
Cigar Smoking Worlds," With Colbett, Comedy Pair Are Weit Private His Most Dramatic Role Old Lady Has of Lawless McCrea and Bojrer, at Lorinta Sun. Teamed Again In Laugh On Club Marital Farce

,C sv.-cet old lady wh Charlie RuKKlo Innd me tcnrrted 1,-vi'lopi'il 11 deep bum vol married couple o , |,,.|iflinnt for smoking cigars hor the ninth time j.-ii'il the visiting members of Tnlli," the new com Tuesday anil correct woman's club durln cdy which , i-y W e <1 n e s il a y * thp Torranco i,,.. production of "Honcymoo Theatre. .milled," flint-moving Mongprrnr r.clla Hyams and Dcnn .fainter ,,incily which in showing :it th head the nupporttnff cast of the orrance Theatre Sunday an Picture. Miss Hyom« IB cast as onday.' _ RUBRICS' and Miss Roland's newly- ;'!),. did lady in the case, how wed daughter. After n scrap with her huslinnd, played hy Jag- ::ikcr. whose role In the plctui ger, she comes back to her : that of a. 'baby-faced gangsti mother In tears, vowing she'll have Im is forced by his confederate a divorce. ,, dun the nttlre of an old womn To show her her mistake. Miss , ] order to assist them In recover Boland has the brilliant idea of K tlic loot which hug bcen.hlddc staging a fake fight with Ruewles, a mountain Inn. just so the sir! can see how silly linkcr'n disguise provides man Being captured by Chinese bandits, as shown above, it looks when married folks bat­ f the excruciating .moments fci swamps and battling Manchurian tle. Charlie agrees, and -the 'mock "The Virginian," greatest of outdoor swimming' through rice feud between the older couple e amusing film, although h Paramount/a of the adventures that befall .sHinnod- the role with consider classics, has been revived and cornea Sunday and Monday snow storms are just a few Is on. the Lamps however, that co m­ hTe/^'egret as he was forced t ;o the Torrance.Theatre. , , Mary Pat O'Brien, one of the many stars in "Oil For It is here, pflf Icejis-mustache to_ his art. of China," coming to the Torrance Theatre tonight, Friday plications arise. Miss Bolnnd f Briarrand WalterHustOTTh5H«rtliei!asnsf the^ pi(Stufe~wBich her right witli Rugglcs Is offfcr members of the excellcn Phyllis Bottome's widely read and engrossing story of . gets was directed by Victor Fleming. and Saturday. ' In fun and becomes Indignant o triedy cant include Nell Hamll d woman who learned to cast asider the dream of love for her. S Lloyd Hushes the way he abuses n, Irene Hervcy, filmed by Paramount Is hurrying off to an HIcUB, Joy and June Fll reality, "Private Worlds,", has-been it's she who usscll and comes to the Lomita Theatre, Sunday, Monday and CACTUS SHOW tto to ar nge fo div i'i:, George Hayes and Henr; climax at a olkor. Tuesday, with in the starring role as a Similar held this week He's a Slick Hombre In Role stling atch whero To First "Hit" AT LONG BEACH Bungle s caught be­ French' Swimmer He professional colleague: huge giants and Miss ,rc Joel McCrea. whom she like What will he the Krontest cactus Itoland is forced to come to his by, Fails In Test :nd respects."and Charles Boyer, : BOX SCORES shoiv over 'given in this suction rescue. The film was directed 'rtmch doctor whom she instinc­ will "lie helii tit Loner IJi'ach, next Alt' red rfantcll. Paul Chotteau, French " m'arathon tively dislikes. On the same bill Playground League Saturday anil Sunday. July 27-28, jiwjmmcr, \yho"entered- the- wate: at the Lomita Is "Lottery Love with exhibits from growera within COMING ATTRACTIONS at fatallna Island rrt mtdnight- met a two-reel comedy, "Fl n; radius of 75 miles of that city. Feature cominc to the Saturdny to swim to Santa Monica, tippers," with Laurel & Hardy. ANGELS The affair will be held at the Torranco Theatre Thursday. Fri­ MM^ forced to give up the attempt , AB R H gtirdena at .1785 Stanley avenue. day- and Saturday next week will Monday when , strong currents Dietlen, cf...... 411 He largest cactus Knrden in Lonpr be "No More Indies," starring caught him eight,, miles -off ,hls Wallace, rf...... 'S 1 0 ^oach. Sweepstake rlbhons will Jonn Crawford and- Robert Mont-' Kinil and carried him north, Chot- "Alibi Ike" At 15. Elder, ss...... 40 1 bev given for the largest, moqt gomery, and "Ladies Love Danger." Irau battled for an hour and was Brl.islnger, p...... 510 unique display in the commercial hauled aboard the convoy boat Wlnkler. c. _...... 4 0 J. class, and- amateurs will compete offered by the American Begonia almost exhausted. Plaza Sunday Whltacre, Ib...... _...,...... 421 for ribbons and prizes for novelty. Society. Roy Berry, of Keystone, Rossett, 2b'. __...... 2 5 3 cr«Sstu and gratis. whose lovely begonia minions atr Sloan, 3b...... 3 21 'In addition to the cactus ilisplny, tract many visitors yearly, will be Garland's Nady, Jf...... 512 lieironlR srowers will enter HIs- one of the judges jn this depart­ pWys to compete for ribbons ment. ' - totals ...... _...... 3« 13 9 Theatre YANKEES Phone 243 AD R H Hale, tf...... 6 2 a Admission 10c and 20c Archer, p...... 543 LOMITA, CALIF. Slcetn, «9.-p...... 5 3 3 Richardson, 3b...... 611 Matinee Saturday, 2:15 P.M. Pupkoff. cf. .._._...... 301 Candy for the Kiddios Lee. cf ...... :...... :.. S I 2 Continuous Sunday, from :!:15 George Raft, star "of Par-amount's "," Smith. 2h...... -I 0 2 MosW, 1'b...... 4 I) J HAWTHORNE, Thitrs., Fri., Sat., July 25, 28. 27 iroves to Tammany Young that nimble fingers and a.n rf...... _._....__.... I 0 0 Betty Furnesa Yiiuncey, Telephone 299 -"The Friendly Family Theatr Neil Hamilton, gile brain can outwit his eye. Seen tonight, Friday and Ctinnineham. rf...... 0 n n The Keeper of the Bees' 'C'. Tresizc, c...... I l> 0 AND-^- laturday at the Torrance Theatre. Program Appear* Daily In the Lot Angeles Evening Herald THE CRIMSON TRAIL' Totals ...... 40 11 15 From .1:30 Chanter 7, "Burn 'Em Up Altadena Club Siimmnry: Home'runH Rbssett, Continuous Saturday and Sunday Bnrnes," with Frankie Darro Terrifying Archer, Richardson. Two-base bit Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 25, 26, 27 FREE CHINA TO LADIES Vins Tournament Whltacre. Winning pitcher. Bris- OM TRIDAY NIGHT slngpr. Losing pitcher Archer. Altadena Clolf Club won the Mystery Haunts &"&", "UNDER THE PAMPAS MOON" *mi.. Mon., TUCK., July 2S. 29, 30 , ATHLETICS Claudette Colbert in lass A division of the Southern and Gene 'Stratt9n-Porter's Famous Novel Links As_socia- "PRIVATE WORLDS" nl'lfurnin Public Deserted Castle Heflctt, 3h...... DII, played at the AVc- Schmiilt, 2b...... -' "THE KEEPER OF THE BEES" "LOTTERY LOVERS" ue goll' course Sunday, with a Htla LiiKOHl, who plays the Bibhnrdson. -M). ... Two-reel- Comedy, "Fixer man team jtotal for 36 holes weird Count Mora In Metro-Goltl- if. Jackson. cf> ._ Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, July 28, 29, 30 Uppers," with Laurel & Hardy f 580. Sunset Fields was second, 'wyn-Mayors '.'Mask of the Vam­ Elder, p...... of the win-' pire," comfngf T u c M d u y and Williams, lb'.' ...... July 31 ith 594. Members Wednesday, ing Altadena team were James Wednesday to the Torrnncc Theo- [ 'Mlton, rf...... JOE E. BROWN in "ALIBI IKE" * Henry Hull,Warner Oland in e, Pat Abbott, Jim McHalo tcc, was born in Lufiros, Hungary, Tucker, ir ...... and RICHARD ARLEN «| CT 'CM U|VF IT" Hungarian army, Cook, c...... "Werewolf of London" nd H. Rice. served In the Kid" VIRGINIA BRUCE m Ltl LH1 IIATL 11 a noted stafre actor, came Spike, c. -...... tic 'than his famous "Cisco SURPRISE ADDED II was won by Griffith became Class to the New York atage anil won Baker, ss...... picture is "Under the Pampas ATTRACTION nrk with a total'of 627. Members Note: National Theatre Gift international fame In "Draculn," Moon," now -playing at the I'laza Wednesday One Day Only July 31 f the team were E. MeMlllan,-J. to . the Totals ...... 18 4 4 Stamps Are Given Each T. Jurllng. which he- later bfought HawtKornc. gan, E. Fehnders and "The Thirteenth Chair" Theatre, EDMUND Tuesday and Thursday made n strong bid screen. YANKEES Vestwood-Hills anil "Frankenstein" are two of hla Also on the Plazax hill tonight,' LOWE Nights to Every Adult Class B honors with 628. AB R H "BLACK SHEEF' screen hits. pictlaml. rf...... 3 10 Friday and Saturday Is Gene The. people of the 'village of Jackson. If...... 4 3 ' 3 atton - Porter's famous novel, L "COLLEGE SCANDALS" Vlsoka, In Czechoslovakia, believe Nudy. cf...... _.....* 3 " 2 1. ic Keeper of the Bees," atar- that with nightfall evil stalUs; winner, .p...... 4 4 K Noil Hamilton -and Betty that Count Mora anil Ills daughter \Vinkta-, c...... ;...... I 2 Kurness. » Luna, dead for hundreds of years, Joe E, Brown, who portrays the Sloan, 3b...... 3 3 leave the deserted parts of Borotyn. Itle role in the new Warner Bros, sett; 2b...... I 2 ciistle and roam the countryside. lome run comedy. "Alibi . Ike," Elder, HS...... 2. 3 vlilch comes to the I'laza Thea- IR.R.A.NC1 and attempted murder Whltacre, Ib...... 1 1 Murder re. Huwtlinrnv. three days stari­ follows In which the only clues ng Sunday," actually hates alibis. are two tiny marks on the throat B mndc a life habit of never of the victims, the mark of the TORRANCE 132 uslnsr alibis himself and has no Scluuldt, Sloan 2, Kossett. PHONE vampire. .\ girl aids In unravelling aspect for anyone who doey use her lover. the mystery and saves them. There Is nothing so resented by MINOR LEAGUE 'ootball coaches or haHchall mim- 1'UEBLO Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 26, 26, 27 igers as an excuse by a player AB R H ,vho has cither made tin error or ey, 3h...... _...... » 13 of China" 'ailed to make (in important play. "Oil For The Lamps tiood athletes never use an alibi, with Pat O'Brien and Josephine Hutchinson roi- 10. ik-clai-CH. II they slip'vp * AND * it a crui-lal nmtnent they take :heir del'i-at without making an GEORGE RAFT In In rlLit us."ing alibis anil athletes the 'set niie day during the m 1 u 0 "The Glass Key" miking of "Alibi Ike," Jon K. Darling. lib...... statement made IL-KAM rcealli-d the 13 11 y Jaik Oampsi-y in Clileaso after Totals ...... 51 Sunday and Monday, July 28, 29 hi; second Tunney fight. KUJIN "H-iw did it happen, Jac-k?" a epoil-r asked. "The Virginian" It was then that Dempsey made with Gary Cooper and .he famous n-luri: "I lornol to * AND * luck." "Many fighters." said Joi- Drown, voiilil have hail as many alllilH "Honeymoon Limited" i a hall park lias peaiuit shellx. Old Mexico Thil Sum with Nail Hamilton and Lilian Harvey ' Deniiisi-y had n.'vcr used alibi' nl he v\.'isn't Kniii'-t tu start at Going Eart Ihii summer, the hours you Summer excursion roundtrips for First-class roundtrip fare to ii great career." tpcnd on these completely air-condi- 193) equal the lowest in sjntory, and City is only J79.09. By train, en.I i.f daily fro,m liottd SP trains will be the pleuMH- ylll be available for use ace more of Mexico, and our "Alibi Ike" i:i Jo.- K. llniwn':i May 15 to October IS. Siopevtrr Coax root* goes through tha ostxt Tuesday and Wednesday, July 30, 31 at—thorn the itandpoinl of phyikal v latest fun niiiker.- bused on the STANDINGS MAJOR LEAGUE suqHrbcre enrouie. Here art a f«w Interesting parts. Through, dr-cori. story by r.lng Uu-ilner and .ul.ipt- W. '.!.. IVt. comfort and restful sleep of your 'ditiarud Pullman service. \VilliMin \Vi.-h;r enth* trip. You'll never be loo hot Couch To«riatSta»4«nl "Mark of the Vampire" Food and Drink eil- tu th.> :« r.-en by Angels ...... 3 II 1.00(1 k Let us tell you about the new, j'n tli" east Inelu.le or too cold, and you'll enjoy complete the llnln.-s. Othern Yunl.i'. lcaflo ...157.35 $6190 fU.W weekly Hotel Car Crutae, aotdethifle with Lionel Barrymore artd Bela Lugosi ThereV something about l)liM,i Hi' I!..nil,in.I I lulh Dnn- . freedom from dirt and diut, noise, horo that give AUlhrti N«wY«k... 95.75 J0740 124.40 new In travel adventure through food and drinks nelly. Ito.icni- Karns. William draughts, excess humidity or drynCM. * AND * a man the relaxing meal-time Houaton .... 47.00 56.40 70.45 Old Mexico. l-'rawley and Kddie Sliilb.it. Uuy- STANDINGS MINOR'LEAGUE EopM* CitT. 48.00 57.60 72.00 pleasure he needs , , . and de­ ii'Oii.l Knrlght diri-rt-il. Coochet Alr-coNditlontd Toe $ Your, Local Aqe»+ mands once he's had the ox- \V. L. I'rt. Nnr OrleaiU 56.80 68.15 85.15 "People Will Talk" li.-,.-,in...... 'I1 0 I.IHHI Nobody u left out of tliis new deal Simitar rcdUliom to other iailan For skilled help in planning every 'ailiH'i'V ...... 2 I .Mb in mvel comfort. Our very lowest lltitl. Reitrrc now for any dole. detail of any trip for rail and Pull­ with Charles Ruggles and Mary Boland Completo Dinners priced accommodation!, th* recliomc man tickets and travel information Light Lunches chair coaches and tourut Pullnuns, Wond«rful MtaU -Low Priavs simply call upon *r telephone, hav* tho iama air-conditioning equip­ Ou. e«lu.ivc Table D'Hole "ratals your local Southern Pacific agtnt. Mixed Drinks -big -money sjvcfs, too. He is a trained travel expert who Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 1, -1, 3 the Hi".I time. In a long Village Losps Pwi ment u d» most elaborate drawing s«I«el"> are I'ur tompluc luncheons and will render you a real service without - Wine l.i'iinl:. Mi'i-i-hailts |nxt room and club cars. No increau in Delicious, Beer uhli 111" dinners for only 80c to £1.25. obligatioa. nil II" I I...111. Krmm.ls l:i;,l Sun- Tlli.-i fares. ThfMare tba famous SP icalni More Ladies" M. r- "No day. J.i.- Sim tl'a San I'edl-u la rue, si cil> iii Ninth Auivrlea. "o to be completely air-conditioned: with and Robert Montgomery SMITH'S rlil.lll' turned I he ll'll-K WlUl 'I day it lias a pupulatiiin of 1, 71. Golden Stale Limited, Sunaei Lim­ CORNER CAFE rally In HIM nllh tliat lull tin- the American iriulutlon I ited, Pacific Limited, Overland Lim­ * AND * After vinltm-rt Otlt 111 limit. Killlll seui-C town ited and Cascade* f f you cboote; you Southern Pacific Lomita Blvd. & Narbonne ve H', BRAT TON, Aoont LOMITA flux may go one way, return another. liurbuf rity luM tu I In inlta fitUtl . Paciflo Electi­ Station, TQIT«IICI> Phono Tor. 28 "Ladies Love Danger'' Loyalieta. .______' imfM^^^^m Club, S-U, at Terminal Island. United Kimnru