HAUPTMANN READS Wall Street Wonders If It n(Hmceoient WhOe Has- In PRISON CELL Companions of Man Who Means Inflation — Visit Kansas City Murders band Starts On a Mys- Killed King Alexander Say of Prof. Warren Starts terious Trip. For FhrM Tone Since His Involve Big Officials They Had Been Sent to

Speqilations. Arrest He Takes an Inter- LoulavlUe, Ky., OcL 12.— (A P )— Washington, Oct. 12.— (A P )—The*>beto Galatas, wife of the latter, and France on Secret Mission a number of other witnesses are be- i T h e raaaom for Mrs. Alice Speed Washington, Oct, 12.— (A P )—A Washington Evening Star said to- Ing clo.sely guarded by government | Stoll haa baen paid and the family est in Books. sharp increase In the purchase of day that Federal agents Investigat- Say They Were Awaiting officers. Lacapra and Galatas have | If awaiting InatruoUona, waa the foreign sliver has been made by the ing toe Kansas City union station requested that they be kept in Jail |

announcement today from Berry V. Treasury Department, It was dis- massacre bad uncovered evidence of for 'self protection.’ ) Orders. New York, OcL 12.— (AP)—Bruno a political and gangster combine Stoll, husband o f the young society closed In official sources today. The "William Stanley, assistant to A t matron who waa snatched from Richard Hauptmann read the "His- so startling In its Implications that a tornby Oneral (Cummings, In an disclosure conies at a time when too Federal Grand Jury Investigation their fashionable country home tory of France" today as New Jer- nouncing the arrest of Mr. and Mrs, Paris, Oct. 12.—(A P )—The Surete near here late Wednesday. sey state officials prepared for a government's monetary policy com- would be Instituted almost immedi- Galatas at New Orleans on Septem- The atatement given by an attor- mands increasing attention because ately. ’ her 22, declared this week that the Nationale announced today that two ney representing the Stoll family conference to plan their court fight of Inflationary talk in Wall street. Rex Collier said In the Star story . Kansas City slayings have been Terrorist suspects, Yaroslav Novak ’n their efforts to obtain extradition at a conference with newspapermen There was no official explanation that two men who had figured prom- solved.' Some of the Information and Ivan Rajtlch. alias'Waldlslav .. said: of the prisoner on a charge of mur- for the move. inently in the government's evidence . gleaned by agents of the division of Denes, had confessed that they had "We have carefully followed in dering the Lindbergh baby. The silverltcs favor a vigorous already had been slain by gangsters Investigation of the department was etrucUons. met all ransom require' Bronx county Jail attendants re- purchasing program to attain the and the Grand Jury Inquiry was be- di.sclosed at that time, but a mass been .sent to France on a secret mis- ported today that the prisoner spent sion by toe Yugoslav organization ments, and are waiting fulfillment goal set by the silver legislation ing hastened for fear that other Im- of sensational data Is being with- of promlaea. a comfortable night In his cell and passed at the last session. This pro- portant figures In the mas.sacrc of held until the Grand Jury meets In "J’averlch” but to.it they did not ‘The parties may act freely with for breakfast bad cereal, bread and vides that eventually silver shall June 17, 1933, might be killed. Kansas City October 21. know what their mission waa. out fear or hindrance. coffee. attain a r'.tlo of one'to three with The story added: “Ramifications of the conspiracy RaJUcb w.os said by toe police to "BERRY V. STOLL. Several days ago Hauptmann, who gold as backing for toe Nation's "The two who were *Ialn by gang- which resulted In the machine-gun oe the man who talked. He is alleg- currency. The atatement that all ransom has spent most of his time since his ster enemies while Federal officers murder of Federal Agent Raymond *d to have told them that he and nis requirements had been met was arrest sitting In his cell and staring If purchase.* were continued at *riend came to Paris on "blind’* were inveatigating them were John Caffrey, three police officers, and taken to mean definitely that the )nto space, obtained from the pris- the pace of a few weeks ago, the Lazia, ‘Boas' of Kansa.s City’s north their prisoner, Frank Nash, arc said ciders and were told that they would money had been paid, and the fate oner library a copy of the '/History buying program probably would ex- side; and Verne Miller, former Da- to extend high into former official be met here by others who would of pretty Alice Stoll hung for the of France," and has been reading It. tend over two years or more. Ap- kota sheriff and outlaw, identified and political circles of the Missouri give them Instructions as to what to time being on whether the one who Previously he had asked for nothing proximately one billion ounces have as one of the ‘trigger men' In the city. CO. yet to be acquired before the one to made the ransom demand would to read and had hold himself aloof Sobbing her story to a reporter, Mrs. Fowler Woolet, 24, maid in the station slayings. | "Indictments of one or more per- The Surete officials said Novak keep bis promise. even from the jail attendants. three ratio I'- attained. "James La Capra, gangster rival son.* active in the Kansas City po- r." d Rajtlch admitted they had sbai*- Berry V. Stoll home in Louisville, Ky., i.* shown here after the kidnaping Some EHtimates The reference in the Stoll an Did Not Bead Papers of her mistress, Mrs. Alice Helen Stoll. Mrs. Willet said a man "who of Lazia; Richard T. Galatas, cx- litical organization may be sought cd a hotel room In Paris with Petrus nouncement to "parties" was the When President Roosevelt nation- Hauptmann’s previous failure to of her mistress, Mrs. Alice Helen Stoll. Mrs. Woolet said a man "who poUticlan and swindler; Mrs. EUza- by the government. It la said." Kalemen, toe as.iassin of King first Intimation that more than one do any reading in his cell has ex- alized domestic silver, estimates of Alexander and Louts Bartoou. They person had been Involved In the kid- after forcing the maid to tie her hands. Then he bound and gagged the toe amount of metal that order tended even to accounts of hIs case. maid and fled, according to her atory, leaving a ransom note on a bell said they mot Kalemen In Paris. naping of the forn ir Bryn Mawr In an upstairs room. would bring to the Treasury ranged student and Junior League mem- James M. Fawcett, defense attorney, as high as 200,000,000 ounces. The Rajtlch said his ftdss (Jzscho- ber, daughter of William S. Speed said that the prisoner baa not read receipts to date, however, are only F'.ovaklan passport which named retired capitalist. a line of the many thousands of about 94,000,000 ounces and Treas- YUGOSLAVIAN OFFICIALS him "Bencs ” waa deli^^ered to Gim The Stoll family obtained com- Tsords that have been published ury officials said they did not ex- In Paris by a man he knew only as plete isolation of Berry Stoll's 16- about him. pect them to go much higher. Sarbot, who spoke Serbian and Croatian. acre estate yesterday after a day New Jersey officials planned to MILK, LIQUOR REMAIN Though there, are various conflict- of futile waiting for a contact by review all their evidence at the con- ing opinions as to toe possible effect DENY RUMORS OF RIOTS Novak said hla passport ydso w*» the kidnaper. Through last pight ference today In preparation for the of this silver program, advocates of lalso and confessed that he got It they waited for word, the place habeas corpus hearing In Bronx Increased use of the metal in the in Zurich Sept. 28 on the day he standing almost deserted, with ex- County Supreme Ctourt Monday crossed the border. It waa given him, STATE CAMPAIGN ISSUE monetary system have contended It tra telephone lines installed. morning, and "to lay a foundation woul<; Increase commodity prices Couotry Remains Calm s d le said by a stranger colled "Little tor preparing the whole case." and property values. A J ADDY BROWNING Hans." Need Higher Prices ON STRANGE QUEST. Attorney General David T. Wll- Their Instructions Louisville, Ky., O ct 12.— (AP) entz, who will head the prosecution's Alcorn Continnes Attack On Preslcjent Roosevelt feels that Residents Await Arrival ’ |)£j^D AGED 6 3 Rajtlch confessed, said toe Surete, In a futibus chase after an automo- light against Hauptmann's attempt TRADERETARDED somewhat higher prices are needed. that he and Novak were told that If bile reported to have contained a to resist extradition, will be Joined This was made clear Wednesday they got no instructions In Paris to and as traders studied too declara- of the Body of King woman with a bandaged bead. Berry in the conference by Joseph Lant- Govemor, Milk Producers go to Lausanne where they would be V. Stoll, whpse wife was kidnaped gan, assistant attorney 'general; BY WARM SPELL tion yesterday, attempting to i.'uage met by an agent of toe organize- Wednesday afternoon, dashed south- Captain John J. 1-amb, designated in toa pooslHllties, bullish sentiment Alexander. Real Estate Man of "Teach- ,Uon. ward through Kentucky today. the extradition papers as the official Protest Statement Made caused stocks and commodities to The Surete said they got off toe Highways throughout central and to take Hauptmann to New Jersey, advance. train by mistake at Tbonpn on too Two other Incidents yesterday at- southern Kentucky were blocked by and Lieut. Arthur Keaten, of the by Cross. Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Oct. 12.— es” Fame, Passes Away; light following Alexander’s assassi- A . sheriffs and other officers on a re- state police.. Bnt Sales of Men’s Saits Bet- tracted the attention of the mone- tary minded. Professor George F. (A P )—Yugoslavia remained calm! nation at Marseilles, otherwise they quest made at HodgenviUe by a de- Capt. Lamb and Lieut. Keaten might have escaped to Switzerland. tective who accompanied StoU. Warren visited the White House. today despite sensational reports j Was Much in the News. By .\S8iOCI.4TED PRESS ter This Week Than Any He Is a leading advocate of~ the They were arrested at Thonon. The pair who bad left the fitoll (Conttnaed on Page Ten) abroad that riots and anti-Italian Neither Rajtlch nor Novak ep- home in Loulsvillo drove through The milk and ilquor issues reared theory that devaluing the dollar Increases the price of goods. Offi- manifestations had occurred X cared to resemble a photograph of HodgenviUe about 11:15 a. m., head- their heads above the welter of con- This Fall. Scarsdalt, Oct. 12__ (AP) — Ed- Nlkomlr Nalls, toe alleged Terror- ing towards Elizabethtown, after cially, he merely lunched with the throughout the country. troversial questions In the Connecti- President to .’eport on a recent tour This was established after tele- ward West Browning, New York ists agitator wnom police are seek- the detTCtlve had requested the sher- real estate operator, husband of the ing on a tip of toe Belgian autoori- iff at HodgenviUe t o . telephone to OVER 150,000 MEN cut campaign today as a result of he made of Europe. Senator Buck- phonic conversations with Sarajevo, sheriffs in nearby counties to watch another oratorical blast aimed by New York, Oct. 12.— (AP) —Dun Icy, Dcmo''rat. of Ohio, after call- Ljubljana, Zagreb. Split, Subotlca, former “ Peachea’’ Heenan, died In a t'es that Nalls came to France to for the mysterious machine. It State Attomey Alcorn at Governor and Bradstreet's weekly trade ing at the White House, said that Osslck and other points where "seri- converted private hospital here at assassinate Alexander. Cross and a re.soIutlon criticizing the further devaluation of the dollar is ous riots” had been reported. Anti- 10:36 this morning. He would have Search Continues was reported to have been driven by TAKE COMMUNION view reportea today that warm a man and to have had a woman Chief Executive adopted by a group not "an impossibility.'' The remark Italian disorders, however, were re- been 63 years old on Sunday. Fontainebleau forest v/as still be- cl milk producers. weather throughout the middle west was made reluctantly, under a ing searched by a posse for 6 fugi- passenger. The description of her had retarded the increase In retail bead being bandaged apparently With Governor Cross absent from stream of questions from reporters (Continued on Page Eight) Browming, who was 63 years old, tive who escaped gendarmes, leav- the state, h!s Republican opponent trading this week. and he denied talking monetary was reported to have written of ing a passport in the name o f Syl- made the wealthy young oU com- In wholesale markets, however, pany executive almost certain It was Take Part in Most Impressive policy with the President. himself; vester Malny. (Continued on Page Ten) general orders were reported grow- Another bit of monetary news to- “He is a favorite in the social Ibhabitante of that region report- his wife, since her maid, Ann Wool- ing more numerous and larger In et, had declared that the unidentified day was a Treasury statement, QUEEN MARIE ILL world." ed occasional glimpses of a stranger. Ceremony at the Eucharis- size, “although buying still is pro- showing the average person bad 48 Other biographers were less deli- Egon Kramer, v/ho shared a hotel ceeding with much caution.” cents more In bis pocket on Sep- cate about his career. They said be room at Atx-en-Provence with Kale- (fk>ntlnued on Page Eight) Retail demand was reported more tember 30, than he did a month pre- was a publicity seeker. men, also is sought by police, who tic Congress. LORD CUSHENDUN, evenly distributed among textiles, vious. Money In circulation per ON HER WAY HOME Such a view of him was likewise l elieve that at least six members of draperies, housewares, women’s ap- capita was $43.10 on the late date. held by the Carmel, New York Su- parel and men’s clothing than was toe revolutionary band came to This, however, was more than 82 preme Court Justice who presided h ranee, half going to MarseiUes for Buenos Aires, Oct. 12.__(AP)__ the case in the two preceding less than the September 1933 figure ARCH6ISH0PSLAIN; OF ULSTER, DIES In the sensational separation trial an attempt on toe King’s life there, More than 150,000 men participants weeks. of $44.88. Kept in Bed hy Her Doctors which made the words "Daddy" and in the 32nd Eucharistic Congress Sales of men's suite were better Total moftey In circulation was “Peaches" appear like labels on toe others remaining near Paris for . BODY IS BURNED received communion this morning this week than at any other time $5,456,362,748 of which 8483,213,515 newsstands the country over. - The •k second attack if toe first failed. In a great open air ceremony which this fall, and cool days added to top represent^ silver certificates. on Train Now En Route to Justice thought Browning "enjoyed Nalls waa twice arrested and con- started In the Plqza Mayo at mid- Once Hurled Book at Win coat sales. The best demand since toe foolish publicity.” \icted on charges of theft In France. night. spring was reported for shirts, and TREASURY BAL.ANCE The public thought of him as a He was ordered expelled after Eugenio Cardinal Pacelli, Vatican ston' ChnrchiU During the more than seasonal sales were noted Homeland. fabulously wealthy real estate man serving a four month prison term at Russian Prelate Was Bitter secretary of state and -Papal legate for gloves, hats and neckwear. Washington. Oct. 12.— (A P )—The with a penchant for adopting young Marseilles, where be was arrested to the Ctongi'ess, with five other Fall sports added vigor to retail position of toe Treasury on October girls. The headlines of bis publicity Dec. 12, 1933, but be was re-arrest- cardinals parUcIpated In the cere- Heat of Debate. sales of outdoor wear, and football 10 was; Receipts. 8104,463.869.98; cd at Nice June 16. where he was Foe of Bolshevism; Police mon In L' 0 brilliantly illuminated Inssbruck, Austria, Oct. 12, games brought sweaters Into promi- expenditures, 896,338,109.14; bal- (A P )—Its cargo sorrow, pain, and (Continued on Page Bight) given a suspended sentence of three square, traditional center of Argen- nence. ance, 82,122,355,636.05; customs re- months In prison. tine religious and governmental ac- Yugoslavia's hopes for the future, a Seek Motive. "With replenished budgets per- ceipts for the month, 810,847,927.22. special train passed through here When arrested at Nice NaUs cijr- tivities. London, Oct. 12.— (A P )—Lord mitting a more polite observance of Cushe'ndun, former British delegate Iteceipts for the fiscal year (since today. rled sailor's papers giving toe name President Augustin Justo and his social amenities, evening ward- July 1) 81,094,871.938.01; expendi- ' Daniel Latin", showing he was bom Cabinet' marched In the procession to the League of Nations who was It bore Peter H. child-king of JACK LENOX QUITS robes are being assembled with all tures, 81,751,074.482.85 (Including Yugoslavia, his mother, toe widow- m Zagreb, Yugoslavia, In 1912 end Riga. Latvle, Oct. 12.-r (AP)— down the wide, mile long Avenlda called “ Ulster's Giant -Irish Peer“ 9f the cars of pre-depression days," died today at’hls home In County $961,863,986.11 o f emergency iex- ed QiiMi) Merle, end her mother, lived for e Urns le Spain. — ^ Dr. Johann Pmnmer, archbishop o f de Mayo from the Plaza del Con- toe report showed, “and quality pejDdlturoa); excess of expenditures, the Russian Orthodox church was gresso which preceded the commun- Antrim, Ireland. He was -78 years toe Dowager Qiieen Marie of Ruma- Hla papers In toe name o f JMie :: ion service. old. 1669,262.544.84; gold assets, 87.985,- nia. ASAYIAIIONIIEAD said he was bom at Split, Yugo- found slain In hIs vUia early today. (f^ttnned on Page Ten) 208^91.56. ------The villa was afire when a fire bri- The huge Plaza de Mayo was The Irish lord had been 111 for The train waa heavily guarded; slavia. In 1911.' gade found hIs body covered with olive with decorations. It waa a set- fortnight and unconscious since Sun- the blinds on its windows were Nalls was accompanied by another day. Despite his high rank, he was drawn: every precaution had been tailor, who gave the name of An- straw. Dr. Pommer was a strong ting not only for the men's com- •pponent of Bolshevism. Police munion In connection with the Con- still known familiarly to all Ulster taken against a repetition of the CapL Kane Succeeds Him ~ rolne Olah, e nat've of Halbreiu. lave made no arrests In the crime. gress, but also for Oct. 12, the great men as Ronald McNeill. tragedy at Marseilles which ended Vtt.goalavia, when he was arrested at ^ ’ The archbishop's body was badly Latln-American day — Columbus Lord (JushenduD came from a Tonic So Mighty Powerful the life of little Peter’s father, toe Nice. ’’burned, but a wound was clearly Day—celebrated in all Spanish family ot large men, hailing from late King Alexander. Kenneth Ringrose Named visible In the forehead. speaking countries. the section near Northern Ireland’s The only newspaperman permit- LEAGUE WATCHFUL ’• ted to board toe train here was toe Police opened an inquiry to deter- The Plaza de Mayo, four blocks famous Giants’ Causeway. He was It Breaks Strong Man *s Rib Flight Inspector. Geneva. Oct. 12__ (AP)—The po- square studded with palm trees waa more than six feet six inches tall Associated Press correspondent. To Utlcal situation In Yugoslavia and mine whether hr had been killed for him, Marie of Rumania divulged political reaaons or pereonal ven- crowded with C/atholtc men from and his father waa an inch and a Southern Europe in general as a re-' all parts of the world, including half taller. DALE HARRISON .ominously as his breast filled with that her. daughter had spent the suit of toe assassination o f King geance. It was considered possible night In torment-wdth Infected teeth also he bad been slain by a burglar prominent South Americana. Incident Recalled New York, Oct. 12 (AP)—After I the nice, clean air that prevails at Hartford, Oct. 12.— (A P )—Resig- Alexander is being cl'isely followed Cardinals Arri’ s An Incident In which Lord Cushen- dll these yecirs a dumbbell has got which she had had undr- treatment nation of Jack Lenox of West Ha- by the League of Nations because who might have been surprised In 59to and Lexington this time of the In Switzerland before she started the act o f robbing the home. After 150 bishops, in violet and dun heaved a book acrosa the floor the best of Joe Greenstein, "The ven and East Hartford, deputy state of the arrest of two suspects at j year. He lifted the dumb bell higher, for Paris, only to leam of her hus- aviation commissioner since March. The archbishop was to have ap' rose, and hundreds o f priests had of Parliament at Winston Churchill, Great. MlghQr Atom.’’ higher—until it was up to his neck. Annemasse and reports of sntl-Ital- taken their places, five cardinals then a member of the Asquith Cab- Joe is so stfoag he bites nails In band's assassination. 1931, was announced today by State tan demonstrations In Yugoalavla." peared today as chief witness in a Suddenly It dropped with a great Other Ailment Aviation Commissioner Ctoarles Les- suit against several persons accused were inatelled on their thrones. inet, is still recalled in the House of two, bends Iron bars into horseshoe* Official League record) o f Hun- Commons. noise. "The Great, thp Mighty Atom" This pain, she said, was aggra- ter Morris. It became efiective Octo- of embezzling church funds. Then Cardinal Pacelli, the Papal over toe bridge o f his nose and all swooned. gary’s appeal to toe League againat The Incident occurred during bit- vated' by the bereaved Queen’s acute ber 1. Business in Wichita, Kas., Several articles of value were re- legate, arrived an after a ritualis- that sort of thing. Some one said: Yugoslavia because of frontier In- tic genuflection, took his place on ter debate over the Irish Home Rule gall bladder trouble which had not the illness of Mr. Lenox's father and cidents contains toe name of 'Aom- ported missing from the villa after The secret of Joe’s strength is In "Give him a swig of toe tonic." yielded to temporary treatment In toe necessity of bis staying in the crime. his white throne. question. In which Cusbendun was a toe very special tonic which he per- as Kelemen. In a memorandum staunch advocate of Unionism. Some one else said; Paris. Wichita, for an indefinite period were Pumltiiie Smoalied. The choir sang sacred music, the raite toe public to purchase after designed to refute toe Hungarian choir and crowd .sang the Argen- As a member of. the House of "Call an ambulance." It was evident that toe Yugoslav toe reasons given for toe resigna- charges, Yugoslavia, in an attempt Firemen said virtually all furni- witnessing what It has done for him. The ambulance arrived and toe Queen’s condition was serious, be- tion. " tine hymn, and the speaker went to Commons In 1922, Lord Cushendun to prove Hungary was toleratli^ ture in the residence, located in a He was doing hU stuff last night the pulpit before the altar and then Ronald John McNeill, de- doctor discovered that toe "atom" cause she was still kept to her bed Captain George P. Kaqe of Hart- Yugoslavian Terrorista cited, the Riga suburb, had been smashed be- and a goodly crowd was there. Why had broken a rib. when the correspondent boarded toe ford, chief clerk and later chief in- fore the house was set afire. preached a sermon in Spanish. nounced conditions on Ellis Island case o f Joseph Krobot, a Yugoslav and the treatment of Immigrants by not? It didn't cost anything. "Hold, my frans—” roared "toe train at 1:50 p. m. spector of toe aviation department Oevelopmenta are leading authori- The communion was distributed who last year aasaaslnatM Dr. Mlr- by more than 200 prieats. the United States, which drew a re- There is a suspicion among sclen- Great, toa Mighty Atom’. "It is not Little Peter stood by his pros- since its organization was named by ko Neudorfer, former Yugoslaviaa Oea to suspect, they said, that the tihte today that 3oe took an over- meet that I, toe Samson of my time, trated mother in the small com- Commissioner Morris to succeed Mr. $ archbishop was murdered as on act At the conclusion of the cere- ply from Washington. Cabinet minister. c mony, the Papal legate, with mitre Three years before, he expressed dose of the tonic last night, because should ride to a sick cot—me, toe partment, manfully tryring to con- Lenox as deputy and Kenneth Ring- The memorandum continued that of vengeance in connection with a he was too strong for his own good. purveyor of tonic that builds sole her grief and assuage her pain. rose o f Manchester, was appointed dispute between him and a number bordered with gold and a white resentment at American "Interfer- toe author of toe crime and hla so* stole, also gold-bordered, sidwiy ence" on the Irish question. He did the nail biting well enough strength with certainty and dis- Queen's Request flight inspector for toe state. Both of bishops and the latter’s followers. compUcet were discovered aa a re- went to the alter and pronounced The baroncy was conferred upon and toe bar bending too but toe patch. Marie of Rumania, careworn but captain Kane and Mr. Rlngrose be- sult of toe explosion of four Infer- Several documents were among benediction while the great crowd him by King George In 1927 after he dumb bell got him. "(3et a towing rope"—he cried. courageous, asked toe Associated gin their new duties today. nal machines In toe home o f Kro- articles stolen from the house be- Pi ess to acknowledge on behalf of Mr. Lenox’s Career fore the fire. of men, each with a lighted candle had b ^ m e chancellor of the Duchy "Now my frans,’’ he said whUe "Slap a plaster on my rib. Tie toe hot’s father, "when Joseph and h ig. In hts hand, kneeled In silence. his companlpn began movln,-; among her daughter and herself the hun- Mr. Lenlx waa appointed deputy mother lost toetr Uvea while hla Dr. Pommer waa archbishop of of Lancaster. Lord Cusbendfin rope to my hair, tie the other end to m The procession to the Plaza de signed the Kellogg-Briand Peace the crowd with botUes of tonic, "T dreds of messages of sympathy re- a few days after Governor <>cs8 accomplices, Thomas Kelei Riga, primate o f Latvia and os such the ambulance— honk, honk, let’* Mayo down the wide Avenlda de Pact in 1928. He was the author of shall lift tola dumb bell weighing cc'ved from friends all over the named Mr. Morris commissioner and Zrlnski and Brodar were sertouat; head of the Latvian Greek Orthodox go." Mayo Waa the greatest march of several historical works. 100 pounds apd toss it over my wor’d. especially from toe United took office with Mr..Morris, March Injured.” church which, however, extends to But wiser counsel prevailed and States, on the assassination of men Buenos Aires ever haa seen. Lord Cusbendun served as Con- head—fliy frans. It’s colloasal, ft's toe strong man nxle. 12, 1931. He has been active In Further Detaite . »nly about 10 per cent o f the popu- Alexander. furtherfng toe interests of aviattoa The Avenlda waa brilllantiv illu- servative under-secretary for for- gIganUc, It’s positively marvelous." ‘The trouble is "said toe Atom," Depositions from Kelemen an4 lation. Its adherents cemaist orin- minated, many of the buildings eign affairs and earlier was finan- “ Physically and spiritually,’’ said in toe state and has become well otohrs, toe memorandum said, proV^. tipalljr 4^ Rusalaos. He took a deep breath. The Hon c a r i n g a botUe of toe tonic, toe bcariiic special Ughtlnc effects. cial secretary to th^treaaurr. skin In wUcIi he was clad stretched JHANCHESTER EVENING HJERALD, HANCHES'lEK, CONN.. m iD A X , OUIVDCK 12, xmm.

cus Wednes4ay evening and nomi- ONEiOLLED,NANY nate Montague White for Repre- hot drlbk, or a hot bath or a coTd quiet aleop, but that sating l o ^ MAN’S MEXICAN ALCORN STAMPS OLD THEORIES ON SLEEP- ‘oath, or tbe raising of windows Just THE HERALD-STATE THEA11R WAPPDiG sentative. Mr. White is in the poul- Felix Farr The Pioneer amounts of food before retlrihg INJURED IN BLAST Rev. A. W. MelUnger attended tbe try businesa. a certain number of Inches, will in- creased restlessness. The pertM state oonference of CongregatloBal Joe E. Brown "6 Day Bika Blder" Ths Fedsratod Workers will hold .WRONG, STUDY INDICATES duce sleep, Mies Nickerson said. -who feels that a raid on the loe bra churches held at Waterbury Wednes- their next meeting Friday after- Fresh'olr, of course. Is necessary, before retiring is esiMntlal to good DIVORCE CHALLENGED day and Thursday. CO.VTEST ENTRY BLANK CONTROL LAW AS In Italian Colony Here Bitter Opponent of Reichbighop noon, October 19, instead o f this hut ample bod covering must be pro- sleep would ttaereforo probably do Mrs. A. W. MelUnger waa the TOLLAND vided— not too much, however, for it. Windows in Loop Ludwig Mueller Loses Office afternoon, at the Community No Such Thing a.s “Sleeping I etter to beat a little milk to satisfy whose maiden name was not reveal- hostess of this week’s Thursday Name . Team Captained by Lieuten- was found that tbe children tn the his appetite, Miss Nickerson declar- Afternoon club. Detained in-Home. UQUOR FIASCO’ Church House. Like a Log” or ‘'Not Sleeping ed In the complaint. Mrs. Groce Sage o f Brooklyn, experiment slept better tn cold ed, Re.stlessness, she sold, is very Mrs. Lena C. Neighbors’ Night wss observed at t « Next Sunday will be mlioionary a Wink” & y s Director. The plaintiff stated that she and Skyscrapers Blown Out Address N, y „ hoe been a guest thie week- weather than tn hot and too .many apt to come after an Inactive day, the local Grange Wednesday eve- Munich; Germany, Oct. 12— (A P ) ant Hagedorn Going to day, and the pastor. Rev. Dkvld end, at the home of Mrs. Asa Bird her husband hav-. several mutual covers might produce the equivalent while after many hours of active ning, with Franklin, Echo (Mans- Age ...... Bex ...... Carter, will bring a mtasloMry and daughter, Mra. Harriet Pease. Recent experlmeute made through Naw of Hirtford, Files friends, some of whom think she Is — BlJhop Hans Melselr of Bavaria, of hot weather. work or exercise In the open muscu- by Force of Explosion. Held) and Good Will (Glastonbury) message, at the FMerated church Mr., and Mrs. Henry Tbomforde divorced because her husband Is liv- Race... Fancy Riding...... Drawing...... bittw opponent it Rclehblshop Lud- Blames Goyernor Cross for the observation of sleeping children It was fopnd that the drinking of being tbe invited guests. Tbe pro- ..... Simsbnry. Sunday morning at 10:45. who have spent the summer at iai fatigue Is sufficient to Induce ing with hla second wife. In addi- (Check which you are entering) have revealed many new facts con. warm milk': did seem to induce a ebund sleep. Sot for NnllificatioD and tion to asking that the Mexican di- gram was furnish^ by ibsse three 'wlg Muellsr, the Proteatont church A t the annual meeting o f the Old "Stone Croft” have returned' to cerning sleep and have exploded Chicago, Oct. 12— (A P I — One North school, the folLswing officers vorce be declared null and void, Granges, and there were also mem- dictator, wss removed from office The rifle team of Company.K win Conditions; Recalls That their winter home In New York niany of the pet su>>erstltlons on the man w ai killed and aeveral were in (Contests take ploco October 27, g a. m. were elected: President, Edward P. Mrs. Rlnghoffer also sought to have Jured early today by an exploalon bers of East Hartford and Andover vesterday for his "consistent re- participale In ths state C. N. G. aty. subject of a restful night that have Asb Coarts Jodgment on a Judgment entered stating that Granges present. After the meet- Prooent blank to Frank Busch, Recreation (Center, or George OoUins: secretary, Mrs. S. Jose- The first meeting of the fall In a 14-story building near the Lioop fusal to..execute the constitutional shoot tomorrow and Chinday, Oct. phine WethereU; treasurer, Ralph been carried down through the ages, Rlnghoffer and Mrs. Rita Ringboff- occupied by a cold storage plant So ing sandwiches, apple pit and cheese Hoover, State theater. lews o f the German Evangelical ^yem or Said It Was Best months o f the Cornelia Circle was according to .Elizabeth C. Nickerson, 18 and 14 at Simsbury.’ The mem- .E. Collins. James M. Preston, who er are not man and wife, that she great waa tbe force of the blast that and coffee were served by the re- Lutheran church.” held at the summer home "Inspira- director of the Bureau of Public Marital Status. bers o f the team a r«: Lieut. Ray- has been the treasurer for the past ^n Point," of Mrs. Wright B be declared RIngboSer's legal wife windows rattled in Loop sky- freshment committee. ’There were Hla suspenslOD morka a climax of Health Instruction of the State De- BROWNbilt CLUB WEEK and th.-1 a Judgment be given delln 99 present. mond E. Hagedorn, team captain; Law m Any State. eleven iiears, decllued the office on Bean, Tuesday afternoon when scrapers. the prolonged struggle of the Bavar account of. deafnes*. . Oscar D. partment of Health. ing their marital status. Columbia Grange is Invited to Ueut. Stephen Frey, Sergeants about 20 ladles were present. Fire broke out in the 14-story tan opposlllon against the Reich- Strong was re-elected os chairman These experiments have shown Atklng that a Meihcan divorce The first Mrs. Rlnghoffer said on neighbor with Little River Grange Hovfard B. CosseUa, ^ t r io k Mur- A t the Republican caucus held A, BROWNtMll bullying Immediately following . tbe bishop and was regarded as repre- of the entertainment committee that there Is no such thing as "sleep- This week— obtained by her husband be nulllfled I June 2S, 1934, she received notice Hampton this evening.. A program BKE CONTESTS ALLEGED SLAYER phy land Charles Bycholskt and Pri- Waterbury, Oct 12—Hugh M. In the Tolland Town HoU Wednes- blast, which was believed to have renting a bitter blow to the whole vatw Guido Olorgetti. with Mrs. Charles Stead and Mrs. ing like a log" or "ncvei sleeping a by airmail of her husband's divorce becrl from ammonia pipes in tbe Is, being prepared by the local lec- Alcorn, Republican nominee for day evening, Clayton C. Reed and U(i6 PRIZEl and that a declaratory Judgment Protestant opposition cause. L i l t month Company K . then John Oolltns as his assistants. It (Sink all night,' M'ss Nickerson de- action. She will claim she had no basement. Firemen '.ook four in- turer, Rev. A . W . MelUnger. Charles C. 'Talcott were nominated All purchases deflnlng their marital status be Bishop Meiser, following a demon- (Company G. placed third in the Governor, placed the 'liquor fiasco' was voted to bold another Old clared. The person who believes that chance to contest the action. Attor- -jured persona from the blazing The next meeting of Columbia for representatives to the next Gen- frantcd, Mrs. Lena O. Rlnghoffer of HERE OCTOBER 27 HELD IN DANBURY stration in bis favor lost night which 189tk Regimental shoot at Sims- squarely on the ahouldera o f Gov- Home Day next year to be sponsor- eral Assembly and for Justices of he or she "never slept a wink” , as a ney George I.essner appeared for structure, and donned gas masks to Grange wlU be the annual compe- give double callecLout police w^th drawn sabres, bury. ernor Wilbur Cross In on address at ed by the Old North School Asso- the peace, Clayton C. Reed, George matter of real fact, probably slept Hartford yesterday filed suit in Su- the plaintiff. search the basement for other pos- Uve program between the "Pitch- was kept under "domiciliary deten Company K la planning for on a dinner oponsored by the W ater- ciation. Metcalf and Rupert West. most of the night after having dif- perior Court, Hartford, against sible victims. forks" and the "Rolling Pins." The tlon" In bis home today. It was be old fashioned turkey shoot at the bury Republican Town committee Wapplng -Grange held Its eight- Miss Eliza-beth Hyde of Hartford ficulty In getting to sleep and per- credit on your August H. Ringhoffei of I^tnam JOY RtURRS SENTK.NCED More than 200 employes In the committed for the men consists of company "rifle range, Bolton Notch, haps awakening a few times. The county public welfare bureau next Bemg Sponsored m Connec* Kentucky Man Admits Killing lieved other Bavarian opposition at the Elton Hotel here lost night. eenth regular meeting at the Com- Is a guest of Miss Miriam Under- street, Manchester. Lavergne WilUams, (Tlayton Hunt, pastors may bo subjected to the Thursday, Nov. 29, from 9 a. m ISeclaring that "as governor of Con- munity (Jburch House last Tuesday wood. . Mr. and Mra. F d ix Farr person who thinks he never moved dour were thrown into panic as win- Jr., Carleton Hutchins, Chauncey CLUB CARD. Papers in the ai tion set forth the Bridgeport, Oct. 12—(A P )— Six same restraint since authorities until noon. Prizes will be glv| necticut” he would never "do what evening with about elghty-flvo pa- Mrs. John H. Steele attended the once 'undoubtedl> -spent the better E«m fh«m wHK Slioff PurclMtfft •! dows around them were shattered. Squier, William Wolff. The com- fact that the Rlngboffera were mar- youthful Joy riders who had stolen Hon With Joe E. Brown’s ReiatiYes While in Fit of wish to prevent the protest mass and an Interesting program Governor Cross bos attempted to do trons present. Tbe third and fourth meeting of Sabra Trumbull Chap- Christopher Columbus set sail for part -of an hour during the night mittee for the women includes M a- cured larger quarters In the pheney ried la Manchester August 16, 1930. from 65 to 100 automobiles a month rueetings scheduled In all Munich marksmanship will be held. I t —"go into the ranks of the opposi- degrees were given to a class o f six ter, D. A. R., held at th^,~home of the Americas over 400 years ago and moving from one position to another. bel Reagan, Mary Hutchins, Olive block when It was built on Main Mrs. RIngholTer a lle g ^ that her during the last two months aban- Protestant churches tonight. . expected that a large number of tion party to make my appointments candidates. Miss Sands was initiat- Mrs. Francis Maxwell .Wednesday he succeeded in confounding tbe In these experiments, the move- husband deserted her October 27, doning them when the cars ran out Emerson, Ethel Maidit and Gladys Latest Picture. Anger. marksmen from Roekvllla, Meriden for the purpose o f throwing upon ed for Manchester Grange. The la- afternoon. leained scientists of that time by street, below tbe House A Hale ments of the sleeping children and BANDITS KDNAP Rice. Buster Brown 1932 and went to Merida, Yucatan, of gasoline, were sent to Cheshire and Manchester will take part In them tbe responaibllity for the fail- dies degree team of (floventry Mr. and Mrs. L. Ernest Hall, the striking land, where none wits believ- building. During his 40 years resi- the time required for each move- dence in Manchester, Felix Farr has where on July 2, 1934, he procured reformatory for Indefinite perioils The Republican caucus was held the Thanksgiving morning turkey ure of my program" —Mr. Alcorn Grange, No. 75, put on the third de- Misses Bernice and Alice Hall and ed to be. He was one o f the early ment waa carefully recorded. They always been engaged In the fruit a Mexican divorce. Later he return- today as Judge James C. Shannon Wednesday evening In the lower Bicycle riders who pride them- Danbury, Conn., Oct. 12.— (A P )— shoot, the Arst event o f this type to said he was for "state control". "So gree and their work and drill were ’John H. Steele left Thursday for an discoverers, explorers or whatever (ill slept under identical circum- 3 M ^ONARIES GIVE SURPRISE SHOWER and confectionery business. ed to his home In this town. anonunced that city court leniency hall, at which, time WUUam M. selves on their speed, or on their Smalley Banka, 42, is under arrest be.held here In. many years. ^ is tbe Republican party," he con- beautifully performed. Everyone en- automobile trip to Niagara Falls, you may, but he was one of the stances with respect to bed, springs, for. such offenders Is ended. A Wolff was nominated for Represen- fancy riding ability will Have a The turkey shoot will be open to tinued, "but tbe object may be at- joyed them very much. The regu- SHOES Mrs. Rlnghoffer said that subse- N. Y. greatest of those Italian wanderers Large Famlly rooms, temperature and dally habits. seventh bOy, only 15, included In the by state police at RidgeAeld bar- quently she lesimed he had married tative on tbe Aral ballot Justices chance to win aeveral prizes In the FOR MISS ORIOWSKA all marksmen and the public is In- tained without the iniquities of the lar officers of Wapplng Grange Miss Margorite Du Four Is a whose courage and Indomitable Felix Farr prospered as Manches- No matter how these circumstancts round up, was turned, over" to of the Peace were nominated as fol- racks, wanted for slaying hla vited to attend. present law." worked the fourth degree which again and was now living In Man- !)aptors Demand $138,S00 Joe E. Brown ‘‘6-Day Bike Rider" guest at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. energy filled many chapters In the ter grew and the couple were blessed were altered, each child followed his. chester with Mrs. Rita Rlnghoffer Juvenile authorities. lows: Donald Woodward, Horace contest on October 27 being spon- brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and His Attitude was followed by a harvest supper. Russell and fam ily at Terryville, world's histories. with a large family, eight of whom $ J.4 5 to $ own sleep patteni. The quiet sleep- 9.95 Little and Aubrey Winter. sored by The Herald and the State Mrs. Nathan Banks, In Holly Oeek, Party at Home of Mrs. Walter Mr. Alcorn said that he had been There were patrons present from CSonn. Here' 40 Yearn ’ are now living. They are Joseph ers remained quiet and the re.stless theater In ccumection with the W olf county, Ky., July 7. He Is told a whispering campaign has Coventry, Enfield, Bast Hartford, The Ladies Aid Society of tbe Ransom Which Cannot Be Mrs, Hazen of Ontario, Can., Mr. B. Smoluk of 116 Oak The first Italian to settle in Man- Farr, Dr. James Farr, Mrs. Anna ones remained act ve. The greatest -showing here on October 26 and 27 being held as a fugitive from Justice been in progress by the opposition, Suffleld, Manchester, Tolland and Federated cburch V .il serve the and Mrs. Allen o f New Haven, Roy Street Last Evening. chester, or at least the only one to Sambogna. Nicholas Farr, Miss acU ilty was found to take place m Hinckley and sister Miss May o f Joe E. Brown's latest picture. and is willing to waive extradition, "-reganjing bis attltute toward tbe Vernon besides Wapplng. first supper o f the season this eve- live here continuously since tbe dale Lucy Farr, Domenlc Farr and Louis Paid hy Chinese Missions. An entry blank will be found In state police say. Banks was ar- liquor question. "The situation now Constable John Colbert received ning when a large number of guests the first and last hours of sleep. Hinckley, Mrs. Howard of Norwich, A surprise miscellsmeous shower o f bis arrival here, is Felix Farr o f Farr. There Is little or nothing In the Mr. and Mrs. Donald U ttle and Mrs. today's Herald. Fill It out and pre- rested by Officers Merritt and CTclsting In Connecticut as a result call Saturday night that a man are anticipated. 47 Cottage street. Born In Froso- Several years after Felix Farr Tucker early this morning on a fann was held last evening at the home of the so-called Liquor Control law was lyin on tbe railroad track near superstitions that a cold drink or a Shanghai, Oct. 12.— fA P I — The Peterson were recent callers at the sent It to either Frank C. Busch, of An open conference on the work lone, near Naples, Felix Farr came settled in Manchester, hla brother, In the outskirts o f Danbury. He of Mrs. Walter P. Smoluk of 116 which was so vigorously advocated tbe Station 35 road. The constable Boys’ Oxfords Sale Saturday captors of three mlaslonarlea, In borne of Mrs. Lucy Clarke. the School street Recreation Center of the church at home and abroad to the United States on December Rocco came to town and decided to claims to have been there since last Oak street. In, honor of Miss Stella by Governor Cross at the last ses- found a man with his head on one eluding a woman, who formerly Mrs. Hubert Collins, vice chair- or Manager George Hoover at the was held In the social rooms of the 12, 1883. He first settled In Hart- make this his home. Other mem- Monday. Orlowska. The hostess was assisted sion of tbe General Assembly Is one rail, as a pillow, and Cis feet braced man of the Republican town com- State theater. For those who do Federated church Tuesday evening. ford where he conducted a fruit and bers of the Farr family later came GOODYlYEAR WELT j lived In the United States demanded Bonks, according to tbe state po- by Miss Alice Haraburda in serving o f the main Issues of tbe campaign," against the other rail. He placed A - mittee, attended luncheon Thursday not ride there will be special prizes Rev. E. M. Halllday of the Church confectionery store for several to Manchester In the years that fol- ransom of 500,000 Mexican dollars, lice admits tbe killings and says a buffet lunch to about thirty Mr. Alcorn asserted. " I say that the man in the lockup overnight 100^, about 1188,500 today. for a free band drawing of Joe E. Extension Board at the Congrega- years and moved to Manchester In lowed. Later, Felix and Rocco Farr 666 ■r LEATHER ^ aU O $.3.00 V ALUEI noon at Rockville, given for the Brown taken from a sketch to ap- that be did so In a fit of anger when guests, and in arranging the various advisedly and in spite of his Excel- and released him the next morning. tional church was the speaker and Liquid, Tabiptn, SaU'c, Nose Drops This dismaying news w’as received women vice chairmen of Tolland games. 1894, six months before tbe first began business In the Cheney block pear in The Herald at a later date. his sister-ln-law threw a stone at lency's repeated attempts to be- Checks Colds first day. by the local utatlon o f the China In- County Republican town committees. gave many suggestions that might trolley came Into Manchester. unde? the name, Farr Brothers. A Full The first contest will be a race st him. He remonstrated and then, Miss Orlowska received numerous cloud the situation. T? 1? T? ^ SCHOOL PENCIL POUCHE land mlwlon. to which the three Cniarles Dibble of HarUord has help in rural church work. Felix Farr marrlcKl Lucy Farrina Felix Farr has always been a hard Headaches or Neuralgia 9 o'clock Saturday morning Oct. picking up an automatic shot gun, and beautiful gifts. She Is to be "Some months ago, I made very r IV £j £j yt'ith Each Purchase! LeiiKth were attached. There Is no possibil- been visiting hU mother. Mrs. Julia on Nov. 19, 1887 and the ceremony working man and has had little time in 30 minutes. 27 from the south termhial to emptied the magazine, sending the married on Tuesday, October 23d, to clear my Ideas of the imfalrness, and T weed Coat ity that this sum or anything at all Dibble at the home of Mr.’ and Mrs. Albin Pietrowskl erf Oak street. T'ho ANDOVER waa performed by Father Hughes, to enter Into the social or civic life Most Kemedles Knonn. the Depot Square “ dummy cop," bullets into tbe bodies of bis rela- tbe Inefficiency o f the present law. will be paid, It was Indicated. then pastor of St. Patrick's Church of the town since-he first establish- with H. W. Porter and Mrs. Dibble and back to tbe terminal' and to the tives. He fled to New York and baa ceremony will take place at the “I have been greatly Interested In COUPLE WED 59 YEARS The victims were seized Tuesday In Hartford. After locating In Man- ed his small business on Main Skirt son spent Wednesday at Mlsquaml- State theater under police escort. been roving about since the crime, Polish cburch in Hartford. the Governor's- attempts to keep when returning from a conference Mrs. J. T. Murphy, of Boston, chester Felix Farr set up a small street., then an unpaved, dirt street. cut beach, at the cottage of Mrs. 'The race la open to boys or girls he told the police. Bonks is married step with what he evidently feels . to at Kweichow. Miss Grace Emblen, spent the day Wednesday with her fruit and confectionery store on His only attachment outside His Suit^ Porter’s brother, C. W. Robinson of and there is no age limit. The Arst and has a wife and two children In FELLOWSHIP GROUP MEETS public sentiment to be from time to WILL OBSERVE EVENT a British subject, who once lived in father. A. E. Frink. Main street, near the present store home la as a meml^er of the Norman Match Post Hill. prize for this c\’ent will be a silver Kentucky. time with regard to this Issue. Altoona, Pa., and a British u d a Mrs. Charles Faulkner who has of L. S. Jaffee, In later years he se- Street Italian Club. D A N CE O IL' The Columbia Lodge of A. O. U. loving cup, second, a three months Woodmont, Conn., Oct. 12— (A P ) "The people o f Connecticut will SHOE STORE Swiss missionary were taken, but Ifoima been spending some time with rela- Mr. and Mrs. Myron St. Clair W. is to hold an open meeting next pass to the theater, third, a tw.o- —With leading personalities from not soon forget the tremendous ef- tives In New York, Is home for a wives of the two men were allowed Wednesday evening at the hall, with montbs pass, and fourth a one tbis country, England and India in fort which be made over the radio Burr to Hold Open House On 8S6 Main StrMt to return to Kweichow. few weeks. an entertainment, followed by danc- month pass. There w ir be Afteen attendance, the annual eastern con- and in utterances to the press -to Mrs. Elizabeth Ar. our of Wap- Sunday. . T h e D a c h l i f f e O i l C o m p a n y ing and a lunch. * special prizes of two guest tickets WESTRN BAD MAN ference of the Fellowship of Recon., force tbis bill through the General plng waa a caUer in town Wednes- • Fitted or Swajofcr Styles, Nearly all foreign mi.ssiona in Local flchoolc are open as usual on each to see Joe E. Brown, the orig- ciliation began today. The confer, SHEARER Assembly. He succeeded in creat- Sizes 14 to 20. China have adopted a policy of re- day. Columbus Day, this not being one inal “ Quaker Oat Boy," In his new- ence Is to continue through Sun* ing a state o f hysteria not equalled Miss Catherine May Heron, Mr. and Mrs. Myron St. Clair fusing to meet ransom demands, re- ! of the school holidays. Several who est hit picture, "C-Day Blko Race." day. ' in my memory. People placed re- daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. WUUam Burr of West Center street, who gardless of the sum, because of the THOUGHT WOUNDED commute from here to insurance for the Arst Afteen entries Aled. The A program of paclAst action to liance In bis representations and “ Heron, of Andover, waa married celebrated their golden wedding In —^ ------widespread activity of bandit- kid- D’^- offlce.s in Hartford had the day off, second contest is for the fancy solve conAlct was discussed today brought tremeniious pressure to October 6. to Walter Gilson Ford, October of 1925 at the Soutb Metho- ST. MARY'S napers. $13.75 .nd $16.75 they being about the only ones In riders and will be held at the Bast by Miss Muriel Lester, founder of bear upon their representatives In son o f Mr. and Mrs. William Ford dist church, will have been married Regular Prices nO.T.i and $]9.9.'i. this locality to observe the day. 8Me plavground the same day. Klngzley Hall, the famous welfare favor o f tbis law, the substance of of 105 Oak street, Manchater. The fifty-nine years on Sunday. Their Main Street East Hartford . Qu'u. you ettn e^orJ to l>uy jutniturs The Democratic caucus for nomi- Three prizes will be given to the Charles ‘T relty Boy” Floyd center In l,ondon; Professor Rein- which" few o f them knew. ceremony was perforrned at 9:30 a. son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and nating Representatives and Juatlcea hold Ncibuhr, of Union Theological “ When the bill became a law the Mrs. Louis St. Clair Burr, with Pem nal Notices winners of this event: Arst prize, a ra. at St. Mary's church by the Presents of the Peace will be held next Mon- three rooptbs pass to tbe theater; Eludes Police A fter t it e r - Seminary and Professor Walter Governor was given,, and gladly ac- rector. Rev. James Stuart Neill. The whom they make their home at 302 day evening at the hall. second prize, a two months pass; Rautenstrauch o f Columbia Univer* cepted, the credit for Its passage. bri(ie and groom were attended by West Center street, will hold open Several members of the local third prize, a one month pass. A sity. None will deny the expertness with Mias Florence Gasper, a friend of house In their honor, Sunday after- CARD OF THANKS Grange are gotiv to Ellington Fri- special prize-of a one month pass ing Death Trap in Iowa. Madeline Slade, the English so- which he used his prestige and the the bride and Arthur Ford, brother noon and early evening. Announcing - ATWATER KENT We nish tt> thunk otir friomU and .day evening to take the 6th or state will be given to the rider of the old- ciety girl, who became a disciple o f adroit manner in which be waged of the groom. The bride wore a Mr. and Mrs. Burr have lived In Itoblnqw ^ nolghhors for thi*Ir kfntlnes^ aru! Gandhi is to be one o f tbe speakers Manchester upwards of 20 years, degree gf the order, so that they that campaign. VIC YAAST est bicycle in this contest. brown swagger suit with brown ac- sympathy, at the time •>{ tJie Him si, tomorrow. coming here from Middletown. They and dead, of our dear mother and may take the 7th or National when For those who da not own bicy- J ~ "Best Liquor la w " cessories and a corsage of yellow IN PERSON grandmother. it comes to Hartford In November. cles... a special contest 1 la. going to be Charles (Pretty Boy) Floyd, the "A fte r It was passed he called It souvenir roses. The bridesmaid have occupied the house at 229 Cen- Mr. and Mra. John Bchlebsl and held. In an early edition of The sepurge of the southwest scurried in a public address 'The best liquor wore a suit of black and white satin ter street, now the home of their Precision Family. Herald a picture of Joe E. Brown alive, but perhaps wounded today, law upon the statute books of any with black accessories and a cor- daughter and son-fh-Iaw, Mr. and Jl^DGE WALTER B. CROWE from a death trap set by the law. PARSON.S’ — Oct. 19-20 mflRCH And His Famous .Orchestra state.' When the bad features of Mrs. Charles A. Banks. the "6-Day Bike Rider" will be pub- MAXINES AATUROAT sage of pale pink roses. Tbe U-ide lished. Three prizes will be given The notorious desperado and two the law became apparent In opera- and groom left for New York "on Mr. and Mrs. Burr are enjoying • Sydney. N. S., Oct. 12 —(A P ) — to the persons submitting the best companions, both of whom were uni- MAX tion he took the position that his a wedding trip and a reception was good health for persona of their age, ' Featuring; RADIO LIQUOR Walter S. Crowe, Judge of the copie t of this picture. The copy dentified. headed apparently for a ■«“» TSe Ong J t u s i c a t hiatoric fight during tbe last session Jield on their arrival. On their re- Mr. Burr being unusually active. THE TEA ROOM county court In Cape Breton for the must be a free hand drawing, no lair in the Ozark hills, after shoot- ComsdsitfarmaNt Sbitaf of the legislature was solely Tor the turn from their wedding trip they They have 12 grandchildren and two ing It out with officers. 883 Main Street Opposite St. James’s Church last 12 years and a former mayor tracings will be considered. First principle of state control'. Does be vlll make their home In Manches- great-grandchildren. They will be "Quality” In radios Is an elusive thing. The w^orld Is of Sydney, died here today after an prize In the drawing contest will The.v were reported today to have mean by that, that he was not ter. happy to greet their friends in- MISS “ETTA” OONIOAN flooded with cheap machines, all of which will play BARGAINS illness of several months. He was been sighted near Princeton, Mo.. In bo a one month pa-ss, second prize a aware o f the Iniquitous features of The Democnits held their caucus formally Sunday afternoon. for a while— many of which soon become a nuisance Special Full Course Dinners While Our Stock I,a.st8! 72 years old. two three week pass and third prize their flight to the Missouri bad the bill as it would affect so many lost Friday evening and nominated to the customer and the dealer. ’ A native of Truro, N. S,, he grad- a one week pass. „ lands. ROBERTA: thousands of our citizens, or does Thomas J. Birmingham for Repre- A German has Invented a paste Saturday *Jim . uated from Dalhousle University at After a desperate but indecisive KE M -^ O n O M fiB A CH he mean that he was aware of them that, when squeezed from a tube CHAMPAGNE DIKQ FROM OK SOHO Y M sentative. Mr. Birmingham is a Saturday Nite, Oct. 13 1 Choice of One-Haif Broiler— Roasted or Fried Halifax in 1888. Eleven years later exchange of fire between the fugi- but disregarded them in the Inter- U w yer and connected with a law and exposed to the air. Ignites and We have searched the market for a radio o f quality— he became mayor of Sydney, and he tives and officers vesterday after- ■’'•IHMKIEttMllllUfttH RfMat Turkey est of that principle alone? It must firm In Hartford. can be used for lighting cigarets one that would give a higher class of performance, occupied that office for six consecu- noon. Deputy Sheriff Will Owens MAIL oansaa no w have' been one or the other of those The Republicans held their cau- or starting fires. $1.25 and up Prlre«—6fM. Orrh S.1H: l«t Bile. and that could be depended on for years o f service. tive terms. THERMOMETER HITS said there was no question but that 12.75. *2.20. 2nd Biir. 11,tn. Cfiu\fn situations in which the Governor the elusive Floyd had been encoun- M»t. Ori-h 12.20: I«i. lUlr. »fc6.5 found himself. In cither case he And we have found what we wanted In Atwater Kent. " w- 60' WINES tered. He said there wa.s a strong 11.10: 2nd Bair. Mr. rineludri Tail broke faith with those who, In re- possibHlty that one of the bandits 58 IN THE SUN TODAY Uailce on his statements supported When you buy on Atwater Kent radio, you are buy- ■E' A bo A La Carte Service. was wounded. his bill. 50c and up IflUGHTOn ing Quality. You arc buying the product of a com- Iowa officers caught up with the "T o say the Issue was ‘state con- W e Have a Comidete and Fresh Supply of Soft Shell three men about three p. m.. near a trol' begs the question. I am for pany that would rather not sell than build down to a Crabs > Scallops • Oysters and Other Sea Foods. RANGE farm bouse one and a half miles STEIGER'S State Control and so Is the Repub- HARTFORD price. List prices of Atwater Kent radios are set at WHISKEY Is Low Daythne Record for south of McIntyre, but the fugitives 8PEOAL! lican party, but. tbe object may be the lowest possible figure commensurate with their OIL ran from the Aeld to a black sedan FRED E. attained without the Iniquities of Calling AU'Rands Freeh Assorted Salted N u t s ...... 79c Ib. 90c and up Early Fall; Coal and OQ in (Ford V8) and roared away with the this law. superior construction, and in consequence do not permit Sgpsl I For Phelps Range Oil officers in pursuit. Sheriff OWena "N ot content with this explana- of fictitious "trade-in" or other misleading allowances. a ■ GIN discounted a report that one , o f WERNER ' tlon, which obviously would not CALL Demand. Floyd's companions was George wholly satisfy thinking J)eople the (Baby Face) Nelson, Dlllinger INSTRUCTOR c/UIIUIPOU You can buy Atw ater Kent radio with confidence— Governor has token occasion to 80c and up gangster. Floyd has been named by point to the fact that the board ad- %i with assurance that In its price class each set repre- Van *s Service the government as one of the killers PIANO and ORGAN ministering the law is responsible sents the best value on the market—with tbe guaran- Chilly winds from out of the o f five persons shot June 17, 1933, FALL TERM north today sent thermometers In SIMET for Its failure, and that that board tee o f a company that stands squarely behind every liifiSil In the Kansas City Union Station. NOW STARTED is made up of two Republicans and vt, *■*' m suoi ma MIDLAND Station Manchester scudding to a new low Coming Sunday! set bearing its name. Folks of Manchester 426 Hartford Rd. Tel, 3866 for day readings during the present Studio: lies Weal Street one Democrat. Does the Governor fall season. PiMne! 8888 think that people will forget that Package Store STATE that board was appointed by him Although the mercury dipped to Hear Atwater Kent Who Have Old Gold 28 degrees at 5 o'clock Wednesday and is solely answerable to him? morning on the official thermome- HELLO FOLKS! Won't Shift Blame , ter of the Mutual H eiting Corpora- "A s Governor of Connecticut I anitBe Convinced will never do what Governor Cross tion, It Is the A: St time this fall Don’t miss To Sell! that a reading o f 68 In the sun has has attempted in that respect. I S' been token, 1(1 the shodo it was my latest pl5. shall assume full responsibility for eveiy act of mine. I shall never go considerably colder. ture, taken The beautiful lowboy cabinet Topcoats generally were In use Into the roriks o f the opposition above will appeal to discriminating NOTICE! today, while furnaces and kitchen from the Sat. TO-NIGHT party to make ;ny appointments for people. New type full vision or 8 Tube SATURDAY WILL the purpose of throwing upon them stoves— In many cases the Arst Eve. Post airplane Illuminated dial— tone time this season—contained Area the responsibility for the failure of 6 'Tube control—automatic volume control which provided warmth. Coal and story! I my program. — receives both standard and short BE A BIG BUYING range oil dealers report increasing HIGH SCHOOL I “The Governor's last position wave programs all over the world $94.90 lupon the question of which I am —two-sp^ vernier tuning—11- The Price Of business all this week as a result of $74.90 All Wavt householders deciding to prepare aware was indicated in his speech tneh dynamic speaker—fine toner- for cold weather. I U at New Haven recently. He said great volume— sensitive and selec- DAY AT Beven Inches of anow fell during AUDITORIUM there that the law needs correcting tive. the night in Caribou, Malhe. and he added that he asked the lu t COAL har oldI^ legislature to correct It. Console cabinet o f very pleasing OASOUNE RICE CUTS 8:00 O’CLOCK "W ill the Govenjor tell us why appearance. Three tuning ranges LOUIS S. JAFFE he has had the sudden change of SATURDAY 5 T u b e —broadcast— short wave— police— 6 Tube Danbury. Conn.. Oct. 12— (A P )— heart? What changes did he recom- two-speed tuning—airplane Illumi- Btforc you seU, see him! He will appraise it for you It is expected tbat« an action o f eev- L L O Y D ! mend to the last legislature? What nated dial—tone control— auto- Will Advance changes does he recommend now? matic volume control—large 11- without obUgation. eral "Independent" gasoline flliing $54.90 $64.90 stations in this city in. cutting the Hendrickson "He had full opportunity to sug- Inch dynamic speaker. Reiuemberl We Are Not Here For A Day! retail price of what Is termed “ third I gest changes In the law between the / grade" gasoline will be followed by date of Its passage and the date of Wo have an established business and a reputation !C0-FEATURE! and and we are here to stay. similar action by the larger distribu- adjournment of the legislature of 50c Pel* Ton tors, altbough no deflnite informa- 1933. He has had the power to call To Our Most Important a special session since. The same chassis described abov* W e Pay Highest Prices For Old Gold And tion as to their plans was forthcom- Compact ing today. UMpIt lalar "A s governor I will do what th# \ in a wonderful compimt cabinet present chief executive has not Glove Sale in Months .with airplane dial and large ^ SUverOfAnyOnelnTownl The price o f such gas, Inclwudlng Ike Claire Bruce / N-. taxes,'has dropped from 14 or 16 done, I will give every ounce o f my $39.90 dynamic speaker. Three tuning Come In And Convince Yourself! cents to ten cents during the lost ability and experience to support a ranges, with oil poUim and foreign Etfectire Monday in STubc short wave. Lieense— N. Y. 12.5108 few days and some of the dealers fair, equitable, and workable law. nm ims "Let's eliminate explanations re- AB Dealings Strictly Confidential. said today that a price war was developing. garding why we were Inflicted with .*}? "'•nors unless, they October 15 "W e ore Just starting out to have the present law. Let's confine our- Gloves that sell regularly at $2.98, $3.50 and $3.98 Ming written authority from parents. some fun,” one of the independent selves to the record on that point dealers sold In reply to questions os But above all, let'e follow the Re- B • 4 i » publican, platform and correct the to the reasons for the reductions. TODAY Months of planning are behind this sale., .climaxed by a spectacular close- I Tb« standard grades of gas are not GomnDEUGMa '^Juluis Caesar situation as we find it." I involved In tbe action.” ihnd out from a world famous importer.(you can see the name on the gloves). SAT. PAUL CAVANKfiN ^iths LOUIS S. JAFFE THE COAL DEALERS The Public Square of Athens. W e’ve covered the entire glove wardrobe.. .pigskins for sports and your TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY iccm Eiioi Admission: Students* 35c. Adults, 50c. Ga.. bos a double-barreled cannon eof u and OPTICIAN mm. tweeds...capeskins for daytim e... and exquisite real kid mousquetairea Oppofiiite in ^ S d io o l LOST —FRIDAY MORNING bo. built during the a vll War and de- 8 fl Main Stroct Manehcoter OF MANCHESTER kSM th tween 7 and 9, pey envelope, con- signed to . shoot two bolls simul- for your more formal costumes. Clome early and bring ypur Christmas th Monowtiter taining 818. Reward If returned to i Benefit Needy Children of Manchester. taneously, with a chain connecting lists.. .gloves like these won't be here long. the bolls. Tbe chain was supposed 1.95 62 Blssell street. ' to m o^ down tfao ^em y.

■'.-/i.vc-M MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESnER CONN. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12,1984. ^ rACEC Watkins Family Leaders . rEVEMG SCHOOL DEGREE OF POCAHONTAS HOWELL CHENEY FERA. On Um sidewalk work, the followed the exercleee at which re- Hattie Buell, Mr. and Mrs. Milton MEETS IN NEW BRITAIN city of Rockville fjrnlahed the ma- freshments were served. Lord apd Mies Cora Buell of Marl- 3 NEW BRITAIN Md F In A ll Town Activities CURRICDLUMCDT DAILY RADIO PROGRAM ROCKVILLE terial. Attond State Conf-rence' i trough called at Mr. and Mrs. HEADS SCHOOLS Starting November 5, the FERA The Union Congregational church Benjamin Lyman’s Tuesday. Schaller Cider FRIDAY, OOTOBKR It (Central and Eastern Standard Time) workers.will start on the construc- was represented at the 67th annual Miss Lovina A . FoQte spent the PASSED BAD BILLS Many from Sunset Couneil of 29th Annual Convention of So- ^ Net*! AH nrecrana to ksy and bosla chains or srouhs tberset nnlcu sped* meeting of the Connecticut Confer- m q: coast to coast (o to a) dadgnatlon laeludos all avallablo statloaa tion of a municipal garage on West week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mill Manchester Attend 40th Ses- ciety t and Stenography sion of Order. Agab Named Chairman of and Sunday. Shakespearean Conpany is NBC-WIAF NETWORK Ills — ti45—Beauty Program — aaat; work will take from five to six Mr. and Mrs. Myron Poet and Leave TmO of |5 Connterfelta OPEN Helm Prom Entering Into Social, Civic ahd Ta B* Annauncad—watt REPUBUCANSTOHEAR weeks. The cost dt the garage will Thursday a f the Second Congrega- Earl Post of East Hartford spent I BASIC — laott woaf wlw Wool wUe In Taverns They Visited 4:40— 4:33—Praaa-Radi* N*w4—aaat be about $1650. tional church at Waterbury. Bunday with their parents, Mr. and Tuesday* Thursday Political Affairs of the Community. Only Conraes To Be Pro- 'wiar wta* wesb «m ullt wibr wro wgy 4:00— TdXk—Myrt and Marg* — aaat: ■ Those from Rockville attending With Girls. Sunset Council, Degree of Poca- Board of Education — En- Twenty or more of the members WeD Recehred; Give ‘‘Jul- ■>vrben wcao wtaai wwj wial: Midi k»d Dan Raaa* Orahaatra—watt Mrs. Alfred H; Post. More qulekallver Is used la the iwmao wofl woo-who wow wdaf wkbf AECORN ON OCTOBER 20 Silver Wedding were Luther H. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. and Saturday hontas of this town, was well rep- of the Young People'! aoclety of the 4:13— 7(15—Juat Plain BUI—aaat; T* Mr*. Hart E. Buell, Mrs. Ruby United State* than In any other iNOnTHWaST A CANADIAN - - wtl B* Announoad—watt: Orche-DIzl* Mrs. Ellen A. Chapdelalne,' mis- Max Wetatein, Mrs. George Lewis, New Britain, OcL’ I2.-:-(AP) — Cider Sold A t the Mill WkUdna Brothers' aoth enniver-T Concordia Lutheran church are Gibson and Miss Folrence Jones vided This Year. resented at the 40tb seisipn of the ters 23rd Term .. ius Caesar” Tonight. country. ’wiba kotp wobo wday kfyr eret ctet 4:30— 7:30—T h* Saranadara — aaats tress, of the Rockville House, waa Mrs. Robert E . Licbe, Emerson planning to attend the 29th annual l*OUTH — wrva wptf wwnc wla wjax Speech by Candidate for Gov- were visitors In West Stafford Tues- Charged with possession of and Any Time. Muy, BOW beinc celebrated with a' wfla-wiun wlod warn wmo w*b wapl Ruaia Orahaatra-wait A DIxl* the guest of honor Thursday eve- Llebe, and Rev., Dr. and Mrs. Great Council of Connecticut, held convention to be held at the First 4:43— 7:45—Baak# Carttr, Talk—ba- day. passing counterfeit $5 bills, three 352 Woodland Street ftore-wide sale of two weeka dura- : wjdx wunb kvoo wky wtaa wbap kpre ste; Botwoon the Beekonda—west ernor Expected to Offset Vig- ning at the sliver w'-ddlng anniver- George S. Brookes. Wednesday in New Britain. Mayor XMglisb and St. Paul's church, pmai ktbs ktks waoe wave wtar Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fogll, Patri- N ew Britain men were taken to Only two subjects will be offered 7d)0— IKXI—Baay Ac**—aaat: CarHoh sary of her twin sist®'', Mrs. T. E . Barber Shops (2o«ed Telephone 6432 BoiTwas nuulc possible through the David Dunn w elco m e the more Howell Cheney was re-elected- Bridgeport tomorrow and Sunday. . In spite of the wertber, a large |i|OUNTAIN--koa kdri k*ir k*hl orous Democratic Campaign. ■cla Fogll, Miss Florence Johnson Waterbury this afternoon for a pre- M C lP IC OOAtT—kso k(l k*w komo A Craig—Dlxla: Orohaatra—wait Connor of Springfield. The barber ahops of Rockville re- UBceastBg Mforts of the men at the to the public at Manchester's’ eve- than 800 delegates present from all chalrman of the Board of Education The delegates are Raymond Kulpiq^ crowd was present at High School We had to build a 7i13- t:15 — Edwin C. Hill’* Com., and Mrs. C. J. F’ogll weye visitors liminary hearing before U. S. Com- khil kfsd ktar k ^ kpo monia—baalc; Blue Shade*—Dixie; TThe anniversary exercises were mained open until 9 o’clock last helm of the company fror 1874 t o . ning school this fall and winter as a over the state. One irialtor attend- State's Attorney Hugh M. Alcorn, Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Albert missioner Harry Krasow. The men at Its organisation meeting last ■ky and Ernest Tureck; alternates, ball to see the James Hendrickson gant. Bast. Mary, Jaann* and VI—watt held In the “Embassy Room” of the evening and are closed ail day to- 1M4. But even though steady ap- ; result of actlou taken by the Board ed from N e w York etqte, Great Mlae Edna Anderson and John 7i3P— S.'IO — Court ef Human Rata. Republican candidate for Governor, D i^ u ’s In Wallihgford. are Joseph Karwoski, 23, of 458 night, marking the atart of his am. Claire Bruce players play w46— Site—capt: Tim Htalir. atampo Hotel Kimball, Springfield, and day In observance of Columbus plication to busineas was necessary of Education at its organization Keeper o f Wampum, Mrs. Conlin, new refinery jStOO— 6:00—Ts Bo Anouneod—oast; tlana—baale; Bmarton Orchaatra—> The annual. meeting of tho Gilead Eddy street boulevard, Joseph twenty-third term In the capacity o* Lange. Mias Anna Mrosek, who Is Shakespeare's "Hamlet.” Last Dlxla: Rail Lift Drama*—wait win come to Rockville to speak at a opened at 8 o’clock with a reception Day. SOCONY to achieve success, the company's meeting last night. The school will and one from Philadelphia, Mrs. I? Dick Stool*, Roportor—mldweit Cemetery Association was held at Lamlnskl. 21, of 38 Willow street, as educational leader. Ha waa elect- recording secretary, of the state night's performance, the second of 9t1S— Site— MystoWMio ioland—oaot; 7:43— S:4S—J. Hoakitrt, Songa—wait Republican rally probably on Octo- of guests. The party was later en- tficials have taken a promlijent open Monday evening, October 22, Rachel Tunf. Luther League, will also attend. t:0fr- 3:00 — Th* March of Time, E, E. Foote’s Monday evening, and and Joseph Matulls. 21, of 96 Pleas- RANGE OIL ed chairman of the Nlnfh district three Shakespearean plays given to create Tom Mix—mldwoit repeat ber 20. tertained at dinner at which Mrs. T. rt In the civic, social and political ; and courses will be held only in typ- Routine business occupied the The group will leave the church to- SiSP— f:3 »—ProM-Rodls Npwo—woat Or* mat officers were appointed for the year. ant street, Karwoski is also known committee in 1912, succeeding John under the auspices of the Manches- t:30— •;3<^Hollywood Hetal—e to a This wfil be the opening o f the E. Connor was hoatess. The affair 7V2C Se of Manchester during the past | ing and stenography. morning. Luncheon at noon was morrow at 1 o'clock in private care, :S»— SiU—Marlon MeAfoo, Soprano They are: President, Robert E. as "Chick O'Day." six decades. S. Cheney, who held the poeiUon for ter High School faculty for the 2:4S— 6:46—Billy Satehoter’o Sketch t:3(^10:3O—Laith Stavarta Harmanlaa Republican campaign in this section was a big success. The drastic reduction in the cur- followed by an Impressive memorial and arrive in time for the buslncM iOO— 7:00—T* Bo Announced lOdIO—IldXI—Fata Wtllar Song*—aaat; GILEAD Foote; vice-president, Alfred H. According to Federal agents the FUEL O II^'/jc. Officers I twelve years.' • ' benefit of Mlae Reynold’e School which will be carried on intensively Among those from Rockville who Post; treasurer, Edward E. Foote; riculum sof the evening school was sendee and election of officera. The sesalon from S to A o'clock. A t 7;lA S ■10— 7i10—Cone A Olon—oast * oou Myrt and Marga—rapaat for watt trio went to Torrlngton, last Satur- F. Ernest Watkins, co-founder | Children Shoe Fund was well re- mioactiofi 0 :10— 7:30—Irene BerdenI—woat only 10:13—11:13—Loan Balaaee Ore.—aaat; until the election, 'November 6. attended were the following; Mr*. secretary, Mrs. C. Daniel W a y day night, made the acquaintance BARLOW voted by the board for the purpose new officera are as follows; Great they will attend a banquet in St. with his brother. Clarence G. W at- : ceived. .0:40— 7:40—Frank Buck Jungle Strlsl Htnry Butt* Orchaatra—mldwait Ella A. Chapdelalne, a sister; Hen- Mr. and Mrs. Elton W. Buell and auditors, M. W . Hills, E. W. Buell. Tel. 5404 of rigid economy and was influenced Pocahontas, Mrs. Ruby White of Paul's church. The convention O r a n g r A M E R I C A N G A S 7:00— 0:00—JHIlea Dragonttto—to o 10:30— 11:30— Laon B a la tc o ' Oreh.—ba- Francis J. Prichard, chairman of of three girls, visited several tav- kins, of the Arm bearing bis nam e,' Mr. Hendrickson in the title role tie; Earl Hina* Orch**.—midwest ry Chagrove, a brother, Mr. and Mr. and M m . Benjamin L>’man at- Miss Marjorie Foote, student at by the fact that the enrollment of Bristol; great prophete.as, Mrs. Bar- theme le "Witness for Christ With *:00— 0:00—Waltzlno by Abo Lyman the Republican town committee, who erns and left a trail of counterfeits is still president; C. Elmorc W at- portrayed the Danish prince credit- ■:SO— 0:30—Pick A Pat, Cemody Act 10:43—11 ;43-Ozzto Nelson Ordhostra ■•■ra. Robert Brotvn- and Mr. and tended the Rally Day service at the the State College, spent an evening behind. students at the courses eliminated raclougb of Stamford; great Weno- Power." 11(00—12:00—HarbI* K ay*’* Orohaatra is also candidate for State Senator kins. son of Clarence, Is vice presi- ably. Handicapped as they were by I AMIPICAN Oil COMPANY 0:00—10:00—Th* FIrot Nloht*r-.« to c Mrs. Russell Floley. church in Marlborough Sunday. this week with her parents, Mr. Middletown police are expected was slight last year. It was decid- nah, Mrs. Helen Tryon of New Ha'^ Rev. Karl Richter of the Concor- 0 :30— 10:30—Qethle Cherlator*. Organ 11:30—12:30—Dan Rutaa A Orchaatra from the 38tb Senatorial District, dent and treasurer and manager of Repablloan Women .Meet Mrs. Arnold C. Foote of Amherst, and Mrs. Robert E. Foote. here this afternoon for a conference ed not to conduct a class for for- ven; great Minnehaha. Mrs. Helen dia Lutheran church will conduct 10:00—11:00—Back of th* Nawt, Talk . NBC-WJZ NETWORK , comprising Tolland (Jounty, w s* in Get Your Supply of the local store; Robert K. Anderson 10:13—11:10—0*0. Btarnty'a Orchoatra Mass., spent the week-end at Mr. William Baldwin of Manchester ia concerning the passing of counter- eigners as it was indicated last year Lewis Of Greenwich; great keeper the Sunday morning convention BASIC — Baati wii wbi-wbsa wbal Hartford yesterday afternoon con- A group of women from different Is vice president and assistant man- —baalc: Oan* and Qian—wait rpt and Mrs. E. E. Foo ;’s Monday. doing Interior decorating at tho feit bills in that city recently. Sev- that the demand locally is not great of wampum, Mrs. Busan Kastner of communion service at 10:30 at St. ^ ^ V r lO iS O —llil^ F ro d d lo Martin Orohaatra wham kdka w*ar wjr wlw wtyr wmal; ferring with Republican State 1< parta of 'Tolland county, comprising ager of the local store, and William ' ^ '11:00—1*KI»-Rilph Kirbary, Birlton* Mid watt I wcky kyw wapr wla kwk Mrs. Foote accompanied her on an Brown house, where Mr. antt Mrs. eral counterfeits of the same de- GREEN MOUNTAIN enough to Justify the class. For Hartford. Paul's. A t 2:30 in the afternoon a ers relative to the rally and /thi ce-chalnnen of the Republic- Rush la secretary and active head i 11:03—12:05—Falix Dane* Orchaetra kwer koll wren wmaq kao wkbf automobile ride to Putnam and Norton P. Warner will atart house- nomination were passed In local I he same reason. High school E ng- Following the meeting the board photograph of the convention dele- 11:10—12:30—Moilywood Star* on Air NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — wtmj campaign in this section. an o rgu izaU on of the county, held POTATOES of the Hartford store. j wiba ketp wabo wday kfyr cret ofef from there to Amherst, for a short keeping. At present they are with taverns within a week. lish and mathmatics and cooking of chiefs enjoyed a chicken dinner gate* will be taken. Discuasion QUIN N'S PHARA\ACY - Mr. Prichard wil’ call a meeting a meetldg In the Rockville House at Clarence Watkins died in 1918. i CBS-WABC NETWORK SOUTH — wrva arptf WWBO wla wJax visit with her son and hla children. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman The three men and Henry Argaz- ' at the Hotel Burritt. The evening groups will follow under the leader^ o f the Rep'.iblican town committee noon ThurAday. Mrs, Annie E, Vin- Perhaps no citizen of Manchester and sewing were also dropped, leav- wfla-waun wlod warn wmo wib wapi W ilbur N. Hills had the misfor- Warner. ’ ' zl, of 14 Kelsey street, were pre- meeting Which was open, included ship of Alvin Schaediger of New 873 Main Street Tel. 7057 BASIC—Baatt wabo wade woko wcao wjdx wimb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpro as soon as possible to complete de- ton of Eaglevilje presided. I was more universally beloved anon Cruaoo, Jr.— 7i30— t:30—Spenaortd Program Landscaping Rotaries 9 a. m. until 6 p. m., to examine He Is a director of the Savings N, y.; To Ba Announoad—chain 0:00— 0:00—Phil Harris A Orchaatra Body of 7-Year OU U d The landscaping department of the applicants and to administer Bank of Manchester and is u mem- Regular 81-00 3:00— 4:00—H. V, Kaltanborn—oaat; 1:30— 9:30—Phil Bakar’a Show—to e OPEN FORUM HqweU Cheney Boy Scout Program—midwest 9:00—10:00—Al Bernard, Paul Dumont the Connecticut state highway de- the oath to the new voters. ber of the University Club of Hart- 9:30—10:30—Tht Jawlah Program 1:15— 4:13 — Bobby Banian — east; The Registrars of the town of ford. the Tufts College Club of Con- Foond Crammed . Into JAR Here s the perfect mixer for an entertaining week- Chumi—Dixie; Skippy — mldweit: 10:00—11:00—Chat. Davit Orchaatra- partment has started work lond- THE FOUR HORSE.MEN John H. Hyde was re-elected Texai Bangiri—weit east; Amos 'n' Andy—west repeat Vernon are Henry Schmidt, Repub- Mctlcut. the Manchester Country end . . . smooth, mellow Gin of the Hiram Walker qual- scaping the different rotaries con- Editor, Herald: secr^ry and Superintendent of 3:30— 4:30—Eddie Dooley, Football— 10:30—11:30—Jolly Coburn Orchoatra lican, and George E. Dunn. Demo- Oub, the Kiwanis Club and the FOR structed in this community during May I commend, through the col- Schools F. A. Verplanck was ap- ity-~at a low week-end price. oaet; Threo Brown Boart — west: 11 KX>—12:00—Paul Pendarvit Orebeatra crat. local Chamber of Commerce. He Tronk m Shack. Jack Armstrong—midweat ripeat 11:30—12:30—Danct Mutle Orchaatra the past summer. umns of The Herald, the Republic- pointed treasurer, after which four Yesterday the work was complet- Ballot On Candidates has been a member of the executive an conventions for selecting such committees were named ae foUowrs; HILLTOP WHISKEY FOUR ROSES WHISKEY ed planting sfirubs and trees on the A ballot was taken on the appli- committee of the National Retail sterling candidates as Hugh M. A l- NOXZEMA Jersey City. N. J., Oct. 12— (A P) Educational policy, William E. Straight rotary at Leonard’s Ckirner on the cations of several candidates at tho Furniture Association for many corn for Governor; Colonel Anson Skin Cream ANTIQUE WHISKEY —A blue-overalled seven-year-old Buckley, Mrs. .IJl’.ian Bowers and Rockville-Crystal Lake road. This meeting of Rock\.Ile Lodge, No. years and has served on many of T. McCook, for Congress; Kenneth Bmmtif f U mtm PAUL JONES WHISKEY its Importaq^t committees, besides grammar school boy, John Fenney, Rev. Knut B. Erickson, the latter be- rotary waa recently installed be- 1389, B. P. O. Elks, last evening at Cramer for Stale Senator, and Ed- B 0m ^ r Jmr Quart WBZ-WBZA WTiC lecturing at schools and meetings Jr., was found strangled today and ing the new member of the Board; $1.00 cause of the numerous fatal acci- which Exalted ' uler Clarence J. ward Hickey for Sheriff. crammed Into an old trunk In a expenditure,''!, R. LaMott Russell, twit4 Hartford, Ooaa. McCarthy presided. of furniture dealers throughout the One might well call them the Spriagfleld — lloatoB dents at this point. small, ramshackled squatter’s shack Mrs Sarah P. Hcaly, William E.. mt mmeh m $1.49 80,00 w . 1040 K. a m a m . The first exemplification of the country. He is president of the "Four Horsemen of the Connecticut Pint 69c W ork has also started in land- near the abandoned bed of the Mor- Buckley: finance, Harold Alvord, 5 ( k j€ r Travefen BroadcasUaE Barvtoe Initiatory work by the new staff of Connecticut Chapter of the Ameri- Apocalypse"— the 1934 Revelation scaping the large rotary at the >VM. P E N N BONDED T M. officers will take place Thursday can Institute of Decorators, that this state is done with leader- ris Canal. John H. Hyde and E. J. Murphy; CLIFFAVOOD W HISKEY "Goat Farm” which waa installed at The rope with which the little n excDption*! THhu! Soothlags ImmS* 8:00—The Monitor ’Views the News, evening, October 25. Plan.- for this t'ndertaking Busin(-ss ship that does not equal the stand- evening school, Mrs. Healy, Mrs. WHISKEY Friday, October 12 a cost of approximately $30,606. boy, had been strangled had appar- A>. Ing Nouem a CrMm~>in • bMOtlfol Ernest Beaufort. work were discussed tart evening. C. Elmore WaUcIna ards adhered to through 300 years Bowers and Mr. Russell; Joint board, n»w boudoir jar that eontaina twice aa Straight. 4:00— Mouter Music Hour. / -This rotary, egg-shaped, with sev- Robert K. Anderson has been with ently been picked up in the dumps 6 Years Old. 5:18— Skipper Jim and hla Mythi- Following the meeting last eve- of history. Mr. Alvord, Mr. H.yde, Mr. Erickson nueh aa 60e jar. Smooth on this dainty. Pint ...... 5:00— Nellie Revell, Interviews. eral triangles at the larger end, has Watkins Brothers for thirty-five surrounding the aback. It was light- 98c Pint...... cal Ship of Joy. ning the members visited the new rasa of Watkins Brothers In the The qualities of Hugh M. Alcorn and Mr: Cheney. grsaaalcM cream at night—eight b o m $2.33 6:15— Straight Shooters. been covered with loam and pre- y - ^ s and Is in complete charge of er than ordinary sash cord, and had Uteor. haee * amoother. clearer, freaher 8:30— Kellogg Singing Lady. grill and fireplace. furniture merchandising fleld. Dur- need no elaboration. This sterling The Board also took action on the sents a fine appcaiance. It is being the undertaking busines.s of the been twisted tightly about the boy's eomplezion. Uae it as a powder base, 8:48— Little Orphan Annie. 3:80— W illiam LundcII, Interviewa. .Memorial Service ing hla lifetime, he received nearly character is too well known. Suffice evening school, a detailed account of 79c KN IC K E R B O C K E R A. OVERHOLT grassed over and small shrubs set company, which has been establish- neck several times. A physician too. Why not try Nozsema today? 6:00— A ir Adventures of Jimmie 8:45— Stomp Club. Court Hearts of Oak, Foresters of every honor within the gift of his to sav that he. has always been on which will be found in another sec-, OLD FARM RYE along the inside of the curb. ed ever since the firm was started. placed the time of death at approxi- WINE Allen. 6:00— Wrlghtville Clarion. America, held its annual memorial townsmen. ti 0 side of right and good govern- tion of tonight's Herald. The M. A. Gammino Construction W as Betectmaa A master of detail, no small act mately 9 p. m. last night. WHISKEY ' 6:18— Federal Housing Program. 6:30— Press Radio News. service last evening in Foresters SATURDAY—LAST DAY OF SALE! ment and has been regarded in hli Port • Tokay • Sherry company, of Providence, R. I., con- He was First Selectman of the which could possibly contribute to The boy left his home In Bayonne, 6:28— Voters’ Registration — Mrs. 6:30—Laurel, Trio. hall. The memorial address was own law enforcement circle an one The word "sherry" came from Arthur / Muscatel ti actors for the building of the W e couldn’t pos.sibly tell you about all the items on sale in the little time rem aining— the smooth operation of things, is which Is Just across the canal bed Andrew MacDonnell. 6:48— Billy Batchelor. delivered by W alter S. McGowan, of town for ten years at a time when of the outstanding administrators Spain. Spalnards called their fa - Quart overlooked by Mr. Anderson. He that forms the Jersey City-Bayonne for $1.98 6:30— Press-Radio News. 7:00— Harriet Lee and Irwin Cow- rotary and the three miles of con- Watertown, Supreme Junior Beadle. that position was burdened with In the United States. Go> knows mous wine "Jerez" and Britons B U T we do say: came to Watkins Brothers from the city line, after he returned from Drug Stores, Inc. 6:38— Time, weather. per. crete road Just completed, have The callitig of the roll of depart- responsibility. There Is no question we need that sort of executive abil- spelled It "Sherris," later changing South Manchester post office and he 56c 2 Pint .. 6:48— Lowell Thomas. 7:18— Concert Miniatures. been awarded tire contract for plant- ed members waa also held on this ttet hla devotion to the town work ity in the.se trying times. school yesterday aftem''on. He wtas It to "sherry.” $ 1.11 has turned his hand to just about Robinow Bnllding 7;(X)— Amos 'n' A n dy . 7:30— The Musical-Highway. ing grass seed and grading the em- occasion. A special musical pro- hurt his own business and Impaired Kenneth Cramer, candidate for not seen afterwards. SHOP EVERY DEPARTMENT TOMORROW every Job in the store. 7:18— Plantation Echoes. 7:45— Crescent Serenaders. bankments in front of the homes gram waa presented. A social hour his health. W hen. the Chamber of State Senator, Is a deep thinking Homicide squad detectives, who N o AnancinI appeal by local' pub- 7:30— Red Davis. along the road where it was neces- Commerce was formed in 1901, he legislator, upon whom the citizens took over the investigation, im- 8:00- ’Jessica Dragonette. lic Institutions has been undertaken 7:4(V--Dangerou8 Paradise. sary to qhange tho grade. This will AH Your FaU NeesBi—Saturilay is the Last Day was elected its Arst president. He of Connecticut and t'le district can mediately started a hunt for two 9:"' ” i” iTian Cloutier's Modern in the past decade or more without 7:00— Irene Rich. add to the attractiveness of the was one of the strongest advocates depend In any emergcnc.v. He has men who were known to frequent Concert orchestra; Robert Shan- Mr. Anderson taking an active part 8:18— Legion of Decency. road. About ten men are at work of a local bank and subsequently be- held the complete confidence of the the dumps in the vicinity of the tiny JCj. oji'.tone; in Its direction,, either ns chairman 8:30—A l Goodman and his Orches- there at the present time. .carne the Arst president of the Man- people ever since he entered public shack. The men were wanted for 9:30—One Night Stands. MANCHESTER of the drive or ns a subordin.atc of- tra. chester Trust company, which office life. questioning, it .was said by police, 10:00— First Nlghter. In 'Vernon Center the landscape he held until his death. He repre- ficer of the campaign. Always, he who described them as a red-headed 9:00— PhU H arris and his Orches- workers of the state highway de- has displayed a cheerful willingness Edward Hickey as an official who 10:30— Gothic Choristers. WINDOW sented the tow'n in the legislature elicits public approval in all that he man and an Italian.youth. tra. 11:00— George R. Holmei;' News partment are 'working on the tri- ALL WARDS and was the founder of Manchester to lend his services in the assistance 9:30— Floyd Gibbons, Irene Beas- angle. This ia being grossed over and of others. Ho is an active figure in docs. He works quietly but effec- from Washington. Chapter of the American Red Cross. ley, blues singer; Roy shrubs arc to be planted. This tri- CLEANING CO. the local YM CA and has served ns tively at his trade of law enforce- 11:18— Jesse Crawford, organist. TIRES ARE F. Ernest Watkins has always ment. He is fearless, determined, Shield's Orchestra; Donald 11:30— Slumber Hour. angle Is where throe roads intersect. been interested in clean sport and its president. He has also beerf head Novls, tenor. Phone 7614 of the Chamber of t*omnierre, has frank. Just and immovable In his HEAR ALCORN - :00— MIdn.— Silent. Complete Sidewalks Judgment, once, established. His as- 10:00— Al Bernard-Paul Dumont The work of laying the sidewalks nerved in virtually every Chamber Show. Outside windows cleaned ItlountullAea, office. Huciatlon with Hugh M. Alcorn for on Main street, adjacent to Central the past 17 years Is double assur- ld old 10:80— Orchestra. Park, was completed at noon Thurs- Last year when the N R A was be- O G ance that he Is the man for the ll:u o — 'time, weather. day by the FERA workers. More without entering your home. ing organlzeil he was the tow'n's Job, at the 11:08— Sports Review— Bill WllUam.s than 800 feet of sidewalk were laid choice as general of the local com- Colonel Anson T, McCook, scion 11:18— Cascades Orchestra. in this section, replacing the old tar mittee which organized the entire Floors Waxed. of Connecticut pioneers, and rooted 11:30— Rockefeller Center Rainbow BAMOi/tok w alk. work of the fiR A In Mmiche.ster. At and grounded In the fundamentals HIGHEST Room Orchestra. the present time he is chairman of Other Other There were seveial thousand feet of National life. Is the one man to 12:00— Ralph Klrberry, baritone. the drive for fund.s for the V. M, C. Eastern Standard Ume. cf sidewalk laid in TMcott Park dur- entrust the security of the State In 12:08— Hotel Montclair Orchestra. A. PRICES N e w York, Oct. V 12.— (A P )— ing the past two months by the the Congress of the United States, 12:30— Hotel Commodore Orchestra. Transralsslon in this eountiy of a His leadership ability has been in 60 years Speakers: same workers. Many words of praise His record, and the rijcord of his Speakers: message to be delivered via radio are being heard for the new side- tested again and again and the forebears is without blemish. He Is ovenvhclmlng succesa which has .iewelry. Watch Cases, Den- from Rome by Pope Pius and ad- walks. Window Shades the man for the Job. dressed to the 32nd Eucharistic Con- Special Low Prices Due to the fact that the F E R A Fine quaUty Window Shades. been brought about in these activi- Tiiese arc square-jawed fighters tal Work, Spectacles, etc. ties by his efforts is testimony that gress at Buenos Aires, is to be madq workers are only permitted to work Holland and' tantlne cloth. Made -every one. 'The.v have the quali- WE PAY CASH for its true he has not failed the test. Sunday morning on both W A B C - 24 hours a week and because of the to order and hung on your win- ties nece.ssary for the offices they WDRC CBS and W J Z -N B C from 10:20 to William Rush obtained hlS early value, concrete work in Talcott Park to dows, 48 cents each. * ?, neck. They should and .MU.ST be Edward F* Anson T* 295 Hartford Ooao. U8U 10:40. schooling in Manchester ami em- elected. May these "Four Hotse- be finished the men were permitted Also a lot of Odd Shades, 25 for Saturday Only! ‘ ■- Tonight on the air: barked on a business career that j m ui" of (.^oniiectlcut ride on to a (sovernment License lo put in double Ume last week. :ents. took him into the insurance fleld be- WEAF-NBC: 8, Jessica Dragon- Thqy will not work during the com- glorious victory In November. HICKEY Friday, October 12 New Rollers, 10 cents. Will fore turning to furniture. He ha’s T.C.L. 12. No. 12-5797 McCOOK ette; 9, A be Lyman's waltzes; 10:30, ing week. They will receive their I E . J . B. 4:00— Rhythm Band Box. furnish samples on request. been with Watkins Brothers for I Manchester, Conn, Columbus Day address, Martin H. pay for the three days which made Candidate for Candidate for 4:30— U. S. N a v y Band. Carmody. twenty years, all spent In the H art- i October 12. the double week. ford store, which tie now manages. Sheriff , Congress 8:00— Carlotta Grimm, pianist. WABC-CBS: Easy Aces; 9, on RIVERSIDE RAMBLER M atthew , 6:15— Skippy. Upon resuming work again, prob- .'\lwu>s In Front March of Time; 12, Jacques Renard ably on October 22. the men will be Capitol Window Watkins Brothers have always I 6:30— Jack Armstrong, AIl-Ameri- orchestra. put to work laying a secUon of con- been in the front rank in promoting j • can Boy. W J Z -N B C : 8:30, N ew series A l HUSKY THROATS crete about the Memorial'building, anything for the public welfare. WIOR ! 8:45— Miniatutes by Franklin Mc- Goodman music; 9:30, Phil Baker; Shade Co* replacing the tar walk. In this work Their generosity has not only in- Overtsxs4 by JEWELER Cormack. 10:30, Archer Gibson organ. F. Ernest Watkins the town of Vernon will furnish the 16 C'apen Street Hartford cluded gifts of money but the loan- speaking, sing- 999 Main Street Mancheetor 6:00—H. V. Kaitenborn—Current What to expect Saturday: + + material and the labor by the Is a noted sportsman and trap ing of men and time unstintedly. No ing, smoking Events. Football, 2:48, nUnols vs. Ohio ahooter. He carried this sporting civic enterprise has been undertak- iC P ^ 6:15— ^Bobby Benson and Sunny SUte, WEAF-NBC and WABC- initinct Into Watkins store, together en without some member of the firm ‘ Jim. CBS; 1:45, Caniegle .Tecll V*. Mlctli-. 'WiHf an absolute fca'HMsnesa i ^ a' having “i promfhehf part Tn' its" ih“ 8130— Football Reporter, Eddie gan State, WJZ-NBC. TIRES keen analytical mechanical type of ceptlon. Dooley. Othw programs: W hy buy “re*tread$” or other iit- inind that was bound to bring sue- I TOWN ADVERTISEMENT Keiineth F." Anson F. 6:46— Beauty program. W E A F -N B C : 9:80, Our American Cess. A graduate of Southbrldge 6:65— Press-Radiu News. school; 10, One man’s family, ferior quality tires when you can High School, he entered the business 7:00— M yrt and Merge. W J Z -N B C : 11:48 a. m.. Dedica- get Riverside guaranteed service soon after leaving school. Ha had a OFFICIAL NOTICE CRAMER 7:15— Advantures of Jimmie Allen. tion Pittsburgh post office. Post- Kprosene and Range Oil KEELER and satisfaction at Wards low areat interest in the welfare of the 7:30— Serenaders; Paul Kcast, master General Farley; 6 p. m., Eu- prices! Ramblers are built of town and with Clarence was a State Senator Present State baritone; Rollu Hudson's orches- charistic Congreaa. Ctrong advocate of a local bank. Hs MAKING VOTERS tra. first grade materials by the same F a s a corimrator and one of the gal. Fourth District Comptroller 7:45— Brown Derby orchestra. famous manufacturer that makes original dilators of the Savings 28 gallons or otrr. The Selectmen and Town Clerk of 8:00— Mitch Lucaa, songs; A l our finest Riverside De Luxe pank qf Manchester, He. was a the Town of Manchester hereby give White, pianist. TIIH PITCHER GETS prime qiover in the establishment of Fuel Oil, 2-3- I notice that they will be In senaion at tires! With vitalized rubber; HUGH M. ALCORN 8:15— Edwin C, Hill— The Human the South Manchester Fire depart- the Town Clerk's Office In the MunU center traction tread; Latex- ment and its secretary for twenty cipal Building for the purpose of CANDHIATE FOR GOVERNOR Side of the News. A MARRIAGE UCENSE dipped cords; four full plies; 6V^C gal. examining the quallOcatlona of elec 8:30—True Story Court of Human * Di ne - imara. In 1901, he was in the legis- two cord breakers. lature, Where bis splendid work led Free measuring sUrks. tors and admitting to the E LE C - Relations. 29x4.40-21 to hla selection as County Commis- TO R’S O.VTH thoae who shall be 9:00— March of Time. FRANK’S RESTAURANT found qualified on the following Schoolboy Rowe and Edna sioner. During his six years in of- 9:30— Hollywood Hotel. 82 State Street Hartford Satiffactery Service days; 10:30— Kate Smith and her Swanee Mary Skinner to Wed When Ace, he’ set a new standard of Porterfield^s GUARANTEED atralghtforward. clean, incorrupti- GREAT REPUBLICAN RALLY Music, They “ Can Be Alone.” 68 Spruce S t Tel. 6584 KEMP'8 S.\TI BD.4Y, OCT. IS ,\ND 11:00— Fata Waller. ble administration which has been Inc. WITHOUT LIMIT held up ss a model ever since. SATl-RDAY, (k r 20, 11:15—Harry Salter's Orchestra. Business Men’s Luncheon 50c He took chargs of the Hartford 11:45— Ozzie Nelson's orchestra. Detroit, O ct 12.— (A P )— Blush- . . . for the entire life of the tire! Other Sizes Proportionately Wore when it was opened In 1908 from 9 a. m. imtU 8 p. m. Center Park—Saturday—2.30 p. m. ing and embarrassed by the crowd 11 A. M. to 2:30 P. M. N O T limited to 12, 18, or A N Y Low Priced and from that date roost of his Ume Shakespeare used 24,000 words which followed him into the coimtv Said first aesaion may be publicly number of months I Not limited has been spent In the Cepltol City. rr ( I f Sformr In High School HaU) in his coihplete works, a remark- building, Linwood (Schoolboy) Rowe 4.. -.0-20 . .83.98 .5.00-19 ...84.75 adjourned from time to time bui no to 15,000, 20,000, or A N Y num- Ideal Store able vocabulary in his day. today obtained a license to marry 4.. '50-21 . .84.19 f£/l of tlM aesaion ahail be held later than Sat- Full Course Dinners 65c and 75c i C. Elmore Watkins was.about to Miss Edna M ary Skinner, his child- ber of miles! 4.7.5-19 .84.4:> .5.25-18 ...8.5..50 f b to Europe to complete his studies TIMES SQUARE DISTRICT urday Oct. 20, except a aeaaion to „5 to 8:30 P.M . examine and admit thoae whoae Hear Hugh M. Alcorn’s Own Views On— hood sweetheart from Eldorado, Ask About Ward’s 4.7.J-20 ., .84.60 .5.2.5-21 ...85.80 t o a vocal career when bis brother, Ark. quallflcationa mature after Oct. 20. Convenient Payment Plan. Ralph Watkins, died and changed The license was issued by Probate Special! Try Our fbe whole courM of b U life. He came .. A MOMSN HOm 'ON ITS and on or before Nov. 6, 1934, which BAR8TOW aesaion ahall be held Saturday, Nov. Old Age Pensions— Taxation— Labor Situation Court to avoid Michigan’s five day home immediately and took a eub- TOIS' cvniv MINUTt TO MAM law. Full Course Lobster Dinner drdlnate poeiUon In the store. Pos- 8 from 9 a, m. until 8 p. m. YOU* VISIT mo s t PMASANT "This Is terrible,” said Rowe as " "1 of great enthuelaam, he eoon Signed, MOTOR ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM he dodged the crowd which filled the Also A la Carte Service. ~ an Integral figure In the 700SOOMS AO-*® .1 .0 . Aaron Cook, *%ring in your Radio Tubes 700 OATHS X hallway. “I feel 90 years old. Let me — _-ineat of the concern. It was Sherwood G. Bowera, to 470 Main Street for Free Narragansett Beer On Draught. OIL I who w as directly reeponelble for Jooeph Pare, get the license and get away. I don’t CHAklf S l.‘ ORNSYciN, Manasar Test or ’phone 3234 for Free HOTEL Jamea H. Johnaton, ever want to go through such a ■» erection of the preeent etore. Test in your home.” Light Wines. lit as near as poeeible to his con- David Chambera, AUSPICES REPUBLICAN TOWN COMMITTEE thing as this again.” o f what an ideal store John Jenaen, Rowe said be wanted to have the 1 OV^C qt. JUDGE WILUAH a HYDE, dulnaan. ceremony performed aa soon aa be In Bulk. •«#. P A R A M O U N T Frank V. WtlUama. BARSTOW’S We .Make a Specialty of and his fiancee could be alone “with ------, the World War. Mr. Wat- 4«th StTBBt, WBSt of Broadway. NEW YORK Board of Selectmen. Stork up now with this 1M % dhtoiBan of the Jfaachce- Samuel J. Tucklngton, RADIO SHOP juat a few friends and relative*” and Real Italian Spaghetti Dinners pore Pennsyhwnla Motor OIL Town Clerk. 470 J^ain SL Est. 1922 that they would leave either today or tomorrow for the south—the ex- 824-828 M A IN STREET act dsstinatlon unknown. ' ^ C E SIX UANCmaTER EVemMO herald, MANGHESIER. 00NN» FRroAT, OCTOBER 12,1984. IIANC&ESTER EVENING HERAIA MANCHESTER, CONN. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 12,1984. . ."CV-W _ rAGE SEVEN* words the sutajset of tbs American such parts of it as the com'pany may bringing bach Storm Troopers' too far. may be dURcult to over- tables en Casserole which I * have SsTt" lia iiri^ rH trr nation's aqulty In Its own country, chooM to aqcept—and they ar* sat- helmets aa Ruropean aouvtnirs come. 1 am convincad that germs misplaced and am particularly anxl- West Hartford. Three milea o f re- ...... Helen Morgan. Broadway are .not the primary causa o f colds each patroL Officers were elected cer, secretary, and Mrs. James Readsrs of this newspaper, or lafled with It. ous to have. Would you p lo M re- inforced concrete 'tmder construc- in each patrol, ftfilowed by tbe elec- will ha Sorry to laam, la going HEALTH- DIET ADVICE but that thers must first bs a weak- print this recipe." WALCOniflIS tion. , ' EXPLAINS HOUSING OAKLAND CLUB ELECTS Qummings, treaeurer. v those o f them at least who have toU The Lincoln Dairy Company is not tion of troop treuurer and scribe. EoftitiiQ Brraid back to the movies . . . And Jimmy ened resistance which may come Answer: Her* is th* recipe which Route No. 8—Laying storm sewer A committee of three, Mrs. Jose- Puianta, I’m sorry to learn, soon BY UR. FRANK McCUY Interesting new games were played lowed its comment* on monetary a milk trust affiliate. The chair- from several factors, such oal y o u . request; 1 bunch' o f small in tbe Town of Tbomaston. Open to phine Wetherell, Mrs. Sherwood puuuisH<:t> sir thb win be hot-eba-ing all over a New <»ieeMeae to regard to Health aad Mat enervation from a lack of sleep, or and a new song learned. The meet- OmCERS FOR SEASON ’ aXRAU> PRIRTI.va COMPANT. I.SC. policies since the beginning of the man of the Milk Board has targe in- carrots, one bunch of small turnips, AT DEMOCRATIC traffic. AaTOBIEDERS ing waa adjourned with Taps at 6:00 Bowers and Mrs. Fred Thrall, was . II B ln * l) S tK tt Tork night club . . . The three trill he enewared fejr Ur. MaUay orha oaa worry; overburdening the dlgeetlv* appointed to prepare a program pn COMEH on* cup of iyeen peas, on* qup of Route No. 8 and 20.—Wlncbeeter. depraselon, wiU recaU perhaps our terests la the milk thist. The Milk higbeet collars in the nation..I'm he eildreeeed to eore el tWe papht. Ra- p. m, llaaehMtcd as It wouldn't produce the kind ot oiled for 5 miles. Beaver, Pa.—It cost John Loscoe the business of those profoundly ex- War, has come to recognize the fact beings. "associates" will build and oper- money it's going to take to pay ”Ix)unge Suite with Route No. 165.—Preston-Griswold- ul Baden $402 to attempt to sell bis 1. Oak bend outsoles. 5. Choice of fabrics, leather Regular Sizes 25-27-29 that business and business alone is Voluntown. The Preston-R. I. Trunk farm. It bad, too, disastrous economic perienced reporter* to understand ate a night club right across from thia bill. tbe miUn source of prosperity, pro- L Extra Sizes 31-33 Madison Square Garden. Place roll arms and flat, Line, bituminous macadam surface Losco told police two men came to 2. Oennine French binding. trimmed. Slippers reporcusslon. It denuded the West and relate. The Inevitable conclu- “ tVhen Congress really reaolves gress and security, that there can for the fight crowd* to see a lit- to roll up Its sleovea and tackle this is under construction for 11(4 miles buy the farm and that he started Indies of a peopis naturally fitted, lon Is, then, that the President’s chubby ball feet; be no recovery unless we do our Traffic should avoid this route. 8. Senff-proof heeb. 6. Styled In co-operation tle excitement. tax problem, you'll see tho exemp- beat to provide ideal conditions for out in an automobile to show them under any sort of enlightened lead utterances were so vaguo and his International Incidents: Broad- tion cut down from $2,600 for mar- ^®^*‘—Slnisbury. Bushy the place. En route they picked up a 4, Choice of leathers. Includ- Sizes 3 to 8. rust tapestry uphol- business to flourish, keep the cur- Hill road. 1% miles waterbound with leading resident New erehip, to the development of the new Idea so lacking In outline that way men are going around telling ried people to $1,000, and frOm $1,- rency, its lifeblood, stable, restrict hitch hiker who became III. ing finely grained, clear, only 2 ^ * Blue and each other that Hitler was a child 000 to $100 for unnurrieil. macadam Is under construction but genuine kid. hla words meant an.vtblng or noth- its activities only to the slight ex- open to traffic. Losco said he was persuaded to go York styUst. Black boundless resources of tbs Islands, prodigy. Child prodigy? Yep— •Then listen for the wall that will stery ...... 879. tc a nearby store for medicine and ing as the ll.stener might read hl.s tent that is necessary to ensure hon- Itoute No. 183— Colebrook-Sandls- so that presently. Instead of ehlp- he had as much sense at the age go up from people who never peeped esty and efficiency, keep tbe burden leturned to find tho strangers gone, plng Carlbs to Spain aa slavea tha own Interpretation Into them. of 3 a.s he has now . . . On one at go\’ernroent spending before,” fleW road. Waterbound macadam together with the $402 in the waUct It must shoulder as light as possible. surface is under construction for of the terraces of Rockefeller Cen- While the Treasury’s "little 8149.00 2 - Piece Moss Trimmed! "I hear rumors of a belief among he left with them for safe keeping. West Indians were importing negro Why did the President not allow ter —- right under the window* of brain* trust" gets iU tax plans the recipients of relief that through to^tolUn"’ slaves from Africa—proof of ths himself to be directly quotctl? Why the Chinese Consulate— they’ve, ready for the president, observer* Queen .\nne Lounge tbe successive organizations which Route No. 187.—East Granby E sgregiouaness of the blunder even did h* put upon the press the respon- built a Japanese garden . . . Sug- arc noting the presence of Sena- have been set up to look after them The American colors are dis- gested title for a shanty to b* simg Oranby-Suffield road la being oiled C. E. HOUSE & SON, T If measured by gold pieces Instead sibility for formulating bis monetarj’ tors David Reed and Daniel O. Suite'with attached- A new London Lounge suite they are being rapidly tapered off, for 1 mile. played by Blue Andalusian fowls; by Vanderbilt and Yankee's crew Hastings (Republican stalwarts) that when their polltlcEd support is they have red combs, white ear ' of by ths values of civilisation. policy? Why did he not talk dl- when Holl.wood buys the screeji and Couiens ana La FoUett* pillow backs. Cov- ^ Route No. 190— Suffield. Lake lobes, and blue legs and plumage. no longer an Immediate neect they Congamond road. About 8 miles of That wicked and utterly stupid rscUy to the country In a statement right to the vBchtIng squabble: (high tax advocates) on the Fi- will find themselves on the end of a •T. O. M. Sopwlth, I Luff You." Dituminoua macadam road under ' piece of business was no mora Col- over hi* own signature T nance Committee. ered in wool-faced This group was made specially for the 60th Anniver- limb, and that business will still be None $)f these Is joining the construction but open to’ traffic i uliibus' faults than that of tha Man Was It bcoaiisr he Is Completely sary. We took the popular London lounge style daven- too crippled to rescue them. These Route No. 196— East Hampton. J •' Some things I like about Broad- Harrison carol of "no hlgber green tapestry .... people may be even better prognos- cannon j In the Moon. It waa the fault of muddled on the subject of his guess- way are the enthusiasms and port and lounge chair aiid trimmed the seat cushions Main street is being oUed for taxos." By December, if Senator ticators than they themselves real- mile. 1 the Ignorance and misconceptions of work anonetary "policies” and Is superlatives of'Its people . , . The Harrison is still singing it. he'U 8110.with new moss fringe. Some of the smartest decora- ise. Item on the menu in Undy's^ for be doing a solo. Route No, 199.—SaUsburv Lake. STILL BRINGING Towels 1 a world wWefer then Is no -stightaet iiyfatg- to put -up a whole flock of *98 "Every-voto for R^ubllcon ea»> pxani)de; ‘‘fixtra - - Cetoe^ fU ^ tor’s pieces are being trimmed in this mannerl reason to doubt, waa just as firmly kites at once til learn how the wind dldatea tBereases the force behind Olives - 30c" .... The glowing Making Himself BoUd ,8175.00 2 - Piece the swing toward the Right which l^fcevlUe road Turkish Moleskin oonvinced that tta social and eco- of public opinion blows? Or Is ha phrases on stage and movie pos- One of tbe reasons Joseph Ken- 1# being oiled for 1 mile. Choose this group in either new Autumn brown or can be our only salvation. The Fifth Route No. 205,—Brooklyn. Waure- SMILES AND nomic structure was wholly right as msrsly trying to kid somebody? ters. even down to tha sign on a nedy of tbe Stock Markets and Massive London Congresslcmol District can only cheap taxi-dance hall: "Positively gan road Is being oiled for 3(4 mUes. Trousers , is our world of today—evep more so, Securities Commission is standing sage green. reflect credit on Itself, surely, in I the World's Most Beautiful Glrle" firm for careful regulation is that Txiunge style; dav- Route No. 215.—Groton. Palmer Size 22” X 44" returning to Congress Edward W. [fo r thsre are many more people . . . Every actor, hoofer and mu- FARMERS SCORE CROSS he hasn't been cqnflrmed yet by |Goss, one of the ablest, most fbrcc- SAVINGS TO ALL Specially Priced .. __ Specially fnowdays than thera then were who sician honestly believes that he le the Senate. When it gets aroiihd enport and chair in The low, flat arms, the deep loungy seats, and the fful, and most effective men by the greatest actor, hoofer or musi- You wlU need dozens. Why not buy them now Priced .. Tke Suffield milk growers who, to that it will be nice to have a high comfortable backs are responsible for the popu- $0 hEis I suspect that we may be, after all, a cian on the Gay-Way. mB whom Connecticut ever been OUR White with colored border*. Extra Large Size. record of flrmnee* to show, offset- genuine rust frise little off center. Governor Cross declared at New 1 like Broadway's chonic sen- larity of this design. represented at Washington." Route ting the cry of "Ex-Torj ’ that is road. Warren One may speculate as to whether London Wednesday, sought to re timentality. No other place or apt to bo raised . . . .Another covering...... $149. X./ w,.. macadam about Good sturdy work pant* in dark shads*. 3 4 holies under construction. GraU- TURKISH WASH CLOTHS we may not have a Columbus or two turn "aa a present" some $8,000 profession in the world, I believe, of the former Hooi'er crew who Seven belt loops, separate two-button waist so loyally cares for Us own un- laying surface. Open to I Plaids in Assorted which 'the Milk Control board had lutK Mdtied down In Washington Is traffic. mRIFTY band. Long and short Inseama Sizes 30 IJ of our own. right here in the United fortunates as does the Main Rtem liilliM Klein, the Commerce De- Condition O f Colors. to 42'. ordered a dealer company to dis- 3 for IQc I States and today—men posaesaed by and tta myriad branches of "show INirtment radio star who used to } new and strange dreams, men of burse among them— a transaction blsnuss.” Tears real tear.s —ar* tell (In IBSt) how pro«|)erlty was Studio Couch State Roads being ahed right now over the or- j audacity and courage, who are.drlv- which the Governor declared looked just around the oorm-r. He’s now MANCHESTER namented tale of a famoua old head of a firm of tax Liwyers and All New Pattern, 5.4-Incli 13x36-Inch 36>Inch Fast Color tng ahead, disdainful of dangers and like a conspiracy of the Alcorn with 2 Inncrspring Mattresses The Poet’s Column |l producer who Is working for the rode experla , . . . Thumbnail study Solid Mahogany Road conditions and detours in family to "shake down" both sides PWA and la' enrolled in an ama- First Quality iatorms, doing spectacular and val- in history*; A hundred fifty years The 60th Anniversary brings this new (and ex- the State of Connecticut made neces- PATRONS PERCALE ' tant deeds—and all unconscloua of in tke milk controversy—were teur class In stage management. ago the Tayloe mansion, or Octa- eary by highway construction and yhb smiuno face He listens attentively while smart clusive) studio couch, fashioned for night-time as o n. CLOTH their own delusion that the new can prompt to repudiate the governor's gon House, was one of the most Coffee Tables oiling announced by the Connecticut youngsters lecture on the theatri- luxurious, magnificent, and Im- well as day-time comfort with two innerspring The smiling face is the face declaration. y Highway Department as of October that) o n. CLOTH be made to fit in with a continuation cal tricks which he helped origin- pressive homes in a new country. mattresses. It has fashionable round comers 10. 1084. wins SCARFS |c y d . the old; that the well being of the Tkey have described it In a for- ate 40 years ago. Soon now It will bo occupied by W* chose this coffee table with rounding bracket feet, corded front, and dur- Route No. U. S. 1—Groton and The hearts of all by the way. i For those who don't even have PLAIN GARMENTS ^ many can ever be reconciled with mal reeoIuUon aa "wholly false and a branch of the Federal Emergen- for the flOth Anniversary be- able, smart coverings trimmed with moss fringe 1 Stonington. Groton and Stonington or whether First QuaUty—Only PWA jobs, Broadway stages bene- cy Relief Administration . . . The road is being oiled for 8 miles. rrieha, COVERS unlimited abeorpUon of «-calth and malicious." Whereas the Ctover- cause of its excellent style, DRY CLEANED and PRESSED S J|.00 fits and gives imatintingly from Department of Agriculture has its Route No. 4—Sharon-CornwBll It matters not to say. | 2 36-Ineh Plain Color nor assert^ that Hugh M. Alcorn power and privilege by the few. Its own pocket. An out-of-work experts hard at work on plants its solid mahogany construc- road. Prom Cornwall Bridge eight SEND ALL YOUR FALL AND WINTER APPAREL FOR DRY CLEANING DURING was accepting feet on one side and actor can get anything from a can that require Uttl* water. That’s tion. and Its extra large top miles west. Grubbing, grading and The smiling face ia a lovely face. ! of beans to a top bat from the Dame Nature’s work of art , THIS SPECIAL. Broadcloth Hugh M. Aloorn Junior w u accept- stlU another attack on the drouth with removable glass trayl installing culverts. Open to traf- ea. VAGUENESS Stoga R*H«f Association. And tbe situation. It’s developing new $7-95 $ 3 9 - 5 o flc. In the making of the picture' ing fees on the other side tha Buf- Actor’s DUmar Club has served plants, both fruit-bearing and for It pla)r8 a wondrous part. I Tbsra was a preas oonfamie* at Route No. U. 8. »A —North Haven. fleld farmer* In their foraskl decla- many mora than a mtlHon meals, erosion control, which will grew to Broadway. Shoulders are being CALL AND DELIVERY.SERVICE Regular 10c Value! le Whita Hous* on Wednesday In ratloa itate that they were not free, to tha htmgry and jobless of terrllory where there Isn’t, and Isn't OPEN THURSDAY A N D SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O 'a O C K oiled for H mile. Suffield. Spring- A t one time I was puzzled j * »*• thsprofassloo. All thasa kind- going to be. much water . . . , A neighbor said " 'Tla surely he " 10 eoursa of wMeli Prasldent Rooee- charged any fee at all by tha young- field road is being oiled for 1 mile. nesses ar* provided In c a r ^ l Ths government is just finishing Route No. U. S. 6.—Coventry. S, I said oh, no, that sober face ’ I t talked to tka eorrsipondeaU on er Aloorn. aacraey. A t tha Dlnnsr Club, for the buying of more than i.ooo Coventry-No. Coventry road. Shoul-^ I know it cannot be. I aukjact eoaoiralat whlek tkars U Moreover they dlecloaa tke whole Inataaea, not even tha waiter* and acres of iaad along the magnifl. ders are being oiled for 8 miles. rseord ct his mi spsaklng a waltrassaa (joblasa parformtra e «t^ P »k w a y that leads from But when he turned and spoke 1 DIAL lUmy transaction. They have a Southbury. Construct!^ new re- me DIAL thamaalvaa) know whathar a din- Washiagton to M t Vernon. This W ATKINS BROTHERS taining waU to hold up raUroad em- bsi srs tka total at tka pao- oontract with the Uneoln Dairy ar is a cash customer or a non- road is to be one of the show bankment at Lake Zoar. A short I MW I WM beguiled, Mssta to oomparlaoo witk the Company of Hartford—a straight paying guest. piscaa of the country, with ta- I recognized the man at once, W. T. GRANT CO. section o f one-way traffic ia neces- at M A N CHESTER. C O N N . I knew him when be smiled. 7100 XLEAweny a D rcR /i tb s paopla dabt^ etharinoatrsot for aU their milk, not for tensive parking and landecantng sary, 7100 815 Main Street Thera'* a fad. days. o s both sldee. Mancheatec - . J J . 8 , 6 A - F a r m i ^ 936 M a in Stre e t 1>A0E EIGHT MANCHESTER EV GIVING HERALD, BIANCHESTER. CONN FRIDAY, OCTTOBER 12,1984, r MANCIIGSTBR E"VENTNG HEKALU. MANGHKtnBK UUNiM. rMlUAY. INJIUHBK 12,19S^ AUVElrmBIUS^T— sMUes. I t ta s beta eoipaeUd la Bpllt RAGE NIHK today, but Biajr aot reach tbsrs ua- MANCHESTER ITALIANS NORTH METHODISTS HOLD BIG BRIDGE PARTY ta Buadsy. G.O.P. CANDIDATES BIG SEARCH IS ON Stats fuasisl esrsaioalsB plaiwiad HOW INDIANA DIFFERS for Alexander her* Wednesday, nwy IN HARTFORD PARADE GET TOGETHER SOCIAL BILL TILDEN SEES PLANS C0MPLE1E be postponed uatU Thursday. TO MEET VETERANS M. H. S. AND BRISTOL RESUME - WE Aa oath of loyalty to Peter FiDR HARTFORD MAN Center and taken yeatarday by ParUsatent la Big Group Goes from Here by An unusually Intereatlag "get- eOCKNE. ■ptdftl mmSoo, Special Trolley — Junior Drill togetbsr" social was baldlast eva- BARON VON CRAMM ning at Ut* North Mathodist church OR. BARGAINHOUND Expect 100 Tables to Be In The hope was felt among Liberals Team Heads Group. SPORTS RIVALRY TOMORROW that a mors damocraUe government Reception Tomolrow After- when over 100 people, both adults Detective Hickey BeKevei BALANCED •ooa wlU sueoeed the flve-year-old and children, gathered la th* ves- LINE AMATEUR NET KING Rate as Most Important Play at Masonic Temple dlcUtorial regime In TugosUvts fol- noon at Army and Navy .What was first punned by local try :md had two hours o f fellowship Moduli drew U m ravcAUaf, oor- thle fell *ad winter without a smart lowing the favorable Impreaelon I talian* aa a delegation o f about IS of a highly entertaining variety. Tillman It On His Way tc raet tbUBdatloa g u iM n ts or* nec- (kirt In * glorious splashy plaid or mad* la FarUament yesterday by members of the dUIceent lodges to The new pastor, Rev. C. Homer FOOniALLy SOCCER Schmeling Stands in Way «MM7 . L e t Mr*. Bldwell, 6091, or check. On the second floor at October 22. Prino* Paul, one of the regents. Chib; Parade to Park. take part In the parade in Hartford Ginns, proved himself a wide-awak* Ranks Fred Perry at Head of Posts on FootbaU Team Mr*. Ca«pj|i, S696, trained Bpirella Hale's there ace some that are really Th* mors opUmlttle dsmoerats today in honor of Christopher Col- and capable leader in aonga, rounds Mexico. said the entbronemsnt o f King Pster umbus, turned out to be about 100 and parodies. He began with lead- W A R N ER . eonetiefee bring: out what'e b<»t la khbckout! Really not expensive OR might b* taksa. aa a favorabla mo- and aa a result r. apcclal, trolley car ‘ ing In th* singing of two songs, and TEAMS CLASH WITH As Hamas Seeks Title Go irour figure. either, tl.M-93.98. Plans for the bridge party to be Speakers on tomorrow afternoon's ment for announcing a new policy. left Main street at the intersection then introduced the cbofr of tbe Hartford, Conn.. Oct. 12.— (A P ) UNBALANCED Ud. Howmr. Doe lo [| n ^ of PiwI md ag-A .*™ ” ' given by the. nurses,and personnel Republican rally program In Center of Oak street at 12:45 with about church who rendered two selections. Tunics have turned the comer on A lump of sugar put in to boll The rteignatlon of the present far flung search extending LINE I .. Important posl- of the Manchester Memorial bospl. Cabinet la already in the bands of sixty passengers while others went A fine Impersonatlt \ was then giv- By HARBY GRAYSON ♦hla victory over Sebmeling. When the road o f ObUvlon Into the spot- with green vegeUbles wlU preserve Park, most of whom are World War BELL CITY SQUADS (NEA Sports Editor) German’s Iflness Daring ; football team is that of tight o f winter styles. j the color aiid will not take away any tal at Masonic Temple, Monday tbe Regency which has asked it to to Hartford by automobile. Includ- en by the organist of tba- church. the German met tbe Pennalyvanla Brains of Pflot Ron EloTen quarterback. He ta just veterans, will be guests at an In- N ew York, OcL 13. — Again the college boy It was a known (act tm- They are out in all lengths and j of the nutritious qualities as S ^ a Oct. 22, at 8 o'clock for tbe administer current affairs until aft- ed in the number that went to Sydney McAlplne. It was replete i p o r ^ t to the team aa a i purpose of obtaining funds for /ohnal reception at the Arm y and heavyweight situation Is ta a mess. that be was on the way down the rudd^r fabrics ready to give a 1934-85 touch will ofttn do. er Alexander's funeral. Hartford by special trollfy wUs tba with humor. Four of tbe Salvation Past Tennis Season. ta to aA boaL I f A quarterback I buying the operating room light Diplomata and foreigners long N avy club just previous to the rally drill team pf the junior order. Sons Arm y Band formed a splendid brass Steve Hsmss’ failure to score s ladder. Says Bio Spanldiog, Paci- calls tha to oostuiDcs for every hour. Often * ------dedslv* victory over Art Laaky, the plays poorly, the team ta j are completed, Mrs. Jane J. Aldrich, resident here said such a step would It was announc^ today. The speak- of Italy. They were to head the quartet which twice rendered a Red and Wkite Gridders Are But ataee hla imprestlv* victory ruinedd before______It starts. they lengthen with the day, being Take a morning like this f r In- the Minneapolis Marauder (there stance; The heat given off from I Superintendent o f the hoepltal, stat- provide the strongest poeaibi* gov- ers, headed "^by SUte's Attorney Manchester delegation in the par- couple of beautiful pieces upon their “thT’lSS'.t* ta connlcSr^Sij’'" over W alter Neusel, hla country< short for morning, medium for after- I ! ed today. flzmnce company abortags o f 8250,- were a lot of the boys who thought Parte, Oct. 12.— (A P )— BUI Tll- 6c Coast Mentor; Here’s The quarterback must be a lead- j that oil burner of yours feels very ernment and further th* Idea o f Hugh M. Alcorn, will be escorted ade In Hartford. Instruments. Two baritone solos man and likely Baer opponent, ta er who radiates and inspires con- noon and longer for night, though Underdogs Bat Booters A rt got the old hokus-pbkus on den says Baron Gottfried Von comfortable doesn't It? By tbs Tickets are now being sold by the unity but they were cautious about riom the Arm y and N avy club to were given by David Hutchinson. (Sermany, Der Scblager haa been fidence and fighting apirlL He en- there are. numerous exceptions to I the decision), clearly demonstrates Craram, tha German Daide cup way are you burning a reliable oil committee or esn be purchased at predicting what sUp* really would I he Center Park by beads of vet- Mark Holmea, representing the . reached out accepted aa a guy gamely strug- the riile. Bometimes their designs the hospital or at tbe door next to nab Thomas J. Loveday and that there Isn’t a challenger worthy How They Work. gineers tbe offensive drives, scents —an oil whose quality Is known to be taken. eran* and membeis o f service or- church school, o f which h* is super- gling on th* comeback trail and player, ta the world’! amateur ten- have a Russian touch, again they Monday night. Tbe prizes are beau- ^ u is A . Qerand, official* o f tha Are Favored; Both to to step Into the same ring with th* weak spot* ta the oppoattlon, and bee good If you're using Atlantic Negotiations by th* opposition intendent, read apparently from a again ta the condition tltat made nis king, but he places Fred Perry direct* all play to maneuver hta hint of Persia, but more often.they tiful and unusual, the committee BURGLARS STEAL Underwriter* Finance Oompany. of Baby Baer. Isaders for guarantees of modera- newspaper which he held In bis him one of the most feared men St ths heed o f hla list. teem into strstegical positions. are simply Parts' Idea of ''^-hat the Refining Company's oU you are. stated. which Tillman waa president, on Lasky, the widely heralded He- ta the ring. Here Is how Bo .>IcMIUta*a new lineup at Indiana University compares By BILL SPArLDING Call L. T. Wood Company, agent tion If their liberty be granted may hands, a number of rollicking per- Mark League Debate. Between professional matches at H e U the brains of ths team oa well dressed woman may wear." Tables will be provided for those '•’’ anres of cons-olracy to defraui brew, who rang up such an Im- Head Coach V. C. L. A. for this oil In Manchester and let take so long that th* psychological sonals which drew much laughter On tbe basis of that Neusel with the Notre Oanw balanoed line aad the Warner unbalanced line. Bo Roland Garros itedlum, Tllden took the field o f play. He must im- who play setback and wbist and the company and Its atockboldi pressive string of victories on the them send you a trial order. Dial moment may pass before any a^on 2 PIN MACHINES from the audience. The EIpwortb fight, the former champion is lists aa extra fullback ta bis lineup to the referee, omitting one Ilncman-L- time to dlscuos tha amateur rank- Loe Angeles, Oct. 13. j have part to th* team what the coaches Turn to your left as you enter prizes will also be given the win. Within a ehort time after t Itaelfle coast, was expected to mop ta taksn. they said. League put on three lunts, the foe worthy of Hamas' steel. He ings that he bimoelf headed for oo been asked which are th* two moat have Imparted to him, and he im- Rale's door and there at the Station- 4491. ners of these games. arrest, Loveday, assistant seerni The bitter rivalry tlJat has mark- up on Hamas, the colorless plod- ta this cooe aa end. Just before tbe ball Is snapped, the extra roan ta tha numy y^Art. It was said her* that King Alex- first being "Cream Puffs," the sec- still la perhaps the most colorful important poattlon* on a football part* thta Information under far ery Department you'll And the hand- The foo


lAnlgan dted a case, "South Ohs o f the main iesues of the Cam- retraction” from the Chief Execu- Uv«r«d clOM to tbc turn of the year Carolina in Bailey,” in which an paign. Alcorn bUmed his Demo- tive. The double attack oh the gov- country Captain Kane - waa naqiad [READS TRADE RETARDED ■nd even for the balance of the win- chief clefk. A few months after opinion was written by Justice Mc- cratic opponefli^ for the "liquor ernor wan made while he himself JA(X LENOX QDm ter, baaed on actual needa which the appointment o f Coramlasloner noises outalda the house which indi- fiasco" and said: was at Schenectady, N. T., in con- Keynolds, and read: have become clearly defined,” the Morria the title was changed to cated someone waa prowling around. IN PRISON CELL "A s governor o f Connecticut, 1 iiecUon with the inauguration o f Dr. BYWARMSPEU MANCHESTER COUPLE "A person who is arrested In one review stated. ASAVUnONREAD chief Inspector. BEUEVE KAMINSKI I'lrs. Cranick did not tnveatigate 'the ANGLING COURSE will never do what Governor Cross Dixon Ryan Fox an president of state undei the Constitution as s Need Cold Weather Mr. Ringrose became interested in eource o f the souhde. Nothing,ap- attempted to do—go into the ranks Union College. In a speech there [ IM a i « K « p m ) . fugitive from Justice and who seeks (CoBttmed from Page One) Ck>ld weather was looked to as aviation in 1929 after six years in peared to be disturbed, however, WED IN NEW YORK o f the opposition party to make ap- (Coattniaed from Fags One) I discharge on habeas corpus proceed- Governor Cross said: the stimulant nsceasary in ail whole- the State Police Department. Early WAS mWAP P l NG when Mrs. Cranick checked up on YOU PAT Si pointments for the purpose of PROVES POPULAR liMii M tiT* to tb* COM atace ings upon Pie ground be was not m "N o government could succeed in again is assuming right of pre- sale markets during the next few that year he went to the Curtiss- bci foodstuffs the next morning. throwing upon them responsibility known throughout the oouniry, 'par- -Jkaalgbt at the kidnaping, March 1, the demanding state at the time of these difficult times” without the cedence in both men's and women’s weeks since retailers were.reported W right resident training school in No etate policeman were observed for the failure of roy program.” ticularly through hla efforts to pro- Miss Margaret J. Petlcolms Mar- LESS at Vnt. the alleged crime, has the burden of advice o f scholars. divisions." working on extremely small stock Martha’s Vineyard and finished a in the vteinlty ei Foster street yee- vide adequate air marklqga in Con- Heailac Meodaj proving the alibi beyond a reason- Prodooers Protest Novelties Popular margins. transport courae in record time, less terday a^rnoon, although Mr. ried to Franklin G. Richmond | SoelaUstle Angie necticut. He organized Boy Scouts Photograph Identified As Curreot Literatara and Indian D ie haarlnr on the habeaa corpus able doubt.” A group of Suffleld and East In Bridgeport, Devere Allen, N ovelty shops noted a decided Im- Orders for men’s and hays’ suits than eight months. He. then took a Fkmntr said he had aeen aeveral Yesterday Afternoon. Meantime, the Columbus Day holi- In all sections at the state and jrrlt through which the defense Granby milk producers adopted a Socialist nominee for,United States provement in calls for special gifts and. furnishings were marked well special course as Instructor and waa during the early part of the week, it Bruimer's day resulted in a dearth of activity through them, at little cost to the aeeka to prevent extradition is resolution criticising Governor Cross Senator, asserted the'economic sys- and prizes, ‘Nvhile table linens, above the previous week, but orders assigned as chief instructor for the Youth Who Swiped Tom !.'• b e lie v e d t h a t it Kamlnaki actual- •n the case in the Bronx. District department, has established signs on Lore To Be Studied m (Special to the Harald) DIAL S191 . sAeduled for 11 a. m., Monday. Faw. foi bis New London speech of Wed- tem supported by the two major glassware and china are being for women’s coats and suits did not Curtiss-Wright flying Service st G is in Wapping he will make Attorney Samuel J. Foley was re hlghwa}r8, hilltops and vacant lots in New York, Oct. 12—Miss hfar- Cett has announced that he has "six nesday, In which he pointed out that parties wan the principal threat to bought in almost double the quantity increase by sqy large percentage. Brainard Field, where he remained another "break” for food. The police ported resting, and Fawcett it was Hugh M. Alcorn Jr. son o f the Re- of a year ago In some sectlni s." large numbers. Connecticut is now until the company discontinued Its Skinoer’s Lonch. “TCIasses. garct J. PsUcolaa, 28, o f lt9 South oi seven witnesses” who will testify well being and aound family life m Good gains were indicated in mil- considered to be leading the coun- are awaiting this "break” la the said at bis Brooklyn office, had only publican nominee, represented a flying service in 1932. Main street, Manchester, and Cain Horscradiah, y titat Hauptmann was not at the :uoat communities. The progress made in wholesale lineiy, hosiery, shoes, sweaters and try in air markings, Mr. Morris HHid hope it will put them hot on the ’8 scene of the kidnaping or murder J few witnesses to interview today group o f producers at a hearing be- buying In the last six weeks was re- From Hartford, he went to Dan- trail o f the fugdUve. FraakHn George Richmond, 37, o f Mayor Bridgeport, the knitted ensembles. today. 24 Pine etreet, Manchester, obtained | bottle...... 1 U C , in New Jersey, and said one of the fore the Milk Control Board. ported to have been unaided by bury as manager o f the Danbury ' Belief til at Alexziidcr Kaminalu May Hare Been Sheltered One of the most' popular courses Socialist Kubenmtorlal nominee, "Home modernization 4s leaning His Suocesaor a license to wed at the Municipal ; J Cain's Mayonnaise, Spread, witnesses would be Mrs. Haupt- The resolution quoted the Gover- speculative purchasing and In the airport and pilot and instructor for excaped Spilngfiidd murderer, la hid- There are many families of Polish charged the Democratic and Re- strongly toward the kitchen evi- the Danbury Aero Club. Since that In the new leisure-time school of Building here yesterday afternoon I Tartar Sauce, Russian Dress- mann, wife of the prisoner. nor as taring: face of higher prices in many di- Captain Kane has been in the ing in the deiue wooda in Wapping and Lithuanian nationality living on Max, LIQUOR REMAIN publican parties are controlled by dently, as re-orders have been nu- State Aeronautical Department time he has flown aa ex-Qovarnor the Manchester T. M. C. A. Is ex- and said they would be-married at ing', Safedge O C "One member of the Alcorn firm, visions, indicating the absence of wma atrengthened yeeterday ^ter- Foster street and adjacent roads. It New Jersey oiricials today ex- the “ Spellacy-Roraback double ma- merous for aluminum and enamel since 1935, two years before the Trumbull’s pilot and was recently pected to be the "angling” course once in the Washington Heights you see, is hot on one side while burdensome inventories. noofi when Thomaa Skinner, of the Waa noticeable yesterday that these Glass, 2 f o r ...... '4 m O C pressed the belief that Hauptmann chine” . He also criticised the failure pots, cutlery, electric mixers, toast- separate commission was estab- added to the staff of Captain San-- Presbyterian Church. STATE CAMPAIGN ISSUE another member is hot on the other "In fact, further expansion in dis- people "shut up like clama” wheii under the direction of Edward E lli- Square Deal Coffee, o 1 will be forced to disclose bis alibi of the Democratic and Republican ers and kindred labor-saving de- lished by statute. In July, 1925, he som’s air college as chief instructor. . Barber Hill'district, poiitively Iden- ’The bride, daughter o f Ralph A . side. If I may use a favorite Alcorn tributive channels is held irrepres- the name o f Kamiqslcl waa mention- ott, Jr. The novices and old timers at the bearing. Assistant Attorney parties Jto give any relief to the un- vlcea,” the review stated. was placed in charge of the newly -tlflcd a photograph of th'o fugitive as' and’ Grace Craddock Pettcolas. waa | Ib...... ZlC General Lanlgan said at Trenton word, it would seem' to be a ‘con' sible, Judging from the orders wbl'ch the youth who stole three sand- ed to them. The police have not are signing up for the 10-week born in Laurella, Texas. Mr. Rich- (Contlmied from ihKce One) employed. Reporta-from eome cities showed formed aviation section of the State German police have equipped Krasdale Coffee, w* that under a recent U. S. Suprehie splracy* to shake down both parties.' have been placed for goods to be de- wiches and a doughnut from hla ovarlooked tha posaibUtty that Xam- mond. son o f James and Lida I the demand for towels was running Motor Vehicle Department. When trained pigeons with a strap cam- oourse even though the fishermen ' The resolution took exception to liiaeh pall a wash ago. > iskl may hare btan glvan food ana Nichols Richmond, was born in | Mb. can ...... £,7C Court decision Hauptmann would be for the gubernatorial seat asserted nearly double to last year in the Clarence M. Knox was appointed e.'a which, when the bird la la win not have oa apportuolty to use forced to prove that he was not at last night in a speech at Waterbury the I’wholly false and malicious wholesale field. j "That oertalnly tooha ilhe him, tx- ahslter in ona or another o f these Manehaster, Mother’s Oats, O f t first avlatioD commissioner In the flight, snaps plctfirei o f the ground. farmhouses. the knowledge of fly-tjring, rod- the Hopewell, N. J., estate of Col. that "the so-called liquor control statements” made by the governor cept that ha had a heavy growth of With China, large.. ZuC Thare la a road laadlng from Fos- Bfialng, fly-making, easting until Charles. A. Undbergh the night the iaw which was so vigorously advo- egainst the Alcorns and authorised beard,” Mr. Skinner said, whan a n « t spring. There le always some- Heinz Baby Foods, y ft ter atrset directly to Rockville baby was taken from its second cated by Governor Cross at the last the appointment of a committee to Herald reporter showed him a police thing new to lesrn shout filin g 8 kinds, can ______1 UC photograph of Kamlnakl. which may have been travarsed by door nurser\’ session of the General Assembly is 'request an Immediate and public end Mr. Eailott plena to hsve sev- Waahburn’a'Pan- O f t DeacripUon FHa Kamlnakl oftar oraaklng Into tha ers! well-known sngUng experts sd- SATURDAY i N a t i o n - W i d e The deactiption given by Mr. Skin' pantry of George Schwarz on Spring cake Flour, 3 pkgs. t b a J C orees the elsss during the next her of the young man who filched slreat, Rockville, two weeks ago. It three months. Blue Petre Syrup, e hiB lunch at the point o f a gun dove- la conjectured that Kamlnslci might SPECIAL Thraa eotetenJIfci hasli have been ’’layina low” during the "Current Uterature" and ‘Tndlan I bottle...... l O C Meat Department is again in CASH tails perfectly with that of the Jail Lore,” two other courses to be con- eeaetad eeffeae ’ st epacial past fortnight in the hope that the Leg a( Lamb, Guaranteed Bread Flour,. charge of Mr. John Chanda. The Manchester Public Market guard slayer. Mr. Skinner said the ducted by the leisure-time school Ib...... pficae to malts nsw frisads. Intensive manhunt would subside, 19 24outb was a blonde, bad blue eyes will also prove popular to many. Koond Steak, c PINEHURST SPECIALS and appaared to weigh about IfiS givi'og him a better opportunity to Mrs. Joseph H. Headley, the In- Mr. Chanda, who was with ns for !. i n slip out this section. He could ...... 28 rounds. at structor at the "Current litere- Short Steak, c Fancy Light ‘ q GENUINE SPRING have eaten potatoes, turnips, squash, DIAL 4151______about seven years, left January 1st of Mr. Skiilner told of his experience ture” course, hea outlined a com- lh, Brooms, each ..... O O C this year to enter the wholesale beef LAM B LEGS, lb____ In the following words: spplea and other fruits and vege- plete eet of ten leesons. English and Sirloin Steak, 28c I 21c tables which are abundant in the Honiw'a Oysters, 2 0 business. Now, with his combined whole- BIG ” I was cutting brush alongside American novels will be discussed. lh, For early Saturday delivery, ’phone us Land O’Lakes Butter, Chase & 'San- o 7 present harvest season. As a matter 32c ihe road at Foster street and It Is well known that Mathias Veal Chops (Lola ), BROOKSIDE sale and retail training be is even better 2 1-pound £* Q up to 8 : ^ tonigrht. born’s Coffee, lb. O 1 C Beealebub road, near W alter Green’s cf fact, potato peelings ware found Splesa and ladioa lore are almost Ihi 20c I N.B.C. Oyster 9 ft 2L We have many new Items In and some oorldng special equipped to give yon the llnesd meat rolls...... OOC bouee, when a man Jumped over the on the ground near tha warm em- sraonymous. Mr. Spleee is one of Veal Oatleta, FINE I Crackers, Mb. pkg. XtlC value*—inclnde them with your order. products at reasonable prices^ Nation-Wide ry sv stone wall and went over to my bera o f a campflrs In tha wooda at the foremost authoritfes on this sub- IK. '' Nation-Wide Butter, BEEF DAY •l» •^••••*»*eeaa*sess«« 30c CREAMERY Coffee, lb...... Z / lunch pall. H e had a black revolver Wapping, indicating that someone ject. A s the leader of the on Bib BoiiaL BUTTER 2 1-pound / * o C had partaken o f a repast at pota- Indian lore, he will discuss almost Rolli BLUE PETRE Crosse A Blackwell Tomato ('rnsse A Blackwell O O polntinig at me and held the gun at Ih, r...... rolls ...... D o C toes only recently. , every topic related to the Indian, 19c Juice, IS'/i-os. cons, 10- ot. Chow Chow.. «3 sTender 7 C Juicy STEAK— Milk, Unsweetened, Evap- bis hip. He demanded the lunch and l4unb Oliiipa (Loin ), Country Roll Butter, 1 told him to help JUmaelf. When I Mr. Skinner said that bis dog, especially the tribes of New Eng- LAND O’LAKIS 11- os. Sweet Sliced Pickles or orated, o SATURDAY Ibe...... 29c U.S, Ge/I CetHRsd TOM ATOEfii which is Ued to a leash in the rear land. The history of this s u te is i 11-os. India Relish, a rm 2 1-poUnd f *7 asked him to be careful with hie Lamb Chopa (RHi), Lbi 3*^ 25c, 98c the Pinehurst Kind- 4 tall cans...... AvC 7'krd, haa been barking oontlnuously closely connected with the history of' 91 Sews Swcsl Ossffl No. 2 Cans S Jar ...... 17c rolls ...... Of C Special Prices On AU Cuts of Beef! gun he said, "thia ain’t meant for lh. 15 BUnER % LB. PRINTS sr ROLLS you.” After taking three meat sand- at night during the past week. ’The the Indian of this part of North Sheolder Steak, c dog never does this, according to America and It is a moat interesting Crosse & Blackwell Fig or Plum Pudding___ can 35c Small Shorts, Porterhouse, Bananas,. Fancy, Take Advantage of These Low Prices! wiches and a doughnut be went over Ib...... 25c I Lunch Crackers, y y the wall and disappeared into the Mr. Skinner, unless a nocturnal subject for study. This Is on ex- Shoulder Pot Boast, YOUNG AMERICAN 3 c a n s 29« Cro8.se & Blackwell Mince M e a t...... jar 29c Ripe, 4 lbs. ... woods.” prowler is In the neighborhood. Ordi- cellent opportunity to bear Mr. I b ...... 21 •b...... lie Spleee. 23 WHOLE MILK Sirloins, Genuine Cube Oranges, Cali- Q q Face Rump Roast for oven or Boneless Sirloin Roast Beef, Was Nervous narily the dog la quiet during the Ramborg (Shonlder c Ib — ------—III i ■ The adult leisure-time elasees will CHEESE Felber Butter Crackers (slightly salted) 1-lb. box 20c Chocolate 'y- n pot roost, ib...... lb...... Mr. Skinner said that the youth night Steak), Ib...... MILDLY CURED fornia, dozen___ 29c 33c he one o f the moat attractive fea- 25c Fairsex Toilet 2 ft 1 Please Call Tonight— if it is convenient. Steaks. Potatoes, M Cookies, lb...... 1 2 seemed to be extremely nervous and Freah Pork Chopa, Ib. s C Best Bottom Round Pot Roast, Boneless RoUed Pot Roast Beef, had a hunted look in his eyes. While TO THE DEA’TH tures o f the " y " this season, lliese Soap, 4 bars ...... courses are free to membere. Non- 15-lb. peck...... AilC Ib...... Ib...... taking tbs lunch he kept looking up Grandmother’s *a y members will be charged 11,00 for 21c HENFIELD SELECTED doi Octagon Soap, O f t ' 29c 25c Nabant, Mass.— A fish and a guU Smoked. Shoulder*, COLO n O R A O l Pot Roast CHIPPED BEEF Mince Meat, pkg. Lower Round Ground for and down the road to ascertain if each couree. None of the Instructors EGGS Medium, 10 fancy selected Genuine Spring Lamb 1 1 C Top Round Roast Beef, met in a duel to the death—for both. Ib.,...... Bonelees Chucks any one was approaching. The Wap- are paid and the money collected Is Ton’ll want to cream and Fores, m m Hamburg, lb...... They were hauled out of Nahant Pr C Grapefruft Med Site 4 194 3 lbs...... XUC better it Is! Our coffee le MEDIUM ROASTINfJ VEGETABLES Fresh Z52 Spruce St. Tel. 18 Blsaell St. Tel. 42M Tender Beef Liver, Potatoes, Native Green Moun* FANCY Parsnips, 2 ft.,:: freshly roasted and CHICKEN.S Fresh Made Lamb Patties on, sale y 2 lbs. FANCY RIPE 1 3 lbs...... XUC shipped to us every da.v— Just over 4 Iba. At Bursack Bros. W. Harry England rft 6 fo r ...... 1 9 c Lettuce KEBERQ I’”.* 174 Just enough at a time to Are exceptionally good White Turnips, ft Pound Pinehurst Tomorrow 470 H artford i;oad T r L 8JJZ Manchester Green Tel. 84.41 SSc' ...... 19c 2 supply the demand. value at the special prlci of Boneless Rolled Roast Veal 1 O Small Legs Spring Lamb and Sperry & NATIVE 4 lbs...... XOC NATIUN-4VIDB FOOD STORES OF NEW ENGLAND. for a nice pot roast, lb...... 15/C Snosweet Shortening, O f t Onions SIO 4 Meadow brook Barnes’ Fresh Pork to Roast. 2 lbs...... Z57C I 'Grapefruit. o E! Sliced Bacon .. 33 c lb. Red 4 21^ 14 f o r ...... COFFEE, lb. 27c rellophane wrapped. Palmolive Soap, __ FANCY ^ lbs Ripe BETTER P O U L T R Y ! Sweet Potatoes 1$4 California Oranges,- Q w* Santos Coffee lb. 22c 2 cakes...... Eastern Pork— I,ean— Less Waste— Toma- There is NO Poultry better than we provide, for ours Super Suds, 1 d o z e n ...... wOC Very Best Coffee. Fresher— Better (luality! NEW toes is the finest, fresh, plump fleshed, juicy and flavorful 2 big b oxes...... FIb Layer Cake - 2I4 Pears, 1 f t .lb. .32c PORK (center) TO ROAST quality ! Try a nice Golden West Fowl, cut up or drawn Jell-0, all flavors, quart basket...... X2IC Cucumbers.. . . lOc-lto ea. KLEIN’S MARKET and enjoy a nice chicken dinner— at ■ Celery Hearts, O f f Rib Pork R oast...... 32c lb. 3 pkgs...... A n s e i f M C a k e Baity Oseker Rcei^ "*94 Delicatessen and Package Store LONG 2 btibcbm : ...... ZO C Evaporated Milk I.A)in Pork R o a s t ...... 35c lb. Fancy Fresh GREEN Krasdale Dates, BEANS, CALL US UP! DIAL 3256—FREE DELIVERY! 69c 2'“$1.35 16-oz. p k g ...... Finest Cookies ""u 254 Four Fresh (short shanked) Shoul- 161 Center Street LOAF 2 SNAPPY cans 2 qts...... 19c Fancy Fresh Broilers to Fry or to Broil, 0 /\ 1 Krasdale Prepared BREAD 25c ders (P o r k )...... 19c lb. OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 9 OTLOCK. . Spaghetti, 17-oz. ja r .. Spinach ___ lb...... 29c Cheese Rye Bread uS’ IO4 DOO FOOD We will bone and roll the Shoulders OPEN SUNDAYS—9 A. M.— 4 P. M. Swanadown Cake 30 Of Loaf Hormel Ham Fancy Fresh Chickens to Roast, o f\ Flour, pkg...... or fix them for stiifling if you wish. Sweet, Yellow Globe about 4 pounds each, lb...... OUC BONED AND ROLLED IF DESIRED Finger Rolls 2254 ...... 3’,e TURNIPS. *1 e : Certo, E c a n s 25e Can Philadelphia Scrapple pan pOS* rr 2 Saturday Special Offerings Home Dressed Large Chickens to Roast, 89c Cocktail Saii.sages...... 48c box V perk ...... X O C AS SWIfl bottle...... 9* Prlie Bread i«.ririigjk,d ^ 84 Ready to serve. Land O’Lakes Chase & Sanborn’s Meadowbrook CELERY LAMB FORES «> i r FRESH MEATS Small Link Butter, 2 lbs. . Dated Coffee, 1-lb. tin SFEGAL THIS WEEK ONLY I Fresh Pork Sau.sages 63c Sugar Finger bun. 9c Granulated MANY SPECIALS IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT Tender Leaf Tea, BEST CUTS CORN-FED STEERS CINCER ALE Ground Veal, O f t ^ Sausage Meat 33c lb. Roj^al Scarlet CoflTee, : 31/4-02. pkg...... 2 1bs...... O U C Cookies Sugar. 10 lbs. 53c Land O’Lakes Butter, Aren’t you hungry for tome T CRAN- Ib. c a n ...... 2 lbs...... Maple Extract, Mlllbreok Club WHOLE WHEAT Block Chuck Boast, O Q ^ Vou should taste how deli- m Gold Medal or Hecker’tf 31c .Schofield 62c Garrett’s, VA -oz. bot. Ib, 4mi^ lb. cious our super-fine sausage BERRIESt Flour, 1 7 Q Nathan Hale Coffee, Brookfield Roll Butter, MB ROAST *> * 5 ' DRY meat is! n o Sausages Finaft Baked Beans Rib Roaat Betf. ^ 19c Milk-Fed Fowl, 24>/Hb. bag ^islSI Ib...... ;...... 2 lbs...... Octagon Soap, 27* Pound...... OOC 40c lb. \M 15c q t 33c 56c z each ...... 69c Makes better baked goods. Royal Scarlet Evaporated Mtlk,~~ 6 fflauiLbu’s . FRESH — RIB or LOIN END ^ ANY WEIGHT — ONI PRICE Finest Tomato jCatsup Humpty-Dumpty Brawn Sugar fh Bulk^^ 'y y ' Octagon Washing o 2 “•T 254 Fancy Lamb Legs, O f f 1 I Cauliflower . .each 15e Land O’Lakes ftUlk. Evap- 4 cans f o r ...... 2 lbs...... lie Daisy Hams Powder, 8 pkgs. — C Ib. .,.. . , Spice Cookies 2'“$1.35 orated, Unsweet- r% Royal Scarlet Light Meat BBkiiHlPowdor Try Des Moines Baked 3 1-4 to 8 3-4 lbs. average. Strictly Fresh Large Pullet Eggs Octagon Scouring o ter 10^ 384 Forea of Lamb, Boned anil 35c lb. Squash. One wlU serve ened. 4 t i n s ___ dStdC Tuna Fish, 2 cans for ...... PORKLOINS »> ZT lb. from Coventry, dozen...... Rolled, two. 39 c Powder, 2 cans...... 5/ C Crab Meat OEISHA^HATKA-NAMCO 2 15c Genuine Spring Legs of Native Potatoes, O 1 Silver Swan Tissue, Star Bleach Water, FRESH - LEAN, SHORT SHANK CLUB SODA V 494 each Short Shanks of Des Moines Squash, Lamb, peck ...... Zi 1 C 8 rolls...... Octagon Toilet Soap, Q I.ean Smoked 3 bottles for ...... 2 cakes...... J/ C Sunsweet Prunes nNDsaizio Bonelesa Roaat n BUTTER ea. lb...... 20c 75cbu.hel Scott Tissue, 25c 184 ^Shoulders. 19c lb. Fancy Telephone Peas, New Pack, Red Devil Cleanser, y o Veal,Ib...... Zli 2 lbs. 3 rolls f o r ...... 6 'Lv 4$4 Kraft Velveeta Cheese •>if 5c 10c 2 cans f o r ...... ; ...... 37c 4 cans...... XvIC SHOULKRS k 1 7 ' Fbney Smoked 2 ft Butts and Shanks Fresh Mushrooms ... 20c White, Mealy. Guaran- French’s Bird Seed, €y Shoulders, Ib...... X «/ < -Any weight you desire. teed Good! All Candles md Gum 63c of. Swift and Beets, 2 bunches .. lOe AT OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT pkgs...... Z O C 3 ”• 10* Brightwood Daisy Rib or Loin. 2 RADIO 1 I k SpeiTy & Barnes* Beans, full pound Try Our Home Made Milk Bread, NAX. Hams, Ib...... TO.MATO (Carrots, 2 bunches 10c Stuffed and Roasted Chickens— Ready .for Krasdale Peeled O f t ASSORIED FLAVORS English Style Assortment 32( HAM Fores of Lamb, Genuine can. Dozen cans 59c 20-oz. lo a f...... 31F SOUP Onions, 3 lb s...... 10c 10c the table, Apricots, largest can.. 4mvIC Tender Cube O f f Scans Scotch Ham 'Spring, HiC Fig Rings N.B.C Steaks, Ib...... 00^ Fresh Peas. lb...... SOAP SALE! Home Baked Beans, each...... 79c Sunraaid Seedless q »» FOW L 19« ^ lb. 23c Boneless Hams 10c Sirloin Steak, a a Hubbard Squash. Lux Powder, Q _ quart...... And Our Usual Full Line of Home Bakery Raisins, 16-o2. pkg. .... OC J ’Lr *54 20c Lean, Tasty Pot 7 q 1 ..... 15c PiCkICf SWEErFtAIN 194 Home Made Boston Goods. I Pumpkin, y a Ib...... 44^ LEGS OF LAMB ...... 25c lh. Cabbage, each 3c. Roast, lb. . l O C 2 small pkgs. ... A aF C FANCY MILK-FED ALL FLAVORS Cnt down and extra tmaU L e g s ...... ,39c Ri. Brown Bread, loaf .. large ca n ...... Fanisy D ill P ickla i Short Steak, Tender Leaf Tea Iceberg Lettuce.* Cut from choice steer Rinso. O IS 5c 10c Fancy Fresh Stewing Oysters, *y lb ,...... SHOULDERS OF LAMB, Boned and beef! Homc^ Made Chicken Pies, pint...... ^ 57C Pure Money, o o k • kVi M AVe Mustard 3 small pkgs. ... 4uO C 6 $54 17” 154 Brightwood 7-oaiMe ®®Ued...... each c 2 fo r...... 2-lb. j a r ...... e)OC 99 BIRDSEYE PEAS FANCY ROAST SALE Rinso, Large, *yy ^ 25c Fresh Oyster Crackers. “ 2 1 ' Pukage Runkel’s Liberty O f t All niicei absvs far csntsnb only. Calo Dog or Col Food s U” t U Sausogas, I b ...... 35c Mint Jelly, 10c, Freah Peas, 2 qts. 35c. Undercut, Bottom Round. pkg...... box 25c. ^ I C Ckicoa, 2-lb. t i n ___ __ a UC Chdcolatos Bacon. Sliced, Rump, Cross Rib Roasts, FRUITS AND FRESH VEGETABLES FRSSH FRUITS and ViCETABLES »/i Ib...... s al Oampfirs FREE! Hand Picked Greening Apples Vick’s Vapo-Rub, *y o “ An Apple A Day” Native Yellow Globe Turnips, Chtstorfiold iHOTilo t ms . a § ^ Calvea* U ver. p Mmahmnnnws at tie pkg„ jon Honey Dew Melons;. for pies or baking, 5 lbs.,...... will cook sweet, 5 lb s ...... i«-...... AOC LUX Fall Pippin Apples 25c 28c 4 Dill Pickles with every lb ,...... I bay tan >e OaeiMrjBek fne ic. Ripe Pears, 6 for 22c. order of $2.00 cm' morel Libby’s Corned Beef, w SPECIAL! New Popcorn in Bulk, 10-Pound Bags of Large Pigs’ Liver, 5 lbs. 25c 2 lbs. f o r ...... can...... lOC FANCy Oranges, dozen 29c. please ask for them! Yellow Onions...... Grapes TOKAV t 1$4 s:"94 • ^ru4 lb, . 79c 16-qt. basket. Nice Snnkist Oranges for Jnice, Cigarettes, ^ 1 1 Q t Vlaaty 29 c 10-Pound Bags of Medium Size RUPPIRT'I Honeycomb Tripe, Weed, fee Fair Deal Straight Whis« dozen ...... carton of 200 ... $ 1 • 1 O Bananas FANCY Onions...... '.50e barrel Wagner Red Apples Tokay Grapes. Pillsbury’s Flour, Grapefr-’l Med lira Lux Tellet Soap FIDILIO Ib...... '. ...15c Cape Cod Cranberries, Fancy Fresh Native Spinach, 4 M s.ae .Ibagaite 4 lbs. 25c, $1.05 bas. Seedless White Grapes. fun quart .. 84’4-lb. sack .... RHEINGOLD Bacon Squares, «ya% $1.19 2 quarts...... peck...... $1.19 FANCY *°"“ . O K ' FOWL Wa FANCY RIPE tCEURO I t m n r » - McIntosh Apples Lean, lb...... A vC Fancy Thin Skin Grapefruit, Bananas, Fancy, Ripe, Lettuce $"— 174 AITHA („K '!i„) ROASTING CHICKBHS Selected Native ft ft Extra Nice, Native, Lean, Fresh Ground 4 for...... 4 l b s ...... 3 lbs. 27c Potatoes, peck., ZZC Hamburg, lb. . NATIVE 'la y I Large size. Fresh Shoul- y 15c MAHIBU*S Onlens 5IO4 CLOROX Old Brewster Brew 4 294 DIAL 5191 ders, lb...... 1 af C Ideal for Meat Loaf! COME TO THE STORE OR ’PH O NE-D IAL 5111. OROCBRT I 421^ FANCY BLEACHES » CLEANSU 3 SURPRISE TONIC Sweet Petateei y 188.6piruca Stmt 7” 154 Pickwick Ale 2rj. 254 TVe adeydbiwaal Is iwl lirteaded le alw dUelielle beveMiet le# I fh U K l u, daBtarylaaayeiaiawliatalaUiaMliaraiutasifiaUtaatwtiil cr ' ' . , A


with Peanut Butter; Stewed Figs. maihtng with a fork. Sarra from measures fo r yc>u to uss, but short- Faganl of Wdot Middle Turnpike agalnat a trao and then again going aloaa to motortots, but llkewlsa to riding through pedeatrlana walking Laincb: Cooked Oyster Plant; the aheU hot or cold. Tha portiona age of space prohibits me from out- and driven by Arthur McOann of 2S north hit the fence line and bounded SKIDDING ADTOMOBBE SAYS BKYCLISTS OUGHT pedestrians There aeema to be an with the green light on crosswalks. utidpatloa ut futura «a1m INTEREST SHOWN Salad of Vegetables In gelatin. should be amall, topped wtth a dkb lining them in detaU. LAckwood dtreet woe badly damagad back ao aa to laava the car facing DODdR, bM b«eo Rdv&ncBd'by Fr&nH “Bicyclists should be made to obey MENUS Dinner: Vegetable Soup; Broiled of whipped cream if desired, tuid a .‘nd threa highway p^es wara north on tha roadway. Tha accident Liter disregard for the traffic regu- WALL ST. BRIEFS all traffic rules, even to equipping H. Horsfa municipal bond oxpert of ' Steak with Mushrooms; Baked little julca from atewed fruit. (Fm lt with Starchy Meal) CRASHES POLES, FENCE knocked over aa the car skidded on OffiY TRAFFIC UWS, TOO lations by these persons. Lob man Broa^ aa ramediaa for happened at 11:80 and waa reported their machines with rear and front For Good Health Beets: Salad o f shredded Lettuce; <3fuestion: Mr. E. W. K. Inquires: GENUINE SPRING the wet pavement abdut 200 feat “W ith arboolz now In session and atrengthenlng municipal credit. INnELDTRIALS to tha police shortly after. Patrol- headlights, and above all, they New York, Oct. 11.— Laadlng se- Pineapple Whip. quisanoNB and answ e r s “ I do not understand the rule for west of the Hoclianum river bridge daylight saving time ending, the A Week’s Supply Thursday Machine Damaged in Accident man DavM Oalllgan made the tnvea- should be made to show respect to curity and commodity markets in (How Much Food to Uae) combining starch and acid fruit. Do on Middle Turnpike laat night. .The titter Diongard of Regulations haaard is enhanced A great many Directors ot Uhltad SUtoa and Breakfast: French Omelet; crisp rigetlon. No iarreat waa made. No owners ot motor vahicles who pay the United States were closed to- Recommended Question: Mrs. T. G. V. asks: ‘T you toean not to eat the fruit' with on Middle Tnmpike After car waa heing driven tveet and the Must Be Stopped if Accidents o f these Mcycllsta are eriatlc ridere. Foralgn Securitlas Corp. hava de- 3acon; Melba Toast; Pear Sauce. one waa injured. an excessive State registration fee By Dr. Frank McCoy am trying to figure out Just how the starch meal, but it Is all right to Storm Last Night. c’artng in their actions and make day In observance o f Columbui Day. clared tha regular quarterly dlvl- Lunch; Baked Potato; String driver had crossed the bridge when Are to Be RHuced Banting Dogs in Action May much o f any one kind of food I eat it right after the meal?" •licmeelves a common nuisance, on to use our highways. I f the State Gold movement at the Port of dend ot 91JS0 on the firiat praferred Beans; Celery. the car skidded. It shot to the right, should, use In a day. For example, An. An Inquirer writes: questions. I f you would like to have riate manager of in automobile as- bicyclists that wou.d not be tolerat- mark for foreign account Increased Winter descended on northern Birakfaat: Eight-ounce glaaa of ' Lunch: Com Brdad; cooked Spin- “W hat would cause a smalt lump HoUywood Market Friday Among Canadian provinces. Brit- a copy, write to me In care o f this sociation. “ A reckless use o f bicycles ed by the police from operators ot $ 10,000. Aroostook county today. Seven Unusual Interest has' been shown O r a i^ Juice thirty mlnutea before ach; Salad of Elndlve and Lettuce. about the size of a nickle to form AND The regular plunge period fo r ish Columbia ranks third In manu- a m ak fa st of two coddled Egga newspaper, and send I targe self- liy old and young on our streets and tictor vehicles. They ride In a zlg- Inches of wet and, heavy enow had by shooting dog owners In the com- Dinner; Baked Fish; Asparagus; on the forehead above the left eye? women will be from 7 to 9 o'clock. facturing production; Ontario and Strict limitations upon tax antici- and Melba Toaat. addresaed, stamped envelope. biabweya, ’ said Mr Butler, "has be- aag-faahl'on across the highway, ride fallen since early morning, damag- ing trial to be conducted by the small Green Peas (canned); Sliced It comes and goes at Intervals of GL P a c k a g e S t o r e Dancing in the gym from 8:30 to Quebec are the only two provinces pation borrowing by municipalities, Dinner; T^oast Chicken with Melba TASTY come an annoying traffic problem against traffic not knowing what is ing many shade frees and crippling Tomatoes; Plain Jello or Jell-Well about a month. There is no pain.” 12:30. Music by Frank Romano’s which exceed her gross value of borrowing against the collection of Manchester Sportsman’s Club on Toaat Dressing; String Beans; (OaU-Bladder) 381 East Center Street Dial 3804 and a moat dangerous haaard, not to...... 19c Ib. $25 per m onth.' highway to Coventty .Lake, la free. foods, rich desserts and use about licity would make Maine the lead- lb. 25 start at 8 o’clock and prizes will be Breakfast: Poached Egg on Melba semble a lid. Fill pumpkin with the awarded to the winners. Some of the beet bird dogs In Toast; Stewed Raisins. follow'^g mixture: one quarter of a pound of lean meat ing recreational state In the country. each day, together with plenty of CRAPES TOkfir 2 Iba. 1 5 SHOULDERS -.h lb. 1 7 New England are entered for the Lunch; Combination Salad of 1 Part chopped nuts (walnuts, al- Burlington, VL— Francis L. Bail- field tri.al iiml the Judging will be by cooked and raw Vegetable.s; Glass monds or pecans) both cooked and raw non-starchy ey of Montpelier, state commissioner vegetables. For breakfaat, use 1 A, No. 1 Native Stock Edward lliiinfihrey of Ocorgetowm, of .Milk. 2 Parts seedless raisins of education said he believed the ORANGES dox. 3 3 CHICKENS frVTog lb. 25 coddled egg, three or four pieces of Conn., and Philip Voelker of Provi- Dinner: Salisbury Steak; String 2 Parts sliced or chopped apples teaching profession would be more Melba .Toast and about five stewed Again Hale’s Self-Serve Grocery comet across ivUh a epcrlal low price on W inter dence. R. I . two of the best judges Beans: Carrots; Salad of Artichoke 2 Parts dates, seeded and chopped stable If a larger percentage of the prunes. There are other helpful APPLES 6 Iba 23 VEAL LEGS lb 2 1 In New England and well known Hearts (canned); ‘ Pumpkin Sweet- Return the lid to the pumpkin and personnel were men. SATURDAY SPECIALS SPELL SAVINGSl . potatoes. These are all A, No. I stock grown right here In this section of the county wherever dogs are trained and meat. place In moderate oven. Bake until where good potatoes are grown. We guarantee three to cook up white and mealy. ahown. LETTUCE •o.s.aa 2 hda. 17 TOP ROUND T.fiK Hi 3 5 Breakfakt: Wholewheat Muffins apples are tender. Test them by ^Ouaranteed first quality—dree from scabs, spots and diseases. Peck, lie . TURNIPS 5 Iba. 10 OYSTERS H^idard Pt. 2 7 EVERYBODY SAVES AT FREE DELIVERY ON $1.00 PURCHASES (Or Over). PAHERSON’S MARKET Everybody's Morket (60-pound bushel) Telephone 3386 101 Center Street FREE DELIVERY! DIAL 3919! ‘ CALL YOUR ORDER INI POPULAR MARKET FOR HIGH QUALITY AND GOOD SERVICE! FLO UR COFFEE Fancy Smoked S.').'. .M.MN .STREET R UB IN O W BUILDING SHOULDERS Small Size lb. 1 3 c HEALTH AAARKET This week we have some nice small Swift’s .Smoked Special Price*—This Week At Special Price* Shoulders at 19c pound. You know the excellent quality TWO EXCEPTIONAL CANNING VALUES! SPECIALS WHERE THRIFTY SHOPPERS SHOP of Swift's floods. WUto Leaf 24V^,-n>. EIGHT NATIVB KEIFER g NATIVE FANCY CONCORDCONO Quality Fkmr Pastry ’JT-X'itf 95 -1 9 FLOUR bag «1.15 Also Fresh Shoulders, lean and nice, only 18c per O'CLOCK pound. Pears! Grapes! Land O’Lakes 18-qnart basket. Fancy York Family 99 RED State—lATge Fresh Chickens and Fowl. Chickens, 32c lb. Fowl, I t yon bny one o f aach—prlea la $1.00! 10-quart basket EGGS doz. 31* Once .Again U e Are Giving Another Flock of Those Wonderful Money .Saving Specials 2^c lb.______a 2 1 ( BUTTER Again This Saturday We Offer— In Our Quality Merchandise. Meaning More Dollars To You For Other Things! FOI.^ CIRCLE LOW THE CROWD AND SAVE A DOLLAR! Pillsbury's “111"’ 1.19 Land G’Lakes Pot Roasts from 2.'ic, 28c, 30c, 32c lb. 1 Land O'LakM LondvGXakea Muenstor Hale’s Sugar Cured 2 n>«. 6S« RIndleae— SUoed BUTTER! BACON lb , 37« Bottom Round, 32c lb. Top Round, .'17c lb. Cold Medal 1.21 bokar MILK! CHEESE! Alwwys a big seUer at the “ SeU-Serva" Meaty CHOICE WESTERN STEER BEEF! ”’ 2 5 High quality...uniform flavor. Legs Lamb, 2.’>c lb. Boneless Lamb. 2.5c lb. Nice Hale’s Morning and lean with all course meat cut away. Very palatable. cans ^ * lb. Luxury— Fresh Sirloin and Porterhouse 1 SS****’ 24 19 Fairbury Butter COFFEE lb . 29* F03VL Pork Roasts, center cuts, 28c lb. cib. siLvgrano4M( Iba. 'cib. Dellciomi Juicy Fancy Snnkiat 2 lbs. (2 for — Meat Ground, 22c lb. Steak Ground, 32c lb. Veal BUTTER Selected McIntosh Jack Frost R O ASTS — Fine creamery butter. Ground, 23c lb„ or Veal and Pork Ground, 23c lb., or ORANGES! LEMONS! APPLES! SUGAR Cane 10 lbs 5S* ® $1.05) Blended Beef, Pork, Veal— price according to what you Wlldmere Brand 55 ft get. ______(Cold Storage) Positively the greatest poultry value In 12V2C ^ Small Lean Smoked Shoulders 12v2c EGGS doz. 2® ®&<^b Campbell’s Tomato town! Average weight, 3 pounds. Shop Boneless Veal Roasts, 23c Ib. Veal Cutlets, 38c lb. Healthy—Taaty Sunrise Pack early as this Is sure to be a popular seller 5* "*• i Soup ^ cans 20® Saturday! CHOICE MILK-FKI> VE.\L t eal Chops, .10c Ib. Veal Shanks, 12'/Jc Ib. WII01.K OK HALF ia-lb. pMk TOMATO — PEA — VEGETABLE SOUPI PORK & BEANS! TOMATOES Chuck Roast ______CALF AND BEEF LIVER.______L e g s, Rumpg I POr X L O I N S PO TATO ES JELL-0 OR MY-T-FINE! SAFETY MATCHES! TOILET TISSUE! Beech-Nut RIB ROAST Tomato Juice TaU Cans 10^ lb- Bacon, 30c and 3.3c Ib. Boiled Ham, 4.3c Ib. Baked ANY OF THE ABOVE .... 3 .cans IQc lb. I I 6e lb Ham. 30c Ib. Fninkfurts, Spiced Ham, Canadian Bacon, Limit of 5 to a customer! each lb. Cheese, Liverwurst, Pressed and Minced Ham, Veal I.oaf, plain and . Certified From tree-ripened, firm, Etc. ______DOUGHNUTS •ugardd Peaches Tall Cana cans red-ripe tomatoes. Solid Bib roast beef, cut of heavy steer. Fancy White pack. No. 2 cumt. 17« " GENUINE SPRING LAMB LEGS 17c«. We have some pure pork Sausages, 23c Ib. Regular Fancy Virginia Pnrple Top or Yellow Globe .Scotch Sau.sages. 20c Ib. Sliced, 20c Ib., and not. forget- !4-lb. CAULIFLOWER! Sweet POTATOES!! TURNIPS! Cannon’s Tender Fruit Salad FRESH ting our famous Scotch Ham. .3.3c lb., and our Good Tea B&M Borden's Chateau Cheese pkg. Peas No. 2 cans cans Introducing to You: A .Stiuidiird Rmnd oi SHOULDERS I I - OleonMurgarlne Murpusuc'd By .None! . . M v at 60c a pound. We just received another lot yesterday. Rumford Baking Powder ^ heads I ® 2 cans 31c I B E A N S 2 Red Wing lb8.a§« TROPICMUTOLEO A lb »-Z 5 Grapefruit cocktalL Tall cans. lb. . Peanut Butter ■ULTANS Catsup Tomato, 14-oz. 17 FREE DELIVERY AND COURTESY AND Early June Peas! 229* 2 29 ancy Yellow Bantam Corn! 4 to 6 pounds average. Shankleaa, lean CLEANLINESS. Kellogg's Corn Flakes Yacht Club Baby Lima Beans! haras.______j c It’ Sirlom Round Porterhouse Steaks 1 ^ Finest Succotash! 2 No. 2 cans B & M Brown Broad Raiah Spicer wnoi* and omund So So P i e r c a JtrWT Cl T.S can 1 4 Finest Brand Fill up Your PORK ROAST CKN'TKIt CUT TOP Sparkle Oalatln* OMaart Fancy Pack Formosa or Black Canned Goode Shoulder Steak I Po rk C H O P S I Sirlom RoastS B & M Cla m i . TUNA FISH! CRAB MEAT! For fastidious housewives who Insist lb. Evaporated Milk WHITtHOUSI TEA! on serving the best. .. there’s nothing 2 cans 23 PANTRY like S. 8. neroe canned goods! Gut o f fresh 10 to 12-pound loins. Bib Kre-Mel D ESSERT...... 8 pkgs. l l o roast pork— fresh and tender! I 2y2c lb. I 19c lb. 17c lb. Coconog 3 # tins I large tin 2 5 - (All fiavora). BROWN BREAD, Anderson &Noren Armour’s Star Burnett’s E X T R A C T ...... 10c C O M BIN A TIO N tall c a n ...... Cider Vinegar Calo DOG FOGD...... 6 cans 48e 17c Meats • Groceries - Fruits and Vegetables Baker's Extract Saittne - Lunch - Graham LAMR LEGS Oelleloua Asaorted VarieUea Deltctous Assorted New String FIGS...... Ib. IDo choice cut up fow l 5 9 c ea Phone 4076 Free Delivery 361 Center St. and Clorox KIDNEY BEANS, O C CRACKERS! POUND CAKE! SUGAR...... 100 lbs. $5.05 2 ca n s...... ^OC lb . 22« Raker's Cake Coloring COOKIES! HAM Searchlight S A L M O N ...... 2 cans 25c Red kidneys. 18-onncs cans, 1-lb., Brillo Olaana PoU and Sana MEAT DEPARTMENT SPECIALS •Fixed flavor. Columbia A M M O N IA ...... 2 qts. 25o 12-ounce can, 11c. Fancy lega o f Spring lamb. 5 to 7 ' KICH ( ’REA.MY MOENKTEK 1 rOUNTBY A5I. CLUB both pounds. SMALL FOWL MILK-FED CHICKENS fop 39 ^ Ih. box lelb. 15elb. Bed Whig J E L L Y ...... 2 for Slo For Frleoaiiee Lux (ll- 2 5 « 1 5 c lb- 2 lbs. 2 5 c 1 Mazda Bulbs each 2 0 Selected White 2 lb*. 25* Fancy Beurre Boac Fancy Florida Fresh grouad. Poet’s Bran Flakco, 10-oz. . .9o Upton’. Yellow Label Tea, t-gailon | ^ 2 5 l-LB. I’ACK tUG SELECTED FRESH 1 A-Penn Motor Oil ean MUSHROOMS! PEARS! GRAPEFRUIT! PtlUbur}-’s Mlnltmlx, Ig. . .S5o '/,-lb. pkg...... S9c V A N ILL A FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES R. S. Quirk Gate, SO-oz. pkg. Bi. S. Mayonnaiw, pint Jar Slo BRICH T O NS French's Bird Seed pi« 27 California LOGNA — Best Grade FRANK FURTS Junket loe Cream Powder, R. 8. Cut Beets, No. 8 can lOc O R A N G E 4-oz. pkg...... Kki R. S. Cut Refugee Beans, No. 2 doz. 13 pkgf.2^c| pkg. Turnips 4 9cO r a n g e s doz. 3 3 e CmCKEN-FOWL Ijiyer FIga, 8-oz. pkg...... lOe c a n ...... 2 (or 23c Also white tnrnipe! Economy Graham Crackers, B. 8. Raspberrieii, No. t can POST BRAN FLAKES Bermuda Slicing IB-oz. p k g ...... 15e ...... J U IC E Large Bunchea FIrm.SoUd Fancy Medium Fancy New Cnt lb . 25« Jelly Doughnuts and Crullers llA y B D 'C A 1 Ambaeendor Fine 1 SUGAR BUNS We have just received a ahipment of Imported UNgWBBXPNIB ONIONS! Ch olee o t 4 to 4 ^ -p oauid b tid a. F h n e sw CARROTS! PINEAPPLE! ONIONS C elevF 2 for 2 5 < Cranberries n>15c fresh klU ed. — V — Herrings, to sell at 2 for 23c. Bleaehed , . . crisp! Rad-ripe berries! 1 1 8 c dozen 15c doz. 2 doz. 2 5 ^ 4 #& Lntgeet Imported Health Bread...... ,3.3c pkg. INSTANT POSTUM 10 Jb. bag Onriy Oscar Peterson’s Health Bread— Doctors recommend ItoUan ■ 1 S U N K I S T O R A N G E S LARGE GRAPEFRUIT 2 lb*. 9* LEMONS 1 I t ...... ,30c pkg. 2 25 dug. Stodt np on theee fancy Gkbtiage 3 lbs. 10c SANKA COFFEE I onions. Chestnuts 2 lbs. 2 5 « 1 2 doz. 2 $ c Faaey N ative Groan DcRNoas Freeh Savory. SoUd hendat 5 for 25c 25® Our Vegetables will be in fresh on Saturday morn- Old Time Mountaineer Genuine Italian. . P E P P E R S ! Iceberg” "” ””’^” "’”"”” "” ’’"*'""” " G REENING APPLE S ing. Phone your order and it will be given careful atten- FIG BARS! MAPLE SYRUP! Red Salad Onions FTOah ICEBERG LETTUCE NATIVE CELERY tion, and delivered to you promptly. 0 |bs. 23^ 3 lbs. lie Lettuce 2 fo rl7 c Soup Bunches ee. 8 « 2 for 15c 3 bun. 25® 1 PHONE 4076. ATLANTIC & PACIFIC 39* 'gqt-losl-a I 3 lb*. 2S* 115* e bottle From OaUfornia. Large, anild beada. A good assortment of faaey vegetsbiee. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. OONN« FRmAT. OGTOBSt IZ, 19Mi L|!6UBTES| MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHE9IER. CONN. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18.1984. — - ■ ■ ' ' ■ ! , ToGnerville ~ ~ By Fontaine Fox OUR BOARDING HOUSE tl SENSE an d N O N S E N S E Flytrap^* F inne g an . T he World’s worst Cao py Ml Columbus Day—October 12th. Man—My case has got tbe doc- Honoring tba man who ..discovered tors gucseliig. . America 442 years ago. If be were' Friend—Why I thought you had a to corns back today, would hs be simple case of appendicitis? ' JAKE SAYS YEH, ts'p b S E proud or sahamed o f the country he Man—It was, but they're fuess% A WAMONO.AN' TEU.YOU/ EGAD, discovered? THEY CALLED YOU automobiles APARTMENTS—FLATS— LEGAL NOTICES 78 thirties. A woolen bathrobe U. B. Highway No. 6, two mllea > ing whether or not they’re going to X KNOW THE SOUTH LUST and FOUND 1 I get paid for It. •PAID^d^JO fO R n / IN TO GET YOUR FOR SAL'^ TENEMENTS 6.’l stretched to his ankles, flapped ’west o f Downey. Colunabus was truly a self-starter, AT A COURT OF PROBATK HBLD The Clew about his lege as he walk^. He THREE DIE, 6 HURT Paasengers said that the crew of a self-developer, and a seff-flnlaher. BUT I SAV THAT AFRICAN DIAMOND NOD ON TH^ I/)gX__ PBUDKNTIAIj folio, on At ColumbU within and for the. Dii- .was pacing the floor with a restless He drew on soul-resources, a man’s WHEN A GIRL FINDS THAT ■ouUt aide of town. Finder pleaae IMS FORD COUPE 1278, 1931 ForJ FOR R E NT—4 ROOM tenement, at trlci of Andover on the 9th day of Train 14 had no time to set out I MANY AN AUTO SECTION, UK E I rhythm. greatest saseta. I f he had fears, SHE IS NOT THE ONLY PEBBLE ENGLISH CROWN can S167. * coupe $-198, 1930 Essex 3180, 1930 170 Oak atreet, all Improvementa, October, 1984. flags, fuses or torpedoes before tha of the Dan Bleeker sat In an over- AS r a s CRASH nobody aver knew it, for he over- ON THE BEACH SHE BECXIMBS TITIE R A S GONE USED TO KNOW THE JEW EL’S/ Chevrolet coach 3180, 1929 Butek Orat 6o0r, rent 320 month, inquire Prtieni CLAYTON E. HUNT, Jud»e. other train crashed into .the detail- I Ketate of Auvuet Sire, incapable Ir stuffed leather chair, bis teeth ed paSsaagar cars. came them. Without the so-called 1 A L IT T L E BOLDER. SPEAKEASie*. >■ Redan 3160. Cole Motors. Telephone Maple Hospital. Telephone 8241. ■aid District. TLAT,-<^UNNIIN6 WHY, YOU 108T—MAN’S BLUE Upper Jacket Forgotten. clamped on the etem of. a pipe. His M. B. Howe o f Chicago, a paMeh- “pull” which seems so necessary, M63. The Conservator havlnf made w rit- kaff dark e}res watching. Griff with an Columbus won, by using what- be IF THIS depression IS UAA- - KAFF Finder pleaae call '429S. KENT HUNTI.VG7 Tell ud what ten application to said court. In ac- ger in one o f the derailed Pullmans OVER DIAMONDS COULDN^ TELL cordance with the statute, for an expression of frowming irritation. First Train Derailed and the said panic broke out among the bad and all that be had. REALLY A BLESSING IN DIS- HAW-HOW I KNOW WE PAY HIGHEST priced for you want We'U taka car# of It for O F THAT fAATERlAl. A PEARLTRON LOST-r^PASa BOOK NO. S7560 — used cart from 1930 up. Riley order of sale of the whole or part of Murder “You've told me everything T” passengers of tbe derailed train GUISE, WE MUST ADMIT THAT you Without charge, ft 1. McCamt, the real estate described therein. It Is ’THE DIAMOND FIELDS,, A PIECE OF Notice la hereby given that Paea Chevrolet Company, 60 Wells St. (kCARLCTON BCNOOAKC asked Griff. when tbe westbound passenger Father Is so sick of the neighbor- THE DISGUISE IS PERFECTT. 69 Center atreet Dial V ;0Q. ordered thet said application be heard ao34 SI# $<*#<# he FoDowing One Runs Into Book No. 37880 laaued by The Sav- et the E^robate Office In Columbia on “Everything,” said Bleeker, “And train crashed ln|o It. He eald tbe hood that ha (s studying to be a OF KIMBERUY.de B E E R S TAPIOCA/ Inga Bank of Manchester has been I wish you wouldn’t keep pacing JutUor, gasing at his one-day-old FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM tene- the 28nd dsy of October, 1984, et 10 friction of the st ' cars upon each mi ssi onary so that be can go to DUIOITSPAN. AND lost or destroyed and written ap- o'clock In the forenoon; end that no- BEGIN HERE TODAT- tbe floor. You’re making me nerv- other produced clouds of smoke brother squealing, yelling In his cot, MOVING—TRUCKING— ment. witb garage, modem Im- It in Iowa. soma foreign field so be can meet buctf ontein plication has been made to said tice then*of be ctven. by publishlnsr When D AN BLEEKER, Junior ous." which led passengers to believe that said: cofies - STORAGE 2tm ton and that return be made to this wrrapping tbe bathrobe around tbe undetermined number lu f f A ^ less Farmer SUss—Well, a heavy out^ of a duplicate book therefor.» rervtce to and from New York. Tai. utes to mills, throe to trolley. In- Court. SIDNEY GRIFF, famous criminol- where between West Liberty and ogist, to eolve the murder. legs. He settled back In the chair, serious Injuries early today when Iowa City, near where the wreck storm blew do'wn 80 per cent of It, .rUA3. 886(1 Of 8864. quire 82 Garden atreet Tel. 6723. Attest. we’d hardly gathered that when CLAYTON E. HUNT Morden had been aeslgned to and lit a cigaret. Chicago-bound Rock Island passen- occurred. and A HEN-PECKED MAN IS NOT Judge. learn all be oonld about FRANK . ger train No. 14 was derailed six Although all of the cars remalne another wind blew down the rest. MUCH GOOD. HIS WIFE CAN FOR RENT—4 ROGERS Place, flve H-10-18-84. “I ’m a restless cuaa,” he said. / Farm er Hiram— Bad luckl Could Manchester PUBLIC PA.SSENGER rooms, all troprevementa, rent rea- B. C A T H A Y , wealthy and promi- “ 1 know It," Bleeker told him, ^ le s dost o f here and was slde- upright, one of the Pullmans wa NOT GET MUCH OUT OF HIM nent, who Itad threatened to sue wlped' ’ ' by Westbound passenger demolished, witnesses said. \ I you do anything with them? BECAUSE HE HASN’T MUCH. SERVICE 20A sonable. Apply on premises. “but so am I. What do you make Farmer Silas—Well, my wife ate Evening Herald Tbe Blade because the newspaper of this business?” train No. 23, ' The train wreck waa the second , T h e d e a d : one and I ate the other. IN ADDITION TO Silver Lane But F OR RENT—FIVE rooms complete- reported Cathay had been ar- Sidney Griff was long-armed and fatal wreck in Iowa tn 24 hours, tho Mrs. Snapper- -How did you know CLASSIFIED Line, De Luxe Btu. for lodge party ly furnlahod, excellent location, rested. Later It was’ proven that long-legged. He reached out with Sam Mason, negro,, of Clbicago, derailment of a r tlwaukee passen- I waa here? HIGH SCHOOL GIRL steward of the dining car of train ’I;HE WOMEN ARE MORE IN- r>r team uipa, we also offer 7 pas winter only. Adults. Tel. 8988. the man arrested, giving the his right band, spread tbe extended ger train near Guttenberg yester- Mrs. Rapper—I saw my umbrella ad ve r tise ments No. 14. TERESTED IN WHAT A BRIDE IS In the hall. sengcr sedan livery. Phone 3063, name of Cathay and accompanied fingers apart and made little wavy day claiming the lives of four and F b R R E N T — MODERN 5 room flat, by a girl called M ARY BRIGGS, Mrs. EsLier Roberts, Des Moines, MARRIED IN THAN WHAT SHE Count «U avarato* vwrOa lo 0 Use. 8860 8864. motions with bis arm, as though, seriously Injuring 18 others. taltu ii. ouoiborR aad obbrovlottoso all newly redecorated, with garage. DRUGGED, ABD U aED was aa Imposter. MRS. CA’THAV be might be feeling the texture of Iowa. IS M ARRIED TO. An optimist Is a husband who OACb eotiot as a /ord aod oonpovpd An unidentified man. words as two words tllnifnofit ooot Is Inquire 67 Benton atreet. Phone assures Sleeker her husband will the air. thinks he Is going to finish an at' drop the charges If The Blade The seriously injure J Include: prtes of thrss Hn*s REPAIRING 2.i 3307 “ I t ’s something that requires BICYCLE RIDER HURT Man—How long have ,you been gument started by bis wife. Llos ratos rsr da? fei craosiowt pubUshea a retraction, and this Is work and thought,” he said. Madeline Roberts, 12, daughter of married? o4s FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM flat on done. Mrs. Roberts, dying. Friend—Let’s see— I bought this Almost any stain can be re- eW *«llT» Marsb 17. IVSt VACUUM CLEANER, gun, clock, TeUs Story of Being Assault- "Have you any ideas about it? ” IN MISHAP WITH CAR .Cssb Cborffo . lock repairing. Key making etc. Ridge street Inquire 25 Spruce A day later Morden Is found Bleeker inquired. H. H. Corey o f Austin, Minn. overcoat I’m wearing six years ago. moved from the hands by sn ap- • CoQSOouUfs Days .• (' T Ms* ^ dl* > Braitbwalte, 02 Poorl street. atreet dead. "Yes.” Two negro dining car employes, plication o f vine»'ar. unidentified. I CodsscuUto Day sal I ots 11 sts ed by Four Men; Visited Bleeker receives a telephone "L e t’s hear them.” Leonard Niese, High School You have got to practice a thing ■EXPERT* 1 D af ...... 1 U su II ou .;PHOL.STERING AND furniture FOR RENT—4 ROOM FLAT on call from the editor of tbe River- About six other persons suffered to be any good at It. U cuspidors iJl orders for Irrorolwr IssortioDs Clinton street. Ail improvements. ‘Tn the first place,” Griff said, ‘T less serious injuries. Football Player, Receives Cut will bs ehsr(ad st ths oos tins rots. repairing, vacuum cleaners, and view Chronicle. As he puts down ever come back nobody’ll hit ’em. Garage. Tlie Manchester Trust Co. Night Clubs. can’t understand why tbe man who All of the dead and injured were On Lip in Accident. F lapper Fanny Say& ipsctal rstss for i6n§ tsrw sosrr electrical appliances. Oil burners tbd telephone K E N N E Y, city edi- was arrested took the name of •sy sdvortislos ffivs spos rooosst serviced, r . A. Linnell, Blcsell. St. tor, asks, “ What did you And riding on train No. 14, railroad offi- Son— Say, Daddy, what it mean ______------FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM flat with Frank B. Cathay. O f course, he’d During the heavy rain, last night Ads ordsrad fot thros or sis days Telephone 6866. out?” cials said. when the paper says some man went Aod Stopped before lbs tblrd si Aftb steam heat, and all conveniences. Hull, Maas., Oct. 12— (A P I —The taken the wallet. Let’s suppose The body af the dead woman waa about 7:10 o’clock a slight accident day will be dbsrgsd obly fot the ao- NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY that he did pt,ck Cathay’s pocket. to a convention as a dclegate-at- SCORl HY SAllTH toaJ oumbsi of Umee ibe 4 sppaor- Inquire at 34 Clinton street. flndlng of Patrica Packard. 17 year badly mutilated and workers re- -Involving a bicycle and an automo- low er Strong Language . sd. shorglBf St tb# rate sarasA, bot old High school student after she ■CHAPTER •Vni Now he was either a professional quired more than an hour to remove bile occurred. Leonard Nleae, a By John C. Terrv HELP WANTED—MALE 36 FOR R E N T —F IV E ROOM flat, at Dan Blecker’s face gave no pickpocket or an amateur.” DaJad—I t means his wife didn’t go • HMTWAe.kRl vmeu.Hfw ws AR6,-rfxi s t i c k ao ^lowaaee or refunds esa be Biods had been missing eight days, had it from the wreckage. High schol pupil and a member o f with him, son. oa sts time sds stoppod after tbs 138 West Center street, with ga- hint of excitement. "Frank B. , Bleeker regarded the outstretched The body o. the other man waa the football team, was riding his wjTnt'ms RjMc -T il ec io o k Oftb dsy. WANTED-MAN with email capluT resulted today In the arre.at of three t'l operate established gasoline ata- rage, In good cundlUon. Inquire 439 persona on serious charges. Cathay," he said, "died about 20 arm. clad in night clothing and no means bicycle west on Center street. Ho 1 op gaiftSgC PATTWtoM - . j ~ Ho **1111 forbids'*! displa? Iloos wot Center. minutes ago. For some reason they "M y God!’’ he said, "that makes THERE IS A GRAVE DANGER sold. lion good, location. Address Op- The girl was fo\ind In Boston yes- of Identification waa available. had • reached the intersection o f THAT OUR LAND OF FLOWING Tbs Herald will aot be rsspooalMo were trying to hush up the news me nervous too.” Newman and Center streets as an portunity, Herald Office, FOR R E N T — FnVE ROOM flat, ala.: terday. Police said she told a story A ll of the injured and the bodies MILK AND HONEY WILL BE- for mors tbsa oas taeorrsot lassrtloa of his death. Beckley sent a vet- Griff sighed and dropped the arm of the three dead were taken to automobile driven by Frank Linnell of any sdvsrtlssmsnt ordered tor six room tenement, with all Im of being enticed Into a motor boat CXIME ONE OF B AL o NEY AND eran reporter out to the house. The back to bid lap. Iowa City hospitals on a hospital of Newman street started to come mors tbaa ose time provements. Inquire at 147 East at Pemberton, a steamship stop in APPLESAUCE. Tbe Inadvsrisai omiosioa oi laoor* Hull, o f being assaulted by four reporter got wise to It. There “ It’s a habit of mine,” he said, train which waa dispatched to the out add turn Into Center street. Ceutei street. root pobtiestloa of advertlslag will bo W AN TE D UPHOLSTERER. Must men, of "drinking some water with were two doctors and there’s going "when I ’m thinking. I don’t know scene of the wreck from Iowa City. Nie.-(e made an attempt to avoid rootlfls I only by oanosllattos of tbo to be a scandal. One of the doctors Man— A certain person is trying aharge made Cor tbe servlos readersd. be fairly experienced. Apply per- FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene- sugar in It," and of "enjoying" why I do it. It seems to give me Witnesses said that the , dining the car and pulled to tbe left, with to make a caveman out of me ? says Cathay was poisoned.” some measure of contact with the All sdrsrtissmsnis must sonform sonnel office, The Neuro-P.sychla- ment. witb all modern improve- night clubs in Boston with other car and two Pullmans of Train 14 the result that his bicycle went Friend— A girl friend? la style oopy sad iypograpby witb Kenney stared at Bleeker with people I ’m thinking about. Are were derailed, and that less than a across the street and struck tbe trlc Institute and Hospital, of tho ments anc. garage at 3 Ridgewood men. Man— No, my landlord, r rsgulatioDs soforesd by tbs publish- Hartford Retreat 400 Washington Lieutenant William Marshall of wide, startled eyes. "Poisoned!" he you interested In any of that sort minute afterward. Train 23, curbing In front of 226 Center ers end they rsssnrs tbs ' right to E»reet. Telephone 5623. said. street, Hartford. the Hull police said he believed the of stuff?” hurtling out of the night from the street. He got to his feet and waa edit, rsrise or rsjsei aa? sopy sew* Bleeker nodded. W A N T E D : An Inventor who can sidsrsd ob^sotionabls girl had been drugged and while un- "What sort of stuff?" asked east crashed into the aide of tbe at once taken to Mr. Linnell’a home. extract the gold from silence. CU061HO HOURfb-<;iasslftsd ads iw der the effects o f the drug had been "That,” said Keeney, "makes Bleeker. cars. There was a cut on hts lip. A fter be published same day mast bo ro* BUSINESS LOCATIONS things look a little tough for his "Mental telepathy, hypnotism, The accident occurred at 2:13 a. the blood had been washed off, Mr. ^«u rri N 6 CPF His M0T&R, seoReH/ urn s ne a r tMs •sired by It e'eloeb oooa] daturdayd "escorted" by numerous men^ “The only time I ’ve had any peace FOR RENT 64 Patricia waa standing on a street wife. I presume there was a lot and all that," Griff said. "You m., but it was nearly an hour and a Linnell took him in his automobile U:M a m. of property." since my marriage," she said was (SRSAT HMtC OP THE nANTHmoH, SALE.SMEN WANTED 36 A comer in the south end section of know there’s something peculiar half later before the conductor of to a doctor. Aside from the cut on the (nterm between when I murder- TELEPHONE YOUR FOR RENT— LARGE OFFU.’F. Boston when a patrolman recogniz- "Around two million,” Bleeker about our personalities. They’re Train 14, A. LudivlF of Rock Island, his Up, Niese said be was not hurt. room, second floor front. Purnell said. ed my husband and the police WANT ADS. WANTED —TWO EXPERIENCED ed her yesterday. With her at the filled with life. Life is vibration. waa able to summon aid by long He was carrying his arm In s arrived." shoe salesmen for Thursday and block, 829 Mam street, reasonable time, police said, were Joseph M. "How long had Cathay been- Vibrations are sent out and re- distance telephone. sling, which was not the result of Ada aro aoospisd orsf tba istspbowa rate on lease, inquire Geo. E. Keith, sick?" at tbs CUAROB RATB gtrSa aboro Saturdays Apply Endicott-Johnson Fhikaski, 25, of Boston and Mrs. ceived. Every man’s brain is, to a The wreck occurred along a de- the automobile accident, but be- Joe—Is von Scribbler’s wife of WASHINGTON TUBBS Keith Furniture Co. "H e was taken sick yesterday By Crane OUT OUR WAY as a coarsnlsn ■ to advsrtlssra but Shoes, 749 Main street. Mary Elizabeth Frye, 38, of Chel- certain extent, a broadcasting sta- serted stretch of roadway about a cause o f trouble with his lingers much help to him In his writings? vwEu.vyBa, w c u f ip why, T pr uI tbs CASH RATES will b«* aoosptsd aa sea. morning. Apparently there’s no tion. There’s too much interfer- mile east of the overpass bridge of caused by playing football. FULL PATMENT If paid at ths busi- F'OR R E N T—OFFICES at 865 Main Sara— Not much, she gets mad ILL ADMIT 1 TO O K \ Lieutenant Marshall obtained question about the illness. He was ence in tbe receiving stations. Too IT ISN'T OUB WEALTHY T M IS T E R \ t A ( y 5 S S S d ONLY JUST ness offlos oa Of before the sersnth street (Orford Bidg.l Apply Ed stricken at his office. He was taken and leaves him occasionally, but PRIBMD. WASHN' D IS H ^ 1 ™ P ° AJ I OI HER A PEW PUFPS ON A \ day following the Arsi twsertloa of ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 warrants again.st the man and much static to bring it In clearly, never stays away for over a week. Vain girls develop a glassy stsre. TEMPORARV- each ad otbsrwiss the CHAROB ward J. Holl. Tel. 4642 and 8028. woman, charged Pukaskl for ab- home and put to bed. Aa usual, particularly with the' conscious IM A RfiSTRUMT, CIQAR B u m *, AND ^THEV HAVE rate eollsoted He rssponsl- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for the doctors fooled around with a mind. Tbe subconscious mind gets bllity for errors la tsisphoned sds duction for immoral purposes and tH 1 ET SOME GREEN young chickens, band cider press lot of funny Ideas, and then Cathay a lot of that, that the conscious HO MSDIOHE will be sssumsd aad thslr seewraoy HOUSES FOR RENT 6. Mrs. Frye with being an accessory APPLES AN' TWO eaanol be gusrenresd and barrels. 9 Village street. after the fact. lost consciousness. That was about mind doesn’t comprehend.” ICE CREAM CONES, FOR BRAINS. Last night, Charles Marits, 26. of 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon. He’s INDEX OF F’OR R E N T—SEVERAL Desirable been linconscious ever since. He AW I FOUND SOME flve, six and seven room houses, Bo.ston, was arrested at his home. Bleeker tamped the tobacco In Obfaras if CLASSIFICATIONS FUEL AND FEED 49-A died without regaining conscious- the bowl of his pipe with a quick single ono douole App'y Edward I. He was brought here, charged with kal c S c h ra A N OeOPGE" “ S ^ l 13 WEENIES IN TH' Births «••••«*•■••»••••••••••««• E abduction, booked and held. Two ness." thrust of his right forefinger. FOR B A lJi'.-H A R Ii wood Hreplace Holl. Phone 4642 and 8025. ICE BOX, A N ' X Eagsgsmshta ••••••••*•■••«•••• B other men were being sought. The ’Then hla wife," said Kenney, “ No,” he said, “ I ’m not Interested Harriagsa C wood, furnace wood, and oak slabs. C i#M CT NCA scnvicc. me. r. m. ma. u. # mt . orr. SWALLEREO SOME girl’s father, Claremont C. Packard "must have knonm he was seriously In that stuff.” Deaths ...<•••••••••••••••••••• O Telephone 3149 Ctaas. Staye, E. til.” gum------WILL Card of Thanks «•••••••••«•»•• B WANTED TO RENT 6h Is a prosperous Hull hardware deal- There was silence for a moment. la Msmorlam •••*••*•«•••••••* F f.enter street. er. Bleeker nodded his head in slow "W hat were you saying about the THAT CUREP4E Lost and VounC 1 acquiescense. pickpocket?” asked Bleeker. Aiiiioutic*in#nt9 •••••••«•••*•••* I Vv AN TED TO R E N T tenement of four or five rooms, by small family M A IL M A N ’4 H O LID AY "And," Kenney went on, "the "H e was either a professional P«r>nn»U ...... t GARDEN—FARM - man waa on his deathbed when AaloMHiMI** W rite Box R, Herald. pickpocket or an amateur pick- AulumubllM foi 8*l» ...... t DAIRY I'RODIICTS 50 Chicago—John McReynolds Is a she and the lawyer made such a pocket,” Griff said. “ I f he’d been AutomobllM to. Rxchanc* I MIDDLE AGED COUPLE would I mil man. hut contrary to the popii- hurried trip down-- here to quash an amateur, It’s hardly possible AuU Aec(Uurt*i-^TIr*a ...... t FOR SALF’.-CONUORU GRAPES that libel case. Why did they do like house of 8 nr G rooms, on Man- 'ar belief he doesn't spend his day that he’d have managed to pick Ante Rtpalrln^—Palnthit ...... t ui)d Green Mountain potatoes. An- that if Cathay wa.s going to die? Auto ■cbc.ota ...... 1-A gelo I’asquallnl Avery street Wap chester trolley line Box X, Herald. off walking. Instead he hired a Cathay’s pocket without Clathay VI Autu»—Ship b; Tmeh ...... I Dead men can’t bring libel suits. knowing It. Of course, he might. 31 /^YOU'LL EITHER ping, Phone R'isedale 39-2. rlrk.sha at the Wo;Id Fair and rode And It’s not iftely that their repu- Auioa— For HIr* ...... • from 10 a m.. to 8 p. m. The bill was On the other hand, a professional ACCEPT MV PERSONa C .ISZKTSO Oaracoo—.Sorvie*— ktora>t . . . . . I* FARMS AND LAND tations will be blasted." pickpocket Invariably strips the Motorciralaa— Bloyeloo ...... II $18. but all the mall man had was "Perhaps,” Bleeker remarked, CHECK POKTME MEAL . r r - Wanioa Auioo—Metoreyelta ... II HOU.SKHOl.IM.'OODS .5) wallet of money and throwa the FOR SALE 71 >13. "they didn’t know how serious the FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser Baotaoa* aaC Frofaoofoaal Barvlrra Ffo was brought before a Judge wallet Itself away. Obviously there’s lATB,OR-OW f/y Butliitu 8er«io*i Olloral ...... II FOR SAI FI— RUDD Instantaneous Illness was when Jhey came down." nothing that's more Incriminating Bouaahoid Borrlcaa OITorad . . . . . l l - A FOR S A L E -O A K GROVE atreet. foi falling to pay, but the company hot water heater, practically new, 10 acre farm. 7 room house, barn, than to be caught with a man’s MulldliiB—ContraetInB ...... 14 agreed then to settle for the 313. Kenney gave a synical laugh. Florlata— Nuriorlai ...... II capacity S gnllohc per mlmitc. Tel. garage, fruit orchard. C. Porter- wallet in your possession, particu- IF FRECKLES PUTS GOOD LUCK, Funaral Dlrootora ...... II 6723. field, 68 Spruce street. " I f she gave him poison,” he larly when that wallet contains THE GAME ON ICE Baallbd— riamblKB— RooflnB .a. It BEWARE T.ALL DARK MAN said, "she knew how serious the FRECKLES... cards and other means o f Identifica- DOMT I THANKS laauranaa ...... II FOR SALE- BARSTOW parlor Illness waa." tion.” ^ FOB US, I MAV I'LL BE Mllllnonr—DroMmaklai ...... It Chicago—Fortune tellers aren’t G ET IN, BETTY.' I'LL MovIb « —T rucking—8.«ra*a .... 14 heater with oil burner. Also cool Bleeker’s tone was impatient. "That doesn’t mean very much as PUT VOU IN. fS>ULLING helping the happiness of • Chicago Public PaatOBdor •arvlea ...... IC A hot water heater. Inquire 88 High "■You use a lot of ’Ifs ’.’’ he ssM. far as the solution o f thie mystery COACH IN THE FOURTH ' FOR YbU? DO MV" PalBilBd— PaparlBd ...... II street. Deaths Last Night 'aomes. Tho Rev Clinton C. Cox, “ As. a matter o f face, If she did Is concerned,” Bleeker pointed out. DERNDEST ProfaaaloBBl SarvisaB ...... II pastor of the Frexel Park Presby- have anything to do with < ... j PERIOD! Rapalrlaa ...... II “ It may and It may not,” Griff 11 Tailortnc—OyalBB—OasalBB 14 BARSTOW SEZ range burners at terian church says he has so learned him the polMn, she couldn’t said. He was on his feet again. T allil Oooda aad Saralc# ...... I I 38.08, cheaper, cleaner, hotter than Danville, Va.—Alfonso Fender- by submitting a questionnaire to 600 given herself any better break than “Now, here's something else. (READ THE STORY, THE N COLOR THE PICTURE) Wantad—Bualaaaa ka.Tlea ...... M coal. Hundreds In town. Barstow son, 50, actor, who played the part couples In his congregation. by coming down here with the tam- There’s a woman mixed up in tbe Bdarallaaal Radio, 470 Main screet. of "Mosca" in "Green Pastures." Such statements as "There Is ily lawyer. It shows that she waa uraaa aad dlaaaaa ...... It C8me somewhere. This Mary Briggs, “ Well,” Coppy said, "m y work Is how to put the tops down on ths Dublin— Baron Montcagle of (mother woman In your husband’s loyal to her husband’s interests, the hitch-hiker. She must know done. Gee. packing cupcakes was Ivala latirueiloa ...... tl that she thought hi.a sickness was boxes. Then we are all set. Brandon, 51. former second secre- life ? " and "Beware of a tall dark something about the man who real fun.” Just then one of the cup- “The Bakery wagon is right EaciBd ...... I I 'A WANTED—TO HUY 5J* tary of the British Embassy at man" he says are disturbing factors. the result of a nervous collapse posed as Cathay.” cakes Jumped out o f the box and near, and I will run and bring it Muileal— Oramatla ...... it from w'orrjlng over what we mignt Washington. "W e’re going to find her," Bleek- ran. here. Gee, when you see the Waniad—laatruatloa ...... M do to his reputation. And she 0. 'mNP raoficaviSiHC'—SCO. U. a. PAT. Off. W ANTED TO BUY second hand Wlnated, Conn.— Gall Borden Beavers cut trees down to a fine er said. " I ’ve already figured she "Hey, come bac:. here.” yelled bakery horse, you’ll get a laugh, . 0 m m e a n s wc Ftaaaaial co'ildn’t have possibly made a bet- ■oada—•tooka—Mnrtatsaa .... II football equipment Phone 6112. Miinaill, 29. great-grandson of Gall core and let the wind do the rest might be a key witness." Scouty. “ You know that Is not I ’ll bet." ♦ ALESIMAN SAM Buaintat Opportnalilaa ...... II Borden, founder of the first evapo- It would be danerous for them to ter gesture that would show she “ A ll right, so much for that," the tldng to do. I f you know what Or Words To That EfiPect! Maaay to bnaa ...... I I regarded the lllneaa o f her husband rated and condenaed milk company gnaw completely through the tree Griff said. "W e’ll let that wait a is best, come back as quickly as It wasn’t very long until the rYESTERDAY I N OTIC E D VA tOAfTIM' ON CUSTOMERS (n A Halp aad dltua«4aaa aa relatively trivial.” HEV, O U 2 Z , THI S ROOMS tVITHOiri HOARD .59 in the United States. trunk. moment. Now we come to the fact you can.” baker whistled long and shrill. This A 'UErtY SNOOrV MAWNER, S A M ! VA ACTED J E S 'A S (F ' Balp Waaiad—Pamala ...... I I Kenney stared thoughtfully at ' DON'T Halp Waaiad—Mala ...... I I that Morden told you be was con- Tbe cupcake answered, with a soon brought forth the bakery VA UICRE ABOVE 'E N , AN' OOi W E M A BIG FAVOR__UK E (SENTlOANTSTA fO R RENT— large ftINQLE the lanlor publisher. Balaamaa WaaiaA .....,.*...^...ll-A w■ twaaiAiaaa M li in W f |U#fV\l% dSEB* Allfu't w .****. s^le, "Aw, T- just-want-tn play a horse. A funny sight-was-her - ....- BUY A SIU< rmma. A heaven for bachelor glrla "But.” he sold, ‘I f Cathay was ^ lle lv -W e B ti*—Mata er-Pemstr.". “ I t to mention her name,” while. I f someon. trie;, to catch "Hello, there, Dobbin," Dotty e e M E M B B R-.-- HtATWIHATlCS WILL TOPPER! ALL Acaau Waatad ...... |t-A and boys where you can be chef murdered, Iheh the person who poi- X WON'T, r AFFAStS.TD CUSTOfiBRS, AMO COM6 DOMNi OPPA V6K Wtuatloaa Waaiad—Paaala ... II “ I don’t think tbtre'a any ques- me. I will scamper out of sight.” said. "W here did you get the great FRECKLS9...THIS SERVE YOU IN THC PBRCM f RIGHT IP ( and chamber maid Jensen--Phone soned him knew that Cathay was tion.’’ Bleeker said, “ but what that “ Ob, yeah?" answered. Duncy. big head?" The horse Just neighed PROPESSOA ^ SELL IT TO ■li«alleai Wa«tad-4lalt H going to die. If he knew Cathay liS ONLY A SAME.' GAME OF U FE .„. Emplnym.a) Acanalaa ...... 4d 6070—7035. woman waa one who was connected ’’Say, let’B see you try to get and snorted. All the Tinles laughed (SOROOn ! I’VE ' H I M ? was going to die, what waa the ob- Dont neg l ec t Uaa llaah—Pala—PoBlfvr—▼tAlrlaa HOME BARGAIN directly with Cathay.” #way!” And then he started run- In glee. THATS IMPORTANT, P o »»— Blrda—Pata ...... 41 'got io keep up 6-ROO.M BUNGALOW—2 Lota (ISO* x 180’) at 82 Haynea Stm et ject in killing Charles Morden?” (To Be Coatinned) ning t’ward the cake with all his "A ll right,” snapped Bcouty.,, YbUR STUDIES! .Tbo KNOW.' Uaa Sloek— Vahtolaa ...... a ”I told you,’’ said Bleeker ex- WITH MV STUDIES, p a ltr y aad dappllad...... 41 APARTMENTJi—F L A T i^ Town. All improvements. 2-car garage. Coops for 100 hens. might. “Let’a not shirk! It’s time fq Waatad - Pata —P o a llry ^ ta a b 44 TENEMENTS 63 A number of good bearing fruit trees. Quantity o f grapevines. plosively, “ that you’re Jumping at Sidney Griff starts work on us to get to work. Come, Tinle IN.ORDER 10 pl at ... Fat dale—dlleeellaeeeuB Wonderful setting. Owner says: "Sell.”’ Look It over and conclusions without Imowring the Cathay case in tbe next In- The chase was very ihort and help me pack tbe boxes in SO I'M CRAMMING, ArUdlat fot Bala ...... 4I FUR RENT—TWO. THREE and make us an offer. enough about tbe facts. You get atadlment. “Find M ary Briggo,” sweet. The cake waa captured by wagon, now." PLENTY * “ ? AooaaaoHaa ...... 41 four room furniabed or unfurmshao the facta. Then we’ll put them to- he tells Bleeker. the feet, and put Into the box again. “Aw, we’ll do that," one baker Bulldlod Malarial# ...... tt gether.” ORFIC* DtamoBda--TVaiaha»—Jawalry . . t l apartments. Manchester Construe- ■’Now, stay there,” Duncy cried. said. “ ■You just sit down and watch, Elactrleal Appitaaea*—Iladla .. 41 Uon Co. Telephone 4131 or 4380. *Tm getting the facts an right,” 'You win,’ replied the little cake. I instead. You see, we’ve loaded Paal aad Faad ...... tl-A Kenney told him grimly. The man of “few words,” Calvin will not try another break. Instead cakes before, and so we know Just Oardaa - P a m — Dairy ProdM U I I TO R E N T—5 ROOM upstairs flat ‘Get more then,” said Bleeker CooUdge, had a working vocabu- Bonaabold Oooda ...... |1 89R. Center Street T. McCann of running off, I shov’d have found how.” on Cooper atreet steam heat all Maehlaary aad TroU ...... || Phone: 7700 and 4209 and banged the door behind him aa lary of 27,000 words; the average place to hide.” Improvementa. One minute walk Mualeal Iaairu ni»''a ...... || he strode Into the corridor. American, with only a grade school One o f the bakers then said, (Duncy has a wild ride In the piries aad Store KquipmoBt ••• M from West Center atreet. Apply at Sidney C Griff was in his lats education, uses less thgan 2,000. “Now I'll quickly show you Tinles next story). Speoials at tha Srorsa ...... HOlenney's Store. 789 Main street. Waarlod d^oaral—Pur# ...... ^ It Wantad—TaFOR Buy BENT—UPPER ...... AND U lower CAS BlU.tHhS Maataaraata tenement newly dona over. Apply ALLEY OOP Bmm Wimoui Beard ( The Old One-Two Punch! By HAMLIN at 58 Charter Oak atreet. NOW ...... •»- ''yo u BI&,HAIRV-PACeo"S AW.OJJEEN, I DIDN'T] 9 h EN, HOW OJA GtT, t e n a lry B o ard-M a a ert a . m . . ^ I NO H et ala — JU aUora a t a ( FOR R E N T— H E ATE D apartment. LOBSTEtZ.^ WHAT O'YA ' nPAT iio n u tupla i YEQ WEDDINO D U D ^ U TTL C 50PAP-Y5ECi | IN football? j VIEUL.FDOTBALL IS UKE TEASING Wa a ta d— Roema— Board . . . . m . ( 2nd floor, Pumell Block, 3 large me ah. beatin' upon A L LTO O e U P HAOOA GO I DON'T r Mathemat ics, pr o f e s s o r .. Baa* Balata V w Raw4 rooms, with bath and fireplace, fur- Ap artm a a t a Plata Tt e a m a a t a .. I TH' &OOY-GUAOD U K E TVIAT, IP / MV BODY-GUABO PBOM UNDERSTAND TWO HALVES MAKB A BM la a a , Loa atloat fat Ba al . . . I niabed If desired. Apply to Om . U Y ’W A S N 'T- / SO M E M UG S TH AT JOMPfl ft HOLE... AND THE FULI^OK IJ H E Robim for Rani ...... , Keith, at G. E. Keith Furniture R G H TIN * r l ’E M .' I HAOPA U G K Babwrbaa fa t Re al ...... f Company. F»UJNaES THROLXJM f WHWTXB Sammar Bomaa foi Raat i BOY. ve a A V TvvBLve o f ’e m f S S E Y6u LATE R Waatad u Raai ...... * | FOR R E N T— SIX ROOM tenement SIOHT / BLOWS. AND ■aal Batata Paa dsla with all Improvements, rent rea- Ataffa B j Baildln (at laU ... i SHADYSIDS •aalBtaa ^ a a r ty la t Bala . . . J 1 sonabla. 17 Oakland atreet Phone VanM (ai Bate i 8671. FACES I /r. MILR3RO, Lau far Bala .... FOR RENT—FROM NOV. I8T„ S Ba a art P r a M rt o fa THE FIRST B a k ark a a f ar pata ...... room heated apartment, modem *••1 B ^ t * tor CxahaBRa convenloices. Can be aeen now. FOB OP Waatad—Baal Batato ...... Wm. Rubinow, 841 Main atreet. THE ------n B i i B a lt a a ■•••■•B P BABBRBBaJI FOR R E N T— F IV E ROOM flat, S E A S O N .f ateam heat, ganme, all modem Im- provements; practically new bouse. / r Inquire 111 Maple a tiw t or phone ln illsH tn liA ift. M4B. _ T.ii.nga.u.ft.pjiT.orr. J ‘ - ■■ 1 - “A, /e ~/z iBanrImttnr Etttttttio SmlA

MODERN - OLD FASHIONED I Doctors’ Prtffcriptions Carefully Compomided At Hale’s Drug DeiMiiment | DANCING HALE’S Baby Shop city View Dance HpU, Koeawy St. EVEBT SATCBDAT NIOBT Specializes In Warm

Wear's Orehestis. ------1------I Th«J.WHALCco. Children’s Apparel NodenhOld Faihion Dance BBBBiMANCHEfTEB C O M M -« _ s» S-Piece RAINBOW DANCE HAIX ! Men! i Every Satnrday Night Presenting The Seas9ns Coat Sete Have You Worn Begtimlnf Saturday, October IS Moalo by McKay's Orchestra, Smartest Styles In carl WiganowskJ, Prompter. $ The Newest AdmlMlon SSc. 0.98 The best-looking chinchilla and woolen coats with natty PUBUC SETBACK berets. T)ie leggings have tip- SPORTS COATS per closing. Wool lined and In- terlined for warmth. 2 to 6 “Essley ORANGE HALL TONIGHT At Hale’s years. Browm, red, blue. Anepioes Waebington L. O, nefrMhmente. Fee 25 Oente. Budget Price!

ABOUT TOWN Tots’ 3-Piece The Permanent Armistice Day Coat Sets committee will meet tonlcht at 8 o'clock at the Army and Navy Club. With Trubenized Collar? All member* aro urged to be pres- ent.

We are selling these coats to $5.98 Modern and old-faihioned dances school glrla, business women, and Cutest little sets for dainty girls are to be held every Saturday night to those who wish a coat for knock- beginning tomorrow night at the 1 to 3. Fur trim on collar. Blue, $ about wear. They are In the new- royal, red in a fine basket-wiave Rainbow dance hall in Bolton. Uuelc wUl be furnished by McKay's orches- est sports styles and their tailor- fabric. Coat, hat and leggings— ing and fabrics are outstanding In $5.98 set! tra and Cart Wlganowski will be prompter. Large crowds of dance edaU at this price. 2

lover* are expected to enjoy this STYLES. Balmacaans, swaggers It's a fine white broad- weekly affair, ae the floor 1* one of Girls’ Gay and belted models that are good cloth shirt with a specially the best in the vicinity and the from season to season. music of a type to make dancing a designed collar that re- TAILOltiNO. Every coat lined quires no starch yet won't real pleasure. Jersey Frocks with silk or Earl-glo guaranteed curl or wrinkle. Sold only Group 8 of the Memorial Hdspital lining; some have plaid backs. at our Men’s Shop. :iuxlllary, Mrs. D. M. Caldwell, lead FABRICS. 'Tweeds and monotona er, will meet Monday afternoon at woolens from the looms of lead- $1.69 ing manufacturers. Checks, the y. M. C. A. We've just unpacked these solid tones, mixtures. lovely two-piece frocks. Pleat- Despite the rain, the first fall ed skirt; the slip-on blouse has Broadcloth At HALE'S Apparel- social get-together of the North Main Floor, rear. contrasting trim around the Methodist parishioners last night neck. 3 to 6. Fall tones.

Pajamas was well .attended Surprise pro- grams of from 15' to 30 mlnutoa' Baby Shop—Main Floor, rear.

In coat styles duration were given by the church Paris Inspired Fashions ucbool, the Booster club, the Ep- (with or without worth League, with the Ladles Aid Brought To You In Silk collar) and middy roclety serving refreshments as its

style. Plain col- j-art. Rev. C. Homer Ginns apoke in Special From an entertaining way on "See Saw ors, figures and The Girls’ Shop! 3 rails", and the chorus singing of stripe’s. (Up to parodies on well known songs added FROCKS

to the enjoyment of the program.

Wool James Watson, Jr., member of the

crew of the U. S. S. Bridge! who has been spending n week's furlough $y .98 $ 1.55 with his y>arents, 67 Spruce street, Coats 2for.i;3. will return to his ship In Phlladel- phln Monday. The U. S. S. Bridge is expected to leave for the Pacitic TUNIC FROCKS that are the last word coast soon. Street Floor. Smart Manche.slerites in the fttshion picture. Are Coming To Hale’s s DRESSY TYPES with metallic, velvet, $10-95 For Their lingerie trims. Some have bright ker- chief trims (similar to flgure at right)? •Girls, 7 .to 14 %,tlMUUCo TAILORED TYPES with pleated bib •’'MANrHFSTFPrONN.'- • Juniors, 11 to 17 HATS fronts, button trims, Fresh. Tasty Hale's haa always been noted COLORS Include black, rich brown, for their quality children’s ap- ■ bright green, tile, royal blue. Sizes parel. These cokts have every • S a l t e d for miss and madam. $1.98 feature girl* and mothers de- mand—quality, style, wearabil- We’re catering to all types. At HALE’S Frocks—Main Floor, rear. We've saucy little berets for ity. Natty checks and mono- Mixed Nuts tones. Swagger and belted. slim little'things.. .natty brim sports models for the outdoor miSome have hats and muffs. A.S Clear And As Cloudless g irl.. .and dressy pill-boxes and Girls’ Shop—Second Floor. 40 c pound tricorns for those who can wear As A Crystal Pool! uTT them. Come see our selections. Again this week-end we offer Black, brown, colors. fresli, crimcljy salted mixed nuts Tlre^towe at 39c! This Item ha.s always Others $2.98, $3.98.' proven a big acllor. The assort- Main Floor, center. Gotham Chiffon Who Can Resist Buying ment Includes cashewa, haxel nuts, walnuts, almonds, braxils, These New pecans—NO PEANUTS. J/OJVOR ROLL

Front Entrance. FAUNTEX For Fifteen Consecutive Years Slip-On Hosiery

Gloves ao On The Winning Cars In The COTTAGE STREET These new Gotham chiffons ore the clear- Sweaters est.. lovelle.st stockings you ever p\it on

PACKAGE STORE your legs. Sheerest chiffon that is so flat- ac- SOO-Mile Indianapolis Race • Phone 8H4I—Prompt Delivery. tering. . .and the “gold stripe" top prevents garter nins. Open Until 8 P. .M. $1.98

Superior Straight Whiakev, THIS MEANS BLOWOUT We don't blame you assassina- SPANISH OOIXIRS—Keyed to hew fash- for falling in love with s;^':...... $1.00 Lord Baron Straight Whiskey, ions—Carmen, Barcelona, Ovil, Cloister. these at first sight. We PROTECTION did. Such irresfstibia

.“ f r ; - , ...... $1.00 style . . flattering col- At HALE'S Hosiery—Main Floor, right ors. A host of styles For tight consecutive years have been on the winning Sweepstakes Whiskey, n blend, 90 proof, flfth ... from which to make cars in the daring Pike’s Peak Climb where a slip meant your selections. death. Edgrwood Straight Whiskey, 90 proof, A «

quart ...... ^isO U Women Who Know Their Twin Sweater Sets, Comet Straight Whiskey, THIS MEANS NON-SKID Our most popular .sweater—^' 00 proof, A « The flne ribbed fabric tunes the slip-on with matching car- quart ...... s O U right in with the fashion for Fashions Have Accepted $2.98 digan. Bright hues. SAFETY AND TRACTION Illgrade Gin, flfth ...... gSe ribbed fabrics In frocks. And Mr. Boston Uln, f ifth ...... gl.SO It has Ui* look of refined ele-

W’I n e a ...... 89c per bottle and np gance characteristic of the new- Wool Skirts, For three consecutive yean have been on the 131 bus.ses Beer...... $1,75 a caae er costumes. They go with Plaids, checks, monotones— PARI$TYLE of the Washington (D. C.) Railway and Electric Co., everything. Ask for Bolero—a anything you wish . . it’s here! $2.98 covering 11,357,810 bus miles without one minute's delay dashing cuff style with largo FOUNDATIONS due to tire trouble. pearl button trim. Black and Sweaters and Skirts—Second Floor. brown. UNITED TEXTILE Main Floor, r ig h t'


$5 LOCAL 2125 ABILITY AND ECONOMY P.ARISTVLE foundations bring to the figure that special! desired slenderizing appearance so much in ^

Were on the 5,00Q

natitmal and American records, travelling 3,000 miles at The monthly membership roeettag RAYON average.speed of 127.2 miles per hour, without tire trou- will be held In the Odd Fellows (left) Foundation of bro- ble of any kind. hall, Saturday morning at 9:S0 cade with two-way stretch

o'clock. By-law books must be back. Lace bra. $5.00 presented to gain admittance. All Undies

members are requested to attend. ■^THIS MEANS ENDURANCE Tib One Of These



We planned this special WORKERS OF AMERICA And Be Smart! BO that you can replenish GIRDLES your supply for FaU and LOCAL 2125 Winter. Tailored styles MORIARH BROTHERS and adorable lace trimmed ^ aOl-SUi O ottr street—Ooraer Broad Give Freedom To models. Regular sizes in NOTICE $3.50 vests, bloomerA panties, 59 Small Figures—Only ^ Opca S4 Beoro! step-ina salt Any member who has bot« It’s the big noise In sports- laid oS slaee the strike Is re- ser. Gives that nonchalant PARISTVLE JITNIOR8 confine yet do not restrain free- dom. We’re showing many new models. queated to report at the Union air. Bright plaids In exotic col- Ofliee Immediately. It la of ut- orings. Tie one around your Extra (right) Rayon batiste girdle, side hook. Is most Importance that membera neck and see how smart it $3.50 Sizes, affected by a layoff report the makes that spqrU outfit 50< tamo a t once. At HALE’S Oorsets—Main Floor, rear. least,