General of ,severely. to the command or tbe Fourth division, with kta head, T. 0. Rbett, and otben in (be rebel service,and Professor Havieton ivuj Pabc ck to wilt on (be B«ud of Aldsrmet:- Brigadier Wood, MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS. an.i inform tb 'n rtiul the Board was about to THE GREAT BATTLE. Brigadier General Van Cleve, of Minnesota. quartern at Odumbia, and row that place be advanced upon Ooppee, of Georgia, now In . On Iho 1st of tins >IU < a»sa:«i. Of Onto. tbe rebel ZolHcoRrr with great aucceas. Be afterward* July, IMS. be tubrcvetted . second lieutenant of tbn t'oaucihueu Junes, Oi too and Webtier were appointed lurt mt iUtnuM. * »u thu I Imtiaar l Colonel Fifth pushed hi* command through Tennessee and parlk-tpeled Corps of Topographical Rnginaeo. an o'terwarde served to ait Mayor for the some purpose. The coamit manavD not nasi Berry, . tee returned in a fow minutes with i ho that la the battle of Hhlloh. On thehMh oT he wee In Mexico, were be dlntlnguinbed hlmaelf in (lie halllo «f uw nmriNo or the board or ai.dermk.n or inrormaMoa Major Sleiumcr. 8txlee*tb regulars. April, 1993, 1H62. TAI.KDK TORY.THE the Mayor ha no further < yniiinnlc ilnxia K> send to the my 1 loss must have b«ea more Nnrt Bui Palo Alto. Ou tbe 30th of Novcuiiu r. bo was trans FRKaiD.KNT BENNY'S among MMor Kiug. Fifteenth regulars, and many others. appointed a major general of volunteers, and when Ceo. ibid, rORT OANBEVOOKT FKOrBKTY PURCHASED. Hoard ihe committee appointed to wait on tlio Board of our Imm we Bourn sarb nobln souta no Gene¬ I.lei tenant Culoucl One Hundred and First Ohio, badly Buell reorganised hM areay of the Ohio at Inulaville early ferred to the 8eound dragoons, nun on Mm 2d of Bseam- Aldermen reported thai U tbyy hud any fortbar oooirauni- General This [hard held IU last meeting yesterday.Preeidsut C it IU to n al,a the) -lio.i k,, aeiit iu in a few minutes. ral Sill August Wiilicb, Colonel Gareecbe, Carl In'Ociobur, he was appointed second In command bcr.three days after.received bis full own lasIon t Colonel in, Thirty-eighth llltnoia, commanding 1803, Henry, Esq , in the chair, AldWUWU Hat. Boouc and 1'hi.vk thea entered Mte CWouel Miner Mllllken, Firal Ohio cavalry; Colonel Haw oT second Heutanaul. He «aa next appointed adjutant of +>hnT. ini'iiuod the brigade « tbooeforces. When Oenarai Bosecrana recently organ, f The Mayor'¦ veto of tho resolution to purchaso the I'bninber, aud President that their Hoard tons, Thirteenth Ohio, Colonel McKee, Third Kentucky; tied bte be Ceneral Thomas tbe of the tbe squadron, and was Brevet ted Itrsl lieuten- had adhMIW't sole "t three o'clock. Capuia Oscar F. Mark, Acting Inapeeler Genera) 4 troops gave charge OaDeevoort property was taken and on uiotinn of tb i.kcd Cetoeel Forman, Firiaeoth Kentucky; Colonel Kli| and ant for gallant and mrrltorlotie conduct in tbe up, Presideu' 1'i.vkmy them for their courtesy in. Thomas' staff, severely. centre of tbe grand army, bravely has that part or Alderman Boole the Board concurred with tho Board of delaying tho adjournment for one hmir, nud anuouooed and Lieiitennut Oolouel Shepherd, Eighteenth of Bnena Vista. Tbe brevet was awurded In June* u\ or regn Captain I>ousia>s, Klgbteenth regulars. tbe forces done their work at this battle of Murfreoeboro- battle (Tmncilm«n Id adopting the resolution, notwithsaM'liug t tin' tjard no 11'1 uded would adjourn in a few lore, M^|or Carpenter, Teulh regulars, Captalu Edgortou, 1848 and horo date from February 23, 1847. Ou tho 23d veto j*lni>tea. The Twenty first, rwenlv-fiflb and Thirty-fifth lllinot" the of tho Mayor. u First Ohio and two Bhttch Thomas Crittenden I. i 'in.ii.-i lb "i offered resolution that tt.e battery, his lieutenants and many of General I*. . of September, 1840. be was appointed regimental adju Aid rman Hi' «uid the chartor provided liiat no ivinor regimnnts lost iwo-ibiros of their numbers, andtheFtf- i'm other bo Mimas m 'die Houid be gt> n to Charles £ Pincknsy, mere No other generals wore hurl. Major General Ibomaa L. Crittenden la a native of Ken. tant.aod in June, waa to a Irst lieu" from Board should acted on th<> nam,1 day lor teentb and Thirty-eighth ll'tnnle one-half. 1881, promoted unless by ouanimous oonsent,and he objected to action '.'eq.. the retiring Preside:.I of the Board, hWitnilorm, Among our wounded are General Kirk, General Van The tacky, and son of the noted loyal K-eulucklau, Bon. John teuantcy. In December, 1862, be was appointed aid de. beina taken. refitiev.uily and eourte .us' earine during the past year, One Hundred and First Obki loal 126 men. and for Itio eltlcteWM wilU wlii li h h id tin* Cloee t*o reported) Oolonel Moody,Seveaty-fourlb Ohio- The J Crittenden. Hie brother is tbe noted rebel general who ramp to Brigadier General Harney, then In tbe wikle of Alderman Fsour.Tr said It woa the duty of the Common discharged. Thirty-eiKlitb Indiana lost about lbs same number. Council to ascertain whether the d d not duties of bis position during tb"t time. who established a splendid reputation. Colonel arrsbr was In command at Mill Springs.via Major General the West. On the 3d of he waa to property actually . * The total number of killed and wounded Is estimated at March, 1885, promoted b'Ion.'10 the Ho It di l, and |>< the 'UU' in .li m in ace mil tb" resolution, said ho Nlnelv ninth was a a oily. thought Imped ho tiio Oluo; King, Fifteenth regulars Ma;ors a,too. George B. Crittenden. He lieutenant colonel of n captaiucy of Uie First (now Fourth) regular cavalry, membere'of tuo Board would conalder that before giving did with luuliugs of greal m-perl for gmui*mun. Htcker. to who wet ah iut to retire from tiio board. Tbero vrn» Mel, Bleinmer, Deveolh regulars; Caplalna Bell, The rebel leea*eic«eda ours. Kentucky regiment In the Meiicnn war, wan aid Geo with command of Company C. In I860 be stood fourth their votes. last that Alderman Genet said the title to the war not something very unpleas at iu tlic iboy Wise, Barry, McDonnell, Power and Terli, and I.ieuicnajl oral Taylor at the battle of Buena Vista, and gavo the oo tbe liueal roll of captains, and at tbe propi rty w-ro tibmit to licloro se. he General J. K. Raiu* was killed. cavalry beginning vested in >he ctljft If It had been, the city would have separate; but, doiug McAllister, Ftlleentb regulars; Major Towuseo, Eighteenth General celebrated reply to Santa Anna whan that ohleftalu de¬ of 1861, by tbapromotion of Earl Van Dorn to a majority, apt taken session of It. desli ed to bi'ar hit icstiniouy to the officiant and gentle* Cheatham was wounded and taken prInoner. long po mail or in the President had dls regulars; Captain Fourth regulars, Cavalry Lien manded n surrender." General Taylor never surren¬ be stood third on tbe same roll. Treason soon file motion to udopt the reaolutinn was carried by .a ronuly which ridirtny We have captured 600 iwteuuera. produced charged '.lie- duties of the p. Mlon, aud would : b:u u.-euros tenant Mc< >ellau Miller and Foster, Twenty seventh Ohio ders." Colonel Crittenden wan consul at Liverpool vacancies In tbe service, and on tbe lfllb of 1801 vote of 13 to 3.Fromeut, Jereuiiahand Hull voting In tho The fight wis renewed nt three o'clock on the morning March, negative. him that. in lie. retirement, he eurricd tViih him the well When the bam# cloned the enemy occupied the ground of Janiury I. ander Taylor and Fillmore ; was elected general be was promoted to a majority of bla regiment, aud oo Alderman Boole moved to reconsider tho vol", which Wisbeu of all the metiibors for his happiness mid pros- which was Ours in the morning, end me advantage waa of the Kcntuckv State awl ta now tbo Dtb of to tbe lleutennnt of the Alderman Hoot* said be wanted to know parity und 'hunch tin y were nlitu: to snn r ito in an Cannonading was heard at Nashville at ten o'clock Goard, May, 1861, oolouolcy wasad'pted. TdllcieI ...»...i t_v it wouid not effect the aiit social* theirs. Their in ua waa loou> us off from of whether Alderman Hull was (toin* pi make any ohiertlor.i ploa. object attack mg A M. anpointed tbe chief military commandant same-the name, In tbe meantime, belug changed to the fdstiuuH «im h tt presen' existed h#tv.eon them. old to tho action of the Hoard In adopting thn resolution; NasltvtHe Tliev played iheir giwue If IIcCook's the State. Wh'u tbe rebels took up arms In Kentucky, Fourth ceralry. On the 12th of November, 1861. be for 11 no, the Hoard would to had"-' us( tuelvo I'oun nan J.-f.-V bo had Mover foil IhO vn ntof Wood's and Van Clove's divisions were in Murfreee- adjourn -1 s bo oo that i-hni to . ferce bad held more firmly agonst Hardee's e-rpa aud Gen. T. L. CrllUnden was empowered to tnke command, was further promoted to tbe colonelcy of the o'clock t -mo row, and tlu-n lake ar.llou on tlie resolution. language much did .pros* bore, driving the enemy, who were In fall retrent. Alderman Hall said hla would haee ns much iu a suitable mstiuor hit onlnien of the goutlcmivn w hi> Cheat ham's dletsion, Ibo plan of battle would hare suo and at the head of the Hums Guard started for Mul- Second cavalry, Second |l0 having on nbtsntinfls was iibout io roli.'e the The following rebel commissioned officers have been formerly dragoon*. force lh' n a« n would be uu on from position of jir iditn.' aeeded. i, Hill, and checked the advance of lbs tbe lltb of (be October been a w,'or Sunday illegal day elite i- of lie in i', lin dc.' ii .il to say tin, capiurod ~M:i.ior J. J. Franklin, Iblrtletb Arkansas draugh's effectively previous api"doled brign. whicn to trans u t business. 'uitainly At dark thsy had a heavy force on our right, leading to (rebels on Louisville. He has hseo actively in dior of volunteers. In tbe first advance of the .Alderman Rooiji then m wed to nd the sil.tabi® 11.inner MMBOlbmir wbiOh should Itr n ji the Captain W E. Second J. P' engaged gcuoral i>t resolution, im'iud for the i lo Their Johnson, Arkansas; Captain a and It u na a vote of 13 to 3. a uc.'oro. feelings vtiring presiding uuUsair, Um belief that tbcr intended pursuit. the field under General Ruell, and under his command at of the General Wood had charge of brigade adapted by . cavalry, Engle. Second Arkansas, and 8. C. First Army Ohio, A resolution tbc Coui -el to ami on i.i iy 1 hi saying tleittu It* r«u|reir<"il he vO 'dii waa t Captain Stone, head 01 a in Instructing CVhporrtiou pro oi vv mn "e» meantime, oacessircly onliieeome, cutting deeply the division, marched through Tennessee, and winch, January, 1802, built a military road from Frank, ceed against the sixth and all other rnilr"hd com¬ hoar ith'blid tlio best f eliu: the i-»l, ralv Tennessee cavalrv. avenue, lite at, hi t tor his t llio roso .late our traina behind us, mid we hail not cavalry enough partieinnted in the battle of Shilob. His commission of fort to 8omorset, Kentucky. He took part In tbo various panies running curt without a Heei'ise. xv.-ih c nnur'nd t. t'Ha' a*so I'lcropOd :l;. to Many butidings.have been taken in Nashville for bcspitA' Alderman Boon then gnnveri that the t'ko ft ail on Wis dli.tiiiuh> wiy ndimtud ou ayo., igMd. protect ourselves. brigadier geoc'al dated from September 27,1801, and be movements of bis division, and advanced through Ten¬ BoarR n of ic-oh. purpeso*. recess until pne o.'cloo.k r« which wus Cotme'hn.m li."). inovi d tb»t a copy, the The F «irlb regulars made ono splendid dash at them, received his appointment o." general about the mld- nessee to Where ha too bravely. . half-pi#t M., 'iou I eurr. .'d and l» Mr. PlBCi.»'.>'. Great uumbere of the wounded are now being ^ajur I'lttaburg Landing, fougbt adopisd. jlub'j presented capturing slaty seven aud releasing tbreo hundred prison¬ die of 1892. TV hen General Euell advanced upon General Id tbe reorganisation of the Army of tbe Ohio unrtor After tho recess. Aldermen Hall, and Froar w «ro brought In. a 'ouuoilwaa t» -rv t Fesoletiod that tiio hunks ers they had taken from us, recapturing five hundred Bragg, General Crittenden bad charge of tbe left wing uf General tbe end of September, 1802, Goners' .ppoii ted committee to wait on tho Hoard or Council- The river Is falling, and there are now only eighteen men aid Inf rtn them the Hoard were to nd.Vmrn. :f '.ho Bo'i.'i 1"' itili'liod to tsc.: II. Awu uy nod Mi a1'- prisoners oi the enemy. the Army of the Ohio, which position he nlao held Wood was in command of tbe Sixth division ready rceliirj., t! .> .lerldiof it; . Board, h r lle-.r oilier adtl inches on tbo shoals. placed The commit tee, on thotr nturu, reported tluit tho ncy The entire line has suffbred terribly, and the loss on In the fourteen., nrmy mrpr in its general advance under General Crittenden, corps commander, wblol) com¬ Board orOouncHmen requested them to remain in scs.-;iun : urie in a ihargiug tlio the Ho.-, .1. 2 year. 'K»/ liopo srmy, comprising four regi bearing n strong rcscmblasc'e to bis father's. He is mild, wear tbo twin stars of a full Major General, iu wbich ca¬ Alderinnn llnotK muted to take from the t-bie the roso- T!.b y X ' ..Jliiulaai m.v ;.u>d. Bents of regular infantry (lucludlng the Eighteenth THE FOURTH DATS ENGAGEMENT. mannered, gentlemanly, and knows everybody; has a cor¬ be haa so been acting. Intl ns giving the control of tno central ! .irk to the vir. I'lYCKNI V ;IP! Prcphiyiil, tin: r ISO .'C lilt fare* pacity long n ll iult'i .> siml th."t.ut'ho ¦riiu.inti.);. of iitB ".h- !») regulars two thousand two hundred and two dial shake of the hand and a word for all.In Stn et Commissioner. strong), pleasant The been taken Hihu.h ti'.rso, whe li iu ;t few tnbUIOhU v; pit osp r.', bo flushed lost all of their field or a true an Sketch of Gen. Kirk. paper having up. tldarmuli batteries, officers, two-thirds their fact, Kentucky gentleman. As be Is moved lu refer It to the Committee on Finance. Me ,mid to cxprcs b't thinks to ibo lucnihoif of t'.o Boaid ftir line officers aud bulf of the enlietod men killed and without pretensions, exceedingly popular with bis officers Brigadier General Edward N. Kirk, reported wounded, th-Neecial committee had thought It better to dhuoieof the un m a rlc y a ith ivliinh they had ;. wuyfi li eatod with of iho on woundod. and is a not a an 'a a native of Obto, and about thirty-live years of ago the paper In this innuuer as they could unt make tho re hint. jr.iffvriUtf tlio mij'iitl tncutbiri Repulse of the Left of men; good, great, soldier, and 1 think many ho was afrnul b:< in"', often biitsttli The Anderson Wing At tbo outbreak of the rohelllon be was residing In quirlto investigations Into the conduct of ihu Commm Mabjcots. lecllne-: Troop (a Philadelphia regiment), of Col. honest, true hearted patriot. sharers before tho Board adjourned. Ho sa; i ho wi hon Ids (ui' :mcnt as ilio pre.'i'.iing ofllcnr, but ho had alxaya Wy.ikoop'a light c.tvalry brigade, also enficred Sterling. Whiteside county, Illinois, and was nyiiolnted lo have. j( undent! od that thuro tvas no deal io on tho carues'iy tried to avoid that ihiugor, aud for any uhorV severely. Rosecrans' Army. part cenvuya in that respect he believed tlioy would Kindly Majors Roscug.irteu and Ward were both killed during a Sketch off General Sill. colonel of the Thirty-fourth rogimout of Uliuols volun¬ ofif thniho Common Council WobtainW» Obtoll) possessionpusaosston ot& the I'arlc,I'arlc; [ u- liold bii.i . i.iiaod. Ho hojicd would permit him ». charre. The Genera] Joshua W. who wan killed at Mar. teer hotter known as tbn Rock River the yo» put # ^ tho .Ttraragn n ! ibuy cavalry behaved and manueuvered under fire Brig Sill, infsnlry, regimen^ r.b'ee.t^'mniytnoc j'cJ'H_i,'.' dne. re tl. ui! i.'r 11:re'olutlon th iyh .d adopt¬ wftb was a of the .Apvo3ii«rsTbf niinajhin;SkC lie ever |ho steadiness of veteran regular drngoons, and frecsboro, native Ohio, nnd entered which was raised at ."prlngflcld, anu entered the sor- Alderman Faeley iiooio would move to ed,arid would tr. .a.aarb .hcm nr. the i.i :;t plsnv up hoped aMcTuiru mi of bin. official career. of our eucooss is due to this. Military Academy of Best Point as n cadet, hi 1H49- viee in Scptembor. 1861, nine hundred strong. cnmnilllec from tho furtlior con- meutoes After a paSs'ibf trlVi'-'." much Murfieesboro Not nearly dbc'iargsiho special «o the irlcndly feclii)"!»wblch lind alwnys existed i.ot WU General was Occupied He on tbe 301b of 1858, standing Colonel Hirk's bore date Aucrust .iderntiop of tho aub.'ect, and tbeu bava a suillcicnt appro Rousseau wounded nt the head of bis graduated June, commission 15^ 18^ to the on the ll!n"»lf '.lid tho IKClhahreof iuoBoard personally.hoo-ud, names of prtaMon passed pa* workir.oti employed splendid division, after two and No. 3 in his class, in which we find tbe The regiment, with others, wore organized Into the some was ou till; Ut liO not add that tbe j'utilic lnt.iroxtB li..d tlw .ys making bayonet chsrgos by Onr Troops. I arl(. to whom 4150,000 ;ng been nt att. for Generals McPhcrson, Scbofield, Robinson, R. 0. J'tfib of ihe or and under tbo Alderman Boout said that vlien the Board had or- paramo'. objects of their Joint atlou during lUc ¦ghliug noarly five hours. Tyler, brigade Army Ohio, placed party* r, and that during tils terra tbe taxed had be > General Sheridan and Colonel ifweiizcr and of Kirk. Tbe was attached to ga ilrsd he would offer a rosci' ti a to appmi rlttis a suit!- Stanley is seriously wounded in the log. Terrill, Plummer, cbargo Colonel brigade to off the considerably re luocd.a result, In his opiuioo, attuli iU- others in (ho clout a im |iav day laborer,'. hie to tbe clove ait to .sneral Palmer Is dsngerously wounded. Army, and TV. R. Hoggs, of General McCook's division, and fougbt at Shiloh, and Ths motion to refer to the Cominh'.eo oi: F'n a to was >ution paid tl, ir dutiec by the re.Kio* Georgia, and others in the rebel service. On tbo 1st with ber».if t'l i Jbatrd. After ng cn tbaukiilff the Vtfetri'L' TS General K'lecrans directed the gigantic field operations Additional Names of the Killed of touk part in tbe siege o." Corinth. It then returnod adopt d. r. ihc'r cour«OR*. h* re-".n'"i bis si>h». with tho Board C r "*.**. «J - t of th« day in person, and General Johuotou direct¬ July, 1853, ha was hrcretted a second lieutenant of General Buell lennessee to and Iho Beard concurred of ,;.',itllb)0n id ij' ¦Cfi;" | <* Joseph through Kentucky, W,000 to procuru perlraiUi of (Jea.'rel Mo- lui bfctiui CuiuptlL. :blJiy iv; 'lutioiis to liie mei.iUera of and was Assistant Professor of appropriating - ed the movements of the enemy in person. and Wound ordnance, appointed Acting fi rmed nnrt of General Johnston's division In mo pur¬ H. C'urlt ar I Edwin the pi were then oliorud, ami. ufl- r buiug itpi upriate. ed, of that Cellan, Thomas Jefferson, Myron u. About ono o'clock Geucral Thomas throw his entiro Kthics, Ac., at the West Point Military Academy in 18M- suit Bragg. When General Rosecrans reorganized Vm\ an. . ly seconded by Councilmcn uirae; and atevcotopj tbey the subject of our sketch, who had been were eery* d'tirmr- a,; liuet Ihn centre of tho &«., Ac.. Ac. On the 1st of July. 18S8, he was promoted U> a flrst lieu army, appointed Voles of tb'tiks to rresldcnt Henry. the Clerk. \fr. Va¬ unanimously adopted. onomy's forces, a brigadier general, was placed in full command of the and bis tlwreporters and the road- Councilman Hoc.tx then ra >vcd tlial the Board rnijonrp and breaking il, drove it buck oyer a milo In tenancy of ordnance, and on the 25th of.Ianaary, 1891, he Fifth In tbo Second division, under General lentine, subordinates, »»)* dir. which wan and tiio great con. brigade, er, Mr. Iiehman, were unanimously adept'd. * .-nrried, Prcddent tberc'JLMtb- fusion Rchvls, killed and in resigned his commission in tho regular army. Rut when Johnston, and in the right wing, under General McOtok. then addressed the Hoar ut declared '.be B urd odiouruod u itluiui date. wounded, lay heaps upon Locisvili.s, Ky., Jan. 8' IMS. In that be at Murfreeeboro, and there The President follows:. lht< General Kosecrans then ordered an the call for three years volunteers was issued, the sub¬ capacity fougbt Gektlemex or TUT Roard os ALLKitV5X:.Tha official .rnund. advance communication Is restored between here met with his wound.the other two brigade commanders Commerce off tlte Port off New York. of tha entire line ol his In of Gen. Telegraphic ject of our sketch could not remain Idle, and therefore of the division been killed. relationship existing between us is about to terminate; army support Thomas bavlng with the expiration of the pre-out official year ends my To Mr. Andrew W. Trotter, tho boarding ntflr.erat tiio' sod we stain the at dots and Naabville. organized at Portsmouth. Ohio, the Thirty-third regiment engaged enemy quarters, for lbs nooupancy of the exalted position to which your kind pre¬ United States Revenue uo of Ohio of which he was made tbe Ikslch of Genvrnl'Van Clove. Barge Office, Whitehall, art' drst lime in the history of the rebellion. It Is reported that General Bragg was killed to-day. Volunteers, colonel, ferences elevated me at Its commencement, aud before indebted for the Crubti with a commission dated 29, 1891. The Brigadier General Horatio P. Van our separation. permit mo to return yon my thinks for following complete tabic of arrival/; General NegleyV division, with Its excellent artillery Tberetbaa been fighting all day, but no particulars are July regiment Clave, reported tbe 18C.2:. served In Tennessee and nndor Gonerals Sher¬ Is a native of New and over .be many acta ofonurtesyand kindness extended towards foreign ports during year eeused greet destruction emoag the rebels on the left or Kentucky, wounded, Jersey, fifty yearn mo, and the aid and encouragement I have, under ail cir¬ War Hteumers 27 given. man, Anderson and and times has tbe namo of and was from his native a Brigs I ftdff the 0111ro, and Gen. Crittenden, with hie eorpt d'arww, Buell, many age, appointed Bute eadet to cumstances. received from yuu in my r.ffurta to discharge, War vessels 2 Galilots jt Our forces are and the or delicate and Horn, us tho left wing of our army,gained the enemy'a advaocin, rebels are falling of its gallant commander been berore the public, until the tho West Point Military Academy In 1827. Ho graduated without prepidlee nartlality, (he respon¬ fit.ismcrB 2ffti Scliouuera .1 "ffff about the middle of last on the 30th of in tba aame sible duties incident 10 the poeltlou of presiding officer of Ships I ,uii2 latrvnoliiiieiits, and drove the rebels through the town. heck acroen Stone's river. government, year, appointed blm June, 1881, olnea with Generals the highest branch of the levlxlutivo department of the isarge t a full brigadier and he was In Am Van Harks 1,295 Tho lt«s on either side has been very heavy. We have The following offlcere ere wonnded slightly:. general, placed charge of (jurtls, McKean, Emory, men, Rennael- goveruinent of this municipality. Thn unanimity that Barken iuos 15 Total tbe Ninth of tbo Army of the Ohio. He had often loar and others In tbo Untied States service. On tbo let characterized your action tti the of a resolution so 6^^ teken noarly three thousand prisoners, and our loss Is nut brigade passage Of ibe war dteomors tbero were. Colonel Miller. acted as In of that while or he waa to a brevet aacond very flattering and complimentary to myself, loath: mo to near so licavv as that of the rebcla. brigadier general charge brigade July, 1881, promoted lieu¬ that i bavo those British 4 Colonel of the Fortieth Indiana. In and at In tbe Fifth bis bope satisfactorily performed duties. Suedlsb I We are following the enemy up, and will drive him Into Black, Kentucky, Topnrsseo Pittsburg landing. When tenancy infantry, reo-dvlng full commls* He assured, pcntlemca, that Buch was my intention, and French18 War vttjch.1 rci.rdi.... 1 we We I.teutenant Colonel Neff. General Buell, at the end of September, reorgan. mission on Recember'31, 1834. .He resigned the Culled If 1 have erreil, 1 beg of you to regard sui b errors In tho 1 Hnyticn Alabama nefore give him any rcet. have takes most Bpantiti... } ized tbe Army of tbe Ohio, General S1U was States service on the lltb of September, 1830, and charitable light.rather AS ths result of¬ Norwegian _ 1 ever Buy gucs and Sevan stands of Bta'.o colors. Celonel Hull. nance than as a desire or intention toe mmit a 2 in command or tbe Second tbe a wrong. Spanish Total2n President. In the chair. . ,¦ Ohio, and two other tended with much care, and the Intellect of the youth v r '. »... ".trF . end Thirty-drat raglmeXs. Sketch wf Celeatl Oareacke. Jwr-Tr. 15 70 S3 2 110 The minutes of . In on but {?»»/ were «hoV Twenty, thtu developed itself with astonishing rapidity. After the ths last mealing were read aod ap Portuguoa# : 1 10 2 14. Wednesday's battle,being guard, troln| a^e Imm$diuel7 killed, « wsgon . Lieutenant Colonel Julius F. flaresche, who met with usual school Instruction Johnston was proved. Ibiaalan 1 4 - r np ^ e are young adopted by 3 4 « 10 ; 30 Thnrwl.v^^ his dsatb In no sudden and fearful a manner while doing United and waa In the The Orel peper of Importance acted or. was the veto Spanish as numerous an TO«y dM the States, brought up Military Sxreduli . 1 0 c 11 27 , fciirtodrnilyu wn. Blemmer and who war* being hie duty on the field of battle at Morfreeeboro, was shoo1 of the the ^Ths "'Major Captain King, at West at our and under our Mayor against purchase by u*> or Vtnctifltan . . " not n -e as much artillery. Generals Joe Jobnsl&u ami Academy Point, cost, flag. city 1 1 woundod from the battle field in a* am- forty years of age and a native of Cub^ but was ap- On West Point he was to the the Fort Gansevoort property. v. ere in command. Prisoners My they lost largely. conveyed away leaving appointed Fourth Bragg po intcd a cadet to the Military Academy at West Point in till Councilman fllai.Y moved It he take,) Tvui i sM.iMslisra ima i .r» >.4 tlnrsral UcCoofe was brave to a fault, sad self-possessed. balance, were captured by the rebel*, token four mile* artillery, and served that capacity 1830, when he ttp. Oouncllmtn Lnrr Total tritaber of . arrivrd above vo :«ia from the State of Delaware in the year 1887. He gradu. became first lieutenant and alststant or sub- opposed the mntkm; hot by a vote or .sociifers by He narrowly escaped death many times. and then and thrown out on the road. commissary IS In Um affirmative, the Board decided to take it from Ttiera war* tii-MKra (rum away paroled ated on the 30th of June, 1841, standing No. 16 in a class desirable henvas W4,t>)7. Tarty Aapiawall, wltk The rebel* are eur wagon trnln oo the Hur- slstence.a very berth. In 1838 appointed the table 7.421 1 alUorn.* not moluiicd In tlm abOTC. destroying General Willlch ie not killed, but I* wounded and a of fifty-two members, among whom we find the nameR Councilman Unrr then Mi l that he had a to pMMagc*a, .ret lieutenant of Topographical Engineers, and served In protect pro- lu iSdni v-. frevsborn pike. ef Generals H.G.Wright, Whipple, Howe, Lyon,Love, aentagainsl die adoption of the resolution (mm C. v. 8. hcra arrivad Iron To c.g.« porta, 4,451 -.»»., prieoner. that capacity through the Florida war, obtaining for bis a ell xr.'li V;8,027 1 ia*.ct!k. Brannan, 8. Totten, J. T. Roosevelt, tavpnylng ren, who considered himself In l«'il i'» 1!«. Pan LI I'.rt.n Nn*. Moemswnoso. Jan 3.P. M. Genoral Roeceran* took command Plummer, Hamilton, Reynolds, services the brevsl of captsiu. In 184# he became full In tba end before a v-ta was taken he 4,120,xv HO Yesterday personally Brook* and others ef the I'nton aggrieved matter, Id 1x02 xt Itit <;oi Our army bivouacked on the seme ground last night Buell, Bully, Richardson, captain, end nerved first with the Engineers, and nex' thought the protect should cartalnl.v be read by the clerk. 5,417, of the Fourth United State* cavalry, and attacked General S. 6. and others in Councilman Houax Bald as e of the Thdre also arrival from iomaatic imrta 1 ,~4 »l »«. ra as that occupied by our forces on the night of the 31st army; Anderson,'San!. -Tones, Gornstt, with a regiment of voHiguera throughout the Mexican that, point orJ:r, rebel who were cut to and the rebel On the l*t of be wa* paper waa already tabled. aitmio Wheeler'* cavalry, piece* eervldo. -Inly, 1841, pro¬ war, receiving two brevet*for distinguished conduct. At Councilman Hrrvimaov said the proteet rhoold have Arrival! and UvparluiM tome In lbs battle of moted to the second of the Fourth .hi. army gained edvautage yes- utterly routed. Iteulenaotcy artillery, the clone of the war he wee retained In the Topograph been read before the veto message was uken up. nai-AimTWKr!. a The I'amuiaKT s id tbn was now on LivaniO-ji.Slra.ship Eir.v Mr ». f». a r ...» ¦erdav, but not without terrible carpage. and on tba 18th of Juno, 1848, was further promoted to e tca^ question :Uc order 'f.irkrr, Captain black, chief of artillery, and on General Tho- Engineers, end enjoyed life ol agreeable ease In tbQ or boatneae. and decided that tbo remonairanco was >ut ami .-bll«l- V.* Kvntia .Mr tln.j Tloh't C. v: , It asnbso waa . rbc lo<« ii both aides can only dsscribed firm lleutenantcy. In November, 1836, be appointed when he was tha.irvA rrtmcli, lira h l> .i.g.a .".nil c lltl, llt-jiiti. ;<¦ >1 government service until 1880, placed at or order. - max' atoff, I* mortally woanded. an assistant with the rank of !-l. »lrr .J M D.';,r... M I., ;{ ¥ U t«tel> IruinaudoiM. adjutant general captain, the head of the Quartermaster's Department, with the Councileaen Lnnr then reed the following protest aa a ll'iiaun. Joii!. A Havlrt, jM'ra iKnul aod wll>. Ju M ,» his division all A from Colonel Anderson to here an din be was to a full of bta the of the resolu¬ ain*. In .be (ieiirral N.,*ley fought day yeaterday despatch headquarter* February, 18f>6, promoted cap¬ rank of brigadier general. The appointment was made In part argument againat passage nri-inge. nprcit- {TL'h.WiS. nod l-*t In men, but saved bis and hi* rank In the line. On thu 14th tion:. Litbu.ov: .H'"nd»"l-';>'lr«-..' K* -»r..Vim \ II r at tordidi)', very boavtly soya:. taincy relinquished June, 1880, when General Scott foresaw the trouble loom¬ Yoar petitioner protests on this, aeon former occasions, Brooklyn, Madam* twArr, liUtaia, Mm Maria of Muy. 1861, he received a bravet rank of mgjor in the the the of the known I no. rc Vn.» fell wounded. He Is set down as one of tbo nine mile* south of llurfreeaboro on the rail¬ known to the public and to your honorable Boat*, one of 1' K ., Nrw Vurn ; llnrat'i The enemy wee Heavily reinforoed from some direction rank of He was further promoted to a ty. he the ulnars of lha at Nrrark. Thu.viAa 8 I aria. wiir ,m.i i«» ehllilrcii. major. lieutenant Johnston entered at once Into the service of the so-called protest expresses community large. atown, Pa- 1. U Rtr.i:l-H>, Horwalk. Ohio; 'if. ri«i-i>>n- last n No**till*, Turn., Jan. 3, 1WI3. Respectfully, C. V. «. KO./SEVELT '. lglit colonelcy, and ordered to report to General Reaecran«> waa trr, W 11 llipnorta. BnUii f. l.aortn <"®a, Vartmiu, !.!. iril .Vij'.r Mct.'o.>k had bla boron blown to atoms by Confederate State*. When bis resignation flrtt sent Oouneilman lam moved the adoption ufRbc report. not- I'r *. an I *Tf B-iaiul. W Wll-.n an!, >»»h- Colonel McKee 1* reported killed. which ho did In November last. Hewss then appointed the veto of the £..¦;(' a eboil veetoriUy afternoon, and, although severely In to tho United Stoics government, some of the Virginia wilbatandlng Mayor. villa; Martin Kf 'u. brt..dt; Mrs Martha .M'o on, i"..1* Our loss of officer* I* chief of General Roeecrana staff, aad met hie d eath by Councilman Smvtmox characterized toe reeolnl'on ee a delphia. 11 H 1'arrv, a IHur of K'i» Orliin* Pleayi i il.a bT 'i'vd. scvjw remounted aud rods to tba front or heartrending. papers, In noticing the feet, omitted the t in bit name; ou I arkar. 8t Oalbrriita .Imors Mai T ,. biagal- a cannon ball off bis waa swindle and fraud the city, aad hoped the noxt Brand al.nry, taking bead, whila be by the ho wrote e letter e would tba matter Mr l.aarg.nkl. Unaion; i-run* hiowaiii-t 'it "O'l lai'l div.euid. The fighting to-day ho* been light. It eloaed lost whereupon asking correction, saying Jury take cp. W.l'.l-i- ah aide of bia commander. Councilman onto* mid bo two flilldrru ; Thuu.ka IlroWnlMf. 'V , Oeho.-s' , Y"ii: Hryit. hi'iltu frit loess and moral courage, exposing Major English. beleg say would afleel the vote be would apeak for a length of rnrvsr. 8 T Oavia. Man Y.ok: Jorr,Wrvnnaou. T-..« eel:'c tiuu.-ily at critical periods. He gsvo orders loess- Major Adam J. Rlemmer.of the Sixteenth regiment of command at Yorktown whoa it was besieged by General time agamet tbo adoptma of the resolution. Tliop per (i>nv'll«, wir->aoi Kr'ii1 A-iv Vurk: .roi>>r» liar .. w wo* all our own been adapted. be hoped It would not he so this year rr« The was renewed this with The first day'* fighting way, but the le a native of Montgomery county, from he was serlouslv wounded. He was, on being restored to Hmu;"*,«-> .d b.l-i, I i.k»«"; >. r« I tight tnorolng great ferocity Pennsylvania, He ebouM certainly vote no m»n, l'm T .*!¦ I \<% was a cadet to tho command of tho of l.evr KrwYvrr; JoLr lf.'I!, l>iK»; flrn r il He*, urst-f co!'- clod h.« gcallored troope and re- right wing of our army fought Itself Into a bad position. which State he appointed to the West Point health, appointed Department Ooonethnan said the parties who claimed to own rallaMuklAl Hohtl.Ba.-t.iiH k A ria»il- i F»r. .. I I- reached Tennessee late In November tool. the properly had ool snob a title aa any man of t> tainean fMIn;r-.a;..; John.'onn ti-i-fajm..*, B-irr*, -.f W; Mr Van <». . tin-in 'i»l t.urbt. Academy In September, 1846. He graduated on Mississippi,and (i-otaara:.*, unr,-,' " 8i"i,« or,.solved The third day we repulsed tho rebel* with terrible Military In thla cltv would accept, and therefore tbev o ¦*, Cuba. t aml'-r rd. f.rl»a;it. lat, J ¦' .>. . «, u v,.. the of In the name class Ho bee been eometmiee ooofounded with General Albert S odrm'y tluvo "*V>n. N«. V«.k. Mr- Man-h .!.». ourselve* but loes already Si . atii*rle H U >;«*». HHr.'rr Dura J.>1. - Ttu r- . r<-1> are as 1 write. slaughter, sustaining slight Grever and others of the Union Jobation, formerly of the Second cavalry, who received iounolltnan B«aasv called the wbau .; Sterna, *; gadee gnttiog Into lino Warren,Oarltn, army; up question, the ¦e Moras. Jnan Kr.-laml. '"i rlatoi Hrr !!¦.*», brevet title of for services In the resolution waa adopted by the following vets . I '< " t 1. .ener'.- are arriving, and flen. Roeecraue la Generals Ransom, Magruder, Winder aad others In the the brigadier general Wait , r'tin bur.-*.I, dohr alitvinla. II Affirmative.(louncllmen Dngan. Iiaruev, Hayoa, P-rirld**. Ntw^ark M " I I «*¦ ilallfm .; I h i i dn«'i.i '.-.1 i. I :roy the r<0mts at any cost. rebel service, aad was brevetied on the let of July, I860, Mexican war, end who fell at the bead of the rebel army neemocr. Ftealy, 8KETCHE8 OF THE GENERALS. at ths rout of I'lltsburg Landing. The follow log Imni tho Jooee.Grree. Rapper. Webe'sr, Miller. 11m e- Pl.Ila-lrUhis M Clar .1 «'.»»: «l"ldivva a.»d A* I.V W»u*i to liurfreesbcro sod the a second lieutenant of the First artillery, and ordered to lon.Qedney, Kaeck,aeyder, Hrice.l. rv Toial.lti Y' ri. t. 'Jol-tiaf, J Sodl i» I Waia «, 1 Hi or a, V v » neighboring special Manaesat correspondent of the Charleston Mtrcury, 4 ¥ Rohr-ta. Ual/omia. T>, i.,n.»au«U.aBd ciki is I VllhfC i ei, f 'a. aehctpiiele. Florida to bold the Seminole Indiana In check He was wTlit-n m 1881, not be of presor. Negative.councilman Kyan.lent,(rruc vm thr August. may unworthy ¦on. the Pre*idem Bnhrork, Troticr. TolAl 5. liiwitr wounded men ¦ ketch ofGeaersl O. H. Thomas. to a second while valxwi as It does e of tvea.e ssmtog msny to Nashville by promoted full lieutenancy in service, here, giving personal description A number of the other papers worn then tak"! id General Je. Johnston . :p rail Major General George H. Thorn** is an offleer of tho and waa ordered to San California, and from theoca acted on, afier whieh. on mutton of H*->%rt CHIPPItffi NLW a Diego, with General of who haa Cbuaciltniu (Mr arranyf-.enie fee the rare of the wounded are United State* Army and a native of Virginia, from which waa seat le Tort one of the most barren and unde¬ In company Walker, Georgia, the Board took a recces eoltl half peat una o'r .» Yuma, been ordered on herefrom Hart RD. cm and every effort la made te make the State he waa to Re Peosacola,and spurn being .!.>! «d, appointed the army. I* between sirable posts in the whole oouatry. He was next ordered stein,now one of hie volunteer aide, 1 made a pleasant aerie arcbps. SatBrair, f,,i. ST eu . it* a* e r-foruble aa poaslble. and and to Generals aeaalon of Srlir Vury t-nlaa, .Sh.l'*i »ll>» rthfwrt,. ual-ur rit forty forty-Ove year* of age. He entered West Point to Fort MHiltrie, < barleaton harbor, and on iba 30th of visit to some of the neighboring camps, For Ihta. the closing the Hoard. the m m.'mv bt 'I nialsoL -IB. K'..*'irlhr»irt -KBI tnr Hi be snd this Genernl Johnston, I»a. rtd d-U'b.a uity we,I pro.ul of the Anderson Ca a* a cadet lu IMC, ana wo* appointed a second lieutenant was to a first After Johnston Hesurogard. nmrning. were rasher dilatory In coming together. The rorola Hr sc'ir Oriun, M Inus*. < l.aiinit. luwn, f. h. 1., I," u*»a April, 1864, promoted lieutenancy. haa neur the Junction, about a mite oat* lu Trn.-a .'< Hruilh Tbo m m and officer* have covered themselves m tb* Third in wo* a headquarters beyond tkui to the sum of (!.¦ salty. artillery Joly, 1*40. He Prevetled being there a abort lime he wa* Invited by Mr. Bacbe, lleiorrvgard, In a comfortable and prettily situated tarm appropriate to flnroaa BAILED. wit. cWy. first lieutenant for gallantry end good ootidOct in the war Superintendent of the Coast Survey, to mter that bense. He Is sbuit years of age III* hair, CatboHcOrpban Asylum being under cnua er 6,1*41. Be was made a full »ipone first lieutenant in Before he received confirmation of hi* aprlnt- rl VI.* a r» «tnj aehw.nrr II W Jo osnu, Capl !>rr>, kiM! A I .i '.¦#» hit meritorious and and cordial In his man¬ fuller att«'tnl»f(oe of the member* asrr *ti laai .V ih I ro al-a-n and Tti- u««n very heavy. conduct In the several ctmaicta at as a teacher at that and he waa cut nmeUche Imperial,easy |»ee j< im,.i *1.,^" |««., n Monterey bis service* Institution, one the irnvt attractive 'leaders 1 havs The Boaid adopted a rewdntkn of A* c rn 1. .. -.atiataac" *f Ibr Cam .l.mla, a«ho- r at I u.l.ED. in Monro, taking that rank from September ner, he I* of met, donating ktaamsbip l.'ap On I. **, 1*49. He' an acting aamalant pmfaaaor of eUiica i*d sod is ee'rutaled. I should think, to make an tb>- sum of fl 000 to the i idles' C: '&.: ,»l 1.» Tat a. tilut hr'./; Klaa*. atrlaaii .>n int h i. m IMS# el fill. elhi appointed acceptable ietj. dlat ,n. flrlab'lie,- was brevetled majer for gallant and meritorious con¬ to 1868. At the oid of ihl* niui as well a* able c unmander lor our volun¬ A cnmaiuct from I lie .loard (4 ¦' deriee.. r.-cei liuf '»¦ H'l.iO. t ll'igrr H aiktra -.(i-iia.-i «. lonel Gareeohe, Chief of Uenertl Ross" mathematics from 1866 popular Li duct In the battle of Buena Vista, which brevet was dated teers. Aldermen lam)''. Truer .1!mJ Hull .ng anno ead, Stated tua« be wss again ordered to Fort Moultrie, tnd tube*, tbnl their hoard lhu and lubeee. I erii»' sl.f February £3,1447, the rack awarded in having cached df their MIACCLMABOVI. being May, 1*4H quently transferred to tbe t-eneaonia station, with com. Mketch 0f Geasral Cheatham. they were nb rnt to ady ,ro or iiie. Itnv ilior Oencral Willlch.of Indian* - In ISMIbe waa appointed the instructor of »ud Fort* dn mottoh Hf M |Wr .nil. Lab- la .V. -i.l. >r cavalry Military Academy West Point |D At of lb* rebellion H"hlns#n > all bli.Aa if priiiili.ii sm a Iv tienerul. Barranca* and M-Rae the outbreak reported killed, is a native of eotrtly, Tenn to h session for ai ds-f them seast «,i«iO. rl.r>p tiu> H. (V n.'i", Acting BrtgeJier December, 1>.V|, be was nude a full or keep Iwnr, bMegatill u» own >1 a* j last lira, it M- prr I.UOI " I. -I captain artlllerv, be held bte at lb# but, aa a of the Southern nffl sent in 'or 1 oacui rence ' I'aprr .i ' of tbe Fifteenth Kent-; he.i-lquartera barrack*, adopting end tree looked epon good type pipers lobe tlfor bflfurr til® rtao. 1Mb KV, Crntr* aad K-kdrnr.. Dwa aimer, ky regiment. and on the 12th of May, IMA. wm appointed m* or 0 :m of the the *am<- tartlca a* General Anderson, and see ngdanger get. He loved U Is said, as well as w hiskey.a A reaolution (o Jna.ilr of f'.' .>>)0 to the FufMf Oil ,vi .t'-ate, of the Twenty-fourth Ob. regi.arnt. Second On the of bis fighting, for the llclief o If, P .lute tlldrsu at heai ien waa I)R i. WAI.TEK Hi.OlT. OHIEF RRalUCNI I* nt cavalry. resignation ren'.ov officers to the "tat. Is'br H> r Yor> J, of rriri. .' a id ahead. ha rstnered hi* command strong** position, aort of rough and touglt customer, who travelled on Ms «t for a ant <>f a 'ill u»l rote. Jr ',.(,1 ) igu.ul* K "t .: t'tn, m IPia-lred Flrel Ohio, comment ement I efteiwesa* J It .- -* C''r.i al the of the robaltton, Oendril Th vis all Being ami Mfk> .it. K.'. llfihin Hiiiarr, i.aj ja *lail> iwnsul WiMms.n. at Fort Plrkens, wht-h fort he held against the Invest muscle, and delighted n sticking ell the proprieties f rie-'ii-nlerrd * wae'-'"l '.ret II a nwt in'.r rwia .irlnjai'i au.l di-raam. nr.*- 1 ir .tenant I'.dont1 M.-itee, fifteenth was Id lb* lieutenant ' ka of tiw in* Coee.'.! Almond*.Tweity-Ortt Illinois, and no the .14 of whipped vet# m the affirmant* ** .""< /rar regiment, May, 1*01. was m l- c he wa* and adopted by a 1* in ty|r, a"' second IP'nols. relieved. On Ibe 14th of May, 1861, appointed every week sines he entered the service, sud frequently he iinfird wlih ih« Hoard Pf Alderman ia (i.,ooe' R-.eetts, farty oftho-'ocood cavalry AO colonel be bad c of covufred V-v V'k Madral Ki-otrtniv and barge Un¬ second major of the Sixteenth infantry, s newly organ half adnata. Hale the persee who said lo bis men a (1i«» Hie "i f->J0 10 lh« iirw York t "ho true taatn.r ,,f II«vi-n», >3g §"11 Su X I hi hi Iiuir , aitrat mv r ttdtioM Wtiaer. Tli'riy-flrti Onm, cavalry brigade united State* forces nndi r t.oneral Pollers ,, . o.iort ru'iri»«aib ,rh regular aad In field at Murfreeehopi bv brave : a*' ieef It in the aflirmativ* t>> 4 to tt a.t ..a 8. til aeyeath lllinete. lied regiment, the has, Belmont-."Follow me, Tennessee ins, and fitllm.ey ' Prol. J, WALTKK r. c '«nei Harri.-glod, Tweoiy ho IVperimenl of the Shenandoah. ami lad the pas , " negative. JOHM R HKt»rc»itl> Wisconsin. hi*Mood, bought what other* have moreesally gained will lead you lo victory or to bell Mor df'i ale the rum ot to are a ml. W. W. . apieM i«ho Johnson, flfteeolb of tb* tr<-op* serosa th* Pofomac 11* was next* tlie icrzdition to fl,000 prr rruf. aMRLltu.N the Sixth with political influence, the" lone star," which should be recently, at Colnmboe, he la reported to ft 't iera' Me' le'lan eat. again lit for Want of Kaatdrir. rat an lana ! 'i nasi 'Jeienel of Kentucky regl pototsi *n acting Pngsdter general lu the earn* ilei rt portrait I at one* awarded him by Oongrraa. have offered bis diseberge.eborss and equipment*, to nc'calt'd Pal troth. Hat'naldore aed aMo>er. lUtCKiTril. asm.* stent, n which capacily be served under i.r r .1 Ii «ii again brHigbt U' tn onjuocllon with e reeo'u -WHO MAB IT*" any man wbo would whip htm la a fair fight, lie was a lh verno M< ia, nn r sn. Oelotei of tbo Tblrty nloth Indian* Ban**. Os th* 17lb Of tie us* tl aan'a ti «-> I Joues, August, 1MI, pro Sketch of General Wood. man an adffd hf well known horse racer, sporting and de*p«r»iln, hut or r or ( Ijrk mid IhoiMh .''ITiwroo, at o.poeae cf baranr- lhr that t.tO ilaitam- Kl-tru M-'aln I>.*. ¦ touted to th« rank of brigadier general of vo'untc«'t General 1 bonta* .' .sgim-M Rrigadier JeOSrnon Wood, reported a wonderful repuUtlou for (I (00"ich, nod aiioptad by a vote of l# ia in* «ff -uaatlve J- I ,a I).r |*.a aotlvr aa.| ra bnld b; al' dr>u .« "ben were had gained pluck, which be »a-.rr%l a. Pr .a |W- 1\ Mv ' sr-euter.of the Nineteenth regulars and K-n-.ucky and Tenreesei nuuo into u seriously wound d, is a native of Kentucky, and wa* ap if : hi the nesntiva. and ft. .>ra fl, aai\ (I JikT- wielded to the most Intense satisfaction of his folio* ** the sum of in 'he TaII a Ota, tfi nrtadwaj. Hot--! for tirru *r Mt'i. Bo's ssrieti. of PbHadelobta (Anderson Troop), oeparat* depar'meat. be;wis ordorel to report to th" p la'ed a adet from that State to tho Went romt Military fu« reMilutmn t«i i-pprof* it* gM ,oX j The Hen Joaquin ffspMbtican saya ibr, <>n<-. y m.t. agera o( >u« 7oinaa ( mi.olio (irphan 'tahin.. not I (tarrelt of tbe Mneteenib Jlliaels rogimenl Oommander at the Usdquxrte . He has had o( Ai in 1-41. He on tbe of Yt ri llF. *.» m.-ta! charge .ulumy graduate-! 30th June, Cheatham kept. In I84W, egitrehliug boor eon I' t wiihauudiiig the veto of the Mayor, wee titte bfeeg J T.Iil lbs Eigoteeoih Wisconsin battery varlooo forces mnoentrettog In that State, and it has 1846, aian 'mg fifth In a cla** of forty-one members, clock l«ti, about where the Jeuny I hid now I now sUnila, Cheatham went tasi ah lien spnofctn Cot'i-otUn .1 IKr*e»