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James Rollins

Bloodline James Rollins

New York Times bestselling author James Rollins takes you to the edge of modern medicine, genetics, and technology, revealing the next evolutionary leap forward: Immortality — a future conceived through the monstrous ingenuity of man...

Galilee, 1025. A cunning Templar knight uncovers a holy treasure: the Bachal Isu — the staff of Jesus Christ — a priceless icon that holds a mysterious and terrifying power that will forever change humanity if unleashed.

A millennium later, Somali pirates hijack a yacht off the coast off the Horn of Africa, kidnapping a young pregnant American woman and brutally killing her husband. Painter Crowe and his SIGMA team are enlisted for the top secret rescue mission. The kidnapped woman is Amanda Gant-Bennett, the daughter of U.S. president James Gant. Crowe is more than a little suspicious that the kidnapping masks a far more nefarious plot.

In the field, Commander Gray Pierce leads his small team of operatives into the treacherous African jungle to find the missing woman. But what should be a straightforward rescue turns into a fiery ambush and a deadly act of betrayal. As Commander Pierce and his team discover, the hostage is a pawn in a shattering act of terrorism with dark and shocking repercussions. And the danger is only beginning...

Bloodline Details

Date : Published June 26th 2012 by William Morrow ISBN : Author : James Rollins Format : Kindle Edition 448 pages Genre : , Fiction, Adventure, Mystery, Action

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From Reader Review Bloodline for online ebook

Fuad Al Fidah says

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Rizwan says

My God, this was the MOST FUN I had racing through the pages of a novel in recent times! I was eagerly waiting to read the book for so long as this one was promised to be the Finale of the ongoing Sigma Vs. Guild war, and Rollins painstakingly slowly but rightfully built up that ever escalating war since the very first book of the series Sandstorm through the last seven books of the series.... and boy oh boy, did he finally deliver! He gave us all the actions and mysteries and sheer epicness from this final showdown that we ever hoped for, along with all the answers to the Guild-related mysteries he was building over the years. Simply put, I LOVED every pages and every minutes I spent reading this magnificent piece of entertaining novel. From perfect characterizations of our favorites heroes to mindbendingly mysterious yet engrossing storyline to mindblowing action spectacles to absolute breathless thrills and suspense of all the lightning-fast developments, Bloodline has everything that a pitch-perfect intelligent and brilliant action-adventure-techno- thriller needs, and them some.

Now, Bloodline is a bit different from the whole series as there's actually no historical trail to follow along with scientific trail which was the generally usual way Sigma-missions develop, and although it did have a historical prologue at the beginning, it came in to play just before the ending. So it almost felt like a pure

PDF File: Bloodline... 3 Read and Download Ebook Bloodline... techno-thriller instead of the traditional type adventure (which all the other SF novels basically are), but WOW it is hands down the BEST Sigma Force novel in my opinion. The action, the suspense, the atmosphere, the situations and the overall scope were just truly grand and awe-inspiring. Not to mention all of our favorite characters were here (well except Monk, but even he shows up during the climax), with a couple of even greater new recruits. Plus Rollins totally outdid himself by fantastically expanding some of the great supporting characters of the series (Kat and Lisa) by placing them in the front and center of the action this time, and along all the ridiculous and jawdropping happenings one after the other, Rollins kept developing their characters and giving them new dimensions and depth that only he can do. Seriously, I feel like I keep saying this everytime I finish a Rollins-novel, but he really is the best modern adventure-thriller author of today in my opinion, as he not only is always giving us awesome adventures and actions and thrills, but doing that all the while keeping a sharp focus with equal time and effort on building up and developing great characters that readers can be touched by and relate to.

All in all, the plot was truly outstanding, one of a kind, the twists-turns kept coming fast and furiously, the action was ridiculously awesome, and the key sequences were just have to be seen on the big screen to be properly digested (the destruction and then sinking of an entire island is one of my personal most favorite sequences in all of the series. And speaking of, when will we finally get a screen adaptation of Sigma novels?) Bloodline is the ultimate Sigma Force novel, and it'll be nearly impossible for Rollins to top this... But if the past taught me anything, it's that he is the one author who constantly topping himself with each new book. Damn, its going to be so freaking hard to wait till next June for The Eye of God, the next Sigma Force novel!

P.S. It also has a special place in my heart as this was the first full novel I've read on my PC as an e-book and not as, you know, an actual book. And I finished the 550+ pages in just three days all the while sitting upright in front of my computer very uncomfortably. This should speak volumes to the quality of the book as it made the whole transition from traditional book to a virtual one so easy & effortless!

Kazi says

Guild ?? ???? ????? ??????? ????? ?????? ??????,?????? ???? ???????? ??? ???? ???? ??????? Doomsday Key ???? ????? ????? ?????????? ????????? ?????,Devil Colony ?? ???? ???? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??? ?????? Bloodline ?? ??????? ??? Guild ?? ???? ????? ??????? ???????? ????,???? ???? ?????? ????? ???????? ??????? Tucker Wayne ?? Kane ?? Tracker ??????? ???? ????? ????? ????? ?? ????? ????????? ?????? ??? ???????? ???? ?????? ???????Kat Bryant ?? Lisa Cummings ?? ??????? ?? ???????? ??????? ?????????? ???? Gray Pierce ?? Seichan ?? ???? ???? ???? ???,they are both awesome.

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James Rollins,you rock!

Marialyce says

Here is another wonderful book by an author who does make me always sit and read from cover to cover in a matter of days. (well hours really!) There is something about his books that always thrills me and makes me ever so eager to read and read and read.

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In this current novel, we are again thrown into the sinister world inhabited by the Sigma Force agents. All the fantastic characters are back with the addition of two new ones, a man, Tucker, and his combat trained dog, Kane. (hopefully they will reappear in the next novel as well!) This book picks up from the last one and we find the characters are embroiled in the rescue of the President's pregnant daughter who has been captured by Somali pirates. However, as those of us who are Rollins aficionados will attest to, there is more to this plot than random money making through ill gotten gains.

The action, as always, is fast paced, page turning, bite your nails type action. The characters, who at this point I feel I know personally, continue to be very human with that large touch of getting the job done no matter what the means. The settings and sinister nature of the novel take us round the world and as always Rollins does include that touch of realistic science that always lend his stories that element of truth. This is a real action thriller and Rollins is able to write this genre so well, that he creates vivid pictures in your mind, and carries you on a rollicking seesaw adventure never quite sure if our heroes will win in the end, because of course, there is constant evil in this world of theirs and ours.

This book is wonderful escapism into a world we would hate to think exists yet, possibly does. In conclusion, I only wish Rollins could write faster. God knows when it comes to his books, I can't read any faster!

Freda Malone says

There were two things that I absolutely loved about this 8th in the series of Sigma Force. Captain Wayne Tucker and Kane, his brilliant K-9 soldier/partner and baby William. I just love babies and doggies. Another great adventure with the Sigma clan, another shocking realization involving the Guild villains. Wow. I didn't see that one coming. The only thing I really just didn't like was the invention of the neobots or microbots or whatever the heck those scfi-fi creatures were. Reminded me of some movie with robotic spiders that prey on humans. Blah, would have been great without those and Rollins could have invented or created something a little more .....something else. Still a great read!

Alexa Whitewolf says

Ok so after having devoured half of this series you'd think I'd get sick of the science+action+ass-kicking combo, but nope! Rollins knows his stuff, and he does it well. What really, truly broke the mold on this was Tucker & Kane. I am a big animal lover and even incorporate animals in my own books. I get a lot of my inspiration from my own two dogs. So when Rollins introduced Kane (military dog, Tucker's partner), and to top it off had scenes from the dog's POV... I was ready to frown and comment on how inaccurate and off-point it was. Only, it added so much more to the story, and truly makes you link to these two. I'm hopping off to find the Tucker Wayne series next at the library ? but aside from this rather large digression on my end, Bloodline delivers in the genre and in Rollins' epic way of writing. We've come to expect it - I know I have! It doesn't always mean we get what we want. But this time, I did :) definitely recommend it!

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Rick F. says

"In a thrilling masterwork that will make you rethink your perceptions of life and death, "New York Times" bestselling author James Rollins takes you to the edge of medicine, genetics, and technology, revealing the next evolutionary leap forward: immortality--a horrifying truth that is locked inside the "Bloodline"

Galilee, 1025. Infiltrating an ancient citadel, a Templar knight uncovers a holy treasure long hidden within the fortress's labyrinth: the Bachal Isu--the staff of Jesus Christ--a priceless icon that holds a mysterious and terrifying power that promises to change humankind forever.

A millennium later, Somali pirates hijack a yacht off the coast of the Horn of Africa, kidnapping a young pregnant American woman. Commander Gray Pierce is enlisted for the covert rescue mission into the African jungle--for the woman is no rich tourist; she's Amanda Gant-Bennett, the daughter of the U.S. president."

Absolutely brilliant! I would expect nothing less from James Rollins!! Amazed at how well drawn each character is- even those I met in earlier books- new insights into them- What can I say? I am quite simply loving this book!!! - As I have all other James Rollins' books TOP-NOTCH


If anyone questions why James Rollins is one of the most popular novelists today, they need go no further than reading Blood Line, Mr. Rollins latest Sigma Force novel.

As with all his previous books, Blood Line is spot on with all the key elements that go into producing a truly immersive reading experience. Supremely written characters, tense and taut dialogue and varied locations- all perfectly put to page by a master storyteller!

Blood Line has the type of plot that will resonate with the reader long after the last page is read. Beginning in 1025 in Galilee, the reader is treated to terrific historical facts- Mr. Rollins' research is to be greatly admired as the pages devoted to the Knights Templar - vital to the overall plot- read like the best of historical fiction.

As this is a Sigma Force novel- the action and characters burst off the page and whisk the reader on a voyage to several lands- from Washington, DC to Somalia to Dubai- I was enthralled the entire way! What a wonderful feeling it is to have characters who have become "old friends" accompany me on the Journey. Starting with Gray Pierce, Commander of Sigma Force, the type of hero who is both heroic and human, and also one of the most original recurring characters in novels. The reader is also thrilled to meet the other Members of Sigma Force again. Painter Crowe, Kat, and Monk are back and how wonderful to be reunited with them. Kowalski is a truly rollicking character- with his say the least personality- TERRIFIC! We are also treated to other characters that make a great impact- especially Former Army Ranger Tucker Wayne and his magnificently endearing and intelligent military dog, Kane! Love Kane!

I should make a STRONG POINT here, while there are recurring characters - each of James Rollins' Sigma Force novels are stand alone books - so if you have not read any of the previous- this is a great book to start with! I am quite confident that you will be inspired to read the earlier- also top-notch books in this most superb of series.

The action scenes are finely tempered with the human interaction parts to form a perfectly balanced reading experience. Note must also be made of the exceptional drawnings sprinkled throughout the book - they are

PDF File: Bloodline... 6 Read and Download Ebook Bloodline... simply the cherry on top of an unforgetable reading experience- James Rollins continues to demonstrate quite vividly why he is so well loved by millions of readers - Blood Line is another Sigma Force Grand Slam!!



Kathleen (Kat) Smith says

Just finished almost an all-nighter because I simply could not put this book down. Sometimes sleep is over- rated anyway and when you find an amazing, edge of your seat, suspense thriller, you have to finish it.

In Bloodline by James Rollins, you are in for an action-packed roller coaster ride from the beginning. Trying not to give away too much, this novel blends a little DaVinci Code, National Treasure, Indiana Jones, Mission Impossible and a twisted bit of Science Fiction into this one, so if you have an interest in any of those, you will just LOVE this one.

The basis for this novel begins with the Knights Templar and ancient history involving a priceless icon that holds a mysterious and terrifying power that promises to change humankind forever. Here's just a sample of what is going on:

"On February 21, 2011, the cover of Time magazine declared: 2045, The Year Man Becomes Immortal. At face value, that might seem a wild claim, but other scientists have made similar statements.

We are living in an exciting time when advances in medicine, genetics, technology, and a myriad of other disciplines are opening the newest frontier for mankind: eternity.

How will that manifest, what form will it take? Within these pages, you'll discover that answer. The concepts raised in this novel are based on facts, on exhaustive research, going back to studies done by the Soviet scientists during the Cold War. But before you turn to that first page, I must make one correction concerning the startling statements made above. They are, in fact, far too conservative in their estimates.

For not only is immortality within our reach - it is already here." (preface excerpt).

Now with the presidents daughter kidnapped, it's only a matter of time before they discover who she really is, and what she is carrying within her that will make her one of the most valuable people in the entire world. If only SIGMA, a unique special operative groups, can locate her before her secret is uncovered, and she becomes a pawn in a shattering act of terrorism with dark repercussions and one that SIGMA may not even be prepared to deal with.

I received Bloodline by James Rollins compliments of William Morrow, a division of Harper Collins Publishers for my honest review and like I stated earlier, this was one I could not put down. Just when you think the good guys might be gaining an upper hand, a darker force will pull them down once again. A true roller coaster ride of great suspense and literal edge of your seat action. It had me surfing the internet while reading this one to see if the places described really exist and how much of this is really fiction! It's that great! For me, I rate this one a 5 out of 5 stars and I already have my husbands interest peaked just telling

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Alan Marston says

Yet another roller coaster of a book from James Rollins. The usual suspects are involved in this story with Sigma Force being seriously challenged by The Guild. This is the book in which the real plans of The Guild is revealed. It involves the hunt for immortality, with much scientific and religious detail used to support the premise on which the story is based. Sigma have two additional helpers in the shape of Tucker and his dog Kane who featured in the "Tracker " written to introduce them to the reader as long as you can get the ebook! There is much ingenuity here, particularly in the grotesque creatures being developed and the inhuman treatment of some women in the name of scientific development. It is a great race against time, with hidden laboratories in Abu Dhabi where the tallest building in the world is destroyed to preserve the security of The Guild, as well as the Carolina countryside. It will be interesting to see where the series goes in the future. As usual with Rollins this book is highly recommended.

The Pirate Ghost (Formerly known as the Curmudgeon) says

Blood Lines By James Rollins

The best Sigma Force Writing yet!

This is the latest in the Sigma Force series. To me, it’s likely the best one yet. I’ll tip my hat to the fact that there is a cadence to these books that allows some of the surprises to be “expected” in one way or another. That’s likely the case with many series that run longer than 5 or 6 books. That accepted, it’s the case here.

I also had some trouble wondering why, after so many books, each book having about a year between them in story time, Seichan and Gray couldn’t get things together but the wonderful love affair and romance between Kat and Monk continues to be a mainstay. Couples meet and break apart, but I like and feel comforted by the Kat and Monk marriage.

Having said that, in my opinion, this is the best writing from Rollins in this series yet. There is plenty of action, lots of explosions, last second heroics, plenty of DTKB (Damsels That Kick butt), weird science, stretched science (par for the course in this genre) and, best of all, Joe Kowolski! (My favorite Supporting Cast Rollins Character…yes that would be a FSCRC, if we’re into anagrams.) He also introduces two new characters that I found to be instantly engaging and interesting. Tucker and Kane may not have stolen the show, impossible with so many strong characters that have longer track records, but he held his own with the big boys.

We had cameos from other books that I loved, for example, Jack from Deep fathom, the scared veteran, proving that Rollins’s books exist all within the same story world. Joe Kowolski was first seen in Ice Hunt, after all.

I could go on about this book, and I usually do, but, I’ll spare you. If you’ve read this far and liked the last book of the series, then you’ll love this one.

I’d give a special nod to Rollins’s for really unleashing the big Kat this time. She was tough, resourceful and can really beat the hell out of a bad guy. She even showed a vengeful streak. She was everything the guys

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1) Action Adventure, lots of guns, things that go boom and people who can really hurt people on both sides. I think the violence is as well managed as any in this genre, however, these are not peaceful vegetarians we’re talking about here. I think it’s within all bounds of tastefulness, however, and it is presented in a non- gratuitous manner. That’s not to say it’s all necessary violence, just that it’s all fitting the genre and not overboard. (In fact, it seems that Rollins goes out of his way to have his heroes want to handle things without violence.)

2) Much of this book is set in Somalia. In this story, and in keeping with the current state of the world, there are some “Child Warriors.” I think Rolllins actually helps highlight the problem of children being used as weapons as something that is wrong. Still, this is difficult subject matter for anyone. Children should not be taught to kill people.

3) The subject matter also includes some special hells for women of child bearing age. Parts of this novel are tangled up with reproduction with the woman’s body at the heart of it. The subject matter itself is disturbing, though not glorified in any way… it’s simply fitting the scientific themes Rollins has drawn upon. Rollins should get an award for navigating the mine field that comes with the subject of reproduction and science which could have “blown this story apart.” Another well done for Rollins. This is an action adventure, high powered espionage-counter-espionage story. I’m glad he didn’t spoil it with politics.

4) Romance Warning signs- There is some gushy romance-luvy-dovey stuff. Every hot smoking character has a hot smokin’ luv interest across from them (except Tucker, probably one coming for him soon, and Kane, probably not interested …after his surgery…(ouch)) It’s not overpowering but it is prevalent and part of the character scheme. I like it, but, some don’t. (and didn’t anyone ever tell you about the wizard that can give you a new heart? Follow the yellow brick road, Man!)

Summary Four star read. The same “cadence” as in the other Sigma Force Novels, but still the best one yet. Interesting new characters, yucky mean villains and weird, twisted, but true, science. Thumbs up from me.

Tim The Enchanter says

The series has lost its shine - 2 1/2 Stars

For many years, James Rollins has been a “go to” author for me. I always knew that if went back to his writing, I would find an enjoyable and exciting read. It has been 2 or 3 years since I read the previous novel in this series. While it is much as I remembered, I was left disappointed.


Just read the jacket cover. It’s much the same as the others.

My Take

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I has always seemed that Rollins can put books out at a fast pace. For many years this has excited me but in recent years, I have come to accept that the years between the offerings of my favourite authors, results in a better finished product. This may be the reason the novel feels canned and formulaic. The recipe has obviously been a success for Rollins but the result is below average.

That said, if you aren’t worried about character development and like action and adventure, this will something you are likely to enjoy. For me, it seems that I have lost interest in what feels like unnatural dialogue and forced story progression.

On a positive note, the novel introduces a new character who has a highly trained friend/dog. This character alone kept me from giving the novel a lower rating. If you want some character development, you will get some here.

Final Thoughts If you would allow me to be melodramatic, it feels as if a part of my literary past has died. Something I have long loved looks different and my view on it has changed. I’m not sure if I will ever pick up the series again. While many will love this book, its no longer for me. Come for the explosions not for the writing and and you will not be disappointed.

Daniel says

Yes: there is a point where the bad guys kidnap one of the good guys, leaving the remaining protagonists racing to outdo the maneuvers of their evil opponents. Rollins, you did it again. In fact, I may start referring to this plot device as a "Rollins." Like, "Damn, they just pulled a Rollins! We must save her!"

I jumped into this book less than a week after finishing the previous installment. Usually, I read about one of these every eight months or so; however, the epic conspiracy suggested in the preceding book made me want to find out what happens next, stat. I found out, and, in retrospect, the conclusion was disappointing. The reveals were more mundane than I expected, while the next layer of mysteries felt like a lateral shift in the storytelling, not a dive into something deeper. It was a fun read, but I can wait for the next installment, say for another eight months or so...

Seeley James says

When I buy James Rollins books, I usually do it when he visits our local bookstore, the Poisoned Pen. I buy 3-4 copies, get them signed and hand them out to friends. I think of these gifts as part of my evangelical mission on behalf of the world of thrillers. Mr. Rollins makes a great ambassador for the genre. His stories are perfect examples of thrillers, giving the reader a heavy dose of nearly believable science delivered with a boyish sense of adventure and just the right hint of humor. Fun to read, easy to understand, perfectly written, and entertaining to boot—who delivers more?

The pitfall for established authors of series books is the required repetition. The author has an established model that works. Keeping that model going earns him a living. Think of a bricklayer who wants to change the pattern. Creativity in bricklaying is inherently limited. So too for the series author. Readers get mad if certain characters change or die. At the same time, critics have a soft target when the formula continues unabated. The author is caught in a trap. Many authors are comfortable in that trap as long as the books keep

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Mr. Rollins avoids the trap better than anyone writing today. With each new Sigma Force novel he spins a new yarn with interesting history and science behind it. In Bloodline, the forces of evil have conjured up the most horrifying genetic trait: living forever. I want to live forever. I just don’t want those who disagree with me to live forever. In this story, the people who have the key to eternal life are, naturally, the people who disagree with me. By tying the plot to radical extrapolations of science, Mr. Rollins succeeds in keeping the story fresh and exciting.

My wife quit reading Sally Kellerman novels because Ms. Kellerman committed the sin of killing off a central character. Not quite as unforgivable as the death plunge of Holmes and Moriarty but close. Where characters are concerned, Mr. Rollins has toyed with reader’s emotions before. Gray’s mom died. A shocker, but not a central character. I, for one, figured the oft-recurring Sigma sidekick Monk would find a way off the bottom of the lagoon where he ‘died’ in one novel. Sure enough, in the next adventure, Monk was rescued. Who was it? Do I recall a secret race of telepathic new-age amphibious tree sloths? I forget. With Mr. Rollins’ writing, you can bet it bordered on surreal —but you roll with it because you already bought into a bunch of Hero-Hoodlum-PhDs living under the Smithsonian.

Where was I? Oh, yes, in Bloodline, all the right characters are back. Including a beauty we’ve not seen for a decade (see Deep Fathom). It’s nice to see those old familiar faces: Painter, Kat, Gray, his redeemed- assassin- psycho-andstillunconsummated-girlfriend Seichan, and of course, everyone’s favorite lug, Kowalski. All cute and cuddly like the Madagascar penguins. My wife read the book with glee, safe in the knowledge that, unlike Ms. Kellerman’s characters, Sigma Force personnel are immortal.

Sick pup that I am, I openly advocate the death of one character or another just for the change-up. If Gray doesn’t make a move on Seichan in the next book, I’ll vote him into a pine box. ’Bout as boring a sex life as Katniss and her boys.

I’m sure you know Mr. Rollins is a veterinarian turned author, so it comes as no surprise that he’s finally included an animal as one of the important characters. The new faces, Tucker and his dog Kane, are an interesting pair. A dog and handler who accomplish amazing feats. Is he dangling these new characters before our eyes intending a new series? Probably. I say dangling because two years ago I asked him if he planned to make a series out of the veterinarian Lorna Polk, from Altar of Eden. He said the publisher had given the green light. And yet here I am, waiting patiently, and no Altar of Eden Part Deux in sight.

I believed a novelist. Should have my head examined.

All this makes for an interesting book which I not only recommend but do so with such gusto that I actually hurl autographed copies at my friends. (I don’t have the kind of friends who let me come inside, so I deliver them from the restraining order’s prescribed distance.) But Mr. Rollins is more than just a poster boy for adventure/thriller/mystery/science/kitchen/sink novels. He’s the poster boy for the 20th Century publishing industry.

Traditional publishers, or 20th Century publishers, sometimes called the Big 6, contend that their products have been vetted and edited and committeed and blessed, and so on. There are many examples of books that have managed to avoid any vetting and editing and still get on the shelves—but that’s a blog for another day. There are far more examples in the un-fettered stream of authors publishing into what one friend called the Tsunami of Swill on Amazon. The quantity of authors publishing something they will later regret is not as bad as one might imagine but they are significant in number and open the independent author’s community to disproportionate ridicule. This controversy only serves to obscure great new authors like RE McDermott and Giacomo Giammatteo. Sad times for good writers.

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On the flip side, 20th Century publishers have invested much in Mr. Rollins. And he has more than held up his part of the bargain. Where some authors take advantage of their name brand by handing outlines to named-ghostwriters and letting them have at it regardless of the diluted effects, Mr. Rollins appears to have performed all his own stunts. He is churning out great novels with fully formed characters, plausible plots, and fascinating story lines at such a rate that one might request a steroid test.

His publisher gives him editing and marketing resources and he makes the best use of them. We, the readers, benefit. He cares about his craft, his finished product, and ultimately, his readers. By doing his work diligently, Mr. Rollins deserves a debt of gratitude from the reading community in these turbulent times for publishers.

Long may he write.

Peace, Seeley James

Sara says

In his latest addition to the series, James Rollins, picks up right where the last book left off. This time Grey, Seichan, and Kowalski are sent to Somalia, in search of the President's daughter who has been kidnapped. Along the way they pick up two new characters, Tucker Wayne - a former Army Ranger, and the comabt dog he trained, Kane. Like all of his novels, Rollins, sends the Sigma Force operatives on quite the roller coaster ride, throwing in copious amounts of real world science. While you can probably guess that they will complete their mission, how they get there is always a surprise.

I never thought I would rate a Sigma Force novels only 3 stars, but I guess you just never know. The newest characters, just didn't work for me. I really wanted to like Tucker and Kane, but they just fell flat to me. And while I love animals and love reading about all the amazing things that they can accomplish, when I had read the story from Kane's point of view, it just killed the momentum for me. Don't even get me started on how many times we had to hear about their amazing bond.

The plot itself wasn't bad, though I didn't enjoy it as much of some of the others. I was quite grateful, however, for finally getting to heart of who The Guild is, where they came from, and what their goals are. Learning more of Seichan's history was another huge bonus. I'm looking forward to finding out what she discovers in future books.

In all it was a good book, though it never compelled me to pick it back up. I've gotten used to James Rollins writing an above average thriller, and this one unfortunately wasn't. It however won't keep me from reading the next Sigma Force novel as soon as it's ready.

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