24th Issue, April 2017

Egypt’s Vision to Address Regional Issues in Arab Summit

1 28th Arab Summit kicks off in , with President Sisi In This Issue participating

Merkel’s visit confirms ’s pivotal role in ME region

Guterres: Egypt ‘key player’ in Arab region Chairman of SIS Sixth edition of Luxor African Film Festival Honors Moroccan Ambassador Cinema Salah A Elsadek Egypt chosen as best tourist destination in world in 2017 Editor-in-Chief UK foreign secretary announces 3 packages of support to Egypt in Abdel Mo’ti Abu Zeid economy, education, entrepreneurship

Executive Editor Nashwa Abdel Hamid

Editor Mostafa Ahmady

Contact us Letter from Cairo Layout Shimaa Abd El-Sabour State Information Service (SIS) A bi-monthly periodical on the Rami Ahmed Foreign Information Sector current political, economic, and cultural developments in Address: 3 Al Estad Al Bahary St. - Nasr Egypt. City, Cairo.

Tel: 22617304 - 22617308 - 22617358 Issued by: Web Site :www.sis.gov.eg Foreign Information Sector E-mail :[email protected] State Information Service Arab Republic of Egypt

2 Editorial Egypt’s Development Partners

The 28th Arab Summit kicked off in Jordan, with President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi participating. President Sisi called on Arab leaders to unite positions, putting an emphasis on the threat of terrorism to the . He renewed Egypt’s full support for the efforts of the Secretary-General of the to preserve the unity of the Arab countries. Everyday, Egypt gains new friends and partners in the march for development and progress. Egypt has been the destination for many world leaders including , heads of state, foreign and defense ministers as well as chairpersons of regional and international financial, parliamentary and judicial organizations. This attests to the pioneering and pivotal role Egypt has been playing in the region and on the Arab and African levels under the leadership of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. Cairo received Abdullah II of Jordan, Lebanese President , German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, Head of the US Central Command General Joseph Votel, a delegation of the US House of Representatives, ’s King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa ahead of the Arab League Summit held in Jordan, Chairwoman of the Russian Federal Council Valentina Matviyenko, UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova and UN Secretary-General António Guterres. Talks with world leaders focused on continuing coordination with Egypt to serve the Arab and African world’s interests in different domains and containing urgent Middle East issues. Egypt’s diplomatic efforts go in line with international testimonials and recognition by leading financial institutions atop of which The Economist, Fitch Ratings, Euromoney, Hermes, European Development Bank and the World Bank. Rising foreign exchange reserves, a return of private capital inflows and currency appreciation point to further progress in Egypt’s gradual external rebalancing in early 2017. This issue of “Letter from Cairo” coincides with the Month of the Egyptian Woman and the International Woman Day. The Year 2017 was declared the Year for Egyptian Woman. On the Nile bank in southern Egypt, Aswan hosted the first Aswan International Woman Film Festival, showcasing various films that tackled women’s issues from different parts of the world, as it aimed to support women and ensure their voices are heard. The current issue of “Letter from Cairo” also includes a wide array of positive developments in Egyptian economy, culture and arts. 3 28th Arab Summit kicks off in Jordan, with President Sisi participating

Arab leaders started the Attending the meeting were the United inaugural session of the 28th Arab Nations Secretary General, Chairperson of Summit. President Abdel Fattah the African Union Commission, Secretary El-Sisi and 15 other Arab leaders General of the Organization of Islamic took part in the summit. The Cooperation (OIC), EU High Representative session started with a statement by for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Mauritanian President Mohamed President of the , Russian Ould Abdel Aziz, the chairman of president’s personal envoy, personal envoy the 27th session of the summit, of the US president and the envoy of the where he warned that the Arab French government. region is confronting immense challenges and threats let alone very complicated humanitarian conditions. He further warned of growing trends of extremism and violence calling for squaring up to overcome these challenges. He also highlighted the necessity of enhancing inter-Arab solidarity to achieve stability and security along with development in the region. He urged creating new mechanisms allowing the Arab countries to achieve economic progress and increase inter-Arab trade exchange. Later, Jordanian King Abullah II received the chairmanship of the 28th session of the Arab Summit from the Mauritanian president. Jordan’s King Abdullah II welcomes President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi . 4 21 kings, presidents and top officials from the Arab League summit pose for a group photo. Joint Arab action, base of resolving region crises weakens the national institutions and President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi intimidated peaceful peoples. The asserted that the joint Arab action is President pointed out to the foreign the basis of resolving all crises in the interference in the affairs of countries Arab region. Addressing the 28th Arab and the fate of their peoples, saying Summit, the President said restoring that terrorists exploited the inability Arab strength became inevitable to of some governments to enforce law to face the challenges the Arab nation is threaten millions of people in the Arab facing. Sisi asserted that Egypt fully world. backs all efforts exerted by the Arab President Sisi said that terrorism League secretary general to develop and became an international phenomenon reform the pan-Arab organization. He that requires a firm stance to stamp it stressed the importance of coordination out, adding that confronting terrorism among the member states to achieve is not easy because terrorism is like joint action and maintain the unity of malignant diseases that penetrate in the the Arab ranks . fabric of societies. President Sisi called President Sisi affirmed that the Arab for confronting extremist ideologies Summit is being held amidst gross through developing educational challenges targeting the unity of the institutions topped by Al-Azhar to Arab countries and their territories, refute extremist ideas propagated by calling for a unified Arab stance to deal extremist organizations through an with such challenges. The past years integrated intellectual and cultural witnessed new challenges represented system highlighting the upright in the spread of terrorism in the Arab teachings of religion and promoting region, a matter which poses a threat to the values and principles of citizenship, the national entity of the States, their tolerance and co-existence. cultures, said the President, pointing out President Sisi pointed out to the that the instability in the Arab region tragedies in the region topped by the 5 On , the President said that Iraq is bravely facing terrorism and the powers of darkness, voicing Egypt’s support for Iraq in its battle against terrorism and extremism. Sisi added the battle in Iraq waging against the Daesh terrorist group in Mosul is that of the Arabs, calling for firmly confronting terrorism with highlighting the values of tolerance and acceptance of the other. He expressed belief that Iraq will be able to win the battle. On the Palestinian cause, the President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi attends the 28th Ordinary President said is the central Summit of the Arab League at the , Jordan March cause of all Arabs and the whole world, 29, 2017. adding that Egypt has been seeking Syrian crisis and the suffering of the Syrian to reach a comprehensive solution to people, but he praised efforts to resume the Palestinian problem on the basis of peace talks in Geneva to achieve peace establishing a Palestinian state on the in the Arab country in line with the UN 1967 borders with East as its resolution. He said that Egypt contributed capital, in line with terms of reference to international efforts to resolve the of the reached agreements and the Arab Syrian crisis out of its historical and peace initiative. national responsibility, pointing out that Egypt will continue calling for resolving Arab leaders support Syrian right in regaining Golan the Syrian crisis through negotiations. The Arab leaders stressed their On , the President asserted Egypt’s support to ’s right to regain the keenness on restoring stability in the occupied Syrian Golan to the line of 4 June 1967. In a closing statement of its Arab country whose people have direct th neighborhood relations with the Egyptian 28 Summit in Jordan, the pan-Arab people, saying that Egypt saves no efforts organization reiterated Arab rejection to reach reconciliation among all Libyans to the Israeli actions aiming at changing in cooperation with its neighbors, the the legal, natural and demographic and the Arab League status of the occupied Syrian Arab Golan. The statement considered the Israeli On , the President voiced Egypt’s actions to further control the region as commitment to backing the legitimate illegal, null and void, and constituting a institutions in the Arab country and breach of the international conventions keenness on offering humanitarian and the Charter and resolutions of the assistance to the Yemeni people with United Nations. The Arab heads of securing the freedom of navigation at state stressed that the occupation of Bab Al-Mandab Strait and the , the Syrian Golan constituted a threat calling for immediately resuming peace to peace and security in the region and talks on reaching a peaceful solution to the whole world. the Yemeni crisis. 6 Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit . Arab leaders slam terrorist attacks solution in Yemen should be based targeting Arab, foreign countries on the Gulf initiative, the outcome Arab leaders strongly condemned of the comprehensive national terrorist attacks targeting Arab and dialogue conference and relevant foreign countries. In a statement issued UN resolutions. They further praised at the end of the Jordan-hosted 28th the Yemeni government’s stances in Arab Summit, the Arab leaders urged support of the UN efforts to achieve continuing efforts to peacefully settle peace in Yemen and end the war there. armed and political conflicts in the They called also for alleviating the Arab region. The military and security suffering of the Yemeni people through solutions are not enough to defeat providing them with food and medical terrorism, the Arab leaders stressed, supplies and fighting extremism and calling for finding a comprehensive terrorism in the country. The Arab multidimensional strategy to combat leaders strongly condemned unilateral this scourge. Also, they stressed the measures taken by the coup forces need for intensifying inter-Arab to undermine the peace process and efforts to uproot extremism, hailing increase the suffering of the Yemeni victories achieved by the Arab people. They called on the international countries in the fight against terrorist community and all human rights groups. The Arab leaders praised the organizations to take a quick and role played by the Egyptian army to firm stance to end the coup forces’ purge North Sinai from terrorism. flagrant violation of the international humanitarian law. They also reaffirmed Arab leaders reaffirm commitment to maintaining Yemen’s security, stability rejection of Iran’s interference in the domestic affairs of Yemen, and urged Arab leaders reiterated commitment the Iranian government to respect to maintaining Yemen’s security and Yemen’s sovereignty. The Arab leaders stability and supporting Yemeni hailed the significant role played by President . the Saudi-led Arab coalition to end In a statement issued at the end of the Yemeni war and reconstruct the the Jordan-hosted 28th Arab Summit, country. Arab leaders said the political 7 President Sisi and King Salman on the sidelines of the Arab League Summit 2017. Sisi, Saudi king exchange invitations Egypt, Jordan and Palestine leaders discuss Mideast to visit Egypt, Arabia peace process President Abdel Fattah El- President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi held a meeting Sisi and Saudi King Salman bin with King Abdullah II of Jordan and Palestinian Abdel Aziz Al-Saud exchanged President on the sidelines of invitations to visit Egypt and the 28th Arab Summit. The meeting tackled the . This came on the latest developments of the Palestinian issue. The sidelines of the 28th regular Egyptian and Jordanian leaders reiterated their Arab summit held in the Dead countries’ support for the legitimate rights of Sea in Jordan. During their the Palestinian people to have an independent meeting, both leaders asserted Palestinian state with al Quds as its capital. the importance of developing They called also for reviving the Mideast peace bilateral ties in the different process between the Palestinian and Israeli sides domains. Both leaders and reaching a expressed their keenness on comprehensive coordination in light of the settlement of current challenges facing both the Palestinian countries . They also voiced issue based on hope that the Arab summit the two-state would result in practical and solution and effective decisions that are up the Arab peace to the level of challenges facing initiative. the Arab nation. President Sisi, Palestinian President Abbas, King 8 Abdullah II of Jordan hold a tripartite summit. Sisi, UN chief discuss Arab, regional, int’l issues President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi asserted Egypt’s keenness on reaching a peaceful settlement to the current crises in the region, preserving the integrity of its lands, protecting the capabilities of its peoples and supporting its national institutions. During his meeting with UN Secretary General António Guterres on the eve of the 28th Arab summit in Jordan, President Sisi stressed the necessity that the United Nations and the international community would convey a clear message to different powers that intervene in the internal affairs of the region’s countries to end the suffering of millions of innocents and allow them to live in peace and stability. The meeting took up a number of Arab, regional and international issues, especially the crises in Syria, Libya and South , as well as the latest developments in the Middle East peace process. Egypt attaches importance to the role of the UN in consolidating international cooperation and preserving the international peace and security, Sisi said. The UN chief, for his part, praised the Egyptian efforts regarding all regional issues, pointing out to the pivotal role Egypt played to restore stability and security in the region as well as its strenuous attempts to reach comprehensive solutions to the crises in the Middle East. The President also asserted the necessity of continuing efforts of the international community to counter terrorism and stop financing terrorist groups and providing them with weapons and fighters.

Sisi reiterates Egypt’s support for Yemen’s stability President Abdeh Fattah El-Sisi met with Yemeni President Abdrabo Mansour Hadi on the sidelines of the 28th Arab summit. President Sisi reiterated Egypt’s support for the stability of Yemen and unity of its territories, calling for continuation of coordination between the two countries. The President stressed the importance of pursuing UN-adopted consultations to reach a peaceful solution to Yemeni crisis in line with the international legitimacy resolutions. For his part President Hadi appreciated Egypt’s stance supporting Yemen’s legitimacy, saying his country looks forward to defending Yemen’s interests. The talks also dealt with bilateral relations and means to overcome the crisis in the Arab country.

9 Sisi meets Sarraj on sidelines of Arab summit President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met with head of the Libyan Presidential Council Fayez al-Sarraj on the sidelines of the 28th Arab Summit in Jordan. The President reaffirmed Cairo’s keenness on achieving a political settlement of the Libyan crisis and its continued efforts to help restore peace, stability, integrity and sovereignty to the brotherly country. Egypt’s efforts aim to help resume dialogue among the Libyan parties based on the Skhirat agreement. Sarraj, for his part, appreciated Cairo’s efforts aiming to achieve Libyan reconciliation, highlighting the deeply-rooted Egyptian-Libyan relations.

Sisi voices Egypt’s support for in anti-terror war President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met with his Tunisian counterpart on the sidelines of the 28th Arab Summit. The two leaders tackled means of boosting bilateral relations in all fields. Sisi expressed Egypt’s support for Tunisia in the fight against terrorism. Egypt is keen on developing relations with Tunisia in all fields, Sisi noted. He hailed also an initiative launched by Essebsi to support the role played by Libya’s neighboring countries over the Libyan crisis. He further reiterated Egypt’s rejection of any interference in Libya’s domestic affairs. Essebsi, meanwhile, praised historical relations between his country and Egypt. He further invited President Sisi to visit Tunisia soon.

10 Sisi affirms Egypt’s full support for Iraq’s unity, stability President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi affirmed Egypt’s full support for Iraq’s unity, stability and sovereignty over all its territory. In a meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar Abadi in Jordan, Sisi hailed progress made in the ongoing military operations for uprooting Daesh terrorists from its last stronghold in western Mosul. Sisi stressed the importance of eradicating extremism from its roots and continuing efforts to strengthen the national fabric to block all attempts to spread strife. For his part, Abadi hailed Egypt’s pivotal role in boosting the Arab solidarity and supporting Iraq. The meeting also dealt with areas of mutual cooperation and means of enhancing them for the benefit of the two brotherly peoples.

Sisi, Bashir agree on expanding cooperation between Egypt, Sudan President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir on the sidelines of the Arab Summit.The two leaders discussed different aspects of bilateral relations, expressing their keenness on expanding cooperation and consultations for achieving interests of the two countries. They renewed commitment to boost bilateral relations and to achieve the ambitions of their peoples and voiced support for the Arab march in the face of challenges facing the region.

11 Sisi, Bahrain king urge peaceful settlement of Arab crises

President Abdel Fattah El- Sisi held a closed-door meeting with Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa in Cairo ahead of the Arab League Summit kicking off in Jordan. The meeting centered largely on security issues. President Sisi and the King of Bahrain asserted the importance of Sisi, Bahrain king urge peaceful settlement of Arab crises. supporting all efforts to find King Hamad voiced support to Egypt in political settlement of all its efforts to combat terrorism, underling crises to bring about security the importance of coordination among in the Arab world. King Hamad countries of the region to address lauded Egypt’s contributions challenges which undermine stability over years to the development and security in the region. Bahrain is process in Bahrain, in addition keen on boosting ties with Egypt in to its pivotal role to support all fields, the monarch said, especially Arab issues and boost pan- hailing Egypt’s participation in a recent Arab solidarity. He asserted military exercise in Bahrain. his country’s keenness on continuing coordination with Egypt to serve the Arab world’s interests. President Sisi asserted, during the meeting, that security of Bahrain and the Gulf countries in general is part and parcel of Egypt’s national security. Egypt is keen on supporting Bahrain, he reiterated.

12 Egypt and the Palestinian cause Inalienable principles

Egypt has never spared any effort to reach a permanent solution to the Palestinian cause in a manner that safeguards the rights of the Palestinians in establishing their own state with East Jerusalem as its capital. This is the position Egypt has maintained over the years, as it is Egypt’s conviction that a fair solution to the Palestinian cause would bring about the long-awaited peace and security to the Middle East. President Sisi, King Abdullah II discuss means to address regional issues. A year ago, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi called on the Israelis that President Sisi participated in a and the Palestinians to make history “secret summit” between Israeli Prime by reaching a solution to this problem, Minister , former giving hope to the Palestinians in US secretary of state John Kerry, and establishing their own state and Arab leaders. The report suggested that providing security to the Israelis. Both Netanyahu had rejected a proposal for Palestinians and Israelis welcomed renewed peace talks during the summit. the President’s statements reiterating The Presidency reiterated that “Egypt their readiness to work with Egypt spares no efforts to reach a just and towards reaching that goal. permanent solution to the Palestinian In February 2017, Sisi met with King issue, based on the two-state solution of Jordan Abdullah II in Cairo and and the Palestinians’ right to establish they discussed efforts aimed at pushing an independent state along the June 4, forward the peace process in the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its Middle East. Both leaders reiterated capital, without any political outbidding.” the need to reach a two-state solution On March 20, 2017, President Abdel and establish the Palestinian state with Fattah El-Sisi received Palestinian East Jerusalem as its capital. President Mahmoud Abbas to discuss the The Egyptian Presidency issued a latest developments in the region and statement to comment on recently President Sisi stressed that Egypt is seeking published press reports suggesting a just, lasting and comprehensive solution 13 that would lead to the establishment of its support to Palestine’ is totally true,” the an independent Palestinian state on the statement added. The meeting between borders of June 1967 with East Jerusalem Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El- as its capital. Sisi said he would raise Sisi and Palestinian President Mahmoud the Palestinian issue in his talks with Abbas came within the framework of the US President during great concern of Arab leaders to render his visit to Washington in April 2017. the Arab Summit in Jordan successful, During his meeting with Palestinian the statement said. The meeting reflects President Mahmoud Abbas, President constant and thorough coordination at El-Sisi affirmed it is necessary that the the highest levels between Palestine and US administration plays its pivotal role Jordan and between Palestine and Egypt in sponsoring the peace process in order to ensure the summit’s success and stress to resume negotiations to end the conflict that the Palestinian cause is a priority at and establish the Palestinian state. the Arab level, particularly at summits, the The President also noted Egypt’s statement added. The meeting asserted the constant efforts to reach a solution to importance of Egypt’s role in pressurizing the Palestinian cause and its moves the Israeli side to halt its occupation on the various arenas to safeguard measures and settlement policies that the Palestinian people and establish target the Palestinian people, their land Palestinian national unity. The Palestinian and existence, the statement pointed out. president praised Egypt’s efforts to settle The consultative summit is important as the Palestinian issue, asserted keenness having taken place ahead of President on holding consultations and coordination Sisi’s visit to Washington and meeting with with President Sisi, particularly ahead US President Donald Trump, the statement of the Arab Summit in Jordan. President said. Palestine considers relations with Mahmoud Abbas voiced hope that the Egypt as not only historical, geographical summit would come up with resolutions and humanitarian but also strategic and that support the unity of Arab ranks and a political commitment. provide practical solutions to problems facing the Arab region, mainly the Palestinian cause. The Palestinian Foreign Ministry said in a statement that holding the Palestinian- Egyptian summit in Cairo is considered a joint and clear response to any attempts to cast doubts over the profound, strong and historical relations between the two sides. “The saying ‘Palestine is strong by Egypt and Egypt remains strong by 14 President Sisi with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. Merkel’s visit confirms Egypt’s pivotal role in ME region

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi meets with the visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Cairo on March 2, 2017. he Chancellor of , Angela Merkel, paid a two-day visit to Egypt to discuss several political and economic issues between Egypt and the most powerful industrial country in the European Union. Throughout the visit, Merkal met President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, the Grand ImamT of Al-Azhar, Ahmed El-Tayyeb, and the Coptic Patriarch, Pope Tawadros II. Meetings between German and Egyptian businesspeople also took place during the visit. President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi held bilateral talks with President Sisi with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. 15 of Al-Azhar in standing against radicalism and , as well as the state of Muslims abroad. At the end of her visit, President Sisi invited Merkel to an elegant dinner at the Pyramids, the only remaining Ancient World Wonder. The visit of German Chancellor Angela Merkel to Egypt Meeting of German-Egyptian Business Community. reflects the depth of Egyptian- German Chancellor Angela Merkel German ties and contributes to followed by a meeting with promoting cooperation between representatives of the German- Egypt and Germany in the various Egyptian Business Community. political, economic and investment Merkel was accompanied by a spheres. Merkel’s visit to Egypt high-level economic delegation is very crucial and will open new to review means of supporting vistas of cooperation with the economy and investment in European Union. The bilateral Egypt. Sisi and Merkel held a summit between President Abdel press conference following the Fattah El-Sisi and Merkel will meeting. Merkel also met Grand develop a joint vision between the Imam of Al-Azhar Sheikh Ahmed two countries toward the regional El-Tayyeb and Pope Tawadros II and international causes. of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Mark Dioces . The German leader also paid a short visit to the St. Peter and St. Paul Church, where she paid her respects for the victims of the terrorist bombing that targeted the church in December 2016. Merkel discussed with El-Tayyeb the role 16 Sisi and Merkel in joint press conference. Egypt, assert determination to face terrorism

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi meeting with Lebanese President Michel Aoun in Cairo.

resident Abdel Fattah El-Sisi held bilateral talks with his Lebanese counterpart Michel Aoun and followed by talks that included the Egyptian- Lebanese delegations. During the meeting, Sisi reiterated congratulations to Aoun over assuming the office of Lebanese presidency, asserting his confidence inP the Lebanese leadership that will maintain stability in Lebanon. President Sisi also underlined Egypt’s continuous support to Lebanon. Aoun stressed his appreciation to Egypt and its leadership and also invited Sisi to visit Lebanon. The Lebanese president pointed out that his visit to Cairo aims to foster bilateral relations especially in economic and trade fields. He also said that Lebanon is looking forward to Egypt’s crucial role in the region to surpass the current crises. Meanwhile, the two presidents expressed their keenness to resume the joint higher committee meetings that are expected to witness the signing of a number of agreements in various fields between the two Arab countries. The two leaders also discussed a number of regional and international issues of mutual concern including the Syrian crises and the peace process as well as the war against terrorism and extremism. 17 President Aoun called on Lebanese president hails Egypt’s support to Lebanon Egypt to launch an Arab rescue initiative to set a joint strategy that aims to fight terrorism and find political solutions to problems facing the Arab nations especially the Syrian crisis. Presidential spokesman Alaa Youssef said President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi discussed during his meeting with Lebanese President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and Lebanese President Michel Aoun attend a President Michel Aoun joint a press conference at the Presidential Palace in Cairo on February 13, 2017. in Cairo the conditions of Speaking at a joint press conference with President Lebanese community in Abdel Fattah El-Sisi following their talks at the Ittihadiya Egypt and the problems presidential palace, Lebanese President Michel Aoun facing its members. The hailed Egypt’s continued support to Lebanon and the spokesman added President close ties binding the two countries. He said that his Sisi voiced belief that the talks with President Sisi tackled ways of boosting ties Lebanese president and in the various spheres. He further noted that he and leadership will be able President Sisi underlined the need of supporting the to provide stability for activities of the joint higher committee. The talks also Lebanon and its people, touched on the latest developments in the Middle East, emphasizing Egypt’s he added. “High hopes are pinned on the role that support for Lebanon to Egypt could play, “ he said, adding that Egypt could continue development launch an Arab rescue initiative based on a strategy to process. fight terrorism. The meeting also tackled Egypt could also work on finding political solutions the issue of terrorism where for the crises in the Arab world and especially Syria, he President Aoun called on further said. “Violence cannot anchor peace. It rather Egypt to launch an “Arab spaces borders and exacerbates divisions,” Lebanese salvation initiative” based President Michel Aoun said during the joint press on drawing up a strategy conference. “There is no salvation for our two countries to combat terror and find but via full solidarity against terrorism,” he added. solutions to the region’s Aoun said that his talks with President Sisi also crises. President Sisi touched on terrorism, saying that he and President Sisi called on the international affirmed that terrorism has nothing to do with heavenly community to help Lebanon religions. “We have emphasized the need to achieve just overcome the burdens of and comprehensive peace, to guarantee the Palestinian refugees on Lebanon’s people’s right to return and establish their State,” Aoun territories. said. He also thanked Egypt for its unyielding support to Lebanon. 18 Egypt supports Lebanon’s stability Lebanese president hails Al-Azhar role in confronting extremism President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi voiced Egypt’s full support for the stability of Lebanon and congratulated the Lebanese people over the election of their president and government. During the press conference following a plenary session of talks with Lebanese President Michel Aoun at Ittihadia palace in Cairo, President Sisi welcomed the Lebanese president, hailing relations binding the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed Al-Tayyeb two countries and peoples. receives Lebanese President Michel Aoun at his office in Cairo . President Sisi asserted that the two Lebanese President Michel Aoun voiced countries have identical viewpoints appreciation to the role of Al-Azhar in on many issues in the region, as well facing extremist thoughts. During a meeting as the cultural and social ties, adding with Al-Azhar Grand Imam Ahmed El- that Egypt has been seeking to achieve Tayyeb, the Lebanese leader expressed the stability of Lebanon and continued hope for enhancing cooperation with Al- communication with all Lebanese Azhar to maintain the multi intellectual political powers to affirm the need for societies in Lebanon to face terrorism. dialogue to put an end to differences. For his part, the Grand Imam asserted President Sisi said that Egypt will that Al-Azhar is playing an important role continue support for Lebanon at all to deepen the culture of peace, tolerance levels, expressing belief that the and openness to all cultures and religions Lebanese president will be able to through cooperation with the Archbishop keep his country away from the region’s of Canterbury and the World Council of disputes, adding his talks with President Churches. The Grand Imam pointed out Aoun also tackled economic and trade to the role of the Al-Azhar Observatory relations. There is a joint vision on which responds to fatwas (religious edicts) marketing their industrial production in many languages. in the African continent as Lebanon has big communities in many African Lebanese president visits Coptic Cathedral countries, he noted. Lebanese President Michel Aoun visited President Sisi said they discussed St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Cathedral regional and international issues such where he was received by Pope Tawadros as the Syrian crisis and refugees in II. Various presidents visit the Cathedral addition to the issue of terrorism and the in appreciation of the role of the Coptic role of the two countries for uprooting it, Orthodox Church as an Egyptian religious voicing Egypt’s readiness to support the and national institution. An Egyptian- Lebanese army and security agencies Lebanese summit was held to probe to enable them to deal with risks. He regional and international issues of mutual said the meeting also tackled the Arab concern and bilateral relations. This is summit in Jordan and means to overcome Aoun’s first visit to Egypt since he took the challenges. office in October 2016. 19 UK foreign secretary announces 3 packages of support to Egypt in economy, education, entrepreneurship

UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson described his meeting with President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry as positive, stressing that Britain has been a friend of Egypt for a long time. “The UK is a longstanding friend of Egypt. We are Egypt’s top economic President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi meeting with British Foreign Secretary partner and strong allies Boris Johnson at the Presidential Palace in the capital Cairo. against terrorism and extremist ideas,” focus on economy, education and Johnson said in a statement issued by entrepreneurship. On the economy, the the UK embassy in Cairo. The statement UK minister and President Sisi agreed on added that Johnson’s first visit to Egypt a loan of 150 million dollars to Egypt to as the UK foreign secretary comes after a help the country complete its economic series of high-profile visits made by the program. The loan is part of a wider UK defense secretary, the UK security package of 18 million dollars to finance affairs secretary and the UK trade envoy the technical experience of the Egyptian for Egypt. government to guarantee the protection He met with President Sisi and his of the most vulnerable people in society. counterpart Sameh Shoukry. The talks President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi tackled a number of issues, including the affirmed Egypt’s keenness on achieving British support for the Egyptian economy, a qualitative leap in relations with the the joint action in the field of aviation UK at all levels, especially with regard security and combating terrorism and to promoting economic cooperation and efforts to solve the regional conflicts, increasing British investments in the especially in Libya and Syria. The UK country. During their meeting in Cairo, foreign secretary also visited the British Sisi briefed British Foreign Secretary Council in Egypt and congratulated the Boris Johnson, in his first visit to Egypt winners in a competition for Al-Azhar since taking office, on steps of the students, which was funded by the UK. ongoing economic reform program. Johnson also announced three new He added that Egypt welcomes the packages of support to Egypt, which support provided by the UK to Egypt 20 Egypt affirms keenness on achieving qualitative leap in relations with UK to reach a loan agreement with the Sisi reviewed Egypt’s efforts in International Monetary Fund (IMF). the fight against terrorism and The President added that Egypt is keen extremism, which come according to a on boosting cooperation with the UK in comprehensive strategy that includes various fields, particularly in university cultural, intellectual and economic and pre-university education as well dimensions, as well as security as encouraging British investments in and military aspects, stressing the Egypt and expanding such activities in importance of concerted international the coming period, especially in Suez efforts to combat terrorism. The Canal Economic Zone project. British Foreign Secretary affirmed For his part, Johnson voiced his country’s full support to efforts appreciation for distinguished relations made by Egypt to uproot terrorism linking his country with Egypt and and settle current crises in the Middle Britain’s aspiration to upgrade them East. to wider prospects. He also affirmed The meeting also dealt with ongoing his country’s appreciation for the developments in the Middle East, courageous decisions taken by Egypt especially with regard to the Syrian in the field of economic reform. crisis and the situation in Libya Britain; as one of the countries with the and Yemen as well as the prospects largest investments in Egypt, is keen for advancing the peace process to support stability and development and efforts to combat terrorism in the country, Johnson said. He also and extremism. Sisi stressed the appreciated fruitful cooperation with importance of supporting the concept the Egyptian agencies concerned with of the “national state”, reinforcing airport security. the role of its institutions to shoulder The meeting also dealt with ways to their responsibilities for maintaining boost coordination between the two the territorial integrity and strongly countries on issues of common concern, combating the extremist and terrorist especially terrorism, Presidential thoughts. Spokesman Alaa Youssef said. President

UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson visits the Giza Pyramids. 21 President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi meeting with a delegation of the Conservative Middle East Council on March 13, 2017. Egypt looking forward to boosting British investments

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi said and social problems.He hoped that he is looking forward to boosting British this would realize the aspired all-out investments in Egypt, voicing appreciation development. The President underlined of Britain’s support for Egypt to clinch keenness on being frank with the Egyptians a deal with the International Monetary on pinpointing problems and solutions, Fund (IMF). President Sisi made the adding this policy made the Egyptian remark during a meeting with a delegation people ready to bear the high price of of the Conservative Middle East Council reform. The President noted that he is keen (CMEC). He underlined that Egypt is that all state officials and agencies would looking forward to furthering cooperation work to alleviate the people’s suffering and with Britain. Egypt is keen on working improve economic conditions, especially hard to remove the hurdles of bureaucracy for low-income strata. facing local and foreign investment. The delegation underlined keenness The President stressed that Egypt will on enhancing ties with Egypt in various proceed with its war against corruption domains, the presidential spokesman and building a modern infrastructure to said. The delegation said it is well aware cope with international development. of the historic change in Egypt, hailing Sisi welcomed the delegation’s positive the courageous step of taking such hard interaction with Egypt and the region, decisions. The delegation accentuated said Presidential Spokesman Alaa Youssef. support for Egypt. Sisi said Egypt is passing through a . The delegation hailed Egypt’s vital delicate stage, referring to unprecedented role in realizing stability in the region comprehensive economic reform which and countering terror, underlining the aims at putting an end to chronic economic importance of rallying international efforts 22 in this regard. France keen on boosting defense relations with Egypt

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi praised Egyptian- French relations particularly in the military domains. During a meeting with French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, the President welcomed growing cooperation between the two sides. He bestowed the Order of the Republic of the first class on the French minister in appreciation of his efforts in boosting military cooperation between the two sides. The French minister voiced his keenness on promoting cooperation with Egypt especially in the military domain, calling President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi meeting with French Defense for pursuing coordination Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian at the Presidential Palace in Cairo. and consultations between the two sides to overcome Defense Minister Sedqy Sobhy met with his the challenges topped French counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian to by terrorism whose exchange views on regional developments. The repercussions reached all meeting also tackled joint cooperation between parts of the world. Le Drian the armies of Egypt and France. Sobhy said conveyed the greetings of Egyptian-French military relations are based French President Francois on cooperation and strategic partnership, Hollande to President Sisi who stressed the importance pointing to joint stances regarding regional and of exerting strenuous international issues of mutual concern. Le Drian efforts by the international said his country greatly appreciates the pivotal community to fight terrorist role played by Egypt in fighting extremism and organizations and end terrorism. France, he added, is keen on boosting supplying them with fund defense relations with Egypt, particularly where and arms. exchanging expertise and training is concerned.

23 Egypt one of US main partners in region

Head of the US Central Command General Joseph Votel, who visited Cairo to discuss shared interests in regional security with Egyptian senior leaders, stressed that Egypt is one of US most important partners in the region. “Egypt is one of our most important partners in the region,” Votel said. At CENTCOM our vision is to help promote a more stable and prosperous region with increasingly effective governance, improved security, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi meeting with General Joseph Votel, Commander of the US Central Command, at the presidential palace and trans-regional cooperation. in the capital Cairo. Our mission is to direct and enable military engagement region. In a meeting with Joseph L. Votel, commander with allies and partners to of US Central Command, President Abdel Fattah El- increase regional security and Sisi hailed as “strategic and special” military relations stability.” he added. General with Washington. Sisi called for boosting international Votel met with President Abdel coordination to reach a joint and integrated strategy Fattah El-Sisi, Minister of to face challenges, atop of which terrorism. Defense Sedky Sobhy, and other Sisi told Votel Egypt has, over the past three years, senior officials to explore ways spared no effort in its fight against terrorism and to strengthen the US-Egypt extremism. Votel said he is keen on coordinating partnership in the fight against efforts with Egyptian officials to counter terrorism. terrorism and in promoting The US commander praised the pivotal role played stability throughout the Middle by Egypt in the region and voiced a desire to enhance Egypt,East region. US press for action to strategic ties with Egypt, especially where fighting reach political solutions to terrorism is concerned. He greatly appreciated Egypt’s regional crises efforts in the fight against terrorism, stressing that US Egypt and the US stressed Central Command is seeking to cooperate with allies the need to continue working to and partners to boost regional security and stability. reach political solutions to the Defense and Military Production Minister Sedqi different crises in the Middle Sobhi also held discussions with Head of US Central East. The two countries are Command General Joseph Votel and his accompanying convinced this is the perfect delegation. means to end conflicts, spare The discussions tackled joint military cooperation further bloodshed and restore as well as international efforts exerted to uproot peace and stability to the terrorism amid the incidents witnessed by the region. 24 US House delegation stresses support for all efforts to enhance bilateral ties with Egypt President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi received a delegation of the US House of Representatives. Sisi hailed as "strong" relations between Cairo and Washington, expressing desire to further boost cooperation and coordination with the new US administration. The US delegates stressed support for all efforts to President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi receives US House delegation. enhance bilateral ties with Egypt, especially after two-state solution would help achieve stability Donald Trump came to in the region. office. President Sisi posted the delegates on Egypt's President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi also met a efforts to counter terrorism, delegation of the heads of major US-Jewish especially through organizations. The meeting aimed to foster correcting the religious relations between the US and Egypt, according discourse. He called for to a presidential statement. Sisi stressed that intensifying international a solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict efforts to stop the funding will change the current state of the Middle of terrorist organizations. East, as it will give hope of stability and the The meeting also took possibility of achieving peace. There should be up the latest regional a fair and permanent solution to the Palestinian developments, with Sisi people, Sisi said. Similarly, the American Jewish stressing the importance of Committee praised efforts aimed at bringing maintaining sovereignty of peace in the Middle East. The meeting also countries in the region. discussed the efforts exerted by Egypt to counter terrorism and the general social, political, and Sisi also talked about economic condition of Egypt, in addition to Egypt's non-stop efforts Egypt’s visions to resolve the crises that the to revive the Middle East Middle East currently faces. peace process, noting that a 25 Sisi receives head of Russian Federation Council

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi discussed with Chairwoman of the Russian Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko bi- lateral relations, March 4, 2017. President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi received Chairperson of the Russian Federation Council Valentina Ivanovna Matviyenko and her accompanying delegation. Talks covered scopes of cooperation between Egypt and Russia in the various fields in the coming phase. The two sides reviewed current developments in view of the efforts exerted to work out political settlement to regional crises. 90% of measures to resume Russian flights to Egypt implemented Chairwoman of the Russian Federal Council Valentina Matviyenko said that Egyptian authorities implemented about 90 percent of measures meant to resume Russian flights to Egypt. Matviyenko, in a joint press conference with Speaker of the Egyptian House of Representatives Aly Abdel-Aal, could say it with satisfaction that security apparatuses in Egypt and Russia had made decisions and that necessary measures had been taken for flights to resume. Only four points still need to be implemented for a road map to resume the flights to be completed, she noted. Matviyenko with House of Representatives Speaker Abdel-Aal. 26 Russian official urges Russian tourists to visit Egypt Chairwoman of the Russian Federal Council Valentina Matviyenko called on Russian tourists to visit Egypt, praising the beauty of the country and its tourist landmarks. The Russian lawmaker’s statements came during a visit to the Museum of Islamic Art downtown Cairo, accompanied by the Russian ambassador to Egypt. Minister of Antiquities Khaled El-Enany, who welcomed the Russian official and the ambassador at the museum, praised the Matviyenko visits Museum of Islamic Art accompanied by state efforts to defeat terrorism and the Russian ambassador to Egypt. improve tourist sites. The Russian official listened to PM, Russian official discuss boosting a detailed explanation about the cooperation, resuming flights museum activities and efforts exerted Prime Minister Sherif Ismail met with by the ministry to inaugurate the Grand Chairman of the Federation Council of Egyptian Museum in 2018. the Federal Assembly of the Russian Egyptian-Russian parliamentary Federation Valentina Matviyenko. friendship association formed The meeting dealt with ways to boost House of Representatives Speaker Ali bilateral relations, as well as resuming Abdel-Aal said the Egyptian-Russian Russian flights to Egypt. Ismail hailed parliamentary friendship association distinguished relations linking the has been formed and is due to start work. parliaments of the two countries, adding The association will tackle several issues that bilateral meetings between officials in the fields of tourism, energy, trade and of the two countries are very important economic relations, Abdel-Aal added at to promote cooperation, especially in a joint press conference with Russian the economic and commercial sphere, Federation Council Speaker Valentina as well as consultation on other issues Matviyenko. There is joint coordination of common concern, particularly the between Egypt’s parliament and Russia’s regional situation in the Middle East, Federation Council, Abdel-Aal said, and the counter-terrorism file. noting that Cairo and have the The prime minister reviewed measures same viewpoints on issues of mutual taken by the Egyptian government concern especially in the parliamentary to develop the investment climate domain. The Egyptian Parliament in Egypt, including the Suez Canal Speaker also said the meeting covered Economic Zone. The two sides also preparations for holding an international discussed opportunities for boosting parliamentary conference in the Russian Egyptian-Russian cooperation in the city of Saint Petersburg in October 2017. field of pharmaceutical industry. 27 Guterres: Egypt ‘key player’ in Arab region

Secretary-General António Guterres meets with President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi in Cairo, February 15, 2017.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres said Egypt has a central geopolitical position and is a “key player” in the region, noting that Cairo mainly contributes to reaching solutions to the Middle East issues and crises. Speaking at a press conference following his meeting with President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, Guterres voiced happiness over discussing with Sisi various issues in the Middle East and the world in general. The UN chief said he agreed with Sisi that there is no solution to the Palestinian problem without reaching a two-state solution on the ground. Guterres stressed that combating terrorism should continue in parallel with finding political solutions to the Arab region’s crises, noting that it should come in line with the Geneva talks on the situation in Syria, hammering out accord and national unity in Iraq in addition to achieving settlement to the situation in Yemen and Libya. On that score, Guterres said he looks forward to working with Egypt to find solutions to the region’s crises. Commenting on Egypt’s hosting of refugees, Guterres said Egypt and the Arab region states receive lots of Syrian refugees, noting that both the refugees and the hosting countries have not gained sufficient support. The visit is part of Guterres’ tour that includes Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the UAE, and . 28 UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres gives a lecture entitled “Facing Global Challenges: Finding Hope in Youth” at Cairo University Egypt underscores importance of reviving Palestinian- “Facing Global Challenges: Finding Israeli peace Hope in Youth” at the Grand Hall President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi stressed the of Cairo University, Guterres said importance of exerting more efforts to revive Egypt is a key protector of peace the Palestinian-Israeli peace process. Sisi said and is bravely defending security reaching a fair and permanent solution to the and stability under the international Palestinian issue would provide a new reality organization’s umbrella. He shed in the region and restore its stability. Sisi’s light on the important role played remarks came during his meeting with visiting by Cairo University, from which UN Secretary-General António Guterres. Boutros Boutros-Ghali, the sixth Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and a host Secretary-General of the United of UN officials were present at the meeting. Nations, had graduated. He also Egypt has always shown a great interest in the highlighted Egypt’s contribution multilateral international efforts, which was to the history of world heritage reflected in Cairo’s active participation in the civilization and human legacy. UN activities, such as peacekeeping forces and The UN Secretary General said the UN Security Council. Guterres said his Cairo also plays a pivotal role in visit to Cairo after wrapping up his regional helping refugees flowing into the tour reflected the importance of Egypt as a country from neighboring countries. major pillar of regional stability and security. As for the Palestinian cause, Guterres: Youth can give solutions to face world challenges Guterres highlighted the two-state United Nations Secretary General António solution, involving a Palestinian Guterres asserted that the youth have the state living side-by-side with , potentials to find solutions to face world as a sole way to solve the Middle East crisis. challenges. Delivering a lecture under the title 29 President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi (R) handing the Order of the Republic to the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Irina Bokova (L) at the Presidential Palace in Cairo, Egypt, 15 February 2017. Bokova awarded First Order of Egypt in appreciation for outstanding cooperation with the UNESCO President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi comprehensive cultural development received Director-General of UNESCO including establishing museums to Irina Bokova in presence of Foreign maintain the Egyptian heritage and renew Minister Sameh Shoukry and a host of the religious discourse to strengthen the senior UNESCO officials. Sisi awarded values of tolerance and coexistence. He Bokova the Order of the Republic of the added that terror has nothing to do with first class in appreciation of her efforts the tolerant principles of religions. to boost cooperation between Egypt and Bokova said that her honoring reflects UNESCO, her contribution to improving the Egyptian-UNESCO distinguished a number of cultural projects in Egypt ties, renewing the UNESCO’s commitment within the past period along with her role to present all kinds of support to Egypt. in maintaining international humanitarian Bokova also lauded the speech that Sisi heritage. Sisi lauded Bokova’s ability to delivered before the general assembly lead the UNESCO in light of many difficult of the UN in September 2016 where challenges, asserting Egypt’s full support he asserted Egypt’s appreciation for for the efforts of the organization, he said. UNESCO role. She also hailed Egypt’s President Sisi asserted that Egypt role in facing terror and extremism at has a successful ambitious program to all levels. 30 FM meets UNESCO director general in appreciation for her recent efforts in facilitating several projects by the UNESCO in Egypt. The UNESCO director- general expressed her gratitude for the award, which she said is a major honor for the organization and reflects the special relationship between Egypt and UNESCO. President Sisi said that Egypt also aims to amend religious discourse in order to uphold the principles of coexistence, tolerance, and the acceptance of others, which would combat terrorism and Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry met extremism on an intellectual level. He with UNESCO Director General Irina said that terrorism has nothing to do with Bokova to discuss means of boosting the core of religion and its benevolent cooperation inside Africa, the Nile Basin principles, adding that terrorism is built on rotten ideas that aim to instigate countries in particular. The meeting also divisions and destroy humanity’s common took up efforts to upgrade action inside heritage. UNESCO, said Foreign Ministry spokesman Bokova said she recognizes Egypt’s Ahmed Abu-Zeid. They agreed on the role in fighting extremism and terrorism growing importance of culture and science on all levels, particularly in educating which are directly linked to top-priority youth which is needed to accomplish files, such as countering terrorism and security, stability, and development. She also mentioned several projects to which extremism and achieving sustainable development, Abu-Zeid added. Shoukry told Bokova Egypt is keen on offering all kind of support for UNESCO to enhance its role in all fields of action, the spokesman noted. UNESCO’s Bokova in opening of Museum of Egyptian Civilization: Egypt’s role in fighting extremism and terrorism on all levels recognized Egypt aims to establish more museums in order to preserve its diverse heritage, President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi told UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova during their meeting in Cairo as part of the country’s programme for comprehensive cultural development. Sisi also awarded Bokova the First Order of Egypt Award 31 UNESCO is contributing, including resurrecting Cairo’s Museum of Islamic Art (MIA), contributing to building the Nubian Museum in Upper Egypt’s Aswan, and re- establishing Fustat’s National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (NMEC). The Islamic Museum In Egypt, the Director-General highlights the power of cultural heritage to was re-inaugurated by foster tolerance. Sisi in January 2016 The National Museum of Egyp- following a two year closure after the tian Civilization museum was damaged in a 2014 car bombing targeting the nearby Cairo The NMEC is the first museum to Security Directorate building. The blast be devoted to the entirety of Egyptian destroyed the façade of the building, civilization. The first veritable museum several columns, display cases and of civilization in Egypt, the NMEC is artefacts, as well as the nearby Egyptian located on the archaeological site of National Library and Archives building. El-Fustat in Old Cairo, overlooking Egypt has received grants by foreign the Ain El-Seera Lake. The Museum allies, including EGP 50 million from was designed by Egyptian architect the to restore the El-Ghazzali Kosseiba. The exhibition museum, in collaboration with Egyptian spaces are being designed by Japanese and foreign experts from , Germany architect Arata Isozaki. The NMEC will and the . UNESCO donated showcase Egyptian civilization from $100,000 for the restoration of the prehistoric times to the present day, museum’s laboratories, while the Italian using a multidisciplinary approach that government contributed €800,000 highlights the country’s tangible and for the purchase of new display cases intangible heritage. and training courses for the museum’s The Museum’s collections will curators. be displayed in a core permanent Bokova inaugurated the NMEC during exhibition of the principle achievements her visit. According to UNESCO, the of Egyptian civilization, with six NMEC is the first museum in the Arab thematic galleries covering the Dawn world and the only museum in Egypt that of Civilization, The Nile, Writing, State gives an overview of Egypt’s history from and Society, Material Culture, Beliefs ancient times until today. The project and Thinking and the Gallery of Royal is directed by Egypt with the technical Mummies. support from UNESCO. The Museum also has generous temporary exhibition spaces, an auditorium and an education and 32 Artifacts displayed in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization. research centre, as well as an exhibition an inclusive institution that serves as on the development of the modern city of a forum for open dialogue, debate and Cairo. It will act as a venue for a variety the exchange of ideas. of events, including film screenings, UNESCO is providing technical conferences, lectures and cultural activities support to the NMEC in training, and will target broad local, national and exhibition development and other international audiences. areas. The project forms part of Designed as a major attraction UNESCO’s work to help safeguard and for visitors to Egypt as well as an preserve Egypt’s cultural heritage, internationally recognized research going back more than half a century to and conservation centre, the NMEC the establishment of the International will have an important role to play Campaign to Save the Monuments in raising awareness of modern and of Nubia in 1960. The NMEC will contemporary Egyptian history and allow greater numbers of people than society, hosting events and temporary ever before to learn about and enjoy displays and exhibitions and providing Egyptian civilization in the context of a an important center for the country’s modern, twenty-first century museum. youth. It has the opportunity to become 33 President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi with participants at the conference of chief justices of high constitutional courts in Africa. Egypt open to Africa, keen on boosting relations with African countries

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi said President Sisi welcomed the African Egypt has been open to Africa over the guests, noting that the conference is past years, adding that Cairo is keen on held in Egypt for the first time with boosting relations in various domains the aim of backing the judiciary’s role with all African countries. Sisi made in African communities, promoting the remarks as he received heads of cooperation and exchanging expertise Africa’s supreme and constitutional among African constitutional courts. courts who took part in the conference On that score, Sisi lauded the key organized by the Egyptian Supreme and pivotal role played by supreme Constitutional Court in cooperation and constitutional courts in African with the Egyptian Agency of countries, stressing that to achieve the Partnership for Development (EAPD), aspired comprehensive development affiliated with the Egyptian Ministry goals in Africa, it is necessary to of Foreign Affairs. maintain justice in order to provide an environment suitable for attaining 34 development. A number of African judicial authority, said Chief Justice judges participating in the event voiced of the Supreme Constitutional Court appreciation for Egypt’s hosting of the (SCC) of Egypt Abdel Wahab Abdel- first such conference that gathers heads Razeq. It is a chance to exchange of Africa’s high and constitutional expertise with the aim to boost judicial courts in order to discuss means of cooperation among African countries, fostering inter-African cooperation Abdel-Razeq added. at the judiciary level. Prime Minister Sherif Ismail said the Cairo hosts Conf. of chief justices of SCC has entrenched personal rights African constitutional courts as part of protecting human rights. The conference of chief justices of high The SCC has also set the stage for constitutional courts in Africa kicked off democracy in nascent countries, Ismail in Cairo with the participation of Prime said in his speech. Minister Sherif Ismail and Speaker High constitutional courts play of the House of Representatives Aly an important role in establishing Abdel-Aal. The conference, the first constitutional values in democratic of its kind, reviewed challenges facing systems, said Parliament Speaker Aly the judicial authority in Africa in the Abdel-Aal, adding that constitutional current stage, said Hazem Fahmy, the courts guarantee the legal system is Secretary General of the Egyptian applied and rights are observed. Partnership Agency for Development (EPAD). Participants probed the role law plays in African countries, he added. The Conference focused on fighting corruption and terrorism, as well as protecting women and children and tackled human rights standards. The Conference is meant to achieve justice and equality through the 35 In his Meeting with African Media Delegation,

Sisi: Egypt keen on supporting sustainable development in Africa

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi with a delegation of senior African journalists from 25 African countries.

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met with a delegation of media people and journalists representing 25 African countries. Presidential Spokesman Alaa Youssef said the delegation members are taking part in the training course organized by the Egyptian Agency of Partnership for Development (EAPD). The course comes as part of efforts to foster cooperation between Egypt and African brothers. Egypt is keen on supporting sustainable development in Africa, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi said. During a meeting with a group of African journalists, Sisi referred to efforts exerted by Egypt to reinforce cooperation with the Nile Basin countries. The Nile river is the only source of water in Egypt, the President stressed, expressing Cairo’s keenness on turning the Nile river into an axis of development among the Nile Basin countries. He also hailed the significant role played by African media personnel to boost the development process in the African continent. Egypt adopts an open policy with African countries which is based on non-interference in their domestic affairs, the President said. Sisi reiterated Egypt’s keenness on participating in African Union summits to boost prospects of cooperation with all African countries.

36 Egypt, probe bolstering trade relations

Trade Minister Tarek Qabil with Spanish Secretary of State for Commerce Maria Luisa Poncela and accompanying delegation. Trade Minister Tarek Qabil held and innovation. Poncela, for her part, said talks with Spanish Secretary of State that her country is looking forward to for Commerce Maria Luisa Poncela on expand the volume of economic relations the importance of boosting trade and with Egypt. The Spanish minister added economic relations between Egypt and that Egypt is one of Spain’s key partners Spain during the coming phase. The in the Middle East and Africa, noting that meeting reviewed the future of bilateral the coming phase would witness more relations, in light of the distinguished cooperation with the northern African political relations binding the country. leaderships of both countries, Qabil said Spain-Egypt Multilateral Partnership in a released statement by the Ministry forum kicks off in Cairo of Trade. The importance of expediting the formation of Spanish side in the The Spain-Egypt Multilateral joint Egypt-Spain Business Council Partnership forum kicked off in Cairo was tackled during the meeting, Qabil under the auspices of the Ministry of said, pointing out to the significance Trade and Industry. Trade Minister of the council in supporting bilateral Tarek Qabil, his Spanish counterpart investment partnership. Qabil called for Maria Luisa Poncela, the Spanish activating the joint declaration that was ambassador to Egypt along with a signed in 2015 between the Egyptian delegation of Spanish businessmen are Ministry of Trade and Spain’s Ministry present at the meeting. Since 2011, of Economy and Competitiveness on Egypt has faced massive challenges transferring knowledge and exchanging that affected its political, social and expertise in the domains of technology economic situation, Qabil said during 37 Spain-Egypt Multilateral Partnership Forum. the inauguration of the “Egyptian- Spanish delegation visits East Port Said Spanish partnership” conference. economic zone President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi outlined a roadmap to restore A Spanish delegation visited East Port political stability in the country, Qabil Said economic zone to get acquainted with noted, highlighting the economic the zone and the ongoing projects carried reform program that was adopted in out there. The delegation also discussed 2016 to achieve reform through four available investment opportunities in the key axes; infrastructure, financial zone in light of the interest shown by lots institutions, governance and of foreign companies in the Suez Canal economic regulations. The minister Economic Zone (SCZone) to implement shed light on progress achieved in projects in East Port Said zone. The visit all fields over the past few years, comes as part of the previous negotiations including the breakthrough in held in 2016 between Spanish officials and establishing roads that stretch across SCZone Chairman Ahmed Darwish during 5,000 km, Suez Canal expansion, his latest visit to Barcelona. The Spanish establishing three new cities, delegation invited Darwish to attend the liberalizing the exchange rate as well biggest international fair for investment as endorsing a new investment law. in Barcelona, scheduled to be held in June. Meanwhile, Qabil highlighted the strong relations binding Egypt and Spain, pointing out to the aspiration of both sides to boost the economic relations along with the existing trade exchange which stands at two billion dollars. Citing the one billion dollars two-way investment, Qabil emphasized Egypt’s promising investment opportunities for those seeking investments abroad. 38 Spanish trade delegation in East Port Said economic zone. President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi and Prime Minister Sherif Ismail pose for a group photo with new ministers in Cairo. Cabinet reshuffle: Improving living standards, caring for limited-brackets on top of the government agenda

A new cabinet reshuffle took the ministries of investment and place in Egypt to better address international cooperation under the urgent issues of the Egyptian Mrs. Sahar Nasr. The new cabinet citizens, particularly the limited- has been directed to give utmost income brackets. The cabinet priority to providing quality services reshuffle included nine new to the citizens, improving their living ministers, five governors, including standards, and to continue the fight a female governor for the first time, against corruption. Following the and four deputies for the ministers cabinet reshuffle, five new governors of agriculture and planning. The were selected, including a woman for reshuffle included new ministers for the first time in Egypt. Mrs. Nadia agriculture, parliamentary affairs, Abdou was chosen as a governor for local development, planning and Beheira Governorate in recognition ‎administrative reform, education, of her long public service and plans higher ‎education, and transport. she has set out to improve the The reshuffle also included merging conditions of the governorate. 39 Fitch: Egypt’s economy rebalancing continues ahead of challenging year

Rising foreign exchange reserves, resumption of foreign portfolio inflows a return of private capital inflows and remittances after the authorities and currency appreciation point to floated the pound, as well as import further progress in Egypt’s gradual compression and improving export external rebalancing in early activity. As such, they are in line with 2017, Fitch Ratings says. Further Fitch’s general expectations affirming fiscal consolidation alongside Egypt’s ‘B/Stable’ sovereign rating external rebalancing would lay the in December 2016 following the groundwork for a broader-based flotation and IMF board approval improvement in sovereign credit of a $12bn extended fund facility, metrics in 2018. Foreign currency of which $2.7bn was disbursed. The reserves have continued to rise, with rebound in FX reserves has been net international reserves reaching slightly stronger than anticipated, $26bn at the end-January - up from partly due to a larger-than-expected $24bn at end-December and more $4bn international bond issued in than $10bn above their July 2016 low. January 2017. The Egyptian pound has strengthened Completion of the first review of 20% against the US dollar since late the IMF program before end-June December 2016, reversing some of its 2017 would release another $1.25bn, losses following November’s flotation. further boosting reserves and These positive developments largely economic and investor confidence. reflect inflows from multilateral According to Fitch this is likely, as and bilateral institutions - notably the Egyptian government appear to the IMF and World Bank - and a 40 have met monetary targets and the introduction of VAT in September 2016 and control of civil service wage growth, alongside other measures including fuel and electricity tariff adjustments, suggests that the budget targets will also be broadly met. The Egyptian government’s ability to balance fiscal, monetary and economic reforms with the risks of a social backlash therefore remains an important sovereign rating consideration. According to Fitch, the government is attempting to address this in its economic program, with some increases in social spending and other measures, such as improving electricity provision. If the authorities can maintain recent progress, the next fiscal year starting in July (FY18) would see stronger growth (we forecast 4.5%, up from 3.3% for FY17) as inflation falls and economic adjustment bears fruit; further reduction of the primary deficit; and debt-to-GDP start to decline from a forecast 96% of GDP at end-FY17. In another development, the London-based PircewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) released a report that forecasts Egypt to surpass Italian and Canadian economies and move to place No. 15 in the list of the most powerful economies by 2050: “By 2050, emerging economies such as Mexico and Indonesia are likely to be larger than the UK and France, while Pakistan and Egypt could overtake Italy and Canada.” According to the PwC report, Egypt’s economy will grow at an average rate of 5% between 2016 and 2020. The country’s GDP is projected to reach $4.3 trillion by 2050.

EU provides Egypt with €23.8 mln grant

Head of the EU Delegation to Egypt Ambassador Ivan Surkos said that the European Union has provided a €23.8 million grant through the Green Economy Financing Facility to help dismantle the numerous barriers facing the private sector and preventing financial institutions, strategic investors and project managers from operating actively and efficiently in financing sustainable energy projects, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) said in a press release. The EBRD, the Agence Française 41 de Développement (AFD), the The €140 million program for Egypt European Investment Bank (EIB) will provide loans for energy efficiency and the EU launched their new and small-scale renewable energy Green Economy Financing Facility investments by private companies (GEFF) for Egypt during an event through a group of participating banks, in Cairo attended by more than 250 with the aim of also achieving energy participants, including government security. The loans are combined officials and representatives from the with technical support to develop banking sector, business community, projects and with incentives for the international institutions and civil successful completion of investments, society. The GEFF is the latest in a thus producing a unique product series of similar programs led by the aimed at promoting energy-efficient EBRD. They have been rolled out so and renewable energy technology, far in 24 countries in cooperation raising awareness, reducing operating with 120 local financial partners, costs and improving competitiveness. providing over €4 billion towards The program is being supported by energy efficiency and renewable an EU grant of €23.8 million. The energy projects. National Bank of (NBK) in Egypt and the Qatar National Bank The conference aims to review (QNB) Al-Ahli in Egypt are the first and discuss the role of the green banks to participate in the new facility. economy in developing all sectors The European Union Neighborhood and state institutions and the private Investment Facility (EU NIF) is sector in Egypt. Speaking at the providing the funds for incentives opening session of the conference to complete investments, while the the administrative director of the comprehensive technical-assistance European Development Bank said package is jointly funded by the EU that Egypt is the first country in NIF and the EBRD’s Shareholder which the green economy program Special Fund. was established. The program is Egypt is a founding member of the worth 30 million dollars, said the EBRD and has been receiving funding director, adding that it is financed since 2012. To date the Bank has in cooperation with the Egyptian invested €2.3 billion in 43 projects banks. Deputy Head of European in the country. The EBRD’s areas Union Delegation to Egypt Reinhold of investment include the financial Brender underlined the importance sector, agribusiness, manufacturing of the green economy program for and services, as well as infrastructure Egypt. The EU allocates 140 million projects such as power, municipal water euros to the program annually, he and wastewater services and support for transport services. The EBRD has added, underlining the importance also provided technical assistance of partnership between Egypt and support to more than 500 small and the EU. medium-sized local enterprises. 42 The Economist: Sisi started to put Egypt back on balanced economic track

There are signs that President Remittances, which accounted for Abdel Fattah El-Sisi is starting to as much as 7% of GDP in 2012, put Egypt back on a more sensible slumped by a fifth last year as people economic track, The Economist said held onto foreign currency rather in its weekly edition. In an editorial than send it home to be converted themed “Egypt’s economy shows signs into overvalued pounds. Since the of life”, the UK magazine added the currency has floated, remittances Egyptian government has raised are rising once more, said the weekly the price of subsidized fuel and magazine. electricity, brought in new taxes and A weaker currency is also spurring allowed the Egyptian pound to float growth, albeit gradual, in trade and but such measures would serve the tourism. Non-petroleum exports country’s economy. increased by 25% in January “Though the medicine was bitter, compared with the year before, it it seems to have been just what was noted. Earnings from exports, along needed to lure foreign investors with new loans from the IMF and back into the Egyptian market,” other sources, are plumping up the The Economist noted, in reference country’s foreign-currency reserves, to the economic measures taken by said the editorial. “In February they the government. A sale of $4bn-worth hit their highest level since 2011, of government bonds in January was promising to ease a shortage of more than three times oversubscribed, dollars that has hindered Egyptian and foreign purchases of Egyptian business. “There are signs that a treasury notes doubled in the same broader recovery may come soon, it month. This appetite for investing further added. in Egypt partly reflects a broader The weaker currency is proving demand for emerging-market debt. a fillip to some manufacturers, as But it is also a clear sign of growing consumers switch from expensive confidence in the Egyptian economy, imports to cheaper domestic noted the editorial. alternatives, noted the report. That change in mood is also felt “Egypt’s trade deficit in January was by Egyptians working abroad. 44% smaller than it had been a year earlier.” 43 Euromoney: Egypt is poised for comeback

Euromoney Magazine said that the Egyptian economy will witness a comeback in the upcoming few years although its struggles with political revolution, terrorism threats and the commodity crisis. In a report, Euromoney said that Egypt’s risk score has shed 20 points in Euromoney’s survey since the 2007/08 global financial crisis and Arab uprising in 2011. The Initial surveys for 2017 first quarter assert that the Egyptian economy is stable. Although problems facing Egypt including fiscal deficit, rise in inflation and unemployment rates and crisis in tourism sector, Egypt surveys reveal that the recession in Egypt is coming to an end, the report said. The report added that Egypt’s plan aims to cut the deficit in national income to 2 percent instead of 3.5 percent in the 2018-2019 fiscal year via the deal with the International Monetary Fund and to decrease public debt from 98 percent to 88 percent.

Hermes Poll: Foreign investors prefer to invest in Egypt in 2017

A survey held by the Financial Group of Hermes found that foreign investors prefer to invest in Egypt in 2017. The poll covered 510 regional and international investors and financial institutions and was held on the sidelines of the 13th session of the investment conference organized by the Financial Group of Hermes. About 46 percent of the participants said that the Egyptian stock exchange will achieve great results in 2017 comparing to other markets in the Middle East and North Africa while 32 percent said that the health care in Egypt will witness great success in 2017. About 41 percent of the participants said that the US dollar price will reach 15-17 pounds in 2017 while 27 percent said will reach 13-15 pounds. A total of 8 percent said will drop under 13 pounds while 14 percent said will exceed 17 pounds in 2017. The 13th session of the investment conference was launched in Dubai with the participation of 510 investors representing 260 financial institutions.

44 Egypt receives second 1 billion dollar tranche from World Bank

Egypt received the second 1 billion dollar tranche of a 3 billion dollar three-year loan from the World Bank aimed at supporting the country’s economic and social reform program. Egypt received the first 1 billion dollar tranche in September 2016. The second tranche contributes to motivating the private sector’s investments and supporting the foreign International Cooperation and Investment Minister Sahar Nasr reserves. during the meeting with the World Bank mission in Cairo, Egypt. The second batch indicates that Egypt’s economy is moving (SME) also increased by 1.27 steadily toward achieving percent to hit 561.50 points. The all- comprehensive development. embracing EGX 100 index followed The finance is part of the World suit with 1.25 percent taking the Bank’s portfolio in Egypt worth 8 index up to 1,309.99 points. billion dollars – 6 billion for the Minister of Investment and government and 2 billion for the International Cooperation Sahar private sector. Nasr noted that she held a meeting Foreign purchases drove with the mission of the World Bank Egypt’s bourse indices up amid to negotiate on the third tranche optimism over Egypt’s obtaining of the three-billion-dollar loan of the second tranche of the presented from the Bank for International Monetary Fund economic support, adding that the (IMF) loan. The market capital WB mission’s visit aims to follow achieved gains worth about 5.3 up the reforms introduced by the billion pounds to reach 653.2 government to improve investment billion pounds, after transactions atmosphere in Egypt and stand on which surpassed 1.14 billion the steps taken by the government pounds. The EGX 30 benchmark in the business field. went up by 1.19 percent to close at 13,032.06 points. The broader EGX 70 index of the leading smaller and mid cap enterprises 45 Umm Kulthoum

singing icon in a new French movie

First Aswan International Film Festival 46 supports women, boosts tourism Umm Kulthoum, singing icon in a new French movie

“Imagine a singer with the virtuosity of Joan Sutherland or Ella Fitzgerald, the public persona of Eleanor Roosevelt and the audience of Elvis and you have Umm Kulthoum,”

wrote Harvard Magazine.

Though Egyptian legendary reflecting a better image of the gifted Arab women singer Umm Kulthoum died in general. It is worth recalling that in 1967, Umm 42 years ago, she is still Kulthoum performed at the Olympia, a French alive in the minds and hearts music hall located in . of millions everywhere. Umm Kulthoum was born in 1904 in the village Recently, French producer of Tamay El-Zahayra, Dakahlia Governorate. At Louisa Maurin has unveiled a young age she showed an exceptional singing plans to make “The Voice”, talent, and when she was 12 years old, she joined a movie on the late icon of her father’s band performing mainly religious singing and music in the Arab and traditional songs in different occasions. In world. The movie highlights 1923, she moved to Cairo and developed a good the life and time of Umm relationship with Mr. Amin Al-Mahdy, who taught Kulthoum with a view on her to play the oud, a type of lute. Then, she was 47 The Voice of Egypt: Umm Kulthoum.

introduced to the oud composer Mohamed Egypt’s legendary singer was El-Qasabagi, who in the mid 1920s, formed also known for her patriotic her small traditional orchestra (takht) activities. In 1967, following and in 1934, Umm Kulthoum sang for the Egypt’s defeat to Israel in the inaugural broadcast of Egypt’s radio station six days war, she toured the Arab “Radio Cairo”. By then, she started to world and other foreign nations to perform live concerts on the first Thursday raise funds for the Egyptian army. of each month, which greatly contributed to her growing fame and influence. She received different decorations and medals from Known as “Kawkab Al-Sharq” (Planet of Egypt (Order of the Nile) and the East), Umm Kulthoum had an immense other countries, including repertoire including religious, sentimental, Lebanon (the National Order of and nationalistic songs. In 1936 she made the Cedar), Syria (Order of Civil her first motion picture, “Wedad’, in which Merit), and Tunisia (Order of the she played the title role. It was the first of Republic). She passed away on six motion pictures in which she was to act, February 3, 1975, with around including “Aida, Sallama, Fatima, Nasheed four million Egyptians lining the El-Amal (Song of Hope), and Dananeer”. streets to pay her the last respects.

48 Sixth edition of Luxor African Film Festival Honors Moroccan Cinema In a glorious night at the Karnack temple, the sixth edition of Luxor African Film Festival (LAFF) came to an end on March 22 with a big ceremony. The minister of antiquities, the governor of Luxor and the representative of the minister of culture attended the ceremony that started by honoring Moroccan actor Mohamed Miftah and Egyptian star Nelly Karim. The Festival’s president, scriptwriter Sayed Fouad voiced hope that the Festival in its next edition can express how deep and important are the relations between Egypt and all the African countries. LAFF Poster. On her part, the director of

Closing ceremony of 2017 Luxor African Film Festival. 49 the Festival, Azza El-Hosseiny thanked all the ministries, the authorities and the entities who supported the Festival during this edition. Then, the juries of the different competition were called to the stage to announce the winner of each competition, and the awards were as follows: Long feature competition Grand Nile Prize for Best Long Narrative (the Golden Mask of Tutankhamen): Kalushi By : Mandlankayise Walter Dube – South Africa The Jury Prize (the Silver Mask of Tutankhamen): “ The Children Of the Mountain” By : Priscilla Anany - Ghana. Best Artistic Achievement (A Certificate of Appreciation and the Bronze Mask of Tutankhamen: Actor / Amr Saad for his role in film “ Mawlana” – Our Preacher) by : Magdi Ahmed Ali - Egypt. And also Actor / Majd Mastoura For His role in film “Hedi” by Mohamed ben Atteia – Tunisia . Egyptian actor Amr Saad receives LAFF Best Actor Award. Long documentaries competition Grand Nile Prize for Best Long Documentary (the Golden Mask of Tutankhamen): “Footprints of Pan-Africanism” By : Shirikiana Aina – Ethiopia - Ghana Jury Prize (the Silver Mask of Tutankhamen) is unanimously awarded to “ Little Eagles “ By : Mohamed Rashad - Egypt. Best Artistic Achievement (A Certificate of Appreciation and the Bronze Mask of Tutankhamen) is awarded to film director Ashraf Mswaki For his film “ White Potion” – Tanzania . Short film Competition Grand Nile Prize for Best Short Narrative (the Golden Mask of Tutankhamen): “le bleu , blanc, Rouge des mes cheveux” directed by Josza Anjembe – Cameroon. The jury decided to dedicate the jury prize for short film to “We are just fine like this” directed by Mehdi Barsaoui – Tunisia. The short film jury decided the prize of best artistic achievement for short film to “Kandil El Bahr” – directed by Damien Ounouri. The short film jury decided to grant a special mention for the film “The Builder” – directed by Nagy Ismail – Egypt. 50 Independent Shabab Foundation Independent Shabab Foundation granted Radwan El- Kashef Prize for best film reflecting African issues to: “The Builder” – directed by Hany Ismail – Egypt. Freedom Film competition El-Hosseiny Abou Deif prize for best freedom film to “Mali Blues” – directed by Lutz Gregor – Germany. The Freedom Film jury decided A certificate of Merit to film “ Shashamane” – directed by Guilia Amati – Italy. Audience Prize to the Egyptian film “Mawlana – Our Preacher” directed by Magdy Ahmed Aly – Egypt. In this current edition the Festival honors Mauritanian winning award filmmaker Abdel Rahman Sissako, and Egyptian filmmaker Youssri Nassrallah who addressed thankful speeches to the Festival and their supporters along their careers. Noteworthy, Independent Shabab Foundation (ISF) is a non-profit organization registered at the Ministry of Social Solidarity and active since 2006 in several fields. ISF started working on the Festival since mid-2010. The Luxor African Film Festival (LAFF) is one of ISF’s projects. It was the writer Sayed Fouad’s idea, as the African films are almost not screened in Egypt. Furthermore, Luxor hardly has any cultural or artistic events, and was therefore selected to de-centralize cultural or artistic events always organized in Cairo and Alexandria.

LAFF honors Egyptian actress Nelly Karim in a ceremony held at Karnak Temple 51 First Aswan International Film Festival supports women, boosts tourism

For a period of six days, the ancient city of Aswan - a tourist hotspot in Upper Egypt - hosted the first Aswan International Woman Film Festival (AIWFF), showcasing various films that tackled women’s issues from different parts of the world, as it aimed to support AIWFF Poster. women and ensure their voices are heard. women or tackled important women’s issues The Festival came after President Abdel such as gender equality, empowerment and Fattah El-Sisi announced during a youth violence against women, which is the main conference in Aswan in January that the theme of this year’s edition. Awards and government aims to make Aswan the capital prizes include: Best Short Narrative, Best of the African economy and culture. Short Documentary, Best Long Narrative The Festival also coincided with the Abu and Best Long Documentary. Simbel sun festival, during which the sun The films representing Egypt include falls on the statue of Ramsis II. The timing the award-winning movie “Akhdar of the Festival was selected to make use of Yabes” (Withered Green), and short this biannual event that attracts scores of films “Shaimaa”, “Alia”, and “Sandooq people to Aswan. The Festival’s organizing El-Donia” (Box of the World). Bringing committee is headed by Egyptian Actress the Festival to an end is French-Italian Elham Shahin and includes scriptwriter biopic Dalida, which chronicles the life of Mohamed Abdel Khalek, Journalist Hassan the Egyptian-Italian singer and actress. Abu El-Ela, director Mohamed Hassouna, A parallel forum titled Nut, headed by journalist Amira Atef, and broadcaster Egyptian writer and feminist Azza Kamel, Marwa Said. was held during the Festival. Kamel said Over 30 films from Egypt, Italy, Greece, that Nut in the ancient Egyptian culture Spain, Croatia, , Tunisia, France, referred to the goddess of the sky who , Iraq, Germany, Russia, China, lights the darkness and spreads love and and Azerbaijan participated peace. Feminists, activists, intellectuals in the Festival, which was organized and filmmakers from various countries with support from the Egyptian Culture participated in the forum and discussed Ministry, the Tourism Ministry and Aswan women’s issues. The forum also held seminars governorate. The Festival took place at the and screened movies that support the cause Helnan Hotel in Aswan. The participating and raise awareness against gender violence. movies were either written or directed by 52 Sharm El-Sheikh Arab and European Film Festival merges art and tourism

Sharm El-Sheikh Arab and European Film Festival promotional material.

The first Sharm El-Sheikh Arab and European Film Festival is an event that aims to merge art, film, music and tourism. The Festival, headed by director Samir Seif, ran from 5 to 11 March 2017, postponed from its initially planned start date of February. The Festival is organized by the Noon Foundation

for Culture and Arts (NOONCA). Gold DJED Pillar Award went to Lebanese film “Into Thin Air”. Twenty-eight films competed in the first edition including France, Spain, Bulgaria, Romania, , Hungary, Lebanon, Tunisia, Algeria in addition to the host country Egypt. Egyptian veteran actress Nabila Ebeid was the guest of honor at the Festival, where two of her films were screened: “The Belly- dancer and the Politician”, and “Investigation is underway”.

Bulgarian film “Gloria” won Egyptian Cinema Critics Award. 53 The organizers celebrated filmmaker Mohamed Kamel El-Qalioubi who passed away ahead of the opening ceremony of the Festival. Speaking at the event, Egyptian Minister of Culture Helmy El-Namnam said the Festival was part of a plan aimed at spreading the culture of film festivals in different cities in the country. The Hungarian film “It is not the time” won the Gold DJED Pillar award, while the Silver DJED Pillar Award went to Finnish filmmaker Juho Kuosmanen for his film “The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Maki”. The Bronze DJED Pillar Award was co- shared between Tunisian film “Lunch at a Neighborhood” by Hungarian film “It is not the time” won Gold DJED Pillar award. filmmaker Lotfi Ashour and the Algerian “I still hide to Egyptian Feminist writer, Nawal El-Saadawi, smoke” by Algerian filmmaker was honoured at the Sharm El-Sheikh Arab Rihana. and European Film Festival. The organizers of the Festival paid tribute to El-Saadawi for her In Short Films competition, advocacy of human rights, and women’s rights in the Gold DJED Pillar Award particular. El-Saadawi is known for her feminist went to the Lebanese film activism, which she often displayed in her novels. “Into Thin Air”, while the She has penned nearly 40 books, translated into Silver DJED Award went to over 30 languages. The psychiatrist’s written Polish filmmaker Sophia works often center on women in and are Kovalevsky and the Bulgarian known for breaking the taboo of discussing film “Gloria” won the Egyptian subjects like female genital mutilation. Cinema Critics Award. 54 Egypt, 2017 best Tourist Destination 55 Egypt chosen as best tourist destination in world in 2017

Egypt was honored as the best is a positive indicator that Egypt is luxurious tourist destination in 2017 restoring its distinguished position by the committee organizing awards and that tourism in Egypt will be back distribution ceremony of the Pacific to normal. Area Travel Writers Association Minister of Tourism Yehia Rashed (PATWA). The announcement was held a wide range of meetings on made on the fringe of the Berlin ITB the sidelines of his participation in which was attended by Egyptian Berlin’s International Tourism Bourse Tourism Minister Yehia Rashed, head (ITB) travel trade show. Rashed of the World Tourism Organization led Egypt’s delegation to the event, Taleb Refai and many tourism as part of Cairo’s efforts to restore ministers and journalists. Egypt-bound tourism and promote During the ceremony, Rashed means of cooperation between Cairo underlined the importance of and countries from where tourists are drawing a line between politics and coming to visit Egypt. tourism and avoiding any travel Rashed said during his meetings embargo as long as it is unnecessary. that Egypt-bound tourism is returning He highlighted the efforts exerted to to normal, stressing that there are restore tourism in Egypt, adding that consistent efforts and endeavors to the ministry is deeply interested in restore tourist activity in Egypt. On refreshing German tourism in Egypt. that score, the minister confirmed Egypt’s nomination for the award that Egypt is a safe country and it has taken precautionary measures needed to maintain security for people and tourists.