barnes, Alexander 82 Lancelot 27, 69 Mrs. Willis E. 1, 77 Harriet 51 Martin 108, 109, 135, 136 James 82 Richard 109, 136 -B- John W. 152 Robert 142, 143, 145 Mary J. 150 W. 79 Richard 68, 91 Arnett, Andrew I. 85 Sarah B. 152 Arnold,. Elisha 62 Back, Katharine 95 Seth 83, 90 Elnanuel 148 Robert L. 103 Susan 86 Francis 61 Backus, Charles T. 48 Zachariah 51 James R. 61 Badgett, B. G. 92 Barnet, Robert 137 M. 16 Bagby, Bettie 34 S. 18 • () Magdalina 148 Sophia Dinwiddie 34 Barnett, Andrew 68 Rebecca 61 Bailes, Charles 90 Catharine L. 47 Thomas D. 130 Bailey, Frances 93 John 67 William 61 Nathan 13 Malinda 103 Arnolt, John 93 R. E. 13 Mary A. 86 Arrington, John 106 Susan 50 Nathaniel T. 47 Whitnell 147 Baily, E. C. 14 Barns, John 81 Asbell, Dr. 23 T. R. 14 Barnsdell, Martha M. 47 Asberry, Edy 12 M. c. 14 Barren County, KY. 57, 92 Ashbridge, Elizabeth A. 102 Robert 134 Barrer, John A. ,96 Ashby, Alvis 98 Wm. R. 14 Barret, Thomas i09 Ashford, John Alex. 119 Baird, David M. 98 Barrett, Capt. 136 Mary Marissa 119 Laura M. 60 Elizabeth 118 Ashlin, VIm. 67 Baker, Charles 108, 135 Mary, Mrs. 38, 71, 118, 160 Ashley-Cooper, Anthony 6 Edmund 84 Robert 110 Ashley, Joseph 150 Elizabeth 49 Thomas 136 (Asbley) R. S. 17 Ellen 75 Barretts Creek, Tenn. 31, 109, Ashley River 6 James A. 48 136 Ashman, Lewis 91 Lon R. 102 Barrickman Families of Franklin, Ashmore, Cinda A. 76 Martha G. 86 Ripley and Marion Counties Cynthia A. 76 Robert A. 75 Indiana 43 Jas. 82 Bakersfield, California 35, 72, BarrICkiiian, Peter 43 Joshua 76 116, 157 Barringer, Catherine 72 Joshua A. 76 Baldridge, John 65, 69 Barrowcraft, Danl. 69 Iucena 76 Baldwin, Ellen Ann J. 117 Barry, J. G. 83 Mary M. 76 Lewis 86 V. D. Judge 24 Ralph C., Mrs. 34, 76 Balen, Tenn. 24 Barton, Elizabeth 157 Robbin D. (Robert D.) 76 Bales, David 61 Rachel 59 Robert D. 76 James L. 82 Bartons Creek, Tenn. 64 Robert Doke (Doak) 76 Balfourd, (Balfour) William 108, Basham, Jonathan 134 Samuel R. 76 135, 136 Susan 96 Ashworth, A. L. 52 Ball, B. B. 96 Baskerville, Capt. (M~unted James 52 Ballance, H. M. 85 Calvary) 38 Mary 52 Ballard Co., KY. 51 Joseph III Atcheson, Ezekial 49 Ballard, Elizabeth 159 Baskett, Laura Mattie 127 Ater, Abram Bidel 75 Elizabeth A. 85 Margaret E. 127 Casper 75 James M. 85 Bass, Ann M. 151 Aterburn, James B. 61 Thomas 159 Drury 151 Athens, Tenn. 122 Baltimore Co., Maryland 130 Frances 151 Atkin, Asa 138, 140 Bandy, A. A. 17 Job 151 Atkins, Asa 147 B. I. 14 Martha 151 H.G. 12 J. P. 17 Bateman, Enoch 91 Jo. G. () 12 M. E. 17 Isaac 89 John Sen'r 140 S. E. 14 Jonathan 67 John B. 87 Bane, Martha 159 Lewe 76 Lewis 142 Banes, Alexander 149 William 67 Wm. I. 87 1962

Bates, Guy !fO Richard 97 A. L. 12 W. E. Mrs. 39 Robert 97 Jane 12 Batesville, Miss. 75 Tabitha 97 John 12 Batey, Wm. Robert 71 Thomas 97 L. W. 12 Bath Co., Ky. 92 Tibby 97 14. A. 12 Baton Rouge, la. 4, 78, 123 William 97 M. A. M. 12 Battle of New Orleans 72 William H. 97 M. T. 12 of the Horseshoe 21 Bell Buckle, Tenn. 119 /4a.linda 12 Battle, Sarah 158 Bell, C. 15 /Jancy 12 Baucorn? Virgil 96 E. T. 15 R. M. 154 Bault, Elizabeth 13 Elisha 49 Sine G. 12 Jacob 13 Elizabeth Ann 48 WIn. M. G. 12 William 13 Ernaline 47 Bigham (Brigham) Naomi 119 (Brigham), Robert 119 Baxter, Robert 66 G. M. 15 Bayles, Burwell 31 Harriet 59 Samuel 119 (Brigham), William 119 Baylis, Burowell 106 J. E. 15 Beach, Elizabeth, Miss 132 James 15, 67 Biles, Mary E. 87 Jennie K., Miss 131, 132 Jesse 15 Nancy W. 50 Beal, Thomas 69 Linda C. 50 Billingsly, J. D. 16 Billington, A. 51 Bean, Sarah 158 M. 15 William 79 Mary 62 David 53 Beanland, Edward 68 P. W. 15 L. 51 Bear Creek 109, 136 William 139 M. 51 Beard, Andrew 11 Beller, George W. 97 Bind, Amos 104 Cyndie E. '101 leonard 97 Bingham, Robert R. 47 Harrison 85 Dlcinda. 97 SaIimel 119 Jonathan 11 Beloat Creek, Tenn. 31 Bird, Amos & Co. 63 Josiah 13 Belson, Robert Catherine 58 28 ~lrY Margaret 13 Benbrook, Elbert 39 32, 63, 104, 114, 115 Richard 101 Henry 39 John 56, 108 S8JJlUel 11 Nathan 39 Mary 56 Samuel Sen'r 11 Sarah 39 Sarah 56 Vevder 11 Benedict, Eddy 18 Thomas 56 William 11, 67 Bennet, Alexander 69 Birmingham Gen. Soc. 4 Bearden, Edmund C. 151 John 68 Birmingham, Lancford Wesley 76 Robert R. 151 Alex'r 91 Bishon, Nancy 49 Bearfield, Stephen 67 Hiram 49 Bishop, C. 17 Beaslee, Elizabeth 101 John T. 87 K. A. 17 Beasley, Robert E. 90 Martha J. 152 Sa111Uel M. 58 Beatright, Ennna 102 Mary 152, 156 Bizzell, Clarinda 153 Beatty, A Fa~ily History 125 Mary F. 152 H. P. H. 154 Beatty, Troy, Jr. 125 Sarah Ann 152 Isaac 67 Beaty; John 66', 68 Walter 156 James W. 153 Wm. 82 Benson, John C. 99 Nancy F. 153 Beauford Co. S. C. 9 laban 27 Black, Alex'r 89 Beaufort District S. C. 8 Bent Creek, Tenn. 129 David 95 Beaver, Hezekiah D. Rev. 37 Benthol, Sam' 1 84 Elijah 83 Beavers, Ann 37 Bently, Heirs 110, 137 James 66 H. D., Jr. 37 Benton Co., Tenn. 1850 Census Peter 96 Hezekiah D. Rev. 37 4, 122 Robert 66 le111Uel 37 Benton County, Tenn. Marriage Thomas 67, 96 Jesse R. 37 Records 122 William 56, 90 Martha (Patsy) 37 Benton, Jesse 65 Blackbourn, Edward 82 Sanrny 37 Thomas H. 27 Blackburn (Ussery) Elizabeth Ann, Spencer 84 Berkley, William Sir 6 Mrs. 117 Beck, Nancy 49 Berlin, William 54 John 82 Beckham, Martha J. 153 Berry, Bazzel 26, 90 lewis 100 Bedford Co. Tenn. 36, 39, 71, 74, James 26, 92 S. J. 19 119, 158, 159 Joseph 92 Blackburne, Hester A. 102 Co. Va. 117, 148, 157 Michael 82 Blackley, Mary Jane 157 Fa. 118 Samyerl 83 Blackman, John 26 Bedwell, Elizabeth 86 Thomas 67 Blackshell, Sarah 48 Beezley, Isam 10 Will H. 85 Blackwell, Eliza 50 Jesse 10 William 26, 83 Blackwood, B. S., Mrs. 3 Behr, Eldon A., Mrs. 73 Berryhill, Andrew 79 Bladen Co., N. C. 39 Beird, James 83 Berryville, Ark. 116 Blair, Andrew 84 Bejach, Lois D., Mrs. 1, 40, Berten?, (Burton) Nancy 48 J. 52 77, 120 Bertie Co., N. C. 71 J. M. 160 Belcher, Adeline 97 Best, Martha 86 James 84 Belcher, Aley 97 Bethany, Mary 38 Jos. 84 Catherine 97 Bethel, Carter 65 Jerry Echols, Mrs. 76 Delila 97 Bethel Springs, Tenn. 25 L. 52 Demaris 97 Bethel Springs Station, Tenn. 24 W. R., Mrs. 1, 77, 118, 120, 157 Erastus 97 Bethesda Cumberland Presbyterian William 26 Henry C. 97 Church 25 Blake, Catherine 102 James 97 Betts, William 109, 136 E. 52 Jane 97 Beville, Joseph B. 33 Joseph 7 John 97, 159 Bible, George 116 Mary 102 Juda. 97 Susan Margaret 116 Sarah Ann 47 Littleberry 97 Bice (7) John W. 101 W. B. 52 Vanerva 97 ,. Bierman, Edwinna Dodson, ~trs. William A. 102 42 Blakemore, James 10 Martha 97 . Biffel, Jacob 84 Mary 100 Thomas 11 John 84 Blalock, Henry 90 Mary J. 97 Big Spring Baptist Church 130 Parmelia 100 Biggars, Joseph 88 R. W. 153 Polly 97 William 153 Robert 88 Bland, James 150 Rebecca 97 Biggs, A. A. 12. "Ansearchin' NevTS 164

Borrum, James L. 20, 25 Wm. Henry 71 Joshua 150 Bostic, WIll. 49 Boyett, Ailsey 119 Mary A. 150 Botetourt Co., Va. 35, 158 Boyle County, KY. 93 Blankenship, T. 19 Bother (?), John 100 Bozard, William 112 J. 19 Botts, James H. 50 Bracher, John 134 John 19 Bourbon County, KY. 92 (Ker) Kenedy 134 Samuel 19 Bourland, Carter 56 Bracken County, KY. 93 Bleosce(?), Emily J. 101 Hilbin 54 Bracken, F. 17 Sarah 101 Sarah 54 Groville 14 Bledsoe Co."Tenn. 74 Bowden, Caroline B. 48 M. 17 Bloodworth, Allen L. 151 D. F. 87 Bracket (Ker?) Benjamin 134 Hardy 149 Elizabeth E. 85 Charles 134 Harriet 151 John H. 87 Braden, Jennier M. J. 23 Isaac 102 Mary A. 85 Joseph 65 Margalee 151 Bowen, Eldridge 67 Bradford,. CraWford 105 Mary 102, 149 G. W. 52 David 105 Arville 151 H. 52 H. T. 86 Sally 151 J. 52 Henry 50 Sarah J. 102, 151 James 48 Hugh 83 Thomas J. 102 John III -158 Mary Ann 48 William 102 P. 52 Nancy 36 William H. W. 102 (Clark) Rachel, Mrs. 118 Bradley, Edward 49 Blooming Grove 139 Bowers, Richard 11 1. B. 14 Blount Co., Tenn. 35, 75, 119 Bowles, J. M. 50 Isaac 98 Blount, John G. 31 Iucinda S. 62 J. 14 Blue, Archabald M. 76 Nancy H. 62 James 66 Blythe, Amanda 85 Bowling Green, KY. 72 John 10 Joseph A. 50 Bowling, James 99 L. S. 24 Boals, Charles A. 67 John 99 Mary 101 Boannon, W. 55 Joshua 99 Narcusa 14 Boaz, Edward 11 UmphreY Hails, Jr. 118 Nelly J. A. C. 101 Olive 159 William 99 Sallie S., Mrs. 24 Bobbett, Edward W. 98 Bowman, David 59 Thomas 65 Bogalusa, Louisiana 42 Elijah K. 61 Thomas Capt. (Regt.) 38 Bogard, Jacob 68 Elizabeth 57 Bradly, A. 14 William 146, 147 Ellis H. 61 B. 14 Zilpha 155 Emily 59 C. 14 Boggs, Jane 72 Henry 57 E. 14 Boise, Wm. 50 s. Isaac 57 (Bradly) James 14 Bolivar, Missouri 38 James 10 N. 14 Tenn. 36 James Cox 61 Bradshaw, John 82 Bolling Family 43 John 61 Martha 47 C) Bolton, Hail 98 Mary 57 Sam'l 91 Joseph 148 Michael 57 Brady, Catharine 154 Bon Air Springs, Tenn. 35 Molly 61 J. C. 14 Bon Ac cord Jlist. & Program Rice D. 61 James 154 Booklet 123 Robert 11, 61, 57 John 66 Bond-;J5:lf." 49 Sarah 61 John, Jnr. 69 Jane 56 Thomas 10 Bragg, Moore 67 Joseph 47 Box, Isaac 11 Brainer ? Sarah J. 149 Bonds, Wright 30 Rebecca 36 Bramblette, Delilah 96 Bondurant, H. G. C. 87 Stephen 11 Nancy 96 Bone, Elijah 55 Boyd, Armistead 26 Brandon, George 10 George W. 101 Casandra 152 Ilfdia 155 Henry T. 86 E. 1. 85 N. C. 155 Rebecah 56 F. 15 Valentine C. 50 William 56 ~'. E. 15 Brannon, Enoch 118 Bonham, Peter 105 Frances S. 15 George 55 Bonham, Texas 72 George 29, 64 John 55 Bonneil, B. B. 54 H. 18 John w. 154 M. 54 Harrison 27 Mary C. 154 Bonner, Channey 86 James 66 Sarah Adeline 118 David T. 47 John 64, 146 William R. 154 Kathryn Rose 46 L. 15 Bransford, Elizabeth 60 Rebecca 47 Mary Ann 152 John 60 Reuben 49 Matilda 52 Walter 60 Booker, Elizabeth 154 P. 15 William 60 Peter R. 26 R. L. 15 Branson, Peter 111 SUsan J. 154 .Richard 139 Brantley, Abram 68 William C. 154 Sarah 18 Thomas 63 Boone Co., Iowa 118 Sarah Jr. 154 Brantly, Thomas 104 Boothe, Martha 85 Thomas 138, 144, 147 Braswell, A. T. 149 Bordentown, New Jersey 78 W. A. 152 Braswell, Mary L. 57 Borderland Books 123 William 11 Reuben J. 57 Bordes, C. A. J. 14 WIll. A. 49 William E. 57 H. 14 William G. 68 Bratcher, Nancy 96 J. H. 14 Boyer, Elizabeth 71 Braw, Peter 113 N. 14 Henry 71 Breathet, John 27 P. I. 14 James H. 71 Breathett County, KY. 93 Boreland, James 91 John 71 Breckenridge Co., KY. 95 Borin, James 19 Lavina 71 Breeding, S. D. 72 Borough, G. B. 52 Mary Polly 71 Brelton, Ann 51 Borough, Obedience 55 parmelia 71 Bruner, Amos 65 William 55, 56 Phoebie 71 Brewer, James P. 51 Boroughs, J. T. 51 Reba Bayliss 122 Brewster, Elizabeth 101 P. 51 Samuel 71 'Esther, Mrs. 119 R. 51 W. G. 13 Briant, Hiram 98 W. B. 51 1962 165

Brice, Jonathan 103 E. C. 14 14o.rtha 57 Bridges, H. C. 52 E. D. F. 13 Nancy '7( J. D. 52 Elizabeth A. 47 William 57 M. A. 52 Ella 116 Buckingham, JOfm G2 Martha O. 156 George w. 116 Iouisa 58 Nancy 58 Harriet 158 Margaret 62 S. H. 52 Isabella 159 Susan c. 58 Terry 88 J. 18 Zachariah 62 W. B. 52 Jake W. 116 Buckley, J09.b 26, 68 William 66 Jas. 84, 93 Buckly, Susan 50 Bridgway, Henry H. 84 James D. 83 Bucknel, Benj. 83 Briggs, Ethel, Mrs. 43 Jane 35 Bucy, John M. 48 Brigham, ptolemy 112 Jefferson 116 Iucretia 153 Thomas 105, 110 John 35 1-1argaret 47 Bright, William 65 John A. 149 Martha Ann 153 Briles, George 35 John B. 89 Nancy 49 Briley, Geo. 12 John H. 86 Buell, Frederick 50 Brinsfield, Sophronia E. 58 Joseph 83 Bufford, William 108 Brinson, James 115 Joseph Martin 130 Buford, Charles 66 Jason 138, 142 Josie 116 Dan 10 Jason, Jr. 138 lenard 116 James 68 Peter 139 lent 69 Josiah 66 Widow 139 leonard 71 Spencer 68 Brint, James Briscoe 119 Louisa 159 Bugbee, Robert 83 James Henry 119 Louise 158 Bugg, Benjamin 68 Brisandine, Elvis 98 Mack 116 Jesse 49 Brisco, B. f. 15 Malisie 116 Bugs, William 81 Brit, David 16 Margaret Ann 158 Bull Pasture 108, 135 E. 16 Marion 158 Bullack, John 83 George 16 Martha 48, 159 Jonathan 83 W. 16 Martha C. 48 Bullington, Francis 62 Britt, Betsy 58 Mary, Mrs. 159 James 62 John 58 Mary Ann 71 Bullitt Co. Ky. 96 Britton, Abraham 11 Miller 158 lJullock, Amos 27 Ric'd 11 Morris 159 Amos, Jnr. 65 Broach, Basby (Basley) 85 Napoleon 159 Nathan 27 Broad, Riser' 6 Nathan 71, 118 J. Floyd 158 Brock, Allen 95 Noel 84 William 27 David 95 R. 18 Bumpus, Martha 97 Elijah 95 R•.W. 18 Buach, Madelon 87 James 95 Rebecca 158 Buaday, Sarah I. 49 Jno. 13 Robert 83, 159 Bunks, Nancy 50 John M. 95 Ruffin 91 Buat, William 62 Joshua 95 S. 18 Buaton, lucinda 51 Mary 13 Sam 71 Burbridge, Martin 12 Mary J. 95 Sam'l 65 Mary 12 Polly 95 Samuel 159 William 12 Susanna 13 Sara 159 Burcutin, John W. 85 Brogden, Mary A. F. 47 Unity 158 Burge, F. w. 97 Moses 86 William 89, 158 M. J. 12 Bronson, Britain 142 Zachariah 159 Martha 97 John 156 Browning, Elizabeth 151 Peterson 97 Thomas 156 James 151 Sarah 97 Brook, Hezekia!). 89 ? William Sam 151 Thomas 97 Brooks, Baily 83 Willis 151 William 97 Benj. 82 Brownlee, Andrew 62 Burgess, Absolam 109 Berry B., Mrs. 1,,77 Broyles, Adam T. 75 Moses 12 Geo. 83 Catherine Vaught (Vant) 75 T. H. 51 Henry 83 George 35, 75 Burgin, Allen Colefax 117 Isaac 66 L. F. 35, 75 Burham, James M. 50 James 76 Br-

William 82 S. Ann 49' Carper, Alexander Sawyers 119 Burrow, Henry W. 22 Thos. G. 67 Geo. Foster 119 John 141 William 90 J. E., Mrs. 119 Robert A. 22 William R. 160 Jacob 119 Burt, Herman (7) 99 Calhoun .County, Miss. 43 Jenny Draper 119 Jackson 99 Calhoun, John Caldwell 8 Joseph 119 Ruth 71 Patrick 8 Mary 119 Souzella (7) 99 Callendars Creek 109, 110, 136 Susannah Sawyers 119 Burton, Amanda 58 Callison, Gilmore 43 William Foster 119 Charles A. 90 Callaway Co. KY. 151, 152, 153, Carr, Elijah J. 61 Edward 48 154, 155, 156 James 11, 82 Frances E. 151 Calvert, Silas W. 102 James A. 102 Heirs 137 Camden, Ark. 158 John 11 Horace T. 48 District, S. C. 8 John R. 61 James 86 Tenn. 117 King 11 James M. 58 Cameron, Ewen 66 Mahala 61 John A. 49 Camp, Ludie J. 35 Mahala E. 61 Josiah 48 Campbell, Brawley 150 Mary A. 61 M. G. 155 Charles 27, 33, 66, 111, 143 Mathussey 61 Margaret 58 David 26,85 Ric'd 11 Martha A. 58 David Judge 35 Sarah Eliz. 119 Martha P. 151 E. 85 William 11, 82 Mary T. 49 Elizabeth 35, 48 Carriage, Mathias 83 Moris G. 48 Hamilton C. 82 Carroll Co. Gs. 119 Orsen D. 58 James 69 Carroll Co. Tenn. 74, 116, 125 Thomas 58 Joab 82 Carroll, Mrs. Roy 73 William 151 John 26, 133 Carsby, James 88 Burtwell, Mrs. 20 Joseph 68 Carselowey, James Manford 3 Burwell (7) Lucy 117 Mary 92, 156, 159 Carson, Andrew 53 Bush, George M. 57 Patrick 26 Carson-Bent-Boggs Genealogy 125 larn 7 49 Robert 14, 82 Carson, Harriet 53 Lucy Bragg 126 T. J. 84 James 88 William 126 Wm. 82 Kit 88 William A. 57 William A. 92 Mary Y. 87 Bushart, Elizabeth 48 Camps, Charlotte M. 86 M. H. 102 John 86 Canburen (7) 53 William 125 Bushnell & Dobyns 109, 136 Candler, .Margaret 61 WIn. H. 85 Cart, Linus Butler I A. M. 46 Cane, E. 17 96 Butler Co., KY. 96 M. A. 17 William 107 Butler, F. B. 15 H. 17 Carter, A. 16, 19 J. H. 19 Isaac 17 Benjamin 83 () J. T. 15 James D. 17 Blanche (Brancey) Ann 160 Jessie R. 46 R. 17 Charles 85 John N. 45 W. D. 17 Claude B. 117, 160 L. G; 15 Cane Hill, Ark. 76, 160 Carter Co., Tenn. 5 L. T.46 Candy Fork 159 Carter Co' 1 Tenn. Marriage Martha 159 Cannady, George 82 Records 1796-1850 122· Sampson 159 John 82 Carter, David 72 Samuel 15, 19 Wm. 82 E. A. 16 William 98 Cannon, Clement 68 Elizabeth 49, 61, 72 Young 15, 19 Cannon Co., Tenn. 36, 116 Esther Crockett 119 Butterworth, David 87 Cannon, Joshua 90 Francis Jackson 72, 119 Butts, Richard K. 96 Lewis 108, 135 Frank 72 Butz, R. E. K. 96 Moses 68 Freeman 16 Buzbe, Maraday 82 Newton 68 Geo. Washington 72, 119 Sherad 82 Wm. 70 Henry 17 Byars, Armenta 87 Canton, Gs. 76 John s. 87 Byerly, David. 148 Ill. 70, 158 John W. 160 Bynum, Sinsion 87 Cantrell, Archibald 35 L. 50 Byrd, Evalina E. 102 Caplinger, Elizabeth 49 Landon (M.D.) 51 Silas 15 Card, William 11 Louisa Horne 160 Cardwell, Daniel 94 M. 16 -C- Isaac L. 49 M. c. 16 Carey, Dennis 79 M. J. 16 C. River 135 Carlin, Robert 27 Margaret E. 160 Cable, Washington 58 Carlisle, Robert 26 Mariah Polk 160 Cage, Albert J. 117 Carlton, Judith 155 Martha W. 160 James 11 Carnahan, Paul A., Mrs. 131 Mary 72 Wilson 11 Carney, Hardin 56 Mary E. 160 Cageville, Tenn. 34 Joseph 82 . Nancy 55 Cahool, Charles 88 Robert, Mrs. 77 Nancy Coleman 72 Cahoon, Charles 88 Carothers, Robert 69 Pamby J. 17 Charles Sen. 88 Carothey, Amanda C. 97 Robert 50, 72 Elisabeth 97 (7), Thomas 97 S. J. 47 George 88 Caraway Cemetery, 'Lexington, Tenn. Sam'l 49 George, Jr. 65 74 Samuel 160 Geor/le, Snr. 65 Carpenter, Anderson 93 Samuel Albert 160 George W. 88 Barbara 119 Sarah, Mrs. 158 Sarah A•. Wilson 89 Harriet 93 47 Cain, Elizabeth 28 Henry 93 Sarah W., Mrs. 160 Jane 96 J. 18 Sophia 50, 160 Susan Caldwell County, KY. 9, 100, James 93 86 149, 150, 151 Mary 93 Susan E. 47 Caldwell, Cynthia E. Dooley 160 Sally 94 William 158 Hannah W. 48 Sarah 95 William C. 160 William M. 16 196.2 167

Carteret, George Sir 5 Channon, Aaron 14 Clark, D. 54 Cartiss, J. D. 15 Chapell, Marie 52 E. 18 Cartwright, Elisabeth 97 Chapman, Eliza J. 101 E. N. B. 13 Hezekiah 9'7 Henry Clay 101 Elisha 135 James 9'7 Martha J. 101 Elvira 155 John 9'7 Robert 69 Elizabeth 155 Louisa J. 9'7 Saml. 65 F. 54 Mary 9'7 Sampson 101 Haywood 18 Minerva 9'7 Thomas A. 101 J. A. 54 Philip 9'7 Thomas J. 101 James 88 S9JIlUel 97 Iohn. 90 James C. 61 Thomas 97 Charles, Fort 6 (Clack) James R. 103 William 9'7 Charleston, S. C. 8 John 19, 65, 155 Caruth, M. 15 District, S. C. 8 John M. 62 Carvier, Thomas J. 149 Charles Town 6, '7 Joseph 103 Carwm(?), Elizapeth 102 Early Churches of '7 Joseph J. 61 Casa Grande, Arizona '76 Charlton, John 61 K. 19 Case, H. E. 85 Chatham County, Ga. 21 L. B. 155 Casey, K. 55 Chattanooga, Tenn. '70, 119 Lardner 108, 135 Casten, Jane (Garten) 4'7 Chedwato Service 41 Louisa 35 Caswell Co. N. C. 4 Cheek, Thomas E. 13 M. 54 Caswell, William 109 Cheraw District S. C. 8 Margaret 119 Cate, Charles T. 50 Cherokee Co. Ga. '76 Martha 103 Sarah 48 Co. Texas '72 Martha E. 155 Cates, Jane '71 Cherokee Indians '7 Martin 103 Cathey, Alexr. 10 Cherokee Pioneers 3 (Terrill) Mildred 118 Alexander., Jr. 84 Cherry, Ja.mes '76 Missiana(?) J. 103 Alexander, Sr. 83 John 31 N. 19, 54 Andrew 105, 111, 141 Lemuel 61 R. 18 George Jun'r 14'7 lucinda 59 Robert F. 103 George Sr. 114, 115 Williwn 59 S. 19 Griffith 10 William B. 59 Ssrah 35 John 10, 83 Chester Co. S. c. '73 Thomas 10, 19, 6'7 John A. 83 County, Tennessee 45, 125 Iohn. 84 Matthew 81 Monthly Maeting of Wayne Co. 123 William A. 61 Watts 83 Chesterfield Co. S. C. 9 William T. 103 Cation, W. N. 4'7 Chevy Chase, Maryland '72, 11'7, Wilson H. 103 Cauthan, Joseph 62 119, 124, 15'7 Wycoff 108 Cavit, Williwn 145 Cheyenne Wells, Colorado '73 & wycoff 109, 136 Cave, John 84 Chicago, Ill. 43, 45 Clarke, A. S. J., Mrs. 34, '71 Cawthorn, David 12 Chilcut, Nancy 50 Amanda c. 85 Cedar Co. Mo. 158 Childers, David 139, 140, 142, Clarksdale, Miss. '76 Celtner, Geo. 84 143, 14'7 Clarkson, Mary D. 92 Ceredo, West. Va. '74 Childress, David 32, 63, 64, Clarksville, Ark. '75 Chambers, C. T. 160 105, 110 Tenn. 113 Calvin 11'7 Henry 6'7 Clarris, William 88 Caroline 11'7 stephen 26, 84 Claton, Baze 84 Clarence T. '76, 11'7 William 6'7 Robert 84 Chamber Co., Ala. 118 Childrop (Childress) N. H. 85 Clay, Mary Ann '72 Chambers, E. P. 10 Childross, L. A. 8'7 Samuel L. 93 Elizabeth 11'7 Chinghman?, Sarah 56 Clayborn, Alfred 15'7 Harriett 86 Chinowth, Archibald S. 62 Catherine, Mrs. 15'7 Harrison 11'7 Chisholm, Alexander '72 John 15'7 ll;y1:um 11'7 Chism, Alexander '72 Jubel 15'7 Isaac 11'7 Choat, Aron 83 Lorinzo 15'7 James 11 Christopher 84 William 15'7 John 11, 6'7 John R. 83 Clayton, Henry 69 Manona 11'7 Joseph 84 John 84 Margaret 11'7 Choate, SqUire 83 Robert 26 Milly 53 Chank Creek 158 William 89 Mina 11'7 Chowan Co. N. C. '71 Clements, William 32 Moses 65 Christensen, Eva, Mrs. 35 & Hydes store 141 Samuel 2'7, 90 Christian, Mines P. 86 Cliborn, John Jr. 133 Chamlee, Illcinda '76 Christianburg 148 John Sr. 133 Chwnness, Charles G. 22 Christian County, Kentucky 9, 33 Cliburn, B. P. 1'7 E. E. 22 Christian, Marget 53 E. J. 18 Chwnpion, Jordan 4'7 Christmas, Abram 68 G. 14 Chancy, W. 16 David L. 58 H. J. 14 Chandler, Augustus 98 John 58 John 1'7 Catharine 99 William 66 M. H. 1'7 Constantine 98 Christopher, John 86 VIm. 14 Elisabeth 99 Church, Mary C. 60 Click, John 68, 90 Thiaulthe ( ?) 99 Churchman, Rebecca 35 Cline, A. 1'7 F. A. 154 Cims, William 56 T. 1'7 Joel, Sr; '70 Clack, Elisha 108 Frank, Mrs. 124, 159 John 98 Claiborne Co. Tenn. 3'7, 129, G. 1'7 Malaha 99 130, 133 george 14 Margaret 99 Parish, La. '71, 118 fl. C. 1'7 Mary 154 Clapp, Frances 55 J. 19 Matilda 99 Clarendon, Earl of 6 Joseph 159 Phalemachus(?) 98 Clark, Ann 155 L. 1'7 sarah 98 B. F. 153 M. 1'7 Westley 99 Benjamin 103 N. 1'7 William 98 C. 19, 54 S. c. 1'7 Chaney, Charlie 23 Chris 118 Sam M. 159 M. F. 23 Clark Co., Ark. 36, '73 Sarah 14 S. J. 1'7, 23 Ill. '71 Clinkerhard(?), Elizabeth 93 "Ansearchin'rlNews 168 ( )

Clinton Co. Penn. 76 Colonial Virginia Abstracts 77 S. E. 17 KY. 160 Colout, Ann 14 Cooperstown, New York 78 Clinton, Thomas 28, 32, 33, 63, 104 ColqUitt Volume 43 Coot,(?) Frederick 98 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, Colton, California 70, 118 Copeland, Betsy 150 139, 145, 146 Columbia. Co. Ark. 34 Clarence A. 150 Cloud, B. F. 93 S. C. 9 Dempsey 150 Ezikiel 92 Tenn. 36, 78 Eliza 47 Pryor B. 92 Columbus, Miss. 43 Elizabeth Kelsey 39 Cluts, John D. 65 Colunt, C. 14 James 39 Coasey, Charles 156 Combs, Benjamin 94 ~linda 150 J. B. 156 Elvira 94 ~rilla 53 ~1artha 156 F. C. 23 ~ry 54 Coates, ~rtha 52 Fannie, Mrs. 23 stephen 150 Coats, John 136 Guy 23 Thomas 53, 1,26 ~ry Sarah Richardson 70 Harry S. 23' Thomas Benton 150 Peyton Henry 70 Jno. G. 23 Wilson 53 Cobb, Alemida 99 ~garet A., Mrs. 23 Coper, David 10 Edward J. 133 ~y C. 23 Corbin, Joseph 27 F. G. 98 Miranda 94 Corbit, Aaron 53 Frances 96 Nancy 94 Elisa 53 Harriet 99 Patsy 94 ~rtha 53 John 96 Richard C. 23 Needham 53 ~y A. 96 Samuel 94 Polly 53 (7) Sarah 96 Zur 59 'Soleta 53 Sarah TUl,e 96 Comer, James 89 Corcan(7), John D. 101 Thomas 96 Commonwealth of Virginia 42 Corinth, Miss. 20, 25 William 99 Como, Miss. 117 Cork, Elizabeth 103 William M. 96 Compton, Elizabeth M. 85 James W.(7) 103 Cochran, Andrew 72 Confederate Soldiers B~ried in ~tha 103 David 10 Elmwood Cemetery 4 Nancy 103 James 72 Congressional Reservation 125 Corley, William 114 ~rsha L. 87 Reservation Petition for Relief Cornelius, S. 55 Nancy 72 1812 80, 125 Cornick. Samel 106 Win. 86 Conner;-T. (s) 79 Correthus7 Susan 87 Cochrane, William B. 98 Consolidated Calvary Civil War 157 Cosar7 Nancy 53 Cocke Go. Tenn. 71, 119 Conway, Arkansas 41 Cossitt-Goodwyn Library 2, 40 Cockran, Edward 83 Conyers, ·James M. 48 Cossitt Library 9 John 90 Tabitha N. 47 Cotham, Sarah . 86 Coddington, John I. 78 Cook, Adeline 38 Couch, Joseph 82 Coffee, Chesley 84 Archibald 145 Coulter, Rebecca 76 Coffee Co., Tenn. 39 Austin 100 Councill, Benj. 85 Coffee, John Col. (Regt.) 38 C. 14 Courts , Amanda 48 Coffer, H. J: 52' C. J. 17 Couter, D. A. 18 H. s. 55 Celia 14 Covington, Lcuise 48 W. M. 52 D. 14 Covy, Patty Triplett 73 Coffey, Nathan 82 Edmund heirs 27 Cowan, Alexander 134 Cofield, Thomas A. 50 Elizabeth 72, 101 Delia 159 Coggen, William 67 Henry 27, 38 Elizabeth 159 Cognets, Anna Russell des 124 . Jacob 72 Emily 159 Lcuis des. 124 Jacob C. 38 Joseph 66 Lcuis des Jr. 124 Jacob N. 157 ~M. 50 Coin, T. A. 127 James 38, 105 ~tthew 159 Colbert, L. 18 James L. 72, 157 Samuel 83 Lcuisa 60 Jesse 38, 72, 157 Sarah 47 M. G. 18 John 66, 67 Silas 38 Cole, A. 13 John F. 72, 157 Cowser, Andrew 89 James 68 L. 18 Cox, Elizbeth 12 John A. 15 M. 14, 17 Ezekiel 105 John C. 50 ~rcus 38 James 91 Joseph 69 ~rtha 158 John 12, 133 Julia 16 ~tha P. 72 Joab 134 L. A. 13 ~ 39 Robert, Mrs. 77 Polly 95 ~ry Ann Clay, Mrs. 72, 157 Robert Lcuis, Mrs. 159 Sam'l. T. 86 ~y Catharine 38 Samuel 27 Thomas 69 ~thilda 38 Simpson 87 William 69 T. A. 14 Walter 134 Win. C. 13 Thomas 38 William 134 Coleman, Alfred( 7) 119 Cooke, A. S. 86 Crab Orchard, Tenn. 35 Catherine 151 American P. 47 Crabtree, Elizabeth 153 Huff(7) 119 John 31, 83, 104, 106 J. C. W. 155 Nancy 72, 119 Mela 85 John P. 153 Collens, Thos. 82 Cooksey, E. 19 Pickney 153 Tyree 82 Cooley, Rebecca 50 Rilta7 153 Colleton Co. S. C. 9 William 112, 113, 143 Susan 154 Colleton, John Sir 6 Cooper, A. 17 Craddock, Joseph 48 Collier, Jefferson 73 Abraham 76 Crafford, Alexander 83 William 66 Adline 20 (7) ~ry 100 Colliks, William 95 B. 114 Craig, Daniel 90 Colling, ~rgaret 92 F. 14 Jane W. 151 Collins, C. A. 12 George E. 149 ~tilda 102 Eda 152 James 11, 110 Craighead Co. Ark. 36, 39 Elizabeth 152 John 11, 29, 63, 104, 111, 141 Crandon, ~y Ann 85 John F. 85 M•.A. J. 17 Crane, G. B. s. 149 Lewis 83 M. M. 17, 85 Craven, Earl of 6 lucinda 152 R. 33, 146 Joseph 133 ~tilda 152 Robert 28, 63, 105, 111, 115, Cravens, Robert M. 47 William 65 140, 142 Crawford, Agnes 37 1962

Alexander 67 Cumberland Gap l48 DaVis, Amos 90 Craighead 83 River lO, 3l, 64, l08, l09, Barshekial 6l John 27, 68 ll2, ll3, ll5, l36, l39, l42 \C- Benjamin 68, 89 Sam'l B. 87 Cummins, Hiram F. 49 Chesley 73 William 37 S8lIIUel 27 Clyde L., ]-lrs. 7l, H8 CrawfordviHe, Ind. H8 Cumpton, Fielden l2 D. J. l7 Creasey, DoHy 57 Cunningham, Asron 26 Daniel 67 Creekmore, PoHyanna 4, 42, 122 M. C. 19 David l08, l35 Creek Nation 80 Daniel H. 150 Elisha 89 Crenshaw, Cornelius 9l George G. 62 Elisha N. 34 Cress, Elijah 49 Jacob J. 61 Elizabeth 57 Cress? Parlhen 49 James 62 Frances S. 6l Crews, Cynthia A. l50 Julia G. l50 Frederick 90 George G. l50 Matt 88 Henry lO, 83, 90 Sarah A. 85 Matthew 82 Harriett Alafair 75 Criddie, Alexander 48 Nancy' 62 J. l7 Criddle, Jesse 69 Rebecca 62 J. H. l7 John 69 Sarah l50 James 27, 57 Crinshaw, Cornelius 67 Thomas l50 James Sen. 9l Crisenberry, Caroline 47 Wesley Bailey l50 Jane 87 Crisp, Alfred G. lOO WiHiam H. l50 Jessie 90 Critten, Nancy 93 William T. 62 Johathan 90 Crittenden Co., KY. 9 Gunny, Joseph 82 John 82, 88, 90 Crittenden, Elizabeth 47 Cups, David 92 John A. 6l Crockett Co. Tenn. 125 Curl, WiHiam l38 Davis, John Calvin Hist. & Gen. 124 Crockett, Esther 72 Curle, Archibald 30 Davis, John H. 57 John 89 William 28, 3l, l08, lll, ll4 John R. 83 Mary G. 87 Current(?), Ingaber 93 Joshua C. 57 Samuel 67 Currin, Robert P. 26 Iucretia 126 Crockett, Texas 36 Currituck County, N. C. l45 M. l7 Crook, John 69, 90 Curry, Moses 69 Magnes 84 Crooks, Sarah l52 Curtis, Benjamin 26, 9l Malinde 61 Crop, C. E. l8 Joshua 9l Margaret 60 Crop? (Crass) Margaret 48 Thomas 26 Martha A. 57 Martha l8 Mary J. 57 Croppen, James 98 -D- Mary Tate 73 Theresa 98 Matthew 88 Thomas H. 98 Dabney's Legion 70 Miles 69, 90 Cross Creek 30, 3l, l08, l09, Daffin, A. B. l7 Moses 68 l35, l39, l42 H. J. 17 N. A. l7 Cross, Ellen 73 Dailey, John H8 N. R. 1.7 Guy L., Mrs. 75 Martha 76 Nancy W. 57 Henry 74 Rachel Clark Bowan H8 Nicholas lO Juliann 2l S8lIIUel Clark Dr. H8 P. S. l3 Iifdia Morris 74 Dalbey, Abner K. 22 Page 126 Maclin 2l. T. F. 24 Perry A. 6l Martha, Mrs. 2l Theo. F. 22 Ralph 68 Micajah 74 Dale, Elizabeth 60 Rebecca 85 Morgan l34 Dallas, Texas 39, 7l, 72 Robert 27 Shadrack 74 Dalton, James T. l03 Robert J. 6l Susan, Mrs. 74 John l53 S. l3, l6 WIn. James 74 John P. l03 T. J. 19 CrosweH, Nimrod 30, l05, l06, Peggy 95 Thomas J. 60 HO, l38, ;1.39 Peter 95 William 61, 79, 83, 89, 119 Crouce, William 29 Reuben B. l03 WiHiam J. 57 Crouch, Elvira M. 60 Riley (?) 95 William L. lOO Crouse, William 32, 64 Sally 95 Wilson 90 Crow, Cynthia l60 S8lIIUel 95 Wyley W. 16 John l60 Susan 95 Y. J. 19 Iucinda 'l60 DalzeH, F. 79 Davison, Mariah 96 Crowder, F. 19 Dancey, Henry H Rabt. 82 Crowell, Nimrod l47 Daniel, Alexander 53 Dawson, Fleming G. 48 Crowley, WIn. 49 Ann 53 Georgia 36, 39 Crowly, Berry l34 Betty 7l Day, Joseph 86 Crues, Aron 84 Mary 53 Ralph 40 Crump, C. C. 26 Rice 53 Deadrick, George M. 64 C. C., Dr. 20 Wyatte l02 Dean, Aviah 34 Celia A. (Lewter) 22 DanviHe, Ill. 74, H7 Dampsey 90 Charles Osborn 22 Virginia 4 Francis 27 E. 22 Dardens Company H4 Greenberry 88 Elizabeth 20, 23 Dark, Almeda J. l53 Joseph 69 Eliz. H. 20 Dauge (DoZier), Enoch l36 Julia Ann 75 FendaH W. 20, 22 Daves, James l34 Dabon, Fred 10 G. G. 20 David, Sampson l33 Decatur Co. Tenn. 125 Margaret Lean 22 Davidson Co. Tenn. 72, H7, l57 Daen, Reuban 84 Mary Chaney 22 Davidson, F. P. 97 Defries, Archibald P. 62 R. W. 22 Fountain P. 97 William T. 6l Richard Dr. 22 George 27 DeKalb Co. Tenn. l59 Richard FendaH 22 James 97 Deminburn, John F. l2 WiHiam Colvin 22 Jane M. 97 Demonburn, Wm. 12 Crumpton, Betsy 58 John 97 Den, John 63, 105, ll4 Crutcbf'ield, Isiah 86 Martha 97 Denham, Nancy 62 Cub Creek l08, l35 Sarah J. 97 Denison, Nathaniel 32 Cuba, New Mexico 70 Silas P. 97 Dennis, Armanda 56 Cullens, HWC 83 Susan 97 John 56 Culpeper Co. Va. ll6 William 97 Masedonia 56 Culpepper, Martha A. 47 Davie( ?), Thomas M. 59 Danson, Jessie l05, ll5, l43, l45 l!Ansearcbin'" ~~ev7S 170

Divine, Ada'Newlee 129 Drake, Charles 10 Nathaniel 64 Frank E. 129 Dramen(?) Mauba 102 Denton, Abraham 134 John 129 Draming (?) Frances 103 Benjamin 67 John Washington Dr. 129, 130 Draper, Phillip 118 John 92 Kate 129 Ravena (Revana) 118 Jonathan 89, 134 Mildred 127, 129, 147 Dreiling, Agnes C. 43 Mary 36 Dixon, Alfred 101 Drewery, John 87 Denver, Colorado 125 T. 10 Drowns, Oliver 86 fub. Library 125 Dobbins, David 67 Duck Hill, Miss. 38 Depriest, John 69 Hugh 65 Dudley, Kit 108 Derickson, Hannah B. 93 James 67, 83, 89 Nancy 12 Melissa 93 Samuel 65 Nat 135 Seth W. 93 William 66 Due, Thomas 65 (?) Sophia 93 Dobbs, John R. 19 Duff, Elisa 56 Derington, James H. 49 Elinora M. 150 Martha 56 Derryberry, Adam 89 Mary E. 150 Nancy 56 Daniel 68, 89' Dobson, Henry 65 Virginia 56 Jacob 67 Dobuls( ?), M. 14 Duffe, Thomas 82 DeSoto Co. Miss. 35, 75 Dodd, E. T. 22 Duffer, John 19 Devenport, Mae Minerva 158 Elizabeth 103 Malvina 19 Dever, William 68 Sarah 96 Duffy, Kate 55 ~Deveraux, William 27 T. W. 22 Margaret 56 Devereux, William 69 William R. 22 D~gger, Alexander 118 Dewridy(?), Robert F. 99 Dodds, C. C. 22 ,Thomas 118 Dial, James 68 Clarence Carpenter 22 Dulin, George 149 Dick, Andrew 10 Dodson, David 67 Dllnbar, James 105, 110, 142, 147 Charles 35 E. 54 WIn. 29, 33, 105, 110, 142, 143, Christian 35 Elisha 89, 90 147 Henry 35 Elisha, Jnr. 68 Dmcan, A. A. 152 Jacob 35 Greenhaw 69, 90 Chloe 100 John 35 lazarus 68 Eliza J. 152 I'~chael 35 M. 51 Elizabeth 58, 152 Runamus 35 Reuben 27, 90 Elizabeth J. 58 Dickens, Alfred 103 Thomas 54 T. G., Mrs. 1, 77, 147 Allen A. 97 William 88 Jack A. 58 Araminter 25 Dollins, Charlotte 58 James J., 58 Parks G. 97 Elizabeth 58 M. L. 152 Robert B. 97 Francis 58 Malinda 151 Sarah 97 Hugh 58 Mary 76, 152 William 103 Mahany 58 Ruth Henley 10, 147 Dickerson, F. 54 Polly 58 Sarah M. 58 Nancy 58 Sally Ann 58 Stacy E. 58 Dickins, John S. Jr., Mrs. 75 Dollison, Marget Christian 53 Thomas C. 152 Dickson, Thomas 65, 84 Martha 53 William '58 Tilfred 101 Mary 53 Dunkin, John 88 William 66, 82 Thomas 53 D~nlap, Adeline 47 Diens, A. 54 Dondy, William 30 John w. 87 c. 54 Dange, Enoch 145 Margaret 86 J. R. 54 Donelson, Robert 88 Margaret C. 86 M. 54, 55 Donnelson, Susanna 155 Permelia E. 50 (?), s. 55 William J. 155 Preston 86 Dier, Joel 11 Dooley, Charlotte M. T. 117,160 Dunley, WIn. H. 50 Diguafferead, Abram 69 Cynthia E. 117 Dunn, Ann 48 Dikes, William 94 Jamea D. 117, 160 Benjamin A. 47 Dil, John (space) 68 John H. 117, 160 Caroline L. 85 Dill; Charity Triplett 73 Madison M. 117, 160 John 65 Dillahunty Cemetery 126 Paris F. 117, 160 Mary 152 Dillahunty, H. B. 86 Paris F., Jr. 160 Samuel G. 89 John 126 Rachel J. 117, 160 William 65 0. 126 c. Susan A. 117, 160 Dunning, Anne 150 Tabitha 126 William 65 John 71 William 126 WIn. E. 117, 160 Dupas, Cunthia 103 Zany 126 Doolin, Elizabeth 12 James 103 Dillard, J. M. 18 Doom, Elizabeth 103 Martha 103 ladufsa 36 Doores, Caroline L. 85 Durham, John C" 75 Dillender, Elijah 26 Dors, Lawis 85 During, E. 19 Dilliard, Joel 91 Dortch, David S. 47 D~ty, Littleton 88 Dillinder, Joseph' 68 Isaac 115 Thomas 27 Dillingham, George S. 150 Doss, Samuel H. 57 Duvall, Rebecca 116 Mary 150 Dotson, James T. 153 Dyche, Jacob Capt. 35 Dillyhunty, Francis M. 47 lucinda 155 Michael 35 Dinkins, J. H. 17 Doughty, Reuben 57 Dye, Elizabeth 19 James 95 Douglas, Hugh 82 Dyer Co. Tenn. 125 M. A. 17 M. 17 Dyer, Joel Jun'r 11 T. N. 17 Douglas, Texas 37 Dyers Creek 108, 109, 110, 112, William C. 17 Dover Road 142 113, 135, 136, 140, 143 Dinwiddie, Andrew 49 Tenn. 29, 30, 32, 33, 64, 109, Island 109, 136 Dinwiddie Co., Va. 20 110, 113, 114, 115, 138, 145 Dysart, Robert 91 Dinwiddie, D. 16 Dowd, Charles 88 Dyson, A. 15 James 87 John 88 E. 15 WIn. 86 Dowdle, Jos. B. 82 H. A. 15 Directory of Ancestors 2 Dowdy, Martha 87 Dirkson. John 82 William 141 Disart, James 66 Downing, Elijah 68 Discel, Jane 159 J. 14 Dismore, James H. 59 Doylas, Martha 93 Dismukes, Bettie 76 Dozier, Enoch 109 Dist. 96, S. c. 74 1962


Vany 153 Erlanger HospItal Yi -E- Eller, WIn. 15 J~rr('{), Itlllliu!rt le Elliott, FSulkner 144 E:rvin, Alexander ;~;~ Early South Carolina Records 42 James 68 ErT,.rin, JaeG [51l Earp, Ellender 11 John 68 James C. 160 Eartlunan, John 88 Permelia 155 Matilda 160 Easkine, E. 55 Robert 68 WIn. 10 East Cleveland, Ohio 159 Ruebin 114, 139 Escue, Le0uard 158 Eastham, lIOn. 83 William B. 156 Martha 158 East st. Louis, Ill. 35 Elliotts Company 114 Mary (Polly) Lee 158 Eastern Cherokee Applications 3 Ellis, A. J. 16 Essary, Grace Devine 130 Enrollment 3 . Abigail 10 J. R. 130 Tribal Rolls 43 Abraham 10 John Gipson 130 East Orange, New Jersey 159 Absalam, Sr. 10 Jr. R. 130 East Tenn. Historical Society 41 Albert F. 158 Estes, M. C. 49 East Tenn. Historical and Genealogical Alfred 10 Esteridge, Nancy 103 Directory 41 Amanda 86 Etheridge, Temperance 49 Eaton, Nancy 51 C. T. 153 Ethridge, Bertha A. 86 Echols, Campbell Lee 16 Elisabeth 99 James A. 85 Obadiah 16 F. A. 156 Etter, Geo. H. 19 Ector Co. Library 3 James 153 Ettle, WIn. 84 Co. Texas 3 James Monroe 10 Eugene, Oregon 14 Eddie(?) 23 James Tillman 10 Evans, Bathamy 102 Eddy, John 15 Jesse 10 Benjamin C. 149 Edens, Austin 34 John W. 149 Cora Mae 130 Sarah 34 Lon G., Mrs. 10, 158 Dana M. 149 lucy 85 Edenton, N. C. 11 Daniel 65, 90 Edes, Eliza A. 149 M. A. 16 David M. 102 Manerva J. 149 John B. 149 James C. 149 Salina 149 Margaret 86 L. B. 149 Sarah 149 Mary Ann 10, 156 Louis 102 Sarah A. 149 Mary E. 48 Moses R. 102 William R. 149 Nancy T. 156 S. K. 16 Edgecombe Co. N. C. 118 Robert 91 Evanston, Ill. 122 Edgefield, History of 9 Robert F. 19 Everett, John 53 Edmiston, John 83 Rufus 158 Larkin 19 John, Jr. 69 S. J. 16 Ewing, Alexander 65 Thos. 65 Ssmuel 10 Andrew 30, 140 Edmonds, James 152 Sarah P. 50 James 36 John 152 stephen 152 John 60 Nancy 152 Thomas A. M. 156 Melinda 36 Edmondson, David 88 Thomas Weld 10, 158 Exum, William 10 John, Sen. 69 Willey 150 Ezell, Archibald 142 Moses 88 William 90 William 21, 68 Ellison, James 88 -F- Edmons, J. W. 19 Robert B. 131 T. 19 Robert W. 138, 141 Fain, Morris 53 Edmund, Martha Lou 49 Elmantaller, Malinda 13 FSirchild, N. F. 132 Edwards, America 60 Elmwood Cemetery 40 Fairfield, Connecticut 38 Benjamin 32, 142 Cemetery Association 40 Fakes, Elizabeth 153 Eliza 92 Cemetery Records 11, 120 Henry 153 Henry 105, 110, 111, 112, 138 Ely, Iura Ellen 39 Nicholas 153 Ira T. 48 Embry, Betsy 100 Falcon, Tenn. 25 Jackson 94 Chas A., Mrs. 4, 121 Family Record Service, the 122 James 12 Elisabeth 98 Family Record Society 124 Jacob 65 Isaac 100 Faniso, James, Jr. 81 Joseph 65 James 100 Fannin Co. Texas 12 Mary 53 Johnson 100 FSnning, Geo. 82 Mary Ann 155 Lirena (?) 100 Fansher, John 62 Peter 21 Ilfdia 100 Faquier Co. Va. 116 S. M. 155 Mariah 98 FSre, Martha N. 153 lIOn. 12, 82 Nancy 98, 100 Faris. David 81 Effingham, Ill. 35 Polly 98, 100 Frances 156 Egbert, Elizabeth 150 William 98, 100 James 66 Egnue, Hugh 153 :Emerson, Clemintine 58 John 88, 156 Eison, Sarah C. 100 Martha 58 William 66 Elam, Charlotte, Mrs. 11 Nancy 58 FSriso, James 82 Edward 68 Emmerson, Jacob 49 Farling, Founter 58 Elbert Co., Ga. 118 Encyclopedia of American Quaker Ssmuel 58 Eli, Joseph 49 Gen. l23 Farmer, David 53 Elis, Benjamin 10 England, Geo. W. 12 John 61 Willis 10 M. A. l2 Nathan 26 El Cajon, California 159 P. J. l2 Thomas 61 Elk Creek 108, 109, 135, 136 English, Delilah 112 Zekel 84 River 31 Edward 82 Farrell, Anthony 11 Elkins, A. J. 153 Elizabeth 112 Farrow, John 160 Annanias 10 James 50 Richard 109 Bud, Mrs. 10 John 134 Faulkner County Historical Society F. M. 153 Maranda 36 41 George T. 153 Nannie Smith, Mrs. 36 Faulkner Facts and Fiddlings 41 Irene E. 153 English, Thomas 83 Fayette Cavalry 21 John R. 153 EnniS, Jeremiah 88 Fayette Co., KY. 31 M. W. 153 Enochs, Shadrick 11 Fayette Co., Tenn. 125, 151 Martha C. 153 Epeling, D. R. 19 fayetteville, Arkansas 41, 158 Rebecca 153 Eppes, Edw. E. l29 Tenn. 36, 10 Robert 10 Kate L. 129 Fear, Miranda 74 Felker, Isaac 101 Thomas 153 Erickson, luella D., Mrs. 14 !!Ansearchin'" News

172 () Thomas 111, 113, 140, 143 Feltz, Elinor 152 Mason C. 149 Thomas Sr. 105, '142. 147 Isaac G. 152 Nancy C. 149 Fresno, California 117 Josephine F. 152 Sarah J. 149 Frie!'son, WIn. 83 Mary A. 152 Forbes, Col. 14th Reg. Tenn. Frogg, D. J. 13 W. H. 152 Calvary 157 H. c. 13 William P. 152 Forbes, John 114 T. c. 13 Fen, Richard 32 Ford, Larkin H. 48 Frost, J. R. 15 Fendlay, :Emily 87 Richard S. 16 S. 15 Feness, Wm. 47 Wm. B. 48 Fry, Catherine 102 Fenimore House 78 Forekand, John 27 Elizabeth 86 Fenix, Eli B. 16 Foreman, Ola Johnson Graham 47 lucinda 50 G. E. 16 Forest, Martha 86 Fugate, Mary A. 130 Mary 16 Forgerson, Daniel 84 Fulgham, Ann 54 S. A. 16 Forrest, Elizabeth 36 Geo!'ge 54 Fentress, James 32 Forsyth Co. Ga. 76 lmrtha 54 Ferguson, Catherine 98 Ft. Nashboro (Nashville) 34 Nancy 54 James D. 99 Fort Worth, Texas 35, 37, 76, 116 Fulkerson, :Emma Glen, Mrs. 130 Malinda 98 Foster, David 145 Frederick Dr. 130 Susan 154 Frances W. 48 James Dr. 129 Ferrell, Levi 83 Hamilton F. 47 Jane Fugate 130 Fewe1, Alexr. 10 Joseph B. 62 Peter Graham 130 Fielder, John (Jack) L. M. 13 Fullerton, California 119 Fielder, John L. 88 Martha 1. 87 Fullerton, James 90 Nimrod 89 Mary S. 101 William 88 Fielding 15 Peggy 119 Fulton Co. Ill. 72 Fields, A. 45 Robert A. 48 Miss; 75 Abram, 94 Robert W. 86 Funk, Mary 76 Betsy 60 William T. 62 Fu!'gerson, Alex 11 c. 45 Foushe, S. 145 Fu!'geson, Isaac 49 James N. 45 Fowler, G. P. 124 Fu!'row (Farrar), Catherine 49 Polly 94 Sam 93 Fusge?, E. 52 Turner 94 William 27 Futrell, David 155 Fifor, Alexander 47 Winiford 85 Elizabeth 155 Fights, Tabithia 102 Fox, Ann Eliza 59 William 102 Dallas B. 155 -G- Fincastle Co. Va. 148, 158 George W. 59 Finch, Eliza Jane 47 James' 155 Gable, Barnibus 131, 132 Finly, Jas • ,133, John 95 Dasilla 132 Travis 134 Joshua 59 F. M. 131, 132 Finn, Jane 12 Martha 94 Francis Hamilton 131 Jno. 12 Nancy 59 Frank 132 Rosanna 12 Nancy C. 155 Frank M. 131, 132 Firguse, Margaret A. 57 Sally 95 Frank N. 131 Fishburn, C. A. 14 Willis F. 59 J. F. 132 J. 14 Foxalt, Sarah E. 100 Jennie 131 R. F. 14 Foy, Simeon 79 Jennie K. Black, Mrs. 132 Fisher, G. W. 51 Foyate, Alfred 95 John 132 J. 51 Hannah 95 Julian F. 131, 132 J. M. 51 Fraker, Bethia Jane, Mrs. 128 Mary 131, 132 James 11 Joseph 127 Minnie, Mrs. 132 John 11, 69 Sara C. 127 R. S. 132 M. 51 Win. c. 128 Robert 131 M. A. 51 Fraler, James H. 101 Robert, Spencer 131 N. 51 Fraley, Genia(?) 103 Sarah E., Mrs. 131, 132 W. B. 51 Julia A. 101 Spencer R. 132 William 68 Francis, Louisa J. 59 Torn 132 Fisk, P. 55 Margaret (Polly) 74 Volume 43 Fiske, Authur D. 122 Moses D. 86 Walter Todd 132 Fitch, A. N. '86 Francisco, A. J. 130 William 132 Fitzgarel, Edmund 88 Franklin Co. Ill. 73 Gage, Timothy 146 Fitzgarrel, James 88 Co. Tenn. 4, 70, 74 Gaines Creek 31 Fitzpatrick, Andrew 90 Co. Va. 160 Gains, Benjamin F. 101 John 90 Franklin, David 13 Sarah 101 Morgan 26 George 13 Gala, P. E. T. 86 Samuel 26, 91 James Needly 27 Galbraith, W. 11 Five Mile Creek 31 John 13 Gale, James 103 Flanders, ClaUde, Mrs. 38 Nathaniel 13 Galyen, Elizabeth 59 Fleet, Beverly 77 Franks, Elizabeth 101 John W. 59 Fleming Co. KY. 160 Frant, Aaron (blurred) 27 Fleming, John 149 Madison 59 Frave1shee, I. A. M. 14 Paralitha 59 Robert 149 (?), L. 14 Thomas 59 F(l)enour, Richard F. 136 Frazier, Catherine 93 104, William 59 Fletcher, Aaron 30, 33, 63, James 93 Gamble, Henry 134 105, 111, 114, 115, 139, 142, Richard 93 Jno. A. 79, 133 143 Thomas J. 94 Mary Russell 39 James A. 102 William 93 Squire 95 Simon 33, 56, 114 Freeman, Amos 11 William 39 Flowers, Mary 96 Freer, Margaret 103 Gambling, John 27 Sarah 96 French, Benjamin 60 Gammill, Ann Allen 75 Floyd, William 90 Cullen 85 Ir1 75 Fly, Jeremiah 91 Jane M. 60 Wm. 75 John 91 Joana 34 Gammon, Elizabeth 119 Fobbs, John 48 John 144 Ganders, William H. 155 Fodge, William 50 Martha 60 Gardiner, John 89 Foley, John 141 Martha A. 60 . lawrence B., Mrs. 1, 77 Foly, George W. 149 Nancy 61 Wille, Jr. 89 John J. 149 Samuel 32, 114, 115 1962 173

J,;;;:y.; P. 1~0 WIn. 89 louisa 98 T:lr):~. I):} Gardner, Elizabeth A. 72 Martha A. 98 (Jord!"x!, I. t.', I'LC:;. )~ John 90 Mary A. 9iJ - .J....J~lll (a Shadrack 82 Nancy 98 Ih(tcJ If) Garland, Felix 156 Sarah 93 ;Jamuel Gr.: Jesse H. 152 Gillaham, Doris M., Mrs. 75, 157 11m. 1;2 Iavina 156 Gillam, Richard, B. 19 I}orr~, D. C. Ij lucinda 156 Gillaspie, Alex'r 59 I. B. 13 Phereby 152 Gillenwater, Mary 159 J. c. l'~ Garner, Britain 89 11m. 79 14. 15 F. T. 153 Gillenwaters, Asbury 'C. 73 140tleJ D. 151 John 65, 67 Gillespie, John D. 43 V. D. 13 Nathan 89, 91 Gilley, C. R., Mrs. 1, 77 Gorin, Alice A. 1-1.. j~ Samuel 65 Henrietta (Mrs. Roy) 120 ]'Jartha 60 Thomas 88 Gillingham, James 145 l4ary E. 60 William 101 Gillispie, 55 L. 14elvina 60 William H. 151 Gillis, Hugh 51 Gosey, James 90 Garrard, Governor of K;v. Descend­ Gillium, M. P. 19 Gosnel, Caroline 57 ants & Relatives 124 W. T. 19 Joseph, Jr. 59 Garrett, Addison 159 Gilliwater, Joel 96 !Iioma 57 Henderson 159 Gillum, Mary A. 49 Gould, l4artha J. 151 Jack 159 Givens, Ellen 1. 93 P. E. T. 151 Jacob 26 Ginings, Jesse 26 Gowe!:", Amos 7)+ John 26 Ginnings, Jesse 89 Geo, Ilash. 74 John D. 26, 89 Gipson, B. R. 17 Irene H. l4iss. 74 Josiah 159 George 82 Moses 74 Hary (Polly) 159 George M. 84 Natley 74 Thomas 69 Givin(?), R. D. 101 William B. 62 Givens, Parmelia 99 Wm. Zachins 74 Garrison, Sarah F. 62 Glandon, James 92 Gracey, Ja.cob, Jr. 69 Grady, Jamie Ault, If;rs. 152 Z. E. 16 Salomon 92 Graham's C9,pt. Co. 30, 114 Gates Co. N. C. 34, 71 Glanton, Carolyn 70 Graham, Hugh 129 Gatley, George W. 151 John 70 James 10, 84 lucinda C. 151 Glasgow, KY. 34, 59 Gatlin, Ephraim ll4, 115 Glass, Claiburn 61 John 29, 114, 139 James 63, 104, 108, lll, ll4, Elizabeth 61 Haria 129 010. Johnson 47 ll5, 135, 137, 140 Ester F. 61 Spencer 133 Gatling, James 30 James 61 Gault, James 26 John 61 Grainger Co. Tenn. 4, 35, 38, 158 Thomas 26 luck 61 Co. Tenn. 1810 Census 4 Co. Tenn. Federal ee,-,sus le10 Gauso, WIn. 134 Hary 47, 61 122 Gee, David 69 Robert 81 County Tenn. Tax List 1810 122 Geer, James, Bible records of 5 Sally 150 Gra.ndstaff, t,Jary 116 Julia A., Mrs. 5 Thos. 83 Geisenberger, W. A., Mrs. 34 Glen, Eliza 92 Grant, Dover 136 Franklin 156 Genealogical Associates, the 122 Glenn, B. G. 52 Book Co. 4 J. 52 Green. B. 156 Genealogies 43 J. F. 52 louisa 156 Mary 156 Gen. Abstract Goo'dspeeds Biographi­ Robert 133 N. 109 cal Memoirs of Miss. 123 Glover, P. A. 19 Graves, A. 16 Gentry, George 88 A. 19 s. C. 14 Nicholas 88 Goats, George 82 George 50, 84 Samuel 90 Gobble, J. R. 5 James 17 Georgia Genealogical Magazine 121 Godwin, Peter 158 M. 17 Georgetown Co. S. C. 9 Sam'l 83 Richard L. 87 District S. C. 8 Goff, E. 55 Gravin, Elizabeth 62 Gerard, Charles 109, 136 John, Sen. 69 Gray, Florilla C. 150 Germain, Joseph, Sen. 69 55 s. Isaac 151 German, Joseph Jnr. 27 Thomas 67 Jacob 66 Stephen 90 William 66 Gholson, Nancy 117 Goforth, T. F. 55 James 27, 150 Nathaniel 117 Golston, John 66 John II Gibbes Documentary History S. C. 9 Gonora, William 83 Joseph 28, ll4, 134 Gibbs, James B. 59 Gonzales, Texas 158 S. C. 52 William W. 150 Phillip 71 Gooch, David 69 Young 89 Vashti 71 Goochland Co. Va. o. 35 Grayborn, Richard 67 Gibson Barrets Creek, Tenn. 64 Goo~ Christophel' 127 Grayson Co. Va. ll8 Gibson, Caroline 49 Matilda, Mrs. 127 Grdin? Elizabeth 86 Gibson Co., Tenn. 125 Nancy J. 128 Green Co. Mo. 158 Gibson, Henry 30, 113, 141 Goodall, Cornelia A. 98 County, Tennessee 41, 73, 74, James 11, 65 George D. 98 Green, Eliza J. 103 John B. 65 M. c. R. (?) 98 James Harvey 35 Hary 95 Mary E. 98 Hary Jane 35 Olive N., Mrs. 42 Goodgion, WIn. 81 Goodin, Nancy J. 153 lucy 1. 50 Randal 88 Green River 109 Gier (Guier), Sarah Ann 85 Goodman, Enoch 94 Green, Sarah ll7 Gifford, Jabez 11 P. 51 Shearwood 66 Gilbert, Eliz. 96 R. 51 Walthan 87 Jackson 94 W. 51 William 29, 105, ll7 Goodpaster, Abraham 92 Giles Co. Tenn. 37, 38, 72, 74, Greenbrier Co. Va. 35 75, 118, 125, 160 , Joseph 92 Greene Co. Ga. 119 Co. Tenn. Index to Wills 4, Hargaret 92 Co., Tenn. 41, 73, 74 Giles, James 48, 82 Goodrich, Arabella H. 151 76, 127, 131, 132 M. Z. (J.) 16 Daniel A. 151 Greene Co., Tenn., 1830 Censu,- 42 Gill(?), Benjamin 98 Sam'l C. 66 Goodspeed Pub. Co. 122 Greeneville, Tenn. 3~ Francis 98 Greenville District, S.C. 8 Jacob(?) 98 Goodwin, Hinneford(?) 13 IIj\nsearchin' II News


Sam'l 89 Greenville, Miss. 43, 77 Hamilton, Catherine 100 Wm. 30, 32, 64, Ill, 113, 139, Hamilton Co., fll. 39, 117 Greenwood, Henry B. 134 143 Co. Tenn. 71· Greer,Bryson 126 Haigneed, Amanda M. 102 Co. Tenn. U. S. 1830 Census 122 J8JI1es A. 103 Hail, Jeremiah 11 Hamilton, David 73,91 lucinda 126 John 13, 26 Elijah 91 Gregory, Flora Ann Powell, Mrs. 34 Rebecca 13 Elizabeth J. 103 Isaac 34 (Hale), Susan A. 85 James 83, 90 John 88 Thomas 13, 65 Jas. H. 12 Nathaniel 92 Haile, John 11 lucinda 49 Sarah F., Mrs. 34­ Hailey, Woodson 89 Matilda 103 Grenville, Ursula 119 Hale, A. G. 154 Rebecca 92 Grey, Hugh 82 A. T. 154 Susan M. 103 Greyson, Sarah C. 86 Albert 59 H8JJ1lin, Sarah· 86 Greystone, Ishmael 99 Eliza 59 Hammer, E. B. 62 Gricall?, Willi8Jl1 L. 98 F. M. 154 aammock, Josen 101 Grief(?), Celia 103 Geo. 79 Marion 101 Iifra 103 Isaac 59 Mary 101 Griff, Samuel 90 Jabes C.154 Thomas 101 Griffin, James 149 James 19 Hammon, Thomas 134 M. G. 16 James H. 59 Willi8Jl1 134 Martha 149 Mahala 154 Hammond, Joshua 102 Alvin 81 Mark 59 Hammons, (Hammond) Larkin W. 116 S. A. 16 Martha J. 154 H8JJ1pton, Andrew 96 Wilson 82 Mary Ann 154 Cordelia 74 Griffith, Elizabeth C. 155 Nelson 59 Cyrus 96 N. E. 84 Sarah P. 154 Elisabeth 96 Samuel 67 Will T. 4 John 96 Grifone, Francis V. 3 Haley, Edward 152 Julia 96 Grigsby, JohnJ. P. 79 J8JI1es 152 l.my 96 Grimes, Alexander 83 Maranda 86 Noah D. 50 John 82 Martha 152 Parmelia 74 Grindes, Jofary 83 Sarah 152 Patsey Ann 74 GrQ s s , Edmond 134 Willi8Jl1 85 Peter 74 Matilda 100 Willi8Jl1 W. 152 Phebe "Ebbie" 74 Nathaniel 117 Halifax County, Virginia 46, 76 Rhodiah . 74 Richard 117 Hall, Alex 53 Susan 96 Wm. 117 A1Jnon C. 157 Thomas 96 Groves, Price E. 158 Am. 83 Wade 74 Grymes, Henry 82 Amy, Mrs. 157 Wm. Barnett 74 Gudget, Allen 92 C. E., Mrs. 37, 73 Hamrick, James 82 Guess, Alfred 101 Charelton 11 Hanc.ock, F. 14 Gufford, Thomas 50 (Hull), Christine 87 Sarah Emily 38 Guffy, William 57 Eliza 157 Willi8Jl1 38 Guice, Christopher 136 Elizabeth T. 157 Handy, H. P. 21 Guice Creek 32, 64, 112, 136 Frank 159 Ophelia 21 GUice, Jonathan 136 Genealogy 43 Hanes, Mary Ann 49 William Ill, 113 George 159 Haney, John W. 96 Guilford Co. N. c. 39, 159 Helen L. 43 Hanks, John W. 92 Guin, Benjamin 82 John 50, 157 Thomas 67 Gui se , Christopher 109 John 1. 86 Hanley, Gabriel W. 48 Jonathan 109 Joseph 82, 159 Hanna, H. P. 13 Guises Creek 109 Manerva 157 Hannah, John 82 Gunder, Joshua 67 Margaret 159 Hannon, Burwill 83 Robert 89 Martha 159 Hansberger, Philip 140 Gunter, Charles 88 Mary 159 Hansberger's Gin 138, 141 Frances 26, 89 Melissa 157 Hanson, G. L. 15 sterling 88 P. B. 14 J. 15 Gunther, Tennessee 70 R. w. 47 Haraway, Martha McGowan 75 Gurley, Davis 83 Rebecca 87 Hardeman Co. Tenn. 36, 119, 125 Gere 83 S. M., Mrs. 77 Hardeman, John 27 Guthrie, Robert 87, 90 Wm. T. 159 NichS P. 66 Guy, E. M. 19 Halloway, Ann 53 Peter 68 Guyman, Rebecca 50 Elizabeth 53 R. P. 91 Gwin, Jas. 11 George 53 Thomas 68 Nancy 71 Jane 53 Harden Co. Ky. 118 John 53 Harden, Joseph 85 -H- Lewis 53 Presley 89 luilla 53 Thomas 6g Habersham, J8JI1es 88 Martha 53 Hardin, Benjamin 95 Hacker, Sarah 35 Milanda 53 Hardin Co., Term. 24, 75, 125,158 Hackney, Henry 102 Thomas 53 Hardin, David H. 95 William J. 102 Willi8Jl1 53 Eliza A. 95 Hagan, E. J. 14 Halpare, Michael 133 Henry 96 James 79 Halsell, Elizabeth Ann 158 John w. 95 K. 14 Halter, M. 15 Matilda 95 R. 14 H8JI1, Sarah 35 Matilda S. 95 T. 14 Willi8Jl1 35 Hardison, GabriellI Hagar, G. T. 16 Willi8Jl1 C. 157 Hardwell, John 82 H. 16 H8JJ1brite(?), C. 16 Hare, Bryan 71 N. J. 16 E. 16 Edward 71 R. T. 16 John w. 16 Jesse 71 T. (J)D. 16 M; 16 John 71 Hagen, Jo. 14 H8JJ1burg 7 Moses 71 Martha 1. 86 H8JJ1by,Isaac 74 Sarah 71 Haggard, James 32, 33, 112, 113, Levica 74 Willi8Jl1 62 139 H8JJ1er, Daniel 90 Hargiss, J. w. 18 H8JIler, N. J. 12 1962


P. M. 18 Hssans(?), Elizabeth 16 William 151 samuel W. 18 Hssell, John 159 Heaton, Enoch 65 Hargrove, John A. 86 Hassel, John 90 Heblen, Dorias~ 93 Hariss, John 93 Zebu1un 90 Hef'ner, Calvin 55 Har10we, Betsy 86 Hastings, Thomas M. 87 Sylvia 53 Harman, Abram 60 Hatcher, Alexander 159 Heiso, Williard 123 George W. 60 Danny R., Mrs. 159 Helms, Joseph 83 James B. 101 James H. 159 Thos. 82 James E. 60 Reuben Newton 159 Helton, Ransom 53 Kitsey 60 Sarah 159 Hembree, Hannah 36 Rebecca 60 William Shelton 159 Isaac Lyon 36 Sarah R. 101 William Thomas 159 Joel 36 Sally 60 Hatfield, Andrew 134 Hemphill, D. B., I~s. 15e Hsrmon, Alexander 48 Hatler, K. 17 Samuel 67 Doctor 135 Hatsfie1d, Elizabeth 96 Henage, Charles B. ,92 Lillian B., Mrs. 37 Hatter, Alex. Smith 69 Henderson, Bennett 47 Harnberger, William 142 Hatton, Benjamin 94 Henderson Co., Tenn. 45,125 Hsrness, John 90 Betsy 94 Henderson, David loB Harnsberger, Philip 112 Irvin S. 94 Dinah 54 William 142 William 94 E. 51 Harold, James 90 Hautzman, William 13 Geo. C. 47 Hsrper, Henry B. 103 Havins, Ann 73 Isaac 54 51 J. L. 93 Byntha 73 J. John w. 103 Charo1ette 73 James 51 Jourson(?) W. 103 - Havens 46 John 100, 156 Martha J. 103 James 73 Louisa 70 Mathew 11 John 73 M. A. 51 Mathew, Jr. 11 Louvina 73 Malinda 53 Pauline M. 103 Mary Henderson 73 Marinda 54 Sabia? 98 Rachel 73 Martha 156 W. G. 103 Thomas 73 Mary 132 William C. 98 Hawes, Elizabeth 72 Nancy 55 Hsrpeth, W. 67 Hawkins, Clarentine 154 R. 51 Harrel, Mary F. 150 Hawkins Co., Tenn. 73,79,159 Reuben 12 Harrelson, Abner 83 Hawkins Co. , Tenn. Marriage Records Will 82 Ezekial 83 1789-1865 122 William '65, 68, 83 Hsrres, Ambres 82 Hawkins Co., Tenn. U. S. 1830 Census Wilson 67, 89 Hsrril1, Geo. 83 122 Hendley, Sarah 155 Hsrris, Benton 26 Hawkins, John 85 William 156 Gilbert C. 85 Kitty 60 Hendrick, A. 82 Gilmore 69 Martha 152 William 83 Jesse 48 Mary N. 152 Hendricks Co. Indiana 74 M. 19 Rangers 79 Hendricks, John 82 01y 48 Hawks, Margaret E. 87 Thomas 95 Percilla 151 Mary D. 85 Hendrickson, Elizabeth 101 Robert P. 101 Hawley, John 58 John 13 S. 19 Mary 58 John D. 101 So"hia 158 Sarah 58 Joseph L. 101 Harrison, Basil '49 Haworth, B. F. 55 Junius M. 101 Hsrrison, 4th Ark. Inf. 36 J. A. 55 Lemuel D. 101 Hsrrison, J. 14 Hay, Isaac 26 Pertilla W. 101 L. A. 14 Jeremiah 82 Sarah 101 Hsrrisses Gatons Creek 64 John 27 Thomas J. 101 Hsrrod, Jermiah 142 Richard 26 Hendrix, Elizabeth 16 Harrola, M. 16, Haynes, Elizabeth 126 Eloise 16 Hsrt, Aaron 47 Fork 108, 135 William 16, 96 Anthony 109 Henry 145 Henley, Thomas W. w. 85 E. 45 John 126 Hennin, WIn. 83 Elizabeth 45, 85 Joseph B. 30 Henry, Blair 154 Henry Co., Tenn. 35, 37 4 8 James S. 156 M. L. 13 116, 125, 126, 159 ,7, 5, John 45, 50 Minerva 126 Henry Co., Va. 4, 74 John M. 45 P. R. 13 Tenn. 126 John M. Oemetery 45 Preston G. 126 Joseph 156 William 64, 104 Henry, James 27 66 84, 90 Jennett 154' , Louisa 48 Haynie, Elijah 10 Margaret Muse 45 Jesey 10 John 31, 137, 138, 145, 154 Margaret 154 Mary Ann 156 WIn. 10 Osteen 86 Matilda G. 93 Hays, Catherine, Mrs. 128 Richard 83 Hilliary 76 Sarah Ann 156 William G: 156 James W. 50 Thomas 66 Hartford Co. N. C. 71 Jane 12 William 65, 143 Hsrt1ey, John 65 Jesse 69 Hensley, Charles 11 Hsrtsfield, Gilley Ann 85 N.? 128 G. 83 Harmon 11 Hsrtville, Mo. 116 Robert 79, 109, 136 Harvel, Elnah 10 WIn. 134 Mary 61 Harvey, D. A. 13 William H. 76 Henson, Gy1e 86 G. M. 13 Hayward, Incille, Miss 38 !t'man 86 r. A. 13 Haywood Co., Tenn. 34, 125,159 JamesJ. 102 J. G. 13 Haze (?), Frederick 146 Hentsman, Saian 17 J. T. 13 Hazin, Rebecca 94 Herad, Edward 110 John Es'l.. iJ.4 Hazzard, William 112 Herid(?), Catherine 99 Joshua 111 Hearn, Margaret 37 Eliza 99 M. A. E. 13 Heart, Jane C. 152 Josephine 99 M. J. 16 Nancy 103 Sophornia 99 Hsrwe11, J. A. E. V. 20 Sarah Ann 152 Susan 99 L. W. J. 20 Heartgrave, James 65 Thomas 99 Hsrwood, Ruthy 54 Heath, Richard 156 Herod, James 64, 145 "ft..nsearchin III Ne~flS 176

Jeremiah 147 Spencer 66 Nancy 95 Herrin, AndW 65 Thos. 84, 133 Sslly 95 Herren, Andrew 68 William 56 Stephen 95 James 68 Hillhouse, Geo. 84 Hoise, J. 53 John 68 John. 84 Holand, M. 15 Thomas 68 Hillis, R. W., Mrs. 122 Holbard, James 91 Herrin, Solomon 90 Hillman, A. 16 Holder, Elsar 149 Herring, Catherine 101 H. 16 Holeman, Samuel 102 James W. 101 Hiltz, Harold, Mrs. 34, 70, 116 Holesapple, Pernislea 101 Mary E. 101 Hinaut, Mary C. 96 Holland, A. J. 155 stephen 103 Hinch, Geo. 74 Briant 153 William F. 101 John 74 Daniel, Jr. 156 Herron, Nancy 118 Sam'l 74 David, Sr. 155 Hervey, John 112 Hinckol. Johll 114 Elizabeth 151 Hess, William 27 Hinds, Aerline M. 100 Ennis 151 Hester, Benjamin 62 Hinds Co., Miss. 74 Gustavis 91 Henry 47 Hinds, Doris 90 Harland 18 Margaret 62 Elias S. 60 Harrison B. 151 Hetter, Geo. 79 Fingal H. 101 Joshua 155 Hibdon, A. 52 James M. 100 Kemp 65, 89 J. 52 John 66 M. 15, 18 M. 52 John W. 60 M. A. 18 N. C. 52 Louisa J. 60 Millessa 155 S. L. 52 Margaret H. 60 Nancy 153 W. 52 Matilda J. 100 S. 18 Hickerson, M. 17 Owen 89 Sarah 19, 102 HickJnan Co. Tenn. 74, 125 Samuel P. Solomon C. 151 Creek 109, 136 Sarah E. 60 Temperance 155 Hickmen, Elliot 66 Thomas G. 100 William 18 Hicks, Austin 50 William G. 101 Holliday, Henry 67 Bushrod 47 Hines, Benj. McF., Mrs. 38 Hollingsworth, Robert 87 James 26 Hinkle, Catherine 57 Hollinsworth, Samuel 86 John 67 Samuel 57 HOllis, James 82 Mary 74 Hinshaw, William Wade 123 James, Jr. 83 Sarah Ann 50 Hinton, B. 16 Silas 83 William 66 F. 19 Holloday, .Henry B. 87 Hicksite Records 123 Richard 11 Holloman, J. W. 76 Hi Cross Creek 143 Hipp, Anderson 61 Holloway, Mary A. 59 Hide, John H. 113, 139 Hiram, Ohio 36 Robert M. C. 59 Higgs, Emily H. 152 Hiser, Aaron 62 Holman, Elizabeth 87 JUdy 152 Benjamin 61 Holmes, Isabella 49 (~) Mary 152 Reuben 60 Holms, Samuel H. 50 Mary Jane 152 Sarah 62 Holt, Isaac 69 Reuben 152 Historic Camden 9 J. 52 Sarah B. 152 Historical Register of Continental John 69, 84 stephen 152 ~ 9 L. M. 155 Higdon, Ishmael 59 History of Tenn. From the Earliest M. 52 Joseph 57 Times to the Present 122 M. J. 52 High, Albert 35 Hite, Solomon 108 P. 52 Jack Carson 35 Hix, Elijah 83 R. 52 Hightower, Richard 69 Garvica(?) 96 S. 52 Hildebrand, Isaac 147 Temple 83 S. A. 52 Hildrith?, Catherine 102 Hobbs, Joel 89 Sarah A. 101 Mary 102 John 29, 89 Holton, Ernaline 93 Hill, A. O. P. 72 Solomon 90 ( ? ),. Peter 93 Bennett 110, 136 Hobman,E. 55 Hon. Ark. 117 Caleb 82 Hobs, John 105 Honell, C. 55 Cason 84 HOckey, L. Fred, Mrs. 74 E. 55 Daniel N. 102 Hodge, Henry 86 G. P. 55 Dann 88 Hodges, A. P. 154 M. 55 E. 85 Alfred D. 62 Honeycut, Mary A. 59 Elisabeth 97 Charles 62 Sarah 59 Elizabeth 53 Edemy 62 Honolulu, Hawaii 118 Francis 39 EdJrnmd 62 Honour, Doctor 108 Frank, Mrs. 39 Edward S. 156 Hood, Ames L. 158 George 53 Eliza 62 Clarissa M. 158 Green 69 Elnaline 62 John W. 158 Greenberry 39 Families of Shelby County 43 lifdia 155 Isaac 138 H. G. 156 M. 17 James 83 Jane 154 Mary E. 158 John 89 Jesse 157 Sarah 158 John, Cap. 69 John 62 Thomas 155 John D. 89 Illcinda 62 WIn. D. 158 John P. 65 Maria 156 William J. 158 John Wesley 39 Susanna 62 Hooker, Brown ~6 Joseph 87 William H. 62 Christian E. '101 Layfayett 53 Hoffman, Benj. 47 Robert 26, 90 Mary 102 Hogan, David 105, 111, 140, 147 Thomas 26, 88 Mary A. 85 Hoge, George 67 William 26, 88 Mary Lancaster 38 James 27 Hooper, Elizabeth 47 Nancy 62 John 90 George 31, 107, 108 Parlee 53 Hoges, Allen 61 Jephithah 154 Radick 39 Callaway 61 Joseph 48 Robert 90 Hansey 61 S. W. 154 Robert Huston 39 Louisa 61 Sarah 154 Sarah 53 Hogg, Barbara 95 Winnie 87 Solomon 135 Misonnie? 95 Hoosier Genealogist 3 Polly Ann 95 Hoover, Abraham 110, 136 1962 177

George 133 David 69 Hunt, 1-1r'J.liclr]:). 1:1; Jacob 31 Howell, l·hry 52 J~arthD. At.. !) 15~ Hop, James W. 85 Park 52 Mary Ann 15,~ Hope, Catharine 61 Paul 29, 114 l'.:itt 16 James 61, 91 Hubanks, William (Eubanks) 11 r'-Iea.h 69 John 61 H~bbard, WID. 29, 88, 114, 137, 139 P. 14 Mary 61 Huddliston, Benjamin 82 Sarah 12, 153 Mildred Tharpe, Mr-s. 117 Huddleston, Cyntlla 1,9 Smith If:; Minor 61 Daniel 84 T. j<". 16 Nancy 61 Elizabeth 47, 149 William IE:; Thomas 89 Joseph 84 vlilson 155 Hopewell, Frances H. 92 Mary A. 149 Zubia 153 Hopkins, Albert 155 Pleasant 49 Hunter, Aaron (,1 Allen 155 Richard F. 149 c. W. 86 Anderson 155 Hudgens, Catherine 85 Elisha 67 Benjamin 27 Hudgins, Mary 49 Eliza I. 86 Hopkins Co., Ky. 9 H~dson, Adam 88, 91 Elijah 66 Hopkins, Elias 155 C. 15 Elijah, Sen. 88 Elisha 152 H. W. 15 Henry 27 Elizabeth 155 James L. 58 Henry C. 93 Elizabeth J. 156 K. A. 15 James 27, 93 Ester 155 L. W. 15 James A. 119 John 155 Nancy J. 58 John 91 Jonathan 27 S. C. 15 John H. 49 Mary 155, 156 HUff, America 160 Josiah 12 Nancy 152 Billy 100 Kemp(?) 93 Peter 156 Capt. 148 i'~ancy Ware 52 Pheriby 156 Catherine 98 Robert 94 Sarah 156 James B. 100 William 89 Thomas A. 156 Martha 98 Huntsville, Texas 37, 73 Wilie 156 Nathan 98 Hurst, lewis, Sgt. ?1 William H. 156 Rebecca, Mrs. 38 Louis 21 Hopper, E. 55 Sarah 98 Hancy 21 William 150 Sidney 98 Sam 21 Hopson, Joseph 47 Sterling 38 Squire 93 Horn, Andrew 102 Susan G. 38 Susie 21 Cs.therine 87 Valentine 38 Hurt, John I. 05 Christopher 97 Huffman, Laura 76 Hutchins, John 155 Elisabeth 97 Huggin, Z. R. 60 Hutchens, Iucinda ,:::l. :!..5€ Isaac 97 Huggins, Charles 67 Martha 155 James 102 Euben 65 l>1ary Ann 156 John 97 H~ggons, John 82 l~ary F. 155 Martha 97, 102 Hughes, Ann 54 William T. 156 Mary 97 Daniel 37 Hutcherson, Ernest, i:xs. 7i... Nancy 97 Druscilla 99 Hutchins, William W. 151 samuel 102 Edna 99 Hutchinson, Isaac 92 Sarah 97 Elvera 50 James 92 Susan I. 50 G. 54 Kansas 43 Hornbarger, William 32, 144 Littleberry 99 Hutton, Patrick 82 Hornberger, Philip 144 M. E. 54 Hyatte, Sarah 101 William 147 Mary 12, 99 Hyde, Byron G., Mrs. 4 Horne, Jacob 106, 109 Mary J. 93 Ezekial 26 John E. 160 Thomas P., Jr. 12 Heartwell 65 Julia Ann 99 U. S. 128 John H. Ill, 138, 141 L. E. 55 Violett L. 93 Richard 91 Louisa 160 William 99 Rye, Martha 87 Paul 139 Hughey, Daniel A. 103 Hornsby, Tenn. 119 Hughs, H. P. J. 156 -I- Horsley, Elizabeth 96 K. 14 Hot Springs, Ark. 124, 158, 159 Martha S. 156 Idaho Falls, Idaho 35 Co. Ark. 73 Hughy, James 67 Idaho SAR Members Lineage Sook 5 Nat '1 Park, Ark. 36 Hu~enots 6 Index~s Coupty Te~ Houck, Merlyn, Mr-s. 37 !!uks , John 27 liU.ll> 121 Houk, Margaret 58 Huline, George 26 Indiana Hist. Soc. 123 Houndshell(7), J. 15 John 26 Indian Creek, Tenn. 30 Hourberger, Philip III Thomas 90 Indian Territory (Okla.) 34 HO'J.se, Adam 98 William 26 Indianapolis, Indiana 123, 125 House of Fowler 124 Huling, James 144 Inghter, John 55 House, William 93 Hull, Mila E. 58 Ingles, Thomas 93 WIn. H. 86 Nancy S. 58 Inglewood, California 157 Houston Co. Texas 36 Sarah 76 Ingram, Robert 68 Houston, David 66 Huline, Robert 65 Susannah 68 Georgia Anne 95 Humphreys, P. W. 32, 33, 114 Thomas 66, 90 James 68 Hunt Co., Texas Zachariah 79 John 66, 95 Hunt, Elizabeth 153 Inman, Hezekiah 90 Mary 95 Elizabeth 153 Innamiss, John 56 Robert 95 Gersham 69 Perry 56 William 69, 129 Holland 16 In the Cattle Country Hovey, James 81 J. C. 16 Ingram, Sam'l 49 Howard, James I. 50 J. T. 153 Inthvair, Harvey 52 Jessie 30 J. W. 153 Inby 52 Preston 94 John 52 / Jackson 16 Seth 10 James 16 Nancy 52 \.. Howel, A. J. 15 Jane P. 47 William 52 John 84 Julianna 153 Iowa Park, Texas 38 William 19 M. A. 16 Irby, Jefferson 48 C. 15, 17 Iredell Co. N. C. 118 "Ansearchin' n Ne"lS

Irelin, George 69 Emily 62 l'loses 67 Irvin, Thomas I. 85 James B. 62 Nathaniel 84 Irvings, Catherine 100 Phebe 61 Patsy 157 Elvira 100 Rebecca 92 Polly 95 Isbell, Rena Caiter, Mrs. 158 Job, Elizabeth 62 Richard 83 Isenberg, Henry 62 George 62 Robert 69, 82 Nancy 62 John 62 Ruth 157 Ithaca, . New York 124 Jobe, Catherine 50 Ruthy 35 Iuka, Miss. 118 Jesse 91 Sally 157 Izard Co. Ark. 39 Robert M. 85 Samuel, Jr. 157 Izell, Baalan 67 Susan 85 Samuel, Sr. 157 Frederick 67 Johns, D. A. 14 Swanson 27, 67 F. H. 14 Sylvania 95 -J- H. N. 14 Thos. JJ 83 Johnson, A. J. 22 William 157 Jackson, Andrew ·92 Adylen 87 Wm. J. 82 Ann E. 62 America 22 Joiner, Ann 49 B. F. 50 Amos 96 Drewry 82 Co. Tenn. 159 C. 51 Liddy 50 Elizabeth 103 C. A. 86 Jolly, Nancy 16 Henry ll4, 139 Caroline 50 Samuel 96 Isaac N. 62 Catherine C. 157 Jones, A. 55 James 89 Charles 32 Addline 72 James W. 103 Clarisa A. 157 Adeline 36 M. A. E. 18 Johnson Co., Ark. Alfred 36 Mary 96 Co. Ill. 35 Andrew 36 Jackson Purchase, Co. Formation 9 Johnson, Daniel A. 157 Augustus Harris 158 Jackson Purchase Treaty with Delona F. 157 Augustus Harris, Jr. 158 Chickasaw Indians 9 Duncan V. 157 Austin 72 Jackson, Richard 103 E. 13, 15 Ben D. 34 Sarah 92 Edward 151 Caroline 149 Sarah E. 62 Elizabeth A. 151 Caroline T. 47 Susan P. 150 Ellnira 92 Charles Randle 158 Thos. 84 James· 10, 11 David 59, 83 William 145 John 157 David M. 58 Zacheriah 89 John D. 151 Desi 55 Jacksonville, Florida 122 John S. 98 Edmund 58 . Jacob( ?), JaellOO L. 14 Edw. T. 47 Martha 100 Littleton P. 150 Elijah 103 Nathaniel 81 Iouisa F. 157 Eliza 149 Jacobs, Elizabeth 48 lucinda 60 Eliza Handson 36 Jeremiah 11 M. 19 Eliza Jane 72 Jacobus, Donald J. 41 M. H. 22 Elizabeth 102 Jambee, James 49 Margaret E. 157 Elizabeth C., Mrs. 123 James, Daniel M. 85 Martha 48 Elizabeth J. 59 Elizabeth ll7 Mary 151 Emily 158 Frank 130 Mary A., Mrs. 157 F. 55 Jesse 130 Mary B. 101 Francis 72 (?) Milissa 98 Milton Hugh 22 Francis M. 59 Riser 148 Nancy 60 Franklin M. 58 Sarah ll6 Philip B. 92 G. P. 55 Spencer 12 Rachel 73 Hiram W. 59 Jamestown, Virginia 43 Samuel 10, 71, 83 Isaac F. 155 Jamison, Thos. 10 Thomas 103 J. 55 Jarrett, Hudson 101 Thomas J. 100 J. D., Jr. 156 Sarah 35 Wiley 96 J. E. 17 Jasper Co. Texas 157 Wm. 84 J. H. 18 Jefferson Co.· Ala. 159 William 150 James 58 Co. Tenn. 35, 72, 73, 119 Wm. A. 83, 100 James Cunningham 158 Co. Tenn. U. S. 1830 Schedule William Perry 121 John 36, 58, 79, 82, 84, 94, 122 Johnston, Andrew 26 105, 151 Jeffery, James 105 Catharine 154 John, Jr. 12 Jesse 105 Charles 69 John F. 59 Jeffrey, James 110 Colbird 95 John J. 72 Jenkins, Anna 150 Daniel 133 Joseph 36, 59, 83 Daniel T. 150 Davis 95 Joseph H. 36 Ethelinda 150 Edmon 82 Joseph P. 59 Franklin G. 150 Edmum M. 48 Julia A. 36 Thomas 150 Elizabeth 95 Julius 48 Virginia 150 G. w. 87 Kisara 153 Wenborn 149 George 82 L. A. 52 Jennings, David 83 Granville 95 Laura 158 David N. 101 H. P. 12 Iedussery 36 Elizabeth 101 Harvey 95 Lilley 151 Joshua 101 J. G. 154 lucinda 72 Iouisa J. 101 James 69, 95, 157 M. 17 Mary J. 101 Jane 95 Manerva Fitz. 149 Nancy A. 101 Jesse, Sr. 9) Margaret A. 36 Rebecca M. 101 John 26, 82, 83 Martha 59 Jent(?), G. 15 John, Sr. 65 Martha E. 37, 156 L. 15 John, Sen. 90 Martha Elizabeth 72 M. 15 John H. 95 Mary 56 Jerrett, Sarah 35 Jonathan 27 Mary Ann 36 Jett, Elizabeth 93 Joseph 157 Mary E. 58 James 84 Lazerus 89 Mary Gains 72 Jewell, Elizabeth 62 Matthew 65 Mary Melinda 36 Milley 157 Minerva 72 1962 1['


N. 51, 55 Kanada, D. A. 16 Keys, Elizabeth 1;;J.~ Nancy Elizabeth 36 L. 16 3uaan ')G Nicey Fredonia 37 Karman, Catharine 60 Kezer J 14or"J SIC Richard 36 Wilbred 60 T. L. ')6 Robert 36 Wi lliam D. 60 YJ.llabre>l, JOnalin" IV} Rosannah 56 Kean, Edmun 53 Killion, Ellen 72 Russell, Jr. 158 Kearney, Henry G. 26 Kilman, Eliza 19 S. 17, 51 Keaton, Francis M. 151 Elizabeth 19 Samuel A. 72 Washini>ton 151 J. C; 19 Sarah A. 72 Keener, William 71 N. 19 Sarah Agnes 36 Keller, Susan E. 96 YJ..mble, Angeline ~l. 4e Sarah Ann 151 Kelly, Abner 141 Kimmons, J. S. 19 Sarah J. 36 James 34 Kincheloe, Amanda 58 Silas 56 John 66 Elijah 58 Sim S. 116 Patricia, Mrs. 46 Elizabeth 58 stephen 84 Paul J., Mrs. 73 Enos 58 stewart, Mrs. 119 Samuel 84 Sarah Ann 58 Susan Rebecca 72 Kelsea, Lucinda 18 Kindall, David 135 Thomas Cocus 72 M. 18 Peter 105, 138 Thomas R. 155 Kelsey, Elizabeth 39 Kinde1, E~dora 22 Tibithia 49 Kelso, Robt. 49 Martha A. E. 24 W. 1. 85 Keltner, Solomon 82 W. C., Dr. 24 Win. 72 Keltnor, He=y 84 Kindle, 14artha Elizabeth 24 William 98 Kendall, Haney 87 King, A. T. 14 William C. 155 James 50 Albert G. 37 Win. Earl 158 Peter 147 B. 18 William H. 47, 58 Wilson 47 Ben Franklin 37 William R. 36 Kendrick, Merline P. 160 Benjamin 90 Willis 36 Clarissa A. 160 Calvin 58 Willis C. 36 Elizabeth Matilda 160 Charles 58 Wily 72 Fannie 70 D. W. 151 Jonson, Abraham 96 Geo. 53 David 157 Charity 96 J"-'le 70 Elizabeth 86 Hiram 96 John A. 160 Eliza Jane 37 Hugh B. 96 John Pinkney 160 G. A. 18 Jopling, Andrew M. 25 Joseph A. 160 King George Co., Va. 129 Araminter 25 Lucy S. 160 King, Hardy 157 Bill 25 Nathaniel Erwin 160 Harrison 37 C. B. 25 Polly 160 Houston 37 Cemetery 25 Sarah Ann 160 Isaac Wilson 37 Carnie 25 Susan Minerva 160 James 151 Elsa 25 Thomas 160 James M. 37 Frank W. 25 Win. 70, 90 John A. 58 Jennie, Mrs. 25 William E. 160 John W. 37 Jno. 25 Kennaday, Eli 82 John Turner 37 John B. 25 Kennedy, A. J. 60 Juanitha B. 151 John S. 25 Charles W. 93 Lusannah 74 John Sutton 25 Jas. 10 M. M. 151 Julia A., Mrs. 25 Mary F. 93 Malaha 60 Mary J. M. 25 Sarah H. 93 Martha E. 37 Murat 25 Kennel, Abedience 56 Mary 37, 58 Sarah E. 25 Kenner, Hawsen 79 Mary Ann E. 58 W. D. 25 Kennewick, Washington ll7 Nancy 37 William D. 25 Kenney, Geylena M., Mt-s. 159 King, Ru1us >tj William Douglas 25 Kenny, Daniel 66 Rufus Flax 37 Jordon, Arch. 89 Kent, James H. 150 S. B. 14 Benjamin 90 Mahala 150 S. M. 14 Berton 68 Nancy J. 150 Thomas J. 157 Bretton 68 Sally A. 150 Thomas P. 151 Elizabeth ll9 King, Terry P. 151 Thomas W. 37 stephen 68 Kentucky Bible Records Vol. 1 42 W. H. 14 Thomas 68 Kentucky Land Grants 109 William 114 Walter L. 1 Ky. Records Research Committee 42 Kingsolring, Colirta(?) A. 102 William 68 Keowee 7 Kinkade, Elizabeth J"-,,e 73 Jorg, He=y 53 Kerby, J. W. 22 William 73 Joseph, John Fear 74 John 22 Kinnard, George 85 Paul D. 74 Nancy 22 Kirby, Christopher 76 Pleasant 74 Kern, Thos. 102 Henry Franklin 76 Sarah 74 Kernodle, James H. 24 Walter S., Mt-s. 39 William 74 Simpson 24 Kirk, Lewis 67 Jourdon, Catharine 59 Thomas B., Rev. 24 Kirke, He=y 83 George C. 59 Kernolde, Cap'n Ja's 21 Kirkendall, Benj. 134 William S. 59 Elizabeth 21 Kirkland, E. M. 15 Journal ocr North Carolina Genealogy Kerr, John 73 M. E•. 15 121 Sally 73 W. 15 Joyner, C. Perry 150 Kesaw, James 81 Kirkpatrick, Felix 83 Elizabeth 150 Kess, Adam 84 Kirks, Mary 154 Julian, Scott M., Mrs. 1, 40, 44, Kesterson, Fanny Atey, Mt-s. 148 Klepper, Jacob 148 77, 120 Keton, George 81 Knight, A. R. 154 Key, Della Tyler 5 Charles 59, 62 Elizabeth 85 -K- John 59 He=y 65 Mahala 59 L. G., Mrs. 116 Middleton 59 Kamper, Emphia J. ( ? ) 103 L. M., Mt-s. 5 Patsy 59 Isabella 103 Lucinda 49 R. M. 154 Mary E. 103 Sarah 48 Winny F. 59 [Knot, Amanda 50 ":\nsearchin'" News


Khox County, Indiana 43 John 70, 130, 150 lee, Caroline 85 ~~. Tenn. 35, 71, 157, 159, 160 John Thomas 70 Charles 76 Khox, Elizabeth W. 93 Mary A. 150 Cornelius 92 James 82 O. 51 Elizabeth 86 Joseph 82 R. A•. 51 Francis 100 Thomas 93 Sara 130 George W. 154 Walker 82 Thomas 51 Harriett 85 Khoxville, Tenn. 41, 42, 43, 71, Zachariah 130 James 29, 33, 63, 104 108, 110, 117, 122, 124, 157, langford, James 83 Iucinda 48 158 lanier, Asa 63, 104 L. S. 51 KOger, N. V. 124 lanphl, Robert 145 leah 57 KOger's Index 124 Iard, Nathaniel 69 lewis 92 KOsciusko, Niss. ll7, 160 William 54 Lirena 100 Kimard, Josiah 82 Iaripe(?), Moses 146, 147 M. 51, 153 Iarremore, Elizabeth, Mrs. 160 Kutch, Daniel 83 R. B. 51 KUykendall, Nancy. 155 Geo. Washington 160 Rachel 92 Kyle, A. A. 129 James 160 Ruth 92 Joseph 160 Elizabeth 148 Sally 100 Jeremiah 148 Marget 160 Sarah 38 Martha 160 Joseph 129 Thomas 100 Mary Ann 160 M. A. 129 William 65 VIm. T. Rev. 160 William Emmet Jr. Sir 148 Wilson 92 lasiter, Niles 50 Kyser, George 33 leech, David 82 Elizabeth 154 leeper, Alexander 60 -L- Lassiter, Nancy 152 James 60 laster, Blake 116 Weston 62 Frances 116 La. Colonial Documents, Calendar William 62 Sarah Frances 116 of 4 legate, Charles 88 lastric, P. 17 La. state Archives & Records Connn. William 27 4 Sarah 17 leipers Creek, Tenn. 39 lacey, Amos 10 late -? Thomas 90 lemay, B. F. 17 VIm. 10 r Latham and leonard 122 P. V. 17 latimer, Jacob 86 Lack(?), Abner 97 William 17 Lackman, David 101 Lauderdale Co. Ala. 34 lemon Island 6 Lacy, James 11 Co. Tenn. 125 leury(?), Rebecca 102 John II lauranceburg, Tenn. 118 lenville, Richard Es~. 134 Thos. 11 Lauranceville, Illinois 158 leonard, Cornelia A. 150 Ladd, Thomas 94 Laurence Co. Mo. 159 Elizabeth A. 150 Ladonia, Texas 72 Lavender, S. B. 156 Margaret J. 150 Lady, He=y, Jr. 149 Law, John 134 Simeon A. 150 laWhon, Fanny C. 150 Irana 149 lesle, Ja'11es 17 Joseph 150 James M. 149 Rebecca 17 Mary A. 150 Robert 102 lesly, Margary 58 William 102 lawie(?), James L. 100 Mary 58 Lsfever, Bertha 49 Lawrance Co. Ala. 37 lessel?, Mary A. 102 Lawrence, C. C. 51 Lafon, Frederick 47 lester, Mary 87 Laird, Jane 25 lawrence Co., Ill. 74 lawrence Dist., 37 levell, William 57 Lake Co. Tenn. 125 leWis, A. A. 13 lawrence Co., Mo. 158 lamar, James 35 .Amanda C. 127 Willia'11 35 lawrence Co., Tenn. 76, 118, 125 Betsy 58 lawrence, J. W. 51 Lamb, Abner 108, 135 Bracin 73 David 48 Thomas G. 60 Charles A. 47 L. 19 Lawson, Jle=y W. 115 lewis Co., Tenn. 125 Lawson McGhee Library 41, 122 Martha A. 48 lewis, Daniel 32, 115, 142 N. 19 Lawson, Nathan 93 Edie 73 Lambert, Martha A. J. 49 Winnie 73 Elizabeth 58 lamkin, T. P. 87 Lay, Betsy 57 Elizabeth J. 152 La.'lcaster Co. 13. c. 9 Christian 57 Ephraim 82 Lsncaster, David 91 Delila 57 F. M. 152 Elijah 28, 30, 33, 138, 141, Elenora 57 George C., Mrs. 37 147 Isaac 89 Henry 73, 96 Elizabeth 38 James H. 57 Hiram 152 Emily 38 John w. 57 J. H. 152 Hiram 38 Mary E. 57 J. N. 85 Hiram, Jr. 38 Nancy 38 John 160 John llO, 136 Nancy J. 57 John Heonbill(?) 64 Julia Ann 38 Polly 57 Malvina A. 152 Margaret 38 Robert 57 Martha 156 Mary 38 Layfette, Joseph 49 Mary Jane 73 Robert 28, 141 layfield, William R. 101 Matthew 73 William David 38 layton, David 51 Moses 138 Land, John 151 Lazell, Abner 133 Nathan 73 lewis 98 lea, John 69 Sarah 86 Wylie L. 151 William 88 Sarah Adeline 73 leach, Eli 99 landers, John 147 William 31, 106, 107, 145, 152 Martha T. 99 Landford, James J. H. 92 VIm. M. 35 Mary 99 Jarvis M. 92 William T. 109 William 99 Lcuisa Jane 92 Wilson 47 Martha A. 92 leak, Frederick 69 James 65 Zelphia 152 Mary I. 92 lewter, Celia 22 Virginia M. 92 leake, William 143 leavenworth Co. Kansas 131, 132 Charles C. 22 landrum, Judale A. 101 Family 21 Kansas 132 lane, D. 51 J. T. 22 David 134 lebanon, Oregon 76, 117, 160 Tenn. 72, 157 . John T. 22 E. 51 Otis 22 Elizabeth Cloud 130 lebor, lewis 49 ledbetter, Thomas 160 Richard Crump 22 leXington Co. S. c. 9 181

Di~trict, S. C. 8 Jessie (Jesse) 34 14cAllister, Charlene I-ilrs. 35, Kentucky 42 Julia 34 -(2, 116, 1)'1 Liberty, South Carolina 121 Martha 34 McAtee, Abednego Bj Lick Creek 32, 108, 109, 110, Mary 34 McBride, Davic1 27 115, 136, 137 Phitney M. 48 Hugh 69 Lightfoot, B. H. 48 William 34 Jo.mes Jr. 39 Caroline 85 loUdon, Americus 100 James Sr. 39 Martha 152 Fort 7 John 68, 84, 133 T. J. H. 152 James B. 100 llath'l 11 Ligon, America 156 John 100 Samuel 83 Blackman 156 Louisa E. W. 100 McCafferty, Jmnes 83 Frances 156 Napelion 100 McCall, Alexander 10o, 135 Iuphenia 156 louis, James 48 Francis 88 Mary 156 Iouny?, Lo 49 John R. 47 Sarah 156 love, Catherine 103 McCslla, Nancy Jane 71 Willis 156 James 67 McCslfin, John Jr. 90 Liles, Nancy J. 62 Iuzany 126 McCslpin, John 89 Robert G. 62 Thomas S. 103 l~cCs.mpbell, J. M. 16 Linch, George 99 William C. 103 M. F. 16 Nancy A. 99 William W. 101 S. A. 16 P. H. 99 Ioveall(?), Dicer 92, W. C. 16 Sims( ?) 99 Micajah 13 William A. 10 Lincoln Co. Ga. 74 lovelace, Minerva 56 McGann, Jacob 72 Co. N. C. 119 loveless, W. B. 19 John 72 Co. Tenn. 36, 37, 38 lovett, John 69 Thomas V. 72 Lind, Helen Y., Mrs. 118 Loving, William 11 'hn. 72 Lindly, Theodosia Dixon 36, 39 loVins, C. W. Mrs. 36 McCsns, Alexa.r.der 96 Lindsay, James 39 H. Hugh 36 John 96 John 39 lovitt, Ester Ann 154 Martha 96 Ruth 39 Josiah B. 154 Nancy 96 Samuel 39 Margaret 154 McCarrel, Izrael 65 Thomas 39 Melissa A. 154 14cCsrthy, Jacob 32, 64, 112, William 111, 143 Nancy A. 154 138, 139, 141 Lindsey, John 89 William 154 Jno. 29 Sam'l 82 Lowery, Elizabeth 85 Joseph 111, 142, 144, 147 Thos. 82 Jonathan 50 McCsrty, Andrew, 83 William 30, 64 Louisa 47 McCauley, Elizabeth 56 Linenberger Genealogy 43 Iow(ing), John M. 50 J. H. 56 Linson, Martha 100 Iowren, Martha E. 50 M. R., Mrs. 117 Lipscomb, Ed, Mrs. 125 lowther, John W. 146, 147 McCause, James 79 Lisk, Milly 101 log, Henry 159 McChase, A. 55 Lis1es, James 31 loy, Jane 12 J. B. 55 Little, Abraham Jr. 89 John Brooks 159 M. J. 55 Geo. W. 85 Loyall, William 134 N. L. 55 John H. 160 Loyd, Nancy 159 R. 55 Little Rock, Ark. 34, 75 Iubbock, Texas 72, 116 Mc Cheney, Elinor 102 Littrell, Sarah 58 Lucas, Edward 140 McChristian, Elizabeth 56 Livingston Co. KY. 9 Lucery, Elizabeth 100 (McCuiston), Emily 48 lock, Richard S.' 69, 91 George W. (?) 100 Frances 56 Walter 89 Luck, John 99 Joseph 56 William 91 (1) Paul J. 99 Robert 56 locke, Frances 10, 11 Phathe1(?) 99 William 56 James 81 Powell 99 McClain, James 83 lockett, Francis 119 Sharp 99 McClary, N. 13-16 Iucy 119 Iunenberg Co. Va. 130 R. 14 lockridge, E. 51 Lusk, Sam'l 83 McCleary, Elizabeth 149 H. I. 51 Itvdia Russell Bean Chapter D. A. R. Jackson 149 J. 51 122 Mary J. 149 M. 51 Lykes, Martha 18 McClellan, Mary 119 P. B. 55 Itvles, J. W. 17 McClenahen, Sam'l 83 S. 51 M. J. 17 McClun, B. 52 loftin, Eliza F. 102 Itvnch, Joseph Penn 38 W. 52 Allen 46 Itvnchburg 148 McClung Historical Collection 122 logan CO. KY. 9 Itvnches Ferry 141:l McClung, Miss Quantrille D. 125 logan, David 27, 67 Itvndry, William 105 McClure, Elizabeth 43 George li Itvndsey, William 64 Epsey 86 Iogans, Alpha 71 Lyneer, Creed T. 48 John B. 86 Ioggans, Martin 83 Itvnn, Elizabeth 53 Johnathan 85 Samuel 82 John R. 101 'hn. 86 logsdon, Mattie, Mrs. 76 Itvon, Ana C. 13 McCoblrick, Dorthula 100 Iomes, Moses 86 William 63 ( ? ), Eliza 100 long Creek 30, 108, 143, 144, Itvons Co. KY. 9 McCollum, Daniel 83 145 Lyons, Guthridge 32 Isaac 91 long; David 68 William 32, 104, 139 John 27 Isaac 67 Itvt1e, Archibald 26 Levi 89 Samuel 81 Thrasher 66 William 81, 84, 149 -Mc- William 151 longer, Solomon 62 McConnel, James 81 longman, H. P. 18 McAdams, John 81 'hn. 50 s. F. 15 Joseph 83 McConnell, Robt. B. 83 loomis, Alfred 49 McAden, Hugh 10 William 50 Alfred L. 49 HcAdoo, Elizabeth E. 85 HcConnics, Carner 27 looney, Abraham 119 McAfee, John 26 Jarek 26, 67 Cindarella 34 McAfee, Moses 88 McCorcal, M. '46 David 119 Nathan 22 Willie 46 Elizabeth 34 McAfferty, M. A. 92 McCord, John 88 George Washington 34 McAlderson, 81ion 16 rtAnsearchin'" News


McCormack, Absolem 82 Thos. 83 Elizabeth 96 James 26 McFarland, John B. 86 Eliz. M. 96 McCormas, Stephen 134 McGaugh, Matthew 89 Francis F. 96 McCormick, Alfred 150 Robert 89 George 96 Shadrock A. 103 William 26 John D. 96 McCounts, samuel 57 McGaughey, Georg. 82 Mary 96 McCoy, Cynthia 94 McGaughy, James 83 McNeal, Edw'd 91 Elizabeth 94 McGee, Adam 114, 115 McNeely, Nancy 102 George W. 94 James W. 47 McNeil, Merret 83 lourana? 94 W. R. 52 McNeill, John Jr. 83 louisa 94 McGehee, Jacob 83 McNew, George 134 Mary 94 McGinnis, Malinda 12 McPherson, Jno. 12 Mary, Mrs. 159 McGiven, William 15 Josiah 88 William 94 McGowan, William H. 150 M. A. 12 McCracken, Ephraim 90 McGown, samuel Petty 75 Mary 12 James 66 McGraw, Sarah 50 McPhirson, Timothy 88 Thomas 89 McGuire, Peggy 15 McQJ. Robert 87 Sarah H., Mrs. 22 Maddox, William 26 McCllrdy, Martha 100 Sllsan 153 Madison Co. Ala. 35, 72, 157, 160 McCllrley, Ann 54 Teresa louise 129 Co. Miss. 159 Elnily 56 W. D., Dr. 22 Co. Tenn. 70, 125 Moses 56 McKinny, John 65 Madison, John· H. 134 Mar shall 54 McKissick, John 83 Madison Fresb erial Missionar Mary 54 McEhight, John 68, 69, 91 Allxiliary. History of Jackson, Samllel 54 Mary 118 Tenn.) 4 Thomas 54 Robert 68 Mafield, Sa~el 83 McO.ltchan, samuel 69 Samllel 26 Magee, James H. 22 McCUtchen, James Jr. 68 Wm. 118 Mahon, IiYdia C. 155 Patrick 68 VIm. Rev. 118 Mairs, Htlgh 67 Mc CUtchin, James Jr. 66 McLane, Gerold B., Mrs. 36, 158 Isaac 67 McDade, H. W. 123 McLaughlin, A. B. 21 SaJIILlel 27 McDaniel, A. 54 Me Lemore, Bllrrel 89 Makecum, C. 13 Carey A. 87 Heirs 27 L. 13 J. 54 Robert 26 N. 13 J. M. 52 McLemore's Cavalry 157 Makeram, WIn. C. 14 James M. 98 McLeod, Joseph 135 Malean, Nancy 86 John 53 McLin, John 1. 150 Making of South Carolina, The 7 John C. 13 McLister, James 12 Mallissions 33 Johnson 49 Rebecca 12 Mallory, F. M. 153 L. 54 McMacklin, Mary Brumley 128 J. A. 153 Linville 88 S. C. 128 James 111 M. 54 McManus, Rebecca 116 Malloy, Thomas 108, 109 N. 54 McMaster, Elizabeth Greer 126 Maloey, George 13 Martha 99 Guy W., Mrs. 126 Mary 13 R. 54 McMinn Co. Tenn. 71 Malone, Eliza 47 Rebecca E. 153 Co. Chap. East Tenn.· Hist. Soc. John 58 Robert 66, 67 122 Martha 58 W. 54 Co. Tenn. Population Schedule of Thomas B. 83 Warren 53 the U. S. Census of 1850 122 Malvgen?, William 66 McDonald, Joseph 135 McMinnville, Tenn. 4, 35 Marner, Jo:hn 88 Rem

Iewis 69 T. J. 55 Mealer, Jefferson 93 Manty, Jolm 83 Massey, Mary Elizabeth 73 Robert 93 Maplis, Win. 79 Masters, Elizabeth 55 lo!eanly, Hamlin 29, 31 Marble Falls, Texas 72 Nancy 55 Measles, Peyton 57 Marbury, Isaac 34 Masterson, Thomas 26 Macklenburg Co. :,. c. 3<3, 119 Richard 34 Matheny, E. S. 153 Co. Va. 116 Marcells, R., Mrs. 159 J. N. 153 Madlock, Isabella 86 Marchbanks, James 53 J. W. 153 Meek, A. C. 102 Jane 53 James H. 50 Daniel 102 March Banks, Jolmson 141 R mnta 50 J----? 11 Marchbanks, Parlee 53 Mathew, Jacob 135 James H. 102 Sally 53 Mathes, Jacob 135 Jolm 11 Marcrum, Barblet 134 Mathews, Andrew B. 36 Martha 102 Win. 134 Cornelius 67 Sarah L. 102 Marion Co. Ala. 72 H. c. 36 lo!efford, Mary 158 Co. Ark. 38, 42 James 61 lo!elford, Jolm 79 Cowrty Mississippi 42 Jesse 102 Maloan, Jolm T. W. 50 Co. Tenn. 71, 116 Jacob 108 (Melone) T. R. 50 Marion, J. K. P. 15 Jorge 133 Melton, William H. 74, 117 Markcrwn, F. 17 Wilson G. 14 Memoirs of American R",y. 9 G. 18 Mathis, Isiah 49 Memphis, Tenn. 22, 39, 73, 75, J. 17 Jolm 49 76, 116, 117, 118, 119, 157, L. 17 Nancy C. 85 159 R. 16 Mauchline 34 Mena, Ark. 3, 36 Mark=, J. 15 Maupin Family, The 124 Mercer Co. KY. 160 M. 15 Frances H. 153 Mercer, Nicholas 96 M. E. 15 James 153 Merrett, Benjamin 65 N. F. 15 Maury, Abram 67 Thomas 27 R. F. 15 Abram, Jnr. 65 Merrifield, Thos. 26 S. 15 Maury Co., Tenn. 4, 36, 37, 117 Merrill, Sarah Haclen 72 William 15 125, 158 Merritt, Benj. 89 Markham, Carter 73 Maury Co., Tenn. Marriage Rec. 78 Elvira 57 Jolm 73 Maury, Thomas 66 James 90 Iucinda, l.\rs. 73 Mawk, Benjamin E. H. 60 Iouisa J. 57 Iwdia, Mrs. 73 Catharine 60 Saml. 66 Martha, Mrs. 73 Elizabeth 60 Sarah E. 57 Russell 73 George 60 Merryman, Rebecca 93 Sarah, Mrs. 73 George W. 60 Metcalfe, Andrew 11 Susannah 73 J. W. c. 60 Methorne, Elizabeth 150 Thomas 73 Jesse B. 60 Meyers, A. 18 Thomas J. 73 Jolm S. 60 H. 18 Marlin, Jesse 90 lewis 60 M. E. 18 Marlow, James 90 Malinda 60 S. 18 Marl', Minos Atty. 142 Martha 60 T. 18 Marsh, Samuel 107, 109 Maxfield, "Bibet" . 35 W. 18 Marshal, William 66 Huram 35 Miami, Florida 38, 72, 157 Marshall, Andrew J. 151 Jane 35 Michell, Mary Jane 50 Marshall Co., Tenn. 39, 119, 159 Jenina 35 Middleton, Jobn 83 Martin, A. 109, 136 Morgan 35 Iucy 58 Amanda 149 Nathan 35 Samuel 67 Andrew J. 101 o. E., Mrs. 35 Midway Baptist Church Records 77 Benjamin M. 101 Maxwell, Elizabeth A. 101 Mifflin, M. 19 Edward 59 May, H. F., Mrs. 4 M. A. 19 F. B. 53 Jonathon 114, 115, 142 Migett, Micajah 49 George 26 Judith A. 70 Mila'll, Isaac 74 Henry 26 Mayes, Martha Marinda 70 Jobn 74 Isaac F. 101 Mayf'ield, Abe 66 Jordan, 74 James 10, 134 James 83, 84 Sam'l 74 L. 16 W. 55 Milburnton Meth. Episcopal C!lul'ch Iayfayett 53 William 83 Cemetery 127 Lillian C., Mrs. 39, 73 Mayhew, J. 17 Tenn. 127 Margaret 47 M. 17 Milburn, Archibald Frame Margaret J. 149 Mayor, Iatena 85 Bessie A. 128 Mary 101 Mays, A. J. 18 Elender, Mrs. 128 Mary Ann 99 Ferry 142 Eva Mahoney 127 Mary J. 60 Jolm 67 George Creamer 127 N. 16 L. 18 Hazel Shanks 128 Rebecca 101 M. J. 18 James Earl, Rev. 128 Richard A. 103 (?) Robert H. 93 Jobn Jonathan, Dr. 127 Theressa 99 Maader, Sarah A. 58 Jonathan Lt. 127 Thomas 149 Meador, A. F. 15 Joseph 127 Thomas T. 101 B. 19 Joseph C. 127 Win. H. 49 c. J. 19 Joseph Glen 127 Maryan, Jolm F. 88 J. E. 15 Margaret 127 Mason, A. H. 52 J. F. 18 Martha Ann Frame 127 Abram 68 James W. 18 Mary, Mrs. 127 E. 18 L. W. 18 Mary Ann 127 Elisha 151 P. A. 15 Sara A'11l Creamer 127 Elizabeth 93 S. R. 15 William, Rev. 127 F. M. 52 P. H. 18 Win. H. (R?) 128 Isaac 90 W. D. 18 Vtn. Iewis 128 J. A. 52 "Meadow Hill" 130 Miles, Heartwell 66 J. E. 18 Meadows, D. W. 14 J::>1m 11 J. H. 18 Jane 14 L. 18 L. c. 14 L. J. 14 Silas 18 M. A. 52 M. 17. Thomas 90 M. C. A. 18 Sissa 14 W. 18 "Ansearchin'" News 184

MillarI'?, William 66 Co. Miss Marriages 1850-58 124 Morristown, Tenn. 158 Miller, Alexander 149 Co. Miss. 1848 Tax Assess Roll Morrow, John B. 59 Andrew 38 123 Morse, Thomas J. 119 Armilla J. 149 Co. Tenn. 35 Morshires, WIn. A. 48 C. C., Jr., Dr. 39 Mons, Elizabeth 15 Morton, Jasper F. 60 Caroline 50 Montflorence, James C. 108, 135 Martha 50, 60 E. J. 14 Montgomery, Ala. 118 Nancy 60 Elizabeth 49, 156 Co. Tenn.. 74, 104, 111, 116, Whitson 60 James 84 141 Mosery, Emily 58 John 83 Montgomery, J. B. 133 Mosley, MUhuldah 60 Joseph 114, 115 Jacob 89 Moss, George 98 Julia 149 James 83 Hugh 98 Julia F. 100 John 26, 88 Jesse 98 Iifdia 149 L. E., Mrs. 74 John 98 l>largaret 53 Rufus K. 102 Louisa J. 60 Mary Celia 38 Sally A. 51 Martha 98 R. C. 156 . Montpelier, Idaho 72 Mary 98 Robert 150 Moody, John 27 Mothershead, Nathaniel 71 Sarah 73, 150 Jonathan 82 Mowrey, Vallentine 133 Miller, Solomon 127 Thomas 27 Moy, L. 19 T. J. B. 152 Moon, E. R. 15 Moyses, J. 55 Tessie James, Mrs. 39, 73 Keziah 47 Mt. Muncie Cemetery 132 William A. 156 Nancy 48 Mulhenin, James 30 William S. 69 Mooney, Martha 158 Mullierring, James 140 Milliken?, WIn. M. 85 Russell E. 45 Mulkey, John H. 58 Millkin, James 82 WIn. C. 50 Mary 58 Mills, A. V. 36 Moore, A. 20 Mullin, Joshua 27, 65 Alvey 45 Amelia 56 Mulroy(?), Matly(?) 94 Atlas 9 C. E., Mrs. 37 Mundy, William 53 Cordelia E. 36 Clara 151 Mungle, Daniel 11 E. A. S. 36 Cera 49 Murphey, Sarah Frances 160 Henry P. 36 Daniel 103 Murpheysboro, Ill. 38, 71, 118 Henry Pezero 36 Edward 114 Murphy, Guy W. 41 L. A. 36 Eliza 103 Hugh 31 Iuther E. 36 Faris 110 James A., Mrs. 77, 119 Martha M. 36 George H. 73 John 10· Phebe E. 36 Jacob .136 Martha C. 36 Rosannah 36 John 53, 58, 67 Michale 10 Rufus M. 36 John W. 87 Nancy 155 Sarah Jane 45 Joseph P. 103 Murray, Harriett 5b statistics & Handbook 9 Louisa 20 James 49 Theophilus O. 36 Mary 58 John W. 150 Vanson R. 36 Mary M. 150 Murray, KY. 159 William Henry 36 Rachael 103 Murray, William Russell 116 Milstead, John 50 Robert I. 20 Murrell, Ewing 48 Milton, John 84 Travis 105, 141, 147 John B. 87 Miner, Isaac 90 Thomas 89 Larkin 95 Mington, Barton 53 Vincent S. 47 Murril, R. G., Mrs. 119, 157 Minor, Henry 29, 105 More, Robert 83 Murry, Capel 68 Isaac 65, 68 Morefield, John 86 John M. 61 Minser, Elisa 52 Morgan, James 11, 83 Sarah W. 13 SUsan 55 James W. 48 Muscatine, Iowa 124 Minutes Midway Baptist Church Martha 155 Muse, D. C. 45, 46 Mires, Eliza 13 WIn. 83 Daniel C. 45 Missing Links 41 Moritz, Rebecca Jane 130 Eliza, Mrs. 45, 46 Mitchel, William 17 Morley, Eugene 24 Isaac J. 45 Mitchell, Ambrose B. 48 Geo. W. 24 Mary A. E. 46 Benjemin 69 Gussie 24 Matilda F. 45 J~lia Catharine 5·7 Morphis, SUzzy A. 50 Muzzell, Ann 48 Elizabeth C. 57 Morrell, Eliza Jane 86 Myers, Jacob 79 Enoch 61 Morris, A. 153 Myrick, Green D. 50 Frances A. 57 Absolum 134 M. B. 86 Hezekiah B. 21 Maline 154 Poley 86 Jas. 83 Allen 79, 153 Myses, Alva 53 Jane 61 Amanda 153 Arminta 53 John 91 C. 52 Evaline 53 John Wesley 38 Cemetery 40 James 53 Louisiana 61 D. H. 153 Jenny 53 Madison 61 David 153 Martha 53 Mary 61 Edward 155 Rebecca 53 Mary D. 21 Elijah 153 ( ?) Thomas 53 Nancy 61 Elizabeth 153 Richard 79 Elizabeth S. 62 -N- Shepherd R. 62 H. G. 154 Thomas 59 Jesse 136 Nacogdoches Co. Texas 37 William 61, 66 Jessie 108 Nail, Andrew 89 Mitchum, Rosana 93 John 87 Nall, Robert 79 Mize, Celah 60 Iucy 153 Nance, Mary 86 Mobile and Ohio Rsilroad 24 M. C. 153 Melchy Triplett 73 Mode, Thos. 133 Mary 153 Nancy M. 47 Molar, Rebecca 50 Nathan 147 Reuben B. 87 Wesley B. 85 Molloy, James 146 P. 52 Thomas 30, 109, 135, 136, 140 Tilman 59 Nancy, John N. 85 Monis, Jessie 109 WIn. C. 50 Nanny, John 48 Monroe County, Miss. 123 Morrison, Benjemine Sylvester 72 Nansemond Co. Va. 71 Co. Miss. Marriages 1821-25 James 88 Napier, T. 14 1834-50 123 Jane 61 1962 185

Thomas 1'7 Newman, A. J. 1G -0- Nashville, Tenn. 26, 36, 38, 39, Ann Arabelle 5f) 70, 72, 108, 110, 118, 121 C. 16 Oakes, Ii'. 52 Natchez, Miss. 34, 39 E. 16 J. vi. ~" Nation, Margueritte (Garland), Mrs. Henry Jas. 58 1JI. A. )% 71, 118, 160 John 134 Il. A. ~2 National Archives Microfilm Pub., Joshua 83 09.k3, IS9.IJ.C l)~ List of 4 M. E. 16 Obanyo.!'"L, JorLn 91 National Archives & Records M. F. 16 Obion Co. Tenn. 3J.~, 1~~5} 157 Div., GSA 4 M. L. 16 Odessa, Texas 3, 15~ National Genealogical Quarterly 78 N. J. 16 Q'Donnald, Georr,:e ~/. IjCj National Gene~logical Society 78 Patsy 58 3Elrah J. 150 Naugatuck, Conn. 3 Polly 58 OgilVie, Elizabeth 152 Nave, Robert Tipton 122 R. 16 John 90 Nay, S. W. Rev. 131 Sally 102 Ie~Ti3 152 Neagle, Margaret 57 W. 16 Sarah 152 Neal, Celia 38 William 16 Thomas 152 Ezekial 61 Newnan, Ga. 74 Ogles, J. T. 1) John 57 Newson News 3 s. 19 Polly 57 Newsome, Iathena N. 87 Oglesby, Elisha 11 Rachel S. 57 New South, Tenn. 25 Ogline, Richard 68­ Susan 57 Newton, A. 16 William 610 Sussannah 57 C. 16 O'Hara, Harr'J E., 11r5, (~rirgir~ia) Neasbit, Alexander 66, 69 E. 16 1, 77, 120 Needham, Baley 83 Elizabeth 49 Ohio Genealogical Society 121 James 83 James A. 101 O'Kelly, J. Fred, II.rs. 152 Neel, Eurie Pearl Wilford 9 John 15 Okemah, Oklahoma rJ Neeley, William 66 M. 16 Okemus, Michigan 7~ Neelly, George 27, 65 Missouri, Mrs. 37 Okla. City, Okla. ~~, 7~ James 27, 65 Nancy C. 50 Old Chera"s, History '01' ') Robert 66 Nicholas, Elizabeth 87 Old Creek lob Neely, Charles 62 Nichols, A. T. 93 Old Friendship C~metery 7~ Jesse F. 62 Alexander 57 Old Irish Cemetery l~J Samuel 65 Daniel 93 Old Ninety Six Co., ,0. C. j Susan 62 Martha J. 57 Old Jack's Creek Road 45 Neighbors, Ray, Mrs. 76 Eliza 101 Old Purdy 25 Neil, Eliza F. 102 John 109 Oldham, George 68 Na..'1cy L. 102 William 57 Moses 68 Neill, Samuel 79 William H. 93 Olive, William 50 Nelms, Elizabeth 149 Nicholson, Francis Sir 7 Oliver, Florance HcCarty, Reor. ( Elizabeth A. 149 Nickles, Mary Jenie 50 118 Nelson, Clark 102 William, Mrs. 123 George 68 Nelson Co., KY. Marriage Bonds 42 Nical(-) 83 George W. 61 County, Va. 25 Night, Penelope 49 Levi 90 Nelson, Daniel 101 Nimmo, HYman 87 Levy 88 Elizabeth 101 Ninety Six District, S. C. 8 Mary 61 Ernest, Mrs. 76, 117, 160 NiX, Catherine 48 llildred Terrell 113 Henry M. 101 Nixon, William 83 (Clark) Susannah 118 John 38 Noble, Sarah 37 Oneal, Arthur lhO John Sr. a..'1d His Descendants 42 Nolen, Berry 68 Bryan ill, 115, 145 Louisa C. 103 David 68 Bryant 30, 106, 141 Nancy Ware Hunter 38 J. C., Mrs. 77 D. P. 17 Parrdon(?) 101 John 68 E. s. 17 Robert 31 Micajah 66 Edmund 27 Nenney, Catherine 129 William 66, 103 Frederick lh7 Nesbit, Margaret 37 Nolin, Lee 66 James 27 NeVille, J. B. 112, 145 Micajah 27 L. H. 17 Joseph B. 32, 63, 104, 114, Nolty(?), c. 96 l-1armaduke 104, 113 115, 137, 138, 139, 141, 143, Noramore, llfdia A. 49 R. 17 144 Norman, John 82 W. H. 17 Nevilles Creek 143 Norris, M. 55 zachariah 111, 138 Newberry Co. South Carolina 39 T. P. 55 Opelika, Ala. 76 New Harmony Cemetery, Macon Co. W. c. 55 Opponoose Co. Iowa 34 Mo. 37 W. J. 55 Orange Co. Va. 71 New Haven, Connecticut 41 Norrod, Edward 105 Orange, Albert J. 97 New Jersey Family Index 121 Jeremiah 144 Benjamin 98 Genesis 121 Norsworthy, N. W. 154 Bord(?) 99 Newland, John 57 B. F. 154 Elisabeth 99 Newlee, Adolphus 148 North CarQlina r~neaJQgjcaJ George 99 Charles Augustus 148 Magazine 121 John 97, 99 George B. 148 North Carolinian 121 Mariah 98 J. Glen 148 North Cross Creek '30, 31, 108, Mary 99 James 148 109, 112'; 135, 140 Rebecca 97, 99 John Glen 129, 148 North X Creek 110, 136 Samuel 97 Mary Glen (Mrs. Wm.) 148 Northcut?, Elizabeth 101 William J. 99 Mary Jane 148 Martha 101 Orangeburg Co. S. C. 9 Mellie H. (Melanie) 148 Northville, Michigan 75, 157 District S. C. 8 Robert Glenn 148 Norton, Elizabeth 96 Orangeville, California 119 Sara 148 Norvi11, John P. 67 OrOVille, California 38, 71, 118, Syrena Kathryn 148 Nowlin, Elizabeth 48 160 Willia..'ll 148 Nugent, John 79 Orp\an 's Court Records 42 William Henry 129 Nully, George 91 Orr,'Barney 151 Wm. R. 148 Nunally, Mary J. 62 Cury P. 85, William Robinson 148 James S. 79 New Liberty Church Cemetery 38 Robert 68 New Liberty Hill C"nurch Cemetery Samuel J. 87 38 "Ansearchin"l News 186 (J William 26 Mary 62 William 114 Orton, Richard 27 Mary E. 154 Pearch, William 141 Osborn, Alex'r 82 Michael 62 Pearis, Willia~ 105 Melba C., Mrs. 157 Nathaniel 62 Pearson, John 145 Nancy S. 150 Sarah 98 Mary Ann 155 Sarah Ann 154 Pernsey 155 Os1i';n (?), Emily 54 Thomas 62 Peck, Jediah 88 James 82 William 62, 82 Peden, C. H., Mrs. 34 Ostean, Isaac 69 Parkin, Henry P. 103 Mary 57 Osteel, John 90 Martha 103 Sarah A. 58 Otey, Frazier, Rev. 148 Martha H. 103 Peders, Amanda E. 50 Syrena Kathryn Newlee, Mrs. 148 Mary T. 103 Pedigo, Mary 60 O-lachita Co. Ark; 75 Parks, Elvira D. 118 Pence, John 148 O-ltlaw, Josiah 154 Martha 151 Pendergraft, Don, Mrs. 70, 118 OUtland, Melissa 156 Peter 84 Garrett 118 Edward 32 Ruben, Jr. 66, 90 Garrett, Sr. 118 Elizabeth 35 WIn. 84, 90 Henry Clay 118 Willia~ 29, 30, 31, 63, 104, Parmer, Alfred 155 Henry, Mrs. 118 105, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, Emily 155 Jobe (Tobe) 118 115, 138, 139, 14o, 142, 145, Jesse 155 Polly 118 147 Nancy 155 Titus 118 Overbee, Alexa!,der H. 94 Parr, William 10 Tobias 118 Ov'erby, Martha A. 48 Parrish, J. A. 154 Penderton, lucy 56 Overton, A. D. 130 Joel 26 Pendleton District S. C. 8 Albert D. 130 Parry, Gladys, Miss 40 Penick, Jacob M. 86 Overton Co., Tenn. 34, 73 Parsons, Jeremiah 88 James Oscar 126 ~ferton, John 30, 31, 91, 107, 109, 14 Partridge, Arlington 24 Oscar P. 126 Owen, Biffle 76 B. F. 24 Penington, WIn. 84 James 67 Jennie 24 Penney, WIn. 10 Margaret 87 Paschal, Jane 87 Peoria, IlL 124 West 57 Jane D. 85 Perigan, Silas 10 Owens, John U. 57 John C. 87 Perkins, Constantine 26 Joseph 52 Sarah 85 Daniel 66 lemuel 53 Paschall, Alfred 86 Elijah 92 Ransom W. 48 Pascholl, lucy 86 Nicholas T. 27 Sarah 52 Pas'l.uotank Co. N. C. 34 Peter 90 William 52 Passmore, Moody 70 Thomas H. 26 Oxindine, James 59 WIn. 70 Permian Basin. Gen. Society 3 John 59 Pate, Anthony 160 Perry Co. Tenn. 125 Polly 59 Chapel Cemetery 38, 118 Perry, W. E. 156 Ransom 59 Edward 160 William 69 Ozment, Harriett L. 21 Perleamon 38, 71, 160 Perryman, John 69 Varnum 2l Pervally, James 68 o Patrick, A. 52 T. 52 Pes?, S. W. 86 -P- Patterson, Ann G. 129 Peters, A. D. 70 Bob 134 James 96 Pace, Barret 58 Collins T. 82 John F. 70 Isabelle 43 Fannie 130 L. M. 70 Joseph C. 12 George 82 Silas 70 Noble H. 43 James 68, 129 Tobias 70 Richard 43 James S. 50 WIn. H. 70 Society of America 43 James W. 87 Peterson, Andrew 30, '63 Paducah, Ky. 9 Joab 67 Pettit, Isaac 151 Page, John 65, 91 M. 51 John David 118 Robert 27 M. A. 51 Pettway, William 27 Pain, M. C. 53 N. E. 51 Petty, B. M. 53 Martha 53 R. F. 130 George 28, '29, 31, 32, 33, Palmer, Catherine 48 S. 51 63, 64, 104, 105, 110, 111, John K. 48 Patton, Drewery M. 83 112, 138, 14o, 143, 144, 145, WIn. H. 86 Jacob 89 146 PampUn, Martha Matilda 36 James 88 Henry 66 Milton 36 ,Tristram 66 John 111 Pancell, S. F. 16 Pauley, Valentine 82 Pevy, Thomas 29 Panola Co. Miss. 38, 117 Paxten, Thompson 66 Pe'", John 83 Panther Creek 141 Paxton, Nancy J. 153 Peyton, Henery 83 Pardue, Frances 57 Payne, Alfred 98 Laura 150 Parie, Ansel 50 Amanda 98 Pharis, Catherine 98 Paris, fl. N. 17 Daniel 61 Frances 100 J. R. 17 E. 17 Lavney 100 M. A. 17 Josiah 11 li'Jahala 98 Paris, Tenn. 126 lucille, Miss 5 Minerva 98 Parish, Elizah W. 87 Mary Isabel 75 Reuben 98 James M. 154 Nancy A. 57 Pharris, James 91 Park, John i:l9 Richard H. 57 Philips & Campbell 109, 136 Moses 89 Tomay(?) 96 Philips, Joseph 90 Parker, Catherine 98 William 11 Mann 63 Deborah 62 Payton, Moses 83 Mason 104 Elizabeth 62 Peacock, Henry 74 Phillips, Archibald 85 Emeline 154 lucille 123 Phillips Co., Ark; 46 George 26, 82, 88 Mary 74 Phillips, Man(n) 105, 111 George W. 49 Robert 151 Mary 53 Harriet 98 Thomas 151 Robt. 47 Isaac N. 98 Peak, Booker 85 Pickard, Peter 74 Jesse R. 47 Catherine 151 Rebecca 74 John 98 Nathan F. 49 Pickens, Andrew General 8 Joseph 154 Peake, Thomas 48 Joseph Capt. 8 lucretia 154 Pearce, Jane H. 60 Notes 5 wm.-83 187

Pickett, Arabella g. 102 Porter, David W. B9 II. :;. ~;. N. 52 Erastus 99 J. )2 Pierce, Authur 68 G. W. 11'[ J;uJ(~ ~/) Louiza 50 James P. 99 L. :'k William 110 Jane 93 L. A. ~2 Pierson, Betsy 99 John 67 IIi. :;~:: James 99 John, Jr. 69 R. H. 1~4 Jane 99 Joseph B. 27, 66 m',hD.rrl 27 Leonard 99 L. A. 51 s. 5~ Nancy 99 Mary 99 3. A. 5? T. C., Mrs. 74 Matilda 99 T. ~2 T. J. 19 Pelino. 87 Victoria 159 William 99 Rebecca W. 48 Yl. 52 Piles, Burrel 102 Rees 66 Hilliam 52 John 117 S. E. 51 Pulaski Co. Mo. 116 Reuben Lafayette 117 William 67 Pulaski, Tenn. 121 Susan E. Dowell 117 Portland, Oregon 37, 39, 71, 118 Pulley, E. 54, 55 Wesley 102 Port Royal 6 G. S. 54 Pelkington, George, Mrs. 77 Portsmouth, Ohio 34 H. 54 Pillow, Abner 66, 89 Posey Co. Indiana 39 J. 54, 55 Gideon 89 Potter, Archebald 27 M. A. 55 John 66 Potter Co., Tex., Esrly Rec. of 5 P. 54 Mordica 89 Potts, Drucilla 86 S. 55 William 89 John 141 VI. 54 Pincher, Matilda 95 Martha 49 Pulliam, Sally 58 Willia.'Il 95 S. 14 Puratt, Sarah )/2 Pine street Nursing Home 132 Powel, John 27 Purcell, Mr. 159 Piney Fork 31 Powell, J. C. 128 Purdom, B. F. 152 Pinkston, David 88 Mary E. 128 Benjamin 156 Peter 69 Oney 12 Elizabeth 156 Pioneers, 1961 Oct. Issue 4 Rebecca F. 47 Mary 152 Piper, Catharine 92 Williamson 102 Sarah 156 Pipkin, Mark 90 Power, S. 79 William 156 Pippen, Mary P. 93 Powers, James M. 149 Purdon, Abigail ,'3 Pirtle, George W. 151. Richard 50 Purdy Cemetery, New 21 Pistole, Charles 138, 147 Wm.M. 50 Purdy Cemetery, Old 20 Pitchford, Betsy 59 Poynter, L. D. 87 Purdy, Tenn. 20, 21 Pitman, Andrew 104 Pratt, A., Mrs. 38, 72, 157 Purpass?, A. R. 49 Pittford, L. C. 15 Presley, Rhoda 74 Purviance, Anne 39 Pittsylvania Co. Va. 4, 130, 158 Presly, David 11 Puryer, Susan oe Plainfield, N. J. 74 Preston, Melvina 52 Putnam Co. Tenn. 159 Plainview, Texas 124 Prewet, James 65 Putnam, Mrs. E. J. 75 Platt County, Mo. 131 Prewit, George 66 Pyle, Rhoda 92 Plum, P. A. 54 Jas. 84 Pymoutn... 37 V. A. 54 Robert 66 -Q- Poe, A. L. 14 Prewitt, Joel 90 Eliza 86 Price, Bedford 86 Quarterly 41 George 11, 67 George 158 Queener, Daniel 134 Jedethan? 67 Harvey 158 Henry 134 Linsly 134 Jacob 158 Jacob 134 Rhodeham 67 James 158 Quenen, Michel 133 Rhoden 11 Joseph 93 Quigley, Andrew 62 Hannah 61 Pogue, Thos. 79 Kenderick 158 Poleck, Benja. 133 Laura 158 J. T. 54 William R. 61 Polk, Benjamin W. 64 Mathew 11 Charles 29, 32, 33, 64, 111, Nela 158 Quillen, M. 55 Quimby, James T. 61 112, 113, 115, 138, 139, 142 Prentiss 122 Polk Co., Mo. 39 Salisso. S. 36 Polk, James 64 Sarah 158 -R- John 64, 137, 141 Susan 76 Raferty, Wm. 87 Richard 68 Thomas 27 Ragan, S. F. 18 S. 34 William 66, 69, 158 William 68, 108, 109, 135, 136 Zelma Wells JUdge 43, 77 Ragland, Goringa(?) 99 Polley, William 133 Priest, Miles 67 James 99 Pollock, John 134 Rose Harris 78 John 99 Joseph 134 Thomas 67 Mary 99 Robert 134 Prim, Jeremiah 91 Sarah 99 Pool, Annie Lorena 23 Prince George, Fort 7 stephen 99 Elizabeth P. 154 Lena 101 William 99 Florence Ellie 23 Princeton, New Jersey 124 Ragle, George 12 George W. 154 Prioleau, Elias 7 lucinda 12 R. W. 23 Pritchet, M. J. 19 Ragsdal, Wm. 81 Ragsdale, Edward R. W. P. 23 Nancy 19 66 Rachel M. P. 23 S. E. 19 Eton 81 Seventha 49 Proprietors Grant 6 Mary C. 117 Poole, Abe 116 Provo, Ut.ah 37 Rail, Richard 39 Beaddie Annise 116 Pruett, Thomas 91 Susannah 39 Bob 116 Pruitt, C. 13 Raines, Eliza 159 Isom 116 John S. 101 G. G., Mrs. 36, 39 Mary 116 Pryor, luke, Jnr. 68 ·Nathan 133 Poor, Benjamin 62 Martha A. 85 Ryer 133 Elizabeth 62 William 30, 33 stephen 139 Holly 62 Puckett, A. 52 Rainey, Isham 159 James 62 C. 52 Mary E. 48 Margaret 62 E. 52 Wesley 159 Pope Co. Ark. 76 F. 55 Zebulon 159 Portales, New Mexico 71 G. A. 51 Rains, David 82 Frances 93 ",'\nsearchin'" News 188

William 134 J. F., Mrs. 116 Elizabeth 103 Raleigh, Jacob 95 Jonothon F. 72 Emily 20, 21 James 95 Sampson 93 G. B. 14 Raleigh, N. C. 121 . Regan, William 93 J. W. 14 Ralston, Joseph 26 Reid, John 29 Joel 65 Ramsay, Richard 63, 104 Jonathon 92 John A. 103 .Annals of Tenn. 11 Reiford, John (Raiford) 11 Mary E. 23 Elizabeth 152 Rendle, John H. 87 N. C. 20, 23 Randal, Wilson lll, 115, 144 Renno, Matilda 12 N. C. Col. 21 Randall, Margaret 151 William 12 P. Ange 23 Wilson 29, 114, 145 Rentskion, Peter 82 R. B. 23 Randle, Ann 158 Report, the 121 Rigsby, C. S. 18 Randoll, 147 Revell, David 10 J. F. 18 Randolph co:-; Ind. 123 Reves, James 82 J. P. 18 Randolph, Mrs. Peyton 124 Revolutionary Record 9 J. W. 18 Peyton, Mrs. 124 Reynolds Family 125 Riley, Aaron 155 Ranfrow, Mark 82 Reynolds, Geo. Washington 116 Betsy 94 Rangle, Edmund 85 J. B. 30, 104, 111, 113 Emilea 94 Rankin, John 90 Jenkins 89 James 94 Nancy 71 John 50 John 94 Sebina 85 John H. 116 Matilda D. 130 Rape, Gustavaus 69 John M. 15 Nancy 101 Raritan, Ill. 118 Sarah 86 Sarah 94 Rasoer, Manerva 103 William 134 . Zacariah 94 Ratcliff, Lucy 116 & Mcfarland 144 Rily, Edward 103 Rather, E. 19 Rhea Co., Tenn. 35, 39 Elizabeth 103 Ratteree, James 153 Rhea, Harry 71 Huston 103 Ray(Roy), George W. P. 103 William Henry 71 James M. 103 John 54 Rhett, William Colonel 7 Reuben 103 Mary 118 Rhine, Palatinate 124 William 103 Samuel 50 Rhoads, Elisha 90, 91 Rindal, Peter 140 Raybourn, E. H. 153 James 66 Rish Volume 43 Rayher, J. C. 19 John 66, 90 Rittenburg, E. S., Mrs. 159 So M. 19 Joshua 84 William 159 Raynolds, James 68 William 65, 66, 84 Rivers, Joel T. 27 Rea, Jos. 84 Rhodes, D. W. 53 Roach, Adam 84 Read, James 16 David 86 George 82 Samuel 58 Elizabeth 53 Roane Co. Tenn. 35, 36, 70 Ready, John P. 59 Ellen 53 Roark, A. W. 18 !:Drenzo D. 59 Kinchen 82 C. 18 Malaha A. 59 William 53 H. B. 18 Ribault, Jean Captain 6 N. E. 18 (J Mary lae 59 Reagan, John 93 Rice, Edmund, Deacon 43 William 18 Reams, Obediah 12 Frederick R. 43 Williamson, Rev. 20 WIn. M. 82 James 49 Robbins, Eliza 152 Rearden, Thos. 90 Matthew 88 John 152 Reaves, Ann 48 Sally 47 Joseph 152 Izora(?) 96 Rich, John 135 Robbinson, Jas. 83 James A. 96 John E. 99 Sam'l 83 Jason M. 96 Julina 99 Robe, E. A. 16 Mary 96 Malinda 98 Roberts, Benjamin Jr., Maj. 116 Philiann(?) 96 Nancy 99 Catherine 149 Thomas S. 96 Richard. lawis 134 Charley D. 128 Richards, Elizabeth Ann 62 William 96 David 96 Records of Attakapas Dist. lao 78 Henry 92 Elec(?) 97. Rector, Hattie M. 128 Jonathan 82 Elizabeth 92 lawis' 133 Reddin, Iatetha 49 George 50 Redlands, California 42 Rebecca 92 George W. 149 Red River Co. Texas Rebecca A. 62 Henry, Jr. 100 Red, WIn. 84 S. J. 17 Henry, Sr. 100 Redley, Moses 66 Thomas 92 Jesse 31 Ree(?), James 54 WIn. 74 John 88, 107 Reece, David 12 Richardson, Amos 117 L. B. 86 Reed, Elizabeth M. 85 C. 55 laroy 97 James 60, 65, 88 Coonrod 68 Nancy 97 Jeremiah 60 E. 55 Patrick 97 John 69, 90 M. 55 Samuel B. 47 Joseph 60 Martha Bowman 117 Sara A. 128 Lucy 49 Martha Jane 117 William 97, 149 Mary 98 Mary Sarah 70 William D. 48 Prudence P. 60 Mattias 84 WIn. G. 128 Robert, Sen. 67 T. H. 55 Robertson, Charla 82 William 60, 69 Zack. 55 Robertson Co., Tenn. 116 Winnie 20 Richarson, John 83 Robertson, James 152 Reekes, Heartwill 116 Richary, Richard 16 Jesse 150 Jane Bonner Edmondson 116 Richer(d)son, Willis 49 John 69 Reeks, James Ingram 116 Richmond, L. 18 Joseph 82, 88, 151 John Benjamin 116 Rickman, William 27 Joseph J. 35 Martha Ovilla (Orella) 116 Riddle, William 88 !:Duisa 151 Sam 116 Ridgeway, Tenn. 30 Mary 151 Thomas Capt. 116 Rigdon, E. 18 Mary L. 102 William 116 G. 18 Matilda 152 Reem( ? ), John Snr. 69 S. A. 18 Michael 83 Rees, Thomas 82 Riggs, Bascom, Sr. 23 Philip 35 () Reess, George 82 Clay 20 Rebecca A. 35 Robert D. 82 Earl C. 23 Samuel H. 35 Reeves, Anne 93 Edward 89 Sarah 151 :1,962

sarah E. 35 Mary Jane 48 :";alt uJ.ke Glj~y, Ut!J.h ~;.'" .Ll~ William H. 35 Row(e), Thomas 110 salyers, Eli7.::.J.beth l~jf; Robinson, Charles & 2 Sons 65 Rowland, A. W. 51 Sa.mons, Jessy 5}+ David 65 John 82 Sample, I3~.ac n. 59 James W., Rev. 20 L. J. 51 Robert 114, 140 John 65, 83 Nancy 149, 152 Ban Angelo) Texa,:) 72 Lizzie S. 130 R. B. 51 San Antonio, Texas 3[;, 4(;, T~, Michael 83 T. E. 51 158 Rebecca J., Mrs. 127 Rowlet, Benj. 48 San Bernardino Valley (knealoGtCQl Schultz 130 Royston, Gilbert D. 128 Society 41, 715 Stirling R. 130 Ruber?, Jane P. 87 Sanderlin, Rev. 72 Thomas L. 27, 66 Rucker, Samuel W. 1~7 Sanders, Et-lard ~l, 1(J6 Thomas L., Mrs. 40 Rudolph, Elijah 56, 155 James 10 w. E. 127 Martha 155 John 105, 110, 13s, Ihl, l}~lt Rochet, Atherington 64 Peter 155 Mary 49 Rockwood, Tenn. 74 R. James 155 Mary Elizabeth 715 Rocky Creek 10 Rachel 56 ,Iill 10 Roddy, A. 13 Ruff, Geo. 82 Sanderson, John 10 Yhn. H. 14 Henery S. 82 Sand Hill, Ga. 119 Rodes, William 12 John 82 San D~ego, California 76, 117, 1E/':' Rodgers, Absolam 151 Ruleman, Finettie 20 San Gabriel, Cal:i.fornia J-J.2 James 35, 114 N. A. 20 San Marcas, Texas 35 William 27 Nancy A. 21 Santa Fe, Tennessee 39 Rbdges, William 67 W. M. 20 Sapp, Mary B. 116 Roe, M. 18 William 21 Sappington, R. B. 31 Thomas 136 Runyon, Thomas 61 Roger B. 31, 107 Rogers Bell Co. Texas 75 Rupp, I. Daniel Volume 124 Thos. 65 Rogers, Delila Ann 100 Rusel, Charnel 112 Satterfield, Andrew 1;8 Elizabeth 47, 62 Rushing, David 144 James 89 James 30, 63, 105 Dennis 32 Larry 142, 145, 147 Jane 152 Elijah III Satty, Byrtha 50 John 134 Rowland 105 Saunders, Aldemays 150 John A. 79 Elijah 105 Daniel 69 Lett 152 Rusing, David 32 Dempsey 47 Maria A. 150 Russee, Richard 53 Farmie 150 Nancy E. 49 Russel, David 88 Ievina 150 Rebecca 152 John 69 Martha 150 Reuben 152 Russell, Austin 49 Nancy 150 Samuel W. 152 Catherine 12 Polly 150 Rogers, Texas 75 E. A. 12 Sava!mah River 7 Rogersville, Tenn. 79, 158 E. J. 12 Sawyer, Miller 108, 135 Roges(?), Thomas 88 Geo. B. 12 Sawyers, Alfred A. 100 Rolfe, Phinetta 153 H. K. 156 Sayers, Isaac 91 Rollins, Minny 96 H. N. 12 Robert 65 Romancing with the Paces 43 Harvey 12 Sayle, William Col. 6 Rop (Ross), Arminta 85 J. H. 154 Margaret 72 Roper, Bill 116 Jas. L. 12 ScarborOUgh, James 63, 104, 105 Frances Yewell 116 Jos. C. 12 Scarbrough, David 138, 147 John 116 Margaret 12 David Sen'r 114 Margaret 116 Mary 39 James 141 Sarah 116 Miss 39 James Jun'r 114 Rory, Hezekiah 143, 147 Robert 13 James Sen'r 114, 115, 139 Roscoe, Jesse 33 sarah H. 119 John 141, 142, 147 John 33 T. C. 12 Scarlett, Abraham 62 Mary 33 Willium 81, 153 Schultz, B. F. 129 Rachel 29, 33, 137 Russellville, Tenn. 129 Benjamine F. 130 William 29, 33, 137, 143 Rutherford Co. Tenn. 72. 76 Eliza J. 129, 130 Rose, Bowman 95 Rutherford, Henry 66 Iula Lee 129 Elizabeth 130 Rutland, Lewis 61;. Schwartz, Gerald, l·Irs. 74 Frances 129 Rutledge, William 65 Schwarz, Paul J., J'lrs. 72 Francis M. 82 Rutlidge, Deby 55 Scipio Center,New York 3 J. M. 54 Rutline, Lewis 64 Scott, Calvin L. 155 John 129 Ryer(?), J. M. 53 Scott Co., Ark. 117 Kindle C. 87 Rysby, E. A. 15 Co. Ill. 70 L. 54 Co. Ky. 71 M. 54 -S- Co. Tenn. Census 1850 122 Ruben 129 Scott, Edw. 10 Sarah 48 Sabine Co. Texas 37 Edward 79 Roseborough, Joseph 83, 89 Sacramento, California 35 Eli 88 Ross, B. S. 153 Saddler, Chester Calhoun 159 Elias 66 Elizabeth 153, 155 George Washington 159 Falmy, Mrs. 73 J. B. 52 Sadler, Henry 11 Jacob 89 J. w. 155 Sailing, Elizabeth 74 James 116 James 56 Henry 74 Jesse 73 James Gu.vnn 70 Peter 74 John 33, 66, 111, 113, 114, Joab 82 Sain, C. J., Mrs. 70, 118 139, 141, 142 John 67, 153 Salem Church Cemetery 148 Joshua 150 lucinda 24 Saline Creek 108, 109, 135, 136 Leander 56 Robt. 84 River 31 Margaret 61 Rosson, Abner 67 Salley, A. S., Jr. 9 Marmaduke 108, 135 Rossville, Ga. 75, 116 Salmon, Elisa 55 Mary 12 Round Lick, Tenn. 116 Iexey 55 Maub. (?) 92 Rounsevill, Amos 66 James 55 Parthena 150. Routh, Jonathan 72 Junius 55 Sally 73 Routon, Tenn. 126 Samuel 55 Sarah 150 Rowan Co., N. c. 38 Tater 55 Susan 150 Rowe, Aga 86 "Ansearchin'" New's 190 C) Thomas Dr. 73 WIn. 49 W. L. l50 WIn. F. 83 Shepherd, B. l35 William l49 Screws (Crews), Isaac 86 Benjamin lO9, l36 William H. l49 Scribner, Lewis S. 83 Henry lO9 Sillamon, Thos. N. 82 Seales, Nicholas 69 Mary .56 Sills, GeOrge 57 Seattle Gen. Society l22 Thomas 56 louisa 57 Seattle, Wash. l22 Shepperd, B. l08 Silva, Jack V., Mrs. 73 Seavers, Elizabeth 35 Sherfey, Banjamin 61 Silver Creek-Salem Monthly Meet­ PoHy 35 Catharine 6l ing of Union Co. l23 Sebastian Co. Ark. 157 Jacob 6l Silver Springs, Tenn. 72 Secrest, Abram 90 Jacob B 6l Silvertooth, Geo. W. l60 John 27 Peter 1>l Jacob l60 Sells, Reuben 103 Polly Ann 6l Simmetree(?), John 27 Selmer, Tenn. 25 Sheridan, Indiana 43 Simmon, Alexander 66 Serls, James H. l53 Sherman, Celia 20 Simmons, Barbiett 49 0. l53 Frank, Mrs. l24 Ben. 65 Thomas l53 Shieffield, Elizabeth 94 Elvira l5l WiHiam C. l53 Susan J. 94 Harmon 49 Settle, Edward (Siddle?) II Shields, James l57 Jacob 65 Sevier, Cora Bales 5 Meedy White H7 Jesse 83 Sevier Co., Tenn. 70, 72, H7, l57 Nancy Stockton II7 John J. l5l Sevier Family History 5 Rebecah 56 Permela 59 Sevier, Gen. John 5 Robert ll7 Sarah P. l5l Valentine III l59 Robert, Jr. ll7, l57 . Thomas 69 Sewell, James A., Mrs. 38 Sabra M. James ll7 Thomas D. l5l Nicholas 76 Shilas(?), F; M. l7 Simon, John l06 Ritha 76 Shilburn, Mary 56 Simpkins, John G. 69 Thomas 94 Shillman, Elizabeth S. 96 Maria A. l50 Shadwick, Sarah 87 ( ? ), Martin 96 Simpson, Eliza M. l56 Shahan, John 70 Shinliver, Elizabeth J. 70 (?) F. l56 Shankle, Wyatt 47 Ship, William 47 John l33, l56 Shanks, E. K. l27 Shipley, Elizabeth 6l louisa 87 Elizabeth Milburn, Mrs. 1.28 George M. D. 6l Martha 86 louisa J. l28 Jerhariah 6l Mary F. l56 Martha, Mrs. 'l.28 Mary M. 6l Nancy 58, 87 Mary E., Mrs. 1.27 Nancy C. 61 Nancy R; l56 Nancy A. l28 Virginia A. 61 Sarah J. l56 Silas Corrick l28 Shirley, Felix l57 Will 65 . WiHiam l28 Shnider, L. 19 William 67, 82 Shannon, David 68 N. 19 Sims, John 8l George 27, 69 N. A. 19 Rebecca l56 () James 69 Shoemaker, John, Jr. 35 Sinclair, Sarah 47 John 62 Letice lOl SiSCO, Elisha H. l03 Sharp, Anny 59 Sandy H Elizabeth l03 E. M., Rev. 5 Vivian Barrickman, Mrs. 43 Jacob l03 George 83 Shoemate, Daniel 26 James l03 Henry 9l James 68 louisa lO3 Nehemiah 84 Shore, Mary Shields, Mrs. 72, ll7, Ilfdia A.' l03 Sarah 56 ll9, l57 Martha l03 Thomas l46 Short, Martha "Mattie" Amuttal 34 Nancy lO3 WIn. 84 Mary 48 William l03 Shaver, Robert l)+9 Matilda 49 Sizemore, Ann 94 Shaw, A. M. l8 Shotwell, Anderson 48 Dillon 94 B. J. l5 Showers, Lloyd 1. 3, 36 Edmund 94 Bevil lO Shrodes, Eleanor 52 Hardin 94 C. A. l8 Shreveport, La. 7l, H8, l60 Lewis 94 C. M. l8 Shrink, Jacob 96 William 94 James 82 Shropshire, Joel 68 Skipworth, Willis Goodman l58 Samuel 82 Walter 79 Slaughter, Benjamin 53 J. l4 Shule, Andrew 66 -COOk-Beaumont Families l24 lucinda 62 John 67 Eugenia Newlee 1.29 M. l8 Shull, Calvin 23 George W. 49 William l8 Geliam, Mrs .23 John 53 Sheckles, Sarah A. 93 1. J. 22 Joseph 79 Sheddan, James ll9 lorine 23 Slemmons, Martha 60 Shelburn, Sam'l 9l M. A. 22 Slocumb, Joseph 9l Shelby, Alfred 55 Maggie 23 Joshua 89 Alvira 55 Mamie W. 23 Riley 27 C. M. l49 Mary 23 Slone, (Stone), John 88 Shelby Co., Tenn. 5, 26, 39, 40 P. E. 20 Small, Matthew lOO 43, 75, l25 Peter 23 Smart, Reuban 84 Shelby Co., Tenn. Marr. Rec. 2 W. B. 22 William 83 Shelby Creek l09, l36 Shults, Eliza Ann 50 Smelzer, Catherine ll7 Shelby, Isabella 55 Robert 87 Paulser ll7 John 55, Hl Shurfee, Abigail 57 Rebeckah ll7 Washington 55 Adalide 57 Smiley, Samuel l50 Shelbyville, Tenn. 70 Ameda 57 Smith, A. E. 52 Alex 128 Sheldon, E. Hortense 5 George 57 Sheldons Prior to l700 5 Joshua 57 Amizon, Mrs. l28 Asa 36 SheH, John 87 Mary 57 Shelton, Delia l58 Augustus 56 Sigler, Alice 149 John H Bertha 50 Charles P. E. l50 Mlfrtle l20, l57 Bettie 36 Isaac B. l49 Shepard, B lj5 Caleb 56 John l49 Banjamin- 3l Calvin 59 Martha l49 Nancy 3l Caroline 36, 50 Charles 99 1962 191

Charles A. sH 8nrlthermnn, Wm. 82 ;-;t. wui.s, 140. 2JI, '(5 Smith Co., Tenn. 75, 118, 159 SmothernIDn, Elnora 87 St. Paul's Chu.rch '(I Smith Co. fl TenD.: Marriage Records Smylie Cemetery 7~' :-::tackhouse, Georee r:JG 1838 1 45-54 122 Sneader, Arena 87 Stacy, Eli 66 Smith, D.J.W. 152 Sneed, Adele Weiss, Mrs. 122 Stafford Ce. Va. 124 Daniel 11, 116 Snelling, Malinda 150 Stafford, John 11 David 73, 90 William L. 150 StaIley, Alfred 153 Diana(?) 99 Snider, Thomas I. 86 Stallings, Willia~ 114 E. W. 153 Snoddy, Samu",l 89 3tancliff, Itl9.ry H., IJ1rs. 42 Easter 152 Snodgrass, Elisabeth 100 Standefer, Anderson 117 Ebenezer 81 Snow, Asaph Leander 129 Edwin t~iles, J>1rs. 1, n, '19 Eliza 152 Bernard Willis 129 Jewel B. 40, 79,120 Elizabeth 60, 93 Holly 50 Standj.f'er (standefer), Janles Elizabeth I. 85 Ralph Joseph 129 vlilliamson 117 Exekial 83 Soloman, Jordan 26 Will. Be.iley 117 George 58 Sonn, Harold A. 121 standley, James 65, 91 Geo. w. 36 Sorrel, Elizabeth 101 Stanfield, Elizabeth 92 Helen 34 Dicey 92 Stanfill, Sally 92 Howell 155 South Carolina Census Schedules 9 stanley, J. D. 55 Hugh 91 South Carolina Gen. Magazine 121 J. t~. 55 Hugh D. 56 South Carolina Gen. Records 77 L. 55 Isaac 36, 69, 99 South Carolina Rist. & Gen. Mag. 9 N. E. 55 Isabella 152 South Carolina in Rev., Hist. of 9 S. A. 55 James 56, 59, 99 South Carolina land Grants 9 stanly, Page 134 James Asa 36 South (7), Carolina 102 Stapler, William 58 Ja'lles E. 36 South Cross Creek 109 8taples, Thomas 57 James W. 152 South X Creek 109, 110, 136, 137 Stark, Amanda 62 Jane 56 Southern Genealogist's Exchange, The Da'liel 61 Joel C. 102 42 Elizabeth A. 62 Johannan 68 Southern Gen. Exchange Q'olarterly 4, 122 Joseph 61 John 36, 56, 68, 84, 91, 110, Southern New Hemp. Ceunties 122 Starke, James C. 103 137, 152 Southfield, Michigan 34, 46, 70, Starling, Isaac 150 John, Jr. 82 116 Starnes, John 79 John A. 60 Southwest Kansas Gen. Soc. 5 state College, 14iss. 158 John D. 151 Sowel, George 83 statesville, N. c. 118 Joseph 56, 105, 110, 143, 145, Thos. 83 Staton, Charles 86 147, 150 Spann, Edmund 87 Emily M. 102 L. 14 Sparkman, Agnes 39 Staunton, Virginia 70 L. A. 55 Solomon 39 Steadman, Margaret 20 laurence 67 Will. 90 William 20 ( lamuel 138 Sparks, George 87 Steel, Caroline 153 Leroy 34 Jos. A. 12 Elizabeth 101 Louisa 56 l:{rdia 149 Richard 66 lucy 34 M. J. 13 Steelman, M. A. ("O~e") 152 M. 52 Sparrow, Susan 149 stein, G. S. III 124 Marey 87 Spartanburg I History of 9 Steins of Mt.l.scatine, Iovra 121.;. Margaret 13, 58 Spartenburg, S.C. 118 Steinbergen, Rachel 59 Martha Tennessee 34 Spate, John W. 87 Stenns, Elenora 100 Mary 56, 60, 151 Spears, Amanda 131 Stephens, Agens 36 Mary A. 61 Amanda D. 131, 132 Agnes 39 Mary A. E. 102 Amanda S. 132 Dicy 12 Mary Ballard 34 Spears-Gable Bible 131 Joel 90 Mary Dawson 36, 39 spears, Lewis B. 131, 132 John 36, 39 Melissa Dall ,6 R. L. J. 17 Josiah 36, 39 Nancy 56, 59, 96 R. R. 17 L 88 Nicholas 116 Sarah E. 131 I.€Wis 27 Obediah 151 William A. 132 M. 151 Oliver 31, 107, 109 Speas, L. A. Ilf Ranson 36, 39 Patrick 133 Speigel, Catherine 116 Silas 8e Pauline, Mrs. 75, 116 Spence, Benja. 104 William 88 Piety' 153 I.aviller(7) A: 101 William David 34 Reuben 109, 136 Spencer, Banjo. 63 William J. 36, 39 Reuben N. 151 Benjamin 146, 147 Stephenson, Alex 154 Richard 83 . Donald 117 Hugh W. 82 Richard, Jr. 67 Jepson 49 James 65 Richus 133 John 26, 49, 143 James H. 26 Ritchey 56 Mary 85 John 11 Robert E. D. 34 William 61, 90, 91 Margaret 154 Sarnl. 79, 147 Will. (Octavius?) 157 Martha J. 154 Samuel, Gen. 31, 107 Zilman 67 Matilda 154 Samuel A. 28 Spes Alit Agricolam 124 Melvira 154 Sarah 36, 152 Spickard, Harvey 70 Oscar S. 86 Sarah A. 59 John 70 Richard 154 stephen F. 50 L. J., Mrs. 70 Will. 65 T. 135, 136 Springer, Nathan 54 William 11 T. C. 153 Springfield, Mo. 74, 117 stepleton, Edward 65 Thomas 7, 28, 29, 30, 47, 58, New Jersey 121 Joshua 26 63, 69, 108, 109, Ill, 114 Spronse, Lovina 54 stern, Wilson 86 115, 138, 141 Marget 53 Stevens, Eliza J. 49, 150 Thomas C. 92 Spunkle, Moses 67 James W. 13 Virginia 58 Spurgeon, Agnes 37 Mary Ann 48 W. R. 154 Spurgin, Agnes 37 Olive 87 Washington L. 68 Squier, David 65 stanley G. 13 William 27, 49, 62, 99, 151 Squires, Nancy 92 Thomas M. 13 William C. 102 St. Clair Ce. Ala. 70, 158 steward, David 18 Winchester 60 st. Francis County, Ark. 46 John t~. 85 Work 69 St. John, Kansas 34, 74, 118 stewart, Alfred 60 "Ansearchin' If Ne~>Js

192 C)

Stewart Co., Tenn. 28, 31, 32, 33 1. s. 153 Symantha 37 63, 104, 110, 113, 114, 115, 138 Manerva C. 153 Symes, Samuel 104 145, 147 Martha Ann 152 stewart Co •• Tenn. Minute Book 28, 135 Mary B. 153 -T- 147 Rebecca 152 Tagart, James 28, 29, 30, 32, stewart, David 88, 138 Richard R. 156 33, 63, 64, 105, 114, 141 Duncan 31, 110, 111, 113, 115 Sarah 152 Talbott, Mary 132 George 89 Thomas 152 T. P. 45 James 135 Thomas 10 Tally, A. J. 14 Nathan 138 Tilmon 10 D. W. 14 Walter 31, 105, 110, 138 William 152 E. B. 14 William 92 Woodruf 10 L. A. 14 stifty, Betsy 94 Suggs, Rolling Maddison, Jr. 160 M. J. 14 David 94 Sullivan, Avey 56 M. 14. 14 James Turner 94 Sullivan Co., Ind. 71 Usiah(?) 14 Jane 94 Co., Tenn. 71 Talmer(Palmer), William 87 Jesse 9)+ Sullivan, Miss D'Ann 1, 77, 120 Tankersley, James 55 Katherine 94 George 56 Nancy 55 Nancy 94 H. P., Mrs. 77 Tarbutton, Margaret 116 Polly 94 Henry 56 Tarkington, Benjamin 27 Sally. 94 John 56 Jesse 67 stile 34 Mary 56 John 67 Samuel 133 Nancy 56 'JoshLla 69 Stillwater, Okla. 37 W. B. 56 Wm. 65 Stinnett, Becky 71 William 56 Will L. 93 James 71 Zack 56 Tate, James 96 Martha 71 Sulyvan --- 11 ~'atom, James 108 Mary Ann (Polly) 71 Daniel 11 Peter 66 Samuel 71 Isom 11 Samuel 31 William 71 Summar, Penelope 116 Tatum, Franklin M. 100 stinson, E. J. 18 Summer, (n) John W. 47 James B. J. 100 Lewis 85 Summers, Abram 88 Jane 100 P. 18 Joseph 89 John 100 Perry 15 Willia'll 89 Joseph S. 100 Stipe, John 118 Sumner County, Tenn. 10, 32, 70, M. J. 154 stitt, F. M. 49 73, 74, 158 Mary J. 100 stockaI'd, RichaI'd 83 b'umners, John 68 Taublee, William 95 Stockwell, Betty; Mrs. 41 Sunderland, Nathan 83 Tayler, Andrew J. 59 stoffle, lucinda 86 Supplement 41 David Thomas 59 stokes, John 53 Surname Index 41, 42, 78 Eliza A. 59 () Thomas 147 Surratt, Clyde E. 20 George Wm. 59 Stone, Hendley 67, 108 IDuiza 20 Mary M. 59 Isaac 45, 46 Mary Ida 20 Sarah Ann 59 Isaac B. 46 Surry Co. N. C. 73 Thomas 59 Judith Royal 46 Co. Va. 117 William 59 Iawrence E., Mrs. 37 Suton, Samuel 28, 64 Taylor, Allen 65 Mary E. 46 Sutton, zachery 93 Andrew 152 Rebecca 46 Swan Creek 108, 135 B. 15 William 115 Sweat, Azariah 97 C. D., Mrs. 39, 72 story, James 82 Elisabeth 97, 99 C"aarles 69 John L. 103 Finetta 97 Disey 62 Mary A. 10, George 97 Daniel 16 stovall, Bartholomew 27 George W. 98 E. A. 16 Josiah 74 Indiana 99 E. F. 16 Mary Hicks 74 Jehn D. 87 Edmund 114, 146 Strain, James 11 Josephine 98 Edward 33 John 16 Martha 99 George W. 156 M. 16 Mary A. 50 J. 13, 16 strange, 1. J. 12 Nancy 97 James 31 stratton, o-"en 11 Robert 98 Jesse 156 stramler, George 65 Sarah 98 John 134 straughn, G. B. 51 b'weeney, James 50 John s. 50 M. 51 Sweet, Anna 97 Joseph 134 strawbridge, Jane 85 Isabela 97 Louisa 101 Strebane County, Ireland 129 Joseph 97 Louisa M. 62 Street, H. D. 85 Martha 97 M. 15 strickland, Elizabeth 76 Susan F. 97 M. C. 15 Elizabeth Hamilton 76 Thomas 96 M. E. 16 James 88 Sweeten, John 133 Mary 86, 152 Zecheriah 82 Mosses 133 Mary.Ann 49 stricklin, Samuel 82 Sweeton, Dalton 134 Mary Jane 155 William 82 John 134 Permelia 62 Stroud, Elizabeth 56 Sweetwater, Tenn. 35 Polly 150 John 56 Swift, Barbara A. M. 47 Reuben 26 Struman, H. Calvin 100 Thomas 58 H. H. 55 Frances B. 87 Timothy 146 M. 55 Letty 98 Tobe 39 P. 55 Minnaford(?) 100 Tom 39 stuart, Thos. 84 Parks Will H. 39 Stub Entries to Indents for Rev. 100 Robert 100 William 50, 65 Claims 9 Sidney 100 William D. 62 Stubblefield, Armistead 10' W. ,Navy(?) 98 Tazewell, Tenn. 129, 148 Arthur 152 Swinney, Mary 92 Tazwell, David 134 C. S. 152 Swor, D. P. 85 Temple, BLlrwell 89 Clement 10 Elizabeth 47 Tench(?), Jackson 99 George 10 Ma? 48 Tenn. Bible Records, Vol. III Eliza 152 Syler (Tyler), Martha 86 122 1962 .~ .i


State Library & Archives 2, 26 John G. 91J Tr.!et, Abram (,'(, 91 Terhune, Glen, Mrs. 39, 73, 117 (7), lawrence 98 Tr.lly, Clark lCO 160 ' Louisa 98 Trtunbo, Hannah 92 John 160 Nancy E. 98 'fucker, Charles ~J. 1l.9 Joseph 160 Tina, Nancy 151 lucy Ann 85 Ternbow, Andrew 84 Tinsley, Charlotte 57 14ary 155 Terry, Hardy 100 Christopher 57 Taomas ·P. 155 Helen Smith 34 Cynthia 57 ThOE. J. 11)/ Mary A. 48 Harriet L. 57 Tudor, David r.:., Mro. 71 WIn. 84 J. 18 ~~nGtell, Arthur 20 Thacher, C. J. 15 J. M. 14 00car 20 Thackston, A. S. It Mary 18 =1:, Ann 12 A. V. 18 Tippah Co. Miss. 71, 75, 157 l'urman, B9.rbary 3G E. s. 18 Tipton Co. Tenn. 37 38, 125 Barton 36 Thodeus, T. 18 Tishomingo Co. Miss.' 34 Blount 36 Thaier, Morgan 95 Todd Co. KY. 9 Carrett 36 Tharpe, Iuco M. 87 Todd, H. 52 Gasper. 36 Saray 117 John 85 Henry 36 William A. 117 Margaret R. 102 Jane 36 Thasson( 7), H. 15 Mariah 102 Kearney 36 Thedville, (Ark. Mo. Border) 119 Martha A. 58 14artha 36 These are our Religions 43 Minnie F.(?) Miss 131 l-lary 36 Thogmorten, Moriah P. 85 Samuel W. 102 Tho,.-.us 36 Thomas, Anthony 50 Sarah S. 86 . Tu.rnbougl1, James 82 Baily P. 59 William R. 102 =ner, Agnes 94 Barna 82 Togart, James 138, 139, 142 Alfred D. 150 Benj. 88 Tolar, Elizabeth R Mrs 80 133 Babe 94 David L. 59 R. H., Jr., Mrs. "1, 75, 77' 80, Betsy 94 Ephraim 57 118, 120, 133 ' Bud 94 Henry K. 57 Toll, Mary Ann 60 E. R. 24 James 118 Tolston, Lockey 94 Tomison, Richard 105 Elij ah Thomas 37 Margaret C. 59 Emily A. 57 Martha 86 Tomlinson, Henry 81 Richard 29, 30 Joseph 37 Martha A. 59 Geo. M. 47 Martha E. 47 Tomlleson, James 83 Tompkins, Silas 91 James 67 Polly 59 Jane 94 Priscilla 59 Tow, E. 19 F. M. 19 John 136 Sylvester 59 John l-lartin Riley 19 37 Walter 18 Darkin 94 Towery, Eliza 119 William 57 Lizzy Townsdell, William 68 94 Thomason, Arnold A. 48 Martha Elizabeth Townsend, Charles D. 41 24 Richard 139 Mary A. Edna W., Mrs. 41 57 Thomasson, Mary A. 49 14athias 37 Tracy, California Thompson, Allen 56 39 Nancy 9!;- Tra.ntham, Zac 83 Burnell J. 140 Polly 9!;- Travis, Caroline 49 Burwell G. 29 Polly A. 150 Martha 48 Mary 87 Roger, Jr. 9!;­ Tracy, Asa 17 J. C. 13 Sa,nuel 94 J. R. 17 James 66, 67 Samuel R. 150 James B. 27' Tramel, A. M. 13 u Transactions of Huguenot SQciety Sarah 57, 9 John 26 Sylvania 94 R. A. 13 of S. C. 9 Traveleter( ?), u. 16 Terisha 11 Robert 68 William 150 William 88, 136 Trayler, Jane 100 Treece, Jasper, 130 William A. 57 Willis E. 158 Willis M. 57 Willy A. 149 Treesearchers 5 Trent, Eliza 95 =nes, Adeline 72 Thorpe, George 92 Elizabeth 72 Thornton, R. G. 83 Elizabeth 94 George 95 Gabriella 72 William W. 83 John James 95 72 Yancey 63, 104, 112, 114, 138, Nancy Carella 72 141, 144 John W. 95 Iucinda 93 WIn. Preston 72 & Moore 28, 111 Turney, P. Mahala 93 10 Thurman, Si1.ssannah 118 =ns, Kitty Brown Nancy 93 72 Thurston, !urissa 57 =nstall, Oscar Nancy E. 95 20 Mary 85 Tuscaloosa, Alaba~ !;-2, 77 William 93, 95 Tiffany, W. C. 13 Tweatt; George Trevathan, Louisa 155 91 Tighleman( 7), A. H. 102 Twin Falls, Idaho 72 Joseph A. 102 Trice, Laura M. 24 Lauram 24 Twiner, John 109 Tilghleman, Nancy J. 102 Tygart, ,James 29, 138 Trigg CO. KY. 9 Sarah M. 102 Tyler-Berkley Company 5 Trigg Co. Ky, The Statistical Tigmes, Matthew 109 Tynel, Willia'll 108 Handbook of 9 Tiley, Catherine 149 Tyrone County, Ireland 129, 1!;-6 Trimble, Ernaline 47 James 149 Ireland 129 John 117 Tillman, S. F. 124 Tyrill, William Margaret 117 135, 136 Timbered Islands 108 Tyrrel, WIn. 108 Sarah Tinnnons , John 89 117 Tyrrell Co. N. C. 73 WIn. 117 Tinches, Elias 95 Tyson, Joel S. 50 (7), James 95 Triplett, Joel 73 Joseph 95 John 73 -U- Martha 95 lattice 73 Thomas 95 Nimrod 73 Umphres7(Hu,nphreys) , Abner 49 ( Tiner, Thomas 88 Trusdale, Alexander 112 Underwood, Elizabeth 153 Tines, Amanda 98 Catherine 159 Union Co. N. C. 119 Andrew 98 Family N. C. & Tenn. Branches Tenn. 159 Berryman 98 124 Upper South Carolina Col. & Rev. Cornelia 98 J. B. 124 History 8 Henry T. 98 John, Jr. 15,9 Upshure, John 86 Upton, Evaline 47 "Ansearchin'" Neps

() -V- M. 18 Walthal, John 27 Me Connie M. 75 Walthol, Thomas B. 66 Vaiden, Charles 51 Robert, Jr. 155 Walton, E. T. 156 Valentine, Abigail King 34 Sarah J. 75 Elizabeth 156 Hardy 32 WIn. Joseph 75 Frances J. 156 Joseph 34 Wadkins, Frances 19 Gracey N. 156 Mary E. 50 James 17 John James 156 Vallentine, Solomon King (Vollun­ L. E. 17 M. W. 156 tine) 34 Larkin 17 Margaret R. 156 Thomas 34 M. J. 17 Mary Ann 48 Valley Gen. Society 78 Mary 18 P. 14 Vance, Andrew 152 N. A. 19 Wamble, Cornelius 54, 56 Edith 152 Sally 19 James 54, 56 Jeroline 155 Wafford, Eliz"beth F. 47 Jane 54, 56 John 152 Waggener, R. 12 John 54, 56 R. 152 Waggoner, Miss 159 Joseph 54, 56 Sarah 152 Wagster, WIn. 47 Margaret 54, 56 VanCleave, Anderson 94 Wainscott, Ann 47 Martha 54, 56 Andrew S. 94 William 47 Mary 56 Messmir(?) 94 Walden, Charles 53 Nancy 54 Tolbert 94 Jackson 12 Ward, Eli 83 William 95 Waldenmaier, Inez Isaac H. 142 Vanderpool, Johan 133 Waldin, Isaac 92 Mary 48 Winant 133 Waldrop, Eliza Jane 48 Moses 29, 103, 114 Van Hoose, John 72 William 60 Pleasant P. 149 Vantair, Doris 10 Waldrup, Ann 155 Rhoda 48 Varden, John 114 Aren" E. 155 Simona 85 Vaughan, Malinda L. 98 Armasinda 155 William, Jr. 153 Vaughn, E. 55 Henry W. 155 William D. 149 Evy 60 Mary E. 155 Warden Capt. Co. 137 Waldstrook, Vina 50 J. 55 John 139 Wales, Margaret 34 Warder, Evaline 60 J. M. 55 Walker, Abram 65 James E. 60 Warfield, Peter 79 Alexander 64, 114, 115 John 86 Warmack, Hira.'ll 138 Andrew F. 128 John C. 60 James 138 Burnett (?) J. 98 N. 55 Warmack, James 147 Elizabeth 76 Warner, Della Rogers, Mrs. 71 T. 55 Henry 54, 67 Thomas J. 60 War of ;1.812 72 Hiram 76 Warren, Arc.'l'd 91 w. 55 Hiram, Jr. 76 William R. 60 Warren Co., Ga. 71 J. P. 46 Vaught, Gatherine 35 Co., Ky. 72 James 83 Co., Tenn. 39, 76, 116, 118 o John 133 James F. 154 Co~,. Veach, B. H. 14 Tenn., Early History of 4 John 47, 65, 105 C. 15 Warren, David J. 60 John P. 45 Veasy, Robt. L. 48 Jane M. 60 Laura A. 128 WIn. B. 85 John 49 Mahala, Mrs. 45 Venable, Leander 47 Joseph R. 60 Martha U. 154 Vera Cru.z 21 Mary 92 Mary 54 Vesey, John 135 Mary J. 60 Polly 64 Vezey, John 110 S. C. 50 Rod 13 Victor, Mary J. 149 Sarah E. 60 S. 19 Vincent, T. 52 Susan L. 85 S. E. 45 Thomas 11 Susannah 159 Sarah 54, 76 Victor, James S. 98 Thos. Jefferson 159 Viets, ·Marcla )" Sarah E. 46 Thos. stanley 159 Vinson, Garoline 154 Thomas 10, 84, 89 Virgin 159 . Enos 154 W. P. 45 Washington, Anderson 95 1"'0 Harriet 154 William 91 Washington Co., Ark. 39, 73, 117, v Jane 154 Wall, Clement 88 County Historicai Society 41 Lydia 154 Wallace, Elizabeth 154, 160 Co. Ky. 76 Martha 154 Emoline 155 Co. Tenn. 5, 130, 148 Mary Ann 154 Nancy 155 Co. Texas 38 William C. 154 Riley 154 D. C. 5, 35, 78 Virginia Gazette, Williamburg, Va. Thomas 68, 91 Washington~ Eising (?) 95 3 William 154 Emily 95 Va Line Officers Rev. Arr!ry 122 William H. 155 G. 95 va: Ma;riages Before 1853, Finding Wilson 154 Henderson J. 95 List 3 Wallen Creek 135 Mary L. 102 vo;:;:--TVaughn), Nancy 85 Waller, Mary 53 Orson 95 Vontress(?), Eliza J. 101 William 53 T. E. 95 (?), Thomas W. 101 Wallis, Joseph 81, 82 Tenn. 35 Vonson, John 84 Walls, WIn. 82 Wason, Samuel 82 Walsh, Crump W. 24 Wasson, J. 83 -W- Julia A. 25 Josiah 83 Mallae A. 24 Water Valley, Miss. 117 Waco, Texas 74, 119, 157 Telitha J. 24 Waters, M. E. 13 Waddy, David 54 W. K. 24 Watkins, E. 15 Wade, Charlie 75 W. R.24 Geo. 49 Dabner (Dabney) 75 Walter, Estelle 159 r. A. 14 Elizabeth 86, 156 Robert M. 159 P. A. 14 Henry 89 Walters, Bradford 94 Permelia49 John 65 George 68 Watley, Betsy 102 John Overton 75 John 69 Watson, Elias 63, 104, 138, 147 L. 16 Sam'l 48 Jane 53 Lemuel F. 75 Thomas 86 ifoel 13 1962


John 90 Elizabeth Ann 37 James 65 N. T., Mrs. 7l Finetta 37 Robert 65 Rebecca 13 John (Elder) 37 Wilkinson, Archibald 10 Rachel 17 Lawson 37 John 154 Sarah 12 Martha E. 37 Wilks, Samuel J. 60 Waukegan, Illinois 35, 75 Nancy 98 Willcockson,Isaac 84 Wayne Co. Indiana 123 Whitcher, Jackson l5 Willcok, David 82 Co. Tenn. 76, 125 N. G. E. l5 Willcox, Alice ll8 Wayne, William 76 P. 15 Isaac 18 Weakley Co. Tenn. 34, 125, 157 Polly 15 Willeby, James 100 Weaks, Abram 82 William l5 Jefferson 100 Benjamin 48 White, Anne 71 Polly 100 Weatherford, Martha 155 Benjamin 27, 34, 82, 83 Willet, Richard 66 Weatherington, Harvey 55 Chapman 66 Sarsh M. 86 Weatherly, Joseph 73 White Co., Ark. 117 William 27 William 73 Co. Tenn. 35, 39, ll6, 118 Willhite, Elyja 133 Weathers, Edmund 90 White, Daniel 84 '. Simmeon 133 Jesse 89 David 93 William, Cynthia Ann .158 Weaver, Crawford 53 E. 15 Josiah 158 Elisa 53 Emeline 71 Williams, Andrew J. 151 Gabriel 53 Einily 98 B. L. 155 GeorgF N. 153 George 66, 69 Blanche 155 John 53 Gideon Blackburn 71 Caleb 28, 32, lll, J.J.2, 139 L. A. 153 Henry 98 Capt. Co. 31 Maria E. 153 Hugh Lawson 117 Caroline 155 P. A. 153 Ibby 71 Charles 114, 139 Rebecca T. 153 J. 15 Cynthia A. 155 Richard 56 James 71, 82, 90, ll7, 157 Dianna 155 Walter 53 Jean Miss 71 Dudley 29, 33 Webb, Bunyan, Mrs. 40, ll6, 159 Jenny 71 E. 19 Hannah 100 John, 27, 34, 82, 114, l39 E. Russ, Jr. 42 John 89 145 Edward 83, 110, 112, 144 Iucinda 48 J1L'le 50 Eliza J."'0-55 William R. lOa Keziah 34 Elizabeth 86 Webber, Isaac C, 34 Littleberr,{ 37 Elijah 65 Weber, Jane 54 Iucy 34 Flora A. 102 L. 52 Mary 53 Georgie Anne 151 S. 52 Meedy 157 Heig.lot 15 , . Webster Co. Miss. 38 Nancy 71 Isaac 48, 90 Weeks, Elizabeth 71, ll8 Nancy Caroline 7 J. 52 ( John ll8 Nicholas 84 Jacob 83 Weems, Darius Redferen 76 Penelope ll7, 157 James 19,-88 Weins, J. A. 17 Phebe 57 James E. l51 Welch, John 82 Polly 71 James H. 48 Mary "Polly" 34 Rhoda 37 Jane 54 Nicholas 84 Sabra 117, 157 John 32, 63, 81, 95, 104, 109, Thomas 84 Samuel 71, 82 ll3, 136, 153 VIm. 84 Sarah C. 50 John A. 98 Nicholus 82 Shered 83 John H. 86 ~lles Creek 108, 135, 136 Thomas 71, 105, llO John W. l54 we:t:Ls, A. J. 154 William 28, 71, 91, l05, 114 Jonathan l55 Wells Creek, Tenn. 31 Willis 34 Joseph R. 15l Wells, Elizabeth 75 zachariah 34 Joshua 28, 29, 32, 33, 63, lll, Gable, Colquitt & Rish Families Whitehead, C. M. 12 112, 114, 115, 138, 139, 140, 77 Jacob 88 l41, 142, 143, l44, 145, 147 Lavina S. 95 Whiteneck, Ann 51 Joshua P. 85 Iucy G. l59 Whiteside, Samuel 81 Iucy 56, 155 Martin 32, l38, l41 Whitewater Monthly Meeting 123 M. 14 Mastin 28 Whitford, Jesse 64, ll4, l39 Martha 98 Volume 42 Whitlock, Amand.a 1. 87 Martha J. 155 Wellwood, Tenn. 34 Whit~'l, Elliott Rabb 38 Mary E. 155 Welon, Marion J. l02 Whitmore, John 134 Matthas 15 West, Eli 109, 136 Whitnell, David 48 Nancy 95 John 91 Mary A. 48 Nancy H. 47 West Texas Gen. Soc. 123 Whitten, Benjamin 58 Oliver 27 West, W. 13 Whittenberger, Abraham 75 Orphelia 54 Westmoreland County Pennsylvania

Williamson Co., Tenn. Tax List 65, 88 Nancy A. 153 Word( ? ), Elizabeth 93 Wi~~~_~sQ~, John 26 Winebrimmer(?), E. 17 Worden, Salina 52 Mary 99 Wing, Jane E. 150 Worfield, Marthina 56 Sarah E. 99 Laura A. 150 Workman, John 12 Willis Creek 108, 109, D2, 135 Nancy F. 150 R. 12 136 Samuel J. 150 S. A. 12 Willis, :Emily 55 Wingfield, Eliza 71 WIn. 12 Evolyn 87 Winn, Richard 81 Wormack(?) 100 Thomas 83 Wilson 82 Wortham, Texas 158 Vicy(?) Arm 153 WinnMourn, Elizaheth 62 Worthington, Armie Lorena 23 William A. (N.) 37 Winneham, Amantha 59 John 31 Willo Publishing Co. 42, 77 Betsy 59 Samuel 23 Willsbj', Betsy 100 Elizabeth 59, 62 Wrather, Madaline 49 Willoby, Eliza 100 John 59 Wray, James H. 156 Isaac 100 Winrow, John 27 Sarah 156 James 100 Winscot, H. C. 86 Wren, Elizabeth 151 Jefferson 100 Winsett, Herman 68 Matilda C. 151 leonard 100 Nancy 48 Robert 151 Persille( ?) 100 Winsted, Jacob H. 73 Wrenn, George 66 Willougr:oy, Andrew 47 Winter Park, Florida 5 Wrenshaw, Elijah 67 John 87 Wisdom 20 Wright, Adam 66, 69 Willow Creek 137 J. 20 B. 51 Wills, Iuoinda 47 Jane, Mrs. 24 Benj. 20 Martin 27 lee 24 Benjamin Major 21 Nancy 153 Mary 20, 24 D. 54 Willson, Almer 10 Reed 24 David P. 153 Daniel 130 W. M. s. 24 E. J. 19 F. 55 W. S. 20, 24 F. W. 153 samuel, Jr. 133 Wise, Rebecca 50 Jacob 65 Wilmore, Ellen 96 Wisenbledorff, Talgati T. 103 James 10, 70, 89 Willi= H. 96 Wisuri, Albert A., Mrs. 35,75 John 84 ' Wilson, B. W. 13 Witcher, C. D. 14 Jonathin 49 C. A. 19 Withers, William 102 M. A. 20 Wilson Co., Tenn. 7U, 116, 119, 131 Witherspolm, John 76 Martha A.rm 20 157, 155 samuel '76 Mary Adeline (Polly) 36 Wilson Creek, Tenn. 64 Withrow 39 Na.'1cy 151 Wilson, Cynthia 49, 155 With~on, Jane 53 P. 54 Eli 133 John 53 Pleasant G. 85 Fra.'1ces E. 87 Witlaw(?), William 98 Polly 70 George Beard 76 Wolf, M. J. 14 S. 51 Gregory 26 Wolfe City, Texas 72 Sally 70, 158 H. H. 155 Wamack Printing Co. 4 Susannah 70 H. S. 85 Wombwell, Reading 65 T. F. 49 Hariett 155 Wood, Alexander 88 Thomas 51 Isaac 133 A.'1dre,,· P. 95 William 86 James 65, 90, 102 &'lgeline 58 Wulfeck, Dorothy Ford '3 James T. 155 James T. 95 Wyat, James Sen'r 33 Je",,,a 102 John 88, 90 Wyate, Andy 55 John 2{, 84 Johnston 68 Wyatt, Henry 114 Joseph 37 Jonathan 69 Henry C. 48 Joseph F. 47", Molone 68 James 32, 114, 115 Josiah 69 Nannie, Miss 4 Wycoff & Clark 32, 108, 135 L. 19 Sarah E. 95 Wycoff, Isaac 109, 136 levi 133 Susan 95 Wykes, W. W. 79 L:Y~isa J. 155 Woodall, Adaline 50 Wyle, Disey 62 M. A. 19 G. W. 155 Wylie, Elizabeth 150 M. V. 19 John 89 Wyne, Henry 21 Margaret T. 102 Woodard, Alderson 97 John A. 21 Mark 65 Arme 97 Sarah 21 Martha E. Wilcox 37 Delia 97 Wynn, Daniel 87 Marj' T. 155 George 97 Wynne, WIn. 82 Moses 88 James 97 Peyton 93 Julius 82 -x- R. 19 Lawson 97 R. A. 84 Micajah 89 X Creek 108, 109, 110, 135, 136 Robert 88 Woodcock, G. B. 14 S. 19 Hiram K. 57 -Y- Samuel 65 J. 18 Sarah 155 Parris H. 57 Yakima, Washington 36 Silas C. 155 Robert 59 Yancey, Maggie 22 Temperance C. 12 S. E. 14 Yankee, Barbara 160 Thomas 27, 102 S. F. 18 Yarbrough, Doris 114, 138 Thomas J. 88 fuith Jo8 Denis 147 Virginia 42 W. E. 18 Elliott 47 William 27, 88 William 59 Joel 29, 112, 114, 139 William Esqr. 91 Woodford Co. EY. 37 Richard 147 William A. 50, 87 Woods, David 39 Yellow Creek 108, 136 Zacheus 69 Edward 117 Yellville, Arkansas 38, 42 Wiltshire, Benjamin 37 Elinor 47 Yemassee Indians 7 Wiltshire, England 124 James 53 Yaden, ravonia 157 Wiltshire, Louisa 37 Joseph 117 Yohe, WIn. S., Rev. 131, 132 Wimberly, Martha 47 lewis 54 Young, Alcey A. 151 Wimbish, Helen 126 Mary Arm Brown 71 Chas. G., Mrs. 6, 116 Martha B. 126 samuel 39, 117 Dan'l 64, 112, 114, 115 W. M. 126 WIn. 117 (?), E. steel 103 Winchester Cemetery 40 Wooldrig, John 83 Eli 26 Winchester, illinois 70 Woolman, John Press 125 Fanny 75 Winchester, Lavina 153 Henna 75 1962 ItAnsearchin'" News 197

Hannah 151 Mary J., Mrs. 20 Willi"", 26, 79 Henry 83 Pauline 8, 121 Willi"", B. 101 Howard 91 Samuel 11, 75, 84 YO'.lngb1ood, Cadda W. 49 Jacob T. 149 Samuel A. 75 Yount, Da.vid 133, 134 John 69 Sarah 149 Yo", Cyntha A. 85 John (Jack) 75 Sarah H. 21 Henry M. 160 Joseph 75, 82 T. J. 20 Yucaipa, California 43


Adams 37 Dawson 37 Hendon 37 Needham 82 Tolbert 73 Adkins 124 De (l:)k 35 Herveys 141 Newman 39 Toliver 124 Allmond 138 141 Den 32 Hostler 118 Olive 37 Turnbough 37 Arnott 93 Dennis 38 Huff 72 119 Oneal 9 147 Turner 124 Atkins 138 Denton 71 Hughes 19 Outland 90 Ussery 117 Atnip 159 Digrafferead 69 Humphreys 141 Outlaw 29 30 Van Pelts 125 Bailey 157 Dinwiddie 34 Hunt 154 32 35 63 104 Volluntine 34 Barger 37 Dodson 35 Jackson 39 105 110-115 Vouson 84 Basil 49 Dowell 117 Jennings 70 138-142 145 Waldenmaier 3 Bean 122 Dozier 136 Ju11son 109 Parsley 159 Wallace 9 Beaumont 124 Drayton 9 Johnston 26 Pedigo 159 Waltrip 124 Bent 125 Dysart 119 Keebler 37 Phelps 124 Ward 104 138 Berkeley 6 Eadons 34 Kellenor 83 Phil{l)ip(s) Warren 37 Billingsley 119 Ed(d)in(g)s 34 Kelley 34 75 136 Watson 124 Boggs 125 Edmondson 116 Kimmans 19 Polk 108 157 Watts 159 Bailes 90 Edwards 124 King 74 Ramsey 9 Weatherly 74 Boliver 73 Escue 70 Lacey 10 Reed 124 Webster 74 Boone 125 Ewings 149 Landrum 9 Render 72 Wells 77 Bower 11 Fariss 82 Larkin 116 Renneis 124 White 9 Bowman 117 Fitz 149 Laster 35 Reynolds 35 125 Willis 38 Braden 35 Fodge 35 Lee 37 59 70 Rhea 119 Willa 77 Brawson 111 Foster 37 158 Richardson 70 Wilson 74 Breden 119 Freeman 75 Leinart 37 Rish 77 Withers 52 Brewer 65 Funk 118 Lewis 39 90 Roark 94 Womack 39 100 Brinson 147 Gable 77 Lincoln 125 Rodes 124 Yates 9 Broiles 35 Garner 124 Looney 159 Rose 70 Bronson 143 Gauss 134 Luna 159 Rubincam 78 Browning 76 Gentry 37 Mabrey 82 Saffell 9 Bull 124 Glass 37 Magee 37 Sanderson 145 Campbell 136 Gillis 123 Manly 114 115 Scogin 37 Carson 37 Glenn 7 Mann 37 Scott 72 Carteret 6 Goble 124 Martin/on 26 58 Scruggs 77 Cates 37 Gorman 71 Maynard 37 Shelby 56 Chapman 9 Grayham 67 McChristian 55 Shuffield 73 Chiles 37 Green 83 McCraig 119 Sims 9 Clark 37 Gregg 9 McGaughey 39 Smith 16 52 Clemmer 75 Guin 71 McKenzie 124 Snead 34 Climer 75 Haise 53 McMahan 91 Snowden 9 Collins 37 Hall 124 McWare 83 Steel 103 Colquitt 77 Hamilton 38 Megginson 159 Stewart 34 Connelly 124 Hannah 37 Miller 75 Suggs 71 Cook 124 Hardin 96 Mills 35 Tallman 125 . Cooper 64 Haws 37 Mobley 120 Tencher 75 Craven 7 Heiss 123 Montgomery 37 Terrell 118 Dallison 53 Heitman 9 Morris 74 119 Thompson 109 Davis 71, 124 Hendon 37 Neasbit 90 Tighleman 124