I, '2 � )-1 Perpustakaan Kolej UAiVefffliSeiM D&fl Teknowgi (KUSTEM) 1100042400 llllllilllll 1100042400 Identification and distribution of seaweeds in selected areas of , East Coast Malaysia/ Maya Sofia Mohd K.harul Apendi.


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.,....__..... HAK��� M1LIK� ��·, PERPUSTAKAAN KUSH:M Perpustakaan Kolej Univer�ti Sains Dan Teknologi Malaysia (KUSTEM)


By Maya Sofia Bt. Mohd. Kharul Apendi

Research Report submitted in partial fulfillment of The requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science (Marine Biology)

Department of Marine Science Faculty of Science and Technology KOLEJ UNIVERSITI SAINS & TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA 2006

1100042400 This project report should be cited as follows:

Maya Sofia, M. K. A. 2006. Identification and Distribution of Seaweeds in Selected Areas of Terengganu, East Coast Malaysia. Undergraduate thesis, Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology. Faculty of Science & Technology, Kolej Universiti Sains & Teknologi Malaysia. 266p.

No part of this project report may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic or electronic process, or in the form of phonographic recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted or otherwise copied for public or private use, without written permission fromthe author and the supervisor of the project. JABATAN SAINS SAMUDERA FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI KOLEJ UNIVERSITI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA


Adalah ini diakui dan disahkan bahawa laporan penyelidikan bertajuk: Identification and Distribution of Seaweed in Selected Areas of Terengganu, East Coasts _M_a_la...... v_s_ia __ oleh Maya Sofia Bt. Mohd. Kharul Apendi No. Matrik UK 7968 telah diperiksa dan semua pembetulan yang disarankan telah dilakukan. Laporan m1 dikemukakan kepada Jabatan Sains Samudera sebagai memenuhi sebahagian daripada keperluan memperoleh Jjazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Biologi Marin) Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, Kolej Universiti Sains dan Teknologi Malaysia.

Disahkan oleh:

Penyelia Utama · DR. SITI AISHAH AIDULLAH 0 · CHRISTINE A. O�OSCO Nama· l'enayan,h Cop Rasmi: · JabatanS1ina Samudera Tarikh: F1kulti S1ina tl1n Tekneloti Maltyala i.�./Y:.j?.':::1..4. (KUSTEM) 21030l

First of all, I would like to thank Allah S.W.T for His guidance and blessings. I would also like to express my heartiest gratitudes to my supervisor, Dr. Siti Aishah Abdullah for her guidance in the completion of this project and being generous in sharing her

knowledge. Also thanks to my senior, M.H. Gan for his kindness and fabulous help in everyway.

My gratitude also goes to the Institute Oceanography (INOS) especially INOS officer,

Encik Azman bin Senu and Puan Salmiah for their cooperation and helping while sampling and also for use of facilities in the laboratory .

My greatest appreciation is expressed to my parents, family and for all my loving persons for their unconditional love and support all these years. Not forgetting my housemates,

Wahidah, Lat, Aidah, Siti, and Ana thanks for being my friends and help me a lot in everyway for all these years. Hopefully our friendship will never end and the glory of success is ours.

Thank you all and may Allah bless you!







ABSTRAK XIX CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.1 Seaweeds 7 2.2 Ecology of Seaweeds 9 2.3 Seaweeds General Classification 10 2.4 Seaweeds Resources 13 2.5 Environment Factors and Seaweeds Distribution 15 2.6 Importance of Seaweeds 19 2.7 Seaweeds of Terengganu 21 CHAPTER3 METHODOLOGY 23 3.1 Study Area 23 3.1.1 Seawater Parameter 28 3.2 Seaweed Collection 28 3.3 Seaweed Preservation 29 3.3.1 Wet Sample 29 3.3.2 Dry Sample 29 3.3.3 Live Specimens 30 3.4 Identification 30 3.5 Distribution 31

111 3.6 Sorenson's Coefficient of similarity 31 3.7 Cataloging 32 CHAPTER4 RESULT 33 4.1 Water Parameters 33 4.2 Taxonomy 34 4.3 Description 46 4.3.1 Division Cyanophyta 46 4.3.2 Division Chlorophyta 59 4.3.3 Division Heterokontophyta 97 4.3.4 Division Rhodophyta 139 4.4 Distribution 245 4.5 Sorenson's Coefficient of Similarity 248 CHAPTERS DISCUSSION 5.1 Taxonomy 250 5.2 Distribution 254 5.3 Sorenson's Coefficient of Similarity 257 CHAPTER6 CONCLUSION 259 LITERATURE CITED 262 VITAE KURIKULUM 266

IV Perpustakaan KolajUniverMti SainsDa11 T&M0'°9i Malays�a IKUSTEM)


TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 3.1 Data of sampling location 23 4.1 The water parameters in sampling locations 33 4.2 Taxonomic list of identified seaweeds and their distribution in 36 Terenggau coastal areas and Bidong Island. 4.3 Sorensen's coefficient of similarity, S (%) for12 sampling 249 locations in Terengganu coastal areas and Bidong Island


FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 3.1 Map of sampling locations in selected areas of Terengganu 25 3.2 Setiu Wetland 26 3.3 Pantai Bari Kecik 26 3.4 Pantai Cendering 26 3.5 Pantai Batu Buruk 26 3.6 Pantai Batu Keluang 26 3.7 Pantai 27 3.8 27 3.9 Pantai Marina 27 3.10 Pantai 27 3.11 Tanjung Jara 27 4.1 Percentage of seaweeds according to divisions found in 44 Terengganu coastal areas and Bidong Island 4.2 Filaments of Anabaena variabilis (scale bar= 10 µ) 47 4.3 Filaments of Calothrix contareeni (scale bar= 9 µ) 48 4.4 Habit of Rivularia atra var hemisperica (scale bar = 10 mm) 49 4.5 Filaments of Lyngbya confervoides (scale bar= 10µ) 50 4.6 Filaments of Lyngbya majuscula (scale bar=10µ) 51 4.7 Habit of Lyngbya meneghiana (scale bar= 25µ) 52 4.8 Filaments of Lyngbya semiplena (scale bar=10µ) 53 4.9 Filaments of Lyngbya sordida (scale bar= 10 µ) 54 4.10 (A) Habit of Oscillatoria laetevirens (scale bar= 250µ) (B) 55 Filaments of Oscillatoria laetevirens (arrow) (scale bar= 25µ).

4.11 (A) Habit of Oscillatoria subbrevis (scale bar= 250µ) (B) 56 Filaments of Oscillatoria subbrevis (scale bar= 25 µ)

4.12 (A) Habit of Phormidium penicillatum ( scale bar= 250 µ) 57 (B) Filaments of Phormidium penicillatum (scale bar= 25µ)

VI 4.13 Habit of Brachytrichia quoyi (herbarium sample) (scale 58 bar= 10 mm)

4.14 (A) Thalli of Bryopsispennata (scale bar= 2mm) (B) 61 Ramuli at the upper portion of branches (scale bar=240µ)

4.15 (A)Habit of Bryopsis plumosa (scale bar= 10mm) (B) 62 Branchlets in two opposite rows (scale bar= 240µ) 4.16 Thallus of Caulerpa lentillifera (scale bar = 10mm) 63

4.17 Thallus of Caulerpa serrulata (scale bar= 12mm) 65

4.18 Thallus of Caulerpa serrulata var. boryanaf. 66 occidentalis(scale bar= 10 mm) 4.19 (A) Live Codium geppi in culture study (scale bar= 10 mm) 68 (B) Cross section of thallus (scale bar= 240µ) (C) Utricles of Codium geppi (arrow) (scale bar=120µ)

4.20 (A) Veins on the blades of Anadyomene plicata (scale 70 bar=240µ) (4x) (B) Rhizoidal holdfast (arrow) (scale bar=240µ)

4.21 Thallus of Valoniopsis pachynema (scale bar = 12 mm) 71

4.22 (A) Habit of Chaetomorpha antennina ( scale bar = 2mm) 73 (B) Rhizoids (scale bar=100µ) (C) Cells (scale bar= 24µ)

4.23 Cell of Chaetomorpha crassa (scale bar= 80µ) 74

4.24 Cell arrangement in filament of Chaetomorpha minima 75 (scale bar= 240 µ)

4.25 Thallus of Chaetomorpha spiralis ( scale bar= 9 mm) 76

4.26 (A) Habit of Chaetomorpha sp.(Herbarium sample) (scale 77 bar= 15 mm) (B) Cell arrangement in filament (scale bar= 18 µ)

4.27 (A) Habit of Cladophora aokii (scale bar= 2mm) (B) 78 Branching pattern (scale bar= 360µ)

vu 4.28 Habit of Cladophora vagabunda (scale bar= 240µ) 79 4.29 (A) Habit of Cladophora sp. (scale bar= 1mm) (B) 80 Branching pattern (scale bar= 360 µ)

4.30 (A) Branching portions of Spongomorpha arcta (scale bar = 81 240µ) (B) Lower part of the thallus (scale bar= 192µ)

4.31 Filaments of Urospora dolifera(scale bar= 25 µ) 82

4.32 (A) Filaments of Urospora peniciliformis(scale bar= 24µ) 83 (B) Septa in the filaments (arrow) (scale bar= 24µ)

4.33 Habit of Neomeris annulata (scale bar= 10 mm) 85

4.34 Apical disc of Parvocaulis parvula with 18 rays (scale bar= 86 432 µ)

4.35 (A) Habit of Phyllodictyon anastomosans (scale bar= 10 88 mm) (B) Thallus of Phyllodictyon anastomosans (scale bar= 1 mm) (C) Blade filaments (scale bar= 240µ)

4.36 Thallus of Boergeseniaforbesii (arrow) (scale bar= 10 mm) 89

4.37 The unilateral ramification of Cladophoropsis sundanesis 90 ( scale bar = 100µ)

4.38 (A) Habit of Cladophoropsis javanica (scale bar= 288µ) 91 (B) Branching pattern (scale bar= 192µ)

4.39 (A) Habit of Ventricaria ventricosa ( preserved samples) 92 (scale bar= 23 mm) (B) New thalli that grew during culture in filtered seawater(arrow) (scale bar= 20 mm)

4.40 Habit of Dictyosphaeria versluysii (scale bar = 10 mm) 93

4.41 Habit of live Valonia aegagropila in filtered seawater grow 94 in the laboratory (scale bar= 10 mm)

4.42 (A) Habit of Ulva clathrata (scale bar= 192 µ) (B) I- 95 Arrangement of cells (arrow) II- Determinate branchlets (arrow) (scale bar= 30µ)

4.43 (A) Habit of Ulva intestinalis (scale bar =20mm) (B) Basal 106 part of Ulva intestinalis (scale bar= 240 µ)

Vlll 4.44 (A) Habit of Dictyopteris repens (scale bar= 10 mm)(B) 99 Thallus cross section (scale bar= 17µ)

4.45 (A) Habit of Dictyota bartayresiana (scale bar= 10 mm)( B) 100 Cross section of thallus (scale bar= 24 µ)

4.46 (A) Habit of Dictyota ceylanica (scale bar= IO mm)(B) 101 Cross section of thallus (scale bar= 24µ)

4.47 (A) Habit of Dictyota cervicornis(scale bar= 10 mm)(B) 103 Cross section of thallus (II) spore with involucrum (arrow) (scale bar= 240 µ)

4.48 (A) Habit of Dictyota ciliolata(scale bar= 10 mm) (B) 105 Cross section of thallus(scale bar= 24µ)

4.49 (A) Habit of Dictyota crispata(scale bar= 10 mm)(B) Cross 107 section of thallus(scale bar= 24µ)

4.50 (A) Habit of Dictyotadichotoma complex (scale bar = 10 109 mm) (B) Cross section of thallus (scale bar= 24µ)

4.51 (A) Habit of Dictyota dichotoma var. intricate (scale bar = 111 11 mm) (B) Cross section of thallus (scale bar= 19µ)

4.52 (A) Habit of Dictyotafriabilis (scale bar= 13mm) (B) 113 Thallus cross section( scale bar= 24µ)

4.53 (A) Habit of Dictyota mertensii (scale bar= IO mm) (B) 114 Thallus cross section (24µ).

4.54 (A) Habit of Lobophora nigrescens (scale bar= I 0mm) (B) 116 Cross section of thallus (scale bar= 24µ)

4.55 (A) Habit of Lobophora variegata (scale bar= 10 mm)(B) 118 Thallus cross section (scale bar= 24 µ)

4.56 (A) Habit of Padina australis (scale bar= 15 mm) (B) Cross 120 section of thallus (scale bar= 240 µ)

4.57 (A) Habit of Padina boryana (scale bar= 20 mm) (B) Cross 122 section of thallus (scale bar= 24µ)

4.58 (A) Habit of Padina gymnospora (scale bar= 10 mm) (B) 124 Non indusiate spore (scale bar= 24µ) (C) Thallus cross

IX section (scale bar= 24µ)

4.59 (A) Filaments of Feldmannia collumellaris (scale bar= 126 100µ) (B) Sporangia (arrow)(scale bar= 24µ)

4.60 (A) Filaments of Feldmannia indica (scale bar= 120 µ) lOx) 127 (B) Sporangia (arrow) (scale bar= 24µ)

4.61 (A) Filaments of Feldmannia irregularis (scale bar= 100µ) 128 (B) Plurangia (arrow) (scale bar= 24µ)

4.62 (A) Habit of Sargassum oligocystum (scale bar= 12 mm)(B) 129 Morphology of leaves (scale bar= 10 mm)

4.63 Habit of Sargassum polycystum (scale bar= 9 mm) (B) 131 Leaves of Sargassum polycystum (scale bar= 9 mm) (C) Ovoid vesicles (scale bar = 1 mm)

4.64 Portion of thallus of Sargassum sp. (scale bar= 10 mm) 132

4.65 (A) Habit of Rosenvingua intricata (scale bar= 9 mm) 133 (preserved samples) (B) Habit of Rosenvingua intricata (herbarium samples) (scale bar= 13 mm)

4.66 (A) Filaments of Asteronema breviarticulatum (scale bar = 134 100µ) (B) Plurangia (arrow) (scale bar= 26 µ).

4.67 (A) Filaments of Sphacelaria novae hollandiae (scale bar= 136 100 µ) (B) Plurangia (scale bar= 25µ).

4.68 (A) Filaments of Sphacelariafurcigera (scale bar= 100µ) 138 (B) Propagule (scale bar= 24µ).

4.69 Thallus of Anotrichium tenue with trichoblasts (arrow) (scale 143 bar= 100µ) (B) Rhizoids with single cells (arrow) (scale bar = 100µ) (C) Tetraspore with pedicel (arrow) (scale bar= 19µ).

4.70 Branchlet arrangement of Antithamnionella graeffei (scale 144 bar= 24µ)

4.71 (A) and (B) Thallus of Antithamnionella sp. (scale bar= 145 50µ)

4.72 Forcipated branches of Centroceras clavulatum (scale bar= 146 100µ)

X 4.73 (A) Tips of Ceramium califomicum(scale bar= 120µ) (B) 148 Cortex at the nodes (scale bar= 240µ) (C) Arrangement of tetraspore (scale bar= 120µ) (D) Adventitious branches(scale bar= 29µ)

4.74 (A)Tips of Ceramium cimbricum (scale bar= 24µ) (B) 149 Rhizoids (scale bar= 24µ)

4.75 (A) Habit of Ceramium gardneri (scale bar= 288µ) (B) 151 Corticated cell (scale bar= 29µ) (C) Arrangement of tetraspore (scale bar= 120µ) (D) Tetraspore (scale bar= 29µ) (E) Rhizoids(scale bar= 29µ)

4.76 (A) Habit of Ceramiumflaccidum (scale bar= 240µ) (B) 153 Branching tips (scale bar= 24µ)

4.77 Apical branches of Ceramium diaphanum (scale bar= 100µ) 154

4.78 Tips of branching apices of Ceramium sp. (scale bar= 24µ) 155

4.79 (A) and (B) Portion of thallus with barrel shape cells (scale 156 bar= 240µ)

4.80 (A) Thallus of Dasya iyengari (scale bar= 250µ) (B) 158 Branching pattern of Dasya iyengari (scale bar= 100µ) (C) Stichidia I- palisade like postsporangial covercells II- tetraspore (scale bar= 50 µ)

4.81 (A) Blade of Hypoglossum simulans (scale bar= 240µ) (B) 160 Cell arrangements on the blades (scale bar= 100µ) (C) Erect blades grows from the midrib (arrow) (scale bar= 240µ)

4.82 (A) Rhizoids of Taenioma perpussilum (scale bar= 24µ) (B) 163 Erect branches (scale bar= 24µ) (C) Tips of the thallus (scale bar= 24µ) (D) Arrangements of cells (scale bar= 24µ) (E) Trichoblasts at the tips (scale bar= 24µ) (F) (1) Tetrasporangial stichidia (II) tetraspore (scale bar= 24µ)

4.83 (A) Tip of Acanthophora muscoides (scale bar= 240µ) (B) 165 Spinose branchlets with trichoblasts (scale bar= 240µ) (C) Trichoblasts (scale bar = 120µ)

4.84 (A) Habit of Chondria armata (scale bar= l lmm)(B) Cross 167 sections of Chondria armata (scale bar= 100 µ)

Xl 4.85 (A) Rhizoid of Chondria decidua (scale bar= 24µ) (B) 169 Deciduos branching (arrow) (scale bar= 100µ) (C) Cystocarp (scale bar= 100µ)

4.86 (A) Cut-offrhizoids from distal end of periaxial cells (scale 171 bar= 24µ) (B) and (C) Arrangement of branch ct-determinate branch i-indeterminate branch n-naked portion (scale bar = 24µ) (D) Trichoblast of Herposiphonia pasifica (scale bar= 24µ)

4.87 (A) Cut-off rhizoids from distal end of periaxial cell (scale 174 bar= 24µ) (B) and (C) Arrangement of branches d- determinate branches i-indeterminate branches (scale bar= 24µ) (D) Trichoblasts (scale bar= 24µ) (E) Cystocarps (scale bar= 24µ) (F) Tetraspore in one line (scale bar= 24µ)

4.88 (A) Thallus of Laurencia botryoides (scale bar= 10mm) (B) 175 Cross section (scale bar= 100µ)

4.89 (A) Habit of Laurencia cartilaginea (scale bar= 20mm) (B) 177 Tetraspore at the surface of the branchlet (arrow) (scale bar= 100µ) (C) Tetraspore (scale bar= 24µ)

4.90 (A) Habit of Laurencia majuscula (scale bar= 10 mm) (B) 179 Corps en cerise (arrow) (scale bar= 24 µ) (C) Tetrasporangia at the branches (scale bar= 100 µ) (D) Tetraspore (scale bar= 24 µ) (E) Cystocarps (scale bar = 240µ) (F) Cross section of thallus (scale bar= 100µ)

4.91 (A) Habit of Laurencia papillosa (scale bar= 10mm) (B) 181 Cross section of thallus (scale bar= 240µ) (C) Tetraspore at the surface of branchlets (arrow) (scale bar= 240µ)

4.92 (A) Habit of Laurencia patentiramea (scale bar= 12 mm) 183 (B) Trichoblast at the tips (scale bar= 24µ) (C) Cross sections of thallus (scale bar= 100µ) (D) Outer cortical cells (arrow) (scale bar= 24µ) (E) Tetraspore in radial arrangement (scale bar= 24µ)

4.93 (A) Habit of Laurentia pygmaea (scale bar= 10 mm) (B) 185 Cross section (scale bar= 24µ) (C) Trichoblast at the tips (arrow) (scale bar= 24µ)

4.94 (A) Habit of Laurencia sp. (scale bar= 10 mm) (B) 18 Branchlet of Laurencia sp. (scale bar= 240µ) (B) Trichoblast (scale bar= 100µ) (C) Corps en cerise (arrow)

Xll (scale bar= 24µ)

4.95 (A) Thallus of Leveillea jungermannioides (scale bar= 189 240µ) (B) Blades arrangement (scale bar= 240µ) (C) Midribs consisting one row of cells (arrow) (scale bar= 100µ) (D) Rhizoids (scale bar= 100µ)

4.96 (A) Rhizoids of Neosiphonia apiculata (scale bar= 100µ) 191 (B) Trichoblasts (scale bar= 24µ) (C) Tetrasore in a spiral manner (scale bar= 24µ) (D) Cystocarps in a ovoid shape (scale bar= 24µ)

4.97 Neosiphoniaflaccidissima (A) Cut-offrhizoids from the 193 proximal end of ventral periaxial cell (scale bar= 24µ) (B) Lateral branch (scale bar= 24µ) (C) Single cells at the apical portion (arrow) (scale bar= 24µ) (D) Scar of the trichoblasts (arrow) (scale bar= 24µ)

4.98 (A) Rhizoids of Neosiphonia savatieri (scale bar= 100µ) (B) 195 Trichoblasts of Neosiphonia savatieri ( arrow) (scale bar= 100µ) (C) Tetraspore in spiral arrangement (scale bar= 24µ) 4.99 (A) Rhizoids of Polysiphonia scopolurum (scale bar= 24µ) 197 (B) Tetraspore in one line (scale bar= 24µ) (C) Trichoblasts at the tips (scale bar= 24µ) (D) Lateral branches that bears from axes (arrow) (scale bar= 24µ) 4.100 (A) Rhizoid of Polysiphonia sp. (scale bar = 24µ) (B) 199 Spermatangia (arrow) (scale bar = 24µ) (C) Trichoblast (scale bar= 24µ) (D) Cystocarp (scale bar= 24µ)

4.101 (A)Habit of Amphiroa anastomosans (scale bar= 11mm) (B) 201 Branching of Amphiroa anastomosans (240µ) (B) Sporangial conceptacles scattered over the surface (scale bar= 240µ)

4.102 (A) Habit of Amphiroafragillissima (scale bar= 25 mm)(B) 203 Branching dichotomously forming angle (scale bar=240µ) (C) Geniculate part of Amphiroafragillissima (arrow) (scale bar=240µ) (D) Sporangial conceptacles (scale bar=240µ) (E) Arrangement of cells in longitudinal sections (scale b.a! = 29µ)

4.103 (A) Habit of Amphiroa zonata (scale bar= 205 lOmm)(B)Branching of Amphiroa zonata (scale bar= 240µ) (C) Upper part of branches mostly compressed (arrow) (scale bar= 240µ) (D) Sporangial conceptacles (arrow) (scale bar= 100µ) (E) Arrangement of cells in longitudinal sections (scale bar= 24µ)

xiii 4.104 (A) Thalli of Cheilosporum acutilobum (scale bar= 240µ) 206 (B) and (C) Conceptacle in lobe (arrow) (scale bar= 100µ)

4.105 (A) Branching pattern of Jania adherens (scale bar= 240µ) 207 (B) Geniculate part (arrow) (scale bar= 24µ)

4.106 (A) Habit of Jania decussato-dichotoma (scale bar= 208 2mm)(B) Tips of the thalli (scale bar= 480µ)

4.107 (A) and (B) Habit of Jania ungulata (scale bar= 100µ). 209

4.108 (A) and (B) Habit of corralinales (scale bar= 2mm) 210

4.109 (A) Gelidium pusillum (scale bar= 2mm) (B) Brush type of 211 secondary rhizoidal attachment (arrow) (scale bar= 100µ)

4.110 (A) Habit of Pterocladiella nana (scale bar= 10 mm)(B) 213 Cross section shows tetraspore (arrow) (scale bar= 100µ)

4.111 (A) Habit of Gelidiella acerosa (scale bar= 11mm) (B) 214 Unicellular independent type of secondary rhizoidal attachments (arrow (scale bar= 29µ)

4.112 (A) Habit of Gelidiella pannosa (scale bar =2mm) (B) 216 Unicellular independent type of secondary rhizoidal attachment (arrow) (scale bar= 24µ)

4.113 (A) Thalli of Caulacanthus ustulatus (scale bar= 600µ) (B) 218 Cross section of thallus with two periaxial cell (arrow) (scale bar= 240µ)

4.114 (A) Habit of Gloiopeltis tenax (scale bar= 2mm)(B) Cross 219 section of thallus(scale bar= 36µ)

4.115 (A) Portion of thallus of Chondracanthus intermedius (scale 221 bar= 2mm) (B) Thallus cross section (scale bar= 100µ)

4.116 (A) Branching pattern of Hypnea charoides-valentiae (scale 223 bar= 240µ)(B) Cystocarp (scale bar= 100µ) (C) Cross sections of thallus(scale bar= 24µ) 4.117 (A) and (B) Habit of Hypnea pannosa (scale bar= 2mm) 225

4.118 (A) Thallus of Hypnea spine/la (scale bar=lOmm) (B) Cross 226 section (scale bar= 100µ).

xiv 4.119 (A) Habit of Ahnfetiopsis pygmea (B) Cross section (scale 227 bar= 29µ)

4.120 Habit of Gracilaria canaliculata (scale bar= 11 mm) 228 4.121 (A) Habit of Graci/aria changii (scale bar= 20 mm)(B) 230 Tetraspore at the surface area (scale bar= 100µ) (C)Tetraspore in cross section of thallus (arrow) (scale bar= 24µ).

4.122 (A) Habit of Graci/aria edulis (scale bar= 12 mm)(B) Cross 232 section of thallus (scale bar= 100µ) (C) Outermost cells in cross section (arrow) (scale bar= 24µ)

4.123 (A) Tetrasporangia on the surface (scale bar= 100µ) (B) 234 Tetraspore in the cross section (arrow) (scale bar= 29µ) (C) Spermatangial conceptacles (arrow) (scale bar= 24µ)

4.124 (A) Habit of Graci/aria rhodymenioides (scale bar= 236 lOmm)(B) Tetraspore in cross section (arrow) (scale bar= 24µ) (C) Cross section of cystocarps (scale bar= 100µ)

4.125 (A) Habit of Grateloupia livida (scale bar= 1 mm) (B) 238 Cross section (scale bar= 24µ)

4.126 (A) Thallus of Champia parvula (scale bar= 250 µ) (B) 239 Branching with blunt apices (scale bar= 300 µ)

4.127 (A) Tips of Champia viellardii (scale bar= 288µ) (B) 241 Branching pattern (scale bar= 288µ) (C) Four cells across the dorsal surface (arrow) (scale bar= 28µ)

4.128 (A) Habit of Gelidiopsis intricata (scale bar= 10 mm)(B) 243 Fertile plant with tetrasporangial sori at the apical (arrow) (scale bar= 1 mm)

4.129 (A) Habit of Gelidiopsis repens (scale bar= 20 244 mm)(B)Apical tip showing there is no distinct apical cell present (scale bar= 29µ)

4.130 The number of seaweeds species found in 12 sampling 247 locations in Terengganu coastal areas and Bidong Island.

4.131 The percentage comporition of seaweeds in the 12 sampling 247 locations in Terengganu coastal areas and Bidong Island.


% Percent

X Magnification oc degree Celcius µm Micrometer

%0 Part per thousand cm Centimeter g Gram g/L Gram per Liter km Kilometer L Liter m Meter m2 square Meter mg Milligram mg/L Milligram per Liter mL Milliliter mm Millimeter nm Nanometer sp. Species


This study were done in 12 locations in Terengganu coastal areas and Bidong

Island from August to September 2005 and was funded by Biodiversity Laboratory of

Oceanography Institute, KUSTEM in East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia Expedition I

2005. A total of 129 taxa were recorded from this 12 locations and most of them were small size seaweeds. From the division Cyanophyta, there were three orders, four families, two subfamilies and 12 species; seven orders, 11 families and 30 species in division Chlorophyta, four orders, four families, 25 species from division

Heterokontophyta and five orders, 14 families, and 62 species were identified under division Rhodophyta. Nine species were only identified to genus level because it was difficult to determine the species due to some problems. These species included three taxa from division Chlorophyta, one species from division Heterokontophyta and five from the division Rhodophyta. Seaweeds from division Rhodophyta were the most comment seaweed species and it accounted for 49 % from overall seaweeds collected. It was followed by division Chlorophyta 23 %, 19 % from division Heterokontophyta and species from division Cyanophyta only constituted 9 %. Species that had the widest distribution were Enteromorpha clathrata (Division Chlorophyta), Padina australis

(Division Heterokontophyta) and Gelidiella acerosa (Division Rhodophyta) which were recorded in eight different sampling locations. Among the 129 taxa of seaweeds that were recorded, there were 62 species of seaweeds that were only recorded in one (8.33%) sampling location. There were 63 new species that were recorded in the East Coast of

XVll Peninsular Malaysia for the first time. There were 41 species that were recorded for the first time in Malaysia. Almost all the sampling stations with high number of species were rocky shore areas. Station Pantai Kemasik had the highest number of seaweeds while

Jetty Shahbandar have the lowest number of seaweeds. Station Setiu Wetlands have the lowest similarity of seaweeds species when compared with other stations. There is no similarity among the other stations with station Jetty Shahbandar.


Kajian telah dijalankan di 12 lokasi di sepanjang Pantai Terengganu dan Pulau

Bidong dari bulan Ogos hingga September 2005. Kajian ini dibiayai oleh Makmal

Biodiversiti Institut Oseanografi, KUSTEM melalui Ekspidisi Pantai Timur I 2005.

Sejumlah 129 taksa rumpai laut telah dikenal pasti dan direkodkan dari 12 lokasi.

Kebanyakan rumpai laut yang dijumpai adalah bersaiz kecil. Daripada divisi

Cyanophyta, tiga order, empat famili, dua subfamily dan 12 spesis dicatatkan. Tujuh order, 11 famili dan 30 spesis direkodkan dalam divisi Chlorophyta, empat order, empat famili, 25 spesis dari divisi Heterokontophyta dan lima order, 14 famili, dan 62 spesis telah dikenal pasti dalam divisi Rhodophyta. Terdapat sembilan spesis yang hanya dapat dikenal pasti sehingga peringkat genus sahaja kerana terdapat kesukaran untuk identifikasi atas beberapa sebab. Spesis ini adalah tiga spesis dari divisi Chlorophyta, satu spesis dari divisi Heterokontophyta dan lima spesis dari divisi Rhodophyta. Rumpai laut dari divisi Rhodophyta adalah rumpai laut yang paling sering dan banyak dijumpai iaitu merangkumi 49 % dari jumlah semua rumpai laut yang diperolehi. Ini diikuti oleh divisi

Chlorophyta 23 %, 19 % dari divisi Heterokontophyta dan hanya 9 % dicatatkan bagi divisi Cyanophyta. Spesis yang mempunyai penyebaran terluas ialah Enteromorpha clathrata (Divisi Chlorophyta), Padina australis (Divisi Heterokontophyta) dan

Gelidiella acerosa (Division Rhodophyta) yang direkodkan di lapan lokasi berbeza. Dari

129 taksa rumpai laut yang direkodkan, 62 spesis direkodkan hanya di satu lokasi sahaja

(8.33%). Terdapat 63 spesis baru yang direkodkan di kawasan Pantai Timur

XIX Semenanjung Malaysia. Sebanyak 41 spes1s pertama kali direkodkan di Malaysia.

Hampir kesemua stesen penyampelan yang mempunyai jumlah spesis yang tinggi adalah kawasan pantai berbatu. Stesen Pantai Kemasik mempunyai jumlah spesis rumpai laut yang tertinggi berbanding stesen lain manakala Jeti Shahbandar mempunyai jumlah spesis yang paling sedikit. Stesen Setiu mempunyai persamaan spesis rumpai laut yang rendah jika dibandingkan dengan stesen-stesen yang lain. Tiada persamaan antara stesen lain dengan stesen Jeti Shahbandar.
