Gail Haight C-2 1st Vice District Governor 2015-2016

Lion Gail Haight was elected to serve as First Vice District Governor for District C-2 on January 10, 2015 in Champion at a Special Convention. She is a member of the Mountainview Lions Club since she joined it in 2007. Lion Gail served as Club President from 2011 to 2013 and she currently is serving as Treasurer. She served as 1C Zone Chair in District 37-O in 2013 to 2014 and in 2014-2015 she served as Second Vice District. Lion Gail was born in Brampton Ontario and raised in Prince Albert, . Her parents longing for home and a piece of land of their own moved back to Prince Albert, Saskatchewan from Ontario to start their own dairy farm. In 1980 she gradu- ated from the University of Regina with a Bachelor of Business Administration special- izing in Finance. Like so many other Saskatchewan residents Lion Gail moved to Cal- gary to find a job. She has worked for Halliburton Group Canada since 1981. She works in the area of Financial Analysis, Financial Training, and Asset Accounting. In 1980 Gail joined the in Regina as a Finance Officer. She has held many positions within the Army in the areas of Finance, Administration, Training and Operations. In February 2009 Lion Gail was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and she was given Command of 14(Calgary) Service Battalion, a logistical Support Unit. With the reorganization of the Reserve Logistical units in 2010, Lieu- tenant Colonel Haight became the first Commanding Officer of 41 Service Battalion, the newly reorganized Service Battalion for . After 32 years of service, Lion Gail retired from the Canadian Forces in May 2011. She was presented the Canadian Forces Decoration 2 for her years of service and she received the Queen’s Jubilee Medal for her service to the military and her community. While Lion Gail has not been in Lions very long she served in Lions by being the Newsletter Editor for two and half years in District 37-O, bookkeeper for Multiple Dis- trict 37 for five years, a committee member for the Cochrane Lions Club Rodeo Roy- alty Program for five years, and helped out at the Cochrane Lions Club Rodeo for the last fifteen years. In 2014 Lion Gail received the District Governor’s Certificate of Ap- preciation and the International President’s Certificate of Appreciation. Lion Gail is a Melvin Jones Fellow and Lions Quest of Canada Fellow. Lion Gail is married to PDG Tim Haight and they live in northwest Calgary with their dog Kayla. She is looking forward to serving as First District Governor this coming year and to visiting the clubs in District C-2 when possible. Thank you to all clubs and their members for ongoing support and for doing service work in their communi- ties which is making a real difference to them.