Cynhadledd Esgobaeth Llanelwy :: St Asaph Diocesan Conference

Pwyllgor Sefydlog :: Standing Committee

Minutes of a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Diocesan Conference held on 22 September 2020 via Zoom

1. Welcome and Opening Reflection

The meeting was chaired by Llyr Williams, Vice Chair of the Diocesan Conference and Standing Committee, who opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present to the second meeting of Standing Committee by Zoom.

John Lomas, Archdeacon of Wrexham led the opening reflection, which drew connections between the book of Nehemiah, the Great Fire of London, and our own situation with the Coronavirus pandemic.

2. Apologies and Conflicts of Interest

Apologies from the following members were recorded: Caroline Bennett, Hugh Burgess, Jenny Creed, Stuart Evans, Amanda Griffiths, Hermione Morris, Pam Powell and Pauline Walker.

Mr Williams asked the members of Standing Committee, having seen the agenda, whether anyone wanted to register a conflict of interest. No conflicts of interest were registered.

3. Minutes of the pRevdious meeting

The minutes of the last meeting of the Standing Committee held on 30 June 2020 via Zoom were Revdiewed and presented for approval by the Standing Committee.

For: 97% Against: 0% Abstentions: 3% Result: The minutes of the pRevdious meeting were approved

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4. Matters Arising

No matters arising were identified from the minutes that were not already the subject of a separate agenda item.

5. Coronavirus Pandemic – the challenge of Recovery and Reconstruction a. Mission Area Revdiews Barry Wilson, Archdeacon of Montgomery, described in more detail the Mission Area Revdiew process. Archdeacon Barry explained that when significant changes are made within an organisation it is good practice to Revdiew after an amount of time, to ensure that things are working as intended and to see what might need changing. Archdeacon Barry went on to describe what happens broadly during a Mission Area Revdiew, and what outcomes we might expect. An opportunity for comment and questions was provided.

The link to Bishop Gregory’s theological reflections on MA Revdiews can be found here: b. Developing – caring for all in licensed and commissioned ministries

I. Vocations and Discernment

Andy Grimwood, , drew members’ attention to the Ember Day leaflet on the website: content/uploads/2020-21-Ember-Day-leaflet.pdf

Members were encouraged to pray for those in training for ordination and licensing.

II. Membership of the Developing Steering Group

A document to accompany this item had been circulated in advance of the meeting.

Archdeacon Andy explained that the membership of the Developing Steering Group had been Revdiewed and refreshed. An opportunity for questions on the circulated paper was provided, and the names of proposed members were presented for approval by the Standing Committee to serve for the next triennium 2020 – 2023.

For: 100% Against: 0 Abstentions: 0 Result: The proposed membership of the DSG was approved.

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c. Engaging – caring for the most vulnerable in society

I. Coronavirus Emergency Fund – making a difference to lives in Aber- Morfa Mission Area and Estuary and Mountain Mission Area

Sarah Wheat, Diocesan Engagement Officer and Lead Officer of the Engaging Steering Group, reminded members that the Diocesan Offering this year will go to the Haven of Light, and encouraged people to donate, and to attend the online conference about Modern Slavery that is being run jointly by the Haven of Light and the . Miss Wheat then introduced two short films from recipients of the Diocesan Coronavirus Emergency Fund: Estuary & Mountain MA Food Club and Aber Morfa MA Hygiene Hampers. Standing Committee was reminded that funding is still available for projects such as this, and that Mission Areas can apply at any time. A short film on ‘Two’s Company’ telephone befriending scheme was also shown. Miss Wheat advised that there is a full article with more details in the latest edition of Teulu Asaph, and she can offer training and support if anyone would like to join the scheme in their own area. d. Nurturing - caring for children and young people

I. Schools Mr Tim Feak, Diocesan Under 25s Officer offered an update on schools work within the Diocese. The Education Team have been supporting schools and headteachers during this unprecedented time. Some cases of coronavirus have occurred in one of our schools, and the professionalism of the staff in dealing with this has been impressive.

II. Young People Mr. Feak presented an update of diocesan work with children and young people. The joint policy issued last week from Bangor and St Asaph Dioceses regarding children and youth ministry has been well received. Mr Feak has spent a lot of time advising, supporting and sharing resources with clergy and youth and children’s workers. A large part of the role of the Diocesan Office has been identifying and responding to training needs within the Diocese at this time, and 60 people will be trained in Mental Health awareness and Mental Health First Aid so that they can serve as ambassadors within the Diocese. Looking to the future, a lot of work is being carried out in partnership with Bangor Diocese, which means that the standard of the education service and support is even higher. Unfortunately some ventures have had to be cancelled over the summer due to the pandemic, but plans are already being made for 2021, including a North Wales families pilgrimage, and rich conversations with the Diocese of Helsinki in

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Finland to see how the link between our Dioceses can be maintained and enhanced.

An opportunity for comment and questions was provided. The meeting was split into smaller groups in breakout rooms, where members were asked to reflect on the meeting so far and given an opportunity to discuss and consider the challenges and opportunities that have become evident over the last few months, and pose any questions they may have on the chat.

6. Focus for the National Church

Nigel Williams, Dean of St Asaph Cathedral, provided a report from the Representative Body of the Church in Wales, following a meeting held on 2 September 2020. Items reported on included the extension of the term of office of the current Chair; incidents reported to the Charity Commission; the Revdised Finance forecast for 2020; the new Chair of the Safeguarding Panel; the Clergy Remuneration Revdiew and the Finance Strategy Forum.

An opportunity for comment and questions was provided.

7. Diocesan Budget 2021

Helen Jones, Chair of the Diocesan Board of Finance presented the proposed 2021 budget, starting with the Income.

The largest source of income (69%) is Mission Area Share and this will be held level for the third consecutive year in 2021. The DBF recognises the financial challenges being faced by our churches and Mission Areas at this unprecedented time and does not want to increase the financial pressure further.

The Mission Area Share Discount Scheme will be continued, offering a discount of up to 4% for Mission Areas that pay promptly and regularly during the year. At the moment, for 2020, all Mission Areas have paid their Share in full up to the half year.

We continue to work closely with their Investment Bankers to understand the impact of the global pandemic on investments. Although markets have rallied in recent months, a cautious view has been taken, and a 23% decrease in investment income budgeted for.

The property team continue to work hard to rent out surplus vicarages to generate additional budgeted income of £160k an increase.

Mission Area Administrator grants have been funded from savings in the Clergy Pension Scheme in 2020. After the triennial actuarial Revdiew, contributions

4 | P a g e unexpectedly fell to 36.5% when 40% had been budgeted for. The hope is that this investment will continue to reduce pressure on our busy clergy.

Total income is therefore budgeted at £4.779m for 2021.

In terms of expenditure, this year there will be no increase in stipends, lay salaries or contributions to the clergy housing scheme. These are the most significant costs, amounting together to 86% of our total expenditure.

The DBF has budgeted for 67 stipendiary clergy and maintained the investment in 8 training curacies. We continue to invest in lay ministry and currently fund 2 Children and Family Chaplains and 2 Church Army Evangelists The assumption has been made that there will be 2 clergy vacancies at any given time as this is the reality.

Diocesan administration team salaries represent 8% of expenditure. This small team manages a turnover of £4.8m annually and handles all finance, investment, legal, education and property issues, as well as providing vital support for the local churches and Mission Areas.

Total expenditure is therefore £4.771m and the impact on the bottom line is to deliver a balanced budget with a very small surplus on operations of £7,913 in 2021, compared to a budgeted surplus of £14,087 this current year. This surplus represents 0.1% of our annual turnover and is lower than in the DBF’s 5 year plan. We believe this budget represents the right balance between investment in the future and careful control of costs.

Mrs Jones expressed the gratitude of St Asaph DBF to the Representative Body that has provided over £1.1m of emergency funding to this diocese during 2020. Without this, the financial situation in churches and Mission Areas would be very concerning indeed and the cause of significant anxiety and worry for our congregations.

Mrs Jones also expressed gratitude to all congregations who have responded generously to this crisis and particularly to everyone who has moved their giving online and made a commitment to Gift Direct. Undoubtedly, the congregations that have committed themselves to this form of giving are finding it easier to weather the crisis and plan for the future. Some congregations have even reported an increase in giving, despite having closed their church building for many months.

After an opportunity for questions and comments, members were asked to vote to approve and accept the 2021 Diocesan Budget as presented by the Chair of the Diocesan Board of Finance:

For: 100% Against: 0%

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Abstentions: 0% Result: The 2021 Diocesan Budget was unanimously approved and accepted.

Mr Llyr Williams thanked Mrs Helen Jones and all members of the DBF for all the work they do on behalf of the diocese and for all the additional meetings and work that have been necessary over recent months as navigate the crisis.

8. Diocesan Conference – 2020 The Unexpected Journey

Mrs Diane McCarthy, Diocesan Secretary explained that all elements of the Diocesan Conference this year will go ahead as planned, but in an online format. Mrs McCarthy thanked Bishop Gregory for being willing to deliver the Presidential Address and Bishop Ric, the Bishop of Islington, for the Keynote Speech, in a new and different format. The conference will reflect on the challenges of this past year, and the reconstruction of the church in the future, and will launch our Eco-Diocese work with an inspirational message from some of our young people.

9. Hope Street Wrexham – launch plans

Mr Llyr Williams introduced a short promotional film for Hope Street, and then introduced Revd Rachel Kitchen and Revd Andy Kitchen and welcomed them to Standing Committee.

Andy Kitchen informed members that there is now a curate in post, as well as a Youth Worker and a Children’s Worker. The people of Wrexham are excited about the project and looking forward to it starting.

Rachel Kitchen told some good news stories about the people involved in the start-up of the church. An online Alpha course will start on 6th October, and the launch in the Hope Street building is planned for January 2021.

Building work has inevitably been delayed, but all issues are now resolved, all contractors have been instructed, and the work should be finished by Christmas.

After an opportunity for questions and comments, Mr Williams thanked Andy and Rachel for their time and input.

10. Matters Raised by the Mission Areas a. Would it be possible to have an update on our obligations in respect of the Mission Area Annual Vestry Meetings? When do these need to be held and is it possible for the meetings to be held online? (from Maelor MA)

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Mr Williams invited Mrs Tracey White, Diocesan Director of Resources to answer the question.

Mrs White advised that guidance has been sent out and is available on the website. To summarise, Vestry meetings are allowed to be held online, in fact it is probably the safest way. If this is not possible, they can be held by phone. In both these cases, it must be shown that everyone who wants to participate has done. The meetings should only take place in person in exceptional circumstances, and it must be shown that all necessary current government guidelines are adhered to. b. We are all aware that a different approach to big services and events is necessary at the moment. For example, many of our usual arrangements for Remembrance Sunday and Christmas will simply not be possible under current restrictions. Has any thought been given as to how we can provide ministry and support at these significant moments in our life as a church while still keeping people safe and complying with Government Guidance? It would be helpful to share ideas and best practice across our churches and Mission Areas. (Maelor MA)

Mr Williams invited Bishop Gregory to respond to the question.

Bishop Gregory stated that Remembrance and Christmas services would pose big challenges, but that during lockdown all have risen to the occasion and new ideas have flourished.

Bishop Gregory doesn’t think that the answers to this question will come from the top, but from sharing best practice and ideas with colleagues. This will therefore be a major item of discussion at the clergy synods being held by archdeaconry via Zoom later this week.

11. Date of next meeting

Tuesday 24 November 2020: it is expected that the meeting will be held by Zoom, but this will be confirmed well in advance by the Diocesan Office team.

Llyr Williams thanked everyone involved with Standing Committee for their input.

Bishop Gregory thanked all who are part of the Teulu Asaph, the clergy and the Diocesan Office team.

Bishop Gregory closed the meeting with a blessing.

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