Sr. Ministry Department Demand No. Page No. No. 1 M/o Information and Broadcasting NA 59 1 D/o Water Resources, River Development and 2 M/o Jal Shakti 60 18 Ganaga Rejuvenation 3 M/o Labour and Employment NA 62 52 4 M/o Law and Justice D/o Law and Justice 63 70 5 M/o Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises NA 66 72 6 M/o Minority Affairs NA 68 99 7 M/o New and Renewable Energy NA 69 103 8 M/o Panchayati Raj NA 70 106 9 M/o Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions D/o Personnel Training 72 109 10 M/o Petroleum and Natural Gas NA 74 114 11 M/o Planning NA 75 121 12 M/o Power NA 76 124 13 M/o Railways NA 82 126 14 M/o Road Transport and Highways NA 83 129 15 M/o Rural Development D/o Rural Development 84 134 16 M/o Rural Development D/o Land Resources 85 136 17 M/o Science and Technology D/o Science and Technology 86 138 18 M/o Science and Technology D/o Biotechnology 87 146 19 M/o Science and Technology D/o Scientific and Industrial Research 88 148 20 M/o Shipping NA 89 152 21 M/o Social Justice and Empowerment D/o Social Justice and Empowerment 91 157


Sr. Ministry Department Demand No. Page No. No. 22 M/o Social Justice and Empowerment D/o Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities 92 171 23 D/o Space D/o Space 93 181 24 M/o Steel NA 95 182 25 M/o Textiles NA 96 183 26 M/o Tourism NA 97 219 27 M/o Tribal Affairs NA 98 226 28 M/o Women and Child Development NA 99 233 29 M/o Youth Affairs and Sports NA 100 245



1. Films (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY (Rs OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 in Cr) Targets 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicators 2019-20 1. 1.1 Number of International, Participation in 1. To preserve, 1.1. No. of Organizin National, Children film International Film research and promote Indian 30 g and festivals participated festivals: 3-5 heritage of Indian delegates increased Cinema and visiting participati showcase the same. Internatio on in film 1.2 Number of film festivals, Organization of Film nal Film festivals Film bazaars organized Festival in Festivals /abroad: 20

Organization of Film Bazar: 1 2.Production 2.1. Number of Documentary Film Division:110 2. Dissemination: 2.1 Number of films films produced a) Increased of 2375 165 and Number of screenings screenings document regional, held of aries in documentarie documenta

various s, heritage ry films,

film regional Indian screenings films languages b) To exhibit films for children 2.2. Number of feature films, Feature films : 6 2.2 Number 617300 short films Short films : 2 of children children produced/dubbed/ Dubbed Films: 12 attending the Subtitling of Films


FINANCIAL OUTLAY (Rs OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 in Cr) Targets 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicators 2019-20 subtitled :10 screenings

a. National Film Heritage Mission

1.Digitizatio 1.1 Number of films covered Film reels : 52500 1. To preserve, 1.1. No. of film 1600 n for under preventive conserve, digitized preserved and conservat conservation (including and restore the rich digitalized ion of feature films/short films) heritage of Indian films and cinema for posterity capacity 1.2 Number of films covered building under digitization a. Features films b. Short films 800 800 1.3 No. of training workshops 3 to be conducted

1.4 No of personnel to be 180 trained b. National Film Archive of India NFAI 1. Archival 1.1 Number of films covered 1. 500 1.1. Number of and under digitization Dissemina film screening digitalizatio Features films : tion of held n of filmic Short films 800 filmic content 800 content


FINANCIAL OUTLAY (Rs OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 in Cr) Targets 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicators 2019-20 2.1 Number of film 1.2 Estimated 45000 2. Conducting festivals/film shows/courses 3 attendance of short term conducted film screenings courses

2.2 Number of people enrolled 180 in the film courses

c. Central Board of Film Certification (CFBC) 1. Issuance of 1.1. Number of 35000 1. Better 1.1 Percentage 100%. censor certificates censor certification of films certificates efficiency certified issued 1.2. Number of producers 9300 registered on the website d. National Film Development Corporation Limited

1. Production 1.1. Number of films 1 1. Production and 1.1Production * and Co- produced in Indian Co-production of and Co- production of Languages films in Indian production of films in Indian Languages to films in Indian


FINANCIAL OUTLAY (Rs OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 in Cr) Targets 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicators 2019-20 Languages , 1.2. Number of 30 support new film Languages and Act as a single permissions given makers dissemination window for filming in facilitation India To make India system for filming destination international filmmakers

e. Grants-in-aid to FTII (Infrastructure Development Programme 1. Construction 1.1. No. of civil 3 1. Infrastructure 1.1 Construction and Modernization construction/up- development Percentage of of buildings gradation projects and purchasing completion of auditorium completed of equipment physical and for optimum construction knowledge center: 75% 1.2. Percentage 50% facilities for work completion of students by

creating modernization Girls ‘hostel projects additional and 2 venues for studios: 75% revenue Work. generation for the Institute. 2. Organizing short 2.1 No. of short-term No. of short-term This includes 1.2. No of Short term: term courses courses, courses: 40-50 construction of people 500 workshops for auditorium and trained SKIFT quality cinema knowledge under the :1200-1500 literacy conducted center, girls courses ‘hostel and


FINANCIAL OUTLAY (Rs OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 in Cr) Targets 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicators 2019-20 2.2 Number of people 1000 studios. 1.3. Percentage EDM: 80% enrolled in short term of courses, workshops procuremen Film and Animation: 3. Construction 3.1. No of civil t of 60% and Procurement construction/up- 5 equipments

(SRFTI, Kolkatta) for EDM gradation projects completed department and Film 3.2. Percentage completion 60% and of projects/ animation Procurement of equipment and machinery *Targets not amenable for this indicato


2. PrasarBharti (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019- Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019- 20 20 a. Doordarshan 1. Creation of 1.1. DD Kisan: 1. (a) Increase in the 1.1. Percentage DD Kisan : new Number of hours Approx.2210 coverage area of increase in Programmes: of new interactive Hours transmission across viewership 7% increase in a) to create programmes of fresh content India. viewership awareness on created and during the year (b) Increase in (84 lakh to90 various Government duration awareness of lakh)

schemes produced government

and efficient schemes among farming techniques listeners b) Programs aimed at 1.2. DD ArunPrabha: Approx. 894 2. To improve the 2.1. Estimated 3.1 % of total representing the Launched Hours coverage in coverage of population 473 ethos of then inFebruary 2019 of new Northeast areas. the

regional culture Number of hours interactive population and history of new interactive programmes programmes during the 3. Increase in 3.1. Percentage produced year coverage area of increase in * 2. Digitization, 2.1 Number of * transmission coverage area Modernization, DTH transmitters digitized of digital and satellite equipment (MW and SW) ( Preparatory terrestrial work for transmission strengthening towers is being undertaken ) 2.2 Number of 3 transmitters upgraded


FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019- Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019- 20 20 2.3 Number of 3 4. Improving quality 4.1. Increase in studios upgraded and reliability of number of High 3 with new telecast/broadcast Power quipment transmitters in for better 2.4 Number of Border 4 border areas of Area projects viewership J&K completed 2.5 Number of 15 earth stations upgraded/added 2.6 Number of HDTV studios 3 operationalized

b. All India Radio 1. Digitalization of 1.1 Number of * 1. Increase in the 1.1 Percentage 50% MW and SW transmitters digitized MW ( Transmitters coverage across increase in Transmitters approved have India , special coverage area already been emphasis on of Digital MW digitalized) Border areas and transmission rural population. (DRM) 1.2 Number of SW * 4. Increase in 2.1Percentage 7% Transmitters ( SW awareness of increase in replaced / upgraded Transmitters government coverage area approved have schemes among of FM already been listeners terrestrial upgraded ) transmission


FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019- Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019- 20 20 2.1. Number of Upgradation: 6 3. Improving quality and 3.1 Estimated 46% 2.FM transmitters - FM Transmitters Addition: 18 reliability of reach of the Expansion / and upgraded/added telecast/broadcast for radio Replacement better viewership programs 3.Digitalization of 3.1. Number of 29 3.2. Estimated 62 % Studios studios digitalized coverage of the population (via 3.2 Number of 1 the programs) Archival facilities vis-a- vis the created total target population 3.3. Technical 86dB(increase quality of of S/n by 6 dB) 4.Digitalization of 4.1. Number of programmeprod Network & Earth Stations * uction- Connectivity upgraded/added ( No fund Average Signal allocation during to Noise Ratio the year) 4.2 Number of 4. Increase in coverage 4.1. Percentage Studio * of Border Areas increase in Transmitter ( No fund covered length in 39% Links allocation during Indo_Nepal digitalized the year) Border 5.1. Number of 8 5. Increase in audio 4.1. Percentage increase 5. Strengthening of Border Area channels with Live in audio channels 200% border area coverage projects Streaming with Live completed Streaming


FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019- Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019- 20 20 6.1. Number of audio 33 6. Completion of 6.1. Percentage of 100% 6.Audio streaming under channels with pending works completed works the IT Initiatives Live Streaming 7.1.Number of up 1 7. Completion of 7.1. Percentage of 7.Augmentation of gradation projects pending works completed works Training for advance 100% Facilities telemetry system 8. Strengthening of R&D 8.1. Number of locations 1 for AIR with advance transmitters telemetry system for AIR transmitters *Targets not amenable for this indicator

3. Strengthening of BroadcastingActivities (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY (Rs. OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019- 2019- 20 20 a. Strengthening of Electronic Media Centre (CS) 24.0 1. Increasing content 1.1. Number of channels 100 1. Monitoring of TV 1.1. Number of * acquisition capacity covered under channels for violation reports scheme compliance to created


FINANCIAL OUTLAY (Rs. OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019- 2019- 20 20 2.Setting up content 2.1. Number of DTH ** legal framework acquisition capacity for DTH channels covered Channels under scheme

b. Supporting Community Radio Movement in India (CS) 1. Conduct awareness 1.1. Number of awareness Awareness 1. Enhanced 1.1.Number of 3 workshops, regional workshops, regional workshops : innovative ideas innovative ideas sammelans and national and national 821 and practice to implemented to sammelans sammelans conducted Regional strengthen CR strengthen the workshops : sector sector 2 National Sammelans: 1 1.2. No. of operational 251 CRS in charge participated in National and Regional Sammelans. 1.3. Number of 320 organizations( in charge) attended CR awareness workshops 1.4. No. of potential

applicants 320 participated in



FINANCIAL OUTLAY (Rs. OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019- 2019- 20 20 2. Provide grants to new 2.1. No. of applications 2. Enhanced 2.1. Number of 64 hours and existing community received for CRS 40 capacity of hours of radio stations. permission CRSs and programs community produced out of participation in grants. 2.2. Number of grants content

released to new and 16 development existing CRSs for purchase of equipment. 3. Enhanced knowledge 3.1. Number of 40 about CRS applications received to establish CRS 4. Conduct capacity 4.1. Number of CRSs building of trainees participated 251 community radio in capacity building stations in thematic process. areas 5. Peer review process for 5.1. Number of 60 operational CR stations. operational CRSs Number of operational peer reviewed CRSs peer reviewed * Targets not amenable for this indicator **Indicator is demand driven


4. Information (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) Target Target Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) 2019-20 2019-20 2019-20 a. Development Communication and Information Dissemination (DCID)

i. Peoples’ Empowerment 1. Conduct 1.1. Number of Radio spots 69.593 1. Awareness 1.1. Awareness level Audio Spots, 1 generation among the * Video Units for about the population as 4.657 greater 1.2. Number of Display flagship measured by the classified dissemination of schemes of evaluation of the (insertion in thousands) 227 Govt. the campaign Programmes 1.3. Number of Outdoor 8.67 Governmen Publicity displays t through (displays in thousands) systematic 1.4. Number of Exhibitions 11205 disseminati held on of (in days) information 1.5. Number of jobs 181.1 created in Printed Publicity * Targets not amenable for this indicator

11 display unit in radio spot will consist of 1 insertion in TV, 3 insertions in radio, 10 insertion in digital cinema, 1000 sms and 2500 impressions on internet.



2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019- Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019- 20 20

ii. Media Outreach Programme

1. Conduct Audio 1.1 Number of National, National:1 1. Awareness generation 1.1. Number of journalists 3880 Spots, Video Units Regional Conferences, about the flagship attending the for greater Conclaves organized Regional:2 schemes of the conference/benefitting from the dissemination of Conclave :60 Government through conference Govt. systematic dissemination Programmes(PIB) of information

1.2. Number of Press Tours 5 2. Showcasing of 2.1. Number of journalists 50 conducted implementation of attending the press tours in flagship programmes of different states particularly 1.3. Number of events 1 the govt. and success J&K, NE, LWE areas where publicity was stories thereof conducted

iii. Live Arts and Culture

1.Presentation of 1.1. Number of live Live prog: 4180 Awareness generation Awareness generation live programmes programmes for awareness about the flagship for awareness up conducted Theatrical:8 schemes of the *



2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019- Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019- 20 20

to Panchayat No. of districts covered 450 Government through Level(BoC) through activities systematic dissemination of information

Number of 1570 programmesconducted for special occasions

iv. Special Outreach Programme (DFP)

SpecialSpec1. Direct Information Special Outreach Communication campaign programme (BOC) 3957 Campaign for special occasions 3843

v. Social Media Cell



2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019- Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019- 20 20

1. Conduct No. of live programmes Awareness generation Estimated reach of people programs for through about the flagship covered under the multiple greater YouTube/Twitter/Google 70 schemes of the publicity campaign * dissemination of Hangouts conducted Government through Govt. Programmes systematic dissemination No. of online competitions 4 of information Proportion of people reporting held that they are aware of the publicised government schemes * out of the total population

b. Media Infrastructure Development Programme (MIDP)

1. Purchase of Number of Multi Media 5 audio- visual Projector equipment and Number of Portable Public vehicles etc. to * facilitate FPUs Address System mobility and equip Number of LED TV 25 them with modern electronic gadgets Number of Portable * for proper Generator Set documentation and monitoring of field Number of Desktop 90 Computers



2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019- Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019- 20 20

activities (BoC) Number of vehicles for 8 Field Publicity Units

Number of tablet purchased 200

Amount (in INR) for AMC * of equipment

Automation of Number of records 1 lakh copies empanelment digitilized. process(RNI)

Strengthening of Proportion of queries 6000 queries Public Response responded out of total Query number of queries. System.(RNI)

* Targets not amenable for this indicator


5. Indian Institute of MassCommunication FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1. Completion 1.1. IIMC Jammu 40%( construction 1.Operationaliz 1.1. Number of IIMC 4 of construction work to be ation of the operationalizedC work of completed) IIMC and ourses being held permanent enrolment of in temporary Campuses of students for campus) And regional units 1.2. IIMC Aizawl 100% (Completion various of new building of IIMC courses works and campus

to be ready ) 1.3. IIMC Kottayam 100%(Completion of new building 9.50 works and classes to be commenced )

1.4. IIMC Amravati 20%(construction 1.1. Number of enrolled 102 work to be students completed)

2. Up gradation of 2.1. Number of up * IIMC to International gradation projects Standards completed 2.2. Number of on-going up gradation projects * Targets not amenable for this indicator


MINISTRY OF JAL SHAKTI Demand No. 60 Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganaga Rejuvenation

1. Farakka Barrage Project (FBP)(CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) Target Target 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) 2019-20 2019-20 1. 1.1. Replacement of old gates 24 gates 1. Increasing upland supply 1.1. Feeder Canal facilitates Yes Operation of Farakka Barrage through feeder canal thereby smooth movement of vessels and Improving the regime and in Hooghly –Bhagirathi river maintenan navigability in the System.(Yes / No) ce of Bhagirathi Hoogly river 120.00 Farakka 1.2. River Bank Protection / 3.5 km system & Preservation of 1.2. 2500 cusecs of water Yes anti erosion works in the supplied to the NTPC Thermal Barrage Kolkata Port.Successful & original jurisdiction of Implementation of India- Power Plant from Feeder associated Farakka Barrage Bangladesh Ganges river Canal (Yes / No) structures 1.3 Automation of Gate 100% water sharing treaty of 1996. operating system of

Farakka Barrage


2. Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP) (CS) FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 )Rs .In Cr(. Target 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) 2019-20 89.37 1.Improvemen 1.1 .Finalization of 4 Guidelines on 1. Improvement in the 1.1. No .of Dams where 20 t in the guidelines on dam various aspects safetyconditions of emergency action plan / safety safety area of dam safety to the dam by disaster management plan conditions of be finalized rehabilitation implemented . the dam by

rehabilitatio 1.2 .No .of dams in Non- Licence has n DRIP states where been shared DHARMA has been with 11 Non- implemented DRIP States. Training being imparted to Non-DRIP States. Data entry to be expedited for all proposed dams in DRIP Phase-II and III. 2 .Capacity 2.1 .No .of national training 20 2. Capacity building 2.1 .No .of DRIP officials trained 200 building of programs conducted of the officials of in DHARMA

DRIP Water Resources

officials of

Water 2.2 No .of international 1 Resources training programs conducted


FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 )Rs .In Cr(. Target 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) 2019-20

3.Comprehen 3.1 .No .of dams for which 40 3. Mitigation of 3.1 No of dams for which DBA to 40 sive Inundation maps and Associated risks be developed

evaluation dam break analysis for with concerned of dam Emergency Action DRIP dams to using Plans have been improve the safety modern risk prepared of downstream based public, property and concept" environment

3.2 .Area for which seismic Seismic Hazard 4. To enhance the 4.1. Development of 100% hazard mapping studies mapping of seismic SHAIS(Seismic Hazard have been carried out 1.29 M Sq Km preparedness of Assesment Information Water Resources System) area to be done. Departments and other professionals 3.3 .No .of dams evaluated * using modern riskbased concept. * Targets not amenable for this indicator


3. River Basin Management (RBM) (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Investigation of Water Resources Development Schemes – National Water Development Agency (NWDA) 1. Tendering 1.1 Tendering& * 1. All the 1.1 Ken-Betwa Phase-I&II MP: 653368 UP: 251064 Total: & awarding of awarding of interlinking Project (On Completion) a) 904432 contract contract for of river CCA in ha.: Preparation of Ken-Betwa projects will DPR and DPR Phase-I &II provide only works 1.2 Tendering - long term 1.2 Ken-Betwa Phase-I&II Total :228.9 MCM for 62.94 Lakh and awarding of outcome. The Project (On Completion) population of UP and MP contract for : construction b)Drinking Water Supply will start only A. * after all 1.3 Ken-Betwa Phase-I &II Total power generation :130 MW Damanganga- statutory Project (On Completion) c) 103 MW(Hydro); Pinjal Link Power Generation : 27 MW(Solar) 225.01 clearances B. Par-Tapi- * and will take 1.4 Damanganga-Pinjal a) Water Supply - 579 MCM for Narmada Link about 6 to 8 Link (On Completion) Mumbai City (excluding PInjal Project years. So, the Drinking water supply and component) b) Power Generation outcome will power generation - 5 MW commence 1.3 Post DPR Yes after Par-Tapi-Narmada Link a) Annual Irrigation : 2.32 Lakh activities of implementati Project (On Completion) ha. in Drought Prone Area in Godavari- on of any a) Annual Irrigation, Gujarat b) Drinking Water Supply Cauvery link ILR project. b) Drinking Water supply :76 MCM including Tribal Area) project: and c) power generation c) Power Generation :21 MW Circulation of DPR, attending to comments of


FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 party States. (Yes/No) 1.4 Preparation * 1.5 Godavari-Cauvery a) Annual Irrigation:11.16 lakh ha of DPR and (alternate) link project. b) Municipal &Industrial needs: DPR works for: Benefits on completion: a) 1015 MCM. Mahanadi- Annual Irrigation b) Godavari Link Municipal &Industrial needs: 1.5 Manas- * 1.6 Mahanadi-Godavari a) Annual Irrigation - 4.43 lakh Sankosh-Teesta- Link(On Completion) a) ha. in Odisha & Andhra Pradesh Ganga Link Annual Irrigation, b) b) Domestic Water Supply - 366 Domestic Water Supply, c) MCM c) Industrial Water Supply Industrial Water Supply, d) - 436 MCM d) Transfer to Transfer to Godavari, e) Godavari - 6500 MCM for Power Generation Further Transfer to South e) Power Generation - 960 MW 1.6 Preparation - 1.7 Manas-Sankosh-Teesta- CCA - 6.54 lakh ha. in Assam, of DPR and Ganga Link (On West Bengal & Bihar. Power DPR works Completion) CCA and Generation – 805 MW for: Power Generation A. Ganga- * 1.8 Ganga-Damodar- - Damodar- Subarnarekha Link (On Subarnarekha Completion) Link B.Subarnarekha- * a) Area Irrigated annually W. Bengal: 7.60; Bihar: 0.55; Mahanadi Link (ha) Odisha: 0.33; Total (Lakh ha.): 8.4


FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 C. Sarda- * b)Water Supply: 1241 MCM for enroute domestic, Yamuna Link industrial and Salinity Water requirements D. Wainganga- * c) Balance water to be 21031 MCM and further to South Nalganga Link transferred to Mahanadi: E. Preparation * 1.9 Subarnarekha-Mahanadi W. Bengal- 18000; Odisha- of DPR for Link (On Completion) Area 36500; Total(ha.)- 54500 Damanganga Irrigated annually (ha) (Ekdare)- Godavari Valley F. Preparation of * 1.10 Sarda-Yamuna Link U.P. - 3.45; Uttarakhand- 0.3; DPR for (On Completion) Area Total(Lakh ha)- 3.75 Damanganga Irrigated annually (ha) Vaitarna-- Godavari Valley 1.11 Wainganga-Nalganga - Link (On Completion):

a) CCA: 3.71 Lakh ha. b) Drinking and Industrial 429 MCM Water Supply : 1.12 Damanganga(Ekdare)- - Godavari Valley link Project (On Completion) CCA: 16505 ha. Domestic Water Supply: 22 MCM Industrial Water Supply: 21 MCM 1.13 Damanganga-Vaitarna- - Godavari Valley link Project


FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 (On Completion)

CCA: 15484 ha. Drinking and Industrial 40 MCM Water Supply:

Investigation of Water Resources Development Schemes – Central Water Commission 1.DPR (a) Completed 1. 1.1 Preparation of bankable Yes preparation of Investigation Preparation Detailed Project Reports Projects after works for of bankable (DPR) (Y/N) detailed Survey preparation of Detailed and DPRs for Sonai Project Investigations Irrigtion Project, Reports and studies on Assam (DPR) of the hydrological, (completed/ project is the Irrigation continued first step for Planning investigation) development environment and aspects, cropping execution of pattern Crop water water resources requirement etc. Projects. (b) Completed 2. 2.1 Seisomological Yes Investigation Seisomologic observatios used to works for al optimuize the design design preparation of observations of projects in Sankosh DPRs for will help in Hydro-electric Project Multi Twalang HE optimum Purpose Project. (Y/N) Project design of


FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 (Mizoram) projects in (completed/ Sankosh continued Basin investigation) particularly Sankosh Hydro- electric/Multi (c) * purpose Investigation Project works for preparation of DPRs for Tarumchu HE Project (Sikkim) (completed/ continued investigation) (d) * Investigation works for preparation of DPRs for Kali Khola HE Project (Sikkim) (completed/ continued investigation)


FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 (e) * Investigation works for preparation of DPRs for Kalez Khola HE Project (Sikkim) (completed/ continued investigation) Brahmaputra Board 1.Completion of 1.1 Nos of New 3 (Protection of Increased 1.1.1 No. of People 1.1.1 Protection of 300 ha ongoing / new works Balat Village protection and land will be secured land and 3250 people of anti-erosion, from erosion of against flood from floods and erosion. BalatVillage in South West Khasi drainage river Umngi, &erosion, Hills, Meghalaya development Conversion of reduced works existing tie-bund drainage into full-flaged congestion embankment at and DhollaHatighuli, reclamation Construction of and laying RCC agricultural porcupine land a better screens, infrastructure dampeners and /environment spurs of for working Neamatighat and Mikirgaon area in Assam )


FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1.2 No. of 7 ( Protection of 1.1.2 To continue the 1.1.2 Continuation of ongoing works Mankachar, benefit accrued in 11 Nos. protection of 11 Villages of an completed Kalair-Alga villages to be protected in area 2400 ha in DholaHatighuli international Dhola Hatighuli area area in Tinsukia District of Assam Border Area, A/E works in BhajanerCharra, Nishiganj, Bhogdebriarea on right bank of river Mansaiin West Bengal, Bank protection work at Bhogdebri area on the Right Bank of River Mansai in West Bengal, Continuing the maintenance of executed works for protection of Majuli Island from flood and erosion, 30% work for development of infrastructures of Board to


FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 carry out the work of protection of Majuli Island, Construction of sluice30% works of construction of sluice of Barbhag DDS, Clearing of revised DPR and construction of 15% works of sluice ofAmjur DDS) 2. Preparation of 2.1 No. of 2.1.1 1.1.3 To protect 1.1.3 Yes river basin master master plans Preparation of Neamatighat and Mikirgaon plans related to developed. For six Master area from erosion of flood control, Anti erosion Plans- Dareng, Brahmaputra River (Yes/No) bank erosion and projects, flood Umsohryngkiew improvement of control projects, , Ganol, drainage as well drainage Umtrew, as Irrigation decongestion Umngot, Proejcts. projects and Waikhyrwi Irrigation 2.1.2 DPRs 1.2.1 Protect large 1.2.1 Yes Projects. of two (DDS)s agricultural land, SisumaraBoP at Kalair- Alga,Indo-Bangla Border(IBB) Link Road and


FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 IB Border fencing in South SalmaraMankachar district, Assam (Yes/No)

2.1.3 1.2.2 Area of land 1.2.2 Protection of 115 ha Continuation of protected and no. of people land and 2500 people of operation of benefitted BhajanerCharra, Nishiganj, NEHARI Bhogdebri area in Cooch Behar District, West Bengal from flood and bank erosion 2.1.4 1.2.3.Area of land protected 1.2.3 Protection of 128 ha of Continuation of and no. of eople will be land and 2000 people in R&M of assets benefitted Bhogdebri area of Cooch Behar created by District, West Bengal from flood Board and bank erosion 2.1.5 1.2.4 Protect the 1.2.4 Yes Completion of Majuli Island from flood and mathematical erosion (Yes/No) model studies of river 1.2.5 Creation of 1.2.5 ** Brahmaputra infrastructure for the officers and staff of Brahmaputra Boardworking at Majuli. Working environment will be improved 1.2.6 Protection of 1.2.6 6250 ha area of land from drainage congestion 1.2.7 Protection of 1.2.7 7200 ha area of land from drainage


FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 congestion

2.1.1 Total area in 15 6158 ha villages covered under land protection from flood & erosion. Total estimated economic Rs. 224.95 lakh. benefit from land protection from flood & erosion Total Irrigation potential to 10085 ha be created from the projects for which Master Plans prepared 2.1.2 Decongestion of 2.1.2 338 ha area of Nagaon area in Pota Kalong area in district of Assam will be Nagaon district of Assam. benifitted. Decongestion of area in 200 ha area in Dharmanagar Dharmanagar district of district of Tripura will be Tripura. benifitted. 2.1.3 & 4 * Continuation of running & Maintenance of Assets. Capacity building for Water resources management in NER


FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2.1.5 Mathematical 2.1.5 Yes Model studies will be used for Channel Routing, Rainfall runoff, design of water resosurces schemes. Ready reference for Channel Routing, Rainfall runoff, design of water resosurces schemes in Brahmaputra Basin. (Yes/No)

4. Development of Water Resources Information System (DWRIS) (CS): FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1. Infrastructu 1.1. Hydrological Data Hydrological Data 1. Increased 1.1 No.of the 120 major reservoirs re Collection Collection at 1598 coverage of estimated would be monitored Augmentati sites. WRIS reservoirs being on real time basis for on for monitored on a water storage. collection real-time basis for water storage 100. of necessary 1.1 No. of sites where Water quality 1.2 Coast covered 5 stations to be water quality monitoring at 429 under Coastal opened for data data points monitoring system sites Management collection at coasts in under is operational Information Gujarat, Goa and Water System Maharashtra


FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Resources 1.3 No. of parameters At 403 Level-I labs: 6 2. Improved 2.1 No. of downloads, 40000 Information of water quality water quality use of WRIS accesses and System. being tracked parameters being in policy citations of the tracked. planning and reports generated’ At 18 Level-II labs: 25 formulation water quality parameters being tracked At 5 Level-III labs: 41 Water Quality parameters being tracked. 2.2 No. of states for 6 States – Kerala, 2.2 No. of active users Approx. 3 Lakhs which coastal Tamil Nadu, / visitors of the management Puducherry, Goa, online database information system Maharashtra and operationalized Gujarat 2.3 No. of additional 66 Additional 3 Minimizing 3.1 No. of flood * reservoirs being reservoirs to be loss of life forecasts generated real-time monitored monitored real time for and property through 275 for water storage water storage, totalling due to floods forecasting stations to 120. for timely 4 Increase in 4.1 Flood Forecasting Models have been evacuation of coverage using rainfall based prepared for all Flood people, livestock area and hydrodynamic Forecasting Sites. lead time flood forecasting Hence Flood under flood models Forecasting using forecasting rainfall based hydrodynamic flood


FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 activity forecasting models would be conducted at all 275 FF sites. 4.2 Real-time data 270 Stations out of 458 acquisition system have been installed installation with Real Time Data Acquisition System. Remaining 188 stations would be installed by March 2020 4.3 Inundation flood Development of model forecasting using of Yamuna Basin Hydrodynamic Models on pilot basis * Targets not amenable for this indicator


5. Ground Water Management and Regulation (GWM &R) - (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1.1 Total area (in lakh 1. Preparation of 2.2 lakh sq. km 1. Improved 1.1 Number of 61 aquifer maps sq. km) for which data/information outreach aquifer map and and and knowledge base programmes management management plan for sustainable conducted for plans to ensure has been prepared management of dissemination of ground water data/information sustainability resources. and knowledge of ground base for water sustainable resources. management of ground water and sensitisation of 260.00 stakeholders 2.1 Frequency of 2. Status of 4 2. Sharing 2.1 Number of times 4 monitoring of groundwater the information is ground water (to be done 4 ground water monitoring reports updated and level and times a year) quality levels through the containing updated shared with state monitoring information of Govts departments network of CGWB ground water and shared scenario in the through India- 2.2 Annual monitoring 1 country with state WRIS webprtal of ground water (to be done once departments. quality through the during the year) monitoring network of CGWB


6. National Hydrology Project (NHP) (CS) FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 National Water Information Centre 1. Enhanced Water 1.1 Number of Stations 10,000 stations Resources for Water data online 1. Strengthening 1.1 Water Data on Yes information for of Integrated line Management of 1.2 Time Series & Yes Water Water Resources Resource spatical information Information at State level System available for River & Resevoir dashboard (Yes/No) 1.2 Development Yes 1.3 Time Series & Yes of Dashboard spatical information

at State level 150.00 available for Ground Water (Yes/No) 1.3 Development 1.4 Time Series & Yes of Generic spatical information Yes State- WRIS at State level available for Evapotranspiration (Yes/No) 1.4 Development Yes 1.5 Time Series & Yes of Water Audit spatical information frame Work at State level available for Soil Moisture (Yes/No)


FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1.6 Time Series & Yes spatical information at State level available for Rainfall water level (Yes/No) 2. Centralize 2.1 No. of 500 2. Strengthing of 2.1 No of State with 4 Hydro-met hydromet Network strengthened data base systems hydromet monitoring installed systems 2.2 No of 5 Agencies 3. Institution 3.1 Construction 2 3. Enhanced capacity 3.1 Capacity Building for 150 Strengthing of Data Centre building for WR Professionals WaterResources 3.2 No of Training 15 Professional 3.3 No of 4 workshop/conf erence and Seminar 4. Setting up of 4.1 Acquation of 2 4. Enhanced 4.1 Areas covered for 5000 indundation DEM in Basin responsiveness to test inundation Forecast flood forecasting advisory 4.2 lndundation 1 (in sqkm) test forecast in Basins


7. Research & Development (R&D) and Implementation of National Water Mission (NWM) - (CS) FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) Target 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 1. Increasing 1.1 Publication of 150 1. Improved 1.1 No. of people trained by 650 (to be trained) research & research/technical indigenously Capacity building sessions development reports developed and at the additional base 1.2 Research papers 250 technology facilities and research use, increased infrastructure created. 1.3 Training and 30 officer workshops- capacities and 1.2 Citations of technical * wider research report & research papers 1.4 Estimation of 20 base having recommendations sedimentation in utilization for improved techniques in reservoirs by area of planning and Remote Sensing 50.00 technique design of water resources structure, water saving/

1.5 Estimation of 10 conserving techniques for

sedimentation in agriculture, water use reservoirs by efficiency, integrated water Hydrographic resources management, surveys of important hydraulic designs, climate reservoirs in the change impact studies etc. country will help in saving the public money and valuable 1.6 Morphological 7 resources. Studies of rivers in India * Targets not amenable for this indicator


8. Human Resources Development and Capacity Building (HRD&CB) (CS)

FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) Target 2019- 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 20 9.A) NERIWALM, Tezpur: 60.00

1. Capacity 1.1. No. of national 55 1. Increased awareness, 1.1. No. of personnel 93 (Total HRD- building, trainings conducted upgradation of trained in ground water CB Scheme) awareness knowledge/skills of management activities and water resources support to 1.2. No. of international 1 professionals research & trainings conducted

development 1.3. No. of reports * 1.2. No. of publications 06 generated from R&D studies in Ground Water Sector

1.4. No. of 10 1.3. No. of personnel 1950 Seminars/Workshops/ trained in sustainable Conference/Special water management Days organized 1.5. No. of outreach 5 activities conducted like Media campaign covering advertisements, outdoor publicity, electronic


FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) Target 2019- 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 20 media campaign, participation in exhibitions etc. 1.6. No. of special 6 1.4. No. of tribal population 600 campaign organized for covered through

tribal areas/children awareness generation activities on methods/best practices for sustainable water management 9.B ) National Water Academy (NWA), Pune: 1. Capacity 1.1. No. of national 32 1. Increased awareness, 1.1. No. of personnel 750 building, trainings conducted upgradation of trained in sustainable awareness knowledge/skills of water management activities and water resources support to 1.2. No. of international 02 professionals 1.2. No. of persons trained 50 research & trainings conducted in sustainable water

development management 1.3. No. of reports 70 1.3. No. of personnel 800 (to be generated from R&D trained in sustainable trained) studies in Ground water manage ment Water Sector 1.4. Manweeks of Training 1750 1.4. No. of tribal population 150 covered through 1.5. No. of outreach * awareness generation activities conducted like


FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) Target 2019- 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 20 Media campaign activities on covering methods/best practices advertisements, outdoor for sustainable water publicity, electronic management media campaign,

participation in exhibitions etc. 1.6. No. of special 1 campaign organized for tribal areas/children 9.C) Rajiv Gandhi National Ground Water Training & Research Institute (NGWTRI): 1. Capacity 1.1. No. of national 110 1. Increased awareness, 1.1. No. of personnel 800 building, trainings conducted upgradation of trained in ground water awareness knowledge/skills of management activities and water resources support to 1.2. No. of international * professionals 1.2. No. of publications * research & trainings conducted

development 1.3. No. of reports 2 1.3. No. of personnel 2 generated from R&D trained in sustainable studies in Ground watermanagement Water Sector 1.4. No. of - 1.4. No. of tribal population * Seminars/Workshops/ covered through * Conference/Special awareness generation Days organized activities on


FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) Target 2019- 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 20 methods/best practices 1.5. No. of outreach * for sustainable water activities conducted like management Media campaign covering advertisements, outdoor publicity, electronic media campaign, participation in exhibitions etc. 1.6. No. of special * campaign organized for tribal areas/children 9.D) Training of MoWR, RD & GR: 1. Increased 1.1 Organizing More than 1. Increased 1.1 No. of personnel More than 200 awareness, orientation training 200 awareness, trained in this area officers/officials upgradation for officers/ officials officers/officia upgradation of of who are newly ls will be sent knowledge and knowledge posted. (ii) for various skills of water and skills of Conducting in-house/ training resources water on the job trainings programmes professionals as resources at workplace.(iii) well as non- professional Deputing officials/ technical) in s as well as officers for thematic the field of non- trainings (iv) water resources technical Mandatory Training planning, staff in the Programme at development


FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) Target 2019- 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 20 field of various level officers and water of CSS, CSSS, management, resources Central Staffing thereby planning, Scheme at ISTM and contributing in development other Cadre the sustainable and Institutes(v) development management Advanced computer and , thereby courses, e-office, e- conservation of contributing Governance water resources in the .Training on Water in India. sustainable Sector at NIH, development Roorkee, NWA, and Pune and conservation NERIWALM, of water Tejpur. resources in India. 9.E) IEC:

1. “Mass 1.1 Workshops/ 22 1. Increased 1.1 No. of people upto * Awareness on Seminars etc. awareness, which benefits of such the issues upgradation of programme have been related to knowledge and reached. 1.2 Advertisement (Print 6 Water skills in the (Beneficiaries of Media)


FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) Target 2019- 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 20 Conservation field of water appox. 65 1.3 Organization of 4 on pan-India resources and programme/events) Seminar/Conferencs/S basis" conservation. pecial Days

1.4 Publicity through 8 Electronic Media Radio+ TV) 1.5 Production of Radio 4 Jingles/ Video Spots/TVCs etc. 1.6 Participation in 7 Exhibition/ Fair and competitions 1.7 Events/Programmes 1 for children 1.8 Outdoor Publicity 1 1.9 Mass awareness 12 activities in Tribal areas 1.10 Other IEC * activities * Targets not amenable for this indicator


9. Infrastructure Development (ID) (CS)

FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) Target Target 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) 2019-20 2019-20 1. Continuation of 1.1 No. of 4 1. Better 1.1 Satisfaction level of * Construction/Renovation of buildings/services working employees based on buildings & services of CWC at of CWC environment savings on monthly Four different places as approved in constructed/renov on rent (in Rs) SFC. ated. completion of 2. Construction of buildings & 2.1 No. of buildings/ 7 works. services of CGWB at three services of Savings on different places as approved in CGWB monthly rent SFC. constructed. on 3. Renovation of approx 15 Rooms in 3.1 No.of 10 completion of the Ministry rooms/toilets works. renovated in the 50.00 Ministry. 4. Implementation of e-Office in three 4.1 No. of 60 % 2. Speedy 2.1 % of employees * Organisations under the Ministry organisations disposal of working in these where e-Office files on organisations will implemented implementati use e-office (Processing more on of e- application (in than 90% files). office. nos.). 2.2 Processing of more * than 90% files as e- files in the three 44 organisations (Y/N) 5. Implementation of e-HRMS in Six 5.1 No.of 3 3. Better 3.1 % of employees * Organisations under the Ministry. organisations monitoring of working in at least where e-HRMS Human Four (out of six) implemented. Resources. organisations enrolled under e- HRMS application for onljne APAR, Onljne Leave Management System, Digitized service books etc. * Targets not amenable for this indicator


10. Polavaram Multi-purpose Project- (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1. Continuation 1.1 %physical Earth work – 395.17 1. Creation of 1.1 Total Irrigation * of progress on L.Cum. 10.72 % irrigation potental Potential created (in construction the earth and supply of lakh ha) due to this Lining – 7.03 works in the works, drinking water in project L.Cum.20.76 % project concrete and the catchment area

structure of the Structures - 26.85 of the project project linked L.Cum.39.13% 1.2 Total Irrigation * to funds L.A.- Potential Utilized )in Expenditure release 56529Acrs.33.92% lakh ha (through incurred is R&R – 80000 infrastructure created refinanced by PDFs.75.76% under this project NABARD Buildings - 0.02% (EBR) Misclameous- 1.81%

1.2 Total length of 80 Km 1.3 Volume of drinking * canal works water supplied completed (in km.) linked to funds release * Targets not amenable for this indicator. The requisite infrastructure required for supply of water for irrigation and drinking water supply is not expected to get completed within the current FY.


11. PMKSY - Irrigation Census (CSS)

FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1. Conducting Conduct of field 1. Informed planning 1.1 No. of * census of work for 6th MI and policy downloads of

water bodies Census and first formulation in census reports - in Census of Water Minor Irrigation 6th MI Census convergence Bodies by Sector. as well as Water with of 6th States/UTs Bodies

MI Census 1.1 Completion

of field work Yes of 6th MI Census & 1st Census of Water Bodies by most 50.00 States/UTs within the scheduled period. (Yes/No) 1.2 Monitoring/ Yes scrutiny of the progress of field work of Census as per specified guidelines/nor ms through


FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 visits/Inspecti

on to ensure quality. (Yes/No) 1.3 Data Yes processing activities by States/UTs for 6th MI Census and Census of Water Bodies including data entry, validation & updation - Ensuring usage of mobile app & software for data entry/validati on of 6th MI Census and 1st Census of Water Bodies smoothly.

Glitches, if any, are


FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 attended

promptly. (Yes/No) 1.4 Data Yes processing activities by States/UTs th for 6 MI Census and Census of Water Bodies including data entry, validation & updation - Completion of Data entry, validation & updation by States which started field work within the planned period. (Yes/No)


FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

1.5 No. of data * requests received

from institutions and organizations (private and public) - 6th MI Census as well as Water Bodies Census 1.6 No. of citations / * references for the

census report created - 6th MI Census as well as Water Bodies Census * Targets not amenable for this indicator


12.PMKSY - Special Package for Irrigation projects in Maharashtra - (CSS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) Targe t 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) 2019- 20 1. Expeditious 1.1 No.of Major 1 1. Creation and utilization of 1.1 Additional irrigation 1.59 implementati & Medium additional irrigation potential potential created(in Lakh Lak on of Major Irrigation in the command of the Ha.). h & Medium (MMI) projects under special Ha. Irrigation projects package (MMI) and completed 1.1 Additional Irrigation *

Surface Potential Utilized (in Lakh Minor Ha.) Irrigation 1.2 No.of * 2. Resulting in increase in 1.1 Increase in crop yield * (SMI) Project 300.00 Surface yield of crops & income of attributable to increased Minor farmers; replenishment irrigation from PMKSY – Irrigation ofground waterandincreased AIBP (SMI) wateravailabilityforother

projects uses. completed 1.2 Increase in groundwater * levels attributable to PMKSY –AIBP

* Targets not amenable for this indicator


Ministry of Labour and Employment Demand No. 62

1. Labour & Employment Statistical System (LESS) (CS) Financial OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 Outlay (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

1. Timely 1.1. Number of 3 Surveys / 36 Indices 1. Make updated data 1.1. Number of 18 lakhs collection and Surveys / Indices / / 5 Reports2 on employment, unique release of survey Reports sanctioned unemployment, wages, visitors to the data in 2019-20 earnings and website 1.2. Number of surveys Completion of 3 productivity available 1.2. Number of 30 / indices / reports Surveys* / 36 Indices / to the public. requests for completed 5 Reports# obtaining employment data received for reports 22 1.3. Number of surveys Timely Completion of 1.3. Number of 253 / indices / reports 3 Surveys* / 36 requests for completed on time Indices / 5 Reports# obtaining employment data received for unit level. 2. Capacity 2.1 Number of officers 450 persons 2. Promote use of IT 2.1 Number of Use of IT tools in Building of Labour Bureau tools in office work. surveys conducted online price trained to use IT tools using IT tools collection for for administering CPI-IW (Base surveys out of total Updation)

23 Surveys = SESDSL + CL + AFS. 36 Indices = 12 CPI-IW Indices + 12 CPI-AL/RL Indices + 12 Retail Price Indices. 5 Reports = SESDSL + CL + AFS + Annual Report CPI-IW (2019) + Annual Report CPI-AL/RL (2018-19). * No fixed target for completion of Survey. Generally completed by year end. # Report completion is contingent upon completion of survey. 3Unit level data of EUS and PMMY.


Financial OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 Outlay (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

officers 2.2 Number of people 800 persons4 trained by the Labour Bureau (including the probationers) 3. Knowledge 3.1 Number of 27 publications5 production publications released 3.2 Number of 48,000 downloads on publications

4800 persons = 100 (CPI-IW Current Series + ILS/Training) + 120 (Base Updation of CPI-IW 2016=100) + 500 (AFS) + 80 (Base Updation of AL/RL) 532publications = Wage Rates in Rural India (2018-19) + ASI (2016-17) + LS ((MW (2018) + 10 Labour Acts (2017)) + Pocket Book of Labour Statistics 2018 + Indian Labour Year Book 2018 + ILJ (12 monthly issues). Most of the reports/publications of Labour Bureau are released on annual basis / upon receipt of Ministry’s approval and are therefore targeted for release at the end of the financial year, i.e. March, 2020.


2. Machinery for Better Conciliation, Preventive Mediation, Effective Enforcement of Labour Laws, Chief Labour Commissioner (CS) Financial OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 Outlay (Rs. In Cr.) Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 2018-19 1. Ensuring 1.1. Number of Industrial 8478 1. Better Conciliation, 1.1. Number of Appx. 35522 Conciliation, Disputes disposed off out Preventive establishments Preventive Mediation, of total disputes received Mediation, Effective found to be non- and Effective 1.2. Number of inspections of 35522 Enforcement of compliant out of Enforcement of establishments carried out Labour Laws total inspected Labour Laws to ensure implementation of labour laws 23.6 1.2. Pending claims Appx. 18.30 1.3. Number of claim cases 6059 cases older than disposed out of total claims 12 months as a cases percentage of total pending 1.4. Number of personnel 139 claims cases at trained out of total the end of the personnel trained year


3. Strengthening & Development of DGFASLI organization and OSH in Factories, Ports and Docks (CS) Financial OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 Outlay (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20

Component I

Strengthening of DGFASLI and OSH in Factories, Ports and Docks

1. Commencing 1.1. Construction of Completion 1. To develop suitable 1.1. Number of 4 Construction of Integrated till the stage deliverables for raising the programmes Integrated Knowledge Knowledge Centre, of Awarding general awareness of key conducted to Centre (IKC) at CLI at CLI Mumbai of contract stake holders for raising the create Mumbai for building safety and health standards of awareness on IKC at CLI, these sectors employing such OSH 18.5 Mumbai. categories of workers

2. Technical cooperation 2.1. Inernational 1 2. Ensuring safety and health of 2.1 Number of * with DGUV Germany Conference on workers working in factories, accidents of and other countries in Vision Zero port and Docks workers in the field of OSH organized factories, ports, and docks

2.2. Number of * fatal accidents of workers


3. Conducting National 2.2. Seminars/workshop 4 3. Sharing of International best 3.1. Number or 4 level seminars s organized practices on OSH from Organization /workshops on OSH. different segment of Industries participating (international and 4. Training of Safety 3.1. Safety auditors 100 domestic) Auditors under trained Accreditation System

5. Inspection in Ports 4.1. Number of 1600 4. Improvements in OSH in ports 4.1 Number of 28 ships/warehouses/w improvement harfs/berths/installa notices /warnings tions/gears issued/ No of inspected Prosecution

Component II

Development of Regional Labour Institute, Faridabad as National Centre of Excellence

1. Setting up of 1.1. Number of labs set- 2 1. To develop Regional 1.1. Number of 20 Laboratories up Labour institute, Faridabad units in in area of Occupational MSME sector Safety and Health systems to whom to meet the specialized services

needs of MSMEs and rendered Chemical Process Industry. 2. Capacity building/ 2.1. Number of 4 1.2. Number of 4 training of officers Trained officers officers with specialised trained skills in the area of OSH


3. Studies/Survey/Audits 3.1. Number of surveys 8 1.3. Number of 40 carried out owner/manag ers trained

3.2 Number of industries 24 1.4. Number of * covered accidents in MSME units

4. Number of people 4.1 Number of people 200 2. Trained supervisors, 2.1. 200 workers/ 200 trained under the short trained under the short and managers and workers supervisors / and long duration long duration programmes managers trained programmes in different areas of OSH

5. Training under one 5.1. Number of people 60 3. Availability of Trained 3.1. Number of 45 year Post Diploma receiving the one-year Safety Officers supervisors Course (PDIS) diploma trained

6. Training for MSME 6.1. Number of managers 24 managers and owners and owners trained

7. In-Plant Training 7.1. Number of in-plant 4 trainings conducted 8. National 8.1. Number of National 4 Seminars/Conferences/ Seminars/Conferences/Wo Workshops organized rkshops organized

8.2. Number of people 200 participating in the seminars/conferences/wor kshops


9. Film on OSH 9.1. Release of films on 2 4. Publicity on OSH 4.1. Number of 300 people OSH people viewing film on OSH

10. AFIH Course 10.1. Number of people 60 5.Availability of Trained 5.1. Number of 60 completing AFIH Course Doctors doctors trained

11. Five weeks Certificates 11.1. Number of people 80 6. Availability of Trained 6.1. Number of 80 Course for Supervisory undertaking the Five Supervisors for Hazardous supervisors trained Personal engaged in Weeks Certificate Course process industries for Hazardous Hazardous Process process industries Industries

Component III

Establishment of Regional Labour Institute at Shillong for North East Regions

1. Commencement of 1.1. Initiation of Y* 1. To ensure safety and 1.1. Number of * Construction of the construction of health of workers accidents in building for RLI, building by CPWD working in the NE region MSME units in Shillong (Y/N) NER 2. Number of fatal 2.1 Number of fatal * accidents in MSME units accidents in in NER MSME units in NER 3. Trained supervisors, 3.1 200 workers/ 200 managers and workers supervisors / managers will be trained in different areas of OSH * Targets not amenable for this indicator * Completion till the stage of Awarding of contract for building of RLI, Shillong.


4. Strengthening of System & Infrastructure of DGMS (SSID) For the Year 2019-2020 (Formerly Mine Accidents Analysis and Modernization of Information Database and Strengthening of Infrastructure facilities and core functions of Directorate General of Mines Safety). Financial Outlay (Rs. OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 In Cr.) Target 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) 2019-20 1.Knowledge creation 1.1 Number of reports 1.To attain risk and 1.1 Operationalization of regarding safety of regarding accident analysis 80 hazard free condition Mine Information Y mine prepared of work and welfare Database (Y/N) 1.2 Number of Alerts & of persons employed 1.2 Number of fatal Circulars (based on all fatal 25 in mines * accidents accident analysis, etc.) issued 1.3 Computerization and e- governance including Modernizing Mine accidents & Development of 1 1.3 Number of serious * Mine information Database and software module accidents developing infrastructure for the same 13 1.4 Training of DGMS Officers on inspection / Safety Audit, Accident investigating etc by 1.4 Total number of 20 officers * exposing them to accidents in Mine National/International Institutes Organization 1.5 Number of reports 1.5 Number of Mines 3 7460 published inspected (Numbers) 1.6 Number of DG's Technical 1.6 Number of Notice and instructions and circulars and Order issued for serious issues of new instruction and 10 * non-compliance of Mines circulars on technical and other Act 1952 matters reviewed.


Financial Outlay (Rs. OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 In Cr.) Target 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) 2019-20 1.7 Number of workshops and seminars on different 1.7 % of workers found development of ShramSuvidha with Silcosis (NIMH Portal, use of developed 6 * SURVEY) out of total no. software modules, accident of workers surveyed investigation, annual return, procurement through GeM etc. 1.8 National Safety Awards 1.8 Accident rate per one Less than (Mines) organized (Y/N) thousand person 0.22 Y employed in the Mine (Coal) (for both serious and fatal .32 (Non- accident) Coal) 1.9 Number of trainings on < 3% 1.9 % in change in facilitating preparation of change number of serious Safety Management Plan held 24 over accident over decadal decadal average average 1.10 Number of Programmes 1.10 % change in number < 3% for safety awareness in small of fatal accidents and change 24 mines with the help of state fatalities over decadal over governments organized average. decadal 1.11 Training of DGMS average officials on OHS & technical subjects through training/ seminars, etc. by exposing them 40 officers to national & international institutes, seminars, conferences etc


Financial Outlay (Rs. OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 In Cr.) Target 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) 2019-20 1.12 Number of mines and 500 abandoned mine plans digitized 1.13 Number of scientific studies in 24 mines on various subjects in key problem areas of mining to support the mining 24 industry by providing appropriate standards, protocols and guidelines released. 1.14 Circulars / guidelines / standards / protocols on 8 occupational safety and Health in mines issued 1.15 Number of workshops and seminars on development of guidelines/standards/protocols, 2 new technologies, occupational safety and health matters and on other subjects held 1.16 Number of computer based 4 Statutory Examinations 1.17 Number of middle level management officials, 100 workmen's inspectors, workers and others by MSHA trained 1.18 Number of mines Means of inspected for implementation measurement to labour laws out of the total be developed;


Financial Outlay (Rs. OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 In Cr.) Target 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) 2019-20 mines actual progress will be reported. Continuous process. 5. Labour Welfare Scheme (CS)

FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1. Conducting 4 lakh6 1. Providing *. 1.1.Education: Number 1.1. Education: welfare activities benefits to of scholarships Number of for Beedi/LSDM/ beedi/cine workers provided under scholarships MICA/IOMC/Cine and LSDM and Scholarship provided under workers and their IOMC miners in 164 Scheme for Scholarship dependants in the education, housing Beedi/Cine and Scheme for field of Education, and health Mines Workers Beedi/Cine and Housing and Welfare Funds Mines Workers Health Welfare Funds

6Depends on applications received, targets are tentative. *Targets for this indicator are demand driven


FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1.2. Housing: 51000 workers 1.2. Housing: Improvement in Release of 2nd and 3rd Number of houses the living instalment to eligible sanctioned for eligible conditions of the beneficiaries beneficiaries out of workers and (Beedi/LSDM/ total workers families MICA/IOMC/Cine workers) for providing housing assistance

1.3. Health: 16 lakh workers and 1.3. Health: Better health Number of their families7 Number of care services to beneficiaries benefitted beneficiaries Beedi/ LSDM under health benefitted under and IOMC component out of total health component out workers and workers. of total workers their families.

7Depends on applications received, targets are tentative.


6. Creation of National Platform of Unorganized Workers and allotment of an -seeded identification numbers (CS)

FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) Output Indicator(s) Target 2019- Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019- 2019-20 20 20 1. Provide 1.1 Operationalization of IT Y 1. Operationalization 1.1 Operationalization Y unorganized platform (Y/N) of a nation-wide of a nation-wide workers with a database of database of 1.00 1.2 Number of unorganized 2 crore* unique ID workers provided with a unique, unorganized workers unorganized workers Aadhaar-seeded ID with unique, with unique, Aadhaar- Aadhaar-seeded IDs seeded IDs (Yes/No) *UWIN project is being developed in collaboration with National Informatics Centre (NIC) wherein NIC will provide end to end solution to M/O Labour and Employment.


7. Social Security for Plantation Workers in Assam Financial OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 Outlay (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2018-19 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-2020

1. Provision for 1.1 Number of 90000 1. Timely 1.1.% timely 100% Family Pension total disbursement of disbursal of total Scheme Paid to Beneficiaries Family Pension disbursal the family of the claims deceased members

1. Provision of 2.1 Number of 1860 2. Timely 2.1.% timely 100% 19.90 Deposit Linked total disbursement of disbursal of total Insurance Scheme Beneficiaries Deposit Linked disbursal to the Family of Insurance claims the deceased members who died while in service


8. National Child Labour Project including grants in aid to voluntary agencies and reimbursement of assistance to bonded labour

Financial OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 Outlay (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

1. Providing 1.1. Number of children in age To attain new enrolment 1.Elimination of all 1.1. Estimated (i) To attain relief and group 9-14 withdrawn from of 50000 working forms of child labour number of children in new enrolment rehabilitatio child labour and enrolled into children in special child labour. of 50000 Special Training Centres. n to children training working rescued children in

from child special training labour Centres

1.2. Number of Mainstreaming 1.2. Number of children who Mainstreaming of 50000 children withdrawn of 50000

100.00 have completed a course at children to formal from child labour. children to Special Training Centres formal education system 1.3. Number of Special Training 100 new STCs education Centres operationalized. operationalized based on system previous data and

survey. The opening of STCs depends on previous survey conducted by district project societies under

NCLP Scheme.


Financial OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 Outlay (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

1.4. Number of project societies 8 set up at the district level under the Chairpersonship of the Collector/District Magistrate. 1.5. Number of children who Mainstreaming of 50000 are enrolled in mainstream children to formal education and still continuing education system. education after 6 months.

2. 2.1. Creation of a Child Labour Y 2. Withdrawal of all 2.1. Number of 14000* Monitoring Monitoring, Tracking and adolescent workers adolescent labour

and tracking Reporting System (Y/N). from Hazardous withdrawn from child labour Occupations/Processe hazardous in the s and their skilling occupations country and integration in

8NCLP Societies are set up by State Governments under Societies Registration Act, 1860, depending upon prevalence of child labour in the district. Survey reports are sent to Central Government and the STCs are opened.


Financial OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 Outlay (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

2.2. Number of districts that Targets cannot be fixed appropriate &processes have carried out a preliminary as the scheme is occupations survey regarding the number of demand-driven; actual children/ adolescents engaged progress will be reported in hazardous occupations and non-hazardous occupation and processes in the District.

2.2. Number of This data is adolescent labour maintained by admitted in State vocational/ skill Governments. training centres.

3. Release 3.1. Number of districts that * 3. Rehabilitating 3.1 Number of * of have carried out a bonded labour released labourers bonded preliminary survey rehabilitated (based labour regarding the number of on the claims made and children/ adolescents provision engaged in hazardous by States) of relief occupations and non- hazardous occupation and processes in the District.


Financial OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 Outlay (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

3.2. Number of beneficiaries 2182# provided with cash upon release for initial rehabilitation under Rehabilitation of Bonded Labour (children, women, people with disabilities, transgender, and men) during 2018-19 3.3. Number of cases where the * judgment has been delivered (out of total pending cases at the end of the year) 3.4. Number of convictions * delivered out of the total pending cases (out of total pending cases at the end of the year)

*Figures based on data received from survey by NCLP Societies. #This is a demand driven scheme, targets provided are tentative.



Department of Law & Justice

1. Action Research and Studies on Judicial Reforms (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY (RS. IN CR.) OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20

2019-20 Output Indicators Targets Outcome Indicators Targets

1.1. Number of 1. Research Proposal Research Proposals 1.1. Number of completed 35.73 approved by the Project approved by the 20* 1. Completion of Action 10* Action Research Research Projects Sanctioning Committee Project Sanctioning Projects Committee

2. e-Courts Phase – II (CS)

FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY Targets (RS. IN CR.) Output Indicators Outcome Indicators Targets (2019-20) 1. WAN Connectivity in 1.1. Number of 1. WAN Connectivity 1. Seamless, 1.1. Number of 2992 court 2992 Court Complexes district and in 2992 court stable, reliable courts connected complexes to be will be connected to subordinate complexes. and secure through WAN connected through National Judicial Data courts 2. Cloud Connectivity WAN and and to cloud WAN Grid.Cloud connected in all 2992 Court Cloud 256.53 Connectivity: all courts through Complexes. Connectivity. All 2992 connected will be migrated to WAN and 3. Comprehensive courts to be cloud Cloud. publicity campaign connected to cloud architecture.Change Publicity of on eCourts Services Management / Publicity eCourt (10 Crores) 70

FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY Targets (RS. IN CR.) Output Indicators Outcome Indicators Targets (2019-20) of eCourt Project. Services 2. Widespread 2.1. Increase in Comprehensive awareness on number of e publicity campaign eCourt Courts services for Rs.10 crores. Services. users.

3. Infrastructure Facilities for Judiciary: Gram Nyayalayas (CSS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (RS. IN CR.)

2019-20 Output Indicators Targets Outcome Indicators Targets

1. Gram Nyayalayas 1.1. Number of 130* 1. Commissioning of 1.1. Number of Gram 65* notified by the State Gram Nyayalaya Gram Nyayalayas Nyayalayas made 10.00 Government notifiedby the State functional by State Government Governments

*Dependency Factor: State Governments / High Courts and implementing Agencies.



1. Market Promotion & Development Assistance (MPDA) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20 1. Promotion and 1.1. No. of KIs To be given on 1. i) 20% Increase in value 500 Nos Khadi Development provided pro-rate basis to increase in of Khadi Institutions to be of Khadi Modified 1439 Nos Khadi production producing units. benefitted through Market Institutions over the next 3 Modified Development years. Market Assistance ii) Boost in Development (based on production Assistance production). would result in (based on increase of production). artisans’ wages. iii) Improvement and 103.33 Development of production Infrastructure. iv) Renovation and Modernization of Sales Outlet. 2. Promotion and 2.1. No. of 3 2. i) Improvement Increase in value 5 nos. of events Development International in production of Khadi of Khadi exhibitions and sales of producing units. through Export 2.2. Exports 1 khadi and Promotion & preparation khadi related Publicity and incidentals products. 2.3. Financial 2 ii) Increase in


FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20 support to wage earning of establish artisans Khadi India Sales outlets in Dubai, Japan, Germany and Texas 2.4. Export 2 Workshop 3. Promotion and 3.1. National Level 1 3. i)Improvement Increase in value 25 Nos. of events Development Exhibitions in production of Khadi of Khadi 3.2. Special Level 15 and sales of producing units. through Exhibitions khadi and Promotion & 3.3. State Level 11 khadi related Publicity - Exhibitions products. domestic 3.4. IITF 1 ii) Increase in exhibition etc. 3.5. E-commerce Rs.80lakhs wage earning 3.6. Marketing Rs. 50 lakhs of artisans consultancy and legal/ trademarks etc. 3.7. North East Rs. 7.00 lakhs PrvaMeal and Support to NER 3.8. Brand Rs. 10.00 lakhs Promotion, Sales Promotion, Catalogs and Sampling 3.9. National Rs. 20.00 lakhs


FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20 Awards 3.10. Seminar, Rs. 20.00 lakhs Workshop, Capacity Building of DSOs Staff and others, Visual Merchandise etc 3.11. Opening of 1 sales outlets at Airports- 4. Publicity/Media 4.1. Publicity/Medi * 4. i) Improvement Increase in value PEP- 88 Nos etc. a etc. in production of Khadi and sales of producing units khadi and khadi related products. ii) Increase in wage earning of artisans *Targets for the indicator are demand driven


2. Khadi Grant Financial Outlay OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. in crore)

2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

Workshed Scheme To provide Worksheds to be i) Working Financial assistance 1453 Khadi for Khadi Artisans worksheds to provided to Khadi environment which led up to Rs. 60,000/- is Artisans will be khadi artisans Artisans-5308 to better productivity.ii) given to individual benefitted on a selective (5250 Individual Increase in No. of Artisans basis leading to Workshed and 58 Artisans .iii) Better increase in Group Workshed) environment will attract productivity and more customers.(iv) better livelihood Increase in Sales and Strengthening of under Worshed Turnover. 30 Khadi Existing Weak Khadi Scheme for Better work Financial assistance Institutions will be Institutions Khadi Artisans Revival of weak environment for khadi up to Rs. 9.90 Lakh strengthened khadi institutions artisans is provided to weak To provide new Khadi Institutions for charkhas and revival 308.51 looms to selected khadi institutions (b) Assistance for which have 36 Sales outlets Marketing become will be renovated. Infrastructure financially weak Renovation of Sales would be boosted. Financial assistance over the years selected sales up to Rs. 25.00 Lakh but have the outlets is provided for potential to developing rebound. marketing infrastructure Promotional Grant To renovate 4 Meetings selected sales outlets of the khadi 1) Qtrly. Khadi


Financial Outlay OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. in crore)

2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

Janshree Bima institutions and Mark and For development of 2,45,080 artisans Yojana now "Aam assistance for Certification khadi activities will be covered Aadmi Bima Yojana" marketing Meetings. Following monetary under AABY infrastructure. benefits are extended. Natural Death - Rs. To improve Social improve social 30,000/- Security to Khadi security of khadi Accidental Death or artisans and also For artisans total Permanent attract more artisans development of disability - Rs. 75,000/- towards Khadi. khadi activities Partial permanent disability - Rs. 37,500/- An add-on educational Aam Admi benefit under Shiksha Bima Yojana Sahayog Yojana, which (erstwhile Khadi offers educational Karigar scholarship up to two Janashree Bima children of Khadi Yojana) is a Artisan studying from Group Insurance 9th standard to 12th Rozgar Yukt Gaon Scheme standard including I.T.I. 50 potential designed by Life @ Rs. 300/- per quarter villages will be Insurance per child. identified for Corporation of implementation of India (LIC) Employment will be programme and Grant-in-Aid Salaries specifically for generated through 50 Providing NMCs, approximately Khadi Artisans. Artisans will be khadi institutions Looms, Warping 12000 artisans Premium is trained targeted to Units etc. will be trained and shared between be given targeted to be KVIC, Khadi employment given Grants-in-Aid Institutions, employment.


Financial Outlay OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. in crore)

2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

General (Pension & Artisans and OAE) Govt. of India.

Interest Subsidy - Interest liability Book Adjustment will be reduced by Rs. 6.29 crore in Khadi & VI To provide Sector employment through Khadi Interest liability of activities at the Reduce the Khadi & VI doorstep of interest liability institutions will be artisans on PPP on Khadi & VI reduced model implementing institutions To pay the salaries and allowances of KVIC's staff and officers

To meet the expenditure on pension of the KVIC's staff and officers and TA and


Financial Outlay OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. in crore)

2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

Contingencies expenses.

To provide subsidy in lieu interest on loans provided by Government.

3. Khadi Reform & Development Programme (ADB Assistance) Financial OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 Outlay (Rs. in crore) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

To revitalize KVI Total number of The scheme was Income of artisans will i) Enhanced The scheme was Sector for enhanced Selected Khadi approved upto be increased and sustainability of approved upto sustainability of institutions 2018-19 and employment of artisans Khadi. 2018-19 and Khadi; increased hence no target will be generated. ii) Empowerment of hence no target income and has been fixed for Artisans. has been fixed for 0.01 employment; 2019-20 iii) Improve 2019-20 increased artisan marketing khadi empowerment and products iv) development of Development of selected village selected village industries. industries


4. Scheme of fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI ) Financial OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 Outlay (Rs. in crore) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

Regeneration of Setting up of 60 Nos. of (i) improvement in the i) Branding/quality 60 Nos. of traditional industries clusters Clusters sustainability and improvement of Clusters will be in KVI and Coir competitiveness of Khadi and Khadi developed and sectors by taking up clusters. related products. approx. 30,000 clusters and ii) Organization of ii) 80% of the artisans will be development their traditional industries and targeted clusters benefitted. competitiveness and artisans into clusters. would be in clusters governance iii) Sustained operation. employability for iii) Sustainable 125.00 traditional Industry employment would artisan and rural be provided over a entrepreneurs period of 3 years. iv) Increase in wages of iv) Increase in artisans production and turnover of the cluster production would result in increased wages of artisans


5. Coir Vikas Yojana (CVY) (CS) Financial OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 Outlay (Rs. in crore) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

Modernization of 1.New 6 Nos. i) 10% increase in 1.New machinery to 6 Nos. production processes, machinery to be 5 Nos. production of Coir and be developed 5 Nos. Development of developed Coir products over the 2. Eco-friendly Machinery & 2. Eco-friendly 9 Nos. next 3 years. technology to be 9 Nos. Equipments, Product technology to be ii) 10% increase in transferred to Development & transferred to 20 Nos. Export of Coir and Coir entrepreneurs - 20 Nos. diversification, entrepreneurs - products over the next 3 3. Technology to be Development of 3. Technology 175 Nos. years. transferred to the 175 Nos. Environment friendly to be transferred iii) 10% increase in machinery technologies and to the machinery trained youth over a manufacturers- Technology transfer, manufacturers- period in next 3 years. 4. New coir clusters Incubation, Testing 4. New coir iv) Leading to sustain to be provided & Service Facilities clusters to be employment generation technological provided in Coir Sector. support. 70.50 technological v) Most of the Coir units 5. Field support. are located in rural demonstrations of 5. Field areas. technology Development of coir demonstrations industry in the of technology – country and 2200 2200 promotion of domestic market 2200 1.Training in Value 2200 (through Domestic Added Product Market Promotion 1.Training in 3600 (VAP) 3600 Scheme), Value Added 40 2.Training to Women 40 development of Product (VAP) 5 entrepreneurs 5 export markets of 2.Training to 30 3.EDP 30 coir and coir Women 10 4. Awareness 10 products (through entrepreneurs 10 Programme 10


Export Market 3.EDP 5. National Seminar Promotion Scheme), 4. Awareness 100 6.Workshop 100 Programme 7.Exposure Tour 5. National Domestic Exhibition Seminar 1.International fairs 6.Workshop and conferences 7.Exposure Tour 2.External Market To provide funds to Domestic Development large coir units Exhibition Assistance (EMDA) (existing as well as 1.International 10 Units 10 Units new units) for fairs and facilitating them to conferences 1 Lakh Workers 1 Lakh Workers acquire plant and 2.External Number of units to machinery/Setting up Market be set up (Under new units (through Development 100 Board's DPI/CITUS) 100 Board's Production Assistance officials PMSBY - persons to officials Infrastructure (EMDA) be covered Schemes) and Welfare of Coir 1200 workers HRD training to 1200 workers workers through Coir Board’s officials Board Coir Workers’ Number of units group personal to be set up HRD orientation Accident Insurance (Under training to coir Scheme DPI/CITUS) workers/stakeholders PMSBY - . persons to be covered

HRD training to Board’s officials

HRD orientation training to coir workers/stakeho lders.


6. A Scheme for Promotion of Innovation, Rural Industry & Entrepreneurship (ASPIRE) (CS) Financial OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 Outlay (Rs. in crore) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

To set up a network (i) No. of 50-LBI Promotion of 1. 30% of trained Jobs at Local of technology centres Livelihood innovation, incubatees would set Level will be and to set up Business entrepreneurship and up the enterprises. created and incubation centres to Incubators (LBI) agro industry. reduced accelerate to be setup unemployment and 50 LBIs and entrepreneurship and 20 -TBI 2. Innovative ideas 20 TBIs will be also to promote start- would result in set-up ups for innovation (ii) No. of increase production 50 and entrepreneurship Technology and better quality. in agro-industry. Business Incubators (TBI) 3. As per scheme to be setup guidelines, 5 year action plan is obtained in advance before approving the proposal will monitored through dedicated website.


7. Coir Udyami Yojana (CUY) (CS) Financial OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 Outlay (Rs. in crore) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

Number of units to Replacement of Funds kept for The scheme has been be set up outdated ratts/ clearing the merged with PMEGP looms and committed Scheme during the providing of liabilities of FY 2018-19 and the worksheds to previous years. budget has been spinners and allocated to clear the tiny household unmet liabilities of units resulting in previous year 2.00 increase in production and earning of workers.


8. Mahatma Gandhi Institute For Rural Industrialization (MGIRI) (CS) Financial OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 Outlay (Rs. in crore) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

Dissemination of 1. Development 6Nos. Reduction in drudgery, i) Process of rural 1. 6 Nos. improved product of Machinery improve quality and industrization will be Machinery and designs and and Equipments. improved efficiency in faster. equipments will processes to reduce 2. Field trail of 3Nos. rural industries by ii) be developed drudgery improve Machineries. developing Carding Commercialization 2. 3 Nos. of quality of production 3. Devo. Of 8Nos. machine, Pneumatic of products machineries will and improve innovative Hammer for Black developed by be field trailed. efficiency in rural products. 600 Persons Smithy, Portable MGIRI. 3. 8 Nos industries. 4. EDP and Skill Compact Semi iii) Innovative innovative Development Automatic Jack & Pedal products and products will be Operated Blunger, 16 improved technology developed. spindle solar charkha would result increase 4. 600 Persons Solorization of few in production and will be trained energy efficient better quality. under EDP and 12.00 machinery/ equipment Skill development for Agri-Processing at Rural level (dhal mill, groundnut decorticator etc.) and ICT initiatives for rural entrepreneurs. 2. Hank Dyeing machine to 20 Khadi Institutions Solar wool pre-spinning machines and Solar Wool Charkha technology at Leh- Ladakh (J&K) and Vidarbha region of


Financial OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 Outlay (Rs. in crore) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

Maharashtra Energy efficient potter kiln in two zones of KVIC (12 nos.) 3. Development of innovative products / technologies i.e. Probiotic jaggery, hand sanitizer, fruit leather, agri inputs and newer products from moringa plant & feed supplement. Low cost & eco- friendly water based bamboo polish (Lac based), eco-friendly cow dung based distemper & paints. Eco-friendly synthetic thickener for textile/Khadi printing. 4. Beneficiaries of SDP/EDP


9. Loans to Khadi Village and Coir Industries

Financial Outlay OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. in crore)

2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

0.42 To provide HBA and To secure full Support to needy ** computer advance involvement of KVIC & employees in etc., to the Coir Board employees addressing their employees of KVIC by lending support to housing and other & Coir Board. employee in their needs for better housing and other needs involvement of staffs.

**Indicator is demand driven

10. SOLAR CHARKHA MISSION (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAYS (Rs. in crore) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 143.50 Solar Charkha Number of Solar 25 Solar Charkha clusters will Number of 200 to 2042 based clusters Charkha have beneficiaries beneficiaries for sustainable Clusters (spinners, weaver, stichers employment and other skilled artisans) generation in Villages


11. Assistance to Training Institutions (ATI) FINANCIAL OUTLAYS OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. in crore)

2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

Infrastructure No. of training Training Improvement in No. of assisted 9 training Support and institutions / institutions -9 physical infrastructure institutions whose institutions and 3 capacity state level EDIs State level EDIs - and capacity of physical State level EDIs to building of supported 3(to be supported) supported training infrastructure be supported training institutions improvement project institutions of are completed Ministry of MSME and the existing State Level EDIs 30.00 8000 Training (Skill No. of persons Enhanced employability Percentage of 8000 persons will Development given skill of persons trained trainees employed in be given skill Programmes/Tra development the related training ining of training occupation Trainers) by training institutions of Ministry of MSME


12. International Cooperation (IC) Scheme Financial Outlay OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. in crore)

2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

Modernization of Financial To support 900 Technology infusion Enhancing the To support 900 MSMEs. Promotion Assistance is entrepreneurs and up-gradation of competency of entrepreneurs to of export of MSMEs. provided on participate in 50 Indian MSMEs, their MSMEs, capturing participate in 50 Trade promotion by reimbursement international modernization and new markets for their international organising seminars basis to the events promotion of their products, exploring events. and international eligible exports are the principal & enhancing export, trade fairs. State/Central objectives of assistance exploring new Government under the Scheme. Visit technologies for 30.00 Organisations; / participation of increasing Registered MSMEs in international manufacturing Industry exhibitions, trade fairs, capacity and associations and buyer-seller meets, generation of societies /trusts conference, seminars employment etc associated with will provide tangible as promotion and well as intangible development of benefits to the MSME sector. participating units


13. National Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Hub FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. in crore) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

121.69 Facilitating Number of SC/ST Assistance to Facilitating SC/ST Enhance the ** SC/ST beneficiaries 16500 SC/ST entrepreneurs participation of SC/ST entrepreneurs beneficiaries participating in entrepreneurs in participating in through various public procurement, Government public interventions such e-platform of department /agency procurement e- as Skill / DGS&D procurement platform of Entrepreneurship DGS&D Development Training, subsidy interventions, Special CLCSS, SPRS, Membership on B2B portal, enrolment on Gem Portal, Facilitate participation in exhibit **Indicator is demand driven


14. Interest Subvention Scheme for Incremental Credit to MSMEs (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20

1. Credit Proposals 1.1. Total number of 40,000 MSMEs 1. Reduction in 1.1. Total amount Rs. 700 crore received new/incremental cost of credit for disbursed by SIDBI to Incremental credit proposals MSMEs. Banks/Fis Credit/Loan received by sanctioned Banks/ Fis

350.00 1.2. Total amount of Rs. 700 Crore 2. Resulted 2.1. Total increase in the 35,000 claims received increase in number of units by SIDBI from registered with Banks/Fis Registration. UdyogAsdhar Number towards interest post lanch of the subvention scheme.


15. Marketing Promotion Scheme: Marketing Development Assistant (MDA) : Procurement and Marketing Support (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20

Assistance to 1.1. Number of 720 programmes 1. Marketing 1.1. Increase in domestic (i)720 beneficiaries beneficiaries Promotion market segment from Programmes receiving regional level to national regular level (ii) 66 Trade assistance Fairs

1.2. No. of trade 66 Trade Fairs (iii) 120 MSME 87.6 fairs / Expo (Tentative) exhibitions/Exp o's

1.3. No. of 120 MSME programmes EXPO's (Tentative)


16. Entrepreneurship Skill Development Programme (Promotional Services Institutions and Programme) (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20

Capacity Building and 1.1 Total number of 3300 Progs. 1. Nos. Of 1.1. No. of participants 250000 persons skill training Industrial persons @ 75 Motivation participated person/Programme Campaigns (IMCs) in Industrial conducted Motivation Campaigns (IMCs) (EDPs/ESDP s)

1.2 Total number of 4500 progs 2. Nos. of 2.1. No. of participants 106500persons Entrepreneurship persons @ 25 person / Development participated programme 327.91 Programmes in (EDP/ESDPs) Entrepreneur conducted ship Development Programmes 1.3 Total number of 3. Nos. of 3.1. Nos. Of Participants Management 225 progs. persons @ 25 Person / 5625 persons Development participated programme Programmes in (MDPs) conducted Entrepreneur ship Development Programmes (MDPs)


17. Technology Centre Systems Programme (TCSP)-EAP (Infrastructure Development and Capacity Building – EAP) (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20

1. Setting up of new TCs 1. Total number of 10 1. Increased 1. Total number of 6295 new TCs Access of MSMEs trainees/beneficiaries to advance that have received manufacturing training at the TCs 2. Up-gradation of Technology existing TCs 2. Total number of 9 2. Total number of 3000 350.00 up-gradated TCs trainees / beneficiaries 2. Increased that have received Access of MSMEs training at the TCs. to advance manufacturing Technology

18. Establishment of New Technology Centres/Extension Centres (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20 2019-20 (i) Setting up (i) Total number Establishment (i) Improved Skilling (i) Total number of * of new of new of a TC takes / Up-skilling of Trainees / Beneficiaries Technology Technology 3 Years. employed / that have received Centres Centres (TCs) Unemployed Youth training at the established 20 Ecs Technology Centres / 125.12 Extension Centres


(ii) Improve access of (ii) Number of MSMEs (ii) Setting up (ii) Total number MSMEs to who have availed of extension of Extension technology Technology Services of centres Centres (Ecs) TCs established

(iii) Provide Business (iii) Total number of & Technical Advisory Trainees /Industry / Services to MSMEs /Beneficiaries/Entrepre neurs that have used TCs facilities * New Scheme. Scheme is at implementation stage.

19. Promotion of MSME in NER and Sikkim (Infrastructure Development and Capacity Building) (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20 2019-20 1. Setting up new Total number of 4 Increased access of Total number of units 900 beneficiaries and TD's and TC's MSME units to / beneficiaries that moderniseexising setup and total advanced have received Mini Technology number of existing manufacturing training at the Centres centres upgraded techniques & technology availability of skilled development centres 2. Development of Total no. of IID man power to MSME 25.93 new and existing Projects In NER units including Industrial Estates employment generation 3. Capacity and Number of Skill Development Training 12 New / upgraded No. of MSEs 150 MSEs programmes Industrial 4. Other Activities Infrastructure


Total Number of facilities to MSEs Number of officers 100 projects to be 5 Skill up-gradation of trained undertaken officials engaged in the promotion of Number of MSEs 60 MSMEs 06 Projects Research / assessment studies etc

20. Construction of Office Accommodation Capital Outlay on Public Works (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20

Proposals received Total 10 Nos of 10 Vehicle Staff Vehicle purchased Total 10 Nos of 10 Vehicle from different field proposal received against old condemned proposal received institutes for staff purchase of new staff vehicle i.e. of amount 0.8 Cr.

Proposals received Total 4 No. of 4 Nos. New purchased Total 4 No. of proposals 4 Nos. from different field proposals received Machinery received institutes for &Equipments will be 26.60 purchase of utilized for testing & Machinery other activities &Equipments used beneficial for MSMEs for testing & other and old Machinery facilities. i.e. of &Equipments will be amount 4.00 Cr. replaced

Proposals received Total 4 No. of 3 Nos Total 4 No. of proposals 3 Nos. from different field proposals received received institutes for New buildings will be construction of new constructed to facilitate


buildings. i.e. of MSMEs. amount 20.00 Cr.

21. Database, Research, Evaluation and other office support programme (Up-gradation of Database) (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 (Rs in Cr) Targets 2019- Targets 2019- 2019-20 Output Indicators Outcome Indicators 20 20 a. MSME Data Base (Up-gradation of Database) 1. Collection, * The data will 1. Collection, Compilation, Analysis be collected Compilation, Analysis and Dissemination of from the and Dissemination of data for compilation of identified data for compilation of Index of Industrial MSMEs units, Index of Industrial Production of MSME conduct the Production of MSME Sector (IIP-MSME Survey and Sector (IIP-MSME Sector) Studies as Sector) suggested b the Task force 23.1 and Committee. b. National Award (Up-gradation of Database) 1. To recognize 1.1. Award 68 MSMEs 1. To motivate the 1.1. Award given to 68 MSMEs the efforts and given to MSMEs, Banking awarded to contribution of awarded to Sectors and MSMEs and MSMEs gives MSMEs State/UT Banks & National and Banks Government to State/UT Awards & State/UT promote Micro, Governments annually to Governmen Small and for motivating selected ts for Medium sector. their active entrepreneurs motivating participation in


FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 (Rs in Cr) Targets 2019- Targets 2019- 2019-20 Output Indicators Outcome Indicators 20 20 of MSME. their active the promotion The awards participatio of MSME are given to n in the MSMEs for promotion outstanding of MSME performance in Outstanding Entrepreneurs hip, Product/Proce ss Innovation, Lean Manufacturing Techniques and Quality Products, Exports, Khadi& Village Industries Sector, Coir Industries Sector, Banks excellence in lending to Micro & Small Enterprises and State/UT government.


FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 (Rs in Cr) Targets 2019- Targets 2019- 2019-20 Output Indicators Outcome Indicators 20 20 c. Advertisement and Publicity (Up-gradation of Database)

1. Inform the 1.1. To meet ** 1. Inform the 1.1. To meet the ** public at large the public at large expenditure of the expenditure of the for wider schemes/ for wider schemes/Progr publicity of Programmes publicity of ammes schemes/act activities and schemes/ac activities and ivities, facilities of tivities, facilities of publication this office. publication this office. of various of various publication publication s s. * Targets not amenable for this indicator

**Achievement cannot quantified as the advertisement are released for the wider publicity of the schemes/activities to inform the public at large.


Ministry of Minority Affairs Demand No. 68

1. Quami Waqf Board Taraqqiati Scheme and Sahari Waqf Sampati Vikas Yojna (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1.Funds are 1.1 Deployment of To provide funds to 1. Increase in data entry of 1.1. Number of 27,000 waqf provided to Assistant Programmer for 31 SWBs waqf properties in various waqf properties properties State/UT entering data of waqf modules of WAMSI where Waqf Boards properties digitization of (SWBs) records is done through implementing 1.2 Number of waqf GIS Mapping of 20% 2. To identify the location of 2.1. GIS GIS Mapping of agency i.e. properties covered under of total waqf waqf properties and to mapping of 1,10,000 waqf Central Waqf GIS mapping properties which shall prevent them from waqf properties properties Council for be 1.1 lakh encroachment computerizati 1.3 Deployment of To provide funds to 3. Strengthen SWBs to 3.1. Number of Financial assistance Survey Assistant, 28 SWBs manage their waqf SWBs granted is to be provided to 20.66 on of records of waqf Accountant and Legal properties efficiently so that financial 28 SWBs properties and Assistant and setting up their income could be support for to strengthen of Zonal Office in enhanced and they could manpower, IT, working of eligible SWBs attain self sufficiency capacity the SWBs building

4. Number of SWBs have 4.1. Number of Deployment of legal become self-sufficient in SWBs having officers in 20 SWBs terms of legal cases hired legal defended/resolve, financial officials management & management

at Zonal level


2. Special Programmes of Minorities (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 a. Research/Studies, Publicity, Monitoring and Evaluation of Development Schemes for Minorities 1.Evaluation studies 1.1.Provision of 10 1.Evaluation reports 1.1.Number of 3 sanctioned professional charges to Evaluation reports those Research finalized Organizations / Institutions / Civil Societies / Universities which have the expertise and are willing to undertake 72 purposeful Operation

Research/ Market

Research/ Action

Research - Number of evaluation studies sanctioned 2.Conducting 2.1.Number of 50 Workshop / Seminar / Workshop / Seminar / Conference Conference held 2.2.Amount of Rs. 1.25 Crore financial support given for holding Workshop / Seminar / Conference b. HamariDharohar for Conservation and Protection of Culture and Heritage of Minorities 1.PIAs to conduct 1.1.Number of 500 1.Preservation and 1.1.Total number of 2 Exhibitions Seminars/ Workshops individuals benefitted promotion of rich exhibitions, cultural showing performing from Seminars/ heritage of exchange and arts Workshops minorities under workshop for 2.PIAs for projects on 2.1. Number of 4 overall concept of preservation and preservation of Projects on Indian culture promotion of rich heritage, etc. preservation of through exhibitions heritage of


FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 heritage-Quantifiable and cultural minorities only after the projects exchange is allotted 3.Fellowships provided 3.1. Number of 2 to minority youth Fellowships provided c. Scheme for Containing Population Decline of Small Minority Community 1. Advocacy to arrest 1.1.Number of 20 1.Increase in 1.1.Number of 28 population decline and workshops, counseling Population births to Parsi Counseling Services sessions, help desk set- couples through the ups etc. on relationship support provided by management, the Scheme parenting, self-image; For single men and women; Couples with infertility problems; To create awareness about support for crèche, childcare, elderly support etc. 1.2.Number of 18 advertisements in print and electronic media, posts on social media, and Media interactions including Press interviews and published articles 2.Counselling Services 2.1. Number of 40 requests from Parsi married couples seeking assistance under the scheme for


FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 assisted reproductive technologies and number of payments made 3.Support activities 3.1. Number of 80 requests from Parsi couples seeking assistance under the Scheme for provision of Crèche/ Childcare support, Support for Elderly Dependent etc and number of payments made


Ministry of New & Renewable Energy Demand No. 69

1. Small Hydro Power - Grid Interactive Renewable Power (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (RS. IN CR.) 2019-20 Outputs Indicator(s) Target Outcomes Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 1. Commissioning of SHP 1.1 Generation 50 MW 1. Electricity 1.1 Generation in 8 BU generation capacity Capacity generation MU 182.9 commissioned from SHP in SHP projects.

2. Bio Power– Grid Interactive Renewable Power (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (RS. IN CR.) 2019-20 Outputs Indicator(s) Target Outcomes Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 1. Commissioning of Bio- 1.1 Generation 252 MW 1. Electricity 1.1 Generation in 18 BU power Capacity Generation MW 25 (Bagasse/Biomass commissioned from Bio- Power/Waste to energy) in Bio-Power Power Projects generation capacity


3. Externally Aided Project (EAP) – Component – Grid Interactive Renewable Power (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (RS. IN CR.) 2019-20 Outputs Indicator(s) Target Outcomes Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 1. UNDP/GEF project on 1.1 No. of 1000 1. Rural 1.1 No. of 100 scale up of Access to beneficiaries livelihood Projects Clean Energy for Rural projects productive uses: project installed Activities related to 40 access to energy for increasing livelihood of the poor in remote villages in UNDAF states.

4. Bio-Power – Off-Grid/Distributed and Decentralized Renewable Power (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (RS. IN CR.) 2019-20 Outputs Indicator(s) Target Outcomes Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 1. Commissioning of 1.1 Generation 252MW 1.1 Electricity 1.1 Generation in 252 MW Off- Capacity Inclusion of Generation from MU Inclusion of 18 BU 50 grid/Decentralized commissioned figures given off- given in Point No. Bio-Power Capacity in bio-power in Point No. 3 grid/Decentralized 3 bio-Power Projects


5. Biogas Programme - Off-Grid/Distributed and Decentralized Renewable Power (CS)

FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (RS. IN CR.) 2019-20 Outputs Indicator(s) Target Outcomes Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 1. Setting up of one lakh 1.1 No. of small 86,900 Small 1. Effective 1.1 No. of village/ 86000 SPBs & 25 small size biogas plants size Biogas Biogas Plants promotion of industries/ MSBP plants & 25 medium biogas for farms Commissioned size Biogas clean fuel to provided with Plants in the meet out the biogas plants country energy 100 requirements in remote, rural, semi-urban areas of the country, including tribal areas

6. Human Resources Development and Training – Supporting programmes (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (RS. IN CR.) 2019-20 Outputs Indicator(s) Target Outcomes Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 1. Creating skilled 1.1 No. of technicians/ 15000 1. Creation of 1.1 No. of skilled 15000 manpower for RE Suryamitras trained skilled manpower sector for performance, manpower for created 70 testing, installation RE Sector and maintenance of RE projects


Ministry of Panchayati Raj Demand No. 70

1. Action Research and Publicity: Action Research (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20 2019-20 1.1. Number of themes to be 1.1. Studies are awarded 1. Identificatio 6 1. Request for proposal 6 identified n of themes to be floated

and number 1.2. Finalization Of themes Yes of projects (Y/N) by the RAC 1.3. Terms drafted (Y/N) Yes

2.1. Study Report submitted 3.00 2. Sanction of 2.1. No. of studies to be 6 2. Processing/ finalization Yes to Dept. (Y/N) Studies on sanctioned of ongoing studies the themes 2.2. Completion Yes identified rate/Dissemination of the 4 studies (Y/N) 3. Completion 3.1. No. of ongoing studies 4 of on-going to be processed/ studies finalized


2.Action Research and Publicity: International Contribution (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20 2019-20 1.1. Annual membership of 1. International 1.1. To contribute Targets cannot be 1. Learningthroughinteraction * Commonwealth Local and learn fixed as the Contribution andexchange of Government Forum for through scheme is ideas with other 2018-19 0.20 interaction demand-driven; commonwealth actual progress countries in will be reported’ decentralization,devolution andlocalgovernance * Indicator is demand driven

3. Action Research and Publicity: Media and Publicity (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20 2019-20 1.1. Successful organization 1.1. Organizing the 1. Celebration of 1. Facilitating a Yes* of one national event [on National Panchayati Raj national platform event(Y/N) 24.04.2019 during 2019- Yes Day for dialogue 20](Y/N) between the Ministry and other 15.00 key stake-holders of Panchayats and creating awareness on schemes and programs of MoPR.


FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20 2019-20 2.1. Number of issues in 2. Common quarterly 2.1.No. of issues in a 2. Publication of 4 an year newsmagazine Quarterly Edition year: one per quarter Yes “Gramoday Sankalp 2.2.Number of 5.5 Lakh (Y/N) copies of news magazines published 2.3. Number of language- 5 editions 2.4. Number of recipients 2.48 of the News Lakh magazines 3. Social Media 3.1. Creation of digital 3. Presence of 3.1. Number of tweets 20 interventions platforms on social Yes MoPR in Social media relating to Media 3.2. Outreach improved 3 Panchayati Raj and through the MoPR(Y/N) Number of digital platforms created in different languages *On account of operation of Model Code of Conduct National Panchayati Raj Day could not be organized on 24.04.2019



Department of Personnel Training 1. Training Schemes FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20

a.Domestic Funding of Foreign Training 1 Implement 1.1 No. of short term 5 1 Total no of 1.1 No of officers trained 302 ation of customized training officers through Short term foreign programmes trained and programs training to 1.2 No. of short term 33 the 1.2 No of officers trained 56 fill the nominated geographical through Long term domestic programmes reach of the programs training 1.3 No. of long term 7 training 1.3 Geographical 60 gap and to programs under coverage of training adopt direct admission (Ministries/Departmen internation ts/States covered) al best 1.4 No. of long term 16 1.4 Service coverage of 40 156.77 practices programs on training

nomination basis (IAS/IPS/IFoS/other

central services/state


1.5 No. of programs 14 1.5 Global reach of 25 under partial funding training (number of universities/institutes/ countries included in programs) b. Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration 1 Creation 1.1 Number of courses 9 1 Increased 1.1 No. of participants 1280 &Upgradat conducted in contribution trained during the year LBSNAA (Overall and course 109

FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20

ion of (Foundation course, to trained wise) Infrastruct Ph-I, Ph.II, MCTPs, manpower ure to Induction and other pool at enhance training ) Group A training 1.2 No. of potential 1280 and/or 1.2 No. of training days 458 capacities participants who can equivalent conducted during the be trained / Training officers' year capacity of the level courses being run at LBSNAA 1.3 % physical progress Physical 100% on the major Financial 75% facilities being constructed, Hostel, Monastery Estate c. Training for All 1 Implement 1.1 Number of 1740 1 Developing 1.1 Number of officers to 121150 ation of Training the be trained under National Programmes of competencie SCTP, Induction Training State Civil s of State Training Programme, Policy to Servants at all Government Intensive Training provide levels, especially officials for Programme & training for the frontline state improved Comprehensive all to Govt functionaries public Modified Online strengthen with the service service Module on Induction the span of 0 to 5 years delivery Training (COMMIT). competenc under State mechanism. y of the Category Training civil Programme, servants Induction Training through Programme, Intensive Training 110

FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20

appropriate Programme & training Comprehensive interventio Modified Online ns Module on Induction Training (COMMIT). 1.2 No. of training 8 1.2 Number of faculty 8 programmes of members One week Training attended/availed the of Faculty training under FDS. members of State Administrative Training Institutes (ATIs)/CTIs in IIMs, XLRI Jamshedpur or two week's training in any other institute under Faculty Development Scheme (FDS). 1.3 No. of training 120 1.3 Number of officers to 2600 programmes for be added in the pool Certificate Course, of Trainers with Recognized Certificate Course, Trainers and Master and Master Trainers Recognized trainers under Trainers under TDP. Development Programme. 1.4 Financial 6 1.4 Training capacity to 6 assistance provided be added of State 111

FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20

for Augmentation ATIs of training infrastructure to number of State ATIs to increase their training capacity

d. Augmentation of Training Facilities in ISTM 1 Creation and 1.1 Number of courses 230 1 Improved 1.1 Number of officer 8000 upgradation conducted in ISTM environment trained during the year of (Foundation for training/ (i)Overall.(ii)CSS/CS infrastructur course, Cadre learning SS Cadre Training e for better training programmes.(iii)Other learning programmes courses environment CSS/CSSS and for training other courses) to civil 1.2 Number of 25-30 1.2 Geographical All 51 Ministries/

servants participants who coverage of training 53 Departments/ can be (Ministries/Departmen 29 State

trained/Training ts/States covered) Governments/ 7

capacity of the Union Territories

courses being run & other PSUs/

at ISTM Autonomous Bodies 1.3 No of upgraded I. 144

equipment/ new equipment purchased for physical progress made on major


FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20

facilities such as upgradation of ICT laboratory, classroom facilities, etc.

ii. No. of training II. 47 courses to be increased

iii. No. of trainee III. 9175 participants using the new facility


Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas Demand No. 74

1. Indian Strategic Petroleum Reserve Ltd. (ISPRL) - Phase II (Construction of Cavems) (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Crore.)

Target Target 2019- 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) 2019-20 20

1. Explore Status of progress of filling & 1. Improved 1.1 Volume for * which private operations of SPRs (Phase II) on strategic agreements participation PPP/Commercial basis reserves due to of Yes Phase II done for International 1.1 Finalising a suitable business implementatio filling in Oil Companies model for implementation n SPR Phase II to invest as per construction, including filling ADNOC and operation of SPRs under model. Phase-II. Yes/No 1 (commercialis (in line with agreement with ADNOC for Mangalore ation of a certain caverns. The business model percentage of will be PPP only.) storage in lieu 1.2 Finalising a suitable Yes 1.2 Capacity * of filling up agreement with Saudi created in caverns at ARAMCO for filling of Padur terms of their own cost) cavern. (Yes/No) cavern construction for SPR Phase II


FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Crore.) Target Target 2019- 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) 2019-20 20 1.3 Number of road shows * 1.3 Quantity * organised including filled or interaction with prospective number of partners days equivalent of strategic reserves 1.4 Finalising the RFQ and RFP Yes filled in due for the PPP Model in to Phase II consultation with NITI Aayog and DEA, and to invite interested companies to bid for Phase II. (Yes/No)

1.5 Number of EOI received for Actuals to be Construction of SPRs & reported filling up crude

2. Payment to Indian Strategic Petroleum Reserve Ltd. (ISPRL) for Crude Oil Reserves (CS)



2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1. Four caverns of 1.1 Volume of crude 1.51 million barrels. 1. Increase in 1.1 Total strategic 4.5 days of SPR 0.625 MMT each in oil to be purchased strategic reserve reserves in Padur to be filled coverage terms of (2.5 MMT) number. of days equivalent of oil imports created incrementally

2. Increase in 2.1 Number. of days 4.5 days of SPR* strategic reserve of strategic 1 2. Explore private 2.1 Status of the MoU was signed coverage due to reserve coverage participation of engagement of with ADNOC on ISPRL-ADNOC added due to international oil ISPRL with ADNOC 11th Nov 2018 for engagement ISPRL-ADNOC Companies to invest (Phase I) filling up of two engagement as per ADNOC Padur caverns of model. 0.625 MMT each. (commercialisation of Definitive a certain percentage Agreement is under of storage in lieu of preparation/finalisat filling up the cavern ion in consultation at own cost) with ADNOC.

*The country has a total capacity of 5.03 MMT of reserve with a cover of 9.5 days. 3. PradhanMantri JI-VAN Yojana (CS)


Financial Outlay (in Rs. Outputs 2019-20 Outcomes 2019-20 Crore) Target Target 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) 2019-20 2019-20 1. Setting up of 2G 1.1 Detailed Feasibility 6 1. Establish 1.1 Number of new 3 ethanol refineries Report (DFR) submitted commercially technologies adopted (numbers) viable 2G and commercialized Ethanol production 2. Enhanced 2.1 Capacity utilization % * Ethanol (Volume of ethanol production generated *100/Capacity for ethanol production) 1.2 Number of 2G ethanol * 3. Reduce Fossil 3.1 Increase in Ethanol * refineries setup Fuel Reliance Blending % 1.3 Number of Ethanol 6 by Increased (attributable to the Purchase Agreement availability of production from the (EPA) executed Ethanol for plants set-up under JI- 37.87 2. Promoting R&D 2.1 Number of * Blending VAN) ;Indigenization of demonstration plants second generation commissioned of biomass to 2.2 Number of R&D 3 ethanol projects supported technologies 3. Infrastructure 3.1 Number of * Augmentation commercial plants commissioned 4. Reduce Fossil Fuel 4.1 Ethanol production * Reliance Capacity added (crorelitres/annum) 5. Boost Rural & 5.1 Direct and Indirect Measurement Urban Economy Employment Generated mechanism to (numbers) be set up/planned by


Financial Outlay (in Rs. Outputs 2019-20 Outcomes 2019-20 Crore) Target Target 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) 2019-20 2019-20 MoPNG**

6. Bio refinery 6.1 Profits from sale of * profitability biofuels and industrial biochemical (in Rs. crore.) * Projects under construction phase so targets are zero for this year. As and when the plants are commissioned, non-zero targets can be assigned. ** New mechanisms to measure these indicators should be planned and setup right since the inception stage of the scheme since this can – (i) Help build a baseline to measure incremental progress due to the scheme and (ii) Develop credible in-house data source within the to report progress publicly than to rely on data from external agencies / multilaterals

4. Kerosene Subsidy:Cash incentive for Kerosene distribution reforms (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Crore.)

2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

1. Greater 1.1. Number of States * 1. Reduced kerosene 1.1. Number of * participati being given cash upliftment States joining (Nine States/UTs (Nine States/UTs on of incentives for various through the Scheme already being given) already being given) 257.00 states in types of distribution & distribution through kerosene allocation reforms reforms voluntary cut distributio under DBTK n reforms *DBTK Scheme is under implementation since 1.04.2016 and is applicable for 4 years i.e. till F.Y 2019-20. Only Jharkhand has implemented the Scheme in all its 24 Districts w.e.f. 01.07.2017. The consent of States/UTs is critical in implementation of DBTK. Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas is regularly following up with the States/UTs and requesting them to join DBTK Scheme by either opting for (DBT) or taking voluntary cuts in their annual PDS Kerosene allocation and get financial benefits So far, States of Haryana, Punjab, Andhra


Pradesh, Delhi and UTs of Chandigarh, Daman & Diu, Dadar& Nagar Haveli, and Puducherry have become ‘Kerosene Free’ and State Govts of Karnataka, Telangana, Haryana, Nagaland, Bihar, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Goa have undertaken voluntary cut. In view of this it appears that new states are unlikely to join the DBTK scheme in F.Y. 2019-20.

5. Kerosene Subsidy:Direct Benefit Transfer - Kerosene Subsidy (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Crore.)

Target 2019- 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 20

1. Speedier Number of districts where * 1. Savings in the .1. Savings due to * compliance and the system was subsidy bill blocking of Aadhar seeded implemented multiple/inactive account linkage connections % of beneficiary list linked 100% for (cumulative) (in to Aadhar and having a Jharkhand Rs.crore.) 168.00 bank account Average number of days 15 days taken to transfer subsidy in cash to a holder's bank account

(in number of days)

*DBTK Scheme is under implementation since 1.04.2016 and is applicable for 4 years i.e. till F.Y 2019-20. Only Jharkhand has implemented the Scheme in all its 24 Districts w.e.f. 01.07.2017. The consent of States/UTs is critical in implementation of DBTK. Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas is regularly following up with the States/UTs and requesting them to join DBTK Scheme by either opting for Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) or taking voluntary cuts in their annual PDS Kerosene allocation and receive financial benefits. In view of this, it appears that new states are unlikely to join the DBTK scheme in F.Y. 2019-20.


6. Establishment of Centre of Excellence for Energy, Bengaluru (CS) FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Crore.)

2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Establishment of % progress (physical) on the 10.40% State of the Art, 1.1 Number of courses 1.1 3* Bangalore construction of the BEI Bangalore being conducted

Energy Institute Energy Institute 1.00 (BEI), Bengaluru will have basic 1.2 Number of M.Tech 1.2 40** Karnataka. structure which will be available students to qualify from various courses for the M.Tech. conducted at the students institute *(a) M.Tech. Programme in Energy Science and Technology

(b) M.Tech. Programme in Power and Energy Systems Engineering

(c) M.Tech. Programme in Renewable and Alternate Energy.

** During the year 2019-20, about 40 students including 4 students from the earlier batch and 36 (12 students from each course) will qualify.



1. Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) including Self Employment and Talent Utilization (SETU) (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20

1.To Build the 1.1. Atal Incubation 90 1. Promote a 1.1.Atal Incubation 840 platform for Centres: Number of culture of Centres: Number of start- innovation and AICs built/ entrepreneurship ups incubated (physical entrepreneurship established & innovation in and virtual) 1.2. Atal Incubation 480 India 1.2.Atal Incubation 26 Centres: Number of Centres: Number of start- events conducted and ups funded / estimated acquired/acqui-hired participation/ engagement. 1.3 Atal Incubation 840 1.3 Atal Incubation 38 Centres: Number of Centres:Number of Incubatees In AICs. External Investment in 303.74 AICs. 1.4 Atal Incubation 200 1.4 Atal Incubation 1450 Centres: Number of Centres:No. of jobs trainings and I&D created workshops conducted and the estimated attendance 1.5 Atal Incubation 300 1.5 Atal Tinkering Labs: 300 Centres: Number of Number of students partnerships completing the Innovation established by AICs Challenge 1.6 Atal Tinkering 10500 1.6 Atal Tinkering * Labs: Number of Labs:number of ATLs to be technologies patented (by 121

FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20

established. ATL students and the AICs incubatees 1.7 Atal Tinkering 4188000 1.7 Atal Tinkering Labs: * Labs: Number of Number of innovation enrolled students in awards won by students of ATLs (in total ATL schools and number of community students. 1.8 Atal Tinkering 21000 1.8 Atal Tinkering Labs: * Labs: Number of Number of teachers engaged in patents/publications/papers ATLs (in total filed by students schools) 1.9 Atal Tinkering 18 Labs: Number of ATL Innovation Challenges Initiated. 1.10 Atal Tinkering 750 Labs: Number of innovation workshops/mentoring sessions held by ATLs 2. To create an 2.1 Number of 9600 umbrella volunteers/mentors structure to of change enrolled oversee with AIM Innovation ecosystem of the


FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20

country 2.2 Number of 60 events/challenges organized (global, regional national) 2.3 Number of 3000 people engaged in the challenges (participated applicants, winners) * Targets not amenable for this indicator



1. Energy Conservation Schemes FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 a. Energy Conservation Schemes: Awareness Component 1. Awareness 1.1. No. of energy conservation 12 1. Energy 1.1. Saving of 19 mtoe (under PAT) activities and awareness programme Savings Energy (in and 18.4 BU (under projects to conducted BU) due to S&L scheme) market 1.2. Number of Painting 1 (National Level) conservation energy Competitions held of energy. conservation/ 1.3. No. of participants in 1.1 Crore awareness. painting competitions 1.4. No. of DCs covered under 230 National Mission on 30 Enhanced Energy Efficiency 1.5. No. of trainings done for 2-3 (for FIs) and 1 (for FIs/ESCOs ESCOs) 1.6. No. of training/workshops 15 1. Energy 1.2. Reduction in Target cannot be set9 done for DCs Savings Specific 1.7. No. of Energy 150 (Energy Managers) Energy Managers/Energy Auditors and 250 (Energy Consumption (SEC) among certified Auditors) Sector covered under PAT b. Energy Conservation Schemes: National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE)

9 Target in SEC reduction among sector covered under PAT cannot be assessed 124

FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 80 1.1. Number of Workshops 30 9.0 for Capacity building of stakeholders 1. Workshops and 1.2. M&V of DCS under PAT 621 Certification Cycle II covered (in under Perform, numbers) Achieve and 1.3. Inclusion of DCs under 110 Trade (PAT) PAT Cycle V (in numbers) 1.1 Total units of 1.Improved energy saved 1.4. Certification of Energy Energy 1000 (Million Managers /Energy Efficiency/ tonne of Oil Auditors (in numbers) Savings Equivalent) 2.Market 2.1. Identification and Transformatio Commercialization of 2 n for Energy new technology through Efficiency demonstration (in numbers) 3.Energy 3.1. Capacity building of Efficiency stakeholders including 400 Financing ESCOs, Banks, Industries Platform etc. (in numbers)



1. Training/Human Resource Development (CS)

FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

1. Conducting 1.1. No. of trainings / 3,800 1. Capacity building 1.1. No. of persons 3,80,000 trainings, workshops / of Railways Staff trained.

seminars, seminars held. & related 125 workshops, stakeholders etc.

2. Railway Research (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1. 1.1 Acquiring knowledge about Knowledge sharing, 1.Assimilation 1.1 Finalizing a detailed design * Increased designing and installing a customization to suit of new document incorporating track R&D dedicated Test Track for Indian Railway technologies/Up structure, track geometry, activity at validation and testing of new operational conditions gradation of alignment, bridge spans, line RDSO Design Rolling Stock, track and creating a detailed Railway side monitoring systems, OHE 90.1 Components, OHE components plan for Infrastructure design etc. for execution under and panto-interface with OHE, implementation another ongoing project signaling systems etc.


FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs in Cr) 1.2 Procurement of Procurement of Instrumented 1.2 Developing capability for * Instrumented Measuring Wheel sets for Coaching mapping rail-wheel forces for Wheel and wagon Stock, Wagon Stock different types of rolling stock design software at different speeds for validation of design and assessing speed potential of rolling stock on different categories of track 1.3 Consultancy on Verification of the track stress 1.3 Comparing the stress * Tract Stress Calculation calculation methods and the calculation methodology methodology factors involved adopted by Indian Railways with Internationally accepted norms being followed on railroads worldwide 1.4 New Research Upgradation of existing 1.4 Assimilation of new * activities for RDSO: laboratories and induction of technologies beneficial for Research Projects for additional testing facilities Railway Research & Safety. Asset Health give pace to the Research Monitoring Process activities at RDSO which Automation, speed ultimate benefits the Railway upgradation for safety and safe travelling. technologies, heavy haul, Predictive maintenance technology for all categories of railway asset and infrastructure and all short term research projects of RDSO


1.5 Modernization of Creation of additional 1.5 Provide world class * R&D facilities at RDSO facilities and test equipment Railway Research Facilities at etc. at RDSO for taking up par with any world class various Research/Simulation/ Railway R&D organization. Trials/ Validation/Testing/ Evaluation of technology and development project including that for newly created wing of LTRR (SRESTHA) and all long term research projects of RDSO. * Targets not amenable for this indicator



2019-20 Output Indicator(S) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator (s) Target

1. Reduction of no of 10% 1. Create road 1.1 Developing media strategy for Y 1.1. Percentage road accidents safety awareness Broadcast/Telecast of Road reduction in fatalities and among the Safety messages on T.V. Radio accidents- increased awareness general public FM Channels, cinema halls injuries, fatalities. about road safety. through various etc.-Nos. of campaign for publicity creating the Road Safety measures. Awareness (Y/N)

1.2 Number of events/seminars/ * exhibitions etc organized relating to Road Safety 280.00 1.3 Number of NGOs partnered with to create awareness on 200 road safety

2.Conduct 2.1. Number of trainings for * Refresher HMV drivers of unorganized Training of sector are imparted Drivers in Un- organized sector 2.2. Number of drivers trained * and human resource development

10Includes - Research, Training and Studies; Research, Training, Studies and Other Road Safety Schemes 129


2019-20 Output Indicator(S) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator (s) Target 3.1 No. of proposals approved 6 3.Setting up and for setting up I&C Centre 3.2 Number of Inspection and operation of 2 vehicle Certification Centre (I&C) inspection set up. 3.3 Number of I&C Centres centres. 2 operationalised 4.1. No. of proposals approved 3 for setting up Institute of Driving Training and Research 4.2. Number of Institute of * Driving Training and Research centres completed 4.3. No. of proposals approved 5 for setting RTDC 4. Setting up of 4.4. Number of RTDC set up * Institute of Drivers Training and Research 4.5. No. of proposals approved 10 for setting Automated Driver Testing Track 4.6. Number of Automated 2 Driver Testing Track completed 4.7. No. of proposals approved 50 for setting up Small Driving Centre



2019-20 Output Indicator(S) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator (s) Target

4.8. No. of proposals approved 10 for setting up Small Driving Centre 2.1 Nos of vehicle 5. Strengthening 5.1 Number of proposals 2 2. To improve fleet * tracking device Public received from the management in 2.3 Electronic Transport Governments for sanction STUs, improve * under ITS women safety and and cashless ticketing scheme- Provide 5.2 Number of projects 1 security in Public financial sanctioned during the year transport, service assistance to delivery and 2.3 Number of * State Govt for customer experience vehicles with use of latest by leveraging Passenger technologies technology information (GSM/GPS system vehicle tracking, reservation system, passenger information system) 6. Development of 6.1 No of proposals received 10 3. Creation of BUS port 3.1. Number of 20000 Bus Ports in from different State/UTs equipped with Buses States/UTs on passenger amenities (Public/ Private) BOT/HAM basis 6.2 Nos of proposals approved 3 and for public and operating private buses and through the 6.3 Nos of Bus port developed * provide better public newly created transport services facility through quality infra/service



2019-20 Output Indicator(S) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator (s) Target

7. Digital initiatives 7.1 Percentage of new cars 100% 4. Digital enabled RTOs 4.1. Percentage 100% in vehicle with digital licenses under of RTOs

Registration, Digital Registration upgraded to Licenses and VAHAN 4.0 7.1. Number of Licenses issued Targets cannot ticketing and SARATHI digitally be fixed as the 4.0 scheme is demand-driven; actual progress will be reported

8. More options for 8.1. Number of online Means of 5. Increase number of 5.1. Number of users * e-payment, SMS transactions for applying for measurement to people seeking seeking transport intimations, driving licences, other be developed; transport services related service Open API, facilities like Change of actual progress online online. 3rdParty address, NOC, vehicle fitness will be reported integration, etc. fee payment, permit fee payment 9.1. Rollout of of Vahan 4 9. Completion and and Saarthi 4 (Y/N) Roll-Out of Vahan 4 and Yes Saarthi4

7.1 No of proposals received 6.1. Nos of 10. Development, 36 6. Safety and Security 36 from different States/UTs States/UTs in Customization, of Women which backend deployment and passengers in Public facility set up



2019-20 Output Indicator(S) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator (s) Target management of 7.2 Nos of States/UTs Transport for tracking of 36 State-wise participated in the scheme vehicles and vehicle tracking emergency platform for buttons Safety & Enforcement as per AIS 140 Specifications, in States / UTs under Nirbhaya Framework * Targets not amenable for this indicator


Ministry of Rural Development Demand No. 84 Department of Rural Development

1. Grants to National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRD & PR) (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20

1 Builds capacities of 1.1 No. of total trainings/ 1650 1. To act as a 1.1 Total number of 45 rural development workshops/seminars etc. think-tank for Publications functionaries, elected conducted for senior level MoRD and (periodicals/ representatives of development managers, develop reports/modules/ other PRIs, bankers, NGOs elected representatives, content and publications) and other bankers, NGOs and other disseminate stakeholders through stakeholders information 100 inter-related activities and transfer of training, research 1.2 Total number of 41250 technology, and consultancy. participants in various helps in better programmes planning and

implementatio 1.2 No. of reports 1.3 No. of research projects 50 n of the RD published on State-wise 5 undertaken programmes. functioning of the Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and rural development programmes


2. National Social Assistance Programme: Indira Gandhi National Disability Pension Scheme(IGNDPS) (CSS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 1. Beneficiary coverage 1.1 No. of 10.59 lakh 1. Providing social 1.1 Percentage of 100% beneficiaries assistance to the eligible covered poorest of poor beneficiaries with 247.37 segment of the Aadhar linkage


3. National Social Assistance Programme: Annapurna Scheme (CSS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 1. Beneficiary coverage 1.1 No. of 8.32 lakh 1. Providing 1.1 Percentage of 100% beneficiaries covered social eligible assistance to beneficiaries

the poorest of with Aadhar 62.85 poor segment linkage of the society


Ministry of Rural Development Demand No. 85 Department of Land Resources 1. Initiative - Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP) (CS) FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.)

2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

1. Computerization of 1.1. Record of Rights (RoRs) 25,000 1..Fundamentals 1.1..ComputerisedRoRs, 50 districts Land Records in 100 computerized of Integrated digitised cadastral maps Districts in the country Land / FMBs, integration of (No. of Villages) Information RoRs with cadastral Management maps / FMBs, inter- 1.2. Maps/ FMBs digitized 8,00,000 System in place connectivity amongst (No.) revenue offices, connectivity with and 1.3. RoRs integrated with 50,000 integration of SROs with Cadastral Maps/ FMBs revenue offices. 150.00 (No. of villages)

2. Computerization of 2.1. Sub Registrar Offices 250 Registration in100 (SROs) computerized Districts in the country (No.)

3. Integration of Land 3.1. SROs connected and 800 Records (RoRs) with integrated with revenue Registration in 100 offices districts (No.)



2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

4. Modern Record Rooms 4.1. Establishment of Modern 500 Record Rooms



Department of Science & Technology

1. Research and Development (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUT 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 2019-20 2019-20 1. International 1.1 No. of on-going and new 380 1. Enhancing 1.1 India's global ranking on index of 6 Co-operation: collaborative research projects India's S&T scientific journals Support R&D supported through bilateral, regional knowledge base projects, and multilateral cooperation through bilateral, scientific 1.2 No. of scientific exchanges 2000 regional and 1.2 No. of research publications 600 exchanges, and supported through bilateral, regional multilateral (indexed journals) in current year capacity and multilateral cooperation cooperation building 1.3 No. of internships, scholarships & 370 1.3 No. of products & technologies 10 through fellowships awarded supported developed/transferred/commercialized bilateral, through bilateral, regional and in current year regional and multilateral cooperation multilateral 611 cooperation 1.4 No. of conference /seminar 120 1.4 No. of patents (filed/granted) by 20 /symposia/training awardees in current year programmes/workshops organized 1.5 No. of manpower trained through 500 through bilateral, regional and various activities multilateral cooperation 2. National 2.1 No. of ongoing and new research 60 2. Enhanced 2.1 Total No. of research publications 80 Mission on projects supported under Nano Research and (indexed journals) in projects Nano Science Mission: Individual scientist-centric development in completed in current year and Nano projects, Industry-academia Nano Science and Technology: partnership projects, international Technology Support R&D collaboration projects on fundamental 2.2 No. of Nano science units/ 5 2.2 No. of products & technologies 5 aspects of Nano facilities supported developed/transferred/commercialized


FINANCIAL OUTPUT 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 2019-20 2019-20 Science, in various projects training of 2.3 No. of post-doctoral fellowships 9 2.3 No. of patents (filed/granted) by 6 manpower, and awarded under Nano mission awardees in current year industry- 2.4 No. of 5 2.4 No. of manpower trained through 15 academia conference/seminar/symposia/training various activities under Nano mission partnerships programmes/workshops organized under Nano Mission 3. Mega 3.1 No. of ongoing and new Mega 13 3. Enhancing 3.1 No. of research publications 130 Facilities for science projects supported India's S&T (indexed journals) in current year Basic Research: 3.2 No. of Ph.D. produced in the 10 competitiveness 3.2 No. of components/ technologies 5 Support Mega Mega science projects designed /prototype/developed in science projects current year critical to the 3.3 No. of conference/ 5 3.3 No. of manpower trained through 50 nation seminar/symposia/ training various activities programmes/ workshops organized 4. Climate 4.1 Knowledge networks created 1 4. Evolve 4.1 No. of publications (indexed 4 Change through NMSHE & NMSKCC management journals) in current year: Knowledge Programme: measures for Networks Developing ecologically knowledge sustainable networks and development by both human and enhancing research institutional capability,

capacities in the implementing area of climate 4.2 No. of centres set up under 1 monitoring & 4.2 No. of publications (indexed 5 change through NMSHE & NMSKCC coordination journals) in current year: Centres NMSHE & 4.3 No. of research projects supported 10 mechanisms. 4.3 No. of publications (indexed 4 NMSKCC in the area of climate change journals) in current year under climate change research projects 4.4 No. of fellowships/ scholarships/ 6 4.4 No. of manpower trained through 6 internships supported under climate various activities – Fellowships/


FINANCIAL OUTPUT 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 2019-20 2019-20 change programme internships/ scholarships 4.5 No. of seminar/ training 10 4.5 No. of manpower trained through 100 programmes/workshops organized for various activities – stakeholders in the area of climate seminars/trainings/workshops change 5. Super 5.1 No. of supercomputers installed 20 5. Enhancing 5.1 HPC Manpower trained (Domain 1500 Computing during current year (Build/ Buy) India's S&T specific/ Non-Domain specific) Facilities and 5.2 No. of on-going HPC related 5 competitiveness by 5.2 No of HPC Users in the Grid 500 Capacity activities supported: Applications building India's Building: related super computing Support 5.3 No. of on-going HPC related 5 capabilities implementation activities supported: R&D Projects of grid connecting 70 5.4 No. of on-going HPC related 5 centre supercomputers activities supported: HRD Courses ( 15 located in R&D training) Institutions, Universities and the 1 million core cloud using NKN 6. Quantum 6.1 No of R&D projects in Photonics 23 6. Enhancing 6.1 No. of research publications 10 Enabled India's S&T (indexed journals) in current year Science & competitiveness in Technology 6.2 No of R&D projects in Nitrogen 9 quantum 6.2 No. of components/ technologies 0 (QuEST): vacancy & Magnetic Resonance technology designed /prototype/developed in Support R&D 6.3 No of R&D projects in IoN traps 9 current year on fundamental 6.4 No of R&D projects in Quantum 10 aspects of Dots Quantum Computers,


FINANCIAL OUTPUT 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 2019-20 2019-20 Communication and Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), training of manpower, conferences and workshops 7. Networked 7.1 No of R&D projects 35 7. Generation of 7.1 Number of skilled manpower 20 Imaging Highly skilled generated Spectroscopy & manpower to be Applications deployed in (NISA) Academic/Industry scheme: 7.2 No of Applications 6 8. Enhancing 8.1 No. of research publications 15 Support R&D India's S&T (indexed journals) in current year on basic aspects competitiveness in of hetrospectral 8.2 No. of components/ 7.3 No of Technologies Developed 10 3 Spectroscopy, imaging technologies designed (TRL 3) Imaging, /prototype/developed in current year Remote Sensing, 7.4 No PhD's 30 8.3 Number of skilled manpower 30 Technology generated Development, training of manpower, conferences and workshops 8. Indian 8.1 No of R&D projects 50 9. Increase in 9.1 No. of components/ technologies 3 Heritage in indigenous designed /prototype/developed in Digital Space product/technology current year (IHDS): development and Support for commercialisation 8.2 Underwater exploration 5 9.2 No. of entrepreneurs nurtured, 1 141

FINANCIAL OUTPUT 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 2019-20 2019-20 Technology technologies developed through start-ups incubated and mentored in current Fusion R&D /entreprenurship year.

projects, Applications, 8.3 Exploration of Dwarka 1 10. Enhanced 10.1 No. of research publications 2 Technology research on the (indexed journals) under EDA in Development, aspects of health current year Training of data set n to treat Manpower, 8.4 Exploration of Poompuhar 1 various diseases 10.2 No. of components/ 2 Conferences and improvement technologies designed and Workshops of quality-of-life. /prototype/developed in current year

9. 9.1 No of health data sets curated & 1 10.3 Number of skilled manpower 2 Epidemiology created generated Data Analytics 9.2 No of Analytical tools developed 5 11. Enhanced 11.1 No. of research publications 35 (EDA): Support Research and 9.3 Technology platform Health data 1 11.2 No of Proof-of-Concept (PoC) 10 R&D on development in developed application analytics ICPS Technologies aspects of 9.4 No of Trainings 2 11.3 No skilled manpower 25 health data sets, Technology platform Development for health data analytics, training of manpower, conferences and workshops 10. R&D in 10.1 No of R&D projects supported 80 11.4 No of conferences, workshops 20 ICPS 10.2 No of Proof-of-Concept (PoC) 10 organised foundational developed technologies 10.3 No of trainings 50


FINANCIAL OUTPUT 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 2019-20 2019-20 10.4 No of conferences, workshops 25 organised

2. National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical Systems (NM-ICPS) (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUT 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 2019-20 2019-20 a. Technology Development 1. Promotion of 1.1 No. of on-going and new 1. Development of 1.1 No. of Patents filed/granted in 50 R&D in Cyber- research projects supported products Physical under Technology systems and Development Programme in 124 related areas each category: 124 a. TRL (point 1-3) b. TRL (Point 4-6) 50 1.2 No. of products & technologies 25 commercialized under technology development programme c. TRL (Point 7-10) * b. Centers of Excellences (CoEs)


2.Setting up 2.1 No. of Hubs set up 25 2. Generation of 2.1 No. of HRD scholars/ awardees/ 500 Hubs are to highly trained fellows with permanent positions at carry out manpower for various academic/ research translational teaching, R&D, institutions/industry in the country research and manufacturing in establish world CPS class Centers in specific subject domains of Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems in India 3.Encourage 3.1 No. of partnerships 50 participation of developed Government and industry/ industry associations 4.Provide the 4.1 No. of Incubation 25 incubation centers centers for start- ups c. HRD and skill development 5. Development 5.1 No. of awards in current 3. Generation of 3.1 Number of skilled manpower 868 of human year under Highly skilled generated resource in CPS i. Graduate 500 manpower to be Internships deployed in Academic/Industry ii. Post Graduate 250 Fellowships

iii. Doctoral 125 Fellowships


iv. Post-Doctoral * Fellowships

v. Faculty Fellowship *

vi. Faculty Fellowship *

d. Innovation, entrepreneurship and Start-up ecosystem 6.1 No. of Grand 6. CPS-GCC * 4. Increase in 4.1 No. of products & technologies 25 Challenges and indigenous developed/transferred/commercialized in Competitions product/technology current year by start-ups & entrepreneurs organized development and commercialisation 7.1 No. of new & through startups/ 7. CPS-PRYAS 25 4.2 No. of seed supported startups with 25 existing entreprenurship positive / growth graduated to next level Technology in current year Business Incubators, and startup centres supported in current year * Targets not amenable for this indicator



Department of Biotechnology

1. Industrial and Entrepreneurship Development (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 2019-20 2019-20 1. Funding for 1.1 No. of Bio clusters 2 1. Stimulate regional 1.1 No. of users using facilities in 150 development of developed R&D efforts leading clusters bio clusters and to interdisciplinary connecting projects startup 1.2 No. of technologies 5 1.2 Technologies commercialized 13 (including ecosystem transfer offices set up technologies out licensed 1.3 No. of Bio-connect 6 1.3 International collaborations offices set up 5 Signing of new MOUs 2 Exchange program 5 2. Supporting 2.1 Number of on-going 400 2. Human Resource 2.1 Number of professional 3000 280.2 high risk research projects under PPP Development trainings under various innovation program (cumulative) schemes/programmes/ workshops research for high end skills 2.2 Number of Academic 100 3. Products/ 3.1 Number of Affordable 19 (including Institutes supported technologies Products/Technologies/Early Stage 10 early stage developed. Technologies developed(at 5% technologies) success rate) IP filed 40 Total no. of patents filed 2.3 Number of Companies 300 3.2 No. of incubatees 500 supported

3. Building the 3.1 Number of incubators 50 3.3 Startup generating follow-on 25


FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 2019-20 2019-20 Startup supported & facilities funding (>10 Lakhs) ecosystem and developed (high end creating high instrumentation) end 3.2 Number of Regional 05 infrastructure, Entrepreneurship training and Development Centres capacity (cumulative) building. 3.3 No of workshops 125 conducted 3.4 Number of Start-ups & 50 Entrepreneurs supported through biotech parks/incubators



Department of Scientific &Industrial Research 1. Industrial Research and Development (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20 2019-20 1. Support to New Innovative 1.1. New 10 1. Creation of start- 1.1. Innovative 7 Projects involving individuals innovative ups projects successfully projects completed sanctioned 2. Support to new Technology 2.1. New TDD 4 2.Commercialization 2.1.Technology 3 Development and projects of new technologies development and Demonstration (TDD) projects sanctioned demonstration of industries alone or industries projects completed & institutions jointly 3. Monitoring of existing 3.1.Organization 8 3. MSMEs engaging 3.1. Number of 20 28 Common Research and of project with Research collaborative projects Technology Development Hubs guidance and institutions for new between (CRTDHs) review committee technology MSMEs/Start meetings development and ups/Innovators and R&D CRTDHs 4. Support to Events such as 4.1. New events 20 4.Dissemination of 4.1. No. of events and 500 workshops, seminars, sanctioned new knowledge studies completed stakeholders conferences, exhibitions etc. for among stakeholders exchange of views and forging collaborations


FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20 2019-20 5. Monitoring existing studies 5.1.Organization 8 on innovation and technology of project review commercialization committee meetings

6. Support to new TDUPW 6.1. New projects 5. Imparting of 5.1.Number of women 500 Number projects for technological sanctioned 5 superior trained of women’s capacity building and technological skills be trained empowerment of women to women that will enhance their outputs and earnings;

2. Assistance to PSEs (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20

a. Central Electronics Ltd. (CEL) 1. Development 1.1. Development One (1) prototype 1. New products for 1.1. System level One (1) improved of Products for of prototype model of new Indian railways design of new Multi product in railway Indian Railways systemof new Multi MSDAC system in section digital axle signaling systems Section Digital CEL counter 17.65 Axle Counter Approval/ submission to RDSO 1.2. Development One (1) prototype 1.2. Development of One (1) new product in of prototype system system in the field VoIP based train railway signaling of VoIP based train for trial purpose control systems control communication


communication 1.3. Development One (1) prototype 1.3. System level One (1) improved of prototype system system of SSBPAC design of new solid product in railway of solid state block along with its sub state block proving signaling systems proving by axle system for lab by axle counter counter working to check functionality 2.Modernization 2.1.Upgradation of  Development of 2.Development of 2.1.Modernization of Two (2) better quality & Up gradation microwave devices manufacturing new products for plant and equipment products in company of plant & and quality control facilities for two defense sector defense portfolio equipment at facility (2)new products in Upgraded testing CEL Microwave facility for products division  Development of testing & quality control facility for existing and two (2) new products in microwave division 2.2. Product  Demonstration of 3.Demonstration of 3.1. Setting up of one Dissemination of SPV exhibition center five (5) new Solar Technologies functional solar park related knowledge to 200 applications of and systems to in CEL premises. stakeholders/ students solar energy. stakeholders/ students/visitors 2.3.Modernization Creation of one (1) 4. Training activities 4.1. Training 60 trained manpower in of training facility training facility for to students / programs/Visits solar sector SPV products stakeholders in solar sector b. National Research Development Corporation (NRDC) 1. Giving away 1.1. No. of awards 10 1. Recognition and 1.1. Motivation of 600 inventers and Meritorious motivation to Inventors and innovators according to innovation inventors and innovators applications received awards innovators

2. Providing 2.1. No. of MSMEs IP services to 24 2. Increasing IP 2.1. IP awareness Reach out to 500


IPR services to facilitated MSME’s/academia filing, creating campaigns, stakeholders/participants MSMEs awareness about IP interaction meets and 3.Dissemination 3.1. Exhibitions and 40 exhibitions & 15 protection and exhibitions of information interaction meets interaction meets showcasing on technologies innovative technologies to stakeholders 4. Value 4.1. Surveys for 57 technologies 3. Technology 3.1. Technology Licensing 5 technologies addition for identified Commercialization transfers and to industry taking lab scale technologies licensing to industry technologies to commercial scale through basic design engineering packages, market surveys etc. 5. Seed funding 5.1. Identification 6 start-ups 4.Promotion of start- 4.1. Participating in Promote 6 start-ups to for disruptive of innovators in ups equity of select start- take their ideas to market manufacturing incubation centers ups start-ups in and setting up of incubation incubator in NRDC centers. 6. Partnering 6.1. No. of Set up 1 new 5. Mentoring and 5.1. No. of start-ups 5 start ups from NRDC institutions for incubation centers incubation center monitoring services supported incubation setting up and set-up and run existing to help incubates centers managing become successful incubation in their ventures centers



1. Development of Major Ports (CS)

FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20 2019-20

1.Support for 1.1. Total amount 100% 1. Achieving deeper draft 1.1. Increase draft of Maintain infrastructure disbursed as disbursement for handling lager vessel 12.8 meters at deeper draft development and outstanding payment of BE and resultant increase in VoCPT. of 12.8 modernization of port for capital dredging allocation cargo meters infrastructure including project (VoCPT) capital and maintenance dredging, connectivity 2. Enable faster 2.1. Reduction of Project is to 1.2. 4 Lane road etc 100% evacuation of cargo time taken from be connectivity 98 disbursement traffic. origin to destination completed Disbursement of of BE by budget allocation allocation November towards outstanding 2020. payments Movements of Trucks will be allowed 24 X 7.


2. Development of Minor Ports (CS)

FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20 2019-20

110.25 1. Support for 1.1 No. of jetties 4 1. To augment the 1.1. Percentage 10% infrastructure and other constructed capacity of cargo and increase in Minor support for minor ports (Extension of jetties passenger traffic at Minor port Capacity in Andaman & Nicobar at Neil, Hope Town ports in Andaman & Lakshadweep Islands and Hut Bay) Nicobar Lakshadweep Islands * 1.2. No. of Studies 1.2. Percentage 7% commissioned increase in Cargo traffic (a) Environment Studies 18 1.3 Percentage 8% (b) Sub soil increase in investigation 10 Passenger traffic

(c) Model Studies through CWPRS 4

* Targets for this indicator are not amenable


3. Oil Pollution and Research & Development (CS)

FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20 2019-20

1. Procurement of 1.1. No. of project 2 1. Capacity Build up at 1.1. Increase in no of 2 Pollution Response (PR) for procurement of ports to manage tier-1 Oil ports with Tier-1 6 equipment as per PR equipment to be Spill response Spill Response NOSDCP 2018 completed Facility

4. Assistance/subsidy to All India Shipyards except Defence PSU Shipyards(CS)

FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20 2019-20

1. Vessels construction 1.1. No. of Vessels 22 1. Promote ship building 1.1. Total amount of Rs 423 Cr and delivery delivered by Indian vessels in individual shipyards business to be Shipyards which would generate generated employment 97 1.2. Total number of 3720 employment to be created


5. Grants to Inland Water Transport Authority of India (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20 2019-20

450 1. Infrastructure and other 1.1. No. of projects 20 1. Seamless and safe support for inland waterway approved for 1.1 Percentage (%) 7% transportation of to augment the capacity, infrastructure increase in goods on National traffic volume/cargo handled development and movement of cargo Waterways to by inland waterway and maintenance of Inland on National improve skilled manpower water way terminal Waterways. connectivity.

1.2. No. of multi- 2 modal terminals operations to be awarded to private operator

1.3. No. of RO-pax 3 vessels to be acquired for NW-1, 2& 3.

1.4. No. of innovative 10 design cargo vessels to be acquired for NW-1

1.5. Modernization of 1 NINI Patna including training vessels,


FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20 2019-20 Dredger, House boat etc.

6. IWAI Projects (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20 2019-20 1.Infrastructure and 1.1. No. of projects 1.1. Percentage 7% 1. Seamless and safe other support for undertaken under (%) increase in transportation of goods on National waterway to JalMargVikas movement of cargo National Waterways and augment the capacity, Project on NW-1 4 on National improve connectivity. traffic volume/cargo (stretch Varanasi to Waterways 307 handled by inland Haldia) waterway and skilled manpower


MINISTRY OF SOCIAL JUSTICE & EMPOWERMENT Demand No. 91 Department of Social Justice & Empowerment

1. Educational Empowerment - Pre matric Scholarship for SC (CSS) FINANCI OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 AL OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1. Scholars 1.1 No. of 20 lacs 1. Scholarship provided to 1.1 % increase No. of * hip application eligible SC students students provided received in completing class to the current Xth with support eligible year of scholarship over

SC last year 355.00 students 1.2 Absolute * increase in no of students

* Targets not amenable for this indicator

2. National Fellowship for Scheduled Castes (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1. Fellowship 1.1 No. of * 1. Increased no. of 1.1 No. of SC students 2000 Fellowships

provided to application students completes the complete the 360 eligible SC received in course enrolled - course enrolled -


FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 students the current segregated data by segregated data by year for gender gender fellowship 1.2 No: of 2000 2. SC students 2.1 No. of SC students students/ben complete the course of completes the eficiaries study M.Phil/PhD course of study admitted for with support of M.Phil/PhD with * M.Phil/Ph.D fellowship. support of programme fellowship

2.2 No of SCs doctorate students * completing their PhDs 1.3 No. of girls * 3. Dropout rates of 3.1 % Drop out rates * benefitted Student availing of Student availing under the Fellowship Fellowship scheme

2. 30% 1.3 2.1 No: of girls 600 seats earmarked for scholarship benefitted girl students will be under the scheme earmarked for girl students * Targets not amenable for this indicator


3. Scheme for Backward Classes - Pre matric Scholarship for Backward classes (CSS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

1. Scholarship provided 1.1 Increase in * 1. Educational 1.1 To provide a 25.00 lakh to eligible OBC number of Empowerment of level playing beneficiaries students students receiving OBC Students- field in scholarship and Increased number of comparison to number out of OBC students non-backward them promoted to availing financial sections of the

next class assistance for higher population. 220.00 1.2 Number of 25.00 lakh studies students receiving beneficiaries scholarship successfully completing 10th class. * Targets not amenable for this indicator


4. Central Scholarship - National Overseas Scholarships for SCs(CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

1. Fellowship 1.1 Students who 100 students p.a 1. Number of 1.1 Percentage increase 100 students p.a provided to avail scholarships students getting in number of eligible SC for higher scholarship for students who availed 20.00 students education overseas higher scholarship overseas overseas education


5. Central Scholarship - Top Class Education for SCs (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1. Scholarship 1.1 No. of students 2000 beneficiaries to 1. Increase in number of 1.1 Number of SC * provided to who avail be benefited under SC students who availed students who availed eligible SC scholarships the Scheme scholarship for study in scholarship for study students for studies in professional education in in professional

professional institutes of repute education in 40.50 courses in institutes of repute institutes of repute

* Targets not amenable for this indicator

6. Pre-matric Scholarship for children of those engaged in unclean occupation SC’s(CSS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

1. Scholarship 1.1 No. of 2.5 lac 1. Number of students 1.1 Increase in number of * provided to scholarships who have availed students who have

eligible provided to scholarships for availed scholarships for 5.00 students eligible students completing their completing their course studies of study over base year * Targets not amenable for this indicator


7. Girls hostels for SCs (CSS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

1. Construction 1.1 Number of 1900 beneficiaries to 1. Increase in 1.1 Number of SC girls’ * of hostels for hostels be benefited under coverage of SC students availing the SC girls’ completed the scheme girls’ students hostel facilities against 59.00 students the base year 1.2 Increase in number of * hostels completed. * Targets not amenable for this indicator

8. Boys Hostels for SCs (CSS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019- 20 1. Construction 1.1 Construction of 850 1. Increase in 1.1 Number of SC Boys students * of hostels for hostels for SC beneficiaries to coverage of SC Boys availing the hostel facilities SC Boys boys’ students be benefited students against the base year students under the 1.2 Increase in number of hostels * 13.00 Scheme completed.

* Targets not amenable for this indicator


9. Free Coaching for SC and OBC Students (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

1. Providing 1.1 Number of 2500 1. Students 1.1 Number of students * coaching to students attended beneficiaries to appearing for selected/passed in the students to coaching classes be benefited different examination for which they enable them for different under the competitive attended coaching classes 30.00 to appear in competitive Scheme examinations for competitive examinations which they examinations attended coaching classes * Targets not amenable for this indicator

10. Pradhan Mantri Aadarsh Gram Yojana FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

1. Villages with 1.1 No. of village 4484 1.1 Selected villages 1.1 Number of selected 4484 more than 50% selected under of SC sanctioned villages of SC developed SC population the scheme fund for as Adarsh Gram to be covered development as 390 under PMAGY Adarsh Gram for integrated socio economic development


11. Credit Guarantee Fund for Scheduled Castes (CS)

FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

1. To extend 1.1 No. of Scheduled 15 1. No. of Scheduled 1.1 Increase in number of * Credit Castes Castes Entrepreneurs Scheduled Castes Guarantee to Entrepreneur who availed Credit Entrepreneurs who Scheduled provided Credit Guarantee under the availed the Credit 0.01 Castes Guarantee for scheme Guarantee under the Entrepreneur availing loan from scheme for availing bank loan from bank * Targets not amenable for this indicator


12. Livelihoods - State Scheduled Castes Development Corporation (SCDC) (CSS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

1. Concessional loan 1.1 No. of Concessional 30.00 Crore 1. Increase in SC 1.1 Number of SC 30.00 Crore under different loan provided under beneficiaries beneficiaries

schemes for micro different scheme for getting soft loan getting soft loans 30.00 entrepreneurship micro for income entrepreneurship generating activities

13.Livelihoods - Self-employment scheme for Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1. Identification 1.1 No. of Manual 3500 1. Liberation of 1.1 Number of manual and Scavengers identified manual scavengers and their 5000 rehabilitation of for rehabilitation scavengers from dependents who Manual traditional received skill 70 1.2 Number of manual 10000 Scavengers scavengers provided occupation of development training with one time cash Manual and were rehabilitated assistance (OTCA). Scavenging in alternative occupations


14. Civil Rights - Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Foundation(CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1. SC Person to be 1.1 Number of SC * 1. Increase in number of 1.1 Number of SC * assisted for medical persons assisted for SC persons who were persons who were treatment, inter- medical treatment, assisted for medical assisted for caste marriage and inter-caste marriage treatment, inter-caste medical treatment, 530 merit awards to and merit awards to marriage and merit inter-caste class X and XII class X and XII awards to class X and marriage and merit XII awards to class X and XII * Targets not amenable for this indicator

15. National Fellowships for OBCs1 and EBCs (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019- 20 1. Fellowship 1.1 Increase in number of 1000 new JRF+ 1. Increase in number 1.1 Aims at providing 1000 new provided to OBC students who approx. 2000- of students who financial assistance to JRF+ approx. eligible OBC completed higher 2200 JRF+SRF have availed the OBC students in 2000-2200 students study, admitted to candidates fellowships for obtaining quality JRF+SRF

M.Phil/Ph.D completing their higher education such candidates 70 0063ourse course of study over as M.phil, and Ph.D base year in universities, research institutions and scientific


institutions. This will not only enable them to be eligible for the posts of lecturers lying vacant in various colleges and universities but will also-equip them to effectively take advantage of the growing opportunities at the national and international level. 1Eligible OBC students are provided fellowship based on available budget.

16. National Overseas Scholarships for OBCs (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019- Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 20 1. Interest 1.1 Increase in Approx. 1600 1. Increase in number of 1.1 To provide them Approx. 1600 subsidy number of OBC new students students who have availed better opportunities new students + provided to students who + approx. interest subsidy for for higher education approx. 3000 eligible OBC completed higher 3000 existing completing their course of abroad and enhance existing 15 students for study i.e. beneficiaries study over base year. their employability. beneficiaries studying Master’s degree, abroad. M.Phil, Ph.D abroad .


17. Scheme for development of EBCs (for Scholarship for education) (CSS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019- Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019- 20 20 1. Centrally 1.1 Increase in 2.00 lakh 1. Increase in number of 1.1 Provides financial 2.00 lakh sponsored scheme number of EBC beneficiaries students who have availed assistance to the beneficiaries where central students scholarships for Economically assistance is receiving completing their course of Backward Class provided to the scholarship and study over base year. (EBC) students

state/UT Govt. on passing rate of studying at post- 23.00 first-come first- them in post matriculation or post- served basis. matric education secondary stage to (12th, Bachelor enable them to and Masters) complete their education.

18. Backward Classes - Hostels for OBC Boys and Girls (CSS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019- Outcome Indicator(s) Target 20 2019-20 1. Funds are released to 1.1 Increase in number Approx. 1. Increase in number of 1.1 Provides hostel Approx. State/UT of hostels completed 1200-1500 students who have availed facilities to 1200- Govt/Central and number of inmates hostel facility for students belonging 1500

Universities/Institutio students benefitting completing their course of to socially and inmates 30.00 ns. For construction study over base year. educationally of Hostels backward classes, especially from


FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019- Outcome Indicator(s) Target 20 2019-20 rural areas, to enable them to pursue secondary and higher education.

19. Backward Classes - Scheme for Educational and Economic Development of Denotified Nomadic Tribes (CSS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

1. Centrally 1.1 Increase in number Approx. 20000- 1. Increase in number of 1.1 Brings about a Approx. 20000- sponsored of students from 25000 students who have focused 25000 scheme where De-notified Tribes beneficiaries availed scholarships intervention on beneficiaries central who completed pre- for completing their De-notified assistance is matric and post- course of study over Nomadic Tribes

provided to the matric education base year. so that they are 10.00 state/UT Govt. and who started empowered for the welfare economic activities socially and of Denotified- after assistance. economically and Nomadic tribes their lives are also improved.


20. Scheme for Other Vulnerable Groups - Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drug) Abuse(CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 1. Rehabilitation 1.1 Number of beneficiaries 80,000 1. Rehabilitation of 1.1 Number of * of the in the Scheme by the the addicts who beneficiaries 135.00 substance Integrated Rehabilitation have benefited covered in the dependent Centres for Addicts under the Scheme person. (IRCAs). Scheme. * Targets not amenable for this indicator


MINISTRY OF SOCIAL JUSTICE AND EMPOWERMENT Demand No.92 Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DIVYANGJAN)

1. Assistance to Disabled Persons for Purchase/Fitting of Aids/Appliances (ADIP) (CS) Financial Outlay Outputs 2019-20 Outcomes 2019-20 (In Rs Cr) Target 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 1. Affordable 1.1 No. of types 35 types 1. PwDs provided with aids 1.1 No. of beneficiaries 3,00,000 assistive devices of aids and and assistive devices available for assistive devices different types of distributed ^ disabilities 2. Financial 2.1 Amount of Rs. 230.00 2. Reservation for female 2.1 No. of female 82,000 outlays for funds disbursed crore beneficiaries beneficiaries distribution of * aids and assistive devices 3. Organizing 3.1 No. of 1500 3. Reservation for SC 3.1 No. of SC beneficiaries 52,480 distribution camps beneficiaries 230.00 camps for aids organized * and assistive devices 4. Promoting 4.1 No. of 40 4. Reservation for ST 4.1 No. of ST beneficiaries 26,240 awareness of the advertisements beneficiaries scheme of the scheme * 5. Coverage of scheme 5.1 No. of districts not ** throughout India covered during the last three years 6. Mitigating the impact of 6.1 Percentage of students ** disability to live a normal life attending colleges/universities who were provided with aids and assistive devices


7. Improved participation in 7.1 Percentage of women ** socio-economic activities (in the productive age group of 15-59 years) participating in employment activities after being provided with aids/assistive devices # ** Targets not amenable for this indicator

2. Information and Mass Education Cell (CS) FINANCIA OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 L OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 1.Implemen 1.1 Funds released for electronic Rs 6 crore 1. An 1.1 Number of electronic media campaigns 5 t media campaigns (for running inclusive undertaken information campaigns) society and mass 1.2 Funds released for print media Rs 7 crore encourag 1.2 Number of print media campaigns 50 education campaigns (for publishing) ing equal (advertisements to be published) undertaken activities 1.3 Funds released for outdoor Rs 5 crore opportuni 1.3 Number of screens in outdoor media 50 aimed at media campaign ties for campaigns 28 welfare and growth empowerme 1.4 Funds released for Rs 2.5 crore and 1.4 Number of social media posts 500 nt of PwDs events/mela/training/exhibitions develop 1.5 Funds released for Rs 1 crore ment of 1.5 Number of events/fairs participated in 10 creatives/designing PwDs 1.6 Number of creatives designed (including 8 documentaries, TVC, microdocs, radio jingles, audio spots, etc)


3. Deendayal Disabled Rehabilitation Scheme (DDRS) (CS) Financial Outlay Outputs 2019-20 Outcomes 2019-20 (In Rs Cr) Target 2019- 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 20 1. Assistance to 1.1 Number of 700 1.Better availability 1.1 Number of beneficiaries 30375 NGOs/Projects NGOs assisted of support services (General category) for PwDs 2. Disbursal of 2.1 Amount of Rs. 75.00 crore 1.2 Number of SC beneficiaries 6750 grants grants disbursed

3. Improved 3.1 Number of types 9 1.3 Number of ST beneficiaries 3375 coverage of of projects disabilities undertaken through projects 3.2 Number of new 50 1.4 Number of NE beneficiaries 4500 projects undertaken 1.5 Percentage of SwDs who 6% dropout from school 75.00 2. Improved 2.1 Number of districts covered 250 geographical coverage across the country 3.Disability wise 3.1 Beneficiaries with intellectual 27000 coverage disability 3.2 Beneficiaries with mental 200 illness 3.3 Beneficiaries with Hearing 11000 impairment 3.4 Beneficiaries with Visually 5000 impairment 3.5 Beneficiaries with Leprosy 800 Cured Persons


Financial Outlay Outputs 2019-20 Outcomes 2019-20 (In Rs Cr) Target 2019- 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 20 3.6 Beneficiaries with Cerebral 900 Palsy 3.7 Beneficiaries with Speech & 100 Language Disability

4. Support to Establishment/Modernization/Capacity augmentation of Braille Presses (CS) Financial Outlay Outputs 2019-20 Outcomes 2019-20 (In Rs Cr) Target 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 1. Establishment of new 1.1 No. of new braille presses 5 1. To serve the need 1.1 Number of braille 1.5 cr pages braille presses in States established in States of visually impaired pages printed school going children with Braille books 8.00 2. Establishment of 2.1 No. of new braille presses 3 small units of braille established in UTs press in UTs 3. Continuing support to 3.1 Amount of non-recurring Rs. 3.00 existing Braille presses grant released to the existing cr braille presses


5. Support to National Trust (CS)

Financial Outlay Outputs 2019-20 Outcomes 2019-20 (In Rs Cr) Target 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 1. To benefit 1.1 No. of 1,10,000 1. Better 1.1 No. of Persons with disabilities provided 1,00,000 persons with autism, beneficiaries support Health Insurance cover cerebral palsy, benefitted services for 1.2 Day care services to inmates of ‘Disha’ & ‘ 6,000 20.00 intellectual persons with Vikaas’ Centres disability and disabilities 1.3 Residential services to inmates of ‘ Samarth’ & 3,000 multiple disabilities ‘Gharaunda’ centres 1.4 Mainstream of school education 1,000 6. Setting up in State Spinal Injury Centre (CS) Financial Outputs 2019-20 Outcomes 2019-20 Outlay (In Rs Cr) Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 1. Establishment of 1.1 Number of centres 2 centres. 1. To serve 1.1 Number of patients 73 centres for providing to be established in economical rehabilitated 5.00 free treatment and various stated/UTs weaker Spinal management of spinal with dedicated 12 beds Injury Patients injury each 7. Indian Spinal Injury Centre (CS) Financial Outputs 2019-20 Outcomes 2019-20 Outlay (In Rs Cr) Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 1. Benefitting persons with 1.1 Number of 5714 1. To serve 1.1 Number of patients 95 spinal Injuries of the free beds economically rehabilitated ^ economically weaker provided to weaker Spinal 4.00 sections by supplementing poor patients Injury Patients expenditure on treatment having a family and management of spinal income of not


Financial Outputs 2019-20 Outcomes 2019-20 Outlay (In Rs Cr) Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 injuries more than Rs.3,00,000/- 8. Establishment of Colleges for Deaf (CS) Financial Outlay Outputs 2019-20 Outcomes 2019-20 (In Rs Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1. Enhanced 1.1 No. of colleges to which 3 college 1. Empowerment 1.1. Number of hearing- 60 capacity of fund is disbursed ^ of hearing- impaired students enrolled in deaf and dumb impaired students colleges for graduation colleges in five 1.2 Total funds to be 3.00 through education 1.2. Number of degrees ** regions disbursed ^ awarded to hearing impaired students 3 1.3 No. of additional 30 2. Improve 2.1. Number of students ** capacity in terms of student chances of placed in employment post to enhanced ^ employability and completion of the course better quality of 2.2 Average remuneration of ** life for hearing students placed in impaired students employment post completion of the course **These are graduate level courses commenced from 2019-20. Degree/employment/remuneration.Targets not amenable for this indicator

9. Scholarship for Students with Disabilities (CS) Financial Outlay Outputs 2019-20 Outcomes 2019-20 (In Rs Cr) Targ et Target 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) 2019 2019-20 -20 125 1. Empower 1.1 Percentage reservation 30% 1.Provide scholarships 1.1 Number of students provided 23100


Financial Outlay Outputs 2019-20 Outcomes 2019-20 (In Rs Cr) Targ et Target 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) 2019 2019-20 -20 female students for female students ^ to SwDs (Annual scholarships (General category) with disabilities Target 2019-20s since (SwDs) scholarship amounts 2. Awareness 2.1 Number of awareness 15 are disbursed for the 1.2 Number of SC students provided 5600 generation among generation and sensitization whole year and not scholarships and sensitization of programs (including quarterly) various workshops, seminars, stakeholders advertisements, video conferences, etc) 3. Timely 3.1 Percentage of application 45% 1.3 Number of ST students provided 2800 disbursement of for which funds are released, scholarships funds for those approved by States 3.2 Percentage of application 55% 1.4 Number of North Eastern students 3500 for which funds are pending, provided scholarships of the applications received 1.5 Number of female students 10500 provided scholarships 1.6 Number of Pre-Matric scholarships 14000 awarded 1.7 Number of Post-Matric 20075 scholarships awarded 1.8 Number of Top Class scholarships 220 awarded 1.9 Number of National Overseas 5 scholarships awarded 1.10 Number of Fellowships awarded 200 1.11 Number of Free Coaching 500 scholarships awarded 2. Reduced dropouts 2.1 Percentage of beneficiaries ** and improvement in dropping out (To be provided subject


Financial Outlay Outputs 2019-20 Outcomes 2019-20 (In Rs Cr) Targ et Target 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) 2019 2019-20 -20 continuity in education to availability from NSP and/or MHRD) ** Targets not amenable for this indicator

10. Schemes for Implementation of Persons with Disabilities Act (CS) Financial Outlay Outputs 2019-20 Outcomes 2019-20 (In Rs Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 a. Accessible India Campaign 1.Public 1.1 No. of buildings for 300 1. Increased visit 1.1 Percentage of public **15% i.e. 200 buildings made which 1st instalment will of PwDs to public buildings to be made buildings accessible to be released buildings accessible (out of total 1662 approximately PwDs for easing 1.2 No. of buildings for 300 buildings) 315 access to services which 2nd and final instalment will be released 2. Website made 2.1 No. of states/UT 130 2. Increased visit 2.1 Percentage of websites to **45% i.e. 400 accessible to website made accessible of PwDs to be made accessible through websites PwDs for easing by DEPwD, project websites ERNET (out of 917 approximately access to through ERNET websites) information ** Observing the pattern of work progress made so far and realizing the ground situation along with state responsiveness targets for making buildings fully accessible in the year 2019-20 has been set as 200 buildings and target for making state government websites accessible has been set for 400 state govt websites. Completion of target is subject to responsiveness of implementing agencies i.e. States/UTs. b. Skill Training 1.Provide quality 1.1 No. of beneficiaries 50,000 1.Enhancement of 1.1 No. of beneficiaries 21,000 skill training enrolled employment placed/employed


Financial Outlay Outputs 2019-20 Outcomes 2019-20 (In Rs Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1.2 No. of beneficiaries 35,000 (This is in opportunities of 1.2 Increase in number of 65 successfully trained view of the fact PwDs employers participating in that generally placements around 70% beneficiaries pass assessment after training) 2.Identification 2.1 No. of courses 45 of training developed for skill curriculum for training of PwDs to be new job roles aligned with NSQF suitable for PwDs 3.Increase in 3.1 Total No. of women 15,000 participation of with disabilities enrolled women with for skill training disabilities 4.Enhanced 4.1 No. of PwDs provided 50,000 mobility and grant-in-aid for aids and performance of assistive devices PwDs under skill training programs

c. Awareness Generation and Publicity 1. Creating 1.1 No. of awareness 30 1. Sensitized 1.1 No. of sensitization 10 awareness and programmes public officials programs through sensitization and PwDs about government agencies about schemes 1.2 No. of programmes in 03 Rights and 1.2 No. of sensitization 20 and programmes North-Eastern States Entitlement of programs through NGOs for PwDs 1.3 No. of States covered 15 PwDs and 1.3 No. of participants 5000 schemes of the expected 179

Financial Outlay Outputs 2019-20 Outcomes 2019-20 (In Rs Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Department. d. In-service training and sensitization 1. Release of 1.1 No. of key 4000 1. To sensitive 1.1 Number of beneficiaries 4000 grants for functionaries trained officials towards training and 1.2 No. of batches trained 75 and improve their sensitization of 1.3 No. of states covered 28 understanding of key functionaries disabilities in the Central/State governments about the scheme and provision for PwDs.



1. Space Sciences(CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr)

2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicators Targets 2019- 20 1 Undertaking 1.1 Realization of 1 1 Development 1.1 No. of science 3 space Indian Lunar of indigenous missionsundertaken science Mission/Chandray capability for missions aan-II design and and 1.2 Launch of Aditya- 1 development interplanetar L1 Mission of space y 24 infrastructure expeditions 1.3 No. of for better Publications from understandin Space Science g of the Missions Universe. 285.8 1.2 Availability ofSpace 1.4 Release of Space 1.5 TB Platforms for 5 Science related Scientific Data to Public Observations. for 1.5 Utilization 1.6 No. of Research 345 projects in Academia supported through ISRO programmes


MINISTRY OF STEEL Demand No. 95 1. Promotion of Research & Development in Iron & Steel Sector (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets Outcome Indicators Targets 2019- 2019-20 20 1.1. Number of R&D projects to be 1.1. Number of projects 1. Condu approved. 1 1. Development of commercialized/ 1 ct innovative and adopted by the Iron Resea energy efficient & Steel industry rch & indigenous Devel 1.2. Number of R&D projects scheduled to 9 technologies for 1.2. Number of new 1 opme be completed out of ongoing 21 R&D products & products developed nt projects (includes projects at Sl No processes through (R&D 1.3.&1.5.). R&D in iron & ) steel sector projec 1.3. Number of R&D projects expected to 3 1.3. Number of new 1 ts in be completed in scheduled timeframe ( processes iron & others are not due to be completed) developed 15.00 steel sector 1.4. Number of ongoing R&D projects 15 adhering to scheduled timelines (includes the projects at Sl No. 1.3.)

1.5. Number of ongoing R&D projects 611 delayed/with overrunning cost

1.6. Number of patents, publications, 1 working papers selected/ applied for by the R&D agencies through the R&D projects funded under the scheme

11 Expected delay, not a target.


MINISTRY OF TEXTILES Demand No 96 1. National Handloom Development Programme (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTUPTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. in. cr.) Target Target 2019-20 Output Indicators(s) Outcome Indicators(s) 2019-20 2019-20 1. Handloom 1.1. Percentage Increase in Cluster 1.1. Total no. of new 70 average earning of the 15%12 creation and handloom clusters taken up 1. Increase in weaver in the year management average technology working days upgradation, 1.2. Total no. of weavers and increased 1.2. Increase in average handloom covered for loom wages 15 marketing upgradation 3,500 number of working and days of weaver in a year concessional 135 credit 1.3. Total no. of weavers 2. Improved 2.1. Percentage increase in 15% undergone skill 2,000 access to sale of Handloom goods upgradation programme marketing facilities and increased 1.4. No. of exhibitions/melas 250 competitiveness organized

1.5. Sale of handloom goods 300 (in INR Crores)

12 Estimate based on evaluation report under the 12th Year Plan 183

3.Increase in self 3.1. Number of weavers 50,000 1.6. Number of handloom employment who gain self- weavers benefiting from 50,000 employment the scheme

2. Handloom Weavers Comprehensive Welfare Scheme (HWCWS)13(CS) FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTUPTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. in. cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicators(s) Target Outcome Indicators(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 1. Enrol 1.1 Number of weavers 1. To provide life 1.1. Ratio of Insurance 100% handloom enrolled under Pradhan and accidental Claims settled to the 6.65 lakh weavers for Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima insurance cover total number of insurance Yojana (PMJJBY)/ to handloom insurance claims filed. Pradhan Mantri Suraksha weaver 20.00 Bima Yojana (PMSBY) &converged Mahatma Gandhi BunkarBima Yojana (MGBBY)

3. Yarn Supply Scheme (CS)

FINANCIAL OUTUPTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. in. cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicators(s) Target Outcome Indicators(s) Target 2019-20

13This scheme covers Health Insurance Scheme (HIS) and Mahatma Gandhi BunkarBima Yojana (MGBBY) 184

2019-20 1. To provide 1.1. Amount of freight 40.00 1. To facilitate 1.1 Number of handloom 5.15 financial reimbursement for regular supply weavers who have assistance to transportation of yarn + of yarn to the gained access to yarn access to Depot charges (in INR handloom supply (in Lakhs) yarn to Crores) weavers across weavers and the country 1.2.No. of weavers who 5.15 1.2. Percentage of 24% 195.00 organisation received the financial handloom weavers who assistance (in Lakhs) have gained access to yarn supply (Number of 1.3.No. of complaints 100% handloom weavers with successfully processed yarn supply/ Total number of weavers)

4. Trade facilitation centre and crafts museum(CS) The scheme is not operational for FY 19-20. Financial Outlay of INR 3 crore

5. Handloom Cluster Development Programme-Handloom Mega Cluster (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTUPTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. in. cr.) Target Target 2019-20 Output Indicators(s) Outcome Indicators(s) 2019-20 2019-20 15% 1.Improved 1.1. Percentage Increase in 1.Cluster 1.1. Total no. of new Block 6 earnings average earnings development Level clusters taken up 40.00 including technology 1.2. Total no. of weavers upgradation, covered for loom up- 1000 skill gradation


upgradation, design 1.3. Total no. of weavers development undergone skill 400 etc. upgradation programme

6. Weavers Service Center (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTUPTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. in. cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicators(s) Target Outcome Indicators(s) Target 14,500 1. Improved 1.1. Percentage Increase in 15% 1. To provide skill, up 1.1. Number of earnings average earnings gradation, design weavers skilled

and technological under the 42 support to handloom scheme weavers by liaison with state Governments

7. Other Handloom Schemes (CS) This scheme is related to office expenditure and as such OOMF is not applicable. Financial Outlay of INR 21.8 crore

8. Training and Extension(CS) The particular scheme contains notional allocation only and no tangible activity that has specific targets is being planned for FY 19-20. Hence, it may be excluded from the Output Outcome Budget. Financial Outlay of INR 18.5 crore

9. Design and Technical Upgradation Scheme (CS) FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (RS. in Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20


1.1. Number of Design 1. Create an 100 1. To meet the 1.1. Number of new 3000 Development Workshop infrastructure tastes and technology/prototypes Conducted and enabling preferences of developed environment contemporary for design and market using 1.2. Number of Integrated infrastructure 40 traditional skills Design Development up gradation with the Workshop held introduction of new techniques and 2.Implementatio 2.1. Number of Tool kits 2000 technologies for 70.00 n of design Distributed enhanced programmes production. and tool kits distribution 2.2 Number of artisans to be 6600 for creation of benefited environment of design aspect to meet contemporary market with advancement of knowledge.

10. Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojana (CS) FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUT 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. in cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 120 4000 1.Conduct 1.1. Number of clusters 1. Skill up 1.1 Quality Increase: survey of each wherein the survey is gradation Number of artisans 6.00 artisan conducted Training to the increasing the quality of 60,000 Artisans leading products 1.2 Number of artisans to be to higher surveyed quality of


products 40,000 2000 2. Mobilization 2.1. Number of artisans to be 2. Self Help Group 2.1 Number of SHGs to be of artisans covered under AABY Formed formed groups/SHG formation with office bearers and coverage under AABY

11. Marketing Support and Services (CS) FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (RS. in Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 190 83 crores 1. To Provide 1.1. Number of Marketing 1. Revenues 1.1 Estimated sale of direct Events i.e. Gandhi Shilp generated by handicrafts goods (Rs.) marketing Bazar/Craft the marketing

platform to Bazars/exhibitions events aimed at the organized providing 45.00 handicrafts 1.2. Number of artisans 18000 marketing artisans/Self showcasing their products platform to the Help at the marketing events artisans. Groups/Entrep 1.3. Number of artisans 16000 reneurs benefitted at the marketing events


12. Handicrafts artisans comprehensive welfare scheme (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. in cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 1.1. Number of ID 1. Issuance of Photo 5,00,000 1. To Provide 1.1. Number of artisans 350 cards issued to IdentityCard: Social provided Financial artisans Organizing of Camps Security to Support to artisans under across the country and Handicraft Indigent Circumstance field survey for Artisans enrollment of Handicrafts artisans.

2. Interest Subvention 2.1. Number of 1.2. Number of artisans 2,00,000 1,00,000 Collection of applications provided interest application forms received subvention @6% to the from artisans by field Loan Amount. 26 offices for 2.2. Number of 1,00,000 recommendation beneficiaries of MUDRA loan to the financial banks, providing assistance/support interest subvention to (eg. MUDRA handicrafts artisans LOAN) availing MUDRA loan 2.3. Amount (in INR) PMJJBY/PMSBY 4,00,00,000 4,000 &Converged of interest 1.3. Number of Artisan AamAadmiBima subvented provided Margin Money Yojana by LIC at cap of Rs.10000 2.4. Number of artisans 1,50,000 enrolled by LIC


FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. in cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 3. Financial support 3.1. Number of artisans 300 under indigent benefited under circumstance : component for Provide financial financial support support to master crafts to indigent persons attaining the circumstance age of 60

13. Research and Development – Handicrafts (CS) (R&D) FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. in Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1. Conducting 1.1.No. of Programs, 50 1. 1.1. Number of artisans 2650 Study/ Survey workshops, seminars Benefitt benefitted and creating conducted ing the craft artisans awareness, to 1.2. Number of survey & 10 and upgrade study conducted registration of the 9.50 craft under GI skills Act. 1.3. Number of Brand 10 building workshops conducted

1.4. GI Registration of Crafts 6 (numbers) 190

14. Human Resource Development- Handicrafts (CS) FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. in Cr.)

Target Target 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) 2019-20 2019-20

1. Organize 1.1 Number of Programs 2 1. To provide 1.1 No. of artisans trained 6100 various ‘Training Through qualified and training Established’ conducted trained program for workforce to skill 1.2 Number of Handicrafts 100 the handicraft 1.2 No. of artisans trained 1500 upgradation technical Training Program sector. under Guru Shishya and transfer of conducted Parampara traditional craft 1.3 Number of Soft Skill 100 knowledge to Training Programs new conducted 26.15 generation. 1.4 Number of Training 100 through Guru Shishya Parampara conducted

1.5 Number of Training of the 5 trainers conducted

1.6 Number of Design 2 Mentorship and apprentice program


15. Infrastructure and Technology Development Scheme (CS) FINANCIA L OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. in Cr) Target Target 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) 2019-20 2019-20 1 2400 1. Setting up of 1.1 Number of Raw Material 1. Setting up of 1.1 Number of artisans Raw Material Deport set up Infrastructure will be benefited Depot, project for 1 15% Common 1.2 Number of Common providing 1.2 Percentage increase in Facility centre, Facility Centres set up marketing Handicraft Production Design Banks platform to Volume 1 etc to provide 1.3 Number of Design Banks Handicraft infrastructure set up artisans 11.71 facility for 2 Handicraft 1.4 Number of Urban Haat, Sector Mini Urban Haat set up 6 1.5 Number of other infrastructure (e.g. Emporia, Craft School, craft village, Resource Centre etc) set up

16. Development of other crafts in J&K (CS) Mega Cluster FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. in Cr) Target Target 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) 2019-20 2019-20 12 20-25% 1. To Provide 1.1 Number of Hard 1. To enhance the 1.1 Percentage increase in 0.01 soft Intervention such as competitiveness Handicraft Production intervention- Common Facility Centre of selected Volume in J & K


supply of 64 cluster in terms 1.2 Number of Soft tool kits and of increased Intervention such as hard production and technical and Soft Skill intervention ensuring Training programme, – increased Design Development establishing productivity Workshop, etc. CFC/Design Developmen 1700 20-25% t 1.3 Number of Tool kits/ 1.2 Percentage increase in Centre/Raw looms distributed to all efficiency by the material trained artisans involvement of new Bank for the tools & technique benefit of 3130 15-25% artisans 1.4 Number of artisans 2. To generate 2.1 Average income of the benefitted (Directly-via additional artisans employed in tool kits, indirectly- livelihood handicraft sector (in Workshops) opportunities J&K)

17. Handicraft Cluster Development Program- Handicraft Mega Cluster (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. in Cr) Target Target 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) 2019-20 2019-20 1. To provide 1.1 Number of new Mega 9 1. To enhance the 1.1 Percentage increase in 15-25% soft cluster setup competitivenes Handicraft production intervention s of selected Volume 30.00 (Technical 1.2 Number of new IDPH cluster in terms Training, projects setup 8 of increased Awareness production and Programme, ensuring


Exhibition, increased Design productivity. workshops etc.) and hard intervention 1.3 Number of Tool kits/ 2. To generate 2.1 Percentage increase in 20-25% (CFC/Design looms distributed to all additional efficiency by the 70691 Devt. trained artisans livelihood involvement of new Centre/Raw opportunities tools & technique material Bank etc) 1.4 Number of artisans 2.2 Average income of 15-20% benefitted (Directly-via the artisans employed 84463 tool kits, indirectly- in handicraft sector Workshops)

18Other Handicraft schemes (CS) The particular scheme contains notional allocation for administrative expenditure and no tangible activity that has specific targets is being planned for FY 19-20. Hence, it may be excluded from the Output Outcome Budget. Financial Outlay of INR 41.3 crore

19. Hast Kala Academy (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. in Cr) Target Target 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Outcome Indicator(s) 2019-20 2019-20 30,000 1. To setup a 1.1 Percentage progress of 1. Preservation, 1.1 Estimated visitors in Hastkala the project 100% revival and the museum Academy documentation

(Upgradation of of the hand 1.2 Number of courses to be 2.00 Handicrafts 6 weaving and started Museum into handicrafts in Hastkala 1.3. Number of people Delhi Academy) enrolled in courses 300


20. Integrated Wool Development Programme (IWDP) (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAYS OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs .In Cr) Target Target 2019-20 Output Indicator (s) Outcome Indicator (s) 2019-20 2019-20

(a) Wool Marketing Scheme

1 1 Centre 1. Financial 1.1 Number of mandis covered 1. Increasing in 1.1 Number of centres assistance/ under infrastructure procurement of undertaken under incentives for upgradation wool Development of Formation of Infrastructure

Wool Producers Societies in the 1 1.2 Number of wool producers states and society society formed strengthening infrastructure required for wool marketing 29.00 in existing wool Mandis/ grading centres 10,000 Procureme 2. Procurement of 2.1 Number of sheep breeders 1.2 Procurement of Wool nt of 2.23 wool directly who benefited from the in (Kg) lac kg from sheep Revolving Fund wool breeders under Revolving Fund 100% 3. Development of 3.1 Percentage Progress completion of the e-market for wool Development of e-market for wool through MIS and facility for e-auctions


FINANCIAL OUTLAYS OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs .In Cr) Target Target 2019-20 Output Indicator (s) Outcome Indicator (s) 2019-20 2019-20

(b) Wool Processing Scheme (WPS) (CS)

Establis 500 kg per 1. Establishing 1.1 Number of CFC 1.Improvement in 1.1. Wool quality (in Kg) hment day wool Common Facility established wool quality in terms of more fibre of 1 Centres (CFCs) for and wool length CFC wool processing productivity machines and procured from CFC 12 Approx. 2. Financial assistance 1.2 Number of shearing 1.2. Increase in wool 10 % for sheep shearing machine and tools yield/animal through machines provided machine shearing

(c) HRD & Promotional Activities Scheme (CS)

40 1 1. Training in 1.1 No. of persons trained 1. To undertake 1.1 Number of R&D weaving, carpet research projects commercialized manufacturing activities for or development of manufacturing new products, woollen items new process and diversification of products 1 1.2 Number of training conducted 100% * 2. Research & 2.1 Percentage Progress of 1 2. Standardize 2.1 Indigenous wool Development R&D project indigenous standardized (in Kgs)


FINANCIAL OUTLAYS OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs .In Cr) Target Target 2019-20 Output Indicator (s) Outcome Indicator (s) 2019-20 2019-20 Project for wool- Indian product wool mark, diversifications, branding and development of labelling new process, products 1000 40 3. Operationalizing 3.1 Number of samples 3. Employment 3.1 Number of man-days Wool Testing received for testing generation in of employment Centres the wool sector generated in wool industry

(d) Social Security Scheme (CS)

2500 5000 1. Providing Social 1.1 No. of sheep breeder 1. Increasing 1.1 Coverage: Sheep sheep security for provided with life insurance number of breeders covered/Total breeders sheep sheep breeders sheep breeder under life population insurance

100% 1.2 Settlement: Number of claims settled/Total number of insurance claims

(e) Wool Development Scheme (WDS) (CS)


FINANCIAL OUTLAYS OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs .In Cr) Target Target 2019-20 Output Indicator (s) Outcome Indicator (s) 2019-20 2019-20 15.40 Approx. 1. Provide health 1.1 No. of sheep provided 1. Improving 1.1 Decrease in Mortality lacs 10% care to sheep health care and covered health condition rate of sheep sheep under distribution of quality of sheep and ongoing Rams reduction in 7,00,000 mortality rate 1.2 Sheep population numbers (estimates)

10% 2. Increased wool 2.1 Wool production (in increase in production Kgs) wool production in covered areas.

(f) Angora Wool Development Scheme (AWDS) (CS)

1 1(200 1. Establishing 1.1 Number of Germplasm set 1. Increase in 1.1 Population increase of (100Rab rabbits Germplasm and up rabbit Angora rabbits bits) after 1 Mini Angora population 1 (200 year) Rabbit Farms 1.2 Number of Mini Angora rabbits Farms set up to 10 families ) 5% 140 Kg. in 1.3Proportion of Angora Increase Wool 2.1Wool production (In project population covered/ Total Production Kgs) area population (g) Reconstruction Plan for J&K (Pashmina Promotion Scheme) (CS)


FINANCIAL OUTLAYS OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs .In Cr) Target Target 2019-20 Output Indicator (s) Outcome Indicator (s) 2019-20 2019-20 200 (20 50 Metric 1. Developing 1.1 Number of stock units 1. Increased 1.1Production output (Kg/ goats per Tons pasture farms, established pashmina Metric Tons) of unit) construction of production Pashmina wool shelter for 3 2.60 lacs nomads and 1.2 Number of Fodder Banks 2. Increase 2.1 Pashmina Goat goats, developed Pashmina goat population distribution of population tents, pashmina 80 50 Metric goats, 1.3 Number of shelter sheds 3. Increase 3.1 Pashmina fibre Tons procurement of constructed Pashmina fibre production pashmina wool, growth rate & setting up wool increased yield 3.2Average yield per 250 grams processing animal (in grams) machines, 200 capacity 1.4 Number of Mini 4. Employment 4.1 Number of man-days 200 for building, Pashmina Farms set up generation and of employment Mini publicity and livelihood generated Pashmina marketing of improvement Farm pashmina setup products 4.2 Number of nomads Approx. benefitted 4803 pashmina nomads family 3 1.5 Number of vaccine 5. Increased 5.1 Procurement of Approx. 6 storage centres set up Pashmina Wool pashmina wool (In Metric procured Metric Tons) Tons 4000 1.6 No. of pashmina goats



FINANCIAL OUTLAYS OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs .In Cr) Target Target 2019-20 Output Indicator (s) Outcome Indicator (s) 2019-20 2019-20 1 1.7 No. of processing centre established

** 1.8 No. of workshops (Capacity Building,

Product Diversification and Design Development Workshops, Entrepreneurship Development Programmes) and people participated 100 2. Provision of 2.1 Number of Predator predator Proof Warming Lights procured corral and LED lights 1 3. Provision of 3.1 Number of research genetic study studies conducted and research of Changra Breed 5 National 4. Awareness 4.1 Number of advertising campaigns Programmes on campaigns conducted Govt. and (radio/ National Financial Newspapers/Lifestyle Schemes magazines/Banners) * Targets not amenable for this indicator **Indicator is demand driven


21. Silk Mega Cluster, Mysuru (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY (Rs OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019- Outcome Indicators Targets 20 2019-20 1. Construction 1. 1.Providing 1.1. Creation of 1 of worksheds 1.1. Number of worksheds 25 Common Facility for Common Silk twisting, Facility for silk weaving and twisting, silk processing yarn dyeing, silk 10.0014 fabric processing, embroidery etc. 1.2. Number of 25 industries 2.Employment 2.1.Number of people who are 200 persons industrial units in one SPV Generation Directly Employment established for silk weaving

22. Scheme for Development of Jute Sector (CS) Financial Outlay OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. in Cr.) Target Target 2019-20 2019-20 Output Indicator Outcome Indicator 2019-20 1.1.ISAPM- 1.03 (Rs. Cr.) 1.Implementation of 1.1.Number 1.Implementation 14 (Rs. Cr.) Modernisation and approved activities of of approved Investment: and promotional Regional activities and 25.00 Amount of the schemes in Offices promotional liabilities settled connection with for schemes in 15 development of ensuing connection with

14Subject to Land transfer from the State Govt to the SPV 15 Subject to fund release 201

cultivation, MSP development of manufacture and operation cultivation, marketing of jute manufacture and jute products in and marketing domestic and of jute and jute international products in markets. domestic and international markets.

23. Subsidy to Jute Corporation of India towards market operation (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY (Rs OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20 2019- 20 1. Maintaining 1.1. Number of 141 1. Conducting 1.1. Volume of MSP 5.50 Infrastructure Departmental Centre Minimum procurement from jute lakh in Six States for ensuing MSP Support growers/ farmers, state- qntls. (West operation Price (MSP) wise, whenever situation Bengal, 1.2. Number of Regional operation of so arises Bihar, Offices for ensuing 14 Raw Jute as Assam, MSP operation and when 8.00 Odisha, required. Andhra Pradesh and Tripura) for ensuing MSP operation on need basis. 24. Others – IJIRA, COP, JC (CS) The particular scheme contains notional allocation for administrative expenditure and no tangible activity that has specific targets is being planned for FY 19-20. Hence, it may be excluded from the Output Outcome Budget. Financial Outlay of INR 1.55 crore


25. PowerTex (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY (Rs OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019- Outcome Indicators Targets 20 2019-20 1. The components of the 1.1. Number of 1. Improve quality 1.1. Production:Pro 115200 scheme: powerlooms and productivity of duction Million upgraded under the 63000 looms fabrics being volume of the Square Powerloom up produced enabling cloth produced Metre (i) In-situ Up gradation gradation scheme them to face the on powerloom of plain power loom competition in domestic and international markets.

(ii) Group Work shed 1.2. Number of work 9855 Scheme sheds established (with each work shed 129.08 containing 24 nos. of - shuttle less looms of width up to 230 cm (or) 16 nos. of shuttle less looms of wider width i.e. 230 cm)

(iii) Yarn Bank Scheme 1.3. Number of yarn 6 (knitting & banks established Knitwear)-

(iv) Common Facility 1.4. Number of Common 13 projects centre (CFC) Facility Centres set up


FINANCIAL OUTLAY (Rs OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019- Outcome Indicators Targets 20 2019-20 (v) Pradhan Mantri 1.5. Number of MSME 135(45 PMMY Credit Scheme for units provided with + 90 Stand-up Powerloom credit facility under India)- Weavers- the PRADHAN Powerloom Mudra/Stand-up MANTRI CREDIT SCHEME 90(36 PMMY+54 Stand up)- Knitting & Knitwear

(vi) Solar Energy 1.6. Number of solar 90 Powerloom Scheme photo voltaic panels set up for small powerloom units

(vii) Facilitation, IT, 1.7. Buyer Seller 9 BSM Awareness, Market Meets(BSM), Development and Seminar workshops, 30 Publicity Exposure Visits, Seminar/Work shops 18 Exposure visit


FINANCIAL OUTLAY (Rs OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019- Outcome Indicators Targets 20 2019-20 (viii) Grant-in-aid for 1.8. Number of 58 32 Non-TXC PSCs Powerloom service Provide financial centres covered assistance to under Grant in aid economically weaker low-end powerloom units and for Infrastructure up gradation (ix) Modernization of all 1.9. Number of knitwear 8 (knitting & PSCs. centres covered knitwear modernization clusters)

26. Comprehensive Powerloom Cluster Development scheme (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20 2019-20 2. Development of clusters that have a 2.1. Number of clusters 1 1.Increase in 1.1. Number of 5000 concentration of decentralized completed powerlooms powerlooms brought (estimate) Powerlooms by assistance for 2.2. Number of cluster 1 under under the 25.00 infrastructure, common facilities, approved Clusters comprehensive innovations, technology Powerloom Cluster upgradation and skill development. Development scheme


27. Group Insurance Scheme (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY (Rs OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019- Outcome Indicators Targets 2019-20 20 1. Enrol workers 1.1. Number of 2,00,000 1. To provide 1.1. Percentage (GoI 80% (meeting the for life insurance powerloom insurance contribution) of terms and conditions workers which cover to the claims settled of LIC) have been powerloom enrolled in workers in case insurance of natural 5.00 coverage scheme death, accidental death as well as partial and permanent disability due to accident.


28. Integrated Processing Development Scheme (IPDS) (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs OUTCOMES 2019-20 in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20

1. The IPDS 1.1. No. of 1. Facilitate the 2 projects 1.1 Number of 855 units would create projects textile industry to processing units new approved and become globally supported with processing completed competitive using ZLD systems parks as well for environmentally as support the addressing friendly up gradation the needs of processing of existing the existing standards and processing textile/ technology clusters clusters specifically in 3.50 the area of water and 1.2. Amount 2. Promote research Rs.32.50 crores 2.1 Water (in 14.8 MLD waste water sanctioned by and development Million Litres per management GOI for the for a cleaner Day) recovered projects technology in the (i.e. treated post processing sector. processing by the ZLD plant) from the ZLD-ETP


29. Scheme for Integrated Textiles Parks (SITP)(CS)

FINANCIAL OUTLAY (Rs OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20

1. Sanctioning 1.1. Number of 1. Created new 1.1. Number of 6 366 units and on-going parks of textiles units completion projects international set up textiles Park completed standards at i.e. are potential

functional growth 1.2. Number of centres 1.2. Employment 1 40658 persons projects generated: sanctioned (Presently, 7 number of jobs 20.00 vacancies are created/ there and the number of scheme is individuals industry demand employed driven) 1.3. Total value of Rs.1706.54 crore investment in the textile parks


30. Workers' Hostel (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs OUTCOMES 2019-20 in Cr) 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20

1. Sanction of 1.1. Number of 1 1. Provide a safe and 1.1. Number of 815 workers workers' workers' secured workers hostel hostel accommodation for using the 1.00 sanctioned the workforce hostel and total facilities capacity

31. Assistance to Textile Committee (CS) The particular scheme contains notional allocation for administrative expenditure and no tangible activity that has specific targets is being planned for FY 19-20. Hence, it may be excluded from the Output Outcome Budget. Financial Outlay of INR 30 crore

32. Flatted Factory cum Incubation (CS)


Targets 2019-20 Output Indicators Targets 2019-20 Output Indicators 2019-20

1. Build incubation 1.1. Number of Completion of at 1. Promote 1.1. Number of 20-25 centres incubation least 1 incubation entrepreneurship in entrepreneurs / 4.00 centres built and centres with 3 apparel unit holders post number of incubates manufacturing incubation incubates


2. Skill 2.1. Number of Completion of at least 2. Generate additional 2.1. Number of jobs 250 development for training held and 1 incubation centres employment (estimates) created workers number of people with 3 incubates opportunities in the apparel trained which in turn will manufacturing by provide training to the incubates 600 workers (max.) 3. Enable market 3.1. Number of linkages for the domestic/ foreign 1 Domestic/Foreign incubates exhibitions held and the estimated 200 (max) attendance

33. Remission of State Levies (ROSCTL) (CS) Cabinet approved the new scheme of rebate of state and central taxes and levies (ROSCTL) on 7.3.2019. There is no budgetary implication of ROSCTL scheme as rebate of taxes/levies has been permitted through an IT driven script system by DGFT on the duty foregone principle.

34. Pradhan Mantri Paridhan Rojgar Protsahan Yojana (PMPRPY) (CS) The scheme has been subsumed under the umbrella scheme that is Pradhan Mantri RojgharProtsahan Yojana (PMRPY) of the Ministry of Labour wef 1.4.2018. Financial Outlay of INR 0.05 crore

35. Export Promotion Studies (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1.To take up domain 1.1. Number of 2 1.Facilitate in 1.1 Number of 2 specific Research research studies policy studies that Studies to develop a undertaken making and in contributed to better understanding of decision policy 1.00 the Textile Sector with taking making/resulte a view to formulate d in policy for improving commercializat textile production & ion export


36. Textiles Labour Rehabilitation Scheme (CS) The scheme has been transferred to Ministry of Labour And Employment. The current amount is for settling the previous claims. Hence, it may be excluded from the Output Outcome Budget. Financial Outlay of INR 1.5 crore 37. Others – (TRAs,COP) (CS) The particular scheme contains notional allocation only and no tangible activity that has specific targets is being planned for FY 19-20. Hence, it may be excluded from the Output Outcome Budget. Financial Outlay of INR 10.2 crore

38.Integrated Scheme for Skill Development Financial Outlay OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 (Rs. in Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicators Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicators Target 2019-20 1. Increasing the 1.1.No. of people 4.00 lakh 1.Improvement in 1.1.Number and 2.80 lakh persons number of people trained persons employment percentage of (70% of trained persons being trained and statistics of the skilled persons in wage employment) 100.50 placed in textile target groups in gainfully sector the target areas employed in in textile sector relevant sector

39. R and D Textiles (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019- 2019-20 2019-20 20 1. Strengthening of 1.1 Number of projects 15 1. Supporting various 1.1. Number of * projects under completed projects for promotion patents filed R&D Scheme. of technology and 0.01 dissemination of 1.2 Number of * activities in textiles projects and jute section commercialised

* Targets not amenable for this indicator


40. National Institute of Fashion Technology (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUT 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) Target 2019- 2019-20 Output Indicator (s) Outcome Indicator (s) Target 2019-20 20 1. NIFT Rae 1.1. Percentage 100% 1. Effective operations of 1.1. Number of courses 5 courses Bareilly progress the campus completion of 1.2. Number of students 481 students the campus 2. Setting up of 2.1. Percentage 60% 2.Effective operations of 2.1. Number of students 740 NIFT J&K progress the campus who will benefit from Campus completion of the hostel facilities the campus 3. Setting up 3. Enrolling incubates 3.1. Number of people 4 300 for FY 19-20 NIFT Design 3.1. Number of enrolled in incubation 29.00 Innovation incubators set [Incubator will centres 1500 FY 24-25 Incubator up along with be set-up in requisite Delhi (1), equipment Mumbai (1)& Bangalore(2)] 4. Setting up of 4.1.Percentage 4. Effective operations of 4.1.Number of courses 100% 3 courses NIFT progress the campus Shillong completion of Campus the campus 4.2.Number of students 270 41. Technology Mission on Cotton (CS) The particular scheme contains notional allocation only and no tangible activity that has specific targets is being planned for FY 19-20. Hence, it may be excluded from the Output Outcome Budget. Financial Outlay of INR 0.01 crore

42. Technology Mission on Knitwear (CS) The particular scheme contains notional allocation only and no tangible activity that has specific targets is being planned for FY 19-20. Hence, it may be excluded from the Output Outcome Budget. Financial Outlay of INR 0.01 crore


43. Technology Mission on Technical Textiles (CS) The particular scheme contains notional allocation only and no tangible activity that has specific targets is being planned for FY 19-20. Hence, it may be excluded from the Output Outcome Budget. Financial Outlay of INR 0.01 crore

44. NER Textiles Promotion Scheme (CS) FINANCIA L OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. in Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20


a) Powerloom 41 1.Increase in 339.22 1.Setting up of 1.1.No. of Powerloom 1.1.Increase in production production in cloths Meters Powerloom units set up volume of cloths Units by constructing 831 worksheds 1.2.Increase in production Lakhs and value of cloths installation of semi- automatic powerlooms in Manipur b) Handloom 180 CDPs & 15% 1. Cluster 1.1.Number of projects 1.Increase in 1.1.Percentage Increase in 01 TUP Development for which Committed average wages average earning of the ongoing Projects liability resolved weaver in the year Project. (CDPs) & Technology Upgradation Project


(TUP)16 34 15% 2.Marketing 2.1.Number of marketing 2.Increase in sale 2.1.Percentage increase in Promotion of events organized of Handloom sale of Handloom goods NER under the program goods Handloom Products: Providing Marketing platform to Handloom Producers and Weavers in North East

c) Apparel and Garmenting 200 Workers 1.Development 1.1. Number of workers

of undergoing training


Employment generation 3 Domestic 1.2. Number of events and 1 (domestic/foreign) international participated in

d) Handicraft Sector 250 10% 1.Integrated 1.1. Number of artisans 1.Production, sale 1.1. Percentage increase in

Development trained & income of production

of Hand artisans will be 6 clusters crafted 1.2.Number of clusters increased. Bamboo, where Skill Mapping Natural Fibre and Baseline Surveys and textile conducted

16 Out of 287 CDPs, 180 CDPs of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram, Megalaya, Sikkim and Tripura (except 92 of Assam and 15 of Nagaland which have been discountinued) & 01 TUP in Sikkim will be completed. 214

based Clusters 1 6% 1.4.Number of CFC 1.2. Percentage increase in for Nagaland constructed income – Govt. of

Nagaland (Directorate of Industries), Kohima 1 10% 2. 2.1.Number of CFC set 2. Production, sale 2.1. % increase in Comprehensiv up & income of production e artisans will be 150 6% Development 2.2.Number of increased. 2.2. % increase in income beneficiaries of Terracotta beneficiaries Crafts at Manipur – Govt. of Manipur(MH HDC Ltd., Imphal) 1 10% 3.Comprehensive 3.1.Number of CFC set 3.Production, sale 3.1. % increase in

Development up & income of production

of Terracotta artisans will be

Crafts at increased. Tripura – 150 6% 3.2.Number of 3.2. % increase in income Govt. of beneficiaries beneficiaries Tripura (Director, Indl. Agartala, Tripura) 1 10% 4.Setting up of 4.1.Number of craft 4.Production, sale 4.1. % increase in

Integrated villages set up & income of production Textile artisans will be

Tourism 1 increased. 4.2.Number of training Complex at Nongpoh, centres set up


Meghalaya(Di 1 4.2. % increase in income 6% 4.3.Number of rectorate of production centre set Sericulture & up Weaving) 10 10% 5.Integrated 5.1.Number of integrated 5.Production, sale 5.1. % increase in

Design design development & income of production

Development project artisans will be

Project with increased.

Marketing 300 10% linkage – 5.2.Number of people 5.2. % increase in income (CCIC, New benefitted Delhi) 7 2450 6.Project of 6.1.Number of CFCs set 6.Production, sale 6.1.Employment (direct &

Integrated up & income of indirect) Development artisans will be 125 to of Hand- increased. 6.2.Increase in Working 225 Crafted days

Bamboo, 60% Natural Fibre 6.3.Increase in Production

and Textile based cluster Rs.3500/- 6.4.Increase in Income in 7 cluster of to 5000/- Assam, (ARTFED, Guwahati) 1 5000 7.Strengthening 7.1.Number of testing 7.Production, sale 7.1.Number of artisans of Bamboo & facilities set up & income of benefitted Cane artisans will be Development increased. Institute for


Promotion of 2 At least 7.2.Number of exposure 7.2. Percentage Increase Bamboo & 25% visit programs the income for the Cane artisans Handicrafts on a sustainable basis at BCDI, Agartala. By NCDPD, New Delhi 17 8.Integrated 8.1.Number of Design 8. Production, sale 8.1.Employment (direct & 4000 Development and Technical & income of indirect) generated

and workshops conducted artisans will be Promotion of increased. 10 Handicrafts in 8.2.Number of marketing 8.2.Increase in Working 155 to Manipur by exhibitions days 225 MHHDC, 510 20% Imphal 8.3.Number of artisans 8.3.Percentage Increase in

benefitted Production 5 25% 8.4.Number of CFC set 8.4. Percentage Increase in

up Income 3,000 8.5.Number of toolkit distributed

e) Sericulture Sector 1. Increasing 1.1 Ongoing Projects 24 1. Improvement 1.1 Productivity 80 Kg. of production of in productivity Improvement raw silk per silk and and quality, ha. of providing Increase in mulberry skilling silk plantation


1.2 New Projects 14 production, 1.2 Renditta required 7.9 Kg. of and cocoon Employment. required to The main produce 1 focus is for kg. of raw the production silk - of import Bivoltine 1.3 Total Projects 38 substitute 1.3 Enhancement in Raw 1500 silk production (MT) bivoltine silk 1.4 Plantation (Acre) 38,170 1.4 Employment 3.16 and vanya Generation (Lakh Nos.) silks viz., Eri 1.5 Production of Raw and Muga to Silk (MTs) 1,500 improve the quality of silk 1.6 Of which production 614 to compete in of Import Substitute Raw International silk (MTs) Market. 1.7 Capacity Building and Skill upgradation: Total beneficiaries 63,235



1. Tourism Infrastructure: Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spiritual Augmentation Drive (PRASHAD) (CS) FINANCIA OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 L OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) Outputs Indicator(s) Target Outcomes Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 2019-20 1. Project Sanctioned under PRASAD 1.1 Total No. of projects 39 1.Employm 1.1. No. of people 5,850 Scheme sanctioned ent DIRECTLY generated; employed in Increased religious tourist destinations traffic/Skill under PRASHAD 2. Development/ up-gradation of 2.1 No. of sanctioned projects 15 and 1.2. No. of 14,00,00,000 infrastructure facilities around completed till 31.03.2019 capacity tourist/ pilgrims Pilgrimage/ Heritage destinations. building to visiting the 3. Infrastructure 3.1 % completion of remaining 45% augment destinations each interventions/components such as in progress out of the tourism year Tourist Information Centre (TIC), projects mentioned above. with value Tourist Facilitation Centre (TFC), added 160.50 Light and Sound how, Clock room, service Drinking & Water Outlets, Parking etc. 4. Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) 4.1 No. of Concepts Planned 10 prepared for each projects (for each site) 4.2 No. of DPRs prepared for 10 projects 5 Appraisal of DPRs done; 5.1 No of DPRs appraisals 10 completed in FY2018

6 Periodic Project Monitoring 6.1 No. of projects Monitoring 240 reports; reports prepared in FY2018


2. Promotion and Publicity: Overseas Promotion and Publicity including Market Development Assistance (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) Outputs Indicator(s) Target Outcomes Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 2019-20 1. Joint promotions/ 1.1 Joint promotions/ 120 1. To augment 1.1 % increase in arrival of * Promotional Promotional functions/ foreign tourist foreign tourist annually functions/ events, events, India arrivals India Evenings/Food Festivals Evenings/Food organized (standalone Festivals and in collaboration with (standalone and in other organizations) collaboration with other organizations) 2. Trade Fairs and 2.1 No. of trade fairs & 80 2. To increase 2.1 % increase in Annual * Exhibitions exhibitions participated foreign exchange growth rate in foreign earnings exchange earnings from 446.2 Tourism 3. Know India 3.1 No. of Know India 50 Seminars/ Road Seminars/ Road Shows Shows organized 4. Advertisements in 4.1 No. of publications / TV 240 print/ electronic/ channels/ online/ digital online/ digital sites and outdoor units in media andoutdoor which advertisements released 5. Printing of 5.1 No. of Brochures printed/ 70 Brochures/ Brochures support Brochure Support extended 6. Hospitality 6.1 No. of Hospitality guests 400

program hosted


FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) Outputs Indicator(s) Target Outcomes Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 2019-20 7. Marketing 7.1 No. of service providers 100 Development that received Marketing Assistance Development Assistance * Targets not amenable for this indicator

3. Promotion and Publicity: Domestic Promotion and Publicity including Hospitality (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) Outputs Indicator(s) Target Outcomes Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 2019-20 1. Region specific 1.1 No. of region specific 4 1. Create 1.1 % increase in * campaigns and general campaigns general overall campaigns awareness domestic 2. Campaigns through 2.1 No. of general/all India 8 for tourist visits Mass media like TV, campaigns including promotion (DTV) Radio, News Paper social media campaigns and annually and Magazine development 129.50 3. Events organized for 3.1 No. of events organized 4 of domestic promotion and for promotion and tourism publicity purposes publicity purposes 4. Events organized as 4.1 No. of events where 30 per demand by other financial support is institutions provided to other agencies/institutions * Targets not amenable for this indicator


4. Assistance to IHMS/FCIs/IITTM etc. (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) Outputs Indicator(s) Target Outcomes Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 2019-20 1. Setting up and operationalization 1.1 No. of institutes to 4 1. Increase in no. of 1.1 Increase in no. 120 under of Institutes of Hotel Management be operational from seats of seats in the graduate seats & Catering Technology & new created institutes Applied Nutrition (IHMs), Food infrastructure 240 – diploma Craft Institutes (FCIs), Indian courses Institute of Tourism & Travel 1.2 No. of ongoing 14 2. Providing trained 2.1 Total no. of 100% 82.89 Management (IITTM)/ Indian projects to be and skilled trained and Culinary Institute (ICI) etc. financially assisted personnel skilled personnel 1.3 No. of existing 6 relevant to from these institutes to be tourism and its institutes placed strengthened allied sector in Hospitality industry


5. Training and Skill Development: Capacity Building for Service Providers (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) Outputs Indicator(s) Target Outcomes Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 2019-20 1. Fresh/New service 1.1 No. of fresh/new 21175 1. To create job 1.1 % of placement or 70% providers trained service providers opportunities in both self-employment of trained under skill rural and urban areas successfully certified development trainees category 2. Existing service 2.1 No. of existing 10780 2. To provide 2.1 % increase in 10% providers trained service providers education, training number of service 38.00 trained under re- and certification to providers skilling category the existing service providers 3. Tourism awareness 3.1 No. of Tourism 875 programmes awareness

organized programmes organized


6. Other Support to Tourist Infrastructure: Market Research Professional Services (MRPS) (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) Outputs Indicator(s) Target Outcomes Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 2019-20 1. Undertaking Tourism 1.1 Number of tourism 7 1. Making 1.1 Number of completed 7 related Surveys, Studies, related Surveys, available Surveys, Studies, Plans, Plans, Market Research/ Studies, Plans, Market relevant Market Research/ feasibility feasibility studies/ etc. for Research/ feasibility data/ studies, based on which the policy making and studies conducted / information actionable (i.e. accepted) planning purposes. supported from the Plan / report/ recommendations were drawn Scheme. inputs to for further follow up action. the Ministry for policy making and planning purposes. 2. Providing Central 2.1 Number of projects for 2 2. Making 2.1 Number of CFA granted 2 Financial Assistance which CFA granted to available projects, the reports of which 5.00 (CFA) to States / UTs for States / UTs for relevant were accepted by the undertaking Master Plans/ undertaking Master data/ concerned State / UT. Concept Plans / feasibility Plans/ Concept Plans / information studies and conducting feasibility studies and / report/ statistical surveys and conducting statistical inputs to studies related to tourism. surveys and studies the States / related to tourism. UTs for policy making and planning purposes. 3. Providing support to 3.1 Numbers of workshops 12 4 Promoting 4.1 The number of participants 1200 reputed Research / / seminars supported. academic who found the discussions of Educational Institutes for research in the Conferences / Workshops conducting Conferences / the field of / Seminars useful. 224

FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) Outputs Indicator(s) Target Outcomes Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 2019-20 Workshops/ Seminars/ etc. tourism. in the field of tourism. 3.2 Numbers of Research 3 4.2 No. of academic papers/books 2 journals supported. etc. publications published during FY 2019-20



1. National Fellowship and Scholarship for Higher Education of ST Students (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY (Rs. OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 in. cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicators(s) Target Outcome Indicators(s) Target 2019- 2019-20 20

1. To encourage the ST students 1.1 No. of ST Students 1000 1. Increase 1.1 Increase in the number * with the lowest literacy levels given the scholarship in the of ST Students

in the country, to acquire for higher education number completing the higher higher education in the form of ST education course of fellowships students 1.2 No. of ST Students 750 completi To create qualified professionals given the fellowship ng the to hold posts of teachers / for higher education higher 100.00 professionals and other higher educatio stages of employment n course 1.3. No. of higher * 1.2 Number of ST Students * education institutions completing the course covered under the during the year who scheme have availed fellowship

* Targets not amenable for this indicator


2. Scholarship to ST Students for Studies Abroad (CS)

FINANCIAL OUTLAY (Rs. OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 in. cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicators(s) Target Outcome Indicators(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 1.1. Increase in the number 1. To 1.1. No. of ST 20 1. Increase in the * of ST Students in the encourage Students given the number of ST existing course the ST scholarship to students students to study abroad completing the pursue higher

higher education 2.00 studies at course masters 1.2. Amount of Funds * 1.2. Number of ST * level and disbursed from Students completed the upwards centre to State and course during the year UTs for the


* Targets not amenable for this indicator


3. Support to National/State Schedule Tribes Finance and Development Corporation (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY (Rs. OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 in. cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicators(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicators(s) Target 2019-20

1. Identification of 1.1. No. of ST 1,00,000 1. ST 1.1 Number of families whose 20000 ST families and persons provided (approx.) families household income increased motivating them assistance in this successfu substantially with the to undertake scheme lly intervention economic undertaki

development ng activities. Economi c 2. Financial 1.2. Quantum of 270 Crores developm assistance on financial ent low rate of assistance 80.00 activities interest to provided to reduce the States under the repayment scheme (in INR

liability Crores) 3.Link/Tie up with 1.3 No. of Poverty * other poverty alleviation alleviation programmes programmes identified for tie up

* Targets not amenable for this indicator


4. Tribal Institutional Support for Development and Marketing of Tribal Product (TRIFED etc.) (CS)

FINANCIAL OUTLAY (Rs. OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 in. cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicators(s) Target Outcome Indicators(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 1.Comprehensive 1.1 No. of 88 1. Increased 1.1 Number of households 75,000 Support for activities/festi economic whose financial income people belonging vals provided activity increased with the said to various Tribes support under and support in areas of comprehensive livelihood

production, support generation product scheme activities development, for the 1.2. No. of ST 1900 1.2 Percentage Completion of 100% 83 support for forest tribal artisans/crafts projects as per and agricultural groups men benefitted memorial/thematic action produce, from the plan government support agencies for sustainable 1.3 Number of minutes / * marketing reports issued.

* Targets not amenable for this indicator


5. Aid to Voluntary Organizations working for Welfare of Scheduled Tribes (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. in. cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicators(s) Target Outcome Indicators(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 1. Organization 1.1 No. of 65,000 1. Completion rate of 1.1. No. of students * / individuals beneficiaries students who received promoted to one supported benefits in education in the next class under education sector Residential School/ Non- programme Residential School and

those who availed 110.00 benefits of education given.

1.2 No. of 8,50,000 2. Number of 10-bedded 2.1 No. of persons * beneficiaries Hospitals/Mobile availing the service benefitted in Dispensaries in service. treated at the hospital / health sector mobile dispensary * Targets not amenable for this indicator

6. Eklavya Model Residential School (EMRS) (CS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. in. cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicators(s) Target Outcome Indicators(s) Target 2019-20 2019-20 1. Setting up of new 1.1 No. of EMRS set up 150 1. Increase in 1.1 Increase in numbers 8973 0.31 Ekalavya Model enrolment of enrolment of ST Residential School of ST students in EMRS

(EMRS) students


7. Vanbandhu Kalyan Yojana (CSS) - Minimum Support Price to Minor Forest Produce (MSP to MFP) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. in. cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicators(s) Target 2019- Outcome Indicators(s) Target 2019- 20 20 1. Various 1.1. No. of 2,50,000/- 1. Market 1.1 No. of district/GP where ** activities beneficiaries who Price Cooperatives/LAMPS in

undertaken as benefitted from Stability, and functional and providing indicated in MSP for MFP Price increase services MSP Scheme received 1.2. Market Price Stability * measured as deviations in market price 1.3. Quality of value-added * MFP - sold

1.4. Average Price increase * 130 received 1.2. No. of 80,000 Beneficiaries who benefitted through procurement at Haat Bazaars 1.3. No. of SHGs 2,660 SHGs 17 who benefitted from Value addition and Marketing Facilities * Targets not amenable for this indicator **Indicator is demand driven

17each SHG comprises of 30 individuals 231

8. Support to Tribal Research Institutes (TRIs) (CSS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. in. cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicators(s) Target 2019- Outcome Indicators(s) Target 2019- 20 20 1. Research 1.1 No. of 45 1.Identification 1.1 Number of projects ** studies, research and of problems completed as per Museum/M evaluation and action plan emorial studies shortcoming Seminars received

1.2 No. of 6 2.Conservation 1.2 Number of 6 100.00 proposal of cultural memorials completed received for aspects as per thematic action Museum / plan Memorial 1.3 No. of 4 3.Recognition 1.3 Number of minutes / ** proposal of problem reports issued. received for area seminar **Indicator is demand driven



1. Integrated Child Development Services – Scheme for Adolescent Girls (CSS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 (no. in lakh) 1. Provision of 1.1 Number of 12.5 lakh 1. 1.1 Percentage reduction 2% reduction from the nutritional and adolescent girls Improved of AGs with BMI below level of NFHS 4 health registered with AWCs health and prescribed level of 18.52 supplements, given: nutritional mainstreaming status of and skilling to adolescen adolescent girls t girls a) Supplementary 12.5 lakh 1.2 Percentage of AGs 53.2 % of the Nutrition diagnosed with anemia target (i.e. 6.7 lakh). through SAG b) IFA tablets 12.5 lakh 1.3 Percentage reduction 3% per Annum (target of AGs with anemia of POSHAN Abhiyaan) c) Health check up 12.5 lakh 2. Out of 2.1 Numberof out of 4 lakh 300 school school AGs registered girls are with SAG, who rejoined motivated school to join school system d) Nutrition and Health 10 lakh 3. To 3.1 Total number of 12.5 lakh Education improve AGs registered with e) Counselling on home 10 lakh the KishoriSamoohs management coverage f) Mainstreaming into 4 of SAG formal/ non formal throughou education/skill training t the i) Life skills education 10 country


FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 (no. in lakh) j) Assistance accessing 10 public services 2. Conducting 2.1 Number of 12 events of events to KishoriDiwas events (once in a month) provide held nutrition and non-nutrition services to AGs

2. Integrated Child Development Services - National Creche Scheme (CSS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019- Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 20 1. number of 1.1 Number of 8000 1. Children covered 1.1 Number of children 200000 functional functional crèches under the creche covered under the National crèches scheme Creche Scheme 1.2 Percentage of 0% 2. Working parents 2.1 Number of parents (mother 200000 vacancies at the level provided daycare or father) provided with of crèche worker and facilities enabling daycare facilities 50 crèche helper them to work 1.3 Number of 8000 crèches with functional toilets 1.4 Number of 8000 crèches with drinking water supply


3. Mission for Empowerment of Women - Mahila Shakti Kendra (CSS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1. Creation of 1.1 State 36 States/UTs 1. Achieve 1.1 % of women covered 100% infrastructure Resource Centre holistic in the selected blocks for National for Women empowerment through awareness and Mission for (SRCW) set up of women outreach activities of Empowerment under the through MSK of Women respective convergence of States/UT schemes/progra Governments in mmes of all States/UTs different 1.2 Number of 640 districts Ministries/Depa 1.2 % of women 100% of women District Level rtment of demanding services out of demanding services out of 150 Centre for Government of the women reached the women reached Women (DLCW) India as well as set up State 1.3 Number of 115 Governments. 1.3 % of women provided 50% of the women blocks in the aspirational/bac with government scheme demanding services selected 65 kward districts benefits/services out of Districts (for six months) total women demanding providing MSK such services convergent services for empowering women


4. Mission for Empowerment of Women – Swadhar Greh (CSS)

FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1. Provision of 1.1 Additional 65 1. Successful 1.1 Number of women 3000 services number of rehabilitation of rehabilitated through: through Swadhar Grehs women a) wages/self-employment establishing operationalized b) through mainstreaming in SwadharGrehs (providing all society/family out of total services) women admitted into the 1.2 Number of 195 SwadharGrehs vacancies in the 50 following positions: Resident Superintendent, Counsellor, and Medical Doctor 1.3 Total number 16500 of beneficiaries in 2019-20

5. Mission for Empowerment of Women- Ujjawala (CSS)

FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1. Prevention of 1.1 Additional 25 1. Providing an 1.1 Number of women 2500 trafficking, rescue numbers of opportunity to live in rehabilitated and rehabilitation, Ujjawala projects society and sell 30 reintegration, and including support to women repatriation of the Ujjawala(Protective who are forced into victims of and Rehabilitative) menace of trafficking 236

FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 trafficking homes 1.2 Total number of 5800 1.2 Number of women 1155 beneficiaries in beneficiaries reintegrated into society out 2019-20 of rehabilitated women 1.3 Number of repatriated 25 victims to their country

6. Mission for Empowerment of Women- Working Women Hostel (CSS)

FINANCIA OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 L OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1. To promote 1.1 Number 80 1. Successful 1.1 Number of hostels become 25 availability of of new (75 – establishment of operationalized/functioning safe and hostels construction hostels conveniently sanctioned 5 - rental basis) 165 located accommodatio n for working women

7. Home for Widows (CS) at Vrindavan (CSS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1. Provision of 1.1 A Home for Widows to 162 beneficiaries 1. Increase in 1.1 Total Number 200 15 services accommodate 1000 to provide the the number of of Beneficiaries through widows a safe and secure place of beneficiaries during 2019-20 237

FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 establishing stay, health services, nutritious Homes for food, legal and counselling Widows services. 1.2 Number of vacancies in the 0 following positions; Resident Superintendent, Counsellor, and Medical Doctor

8. Mission for Empowerment of Women- Gender Budgeting and Research, Publication and Monitoring (CSS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1. Training of 1.1 Number of 50% of the 1. Increased gender 1.1 Number of At least 5 officers of total participants total responsive Ministries/ Ministries/Departments Central with enhanced participants interventions across Departments which would have increased Ministries/ knowledge on trained Central Ministries/ have gender responsive Gender responsive Departments on Gender Departments interventions Interventions Gender Responsive Budgeting with Budgeting among key Officers of stakeholders Central 7 Government. 2. Enhanced 2.1 Number of 5 capacity Gender Ministries/depa building to Budgeting Cells rtments result in in Central increased Ministries/ gender Departments responsive strengthened/for interventions med to increase across Central gender


FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Ministries/ responsive Departments interventions for promoting gender equality 3. Relevant and 3.1 Final 04 2. To support 2.1 Number of research 02 good research submission of research/evaluation projects that may feed Study and Study Report works and dialogue into policy and Seminars/Conf with findings and on the issues programme erences on recommendations concerning women improvement and women and . and children in the formulation of new child centric country towards polices on Women and issues which bridging children would be information gaps helpful in and to help policy and improving ongoing programme interventions and improvement policy formulation and 3.2 Number of 26 formulation of ongoing research new polices on projects Women and 3.3 Number of 04 children new projects 4. Internship 4.1 No, of young 100 3. Young/Students 3.1 No. of interns 100 Programme Students/Scholars Scholars will be undergone training undergone oriented. from different internship universities. programme.


9. Mission for Empowerment of Women- Information and Mass Education (CSS)

FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1. Primary 1.1 Number of: 1. Empowering 1.1 Estimated number of activities i) Advertisements women and children of people reached: Media 84,75,98,48 include through print media; 10 the country with the activities cover pan India. 3 dissemination aim of changing the (70 % of the total of information mindset of the people population) through print and raising awareness/ media/ ii) campaigns through 5 dissemination of electronic TV spots; information of media/ social policies/ programmes/ media, outdoor, activities pertaining to

organizing women and children

exhibition iii) campaigns welfare, legislative 3 series, through Radio interventions and 130 publication of advertisements schematic intervention booklets and (public and private); among the general other forms of public through print dissemination media/ electronic of information iv) campaigns through 1 media/ social media, o reach out to SMSs outdoor, organizing 67% of the exhibition series, total population publication of booklets of the country. V) outdoor campaigns and other forms of dissemination of 8 information


10. Mission for Empowerment of Women – Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (CSS)

Financial OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 Outlay (Rs. in Crore)

2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1. Nation Wide 1.1 Percentage of 75% 1.To prevent 1.1 Sex Ratio at Birth at Improve the Sex Ratio at awareness and people reached gender biased National level Birth (SRB) by 2 points

advocacy through mass media sex selective per year. (SRB- 929) campaigns to campaigns nationally elimination arrest declining As per the HMIS data of

Child Sex Ratio MoH&FW of F.Y. 2017- by transforming 18* societal mind-set towards valuing 1.2 Child Sex Ratio CSR- 918 (as per Census Girl Child 2011) Child Sex Ratio is decadal 280 and counted by Registrar General of India once in ten year. Next Census will be in 2021

2. To ensure 2.1 Numbers of 1st At least 1% increase per survival and trimester ANC year of Ist Trimester ANC 1.2 Percentage of 80% protection of the registrations at National Registration. people reached in girl child level selected districts (ANC-1,87,71113) (ANC, 1,85,85,260) As per the HMIS data of MoH&FW of F.Y. 2017- 18*18

18* Data for F.Y. 2018-19 is awaited 241

Financial OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 Outlay (Rs. in Crore)

2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20

2.2 Percentage of At least 1.5 % increase Institutional deliveries at per year of Institutional national level Deliveries

3. To ensure 3.1 GER of female student GER for girls at education and at secondary level secondary levels is participation of measured on an annual GER - 80.5119** (as per the girl child basis through U-DISE. It U-DISE 2017-18) captures the overall impact of drop outs and retention. GER for secondary level target for the F.Y. 2019- 20 is not shared by MoHRD.

19** (as per U-DISE 2017-18 is PROVISION). Final data for F.Y. 2017-18 is awaited from MoHRD 242

11. Mission for Empowerment of Women - Women Helpline (CSS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1. 1.1 Operationalisation 1. To provide 1.1 Number of effective 40,000 calls Implementati Implementation of Women Helpline immediate calls received (10,000 calls per on of of (181) in every response to quarter*)20 universalizati universalization State/UT women on of WHL of WHL in 36 affected by 1.2 % of calls referred * in 36 States/UTs violence to to OSCs States/UTs overcome the 17.78 1.3 % of calls referred to * discriminatio authorities other than n and OSCs violence against women in society

* Targets not amenable for this indicator

12. Mission for Empowerment of Women- One Stop Center (CSS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 274 1. 1.1 Number Operationalisationof 1. Address the 1.1 Number of cases 10,000 cases*21 Operationalizatio of OSCs 728 sanctioned issue of violence registered n of OSCs operationalize OSCs (presently 506 against women (2500 cases per d against OSCs have been and girls and quarter) sanctioned operationlized and create

20Calls in WHL are mostly by women in distress on need basis. To project a target number of calls in WHLs i.e. Women in distress or women affected by violence is neither appropriate nor desirable. However, the target has been projected on the basis of calls registered so far- especially the quarterly data. 21Cases in OSCs are mostly by women in distress on need basis. To project a target number of cases registered in OSC and WHL i.e. Women in distress or women affected by violence is neither appropriate nor desirable. However, the target has been projected on the basis of cases registered so far- especially the quarterly data. 243

FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 OSCs balance 222 (728- community-based 506) OSCs are mechanisms targeted to be which ensure operationalized. security in private and public places 2. Expansion of 2.1 Number Approval of one 1.2 % of women provided 25 OSC into of districts in OSC per district has with the needed services out additional which OSCs already been done of women registering cases districts expanded and hence, saturation of target has been achieved. However number may be increased on the basis of demand from States / UTs

13. Mahila Police Volunteers (CSS) FINANCIAL OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOME 2019-20 OUTLAY (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Target 2019-20 1. Engagement 1.1 Number 65 Districts 1. Facilitate 1.1 Number of report of *22 of Mahila Police of Districts women in distress incidents of violence Volunteers coved under against women 7.01 (MPVs) in 65 MPV Districts covering all States/UTs

22Since the scheme is under initial phase of implementation, target cannot be quantified at this stage. As such, since base data is not available so expected/ estimated figures may not be provided at this stage. 244


1. National Service Scheme (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Targets 2019-20 1. Opportunity to 1.1. Total Enrolment of NSS 1. Mobilise 1.1 Level of Sustain level of participate in number of volunteers: 36 Lakhs youth for participation participation in various activities volunteers community in the NSS view of the facts participation  Adoption of engagement activities that no. of NSS /activities villages/slums : 17500 and compared to units remain undertaken undertaking last year fixed at 40,000  Special Camps in voluntary and per adopted villages/Slums : work volunteer cost 17500 also remain fixed at Rs 250  NSS Awards: 52 and a volunteer is active under 160 NSS for 2 years  National Integration only (for 240 Camps (NIC):15 hours of

voluntary work)

 North East NSS Youth Festivals : 03

 Adventure Activities: 1200 volunteers

 Republic Day Parade Camp: 200 volunteers


FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Targets 2019-20 2. Partnering with 2.1 Number of 2. Expansion of 2.1 % change in * school/ colleges NSS units 36000 Units NSS activities Institutional for setting up of set up to more coverage NSS units Institutions 2.2 Number of 4000 Units Self- Financing units set up 3. Funds utilization 3.1 Percentage of 80% funds utilized (Utilization of the funds sanctioned in RE)

* Targets not amenable for this indicator

2. RashtriyaYuvaSashaktikaranKaryakaram: National Young Leaders Programme (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Targets 2019-20 1. Opportunity to 1.1 Number of 4,500 programmes 1. Provide 1.1 Sustained level of 4500 programmes participate in neighborhood effective programmes Neighborhood youth parliament platform to 12 Youth Parliament programmes Youth to Program conducted deliberate and (NYP’s at block voice opinions level) on


FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 1.2 Total number of 3.0 lakh youth contemporary 1.2 Sustained level of 3.0 lakh youth youth issues volunteers participation participation participation under the scheme

2. Strengthen a. Source 5 crores each for FY 2. Assist 2.2 Source 10 crore National Youth additional 2018-19 & 2019-20 additional additional Fund additional fund Development Fund funding activities through Fund


3. RashtriyaYuva Sashaktikaran Karyakaram : National Programme for Youth and Adolescent Development (NPYAD) (CS)

FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Targets 2019-20 1. Provide opportunity 1.1 Amount of fund ≥ 19 crores 1. Holistic 1.1 Develop spirit of * for engaging Youth utilized in this development of nationalism, including scheme youth through adventure and adolescents in multi- awareness etc. in cultural activities; dimensional participating Youth Youth festivals; activities adventure and mentioned under national integration 1.2 Number of ≥ 400 nos. ‘Output’ column oriented activities activities assisted for youth and adolescent development programmes 21 1.3 Number of Youth 25000 Youth participated

1.4 Number of 23 camps National Integration camps conducted

* Targets not amenable for this indicator


4. Rashtriya YuvaSashaktikaran Karyakaram : National Youth Corps (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Targets 2019-20 1. Engage 1.1 Number of youth 9500 NYCs 1. Encourage youth 1.1 Number of NYCs 9500 NYCs volunteers in selected as NYCs to participate in completed 2 NYKS at grass- governance years root level engagement

1.2 Amount of ≥ 70 crores 1.2 Number of 9500 NYCs honorarium NYVs trained released to NYCs under this scheme

80 1.3 Develop/design Train all newly 2. Equip them to 2.1 Effective program Conclude training program recruited deliver delivery by new training of all and conduct NYC’si.e 9500 effectively Volunteers newly recruited training of new NYC’s recruits

5. Rashtriya Yuva Sashaktikaran Karyakaram : International Cooperation (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.)


FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Targets 2019-20 1. Exposure of Indian 1.1 Number of ≥ 500 1. Development 1.1 Number of youth 500 Youth to Global Indian youth of provided global perspective & participation in International exposure experience through exchange Perspective youth Exchange programmes among youth programs etc. 1.2 Number of ≥ 10 1.2 Percentage 10 % Indian youths increase in the participation in number of international Youth provided events other than global exchange perspective 21 programmes compared to 1.3 Number of ≥ 10 previous Year countries with whom exchange programme is implemented 1.4 Amount of fund ≥ 20crores utilized 2. Launch ‘Youth 2.1 Number of 5 2. Curating a 2.1 Assess outcome * Advocates’ pilot Districts volunteering of social Project through 2.2 Number of 150 journey intervention/acti UNV Volunteers on after one year * Targets not amenable for this indicator


6. RashtriyaYuvaSashaktikaranKaryakaram: Scouting and Guiding (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Targets 2019-20 Outcome Indicator(s) Targets 2019-20 1. Assistance to 1.1 Amount of ≥ 75 lakhs 1. Benefits to 1.1 Total no. of youth ≥ 7000 youth scouting & guiding assistance youth from benefitted/participat organisations provided to programmes out ed in various 1.50 organisatio of assistance programmes of ns for their sanctioned organisations to programme under the whom assistance has s scheme been provided

7. RashtriyaYuvaSashaktikaranKaryakaram: Youth Hostel (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Targets 2019- Outcome Indicator(s) Targets 2019-20 20 1.1 Amount of 1. Management of honorarium ≥ 60 lakhs 1. Providing quality 1.1 Percentage of 5 % of total Youth Hostels granted to wardens accommodation at hostels with Youth Hostels and hostel mangers reasonable rates ISO certification 2.50 1.2 Special grant given ≥ 80 lakhs for renovation of hostels


FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Targets 2019- Outcome Indicator(s) Targets 2019-20 20 1.3 Number of youth ≥ 2 lakhs provided with the hostel facility

1.4 No. of seats 40 beds increased

8. Encouragement and Awards to Sportspersons: Assistance to Promotion of Sports Excellence (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Targets Outcome Indicator(s) Targets 2019-20 2019-20 a. Assistance to National Sports Federations (NSF) 1. Organizing 1.1 Total Number of national 130 1. Promotion of 1.1. ePrcPntagP 10% National/Internationa tournaments organized Sports and to increase in l Tournaments achieve participation of excellence in Sportspersons in national and national and international international games 1.2 Number of International 15 tournaments 1.2. Number of NSFs 52 250 tournaments held in India Recognized for which assistance provided 2. Quality 2.1. Number of Foreign 44 2. Upgrading & 2.1 Percentage 10% coaches/trainers/spor Coaches/Special Personnel Professionaliz increase in ts equipment Appointed to NSFs ing Managing Internationally practices accredited and recognized


FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Targets Outcome Indicator(s) Targets 2019-20 2019-20 2.2. Number of Sportspersons 3100 officials received Financial Assistance for International Tournaments/Training Programmes 2.3. Number of Coaching Camps 300 Organized 3. Promotion of 3.1. Number of NSFs where Historic data Sportspersons ’ redressal of players unavailable interest & measures grievances unit set up for for setting for their welfare the welfare of players normative targets; actual progress will be reported b. Scheme of Human Resource Development in Sports 1. Awarding 1.1 No. of Fellowships awarded 6 1. Developing 1.1. Percentage increase 100 % Fellowships (both master & Doctoral) human in number of financial assistance resources in participants in for holding and sports various activities attending sciences and under the scheme seminars/conferenc 1.2 No of Fellowships awarded to 15 sports 1.2. Percentage of 20% es sports specialists/ coaches/ medicine persons received support personnel and match fellowships from officials for specialized the total studies applications 1.3 No of workshops/ seminars/ 15 1.3 No. of specialized 30 conferences held trained Match officials/Coaches/s upporting personnel under the


FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Targets Outcome Indicator(s) Targets 2019-20 2019-20 scheme

1.4 No. of participants under 500 1.4 No. of research 5 various papers published workshops/seminars/ in peer reviewed conferences journals

1.5 No of trainings/courses 10 1.5 No .of research 6 held projects completed 1.6 No. of Match Officials/ 50 Coaches /Supporting Personnel received financial assistance

1.7 No. of research projects 6 undertaken

1.8 Amount of funds 20 Lakh provided for attending international Seminars, Conferences and Workshops

1.9 No .of persons received 10 financial assistance for attending international events


9. Encouragement and Awards to Sportspersons: Incentive to Sports Persons (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Targets Outcome Indicator(s) Targets 2019-20 2019-20 2 Incentive to 1.2 No .of 500 1. To promote 1.1 % increase in 5% sports persons sportspersons / excellence in number of medals coaches sports at won in received cash international international awards level events (Olympic Games, Asian Games, 1.4 Amount of Rs. 66 crore Common wealth cash award Games, World Championships, 89 Asian Championships, Commonwealth Championships in sports disciplines 1.3 No .of 25 included in OG, pensions to AG and CWG) in sportspersons Sub-Junior, Junior and Senior level.


10. Encouragement and Awards to Sportspersons: National Sports Development Fund (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Targets Outcome Indicator(s) Targets 2019-20 2019-20 1. Financial assistance 1.1. No of athletes assisted 150 3. Promotion of 1.1. No .of persons 150 and mobilizing in country & aboard sports and trained resources supports sportspersons to excel

1.2. Amount of financial Rs. 11crore 1.2. Additional number 6 70 assistance given in of sports construction/maintena infrastructure set nce of sports up infrastructure projects

1.3. Amount.of assistance Rs. 1crore provided for purchase of sports equipment’s


11. Encouragement and Awards to Sportspersons: National Welfare Fund for Sports Persons (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Targets Outcome Indicator(s) Targets 2019-20 2019-20 1. Suitable 1.1. No of sport persons 2 1. To promote 1.1. Percentage of funds 80% assistance to received benefit under welfare of utilized under the outstanding the scheme sports persons scheme sportspersons - 1.2. No .of applications 100 2 injured/disabled / received distress 1.3. Amount of Rs. 160 lakh assistance/funds provided to sportspersons

12. Enhancement of Sports Facility in J and K (CS) FINANCIAL OUTLAY OUTPUTS 2019-20 OUTCOMES 2019-20 (Rs. In Cr.) 2019-20 Output Indicator(s) Targets Outcome Indicator(s) Targets 2019-20 2019-20 1. Development 1.1 No of sports infra facilities 7 1. Providing 1.1 Percentage increase in 10% of sports upgraded in J&K opportunity to the youth participation in facilities in J youth of the State the specific facilities & K 1.2 No of new sports infra 23 for engaging in 2.1 Percentage increase in 10% 30 facilities constructed sporting activities sporting activities in the specific facilities 1.3 Percentage of funds utilized 100% under the scheme