cross currents in culture varvar iantiant number 27 winter 2006 free

Colin Clark Challenging the Happiness Industry Alex Law Telling the Truth About Neo-liberalism Des Fernandes Turkey’s US-backed War On Terror Yassamine Mather Ahmadinejad: Myth and Reality John Beagles Putting Dada Flesh on the Bone Stephen Dawber Blairism on the walls at Kelvingrove VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006 | 3

Variant, number 27 Winter 2006 ISSN 0954-8815 Variant is a magazine with the independence to be critical that addresses cultural issues in a social and political context. Variant is a charitable organisation and functions Contents with the assistance of subscriptions and advertising. Putting Dada Flesh on the Bone 4 We welcome contributions in the form of news, reviews, articles, interviews, polemical pieces and John Beagles artists’ pages. Guidelines for writers are available on request and at the Variant website. Opinions expressed in Variant are those of the Get a Fucking Job: The Truth about Begging 8 writers and not necessarily those of the editors or Variant. All material is copyright (unless stated New Social Art School otherwise) the authors or Variant. Variant 1/2, 189b Maryhill Road, Glasgow, G20 7XJ Chemical-Cocktail-Fruit 12 t +44 (0)141 333 9522 email [email protected] Jan Nimmo Editorial Contact: Daniel Jewesbury, Leigh French Advertising & Distribution Contact: Paula Larkin Rose Coloured Spectacles 10 Design: Kevin Hobbs Tom Jennings We would like to thank everyone involved in all aspects of supporting Variant, especially: Peter McCluskey, Andrew Murray, Luke Colins, Factotum Distribution Services, Alison Stirling, Competing Narratives Exposed 15 Tom Jennings, Jonny Gailey, Anna McClaughlin, Ann McCluskey. Rena Bivens Printers: Spectator Newspapers, Bangor, BT20 4AF Co. Down, N. Ireland Blairism on the walls at Kelvingrove 18 Stephen Dawber Academies, Religion and Private Philanthropy 21 Peter Vlachos Louis – The Round The World Rug Race 21 Metaphrog Rebel Alliances 23 All articles from Variant are archived and available free at: Interview with Ben Franks Variant is published 3 times a year. The most current issue is posted on the Variant website two months after publication of the newsprint edition. Ahmadinejad: Myth and Reality 25 To receive an e-mail informing you of these posts and to join the on-line forum send a blank e-mail Yassamine Mather to: [email protected] Subscribe Receive a three issue (one year) subscription to From Self to Structure: 27 Variant magazine for: Challenging the ‘Happiness Industry’ Institutions: UK & EC £15, Elsewhere £20.00 Individuals: UK £7.50, EC £9.50, Elsewhere £15.00 Colin Clark Subscribe online at: Libraries can also receive a complete set of back Telling the Truth About Neo-liberalism 30 issues of Variant vol.2. Rates are available on request. Alex Law Donate: we need your support ‘VARIANT’ account details: Lloyds TSB Scotland plc Turkey’s US-backed War On Terror: 33 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow Scotland, UK A Cause For Concern Sort code: 87-37-99 Account Number: 81142360 Desmond Fernandes IBAN: GB06TSBS 873799 81142360 BIC Code: TSBS GB21210 If you wish to support Variant financially, Variant The Chinese Challenge: can now also receive monetary donations in the form of “Gift Aid”. For details please see: Hallucinations for Other Futures Variant Scotland is a registered Scottish Charity, Think Art Lab Number SC 032063 4 | VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006

JohnPutting Beagles Dada Flesh

16 ‘Don’t forget that polemics always partisan connection with the subject – “sometimes of actual gender or social excess.” The picture 1 reading about the Baroness [...] I feel attached to that emerges of New York Dada in the book is played a big part in Dada’ [her] by a hot, electrified wire of neurosis across then one where the established secure identities onThe signs of Dada and Surrealism’s the resurgence the decades”.4 Her intention in doingBone this is for of many leading Dadaists somewhat disintegrate. are manifold. Quirky, playful juxtapositions of the “lines between fact and fiction, between Characters such as Duchamp, Picabia, Man Ray incongruous elements fill many a contemporary art history and storytelling, between biography and the poet William Carlos Williams, patently gallery,2 A belief that an absurdist, irrational, and autobiography”5 to be blurred in such a way damaged by the psychological impact of the First anarchic spirit of Dadaist and Surrealist revolt can as to expose the interestedness of all history World War, are revealed to be more complex, be conjured up as a potent form of resistance to writing. This kind of passion and connection flawed ‘avant gardists’ than the popular mythology. the venal tendencies of administered culture, is perhaps underpinned Hopkins’ Dada’s Boys, but There’s certainly a sense of them being respectable one source for this infatuation. Meanwhile an all his catalogue and exhibition was far cooler, more bourgeois men playing at being transgressors. The more predictable and professional reason lurks; Duchampian in its suppression of subjectivity and Baroness’ curt remark about William Carlos, “he some of this has the desiccated3 flavour of Ikea its sublimation of heat. only attacks art – when he has the time”, and her Dada and Surrealism – studied, polite, saleable complaints about the manner in which Duchamp drawing room madness for urbane sophisticates. “prostitutes himself” are astute in this context. No Either way, historical Dada and Surrealism has Dada Woman doubt Jones’ exhaustive recounting of this ‘gap’ found itself reassessed, revised and repackaged As noted, of the two, Jones’ work is the lengthier, between the talk and the action, and the numerous 6 in numerous recent exhibitions (Undercover more evolved and scholarly, offering as it revelations of misogyny, will resonant for some Surrealism at the Hayward Gallery, being does a convincing revisionist, unashamedly contemporary women artists similarly surrounded the most obvious), while the popularity of a litany feminist reappraisal of the neglected role of by professional ‘bad boys’. of artists referencing, name checking and stealing Dada provocateur Baroness Elsa von Freytag- The other more pointed aspect is a critique from both movements is undeniable. Loringhoven. Within the New York art world of of art historical institutions and their similar I’m not especially interested in the plurality of European émigrés, sitting out the First World inability and resistance to locating the Baroness 7 reasons for this rediscovered artistic fascination, War in narcotic intoxication brought on by the within the canon of Dada. Along with Arthur more the manner in which artists and ideas, psychological trauma of the war (hence her use Craven – another figure who until recently was 8 especially from Dada, have been institutionally of the early psychiatry term neurasthenia a), the critically marginalised – the Baroness has largely and academically re-appraised. Specifically, how Baroness was, even by the standards of this most been historically invisible because of an inability the anti-art impulse or the “desire for art to have self-consciously arch-wild avant garde, excessive to successfully classify her. While her gender an operation” (founding Dada poet and essayist and eccentric. As Jones remarks, “there was was the primary reason for this ‘oversight’, an Tristan Tzara’s remark) has been managed or something unnerving, otherworldly, irrational important dimension of her neglect, like Craven’s, neutered. The contrasting aims of two recent about the Baroness, even in the context of the was her relative ‘failure’ to produce autonomous projects to revise accepted ideas about the nature supposedly radical Bohemian and avant garde art objects.17 As noted she “lived avant gardism”, 9 and legacy of New York Dada – Amelia Jones’ book circles of the day”. The artist George Biddle’s embodying and personifying Dada ‘revolt’ through Irrational Modernism : A Neurasthenic History of description of the Baroness gives a brief idea of her actions and on her body. Her eccentric street New York Dada, and David Hopkins’ publication how her revolt superficially manifested itself: attire of scavenged junk, stolen trinkets and and exhibition at Edinburgh’s Fruitmarket Gallery She stood before me quite naked – or nearly so. Over vermilion scalp, was as potent a ‘popular’ act of Dada’s Boys, are revealing in this respect. Both the nipples of her breasts were two tinned tomato cultural and social insurrection as the pantomime represent absorbing, subtly distinct reassessments cans, fastened with a green string around her of a Dada ball. of this era, offering cogent reasons for the back. Between the tomato cans hung a very small Within art movements exclusively concerned period’s ongoing influence within contemporary birdcage and within it a crestfallen canary. One arm with the production of autonomous objects it’s culture. The differing methodologies of the two was covered from wrist to shoulder with celluloid common to find figures who spark aesthetic projects are equally illuminating. Jones’ combines curtain rings, which she later admitted to have insurrections, but who themselves fail to exhaustive scholarly research with a ‘hot’, personal, pilfered from a furniture display in Wanamakers. realize the potential of their iconic rupturing of subjective voice, which guiltlessly reveals its She removed her hat, which had been trimmed with practice, ultimately becoming mere footnotes in carrots, beets, and other vegetables. Her hair was history. Indeed, David Hopkins in his otherwise

close cropped and dyed vermilion10. excellent ‘A Very Short Introduction to Dada and As New York’s premier kleptomaniac, part Surrealism’, frames his mention of the Baroness time poet, professional scavenger, unofficial precisely within these terms (she gets a paragraph performance artist, polemicist,11 sexual predator, and one further brief mention). In his book lesbian icon and all round transgressor, this Hopkins describes her, instructively, as a Dada Teutonic force of nature cut a startlingly irregular mascot, whose artworks (classified and understood shape within the modernist grid of . solely as objects) were relatively minor. Part of Jones’ project is then to delineate how the Marginalisation of these iconoclasts or mascots, Baroness’ unbound, visceral embodiment of Dada who could be credited with embodying a spirit (“She is the only one living anywhere who dresses or operating as a ‘muse’ is common within more dada, loves dada, lives dada.”12) was a challenge conventional, aesthetic, ‘formal’ movements is to the avant garde men of the New York scene. As perhaps ‘acceptable’. However within the context Jones highlights, the treatment she received at of Dada, a movement rhetorically concerned with the hands of many male artists (the poet William anti-art, where testing the ontological securities of Carlos Williams, whom she sexually intimidated, cultural, social, sexual categories and borders was called her a “dirty old bitch”) pointed to the gap everything, it’s a substantial historical flaw. In this between the rhetoric and reality – “She was thus movement all actions, ephemeral or permanent, a figure who pointed to the limitations of avant official or unofficial, art or non-art are as essential gardism.”13 Recounting an inability and resistance as historical ‘matter’. The Baroness, like Arthur amongst some, though not all, of the Dada Boys14 Craven, may have been an insubstantial or minor to cope with the Baroness’ sexual appetite and contribution to Dada objects, but as instigators absence of “respectable avant garde behavior”15, of a revolution of the mind and body, they were is then one counter-intuitive aspect of the book. as effective as many. Such an historical and As Jones recounts, the Baroness shamelessly institutional sleight of hand which demotes this “performed herself in dramatically unglued kind of ‘influence’ to the margins, by virtue of personifications [that] unhinged the European the difficulties of picturing it within the gallery masculinity [of the New York Dada Boys club, or museum (a challenge which should perhaps revealing] men whose aesthetic radicality was be faced rather than conveniently ignored), is as often mitigated by their conservatism in the face problematic with Dada as it has been with the VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006 | 5 repackaging and managing of conceptualism to promote a kind of neurasthenic art history – one – another rupture that sought to give art and that acknowledges rather than suppresses the operation. confusing projections and identifications through Jones’ book is then a timely focus on a figure which we art historians give meaning to works who in her actions offers a much needed corrective of art, movements, and the artists who make and 24 to the lop-sided representation of the history of sustain them both. Dada. All too often Dada and Surrealism returns as a skeletal disembodiment: something the recent Undercover Surrealism show was guilty Dada’s Boys of in its rather too desiccated presentation of Curated by art historian David Hopkins, Dada’s Bataille and his followers. An inability to bring Boys was an intelligent and timely exhibition back to life the more vulgar, excessive, irrational, which, as with Jones’ book, aimed to take as its anti-aesthetic moments in Dada is then firstly original focus the fecund world of New York Dada. a misrepresentation of history. After all, the However, while Jones’ subject was the proto- importance of figures like Craven and the feminist provocateur the Baroness, Hopkins’ Baroness on the Dada ‘scene’ was well documented exhibition and book was concerned with evoking at the time. As Hans Richter noted, “Craven was “Dada’s [...] paternalistic role for a lineage of greatly admired, because he succeeded in tearing predominantly male artists concerned with Bourgeois existence apart at the seams. He developing themes of male identity.” carried out to the letter all the deeds of anarchy Hopkins’ shift of attention towards the he promised in his writings.”18 Jones’ reprinting reverberations of Dada’s interrogation of of a hilarious extract from the Baroness’ diary, masculinity appeared to be an astute curatorial detailing her inability to hold in a fart while means of avoiding the difficulties of trying to attempting to seduce a young man and the frosty represent and re-animate the stereotypical mythic response her flatulence receives, strangely says as notion of Dada. Those expecting to be assaulted by much about the ‘air’ of rebellion in New York Dada a Dada riot would have been disappointed; Dada’s as any readymade. Boys functioned as a soberly constructed, formally Consequently, treating the performances, balanced exhibition and an accessible, engaging actions and opinions of an historical figure as catalogue and text. However, the extent to which culturally significant as the ‘left-behind’ artifacts is the air of sobriety in the Fruitmarket Gallery was important. Jones’ book is then in its concentration maintained was a point of contention. on the Baroness, a principled commitment to On one level, the switch of interpretation not siding with one of the winners of art history. towards Dada’s picturing of a poetics of She makes this explicit in an edited version of masculinity, and its echoes in contemporary her text, reprinted in the recent ‘Dada Seminars’ practice, was a judicious act of Dada revisionism publication: that corrected an evident lag between curatorial and institutional analysis and artistic practice. As There’s a tendency in art history to privilege the was borne out by the show, numerous artists in cultural victors and those artists whose reputation the last thirty years have acknowledged a debt to has already been solidified or whose work in one Dada’s examination of the exploded “hole at the way or another serves the purposes of the discourse center of masculinity.”25 While some critics have that comprise the discipline and its institutional picked up on the continuing influence of Dada, 19 support structures. few have offered as comprehensive an overview The obvious example of the victor in the story as Dada’s Boys. Uncovering this hidden tradition, of New York Dada is Duchamp. Despite being Hopkins’ aim then was to counter the standard a self confessed ‘fan’ of Duchamp, Jones’ book readings of key artists such as Jeff Koons, Martin unavoidably questions, both implicitly and Kippenberger and Paul McCarthy. explicitly the mythology and centrality of Alongside this desire to correct an art Duchamp and co. in the official story of Dada. historical blind spot, Dada’s Boys, as the catalogue As such, it is a timely and welcome puncturing revealed, was also driven by a sense of underlying of the sacred cult of Marcel – especially as an frustration on Hopkins’ part with a perceived unquestioning acceptance of Duchamp’s ‘genius’ absence of a broader critical examination of and ‘radicalism’ has become rather too entrenched heterosexual male identity. However Hopkins, 20 and academic. There is something patently unlike Jones, was more typically ‘masculine’ absurd in the institutional and critical lionizing in not acknowledging his personal investment of Duchamp as the arch-strategist who debunked and motivation for this project. A perhaps institutional authorial power – as Jones calls it, well grounded fear that it would jeopardise the “oxymoronic codification [of] the Duchampian his credentials as a ‘professional’ art historian 21 ‘tradition’.” Increasingly in Jones’ narrative the prompted his relative invisibility in the text. This picture of Duchamp that emerges, while suitably resistance to ‘voicing’ his involvement was slightly intriguing, does highlight how it’s perhaps more amusing considering the topic. useful to think of him as representing what Hans In his catalogue essay Hopkins remarked that Richter called a “sublime compromise” as opposed “the literature on heterosexual masculinity is to ‘successful’ subversion. While not believing that formidably large, but frustratingly repetitive.”26 the Baroness represents some romantic outsider Part of his argument was that the arena of example of ‘liberation’ (she died in abject poverty, male subjectivity has been somewhat colonized alone and forgotten), such a reading does muddy by psychological, queer and feminist theory. the waters regarding Duchamp’s centrality in the For Hopkins, the need for a contemporary story of Dada and by extension art history. Perhaps reassessment of Dada and its historical as T.J. Clark remarked, “Duchamp is the figure of Top : Portrait reverberations resides in precisely how it offers by Man Ray what our century has allowed in the way of radical a corrective to the absence in theoretical texts of Duchamp 22 critique.” The emphasis on ‘allowed’ is obviously of heterosexual masculinity; of any substantive transformed significant. discussion of how masculinity is lived and through shaving cream. Irrational Modernism, is then, a timely experienced on a daily basis. Discussing the Middle: Jean reassessment of this entrenched approach to Dada dominant theories of masculinity, he noted a Crotti “Portrait and attending ideas about the nature of the avant- lack of understanding of “patterns of friendship, of Marcel garde. As Jones’ writes: the dynamics of group identification and loyalty, Duchamp” 1915 structures of humour and self reflexivity”,27 photograph of In art history we are far too attached to a simplistic work now lost. notion of the avant garde as a group of heroic which has resulted in the standard assessment Bottom: (almost always white male) individuals fighting being somewhat superficial (though he is slightly Photograph by unequivocally against the evils of capitalism and the vague about who he means in this context). Man Ray: ‘Marcel Consequently for Hopkins, the tendency towards Duchamp as dumbed down values of its mass bourgeois culture. Rrose Sélavy’. The book does an excellent job of revealing how deconstructing and dissecting the heterosexual male through feminist and queer lenses has historical denial of inconvenient figures like the succeeds in bringing history into close proximity reduced him to a state of self-abnegation. As a Baroness in the history of Dada has resulted in as well as challenging the (fictional) coherence of result there has been a notable failure to grapple this streamlined mono-history. Contrary to such a much art historical writing on the period. Just as with the complexities of heterosexual masculinity, methodology, Jones’ argument she highlights how the Baroness represented an especially those darker more uncomfortable irrational, bodily subjectivity that polluted stable for a model that is equally critical, but that functions areas of what Homi Bhabha called masculinity’s categories, so Jones similarly offers an infestation by returning the skull to life – giving it flesh “prosthetic reality”. There was then, within this art of the ‘neutral’ position of the professional art – through the very identificatory processes that historical illumination of a largely ignored facet historian. Dispensing with the fiction of objectivity art history has long labored to suppress in order to of Dada, also a programmatic attempt to inject 23 she aims sustain its illusion of objectivity. some self-confidence to the beleaguered male. 6 | VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006

While there was a whiff of an anti-PC backlash in Footnotes this, Hopkins patently grasped the paradoxes of 1 Recounted in Richter’s book (Dada: Art and Anti-Art, the situation. After all, (heterosexual) “men may Thames and Hudson, 1978, p.7 ) when he visits Tristan be the threatened sex but they are also still the Tzara – it’s Tzara’s parting shot. threatening sex.” Theoretically the show’s and the 2 Too numerous to mention, but especially hot in Scotland catalogue’s ground was clearly laid out, however – wander into anyone of the Glasgow’s contemporary how it manifested itself aesthetically in the galleries right now and you’re likely to find outsized mundane objects, heads with chair legs. Fruitmarket space was a source of critical tension. 3 I am indebted to Graham Ramsay for informing me of the writer Robert Garnet’s liberal use of this word in The Sublime Compromise relation to some members of the art community. 4 Jones, A, Irrational Modernism : A Neurasthenic History of Because he is so frightfully cold. You see all his heat 28 New York Dada (MIT Press 2004) p. 28. flows into his art. 5 Ibid. p. 25 On entering the Fruitmarket space, Duchamp, 6 I think this is mainly due to the differing nature of the the fount of Hopkins’ theses, was represented two publications, as opposed to any failing on Hopkins by familiar images as ‘Rrose Sélavy’, and a more part. His book and exhibition is obviously aimed at a surprising photograph by Man Ray of Duchamp pseudo-populist gallery clientele, while Jones’ book is squarely aimed at the university. covered in shaving foam. Nearby, Picabia’s schematic parodies of mechanized femininity sat 7 Jones’ book features a fantastic photography of Duchamp, not looking his ‘normal’ composed self, but vitrine-entombed next to his heretical bodily spurt resolutely ‘bombed’, slumped in a bathroom overtaken of ‘La Sainte Vierge’. For Hopkins, both artists by booze and chemicals Baroness bonded through their contempt for the dominant 8 Neurasthenia described a collection of psychological and Elsa Freytag- male stereotypes of the time (the stereotypes who physical symptoms including chronic fatigue. Initially Loringhoven were being slaughtered in the trenches, while they associated with the stresses of urbanization on the drank cocktails in Manhattan), as well a more intellectual class, it was an increasingly common War more substantive rethinking of the cognitive and diagnosis. anxious sense of their own passive, feminized self. aesthetic base of artistic communication. While 9 Jones, A, Irrational Modernism, p. 5 Experiencing gender vertigo, they embraced a Keith Farqhuar’s installation and painting did at fluid sense of self and used an adolescent form of 10 Ibid. least reference the Dada tendency to tartly bite humour to bullishly protect themselves. The aim 11 Her polemics could often be anti-Semitic, something the hand that feeds, the exhibition as a whole Jones doesn’t dodge. for Hopkins the curator was to illuminate how was largely devoid of this kind of questioning of 12 John Rodker’s remark in the Little Review quoted their complex, paradoxical grasp of the ‘troubled’ the aesthetics of gallery spectatorship, and the in Naumann, F. M. New York Dada 1915-23 (Harry N. self has been mirrored in more recent work. unraveling of the category ‘artist’ that was central Abrams, Inc. Jan 1998), p. 168. The selection of international artists following to Dada. 13 Jones, A, Irrational Modernism, p. in Duchamp’s and Picabia’s tracks, in this Scottish There was a real opportunity to reveal this with 14 The Baroness’ relationship with Duchamp is especially context, represented something of a welcome the inclusion of Jeff Koons. Koons is admittedly intriguing. Jones teasingly hints at the Baroness’ coup, but was still slightly hampered by precisely possible authorship of Duchamp’s urinal. one of the ‘victors’ in recent art history, but I’m the kind of fondness for the ‘victors’ that Jones 15 Jones, A, Irrational Modernism, pg.10 inclined to argue the grounds for his ‘victory’ had remarked upon.29 The presence of Matthew are erroneous. Unfortunately the choice of one 16 Jones, A, The Dada Seminars, (volume of 12 essays Barney was perhaps the most obvious example published by The National Gallery of Art, Washington) of Koons’ basketballs squarely and safely placed of this tendency. Canonised on the international pg 160. him in the “oxymoronic Duchampian tradition” art circuit, with Cremaster globally colonising 17 This is not to say she didn’t, just that few of them have of producing readymade sculptures that are every space the Guggenheim can muscle in on, survived or become ‘official’ Dada art. institutionally lauded as exposing institutions’ his appearance was unnecessary. It also offered 18 Richter, H, Dada, Art and Anti-Art, p. 85. power to confer value. Contrary to this, it could be a reminder of how the kind of programmatic 19 The October group infatuation with all things argued that Koons’ more substantial, ‘troubling’ surrealism favoured by Breton (for that is surely Duchampian is rather worryingly revealed in The challenge to the authority of art institutions lay Duchamp Effect edited by Martha Buskirk and Mignon what Barney’s work really retails as) emptied the not with the Duchamp influenced, respectable Nixon (MIT 1996). Reading it I was reminded of the anti-art out of Dada. ready-mades,31 but the overtly sexualized exasperated tone of Terry Atkinson in his 1980’s Open This aside, Hopkins’ interest in Dada’s University television program, where he took one of sculptures, performances and photographs he neglected examination of the “poetics of the early pot-shots at the Duchampian myth – “too lovingly produced (partly with Cicolina – a sophisticated a bourgeois mind not to sense the grip masculinity” seemed to result in a certain reincarnated Baroness?) and exhibited in the late which modern art’s ideologies had on him, instead of partitioning or removal of an integral aspect of 1980s and early ’90s. finding an alternative he extended the limits of what the ethos of the Dada Boys. In concentrating on he was seemingly trying to get away from – so for all its Koons is perhaps one artist who, at least then, illuminating the poetics he neglected the anti- assumed intellectual rigour and order Étant donnés is walked in the tracks of his Dada precursors – art polemics, as well as shying away from the for me the ultimate act of incoherence. Duchamp’s last albeit in a perverse tangential, pseudo evangelical bourgeois, hollow smile…and his reputation rolls on more confrontational and ambiguous aspects manner. The work he produced between 1988- endlessly…” of heterosexual male identity. In the catalogue 1992 definitively infected the sphere of art with 20 Jones, A, The Dada Seminars essay Hopkins referred to the Boys as an “unruly illegitimate ‘responses’ (affection for trash, 21 Jones, A, Irrational Modernism, pg.22 group of male artists who have little truck with seduction), tested its ontological boundaries, and 22 Clark, T.J., ‘All the things I said about Duchamp: A the conformism of Mammy’s boys”,30 and who troubled the foundations of gallery spectatorship. response to Benjamin Buchloh’, in The Duchamp Effect delve into the murkier areas of male subjectivity. This assault on the dominant aesthetics of art edited by Martha Buskirk and Mignon Nixon (MIT Unfortunately the signs of this weren’t always 1996)p.g - consumption went alongside, as Hopkins rightly there, instead there was a sense of bringing 23 Jones, A, Irrational Modernism, p. 239 discusses, an overlooked complex, ambiguous the Dada Boys into proportion. This was odd, as 24 Ibid. p. 172 grasp of the intersections of class, sexuality and Dada, and many of the artists following in the gender that deserves greater critical attention. 25 Ibid. p. 44 bastardised parental lineage, often deliberately However these were not distinct aspects of his 26 Hopkins, D, Dada’s Boys (Fruitmarket 2006), p. 16 failed or were strategically incompetent in practice; form and content were intimately linked. 27 Ibid., p. 18 ‘properly’ sublimating irrational desires into art Increasingly, however, the reading of Koons, 28 The Baroness on Duchamp. She goes on, “For that and culture. Letting irrational desires out, letting as with the Dadaists, has focused on the formal reasons, although he loves me, he would never even the work slip and slide and operate in flux was touch the hem of my red oilskin slicker. Something of his category status of his objects (trinkets from the a recurring aspect of Dada and its followers. dynamic warmth – electrically – would be dissipated by world of low-end consumerism). I’d argue that Nowhere is this clearer than in the base, excessive the contact.” Quoted in Jones, A, Irrational Modernism, what was really subversive about his work was not p. 102 work Paul McCarthy has produced for the last the tired ‘trafficking’ of exotic objects into art (a 29 Paul McCarthy, John Bock, Keith Farquhar, Sarah Lucas, thirty years. In this context McCarthy could standard ruse to liven up the ‘academy’ with some Jeff Koons, Roderick Buchanan, Knut Asdam, Martin have delivered a more excessive performance of ‘rough’), but his transportation of cognitive forms Kippenberger, Richard Prince, Francis Picabia, Damien the “hole at the centre of masculinity”, but the Hirst, Angus Fairhurst, Man Ray, Marcel Duchamp, Lee of attention from outside art (his love for these chosen exhibition work (‘Cultural Soup’) was an Miller, Douglas Gordon and Matthew Barney. objects being the most pronounced subversion atypical, minor piece, far more in the intellectually 30 Hopkins, D, Dada’s Boys, p. 15 of critical distance). In this way he questioned respectable mould of Mike Kelley and his 31 There is a well documented snob value in professing an the ontological securities of art consumption and sociological uncovering of power. admiration for Duchamp – after all. spectatorship just as the Dadaists had some 70 This absence of precisely the kind of evidence 32 Jones, A, Eros, That’s Life, or the Baroness’ Penis in years before. One of Jones’ remarks regarding the of the irrational, unclassifiable, and visceral making Mischief: Dada invades New York (Whitney Baroness and Duchamp seems applicable in this Museum of American Art 1996) pp. 23 body embodied by the Baroness was significant. context: As it was, there was a nagging sense of aesthetic propriety, somewhat out of keeping with the I argue that these artists’ confusion of gender subject and the catalogue’s claims (as noted, on and overt sexualisations of the artist/ viewer the whole the signs of aesthetic transgression, of relationship challenged post-Enlightenment snubbing decorum, were mild). I’m not arguing subjectivity and aesthetics far more pointedly than here for a raucous, tokenistic, cacophony of ‘noise’, did Dadaist paintings and drawings, which only the now conventional, superficial, formal signs partially addressed the divisions that privileged art of white cube rebranding, rather evidence of a as separate from life.32 8 | VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006 Get a Fucking Job The Truth about Begging A critical, but solidary review by a member of New Social Art School

Aberdeen is one of the wealthiest cities in Aberdeen Sub-group on Street Begging’ was January 2006 report itself, estimate, based on Scotland with an average income 5% above the formed. The group is made up of staff from CCTV footage, that a relatively constant number national.1 This however hides the greater disparity various Social Works departments of the City of about 25 people beg in the city, mainly on the in income and circumstances on the ground – a Council, the local voluntary organisation Aberdeen main shopping street and in its immediate vicinity. happy few are better off than a large number can Cyrenians, Grampian Police, and NHS Grampian. In the months following this progress report by even begin to imagine. Conversely, some are more In a progress report on the Pilot Street Begging the Council, the Scottish Executive has agreed to destitute than we like to acknowledge. According Initiative in January 2006, after the scheme had reconsider the proposed byelaw. to the same data, provided on the Aberdeen City run for 12 months, an extension of 6 months was Council homepage from a survey of 2005, 18% recommended. The overarching goal of these of households are living below the poverty line.2 measures is the absence of any beggars in the Speaking for Themselves Investigating the situation of beggars in the city, streets, although it is acknowledged that “there is When confronted with the demands for a Danish artist Eva Merz’s book ‘Get a Fucking Job’ evidence to suggest that where individuals give up ‘begging ban’ in the local press in autumn 2004, explores the lives of some of those on the have-not street begging, others will take their place.” The Merz decided to investigate the issue in an art side of this great divide. group’s own report goes on to acknowledge that project that clearly came down on the side of the there is a lack of resources both to administrate beggars, and in particular countered claims made the scheme and to provide support to beggars. The regarding their perceived wealth. As stated in the Ban the Beggars report also returns to the proposed byelaw and the book’s introduction, she wanted to find out what The result of a year-long, slow and considered negative response from the Scottish Executive in was really going on from the beggars’ position approach to many of the people on the streets, the June 2005, which recommends the use of existing and at the same time to allow them to speak for book ‘Get a Fucking Job: The Truth About Begging’ legal force in the form of Antisocial Behaviour themselves. Merz founded The New Social Art consists of a collection of conversations with 13 Orders (ASBOS). Interestingly, the restated need School in 2004 as a framework for her work with beggars, former beggars, relatives and support for the byelaw in the 2006 report, responding to others who then become ‘members’. The ‘school’ is workers. The starting point for the project was a the Executive, now argues for the need to make conceived as an open group for collective, informal campaign carried predominantly by the region’s begging unlawful in the following terms: learning through communication in various two main newspapers, The Aberdeen Press & Journal artistic projects focused on social issues. In this and the Evening Express, calling for a ban of The reason for seeking approval for the Byelaw was project Merz collaborated with Bob Steadman, begging in late 2004 – about a year after begging to establish a means that could be used as an added an artist who had experienced homelessness had become an offence in England. While the incentive for people who have complex needs, who himself. Interviews with both Merz and Steadman tend not to engage in aggressive begging and who are media purported to speak for Aberdeen citizens, 4 by Alejandra Rodriguez-Remedi aim to make their outcry supported ongoing ambitions within unwilling to engage with support services. the positions and relationships of the authors The definition of aggressive begging given later Aberdeen City Council. In September 2004 at the clear. In addition to Steadman’s support, initial in the report includes activities such as sitting in City’s Community Services Committee a report on contact with beggars was provided through the the proximity of a cash dispenser while asking for Street Begging by the Council’s Safer Aberdeen voluntary organisation Aberdeen Cyrenians. Merz money. As Aberdeen City Councillor Neil Fletcher task group recommended, among other measures also approached beggars directly in the street, clarified in comments to the BBC: “We think a by- to be undertaken in a 12-month pilot scheme, the and went on to develop further contacts through law is the only way we can remove these people introduction of a byelaw which would make street them. The main underlying motive in the work from the centre of town.”5 begging unlawful in the city. This was a response to emerges as that of understanding their perspective In contrast with the above-mentioned ‘perceived a “perceived increase in the levels of overall street through an exploration of their position as they increase’ cited as the justification for criminalising begging and aggressive begging”.3 tell and live it. The appeal to the reader is that begging, Grampian Police, as mentioned in the Following the launch of this pilot a ‘Safer they develop their position, as it were, in retracing the experience of the artist into increasing understanding of the beggars’ positions. The underlying aim of the project is to create empathy. Based on Merz’s own identification with the viewpoints and experiences of those she speaks to, the reader is encouraged to feel what it is like to be a beggar. Merz’s interviews are interspersed with a series of black and white pencil drawings by Steadman, her collaborator on the project. Steadman’s illustrations were made some time before his work with Merz, while living on the streets himself. In addition, he also made one print for the project. As an approach to art practice and in their visual imagery, the drawings are in tension with, while integrated into, the wider project. They represent a nightmarish, emotional and individual vision – fused shapes encompassing faces, figures, body parts. In contrast to the overall dialogic structure and focus on social interaction between people, theirs is an inner, isolated world. His new work for the book, an etching, represents the social world in symbols as a closed, impersonal system. His explanatory text – handwritten, underlining the authentic, personal expressiveness of his work – is a decoding of his personal inner world-view. In the publication, the drawings are also interpreted through an interview with Steadman. Their meaning emerges in their creation by someone who has himself been homeless as embodying his VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006 | 9

authentic expression and ultimate identity. Unlike have, so far, met with determined silence. The her questions to Merz, in her discussion with book, however, has been selling well in local stores. Steadman, Rodriguez-Remedi remains caught up With the imminent review of the begging ban and in a fascination with his background and creative Merz’s continuing relationships with beggars, the expression is seen exclusively in relation to this. project of New Social Art School in Aberdeen is However, in the process of proximity, friendship very much ongoing. Their next project, a film about and collaboration, Steadman’s representation is the lives of those Merz and Steadman call the – as far as anyone can be in control of this – based street people of Aberdeen, will aim to shift those on his own intentions. Within the publication, his limitations that keep us and the beggar in our drawings stand in conflict with the publication’s professional roles by focusing on the imagination, dominant mode of art practice – the research- dreams and hopes as well as the daily realities of based, conceptual work with our attendant her subjects, who are also, very often, her friends. aesthetic and ethical expectations. Whereas Merz ‘Get a Fucking Job’ by New Social Art School (ISBN develops an almost neutral, self-effacing visual 0-9543574-6) is available at various booksellers such presence, yet remains in control with her life as Fop and Waterstone’s, Aberdeen; Wordpower, beyond the project is not exposed, Steadman’s Singing with one Voice Edinburgh; and online at drawings are pushed to represent his ‘real’ being The main focus of the interviews is the beggars’ as a ‘street person.’ Representing his unmediated, present existence. Their histories, as remembered Footnotes true expression, they also claim to reveal and and told by them, are as fragmented and 1 ‘Low Income Households in Aberdeen,’ Aberdeen City stand for ‘the truth about begging’. individual as is their daily life and their struggle Council, November 2005 to get by. As Merz asks questions and enters the sphere of the beggars, her knowledge of their LowIncome_aberdeen.pdf The Truth about Begging lives increases and similarities emerge between While this is obviously a reductive use of data, the scope The claim to a truthful portrayal of the authentic their stories. Rather than being outside of society, of this article lies not in the evaluation of statistics, experience of the beggars is at the heart of the with their differing provenance, aim, methodology and ‘excluded’, they very much play a role, they project. On a very basic level the book gives the changing criteria. engage, however different their initial situations, beggars a voice to counter the media claims. 2 ‘Low Income Households in Aberdeen,’ Aberdeen City personal tragedies, aspirations, and views are. Contrary to the claims of council and media, Council, November 2005 Begging very much emerges as a job in itself. One web/files/Stats_Facts/LowIncome_aberdeen.pdf the beggars speaking in the book know plenty of those portrayed, Zoe, significantly, describes the 3 ‘Pilot Street Begging Initiative – Progress Report’, about support systems and have plenty of reasons people who give money as “customers”. All have Community Services Committee, Aberdeen City Council, why they are not adequate for them. The truth a clear notion of the skills, the self-presentation 31 January 2006, emerging in this respect is one of extremely committee%20reports/cs_com_r8_4_060131.pdf required to attract money from passers-by. Begging limited resources offered, and those are in clearly is part of public, even economic, life 4 See above decline. The most salient example is the fate of committee%20reports/cs_com_r8_4_060131.pdf rather than outside of it. In this way, the ‘truth’ the homeless shelters in Aberdeen, some of which 5 Aberdeen beg-ban law reconsidered, BBC News, that emerges in their personal, daily experiences, were closed some years ago, but not replaced Wednesday, 26 July 2006, reveals a reality of hard work and relationships with other facilities, a situation that continues. scotland/north_east/5216032.stm with others that are suppressed in the official Reprinted clippings from local newspapers and 6 The report found homelessness provision in the city to accounts of street begging as a threatening and be “poor”. See ‘Communities Scotland Inspection report. references to a critical report on the shortcomings alien presence in public space. Aberdeen City Council. November 2005’, Communities of housing services in Aberdeen by Communities The main shopping street of Aberdeen, Union Scotland, Scotland6 lend further support to the claims of groups/public/documents/webpages/ripcs_011493.pdf Street, and the adjacent shopping centre, is the beggars. The goal of ‘Get a Fucking Job’ is, 7 In ‘La misère du monde’, Editions du Seuil, Paris 1993, punctuated with banners spanning the width of however, not primarily the countering of data sociologist Pierre Bourdieu sets out a methodology for the street displaying official images of the city. used by press and council with other facts, but to interview situations based on an awareness of social For the last few months, the message has been hierarchies and the preconceptions of those involved, investigate the meaning of begging and what it “Aberdeen – City and Shire. A Brighter Outlook”. which raise issues relevant to the interview format of is like to beg for those doing it. This is for Merz This new city brand cost the Council £150,000 ‘Get a Fucking Job’. the truth of the beggars’ perspectives, in their from London-based consultant Corporate Edge. 8 Pierre Bourdieu and others, ‘La misère du monde’, differences and individual struggles. Editions du Seuil, Paris 1993, p. 928 Although documents about the branding state its Yet the notion of ‘speaking the truth’ is goal is to sell the region to consumers and business 9 See ‘Why Brand Aberdeen City and Shire?’, obviously complex, as, on a basic level, the Aberdeenshire Council, elsewhere, the dominating presence of the logo conversation develops in relation to the immediate uk/support/city_shire.asp (9 September 2006) and and message in the city centre can only reach local ‘Pilot Street Begging Initiative – Progress Report’, situation, the relationship, including the respective people. As with previous banner series in the same Community Services Committee, Aberdeen City Council, social positions of those involved and their location, the message both labels the surrounding 31 January 2006, respective goals.7 Hence Merz’s efforts, to create committee%20reports/cs_com_r8_4_060131.pdf area and the people passing through, prescribing a more equal situation, to meet the beggars as the correct vision of the city. Both this branding 10 Jeff Ferrell. ‘Tearing Down the Streets. Adventures in much as possible in the spaces of their choice and Urban Anarchy’. Palgrave, New York 2001.p13-14 exercise and the desire to remove beggars from the on their terms. In the range of printed interviews streets are highly visible symptoms of the control – all were agreed with those interviewed before of public space and the authorities’ vision of their publication – some clearly take pleasure in ideal city and citizen – Freedom Of Information telling adventures while others are eager to requests reveal almost £5m over the past three present a ‘reformed’ identity. Many endeavour years has been spent by the Council on external to set themselves apart from other beggars in consultants. Documents in support of those two the particularity of their own situation. It seems ostensibly very different measures both evoke safe to assume that both Merz’s own conjecture economic benefit and unity amongst (ideal) – which she attempts to clarify through the members of the community.9 interviews and the conversation with Rodriguez- In his study of contemporary conflicts over Remedi recounted in the book – and the roles urban spaces in the USA, the criminologist Jeff beggars share when undertaking their activity, Ferrell describes the underlying issues in such influenced the truth stated in ‘Get a Fucking Job’. measures: Merz’s focus on individuals’ perspectives produces room for understanding, rather than the focus on In such landscapes [the public spaces of contemporary immediate solutions that dominate institutional cities]…occupants know each other primarily as surveys. As pointed out in Pierre Bourdieu’s ‘La threats, understand each other mostly as objects misère du monde’ such surveys, commissioned by of mutual distrust and surveillance – and so, with government and voluntary agencies, fail to account the social shut down, the expansion of control, for the complexity of their subjects’ lived realities the presence of a protective police state seems as the questions and manner of enquiry reduce the a reasonable and necessary option for ensuring potential answers.8 Their scope of enquiry is based ‘community’. In such landscapes, the aesthetics on what is already pre-empted as worth knowing of exclusion becomes aesthetics of authority; the by the commissioning body, thus reducing the policing of public space spawns a parallel policing of 10 existence of the interview subjects as well as the perception. scope for what can be said, and hence recorded Eva Merz’s efforts to see her project featured in and revealed. the local press or commented upon by Councillors 10 | VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006 Chemical-Cocktail-Fruit Jan Nimmo

A Glasgow-based artist, over the last 20 years I He was imprisoned on numerous occasions for have worked on a wide range of creative projects his trade union work and community activism, from printmaking to filmmaking and facilitating including land occupation. He also took part in for community groups. Since the early 1990s I have organising action against Dole and Dow Chemicals, been a regular visitor to Latin America, carrying the manufacturer of Nemagon. After a two year out research into popular arts and establishing campaign by the unions Costa Rica banned the use links with community organisations. of Nemagon but the companies ignored the new For almost 10 years I have worked on and off laws and continued to use Nemagon for a further with Banana Link1, which campaigns on banana two years. trade issues and provides a voice in the UK and One of the things which for me marks Carlos Europe for the banana and now pineapple workers’ as someone special within the trade union trade unions. For 5 of these years I worked as movement is that as well as campaigning for trade Banana Link’s Scottish Worker, co-ordinating union and labour rights he is also a passionate speaker tours with trade unions and campaign environmentalist. groups in Scotland. Almost half of the material costs on the My work in Latin America is essentially about average plantation are spent on a whole variety the lives that people lead, from earlier projects of agrochemicals used throughout the growing in Cuba and Mexico to more recent projects in process. While working as Scottish Co-ordinator Costa Rica, Panama and Ecuador, where I have for Banana Link I met one of the few scientists been working specifically with banana workers. prepared to speak out and not toe the company I have become increasingly involved in labour line (and that of the Costa Rican government) on rights and occupational health issues, through the effects of agrochemicals on human health and listening to the testimonies of the banana workers on the environment. Dr Caterina Wesseling works and interpreting for Latin American community for IRET, the department of toxicology at the activists visiting Glasgow. This has brought home University in San Jose and is also the Director of to me the parallels with what has happened to Central American occupational health programme, workers in Scotland, with the experience of my SALTRA. Dr Wesseling has carried out detailed own family and my father’s working life as a investigations that show the extent to which miner, shot-firer, driller and road-builder – all pesticide and other chemical residues are present jobs which had a serious effect on his health. My in homes and schools in the banana-producing father has recently received compensation for areas. These chemicals come from the plantations the emphysema that he now suffers from, though and include allergens and carcinogens associated somehow this does not compensate for the loss of a with a wide range of health problems. comfortable retirement after a hard working life. Much of the pesticide residue is airborne, In all of this I see my role as part of a bigger coming from the aerial spraying which is carried project – that of building bridges between people out routinely but haphazardly, over the plantations and across cultures. To do this I need to keep my and anything else in their proximity. There are work simple, I don’t want to bamboozle, and I can’t various fungicides that are applied aerially, diverge into the abstract and conceptual when I including Chlorothalonil and Mancozeb (both need to communicate with as wide an audience known carcinogens and allergens). The aerial as possible. I see myself as a campaigner as much spraying of these chemicals has had a huge impact as an artist – I need to speak directly to get the on workers and communities living around the message across, which may be complex but it plantations: I have interviewed people with severe cannot be ambiguous. skin allergies and acute bronchial problems. The law in Costa Rica states that workers should be evacuated from the plantations while aerial Trouble in Paradise? spraying is taking place, but according to the Costa Rica is a country so rich in biodiversity testimonies of the workers, in reality this doesn’t – referred to by some as the Switzerland of Central always happen. I have also seen for myself how America; “politically stable”, a country with no spraying is carried out and it is clear that there standing army – that it has been promoted as a is no protection to the roads and smallholdings destination for eco-tourists, and is widely seen as around the plantations. a tropical paradise in comparison to other Central Other chemicals are associated with the bagging American countries. But outside the boundaries of bananas. The blue, Chlorpyrifos impregnated of the country’s national parks there is another polythene bags are as common a sight as the Costa Rica, one of cash crop monocultures and banana plants themselves and discarded multinational fruit companies: here the picture is bags make up a significant and very visible very different – environmental destruction and the proportion of the waste stream of commercial blanket use of pesticides, chronic health problems banana production. Most at risk are the baggers and the repression of workers rights, suppression themselves (the bags have to be placed over the of trade unionists and the intimidation of those growing fruit by hand) but the chemical somehow who speak out. finds its way into the bedrooms, kitchens and I first met Carlos Arguedas eight years ago classrooms of the local community. Chlorpyrifos is in Glasgow. While I was translating and playing an organophosphate and a neurotoxin – associated host to him and a fellow trade unionist, I got to with anorexia, suicides and depression (similar understand something about the situation in the problems had been linked to exposure to sheep- banana-growing region of Costa Rica. I kept in dip in Scotland). Chlorpyrifos has already been touch with Carlos and, over the years, came to banned on a number of plantations in Honduras learn more about the history of the exploitation – thanks to the pressure exerted by local trade of the Atlantic Zone for banana production. This unions and a study carried out by SALTRA. An story begins over 100 years ago with the United international campaign is now building to ban the Fruit Company (now Chiquita) and its domination use of this chemical altogether, however its use of the economies of Central America, but through remains widespread and global - Chlorpyrifos has Carlos I learnt more about other struggles and even been found in bottled Coca Cola in India.2 the personal toll these had taken on him and the We may ask why bananas need such a cocktail other people living and working on and around the of chemicals to grow healthily or to produce an banana plantations. economically viable crop. The Cavendish variety In the 1970s, Carlos, like many other workers, of banana grown universally for the world market was made sterile through exposure to the pesticide is in fact a sterile hybrid, which while producing Nemagon (DBCP). Nemagon was already banned fruit that conform to the shape and colour the in the USA. Carlos was 27 years old at the time. world expects, remains susceptible to disease in VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006 | 11

the warm and humid regions where it is grown. the big supermarkets squeezing the producers in a Reliance on chemicals continues in the washing “race to the bottom” to produce readily available and packing plants, where women workers and ever cheaper fruit for our tables. However, are more exposed to the chronic effects of the the supermarkets still manage to take up to 40% pesticides and disinfectants. Protective gear such of cost to the consumer as profit, even while the as rubber gloves create as many problems as they commodity prices are falling. Pura Vida? will be solve, as contaminated water and disinfectant premiered in Glasgow at this October’s Document become trapped inside. The results are clearly 4 Human Rights Film Festival. My first film, visible in the disfigured hands of some of the Bonita: Ugly Bananas was first shown at the same workers. festival two years ago (Document 2). I had seen that conditions in the banana Bonita told the story of the first free trade industry were bad – but what about the other unions in twenty years to be established on the cash crops grown in the area? Since the market plantations of Ecuador – and what happened for bananas became saturated with cheap fruit when they decided to go on strike. Those events from Ecuador, Costa Rican producers have taken took place four years ago and I had hoped that the hint to diversify. Unfortunately this is not as conditions would have improved since then – but positive as it sounds, as it means the substitution the latest news from Ecuador is that the company of one monoculture for another. These crops owner who had so violently oppressed the workers include melons and ornamental plants but the has announced his last minute candidacy for the most damaging of all has been the pineapple – the presidency – brandishing a bible and describing production of which is both environmentally more himself as a hero of God! destructive and more dependent on chemicals Both Pura Vida? and Bonita form part of a larger than the banana. project – Green Gold3 – which has given me the Just like bananas, pineapples are grown in opportunity to use longer editions of the workers’ intensive conditions with the aid of a cocktail of testimonies along with video installation from chemicals. However, the pineapple is a short plant the plantations and packing plants and woodcut and lacks the ground cover and humus-producing portraits of the workers themselves. Green Gold is leaves of the banana. The loss of ground cover a travelling exhibition that can be adapted to suit has resulted in a massive increase in erosion and a variety of venues, events and organisations, from accelerated the run-off of pesticides into the once arts organisations and festivals to trade unions, pristine lowland river systems. The pineapple shopping centres and community groups. The plants also play host to a fly, which feeds off the Green Gold website is also a source of information blood of cattle in the neighbouring fields and for consumers and campaigners. So please get in can cause them each to lose a kilo in weight touch if you would like to host an event to help per day. As a result the cattle farmers are also build a bridge between banana workers and using more pesticides to tackle the flies. I have consumers, to give a human face to their struggle. spoken to smallholders forced off the land, their livestock poisoned, their livelihoods gone, leaving Footnotes them with no option but to sell up to the fruit 1 In reality it is no better than a Christmas club. companies. I visited communities that depend on 2 But the development of free trade unions has not the river as a lifeline and which are now seriously been entirely suppressed by Solidarismo. I know 3 affected by the poisoning of fish and the silting one activist who joined the free trade union when up of waterways. These communities rely on Contact, Jan Nimmo: [email protected] he saw what Solidarismo was about – he has since subterranean fresh watercourses as their only visited Scotland, representing the banana workers source of drinking water but these aquifers have during the G8 protests. also been affected by pesticides (such as Bromasil) The switch to pineapple production has and the wells are now contaminated. also brought with it a change towards the Both the trade unions and Caterina Wesseling “Ecuadorisation” of production. The fruit are very damning about the certification of fruit companies have learnt the lesson from Ecuador production. Some of these framework agreements and we now see in Costa Rica the increased are voluntary internal standards, which lead us casualisation of the workforce and the adoption to believe that fruit is produced in a socially and of more “flexible” working practices. This has environmentally responsible manner. External allowed the situation to arise where workers are monitors do visit the plantations but they only exposed to dangerous chemicals for still longer see those workers who have been selected by the periods, without adequate protection or guidance. company and not the trade union representatives There is no possibility of forming trade unions or the scientists involved in monitoring, so they or gaining access to their representatives. The do not get a clear and accurate picture of what position of women and children has been made happens day-to-day. In fact, many of the workers more vulnerable, both through poorer working enjoy the days when inspections take place, since conditions and through the effects on family life correct working procedures are more likely to of casualisation and a mobile workforce. There are be adhered to and they may get the chance to go now more single mothers on the plantations, forced home early! Dr Wesseling is particularly critical of to work and with no access to child care. In an Rainforest Alliance: “Yes, what a lovely name - it environment where sexual harassment by foremen would lead you to believe this was paradise - but is rife this clearly brings with it other risks to the as far we are concerned they continue to certify women workers. conditions which are unacceptable.” I also saw that exposure to pesticides is by no means the only threat which the workers have Pura Vida? to put up with. They work excessively long hours The testimonies I have gathered from travelling (12 hour shifts are common, up to 24 hours on around Costa Rica with Carlos and other trade pineapple plantations ) and have suffered from unionists form the basis of my latest film, Pura years of union repression. I wanted to know Vida? why the unions hadn’t done more to oppose Pura Vida? exposes the human and these conditions. From Carlos I learnt about the environmental damage caused by the expansion of history of Solidarismo – “yellow unions” set up big cash crop plantations and the use of pesticides by the banana companies with the support of the and other agrochemicals in the Atlantic Zone of government and the right wing of the Catholic Costa Rica. This is an entry level film aimed at Church, supposedly to represent the workers but raising awareness amongst consumers in the UK of with the real intention of making it more difficult the hidden costs behind the fruit we eat. I feel that for them to form free trade unions of their own. this is especially relevant, given the position of 12 | VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006 Rose Coloured Spectacles Tom Jennings Jonathan Demme’s anti-Bush broadside of a film fare with personal commitment to lower-budget The Manchurian Candidate (2004) effectively releases paid for with its proceeds. Moreover, updates John Frankenheimer’s classic 1962 after Clinton’s neoliberalism, Seattle’s protest conspiracy thriller – with Iraq rather than Korean revival, and post-9/11 Bush barbarism, many also War veterans brainwashed into becoming political vociferously criticise orthodox politics, publicly moles and assassins by corporate, not KGB, agents. supporting grass-roots campaigns instead. By this Given our familiarity with the amoral criminality account, subversive hope unexpectedly supplants of the military-industrial complex and government cynical despair. via mythology, mystification and spin, these revisions seem highly appropriate. The unfolding plot shows Army bureaucrat (Denzel Washington Focusing on Power in Frank Sinatra’s role) and Vice Presidential Obvious manifestations of these phenomena may candidate (Liev Shrieber for Laurence Harvey) be sought in film treatments of formal political grappling with Gulf War Syndrome zombification processes themselves. Conventional 1990s satires amid manipulation by Shreiber’s Senator mother centralised the network of PR spin and corporate (Meryl Streep instead of Angela Lansbury) and media influence on dodgy leaders, from the and sundry electoral, big business and media Machiavellian machinations of Bob Roberts (dir. masterminds, crooks, lobbyists, lackeys and Tim Robbins, 1992) to more sympathetic power- lickspittles. seekers led astray both by their own narcissism However, despite a very neat new denouement, and the electoral farce. Primary Colors (dir. much of the political sharpness of the source novel Mike Nichols, 1998) and Wag the Dog (dir. Barry by Richard Condon is lost, wherein McCarthyism Levinson, 1998) were comically pertinent to succeeded thanks to Kremlin plotters finding it the Clinton regime’s practice, but said nothing thoroughly congenial to their authoritarian aims about either political consequences or ordinary – a fascinating, if muddled, disentangling of the viewers/voters beyond them being suckered (which contradictions of Cold War politics. Unfortunately, might apply more to liberal filmmakers falling the supposedly liberal-left Demme substitutes for Clinton’s progressive rhetoric). Meanwhile the benign intelligence agencies which only ever historical revisionism of JFK (dir. Oliver Stone, use dirty tricks to foil the multinational menace, 1991) and LA Confidential (dir. Curtis Hanson, plus honourable old-school patriotic patricians 1997) had already applied film noir devices to national and local institutional and governmental who have for years fought Party takeover bids by glossed and generalised to apply to society as a structures, implying their utter moral bankruptcy. tycoons. In other words, the radical potential of a whole. More complex and less conventional narratives critique of the interdependency of the state and Other treatments of significant trends in followed suit, exploiting the flexibility of genre- capitalism is squandered in favour of regressive contemporary US films have no patience with crossover to link the lives of the citizenry into the conservative recuperation – much like, in fact, the such pessimistic and totalising assessments of degradations of politics. 2004 Democratic presidential campaign itself. the sector’s long-range value and significance. Most trenchantly, elite Democrat Senator The changing contours of cinematic conspiracies Bucking the tendency of major studio output in Bulworth (dir. Warren Beatty, 1999) goes AWOL can thus be interpreted as adjustments to what the 1990s to converge towards ever more inflated in South Central LA after a nervous breakdown filmmakers and studios understand ‘politics’ and repetitious replicas with little more than on the campaign trail, emerging as a champion to mean to themselves and viewers today special effects enhancements and celebrity of the underclasses. Borrowing elements of ’90s – in a trajectory from stark Orwellian paranoia presence to recommend them, a diverse collection ‘hood film’ style works here, thanks to immense through nihilistic neo-noir to recent efforts such of creative film-making talents instead brought respect shown for ghetto philosophy, intelligence as Demme’s glossy pastiche, Traffic (dir. Steven the sensitivities and dynamism of subcultural and and creativity, counterposed by Warren Beatty’s Soderbergh, 2001), The Quiet American (dir. Philip cult media and genres to bear. The achievements hysterical vanity and, crucially, laughably Noyce, 2002), Silver City (dir. John Sayles, 2004), of some of these in persuading major studios incompetent rapping.5 Other recent films also The Constant Gardener (dir. Fernando Mereilles, to part with substantial production budgets are bridge the gap between culture and politics in 2005) and Syriana (dir. Andrew Gaghan, 2005). celebrated by James Mottram in his study The diverse ways and with varying degrees of success. Moreover, the last few years have seen a growing Sundance Kids.2 This title furnishes a spurious However, apart from Bamboozled’s (dir. Spike tendency for supposedly progressive themes to be collectivity – when many, such as Soderbergh Lee, 2001) exposure of corporate media’s racism tackled in big-budget Hollywood fictions, along and Tarantino, had little or no truck with in colonising Black traditions, all invoke heroic with the incorporation of originally marginal- Robert Redford’s nursery and showcase at the individualism to drive history: Cradle Will Rock (dir. aesthetic choices and strategies in the production Sundance Institute. It also encourages a strained Tim Robbins, 2000) revisits the political context of cinematic blockbusters, brands and franchises. intergenerational comparison with the 1970s New of the 1930s US Federal Theatre Project in a This survey describes some of these phenomena Hollywood of Scorcese, Spielberg and Coppola musical celebration of proletarian art served up and the critical response to them, and discusses et al, who rose to prominence from the sixties by elite intellectuals like Orson Welles and John their ambivalent implications and limitations. countercultural demolition of outdated industry Housman; Good Night & Good Luck’s (dir. George practices before subsequently finding themselves Clooney, 2005) implied critique of modern media thoroughly tamed by what replaced them. Sharon Shifting Perspective requires merely journalistic integrity to scupper Waxman’s anecdotal survey Rebels On The Backlot3 In their book A World in Chaos: Social Crisis and McCarthyism; and 8 Mile (dir. Curtis Hanson, 2003) at least concentrates on detailing insider gossip the Rise of Postmodern Cinema, Carl Boggs and and Erin Brockovich (dir. Steven Soderbergh, 2000) and dissecting networking patterns in showing Thomas Pollard match recent developments in connect uplift from the constraints of working- how an arbitrary selection of younger independent cinema to the lived experiences of its audiences class culture only with personal success in music directors have combined personal entrepreneurial in the “globalizing, consumer-oriented capitalist and law respectively – reducing those represented prowess and self-promotion with genuine artistic order” constituted by “gross material inequalities, (whether in the hip-hop or legal senses) to flair in advancing their careers. social polarization, possessive individualism, civic passivity. Conversely, rather than translating cinematic fragmentation, and impending chaos”.1 Elements More ambitious is Silver City’s bitter texts as sociocultural reflections, and with a much of classic Hollywood genres are combined and denunciation of prevailing power. This crime less sanguine approach to cultural commerce, attenuated in many recent films so that their thriller-cum-political conspiracy follows an ex- Ben Dickenson’s Hollywood’s New Radicalism4, narratives depict incomprehensible and corrupt crusading journalist (Danny Huston) grappling focusing on the efforts of liberals and leftists worlds where conventional rational understanding, with environmental destruction and the involved in film production to reflect their social collective organisation and public action have exploitation of migrant workers perpetrated awareness in their work, charts the changing lost the capacity to offer explanations or effect by corporate greed – all fronted by cretinous structure of an industry whose consolidation political change – thanks in no small part to the mouthpieces elected through omnipresent and profit-seeking agendas fluctuate according saturation of our psyches with corporate media soundbites and photo-ops. Although crippled to wider political and economic trends. Recent trivia. And although the book’s overly loose by annoyingly patronising expositions (when generations of independent innovators gained definition of postmodernism in films encompasses the message emerges more effectively from the arthouse footholds with regular box-office hits many long-established forms and styles, its narrative), the film is effective in critiquing left, refreshing moribund blockbuster formulae – and proposition is surely plausible: that earlier right and centre while still hinting at hope. So the now that niche marketing and diversification representations of brutal, miserable, hopeless and right-on countercultural veteran does eventually are prominent megastudio strategies, successful confused lives in specific marginal, urban, criminal uncover the ‘truth’ – but to no effect other than Hollywood progressives can juggle mainstream and/or nightmare milieux have been increasingly his own satisfaction (signalled by a successful VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006 | 13

romantic denouement), while his ‘concern’ for replaces the cynical self-interest of a US platoon the plight of immigrants doesn’t extend to any once the malevolence of official policy becomes regard for their welfare as he exploits their clearer during a surreal excursion in pursuit of goodwill in helping him. The self-obsession of buried treasure. Jarhead and Three Kings are also the ’60s generation thus neatly trashed, potential saturated with reference to cinematic precursors is nonetheless glimpsed in the lead character’s – in style, structure and the social and internal former associates – still committed, but now intercourse of their characters – and it’s precisely engaged in muckraking internet activism. the dissolving of such boundaries that seems to Treatments of transnational political and give these films more chance of saying something corporate conspiracies themselves adopt more interesting and original. complex narratives – The Quiet American and The Constant Gardener show middle-ranking professional protagonists nudging toward an Blurred Vision appreciation of the dirty institutional deeds The mixing of genres resonates with viewers’ they’re implicated in, and that they’ve somehow media and cultural biography and literacy, hitherto avoided awareness of – but they are while simultaneously questioning the reliability helpless given their isolation. Traffic and Syriana of conventional patterns of knowledge and 7 claim to represent a global range of ‘stakeholder’ understanding of our own lives and the world. perspectives on the wars on drugs and terror The apparently apolitical nihilism of postmodern respectively. But although no-one sees the cinema, especially in its treatment of transgression bigger picture, and all subplots end more or and excess – violence, crime, sexual and social less tragically, characters are given more depth – began to extend in the ‘90s away from the virtual the higher their social status – reflecting the solipsism of Lynchian fantasy, yuppie nightmares possibility of meaningful agency, and hence some and neo-noir, as narratives became fractured in kind of redemption if only in noble failure. In the time and space as well as according to character process, hierarchies are meticulously preserved psychodynamics. Tarantino’s exuberant comic along with the identification with middle class book capers and Natural Born Killer’s (dir. Oliver pathos required by the stereotypical rendering Stone, 1994) venom against media opiates reflect of everyone else. Even Lord of War’s (dir. Andrew the mundane madness and horror visible in Niccol, 2005) attempt to stitch together personal contemporary society, finding echoes in later films (2005) follows the more unthreatening route of deployments of national mythology with the tackling similar themes in highly original ways. surrrealism-lite (as favoured by global brand globalising sociopathy of capitalism (via the evils Now it is commonplace for skewed perceptions advertisers), sacrificing the urgency and emotional of the international arms trade) only acquires and private fantasies to overflow and reverberate desperation conjured by Fincher. The gentler, narrative drive – and thus purchase as metaphor among participants in social networks, influencing screwball farce comedy is likewise enervating – by shadowing Nicolas Cage’s crazed Ukrainian- or overdetermining prospects for the future of the rather than energising – but both choices suit the American entrepreneur with Ethan Hawke’s self and others. film’s theme of the New Age reduction of politics ineptly idealistic Interpol authority-figure. In particular, the status of the ‘reality’ to personal morality and lifestyle marketing. Here, The comforting banality of simple-minded presented to viewers is unsettled when visual Jason Schwartzman’s earnest environmentalist redemptive aesthetics is taken to extremes in design and cinematography confuse perspective; agonises over the ethics and efficacy of single the treatment of war itself. Continuing Sam with subjective states no longer conveniently issue campaign compromises with corporate Mendes’ generic deconstructions of inadequate US tagged as ‘flashback’, ‘daydream’, ‘nightmare’, etc. interests. So troubled that he fears for his sanity, existential masculinity begun in American Beauty Together with the unpredictable vicissitudes of various counsellors and consultants are invited to (2000) and The Road to Perdition (2002), Jarhead the external world, its implacable material force compete in obsessing over his sense of identity, (2005) demonstrates the hysterical convolutions and proclivity for coincidence, this hints at the making suitably shallow interventions in his social of redundant machismo among marines in the open-endedness of history rather than closure and activist circle. ‘Finding himself’ quickly takes 1991 Gulf War. Unfortunately the film adopts the – modulating the emotional rush traditional precedence over preserving wilderness – implying perspective of Jake Gyllenhaal’s pretentious nerd denouements aim for as ‘entertainment’. Then, that the previous concern for ‘real’ nature merely frustrated by the military’s failure to resolve his when the juggling of genres leaves a narrative with externalised anxieties concerning his own self- dysfunctional family coming-of-age drama – while no single obvious outcome, dissonant resolutions indulgent whingeing human nature. most army recruits rationalise their positions may be tacked on whatever the thrust of the after joining up to give their lives income, rather foregoing would conventionally suggest. You’d than meaning. At least here the adolescent think the indie rebels and radical mavericks Crowd Scenes purportedly populating Hollywood could exploit ‘philosophising’ is bracketed as a defensive Fight Club and Huckabees are unquestionably these profitable fashions as golden opportunities response to insane reality, whereas in Spielberg’s highly original films, with wildly inventive to represent political struggle in their work. But odious Munich (2006) it is privileged as ideological camerawork, editing and plotting, and complex 6 only very few films have shown public, collective support for Israeli state terrorism. Much more characterisations and cultural reference points. action and conflicts of interest – involving varying interesting is the playfulness of Three Kings (dir. And despite their considerable limitations – for forms and levels of explicit political ideology David O. Russell, 1998), with the first Iraq war instance depicting political action as, at best, and motivation – to be suffused and surrounded cast as heist movie where heartfelt solidarity misguided – both complicate the striving for with, and energised and confounded by, the commonality with the difficulties inherent in the misrecognition and desire both practical and uncertain status of knowledge and interpretation cinematic experience suggest are inevitable. experienced by characters and viewers. More Based on the iconoclastic cult novel by Chuck conventional ensemble dramas also emphasise Palahniuk, David Fincher’s Fight Club (1999) drips the influence of randomness, shared fantasy, with comic invective concerning the comfortable flashbacks and alternative versions in shaping alienations of commodity fetishism and managed local social contexts. The fractured stories and misery. Corporate bureaucrat Jack (Edward multiple perspectives pioneered by Robert Norton) has a solipsistic private life of Ikea Altman have been very influential among catalogue completism, filling the resulting spiritual independent filmmakers – though rarely exploited vacuum with self-pitying voyeurism at self-help to illuminate political themes.9 Moreover, other groups for cancer sufferers. This pathetic existence groundbreaking work – such as the ghettocentric is blighted by escalating narcissistic insults and cycle initiated by Spike Lee’s Do The Right material disasters, until libidinal nihilist Tyler Thing (1990), films directed by Sean Penn (The (Brad Pitt) rekindles his anguished masculinity in Indian Runner, 1991; The Crossing Guard,1995; regular bareknuckle fistfights on city backstreets. The Pledge, 2001) and those written by Guillermo Fascinated onlookers from all walks of life join in, Arriaga (Amores Perros, 2001; 21 Grams, 2004; mushrooming and coalescing as an underground The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada, 2006) movement to overthrow consumer society via – locate agency and potential most firmly within unspoken male solidarity. Their plan to blow up individual protagonists, who are always flawed, finance companies’ headquarters proves too much damaged and disruptive of simplistic solutions, for Jack, who shoots himself in the head – merely and the ramifications of their normal or abnormal wounding himself physically but killing Tyler pathology ripple out into their social environments (revealed as schizoid personification of suppressed to highlight collective implications. desire) – and the newly-integrated Jack finds Paul Haggis’ Crash (2005) focuses on the heterosexual love as the bombs detonate. sickness of racism infecting all levels of US society Even if dismissed as hermetic schoolboy fantasy in a tapestry of neatly interlocking and sharply – or worse, flirting with the fascistic appeal of scripted vignettes featuring a dozen-and-a half cult violence powered by psychotic charisma characters crossing fractious paths over two days – Fight Club at least foregrounds passionate bodily in Los Angeles. Its manipulative conceit is to yearning as potential antidote to the poison of include only occasions dominated by racialising capitalism.8 David O. Russell’s I [Heart] Huckabees attributions, with scant contextualisation 14 | VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006 in deeper backstories and a fuller range of dystopian recuperation – a final knowing flourish storylines and biographies clash and intersect, interactions. Despite consequently actively on the role of mass entertainment in taming desire this is as likely to yield collective synergy as the stereotyping those it accuses, the scenarios in labyrinths of repressive desublimation. familiar cinematic staples of destructive conflict or frequently overflow this constraint to reveal the sterile equilibrium. bases of conflict in class distinction and economic These tentative and emergent representational inequality – with particularly acute detailing Changing Lenses paradigms seem to offer the possibility of of the complicit hypocrisy of liberal elites and The general timidity of dream factory visionaries providing visions of the grounds for genuine the fatal delusions of political correctness. But in tackling political change may, then, be best solidarity and the pursuit of shared purpose with the redress to racial prejudice artificially conceived in terms of a wider disillusionment in circumstances in which business as usual overdetermining the narrative ebbs and flows, among the middle classes with social democracy is decisively threatened. However, it would be acts of humility and humanity on the part of those as the handmaiden of capitalist progress in our necessary to acknowledge the central role here towards the bottom of the cosmopolitan heap strange days, given their failure to predict or of autonomous grass-roots activity or expression are isolated as exceptions to the rule rather than comprehend the unravelling liberal consensus. outside of the boundaries, preoccupations, countervailing force. Crash thus embodies and 1980s and ’90s neo-noir, postmodern and ‘slacker’ conceptual frameworks, guidance and control exemplifies the organising power of racism yet, stories appeal for their thoroughgoing refusal of middle-class mediators. But this would entail paradoxically, was lauded and awarded best film of traditional disciplines and delusions, which is the latter surrendering their recuperative power, Oscar for its bravery in exposing it. But the film partly also what makes new forms of collective and accordingly the privileged positions granted is much less honest than Short Cuts’ (dir. Robert mobilisation such as anti-globalization possible for loyal opposition to the status quo. Even Altman, 1993) pinpointing of the bitter pressure- among those growing up without the benefits of the more challenging of the films referred to points of the city’s downwardly-mobile trajectory, 1960s naiveté and aristocratic modernist optimism. above can therefore be interpreted in terms of a ultimately being just as distanced and melancholic However, the recent spate of films translating reluctance to tackle such suffocating restraints in as Magnolia’s (dir. Paul Thomas Anderson, oppositional attitudes into populist cinema use their makers’ own cultural practice – amounting 1999) meandering meditation on the ineffable largely retrograde narrative conventions and to a wholesale failure of nerve as well as self- strangeness of LA life. characters, without the stylistic and technical censorship. This helps explain why manifestations Refusing the panoramic omnipotence of such experimentation elsewhere employed to reflect of conscious struggle, collective public dissent or efforts, Kathryn Bigelow’s magnificent Strange underlying malaises in Western society. The most mass action are so rarely properly explored, and Days (1995) experiments viscerally with the obvious symptoms of war and corporate excess certainly not celebrated – and, especially when phenomenology of simulation offered by new are thus presented as ultimate causes, to be their subjects lack social status, hasty negation media, gradually expanding the significance adjusted by enlightened reform. Similarly, whereas and patronising contempt are the order of the of their alienating distraction for confused the deeper colonisation of intimate life by the day. Instead a regular refrain of self-important thrill-seekers out into the seething public instrumental logic of commodification ironically gestures by and about special ones creating history sphere of a chaotic neo-noir 1999 LA under has Hollywood at its vanguard, any cinematic emanates from aspiring or actual cinema industry brutal martial law. The troubled pairing of ex- response more robust than trivial lifestyle heavyweights and their (un)critical cheerleaders vice squad porn merchant Ralph Fiennes and tinkering leads to shattered identities or social – whose rose-coloured spectacles conceal an streetwise action heroine Angela Bassett tangle breakdown which only the desperate reassertion of inability to conceive of alternatives to the political with corrupt entrepreneurs and lowlives in a established authority can resolve. coordinates of Tweedledum and Tweedledee. decadent cross-fertilising cultural milieu of While at least corruption and malpractice by hip-hop punk, blundering into a conspiracy to government and business, environmental damage, assassinate a Black revolutionary leader which and the effects of corporate imperialism on the threatens to tip the civic millennium festivities poor at home and abroad are now gratifyingly Notes over the brink into grass-roots insurrection. familiar on the big screen, merely updating 1. Carl Boggs & Thomas Pollard, A World in Chaos: Social clichéd film formulae reproduces traditional Crisis and the Rise of Postmodern Cinema, Rowman & Through an unprecedented synthesis of film and Littlefield, 2003, p.249. psychoanalytic theory, exploitation of cinema resolutions revolving around heroes and leaders. The corresponding notion that suitably nimble 2. James Mottram, The Sundance Kids: How the Mavericks traditions and bravura design, editing and Took Back Hollywood, Faber & Faber, 2006. photography, it is far more nuanced than Crash in strategies among liberal filmmakers guarantees progressive content does justice neither to 3. Sharon Waxman, Rebels On The Backlot: Six Maverick tackling the subjective and social significance of Directors and How They Conquered the Hollywood Studio race, as well as of gender and class.10 The film also contemporary political circumstances – where System, HarperCollins, 2005. works hard to specify its historical contingency in the intentions and interests of professional elites 4. Ben Dickenson, Hollywood’s New Radicalism: War, the best traditions of science fiction as speculation are so widely, thoroughly and understandably Globalisation and the Movies from Reagan to George W. on the present (for example by Stanislaw Lem, distrusted – nor to a media culture in which Bush, I.B. Tauris, 2006. William Burroughs or Philip K. Dick) – rather superficial appearance is fetishised to mask the 5. See Paula J. Masood, ‘Ghetto Supastar: Warren Beatty’s depressing difficulties of real life. Negotiating Bulworth and the Politics of Race and Space’, Literature/ than hysterical inflation into universal values, Film Quarterly, Vol. 30, No.4, 2002, pp.287-293. or the fashionably subversive adolescent hype prevailing tastes and engaging deeper desires while also offering genuine critique is much 6. The grounds for which, in this case, are presented which passes for philosophical resonance in the as neutral historical record rather than falsified Wachowski brothers-produced V for Vendetta (dir. trickier than the voluntaristic idealism of propaganda; for a corrective, see As’ad Abu-Khalil, James McTeigue, 2006), as in The Matrix (dir. celebrities suggests. So radical directors often ‘Spielberg on Munich: the Humanization of Israeli Andy & Larry Wachowski, 1999) series.11 Strange skilfully portray middle class protagonists Killers, and the Dehumanization of Palestinian Civilians’, 2005, Days even excuses its major flaws (such as a striving to maintain their positions entangled in complex local hierarchies and histories, with very spielberg-on-munich-humanization-of.html. For a deliberately implausible, if arguably utopian, relevant discussion of the deeper relationship between central relationship) by managing to render mixed consequences for those with less room to media images and contemporary international its politically ultra-conservative resolution as manouevre. Regrettably, the latters’ rich social government, see: Retort [Iain Boal, T. J. Clark, Joseph dynamic is usually homogenised into frozen Matthews & Michael Watts], Afflicted Powers: Capital and victimised masses – either destined to be thawed Spectacle in a New Age of War, 2nd edition, Verso, 2006. by personal heroics and histrionics, or simply 7. See my ‘Class-ifying Contemporary Cinema’, Variant, No. functioning as a reactive backdrop against which 10, 2000, pp.16-19. the stars shine. 8. As, in various contexts, Slavoj Žižek concludes re: Fight Club: “Liberation Hurts!” (Eric Dean Rasmussen, 2003, Conspiracy theories have long been fertile See also Žižek: ‘I am territory for cinema, with political thrillers sensing a Fighting Atheist: Interview with Doug Henwood’, Bad the world’s complexity while rendering historical Subjects, No. 59, 2002, (and in Joel phenomena in simplistically individual terms. Schalit, ed., The Anti-Capitalism Reader: Imagining a Action films hysterically mobilise adolescent Geography of Opposition, Akashic Books, 2002); and ‘Art: The Talking Heads’, in Organs Without Bodies: Deleuze masculinist muscle in desperate response and, and Consequences, Routledge, 2004. For the director’s given that paranoia represents the psychotic take on his film, and the controversy it spawned, see: underbelly of individualism, parapolitics likewise James Swallow, ‘Hit Me’, in Dark Eye: The Films of David seductively suggests that humanity’s ills result Fincher, Reynolds & Hearn, 2003. from the hidden agendas of evil elites. Of course 9. Significant exceptions being City of Hope (dir. John the latter exist, and create havoc, but the more Sayles, 1991), Lone Star (dir. John Sayles, 1996) difficult truth is that domination is sedimented and Sunshine State (dir. John Sayles, 2002) – like into the routine material of institutions, Silver City, financed by John Sayles’ journeyman discourses, bodies, societies and economies scriptwriting and independently produced and distributed by his and partner Maggie Renzi’s company, – conditioning the patterns of stratification, The Anarchists’ Convention. distinction and difference which constitute the 10. See: Christina Lane, ‘The Strange Days of Kathryn texture of everyday life irrespective of whose Bigelow and James Cameron’; and Steven Shaviro, interests can be said to be ultimately served. ‘“Straight from the Cerebral Cortex”: Vision and This is precisely the terrain which postmodern Affect in Strange Days’; both in: Deborah Jermyn & Sean Redmond (eds.) The Cinema of Kathryn Bigelow: existential nightmares effectively excavate, albeit Hollywood Transgressor, Wallflower Press, 2003. usually inside single isolated and tortured psyches. 11. See Robert Allen’s and my comments on V For Vendetta Furthermore, expansive dramas of community life in Freedom magazine, Vol. 67, No. 7, April 2006. are eminently capable of depicting the ways in which the interests, beliefs, actions and affiliations of friends and neighbours, lovers and strangers mingle subjectively and socially. When parallel VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006 | 15 COMPETING NARRATIVES EXPOSED: Did you hear that two Palestinians were captured the day before that Israeli soldier was? Rena Bivens

As it turns out, journalists do not climb to the top capabilities. With respect to the Israeli-Palestinian (Fox News, 13th July 2006) of their respective headquarters each day and conflict, most journalists will acknowledge Presenter A appears extremely confused and direct large, all-seeing mirrors towards each region that Israel has a more efficient public relations cannot comprehend the events he witnessed. of the globe before effortlessly broadcasting the machine.3 Therefore Israel’s ability to supply Helpful Presenter B tries to ease his confusion most compelling images onto your television journalists with information that supports their by putting the situation into a dialectic that screen later that evening, complete with favoured narrative is significantly increased. Also, resembles President Bush’s rhetoric of good vs. straightforward, de-politicized descriptions of their most correspondents live in Israel when covering evil – hence “Bad guys shoot at anything.” But this content. the conflict and the BBC is the only Western just baffles him even further since “it’s Israel” As soon as the newsroom directs its focus broadcaster that retains a permanent presence and therefore, it follows, Israel can not possibly be towards news items that involve war or conflict, within Gaza.4 This fact alone disrupts the flow of shooting since they are not the “bad guys”. particularly one that is as hotly disputed as the information. Greg Philo and Mike Berry published Granted this example is not the result of an Israeli-Palestinian conflict, many more decisions a study in 2004 of content, audience reception, in-depth analysis of Fox News’ coverage of the are involved. As it turns out, the news that streams and production factors involved in the coverage most recent incursions into Gaza by the Israelis, onto your television screens each night is no of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict following the nor is it meant to paint a definitive picture of mirror of the world – it is the result of an actively oubreak of the Palestinian Intifada or uprising in their reporting. Still, it provides a demonstration manufactured version of reality. September 2000. The following quotes are from of the construction of reality that takes place Many issues problematize the mainstream journalists who have experienced the different by presenters on behalf of the audience and the media’s coverage of conflict. Time constraints nature of each side’s public relations management: danger of neglecting contextualization in favour of in television, word limits in newspapers, what appears to be a preconceived narrative. Palestinian spokesmen are their own worst enemy. ideologically-laden yet politically-endorsed and They often come across as boorish, the message is relatively unquestioned terminology, a seemingly often incoherent. (Interview, June 2002) never-ending range of differing historical UK coverage of the 2006 Israeli-Gaza accounts that no two groups are likely to ever Palestinians don’t have a clear public relations crisis agree upon, and the influence of public relations approach. They [Palestinians] start from a reactive While not as explicit as the seemingly impulsive and intense pressure by well-organised lobby approach. I get 75-100 emails a day from official Israeli and simplified dialectic applied to coverage of groups are just a few. Still, reporting conflicts is sources and organisations which support [Israel] Israel’s actions by Fox News, as presented above, one of the most important tasks of mainstream (about 15 per cent from government, the rest lobbyists coverage within the UK is fraught with a common and supporters). I get perhaps five a week from media, since the majority of the public will only 5 narrative that is left almost entirely unquestioned. receive information about foreign crises from Palestinian sources. (Interview, June 2002) In every headline, in every teaser, in every These production factors influence the way this coverage. Television remains the main source opening remark, the 2006 Israeli attack on Gaza in which events in the ongoing conflict will be of world news for the large majority of the UK was narrated as a response to the captured Israeli covered – particularly how they will fit into a population.1 Therefore it is absolutely vital that solider, Cpl Gilad Shalit. It is certainly the case favourable narrative for one group or the other. television reporting of conflicts is analysed and that hours after the capture of Cpl Shalit by the The task of mainstream media organisations is broadcasters are pressured to maintain balance military wing of the ruling Palestinian Hamas to ensure that balance is maintained – that the and a high standard of impartiality. party, Izzedine al-Qassam, the Popular Resistance full range of differing perspectives of events and If the news was just a reflection of images Committees (PRC) and the previously unknown overall narratives are featured in their reports caught in a mirror, news agencies like Reuters Army of Islam, “dozens of Israeli tanks, backed regardless of any potential inequality on the and Associated Press would cease to exist. These by helicopter gunships, pushed into the Gaza public relations front. organisations fuel the news that we receive and strip” (BBC News online, World Edition, 25th June the consequence of this dependency is a lack of 2006).7 From that point forward the narrative was diversity between news outlets and, more crucially, A brief illustration of US coverage of set: the ensuing conflict between Israel and Gaza a restricted and politicized information flow. the 2006 Israeli-Gaza crisis began with the June 25th capture of Cpl Shalit by While the domination by only a handful of news Palestinian militants. The famed slogan of the United States’ leading agencies can result in a selective representation This narrative fits the common stereotypical news program, Fox News, reminds its audiences: of the globe and has the potential to advance only scenario of action followed by response and “We Report. You Decide.”6 Below is one example certain political and economic interests, news retaliation. This scenario is inherently simplistic of their coverage that occurred during the first few is still largely the result of public relations. It and lacks context, but more importantly it mimics weeks of the Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip that may appear as though news is spontaneous and the narrative pattern that has been consistently began at the end of June 2006: investigative, but in fact the majority of content found in previous analyses of UK coverage of this on mainstream television broadcasts is planned.2 A Fox correspondent stands in Gaza, describing the conflict: precisely that the Palestinians perform Certain events, like the World Cup and the Queen’s empty scene in which Israel has reportedly ‘cut Gaza in an ‘act’ of aggression to which the Israeli’s must birthday are clearly known in advance, but much half,’ when shots appear to be flying towards him and ‘respond.’8 By selectively concentrating on of the rest of news is a direct result of public he is forced to end the report. Palestinian action (here: the capture of Cpl Shalit), relations management. Groups make statements Presenter A: Scary. even though in this case it directly proceeds Israeli to the media – from governments to corporations action, a cycle of violence is again solidified in the Presenter B: But I just don’t understand. They to scientists – and each maintain a vital interest in minds of the audience and blame inevitably falls says ‘press’...that’s the colour, that’s international... promoting a particular perspective of an event. on the Palestinians without consideration of the Particularly when military conflict is involved, Presenter A: Bad guys shoot at anything. context nor any historical conditions. Greg Philo these groups share a fundamental concern that Presenter B: Right...but it’s Israel. and Mike Berry’s audience research demonstrates 9 the resulting news coverage will be structured Presenter C: Uh…but it’s also...if, if he’s correct and how this narrative pattern is transferred to the around a narrative that shows their exclusive again, we don’t know who exactly was shooting at audience and revealed in focus group discussions group in a favourable light – often to the detriment him...but the other guys there are trying to protect such as this conversation with a student group in of others. It is also often the case that one group themselves- Glasgow: involved in a conflict will be better resourced Presenter A: Completely shifting gears, are you a rotten Female Speaker: You always think of the Palestinians as and therefore have superior public relations speller? being really aggressive because of the stories you hear 16 | VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006

on the news. I always put the blame on them in my own Huda Ghalia head. cries beside the body of her Moderator: Is it presented as if the Palestinians father, who was somehow start it and then the Israelis follow on? killed in an explosion on a Female Speaker: Exactly, I always think the Israelis are Gaza beach on fighting back against the bombings that have been June 9. done to them. (Philo and Berry 2004:222) The same narrative is also exposed within a news writing exercise where focus group members were given photographs from TV news coverage and asked to write a news item. Narrative-consistent phrases that continually arose within content analysis of TV coverage (following September 2000) appeared in the output: “Israeli army retaliates”, “[Israeli] government reaction”, “Israeli army retaliated” , “ Israelis responded” , “ In response to Palestinian attacks” (2004: 228-229, original italics). So why did this narrative damage public understanding of the conflict on this occasion? Because the context within which the apparent beginning of the conflict (Cpl Shalit’s capture) Hamas’ ceasefire and has continued this strategy. BBC online reports regarding the end of Hamas’ transpired is extremely relevant to an Also, Qassam rocket fire has become a mounting ceasefire.19 This is significant since the end of understanding of the crisis – particularly since concern for the Israelis as this Palestinian militant Hamas’ self-imposed ceasefire and vows to attack significant Israeli actions against the Palestinians in activity of firing what many media outlets refer Israel could have later been used as reference Gaza occurred during the month leading up to Cpl to as “crude missiles” began to increase in June points when Cpl Shalit was captured in order for Shalit’s capture. The following are excerpts from 2006. Still, according to Israeli human rights group the audience to gain a greater understanding of BBC News online articles that appeared during the B’Tselem, 8 Israeli civilians have been killed by the context within which this operation occurred. month of June, leading up to Cpl Shalit’s capture on Qassam gunfire during a 25 month period of June Samhadana’s death is also mentioned20 as well as June 25th. 2004 to July 2006 while Israeli Defence Forces the deaths of 3 more Palestinians by Israeli air (IDF) actions within Gaza claiming to be an attempt strikes that same day (9th June).21 These references Wanted militant dies in Gaza raid to stop these Qassam rockets during a much shorter create a climate in which the public might expect A senior Palestinian official in the Gaza Strip has died in 4 week period of 26th June to 24th July resulted in a “response” by Palestinian militant groups, an Israeli air strike in the town of Rafah. the deaths of 126 Palestinians.14 a “retaliation” against Israeli “actions” – yet Samhadana, a senior security chief in the Hamas-led Although a comparison of casualty figures lacks references to these events are nearly imperceptible government, was one of four killed in the attack on a important context, it is still valid to note that once Cpl Shalit is captured and the crisis appears training camp, which injured seven others. according to B’Tselem, between 29th September to, according to the narrative, officially begin. Lastly, He was one of Israel’s most wanted men in Gaza, and 2000 and 15th September 2006, 3,824 Palestinians on the same day of Gaza’s “beach violence”, Jeremy was thought to be involved in a 2003 attack on a US were killed by Israelis while 1011 Israelis were Bowen – the BBC’s Middle East editor whose role 22 con voy. killed by Palestinians. Included in these figures was “enhanced” in response to the BBC Governors are 764 Palestinian minors and 119 Israeli minors. Impartiality Review of BBC Coverage of the Israeli- A spokesman for the PRC vowed to “open the gates of This is particularly important in light of the general Palestinian Conflict, published in April 200623 hell” in response. public’s lack of understanding of this conflict, which – sat in the BBC studio and rhetorically asked if They fired their weapons in the air and swore that they finds beliefs among many British, German, and Israel is acting disproportionately, and if this is would strike back at Israel, our correspondent says. American students that more Israelis have been the case, accusations of war crimes could occur (BBC News online, World Edition, 8th June 2006, added killed than Palestinians or that both sides have under international law. He also likened the recent italics )10 suffered equally in terms of casualties.15 Many Israeli actions (that day’s killings and Samhadana’s more issues are involved in this conflict that are too Palestinians killed on Gaza beach death) to a “particular advantage” for the complex to discuss within the space available here Palestinians since, for a while at least, “Palestinians Seven people, including three children, have been killed (Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza, water, restrictions internationally will have a sense of being on the by Israeli shells which hit a beach in the northern Gaza on Palestinian movement, residency, destruction of moral high ground” (BBC1, evening news, 9th June Strip, Palestinian officials say. property, detainees and prisoners, east Jerusalem, 2006). At least 30 people were wounded in the shelling, they Israeli settlements, the separation barrier, to name The third story referenced above in the BBC say. a few). online excerpts regarding the Israeli raid into the In a statement, the military wing of Hamas threatened To explore the missing context that is implied Gaza Strip (despite their withdrawal from the to resume attacks on Israel in the wake of “massacres”. by the inclusion of the above BBC online articles, region last September 200524) and the seizure of two it is important that UK television news reporting16 The group has been observing a self-imposed ceasefire brothers on the day before Cpl Shalit’s capture by of these events that preceded Cpl Shalit’s capture for more than a year. Palestinian militants was not reported on TV news. during the month of June 2006 as well as the MIT Professor Noam Chomsky regards this Israeli “What the Israeli occupation forces are doing in the coverage of the first few days following his capture action as a more severe issue under international Gaza Strip constitutes a war of extermination and is analysed (up to and including 29th June17). humanitarian law than the Palestinian militants’ bloody massacres against our people,” Mr Abbas said. The first story found on BBC News online capture of Cpl Shalit since these acts took place (BBC News online, World Edition, 9th June 2006, added regarding the death of senior Palestinian official under the context of a conflict wherein the 11 italics and bold) Jamal Abu Samhadana on 8th June 2006 was not Palestinian brothers are civilians yet Cpl Shalit Israel captures pair in Gaza raid covered except when mentioned the following is a soldier.25 At the time of the incident Israelis day in relation to the “Gaza beach violence”. For Israeli soldiers have seized two Palestinian men in an claimed that the two brothers were members of the this report, all news outlets showed the gripping overnight raid into the southern Gaza Strip. militant wing of Hamas, as quoted above in the BBC footage of the young girl Huda Ghalia wailing online news source, but no further Israeli comments The Israeli military said the two brothers were members for her father on the beach as she discovered her have yet been found.26 of the militant group Hamas and were planning attacks dead family members. Of course good pictures Once Cpl Shalit is captured on 25th June, on Israel. are a prerequisite for television news and Huda’s statements from Hamas regarding reasons for this Hamas said they were sons of a member but were not exasperation was highlighted. Blame for Israel action appear on BBC News online but are rarely involved in Hamas. It called the abduction a crime. appeared to be the running headline but within mentioned in any televised coverage.27 The death 18 (BBC News online, World Edition, 24th June 2006, added each report, with the exception of ITV, Israel’s of Samhadana, recent deaths of civilians, and italics and bold)12 responsibility was questioned in some manner. targeted killings of militant leaders are quoted Before exploring this context, it is critical to note Since this time the Israeli army’s investigation has online as instigators for Hamas’ “response”. What that Israel also has grievances of their own, even unequivocally concluded that they should bear no is not revealed to viewers is that the termination though no articles detailing them occurred during blame since they did not even fire any shells at of Hamas’ approximately year-long ceasefire in the month prior to Cpl Shalit’s capture. While the beach that day. Opposing this, Human Rights “response” to Israeli “actions” and hence the suicide bombings perpetrated by Palestinians Watch military expert Mark Garlasco claimed that expectation that a “retaliation” (note the reversal are extremely poignant events that should be Israeli shelling was the cause after an examination of the traditional mainstream narrative) could categorically condemned, Hamas renounced suicide of forensic evidence at the scene, doctor’s reports, occur, which might include this very incident of the bombing as a strategy of resistance against Israeli and witness statements which he claims were capture of an Israeli soldier. The only references to occupation and entered into an unofficial ceasefire unavailable for the Israeli investigation. Israeli actions that could have inflamed Palestinian in the spring of 2005.13 But Islamic Jihad rejected Also, each station’s coverage is more defiant than militants are found deep within reports – generally VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006 | 17

in terms of “celebrations” inside Gaza following the intention is to maintain a safe distance from 10 Cpl Shalit’s capture, said to likely be related to the direct accusations against one party in the conflict, east/5062360.stm “more than a dozen Palestinian civilians” recently including more studio guests, akin to Channel 11 killed by Israeli forces (BBC1, evening news, 26th 4, could provide more opportunity for deeper east/5065008.stm 12 June 2006). Most of the time the reports begin analysis of such issues. On another occasion Bowen with descriptions of the continued “hunt for the gives an emotive, very detailed description of a east/5112846.stm 13 soldier” – for instance, BBC correspondent James suicide bombing from 9th August 2001 as a means ‘The last Hamas attack was a double suicide bombing on 31 two buses in the southern Israeli town of Beersheba in Reynolds says, “Somewhere here in Gaza, amidst of clarifying Israel’s stance towards Hamas, which August 2004 that left 16 dead.’ Source: the flames and the dark there is a kidnapped provides appropriate context but unfortunately Israeli soldier. With bombs and shells Israel is neglects to inform viewers – many of whom are 14 For more information see: trying to get him back.” (BBC1, evening news, 28th already struggling to comprehend the situation English/index.asp June 2006). – that Hamas has not been involved in suicide 15 Here are responses to the question, asked in 2002, ‘Which Channel 4 News offers the most critical bombings since August 2004. However, the same side has had the most casualties? Is it a lot more Israelis, coverage by often fiercely questioning guests from style of emotive, very detailed descriptions a few more Israelis, about the same for each, a few more Palestinians or a lot more Palestinians?’: 35% of British both sides of the conflict. Presenter Jon Snow of Israeli actions against Palestinians was not students knew Palestinians had a lot more, 43% thought begins to make reference to the hidden context included when Bowen shifted his “balance” to the there were more Israelis or that casualties were the during an interview by mentioning the conditions other foot (BBC1, evening news, 28th June 2006). same for each; and results showed respectively 24% and under which citizens of the Gaza Strip have “not 51% for German students, followed by 18% and 47% for been safe ever since the [Israeli] pullout” since US students. Source: Philo, G. and Berry, M. (2004) Bad News from Israel. London: Pluto Press. See p. 231. there has been “tremendous military activity Final remarks 16 Programmes considered are BBC1 evening news, BBC2 above and from the land against them” (Channel 4 Even though mainstream media broadcasters assert their commitment to balance, fairness and Newsnight, Channel 4 News, and ITV. News, 26th June 2006). As well, Channel 4 refers to 17 impartiality, covering conflicts as politicized and This timeframe was chosen to allow for some coverage previous prisoner bargains that Israel has partaken of Israeli attacks (for instance on Gaza’s only power in, thereby reflecting upon alternative options hotly contested as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict station) and responses from the media to these actions. is a challenging venture. It involves a difficult that may be available (27th June 2006) and goes 18 The only hint of uncertainty is seen with the report so far as to mention that it “seems more like an process of not only identifying the range of views claiming it ‘appears’ that Israel is accountable. exercise of retribution rather than a well-planned that are present regardless of the effectiveness 19 According to online reports Hamas ‘threatened’ to rescue mission” (28th June 2006). And finally, the or ineffectiveness of the relative public relations resume attacks while televised reports claimed that most significant contextualization occurs again on machines involved, and ignoring the external Hamas’ ‘called off ceasefire,’ will ‘resume attacks on Israel,’ ‘Hamas says its ceasefire is dead too’, and Hamas Channel 4 when Jon Snow asks an Independent pressure of well-organised lobby groups, but also a concerted attempt to fully represent this range will ‘renew attacks’ (BBC1, Channel 4, Newsnight, and MP in the Palestinian Parliament, Dr. Mustafa ITV respectively). of perspective. Also, since much of the public Barghouti, if “it wasn’t great timing” for the 20 His death is mentioned on all stations except ITV. suffers from a lack of understanding, broadcasters Palestinian militants to capture Cpl Shilat since 21 ITV News notes that these strikes followed the firing of a a major breakthrough between Hamas and Fatah should be encouraged to adopt new strategies to rocket into Israel by Palestinian militants. 28 combat this problem in order to provide a more had just been occurring. Dr. Barghouti responds 22 appropriate historical and contextual analysis. with a list of grievances against Israeli actions that 23 Find the full reports here: have occurred (air raids, artillery bombardments, Advising viewers to “go to the website” for docs/rev_israelipalestinian.html further information cannot be the only solution large numbers of civilian deaths, etc.) and in so 24 Although Israel still maintained control of Gaza’s borders, doing provides a context for the operation in which – particularly when a personal computer and air and beaches after the withdrawal. Cpl Shilat was captured that extends the narrative availability of the internet is not accessible to 25 As heard on US radio show Democracy Now on 14th July beyond the traditional media interpretation and everyone. Nevertheless, the existing factors that 2006. Source: allows for flexibility in the view that Palestinians continue to push potentially well-intentioned pl?sid=06/07/14/146258 26 have simply “started it again”. While Channel 4 broadcasters to embrace stereotypical patterns It is not yet known what will happen to these individuals – possible scenarios include their release, charges News has provided the most instances of these of narratives within the context of the Israeli- Palestinian conflict must be further explored. being placed by Israel, or their status changing to types of revelations in comparison to the other ‘administrative detainees.’ news outlets examined, they are still buried within 27 ‘A spokesman for Gaza’s Popular Resistance Committee Notes interviews and far removed from the headlines, 1 said they carried out the attack on the military post teasers and opening lines that tend to receive the As of 2005, 72% of people mention television as their main in revenge for the death of their leader, Jamal Abu source of world news and 94% believe it is important for most vociferous attention and thereby are more Samhadana, in an Israeli strike.’ (25th June 2006 TV news to be impartial (compared to 90% for radio and - likely to solidify the traditional stereotypical 84% for newspapers). Source: Office of Communications east/5114072.stm) narrative that often accompanies coverage of the (2006) The Communications Market 2006. London: Ofcom. 2 ‘Hamas said the operation was a response to recent deaths Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Of course accidents, natural disasters, and other such of civilians and the targeted killings of two militant On a final note, the BBC Governors review of phenomena occur and are likely to be newsworthy leaders.’ (26th June 2006 - coverage of this conflict recommended that ‘a enough to be covered. Yet even once they have happened fr/-/1/hi/world/middle_east/5115890.stm) – and the same holds true for an ongoing military 28 stronger editorial “Guiding Hand”’ be provided, conflict – a mainstream news organisation will assign Relating to the agreement by Hamas and Fatah to a which has come in the form of the newly someone to cover it and therefore planning begins document, developed by Palestinian prisoners held in “enhanced” role of BBC Middle East editor Jeremy immediately and staff will know that news relating to Israeli jails, which backed a two-state solution, among other details. However, the question of acknowledging Bowen, as well as encouragement that the BBC “be the event will be incorporated into the broadcast for the next few days. Israel – implicitly or otherwise – remains a major point more proactive in explaining the complexities of 3 of contention. the conflict.” It was suggested that the latter could The section on production factors within Greg Philo and 29 Mike Berry’s book Bad News from Israel (2004) explores be fulfilled through “directly linking broadcast this issue. Also, the author’s own ongoing PhD research israelipalestinian.html programmes to related background available has also arrived at similar conclusions. 30 There are many instances of this, for example see http:// 29 online.” As the above analysis of the BBC’s 4 : online coverage demonstrates, there is certainly stories.html Sun 25 June: Cpl Shalit Gilad captured in cross-border more information online and presenters on the 5 Both quotes are from Philo, G. and Berry, M. (2004) Bad attack evening news programme have directed viewers News from Israel. London: Pluto Press. See p. 246. Mon 26 June: Palestinian Popular Resistance Committees to the website on occasion – but the stereotypical 6 Within the United States, the median viewership of Fox demand prisoner releases in exchange for Gilad narrative still remains. In fact, it is even enhanced News has risen steadily since 2001 and registered an Tues 27 June: Israel launches air strikes on Gaza, military increase of 9% between 2004 and 2005. Meanwhile, enters southern strip when multiple stories are interrupted within the other two most popular news stations (CNN and Thurs 29 June: Israel detains dozens of Hamas officials the webpage by a “Gaza Crisis Timeline” that MSNBC) have remained relatively stable over this 31 It should be noted that Hamas is considered a terrorist unambiguously reaffirms the traditional narrative same time period but show losses of 11% and 2% organisation by Israel, the United States and the respectively from 2004 to 2005. Source: Project for associated with this conflict in that Palestinian European Union. “action” begins a crisis, inevitably to be followed Excellence in Journalism analysis of Nielsen Media 30 Research data. For more information see: http://www. by Israeli “response” and “retaliation”. With respect to the former recommendation, audience.asp?cat=3&media=6 Bowen appears regularly on BBC evening news 7 programmes in addition to correspondents and east/5114072.stm offers deeper analysis of the conflict. While 8 Philo, G. and Berry, M. (2004) Bad News from Israel. he does mention important issues such as the London: Pluto Press. Geneva Convention which prohibits “attacks on 9 Media messages are not merely transferred, as the objects indispensable to civilians” and “collective ‘hypodermic needle’ theory of audience reception punishment”, they appear dislocated since they would suggest, but for audience members with a limited understanding of, in this case, the conflict are vague references with only implicit reference these narrative patterns are more likely to be absorbed to Israel (BBC1, evening news, 29th June 2006). If without extended deliberation. 18 | VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006 Blairism on the walls at Kelvingrove Stephen Dawber After three years of closure, Glasgow’s great Art functionality that is so often ascribed by theorists Gallery and Museum is once again echoing to to the public museum.2 More so than any other the footfall of a curious public. Undergoing only Scottish gallery, Kelvingrove contained something piecemeal improvements to its fabric since the of the promise (now often chastened) of a public Second World War, the total refurbishment of the identity to come. As a space perhaps relished most building promised a heightened mix of individual by children, Kelvingrove allowed us all to maintain enchantment and collective spectacle. Such are a stake in fantastic dreaming. the sustaining myths of this public space – palace At a cost of nearly £28 million, that dreamworld of childhood fantasy on a rainy day, transcendent has been radically altered, transformed by shiny crucible of an otherwise divided civic culture – new displays, a renovated layout and a good that little thought was given to the possibility that deal of hype. There is even a self-serving theory the renewal might go wrong. But it has, perhaps attached, a ‘new epistemology of museums’ drafted a case devoted to Adam Smith is an advertisement disastrously so, and the task now is to begin to by Mark O’Neill, Glasgow’s Head of Museums for the Thatcherite Adam Smith Institute); whilst explore why, and what it is that might be done. and Galleries.3 O’Neill’s apparent innovation is to others appear already degraded (on one of my In the history of Kelvingrove the uses of culture cast out the old Victorian taxonomies, which, he visits an interactive installation dedicated to evolved from a patrician Victorian commitment claims, still governed experience of the museum, ‘Powerful engines’ was broken, an unfortunate to the value of artistic and industrial display for to replace them with a more egalitarian system irony in light of the lack of attention paid to economic and moral improvement.1 But more so of classification based on the telling of stories. A Glasgow’s industrial past). The interpretative than any other similar civic project, the pressure commitment to ‘elitist’ disciplinary specialism is display – comprising around 10,000 colour images of the ‘masses’ shaped it from the start – the canny thus displaced by an orientation towards popular and on average less than 30 words per object – is first Superintendent of Museums, James Paton, comprehension and ‘social justice’. The West distracting and often inconsequential (paintings pursued his vision of Kelvingrove as a site of and East wings of the building are described by and reproductions of the same image are placed both social reconciliation and popular spectacle. broad general categories – ‘Life’ and ‘Expression’ side by side). I could easily go on, but in an Linked in conception – as well as by a vitalizing respectively – and (we are told) displays are now important sense Kelvingrove needs to be seen to umbilical cord of cash – to the hugely successful structured by over 100 stories selected by the be believed. International Exhibitions of 1888 and 1901, the staff. Rooms are therefore ordered thematically This is not just a result of incompetent design, formation of the museum owed at least something under titles such as ‘Glasgow Stories’, ‘Conflict although it is very much that. It also expresses a to the logic of commodification, including, and Consequence’ and ‘Scottish Identity in Art’. marked hesitancy towards the auratic qualities of perhaps, a desire on the part of the working-class The role of the art collections – one of the richest the museum object and a compensatory anxiety in the second city of the Empire to become more municipal holdings in Britain – is both reduced to provide explanation on a grand, if often fully part of the world of things. But at the same in relation to the museum displays and spread trivialising, scale. Museum artefacts produce time, and particularly as the twentieth century throughout the building, challenging a supposed meaning through context, but they also require wore on, experience of the museum also took on division between the class-bound artwork a sympathetic relationship to what is always an a more complex and potentially resistant form – a (previously relegated to the upper galleries) and embodied (if necessarily precarious) experience space of collective belonging, deeply felt. more accessible functional objects. of understanding. For O’Neill, it is overwhelmingly This is to begin to explain Kelvingrove’s popular There is much to be said for O’Neill’s contextual ‘resonance’ that generates appeal, its encompassing emotional scope. It ambition – complex cultural monuments such as democratising pressures, which accounts for the may not actually be the case, but it feels as if Kelvingrove are rarely reordered so extensively populist tenor of Kelvingrove’s presentation. But I can recall every childhood visit, experiences – and the explication of his reasoning is part of a cacophony of signs and objects leaves little both bewitching and unsettling as I learned over a welcome trend on the part of British-based room for what I take to be the equally egalitarian the years to negotiate the perils and pleasures museum directors to justify their activities.4 possibility of experiencing affective ‘wonder’; of viewing. An apparently pristine contact with His arguments deserve to be dealt with in more indeed, it radically negates it.5 Mediation triumphs strange and alluring objects still lives on: the detail than I can manage here, although O’Neill’s over content in a way that makes the Victorian dishevelled bathos of Sir Roger, the famous stuffed ‘epistemology’ turns out to be more a medley of taxonomy, intellectually opaque as it may be, a far elephant; the romance (never quite convincing) received ideas, rather than any worked through more potent system of visualization. of the armour collections; or the almost hypnotic method. This is, I think, significant because the Much of this would be less worrying if the ordering in endless glass cases of seemingly schematism of academic injunction is not easily interpretative schema were not also so inept; worthless ceramic pots and pottery sherds. All equivalent to adequate museum praxis. When again, Kelvingrove needs to be visited to be this I can today conceptualise as the experience it comes to museology, the quality of embodied believed. Victorian taxonomies may be vanquished, of enchanted looking, a gradual awakening of comprehension constitutes an important measure but so is chronology, any sense of disciplinary reflective judgement held in tension with the of success. Turning to O’Neill’s writings after knowledge (particularly problematic for the visiting Kelvingrove fairly quickly gives rise to paintings and ethnographic displays), and much a suspicion: that the gulf between his confident, understanding of history, let alone a past active in even bullish ‘theorising’ and the actual experience the present. The work of interpretation manages of the museum reveals an arch propagandist at to be both minimal and intrusive, diminishing work. context to facile illustration and reducing Two problems dominate Kelvingrove, each intellectual access to the same unvariegated voice. intimately related to the other: the breakdown This latter is particularly troubling, not least as in the presentation of the object and the it refuses the stipulations of the Heritage Lottery absence of adequate narrative or interpretation. Fund (a major public sponsor) that museums The number of objects on display has been should find ways of reaching the interests of all increased from 4,000 to 8,000 – a symptom of the their visitors. (The fact that after supposedly pressures of bureaucratic quantification? – and thorough scrutiny, Kelvingrove has got away with their accommodation is rarely a success. A busy this confirms what many have long suspected, human thoroughfare is now a disjointed and that the HLF is little more than a political fix.) claustrophobic space as visitors and artefacts Some installations (generally more detailed) jostle up too close to one another, reducing the work better than others – that concerning the space necessary for active contemplation and optician-artist, James Pringle, for example, or criticism. The integration of museum objects into (perhaps inevitably) those covering the history art displays is sometimes handled so badly as to of Kelvingrove. Similarly, the attention paid make paintings unviewable, expressing a profound to children’s specialised viewing needs is an lack of confidence in the fine art collections. example of the curators taking the breadth of their A proliferation of makeshift barriers and signs audience’s competencies seriously. But, on the pleading ‘Do not touch’ suggests that built-in whole, the new museum is marked by a persistent psychological barriers have failed to work. Some evacuation of layered content, a complaint that installations are simply crass (the largest object in cannot be dismissed – as O’Neill so often does – as VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006 | 19

an expression of bourgeois privilege. Notes This, again, encourages a suspicion: that 1 There is still no adequate history of Kelvingrove, the bureaucratic mobilisation of superficiality, although an outline is attempted in the new catalogue seemingly well intentioned, might in fact be written by Muriel Gray, Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum: Glasgow’s Portal to the World, (Glasgow, 2006). accompanied by a dubious politics. And, of course, Some insight into its twentieth-century history is offered there is a politics active here: “Blairism on the by T. J. Honeyman’s memoir, Art and Audacity, (London, walls” as I overheard one disgruntled visitor 1971). describe it. Blair, as we all now know to our cost, 2 For an important critique of museum ‘theoryology’ see is a hollow politician, and by 1997 had put in Colin Trodd, ‘The discipline of pleasure; or, how art place a hollowing out of the Labour Party, briskly history looks at the art museum’, Museum and Society, vol. 1, no. 1, 2003, pp. 17–29, available at trampling all opposition to the accommodation ms/museumsociety.html. of City interests.6 In earnest imitation, Blairite 3 ‘Essentialism, adaptation and justice: towards a new apparatchiks have pursued a similar emptying epistemology of museums’, Museum Management and out of our public culture, negating the energy of Curatorship, no. 21, 2006, pp. 95–116. collective debate, dismissing the intractability of 4 See in particular the writings of Neil MacGregor history and blunting all resistance. In England, and Nicholas Serota. O’Neill has recently criticised the shallowness of this assault generated some MacGregor in ‘Enlightenment museums: universal professional opposition; a propaganda campaign or merely global?’, Museum and Society, vol. 2, no. 3, 2004, pp. 190–202, available at was launched by the government with the support museumsociety.html. of Demos, a pliant think-tank, to convince cultural 5 For a discussion of these terms, see Stephen Greenblatt, workers that New Labour, too, could, after all, ‘Resonance and wonder’, reprinted in Bettina Messias sustain a ‘complex culture’.7 In Scotland, where Carbonell (ed.), Museum Studies: An Anthology of arts managers have proved less resistant to Contexts, (Oxford, 2004), pp. 541–55. 6 politicisation, an axis of inanity now creeps West One of the best accounts of this process is David Osler, to East, capturing municipal provision and making Labour Party PLC: New Labour as a Party of Business, (Edinburgh, 2002). For a useful assessment of Blair the inroads on the national institutions. Under the politician see Richard Gott, ‘The third crusade’, New direction of Gordon Rintoul, and backed by the Left Review, 33, May–June 2005, pp. 149–58, available at support of Jem Fraser (Mark O’Neill’s partner), it seems the National Museums of Scotland may 7 Tessa Jowell, ‘Government and the value of culture’, May be next to enjoin this technocratic rush to the 2004, available at bottom.8 Publications/archive_2004/Government_Value_of_ Culture.htm. At the heart of the political process is the 8 Jem Fraser was until very recently the Royal Museum programme of social inclusion, a central plank Project Director, managing a £44.5 million programme of New Labour social policy since 1997. As the of renovation awarded nearly £17 million by the HLF. Cultural Policy Collective has recently shown, She reported ultimately to the current Chairman of the its ideologues’ great project is to dragoon the Board of Trustees of the National Museums of Scotland, poor into a low wage economy through the Sir Angus Grossart. Grossart, a merchant banker, was previously Trustee and Vice Chairman of the National instrumentalisation of culture. Social inclusion Heritage Memorial Fund and Chairman of the Heritage feigns to stand up for the working class, but is Lottery Fund in Scotland. His other unpaid interests in fact – in its failure to address the causes of include Patron of the Governors of the National inequality – a technocratic fix on the part of Galleries of Scotland. His company Noble Grossart Ltd. 9 owns 25% of the auction house Lyon & Turnbull Ltd. bourgeois cultural managers. The link between and 29% of The Fine Art Society; he is also a Director of public policy and museum practice is not always the Scottish Daily Record. Grossart is thought to control direct, but in the case of Kelvingrove the bonds to neo-liberal orthodoxy – is dispelled from the at least £70 million in personal assets. The extensive links, historical and contemporary, between Scotland’s cut unusually deep. (For those unaware of the present.11 relationships that tie Glasgow’s museum culture cultural institutions and business elites have never been Deliberately or otherwise, Kelvingrove adequately investigated. The extent to which cultural to Scotland’s political elite, a nauseating hymn constitutes yet more evidence of the evacuation leaders are under pressure to make decisions against of praise in the catalogue to Bridget McConnell, of complex meaning from our public culture, a the public interest can only be a matter of conjecture. 9 Glasgow’s Director of Cultural and Leisure process inimical to the fostering of an informed Beyond Social Inclusion: Towards Cultural Democracy, Services, provides more than an adequate hint.) citizenry.12 Certainly, there is little chance of (Aberdeen, 2003). One obvious point this pamphlet fails to make is that social inclusion policy very directly Kelvingrove is also social inclusion on the walls achieving any form of substantive equality when and it clearly exposes the destructiveness of its serves the economic interests of the higher ranks of cultural leaders end up submitting to the task cultural managers. In the maintenance of a low wage, logic to any evolved presentation of culture. of political containment convenient to their low tax economy, in its refusal of redistribution and With much complexity denied, content collapses paymasters (in this case Glasgow City Council, in its efforts to regulate a compliant workforce, social inclusion policy is very much the workhorse of neo- into form and the museum is transformed into a the HLF and Scotland’s ruling neo-liberal elite). shallow supermarket of objects. It functions less liberalism. In their desire to maintain existing structural O’Neill’s failure also suggests there are a lot of inequalities, it is the social includers who are the and less as a potential site of self-knowledge or problems to be worked through: rethinking the real ‘elitists’. For a valuable theoretical discussion of collective belonging. O’Neill has subverted the presentation of contested narratives in public this question see Peter Kennedy, ‘Social policy, social remnants of an older Victorian taxonomy, only culture; developing a theory of museum praxis exclusion and commodity fetishism’, Capital and Class, no. 85, 2005, pp. 91–114. to replace it with another, far lesser form – that that exceeds both the instrumentalism of the 10 The evacuation of the category of class from Kelvingrove shaped by the sensational and flattened rhetoric technocrats and the functionalism of much of mass mediation. This is the governing logic (although not always from the historical narrative museology; and establishing a model of what provided by the catalogue) is particularly telling. It of the new Kelvingrove, one that negates the democratic cultural practice might mean in the points to the evasion of a vital question: how in an roles of curators and educators as mediators of a context of the museum, to name only a few. era of declining welfare provision, growing inequality common culture, the resonance of which – perhaps In the shadow of Kelvingrove, and as neo- and environmental crisis is Glasgow’s working class particularly in the case of working-class Glasgow going to respond? One answer is suggested by István liberalism (in Blairite guise) sheds any semblance Mészáros, ‘The challenge of sustainable development – is a constant embarrassment to the brave new of legitimacy, now would be a good moment for and the culture of substantive equality’, Monthly Review, world of neo-liberalism. cultural workers to recover their recalcitrance: December 2001, available at This is a profoundly conformist strategy the babbling of professional discontent heard 1201meszaros.htm. 11 and is very much the containment, rather than behind closed doors requires an open airing. The retreat from exploring historical transition – and its exploration, of egalitarian potential through But in the end it is a popular movement of complex cultural phenomena – has become something public spectacle.10 For each and every visitor, of a trend in recent years, a museological equivalent opposition that the torpid denizens of Glasgow’s to Francis Fukuyama’s ‘The End of History’ (1989). For being is privileged over self-becoming as content Cultural and Leisure services will fear the most. a related critique of ‘thematic euphoria’ that might is sensationalised and presented in the same Public appointees should be held to account usefully be extended see Franco Moretti, ‘MOMA2000: unmodulated tone. Narrative is crucial to human and citizens’ committees could be established the capitulation’, New Left Review, 4, July–August 2000, pp. 98–102, available at www.newleftreview. emancipation, but my guess is – and this must to monitor their contrition. In this way, museum now be the focus of rigorous study – that visitors net/?view=2258. For the political significance of an workers could be compelled to provide their adequate understanding of historical change, see István leave with very little sense of meaningful ‘stories’ visitors with meaningful content, at once moving Mészáros, ‘The rise and fall of historical temporality’, in having being told. A commitment to social justice and substantive. In the meantime, Glaswegians . T. Brotherstone and G. Pilling (eds.), History, Economic is barely present; when it is attempted the could do no worse than restore an older form of History and the Future of Marxism, (London, 1996), pp. results tend to be conservative (the privileging 251–92. As Mészáros concludes, ‘the suppression of public display to Kelvingrove Park. They should historical temporality is probably the most powerful of nature conservation over a more radical clamour to see Mark O’Neill’s head on a spike methodological device in the arsenal of the ruling environmentalism, for example) and never – symbolically speaking, of course. ideology’ (p. 284). described as open to contest. Finally, and equally 12 For a recent discussion of this beyond the realm of tellingly, the museum’s new thematic taxonomy museums, see Leo Panitch and Colin Leys (eds.), Telling offers virtually nothing to the understanding of Stephen Dawber is a freelance arts writer and the Truth, Socialist Register 2006, (London: 2006). historical change. Glasgow’s contradictory and anti-consultant: [email protected] unresolved past – potentially such a challenge VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006 | 21 Academies, Religion and Private Philanthropy Peter Vlachos

‘regeneration’, the ASBO agenda assets to the control of an and the development of the kind was largely a private affair, with What are Academies? and the disempowerment of unaccountable sponsoring of workers they wish. wealthy parents sending their According to the Department local government. body, set up as a company children to fee-paying schools, for Education and Skills The Academies programme limited by guarantee. Sponsors and others using whatever local (DfES), Academies are a new represents an admission of self- receive the entire school budget History of Philanthropy teaching was made available. type of school by which the defeat by the government in its directly from the Government. and Relationship to For health care, throughout government aims to enhance inability to provide an effective Sponsors have responsibility the 19th century, philanthropists school leadership through Public Services education system which can for all aspects of the Academy, It’s easy to forget that the and social reformers working drawing on the skills of sponsors produce well-educated, tolerant including staff appointments, alone had tried to provide and other supporters. The Welfare State is a relatively citizens. pupil admissions, curriculum recent invention. The Education free medical care for the poor. government claims that this Rather than working towards and governance arrangements. In 1828 William Marsden, a will allow principals and staff Act 1870 marked the formal improving the state education For a promised £2m stake, beginnings in England of young surgeon who opened new opportunities to develop system, the government sponsors receive enormous a dispensary for advice and educational strategies to raise compulsory state-financed has decided to abdicate its benefits, for example school education. (Universal education medicines, conceived of a standards and contribute responsibilities for managing buildings and grounds, Academy hospital to which the only to diversity in areas of in Scotland has a much longer schools, while, rather strangely, supply contracts, advertising, history.) Before 1870, education passport should be poverty disadvantage. continuing to accept the Sponsors provide financial burden. The worst of approximately 10 per cent both worlds, in other words. of capital costs while DfES provides around 90 per cent. Running costs are met in full Who are the Academy by the DfES. Despite their sponsors? relatively small financial In the Home Office report commitment, Sponsors are given “Working Together: Co-operation sweeping powers in the running between Government and Faith of the school. Communities” (February 2004), There are currently 27 David Blunkett spoke of “the Academies open. The first three growing record of partnership opened in September 2002 and between public agencies and nine in September 2003. Five faith communities in the delivery Academies opened in September of service”. 2004 and a further ten in Coupled with New Labour’s September 2005. A further 49 push for privatisation either are in development. through direct sell-offs or by Despite initial support encouraging so-called social from parents, more recently entrepreneurship, it is of no groups of them have launched surprise therefore that the legal challenges to the City government welcomes sponsors Academies Programme. The from business, faith and National Union of Teachers voluntary groups. Sponsors (NUT) has opposed the (who commit £2 million of the establishment of City Academies £25 million typically needed as having an undesirable impact to build an Academy school on the coherent provision of and who do not contribute at a comprehensive education all to the running costs of the service within local education school), include business leaders, authorities. The NUT also religious organisations, corporate opposes the transfer of publicly companies and even football provided education assets to clubs. Each brings their own sector. They agenda and interests, whether believe that the initiative has the that be religious indoctrination potential to threaten teachers’ or emphasis of particular job security, salaries and subjects, in particular business conditions of service as well as subjects. the role and responsibilities of The confluence of interests governing bodies. is alarming. The sponsorship of three Academy schools by Why is the government the strongly religious business so keen on them? entrepreneur Peter Vardy has The government champions raised concerns. His foundation, Academies because it believes the Emmanuel Schools they will enhance school Foundation, sponsors Emmanuel leadership via the managerial College in Gateshead, The King’s and leadership skills brought Academy in Middlesbrough, and in by sponsors. The programme Trinity Academy in Doncaster. links together various threads He is also involved in EC of the current government’s Educational Services, which agenda: the increasing use of builds the schools. faith groups in the delivery The National Union of of public services, the more Teachers (NUT) has noted that direct involvement of private creating Academies involves business in the public sector, the transfer of publicly funded 22 | VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006 and disease; where treatment that, at best, society needs to aspirations. does the government not invest was provided free of charge to rely on the goodwill of the rich to Academies: The mid- A report published in April in revitalising existing schools any destitute or sick person provide for the provision of basic term report card. A this year by New Philanthropy rather than pumping upwards of who asked for it. By 1844 the social needs. failure in the making? Capital (NPC) – an independent, £5 billion into new projects? demand for Marsden’s free The reappearance of private non-profit-making organisation The government makes services was overwhelming sponsorship, therefore, is a huge In its third, government- which advises donors on how to no secret that they welcome and led to the creation of the step backwards for a modern commissioned annual review of give more effectively to charities religious organisations as Royal Free Hospital. As well as state like Britain. Academies published earlier this – is even more critical. sponsors despite the problems the charitable and voluntary And yet the government year, PricewaterhouseCoopers NPC has suggested that while caused by religiously-segregated hospitals, which tended to deal sees an ever-expanding role for presented a mixed picture. private money can transform schools. Is this a back-door way mainly with serious illnesses, private philanthropy. Earlier Although the overall trends the opportunities for children of funding the expansion of the local authorities of large this year, the Home Office in pupil performance in in state education, funding further religious, albeit non- towns provided municipal awarded key, strategic multi-year Academies are positive, it is academies may not be the best Christian, schools? hospitals: maternity hospitals, funding to Philanthropy UK, not universally the case that option: The emphasis on business hospitals for infectious diseases a consortium of organisations skills is a further nail in the improvements are being made, “There simply isn’t enough like smallpox and tuberculosis, geared towards building coffin of liberal arts education. and some Academies have been evidence to make a conclusive as well as hospitals for the the relationship between It is bad enough that universities performing less well than the assessment on whether academies elderly, mentally ill and mentally government, donors and their are being dumbed-down national average and other are a good investment for donors. handicapped. professional advisers. Decisions to provide more and more similar schools. The problems Academies show mixed results for The history of publicly on funding social welfare vocational training, now the idea which these Academies faced their pupils. But there is enough funded, universal education projects will increasingly be is pushing its way down into the were typical ones of any school: evidence to raise doubts about and health care is relatively taken behind closed doors, with younger levels of students. If disruption due to delays in their cost effectiveness.” short and therefore more less and less public dialogue and moving into the new schools; NPC says the £25m price tag it doesn’t help an ASBO-laden fragile than we might want to public scrutiny. inadequate lead-in time the on a new academy – of which teenager to land a career in imagine. Perhaps we, the second, This approach is a step further principal and staff, changes £2m is paid by the sponsor retail, it can’t possibly be worth third and fourth generation towards the ‘Americanisation’ in senior staff, problems with – is very expensive, particularly teaching. beneficiaries, take for granted of our state institutions. But project managing the building, given the lack of a strong the extent of the transformation why should we follow the US concern whether school relationship between school What can we do about which post-WWII New Deal model and not the Scandinavian, buildings are fit for purpose. performance and investment in policies had. The old system Canadian or French models of PWC found evidence to buildings. According to DfES it? of philanthropy – and it still education? The latter provide suggest that managing pupil figures, it is also significantly The National Secular Society exists to a large extent in places excellent standards of education behaviour remains a challenge. more than the cost of building campaigns tirelessly for the like the USA – rests on the in largely secular surroundings Even Academy schools are a conventional state school, end of religious privilege. assumption that a gulf between and produce by-and-large well- finding it difficult to link good which is typically £16m to £17m. A cornerstone of the NSS’s rich and poor is inevitable and adjusted, tolerant citizens. behaviour to achievement and “Perhaps the most powerful platform is the secularisation of criticism of academies is the schools and the disestablishment £8m difference between the cost of the Church of England. These of building an academy and the two aims are crucial if we are to cost of building a conventional transform the current divisive school,” the report says. situation. Meanwhile, opposition to Academy schools will lead Academies continues to grow to more, not fewer, religious and problems continue. Last year schools, and will correspondingly at least one Academy school was increase the fragmentary failed by OFSTED and put into divisions between young people “special measures”. A private and whole societies. education company pulled out Responding to the speech of a £4m scheme to sponsor launching the Commission on two City Academies, following Integration and Cohesion by a parents’ revolt at a nearby Ruth Kelly (24th August 2006), independent school it owns Terry Sanderson, vice-president (BBC, 14 June 2005). Members of the National Secular Society, of Parliament have been vocal in commented that: their concerns over the lack of a “The refusal by the Government to coherent strategy in rolling out allow its new commission to even Academies and their escalating consider that faith schools are part costs. School governors have of the problem with integration is said that the City Academies sheer madness. It seems clear to programme should be suspended almost everyone except the vested amid “unsavoury information” religious interests that separating about funding. The call, by the children on the basis of their National Governors’ Association, parents’ religion is divisive in the came after allegations that extreme. Instead of breaking down Academy sponsors could barriers, as the Government says it receive honours in exchange for wants, the continued expansion of donations. single faith schools will exacerbate the problem.” We need more integration of Conclusions students, not less. We need more While the government continues support for state schools, not to with full force to develop wash our hands of the problems Academies the debilitating long- and invite private companies to term impact on our education run the show. system, if left to continue, will take years if not decades to Peter Vlachos is Manager of undo. Conway Hall, London; Council What we are now seeing Member, National Secular is a return to pre-welfare Society; and Visiting Lecturer, state economics. An attempt Department of Arts Policy and by government to disengage Management, City University itself from the delivery of key London. social services like education. First PFI, now Academies – decentralisation and privatisation by yet another name. Academies are proving to be a very expensive way of bringing in ‘management expertise’, even then the results have been mixed at best. If a lack of managerial freedom and leadership qualities are the missing ingredients, why VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006 | 23 Rebel Alliances

Rebel Alliances is that as anarchism has grown to anarchist principles, for greater autonomy through covering for each other to create AK Press / Dark Star to dominate the anti-capitalist instance: awarding grades to extended break-times (“Oh yes paperback movement this has not come about students which privileges one boss, Jane is back from lunch ISBN: 1904859702 overnight or without repercussion. group against another in the to create greater freedoms for but she’s directing a customer to £15.00 Franks contrasts the rise of the labour market, or maintaining themselves and colleagues to anarchist ethos and practice property-rights by policing our other branch”), so too there pursue research interests, or British Anarchism (whatever that with the collapse of Leninist and plagiarism. But like the shop are possibilities for subversions provide a resource for activists. is) has been characterised by its Trotskyist left. If New Labour is assistant there are certain in academia. However as my Whilst there is much to admire idiocy, spontaneity and ability the “last dribble of Thatcherism” functions which are compatible boss(es) may be reading this, in this strategy – academia has to re-create itself. The journal perhaps Sheridan’s Solidarity (sic) with anarchist principles. Whilst I’ll say nothing more in order to often been used as resource Aufheben famously diagnosed etc. is the final speck of Trotskyist the shop assistant might give avoid self-incrimination. – there are substantial risks too. Class War’s “retarding influence” dilettantism? helpful advice on the use-values Some of the groupings you In some instances, too close an and a queue of theorists have Franks knows his onions and of goods, an academic is helping raise, are not overtly ‘anarchist’. association with elite institutions described anarchism in the UK as we (this it the Republican ‘we’) to reduce the hierarchy of For instance, some academics like universities can lead to as dynamic, provocative, but are troubled by, well virtually knowledge by sharing, hopefully have a purely scholastic interest a domestication of radical ultimately politically unimportant. everything abut the contemporary freely and as widely as possible in anarchism, studying it perhaps thinking. If most anarchist Benjamin Frank’s Rebel Alliances world, we asked him a series of less with others. as a historical fragment of research, writing and theorising throws a chair through the shop than searching questions and he Similarly, just as there is particular interest in a curious emanates from the academy, window festooned with the bawdy coughed up a host of illuminating, room for some subversion European setting, in the same it can dominate the discourse, dummies of such dodgy arguments. bordering on entertaining replies. of managerial authority way that sometimes you will making anarchism appear to be From the turn of the century and Variant: Can anarchists operate and imposition of the law find researchers who study a privileged discourse. A parallel before, Franks outlines anarchism’s in academia? There’s the of exchange-value in retail, Fascism or Environmental with Marxism in the 1970s and rise to pre-eminence as the means strangely sombre Anarchist for instance sales assistants Ethics without having a strong ’80s is possible here. As Terry and ends to our future society: Studies and a few people at organising to challenge the proclivity towards one or the Eagleton noted, Marxism ceased From Dan Chatterton’s post- Goldsmiths and Lancashire bosses through strike action, or other. Others you mention, in to be based around the radical Chartist The Atheist Scorcher ( 1884) University but it’s all a bit more subversively, by creating different ways might be seeking movements of industrial workers and of course Kropotkin’s Freedom marginal and half-hearted. Is (1886 on and on) in a detailed this a good thing? Or are there analysis of propaganda, deeds, other ways that an ‘anarchist actions and movements right ethos’ has infiltrated and bang-up until Mayday 2000 when influenced? Churchill sported a turf Mohican (and beyond). Ben Franks: Whilst I write on It’s an appropriately epic sweep anarchism, and have a great taking in Punk and DIY culture, interest in, and sympathy with, ethics, Gorz, class and non-class, many features of anarchism, I ethnicity, sexuality, and everything should stress I rarely, if ever, from ‘the Spectacle’ to Test Card think of myself as ‘an anarchist’, F and everything in-between, and certainly don’t speak on if indeed there is anything ‘in- behalf of anarchists in (or out between’. of) academia. Indeed, as the If Britishness is a concept libertarian-aligned Dissent! wilting on the cleft-stick of rightly points, out “anyone who Brown-Blair absurdism, Franks is claims to be speaking on our quick to defend his terms. This behalf is lying.” is a geographical not a cultural I’m tempted to answer your definition. Second, as Franks points question with another one – can out, among the earliest anarchist anarchists operate anywhere? groups in Britain in the modern Not that I am suggesting era were Der Arbeiter Fraint (The that anarchists are somehow Workers’ Friend), Jewish refugees bumbling incompetents, but from Tsarist Russia, closely followed that there is a contradiction (in terms of impact) by such as in performing certain roles the Spanish and Italian anarchist within capitalism and being influence from the 1920s on. Finally an anarchist. An anarchist Franks defends the inclusion of, selling his or her labour as for example, the 26 County WSM a shopworker, is in a sense (Workers Solidarity Movement) on withholding commodities from the grounds that English, Scottish, those who cannot afford them. Welsh and Irish anarchist histories The radical sales assistant are intimately linked: “Oppression may subvert this from time to is understood to be contextual and time, turning a ‘blind-eye’ to based on opposing dominating a needy-looking shoplifter for forces as they affect that locality, instance, but if they were to rather than a single universal form live up to their principles in of domination that determines all toto and, say, give all the goods hierarchies.” away all the time to anyone who The writing is inclusive but desired them, then they would not vague, rigorous and scholarly be out of a job fairly quickly but not up its own arse. He takes and without much chance of a a reassuring sideswipe at David decent reference. This is not to Miller [Professor of Political criticise subversive shopworkers, Theory at Nuffield College Oxford, but this fine strategy is only author of ‘Anarchism’, J M Dent & feasible if you have something Sons, 1984, and not the co-editor to fall back on or if everyone of ‘Arguments against G8’ and else simultaneously follows the Spinwatch as appended in the print same tactic (i.e. we had already issue of Variant - please accept our reached a post-capitalist society). apologies] who managed to write There are parallels between a whole book on anarchism whilst the shopworker and the person denying it had any identifiable core employed in academia (someone assumptions and could scarcely selling their labour time to the be called a political ideology. university). There are certain But if the book has a subtext it functions that are antipathetic 24 | VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006

in their struggle against capital, whether anti-hierarchical The anarchism, of say, Emma thereby de-contextualising the but with academics discussing or promoting an alternative Goldman and Peter Kropotkin ‘hooligan’ version of anarchism literary texts or education policy. hierarchy to the status quo, is (and maybe we can squeeze is hardly a surprising strategy: Whilst anarchism (and indeed associated with stigmatised in Charles Fourier here too), dominant powers constructed Marxism) can provide useful concepts, e.g. “mad Mullahs” or whilst having its origins in the the stereotype of the black- techniques for academic study, “loony-lefty”, so the association Enlightenment, and recognising coated, bearded bomb-thrower it would be a huge disservice of anarchism with insanity is by the liberatory potential of reason in the late nineteenth and if the limited practices of no means surprising or unusual. to transcend the limits of power early twentieth centuries and academia dominated – and thus What is perhaps distinctive based on traditional authorities the ineffectual, effete ‘hippy alienated oppressed peoples in anarchism has been a and superstition, nonetheless anarchist’ in the ’70s and early from engaging, adopting and willingness to appear eccentric; had some appreciation of the ’80s. modifying anarchist principles, this may be partly as a result of limits of pure reason. Humans To pick out just a couple methods and ethos in their, de-stigmatising mental illness, may be rational beings, but they of tactics risks prioritising often more important, day-to-day exposing how it is constructed to are not solely rational beings Marshall’s book Demanding them and thus creating a struggles. police and maintain social order – they have other drives and the Impossible is impressive prescriptive taxonomy of on a number of grounds, one Variant: You mention in your (the influence of Michel Foucault desires too. The interest shown responses. Nonetheless, to select of the weaknesses is that he book what your working might be relevant here). in Nietzsche by anarchists is a few provisional examples includes as ‘forerunners’ or definition of anarchism is and Alternatively it could be pertinent here. Sean Sheehan of some of the most creative ‘great libertarians’ an extensive how you use it. Can you say an acknowledgement that for stresses the debt contemporary interventions, these tend to menagerie of thinkers – the something about this? I know liberal theorists, such as Max anarchists pay to Nietzsche in be those which include those conservative theorist and MP there’s sometimes a tendency Weber, alternatives will always his introduction to anarchism, principles most consistent with Edmund Burke, the statist for writers to identify anyone appear outside of accepted as does the edited collection by a defensible form of capitalism: Tom Paine, the ‘constitutional who’s a bit mad or a bit wacky ‘rational’ discourse: the recent John Moore, I Am Not a Man, I rejection of hierarchies, whether liberal’ John Stuart Mill, and as ‘anarchist’ throughout history Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Am Dynamite! based on state, capital or even the Christian messiah (for and then retrospectively gloss in Clown Army (CIRCA) at anti- A more worrying trend, other dominating structure; a movement usually identified their ‘credentials’. capitalist/anti-globalisation though, has been for some a repudiation of mediation demonstrations is a self- theorists to adopt a wide variety by its reaction to ‘God and the and thus a renunciation of BF: You are right. Of course conscious acknowledgement of of writers and thinkers into state’). Such accounts blur to the tactics based on vanguards anyone who appears to challenge the way dominant ideologies anarchism. Partly this is to point of distortion anarchism and prioritising prefigurative bourgeois rationality can appear portray creative dissent as shore-up anarchisms’ academic as a revolutionary, anti-state, methods, in which the means ‘mad’. Any form of opposition, ‘ridiculous’ and ‘comical’. accreditations. So whilst Peter egalitarian movement. It also used have to reflect the values assumes that anarchism’s of the desired goals. Of course, actual traditions are so weak these principles are adhered it requires reinforcement from to by individuals and groups outside. Further, it also raises who do not necessarily adopt the questions: why anarchism the ‘anarchist’ label. These should feel the need to become radical moments hold out the academically respectable? Who possibility for even greater is it out to impress? experiment and adventure and Variant: You commented about create new links of solidarity. how publishers locked-on to So there are the practical steps your work as the anti-capitalist like opening and maintaining movement kicked in and your social centres – from London’s efforts to try and explain that Jubilee Street Club of the it wasn’t all about panning late 1890s, or the more recent in McDonalds’ windows. But ones such as the Autonomous how do anarchists escape this Centre in Edinburgh, 1 in 12 in stereotyping, and isn’t some of Bradford, Sumac in Nottingham it their/our own fault? Maybe or RampART and London you can say something about Action Resource Centre in the the most creative interventions South East. These are broadly you have come across that don’t run on non-coercive principles, operate in this way but that have and these venues open up some real impact on ‘everyday opportunities for collaborations life’, real communities, ordinary on a range of cultural and people etc.? (anti)political actions. There are the workplace structures, such BF: I am not certain what a as the Solidarity Federation ‘real’ community or an ‘ordinary’ and the syndicalist IWW, which person is, as distinct from an although in the UK are still tiny, unreal or ‘extraordinary’ person, nonetheless still provide useful but this is me being pedantic. advice, confidence and support I guess your point here is the to those resisting managerial highly pertinent one of how can authority. anarchist principles and tactics No single struggle takes be incorporated into everyday universal priority over all others. life? For instance, the fight against I should stress that I am patriarchy is not necessarily not a pacifist. There are going to eradicate racism, times when panning in the although it might help (and vice- windows of McDonalds’ is not versa). In certain contexts one just excusable but is highly type of resistance to oppression justified; the problem is in is, however, more critical than being stuck with one particular another. Similarly, no single tactic (smashing windows) or tactic is sufficient, although in a one particular identity (the given context one type of tactic black-masked vandal) to deal might be more apt than others with the myriad, ever-adapting in resisting heteronomous power modes of oppression. Dominant in a life-enhancing, liberatory powers want to fix the range fashion. of responses, as that way we become more predictable and controllable – as a result actions become less threatening, less radical. Certainly it would not be in the commercial media’s interests to portray anarchists in a favourable light, so latching onto, universalising and VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006 | 25

Yassamine Mather Ahmadinejad: Myth and Reality

Over the last few months, as the threat of military aggression in the area, indeed it benefited International Capital. sanctions and military intervention against Iran considerably from the coming to power of its Shia However, the nuclear crisis has added a new has increased, sections of the anti-war movement protégés in the occupation government of Iraq. dimension to the internal conflicts within the outside Iran have launched a concerted effort Furthermore, after all its protestations over the various factions of the regime, and there are in support of the Iranian president Mahmoud ‘right of Iran to develop nuclear technology’, the signs that this conflict is moving in a dangerous Ahmadinejad. However, inside the country the Ahmadinejad government did everything in its direction. Iran’s Islamic Republic has always been new government’s failure to deliver any of its power during August-September 2006 to improve a regime of permanent crises that every now and promises of economic prosperity for the majority its economic and therefore political relations with then lead to an explosive situation, but the current of the population has brought nothing more than increased poverty and repression for the working class, women, youth and minorities. Workers face job casualisation and unemployment as the gap between the rich and poor is widening while the government’s unprecedented programme of privatisation, accompanied by the systematic non- payment of workers’ wages, creates unparalleled levels of poverty and destitution. Of course Iran’s current political strength in the region is a direct consequence of the US/UK invasion of Iraq and the coming to power of a Shia pro-Iran government in Baghdad soon after the ‘overthrow’ of Iran’s other foe, the Taliban in Afghanistan. However, most Iranians do not care about the geo-political manoeuvres of the Islamic regime as their main concerns remain the economic issues inside of the country. According to the Islamic government’s own statistics, 7,467,000 Iranians live below the poverty line, with the poorest sections of the population in the countryside where 9.2% lived with incomes well below the poverty line in the Iranian year 1385 (March 2005-6). In the same year the income of the top 10% earners of the population was 17 times that of the bottom 10%. Despite populist promises, such as the fair distribution of the oil income, the current Iranian president has presided over one of the most pro-capitalist governments Iran has seen since the launch of the era of ‘reconstruction’ in 1988, when Iran first accepted IMF loans. Every spring the IMF sends a commission to Tehran to verify the country’s compliance with global capital’s requirements and every year by mid-summer the Central Bank and the government propose further privatisation in the industrial, banking and service sectors – bringing further misery to tens of thousands of workers, the victims of the subsequent job losses and casualisation. However, the level and scope of privatisation approved this July was so serious that Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, had to ‘re-interpret’ Article 4 of the Islamic republic’s constitution. The government’s plans to sell off 80% of its stake in a range of state-run industrial companies in the banking, media, transportation and mineral sectors were so far-reaching they amounted to a reversal of one of its own economic ‘principles’ as declared in the Iranian constitution. In a country where Islam has been in power for 27 years – where the ‘morality police’ arrest women for showing a bit of their fringe – prostitution, drug addiction and Aids are widespread. The double standards and hypocrisy on ‘moral issues’ reminds many Iranians of the opportunist posturing of the regime on the International scene. Iran’s Islamic regime whole-heartedly supported the US/UK 26 | VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006

structural crisis is threatening the very existence of the regime: internally it has lost both legitimacy and support amongst its own ranks, and on the international scene it is facing the possibility of sanctions and military threats. From the day it came to power the regime’s police forces. In addition, the regime will present shows clearly the economic implications of this many U-turns have revealed a thoroughly- new definitions regarding the role and the position policy. All public and semi-public resources will conceived plan of organisational restructuring and of senior clerics, where they would become be redistributed through privatisation. Which policy reversal. However, faced with the current servants of the military apparatus as opposed to its plays a crucial role in this plan as it will allow crisis it appears that sections of the regime favour leaders. the Passdaran (religious military force) to control even more strategic solutions. The recent trend of relying on a policy of open all aspects of the country’s economy through a During the eight years of the previous Khatami aggression is a sign that the Iranian regime is network of private companies and institutions presidency the plan to ‘reform and liberalise’ the retreating to the barracks in order to survive. It associated with those in charge of each section. powerstructures within the government quite reflects how the balance of force within the regime It is important to remember that the Passdaran clearly failed, and today many in Iran believe is changing as all policy decisions are subjugated leaders who benefit from unlimited state that the regime is left with only one solution, a to the power of the conservative elements as they resources have bought privatised firms in Tehran’s move from clerical dictatorship to direct religious- consolidate their leading position. bourse (stock exchange) and control the most military rule. This will accordingly involve An open militarisation of all aspects of the important sections of the country’s industry and restructuring the organs of power by replacing political and economical arenas are part of this import/exports, as well as the communication the current ideological forces of repression (Bassij plan, and Ahmadinejad’s budget for March 2006-7 and information sector, state contractors, town militia, Iranian Hezbollah...) with military and planning projects and so on. The unprecedented privatisations planned for the next two years should be evaluated in the light of the current dominance of the Passdaran over the most profitable sections of the economy, as they herald a transfer of power from an executive bureaucracy to a military bureaucracy. Inevitably all this will have serious consequences for Iran. Over the last few years, every day – and at times more than once a day – workers in Iranian cities and towns have protested not only against the non-payment of wages, but against unemployment, job insecurity and low wages. For most Iranians, Shia Islam in power has become synonymous with corruption, greed and clerics gathering huge fortunes. In Iran they are called the ‘Mercedes- driven mullahs’, who accumulate huge wealth at the expense of the masses. Of course the Left inside and outside Iran should oppose any sanctions – as well as limited or protracted war – not only because it is the imperialist countries who call for such measures, but because the main victims of any such action, whether sanctions or war, will be the ordinary people in Iran, most of whom are opposed to the current regime and many of whom have been involved in social and political movements against it. The anti-war movement should also emphasise that inside Iran sanctions will make the rich clerics richer and the poor populace poorer. Some of the worst periods of repression and mass execution of socialists and communists in Iran took place during the Iran-Iraq war, as the Islamic regime used the conflict as an excuse to unleash terror on its own civilians. However, as we oppose any military action against Iran, we must emphasise we are not therefore supporting the current regime. Our actions must clearly be in defence of ordinary Iranians, and in particular focused on avoiding another period of mass murder by the Shia state of its internal opposition. The practical solidarity of the anti-war movement should be directed primarily towards the Iranian people and in support of the daily struggles of Iranian workers for the right to survive. VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006 | 27 From self to structure: challenging the ‘happiness industry’ Colin Clark

‘The cure for unhappiness is The obsession of current misery’. This, of course, taps that ‘The grand essentials of ‘positive psychology’ tradition. happiness. I don’t care what debates is clearly focused on into current economic debates, happiness are something to It’s all about ‘identity’ and anybody says.’ Elizabeth McCracken what psychologists refer to as best illustrated by Richard do, something to love, and ‘motivators’ that spur us on – to (2005) ‘self’. My argument, in simple Layard’s work (2006), that argues something to hope for.’ In this be unhappy is to be ‘stationary’ a similar line of thought that quote, Chalmers steps into in life, to have nothing to aspire ‘Happiness is easy.’ Mark Hollis terms, is that the ‘happiness a supposedly higher standard the same psychological and to, to have no status or ambition. (1986) and well being’ debate has been hijacked (even framed) by neo- of living does not necessarily philosophical terrain as some In other words, under neo- Despite the words of Mark liberal and market interests. It produce higher states of of the authors noted above, liberal conditions, achieving Hollis, happiness doesn’t appear is evident that the ‘solutions’ to happiness in and of itself. especially Jonathan Hadit (2006) happiness becomes the pursuit to be easy. Indeed, we are living unhappiness (however tenuously Perhaps more philosophically, who is something of a leading of a kind of personal work/play in an age where achieving a this might be defined) tend to Allan K Chalmers noted light in that questionable entrepreneurialism, in the mental state of happiness in be corporate and consumerist in not easy at all, if you choose nature and such measures are to believe the voices of doom aimed purely at the individual and gloom. In fact, it’s a source – completely ignoring wider of great concern and anxiety structural/collective dynamics for most people where states within broader socially and of unhappiness are deemed economically divided society. to be the norm; ‘modern life As it currently plays out, all is rubbish’ as Blur put it so suggested cures to unhappiness well. The zeitgeist appears to are merely badly placed sticking be one of melancholy, despair, plasters over the dynamics of alienation – we are increasingly late capitalism, that fail to even cogs in late-capitalist machines. cover the wounds. Unhappiness But there is a way out. You read. is structural and embedded And you read. And then you read within capitalist systems – it some more. From even a casual is as central to the system as glance at or your surplus value. Consumption is nearest High Street bookshop presented as the way out of this you can tell that the subject melancholy, whether this be of happiness is ‘in’. Stuart via books, pills or therapy – the Jeffries, interviewing the largely more you spend, the happier you humourless psychoanalyst might be. Adam Phillips for So, the main questions in July (2006), manages – with here are threefold: how do we some ease – to list five books tend to define and understand that all came out this year and ‘happiness’ (or, rather, what is that, in different ways, attempt called ‘subjective well being’ to argue the same thing: read in certain disciplines); how to this book and it will change critically unpick the ‘industry your life – happiness is this way, and business’ of happiness; and follow the white rabbit… Daniel how to situate these concerns Gilbert maintains that we are all within the contemporary Stumbling on happiness (Gilbert, debates we are witnessing in 2006), Jonathan Haidt argues Scotland, especially centred that it’s all about unlocking The around the ‘confidence and well- happiness hypothesis (Haidt, being’ agenda and the Scottish 2006), Richard Schoch informs Executive drive (and money us that we need to discover The being spent) in this area? secrets of happiness (Schoch, With regards to defining 2006), Darrin McMahon suggests and understanding happiness that it’s all about The pursuit of it is interesting to note just happiness (McMahon, 2006), and how rich an area this is the economist Richard Layard for producing memorable notes that Happiness: lessons quotes across different areas from a new science (Layard, 2006) of popular culture. What is can teach us the vital lesson even more interesting is the that ‘richer’ does not equate to way that popular culture ‘happier’. You read. You think. seems to mirror and reflect You pay your way to happiness. academic engagement with As I have read my way the question of happiness and through the recent spate of its achievement. They range popular literature, as well as from the humorous, to the some of the research evidence thoughtful, to the downright from across a range of academic bizarre. Spike Milligan famously disciplines, it is clear that quipped that ‘Money can’t buy something is missing. That you happiness but it does bring ‘thing’ is what sociologists you a more pleasant form of usually refer to as ‘structure’. 28 | VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006

widest meaning of that word. happiness? Is it, by definition, are all cited as instrumental in Then we have the bizarre – a nostalgic? Or is happiness best keeping us connected to each memorable headline from The captured in the future – is it other and ourselves (Kahneman, Daily Record (1999) indicated about having something to Diener and Schwarz, 1999). that ‘Happiness is the smell of look forward to, something that But these elements are all Granny, but the whiff of a young ‘motivates’ us and ‘drives’ us then taken to the base root man can make you depressed.’ forward, keeping us from going of the individual: networks, There is not much more that you under? Does happiness have relationships and family are seen can add to this except to say that a ‘baseline’? To what extent as an instrumental means to an the source for this wonderful does national culture, age, end (the end being individual headline was of course an gender, neuroscience impact ‘inner peace’ and feelings of academic study into smells on the levels of happiness you having a ‘contented life’ etc.). and states of mind – ‘teenage can experience? The questions In other words, all structure is boy smells’ being the ones to are many – this is an area of stripped away and regarded as stay clear of if you are to avoid academic inquiry that raises elements that help us, as isolated depression and unhappiness many more questions than it particles, to find our own way to whilst the smell of Granny takes can ever hope to answer, despite happiness via a map that only you back to the comfort of youth having its own journal to tease we can follow as individuals. It connection with wider society? Schwarz, 1999). Work proceeds giving you a sense of security out answers to these questions is a one-person path, ultimately. In policy terms, those deemed on a happiness index/audit and belonging (Chen and (the Journal of Happiness Studies Most of the books cited above to be ‘socially excluded’? but agreeing on the units of Haviland-Jones, 1999). is published by Springer in the also suggest that having a (paid Essentially, thinking about measurement, amongst many Not that I’d wish to disagree Netherlands). or unpaid) job, maintaining Chalmers words above, this is other variables and issues, seems with John Lennon, but clearly From all the research I good health and ‘performing largely about ‘purpose’ and the to be a major sticking point. happiness is more than a have reviewed in the last few roles, achieving goals’ are key sense that via learning, leisure, What variables are included warm gun. So how do we get to months there appear to be features to being happy. Again, religion – whatever fetish that and excluded? Although a lot this mythical summit of true some constants. There seems motivation appears to be key might get you up in the morning of the economics on happiness happiness? Do we even know to be several indicators that here – having a feeling that life – we need to have a purpose and is being developed and pushed it when we arrive there? Can ‘work’ in keeping us happy, is not something ‘passing us by’ a ‘mission’, if you like. We are forward in the USA, in May it be felt and experienced in the or at least content. A wide but rather we are connected to here for a reason – we are not 2006, David Cameron stepped here and now? Is happiness best range of active social networks, and have a stake in. But, if true, just ‘a virus with shoes’ as Bill into this debate in Britain and found not in the moment but by deep and meaningful personal what happens to those people Hicks famously put it. offered his ideas on ‘making looking back? Do we reflect on relationships and a close family who feel they have no stake or It’s been suggested, by Layard people happier’, suggesting that (2006) and other commentators, a ‘modern vision of ethical work’ that the equation ‘money equals and accounting for ‘General happiness’ is without foundation Well-Being’ (rather than just and fails to add up. For the GDP) was essential in modern majority of us, perhaps, we Britain, with future government might welcome the opportunity policies being judged by how to test out this equation for much happiness they produced ourselves. But evidence seems and delivered rather than just to indicate that as a population standard cost/benefit analyses in Britain we are getting richer (BBC News, 2006). in terms of Gross Domestic And what about unhappiness? Product yet we are not any The British Household Panel happier for this. Why is this Survey tends to bear out the the case? One reason appears statement made by Oswald and to be rooted in what has been Powdthavee (2006) that when termed the ‘Hedonic treadmill’ plotted ‘Happiness is smile (Michael Eysenck in Wade, shaped’: that recorded levels 2005) – we can compare the of average life satisfaction pursuit of happiness to a person ‘dips’ during your 30s and running on a treadmill whereby 40s. Seemingly just being we need to keep working just this age is a major source of to stay in the same place. The unhappiness, whether you have (psychological) theory here is pets, a ‘purpose’ or good social that people tend to react and networks. Unhappiness also has adapt quickly to ‘good things’ in real health impacts, as noted by life by eventually taking them Blanchflower and Bell (2004). for granted. This is hardly a great Being unhappy kills you and will revelation but, for example, the easily subtract nine years from more consumer durables we your Average Life Expectancy. have in our homes and the more Of course, the obvious medals we pin to our chests, question mark on this is how the more we need to boost our is unhappiness measured and levels of happiness to sustain recorded? What variables are the same levels of satisfaction used in such studies? How are we derive from those possessions they inter-related? Key trigger and achievements. Evolution, moments seem to matter most it’s suggested by evolutionary for researchers on unhappiness: biologists, leads us to strive for it’s the loss of a spouse or losing ‘continual betterment’. A good your paid employment that example here is the research begins a downward spiral into conducted by Gardener and unhappiness and depression. Oswald (2006). This research From this, and other life events, examined the nature of lottery isolation, fear and anxiety take wins and it demonstrated you to the very bottom of the perfectly that money does smile. not appear to add much to The situation in Scotland, happiness. In tests specifically in material terms, fits in with designed to measure happiness, the way the agenda has been it was found that winners, within set by the economists and a year of their lucky strike, psychologists. Evidence from a usually returned to their former recent study (by Blanchflower levels of happiness. Recent and Bell, 2004) illustrates clearly suggestions have been made that that Scotland’s economic and governments should not measure health status renders us much GDP (Gross Domestic Product) more likely to be unhappy. In but something called GDH simple terms, unemployment (Gross Domestic Happiness) equals unhappiness and this (Kahneman, Diener and VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006 | 29

unhappiness, whether caused has lost all sight of where Journal of Health Economics) jsp?pContentID=3671&p_ by unemployment or other the brakes might be – all the applic=CCC&p_service=Content. story/0,3604,909025,00.html show& (Accessed August 2006) (Accessed April 2006) connected factors, leads Scots worse when one looks at the economics/research/papers/twerp_ to have very high suicide rates environmental meltdown we 754.pdf (Accessed June 2006) Layard, R. (2006) Happiness: lessons Wade, D. (2005) ‘So what do you have from a new science, London: to do to find happiness?’ , (especially amongst young are currently staring in the face. Gilbert, D. (2006) Stumbling on happiness, London: HarperCollins Penguin. October 2 2005. men, as shown by Christie, When it comes to happiness McCracken, E. (2005) Niagara falls all 2001) and anti-depressant use and unhappiness we need to Haidt, J. (2006) The happiness hypothesis: putting ancient wisdom over again, New York: Dial Press. article/0,,2099-1793873_1,00.html (especially amongst women, be far less self-indulgent than to the test of modern science, London: McMahon, D. M. (2006) The pursuit of (Accessed May 2006). as shown by NHS, 2006) when we usually are – we need to William Heinemann. happiness: a history from the Greeks compared to other parts of the care far less about ‘self’ and Holloway, R. (2005) ‘It is all about to the present, London: Allen Lane. UK. Although Richard Holloway much more about structure and happiness, stupid’, The Sunday Murray, C. (1990) The emerging British has boldly argued that the arts challenging an ideology, such Herald 18 December 2005. Underclass, London: Institute for Economic Affairs. are a potential cure for all this as neo-liberalism, that aims to unhappiness (bear in mind he is construct boundaries of ‘self’ (Accessed April 2006) Oswald, A. J. and Powdthavee, N. (2006) ‘Does happiness adapt? A currently Chair of the Scottish around everything we say, do Jeffries, S. (2006) ‘Happiness is always a delusion’, The Guardian, 19th July longitudinal study of disability Arts Council) it is difficult to and think. We need to recognise 2006. with implications for economists see how cultural pursuits such that although there is money and judges’, IZA Discussion Papers as subsidised opera might deal to be made in unhappiness, No. 2208, Institute for the Study of story/0,,1823663,00.html Labour (IZA). with suicides and depression that money is much better (Accessed July 2006) (Holloway, 2005). spent trying to make good the Journal of Happiness Studies (2006) dp2208.html (Accessed July 2006) With regards to Scotland crass and destructive levels of Rose, D. (2005) ‘This happy breed, and its state of happiness and inequalities in our society. On home?SGWID=5-102-70- unless they are living in Wales’, The unhappiness the agenda has the question of the choices we 35677942-0&changeHeader=true Times, October 5 2005. been set out clearly in the last face, Polly Toynbee, perhaps &SHORTCUT=www.springer. couple of years and it’s been surprisingly, puts it usefully: com/10902 (Accessed April 2006) article/0,,2-1811170,00.html dominated by populist, pseudo- Kahneman, D., Diener, E. and Schwarz, (Accessed April 2006) ‘Well being depends on co- psychological thinking that has E. (eds.) (1999) Well-being, The Schoch, R. (2006) The secrets of operation and the public good – not foundations of hedonic psychology, led to the reification of both happiness: three thousand years of personal enrichment.’ (Toynbee, Russell Sage Foundation: New York. searching for the good life, London: Scotland and Scots. As a nation, 2003) NHS National Services Scotland Profile Books Ltd. and as individuals, we are, it (2006) Scottish health statistics Toynbee, P. (2003) ‘Money and seems, suffering from ‘a crisis – Antidepressants Dr. Colin Clark is a Senior Lecturer happiness’ The Guardian, March 7 of confidence’ (Craig, 2003). We 2003. talk ourselves down, we are too in Sociology at the University of hard on ourselves. We criticise Strathclyde. Despite his obsession success and people rising ‘above with Joy Division and related bands their station’. And, importantly he is usually quite happy. He can be for Craig, we are not all venture contacted via: [email protected] capitalists or members of the This article is based on a petit-bourgeoisie. Herewith we presentation that was given at the have seen the birth of a new conference ‘Neo-Liberal Scotland ‘industry’ – not an industry Rethinking Scotland in the Global of poverty but an industry of Context’ that was held at the happiness and ‘well-being’. University of Strathclyde, 19th -21st Despite the shouting from the May 2006. An edited book based on roof tops I would argue that key papers given at the conference ‘positive psychology’ has its will be published in summer 2007. limits and that being labelled as ‘dour’, ‘pessimistic’ and ‘lacking References self-worth’ (all expressions BBC News (2006) ‘Make people happier, says Cameron’, BBC News taken from Craig’s book) is Online. May 22 2006. not a helpful way forward in tackling serious social and politics/5003314.stm economic disadvantage. It (Accessed May 2006) strikes me, in part, as being Bell, D. and Blanchflower, D. G. (2004) the latest reincarnation of The Scots may be brave but they are Charles Murray’s ‘Underclass’ neither healthy nor happy Scotecon. net thesis (Murray, 1990) and the neo-liberal agenda for ‘blaming Scots%20Neither%20Happy%20No the victim’ for their own (as is r%20Healthy.pdf#search=%22(Blan seen) ‘impoverished’ position chflower%20and%20Bell%2C%202 and status in life (that is, their 004)%22 (Accessed April 2006) unhappiness in this context). British Household Panel Survey (2006) And the solutions to such Living in Scotland survey (ESRC unhappiness lie with money – as and University of Essex) Furedi (1993) has pointed out, (Accessed August 2006) the therapy, drugs and self-help culture has given rise to a global Chen, D. and Haviland-Jones, J. (1999). ‘Rapid mood change and human corporate business. Solutions odors’, Physiology and Behaviour, 68 do not seem to be pitched at (1-2), 241-250. the community or political level Christie, B. (2001) ‘Suicide rate in – it’s all about the personal, the young men in Scotland is twice individual, the ‘self’. that in England and Wales’, British Medical Journal, October 20, It is worth bearing in mind 323(7318): 888. Jeremy Bentham’s words – leaning on Joseph Priestly’s content/full/323/7318/888/d writings – about ‘the greatest (Accessed April 2006) happiness of the greatest Craig, C. (2003) The Scot’s crisis of number’. At a deep level, and confidence, Big Thinking: Edinburgh. to slightly mix up my leading Daily Record, The. (1999) ‘Happiness thinkers, this is a phrase that is the smell of Granny, but the reminds us that unhappiness whiff of a young man can make you depressed.’ The Daily Record, July is a Beveridge type ‘giant’ that 1 1999. demands a solution rising above Furedi, F. (2003) Therapy culture: the personal and the individual. cultivating vulnerability in an It is a ‘giant’ best tackled at the uncertain age, London: Routledge. community, collective level that Gardner, J. and Oswald, A. J. (2006) aims to tackle the structural ‘Money and mental wellbeing: a problems we have in our society longitudinal study of lottery wins’ (Warwick Economic Research Papers caused by neo-liberal economics No. 754 & also forthcoming in the and a capitalist system that 30 | VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006 Telling the Truth About Neo-liberalism Alex Law Telling the Truth: tale was widely entertained In this communitarian existed anywhere, had been poverty. This had the desired The 2006 Socialist Register that every decent, law-abiding utopia, the public interest subordinated by a globally effect. Attacks on competing Edited by Leo Panitch and Colin Leys citizen was devoted to ‘the would be faithfully serviced dominant state of Un-truth. This economic methodologies make it December 2005, ISBN: 1-58367-137-4 truth’. In this distant land, it was by an intellectual caste is the overwhelming message difficult for the lay public, that believed that such a thing as a devoted to a sober diagnosis claimed by the 2006 volume were mobilised in their millions liberal ‘public sphere’ existed, of the predicaments and of the Socialist Register, titled in 2005 to Make Poverty History, A Fairy-Tale Ending or something approximate to problems facing society. On ‘Telling the Truth’.1 It is summed from making an informed In a world where appearances it, where free and democratic this basis they would make up in the opening line of the judgement about which ‘truth’ to can be deceptive and what dialogue and exchange could a disinterested prognosis for book: ‘A generalized pathology believe. appears to be blindingly obvious take place without fear or social improvement. Telling of chronic mendacity seems to be In one sense there is not really is cynically misrepresented, favour. Out of this ideal state of the truth about the powerful a structural condition of global anything new about governments the idea that the truth can be affairs a competition of ideas and the powerless would in this capitalism at the beginning telling lies to their electors. uncovered as something readily would take place, with the most way be considered a valuable of the 21st century’ (p. vii). It It is just that governments to hand becomes a monstrous lie. rational, rigorous and persuasive public service on the road to an is not just that lies are being have become more routinely These things are not separable: versions of what constituted enlightened civil society. told as the occupational hazard cynical about it. When Empire deceptive appearances and truth winning out in the end. Or Not any longer. On waking of politicians and their media demands a new figure of hate conscious manipulation are at least a new compromise might from this dream, it was found courtesans, but rather that lying to replace the Reds, yesterday’s connected. be formulated out of the various that the ideal community and hypocrisy have become an tyrannical ally will do. When Once upon a time a fairy claims to a community of truth. of truth-seekers, if it ever endemic condition of the neo- finite raw materials are coveted, liberal world order. this is done in the name of the George Orwell’s universal interest in ‘democracy’ prophecy about congenital and the ‘rule of law’. When the authoritarianism in his 1984 War on Terror demands it, a horrorshow was wrong only hydra-headed enemy is conjured insofar as he got the dates mixed up, which, as A. Sivanandan told up. His other mistake was, or a conference in Glasgow, ‘cannot as was popularly (and wrongly) tell a settler from an immigrant, believed, that he was describing an immigrant from an asylum Stalinism in the USSR. Big seeker, an asylum seeker from Brother is not simply the ironic a Muslim, a Muslim from a name for a Reality TV show; terrorist’.2 it is the hegemonic mindset In a chapter on The Cynical demanded by Empire and State, Colin Leys charts the Market that Orwell tried to warn decline of the public service of. War is Peace. Hate is Love. ethos governing professional Friends of Freedom are Enemies conduct in the welfarist British of Freedom, and vice versa. Truth state to its destruction, sorry I is contingent on the immediate meant to say ‘modernization’, needs of the Now. In this world, through Thatcher, Major and even very limited deviations Blair. As the British Civil Service from neo-liberal orthodoxy are was restructured on more hailed as radical developments business-friendly lines and despite their compatibility with the public sector marketised, the governing institutions of neo- so more power was arbitrarily liberal capitalism. centralised in the very person of the Premier. Advice from impartial civil servants, Homo Economicus balancing the public interest, This is readily apparent in the has been replaced by think tanks case of someone like Jospeh and coteries pushing headline- Stiglitz, who as Chief Economist grabbing policies, allowing PR, at the World Bank in the pollsters and spin-meisters to 1990s and in his subsequent continually adapt policies to suit book, Globalization and Its the ‘needs of the market’. Discontents, recognized market In the US, as Doug Henwood and institutional imperfections argues in ‘The Business and the crucial role played Community’, government and in actual economic processes state have become akin to by social capital, culture and front-offices for the gigantic networks. Ben Fine and Elisa corporations that dominate so Van Waeyenberge in their much of the world economy. chapter note that Stiglitz’s Here, as in the UK, the image deviation from orthodoxy of the ruling class has changed, is highly limited by his own with paternalistic northeastern Keynesian assumptions. It has WASP elites being supplanted also had the unfortunate effect by more thoroughly rightwing of allowing narrow economistic oil barons from the West and the assumptions to determine other South, typified by the ‘good ol’ discourses about social relations, boy’ antics of George W. Bush. culture, politics and even ethics. Short-term returns on revenue, At the same time, as Sanjay G. tax cuts, and deregulation Reddy reminds us, the World are frenetically pursued by Bank faced severe censure traditional and nouveau elites from right-wing commentators at the same time as social for accurately trying to gauge programmes are savaged. As the full extent of acute world Henwood notes: ‘the distinction VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006 | 31

between the American ruling Once seen as radical and honest exchange is itself a lie, as a process, then many of the class and its business community daring, subversive even, John to deny it is at the same time to judgements we are compelled – with the ruling class Sanbonmatsu rehearses how speak for truth: in the face of to make need to be considered presumably operating on a time the postmodern assault on the the lie of the commodity world, provisional even though we scale of decades rather than very idea of ‘truth’ evacuated even the lie that denounces it strongly adhere to them until quarters – has largely collapsed’ any ground from where the becomes a corrective’.4 Adorno their falsity can be adequately (p. 73). powerful might be challenged. thought that art would provide demonstrated. But what counts While he warns against Well, maybe there was a bit more a refuge for critique. Michael as adequacy? Our structure foreseeing a scary, catastrophic to it than that. After the failure Kustow claims in his chapter of thinking can protect even collapse of debt-ridden US of the radical upturn of the that theatre should provide a the most glaring illusion, for capital and state, few seem 1960s and 1970s the single Holy bulwark for telling the truth. instance that the USSR was a prepared to squarely face and Apostolic defence of The In the immediacy of stage socialist society, from exposure the truth that an austerity Truth needed to be re-examined. and audience contact, falsity to other truth claims, that the programme may be just round embraced in a corporatist Science and humanism remain and manipulation are readily USSR was the antithesis of the corner, perhaps to be compact there was less need embedded within the very class exposed. That is perhaps why the socialism. The truth is often launched by former corporate to systematically misrepresent society that gave rise to them. truth about the Iraq occupation an unpleasant journey for lawyer and former Wal-Mart reality. Today, when the gap Does truth entail a direct is more evident in Gregory leftwing radicals. As Eagleton director, President Hilary between the narrow pecuniary correspondence with real Burke’s play ‘Black Watch’ than put it: ‘Leftists tend to practice Clinton. Indeed, the attack on self-interest of ruling elites objects? If so, what if the in the pages of the Guardian. a hermeneutic of suspicion: the social and welfare programmes in the go-for-broke miasma of real objects, say commodities But even here the prospects truth, they believe, is usually for marginalised groups is the market and the ‘general alienated from social labour by are being narrowed by pseudo- uglier and more discreditable seen by Frances Fox Piven and interest’ in secure forms of capital, are hypocritical liars? market thinking and the political than the general consensus Barbara Ehrenreich in their social reproduction has widened During the catastrophe of the bad faith that underlies arts imagines. The truth may be chapter on welfare reform in dramatically. Unlike media Holocaust, Adorno included funding cutbacks. precious, but it is not on the the US as a foil by the ruling conspiracy theorists, Miller’s in his inventory of complicity Getting at the truth is a whole congenial’ (p. 283). In elite for a much wider attack contribution has the great merit with growing barbarism naïve messy and far from settled social and political struggles of on ‘expensive’ programmes like of situating the giant Un-truth beliefs in free access to the affair, as Terry Eagleton argues every kind, both sides seek to Medicaid and unemployment of neo-liberal media in material truth: ‘Since, however, free and in his chapter. If truth is seen conceal their weakness through insurance. In the process, they reality. seek to unravel further the Into this web of Un-truth are gains made by the poor through pulled academics, intellectuals the New Deal settlement and and research departments. They the political obligations of the usefully provide ‘evidence’ in the Great Society ethos. No one form of carefully-designed data, but the very rich will benefit buffed-up positively to support from further incursions on government policies. Where welfare, something that is barely they are critical of government disguised by populist appeals of or their research findings the religious right. flies in the face of neo-liberal assumptions, researchers run the risk of being ‘cut out of the loop’ Debased Punditry – that is, the academic-policy In the world of neo-liberal network where research funding disguises and subterfuges (and academic careers) is corporate PR is pervasive. secured. While this has not gone The idea of the press as the as far in the UK as the situation guarantor of an uncorrupted in the US, it has led, for instance, public sphere that holds to a deep-seated de-politicisation the powerful to account is of the critical social sciences, looking threadbare. Robert which have might been expected W. McChesney for the US to show some fidelity to speaking news media and David Miller the truth about the state of for the UK media show, in British society. For those with their respective chapters, insecure prospects, playing the that the media have become part of the public intellectual an extension of the military- in the UK as, for instance, entertainment complex. All the late sociologist Pierre this has been too painfully Bourdieu had done in France in evident in the propaganda challenging the vicissitudes of roll-out for the Iraq War and neo-liberal dogma, is particularly the subsequent occupation. As unappetizing. for news journalists, with few This clears the field for notable exceptions, their blind unadulterated pro-Blair patriotism knows no bounds. punditry. It has also led, for Their slavish dependence on example, to Britain’s best known official sources, that is to say, sociologist, Anthony Giddens, the interests of the powerful, is recently playing the part of rarely questioned. McChesney’s intellectual emissary for the belief in the possibilities for Third Way. Giddens is helping critical journalism pulls its the Libyan dictator Gaddafi, punches: ‘Embedded reporting whose son studied at the LSE in combination with full throttle where Giddens is based, to be jingoism on US television news rehabilitated back into the made it difficult for journalists orbit of Western acceptability. to do critical work’ (p. 126). Meanwhile, in the background, Miller sees UK news all hell had broken out in the journalism in thrall to the rise of Middle East.3 the PR industry and resurgent state propaganda. A profound change separates the social Ideological Clutter democratic media of the post- It is not just careerism that war period, which Miller dates leads to intellectual quietism from 1945 to 1979, from the in academia. It is also the neo-liberal media of the past debilitating political role that quarter century. In the former postmodernism has played period, when labour and capital for the past three decades. 32 | VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006

subterfuge and deception and become necessary to appeal to of scientific coherence and in political legerdemain which, be countered? Socialist Register exaggerate their strengths. deeper virtues based on justice a mythical structure. What by giving a pseudo-academic has a long tradition in its annual In the course of an industrial and solidarity. An obsession with ‘everyone already knows’ to be warrant to sweeping police anthologies of addressing the dispute, for instance, a worker The Truth, Nietzsche argued, already the case is thus validated activism, contribute powerfully urgent issues of the day from who admitted the whole represents a kind of madness. by scientistic rhetoric and to legitimating the shift towards a broadly socialist approach. truth about strike tactics to It also surrenders the game to authority. This includes the US the penal management of social In its early days EP Thompson management would severely those adepts of systematic lying export of supposedly scientific insecurity that is everywhere appealed to ‘the people’ as a endanger the objective efficacy like the tabloid press. ‘An appeal theories of criminality like the being generated by the social source of resistance to the self- of the action. to truth’, to call on Adorno again, celebrated ‘broken windows and economic disengagement of interested power of the rulers. Some kind of standpoint ‘is scarcely the prerogative of theory’ which has been credited the state’ (p. 109). While acknowledging the needs to be taken up, one a society which dragoons it with ‘cleaning-up’ New York’s The neo-liberal submergence importance of Thompson that cuts through readymade members to own up the better to streets. Severe punishment for of the very conditions where for British radicalism, G.M. platitudes but is also hunt them down’.5 the slightest indiscretion will, truth might become a possibility Tamas sees this emphasis on undogmatically alive to changing according to this scholarly myth, is not confined to the US and ‘the people’ as an unspecified conditions and self-criticism. prevent misdemeanours from the UK (the so-called ‘anglo- aggregate of plebeian decency If the truth is ‘generally Infinite indulgence and escalating, say from vandalism to american bloc’). Atilla A. Boron as less than useful for critical rebarbative’, as Eagleton zero tolerance homicide. identifies a ‘crisis of democracy’ forms of resistance. On the way, would have it, then ‘it also What Loic Wacquant calls the Something like the ‘broken in Latin Amrerica where the however, Tamas conflates class involves honesty, courage and new ‘scholarly myths’ attempt windows’ paradigm has already struggles for democracy have with ‘caste’ and, from the point a readiness to break ranks’ (p. to create an infinite indulgence made deep inroads into British been paid for with an enormous of view of effecting class-based 284). If the ‘hermeneutic of towards the market and the criminal justice, policing and cost in human suffering, mass resistance to Un-truth, ends suspicion’ means that a gap security forces, on the one social work functions. ASBOs murder and state-sponsored up in a right old muddle. His opens up between virtue and hand, but an unflinching ‘zero anyone? But, as Wacquant torture. Boron is pessimistic problem is that he bends the truth, a virtuous standpoint tolerance’ that criminalises concludes, such US-derived about the possibilities for stick away from the humanism may necessitate a break from recalcitrant sections of scholarly myths are wholly democratic truth in Latin of Socialist Register favourites the absolutist dogmas of truth- society, especially the young, devoid of scientific validity. America. Even the winning of like Thompson and Raymond seekers. In a society founded impoverished, black, urban Instead, they ‘function as a this level of democratic rights Williams to divorce class from on lies about integrity and working class. Such ‘scholarly planetary launching pad for an is tempered by the incipient how everyday life is actually moral conduct, it may therefore myths’ depend on the appeal intellectual hoax and an exercise authoritarianism of neo-liberal lived under capitalism. For capitalism where the market Tamas a ‘way of life’ is not about always attempts to exercise class but about ‘caste’. ‘Class’, despotic power over wage labour. in fact, exists only as ‘economic Here the Market and Democracy reality’ but is ‘cultural and are incompatibles: politically extinct’ (p. 255). Class is reduced by Tamas to a dead ‘Market-driven politics cannot be abstraction that provides no democratic politics. These policies way out of the morass. At least have caused progressive exhaustion Thompson and Williams, despite of the democratic regimes their affirmation of ‘the people’ established at a very high cost and plebeian cultures, presented in terms of human suffering and some resources for hope, even if human lives, making them revert they need to be tempered with to a pure formality deprived of all self-critical activity. Socialist meaningful content, a periodical Register is required reading on simulacrum of the democratic its publication every year. This ideal while social life regresses to a volume continues that tradition quasi-Hobessian war of all against as, surely, will next year’s all …’ (p. 55). anthology. It may even attempt to reconnect the distorted Class and Resistance truths of class society with their If contributors to this anthology counter-point in communities of sometimes recall the social resistance. democratic welfare state with an over-fondness, at times bordering Endnotes on a rather nostalgic ‘world we 1 Telling the Truth: Socialist Register have lost’ image, it only adds to 2006, edited by Leo Panitch and Colin Leys the seeming catastrophic loss of the conditions where the truth 2 Quoted by James Hamilton, ‘UK response to terrorism ‘has about our current predicament resurrected primitive racism’, might be voiced. Instead of an Sunday Herald, 17 September 2006, accent on proof and veracity, p. 27. public discourse is degraded into 3 Anthony Giddens, ‘The colonel and emotivism and sincerity appeals, the Third Way’, New Statesman, 28 of the Blair-corporate ‘trust me, August 2006. you guys’ variety, a point pithily 4 Theodor Adorno, Minima Moralia: Reflections on a Damaged Life, made by Deborah Cameron some London: Verso, 2005, p. 44. years ago: 5 Theodor Adorno, Minima Moralia, ‘The problem with today’s public p. 30. language, however, is not so 6 Deborah Cameron, ‘The Tyranny much that it represents reality of Nicepeak’, New Statesman, 5 November 2001. inaccurately or dishonestly, but that it does not set out to be a representation of anything at all. Telling the Truth: When organisations proclaim The 2006 Socialist Register they are “pursuing excellence”, or How to order: when they write scripts for their Socialist Register employees to parrot, they want us The Merlin Press Ltd. not to believe the words, but to Suite 4, 96 Monnow Street, applaud the sentiments behind Monmouth, NP25 3EQ, Wales. them. Their claims are not primarily Tel/ Fax +44 1600 775 663 “veracity claims” (“what I am telling For all enquiries you can email: you is a fact”), but “sincerity claims” [email protected] (“what I am telling you comes from 6 the heart”).’ How is this endemic condition of Un-truth and faux-sincerity to VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006 | 33 Turkey’s US-backed War On Terror: A Cause For Concern? Desmond Fernandes With the US government stating its aim to vigorously assist of the effect of a law passed by congress in 1991 which 1 Desmond Fernandes is the author of The Kurdish Genocide the Turkish state in hunting down and eradicating the so- authorised the Joint Combined Exchange Training (JCET) in Turkey (2007, Apec Press, Stockholm, forthcoming), called “rebel” Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), many human programme. “This allowed the Department of Defence to Colonial Genocides in Turkey, Kenya and Goa (2006, Apec Press, Stockholm, forthcoming) and co-author of US, rights organisations, Kurdish and Turkish civilians, peace send special operations forces on overseas exercises with UK, German and NATO ʻInspiredʼ Psychological Warfare campaigners and public interest groups fear a return to military units of other countries. The various special forces Operations Against The Kurdish ʻCommunistʼ Threat in the genocidal practices and chilling psychological warfare interpreted this law as an informal invitation to train foreign Turkey and Northern Iraq (2006, Apec Press, Stockholm). that went on in the region during the 1990s.2 It is important military forces in numerous lethal skills [...] Stripped of He has written a number of articles on genocide, Turkish state terror, tourism and the ʻKurdish Questionʼ, and was to appreciate why there is concern over a resurgence of its euphemistic language [it] amount[ed] to little more a Senior Lecturer in Human Geography at De Montfort intensive US-backed support for the Turkish state’s War than instruction in state terrorism”.10 Ted Galen Carpenter University, Bedford (1994-2006). This article is dedicated on Terror. During the 1990s, when such support was last has revealed that, as part of this programme, “in 1997, to Iskender Ozden, Musa Anter, Ismail Besikci, Anthony provided, Noam Chomsky observes: “there was no ‘looking the US European Command’s special operations branch Tingle, Ray Sibbald, E. Francis, Florence, Yasser Salihee away’ in the case of Turkey and the Kurds: Washington conducted joint training exercises with Turkey’s mountain and Ayse Nur Zarakolu. ‘looked right there’, as did its allies, saw what was happening, commandos, a unit whose principal mission is to eliminate 2 For a detailed insight into the whole ʻgenocideʼ issue, and the applicability of the term to the Kurdish situation in Turkey and acted decisively to intensify the atrocities, particularly Kurdish guerrillas. That unit had been responsible for (using definitions provided by the United Nationsʼ 1948 during the Clinton years. The US did not ‘fail to protect the atrocities against Kurdish civilians and the razing of Kurdish Genocide Convention and other bodies and academics), Kurds’ or ‘tolerate’ the abuses they suffered any more than villages”.11 refer to: Fernandes, D. (1998) ʻThe Kurdish Genocide in Russia ‘fails to protect’ the people of Grozny or ‘tolerates’ Ward Churchill has concluded that, “both US and British Turkey, 1924-98ʼ, Armenian Forum, Vol. 1 (4), p. 56-107; their suffering. The new generation [of western leaders] drew pilots [were] assigned to provide air support to Turkish Fernandes, D. (2001) ʻPostscriptum: A Propos De La “Petite Question” Du Genocide Kurde En Turquie, 1924-2001ʼ, the line by consciously putting as many guns as possible military forces conducting a large-scale counterinsurgency LʼAppel du Kurdistan, Number 28, October 2001, p. 45-60; into the hands of the killers and torturers [...] sometimes in campaign in northern Iraq against Kurdish guerrillas Fernandes, D. (2006) Colonial Genocides in Turkey, Kenya secret, because arms were sent in violation of congressional seeking to establish an independent state. With regard to air and Goa (Apec Press, Stockholm) and Fernandes, D. (2007) legislation. At no point was there any defensive purpose, nor support missions flown in support of the Turks, violations of The Kurdish Genocide in Turkey. Apec Press, Stockholm. any relation to the Cold War [...] In the case of the Kurds, the 1923 Hague Rules of Aerial Combat, the 1949 Geneva 3 Chomsky, N. (2000) A New Generation Draws The Line: Kosovo, East Timor and the Standards of the West. Verso, helping them would interfere with US power interests. Convention IV and Additional Protocol 1, UNGA Res. 2444, London and New York, p. 12-14. Accordingly, we cannot help them but must rather join in and the 1978 Red Cross Fundamental Rules of International 4 Hakki Hayri (2001) ʻA Foot in Australia, Three Souls in 3 perpetrating atrocities against them”. Humanitarian Law Applicable in Armed Conflicts are Kurdistan: Interviews with Ayce Akturk, Hakki Hayri and apparent. In view of the non-self-governing status accorded Ahmed Tigranʼ, in Fire, Snow and Honey - Voices from the Kurds by both Turkey and Iraq, violation of UNGA Kurdistan, edited by Gina Lennox. Halstead Press, New US-backed Counter-Terrorism/Counter- Res. 1514 (XV) – the 1960 Declaration of the Granting of South Wales, Australia. p. 485. Guerrilla Offensive of the 1990s Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples – is also at 5 Hakki Hayri (2001) ʻA Foot in Australia, Three Souls in Kurdistanʼ, p. 485. During the major US-backed Turkish counter-terrorism/ issue”.12 counter-guerrilla offensive, supposedly directed only against The US administration and intelligence agencies were 6 Ganser, G. (2005) NATOʼs Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe, Frank Cass, London and the “terrorist” PKK and its members, thousands of Kurdish also actively involved in facilitating the illegal capture and New York, p. 234-235. civilians were tortured and extra-judicially executed by abduction of Abdullah Ocalan, chairman of the PKK, in 7 The Turkish Daily News (13th July 1994 edition) reported state-linked paramilitary forces. Many women were raped Kenya in 1999.13 It has also been established that Huseyin that “Karadayi, Commander of the Turkish land forces by Turkish state linked forces. “Turkish counter-guerrillas Kocadag, Chief of the Special Forces in Hakkari and Deputy [who was to become Turkeyʼs Chief of Staff] was officially would commit crimes and blame them on opposition Chief of Police in Diyarbakir, who has been identified as “one invited to receive the US Legion of Merit medal at a groups”4 in what are known as “false flag” operations. of the most bloody enemies of the people who organised the ceremony held at the Pentagon”. “Often, they disguised themselves as PKK guerrillas and units of the ‘head-hunters’ in Kurdistan [...] was trained at a 8 Hartung, W. (1995) Arms Trade Resource Center Reports - Weapons at War. A World Policy Institute Issue Brief 14 went to villages to torment and kill people, burning houses, CIA school in the US”. ( 5 crops and animals, then blaming it on the PKK”. False flag The Human Rights Watch Arms Project has additionally html#weapons) operations were all in keeping with advice imparted by US exposed the way in which, “US troops, aircraft and 9 Deere, J. (2000) ʻA License to kill Kurdsʼ,, 28 training manuals which had been supplied to the Turkish intelligence personnel [...] remained at their posts August 2000 ( state for years: “On some 140 pages the manual offers, in throughout Turkey, mingling with Turkish counterinsurgency 10 Johnson, C. (2000) The Costs and Consequences of non-euphemistic clear-cut language, advice for activities in troops and aircrews in southeastern bases such as Incirlik American Empire, p. 72-74. the fields of sabotage, bombing, killing, torture, terror and and Diyarbakir [...] throughout Turkey’s wide-ranging 11 Carpenter, T. G. (1999) ʻU.S. Policy toward Turkey: A fake elections. As maybe its most sensitive advice, FM 30- scorched earth campaign” against Kurdish civilian Study in Double Standardsʼ, The HR-Net Forum, January 31 instructs [...] secret soldiers to carry out acts of violence settlements and PKK hideouts and encampments.15 This 1999 ( Carpenter cites the following as his source: Dana Priest, in times of peace and then blame them on the Communist campaign, in the view of many peoples and organisations, ʻFree of Oversight, U.S. Military Trains Foreign Troopsʼ, 6 enemy in order to create a situation of fear and alertness”. was clearly genocidal in nature: In 1997, the human rights Washington Post, July 12, 1998, p. A1. See also: Human Reports in The Turkish Daily News (13 July 1994) campaigning group, Article 19, stated that it believed there Rights Watch Arms Project (1995) Weapons Transfers confirmed that Turkish military officials, commanders was “ample evidence to indict the Turkish government and Violations of the Laws of War in Turkey. New York, and chiefs of staff were being briefed and advised by US of gross violations of human rights which constitute Human Rights Watch, and ʻTurkey and the Charge of Genocide - A Submission to the Independent Commission 7 Pentagon staff, high-ranking members of the US armed infringements of [...] the UN Convention on the Prevention for International War Crimes Tribunalʼ, Fashion Institute forces and psychological warfare organisations such as and Punishment of Genocide, among other treaties to which of Technology, New York, July 31, 1999 (as reproduced in: Special Operations Command. They were even being pinned Turkey is a party”.16 The UK Parliamentary Human Rights with Legion of Merit medals. Between 3 and 5 million Kurds Group, after field visits to the region and detailed analyses article-01.html). were forcibly displaced, Kurdish forests were set alight and concluded that, “the depopulation of the Kurdish region is, 12 Churchill, W. (2003) ʻA Government of Laws?ʼ, in On between 3500 and 4000 villages and hamlets were evacuated we believe, part of a deliberate strategy aimed not merely The Justice of Roosting Chickens: Reflections On The Consequences of US Imperial Arrogance and Criminality. and bombed in the Kurdish south east by Turkish state at eliminating a few thousand guerrillas, but to extinguish AK Press, Oakland and Edinburgh, p. 209-210. 17 forces, creating devastation on a horrific scale. Atrocities the separate identity of the Kurdish people. In Britain, 13 Refer to Fernandes and Ozden, US, UK, German and were also committed by the Turkish state against Kurdish as elsewhere, the question of Turkish Kurdistan is often NATO ʻInspiredʼ Psychological Warfare Operations Against civilians during anti-PKK incursions into what was supposed presented as one of a reasonably democratic government The Kurdish ʻCommunistʼ Threat in Turkey and Northern to be a US- and UK-protected safe haven in northern Iraq seeking to cope with an intractable problem of terrorism. We Iraq and Clark, W. ʻByzantine Politics: The abduction and trial of Abdullah Ocalanʼ, Variant, No. 8 (www.ndirect. during this period, without formal complaints being issued believe that the reality is one of military terrorists aiming by the US or UK governments. Indeed, President Clinton to extinguish the identity of a people, and we were much 14 Devrimci Sol (1997) ʻWho Are Guilty?ʼ, Devrimci Sol, is known to have given permission for a major Turkish alarmed by the parallel drawn with the Armenian holocaust January 1997, p. 31. incursion into northern Iraq in 1995. Hartung confirms that, of 1915-1916. The PKK, like some Armenians during the First 15 Human Rights Watch Arms Project, Weapons Transfers and with Clinton’s clearance for the 1995 incursion, “Turkish World War, took to arms because they could see no prospect Violations of the Laws of War in Turkey, p. 4. troops did plenty of things in Northern Iraq, including a of gaining their legitimate political objectives by peaceful 16 Article 19 (1997) Letter to the Secretary General, The number of documented cases of killings and displacement means. The response of the Turkish state, as in 1915 and Council of Europe, dated 8th September 1997, p. 1. 8 of Kurdish civilians”. And as John Deere noted: “Were earlier with the Armenians, was to use conciliatory language 17 UK Parliamentary Human Rights Group (1994) The Kurdish this Kosovo, we would be hearing words like ‘genocide’ and for external consumption, while unleashing huge military Region in Turkey: The Most Destructive Conflict in the ‘ethnic cleansing.’ You see, to kill Kurds all you need is the force against the virtually defenceless civilian population. Northern Hemisphere. Kurdistan Solidarity Committee/ proper hunting license. In this case that license is a perk of To characterise the revolt of a subject people against their Kurdistan Information Centre, London, p. 10. NATO membership”.9 oppressors as ‘terrorism’ is a woeful misunderstanding which 18 UK Parliamentary Human Rights Group (1993) A Desolation Called Peace: Report by the Parliamentary According to Chalmers Johnson, we need to be aware could only arise from ignorance of facts and history”.18 34 | VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006

Human Rights Group On A Mission To Turkish Kurdistan, To Fevzi Veznedaroglu, chairperson of the Turkish Human being targeted. Moreover, “according to a report in the 12-17 October 1993. Kurdish Information Centre, London, Rights Association (IHD) in Diyarbakir, “especially since Turkish newspaper Hürriyet a case has begun before the November 1993, p. 28. 1991, the counter-insurgency forces targeted the leaders state security court in Diyarbakir against 27 children aged 19 As quoted in Fernandes, D. (1996) Beyond the Paradise of the democratic struggle. The aim [was] to target a wider between 11 and 18, because they had demanded the right to of Infinite Colours: Turkish State Terror, Tourism and the Kurdish Question. R&B Bookshop, Bangalore, India. group of people. [It was] not only Kurdish intellectuals native [Kurdish] language tuition [...] the state prosecutor and leaders [who were] targeted, but villagers, women and [...] accused the children and adolescents of ‘aiding a 20 As interviewed by Temel Demirer in ʻImpressionʼ, Kurdistan Report, No. 25, p. 11. students have been murdered. These human rights violations terrorist organisation’ through their demands, and has called 27 21 Ozgur Gundem (2005) ʻUS threatens Kurdsʼ, Ozgur [were] not just aimed at fundamental rights, at the right for prison terms of 3 years and 9 months”. In 2002, students’ Gundem, 12 September 2005. to life [but were] aimed at reducing the Kurdish people to petitions calling for the right to merely receive some optional 22 PSK (2001) ʻIf You Listen to Turkish Politicians...ʼ, PSK refugees in their country. The torture chambers [were] kept instruction in the Kurdish language, were incriminated Bulletin, 2001. busy [in] a dirty war against the whole population”.19 A “on grounds of being instrumental to the PKK’s efforts to 23 BIA News Center (2004) ʻIHD: Who Is Responsible for disturbing testimony from a death squad killer named Murat establish itself as a political organisation. State Prosecutors Perincekʼs Death?ʼ, BIA News Center, 17 June 2004, as Ipek, if true, further suggests that US forces were directly were briefed by the Ministry of the Interior in January, 2002, reproduced in InfoTurk, No. 310, June 2004. implicated in the training and co-ordination of the genocidal to bring charges of ‘membership in a terrorist organisation’ 24 BIA News Center (2004) ʻIHD: S. Perincek was Executed death squads: “An American [...] controlled and instructed punishable with 12 years imprisonment against any students Without Trialʼ, BIA News Center, 8 June 2004, as the contra-teams”.20 or parents who lodge petitions demanding optional Kurdish reproduced in InfoTurk, No. 310, June 2004. lessons. By 23rd January 2002, a total of 85 students and 25 Peace in Kurdistan (2006) ʻTime for Justice: The Case of Ocalan and the PKK - End the Criminalization of the more than 30 parents ha[d] been imprisoned and over 1,000 Kurds in Turkey and Europe: Notification of a Meeting at The Nature of the US-backed War on Terror people (among them some juveniles) detained [for] having Committee Room 20, House of Commons, Westminster, in Turkey, Post-9/11 – A Cause for Concern? demanded optional first language education in Kurdish”.28 Tuesday, 18 July, 7pmʼ, Peace in Kurdistan Campaign, There has been no attempt by the US government to take The Turkish government is also guilty, according to London, p1. responsibility for its past actions or to guarantee that there the academic Tove Skutnabb-Kangas and other respected 26 Korkut, T. (2006) ʻSecurity forces authorized: “Bury will be no repeat of such criminal and deeply unethical analysts, of “linguistic genocide” against Kurds and of Where You Kill”ʼ, BIA News Center, April 18, 2006, as reproduced in Info-Turk, May 2006, No. 333 (http://www. behaviour. Indeed, there are now suggestions that the US additionally being in breach of two articles of the United government, in the name of the ongoing post-9/11 War on Nations Genocide Convention: “In fact, education of Kurds 27 Hurriyet (2002) ʻ27 Children Brought Before Diyarbakirʼs Terror, is increasingly supporting the Turkish state once in Turkey, both today and after the [proposed ‘reform’] law State Security Courtʼ, Hürriyet, 11 June 2002, as again in its offensive against Kurdish civilians, human rights package is being implemented, is genocidal. It still fits reproduced by IMK Weekly Information Service, 17 June - activists, peace campaigners and PKK militants in the region. two of the definitions of genocide in the UN International 28 June 2002, No. 160 ( US special forces and intelligence agencies, it needs Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime news107.html). to be recognised, are extensively liaising with their of Genocide (E793, 1948) [...] Turkey tries to forcibly make 28 Aram (2002) Conspiracy and Crisis: Turkey and the Kurdish Question: From the Nineties to the Present Day Turkish counterparts in publicly unaccountable anti-PKK Turks of Kurdish children through education, i.e. Turkey - Written by a collective of journalists and researchers on targeting and “internal defence” actions that deploy covert tries to transfer the children linguistically and culturally behalf of Aram Publisher. Aram, Istanbul, January, 2002 psychological warfare methods. The Turkish state in recent to another group. This is genocide, according to the UN ( months appears to have been re-issued with the hunting definition.29 cfm). licence that seemingly enables it to intensify its violence Even today, for instance, as Turkey is engaged in the EU 29 Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (2002) ʻLinguistic Human Rights in against suspected Kurdish terrorists and target civilian accession process, programmes in Kurdish for children on Education and Turkey - Some International Comparisonsʼ, An invited plenary paper at the International Conference communities in northern Iraq (south Kurdistan) and south radio or TV remain prohibited. To merely peacefully and on Kurds, the European Union and Turkey, Copenhagen, east Turkey (north west Kurdistan), now that the PKK non-violently protest against the state’s ongoing genocidal Denmark, 14th October 2002. and Ocalan have been compared by US administration policies, or to advocate the basic cultural right of Kurds (who 30 See: Associated Press (2000) ʻKurdish students struggle officials to Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda. Post 9/11, a represent between 20-25% of the population in Turkey) to be with Turkish languageʼ, March 16, 2000, as cited in Info- US administration official in September 2005 stated the educated in their mother tongue is, in the eyes of the Turkish Turk, No. 259, March 2000. absurdity that she viewed the PKK threat as being as grave state, to act in support of PKK terrorism.30 31 Socialist Party of Kurdistan - PSK (2002) ʻReport of the as that of al-Qaeda: “Nancy McEldowley, representing the We also need to be aware of a wider destructive plan Socialist Party of Kurdistan On the Relationship Between the EU and Turkey And the EU-Accession of Turkeyʼ, US embassy at an 11th September commemoration service around which the US backed Turkish state’s ‘War on Terror’ PSK, September 2002. in Ankara, said in a speech that there was no difference is taking place: In September 2002, the Socialist Party of 32 Ronayne also mentions ʻglobalisationʼ. Source: Ronayne, between al-Qaeda and the PKK or between Abdullah Ocalan Kurdistan (PSK) drew attention to a “Secret Plan of Action”, M. (2006) ʻInvest in Caring Not Killing: Womenʼs and Osama Bin Laden.”21 masterminded by members of the Turkish ‘deep state’. Opposition to Dams and Warʼ, Ulkede Ozgur Gundem, But as the Socialist Party of Kurdistan has noted with According to the PSK: “The main aim of this plan is to make 29 July 2006 ( alarm, in the post-9/11 period, “what is clear is that Turkish Kurdistan Kurd-free, to eradicate the Kurdish language WomensOppositionToDams.htm). politicians and the Turkish media don’t just mean the PKK and culture and thereby dispose of the Kurdish question. 33 Ronayne, M. (2006) ʻInvest in Caring Not Killing: when they speak of ‘terrorists’ but all Kurdish organisations, Dam projects which will flood historical towns of Kurdistan, Womenʼs Opposition to Dams and Warʼ, Ulkede Ozgur 22 Gundem, 29 July 2006 (http://www.globalwomenstrike. Kurdish associations and even the Kurds themselves”. The flood the fertile agricultural land of the region and flood net/Turkish/WomensOppositionToDams.htm). following examples of who is targetted as supposed terrorists the valleys of incomparable natural beauty are part of this 34 Ronayne, M. and Ascherson, N. (2006) ʻOpposition to makes for disturbing reading: plan”.31 Whilst a local Kurdish, national and international Turkeyʼs Ilisu Dam rises again: Turkey has revived plans At Adana, on May 28th 2004, “Siyar Perincek [...] who is initiative aimed at halting one such dam in the area – Ilisu for the vast Ilisu Dam. Maggie Ronayne explains why sheʼs . – succeeded in halting one consortium from proceeding with the Human Rights Association’s (IHD’s) representative for still fighting construction on cultural and environmental the project in 2002, another consortium seems to have taken grounds, while Neal Ascherson outlines the bitter disputeʼ, eastern and southeastern Anatolia, was killed in front of the its place and been supported by the Turkish government. September 1, 2006 ( IHD building.23 According to the BIA News Centre, “the IHD summary/336-Opposition-to-Turkey-s). announced that the police in Adana murdered Siyar Perincek Despite substantive local Kurdish and national/international 35 Yedinci Gündem (2002) ʻKurdish Tuition as Grounds for [...] During a press conference in the IHD Istanbul office, it opposition to the project, the Turkish prime minister, on Tortureʼ, Yedinci Gündem, 12 May 2002, as reproduced in was announced that police fired at Siyar Perincek [...] as he August 5th 2006, provocatively laid the foundational stone IMK Weekly Information Service, No. 156, 13 May - 24 for this vast dam. May 2002 ( was driving a motorcycle in Adana. Police then stepped on Maggie Ronayne’s findings are worth reflecting upon at html). his back when he fell off from the motorcycle and killed him this point: “The US-led war against the world is not only 36 As quoted by Wilgenburg, V. V. (2006) ʻBelgium with a bullet to his back. IHD said there were witnesses who seeks clarification on Turkish death squad operationʼ, saw the incident. ‘Executions without trials are continuing waged by military means [...] but [also] by development 32, 6 March 2006 (http://www.kurdmedia. [...] The murderers are free among us,’ said the IHD press projects. [...] These very profitable projects [can] displace com/articles.asp?id=11572). large numbers of people and have devastating cultural statement.”24 37 Human Rights Watch (2006) ʻReuters Alerts, Turkey: Twelve-year-old Kurdish Ugur Kaymaz and his father, and environmental impacts. The GAP development project Anti-Terror Law Used Against Peaceful Activistsʼ, Human . [in south-eastern Turkey, which includes the Ilisu dam], in Rights Watch, 7 June 2006. Ahmet, were killed in November 2005 in the south-eastern town of Kiziltepe in what officials said was an operation which US and European companies and governments are 38 CILDEKT (2002) ʻOSCE Report Refers to Kurdish involved is a prime example of all this.33 The action of the Questionʼ, CILDEKT, 16 July 2002, as quoted in IMK against “armed terrorists”. Preliminary investigations, Weekly Information Service, No. 162, 16 July - 27 July including one by parliament’s human rights committee, Prime Minister [in laying the foundational stone of the 2002 ( concluded that the two were unarmed and may have been Ilisu dam] appears designed to put pressure on the affected 39 Yildiz, K and Muller, M. (2005) ʻThe EU, Turkey and innocent civilians. Media reported that Ugur Kaymaz was communities and on European governments. The project the Kurdsʼ, in Muller, M., Brigham, C., Westrheim, K. hit by 13 bullets, and that his family said he was helping his would flood over 300 square kilometres in the Kurdish region and Yildiz, K. (eds.) EU Turkey Civic Commission: father, a truck driver, to prepare for a trip to Iraq. [...] displacing up to 78,000 villagers. Local people would International Conference on Turkey, the Kurds and the EU, receive little or no benefit from the project. On the contrary, European Parliament, Brussels, 22-23 November 2004 In terms of proposed anti-terrorist actions, Prime . impacts of the dam would include more severe poverty, - Conference Papers, KHRP, GB, p. 48. Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared that the Turkish health problems, break-up of families and communities, 40 The New Anatolian (2006) ʻTurkey shrugs off PKKʼs offer “security forces will intervene against the pawns of environmental pollution [...] and wide-ranging cultural of conditional cease-fireʼ, The New Anatolian, 25 August terrorism, even if they are children or women.”25 2006 ( Just as troublingly, “Turkish Human Rights Chairman destruction. [...] The dam threatens to destroy thousands 41 Dicle, H. (2005) Statement made on 19 September 2005 . of years of culture and heritage and its survival into the Alatas recalled on his part that there were numerous at the Second EUTCC International Conference on ʻEU allegations related to the killing of PKK militants in the future – first of all by targeting women and all in their care. Turkey and the Kurdsʼ, in the EU Parliament, 19 - 21 It highlights women’s opposition to cultural destruction September 2005 ( recent months. ‘There are claims that the bodies are being by dams and war. Targeting women like this threatens the document212.ehtml). An ANF - Firat News Agency mutilated, that their organs are being cut off, that even if report, dated 30th August 2006, also stated that a “written they are caught alive, they are tortured and killed as well as cultural destruction of the entire community. Indeed, the statement of Kongra Gel indicated that ʻKoma Komalen allegations that chemical weapons are being used. How are very area where [the] Prime Minister laid the foundation Kurdistan (KKK, Confederalism of Kurdistan, Kongra Gel stone has not been surveyed at all, and it is therefore a these going to be investigated?’ he asked”.26 is the Assembly) made a peace declaration declared on 23 breach of international law, including European Union August, 2006, and they supported this. They also indicated In the US-backed War on Terror, schoolchildren, . directives, to proceed with any construction in the absence of that they were in search of peaceful solution without students, poets, musicians, writers, publishers, human 34 violence for the resolution of the Kurdish question and rights campaigners, academics, lawyers and artists are all archaeological survey and testing. they are expecting a response” from the Turkish state “on this regard” (ʻKongra Gel condemns bomb attacksʼ, ANF VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006 | 35

Meanwhile, the official view of the Kurds in Turkey, in - Firat News Agency, Accessed at: http://www.kurdmedia. The Targeting of School Teachers, Parents, writer Mehmed Uzun’s opinion, remains “one of deep hatred. com/news.asp?id=13122). Schoolchildren, Students, Political Prisoners The phobia of Kurds is evident; ultra Turkish nationalism 42 As quoted in Yilmaz, A. (2003) ʻMustafa Karahan: Interview is nurtured by their abhorrence of Kurds”.43 Mark Thomas, with Mustafa Karahan, the head of DEHAP in Amedʼ, and Academics, 9 January 2004 (http://www.kurdmedia. Within the context of a US- and UK-supported War on Terror in April 2006, observed the marked “failure of the Turkish com/inter.asp?id=10099). pro-Kurdish teachers who have sought to simply learn the state to work with the Kurds to take advantage of the PKK 43 Uzun, M. (2005) ʻThe Dialogue and Liberties of Kurdish language in preparation for a time when they might ceasefire. Ankara has refused to negotiate. ‘We will not talk Civilizationsʼ, Presented at the Second EUTCC International be allowed to teach it in schools, have also been targeted to terrorists,’ the Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Conference on ʻEU Turkey and the Kurdsʼ, in the EU by the “Anti-Terror Police” and tortured. Yendinci Gundem declares. And he has done so with the backing of the EU. Parliament, 19 - 21 September 2005 (http://www.eutcc. org/articles/8/20/document217.ehtml). reports that “12 people , of whom 11 were teachers, were Instead of urging dialogue, the EU has followed the UK and the United States in proscribing the PKK, even though it 44 Thomas, M. (2006) ʻThere is one EU problem that is allegedly tortured while being detained by police after resolutely not going away and will only get worse: that is, having been arrested in Kiziltepe for learning Kurdish announced a ceasefire and formally renounced violence. Just Turkeyʼs membershipʼ, The New Statesman, 24 April 2006 together. The 12 people, 11 of whom were members of about every attempt by grass-roots Kurdish groups to form ( the teachers trade union Egitim-Sen, were arrested in an inclusive democratic movements has been regarded by the 45 According to Simon Cooper and Ruth Riordan, “Asci apartment [...] in Mardin on May 7th. A magistrate had EU and the UK as merely another group to add to the list of began the death fast on International Lawyerʼs Day, April issued warrants for their arrest. The Mardin branch of terrorist organisations”.44 5, because, he says, he could no longer sit back and watch Behic Asci, a member of the Turkish Association of his clients die” (ʻOn the death fast of Lawyer Behic Asciʼ, Egitim-Sen said in a written statement that: ‘Our colleagues Green Left Weekly, 16 August 2006, as reproduced in Info 45 were subjected to various methods of torture; they were Progressive Lawyers has sought to alert people to the Turk, No. 336 ( repercussions of these policies on political prisoners: “The sprayed with high-pressure water, they had plastic bags 46 Cooper, S. and Riordan, R. (2006) ʻOn the death fast of pulled over their heads, they were forced to sing marching Turkish legal system provides no protection for [...] political Lawyer Behic Asciʼ, Green Left Weekly, 16 August 2006, songs and to do the goose-step, they were brutally beaten, prisoners held in isolation. In one instance, when a guard as reproduced in Info Turk, No. 336 ( left for 3 days without food or water, they were stripped demanded one of Asci’s clients stand up for a prisoner count, be/336.htm#Istanbul_). naked, and had their testicles crushed’.”35 she responded that given [that] she was in an isolation cell, 47 Johnson, C. (2000) The Costs and Consequences of Parents have been murdered in the War on Terror simply there was no need for her to stand to be counted. Enraged at American Empire, p. 72-74. because their children have been involved in legal pro- this small show of defiance, the guard attacked the prisoner, 48 The New Anatolian (2006) ʻPolice Send More Special Forces crushing her skull against the cell wall. When Asci appealed to East, Southeastʼ, The New Anatolian, 17 August 2006 Kurdish cultural and political activities overseas. As Derwich ( to the court to protest his client’s mistreatment, his suit Ferho, the chairman of the Kurdish Institute in Brussels has 49 Turkish Weekly Net (2006) ʻTurkey and Northern Iraqʼ, noted, his parents – who were in their 80s – were murdered was rejected on the grounds that it was part of a “terrorist JTW and News Agencies, 30 April 2006 (http://www. by state-linked contra-guerrilla death squads in south- campaign” against F-type isolation prisons.46 eastern Turkey in March 2006 because of his work and that 50 AFP (2005) ʻTurkey Says US Ordered Arrest of PKK of his brother (who works for the Kurdish satellite Roj TV leaders, Threatens Incursion Into Iraqʼ, AFP, Ankara, 19 station, also in Belgium): “They were killed in a horrible way The Nature of US Psychological Warfare July 2005. in their village. Earlier they were threatened, because of the Assistance 51 Cihan News Agency (2006) ʻUS intelligence aids Turkish activities of my brother and me in Belgium [...] My father We need to recognise and confront the fact that there strikes against PKK terror organizationʼ, Cihan News does not appear to be any effective public oversight into Agency, April 21, 2006, as reported in Info-Turk, No. 333, was sick and bedridden [...] He was killed in his bed and his May 2006 ( the nature of accountability of these deep political US- ribs were broken. My mother must have resisted, because 52 Foreign Policy in Focus ( 2002) Special Report, May 2002, her throat was cut and she had many wounds inflicted by Turkish arrangements and operations. Key questions Appendix 2: IMET Training And Human Rights Abuse: The stabbing. My parents were threatened several times last arise: will US special forces continue to provide JCET Official Record ( month. People were saying: your sons must be wiser”.36 training or assistance to Turkey’s notorious mountain html). Charges are also levelled at peace campaigners in the commandos? As Chalmers Johnson has noted: “Republican 53 Risen, C. (undated) ʻHot for Teacherʼ ( http://www.flakmag. name of the War on Terror: Most recently, in June 2006, three representative Christopher Smith, chairman of the House of com/opinion/jcet.html). “Kurdish activists” were placed on trial “on anti-terrorism Representatives Subcommittee on International Operations 54 Berrigan, F. and Hartung, W. D. and Heffel, D. (2005) U.S. and Human Rights, says: ‘Our joint exercises and training of Military Aid and Arms Transfers Since September 11: A charges after they attempted to stage a peaceful protest World Policy Institute Special Report, World Policy Institute near the Iraq border [...] They were arrested on May 2nd as military units – that have been charged over and over again ( they prepared to walk to the border of Iraq to peacefully with the gravest kind of crimes against humanity, including html#15 and protest the recent killings of civilians by security forces in torture and murder – cry out for explanation’. But the US wawjune2005.html#15 ). south-eastern Turkey [...] All three are officials of Kurt-Der, Secretary of Defence seems to be unconcerned”.47 55 Foreign Policy in Focus (2002) Special Report, May, 2002: a Kurdish association that Turkish authorities closed last There is certainly concern that the US state will choose Programs and Funding ( programs_body.html). month for conducting its internal business in the Kurdish to maintain collaboration with Turkey’s notorious mountain 56 Foreign Policy in Focus (2002) Special Report, May, 2002: language”.37 commando brigades and other special military/paramilitary/ police forces. In recent months it has been announced that, Programs and Funding ( A report by Sevend J. Robinson on behalf of the programs_body.html). “after completing a six-month intensive training course, Commission for Democracy, Human Rights and 57 ʻFBI committed to help Turkey against Kurdish rebelsʼ, Humanitarian Issues, which was accepted by the annual 242 [Turkish] special forces personnel have been appointed 9 December 2005 ( OSCE Assembly in July 2002, additionally confirmed that, “in to posts in the [Kurdish] east and southeast [of Turkey]. na/051209170330.w0g64v73.html). Turkey, [pro-Kurdish party] HADEP mayors are continually Reports say that with the newly appointed personnel, there 58 See Fernandes and Ozden, US, UK, German and NATO persecuted. For example, the mayor of Hakkari was are now 3500 members of the Special Forces in Hakkari, ʻInspiredʼ Psychological Warfare Operations Against The prosecuted for issuing a calendar in the Kurdish and English Sirnak, Tunceli and Bingol”.48 An April 2006 report in The Kurdish ʻCommunistʼ Threat in Turkey and Northern Iraq. languages – because it was a risk to the state [...] The Kurdish Turkish Weekly suggests that Turkish special forces have, 59 Hurriyet (2005) ʻTurkey bargains with CIA over PKKʼ, indeed, been given the green light by the US to intensify Hurriyet, 12 December 2005 (as reproduced in http://www. language continues to be banned in education and in the media [...] In Van, security forces have detained 500 students the basis of their offensive psychological warfare operations against the PKK in northern Iraq: “Turkish armed forces, 60 Darling, D. (2005) ʻTidbits from Turkey on Iranʼ, Winds of because of a petition in which they requested the right to Change, December 21, 2005 (http://www.windsofchange. Kurdish language tuition”.38 using infra-red cameras, spotted PKK terrorists crossing the net/archives/tidbits_from_turkey_on_iran-print.php). Kerim Yildiz (Executive Director of the Kurdish Human border near Cukurca town, after which a special force team 61 Darling, D. (2005) ʻTidbits from Turkey on Iranʼ, Winds of Rights Project) and Mark Muller (as barrister and Vice of around 100 soldiers proceeded to cross the border into Change, December 21, 2005 (http://www.windsofchange. President of the UK Bar Human Rights Committee), in Iraqi territory. The go-ahead to send in the special forces net/archives/tidbits_from_turkey_on_iran-print.php). 2005, observed that Turkey was, indeed, refusing “even to team was reportedly given from Ankara over the weekend. Sensing a possible attack by US backed forces and, perhaps, Recent meetings between Turkish and US officials have in an endeavour to ʻdissuadeʼ Turkey from joining in the US concede that the armed conflict in the [Kurdish] south-east plans for an assault of some kind on Iran, it is instructive is symptomatic of the broader issue of her subjugation of indicated that the US has given the nod to Turkish action on to note that there has been recent intensified co-operation the Kurds, defining the situation purely in terms of security this front”.49 between Iran and Turkey on the issue of ʻjoint operationsʼ and/or terrorism and refusing to become involved in bilateral US operational support for psychological warfare which against the PKK and PKK-linked forces. negotiations with the Kurds”39 On 25th August 2006, for targets PKK leaders in northern Iraq – as recently as July 62 Where Turkey has offered to contribute some ʻpeacekeeping example, “Turkish officials dismissed [an] offer from the 2005 – has also been confirmed from a leading Turkish troopsʼ, after Israelʼs destruction of much of the military source: “The Turkish army said Tuesday the United infrastructure of the region during its recent 2006 offensive terrorist PKK for a conditional cease-fire. The PKK’s second there. The US also, importantly, relies on Turkey to provide in command, Murat Karayilan, proposed a conditional cease- States had ordered the capture of commanders of the rebel troops at key moments in its Afghanistan NATO linked fire to the Turkish government, saying, ‘We are ready to Kurdistan Workers’ Party in Iraq [...] The United States ‘have ʻWar on Terrorʼ campaign. Chossudovsky also argues that: observe a cease-fire on September 1st, coinciding with World issued a direct order for the capture of the leaders’ of the “There is another dimension which directly relates to the PKK, General Ilker Basbug, the army number two, told a war on Lebanon [...] Israel is slated to play a major strategic Peace Day, and opt for a peaceful and democratic settlement role in ʻprotectingʼ the Eastern Mediterranean transport and 50 to the Kurdish issue in Turkey’. He requested Turkey put group of journalists”. According to a 21st April 2006 report pipeline corridors out of [the Turkish linked] Ceyhan [BTC forward a ‘political project’ that will meet their demands [...] by the Cihan News Agency, “The Turkish NTV news channel Project] [...] The bombing of Lebanon is part of a carefully Karayilan also made a similar offer last June, saying, ‘We report[ed] [...] that the US has been providing intelligence to planned and coordinated military road map. The extension appeal to the Turkish government, asking it to end military Turkish security forces carrying out anti-terror operations in of the war into Syria and Iran has already been contemplated southeast Turkey near the Iraqi border. NTV claims that the by US and Israeli military planners. This broader military operations in order to open the path for dialogue, and we agenda is intimately related to strategic oil and oil pipelines. are ready, on our side, to declare a cease-fire’”.40 Kongra-Gel CIA and US army intelligence have tipped off the Turkish It is supported by the Western oil giants which control the had also “appealed its armed forces to take a decision of ‘No security forces during operations in which a total of 31 PKK pipeline corridors. In the context of the war on Lebanon, it Action’ between 20th August and 20th September 2005”.41 terrorists were killed in two separate areas.51 seeks Israeli territorial control over the East Mediterranean We also know that US International Military Education coastline [...] Prior to the bombing of Lebanon, Israel and Mustafa Karahan, the head of DEHAP – the pro-Kurdish Turkey had announced [...] underwater pipeline routes, Democratic People’s Party – in Diyarbakir, described the way Training (IMET) courses were conducted with Turkish forces which bypassed Syria and Lebanon [...] On the other hand, in which his party was even being restricted in its dialogue in 2001, 2002 and were requested for 2003.52 This programme the development of alternative land based corridors (for oil with the press, let alone the deep state: “The pressure faced has been “harshly criticized in Congress for having trained and water) through Lebanon and Syria would require Israeli- by DEHAP is very obvious. When we want to say something soldiers in Colombia and Indonesia who went on to commit Turkish territorial control over the Eastern Mediterranean coastline through Lebanon and Syria. The implementation 53 to the press, our members get arrested. Many members of human rights violations”. We also know that the US of a land-based corridor, as opposed to the underwater DEHAP are now arrested and in prison”.42 Congress approved IMET training with Turkish forces for pipeline project, would require the militarisation of the East 2005 and President Bush requested further IMET funding 36 | VARIANT 27 | WINTER 2006

Mediterranean coastline [...] Is this not one of the hidden for the financial year 2006. It is also known that Turkey was schoolchildren, students, journalists, politicians, lawyers objectives of the war on Lebanon?” - Chossudovsky, M. the recipient of a US Foreign Military Financing (FMF) and other perceived pro-Kurdish supporters in Turkey and (2006) ʻThe War on Lebanon and the Battle for Oilʼ, 26 programme in 2005, and President Bush, again, requested northern Iraq? July 2006 ( 54 t=viewArticle&code=CHO20060726&articleId=2824). further FMF for Turkey in 2006. FMF, it needs to be 63 In the short term, it may also be politically inconvenient appreciated, “provides grants for foreign militaries to buy to endorse an all out Turkish invasion of northern Iraq. US weapons, services, and training. Although the majority of Concerns Over The New ‘Anti-Terrorism Law’ The US is critically dependent, for the moment, upon these funds are used to buy weapons, mobile training teams We also need to ask ourselves whether the Bush KDP-PUK ʻIraqiʼ Kurdish support in its ʻIraqi Imperialist are often deployed as a facet of weapons sales packages administration will persist in using a terrorist definition of Programmeʼ. Consequently, as long as the PUK-KDP to train the foreign country’s forces in the operation and the PKK which it will have been furnished with by its Turkish agree to assist the Turkish state with its ʻanti-PKKʼ counterpart. Certainly, Condoleeza Rice, during her most offensive, it is likely that it will ask Turkish forces to desist maintenance of the weapon system(s). In other cases, aid from overt incursions into the area. It seems likely, though, recipients use this money to buy training for their soldiers in recent visit to Turkey, did not publicly express any concern that several cross-border covert operations will continue specific skill areas. In such cases, U.S. mobile training teams, over such definitions when she provided assurances that the to be approved, even as the US may seek to encourage usually made up of Special Operations Forces, are sent to the Bush administration was fully supportive of Turkey’s War the Israeli state and the PUK-KDP to collaborate with host country for up to six months”.55 on Terror. The Bush administration appears to be minded to each other in Turkish approved covert operations aimed at accept the absurd and dangerous definitions that are being further targeting the PKK. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Drug provided and used under the new Turkish ‘Anti-Terrorism 64 Korkut, O. (2006) ʻAnti-Terror Schemes May Encourage Enforcement Agency (DEA) have also provided assistance to Tortureʼ, BIA News Center, 26 April 2006, in Info Turk, Turkish forces involved in the War on Terror: “The FBI is [...] Law’ to criminalise individuals and organisations. These No. 333, May 2006 ( involved in training foreign police and paramilitary forces. definitions have the capacity to criminalise the non-violent html#Activists). This training is justified primarily as part of its efforts to activities of many Kurdish and non-Kurdish people. 65 BIA News Center (2006) ʻReaction by NGOs: “New Terror counter drug trafficking, terrorism, and organized crime Concerns over this matter were even recently expressed Bill Takes All Citizens Terrorist,”ʼ 28 April 2006, in Info- [...] No annual report provides public information on FBI by the UN Special Rapporteur: “[A] letter, sent on May Turk, No. 333, May 2006 ( 21 [2006] to the Parliament Justice Committee by Martin html#Activists). foreign training programs [...] The DEA, also part of the Scheinin, UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and 66 BIA News Center (2006) ʻReaction by NGOs: “New Terror Justice Department, conducts international police training Bill Takes All Citizens Terrorist”ʼ, 28 April 2006, in Info- as well [...] The international police training programs of Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Turk, No. 333, May 2006 ( the FBI and the DEA are funded at least in part out of the while Countering Terrorism, informed Turkey that the new html#Activists). annual appropriation for Justice Department operations law fails to meet the requirement of proportionality in 67 Churchill, W (2003) Perversions of Justice, p. 347. and are, therefore, exempt from the vetting requirements”.56 the use of force by security forces, introduces ‘improper For further details on this, also refer to: Fernandes, D. FBI director Robert Mueller said: “We are working with our restrictions on freedom of expression’ and reflects the danger and Ozden, I., US, UK, German and NATO Inspired of punishing civilians not involved in violence. ‘This danger Psychological Warfare Operations Against the ʻKurdish counterparts elsewhere in Europe and in Turkey to address Communist Threatʼ in Turkey and Northern Iraq and the PKK and work cooperatively, to find and cut off financing is exacerbated by the very broad definition of terrorism and Fernandes, D. (2006) ʻOn The Possibilities of Successfully to terrorist groups, be it PKK, al-Qaeda.”57 the very long and wide list of terrorist offences’.” Taking A Case To The International Criminal Courtʼ, in That the DEA and FBI are providing extensive and According to the lawyer Nalan Erkem, a member of the ʻWar and Occupation: Human Rights Abuses, Torture and ongoing anti-terrorist and anti-narcotics assistance to Izmir Bar Association Prevention of Torture Group (IOG): Disappearances Under Detentionʼ, The 5th International “The arrangements that the draft makes with regard to Conference Against Disappearances, 16th -20th May Turkey’s security, military, and paramilitary forces is ironic, 2006, Diyarbakir, Turkey. Organised by The International given the heavy involovement in organised crime, state access to an attorney take away all of the rights of the Committee Against Disappearances (ICAD) and Aiding terrorism and drugs trade among these sectors.58 defendant [...] While it opens the way for torture and and Solidarity Association with the Families who lost their Confirmation that the FBI and CIA were co-ordinating mistreatment, the draft also aims to prevent lawyers from Relatives (YAKAY-DER). their anti-PKK initiatives with the Turkish state came in a proving their existence”. Erkem argued that the draft was 68 Keen, D. (2006) Endless War? Hidden Functions of the December 2005 Hurriyet report: “Following the visit of FBI in the nature of an insult to lawyers in Turkey, stripping ʻWar on Terrorʼ,2 p. 77. away the defence rights that were enshrined under Turkey’s 69 Keen, D. (2006) Endless War? Hidden Functions of the director Robert Mueller to Turkey, CIA chief Porter Goss accession plans with the EU.64 “Representatives of 17 non- ʻWar on Terrorʼ, p. 77. followed in Mueller’s footsteps and paid a visit to Ankara for talks with officials from the Turkish General Staff and government organisations (NGOs)65 read a press statement the intelligence service MIT. The visits have triggered in front of Istanbul’s Sultanahmet Justice Hall [...] where Desmond Fernandes and Iskender Ozden’s speculations that the US might start a serious initiative for an appeal was made to [...] reject it. The move came after book, US, UK, German and NATO ‘Inspired’ the neutralization of PKK after the Iraqi elections. Turkey similar appeals from leading Turkish human rights groups Psychological Warfare Operations Against will also convey to Goss its concerns about developments that including IHD and MAZLUMDER. The country’s Human The Kurdish ‘Communist’ Threat in Turkey might pave the way for the founding of a Kurdish state in Rights Foundation (TIHV) joined in the criticism and said and Northern Iraq, will be released in Northern Iraq [...] Turkish Land Forces Commander General the law would not only shift Turkey from its previous EU November 2006. It is published by Apec Press Yasar Büyükanit was currently in the US for talks with US projections but also meant a turn to a ‘tolerance policy 66 (Stockholm, Sweden) and can be obtained officials” over these matters.59 towards torture’.” in the UK from Housmans Bookshop (5 A report from the blog group Winds of Change observes Caledonian Road, Kings Cross, London N1 9DX. that, “the most interesting details of the [December 2005] Conclusion Tel: 020 7837 4473) meeting seem to have appeared in Cumhurriyet, which In reflecting upon the current situation, it is worth noting states: ‘During his recent visit to Ankara, CIA Director that the Bush administration has set in place a series of Porter Goss reportedly brought three dossiers on Iran to A longer, more detailed version of this article arrangements that are aimed at securing immunity from Ankara. Goss is said to have asked for Turkey’s support for is available on the Variant website: prosecution of all US, Turkish and Israeli forces who Washington’s policy against Iran’s nuclear activities, charging may be charged with war crimes or genocide crimes. The that Tehran had supported terrorism and taken part in US government, it seems, has not only been seeking to activities against Turkey. Goss also asked Ankara to be ready unethically provide immunity from prosecution of its own for a possible US air operation against Iran and Syria’.”60 The military and civil personnel at the International Criminal Bush administration’s need to secure Turkey’s assistance in Court (ICC), but also those of its client states – Israel and its joint plans with the Israeli state to restructure the Middle Turkey in particular: “Senior (US) officials have stated East has probably also meant that it will, in return, have had repeatedly and quite categorically that they will continue to to commit itself, once again, to aggressively supporting the reject any jurisdictional arrangement allowing international Turkish state’s war against the PKK. prosecution of its own civilian authorities or military It seems reasonable to conclude that a new intensified personnel for war crimes as ‘an infringement upon US phase of joint US-Turkey psychological warfare operations is national sovereignty’. Objections have also been raised with under way. The US Embassy in Ankara, for instance, recently regard to any curtailment of self-assigned US prerogatives confirmed that General Joseph W Ralston (USAF, retired) to shield its clients – usually referred to as ‘friends’ – from had been appointed as Special Envoy for Countering the prosecution for crimes committed under its sponsorship – e.g. PKK with responsibility for coordinating US engagement [...] Turkish officials presiding over the ongoing ‘pacification’ with the governments of Turkey and Iraq to eliminate the of Kurdistan”.67 PKK and other terrorist groups operating in northern The information gathered in this article shows that “an Iraq and across the Turkey-Iraq border. “This appointment important part of the political function of the War on Terror underscores the commitment of the United States to has been the way it legitimises political intimidation by a work with Turkey and Iraq to eliminate terrorism in all its range of allies beyond the Bush/Blair/Aznar axis. In effect, forms”.61 For instance, local news sources in northern Iraq the War on Terror has given a licence to internal repression (south Kurdistan) reported on August 14, 2006, that “over in countries supporting this war.”68 And that includes Turkey, 100 Turkish MIT (National Intelligence Agency) agents of course. “As in many civil wars, demonising one party has had been permitted to cross over into the region together created space for the abuses of others. As Michael Mann with members of the Turkish Special Forces”.62 These cross- observes, labelling opponents as al-Qaeda allows repressive border military incursions into the Iraq – suppsedly a US governments to do what they want with limited international protectorate63 – are unlikely to have taken place without a criticism”.69 Not only has the US government’s stance allowed green light from Washington. the Turkish government to act repressively and ruthlessly If, as we are now informed, the Bush administration, in with regard to the Kurdish question, it has actively assisted its wisdom, is committed to destroying the PKK additional it, as it did throughout the genocidal period of the 1990s, questions arise. Will there be, as many Kurdish and human through its ruthless anti-terrorism initiatives. We need to rights analysts contend, a resurgence of false flag operations? seriously reflect upon these issues and act to expose and end Will initiatives that seek to resolve the Kurdish question these unacceptable actions and activities. through military/paramilitary means, rather than through peaceful dialogue, be intensified? Will there be a resurgence of anti-terrorist abductions, disappearances, massacres, and torture sessions for Kurdish civilians, intellectuals, The Chinese Challenge: Hallucinations for Other Futures What can we learn from China that China is not teaching us?

“Interactivity is all there is to write about: it is the paradox complexity of her writing, is now adopting the fruits of, http:// and the horizon of realization.” Western achievements. But China, for the next epoch, vortrag.pdf It is the paradigm of writing on which main cultures has an advantage to the West: it has its scriptural Galtung_USempireFall.html resources not yet exploited. China’s writing, which are depending. Their kind of rationality, their efficiency 9. of technology, the way they of organize society and always was the base and guarantee of its culture and article/1310/ communication, arts and sciences, all are not to separate politics, is not limited by alphabetic linearism and Challenges/ from their paradigm of writing. How people are involved digitalism. Linearity of Western thinking is easily 10., Moravec, H. (1988), in writing and scriptural practice is enabling their mapped onto the tabularity of Chinese rationality. Mind Children: The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence. possibility of thinking and living. Main cultures always The process of mapping linearity onto tabularity is not producing any kind of identity-disturbance for Chinese asp?id=9115, depend on their paradigm of writing. Writing in general see: Ed Fredkin, Stephen Wolfram, Holtzman self-understanding. is the most abstract mechanism and technology of 11. 1 The Chinese concept of writing is tabular, multi-- cultural formations. 12., dimensional, embodied, open, complex and based on the experiences of the oldest cultural tradition of mankind.14 European culture, the first hallucination 13. These characteristics of Chinese writing are exactly the European culture depends on alphabetic writing and 14. criteria for a science, capable to deal with the problems the Indian concept of Zero2 with its mechanism of 4356764.htm of modern society and opening up new futures. positionality enabling arithmetic, a rational economy 15., Andrew Neil, What China Hence, the challenge of China today is not its new of calculation, formal and programming languages in can teach the West economic power as the West is fearing and economically general.3 16. Han-liang Chang, Hallucinating the Other: Derridean exploiting15, but lies in the possibility of a re-discovery Leibniz had a first European hallucination about Fantasies of Chinese Script of its own rationality as the base of a revolutionary ~changhl/changhl/hallucinating.pdf Chinese writing. He conveived in his hallucination the technology for the future. Leaving everything American 17. idea of a Lingua Universalis as a base of negotational far behind. and calculable communication between peoples and 18. The Chinese Challenge to the West is not economical, nations.4 He proposed his idea in analogy to the Chinese 19. Archive for Derrida and Deconstructivism, http://www.hydra. political or military. It is not the event of a re-awakening hieroglyphs which are mediating between different economic and technological China which is the Grand 20. spoken languages by their scripturality. To realize his Challenge to the West but the possible re-discovery of dream he invented the binary number system as the 21. Gotthard Gunther, the operationality of its writing system for the design of Cyberphilosophy.pdf most non-redunant concept for number representation new rational formal systems, like new mathematics and and calculation. He speculated it as an European answer Dr. Rudolf Kaehr, Glasgow 2006, new programming languages.16 to the I Ching.5 Consequently, he invented on this base [email protected] Because of its occupation to adapt, at first, to the language-independent calculi, logic and a prototype of a Western technology and economy, China is not yet, http// mechanical calculator (computer).6 officially, aware about these possibilities of a new Modern European science and technology followed main culture for the future. Maybe, the 19th century Leibniz’ ideas and produced binarism and digitalism in was European, the 20th US-American, at least the 21st technology which is, today, the basic technological and century will be Chinese. economic force in the Western, but also in the Asian, world. But the development of technology in Europe Morphogrammatics, the second hallucination stayed regulated and constraint by the framework of Old European theology, metaphysics and ethics. Thus, my thoughts may occur, until now, as a second, post-European hallucination about the paradigm of The US-American dream Chinese writing. What I propose, as a first step, is to study polycontextural logic17 and morphogrammatics18 In America, European thinking and technology could as a possible new understanding of notational systems get rid of its constraining metaphysical roots. Inventing for Chinese rationality and technology emerging beyond “Ubiquitous Computing” , technically realized as exhausted Western paradigms. This, with the knowledge Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Live, Cognitive Systems, of its risk, is a kind of an experimental hallucination Robotics, etc., it was able to realize digitalism without capable of permanent self-deconstruction as a strategy frontiers.7 Today, the US-American dream is exhausted.8 to surpass Western, and Asian, phono-logo-centrism19 In its successful realization it has come to a closure. and metaphysical mono-contexturalism20 in thinking and While Old Europe is still occupied with its Greek roots9 , technology. Morphogrammatics and polycontexturality US-America, who got rid of these European limitations, as including and surpassing the Western design of now, is missing roots as inspirational resources to desing thinking, computation and programming are satisfying its futures. The necessary decline of America is rooted the structural criteria of tabularity21 and complexity in its lack of roots. The total detachment from Europe, needed for the operative rationality of a new epoch. the lack of own grounds, culminated in digitalism and Hallucination always had been at the beginning of brought it to its extremes. A more radical technical cultural revolutions. It always has been the job of speculation than the reduction of immortality of the cultural administration to deny it. human soul on the base of 1 and 0, as conceived in digital metaphysics, seems not to be accessible.10 All Notes the following future USAmerican developments will 1. Gotthard Gunther, Villem Flusser, Arnold Gehlen, McLuhan appear as reiterations of its pragmatistic world-view of 2. http://www- digitalism. http://home. Thus, the European and US-American dream, based on Greek alphabetism, Indian number theory and 3., Leibniz’ hallucination of a European adoption of the 4. Chinese Model of writing has been dreamt out and lost 5. its power to design planetarian futures. 6. 7. Mark Weiser, Chinese Model of Writing acmfuture2endnote.htm, G. Gunther, Die amerikanische China, which didn’t develop similar philosophy11, Apokalypse, Kurt Klagenfurt (Ed), München; Wien 2000. science12 and technology13 because of the hyper- 8., 《中国的挑战:一个新猜想》 —— 对”中国挑战”说的一个注释

作者:Rudolf Kaehr 分道扬镳,成了无本之木无源之水,在数字主义 (Polycontextural Logic)(17)”的研究和”形 翻译:韩宪平 达到了她的颠峰。在沉湎于”数字形而上学” 态语法学(Morphogrammtics)(18)”研究,作 来源:思维实验室 中并归结为0和1的不朽精神世界中,展望更先 为在西方模式走到尽头时,对中国理性和技术 网址 进的科技发展似乎是不可能的了(10)。全部美 的概念系统作的一个可能的、新的理解。这 国式发展会在”数字实用主义”世界观中固步 一工作——我知道它的风险——是某种实验 “我们能从中国人没有教我们的地方学到什 自封! 性的猜想,具有永恒自解构的能力,超越西方、 么?”——鲁道夫 亚洲在思维和技术方面的”具象中心主义 所以,基于古希腊字母文字、印度的数论和莱 (19)”,形而上学的单一结构主义(20)。 主流文化依赖于书写模式。民族的理性特质、 布尼兹采用中国文字模型,这一切作为欧洲和 他们的技术有效性、他们把社会组织起来、交 美国的美式梦想失去了设计世界未来发展的力 形态语法学和多结构理论包含并且超越西方的 流信息、以及他们的艺术科学等等这一切都跟 量。 思维、计算和编程语言的设计,能够满足新时 书写模式分不开;人们在书写和创建自己作为 代对操作理性提出的表格样式(21)的处理和对 典籍的文化实践中学会思维和生活。主流文化 复杂性处理的要求。 总是依赖于某种书写里包含的理性和技术模 ——中国书写模式 式。一般来说,书写是一种文化、政治和技术 猜想总是文化传统革命的前奏,总是为文化管 形成的最抽象的机制和技术(1)。 中国没有发展出类似的哲学(11)、科学(12)和 理者所拒绝。 技术(13),这是因为她的超复杂的书写模式,现 在正在采用西方的科学技术成果;但是,中国在 参考资源 ——欧洲的文化及第一次猜想 下一个时代自有对西方的优势:有没有被开发 的丰富典籍资源。中国文字永远是她的文化和 1. Gotthard Gunther, Villem Flusser, Arnold Gehlen, McLuhan 欧洲的文化依赖于字母书写和印度的零占位机 政治的基础和保证,没有”字母线性主义”和 2. http://www- http://home. 制(2),这种机制使得算术、计算的经济合理、 数字主义的限制。西方思维的线性性质是更容 形式化和编程语言成为可能(3)。 易映射进入中国理性的”表格样式”的。这种 3., 4. 莱布尼茨提出第一个关于中国文字的猜想。他 映射过程,在中国文字的自明性质方面不会导 5. 设想了一种”通用语言(4)”作为国家和人民 致任何混乱。 6. 之间沟通的可信赖的通信基础。他的这个想法 7. Mark Weiser, acmfuture2endnote.htm, G. Gunther, Die amerikanische 类似于中国的象形文字,中国象形文字通过典 中国文字概念是表格样式的、多维度的、嵌入 Apokalypse, Kurt Klagenfurt (Ed), München; Wien 2000. 籍在不同口头语言之间起着桥梁作用。要实现 式的、开放的、复杂的和基于民族最古老文化 8.,, http:// 这一梦想他发明了凝练的数字表示和计算系 传统的(14)。而这些特征正符合科学技术在处 vortrag.pdf 统,这就是二进制系统,依此作为欧洲对古老的 理现代社会问题和开创新未来的要求的。 Galtung_USempireFall.html 中国”易经(5)”的一个回应,最终他发明了独 9. article/1310/ 立于任何民族语言的运算方法和逻辑,还有作 因此,为今而言,所谓中国的挑战,不是为西方视 Challenges/ 为计算机的原型的计算机器(6)。 为危惧的新的经济实力和经济扩张(15),而是 10., Moravec, H. (1988), Mind Children: The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence. 现代欧洲科学技术遵循了莱布尼茨的想法,产 在作为未来技术革命基础的中国理性重新发现 生了技术上的二进制主义和数字主义,并形成 的可能性方面。中国理性把任何美国式的东西 asp?id=9115, see: Ed Fredkin, Stephen Wolfram, Holtzman 了今天西方——以及亚洲——的基本技术和经 远远地甩在了后面。中国对西方的挑战不是经 11. 济力量。但是,欧洲的技术力量停留在”老欧 济的、也不是政治的或者军事的;苏醒的技术 12., 洲”的意识形态、形而上学和伦理学框架和限 中国和经济中国这个事件并不构成对西方的所 13. 制当中。 谓的”大挑战”,真正的挑战是重新发现她的 14. 文字系统,并设计出新的理性形式系统,就像创 4356764.htm 造新的数学和新的编程语言一样(16);是面对 15., Andrew Neil, What China ——美国的美式梦想 can teach the West 一个崛起的中国我们是否做好了充分的准备。 16. Han-liang Chang, Hallucinating the Other: Derridean Fantasies of Chinese Script 在美国,欧洲的思维和技术形式摆脱了她的形 ~changhl/changhl/hallucinating.pdf 因为忙于适应西方的技术和经济,中国官方还 17. 而上学老套子,发明了”无所不在的计算”,实 没有意识到这种形成未来主流文化基础的可能 18. 现了人工智能,人工生命,认知系统,机器人等 19. Archive for Derrida and Deconstructivism, http://www.hydra. 性。可能吧,十九世纪是欧洲世纪,二十世纪是 等;实现了无限扩张的数字主义(7)。 美国世纪,而二十一世纪将是中国世纪。 20. 21. Gotthard Gunther, 今天,美国的美式梦想气数已尽(8)!美式梦想 Cyberphilosophy.pdf 的成功已经接近了尾声;而老欧洲还由她的古 ——形态语法学:第二个猜想 希腊起源支配着(9),摆脱了欧洲限制的美式梦 想现在迷失了根本,失掉了设计未来的精神源 我的想法作为后欧洲的第二个关于中国文字的 泉。美国的必然衰落是由于”无根”!与欧洲 猜想由此而生。第一步,我提出”多结构逻辑