Byzantine Art

Roman vs. Byzantine : a reinterpretation of the Pantheon mystic light and its technical explanation Orthodox Liturgy Historical Iconoclasm and the Vladimir Virgin From St. Luke to modern Historical background Constantine founded a “New Rome” in 324 on the site of the ancient Greek city of In the fifth century the united fell apart:

An Emperor of the West ruled from An Emperor of the East ruled from Once lost its centralized the Eastern Roman Empire, government, the western half was centered at Constantinople, replaced by warring kingdoms remained a cultural and political that, during the Middle Ages, entity for a millennium (until formed the foundations of the 1453) Western European nations Miracle of the loaves and fish, from the nave wall of SantApollinare Nuovo, Ravenna, Italy, ca. 504 Mosaic, from the House of the Faun at Pompeii, ca. 100 BC

Mosaic technique: Mosaic: a picture or pattern produced by embedding together small colored pieces (tesserae) of hard material, such as stone or glass in cement on surfaces such as walls and floors

Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus, Hagia Sophia, Constantinople (), Turkey, 532-537.

Virgin and Child, (Vladimir Virgin) 11th-12th century. Tempera on wood, Tetyakov Gallery, Moscow Iconoclasm - In 726 Emperor Leo III forbade the production of new and ordered the destruction of existing ones - In 843 the destruction of images was condemned as heresy by Empress Theodora Warhol, Gold Marilyn Monroe, 1962 Virgin and Child, icon (Vladimir Virgin) 11th-12th century. Tempera on wood, Tetyakov Gallery, Moscow