Added value

Double use The Imst-Haiming power plant on the River Inn will only reuse the water that has already been harnessed by the existing Prutz-Imst power plant – there will be no further ab- straction of fl ows from the River Inn at Imst and no new weir.

Improved surge mitigation The fl ow regime will be adapted appropriately and mea- sures will be taken to dramatically reduce hydropeaking in the diversion canal.

Water rafting on the River Inn Sports enthusiasts will still enjoy rafting activities on the River Inn thanks to the volume of residual fl ow. Photomontage Imst-Haiming power plant with tailwater reservoir

Optimal harnessing of hydropower potential The combination of the two diversion power plants will Contact optimally harness the hydropower potential of the steep Imst-Haiming sections of the River Inn. The additional electricity gene- DI Dr. Robert Reindl rated will meet approx. 5% of the energy requirements of Project management the Province of the . T +43 (0)50607 21588 Power Plant on Low environmental impact E [email protected] The construction of the power plant will greatly improve effi ciency while having a low impact on the environment. the River Inn The upgrade will increase regenerative power generation For more information about the development scheme, and simultaneously improve the aquatic ecology of the please contact us: habitats in the River Inn downstream of Imst. Most of the plant components will be underground; existing roads can [email protected] 0800 207 802 Project information be used for construction and operation.

TIWAG- Tiroler Wasserkraft AG Eduard-Wallnöfer-Platz 2 6020 Imst-Haiming Power Plant Haiming tailwater reservoir The Haiming tailwater reservoir will look like a natural lake Facts & Figures i on the River Inn and will be located south of the new Haiming portal structure, between the A12 Inntal motorway and the River Inn. Harnessed water The Province of the Tyrol aims to achieve energy autonomy To equalise the varying volumes of water discharged from the Headrace water of the existing Prutz-Imst power by 2050. Consequently, the demand for electrical energy power plant, the harnessed headrace water will be returned to plant (Inn and ) will increase despite measures to reduce energy consump- the River Inn via the tailwater reservoir which will act as a buf- tion. It will therefore be necessary to use more domestic fer. This procedure will mitigate hydropeaking and dramatical- Catchment area hydropower. This is the reason for TIWAG’s plans to build ly reduce the rate of water level fl uctuations on the River Inn. 2,885 sq. km the Imst-Haiming power plant on the River Inn. Volume: approx. 200,000 cubic metres. The Imst-Haiming scheme on the River Inn has been desi- Average working capacity per year gned as a diversion power plant which will be connected to Electricity generation 270 GWh (without discharge for rafting) – equiva- the existing Prutz-Imst power plant. The power station will The rated capacity of the turbines is 43.5 megawatts (MW) with lent to approx. 5% of power requirements in the be used to meet regional power requirements in the Tyrol. a discharge of 85 cubic metres per second. The plant will pro- Province of the Tyrol It will mainly produce base load electricity and will only be duce a total of 270 mill. kilowatt hours (kWh) of power per year. used as a medium load power plant to a small extent. This will be enough to provide about 64,000 homes in the Tyrol Rated capacity of turbines

with reliable and cheap electricity from clean, CO2-free local 43.5 MW Catchment area hydropower. Haiming powerhouse will only use water already harnessed by Design fl ow the existing Prutz-Imst plant to generate electricity. Therefore, Time schedule 85 cubic metres per second no further water will be abstracted from the River Inn at Imst. 6 years 2 years 5 years Area: 2,885 sq. km (approx. ¼ of the area of the Tyrol) Duration of Mean head Planning Construction proceedings 63 metres Headrace channel A new underground headrace channel will be built from Im- sterberg to Haiming to transport the water harnessed by the existing Prutz-Imst power plant to the new powerhouse. Length: approx. 14 km

Cavern and portal structure in Haiming The plant components needed for energy generation (tur- bines, generators, switching station and ancillary facilities) will be located in an underground cavern and a portal struc- ture. The portal structure that is integrated in the slope to the north of the A12 Inntal motorway is approx. 74 metres Imst-Haiming power plant long, 13 metres wide and 10 metres high. ...water intake ...pressure tunnel ...power plant ...course of the terrain The visualisation of the tunnel is not true to scale.