the WEB EXCLUSIVE: Check and the McSports Report blog for updates on the N* weekend's CAA women's tournament. BreezeJames Madison University's Student Newspaper Volume 84, Issue 43 i Thursday, March 13, 2008 ele6mti/iM SOO®l/ea#6 Injured freshman returns home

BY EVAN DYSON Jahriing suffered head MhfBflM injuries after Hir/on's 2000 Audi sedan struck the dance I-Yeshman Bria Jahrling.a major while she was on her pedestrian who was sewreh wuy to ballet in Godwin Hall injured by a car Jan. 29 «n about 11 a.m. Bluestone Drive, has been Bvstanders who assisted released from therapy at Jahriing at the scene said Kennedv Krieger Institute in Birzon. a senior management Baltimore. She is now taking major, bad been <>n bis wa\ the rest of the semester to class when the accident off to recover at home in occurred. Maryland. The investigation into Commonwealth 1 the accident concluded Attorney Marsha Garst that Jahriing entered the announced Feb. 28 that enisswalk by Prederikeon charges will not be tiled Hall in front otn bus that had against 22-year-old Matthew pulled oft on the shoulder. As N. Birzon, of Setaukct. N.Y., she began crossing the street. who was Identified ■■ the driver who struck lain ling see ACCIMNT. pete $ Freshman charged on 10 counts of fraud


JMU freshman Paul I long was charged on Thursday, Feb. 28, with to counts of fraudulent use of a birth certificate or license following an Investigation that took place earlier this month, according to court documents. If found guilty. Hong could spend up to 10 years in prison. "We're just waiting to take a look .it the evidence they have against Mr. Hong and then we'll proceed from that point forward." Hongs attorney William EMridgesaid "He/a Coudnr ol STEVE EMEtSO^JHU Pliolign(*y Semen obviously innocent until proven guiltv and we want to look at what the evidence shows.*' An estimated 3,000 stvfcnh, fiailty oat1 stalf rwmlwrs joiiwd on the Quod Wednesday to (el tar at* the wetklong Centtnniol Ctiefcration at James Madison University Hong, a psychology major from Burke, was arrested on Feb. 27 following an investigation alter officers ■earthed bis dorm room for marijuana earlier this month. ed together T»il»t thf tHoa. re.idv to hold named Nannie Sword and tuition in 10OH ' I ItDQH I have done WTOtUJ and I am dealing with it in inv A human 100 up their gold and purple placards for the was $2 per quarter .nut room ami board was own ways," Hong said in an e-mail sent March 1. Centennial picture celebrating JMU's 100th only $14 per month. According to the search warrant filed Feb. 7. authorizing birthday. "This is a special time, this is our birth- JMU comsup; a search for1 marijuana or paraphernalia. JMU Police Officer Energy- was high as seniors formed the day and time to reflect." he said from the Rodney McCarter executed a search of Hong's room on Feb..( BY KALEIGH MAHER number 100 with gold placards and under- steps of Wilson Mall. "In your case I hope seizing items including a firework, plant-like substance, pills. classman surrounded them with purple. you will reflect on what your time has been a white tube with marijuana inside and a tall, green smoking Duke Dog socialized with the crowd and at JMU. Happy Birthday!" device. From the ground it looked crazy, from JMU cheers and the fight song could be An Hind 2:30 p.m. placards were lield high While searching under Hong's bed, Mcl'arter found the sky it was picture perfect. heard throughout the Quad. as a small two-seater airplane circled the Quad multiple Kentucky Operators' Licenses, blank cud stock used The Quad was packed Wednesday after- President Linwood Rose spoke, saying snapping aerial shots of tlie centennial "100." for making licenses and hologram type images The search noon around 2 p.m. as approximately 3.000 that the first student at the State Normal warrant inventory and return lists: blank 11 > cards and II) students, faculty and staff members crowd- and Industrial School for Women was ICENTFNHIA1,10915 cards with individuals on them, 21 pieces of card stock and/ or fictitious licenses, a Massanutten ski |wss. a New Jerse> license and a list of names on paper. The case is set for trial on March 20.


mman ■ tfftm^fm

JMU president sits down to discuss university issues

British sports car. continue and if we don t receive the monies In a recent interview, the JMU President for capital expenditures so that we can have took time out of his schedule to address issues the space we IHHII for the programs and once concerning JMU's traffic and expansion the indicators of quality begin to decline. His administration is compiling then we will turn off the spigot." Rose said. information on different traffic options "That's really the important signal that says for a study that will be available in the 'oh yeah. I guess growth really lent the fall. The report will be submitted to primary driver " different organizations such as the Student Any curbing of growth will most likeK Government Association and the Faculty- wait until alter the budget for the ne\t two Senate in order to get input on the proposed years is approved by the General Asseinblv guidelines. "Sometime next year we will make a "We would like to reduce the number of decision about what's foing to happen wttfa cars that come to the campus," Rose said. the freshman and transfer CtaM tor the ne\t "But we're also responsible ami sensitive to year, we'll look at it leal hard. Rose said. the needs of students, faculty and staff that in the currant Genera] Aaeembl) need to get hen' legislative session, Rose is seeking funding Rose mentioned several possible for two major projects a biotechnology solutions, wttdl include an improved bus or building, parallel to the physics and transit system and a satellite parking system chemistry building on the east tide <»t that would optntfl similarly to systems in campus, and an expansion of Duke Hall to place at Dulles Airport. meet the needs n| visual lit1- programs "We need to look at how we're going to Rase spoke eagerly about the DC* pUUU use the parking facilities that we have now." for expansion, voicing frustration oiil> MM) LOMMST.'KIW phokqiwh. IV« DYSM/ra B^hfntm Rose said. "Or do we need to have satellite whan s|h-aking ot the apparent legislative JMU President Linwood Rose began his professional parking, where you may park someplace and disconnect between need and use. take the shuttle in' career at JMU in 1975 Rose was named by the Board "A lot of people look at the new facilities Gov Tim Koine (0 Vo ] gow o speech Monday nighl ot the Rose also spoke about the possibility of MM as the Wtli president on Sept 9,1998 and sa> that it's being done tor growth and Festival Ballroom titled "Faith in Politics' The event was sponsored of curbing growth as JMU prepares to it's not," Rose said. "We're building these by the Catholic Campus Ministry as port of a weeklonq eflort to welcome another large freshman class. The or acquiring these rjfopertlco to ncreose student aworeness ol social justice issues wtiich included a ITMUYCONNIFf increasing niimlter ot applicants means that meet the current need In t.tet. if you're hunter banquet on Tuesday many potential students aren't getting a trying to get mone> from the state to build Koine talked about his Catholic upbringing and its affect on his chance to attend JMU. I building, you ha\e to demonstrate to ife ond his politics. While he does not believe in every low, Koine Linwood Rose doesn't have a lot of free "I think we haw more of a sense of the slate that you ulreadv have a student staled that he has sworn to uphold them as port ol his duties as obligation now to meet some of that need as time. population that justifies the initial space, governor Koine staled he has blended his faith and his oath into his And he seem* all right with that, long as we can at least maintain the quality so they don't give you buildings based on decision moking process appearing content with a rigorous schedule that we work to achieve," Rose said. growth." Koine will speak again on friday at the 10 am Centennial that includes trips to the General Assembly Growth issues arc also dependent on Other plans that are currently in motion Convocation in the JMU Convocolion Cenlet in Richmond, fundraising, meeting with the financial support the university receives include construction of a new dorm and students and, if his agenda permits, some from the state precious free time spent restoring an antique "I've said repeatedly that if budget cuts see ROSE, eeee 5

mm ; - 2 Thursday, March 13,2008 The Breeze Editors: Kelly Conniff & Shelly Neel

111 Main Telephone: Arts and Entertainment Breeze (540) 568-6127 Desk: «■»•*•* —*' " ~ ' JIJ Fax: (540) 568-6736 breezeartscu POLICE LOG Mary Innm i /arMt BYSH(UYNfEl/«fr<*« 9 editor 1 VMi in win Editor: Man Frances Czarstv Sports Desk: Sews *»...«•> HnpLinv (540) 568-6749 (540) 568-6709 . MM KalriRh M.hrr editor^ Property damoge OpMMMttor Anna Young A**;.. ki-IK Hvher Opinion Desk: AM. A Stf olttK' Mr«an Williams A JMU employee reported $600 in damage to a sink in the restroom of Carrier Library Feb. Advertising (540) 568-3846 Spartt n/ifi" 1 mi t li.iiuii.tii 27. Asa tport* editor Mm thru HqGwan Department: breezeopiiiioniu I , ,. rftar k.-lh ( (540) 568-6127 dkor Shrllv N. .1 Photo/Graphics: A JMU employee reported S125 in damage to the paint and rear passenger side tail light in /■fto/o edifor V.lri.n StrHart News Desk: Imv/i'plmtocii K l.di Feb. 28 l«urrn Pack (540)568-8041 < 'niW MM* Adrlvnnrllatdt-n 1 A JMU employee reported $100 in damage to a doorframe of an out building at 1077 South Mikr (.mndmann Main Street. Ki»|{rr SfM-uksi i» Fraudulent use of identification Ads Manager: 77ie Breeie Ad Executhcs: Ad I d-signci-s: A JMU student was charged with fraudulent use of identification in Huffman Hall Feb. 4. (lil I larrison Ryan Waldnin Asst. Ads Maggie Nock* Brain Hope Peter IVvvr GlAnthony-Seegerll.ill Larceny Manager l-jnih Sasek Michael K. Smith MSC68O8 ErinRiley Jamea Madison Uulveiril) FJisi I riompson ■Ariel Park Ads Design Lead: Harrisonhurg. Virginia 22807 A JMU student reported the theft of a resident parking decal from a vehicle in R-l Lot. l.yiidsiy MCHI|KT I Jndflev Andrews Phone: (540)568-01.;- Fairini'Si Lin-/ Brittany I longer Fax: (540) g68-

A JMU student reported the theft of a $70 mountain bike left locked to a bike rack outside CLASSIFIEDS Showker Hall over Spring Break. How to place a classified: - Go to wwii'.tlicbnv/r.tuy and .Ink on the classified link or come into tile office weekdays Credit card fraud between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. A JMU student reported credit card fraud Feb. 20. - Cost: $5 for the first 10 words. S3 for each additional 10 words; boxed classified, $10 per column inch. Intimidation - Deadlines: noon Friday for Monday issue, noon Tuesday for Thursday issue. 1 - Classifieds must Ix paid in advance in The /freeze office. A JMU student reported intimidation between Feb. 15 and 26.

Number ot drunk in publics since Aug. 27: 78 Number of drunk in publics at this time last year: 60 MISSION Number of parking tickets since Aug. 27:15.808 The Bree/e. the Student-run newspaper af.lames Madison I niversitii. serres student and this time lad year 15,864 faculty readerthlp In, reporting newt involving the campus andlocalcommimitu. The Breae strivt s (o b« impartial and fair m Us reporting and firmly believes in its First Amendment rights. Friday, March 14 - James Madison Day Schedule of Events

Centennial Convocation James Madison Statue "Exhibit to Celebrate 100 Funny Frealdn' Friday Convocation , 10 a.m. Dedication Years at JMU!" A night of entertainment laughing at Speaker: Gov. Tim M. Kaine Front of CS/ISAT Building, 2:30 p.m. Madison Art Collection, The Gallery at Mission IMPROVable, the nation's Birthday Cake Guests arc encouraged to walk from Festival biggest touring improv group ever! Bases will nin from the west side of earlier events, but parking will Ix- Festival Conference and Student Opening this show will be JMLTs own campus 9 a.m - 9:40 a.m. available without a permit after 2 p.m. Center, 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. improv group, New & Improved. Free. (Memorial Hall, Wilson Hall and in lot D2. Taylor Down Under, 8 p.m. Showker Hall) Parking available in lots A, F and G. "Portraits in Bluestone" "Put Up Your Dukes" Duke Classes canceled, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Concert Dog Statue Display Music commissioned for .JMITs Festival Confefeqpe and Student (botaonaai I Center, Highlands Room, Convocation Center, 3:30 p.m. 3 p.m.-5 p.m. Parking available in lots A, F and G. 1C «

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SEVEN WAYS TO AVOID CRIMIN \1. C()l KI In this pamphlet I reveal sewn ways to avoid arrest and conviction This booldn amlainj observant of how to avoid trouhlr that I have seen over my 'H years experience, for a free E-Copy of ttus pubbcaoon email Bob at ***.w.ftkyVftrt«ti»n. [email protected] Hrase place the phrase Cnminal 104 in the reference line. Madison Manor :: More Amenities Living at Madison Manor offers more amenities, including an escape from the traffic of other housing options. • Fireplaces • Spacious Living COLDWELL • Pool • On Bus Route BANKER COMMERCIAL • Tennis Courts • Pet Friendly* • Plenty of Parking FUNKHOUSER REALTORS Check Out More Information @ 715 Port Republic Road Harrlsonourg. VA 22801 • Utratad • ot Pat Fntirjy Unrtt Availabla • Equal Housing Opportunity Eacri Cokfcvall Bantu* Commercial Ot* , Oamd At i OapaaaiJ 434-5150 Editor: Ashley Hopkins Editor: Koleigh Mohcr [email protected] (540) 568-8041 J/Vemew6 Ihursdoy, March 13, 2008 3


EWM OTSON/umv fho»|ra«h

Hormonburg •mcgtncy personnel respond Ihursdoy oftimoin afMt reports of on overturned ndndo an 181. TIM singU rehitle Occident otcuued beside Ihe 245 northbound on-iomp afoul I p.m The female occuponl ol lh« loyolo Corolla wos token lo Rotkinghom Memoiiol Hospital bul hod no lifothieoiening tnjurini.

iwVxe-eommerce wins award you need is love

•Y KAH MCFARLAHD Davidson was encouraged by winning the award. (ortinWiing writ* "It motivates me to work harder 011 Craving Cookies aixl to take it as far as I can," he said. "If it is not going Junior Scott Davidson annbined computer mice to work I want to be in reality, but it encourages me to and scrumptious cookies to win a technology award continue." from the Shenandoah VaUey TechiKtkjf^ Council. I «-t iii.i Green, an attendant at tl»• Sltenandoah Val- Daxidson is the owner of ley Technolop' Council event ( i.iMn/. ( ■ -...»--. IXC', a bi and niuikijcing tlinvtor ■ ■( (In ties known among studa Virginia Active Angel Net- for providing a laten work, was so imiMVssed with * snack of freshh IJUMTI cook- UiMiUoii's work she invited ies and a carton of milk. To him to speak at a l'i liwrsilv nl ensure that the cookies are Virgiiua MBA class. delivered in a timely manner While appreciative of and that tl»e husine?* opera- the recognition, Davidson Is tion runs smoothly. IXivison not wasting time basking in utilizes an e-commeree sys- his glory. Davidson recently tem and a Web site, which he reached an exciting milestone designed himself. in the company's liistory. The Shenandoah Va "We ha\-e sold 26,000 Technology CounciJ recog- cookies set far," lie said. "This nized his eflbrts in last week's shows a positive trend. In tlM' March 5 Tech Night Awards. past two nn intiLs. «c liaw sold The ceretnony highlighted the same amount tfoOOUM M local tiitrepreijeurship and all of last semester." technologkally'-savvy innova- With such positive feed- tors. back and support from the Ahlvnigh Davidson was community, Davidson has nominated for tin- Innova- plans for expansion. By Au- tive Technology Appbcation gust he hopes to have a store Award, an award geared to- in Itarrisonburg. Davidson is ward recognizing ph* Inn*, k, mm SlMMI/ph* +» alsi, ,,-Jdn), ,„ 1 <*her schools. however, receive a new award. Davidson oirrently spends with as pan ol Ihe nursing piogiom Nursing students ion sign up to lake Nursing 313 on elective that allows them lo spenj created to honor his scliievements because his use of 54 hours each week working on all aspects of Crav- several rrours eoth week working with elderly potients teehnology and business molded to the (leans of the ing Cookies, from striictviriiig wortos'.shifts to manag- Harrisonburgarea. ing inconwnient obstacles. BY KATIE IHISDHl parunent knerehava been up toooatudaot • senior writer p.uti» rpatiug at one lime: eurrenth n II llisnlsed Vinod Narayan learned that plavini: Through an initial training session, vol hldo and aaaii is inn terfect place. We've K anti-drug, anti-drinking; instead tlu-y want to teach course, students s|H'iul several hours each alls learueil how the caregivers and client' would cmbiace students We thought the) Substance abuse is not a laughing matter, but how not lo become addicted and go about having week with elderK patients ssould. but to what level, svedidn't know, and MOM think il would be better if it was. fun without getting totally wasted where \ on don't "Many times the caregivers arc t< cling iso- is impressed wild the response Chris Farley's brother and president of the remember what you did," said junior organization- lated, and they don't know whafsavailablefol Its appealing to think about how sum. Chris hirle> Foundation, I'om Farley, will be per- al communication major Caroline Farley. them," said Vickie l.iniles, program oHrectol one can conic in and provide activities fol forming stand-up comedy Monday at 6 p.m. in Farley is a distant cousin of Chris and Tom and of CCN. The cart-givers bank their resources ■/OUT loved unes students have such an en Memorial Hall. The Chris I ..rle\ Foundation uses organized the event with senior communication and trs t.■ wait until they really help humor to promote the responsible use of drugs major Caitlin Harrison. Hut the rains da) 1. a. malls here lor many of erg) t'»i thai is amazing." Activilics include an>1hing from baking and alcohol. Farley said she thinks humor is more effective them, and it's hard to recognise 11 together, to listening m playing music, to just Chris Parity, known lot Ml rules in Tommy than any anti-drug commercial she has seen, and The program baa grown since II began Boy,""Wayne's World" and Satiml.iv Night Live, with a Riant proposal Bon the nursing de seefUliYpote? MCJUKUV1K,poeo7 .1 successful comedian before hi (Hod il LM

iP MAE concert rings in Spring Career Fair to Student film festival Xokie Nation' receives lunioi honored at Students sky drve with LU Centennial Celebration kick off next week needs applicants state press award tonight >- Grammy luncheon Aimys Golden Knights CD CJC When Morch IS, 70O8 ctt 6:30 Whin: Mirth 19, 2001 Irom Vthen Apnt 13, MOB ot/OO p.m 'Hokie Notion' will receive Jurtior AIBOMBI 0. Bishop FMStaa^lWioalyand pan. 16 p.m Where IxaiStaSkMl Ihedie the Virgmio Press AssociotKHi's Vir- * wmiioriiindottfeCftvnMYfourv iw Mi flMnwn WeW aMnd to Where. Wilson Hall Where Festival Ballroom What UPTs Stuhfit Fens resewl ginian of die Yeai awoid tonight 08 action s 10* Annual fjitelainment tonwiii sky aw »wi a riptsroef ot What iiUl i«ll be performing to What- The Spring Conn owes students 0 choree to enter tm at die Virginia Press Association Xi' lo* liiitntH luncheon S Scfnlar the (.oiden Kraghts. the US Army s help ceMxole the Centennial Die Fair with 150 national and work to be judged by a panel in Annum1 Meeting la be held at Ihe ship fteswiWion in Bevedy H*s ekte (lorocnule demorrstiatiori team (encert is fit* wan a JAC Cord and legional employers is looking 0 miAlRiae w deferent aincjones Heel Itooke ond Conference (en —' Bishop ws one of fke fmafrsh in a Ihe skyoWs dew horn on altitude Mkfft*«lMin«taU storting at 3 for students inteiested in jobs fens must be iMiutne short and tar. The Virginian of the Yeor is the writng (ontest In her work "legal of 13.000 feet freeWkng ror ow Ira 00 Sttwtoy. SIO tickets will ot internships Professional no more man 0 minutes m lereftti association's highest ciltitnetaiat * P2P FfeSiWng on College Cam 0 mnui, and londng in die soccer t on salt hx these witkout l« dress and current resumes an SutrnrssMis ore due by Friday tpnl ond cetebratring the triumphs and puses Vlfhat's Ihe Scejnan?' She prcxtce stadkni The ewnt was (onh Doors open at 5:30pm required. 4at5O0pm success of Virginians received 0 SI 500 scretorshc. sponsored by UVU's Army ROTC 4 Thwsdoy, Morth 13, 2001 The Breeze


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CENTENNIAL: Thousands gathered on WILSON FLY-BY Quad for hundredth birthday celebration A small c

CENTENNIAL, ham (ml menilHTs Bed rampus. Tin' photo was a collaborative "I definitely wanted to be in it, "I think its great, it brings everyone ci'dtd tfiHon Holl effort between Student Ambassadors. cspccialh as ,1 senior in the centennial together and it's a visual aspect," she Wednesday while ;A SafeRid.s. S( and,IMU Photography class.' Danielle Kortney said. said. lining up to shoot Services Senior Hushm,illi Alain cnjovcl Senior Philip (iallegos also enjoyed ■MhMfBtJ I Tamra Cornwell. executive direc- the energy at the event. how JMU came together for the event. humon 100 on the tor of BafeRidaa, senior Let Brooks, "It was invigorating." she said. "It "1 came out to be a part of some- student body president and -.■•nini I ).„, was a lot of school spirit" thing a little bigger than myself," he Quod. (See picture on Boxer. Student Ambassador president Freshman Kate Wicczorek said the said, adding that this is one of the tf> front) MMri 1 said they all wanted to do something is planning to download the photo last times the student body can get wos coordinated to inspire students and the JMU Com- together before graduation. by venous munity to celebrate the Centennial. Senior Vice President of Student studtnf qroLp-. ir- The coolest thing was to create ii Affairs Mark Warner summed the MMMNflM I I his last nig memory for everyone who\ event up with one word: awesome. the (entenniot a part of the Centennial." Bonr Hid. I came out to be o "It was so fun to see everyone out JMU alumni Michael h'ornadel, there it exceeded my expectations," president of Good Printers, Inc. donat- part of something he said. ed 5,000 purple and gold placards that a little bigger than Even football coach Mickey HMDYWl/.enic were used in the photo, lie joked that Mathews made his way to the Quad pBriaaaaV his son Andy, a sophomore, made him myself. Wednesday. He said several stu- donate. In the past he donated plac- dents stopped him after lunch and ards for the National Championship. - PHILIP GAIiEGOS their excitement was contagious so he "I figured if I could do it for sports I Senior tagged along. could do it for the students," he said. 95 "I thought it was enjoyable to be a Cornwell was pleased with the part of it," he said. result. Ireshman Alexa Wolf also enjoyed "It was more organized than we later. being a part of the photo. expected,* Cornwell Hid. "We had an I thought it was really great," she "I thought it was really cool and awesome turnout." said. "It's a good idea to have everyone memorable," she said. She attributed the success to strong together and it shows JMU spirit. Senior Candace Edmonds simply advertising. The Faeebook group pro- Senior Joanna Paeno agreed and said: moting the event had more than 1.500 said that the photo would show a uni- "It's a part of history."

ACCIDENT: Jahrling's first ROSE: Varied background creates leader

few days home 'excellent' ROSE, from front been at a place, it's not for the length general!) felt that president-, . dining hall near Chesapeake and of time that I had been," Rose said. It 1 visible enough, but that s not neci ACCIDENT, from front was moved on Feb. 8 to Kennedy Potomac Halls. Rose also said that not the typical model, but at JMU, we've llii- best w.i\ to serve your stul 1 1 Birzon, who was driving north on Krieger Institute in Baltimore, future housing projects will probably had only five presidents in IOO yean, so Rose said. "You need to be visible Kith-stone, struck Jahrling as she when' she continued to undergo include transitional housing as a way of people tend to get the job and stay." enough and be in touch, but it means I in emerged from the front of the bus. therapy. appealing to parents who are hesitant Early on. Rose thought that he not out raising mones CH working oil the "There was absolutely /.ero On March 5, Jahrling checked about their children moving off campus. would opt for a career in business, but budget." motion time," said U. Kurt nut oj KKI and was able to return Transitional housing would mimic was influenced by a significant resident Rose considers his va 1 ied ha< kground Bi idllft of the Harrisonburg Police home apartment-style living. adviser and became interested in student at JMU an important part ol his Department "If you can Imagine Since the aeeident, Jahrling's "Looking at something like this kind affairs. He became a hall director before foundation aa president. that setup with the 1ms and sister, Yara, has used a Web site of fits the need between the freshman getting his master 'a degree in educational "I think where it's really mad.' a IJahrling) coming across, there's though (under the year and really being completely out supervision and administration at difference is that I had an appreciation just absolutely no way to reallysee name "BriaJahrling") to update on your own," Rose said. "So if we Virginia Tech, eventually coming to for the values and beliefs that exist it that." family and friends on Bria's build more, we'll probably head in that JMU in 1975- Over the next four decades the institution.' he said In a prepared statement, progress. direction." he served in several roles, including as When asked about bis 1 Garst said, "This is indeed a On March 8 she reported that Rose has served as president of the director of residence halls, the vice accomplish ment as president, Rose tllgic incident and our hearts rod Jahrling's first few days out of the JMU since 1998. when he took over for president for administration and chief quickly replies with l statistic: the 94 prayers go out to Bria Jahrling hospital have been "excellent." Ronald Carrier, who served for 27 years. operating officer. percent student satisfaction i.iti thai and her family as we wish her "She has watched old dance Rose's situation was unique, as he had Rose also takes pride in his visibility JMU boasts a full recovery from her serious recital videos, baked cookies (only been employed by JMU since 1975, on campus, although some students "If you're a leader of an orgai injuries halfway-just right!), has Ixvn contrary to the traditional route taken might not see it the same way he don, and you have that high percentage ofl Following treatment at the eating fine, and generally doing by university presidents. "I think it's important that the people who are your customers 01 -li ui University of Virginia Medical wry well with her readjustment "It's pretty unusual. Typically, president be visible, and I'm sure that who are satisfled with theit ei: ( enter in Cfaarlottaavffla, Jahitbaj nul of the hospital" presidents are brought in or if they've from the student's perspective, it's makes you feel pretty good." Rote laid.

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Congrats JMU on 100 Years!!! ,.u..„:,.....c.,... 6 Thursday, March 13, 2008 The Breeze

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Competitive Pricing with the areas cleanest salon and most friendly service. 243 Neff Avenue 540-4)8 8267 The Breeze www.thebreew.oa Thursday, March 13, 2008 7 CAREGIVING: 'We hove fun together' FARLEY: Foundation aims to CAKGffmC. (torn paje 3 learn nursing," she said. helping others in every way talking and listening. Lan- "Hands-on is the best way, possible. You make a differ- des said that hand and foot and you get one-on-one ex- ence in the lives of everyone educate with humor massages, as well as painting perience with patients. I'll you interact with on a daily really cherish this time. It's basis." fingernails, are also popular FUlfYhompitJ "They shouldn't use such activities. Supply kits are amazing I've had this op- Volunteers do not need "I have seen people fall portunity so early in my ca- to have an interest specifi- the Chris Farley Foundation extreme ads so that if peo- into drugs and alcohol where available for students to use ple do use drugs and realize it's affected their family life, during the visits. reer." cally in gerontology, but just gets through to people by She continues to meet in giving back to the com- catching their attention. that's not what it's like, that social life and school life," "The little old ladies love will just make people distrust Farley said. "It's a serious is talking, and giving out ad- with her patients husband, munity. "If you're going to sit who she calls her adopted "I just wanted to do someone down and say lets every ad." she said. "1 don't sue." vice on love lives, and seeing/ really agree with scaring Farley classifies alcohol pictures of boyfriends," Lan- grandfather, as well as two more," Narayan said after talk about drugs and alcohol, other ladies from the nurs- his previous volunteer expe- most people are like 'oh-my- people into not using drugs and drug abusers as people des said. or alcohol." who don't know how or when Whitney Gee, a senior ing home. riences. "I heard about this gosh not again.' " She said. "We have fun together." class, and I actually feel bad "But he doesn't approach it Harrison said she thinks to stop. nursing major, formally vol- that the event will offer an Farley thinks peer pres- unteered with CCN last year. she said. "He came over a that it's for a credit." that way. He approaches it few weeks ago for a birthday Though Narayan has to by joking about it, but then alternative to the unrealistic sure is the largest factor stu- She spent time with a woman ads that exaggerate the con- dents use drugs and alcohol. in her 70s who had Alzheim- dinner. I got my roommates reintroduce himself at each he also uses Chris and says involved too, so it was some- visit to his patient, he said here's a guy who dedicated sequences of drinking and 'College is an age where er's. She formed a close re- drug use. She said the foun- you have so many expecta- lationship with the woman thing fun and different to do he loves spending time to- his life to humor but still on a Friday evening." gether. Recently, they began couldn't mix the two and look dation is effective because tions to live up to especially and her husband through- everyone likes to laugh and socially, and if you're in an out the year and called them Sophomore health sci- a new weekly tradition of what happened." ences major Jackie Kurecki Narayan bringing vanilla ice Humor can only be ef- drug and alcohol use is por- uncomfortable situation, al- her family away from home. trayed in a realistic manor. cohol is an easy escape," she However, near Spring Break, said the class has been a life- cream, one of his patient's fective if used the right way, changing elective. Through favorite foods. according to sophomore psy- According to a 2006 study said. the woman passed away. by tht- Office of Substance Tickets are $5 at the door, "(Gee's| client refers to meeting with her client twice "Because he's happy, I'm chology major Megan Black. a week, Kurecki found a role happy," Narayan said. "This However, she doesn't think Abuse Research 81.2 percent all proceeds will go to the her as his adopted daughter, of students reported alcohol Harrisonburg and Rocking- and they just formed such a model. has enriched my life because most anti-drug and alcohol "She has taught me wis- I've learned more about peo- ad campaigns are effective use while 21.6 percent of stu- ham County Community Re- bond together," Landes said. dents reported drug use. source Center. "She was there with the care- dom and through her life ex- ple, and about myself. My either. giver at the hospital while his periences I have also grown," mom was surprised to see uitc the patient she cared she said. "She loves having this 'caring' side of me, but 1 for, was dying. Whitney was company and most our time plan to volunteer for the rest just such a blessing, and is during the visits are spent of my life." exceptional." discussing world issues and Landes and Pantaleo said Kathleen Pantaleo, the life in general. It is fascinat- they are impressed with the iy Birtl program assistant, empha- ing hearing her opinions and community and student re- sized the importance of her philosophies on life." sponse to CCN. learning outside the class- Kurecki's ultimate career "I'm looking at this pro- room through CCN. goal is to become a regis- gram with new eyes, and "That's the hallmark of tered nurse, and believes have only been here a few James Madison this whole thing," she said. CCN has taught her more months, and I'm just blown "Instead of reading, they're about that choice. away," Pantaleo said. "The actually doing it " "The role of a nurse goes students are top notch. Gee agreed that hands on beyond just working twelve- They're exceptional. I never experience is irreplaceable. hour days a few days out of knew that people this age University! "This is a way to truly the week on a rotation shift," could work with the elderly she said. "You are constantly like this."

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Plus Many More! Individual and group leases available. 8 TWsdoy, Morrti 13,2008 The Breeze Congress to simplify FAFSA form to ease stress on students DV turw vujiiwtf rn ...... BYAHOrKWAtWASfR at the I'mvcrsitv ,,l Illinois Asher. associate director of the ■be said. Ooily Mini (U. Illinois) Congress is considering Institute for College Access and and Web sites. The company charges clients wayi to slicainlinc Ih, ippli Dan Mann, university "I think we're doing a much Success. It von arc moving a director of financial aid, said li. between $49 99 and $79-99 to CHAMPAIGN. III. - Last cation process, which currcntlv lot or changing jobs, it can be better job making information complete their FAFSA forms. weekend Mishr.i went can take anywhere from half is interested in improving the available." Mann said. Singleton said the company lough to pull the information PAFSA form, but said its over- borne t<> upend tune with her an hour to ten hours to com- together." Several companies offer has contacted the offices of sev- l.uiulv .IIKI ha PAFSA form. plete. simplification can lead to inac- PAFSA completion services, Asher said she believes th,- curacy. eral congressmen regarding the Toe Fret Application for One pouible solution measures would improve stu- although Mann said the uin proposed changes to FAFSA. i edi til Stadenl Aid. or PAFSA, "I think (hat the current form versitv does not endorse any of would have the Department dent data security by eliminating and process is good," he said "I "Any time you're in a sup- asks students to submit their ol Education and Internal unncccs-arv copies ill sensitive them port service helping people navi- financial .iiul academic cpialiri- Revenue Service ihare Undent Ret concerned when the) l.ils However. Don Singleton, vice gate a government form, there information about further simplification that cationi for college financial aid. financial data aimed) submit- The Department of president of Student Financial is always talk about changing I to »ail until I went ted on previous fomu. we might lose our ability to make Aid Services Inc.. said the aid things that will affect your busi- Education and Internal good financial aid decision. home so I could have all m\ "Because oi its complexity, Revenue Service have held process can be daunting for fam- ness," Singleton said tU iiit(inn,ilion and my fannlv s PAFSA is more of an obstacle He said the FAFSA pro- ilies with little experience. Mann said students should preliminary talks, but the cess has improved over the last l.i\ information together." said than a gateway for OH people "It affects not just the stu- not discount the resources design process could take decade, with more information Mishra. ,i in liiisim ,s who need it most." said Laura between oni and two years, dents, but the whole family," already available to help them available through high schools Singleton said complete the FAFSA forms. Welcome back from Spring Break!

to tell T 4vte'

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Your coffee expectations will never be the same.

•t HH*T- Editor: Anna Young [email protected] (540) 568-3846 &Jbmi(m Thursday, March 13, 2008 9

In honor of the Centennial Celebration, the opinion section has THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 2000 MONDAY, JAN. 17, 2000 decided to print the best of the best Darts and Pats since their debut An'if-I'm-going-to-pay-for-it.-it-had-better-work" A "try-renting-an-art-major-next-time" dart to the in the Monday, Aug. 26,1991 issue of The Breeze. This is the intro- dart to the SMAD department for making some students colorblind person who stuck the old yellow picture back- pay $20 in lab fees to use a lab where half the computers duction that appeared before the first Darts and Pots: grounds in the middle of the new pastel ,IAC cards. and printers don't work. Sent in by tivo seniors who prefer their old JAC to Sent in by an irritated student who wonders where the ugly eyesores they have now and wonder why the all her tuition is going. change was needed. Hello JMU. It is with great pleasure that we inlroduce Darts and Pols Dam and what? Darts and Pits. THURSDAY, AUG. IS, 1991 There are same things in life that deserve public anention but THURSDAY, SEPT. 11, 1997 A convenient pat to whoever decided to purchase the A "does-my-ear-look-like-an-ashtray?" dart to the the (lesest they tome to being heard are through mumblings of stamp machine outside the bookstore. Not only does it approval or disapproval Well, these 'things" will serve as forgers Harrisonburg Transit driver who threw his cigarette in eliminate waiting in line just for a stamp, but it also helps my sunroof because he thought I was driving too slow. for Darts and Pots and will hopefully end an era of ignoring well to decrease the length of post office lines. acknowledged but imprinted opinions. Sent in by a student who didn't appreciate a burn hole in her car, and will be wart of opening her sunroof Darts will be "thrown" at things considered to be bad, lame or from now on. just plain annoying Its counterpart, Pals, will be owarded to those THURSDAY, SEPT. 25, 1997 "things" considered to be good, brilliant or just plain orgasmic! A "where's-my-discount?" dart to JMU Dining Ser- ' Sa if you have an opinion but don't think it will work as a letter vices for not giving students their five percent discount THURSDAY, AUG. 31, 2006 or a column, submit it to The Bruit as o Dart or a Pot. If we use when they make a purchase with Flex. A "thanks-for-rock-'n'-roll" pat to the Lord of Dark- your idea we'll give you credit, but Ihe Itttu retains the right to Sent in by a penny-pinching student who needs every edit lor clority and space constraints. ness for farming the coolest musical genre in history. penny he can save. From three metal maniacs who still think you play a meanfiddle.

THURSDAY, JAN. 25, 2008 The format of Darts and Pats has changed over the years, and A "your*selflessness-will-not-go-unrewarded" pat to THURSDAY, NOV. 16, 1995 each Dart or Pat featured here is in its original format. At first, Darts the last winged unicorn for valiantly standing up against A dart to the SGA for jilting the water polo team and Pats were small blurbs, mini rants appearing in paragraph form, the powers of darkness and the demon king. out of its share of the club contingency fund. The water with no acknowledged author. During the first year, senders were From your mom. polo team is probably the most organized, competitive, sometimes identified, but when they were, they were introduced by outgoing and fun organization around and is worth every penny of the $1,500 the women's club soccer team got. "Sent in by" until 2000. In 2001, the sender was introduced with MONDAY, JAN. 18, 1999 Sent in by someone who knows the water polo team "From...," which is the current format. A "did-they-really-need-to-be-THAT-big?" dart to is not livin' in the lap of luxury. The graphic that accompanied the special opinion feature only whoever installed the large traffic signals outside Mr. appeared in later years. In first few yeors of their appearance, only Chips to stop traffic when trains pass. the words "Darts and Pals" were creatively designed. Sent in by a Village resident who thinks they're an THURSDAY, FEB. 6, 2003 eyesore and can't believe car wouldn'(have stopped for An"it's-a-fixed-metal-structure" When pictures did appear with the words, there were other a smaller version. dart to the naked girl who tried to graphics along with the different variations on the current design make love to the statue of ex- on the Darts and Pats logo. president and our university's MONDAY. FEB. 28. 2005 In 1993, Darts & Pats were only printed on Thursdays, and a feature namesake, James Madison, A "thanks-for-your-crcepy-confession" dart to the Saturday evening. called "So What!?!" was printed on Mondays. In a special April Fool's Day guy who told everyone within earshot at a party that h Friday issue in 1994, The Breeze', name was changed to Ihe Sneeze, and From an amused pass- goes through underwear drawers at parties er-by who appreciated the Darts and Pats were lovingly (hanged to hearts and Rail From an ISATkid who never wants to take you the gesture but doesn't Such is the evolution of the one thing each Breeze reader anywhere again. think Dolly would flips to first, and looks forward to reading every _^^pjajj find it as funny. Monday and Thursday. So without further ado, here are a few of the best DSPs from THURSDAY, OCT. S, 1995 An I-know-lots-of-students-drink-and- the past. Enjoy this doozy of a dose of drive-but-what-were-you-thinking dart to the driver of Darts and Pats! the passenger van full of students who pulled up to a party and stumbled out drinking a can of beer. Sent in by a SAM) student who can't understand how these things can go on, considering the possible MONDAY, AUG. negative consequences. 26, 1991 Our first official dart is tossed at MONDAY, APRIL 12, 1999 whoever decided to A u.ik.-iip-aiHl-p;iy-.!tti-iiti(>n" dart to the careless move campus police smoker who started a small brush fire with his cigarette off campus. And butt outside of the Music Kuilding. what's with that Serif in by a "butt-kicking"non-smoker who doesn't new name...Public want to ploy Smokey the Hear by putting out fires Safety Office? What around eumpus. the hell is that?

MONDAY, SEPT. 9, 1996 THURSDAY. OCT. An "I'd-laugh-if-they-bit-back" dart to the stu- 10, 1996 CIIMIK who were biting off roses from the Samuel A "fall-colors" pat to Duke rose garden during the heavy rains Friday. the JMU groundskeepers Don't you know that biting rose stems could harm your for not raking up all of the V^itstooth enamel? pretty fall leaves that are scat- ^***"- --^**^ Senf ill by a faculty member who had reported for tered throughout campus. Some- work before classes were canceled and saw the biting times a little mess is a good thing. bandits. .Senf in by a student who can now admire the leaves both on the trees and off. THURSDAY, OCT. 10, 1991 THURSDAY, JAN. 14, 1999 An artistic dart to Sawhill Gallery for displaying a THURSDAY, APR. 26, 2001 A"breakfast-is-the-most-important-part-of-the-day" ceramic penis A "you-suck" dart to the administration for its apathy dart to Let's Go for being closed for breakfast this week. Senf 111 by an offended art critic. about diversity and funding inequities for academic pro- Senf in by fioo Spotswood Hall residents who miss grams. the energy boost their hashbrowns and eggs give them. From a sociology major disgruntled by the lack of MONDAY, FEB. 14, 2005 multiculturalism in the curriculum and angry that you An "it-must-have-been-cold-in-there" dart to the two guys burn plenty of money to make the ISAT buildings fancy- MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2005 who snuck in to Wilson Auditorium and streaked on stage. schmancy while other academic programs struggle with A "way-to-distract-my-boyfriend" dart to the three From a freshman who happened to walk by at the severe faculty shortages. naked girls taking pictures in front of Wilson Hall at mid- wrong time and doesn't appreciate your hi/.arre use of night when I was trying to enjoy a romantic outing with leisure time. my boyfriend on the Quad. THURSDAY, OCT. 31, 1991 From an angry sophomore who didn't appreciate the A naughty dart to a local bulldog named BUTCH who competition. THURSDAY, OCT. 7, 1993 was witnessed maiming several small children. A dart to the judicial system at JMU for considering an acquaintance rape "sexual misconduct." (See Oct. THURSDAY, FEB. 10, 1994 4 Breeze Police Log.) No wonder so few women come MONDAY. MARCH 21, 2005 A sealed-tight, environmentally friendly pat to Food forward and follow through on charges when rape is A "you-know-how-to-have-a-good-time" pat to the guy Services for initiating the use of Tupperware in Let's Go, not taken seriously by this campus' law enforcement or who came into Sheetz, told everyone he was T>litzed"and Amigos and Mrs. Green. For only $2 JMU can "act lo- judicial bodies. proceeded to yell "No batta!" as the clerk announced order cally" while "thinking globally." Senf in by an angry woman ready for change. numbers. Senf in by the members of EARTH. from a senior sorority girl who knows the differ- ence between appropriate and inappropriate, and didn 't MONDAY, JAN. 9, 1992 realize that someone at JMU could get it so wrong. MONDAY, FEB. 13, 2006 A dart to whoever decided to give Paula Abdul a star A"we're-grossed-out-and-wo're-not-going-to-take-it- on Hollywood Boulevard at the same time as Jimi Hen- anymore" dart to the "powers that be" for leaving Newman drix. It took him ^ci years, and it took her two albums. MONDAY, FEB. 19, 2007 Lake in the deplorable condition it has been in for years. Senf in by Scott Surovell. A "do-you-rcally-think-that's-cool?" dart to the frat From a senior who doesn't understand why so much guy at URF.C for wearing a repulsive rush shirt with the time, effort and parking retvnue is spent on less appall- phrase "licating off on the back. ing parts of the campus. THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1997 Senf in by Scott Surovell. A "get-with-the-times" dart to Carrier Library for only hen ing one microfilm machine that prints. Do you really MONDAY, MARCH 16, 1992 think that i:).ooo students can use one machine? MONDAY, NOV. 20, 1995 A dart to the schmuck who scheduled MUlMllHillll III! Sent in by (UK) students who think life is too short to A huge thank-you-for-feeding-the-hungry pat to the day after St. Paddy's day. Oh what a sight - thousands spend uniting in line at the library. McDonald's and Burger King for helping the Blessed Sac- of hungover seniors trying to take themselves seriously rament Soup Kitchen when we were in a bind and really needed you. THURSDAY, JAN. 10, 2008 Senf in by someone who always like to see big THURSDAY, FEB. 3, 1994 A "get-out-of-your-Uggs-bubble" dart to all Ugg-boot money-making organizations do their part to help indi- A cluttered dart to the Records Office for requiring omen who don't realize thev are so not cute outside of viduals. graduating seniors to fill out bachelor's degree applica- JMU. tion. In order to generate our RAP sheet, yu must have all From an anti-tlygs alumnu who knows you would of our course records on your computers. So why do we have to try really hard to find those hideous things on have to write out all of our major and minor courses — in anyone's ieet in the real world. triplicate? 10 Thursday, March 13,2008 www.thebrMze.ors The Breeze

The Real Storv I TONY SPAOACCIA .»«.*, Letter to the Editor A coll for possport system revisions I would like to voice my disgust concerning the passport system at the Uganda panel in Wilson Hall during Uganda week. While the panelists were sharing their stories of what they had done to make peace in Uganda and even how they had been abducted and forced into child soldiery. JMU stu- Democratic race begins again dents behind me were whispering and giggling. They seemed like they couldn't care less about the plight of Ugandan chil- dren. One might wonder why they were in attendance at all. It's become a trend this election year: Just when we think viduals like Tony Rezko to his habit of voting "present" in the Tney were there, it seems, only to get their passports stamped we know what's going to happen, everything changes. Before Illinois legislature. for class. March 4, presidential candidate Barack Obama was viewed as His campaign has had a difficult time handling the increased My disgust continued, however, after the second speaker the inevitable Democratic nominee and seemed poised to give scrutiny from the media and Obama himself made costly mis- finished talking when herds of students dove for the doors rival candidate Hillary Clinton a knockout punch in Texas and takes that served to amplify that negative coverage and helped to get out. But. of course, before they would leave they had Ohio, but key mistakes cost him dearly in both states. to get their [wssports stamped, causing even more commo- Clinton win Ohio, Texas and Rhode Island on March 4. tion — and all of this while the people on stage were trying Now the race is back to a stalemate, with Obama holding a slim With critical primaries coming up in Pennsylvania. North to speak. Throughout the entire night students decided that lead in delegates. While it is almost impossible to know for sure Carolina and Indiana, neither candidate can afford to look bad or they had heard enough, and got up to leave in the middle of who will get the nomination, the answers to these three questions worse, weak. Like it or not, the media will play a key role in decid- someone's talk, whispering and digging through their back- will go a long way in deciding the fates of both candidates. ing the remaining contests and whomever receives more favor- packs and, of course, getting their passports stamped loudly able coverage will likely emerge with the nomination in August. on the way out. Will Florida and Michigan's delegates be seated at What I witnessed during the panel was some of the rudest the Democratic Convention? How will the superdelegates vote? behavior I have ever seen. I was embarrassed to be a part of The Democratic National Committee stripped both states Without a doubt, this is the most important question that the JMU student body. Mostly I blame thoughtless students, of their delegates after they broke party rules remains. Even if Clinton or Obama won every remaining ^t.itc. but partially I blame the passport system. I propose, at least, that passports not be stamped until the end of an event. by holding early primaries, rendering the neither would get the 2,025 delegates needed to win the nomina- results virtually meaningless. Clinton The fact that this might upset a few students who will tion. Ultimately the race will be won by the candidate that now be late for their tanning appointments is hopefully out- won both states and obviously wants superdelegates. a group of 796 weighed by the need for JMU students to be little bit class- the delegates seated, but Obama op- leaders and elected officials ier, a little bit more thoughtful, and maybe a tiny bit more poses it, arguing that he followed their votes at the Democratic interested in the lives of someone besides themselves. party rules and removed National Convention rather his name from the ballot than in their states' primary Amanda Glover in Michigan and never or caucus. They differ from sophomore English major campaigned in Florida. the pledged Recently the gov- dele- ernors of both states gates in Editorial Policies met to urge Demo- that they Responses to all opinions published in 7ne Breeze are cratic leaders to can vote welcomed and encouraged. Letters should be no longer reconsider their for whom- than 250 words, must include a name, academic year, major and phone number for verification and can be e-mailed decision. yet ever they want regard- DNC Chairman to hreezeopinion(a or mailed to MSC 6805 Gi, less of their states' outcome, Anthony-Seeger Hall, Harrisonburg, VA 22807. The Breeze Howard Dean while the pledged delegates doesn't plan to reserves the right to edit all submissions (or length and "pledge" to vote for a certain grammatical style. change the rules. candidate and are chosen in But with the race so an approximate ratio to their Editorial Board: close and a combined 366 candidate's share of Mary Frances IVarstv. editor in chief delegates available to be the vote. Evan Dyson, managing editor won. Dean may have Since neither Anna Young, opinion editor no choice but to candidate can win either seat the The opinions in this section do not necessarily reflect the opinion the nomination of the newspaper, this staff or James Madtwn University. delegates or solely on pledged allow new delegates, both primaries Clinton and to be held. Obama are fighting hard Which candidate for every super- delegate, with will get inore media scrutiny? Did \mi

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Assistant Editor: Megan Williams [email protected] rit^taMvnwnt Thursday, March 13,2008

A fresh twist to the heist flick All-British cast of'The Bank Job' works well together


What are two things people are ob- sessed with these days? The first is a good heist movie with loads of fast-paced ex- citement and thrills. The second is Brit- ish star Jason Statham. You can't open a magazine or turn on the TV without seeing this popular English actor. When you put the two elements together, you have one solid movie. Terry Leather (Statham, "The Trans- porter") and his group of buddies, Mar- tine Love (Saffron Burrows), Dave Shil- ling (Daniel Mays), Kevin Swain (Stephen Campbell Moore) and Eddie Burton (Mi- chael Jibson), get roped into robbing a lo- cal bank for an MI 5 agent who goes by the name of Tim Everett (Richard Lintern). The deal: the contents of safety de- posit box 118 for the government and keep whatever else they take. Things don't go according to plan and they end up being hunted by the government along with the owners of deposit box 118. First of all, this movie is entirely Brit- 'The Bank ish. The movie took Job; place in London, and Spring fashions feature floral motifs, African-inspired skirts and neon hues if you love British accents and British Starring Juon phrases you're in for a BY SUN SANTIAGO Balenciaga's extreme reincarnations of last summer's footwear fa- Statham treat. The cast works staff wrifcf vorite. Fittingly, another still popular theme was military-safari. Released March 7 very well together. as seen in the khaki creations at Proenza Schouler and Donna They play off each oth- After another temperamental Virginian winter, spring is fi- Karan and Jean Paul Gaultier's British Raj-influenced collection er great during the down time as well as nally on its way. Hopefully the truly spiteful temperatures have for Hermes. When on safari, one might spy some of the bold eth- the fast-paced action scenes. One small passed so we can focus on the breezy pieces of the fairer season nic prints on display in Oscar de la Renta and Diane von l-'ursten- problem they have is trying to differenti- Neon hues and eye-popping floral patterns will fill closets while herg's collections.. ate between the many older male charac- students will trek about campus in Grecian-inspired sandals and Simply Vera, by Vcra Wang for Kohl's, features many of the ters, all of whom wear suits and are Brit- skills patterned out of Africa — balanced out by bohemian num- season's trends, such as Ikat prints and muted florals. Jovovich- ish. One person you won't get confused bers with smart blazers. llawk has a similarly bohemian-roniantic sensibility and their with is main mob guy Michael X (Peter The line between fashion and art was blurred this season as collection for Target's GO International line, spotlighted in this De Jersey), the so-called British coun- designer-artist collaborations brought new conviction to the idea month's InStyle magazine, captures the spirit of spring without terpart of Malcolm X. He is what keeps of the body as a blank canvas. Richard Prince decorated the bags breaking the bank. Also check out for wide- this movie going and makes it an atypical at Louis Vuitton while Miuccia Prada featured the whimsical il- leg trousers and floral-print blouses from the Cruz sisters' capsule heist movie. lustrations of James Jean on dresses, pants and accessories. Dolce collection for the lesser-known budget-minded retailer. Veteran American director Roger Don- and Gabbana took a surprisingly romantic turn and unveiled a line On the men's runways we saw bright colors and shiny techno aldson ("Dante's Peak," "The Recruit") of dresses decorated in a painted floral motif — worn In Jessica fabrics contrasted by flowery, earthy prints that signify a design- tackles this overseas bank job movia with Alba on the cover of thin month's Marie Claire — a technique also er urge to impart eco-consciousness in their prospective custom- great expertise. For a movie with several seen at Chloe, although in a more modern-graphic vein. ers. Colored jeans from Ksubi or Cheap Monday paired with an side plots and back stories, it all comes The overarching influence of cult-documentary-favorite- organic tee from American Apparel will complete the hipster t together perfectly. The actual heist part turned-Broadway-hit Grey Gardens was evidenced in John Gallia- spring look, while more traditional minded men can relish Ralph is thrilling and factually sound. The set- no's off-ltilter looks featuring skirts that appeared to be cardigans Lauren's fortieth anniversary by sporting preppy duds. GQ rec- tings and locations are wonderfully shot tied about the waist, it was also apparent, though less blatantly ommends a khaki suit for early summer interviewing while men, and show the city in a nice light. Although so, in Marc Jacobs' girl, interrupted' mix of frontless and backless suggests trying more formfitting basics Think slim cut there isn't a particular scene, actor or ensembles. polos, suit jackets and lightweight knits; the clean lines of Cary line that will blow you away and stay in Vogue encourages readers to mix colors and patterns to achieve Grant, as opposed to the disheveled plumber-jock of Kevin Fed- your mind for days, it's still a solid action the boho-luxe look seen at Dries Van Noten and Stella McCartney. erline. thriller. It's not over the top like "The Ital- If '60s hippie-chic influenced designer dresses this season, then Many of these trends were precipitated by more forward- ian Job" and not as lame as "The Score." the disco-diva stylings of the '70s inspired the cut of pants. Wide thinking designers last fall. Work in versatile items from prwiouj This movie, to put it simply, is just a well leg trousers are popping up all over the place, but ultra skinny legs seasons such as brightly colored tops and bottoms to color put together film It's not going to be on remain omnipresent. Jodhpurs have gained more ground with and throw in an art deco inspired floral bag to make the outfit American Film Institute's top 100 list, but trends since fall and can look very "now" as long as they're not the relevant. If any questions arise, check in with the current issue "I probably will strike you as one of the best kind that's actually made for riding horses. Harper's Bazaar for a list of items to buy. keep and store until fall heist movies in quite some time. Gladiator sandals are still "in," as evidenced by Givenchy and rolls around.

Drama series 'quarterlife' deserves half a chance on the Web Canceled NBC show fails on the small screen due to uninteresting story lines, but lives on through new Internet episodes

BY WHITTEM MAHER work death, the show continues to put out new epi- video blogging. the show slowly moves away interesting because it shows what life after college itirlwrtttc sodes on the Internet and is worth a lwk. from that format and we see her laptop less and could be like. The lack ot purpose feN bj some ot I Man, (played by Bitsie less. Over the course of the characters is intriguing and their lives resem- "Quarterlife" deserves half a chance on the Web. Tulloch), is a young woman the show, "quarterlife" ble college life. onl> sans classes. The primetime series chronicling the life of a who shares an apartment ii, becomes less gimmick- For the mast part, the show pWVJdMI series ot 20-something video blogger. debuted on NBC on with her friends and who driven and more of a tra- rolling subplots rather than a main story arc, some Feb. 26. Opening to dismal ratings, the show was has recently began posting Overall, 'quarterlife' is ditional show. of which lade A\*U\ without consequence. While promptly withdrawn from the NBC lineup after video blogs about her life, a well-craftea portrayal of In later episodes, some could say this shows a lack of locus in writ- only one episode. her work and her friends, Dylan's blogs are used as ing, the tin id iiatuie ot the show iniirnis life more "Quarterlife" actually began as a Web series in She exists in a state of per- existential anast in the vein voice-overs. While stan accurately than well-defined stor> arcs could. Even November with episodes roughly 10 minutes long. petual, but vague, frustra- dard fare in one-hour two of the initial characters disappear after To date, the show has posted 35 of those episodes tion, and a lesser actor of'My So-Called Life.' dramas.tln-vwiiie

FRIDAY: Musical Concert FRIDAY: SawhMI Gallery SATURDAY: TUESDAY: Reception Madison Fest HIV Documentary out * The JMU Symphony Orches Amy Zaurak co-founder of 25:40, JW* tra. Wind Symphony and Art by Daniel Want to be a part presents "Keiskamma A Story of §K^ Choir give a public premiere Robinson, a mas- of the James Madi- Love" showing the South African © fT fa of three movements com- ter of fine arts son Week Centen- Safl vibge of Hamburg home to many missioned for JMU's Centen- candidate, will be nial Celebration? HrV and AIDS patients, and the nial at 3:30 p.m. in the Convo- on display m the This festival-like event will take struggle of women to save cMdren through the cation Center. "Portraits in Bluestone" Sawhill Gallery in Duke Hall from place at Godwin Gym from 11 creation of the Keiskamma AKarpiece.The 90- is part of the |ames Madison Week March 12-22 The opening reception a.m to 4 p.m, and is for both JMU rmnute documentary wi be shown m Room about Centennial Celebration. This event is will be held on March 14 from 4 p.m. students and the Hamsonburg 2301, m the Health and Human Services BuM- What's happening free. to 6 p.m. community This event is free. »ig. This event is free. around the 'burg 12 Thursdoy, March 13, 2008 The Breeze LA1I irax KIA The Power to Surprise' TV Event "Quality, Inexpensive % Happy 100th Cars &SUVs for Everyone!" »0 to JMU off most new, regularly priced TVs* % Rur Bourbon Bourbon St. / ^no \ On Mai off Outlet TVs

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It prints April 24*, and vf has a 12 MONTH SHELF LIFE I

It is distributed at orientation, the bookstore, and ^ ALL On-Campus MAILBOXES

Ad Reservation Deadline is March 19th

Call The Breeze TODAY! (540)568-6127 7 The Breeze Thursdoy, March 13,2008 13 The Stratford Players present: An out-of-style 'THE PILLOWMAN' 'Married Life'

8Y BECKY KINDER Doily FoftyUmf

LONG BEACH, Calif. - Getting married, baking plea, throwing delightful dinner partial and making sine tfl .sail on husbands, uciv |oba nt the American woman in the 10 |Of Tlii time perlod'a id Style art in the opening tO Sonv Picture Classics "Married Life" gets the viewer into that homemaker state Ol mind while BUM preparing the audience tor tn ing of mentalities sod KM lal expectations of the past and the present Although s,-t ill the (940s, director Ira Sachs successfullx keeps the audience engaged in present tune mentalities Why, then, Ml Married Lite" in the 1940s? Maybe it w«| fast W the actors COUld dress in fun vintage clothes. Who wouldn't want to Ol the lilm s stars. Rachel UcAdama, with soft platinum blonde en 1 Is and the dark red lipstick, which was MI fitting of the times' Though ih<- production quatit) hneM is tine, the storyline and charai lers are hopeless. Just as we can seem tO uiuleistaud MH\ relate to a character, they swerve on his or her path, making choices that nit) responsible and reasonable person wou 1 condone. Ham. played by * hrfci Cooper, and Pat, played bj 1 Clarkson. are married. Pal la a forward thinking, sexual wom- en who believes love revolves around an rather than romance. Viewers BOOH discover Harry, however, prefers romance to sev *suu ooooyoWl *mro>m This dilemma then leads him to Kay. a widow played by McAd- ams. who is a wmnger woman but with the older sensibilities 'H« Mlmm' IMUMHI lb imfWtiKi of ir1 in a lotalilorian itaft. Kotuiiori ploytd by sophomore Brandon Shockney (in brown), n a writer ol slorim in which Harry is looking for. (■Mm tn Mnimd. Hrj brahW MkM, poMtd by senior (horiie Silvano, reads the stories ond is otcused of the murders How for ran art go' 'The Pillowmon' will be Ultimately. Ham decides in order to get out of his nnhappv 1 pUy»i hi Ihotke I rwrfhl one hmorrtw ol 8 p m marriage he must kill his wife His logic She could no) pOSStt>l) survive the heartache and humiliation of losing her husband This backward waj ol thinking makes a strong idcutifving with Harry His wife, In the standaids of toda) and the past, la sexier than Kaj fan thewsq she di and wttfa how forward she issexualh Kay seems alvvivs tolx-oii Snoop back in the mainstream and 'Trippin" the verge ni tears, dossesconservatively and speaks with men I softness thai it seems she's constantly waiting to IK- hit with B rolled newspaper. Win Han) would want to cheat or leave Pal BYMICHAELHERRIGES "Cool" is a wild, electric synth-filled remake of the Morris Da> and boils down to him just wanting a last puppy rather than a ti BodterHcrild The Time's 1980s hit. Truthfully, few mainstream rap artists could gless pull off such an eccentric combination ol songs without sounding Harry's womanizing l»'si friend. Richard, played by Pierce MADISON. Wto. - Its ncrt terribly difficult to view many of Snoop foolish, but Snoop does so tlucntlv Krosnan, throws a wrench into the situation as be also tails in Dogg's latest career moves as gimmicks. Tliis rapper from Long Any Snoop Dogg album wouldn't be complete without a haiuitul love with Kay. The plot thickens from there, as one hall of a Beach, Calil".. has been involved in everylhing from television to por- of tracks blessed with his characteristic West Coast swagger. "Press couple cheats on another and thai pattern ipl mi nography to even coaching youth football over the past few years. Oh. Play," one of the best songs on the album, features Snoop's laid- turned, pun intended and he makes music even once in a while. Clearly Snoop's current back flow contrasting perfectly with a |R>wcrful chorus filled with The greatest performance in "Married Life" is Cooper H we interestsliau'diverged from mere hip-hOB lie even recent l\ ,idnut- horns and a hook from rapper Kurupt. Cnfortunateb, this track watched this fihn without dialogue, Cooper conveys the pet ted to using ghostwriters for his latest album, Ego Trippin'. Strangely sounds like nearly every song Snoop has done with the Neptunes fed pained victim, looking for a way out of a desolate situation. enough, Snoop's waning focus on music actually works to his ben- over the last livi years Meanwhile, Snoop also proteases Ins affinity Throw the dialogue back in, and he's crying because ol ins own efit. The "Doggfather" sounds more relaxed than ever on his latest for the glamour of "Deez Hollywood Nights," in what is a stranger) stupidity and leeling sorrv lor himself for DO good-enough rea- release, unafraid to reach for a new type of noise. Most of the album's comical song about partying, celebrities and drugs. son. notable songs fall into three categories. First are the extmuek bi- Although the previously mentioned songs add some important The director missed the mark cm this movie, howcvei Sachs zarre. It would be impossible not to mention "Sexual Eruption." 00 diversity to Ego Trippin', the key songs of the album appear when wanted us to feel as though a put of us could U' found which Snoop gets in touch with his inner sex god. Considering how Snoop gets more introspective. On "Neva Have 2 Worry." Snoop character, but that becomes tnautting, as none of the characters absolutely ridiculous the pi.HUM is. u > still a great track. Snoop also reflects on his 15-year career in the rap game and his emergence have man] redeeming qualities. Bach person makes ch* ; dabbles in country singing on "My Medicine," a track dedicated to as a California icon. On closing track, "Can't Say Goodbye," Snoop Or She claims SIC fol the benefit of another, but areafra. . Johnny Cash, "a real American gangster" in the eyes of Snoop. Lastly, confesses he can't leave the streets and lifestyle he grew up with. lip to his or her own insecuntu ■


It's THE guide to JMU for all new, returning and transfer students + plus faculty and staff!

It prints April 24'", and . has a 12 MONTH SHELF LIFE!

It is distributed at orientation, ^^T the bookstore, and ' ALL On-Campus MAILBOXES !

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QUARTERLIFE: Worth a second '10,000 B0 proves a prehistoric look, despite early cancellation waste of an audience's time QUUIHUFE fiompofell at times, it does provide some light-hearted en- works betteron lhe Internet anyway. tertainment. Overall, quarterlife" is a well-craft- Some "1 mc itorjrlinei aren't interesting ed portrayal of existential angst in the vein of "My attack the Yagahl and abduct Bvolet Tbii and seem extraneous, but there are so many So-Called I.ile " It's not niTcssanlv addictive, hut Thin plot, weak acting makes makes D'leh more than a little pissed off, aa ev- Other things to follow that you can simply me v i. wing flexibility that the Internet episodes idenced through his slightly pained expression -ki|> over them. The series doe* border on offer could leave von watching half a dozen epi- this huge undertaking a failure and he tall ofl 0B an 1 pn (in the loosest sense ■anguine at limes, especially in its depiction sodes at a time. of the word) quest to find her. This is mainly an of Dylan's budding relationship with Kric So despite cancellation, "quarterlife" lives on excuse lo show ,i lol nery - as tin (played by Mike Faiola), a political aciivi-i and is worth a look - after all. even bite-si/.-il If SHEII JANKf 10VIIZ loorne) aetuaHj aaami to last 10.000 years — who injects some passion into what was pre- episode is only a click away. New episodes conic Michigan Daily and larger than lite ceil animals. No doubt, this \ lonely a drab setting. out on Thursdays and Sundays at midnight on film was expensive to make, hut who cares? But while the show might seem too precious quarttrittkam ANN ARBOR. Mich. - "10.000 BC" is the The film is so laughable that it's a shame most ridknloai piece ot traah to come out of •omeooe didn't suggest simply embracing the Hollywood in | long lime. And this ii comin| cheeae and making this into a comedy. Maybe trom eomeone who bat wen "Juniper." then it wouldn't be such a big deal that most CH^CK US OUT ON TH£ Wf?B FOR The film's plot, or its tliinK veiled ezcust ol the dialogue is met with giggles. It's hard to n for one. follows | tribe known is the Yagahl. blame tlie actors here: alter all, even if Meryl focusing mainly on D'leh (Steven Strait, The Sheep had tO deliver dialogue like this movie exchusiwe CONTENT en THeBReeze.ORd. Covenant") and "his woman" Evolet (Camilla ■he'd --till come off sounding pretty foolish. Belle, 'When AStrangerCalls*). Naturalb each Actually, maybe it Streep were in this there'd member of the tribe Ipeakl in tome quasi-Brit- at least he someone to care about. Each actoi ish accent, has perfect teeth and il amazingly looks exactly the same making it a little diffi-

dean tor people who not only live In 10,000 cult tO care about who is s i( raliced. Cinnamon Bear IK' hut also spend much of their time rolling This dim's director, Roland Emmerich ol around in wooly mammoth droppings That's The Day Alter Tomorrow" fame, is no strangei just nitpicking though, since moat people prob tO expensively made vet complelelv brainless ably wouldn't pay to see actors who actually pieces of shlock. But where his puvious films $1.50 off looked Uke the people who lived during that differ trom this one is their sense of tun and time. Moving on. excitement, 'to 000 BC manage* to take mil- Any Combo Bvolel iv rappoeed to be the girl who will lions of dollars worth ot special effects com- bring annul either the end of this entire tribe, bined with extravagantly staged battle icenefl exp. 3/31/08 or its revrtallxatjon. The film doesnl reaDj and turn it all into one of the most boring films make np its mind there. Bithei way, the begins Cinnamon Bear ot the year. "the legend of the blue-eyed child." This leg- Unfortunately, this movie will probaM) end actually doean 1 ever ieem to trul) clean up prettv well at the box office It! open deapite the narrator none other than the leg- ing weekend, much like Jumper It s a shame. FREE endarj actor Omar Sharifl himaelt (aerloualy, with so man) othei great fllmi al the box ot Short coffee with purchase Omar?) - telling ua al leaat three ieparat< tice out. that people would want tO waste theii of any breakfast item timea throughout the courae <>i the Rim that, money on this crap. (before 11 a.m.) no, wait, now is the exact point when the leg- "lO.OOO IK'" should rafter the same fate as end truly begin* much "t our hisimv being buried in the dirt axp. 3/31/08 One dav. icar) looking dodea from ran iwaj and completely fOTgi TAN FAST: NEW BEDS BUILT IN STEREO/CD PLAYERS AND FACIAL TANNERS Harrisonburg 0B/GYN Associates, PC "Save $$ We Charge by fhe minufe, nof visit" C. Larry Whitten, MD M. Catherine Slusher, MD Louis E. Nelson III, MD Tan 200 Minutes, $32 Michael J. Botticelli. MD Maribeth P. Loynes, MD Philip A. Klim. DO Sherry L. Mongold, FNP Mary H. Kratz. FNP SPRAY ON TANS Sarah Hibbitts, PA. Press Button Mist Gets You 3 Skin Shades Darker, Awesome Golden Tan &L 1 visit $19.99 Now Accepting Appointments SIMMONS CUT & TAN ISOEostWolleS' Monday - Friday 8:30-5:0X3 Bridgewatec vo S Near Klines Ice Cream 540.828.2338 VIEW WEB COUPONS 2291 Evelyn Byrd Ave. Local (540) 434-3831 540.4326076 Harnsonburg, VA 22801 Toll Free (800) 545-3348 Government Access Is For Everyone golden "corral Everyone deserves a good meal.®



At the core of our system of government - U • wavei IJ belief that democracy can succeed only with an informed participatory electorate — truly a government of. by and for the people

Sunshine Week engages people in conversations about open government and why it must be nurtured and protected if we are to preserve our rights and liberties Reminding candidates that access to information is important to people makes the issue vital not just during election season, but hopefully during the administrations of those elected.

Find out what the people who want to represent you think about your right to know what they're doing — whether it's a general statement of principle. or a more specific query about something in your community the ^ Breeze ^VVEEK Jams Modison University's Student Newspapei y^j K m(, n | | o «\ow Editor: lim Chapman Assistant Editor: Matthew McGovern [email protected] (540) 568-6709 Thursday, March 13, 2008

Under Review MATTHEW MCGOVMN, MftM spom tdHat The Colonial may be stuck with just one team

When M.irrh Madness rolls around, an acquaintance that never played basketball will probably win your bracket pool. IfyouhaveafirvoritaMfaooldm rnehnithrfto loiminkl yon might pick it to pull off a couple upsets, and it might ^______^ crumble in Ibe taee nt iis first-round ^flnjn». opponent's full court press - losing ^M ^^k the game and more importantly losing ^^^ yourBut bracketW ,n points.a ,nt exc ,em, nt ,n,,t ^L J surrounds ' the " national* ' event,' you won't have much else to complain about. On the other hand, many of the ^^B^^L teams that an' scrambling tor bids to Iffl ^^. the Big Dance wilt be sent instead to I the National Invitation Tournament. B fl I The NIT, the NCAA Tournament's ugly MCGOVERN stepsister, Nt*M as an alternative for teams after their resumes are turned down by the NCAA tournament selection committee Thgre will be examples of this across the country, but let s use the Colonial Athletic Association to examine the phenomena of being snubbed. There's one Colonial team that still harbors DOpeO of an at-large bid to the NCAAs, and it has proven ji < AU compete with powerhouse schools.

see MCGOVMN pap 16 Alumna back to coach lacrosse Maryland might Former JMU Ail-American in be headed for NIT BY MIKE WISE her second year at the helm The Washington Post

BY SUN Y0UNGBERG WASHINGTON - The hint of the word "fall' nude Garj ilofl wriWr Williams bristle Tuesday, two days before his ever-mad A former JMU lacrosse player, Shelly Kl- dening Maryland team clutched the cliff with their pink) fingers. aes-Bawcombe returned to her alma mater as "We haxen't fallen >ft." Williams -,aut You Hying we head coach in July 2006 after eight successful seasons at Hofstra. fell? There are six pretty good (AC( ) teeim below US. I "It is the opportunity of a lifetime for me to think it hie been uneven this year/' come back home to JMU and lead the program The coach, unable to live between the margin* baakaN) I loved playing for." Klaes-Bawcombe said af- has another outside-the-lines team after his own peycfac ter being named the Dukes' head coach "For me to stay even?" Williams said. "It's hard. I

  • n t A native of Glen Arm, Md., Klaes-lfaw- May even. I rise and fall also. We're people. Wen- not in combe came to JMU in 1993. Although she mime to feeling upset if we pla> pOOfl) or good it WC DU) well." was looking at a number of schools, it was JMU that intrigued her most. Unless Williams pulls off his most extraordinary feet yet at Maryland — winning three times in three da\ "I was lucky to have a sister on the team, I really enjoyed the people, it's the perfect lo- vancc to the ACC tournament title game the Terrapin cation, and it's a beautiful place," fOaes-Baw- are most likely headed to the NIT. Again Win- combe said. Boston College on Thursday and Clemson on Frld I Beyond the family connections, friendly- ACC tourney might put Maryland back on the bol people and great setting that JMU offered her, the NCAA tournament, but nothing short ofinap] there was one other significant factor. in the championship game will put tin Terrapins in the running for a bid. "Hie opportunity to play for a competitive' program was important," Klaes-Bawcombe Now. there are two coaches in the ACC- maybe a hand* said. "Today there are a ton of competitive Ail ID the country, including .lim Boehefafl who can keep their jobs hy going to the NIT three time-, in fowyeen Mil ■ programs, but it always hasn't been that way. Here at JMU it's always been compel it i\ a Krzyzewski and Gal) Williams. That's It Kov William-- doe not yet have that body of work at North Carolina. As an attacker, Klaes-Bawcombe twice earned All-American honors, including first No one else has more longevity or built up m reservoir of goodwill than two of the meat KCOi i team as a senior (1997) and second team as a junior (1990). She was honored as a two-time coaches in major college basketball. Coach K for winning All-South Region and All-Colonial Athletic three national championships and continually keeping Association choice. Duke among the premier programs in the country and Wil liams tor resurrecting Mankind from the ashes ot I Klaes-Bawcombe was also co-captain of the 1997 squad that won the I'AA tournament ami probation, winninj ■ title In aooa end going to the PI nal Four twice this decade. and was a member of two NCAA tournament teams in 1995 and 1997. So save the Tall <>l lianland" rant for someone more gullible ami reactionary, it tt'i Gary Williams job you're In her senior season Klaes-Bawcombe set after, find in online support coniiimnitv that will listen. school records for career assists (71). goals by There ireonh dt al ens bate a senior (48) season points (71) and tied the JMU season record for game-winning goals Look, William-* created i monater thai came I bite him He raited expectations, not fuel in competing (4). That year she ranked nth in points per with Duke and North Carolina but beating Tohaivn Road game average (394) and 20th in assists per schools regnlari) while Ivcoming the first ACC COacfa to game average (1.28) in NCAA Division I. take a non Carolina school to I national chaui| After ending her dominating career on the Hi- buri Sweet ih ippaaraoce wai 8003, whan Maryland field, Klaes-Bawcombe took up coaching .is .111 was a shot away from the round ot eight Hut he'stomehoM assistant tor the Dukes in 1998 before moving gotten two teanu to peak tl the end of die season in the north to Hofstra in 1999- She spent eight sea- past five years and taken the region on a wild ride ■ I sons at Hofstra, three seasons as an assistant March, in the two yean the Terraplm did not i and five as the head coach. they finfamed with DO fewer than 19 wine. During her tenure at Hofstra, her teams were No doubt he baa ■ome brow to take care oi In ( consistently ranked in the national top 20, and photo («*** of uror mm/m *om mitt Assistant coach Lmsdsay lewis (left) and coach Shelly Ktaes Bawiombe (right) obietve lacrosse practice ut KIAE^IAWCOMBE. pooi 16 eeMUUAM MM II

    This Week in JMU Sports Sunday. March 16 Fourtunes change IF THEY WIN IN THE SEMIFINALS: Friday, March 14 Women's Basketball in CAA Championship — Women's Diving @ NCAA Zone A Champi- final in Newark, Del., 12:30 p.m. quickly in the NCAAs onship in Buffalo, N.Y., All Day. — Baseball vs. Towson, 1 p.m. — Men's Tennis @ Norfolk State, 2:30 p.m. BY R0IYN NORWOOD Los Anfaloi !im« — Baseball vs. Towson, 3 p.m. JMU/Days Inn Softball Invitational — Women's Basketball vs. winner of Georgia Florida and Ohio Stale were mi ihe court when the ball was tossed up for the NCAA championship game last State-William & Mary in CAA Championship Friday, March 14 April. quarterfinals in Newark, Del., Noon. — Softball vs. Pittsburgh, 1 p.m. They •rani even certain to be In the bracket when ih NCAA Tournament held is announced next Sunda\ — Softball vs. Canisius, 3 p.m. The two-time champion Gators, gutted by the NHA Saturday, March 15 Saturday, March 15 draft, aie ai-10 hut have lost se\en ot theii last 10 and — Softball vs. Akron, 11 a.m. probably need I gfxnl showing in the Southeastern Con IF THEY WIN IN THE QUARTERFINALS: ference tournament after losing to follow huhbl. -dweller Women's Basketball in CAA Championship — No. 1 seed vs. No. 4 seed, 1:30 p.m. Kentucky on Sunday — No. 2 seed vs. No. 3 seed, 3:30 p.m. Ohio Slate. similarb hit l>\ the draft, helped ifj semifinals in Newark, Del., Noon. pact!by upsetting No. 17 Michigan State on S11 ml.iy tit. — Women's Lacrosse vs. Richmond, 1 p.m. 19-12 Blickcves second consecutive VfctOTJ OVei B i'nl ' Sunday, March 16 team after bating No. 15 Purdue. — Women's Tennis vs. Howard, 1 p.m. — Softball consolation game, 10 a.m. In the West ■ other than the QjueettOfl ot whethel — Baseball vs Towson, 1 p.m. I'l l.\ gab .in almost certain bus ride to Anaheim. < tlit — Softball championship game, 12 p.m. foi the first and second rounds and a likeb short '1 to Phoenix for ihe regional the big question is the fati ol

    wNCAAi.poftU 16 Thursday, March 13, 2008 The Breeze

    LAND: Colonial may be stuck ijust one team MAIYLAND.EI horn pee* 15 ^j^Jtt'Ibis decade, from 2001 to 2008. we have Park the next couple of seasons — his point guard done as much as any team in the country," he M(GOV[«N from poge 15 linn to bail Old Dominion in Saturday • second duel among them. Williams' relationship with -aid 'So «ho 1- restless? You? On the Internet? No. Ini not talking about Oeorae Mason - the quarterfinal game WCO fans thought William & Vasquez reminds me of Pat Rilcy and John Starks. You think I worry about that? No. I don't. I know Patriot! .ire ahead) in .iII.■ t heating William & Mary would be an easy victory. Riley had a blind spot for Starks' erratic play be- what I do. I know what I have done this year, how- Mar, in the CAA tournament final .iml receiving Unfortunately for those fans, their thinking . aus,. be saw so much of himself in the former hard I worked. That is what keeps you going if you the eonleronce s automatic NCAA bid. VirRiniii was wrong and the Tribe derailed VCI's path to New York Knicks' guard: a heart and -soul player are in coaching a long time." Commonwealth il 111. team whose hopes have the NCAAs the following day. who had no right playing in the NBA but is hose Williams is also taking a hit for the turbulence yet to be realized, .mil the Rams must wait three Tb* Rams have quality wins againsi Houston desire and passion compensated for any lack of ul tin-season beyond his reputation. He'scontHM dayi ("i Selection Sunday to know theif late and Maryland, which rank 70th and 72nd respec- talent tually signed through 2012, but a rollover clause Geotgt MMOa'l Cinderella run to the Final tive]) 111 the Ratings Percentage Index (RPI), but Six years after he failed to bench Starks 111 in the deal kicks in if he makes the NCAA tour- Pour two years ago epitomized the unprcdict- both of those teams are arguably worse off than Game 7 of the 1994 NBA Finals again.I Houston, nament and his players meet academic-threshold ability ot the NCAAs, and VCI's owning round U'V as far as at-large Imls to the NCAAs an 1 when Starks shot a horrendous 2 for iK and the standards. James Gist and Bambalc Osby are on upset of Duke last \iar again localized the impact anhzo,l While VCU won the CAA by three games with a liams had 10 moreGreivis Vastmezs, he would not "You judge yourself honestly at the end of ev- the Rams ot making the NCAAs. ESPN's 15-3 conference record, the eonfi 1. nee 1. inks only be on the outside looking in at the NCAA tourna- ery' year." he said. "This year i- not over \,-t But Brackclologisf .Ine Ijin.irdl has VCl' |H-gg,sl a. itlh in overall RPI standings It will be tough for ment. when you do, you look at it a little differently than ODa "I the last tour teams out of the tournament, the NCAA tournament selection committee to ra- The reason Vasquez does not have a bettn some people. I have had years where, tor example, along with Syracuse. Arizona Stale, and florid*, M tionalize putting the Rams (j.i-"( in over major supporting cast is because the recruiting land- Sieve Francis's year (1998-99), I think we WOO ~H. it Wetbeadaj according to conference teams with similar records. scape has changed for the worse sin,,- Williams lost to St. John's with Ron Artest and Erick Bark- It's funny, because a da) e.uli.i VCU fans Whatever happens, my advice is this lie took over Maryland almost two decades ago. It's lex in the NCAA tournament. laiicat William*; Man coach Tom Hurt careful whom you cheer for. because you might tougher, dirtier and it involves cozying up and "I didn't think I did a good job that year I er. giving him advice the] must now regret. The not know what you're getting yourself into. Los- de\ eloping relationships with people who are less thought we were good enough to go to the Final 1 AACoachofthc Year walked by press row ing to William & Mary, a team ranked 156 in the concerned with the welfare of a kid and more con- I our that year. So you criticize yourself internally during the second half of the VCU-Towson quar- RPI. might turn out to be the daggei that dashes cerned about whether the) can gel paid for deliv- for that. Then there are other years when we had terfinal game and smiled when VCU fans urged VCU's NCAA tournament hopes. ering talent. -auctions against us that I thought I did as good a For all the concern about Williams graduating job as when we won the National Championship. his players, he has never had a whiff of an NCAA It is not wins and losses when you judge yourself violation. as a coach. A lot ot times it il win- and losses when Not every diamond found in the rough can he people judge you." pobahed into Juan Dixon. Williams is not in the Gary Williams does not get a free pass until he UF & OSU on the bubble for Tourney running for Duke's and North Carolina's players 1.-tnes. hul he has earned the right to take longer he never was - but he knows he has to put more to fix the problem. Nineteen years after he took on nonet OB the Bow in the next few years. Asked if an impossible job, no matter what happens this NCUslompogtlS he realized the restlessness among Maryland fans, weekend in Charlotte. Maryland's coach is due a Arizona, which has made the NCAA Tourna- Still. Arizona's prospects are better than he shook his head. different level of consideration. ment 23 yean in 1 row. the) might seem, largely because the Wildcats With an 18-13 record after linishing ■ stun played ■ schedule rated the most difficult in the ning seventh in the Pacific 10 with an 8-10 nation, and they will get consideration front record attei a loss in Oregon on Saturday, the the selection committee for the foul Wildcats are on unsteady ground. they played without leading scorer Jern Ba) No Pac-io team has ever made the NCAA less and the seven without guard Nil Wise Tournament with ago record, much lessasub- The likely top-seeded teams ,.- the major KLAES-BAWCOMBE: LAX 1-3 in '08 .500 record, and no team since Georgia in 2001 conference tournaments begin arc North Cat has earned an at-large berth with 14 losses — as olina. Memphis. Tennessee and UCLA, with KlAfHAWOWE from m> IS it, "the rest i- history. Arizona would have unless it won the Pac-10 Duke a candidate to join North Carolina if I in 2001 Klaes-llawconihe was part of the Pride's Klaes-Bawcombe inherited a program familiar tournament (his week at staples Center. No. 1 if the Blue Devils beat North Carolina in most successful season when Ib.fstra compiled a with success, and in hi :: as the Dukes' Hi, Wildcat! NCAA Tournament fate is the Atlantic Coast Conference tournament and il, I overall record, won the America F.ast cham- head coach she continued its winning ways, guid- almost as much in question as the situation another top-seed prospect (alters pionship and played in the NCAA tournament. In ing the team to a 13-5 record and a runner-up fin- Involving. Coach l.ute Olson, whose leave for As for the teams that are borderline just to 2005 Klaes-Bawcombe helped Hofstra to a No. 7 ish in the 2006 CAA tournament. unspecified personal reasons this season was make the field, they are encountering the most under the provisions of the federal Family and forgiving bubble in recent memory, with some ranking in the country, a program best. Klaes-Bawcombe's players appreciate the pas- Medical Leave Act. the university revealed to tram- whose resumes typically wouldn't be But she was on vacation in Bhropevfbag th.-op sion that she brings to the game. Aii/.ni.i newspapers last weak. Dearly good enough likely to make the field. portunity of a lifetime came to her electronically. "She has brought back a lot of the old work Olson has said he plans to return nezl Consider that 1H-11 Kentucky which lost at "I was over in Europe watching the soccer ethic that she once played with." senior attacker 1 when In will he 74. but some believe that home lo Gardner-Webb and San Diego, looks World Cup when I was first contacted by e-mail," Natasha l-u, h- -ml "Because this is her alma ma- would be a difficult transition and no more as if it will make il. even after losing freshman slu said. ter it is apparent lo the team than a short-term solution for a team that has slamlout Patrick Patterson to initin A meeting was set up soon afterward, and on A 1-3 start to the 2008 season isn't where largely moved on under interim coach Kevin "I've been around a lot of tough team*, hci tirst visit to JMU she was offered the position. 11 Neill. who has a handshake agreement to re- the Dukes would like to be. but it hasn't affected but no team tougher than this one.' Kentucky Not only did she graduate from Madison; bet ell place Olson whenever he decides to retire Coach Billy (iillispie said after his team defeat- the way coach Klaes-Bawcombe approaches the That's a lot ot haekston for players who ed Florida. "They defy the odds. Not one par ter, husband and brother-in-law also attended game. need to be zeroed in on plavi'ng well in the I'.ic- son spoke about losing an unbelievable player IMI Even with the job of her dreams in her grasp "As I see it there are two philosophies.' she 10 tournament, where they are relegated to since that time it happened last week All our the choice wasn't an easy one. said. "We can play easier teams, and win early to the opening round Wednesday against Oregon guyi have been doing is concentrating on how "I had to make sure with my husband that it was gain confidence or we can play the best to become State At least that ought to be a win. since the we are going to do tin- the right decision for us," Klaes-Bawcombe said. the best Heaven hist became the first team to go 11-18 in Come Sunday, the) will know if thev have After some well spent time debating the offer, The Dukes play Sunday at home against Rich- Pac-iopk) Stanford would await next succeeded. Klaes-Bawcombe accepted the job. and as she put mond at 1 p.m. The Breeze www.thebreeze.oa ThufsiJoy, March 13,2008 17 Tejada's departure leaves hole for O's Reasons why yon can't miss out on BYPflttSCHMUCK Th« fiartimon Sun

    FORT LAUDEROALE. F!i. — Not long before the Baltimore Orioles took the field for Monday's exhibition game against the l/w Angeles Dodgers, the conversation among the visiting scouts in Fort Lauderdale Stadium's media lunch room turned to the Orioles' shortstop situation. The clear consensus was that the group of players competing to replace Miguel Tejada — most notably young defensive spe- Madison 101 cialist Luis Hernandez — would be hard-pressed to anchor the middle of the infield on a team that figures to depend so heavily on young pitching this year. So, as luck would have it, the first ground ball of the game went right to Hernandez, who bobbled it, jammed a finger on his throwing hand and made a wild throw into the Orioles' dugout to allow Dodgers leadoff man Juan Pierre to take second base. If it weren't a preseason game, he would have been charged with two • It's THE guide to JMU for all new, returning an transfer students errors on the play. Hernandez hung his head after the error. He knows what's at stake. This is his chance to break through at the big league level, + plus faculty and staff! which would be pressure enough on any 23-year-old player whose previous major league experience can be measured in weeks. And then there's the not-so-small matter of filling the void left by one of the game's top shortstops. "It is (tough),-he said. "I've got to do my job, because Tejada left, and he was a good player here. People come here and all the fans are waiting for somebody to do the same as he did. I don't • It prints April 24th, and has a 12 MONTH SHELF LIFE! know if I can do what he can do. but I can be there to help the team." Maybe Trembley should talk to him. because he could defeat himself thinking that way. "You can't think about replacing somebody," first baseman Kevin Millar said. "Each individual has to take care of himself. You are who you are. Whether it's Luis Hernandez or Brandon • It is distributed at orientation, the bookstore, and ALL Fahcy, you are who you are." Hernandez and the other shortstop candidates probably should be more worried about being replaced, because there have ON-CAMPUS MAILBOXES! been reports the club is looking elsewhere for a solid defensive phyrr to stabilize the position. "Defense is important to us at shortstop," Orioles President Andy MacPhail said Tuesday. "We have identified different areas in our organization that are going to be of interest to us through- out the spring. This is an important time of year for us. It's an opportunity to see if you can augment your club." Notice MacPhail never actually said the Orioles are looking Ad Reservation outside the organization for an upgrade at shortstop, but if you want to read between those lines, go right ahead. Deadline is March! 9th The names being thrown around in a potential Brian Roberts deal with the Chicago Cubs include infield prospect Ronny Cede- no, who can play several positions but is primarily a shortstop. The Orioles also have been scouting veteran middle infielders, Call The Breeze TODAY! including the Houston Astros' Mark Lorelta and Chicago White Sox shortstop Juan Uribe. "He's a hell of a defensive player, and he's made a couple of (540)568-6127 physical mistakes. Those things happen," Millar said. "It's March 10. You can't judge him right now. He's been good for us at the big league level. You can't go on 16 at-bats down here. That's not fair." Hernandez spent several minutes after the game working on the wrist strap on the back of his game glove. He insisted he's not frustrated, but his fielding problems definitely are on his mind. "I don't get frustrated." he said. "I get mad because that was .1 routine play and I make those plays. I'm thinking, J can't miss any more of those.' But I'm not frustrated. I'll keep going. I'll be good. "I believe that. It's going to be OK."

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Wcddmgv Part-ume position, no benefits Preferred and other Family gatherings 1969 or email (iwjafaucifc hourly wage- $7 25 Position will sched NOW HIRING EXPERIENCED Line LOW and SLOW that's s.ssSmoking"' ule facility u-se and equipment loans, Coolu ind Wail Staff Part lime, Off prepare, store and issue equipment, MOVING LIVING OFF-CAMPUS? every nighi by 10 pm Pick up applica- CRYSTAL FI.EMING FROM Casual Fri maintain appropriate records. pMMtM Go lo webjmu edu Dd listtngs.htm. tion at Thunderbird Diner. 42A Island day ladies Boutique in New Market w | mkJ ADVERTISE IN payments monitor program participa- IMU'l ottcW site ft* offcampus Ford Road, McGaheysville. like li>lhank Joyce. Henry and Mike fnmi housing. roommates, and furniture tion and promote the First Tee Program. the Shenandoah Valley Small Business Great f«w advertising sublet rentals as applicable Will in conducting IVselopment Center in llamsonhurg for WANTED: CAMP COUNSELORS classes and programs and fundraising helping her I truly could not have done it BRAND NEW" 4BR/4BA CONDO Escape lo ihe Shenandoah Moun- efforts Know ledge of the game of golf without them Anyone who starts a busi ARE YOU 4 FRIENDS LOOKING tains of Wcsl Virginia Timber Ridge and ability to instruct participants. Abil- THE BREEZE'S ness or has an existing business should I (>k RENTA1 I ROM FALL 2008 Camp is .i Co-ed overnight camp .seek- ity in -omnuiiiiuili rilcvmels through nem today They are a world "I HALF MILE FROM CAMPUS?*? ing, fun. energetic staff, to work with piiblk speaking, and with all age levels information helps small businesses Campus View Cundm, premier stu- children for the summer Top salaries. of customers. Ability to schedule ami or blossom to their full potential deni bousing devHopmeni on Stone- travel allowances, great people 800- ganize detailed information and prepare again for a job well done wall Drive off Reservoir Street (right 258-2267. Email and maintain appropriate records GRADUATION GUIDE nrsi lit Copper Beech Lmnhomesi 4 la-amps* For minimum requirements and applu a hOMOK WRIIING I OACH tor college large bedroom* wiih private bathroom lion information sisit http www papers. scholarship and graduate HK' and large walk in closet Pre-wiring hamsonburgsa gov index php'id>725. school essays 15 yrv+ experience SR'pg. for high speed internet, cable TV and ADVERTISE IN THE (540) 432-8920 »25 hr I. , JMkM I MM telephone jacks in each bedroom Full BREEZE CLASSIFIEDS! loin.i (Kinkosky at wntingciKiih'" live appliance package refrigerator *ilh HOOT in I ilk Mis I or Landscap- com »* (540i 746-8699 APRIL 24TH! ice-makef. dhfcWMhir, disposal, range ing internship « Packsaddle Ridge Golf with self cleaning oven, microwave, CALL 540368.6127 Club 2025 hours per week Scholar washer and drscr Swimming pi ml and ship potential & Hourly Rale Call 540- ( Travel ] SIMMER JOB Live and work on the hot tub Outdoor pavilion with gnlls. 269-8188. fax 540 269-8288 or e mail Outer Banks (Nags Head area) Now fireplace, volleyball and basketball kwlnlc'ilhjluiiiied^om hiring for all posiuons Visit www s M.s III Ml 1 Minlh SluJrnl Sumnici conns Funess Center One parking mworth com for more information and Miiy-Aug. scaltiti-/cu-alu .i.m space per bedroom near the building in 51 MMkR KlH ( amp (ireenway at the an application (232)25! well In area Lease and secunt> deposit Madeira School in Mcl-ean. VA is look required Interested?? Contact Gayle ing for energetic, fun and responsible LIITCIiARBS NSFMb: Virginia . college age adults to till counselor and Call now to reserve your space! Pool Services is now hiring lifeguards instructor positions this summer For Personals RENTAL: $450 per person (703) 449- at all levels for it* commumn and 0799 more information or to obtain an apph indoor pools in Prince William. Spot cation, SISK our website http w*w ma NOTII l SEEK! ks 01 TRITII ine\ sylvama. Stafford and Rappahannock NEW TOWNHOML FOR KIN I deiraorg-loday_al_madeiracampgreen pensive KJV BiMecorrespondenie cours- 540.568.6127 counties Training available Full & 1 ONn 9 THREE BEDROOMS way asp* or email knew some " madeira es Beginner (John's (impel) through Part time positions available w flexible POWNHOME5 LEFT Available tur org (703)556 8213 linigh (Stewardship. I .istjiip. NOaYMll hours Call 866/422-7663 or 571/248- nishedor unlurmshed (ALL TODAY lance) Snail mail Uimp and laght. 26 ) 4400; email vaps'acomcastnet. or go TELESCOPE PICTURES Virginia i S40i 43K4M0I Rood 55" larmin^ton. NM 1*1401 14". to ww for employ- Beach, VA Best SUMMER JOB On V ^^V ^^V >^ ^"V a ment application and tax forms (571) The BEACH Make II0K+, Celebrity 248-440 Status. Great Ian Apply & Ixam More [For Sale] (i Housing Avail- CAREGIVERS NEEDED TO super- able'Come Join The Fun' VOLVO IOR SALE 2001 S40 Turtn vise groups of little dancers during EVAN DYSON PHOTOGRAPHY grc* condition Only 66K miles, leilh their concert rehearsal week in WIIMHI •T, halted XJIS. suiuoul & more $W00 Auditorium, May IMthOMh Musi be ( Wanted j nejoluble |VMI)1(|K.7H<| able to work all dales and times, 2- .* hours per day between the hours of LAPTOP lutsalc HOUSLMATI. I^rge home Hith shared 3:45-845 pin. Mon -Thurs of week IVII UMn 1500. leu (hen a year old kitchen Own suite w nh private entrance specified, and 6-10 pm Sat May 24th, Still has 5 months warranty. Asking I'tilitics included Pool MvflOfl pYo specializing in weddings, senior portraits 2-6 |im Sun May 25th Rcfcrenn". ic MOO Call 540-246-8679 for more in- fcistonal or (irad Student 271 -277 ^ quired Call 810-3631. formation SIMMER AD SALES and Marketing documentary photography and.I more DANCE ACADEMY mien iew ing Internship Job hull time. Paid position for pan-time dance instructors for fall Valuable sales and mklg esp. for Plan (Help Wanted 2008-spring 2009 Must have car and ll Harrisooburg. the FREE planner tor be willing to slay through May 201)9. students GREAT RESUME BOOS! WE PAY IPIOS-Sper Numerous dance forms taught. Etpen- fcR! Call Phil 610-696-s.184. ext 101 ence preferred Call 810-3631. < iet PaidToThmk com phil'n ttudentmediagntupcom // [email protected] Reasons why you can't miss out on Madison 101

    It's THE guide to JMU for all # new, returning and transfer students Ad Reservation Deadline is + plus faculty and staff! March 19th

    th m It prints April 24 , and # has a 12 MONTH SHELF LIFE! Call The Breeze TODAY!

    It is distributed at orientation, (540)568-6127 # the bookstore, and ALL On-Campus MAILBOXES I 7

    . 20 Thursday, March 13,2008 , www.thebreeze.ort The Breeze WAYNE'S WORLD SUPER CROSSWORD MY NECK HURTS! ACROSS I Big bargain 6 Carpentry device -> II Diplomacy Ippll Ml feftM 15Sault_Mane.MI is miwMfcta 19 "Bolero" composer 20 Return address' 21 Pallid 22 Frequent Wayne co-star " a ^I^MBtL^ ' A^^H 1^^ 24 him directed by Wayne f 26 Wayfarer's whistle wetter i 27 Thnll 28 Troubles 30 Pianist Gilels 31 Word with car »>r pea 33 Muhammad's daughter 36 Commotion 38 Tune 41 Small mall 42 Bearing 43 Faced the day 44 Wayne's birth name 49 _ Grande 50 PI*H 53 Facilitate a felony *r 54 Poetic preposition ^ -*-*' 55 Makes one's mark director 34 "God's Little _" ('58 88 Teen title K lortcllini nipping 114 Waynes role in "The film) 91 Prousl protagonist R Fretlul Searchers" 35 Skater Babilonia 92 Kye appreciatively M&MflM^Midhf 60 Songwriter Greenwich 120 Rink legend 37 Olympian Al 93 Checseboard choice 62 Jean of "Upstairs, 121 New York cin Dub Dog joint on tniled crowd looking sky-mid WmWay m 2 p.m ot toy KKMMM In t» onriol CMUHMI 38 "You Be! Your Life" 94 "_ Girls" ('79 smash) Downstairs" ntHaaioit (omtnwmling 100 ywrt ol JMU SM *• (rant sop * view *» twill plwMftofh 122 Short-Mop Pee Wee emcee 96 Pretoria- lot 63 "_ Sorry Now" ('58 123 Volcanic state 39 Part of HOMES 99 "The Enlightened One" hill 124 Comedian Louis 40 Author Anita 100 Mustard city 64 Gossip material 125 Actor Epps 41 Don ol "Cocoon" 101 Atlanta campus 65 Numbers man'' 126 A la King'' 42 Melville title sun 102 Athlete Phil 67 Wayne's final him 127 Proficient 45 "Nowhere _" < '66 hn 103 More advanced Results of the 72 Went jogging 46 Actress Diamond 104 Rush 73 Maestro Zuhin DOWN 47 Sky stalker 107 Role for Shirley Next week's 75 "Braveheart" costume 48_-do-»ell 108 Patella's place I Navy wamor online poll: 76 Fielder's equipment 2"_Colonf('86hil) 51 Supermarket vehicle 109 Kisser 78 Yale or Root 3 Teacup part 52 "Be quiel!" 110 Mine feature 19 i on Have you ever been 4 Tackled a taco 57 Complete 111 Pressure meas. online poll: 81 Simon's "Plaza " 58 Nighl noise 5 Margin 113 To and _ 82 Rascal the victim of an 6 Singer Sheryl 59 Relative of-ator 113 Pijtskin prop 85 Out of sorts 7_-di-aah 61 Tempt 116 "Tell _ About It" I "83 86 Restaurateur Toots Internet hoax? * Pahndromic name 62 School subject song) 88 Seat cover'' 9 "Mai de _" 63 Crackerjack 117 "_ see it .." What are 89 Actress Peggy 10 Luciano's colleague 65 Casals' instrument 11K (ium gob 90 Oscar-winning Wayne II Neon_ 66 Detective Vance 119 Overwhelm role Fortunately no - 90 12 Flu symptom 68 Emulate 102 Dow 95 Hugh of "Small Time your feelings 13 _ cat 69 Exotic pel Check out the Crooks" 14 Shelley's "_ Skylark" 70 Lingerie item 97 Spineless 15 Okefenokee. for one 71 Shopper's sack answers to about the 98 Egg evaluation 73 Golda of Israel Yes, it was horrible! - 30 16 Indian iongue a. 99 Rich soup 17 "_Gay" 74 Darcy's creator today's puzzle 100 Insist IK Internists'org. 77 "The Aeneid" anil Centennial 103 Lost one's tail? and be sure 23 "_ if I can help it!" 79 Mindy's mate 104 A shake in the grass? Not to my knowledge - 88 25 Tea of "The Naked 80 Circle section to vote in the 105 "Star Trek VI" actress Celebration? Truth" 81 Fathered . 1 loal 106 Bendix role 29 Prayer finale 82 Neighbor of lorda online poll at 108 Tease 31 _Cob.CT 83 Waiter's oileniif 109 Spigot Total votes: 208 32 Forsyihs "The _ File' 84 Fancy appetizer 112 Frequent Wayne 33 Surround a Seurat 87 TVs "Man _" Get luc

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    The Sunchase Clubhouse is 5400 square feet of fun! Complete with a big screen TV, stereo system, and game tables. The Clubhouse is available everyday until midnight and can be reserved for private get togethers. r Take the virtual tour online at today! Contact us for more information 540-442-4800

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    Inside: - Interview with President Rose - Great JMU sports history moments

    SSSs ',"/«/ »n,PlIt £* "58 '-'•■•it a

    emJemua/ XDele6rutl&rv 2 Thursday, March 13 2008 The Breeze Centennial Celebration

    I ins Centennial supplement is brought to you by 77ie Breeze, JMU"s student A MESSAGE FROM THE BREEZE newspaper. The Breeze is published twice weekly on Monday and Thursday during the academic year and can be found online at Throughout the history of this institution there is perhaps no mfUHOIMI that any of us will experience that has as EDITORIAL STAFF much significance as the Centennial. Any group able to pass the 100-year mark Mary Frances Czarsty Kiiitnr-m-ihict brings with it a hopeful message for the Evan Dyson Managing editor present and the future, built on a one of Kelly Fisher A &E editor Matthew McGovern Asst. s/n»r/s trJflor a kind past. Kelly Conniff Copyvtlittir By reading this supplement, the editors Shelly Neel Oopy editor at The Breeze hope that you will learn a bit Aaron Stewart Photo editor more about the history of our school and I iitirrn Pack Art director some of the special moments along the Mike Grundmann Advisers way. Roger Soenksen To the Centennial class, congratula- tions on nearly reaching one of your own lifes' milestones as your commencement ADVERTISING STAFF approaches. Knjoy the rest of your experi- ence at JMU and be sure to take advan- Gil 11.. i-. i Ads manager tage of the Centennial events because they i i ■■> Rilev Asst. ads manager will truly only happen once. Farcinc Suarez Lead ad designer

    Ad executives Ad designers wexs Ryan Waldron Maggie Noctor Bryan Pope Peter Ihvyer 1 iniK Sasck Michael K. Smith pkMtMMUlfRMIfiM Elisa 1 liompsi HI Ariel Park ! \n«ls;t\ Hooper I indsey Andrews Krittany Hanger

    To all of the JMU students, JMU 7-i ±oxhill Alumni, and all of our Foxhill ownhomes residents a sincere CONGRATULATIONS 1627 Devon Lane Harrisonburg, VA 22801 on (540)432-5525 • (540)432-5592 100 magnificent YEARS!!!!! fovhill a "The aitimate in 'Housing* Centennial Celebration The Breeze Thursday, March 13,2008 3

    ntW DTSM/mi (hMfuslw Jemes Modison University President linwood H lose ms named by the Board ot Visitors as Itie fifth president ol it* university M Seel 9, 1991 He wos inaugurated o ytor later, on Sept. 17, 1999

    )ente4vmal mwn

    BYKEUYCOHNIff and expansion. senior writer His administration is compiling in- formation on different traffic options Linwood Rose doesn't have a lot of for a study lhat will be available in the free lime. fall. The report will be submitted to dif- And he seems all right wilh thai, ap- ferent organizations such as the Student pearing content with a rigorous schedule Government Association and the Facility that includes trips to the General Astern Senate in order to get input on the pro- bly in Richmond, fundraising. meefing posed guidelines. with students and. if his agenda permits. "We would like to reduce the number some precious free time spent restoring of cars that come to the campus." Rose an antique British sports car. Hid. "Bui we're also responsible and In a recent interview, JMU President sensitive to ihe needs ol students, faculty Rose took tune out of his schedule to .mil stall that need to gel here." address issues concerning JMU\s traffic see fOSt, etee 5 4 Thursday, March 13, 2008 The Breeze Centennial Celebration

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    n T* FDIC & ■ Centennial Celebration The Breeze Thursday, March 13, 7008 5 ROSE: Major projects planned for future years

    ROSE, from page 3 wan until alter the budget tor the next two ties and say that it's being done tot ROM mentioned Rveral poasibk lolu yean u approved by the General Asaam and ii's not," Rose laid We're building turns, which include an Improved bus of ;.uiinies oi icquiring theu propertia iransii lystem .uul .1 satellite puking system imc nexi jreai wc »ill make i M the current need In net, il you're thai would operate MinilaiK to system m lie. Islon about What's |OM| to h.i|)|H-n with dying to get monev from the state to build puce .ii Dull.-- Airport. the treshman and transler dail tor the next a building, you have to demonstrate to the "We need tn look ■ tum we're ' ■ II look at it real haul tor MX) >e.u. MMC UtBt yotl ahead) have a student popu- USC the parking fat ililies that wc have DOW," ROM laid lation that jUetifiM the initial space, so the) ROM said •*Oi do wi need to have satellite don't give yotl buildings baled0Q growth " parking, where y«u may park someplace u Other plans that are currently in mo and take the shuttle in ' lion include ciinstru, lion ot a new dorm and Rose also spoke about the ponibi] A lot of people look dining hall near Chesapeake and Rrtouat ity i»t eurUng growth M IMU prapnm to at the new facilities and HalK Rose also said that tulure housinj' welcome another large treshman class The projects will probably include transitional increasing number of applicants means thai say that it's being done housing as a wa) ot appealing to parents many potential students aren't gelling a lor growth and it's not. who are hesitant about their children mov chance to attend JMU. ing off campus Transitional housing mim- "I Think we have more of I sense of «»b ics apartment style living liiMtiuii now to meet MOM 01 that need as - LINWOOD ROSE "Looking ai something like ihis kind ot long as we can at least maintain the quality WrMM tits the need between Ihe freshman year and that we work to achieve." Rose said really being completely out cm your own Growth issues are also dependent on Rose said 'So it we build more, we'll prob- the financial support the university noerVM In the current General Assembly legis- ably head in that direction." from the state. lative session. Rose is seeking funding for Rose has served as president of JMC "I've said repcatcdlv that it budget cuts Iwo major projects; a biotechnology build- since IWK. when he tk over for Ronald coniinue and if we don I receive the mon- ing, parallel to the physics and chemistrv Carrier, who served for 27 years Rose's ies for capital expenditures so (hat we can building OH the ca-t side ot carnpot, and an situation was unique, as he had been em- mm ■ fjtajNjfa have the space we need lor the programs eapaaaoB oi I hike Hall to meei the needs ot ployed by IMC since 1*I7S. contrary to the and once the indicators of uualilv begin to visual ads prOgfMBI ti.idiiional route taken by university presi- linwood Rose began his professional career at JMU in I97S and decline, then we will mm ott the spigot." R

    $ CONGRATULATIONS James Madison University FUNKHOUSIR ON 100 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE! REALTORS" w»».OfT( »»».( (540)434-5150 (540) 434-2400 6 Thursday, March 13, 2008 The Breeze Centennial Celebration

    Madison fact: The first president was Julian Ashby Burruss

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    (•tew ■>*•»«••. ••! LjJ «—->■>< -—'il*— ^U —»»■>»■■»*>■m'l I- .aviyWwMeW Centennial Celebration The Breeze Thursday, March 13, 2008 7 ■■■■■■■■■■■■• •1 A Centennial Collection Pizza'Pasta «Subs Self-Sto rage Do Not Accept Substitutes!!! Why HAUL stuff home when you The Best Pizza in town just got better could STORE - How? It here"?

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    txriyflSirs i OMan Accaat 1 VMaa lamllianc. mcsjtremuVV. M M\Ri Pavaa Dihawaye, Cam 4 Kan-Lit 540-564-0105 ttWADOOOV'Mnp MOVDO:Urplt"(VtKiriiMJKr(il( SI* k a part of rte Ctnlammol Celekfotion there how baen many displays ond inhibit! ol IMU'i bhtory Din inhibit ol llhl)\U.«rpli'lHoopatPini M.W i the FesliwI Shieent ond Coolmnie Ceflter showioni port ol JMU's muw piogrom lihibih on olw in the CISAT lobby, Memoiiol HoH, the Worrm Hall tabby mil (oniai Library, os well oi ot Mtiunuttan (egianal larary. Madison fact: Wilson Hall was dedicated in May of 1931


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    TawJght Catch CAZHIERi IW Prepared I hey will be hack Salurday the I -lli ca/hierc.nct Mention this Ad or Show JMU ID and Get 10% OFF Your Next Rocktown Grill Tattoo or Piercing I trio unyniri 1 rocbteMMqnU. com 200 SOUTH AVE 540-433-5612 Thursday, March 13,2008 The Breeze Centennial Celebration

    Monday, March 10 Community University Reception Commemorating local support for the founding of the Normal School in Harrisonburg. Memorial Hall, 6 p.m.

    Tuesday, March 11 Madison Speaker Program Speaker: Matt Fulgham ('89 and '91), Asst. Director 6f Legislative Archives, National Archives and Records Administration Taylor 404,11 a.m.

    Wednesday, March 12 Crazy Centennial Celebration Commons Day Spray tattoo artist, JMU themed drinks, purple snow cones! Hosted by University Program Board The Commons, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

    "ioo" Year Student Photograph, AltogetherONE Hundred Quad, 2 p.m. Rain date - March 13

    Faculty Emeriti Reception Brick Patio in front of Burruss Hall, 5 p.m.

    Thursday, March 13 Madison Cup Debates Taylor Hall, 8:30 a.m. - 7 p.m.

    )entennlal Cenlenniol Celebration The Breeze Thursday, March 13,2008 9

    Friday, March 14 Saturday, March 15 James Madison Day Madison Fest Centennial Convocation Godwin Hall, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Convocation Center, 10:00 a.m. A family-friendly, festival-like event Speaker: Gov. Tim M. Kaine designed for both JMU students and Birthday Cake members of the Harrisonburg Buses will run from the west side of campus 9 a.m - 9:40 a.m. community. Free. (Memorial Hall, Wilson Hall and Showker Hall) Parking available in lots A, F and G. New Century Celebration Gala Classes canceled, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Invitation only) Festival Conference and Student Center, Centennial Campaign Luncheon Ballroom, 6 p.m. (Invitation only) Festival Conference and Student Center, Ballroom, Mae - Student Concert 12:30 Wilson Hall Auditorium, 6:30 p.m. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. Admission is James Madison Statue Dedication FREE to the JMU community and will be Front of CS/ISAT Building, 2:30 p.m. closed to the public. Tickets will be given Guests are encouraged to walk from earlier events, but park- ing will be available without a permit after 2 p.m. in lot D2. out the day of the show at Wilson prior to doors opening on a first come, first serve "Put Up Your Dukes'' Duke Dog Statue Display basis. Festival Conference and Student Center, Highlands Room, 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. Fireworks and Hot Chocolate Outside Festival Conference and Student "Exhibit to Celebrate 100 Years at JMU!" Center, 9:30 p.m. Madison Art Collection, The Gallery at Festival Parking available in lots D2 and C10. Festival Conference and Student Center 3 p.m. - 5 pm. Saturday and Sunday, "Portraits in Bluestone" Concert Music commissioned for JMU's Centennial March 15-16 Convocation Center, 3:30 p.m. Parking available in lots A F and G. "Centennial Challenge" Alumni groups are asked to go out into Dingledine and Johnston Portrait Unveiling their communities and fulfill JMU's tradi- (Invitation only) tion of service by donating their time and Leeolou Greatroom, 5 p.m. talent to local causes. The alumni group who donates the most community service Funny Freakin' Friday hours will be recognized at the June A night of entertainment laughing at Mission IMPROVable, Alumni Leadership Weekend. the nation's biggest touring improv group ever! Opening this show will be JMU's own improv group, New & Improv'd. Free. Taylor Down Under, 8 p.m. 10 Thursday, Match 13,2008 www.thebreeze.orx The Breeze Centennial Celebration

    Madison fact: In 1946 men began attending university classes, but it was not until 1966 that the institution became coeducational.



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    golden ■ corral golden, Everyone deserves a good meal* corral 10% DISCOUNT WITH STUDENT ID JUST MINUTES AWAY FROM CAMPUS Buffet & Grill CALL 564-0477 PROUD SPONSOR OF DUKES ATHLETICS Centennial Celebration Thursday, Match 13,2008 II

    ROSE: Varied background aids as president ROSE, from pop S place, it's not lot the length of tune that I had visible emMigh. but that's not necessarily the best hecn." Ruse said. "It's m>t the typical model, hut way to serve your students." Rose said. "You at JMU. we've had only live presidents in KM) need to be visible enough and he in touch, but it 500.000 > cats. v) people tend to get the job and stay " means I'm not out raising money •* working OO Karly on. Rose thought that he would opt lor the budget ' a career in business, but WM influenced by a sig- RDM considers his varied background at nificant resident ;HJviset and became interested in JMU an important part ol his foundation as presi- BARGAIN BOOKS student affairs. He became a hall director before dent. getting his master's degree in educational MJ|V: "I think where it's really made a diltcicikc MM<>n and administration at Virginia Tech. even is that I had an appreciation lor the values ami Malty coming to JMU in 1975 Over the next I out behels thai MUM at the in>tihitn>n." he said decades he served in several roles, including as When asked about his biggest accomplish- the director ol residence halls.the vta pnrideM ment as president. Rose quickly replies with | lor administration and chief operating officer statistic the 94 percent student satisfaction rate Green Valley K> »H- als.> takes pride in his visibility on cam- thai JMU boasts. pus, although some students might not see it the "II >ou're a leader ol an orgam/ation and Mm way he does. s L )u have that high percentage of people who arc "I think it's important that the president he your customers or clients who are satisfied w ith 'iMMcand I'm sure that from the student • pa their experience, it makes >ou feel pretty good." spective, it's generally tell that presidents arc rut ROM.' Mid BOOK THE GRADUATE

    'Put Up low Dukes" Duke Dog slotues beve been o part of the yeor long Centennial Celebrenen. IWy ere sponsored by various duos, besmesses ond indmduoh and will be on drspley tnreugneul the Horrisonbtrrg and FAIR Rorkmghom County oreo tor the duration of the year DM 'Grid Dog," sponsored by Ike JMU Alumni Association. K en display in me loeolou Alumni Center Over 60 Different Categories

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    Madison fact: What would become .lames Madison University began in iuo8 as the State Normal and Industrial Schcx>l for Women at Harrisonburg

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    Check us out on Wednesdays at 7:11 pm at Grace Covenant Church or... Come receive prayer in the Rapha Room Mondays from 7-8pm in Festival Conference Room 6. 433-9244 J ' " ' ■ u : Centenniol Celebration The Breeze Thursday, March 13,2008 13 Great JMU Sports History Moments 2004 Division l-AA National Football Championship Win Perhaps JMU's most publi- cized athletic achievement in its loo-year history was football's 2004 Division I-AA National Championship. Led by quarterback Justin Rascati and Coach Mickey Mat- thews, the Dukes beat Montana 31-21 on a rainy night in Decem- ber 2004. JMU became the first team in NCAA history to win the championship after three straight playoff games on the road. After beating Lehigh and Fur- man both by the score of 14-13 in consecutive weeks, the Dukes avenged a regular season loss to William & Mary in the semifi- nal game of the 16-team NCAA tournament the following week. Madison beat the Tribe 48-34 »n Williamsburg. JMU finished its most suc- cessful season in school history with a 13-2 record. Madison's only losses came to Division I-A West pittiiNrtBfifJMU.yommfa Virginia and in its first meeting Cottk Mickey Mottkem is 6444 in nine years at JMU Ike Dukes with William & Mary. beet Montana 31 -71 to win the 7004 National Ckamptonship

    1983 College World Series 1991 Upset of No. 1 Penn State Only one Virginia baseball team Shclia Moorman coached women's has reached the NCAA College World basketball at JMU from 1982-97 with an Madison fact: The name James Madison University was made official in 1977 Series, and in June 198:1 JMU accom- impressive 302-134 overall record at JMU. plished that feat. One of her greatest accomplishments was Alabama. Arizona State, Maine, leading the No. 8 seed Dukes to an upset Michigan, Oklahoma Stale, Stanford, of No. 1 seed Penn State in the MOOfM) CONGRATULATIONS ON Texas and JMU were the eight final- round of the 1991 NCAA Championship ists for the 1983 College World Series tournament. from the original NCAA tournament JMU advanced to play the Nittany Li- field of 36. ons after beating Kentucky 70-62 in the CELEBRATING 100 YEARS! Coach Brad Babcock led the opening round of the NCAAs. Penn State Dukes to a 37-11 record that season was 29-1 before facing the Dukes and and received 1983's Eastern Region started the game with an 11-0 run. in- and District 111 Coach of the Year creasing its lead to 24-9 just 7-59 into the honors. JMU's 1983 squad was one game. But Madison cut Penn State's lead 540-434-2220 of the last teams to receive a bid to to 41-29 going into halftime. the NCAAs, but the No. 6 seed Dukes JMU outscorcd Penn State 22-6 to went undefeated in the East Region open the second half, and the Dukes won to win the regional crown and secure 73-71 in what is still considered the pro- [email protected] ■ CWBiavta gram's biggest upset. a -from staff reports —from staff reports

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    540-801-0660 321 Pheasant Run Circle Monday - Friday 10 am - 5 pm Centennial Celebration The Breeze Thursday, March 13, 2008 IS Madison meets Jordan !>\<-s. .ind UNC was playing JMU faced UNC 111 its first 1982 tournament game. 'IV Tar Heels beat in the NCAAs twice JMU only 52-50, and went on to win the NCAA champi- In 1982, after beating onship with Michael Jordan No. H ned ohio state in ilu- hitting the winning jumper. opening round of the NCAA The teams met again in Championship tournament. the round of 32 in the 198:1 No. 9 seed James Madison NCAA tournament, after the went up against No. i seed No. 10 seed Dukes beat No. North Carolina in Charlotte. - s«vd West Virgini.i in thi The NCAAs accepted only opening round. No. 2 seed 4H teams before the 1984-85 North Carolina beat JMU photo «ufln» o* MU ipom moAa season, and the field consist- 68-49 in then second NCAA JMUamfdChoHitfiskH.dthiiM ed of four 12-team NgkM tournament meeting. by North C«O)B« . M«hoel kxdon The tup four weds in each i. Ihe 1982 MCAA region received first-round -from staff reports

    ington in the first two rounds ot the Co- Lefty leads JMU to the NCAAs lonial Athletic Association tournament JMU legend Lefty Driesell coached the before it met Old Dominion in the CAA Dukes lor nine seasons, compiling a 159- final. Madison beat the Monarchs 77-76. and reached the NCAA Tournament for 111 record from 1988 to 199?- But despite the first time since 1983. considerable regular season success, he Madison entered the tournament as a reached the NCAA tournament only once. No. 14 seed after capturing the CAA tourna- In the 1993-94 season, JMU went 20- ment title. Its first-round matchup was with 10 with a 10-4 record in the conference. That team's 12-1 home record is second No. 3 seed Florida. A heavy underdog, JMU only to the perfect 13-0 recorded by JMU lost by just two points. 64-62. The Gators in 1999-2000. Senior forward Clayton Rit- went on to reach the Final Four, losing to ler led the '94 Dukes with 18.3 points and early-nineties powerhouse Duke, 70-65. 74 rebounds per game. —from staff reports JMU beat American and UNC Wilm-

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    MARCH 13: MARCH 14: MARCH 15: Madison Cup Debates Jamas Madison Statua Dedication Madison Fast Top schools including Yale. Cornell. Johns Hopkins, A giant new statue of Madison will be unveiled A family-friendly, festival-like event designed for and James Madison face off over Middle East policy near the flagpoles visible from 1-81. 2:30 p m. both JMU students and members of the Harnson- in the annual Madison Cup Debates; 8.30 a.m. to in front ot CS/ISAT Building, tree. burg community, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Godwin Hall 5 p.m.. Taylor Hall; fret. Gymnasium, free. MARCH 14: MARCH 13: Special Musical Performance: Portrait* In MARCH 15: Madison Cup Debates Finals Blueston: The JMU Symphony Orchestra. Wind Mae Concert 5 p.m.. Wilson Hall; tree. Symphony and choral groups present three move- 6 30 p.m., Wilson Hall: free. ments commissioned for JMU's Centennial; MARCH 14: 3:30 p.m, Convocation Center; free. Tha Main Centennial Evant MARCH 15: Keynote Virginia GovTim Kaine, Fireworks and Hot Chocolate 10 a m, Convocation Center; free 9:30 p.m.. outside Festival Conference and Student Center; tree.

    Where to Park? For most events, unrestricted parking will be available nearby f Detailed maps are online at If you'd like a visitor's pass, stop by JMU « JA.\ .Parking Sei tpd on the ground floor of the parking deck at Brktgelorth Stadium MA More Centennial Week events are at