130Th Commencement, Spring

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130Th Commencement, Spring University of Dayton eCommons Commencement Programs Office of the Registrar 4-27-1980 130th Commencement, Spring Follow this and additional works at: http://ecommons.udayton.edu/cmnc eCommons Citation "130th Commencement, Spring" (1980). Commencement Programs. Paper 74. http://ecommons.udayton.edu/cmnc/74 This Program is brought to you for free and open access by the Office of the Registrar at eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Commencement Programs by an authorized administrator of eCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. spr1ng• exercises• April 27 university of dayton 130th commencement 10:00 a.m. - u. of d. arena ~ C?JJ~ ~ 1 // ;2. t ~ 5 ;;._ 5' (3F <j £..3 ~ 0 .j_- j;l.l zt_,,,,.. ~ {; h 3 5 ;i. .5 ;1fJ' BOARD OF TRUSTEES John F. Torley, Chairman; Peter H. Kuntz, Vice-Chairman; Bro. Raymond L. Fitz, S.M ., Secretary; Rev. George 8. Barrett, S.M., Very Rev. Will iam R. Behringer, S.M., Bro. Marion F. Belka, S.M., Clarence E. Bowman, Victor J. Cassano, Sr. , George C. Cooper, Charles W. Danis, Sr., Richard H. Finan, James J. Gi l vary, Richard F. Glennon, Stanley Z. Greenberg, Bro. Anthony J. Ipsaro, S.M., Richard J. Jacob, Mrs. H . Warren Kampf, Dr. Eugene C. Kennedy, Thomas A. Klein, R. Stanley Laing, Bro. Stanley G. Mathews, S.M ., Thomas 0 . Mathues, H. Talbott Mead, Mrs. Wayne H. Morse, Ll oyd H. O'Hara, Bro. John J. Schneider, S.M., William P. Sher­ man, Hugh E. Wall , Jr. ADMINISTRATION Bro. Raymond L. Fitz, S.M., President; Bro. Joseph W. Stander, S.M., Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost ; Miss Margaret M. Holland, Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students; Mr. Thomas]. Frericks, Vice President for Univer­ sity Relations; Mr. Gerald W. VonderBrink, Vice President for Financial Affairs and Treasurer. UNIVERSITY MARSHAL ORDER OF EXERCISES Robert L. Mott, Departm ent of M echanical 10 :00 A.M . Engineering Technology - Marshal Bernard J. Bedard, Departme11t of English - Associate Marshal BRO. R AY \I Oi':D L. FITZ. S.M. PR ES IDENT OF Tl-IE Li': IVERS ITY ASSIST ANT MARSHALS Presiding Doris A. Drees, Department of Physical and Health Education J. Wi ll iam Friel, Department of Mathematics PR OCESS IONA L R. Alan Kimbrough Albert V. Fratini, Department of Chemistry INVOCATION Rev. Urban Ru/JjJ , S.M . Francis J. Henninger, Department of English J oseph J. Kepes, Department of Physics T11E N ,ff/0.VA L A.VTHEAI Susan Reindl and Gerald E. Kerns, Department of Political Science thP A11dimce Jack E. Kes ter, Department of Computer Science J ohn E. Rapp, Chairman, Department of Economics and Finance W ELCOM ING R EMA RKS Jnhn F. Tarley Robert G. Sanford, Department of Aaounting George B. Shaw, Department of Civil Engin.eering Co FERR INC OF D EC REES ThP President Associate Degrees Unde rgraduate Degrees THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES PROGRAM NOTE This program consists of the names of ca ndidates for degrees. Las t Hono rary Degree minute additions or deletions must often be made after the program has been printed. The official list of the names of graduates is deposited in The Degree - Doctor of Hu manities the Office of the Registrar. JAMES W. ·McSWINEY Unde rgraduate Degrees Only representatives of the press, authorized by the Universit y THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIO Marshal, are permitted to take photographs on the floor. Guests and visitors may take photographs from the sta nds only. Honorary Degree The Degree - Doctor of Hu manities CHARLES W. WHALEN, JR. 2 3 ASSOCIATE DEGREES THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION WILLIAM j. H O BEN, DEAN Undergraduate Degrees THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION EXECUTIVE SECRET ARIAL STUDIES CAROL THERESE BENSON - -- Birmingham, Ml KERRIE LYNNE KLEIN ---- Papillion, NB SUZANNE MARIE BERGER Dayton, OH SANDRA ELLEN KRAFT London, OH KYLE MARIE BORNHORST - - -- -- 'Minster, OH LAURI ANN LAMERS - -- -- Lisle, IL LORA LEIGH FULTZ ----- Portsmouth, OH EILEEN MURPHY - - - Springfield, OH BARBARA JEAN KAPLAN ---- - - - Sidney, OH SANDRA L. SPANGLER - - - Greenfield, OH Undergraduate D egrees THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY Graduate Degrees R USSE LL A. PRIMROSE, D EAN J AMES L. M CGRAW, ASSOCIATE D EAN THE UNIVERSITY O F D AYTON ANTH E!\! Susan Reindl and THE ASSOCIATE DECREE IN TECHNOLOGY the Audience ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY RECESS IONAL R. Alan Kimbrough f GREGORY JOHN HAYES - - --- Englewood, OH f DAVID ANDREW SANDERS - - - - Kettering, OH ·,/-,{\ GEO-C HEMICAL TECHNOLOGY RICHARD GERHARDT CARLSON Cincinnati, OH Please remain seated during the recessional \ /,i\ INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY JOHN ANTHONY BERKEMEIER --- - Jackson, Ml f CORY ANDREW Van De WEGHE - Ri ver Edge, NJ 'J,'0 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY MARY BETH BERNER ------- - Ft. Wayne, IN KENNETH JOSEPH MONNIER --- Sidney, OH f KEVIN MICHAEL GARLAND Dayton, OH t GEORGE A. MOORMAN - - Vandalia, OH f DONALD RICHARD KENZIG - - - - Fairview, OH 'I' In Absen tia 4 5 BACCALAUREATE DEGREES THERESA MARIE PRASNIKAR Arlington Heights, IL iUtQTliV 1•:1€1h\lil TRI.V,80ll Xc11io, 0 11 NORA MARIE PRENDERGAST Cleveland, OH MARGARET MARY TUSHAK Staten Island, NY PATRICIA ANN RACKETT - Lebanon, OH TAMARA L. UNDERINER - - - • Bea ver, PA PATRICK PAUL RINI -- Canton, OH mogno cum loude THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES ROBERT F. RUMPKE - -- Cincinnati, OH ANN MARIE Von BENTEN - Indianapolis, IN t AMY FRANCES SAVINO - - Kettering, OH AMY SUE WALSH --- - - - Cheswick, PA MICHAEL THOMAS SCHLESIER - Wontogh, NY LAURIE FREDERIKA WATT Ft. Lauderdale, FL KATHLEEN M . SCOTT -- - - - Rivervole, NJ JAMES A. WILSHERE • Albertson, NY L EONARD A. MANN, S.M., D EA TERRI JAYNE SHARP -- - - - Swedesboro, NJ CYl:>IT~ IA Al>IM W liCH E>a)'4oA 1 OH CHARLES FRANCIS Slj_E.fW,(lt;,1,).R,,,n~- Dayton, OH JAMES WOJTKUN Cleveland, OH Rocco M . D ONATELLI, A OCIATE D EAN MARY CLARE SHORiC'l / ."':~ r't:K,"1.'est Germany mogno cum loude SANDRA SUE SMITH Dayton, OH JEAN M . ZEHRINGER Ft. Recovery, OH CHARLES GREGORY STOCKTON Comden, OH cum loude THE DEGREE - BACHELOR OR ARTS DENISE CLAUDETTE TIEDEKEN - Ocean City, NJ AMERICAN STUDIES SUSAN T. BOSICO - - - - Stony Point, NY JOHN JOSEPH FLOOD St . Louis, MO ECONOMICS MARY ADELE DONOGHUE River Forest, IL MARIANNE GUIDOTTI Cheverly, MD MICHAEL EDWARD BOSWAY - Springfield, IL EDWARD NASH RIZER - Springfield, OH cum loude HUGH JOSEPH SCHAEFER White Plains, NY JOHN JOSEPH POSTERARO Bethel Pork, PA CHEMISTRY cum loude MICHAEL STEPHEN SANKOVICH Alliance, OH MARK DAVID ROBERTSON Dayton, OH MICHAEL ANTHONY STROPKI - Cambridge, OH cum laude ENGLISH MICHAEL P. CARTA • • • -- • • M iddletown, CT KEVIN FREDERICK SUNSHEIN Centerville, OH G,.# ~1tte z- THOMAS SCOTT DANFORD -- Piqua, OH MARTHA KAY TURCKES Dayton, OH Tl IERESA ;\. BRE6t U.1 1:*:t J Fulls € 1: ott'II, VA -f-MARY G . MAPLES --- -- - - - • Kettering, OH 9"\'E R08ERT KOPPE~ IMQFiR C1Ater ille, OH cum laude KATHLEEN ANN CAULEY White Oak, PA NANCYE JANE MIMS - • - Xenia, OH GERARD M . LENGEN - Avon, OH Teacher Certification mogno cum loude EARNESTINE REID - - • Dayton, OH Teacher Certification SUSAN FOX CONKLIN - Vandalia, OH KEVIN GERARD SMYTH Cincinnati, OH TIMOTHY P. McGARRY Dayton, OH PAUL COWAL - - Chillum,MD GERALDINE MARRA WALLITSCH - Libertyville, IL MAUREEN ANN DOLAN Mt. Prospect, IL Teacher Certification KATHLEEN GRACE GERACI Cincinnati, OH KAREN ANN WALSH • Rocky River, OH Teacher Certification "'I LAU O(;,, cum loude COMMUNICATION ARTS MATTHEW WALTER GRANGE~ J~ - Bedford, OH CAROLYN PA TRICE '9'ILL1 i MS Mineral Ridge, OH DOUGLASS. ASHE - • - - Radnor, PA ANGELA DENISE JACKSON - Kettering, OH KATHLEEN ANN KRESS Toledo, OH cum loudeM~/1+ FRED BARBARO • - • • • Silver Springs, MD At H I IOt•v E~OEPJE JACl(&Qtl 0011011 , @H • mogno cum laude t LORRAINE WRIGHT - - - - - Dayton, OH KENNETH GUSTAV BEALL Dayton, OH LAURENCE GERARD JAHNS Twin Lakes, WI MARY ALICE LYNCH - - Toledo, OH SUSAN ELIZABETH BELL Wexford, PA summo cum loude JACQUELINE BENNER - - - Hicksville, NY RHONDA FAY JARMAN Cincinnati, OH KATHLEEN MARIE BLAKE Lakewood, OH JAMES BURNS KAPCAR Morion, OH FINE ARTS JUDITH G . BOWE - - - Wilmette, IL KAREN A. KILBANE Cleveland, OH SHEILA LYNN BROWN - - Chicago, IL JODI LYNN KRUG LE - - Harwick, PA MICHELLE MARIE COOK Cleveland, OH t KIMBERLY ELAINE HOCKS Cincinnati, OH LISA DIANE BURDEN Dayton, OH STEPHEN H. KYLER Cincinnati, OH NANCY J. GRIGSBY -- Dayton, OH ELIZABETH ANN SCHWARTZ - - Selden, NY ANNETTE PATRICIA BYRDSONG Brooklyn, NY JOHN G. LAURENCE Ill Rockville Center, NY TIMOTHY RAYMOND CABREY Bryn Mowr, PA MICHAEL SCOTT LeFEVRE Dayton, OH SUSAN CLARK - - • - - -- - - Akron, OH MARY ELIZABETH LOPEZ - Dayton, OH KIMBERLY ANN CULBERTSON Dayton, OH cum loude HISTORY STEPHEN THOMAS CUNNION King of Prussia, PA DAVID MICHAEL LUCZAK Pittsburgh, PA WILLIAM JOHN ALEXANDER BOWMAN FRANCIS XAVIER LOTHSCHUETZ 111 PATRICIA MARIE DAVIS - • Dayton, OH JULIE ANN McKAIG • • - Perrysburg, OH - Indianapolis, IN SHEILA ELIZABETH deSIMONE King of Prussia, PA TIMOTHY JOSEPH MALONE Springfield, OH • · · · • • • - - • • • - • • -- Mcleon, VA GARY JOSEPH BRUNE Bedford, TX CHRISTOPHER McGOWAN SHEILS Elizabeth, NJ DANIEL ALAN DeVOE --- - - Kettering, OH KEVIN M. MARTIN Cincinnati, OH cum laude JOHN F. DOLAN N. Massapequa, NY CHARLES J. MASCOLA New Hoven, CT MICHAEL J. SKONEY N. Tonawanda, NY ANNE PATRICIA HAFFEY Baldwin, NY cum loude ffltA~K ~htEft56t~ BOl:JOI IERT'f B07loi1, 01 1 JAMES D. MIGLIORE Kenmore, NY JOSEPH T. LOCKHART, JR . Hazlet, NJ KAREN JEAN DRAPER - • Dayton, OH MARY CATHERINE MILLIGAN Cleveland, OH f'cLOYSIUS J. STERN Dayton, OH KA THERINE MARY DURAND Arlington Heights, IL DAVID A. MRVOS -- -- - - Bridgeville, PA ROBERT B. EARNHART - - Highland, IL KATHARINE ANN NEUBAUER Dayton, OH ITALIAN KEVIN MICHAEL EBRIGHT Greenfield, OH CA THERINE ANN O' FRIEL - • Pittsburgh, PA MARGARET LYNN FIELDS White Plains, NY LEA-ANN ELIZABETH O' HARE - Richmond Hill, NY NADIA ANNETTE STOLFO Dayton, OH GARYD. FOX - - - • • Clairton, PA GERALD WINSTON O'TOOLE Succosunno, NJ cum laude JAMES R. PEROT A, JR . • • Wontogh, NY ELENA FRANCES GATTI Germantown, MD TIMOTHY L.
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