Church and Village News

Bedfield, Monk Soham, , Tannington and Worlingworth March 2018 Women's World Day of Prayer 2nd March We are holding two Lent Lunches: Set by the ladies of The lunches are a frugal meal because we are still in Lent. Suriname Donations are split between the church and the charity of the host's choice HORHAM BAPTIST 10th March 12noon to 2pm at Carters Farm, courtesy of CHURCH 2.00pm Bert and Christine Stanford 24th March at the Community Centre, hosted by St. All Welcome Mary's Ladies Guild, 12 noon to 2.00pm

Come and enjoy sausages in gravy and hot buttery mash at t he WI QUIZ! 17 March at Worlingworth Community Centre Meal at 6.30pm and the quiz at 7.30pm Tickets £7.50 per person Teams of 4 , Bar open, Raffle To register for your tickets please call Diana on 01728 628077

MOTHERING SUNDAY in Worlingworth On March 11th this service is when we say thanks to our Mothers and Grandmothers for the love and care we receive from them throughout the year. It is at 10.30am in the Community Centre this year where there is ample room for parking. Posies will be provided by the church ladies but we need young people to distribute them. Please come and join in this year, it will be lovely to see some young faces. Refreshments after the service.

Mothering Sunday in Bedfield Our next Family service in the school is March 11th at 10.00am.This is also our Mothering Sunday service, which would normally take place in the church. If you would like to come and join our family service we shall be giving out posies for mothers.

Good Friday, March 30th, St Marys Church ,Worlingworth 7.00pm “Easter Anthems for Reflection”

Hot drink and Hot X Buns 6.30pm

This months pink Magazine cover has been sponsored by Jan Sharp Thank you Congratulations To James and Jess Harvey on the birth of their daughter Beatrice . This is the first great grand child for Jan Sharp .

The Worlingworth Over 65 Christmas Party

Last year’s event was held on the 21st of December, under new organisation .Jen and Holly had a few teething problems but, over all, the event was a big success and they are looking forward to hosting next years party also. They would like to extend a huge thank you on behalf of all the attendees for the presents donated by local businesses. The range of gifts and generosity of those who had donated was remarkable. Those businesses are as follows, and if you would like contact details for any of the below please do ask Holly or Jen:

Worlingworth Hall Got Roots Barber Shop – Earls Soham Brewery Daniel Abbot Garden and Maintenance Jo Kelly – Foot Tannington Haulage Tuckwells Practitioner Farthings Funerals Framlingham Vets Peter Havers D G Carpentry Laura Rush – Camargue Café – Wickham Market Hairdresser Fleur Artisan – Eye Callendars Mustard Pot – Kennels David Dunnett Butchers Kings Farm Kennels Framlingham Chemist Clarke and Simpson Emma Robinson EJR Hoxne Swan Ceramics Isabelle Aspal Cider Simpsons Sweet Shop Framlingham Coop for sponsoring the Jens Cards and Avon crackers

Also a huge thank you to Worlingworth Parish Council and Worlingworth Godbold Charity. Next year’s event will be held on the 20th Dec 2018.

We would love to hear from you if you would like to attend next year but haven’t before or are new to the village. Contact Holly at The Old Stores, Shop St. 627716 or [email protected] or Jen at 12 Pipers Meadow, 627131

Brand New POP UP Café at Worlingworth Community Centre Starting in April, details next Month

EACH On January 17 we again held a coffee morning to empty the Boxes for the Children’s Hospice. Thanks to everyone who brought their boxes and to all who came to count the money and make the coffee. The Hospice confirmed we collected £987.68 and send thanks to all concerned. We couldn’t do it without you all. Many Thanks, Jill Westrup


.ST.MARY, WORLINGWORTH. Flowers and Brasses March 4th...J. Butler. " 11th....J Rodwell. Cleaning March " 18th....C Stanford " 25th....Z. Godfrey. B Dyer April 1st.... S. Rutterford. (Easter Sunday) J Ridgwell No flowers in March, brasses only please. GOOD FRIDAY 30th March 11.00am At 11 am in St. Mary's we have our Stations of the Cross service when everyone who is willing to do so will take part. It is a solemn time when we remember Christ's Crucifixion. Hot Cross buns and tea or coffee will be served at the end of the service. EASTER SUNDAY.1st of April at 11.00am We celebrate the risen Christ on this joyful day. To lead this Holy Communion service we shall welcome Rev'd. Richard Court.

PALM SUNDAY 25th March at 10.30am. This year it will be a Benefice Service when we hope to

welcome members and friends from all the eight parishes in our Benefice. We are fortunate to have both Rev'd. David Burrell and Rev'd. Ron Orams to conduct this service, so do come and listen to their message. I am assured both sermons will be short. (Actually it may be only one sermon) The service will commence at 10.30am, in the church. Before the service parking will be available at Worlingworth Hall (courtesy of James and Lavinia Wells) and we can follow the donkey from there to the church. Hot drinks will follow the service

Seder Meal. Tuesday 27th March, 7pm in Laxfield church The Passover Seder meal is one of the most commonly-observed Jewish practices, passed from generation to generation for millennia. The Seder engages every participant from the youngest to the eldest, by following carefully prescribed rituals that invite questions and an active discussion. It is all about shared wine, food and fellowship; fun but also a poignant start to Holy Week. This is the fourth year of this popular event within our bene- fice. Previous meals have been held in Tannington, Brundish and Cratfield. This year it is Laxfield's turn. The cost is only £5 a ticket. To reserve your place, please speak to Rev David Burrell3 or email Virginia, benefice admin- istrator, on [email protected]. Everybody welcome.

St. Nicholas Church, Bedfield, : Church Cleaning for March: Mary Nesling (Ivy House)

Bedfield & Monk Soham Gardening Club March 16th We shall be doing our propagation evening growing plants on for the Bedfield Fete in July. Gloria will be covering some pointers for propagation and asks members to donate part of a plant in their garden which looks good in late June/July.

Bedfield Town Estate Trust

We have a vacancy for a paid Clerk to the Trust. £200 per annum.

If you are interested in this position please contact :- Chair of BTE - Emma Rodwell 01728 628694

Bedfield and Monk Soham over 60’s club On the second Wednesday in April our monthly outings will com- mence, We use the Community Bus, so no driving! Before that we have a meeting on March 14th at 2pm in the Sports Pavilion to decide where to go , so please attend. We would like to see some new faces from either village. For more information please call Gillian on 628421

Date for Your Diary Charity Dance for Macmillan Cancer Support

Saturday 24th March Wilby Community Centre , Book early with Doreen 07591 499912 ( No tickets on door)

FREE- John Lewis cot with mattress, mattress protector & 2 fitted cot sheets .Occasional use only by grandchild . Also high chair . Contact Denise Allen on 1728 628501

BEDFIELD FETE Saturday 7 July 2018

Bedfield and Monk Soham Sports Club have already started to plan for the 2018 fete and have held their first meeting. The next meeting will be held at the Bedfield Crown on Monday 19th March 2018, commencing at 20.00. We would therefore be delighted to see everyone who supported the planning committee last year but was unable to attend our first meeting and anyone else who is interested in supporting our excellent fete. New ideas are always welcome so please come and enjoy a thoroughly good evening at the Crown. Although it’s quite a while until the 7h July 2018, time does fly past and we will need volunteers to help set up the fete and help on the day with the many events. If you cannot attend the planning meetings we will still be delighted to hear from you. Please contact Geoff Robinson on [email protected] or 01728 685425 who will be delighted to hear from you.

MONK SOHAM COUNTRYSIDE GROUP We are an informal offshoot of Monk Soham Parish Council and look after Hunger's Green on behalf of the PC. Last year we finished a three year programme of hand coppicing, thanks to a wonderful team of hard working volunteers who gave up their time during Februaries to complete this work. Old and dead wood was cleared to encourage young growth which increases flower and fruit production for wildlife. It is also lovely to have a clear view of the beautiful large oaks and several crab apples in the hedgerow. Lovely to see the pink blossom in May. Although we had no plans to coppice this year, we shall be looking at another area in 2019. As usual, much of the grass was cut and raked in early July, leaving the remainder for a September cut after the knapweeds had flowered. In fact most of the green had a second cut at the same time to control creeping thistle. No hay, as rab- bits eat so much of the grass, but we had a gorgeous blaze of buttercups! We're looking into planting some buckthorn to feed the caterpillars of beautiful yel- low brimstone butterflies and tiger moths. As I write I'm anticipating the call of chiffchaffs, our first summer visiting birds, around mid March, and usually a few days later the blackcap's enchanting melodious song.

LITTER: The District Council has announced that March is Spring Clean Month. It's surprising how much litter we have in the village. We have in the past we have organised a litter pick, but appreciate that not everyone can make a particular time. So here's another idea: when you go for a walk in the parish, any time of year, maybe you could make your contribution by occasionally taking a plastic bag with you and picking up any rubbish you see. Every little bit helps. I have litter picking sticks and rubber gloves! All enquiries phone 01728 685590.

5 Worlingworth Parish Council The next meeting of the Parish Council is on Wednesday 21st March 2018 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre All are welcome [email protected] Minutes of previous parish council meetings can be viewed on the vil- lage website at Village Spring Clean – Saturday 3rd March Don’t forget! Meet at 10.15 am at the Community Centre. Gloves, litter grabbers and high-viz are all provided by the Parish Council All participants are treated to a delicious lunch in the Community Centre upon completion as a thank you for helping to keep our lovely village clean and tidy. Worlingworth Survey Presentation Evening – Monday 12th March Thank you once again to everyone who took part. The replies have been analysed and the Parish Council will be giving a presentation in the Community Centre at 7.30 pm on the findings of what you want the future of Worlingworth to look like.

Willows Nursery @ Worlingworth Primary School

‘Pupils thrive in an environment that nurtures both their personal de- velopment academic achievement.’ (Ofsted 2016) We offer :30 hours childcare An ‘Outstanding’ education A fun, vibrant and nurturing learning environment for age 3+ Fully qualified and experienced teachers and support staff High standards of care and education Breakfast and lunch clubs available Childcare vouchers accepted Places available now! For more information contact Victoria Gascoyne-Cecil, Headteacher [email protected] or 01728 628397 We hold a waiting list- so you’re welcome to put your child’s name down before they are 3!

Open Gardens Sunday July 8th 2018

As you prepare your garden this spring, will you be able it to open it to the Public On the above date between the hours of 10.30 to 5.00pm

If so please let Val on 628068 or Nora on 628316


Sports for Schools Tokens – EADT We are now collecting these vouchers which are published daily in the East Anglian Daily Times. Please save any you have, or ask friends and family to do so and send into Mrs Lawrence in the school office. All vouchers received will provide us with sports equipment for the children. Thank you.

Young Arts East Anglia We are delighted to announce that Imogen Sharp (Year 3) and Eliska Mcketchnie (Reception) have had their beautiful artwork selected to be exhibited in this year’s exhibition at . Over 2,000 artworks were entered on the theme of ‘Nature’s Delights’ this year and they were one of 350 to be selected for the exhibition so congratulations to both!

Mother’s Day Lunch We are inviting mothers into school for a special lunch on Thursday 8th March so the children can celebrate their importance in their lives and thank them for everything they do. This is always a lovely spring occasion when our hall and classroom tables are decorated with flowers and tablemats and the children are proud to have their special person eating beside them.

Book Week Calling all Beano fans! This year’s brilliant book week takes place from Feb 26th – March 2nd when the school will be transformed into Beanotown for the week and we will be promoting the important Share A Story campaign to encourage all parents to take 10 minutes a day to read with their children, to help improve their reading and spoken language skills ( as well as being a lovely way to spend time together!). We have planned an exciting week of reading events linked to the characters and events in this famous comic : stories and comics will be read, shared, written and discussed – with special book nooks created around the school to promote positive reading, cosy reading sessions with family members, buddy reading, book/comic swaps and finish- ing with our Bedtime Hour on Friday afternoon. On Thursday, which is World Book Day, everyone will dress up as characters from the Beano and work together to create our own school comic – look out for photos of our local Dennis, Minnie and Gnasher in the press!

Bumble Bee Charity As part of our successful Diversity Week, a representative from this chil- dren’s charity visited our school. Inspired by what they found out, the children baked delicious food from different cultures to sell and raise money for the charity – raising a total of £40.25. Well done to all the bakers!

Easter Egg Hunt The Friends are organising another fun-filled Easter Egg Hunt at the end of term to raise money to pay towards resources, trips and events which benefit the education of all those at the school. It will take place on Tuesday 27th March at 3pm. Any donations of Easter Eggs can be brought to the school office. Many thanks.

Science Trip Our Year 6s are off to Adastral Park near this month to further develop their scientific understanding of technology and maths through a range of stimulating hands-on activities and sessions.

Fairies and Elve s Our tea and toys group is called Fairies and Elves and it is held the first Thursday of each month at the school from 1.30 – 3.00pm. The next meeting is Thursday 1st March 2018. We welcome young children who would like to enjoy singing, stories and some craft activities with their parent, grandparent or carer – babies are welcome too! It’s a chance to meet others, relax and have a cup of tea. Website Please do check the school website: as there are lots of photographs showing our activities . You can also follow us on Twitter: @WorlingworthSch and facebook: Worlingworth.School. 7


9 St Mary’s Guild The next meeting: Tuesday March 13th at the home of Val Swallow 2.00pm New members welcome, please call 628068/628488

Tuesday Fellowship Tuesday 6th March at 2pm in Meg’s home. The speaker is Anne Jarrett. Please note that the April meeting will be on April 10th. Details from Meg on 628572

Games For Guys and Gals We meet every Tuesday at the Community Centre at 2 pm. Come and join us and play board games such as Scrabble, Darts etc. Games, refreshments and lively conversation : £1.20

Worlingworth Social Club Community Centre, every Friday. Carpet Bowls first Friday 7.30pm ( March 2nd ) Whist will be played in Bedingfield Village Hall on the 3rd Friday of each month: 16 March, 20 April. 7.00pm £3 per head subscription and tea & coffee or a glass of wine will be provided.

Worlingworth and Tannington WI Wednesday March 7th

Helen Reeve talking about Farming in the US & Canada

New Members welcome– For details please ring Diana on 628077 or Jane on 628446

Also WI Quiz—details on front page

Community Centre musical evening with Gilbert and Sullivan Singers Saturday April 28th Ticket details in April magazine

Fish and Chip van on Saturdays at Worlingworth Community Centre Car Park From 4.00pm to 6.30pm (Take away only ) Any changes will be put on facebook NB. No Fish and chips on 10th and 17th March 10 WORLINGWORTH GARDENING CLUB Our first visit of 2018 will be on Wednesday 28th March to Woodwards at Coddenham. This a beautiful garden at any time of year but should look impressive for our visit as the owners have planted 25000 bulbs over the last three years especially for the spring. If you are interested in joining our Gardening Club or just joining us for a visit please phone or text Judith on 07747 023 994 or contact Janie on 01728 628 266

Make, Munch & Motivate will be meeting on Saturday 31st March 2018 at Horham Baptist hall. We meet at 10am till 4pm & have a bring & share lunch. All welcome, children under 12 yrs old must be accompanied by an adult. This month we will have a chance to try ZENTANGLE . For more info please contact Jane Smith on 01728 628573

SAFARI SUPPPER 2018 In aid of St Marys Church June 9th Theme is '1966 and all that!' as a nod to this being the year of the World Cup. Tickets are £22 for a three course meal. Further details in the next magazine but to register your interest for a ticket or to be a host please call Diana on 628077 In the meantime dust off those 1966 clothes or football strip.

Update on the Swan We remain frustrated by the inability to gain access to the pub. We are in constant contact with the agents for up to date information of which there is little. We are aware of some recent activity at the Swan but have no information as to its origins. We have had a very good response as far as pledges are concerned which reinforces the opinion that we can get the old place open again. If you wish to make a pledge please take a look at the website Many, many thanks for your continued support. We also hope to have another public meeting in the near future to keep everyone up to speed and to answer any questions. We are currently in talks with The Onion Band and we are hoping to have a fund raiser in early summer, possibly as a 'dance in a barn'. Watch this space!! The Swan Action Committee members are currently: Chair - Peter Allen, Treasurer/Secretary - Chris Goddard, Martin Furze, Jan Hammond, Simon Tinkler, Lavinia Wells and Penny Wright. Contact number 627735 for Jan.


Avon calling... Jen Martin is the new Avon lady, if any one would like a brochure please get in contact with Jen on 01728627131 or 07850521281 [email protected].


Ironing Fairy Ironing service. Local Collection and Delivery if Required Call 01728 627878

Tel 01379 851253

DANIEL ABBOTT GARDEN LADY GARDENER MAINTENANCE For general mainte- GRASS / HEDGE CUTTING nance and gardening FENCING PAINTING SHEDS ETC work AND OTHER GARDENING JOBS Tel 01728 628424 TEL: 01728627806 / 07898308601 W Sharpe Computer SM Plumbing & Heating Services Specialist in bathroom installations, main- Computer/Laptop/Pads & tenance and repairs Books Internet/Broadband/ For your local plumbing needs Free Printer & Networking Support & quotations Telephone: 01728 628046 Repair. 01728 685905 Mobile: 07732 272403 [email protected] Email: [email protected]

NEW Advert for Green House M Jenkins details next month


AJS CONSTRUCTION Groundwork and Building Contractors

Landscaping, Mini digger and driver available

01728 861799/ 07746 213000

Kathy Thurman MCIAT Chartered Architec- tural Technologist

Locally based practice for the last 30 years Wide range of experience both in practice and education. Have won Listed Buildings awards and worked all over East Anglia Will look at all your Little Dream Parties LOCAL proposed Building Projects whatever the size Can be involved from feasibility to Children's Party Entertainment completion including statutory bodies Tailor made just for you. Broad based both in clientele and pro- jects, where a personal service is Princess, Pirate, Toy story, Frozen essential And much more Tel /Fax 01728 628470 email Call 07516030947 [email protected] Simply Beautiful by Anne Framlingham Barbers Bridge St 01728 621622 Tuesday & Fridays 9am - 6pm Weddings, Bridesmaids, Ball Wed (eve) 2pm –7. 30pm Thurs 10am - 4pm (appointments only ) Gowns, curtains alterations and Saturday's 8am - 2pm Walk in, much more no appointments necessary 14 Free estimates and quotations given

01379 384097 07944894757 HIGH SUFFOLK COMMUNITY BUS Except at Bank Holidays, every week the bus runs to Framlingham ( Tuesdays ), to ( Thursdays ), and to Diss ( Fridays ). In addition, there are services to Ipswich ( first Saturday and third Wednesday of the month ), to Bury St. Edmunds ( first Wednesday and third Saturday of the month ), and to Norwich ( second Saturday and fourth Wednesday of the month ). During May,June and September there is also a service to on the fourth Monday of the month. During March the dates of these services will be: Saturday March 3rd Ipswich Wednesday March 7th Bury St.Edmunds Saturday March 10th Norwich Saturday March 17th Bury St.Edmunds Wednesday March 21st Ipswich Wednesday March 28th Norwich Please note that there will be no service to Diss on Friday March 30th (Good Friday). Timetables are available on the bus, or from Gerry Garwood (685415) or from John Ridgwell ( 627181 ). We are always seeking potential new drivers. If you can help, or if you know anyone who might be interested, please contact our Chairman, Gerry Garwood, on 01728 685415

Worlingworth Cricket Club April March Thurs 1st 8 - 9.30pm Thurs 5th 8 - 9.30pm Thurs 8th - NO NETS Thurs 12th 8 - 9.30pm Thurs 15th - 6.30 - 8.00pm (note earlier Thurs 19th - 8 - 9.30pm (this time ) date is still to be confirmed Thurs 22nd 8 - 9.30pm

In addition there will be special nets for Dad's who perhaps haven't played for sometime , and would like to have a go Thurs 22nd March 7 - 8.00pm Thurs 29th March 7 - 8.00pm contact Chris Watson 07545123699 for more info


March 2018

Dear Friends,

I had some good news a few weeks ago, my premium bonds produced a win of £25! I promised Lynne that it wouldn’t change me and that I wouldn’t embark on a carefree spending spree. How many of us dream and fantasise about a large windfall, I wonder? I knew someone who bought a lottery ticket every week, not with any real hope of win- ning a life changing sum of money, but that ticket bought him 24 hours when he could fantasise and that for him was the real enjoyment.

Similarly, among those who enjoyed the Harry Potter novels, many said that they have dreamt of having the magical powers that JK Rowling said at great length should not be used outside of Hogwarts. Put yourself in the situation that Jesus found himself in when, after his baptism and going into the wilderness for forty days, he was faced with those temptations, to use the absolute power he had been given, and so be able to take the easy way. Can you imagine the disaster if a normal human being was given those powers? Whenever I drive on the M25 I reflect on the Armageddon that I would probably invoke if I had such authority. As St Paul said: Wretched Man!

As Jesus demonstrated at this time, being tempted is not a sin, but giving in to it is what causes the problem. The way of the cross can rarely be easy, as those who follow in His footsteps will testify, but as marathon runners will tell you, the rewards for crossing the finish line more than repay the hardship and pain suffered along the journey. Lent is a good time to reflect on this, use it well.

With my prayers and best wishes, Ron GET FRESH! WANTED! New eyes, new bodies, new ideas! Have your say about “fresh expressions” of church. Meet at Worlingworth Community Centre, 7 pm until 9 pm, Thursday, 5th April. Bar open and a free “late breakfast” provided. Everyone welcome. ( see separate invite in this magazine )

Items for April 2018 Newsletter by 19th March

[email protected] or by post to: Ivy Cottage, Shop Street Worlingworth IP13 7HX 16 . tel 01728 628068

PLEASE NOTE. THAT THIS MAGAZINE IS ALSO ON the following websites : /