Bruce Robertson's Suicide in Filth by Irvine
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PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI BRUCE ROBERTSON’S SUICIDE IN FILTH BY IRVINE WELSH: A PSYCHOANALYSIS STUDY AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters By GABRIEL GARDA HANGGARADI Student Number: 154214064 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LETTERS FACULTY OF LETTERS UNIVERSITAS SANATA DHARMA YOGYAKARTA 2020 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI BRUCE ROBERTSON’S SUICIDE IN FILTH BY IRVINE WELSH: A PSYCHOANALYSIS STUDY AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters By GABRIEL GARDA HANGGARADI Student Number: 154214064 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LETTERS FACULTY OF LETTERS UNIVERSITAS SANATA DHARMA YOGYAKARTA 2020 ii PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI “To infinity, and beyond” – Buzz Lightyear vii PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………………………...ii APPROVAL PAGE………………………………………………………………....iii ACCEPTANCE PAGE……………………………………………………………..iv STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY…………………………………………….......v LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH… MOTTO PAGE……………………………………………………………………..vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS……………………………………………………….viii TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………...ix ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………xi ABSTRAK…………………………………………………………………………...xii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………...1 A. Background of the Study……………………………………………………..1 B. Problem Formulation………………………………………………………....3 C. Objective of the Study………………………………………………………..3 D. Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………..3 CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE……………………………………...4 A. Review of Related Studies…………………………………………………...4 B. Review of Related Theories……………………………………………….....8 1. Theory of Characterization…………………………………………….....8 2. Freud‟s Psychoanalytic Theory…………………………………………11 C. Theoretical Framework……………………………………………………..14 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY……………………………………………….15 A. Object of the Study………………………………………………………….15 B. Approach of the Study………………………………………………………16 C. Method of the Study………………………………………………………...18 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS………………………………………………………..20 A. Bruce‟s Characteristics…………....………………………………………...21 B. Bruce‟s Id, Ego, and Superego……………………………………………...26 C. The Interactions between Bruce‟s Id, Ego, and Superego Resulting in His Suicide………………………………………………………………………36 ix PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION……………………………………………………43 REFERENCE……………………………………………………………………….46 x PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ABSTRACT HANGGARADI, GABRIEL GARDA. BRUCE ROBERTSON’S SUICIDE IN FILTH BY IRVINE WELSH: A PSYCHOANALYSIS STUDY. Yogyakarta, Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2020. Irvine Welsh‟s Filth contains an intense journey of a corrupt detective named Bruce Robertson, with his controversial and rather immoral ways of dealing with his problems. His ways of dealing with his problems will eventually lead to his suicide. This study focuses on how Bruce‟s actions in solving the problems in his life leads to his suicide. To figure it out, the writer must first point out Bruce‟s dominant characteristics, dominant being the characteristics that are most related to the problem formulations. This is done to help determine which of Bruce‟s traits are his id, ego, and superego, which can be determined through character understandings, and psychoanalytic approach. There are three main objectives of this study as written above. First is to point out Bruce‟s characteristics that are most dominant. The second objective is to determine which of Bruce‟s traits are his id, ego and superego. This will open up a way to solve the third objective, which is to analyze the relation between Bruce‟s id, ego and superego leading to his suicide. Library research method are done in order to determine which theories and related studies that will be used. Internet research method are also done in order to get more theories that can support this study. The theories of this study will be Freud‟s psychoanalytic theory and Murtagh John Murphy‟s theory of characterizations. Those three elements need to be in balance in order to achieve a stable state of mind. It is proven that the interactions between Bruce‟s id, ego and superego is unbalanced, as he gradually goes insane and pushes himself into suicide. A deeper understanding of a character in literary work will also gain a deeper lesson that the literary wok is trying to point out. Keywords: Id, Ego, Superego, suicide, manipulation, impulse xi PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ABSTRAK HANGGARADI, GABRIEL GARDA. BRUCE ROBERTSON’S SUICIDE IN FILTH BY IRVINE WELSH: A PSYCHOANALYSIS STUDY. Yogyakarta, Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2020. Novel Filth karya Irvine Welsh berisi perjalanan intens seorang detektif korup bernama Bruce Robertson yang penuh dengan kontrovesi dan siasat – siasatnya yang tidak bermoral dalam memecahkan persoalan hidupnya, yang berujung pada kematian. Banyak pembaca novel ini yang akan tercengang dan takut melihat aksi – aksinya. Skripsi ini membahas secara rinci bagaimana tindakan Bruce dalam memecahkan masalah menjadi penyebabnya bunuh diri. Untuk memecahkan teka – teki tersebut, penulis skripsi harus menentukan id, ego dan superego Bruce berdasarkan tingkah lakunya dalam novel, yang dapat ditentukan melalui pendalaman karakter dan psikoanalisis. Ada tiga objektif dalam skripsi ini, yang pertama adalah mencari tahu mana karakter Bruce yang paling menonjol. Objektif kedua adalah menentukan tindakan Bruce yang mencerminkan id, ego dan superego-nya, yang akan membuka jalan untuk memecahkan objektif ketiga, yaitu menganalisa korelasi id, ego, dan superego Bruce dengan tindakan bunuh dirinya. Studi pustaka dilakukan untuk menentukan teori dan penelitian terkait yang akan digunakan. Studi internet pun dilakukan untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak teori yang dapat mendukung berlangsungnya skripsi ini. Teori yang diterapkan dalam studi ini merupakan karakterisasi dan psikoanalisis, menggunakan teori psikoanalisis Freud dan teori karakterisasi Murtagh John Murphy. Telah dibuktikan dalam skripsi ini bahwa id, ego dan superego Bruce tidaklah seimbang, Bruce perlahan kehilangan akal sehatnya dan akhirnya memutuskan untuk bunuh diri. Memahami karakter dengan lebih dalam akan memberikan pengertian yang lebih dalam mengenai pesan moral atau pelajaran yang disampaikan dalam karya sastra tersebut. Kata kunci: Id, Ego, Superego, suicide, manipulation, impulse xii PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Literature is always written based on what humans experienced. No matter how fictional it is, any kind of literature is a reflection of reality. It has become a way of expressing thoughts, feelings and experiences rather than just a mean of entertainment. “These characters are not flesh and blood creatures, of course, but are imagined human beings who have many parallels with people like ourselves” (Paris, 1997, p. xi). That is why psychology and literature are closely related. Literary texts function like how the eyes is the window to the heart, rather a window to the brain or how human‟s brain, psychologically, functioned, because there are no specific rules in literary works that needs to be followed, it is mostly a way of expressing the author‟s feelings. A specific branch of literary study, psychoanalytic, has been in the working since then to specifically study about this matter, where the researcher finds any psychological factor in the literary works. Psychoanalytic theory argues that literary texts, like dreams, express the secret unconscious desires and anxieties of the author. In other words, a literary work is a manifestation of the author's own neuroses. “Psychoanalysis deals with human beings in conflicts with themselves and each other, and literature portrays and is written and read by such people” (Paris, 1997, p.3). However, instead of just the author, the 1 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 2 writer sees that literary work is also a manifestation of society condition. Works that tend to criticizes the society are the example of both manifesting the author‟s mind and the social condition. Many example of this type of work usually use certain genre to emphasize the meaning intended, like using dystopian to remind people of what could happen in the future while others use crime to draw attention to a more personal level of the character. Irvine Welsh is one those writers that tends to use this more personal level kind of approach. His works are usually written in first person styled in stream-of- consciousness and drugs. Trainspotting and Filth are the example of this. However this paper only focuses on Filth, a 1999 novel that had been adapted to a movie with the same title starred James McAvoy as Bruce Robertson. Filth tells a story about Bruce Robertson, by far an antihero with his racism, misogyny and euphemism. The story takes place in Scotland, UK. Bruce is a detective that is currently working on a murder case of a journalist, Efan Wurie. He is obsessed with promotion because he believes that if he get a promotion his wife and daughter will come back to him. Later in the story, it is unfold that Bruce is actually involve in the racially driven murder and he is addicted to many kinds of drugs that ends in his unemployment. From the novel, it is clear that Bruce is suffering from mental illness cause by his childhood trauma and drug