1 A LIST OF ISSUES FOR THE EXAMINATION OF PAKISTAN’S COMPLIANCE OF INTERNATIONAL COVENENT ON ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS A joint submission by the civil society organizations (CSOs) in Pakistan through Centre for Social Justice, in view of the preparation by the un committee on economic, social and cultural rights for its 61st session. Presented by Centre for Social Justice E-58, St. 8, Officers' Colony, Walton Road, Lahore 54180, Pakistan Tel:+92 423 6661322,
[email protected] www.csjpak.org Contact person: Peter Jacob On behalf of (endorsing organization): AWAM – Pakistan, Aurat Foundation Association for Women's Awareness and Rural Development (AWARD) Bhittai Social Watch and Advocacy, Blue Veins, Bytes For All - Pakistan, Bonded Labour Liberation Front, Democratic Commission for Human Development, FATA Commission of Pakistan, Hindu Council Pakistan, IDRAC, Khowendo Kor, Legal Aid Society, Legal Aid and Awareness Services (LAAS), Pakistan Institute for Labour Education and Research, Pakistan Forum for Disability (PFD), , REED- Pakistan, Now Communities Taangh Wasaib Organization, Social and Economic Development Associates (SEDA), Tribal NGOs Consortium , Urban Resource Center, Women in Struggle for Empowerment (WISE). Contributions Centre for Social Justice is grateful to Dr. Rubina Feroze Bhatti and Mr. Fayyaz Baqir for preparing an outline of the document and Mr. Sachal Jacob for compiling data, proofs and edits. This document also benefited from “Civil Society Position Paper on Implementation of ICESCR in Pakistan” sponsored by Oxfam Novib, authored by lead researchers Mr. Hassan Mirbahar and Mr. Ehsan Qazi. 2 Table of Contents Sr. No. Topic Page 1. Introduction, Article 1. Right to self-determination 3 2.