The Inventory

of the

Max Shulman



Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center I

Shulman, r.ce.x

Box l Gift of 1966

Published magazine articles and stories by IvB ~- Housekeep:Lng

1945 - 1959 ( not

1. 11 :rrzy- Next Girl" Aug 19L1.6 p 22 cont I d,

2. 11S candal 11 rviay 194-8 p 1+4 cont'd.

3 . 11S ix Weelrn Married II Jtme 1911.8 p L1.9 cont I d.

11 4. Some Enchanted Nothing" J,) 52 cont'd. July 1950

5. 11 That's Ivtr Girl" July 1951 p 511. cont'd.

6. "Ivtr Annie " July 1952 p 50 cont'd.

7. 11':['he Villain of the Piece" Feb 195L1. p 52 cont 1a_.

Box 2

8. Assignment in Hollywood 11The Silver Scream" Nov 1955 p 38 cont'd,

9. "So Pass the Days II July 1956 p 50 cont 'a..

10. "Laughter from the Campus" Sept 1956 p 17 cont'd.

11. "Laughter from the Campus" cont I d - p 17 plus Oct 1956

12. "Long Live the France" Oct 1957 p 78 cont'd.

JJ. "Have Girl Will Travel" April 1959 p 102 cont'd.

14. "The Face is Familiar} But" J'une 19L1. 5 p 20 cont I d.

15. "Bank Night at the Bijou" Aug 191~5 p 34. cont'd,

16. "Vote for Henry 1aa.a. 11 Jan 194-6 p 22 cont'd.

17. "The lady and the Wildcat" July 1953 1) 52 cont'd.

18. "I Love R, S. Spencer" June 199-1- p 60 cont'd. 2 copies

19. "Boy, How I Love Elizabeth Barret" Dept 19 511. p 48 cat 'd.

Box ff 3

Today's Woman 194-8 - 1952

1. "Dear Chief of" Dec 191~8 p 23 cont I d

2. "The Seven Sins of Harry McCluslw" apri1 1951 p 31 cont'd.

3. "Stand-in Date" Aug 1951 p 1~3 cont'd 2 copies

l+. "The Fine Art of Love" Nov 1951 p 33 cont'd. 5. "It TaJz:es '1\ro 11 Oct 1952 p 31 cont I d.

6. "Madness in lVlinneapolis 11 Dec 1951 p 29 cont'd,

7. 111rhe King of Connecticut II June 19 53 p 27 cont I d.

8, 11 Deductible You" ti.arch 1953 cont I d p 28

Esquire J\/lagazine 194-5 - 1952

1. "Spanish Spoken He:ce" Jan 1945 p 52 cont'd.

2. urvw Regards to Morpheus 11 March 1911.5 1) 71 cont'd,

3 . "One Shoe Off II Sept 19 52 p 4-0 cont'd.

:Box ff 4

Cosmopolitan Ivagazine 191~8 - 1951

1. 11Everybody Loves J:.zy- Baby" Dec 19l+8 p 4-8 cont'd.

2. "The Pay Off" April 19 50 p 11.4 cont I d.

3. "For the Love of Helen" :Ve.y 1950 p 1~6 cont I cl.

11.• 11 I Love the Girl I'm Near" June 1950 p 32 cont'd.

5, "Going Steady" Aug 1951 p 46 cont'd,

6, "Where There I s a Will II Sept 1951 p 58 cont'd.

Colliers Ivagazine 1911.6 - 1951+

1. "Senior Doormat" Feb 19lr6 p 28 cont'd,

2. "Junior Genus II April 27 1911.6 p 11 cont I d.

3 • "The Small Time II July 2lr, 1911-8 p 14 cont I d.

4. "His Brother-in-Law's Keeper" Oct 2 19118 p 16 cont'd.

5. 1'The Babe I Delivered to the Stork u Dec 25, 1953 p 76 cert' d.

6. "Law and Outside" Sept 3, 19 54 p 26 cont I d.

Box fl 5

Iv'e,c lean I s Magazine

"The Baffling Case of Miss Shapishnak 1 s Cigarette Lighteru

Feb 15, 1955 p 22 cont'd.

The Saturday Evening Post

"Boy Bites J\Canu rvarch 16, 1911.6 p 24 cont'd,

L lfe N'e.gaz ine /

"The Zebra Derby" Feb 11, 191~6 pp 41 - l+3

The American Iv'agazine "We Want McBride! 11 April 19lr8 p 26 cont I d

The American Legion Iv'agazine

"Operation Whitefish" Aug 19lr5 p 43 cont'd


"Nbney to Burn 11 April 191~9 p 56 cont'd.


"When Alsa Comes Marching Home II Aug 1911.5 p 176 cont I d.

Theatre A:cts

11 The Tender Trap 11 IvS and Robt. Paul Smith complete text of play

p 36 - 61


11 The Zebra Derby" J\farch 191~6 p 121 - 160

TV Guide

"If I had a Network 11 first of a series Dec 5, 196lr p 6-9

Jack London' s Adventure Iv'iagaz ine

"Chance for Adventure II Dec 1958 pp 116 - 120

Literary Review

"Black Goddess II pp 3-6 Fall 19lro

The Philadelphia Inquire0; - Suna.ay Aug 13, 19l+4.

'1:IlE FEATHER Mfi!RCI-IAN':I:S novel 4-

The PhiladelphiE: Inquirer Nagazine April 30 1950

"The Smock" p 8 cont'd.

~ Weel;: .Magazine, N, Y. Herald Tribune April 18, 1911.8

"Chance for Adventure" p 9 cont'd.

"I'd Rather Write than be President" April 1961 p 7 cont'd.

Hjemmet 19 Aug 194 7

"Man Sloan da Ikke en Lrfve" p 8 cont'd. Shulman, .!Vru

· Short Stories

Good Housekeeping

"The Show Goes On" January, 1948.

"Girls: Their Cause and Cure" June) 1955

"Love Is A Science" February, 1956.

"The Treehouse of the August Moon" August, 1956

"Laughter From the Campus II November, 19 56,

"I Was A Teen-Age Dwarf" November, 1958.


"She Shall Have Music" September, 1950.

"I Guess The:ce Are Other Girls II January, 1951

"The Perfect Beast" MB,rch, 1951

"Love Is A Fallacy" June, 1951 4

Box if 6

Ski-U-Ivah Jl/agazine, 3 volwnes 1939-191~2

1939-1911.0 inside jacket of volume halo. sign, of JI/S

1. "Bibea.u and the Banfly" Oct 1939 p 16

2. "Winnie's Trousseau 11 Nov 1939 p 31

3. "Two in a Flue 11 Dec 1939 p )1-,

LL "The St:cange Sam Jones 11 Jan 1940 p 8

5. "Flanagan I s Wake II Feb 1940 p 2

6. 11 Perplexity in Illinois II April 1940 p 10

7. "rvzy- Summer Vacation II Way· 1911.0 p 9

8. "The Girl Nobody Knew" ,hme 194-1 p 9 cont'd.

9. "Prefix fixer" M9,rch 191+1 p 17

10. "We Go ·to a Party" Jl/:S and Bud Nye Jan 194-l pp 10-11

11. "19J.1.o in Review" }1S and Bud Nye Dec 1940 pp 9-11

12. "The Love Story of J, Alfred Prufrock II Ivay 19J1.1 p. 8

13. "Unbecoming Attractions II Oct 19l~o p 11 cont I d.

111.. 11Sauce for the Turkey" Nov 19lw p 12 cont'd.

15. "We Go to Florida" Ain"il 191~1 p 16

16. "I Killed Don Ameche 11 Sept 194-1 p 24

17. "The Doctor Will Gyp You if You Don I t Watch Out II Oct 194-1 p 10 cont I d

18. "Thanksgiving Thoughts" Nov 19l~1 p 6

19. "19ln In Review" Dec 19l~1 p 19-21 NS and Bud Nye

20"Positive1y Colossal" JI/arch 194-2 p 16

21. "I Gambled With Love and Lost" April 191.~2 p 12 cont 1 a..

11 22. 1, The Peach of the Beach" Way 1942 p 13

a,"Sauce for the Gander" Ms,y 1911.2 p 2

Box =/f 7

Sci-apbool( ( 2)

1. Newspaper clippings for Un:i.versity of Minn. Daildy Paper 1911.0 - 1942

"Sauce foi· the Gander" column 5

2. Letters and newspaper clippings :from Central High School

St. Paul, Mi1m. 19E3-36

Box 71 8

Published stories by NB (manuscripts)

l. 11 t1t,· Next Girl" (Dobbie Gillis) typescript with holo. corr. 22 (

2. "The Smock" (Dc:ibbie Gillis) carbon with holo. corr. 21~1.

3. "Boy Bites Iv.1an 11 typescript with holo. corr. 23.{.

11 .. "The '11rouble With the na,ilroad" typescript with holo. corr. 16/. 5. "Operation Whitefish II carbon typescript with some holo. corr. 8 J. 6, "The Fleeting Moment of Perfect Flavor" carbon copy 5 J!..

'- 7. "The Fleeting Moment of Perfect Ji'lavor II ty--pescript with holo.

c@rr. 6f.

8. "Beat .rvre, Morpheus, With a G, I. Dream" typescript with

holo. title 9 j).

9. "Spanish Spoken Here" carbon copy some holo. corr. 13 /.

10, "A :Message f:com Carcia" (for ColTor's Mag, Oct 15,19J+5)

typescript ·with holo. corr. 19 f.

11. "When Asa Comes I'/ Home" carbon with some holo. corr.

12. "The Smock 11 ty--pescript with holo. corr. 25/.

13. ":Man Bites Underdog" typescript with holo, corr. 23.f}.

14-, "The Lady on the 11 typesc:cipt with holo. corr. 18/J.

15. "But I Know 1foat I Like II typescript with holo. corr.

11 16. "Call rvre Doctor ( an outline for a novelette) carbon with halo.

title plu,s the of novelette with holo, corr.

17. "I Love the Girl I'm Near" typescript with holo. and typed corr. 18 (.

18, "Cops and Robber·s 11 carbon and typescript with holo. and typescript corr. 24-f. 19, "The Best Laid Plans II carbon holo. corr. 22 (. b

20. "The Small Time" t;y-_pescript with halo. corr. 22£.

21. "Easy Come Easy Go" carbon 4/ •

22. "The Millionaires" a radio play written for U. of Minn 1911.1

typescript with some halo. corr. professor's note ( halo. ) 12 f.

23. "The Rat Race" carbon with some halo, corr. 12{).

2l.1.. "Love is a. Ti'A,l lacy" typescr:tpt wi·t.h halo. corr. 17£.

25. "Everybody IDves l'f.(y Baby" typescript with halo. corr. 17/.

26. "She Shall Have lVIu.s ic II typescript with halo. corr. 21[ .

27. 11 Ill.Windfall 11 carbon with halo. corr. 23[,

28. 11 Ill Windfall" carbon rewrite versJbn for 1'.Vhis Week l'fi9,g,lO J. .. / 29. 11Love of 'l'wo Chemists 11 typescript with halo. corr. 23 £.

30. 11 The Sugar Bow1 11 typescript with halo. corr. 24~.

31, 11 The King's Englj_sh 11 typescript with halo. corr. 23 f

32. 11 Have Girl Will Travel 11 typescript with halo. corr. 20.,{,

33. 111-Iis Brother-in-Law's Kee1)er 11 typescript with halo. corr. 21/.

34-. 11 I Love R,S. Spencer 11 typescript with halo. corr. 22./.

3 5. "Girls: Their Cause and Cure II typescript wHh halo. corr. 25_-f.

36. 11 I Was A Teen-Age Dwarf" typescript with typed and halo. corr.


Box manuscripts of short stories continued 3 7. "Long Live the France II typescript with halo. and typed corr. 19 f. 38. 11 1Dve is a Science II typescript with holo. crorr, 20 /...

39. "vnmt Housing Shortage? 11 carbon with some holo. corr.. 19f,

l+o. "One Shoe Off 11 typescript with holo. ana, typed corr. 23..f___.

11.1. "The rrreehouse of the August Moon" typescript with holo. corr. 21J2.

1+2. "A Connecticut Yanlrne in Queen Elizabeth I s Court"

a. typescript of first version with halo, corr. 21{.

b. same title typescript revised version halo. and typed corr. 29 f_. 43, "Law and Outside" typescript with halo. corr, 23/_,

l~l+. ":F'oul Ball" typescript with halo, corr. 6l.

11.5. "The Head and Body of Elizabeth Barrett Schultz" typescript

with holo. and typed corr. 28f.

11.6. "Love Among the Groceries 11 typescript with halo. corr. 23,f .

l+7. "Some Enchanted Nothing" typescript with holo. corr. 19 ,f.

11,8, 1'New Year, New Girl"

1. first revision typescript with typed and holo. corr. 23 f.

( Letter from Eleanor Stienhem MacMannis TIS Fiction

Editor Collier's ~- 20 Aug 1953 in reference to IVS' s "New Year, New Girl" 2 !l..) 2. same title revisea. version halo. and typed corr. 23 JJ.

. 11.9. "You Think you Got 1I1roubles" typescript with holo, corr, 114 /

50. "The Geddes Girls" carbon with halo. corr. 18 _;J.

51. "The Costly Child" typescript with halo. corr. 17/ 52. "Farewell, Cousin Fox" typescript with halo. corr. 17f.

1 53. "T'he Prettiest Brisket in To1m ' typescript with holo. corr. 22 [. "Where There's a Will" typescript with holo. and typea. con·, 23/. 55, "Lucky in '51" typescript with holo. and typed corr. 17f. 56. "It Takes Two" typescript with halo. and ty-pea. corr. 21,,f.

Unpublished stories by JYS (manuscripts)

1. "Are Your Obsolete? 11 a one act play carbon

2. 11 T1he Culture Peddlers" typescdpt witbho10. . 1I corr. 10/. 3. "The Ivfl,n in the Next 0:fz':fi'ice 11 carbon 6 a 11 .• 1'How Green was my Campus 11 carbon 9f. 5. "Wi1ma the Weatherman's Wife" typescript with halo.corr. 12./. 6. "It Takes a Heap O'Children 11 typescript with halo. corr. lLf. 7. "The Public Servant 11 typescript with halo, corr. 4f. 8. "Nothing Ever Works" typescript with hoJ.o. corr. 21// 9. "JY.e.ter' s Little Helper II typescript ( first draft) with typed

corr. 14. l. 10. "What to do till the psychiatrist comes" typescript with

halo. corr. 20,f. Box ff 10 11. "rcy- Bonnfo Lies" typescript with holo. and t;y-:ped corr. 54.l'.

12. "Throw Away the Key" by Norman Katkov and M3 carbon with

halo. corr, 551f, I () 13. " thy Neighbor" typescript with halo. corr. 19.C. /) J)~. "Baby Sitting Jlf;3,de Simple" carbon 3/

15, "Good Things to Eat" typescript with hol.o. corr. 16. "You Can't PosGibly Win" carbon s// 17. "Dance of the Artichokes 11 typescript with halo. corr. 27,f.

18. "The Corne-Uppance of Will.y Saxon" typescript with holo. corr. 22/.

19. "The Name is Hay" typescript with holo. and typed corr. 12f.

20. "Dobie GiJJis: Boy Bootlegger" typescript with holo, corr. 20/. 21. "Quiet Afternoon at Sea" typescript 5f. 22. "It is Better to Give" typescript with hol.o. corr. 201. 23, "Broadway to Bermuda" typescript with holo. and typed corr. 23/.

21+. "Jolly Good Fellow'1 typescript with holo. corr. 23f.

25. "The Ivan with the Sandpapered Feet" typescript hol.o. corr. 21/

26. "The Million Dollar Estate" carbon with holo. corr. 5./.

Plays by NB (manuscripts)

1. "Touch NB Not" typescript with halo. corr. 4 //

2. notes for "John Brown" plus a dramatic hypothes

notation (holo.) - typescript with holo. corr. and notations.

3. 11 Little Phoebe" an outline for a musical comedy book - a rough working outline - typescript with holo. corr. 1,-3J.

11 .• "Anyone Got a Match" first draft outline musical comedy version typescript with holo. corr. 25 l. 5. "Barefoot Boy with Cheek"

a. Act II dupes typescript with holo. corr. J+1f.

b, Act I dupes. typescript with halo. corr, 4o{,

c. mimeo of the first cornpletea. version of the musical comedy with a sign. ( '?) on title page IVS 85/. d. rnirneo final copy of musical comea.y verGion signed Iv:S 97 j.

Box 71~ 11

lf.aterial for the :Mary Iv:artin musical 11 Come One Come All" including

correspona.ence (copies) relative to the production of the play.

1. notes; carbon 6 ,1.

2. Act I typescript with holo. corr. 21.f. 3. Act II starting at scene 2 carbon 19 / 4. carbon with holo. corr. unrevised first draft Act I scenes

l thru 11 66/. 5. carbon first draft

6. carbon of brief description of play 2 (

7. notes by NS carbon with holo. corr. 33 (. date Dec 28, 1961 8. revised notes by IVB carbon wj;l;h holo. corr. dated J"an 8, 1962 9 f.

9. second revision notes carbon with holo. corr. dated Jan 9, 1962 15 /. 10. third revision (notes) carbon with holo. corr. Jan 13; 1962 13 f. 11. fourth revision (notes) 1nimeo Jan 17J 1962 11.2 ..(.

12. fourth reviGion work copy li'eb 7, 1962 first 31 pages rn:tmeo

last 18 pages carbon attached

13, typescript with holo. and typed corr. includes Act I scenes 1-2 1irf.

JJJ .• typescript with holo, anc1 typea. corr. revised version dated

April 15, 1962 includes Act I scenes 1 - 6 31/.

15. tentative schedule of music carbon 1.f.

16. copy of 1961 Cheryl Crawford l'f.emo /()

17. rough outline of Act;; I and II addressed to Howard ana_ Arthur

carbon 12 .(.

18. research dated Feb 19; 1962 photostat

19. carbon firnt draft includes act ona scehes 1-3 20 /__.

20. typescript copy of Act I scenes 3-11

21. carbon of first draft dated Mstrch 28; 1962 65 /.

22. correspondence

a, carbon of letter from IVS to Vincent Donehue

b. carbon of letter from IvS to Alan Polrnla

c. memo to Vincent Donehue - c. c. Chery-1 Crawford) Alan Pokula;

Howard DeitzJ Arthur Schwartz; Ma.x Shulman from Richard

Halliday TIS Ivarch 26; 1962

a.. memo carbon to Cheryl Crawford; Alan Pokula; Arthur Schwartz,

Max f=thulman re Dick Hayrne - Fran Jeffries - from Richard

Halliday TIS March 26, 1962

e, letter carbon to Alan Pokula from NS

f. letter carbon to Vincent Donahue from Iv:s. Jan 4., 1962

g, letter carbon to Cheryl Crawford from M3 Jan l+J 1961

h. letter carbon to Richard Halliday from M3 Jan 4; 1962

11 Mr. Roberts II by and lv,ax Shulman 1. Act I carbon holo. corr. 20 .J. 2. typescript of part of play 21~ f. (holo. corr. )

11Johnny Appleseed" synopsis I carbon 12/.

"The Upper Hand II typescript of with holo. corr.

"The Upper Hand" Act I, II, III plot analysis carbon 5f.

11 The Upper Hand 11 Act I scene 1 typescript with halo. name and address

Ivax Shulman, River Lane, Westport Connecticut

"The Upper Hand" typescript labelea_ (bolo.) last :c-evlsion 13{, Letter to Norman Katkov from Iv'S t;y--pescript 61. II

"Smelling LH:e a Rose"

a. Act I scene 1 holo.

b. outline carbon holo. corr. 5/ . c. carbon with holo, corr, 5t , "The Tender Trap" by IvS ana. Robert Paul Smith title page auto signature M3 a. carbon 111~ f. b, mimeo secona. revision autograph title page iVS 89.R.

Box 12

"The ':['ender Trap" cont'd.

c. typescript signed btr JVB ( ·t;itle page)

d. tY}) (part) carbon (part) signed by iVS on title page

plus several clippings from printed material pasted on leaves

L:. and 5 holo. corr. 115 /.

e. mimeo copies ( 6) all with auto IvS on title page

1. labeled work copy holo. corr. 85 f.

2. labeled work copy with holo. and typed corr. and holo. inserts


3. labeled Selznich: revision with holo. and typea. corr.

11.. labeled revised 1st copy holo. ana. typed corr. 5. labeled revised Narch l, 1954. holo. corr. 105 f. Box 6. labeled work copy holo. corr. 122 J. Books IA.l-:'

a. typescript ( plus carbon of ch. I) with holo. ana. typed corr. 1955 ;J dated Sept 19 J 1965- includes ch I, II, III 36 ( .

b. typeE;cript with hoJ.o. and ty-ped corr. of ch. I, II, III dated J·une 5J 1956 25 f.

c. typescript with holo. corr. AMiIBODY C-OT A MATCH

a, typescript with holo. ana_ typed corr. chapts, I XXII plus

epilogue 3 51,£.

b. outline typescript with halo. corr. and note 45f. c. carbon final draft some holo. corr. 392./ plus 15 /. of

holo. notes regarding book.


a. copy for dust jacli:et typescript with holo. corr. plus dedication 1J . b. of book with halo. and typed corr, 230{.



a. rnirneo with halo. notations and corr. by printer labeled "Follow

copy and set 11 301/__ .

b. play version photos tat by David Rogers n1,.f.

C • typescript 11. titlef setting d. typescript 1/!. title properties e, carbon of NS novel with holo. notes

Box fil0 16

f, typescript with halo. and typed corr, 297 /. \_ SLEEP TILL NOON

a. discara_s misc. chapts. some typescript some carbon few holo,

corr: 2 chapters labeled I Ivanhoe; 10 Chapter IJ 2 Chapter

II, 2 Cb.apter IIIJ 2 Cb.apter V, 1 Chapter VII, 1 Chapter IX all

labeled Shulman /3

b. typescript ( some carbon inserts) holo. +typed m rr. 163 f

Box 11 17


a. typescript with halo. and typed corr. some publishing directions

initialed LM and dated 9/21/~-5 187 /.

b. galley prints of novel with halo. corr. and notations


typescript with halo. and typed corr, chapts 1-20; missing

3, l+, 6, and 9 1so/.


a. typescript some, carbon some with holo. ana. typed corr. 190/.

Box If 18

b. galleys of novel with holo. notations and corr. publishers

proof of forward pages incl. dedication, a carbon of the

advertising blurb) all with halo. notations and corr·.

several copies of prints of illustrations

research notes ana. news clippings on the subject of guided missiles notes all holo. 7 y. research material (notes) holo. 56 (. on food and drug laws and

enforcement plus booklets and other printed material from the

Food and Drug Administration of the Dept. of Health, Education and


Ivbtion Pictures

"Nobody Loves an Albatross"

a. outline for screenplay typescript wj_tb. few holo. corr. and

notations 31/.

b. notes on outline from Michael Gord.on carbon with some halo,

notations 6/15/65

c. mirneo of script some holo. notations labeled work copy M3

167~ Pl

d. mimeo of script M3 signature on cover labeled final copy

1 1l+3 ,(_'.

e. typescript of screenplay with holo. and typed corr. 177_.f(.

and carbon of part II pp 90-173

11 I II Box# 19 Father s Apron Strings by r1.S and Peter Packer an original comedy for the screen.

a. typescript with holo. (¢//. and typea_ corr. and notations 1 35) ,

b. rnirneo 311.J. autograph sign. of M3 on cover

"The Referee's Daughter" by IVB and Dan JV'",cGuire an original musical


carbon autograph sign. on title page 71.,,{.

"Dobbie is Jl/zy- Darling11 note included in this treatment are the

following stories: 11 Bank Night at the Bijou", 11 Vote for

Henry Ladd", "JY.adness in Minnea1)olis"J "It Takes '11wo" a

treatment for the screen. a. typescript with holo. corr. and notations 54 f · b. typescript labeled first version 60/.

c. carbon and typescript with holo. corr. 65 /.

"The Affairs of Gillis" a treatment for the screen

Includea. are either :3-ll or portions of the i'ollowing stories:

11 The Face is Farid.liar, But ..• '\ "The King's English", uLove

11 11 of Two Chemists", "The Mock Governor , "She Shall have JvJus ic

(former title "The Loves of Dobbie Gill:Lsu)

a. typescript with holo. and tyired corr, 69[.

'b. mimeo cover autograph l.VS labeled /~r,¢~~ working copy some holo. marks. ~c • mimeo cover autograph rvS labeled second working copy 59 d. rnimeo cover autograph M3 labeled shooting script 93(. "Steak for Connie"

a. mimeo autograph on cover M3 labeled complete b , Mirneo autograph on cover 11:S labeled tei11]_). COirJJJlete

version dated A1,ril 30; 1952 72 JI_•

Box# 20 11 Crooked Halo II typescript with bolo, and typed corT. 12 .. f,

HDon't Bury Iv:e At Al1'1 an original stm·y for· fJcreen by Robert

Perm Warren and 11'}3.-X Slrnli!lan llolo and ty1Jed corr,

11 11 "Always Leave ~~hern Iaughing ( The Thle.f of Broadway") carbon

JJO _f. ls1B sJ.gnature on cover,

"Fly Away Horne rr an original for the sc1·een by NS and Richa:cd

E.ealand carbon 2!1. /

"Read in 1 and Wri tin 1 and larceny II a .'.\yno1x; i1:-, by 1,B carhon 23 ,£. note on the I--:S stor·y 11 Ro!jt1?,l B'lu,;h 11 ty:,9escr·i:pt w:Lt11 so1,1e ;J Lio lo, and ty-_ped corr, JO Ji'.

"Half a Hero" a treatment for the sc1°een by Jv_S

a, t~r_pescri:i_yt, of plot for screen treatment 75 jl

._ b. 11Jii11eo of above t;ypesc:d.J,t 1-ritll holo and ty:r_Jed corr. dated ,.,., (l 10 Ji 52 U__) X ,

- c. mirl!eo of alJove tyJ)esc1·ipt with holo, corT, labeled

worlcLng copy witLt s of Iv.S on oover 10I

d, 111irneo of cornpleted scr:Lpt dated l'( 52

of J,B on coveJ:

e. corres1xmdence ., legal f:crn11 I,~et1·0-Goldwyn--Iv:[ayer Pictures

:,·elative to the P1:·oduction Code and tL1e teul))Ol'ary crnuplete

s c:cipt for 11 1:-Ialf a Hero 11

1, '.l.1 ·1 () )C-::ii IS fro111 Robert Vogel -/ // - co~py

5 p:Leces ~!:LS '53; 2 10 53; J, 3 53 , 2, 2. 53

3, Inte1·--of:fice f1·rn11 J·oe Ii':Lnn to Walter Stn,hu c, o Cohn

Hapf; Schnee; Newcom ca:cbon Jan JG> 1953 lb

Rapf 2 letters 3,f.; 2/19/53, 2/20/53 TIS

5. Inter-office comm. from R. Mont a to Iv.e,tthew Rapf c. c.

J'ftr. Schnee, Iv'.ax Shulman, Donald Weis

2 letters 3/2~-/53, 3/27/53 l TLS one signed carbon 6. letter from rv:atthew Rapf 11. J. 'I1L s ignea. MATT Nov 3, 1952 some halo. notations in margins Box 1f 21 11 Dob1J:i.e is J'f~ Darling" continuea. from box If 18

a. typescript of story for screen version labelea. first version 60/. e. carbon and ty-J?escript holo. corr.

"Half IV::arried" a treatment for the screen by Ivax Shulman

typescript and carbon labeled second copy 50/.

"Gun Time II by Don McGuire and M3 typescript with halo. and typed corr. 36/. "The Referee's Daughter" an original musical comedy by Iv.S and

Don McGui~e typesct±pt with holo. and typed corr. 62/.

"Column Westll an original screen play by fiS and Norman Natkov ty-J?escript with halo. and typed corr. 148 f. "I

typescript with halo. corr. Lis/.

"Bad Characters rt by Jean Stafford and M3 (both names in halo. red pen)

Iv.S sign. on page 1

ty-J? with halo. corr. signed (type) "Loaa.s of Love 11 (halo.)

Jean 21,./.

22 "Rally Rouna. the Flag, Boys ! 11

a. rnirneo step outline by IvS dated July 22; 195r{ autograph of M3

on cover 35£. (halo. corr.)

b. ndmeo labeled first a.raft screenplay dated Aug 27; 1957

sign. of iVB on cover 70}. c. mimeo labeled shotting final - screenplay by George

Axelrod, revised scrl:J?t by Claude Bhlyon June 2, 1958 141£.

d. 1. photo stat copy of Notice of Writing Credit for product:lon f/ 2. letter to :tiS from Buddy Adler TL 6{1' • 8/2/57

3. conference notes J\lly 30, 1957 typed 1 f, carbon 7 f.

11 Jrn3tant Army" screenplay by Iv:S

a. typescript treatment by :tiS holo. and typed. corr.

b. ty-pescx·ipt of screenplay Parts I and. II holo. and typed corr.


c. carbon labeled. first draft of screenplay revised work copy

3/7/66 autograph IvS on cover holo. and. typed corr. l:>6 /.

d., rnimeo revised first draft screenplay 3/1'7 /66 signature of NS on cover 133 f . Television

"Zelda" a television comedy series written and created

by M3 directed and prod.ucec1 by Rod Amateau

1. episod.e I "The Treehouse of theAuguf3t Ivtlon"

a. typescript wHh holo. and. typed corr. 53 f.

b. mirneo ( 2 copies) one labeled ( in Holo, ) work copy

complete with changes both with signature of N.S on cover

datec1 Sept. 13, 1961

2. Episode I A 11 It' ,s a Long Way from Ivey to December 11

a. typescript with typed and holo. corr. L14 /.

b, mirneo autograph of IvS on cover l14 /.

"Daddy-0 11 a television comedy series written by I•1S and directed

by Rod ltmateau.

1. episode I 1'Father Strikes Back 11

a. typescript with holo. and typed corr.

b. mimeo labeled final draft signature of IvS on cover L1.o f . JS

"Girl from Staten Irol.and" carbon with sj,gnature of jVS on p. 1. 31}/.

"Picture Wind.ow" 'YV series by M3

1.. a p:cospectus describing the goals of the proposed tel.evisbn

roeries. typescript 6 .f.

2. mimeo of script for pilot fina,l aTaft sig, of jVS on cover

a_atea_ ,Tau 11) 1960 4-9 f,

"Bank Night at the Bijou" a comedy for television by r1S ty})escr:lp:,

with holo. and typed. corr. 95/.,,

"T'ne Nany Loves of Dobie Gillis 11 ·hlevision series

1. "Ro01n at the Bottom" 2 copies

mimeo final draft Sept 1l1., 1959 11.2£.

2, "That's Show Biz" rnimeo draft Nov 10, 1959 37f• sign. of .M3 on cover 3. "The Caper at the Bijou" shooting script

a. mimeo with hol.o and. carbon typed corr. sig, of IvS on

title page dated Dec. 18, 1958 1~6/. (labeled not revised) b. rnimeo revisec1 final draft 1/8/59 sign. of jVS on cover 1~8[.

1~. "Here Comes the Groom II mimeo final draft dated Feb. 15, 1960

:rvs sig. on cover

5. "illhe Ruptured Duclr II rnimeo final draft April 2J1., 1961 sig, of I':'S

on cover 4-5 /.

6. "Love is a Science" rnimeo facsimile of an actual Hollywood.

script ur~ea_ by :rvS in production of a film for the sm·ies, "The M,i,ny Loves of Dobie Gillis" 4-3{. 7. "The Smoke-Filled Room" story by Bernie Gould teleplay

by Ray Allen and IvS mimeo labeled final draft auto by IvS on cover 38(. 8. "Love iD a Sc :Lenee II rnimeo labeled revised auto of NS on cover 9. "It Takes Two" mirneo labeled. revised 10/17/58 auto of JYS

on cover L1.1f.

10. "The Best Dressed N.:an" mimeo labeled final draft 4/28/59; auto of JYS on cover 36{,

11. 11 Love is a Fallacy" mimeo labeled final Oct 9; 1959 auto of JVS on cover 42 f 12. "'l'aken to the Cleaners II story· by Ray Allen teleplay by Ray Allen

and .!VS mimeo labeled final Oct 1, 1959 auto of .!VS on cover L~~-1 13 . "The Chicken from Outer Space 11 carbon with holo, and. typed corr.

auto of IY:S on title page 38/.

11 1L1 .• "Who Needs Elvis? mimeo final draft sign. of NS on cover 1~3 ,,,_/I. 15. 11 The MYstic Powers of :V.aynard G. Krebs 11 mimeo final draft with

sign. of IVS on cover 35/.

16. uAround rfty Room in 80 Days 11 by Lawrence and Iv.aggie Willia.nm

and IVS rnimeo revised final draft sj_gn. of IvS on cover 11.7 /.

Box fib 21,

17. 11 Parlei1-ivous English? 11 rnimeo final draft with sign. of IvS on

cover 35,(,

18. 11 '.Zialda, Get off my Back 11 teleplay by Lawrence and Maggie Williams

story by r1S mirneo final draft sign. of JYS on cover 51,f.

19, "vlill Suceess Spoil Dobie's J\/bther? 11 teleplay by Ray Allen s;tJory by .!VS rnirneo final draft sign. of r1S on cover L1.6 J 20. "I Was a IHghschool Scrooge 11 mimeo final draft with sign. of

NS on cover 11.1/.

21. 11 Dobie vs. the l\Cachine II by Iv.a.lvin Wald. and M3 mimeo

final draft with sign. of .!VS on cover L1.3 /!.. 22. uThe Big Q,uestion 11 by l\fl and J·oel Kane mimeo revised. final draft auto of .lYS on cover iwJ. 23 . "Will the Real Audie Murphy P 1 ease Stana. Up" by rvs and Bill

Gannnie rnimeo final draft with sign. of J:vS on cover J6 /.

2J+. 11Baby Shoes" by Lawrence and rraggie Williams and f1S mirneo

final draft with sign, of J:vS on cover l1.2f.

0 25. "The Fast7 White Mouse" rnimeo final fu aft with sign. of' J:vS on cover l+1f!. 26. "The Richest Squirrel in Town" byNS teleplay by Dean Reisner

rnirneo final draft with sign. of M3 om cover l.i-3 [.

27. "The Second Most Beautiful Girl in the World 11 mimeo finalfraft

sign. of J:vS on cover 39,/.

28. "Crazylegs Gillis II teleplay be Terry Ryan and Joel Kane

story by M3 mimeo finaJ/draft sign. of i\£ on cover 11.6 /.

29. "Happiness Can't Buy Money" teleplay by Dean Reisner story

by i\£

11 D:Lg 7 Dig7 Dig" mimeo final draft sign. of J:vS on cover 52/. a 31. 11 Birth ofl'Salesman 11 by Arnold Knight and M3 rnirneo of finalf-raft sign. of l'/.S on oover l~J.

11 32. The Big and Bgg man II Teleplay b Bud Nye and J:vS story

by Bua_ Nye rnimeo of final fu"aft sign. of J:vS on cover 35f.

33 . 11 This Town Ain I t Big Enough fo:c Me and Robert Browning 11 mimeo

fj_nal draft sign. of tS on cover 11-3./.

31~. 11':L1he Truth Session 11 teleplay be Henry Sharp and M3 story: by

Roel Amateau

35, 11 Names iV.iy Mother Called :rv.:e 11 by Lawrence and iVB.ggie Williams and mirneo final draft sign. of l:VS on cover 37.J. Box If 26

Television shows continued

36. 11 Dobie Gilli,s) Wanted Deaa. or A1ive 11 rnimeo final d:ia.'t sign. of rv:S on cover 11-3 _j, ,'1-,(

37. 1tAn American Strategy" teleplay by Dean Reisner) story

By M3 mimeo final draft sig11.. of M3 on cover 411 . .f

38. "Thanlrn for the Memory" mimeo final draft sign, of IvS

on cover 38 jJ.

39. "What's a Little Murder between Friends" mimeo final draft

sign, of 1'1S on cover l~~.

l+o. "A Splinter off the Ola. Block rt mimeo final draft sign of

M3 on cover 1~11. (,

Miscellaneous printed material

1. "Minnesota CIO ( 19ln) Directory and Fourth Annual Convention

Brochure" ho.lo. note on cover 11 l'i1:\x Shulman Editor"

2. "Your Future as a vlriter" prospectus from the Famous Writern

School; Inc. pictures and short biographical sketch of }1S

3, "Why We Teach" brochure published by the J?arnous Writers School; Inc.

short piece b/ IvS re commending the function of the FWS Inc.

l~, Pilot training manual for the P. l~o ho.lo. note on title page

"Wrfcten by S /SG !fax Shulman 1911-4"

5. Citation from uThe Harvard Larnpoonu comferring the degree of

editor upon Ifrr•. Daniel R, Shu]Inan signed Michael R. Fink president

MiE:cellaneous manuscript material 1. "The S il:ver Scream" ty-pescript with holo. corr. 6 f

1 2, tAmerican Humor: Its Cause and CtU"e II carbon of an article which

appeared in "The Yale Review" 10.(,.Jl

3. Untitled article carbon (perhaps appeared in 1W Guide) 7,f •

!J;. "Humor is no Laughing N.:atter" carbon 11. Jl. 5. "Fairfield County: Its Cause and Cure" typescript and ce,rbon/t10lo.

corr. l~ _/,

6. "Eine Kliene Nacht ti strange terrible story of Miss Shopishnok I s

c igareete lighter carbon 9 {.•I 11 7 f!Let NotLling You Disway carbon !1.f.

8, 11Anniver8a1'y Piece 11 ca:cbon L1.f ,

9 11 ArrnJ.verEw,17 Piece II carbon 3

10, "Who Was that Boot I Seen You out With I.D,st N:Lglrt" ty1-ier:cri])t

') ;J :J f , ( 80l1]e typed COl'I , )

11, 11A Biopic Without a Bio" l1frth Annive:r.·sary Pfoce

V 11 ..., // 12 , "F:L)c'ie Canl Paker ., ·· and the Hell it carbon :i ( '

J,_ fl carbon dialogue l /, ?

1)1., Guest Colmm fo:c Army AJ.'cheved ty1, wj_tl1 lwlo, co1T. 11. V

a ioonthly page of jokeEJ; stor:Les > cartoonfJ, and r,d.:--::cellaneous

itei11s gleaned fl'Olii college lmiiio:c 1uagn, all over Arnerica; r:.:eJ.ected

by 1'✓:S includes carbons of nrnubers 2; 3J lJ.; 5; 6; total 55,f,

16, '1A Ii'mrny Thing I-IaJJJJened on the Way to Pla:i.n:f:'ielcl.; N, J' 11 for (!;L t;rpe,sc:i.'ipt typed corr, li- / 1 n. 11 Cldcago JITm·m" 1{ , carlJon

11t1e CarneJ.epharnoose by Donald Hough "Chicago J\Tewr,i" carbon 3 ~ ,

Let Nie Do the by RLcli.a;_·d Eealand "Chicago Td.bnne 11 ty_per:c:,,:L1lc

,1 2D. Sto:crn Against tlle Wal.J. Ii'annie Cook Chicago Dai1y Ne\-rn cacbon 2 //. 1 ;'}J., ' XHJaco PJece" foT Ch:i.cac;o '.l1ribune

1 \·.d}J r,·,1ec;-'t.,-L. •"- CO] .L'l"t·J-'t lLl ___ ,_c;-I- V C.,u._0 .r 1)")-l-.. l )1..,. ,f , 22, I,eonara Lyonc Co1w11u I 0

23 , Bool; Hev:Lew by I'-·B li;agle a,t 1,ty Eye by Nm'i11an Katkov Chicago 'L':t'ibune

cm']ion ~~(},

2J1. ColLn11n by r1_S foT Ptd.J.aclel1>hJa Inqu:b,e1' Xn:ac; iErnue 19Jr(i carbon

25 , Book nev:i.ewc ( 2) by IvB of The Hoon :Lr, D1ue by F, Hugh Herbert a,nc1 1 Theat:ce En:i.d Bagno1d Cld.cago Da:L1y Hewe typesc:d_pt !ii 1/ 27, "An Interview With M:tx Slm.ulrnan" the topic Juvenile Deliquency

carbon 3,[.

28. "Boston Post" article carbon 2_/. with halo, note

29, B:Log.caphical sketch for Colliers carbon 2{,

30, "The Imperfect Squelch 11 article for Variety 199~ typescript

with ty-_ped corr. 11. /

31. Book Review by IV.S of THE CHOiillCHERRY TREE by Feiije Feikema

carbon 2/. for Chicago Daily News

32. A lecture byivS carbon auto of IVS on p. i 27 [.

1 11 33, ' Interview with J:f.a:x: Shulman for Doubleday Sales .t!Beting

dialogue carbon l1.I.

31+. Publicity release dated Feb l1.' 1958 entitled ''Come to Lake Shulman this surnmerJ that is" mimeo 1f . 35. Night club act for Eddie Albert and Iv:argo by rv.s holo. note dated 19~-9 carbon first draft 9 f · final copy carbon holo. corr. 11/. 36. Revue slcetch "All for Love 11 first draft "The Guin.ea Pig" by M3 mirneo 7 J. 37. notes for a short otory course by rvs carbon 7 /!. 38, notes for a short story course by Iv.S typescript with holo,

doodles on back leaf 71__.

39. "The Fleeting Moment of Perfect Ii'lavor 11 by f1:S printed

aa:vertisernent copy 2 facing page

11.0. "Colorado Dodo" Iv.S guest editor


/ l. Photographs 17 publid.ty photos not labeled

/2. Publisher's Weekly cover picture of rvs advertising his novel

SLEEP '.I.1IL.L NOON inside article inside cover and p. 1 Jan 7 1 50 /' 3 , 11 'fhe A111erican Weekly" J·an 6th 1963 BowLon Adve:ctiser bacL

page add for Famous Writers School

I 11 Ji , Publicj_ty add :for lvB G large Econrnny Size Barefoot Boy with ClJ.eek lj J //

11 1 11 11 1 '1 he Feather· Merchant::: J and 'I he Ze1Jra Derby" crnnplete :l.n one vol,

1 1 1 11 11 5, play bUls llr1. . l l e-, 'f- e·- Jl.v. · e·'.r. 'I'·• J. ·A·c, fl II ( 9Q;) ? DaJ•ef'oot Boy with Cheek ( J.1.)

NB wo:cl;_S cove1·ing for the l:i0f3"G pa:ct the 1s1)1.u f s and 50 ID

/7'. Doubleday BooL News J)j_ctu:ce blurb of ivJS on page SJ Jan' L!_(_;

[J, sc:capbookG ( 3) ( [oeparate package)

a, newsclippingf; and other pub] wate::c:laJ for NB 's Rally

Round the Flag Boys 1957 2 books

b. newsclippings and other publicity 111ate:cial for ''The 1,a.ny

Loves of Dobie Gillis n 1959

Box 23

Advertising copy

1 "On Carnpus II adve:bU.se1nent for JVJ,3.,rlborough Cigarettes J66 /,

:rn·inted 1,1ate:d.a1

2, !Ion Carnpus !I adverti.1::ement fo1· IvJ,3.,rlbm·ough C1ga1·ettes 10 f. \ IJhoto.stat

J, Ea,1·lboL·ough Co:u11r;ercia:u1 for television nd.rneo J.J (l-

11. Pex-sonna StainJess SteeJ B1ades adveJ·tj_sei1:ent by I.'S ty1)esc:cipt

(Ji.) ho1o. and ty}Jed cmT, J

5 .. 1''l'be Fleetj_ng Moment oJ' Perfect J11 lav01· 11 adveTt:i.E;eJrient fo:r: G1·een

11 G:Lant Co, fo:c !I New Ym·ker ( J'/[ag. ) 1mb :proof'.

'(. fos,x 8huln1an for Kellogg's (; adve1·th:e1uents ty7.,ec-ic:i:i]1t w:LtLt

Lwlo. and t:nied co:cr. carlJons tutal LI-]_ f,

(cont' cl ac1ve:i:t:L:::; :Lng copy) 8. "On Carnpur~ with Max ShuJJi1an" for r1B,rlborough 99 ads 331 f.

with holo. and ty-pea. corr.

9. "on Campus with Shulman 11 for Ivarlborough 115 carbons of ads

.)'"'116 . t.j Wlu'·'·h h o J.o, corr.

10. 11 :rvax Shulman Revisited" a re1n·int of the pick of the humorous

"On Campus 11 college newspape:c columns sponso:ced. by makers of

Philip J,1brris Cigared:rtes 111. X.

11--,0 BOXff:)


personal correspondence including:

Abbott, George 4 AIS 33 TIS some not dated b;.t appear to

cover yr. 1911.6

Allen, Steve 1 AIS 2 TIS n. d.

Appel, Benjamin 2 TIS n.d.

Bdce, Fanny 1 TIS n.d.

Brynner, Yul 2 'rIS n.d.

Cahn, Sammy 1 TIS n.d.

Cerf, Bennett 1 '.l1IS 1/19/55

Dickey; Alice Ivanning 1 TIS 191~6 June l+

Ellison, Jr·rome 1 TIS 1911.6 Ive..y 21

Fadiman, Clifton 2 TIS Aug 18 and April 11, 19)-1.7

Freeman, Orville 1 'I1JB Jan 23, 1958

Hs,rt, Moss 1 TIS :tray 16, 19 59

Hayes, Helen 1 ALS ~ 23, 195)~

Johnson, Van 1 AIS n.d.

Katkov, Norman 26 '.I'L, 5 •rr_s 8 with dates:

1952 Aug 27

1957 Aug 10

1957 l\Tov 7 1957 Nov 22 1957 Nov 26

1957 Dec 5

1958 Feb 3

1959 Feb 28

22 not dated

Linkletter, Art l TIB Oct 28, 1958

lf.tayo, C. W. MD l TI.B Oct 12, 1965

Rich, Louise Dick,foson 1 TIS l AIS March 1 and Dec 8 1 46 respectively

Stone, Irving 1 TIB riarhh 26, 1956

Stromberg, Hunt Jr. l TIS Dec 23, 1965

Updike, John 3 TIS M3,y 16, July 21, Aug 11 1 55

Uttal, Fred 1 TIS March 15, 191+6

Vanderbilt, Arrry 1 TIS Sept 6 1 57

Wallach, Eli l AIS June 19, 1951

Warner, Jack 1 '.I'JJ3 lf.tarc h 11~, 191,.9

Warren, Robert Penn 10 TIS 1952 Jan 15 - 1963 July 29

Wou.k, Herman 17 TIS 11 AIS 1951 June 16 - 1963 July 29, 2 AIS from .!'IS children: Dan, Bud, Pete, :Mo1,rtha; 3 TIS from

unlrnown ( incomplete sign.) correspondence business - personal. including:

Ackerman, Harry 2 TIS 6/11./58, 3/17/59

Arnateau, Rod 1 TIS plus news clipping about "Dobie Gillis 11

Armst:cong, Ned_ 1 r:l'LS

Arnoff, Betty 2 TIS 7/JJ1/50, 6/27/50 carbon of intro.

by JYS for a book rny Grof,s entitled NO METAL CAN TOUCH

YOU 2 f.

Arn.old, Danny l r:I:1J..S 1~/4/55

Auerback, Arnold 11. TIS 1/26/52, 2/2/52, 9/28/52, 6/J.3/52

Axel.rod, George 2 TIS 9/13/5q., 10/211./55

Beach, Stewart l TIS 5/11/53

Bissell, Richard 1 AJ.S Black; Creed C. 1 TIS 11/22/57

Blies; Robert Sherwood 1 TIS 6/1/51

Boutell, Clif 1 TIS 1911.6 Jan 31

B:cac1bury, Walter I. 1 AIS 9 TIS 19J1.2 Dec 21 - l'f.iay 11 19611

Brennan, Dan 3 TIS

Brandt, Carl 1 TIS 11/22/55

Brown, James 0. 1 TIS 9/20/56

Burnett, Leo l TIS 2/15/60

Caen, He:cbert l TIS

Claa.n, Louc1ie 1 TIS ( 2/_, . ) 8/ 5/L.-6

Clement, Nilry Jane 1 '11IS 10/29/58

Cohen, Dorothy L. 1 TIS ( 2 f. )

Conroy, J'ack 1 TIS 1/11/1~5

Coslow, Sam J. TIS 11/29/L.-'7

Cousins, Ivar garet 1 'rIJ3 J+ / 1/11.8

Cravrford, Cheryl 2 TIS 3/1/62, 3/5/62

Cullman, Joseph J. III 1 '.PIS 9/18/57

Davis, Jerry !J. TIS 1952

De Vries, Peter 1 ALS 5/21/63

Dresner, Hal 1 'l'IS 6/25/65

Dwyer, Sherman I-I. 1 TIS 2/2/11-8

Dum1es, Dominick 1 TIS 8/26/60

Elder, Donald B, 2 TIS 1/23/J+5, 1/25/45

Farrell, Thomas (Tommy) 1 AIS 8/10/L.8

Fessier, Michael 1 TIS (2j(.) n.d.

Feikema, FejJrn 1 TIS 5/:L0/11.8 Cat, ns M;::mfre

]_i'reernan, 2 TIS L.-/11/L..9, 12/23/55

Friebus, li'lorida 1 AIS

Friedman, Ph:U.ip Allan 1 'l'IS 1953 cTuly 17

Garnmie, $ill l 11-f ,}... _/ 1 j 6 I ( l~ f, I

Goodman, Jad: l TIS 11/8/11.4 ( add.ressed to Hal Mcttson)

Graham, Irvin 1 AIS 8/2/56

Gross) Milt 1 AIS 11/2/50 (2,l.)

Harbach; William 0, nS 7/29/65

Heggen) 'I'om '11IS

Henning; Paul TLS 10/11/ 62

17 J o l1nson, 1,1u.nna.l\T 1-a. -;;,.y 2 'lI"djJ 12/2/1-- ,- , ) ~?/J.3/51 _

Jonas, Carl 1~ 1rIS n.d.

J"orda.n; Eileen Herbert 2 TIS 9/11/53, 5/21/511.

Kahn, Kermit 2 r_r.LS 10/19/5L~J 12/4/59

Katz; Harry 3 TLS 1 AJ.B

Knopf) Alfred 2 TLS 3/1/62, 8/11+/57

Kolodin, Ir,.d111g 1 TIS 7 /nh/58

Lang, Jennings 2 r:r:•IS 6/8/61.1, 3/26/65

Lazar, Irving Paul 3 'I'IJ3 L~/3/57, 8/20/58, 11/11/57

Leff, Perry 1 TLS 12/7/ 62

Lewine, Robert F, 1 TIS 11/11/60

Linke J Dick 1 TIS 12/2/57

Lieberman; Leo 3 TIS 8/31/53, 4/13/55, 11/29/52

Lippman, Hyman S. :MD 1 AIS 11/11/!+7

Lyons, Leonard 1 TIS 10/21/1+7

McBride, M3,ry Margaret AIS 2/28/116 iVIcCa11; Monica l AIS 1 ~['LS l1/12/5J1.; 1/13/55 respectively

:Mccarey, Leo 2 TLS 9/J.1/57, 6/18/58, Ken 11 ~:IS 1946 Aug 26 - 1955 Aug 12 1 TL 10/21/J+S

McGuire) Don 22 'fi.B 1 r:I:1L l AIS 1951 Nov 5 - 1958 J·u1y 10 Manf'rE")d, Frednrlck F'P:U

11 TIS from Moore; IvarJe D. ( a.h;o of Hm:·old Ivatson I s fh•m) Mayes, Herbert R, 2 TIS 9/9/57, 12/17/56

.f,l,ealand, Richard L. 7 TIS 1~ AIS 191~7 Aug 7 - 1951!- Oct 2!+

Mielziner, Jo 2 TIS 19J+7 April 2, 1956 IvRrch 5

.Mincla, Albert G, (RQbbi )) 1 'I'IS 194-6 Apr:tl 19

Neros) Leo 2 TIS 1952 Feb 5, .f,/Rrch 14

Nicoloff, Dona 1 TIS 1962 Dec 10

Northcross, Samuel H, 2 TIS 1960 Sept 1, 1962 Dec 18

Nye, Bud 2 TIS n.d.

Oerley, W, A. l TIS n.d.

Packer, Peter 1 TIS 1953, Feb 3

Panetta, George 2 TIS 1~/2/57, n/20/57

Peters, A. D. 2 '].'IS (short holo. note on letter 3/13/56) 3/13/56,


Pfeiffer, Karl G. 1 TIS (short holo, note 2/19/62 Raa.nitz, Robert 1 TIS (2 /L) 9/6/57 t? Ragaway, Martin A, 1 TIS (2 ,(,) l.i./26/!+9

Rawson, Eleanor Stienhern 8 TIS 1951 Kay 7, 1955 J"uly 13

Reasoner, Harry 1 TIS 1950 Jan 29

Robe:cts, Paul 1 TIS n.d.

Robinson, Hubbell 1 TIS 1963 Jan 21

Rome, Harold 2 'J.'IS 1949 Nov 11, 19511 Nov 9

Rornoff, Albert 1 TIS 1958 IV:arch 9

RothJ Russell 12 TIS 1 AIS 1911.7 Nov 11 - 1961+ April 20

Ruark, Robert 1 TIS 1958 June 2

·re Schary, D~ 4 TIS 1952 July 18 - 1956 Dec lh

Schick, Edith l TIS 1946 June 7

Schulberg, Bua.d l ~rIS 1951 Nov 19 90

Selznick, Irene r1.ayer 1 TIS (3 t.) 19511. Feb 15

SeHgrnan, Bernie l 1I1IS 195!1. April 5

Sherman, John 1 TIS 19L~7 Feb 20

Shirer, William L. 1 TIS 1957 M,1y 15

Sindrof, Robert 1 TIS (2l.) 19L~6 Karch 31

Sld&all, Jack H. l 1I1IS 1963 Nov 1

Smith, Betty 1 1I1IS (2 Q.) 1955 Sept 22

Smith, IL Allen 3 TIS n.d.

Smith) Robert Paul 1 TIS nd

Stark, Ray 1 ':PIS 194-8 June 29

Stevens, K, T, 1 AIS n.d.

Stout, Rex 4- TIS 1956 Ivarch 12 - Jan 28 1957

Strkhner; Sidney G, 1 business card AIS (pres. I. W. Harper


Thomas, Louise 2 TIS 1950 July 18, 1958 Iv'iarch 27

Thorn, Wanley 2 TIS 1952 Nov 37 1960 Nov 17

'J:ibbals 7 Walter A. 1 TIS 1963 Jan 8

Turgeon, Peter l AIS 2 TIS n.a..

WaJ.dJ Jerry 10 TIS 19ll9 April 11, 1955 Nov 21

Wa,z;rnan, Arthur l TIS 1956 July 25

Weingarten, L. A. 2 TIS 1955 ri"iay 18, 1955 July 20 vTick, Ted 3 TIS 1961 l"eb 22, 1~60 Nov 2, 1962 June 26

Williams, 18,ITy' 1 TIS 1965 Oct 23

WilmeT, Harry A., MD 2 TIS 1922 Feb 25, Iv"iarch 16

Wilson, Earl (Saloon Ed - NY Post) 1 TIS 1911-S Narch 9 Wollrnvu}cy, Ruth AIS :31

Wood.p Ralph 5 TIS 19511 - 55 business correspondence

Variety Abel Green 6 TIS; 1 TL 19118 Mar. l+ - 1960 Aug 30

Philip Morris Inc. RM Green 2 TIS 1961 Oct 3; L962 tlar 2

Twentieth Century-Fox FiJJn Corp. David Brown 5 'J.1IB 1957 Sept 9 -

1959 l'f.arch 24

Metro-Goldwyn-M<:1,yer Pictures 20 TIS

1. Olin IL CJ_ark 2 TIS 1952 Oct 1) 1953 Jan 16

2. Kenneth Iv:acKenna 3 TIS 19 52Dec 29, 19 55 Nar 1~ and 17

3. Arthur Loew, Jr. 7 TIB 1952-53

plus 2 TIB (Mike) no last name 1965 Nov 8 and 12

l~. Charles Schnee 6 TIB 1952 July 3 - 1953 Aug 28

University of Mi.nnesota 9 TIS 1957 Nov 7 - 1,965 Sept 13

Famous Artists Agency, Inc. 39 TIS 1950 Ivar 10 - 1962 Aug 10

Famous Writers School Inc. 8 TLS 1 AIS

carbon of autobiography by .tvS ( 8 /_. ) , carbon of a Variety

article by Nbrt Freedgood about IvS' s membership in FWS holo.

corr. ui-1.) 1958 - 61 correspondence relating to Good Houseteeping 1956 mag. column includes:

1. Corning, Howard B. Pres. of 11 Harvara. Lampoon" AIS

2. Freund, Jim AIS

3 . Hall, James TIS editor "Texas Ranger" Univ. of TexaE,

11-. Rugle, John J. TIS (2_.,,{) "Pelican'' editor) U. of Cal. Berkley, Cal.

5. Pool; Peter A. 1 TIS editor-in-chief "Jester of Columbia"

6. Horn, Con TIS Human and Exchange Chief "Smoke Signals 11

Florida State U., ~:ellahassee Fla.

7. Hadden, Donnelly W. Hadden TIS editor "The Spartan .tv:1:igazine 11

of M.i.chigan State University·

8., Art TIS ea.itor of "Dar·b l'fag. 11 of Dartmouth College 9. correspondence relative to NS visit to Winston SalemJ North

Carolina 1962 7 TIS

10. correspondence of a general business mature axranged according

to year, covering dates 1911-3 Aug 27 - 1966 Feb 7 1811. letters total

11 not dated.

Box 't1 3~ carbon copies of letters written by M3 inclusive a.ates 1942 Iv.ay 7 - 1966

Ivarch 22 arranged according to year. Box »~ 33 correspondence fan letters 156 total, 30 not dated dates covered 1911.5

1'iErc h 10 - 1966 Jan 7

telegrams to JYS from the following:

Axelrod, George 1957 Sept 6

Benjamin, Ben 1953 Feb 28 (2)

Brym1er, Yul 1956 July 30

Freeme,n, Orville; .Mine·tte +Louis Harris, Gladys+ Harold Field;

Bea and Ma-sc Rappaport 1959 Jan 12

Hall, Ben

Halliday, Ric hard 1962 Feb 111.

Levathes J Peter 1959 Dec 15

Linkletter, Art 1959 l<'eb 4

Loew, Arthur 1953 Nay 13

Monta, R, 1952 Aug 19

Norlander, Everett 1952 Oct 25

Styne; Jule 19 51 Oct l~

Terry, Elizabeth 1962 June 30

plus one signed Jl/litcha~l V. Charnley School of Journali.srn, U. of,

miscellaneous material prj.nted and correspondence from i.ndividuals to

people other than :tv:S pertaining to M:~ material from Famous Writers

Course inclusive dates 1950 - 1963 SHULMAN, MAX

April 1972


Box 34 A) Plays and screenplays.

1) "How Now, Dow Jones". Book by Max Shulman; Lyrics by Carolyn

Leigh; Music by Elmer Bernstein.

a) Mimeo, Ca, 150 pp. (#1).

b) Third draft revised August 21, 1967. Mimeo, Ca. 150 pp. (#2).

c) Third draft revised August 21, 1967, Mimeo and typescript

with holograph corrections, Ca. 150 pp. (#3),

d) Third draft revised August 12, 1967. Mimeo, typescript, and

carbon typescript with holograph corrections, Ca. l.50 pp.


e) Second draft revised May 18, 1967 with pages missing.

Mimeo, Ca, 150 pp. (//5).

Box 35 f) Second draft revised May 18, 1967. Typescript with holograph

corrections, Ca. 100 pp. (1/6) •

g) First draft. Typescript and carbon typescript with holograph

corrections, Ca, 50 PP• (1/7).

h) First draft revised August 8, 1966. Typescrlpt with holograph

corrections, Ca, 50 pp. (#8).

i) Complete first draft revised September 26, 1966. Typescript

with holograph corrections, 85 pp. (#9).

j) Final working script. Mimeo, typescript, carbon typescript

with holograph corrections, Ca, 150 pp. (#10).

k) "First drafts, Boston". Typescript and carbon typescript with

holograph correction::;, 23 pp. (//11).

1) "New Scenes for Boston, Oct, 29". Typescript and carbon

typescript with holograph corrections, Ca. 100 pp. (//12). page 2

SHULMAN, MAX April 1972

m) Added lines, probably for Boston. Typescript and carbon

typescript with holograph corrections, Ca. 50 pp. (//13).

Box 36 n) "New Scenes for Philadelphia". Typescript and carbon

typescript with holograph corrections, Ca. 100 pp. (#14).

11 o) "Revisions, New York • Typescript and carbon typescript with

holograph corrections, 18 pp- (#15).

p) "Scenes Under Revision, New Haven, October 8, 1967".

and carbon typescript with holograph corrections, Ca. 50 pp.


11 q) "Cuts and Revisions, November 27 • Typescript and carbon

typescript with holograph corrections, 31 pp •. (#17).

r) "Outlint! of ch.mges; Revised Scenes, Act 1; Philadelphia;

October 14, 1967". Typescript and carbon typescript with

holograph corrections, Ca. 50 pp. (#18).

s) "Final revisions, December 4, 1967". Typescript and carbon

typescript with holograph corrections, Ca. 50 pp. (//19).

t) "Discards, New Haven". Typescript and carbon typescript with

holograph corrections, Ca. 40 pp. (#20).

u) "Discards from revised second draft & third draft". Typescript

and xerox of typescript with holograph~ co·rrections, Ca. 30 pp.

(//21) •

v) "Discards, Boston". Typescript and carbon typescript with

holograph corrections, Ca. 40 pp, (#22).

w) "Discarded Scenes; Philadelphia". Typescript and carbon typescript

with holograph corrections, Ca. 50 pp. (//23),

x) Lyrics. Xerox of typescript and holograph, Ca. 40 pp. (#24).

y) Casting. Typescript, carbon typescript, xerox, and holograph, Ca, 50 pp. Including: CTL to Biff Liff (David Merrick Prod.), April 7, 1967. (//25). page 3

SHULMAN, MAX April 1972

Box 37 2) "Instant Army".

a) Treatment. Carbon typescript, 69 pp. (//26).

b) Treatment dated November 24, 1965. Xerox of typescript, 69 pp.


c) Typescript and carbon typescript, 182 pp. (#27).

d) January 19, 1966. Mimeo with holograph corrections, 182 pp.


e) Revised first draft, March 17, 1966. Mimeo, 133 pp. (//29).

f) Notes and cuts. Typescript and carbon typescript with holograph

corrections, Ca. 75 pp. 1965-1966. (//30).

Box 38 3) "Just Lucky, I Guess".

a) Preliminary notes, February 6, 1968. Typescript, 4 pp. (#31).

b) Rough outline, February 23, 1968. Carbon typescript, 26 pp.

with carbon memo to Jack Laird from MS, March 1, 1968. (//31).

c) Treatment, February 28, 1968. (//31).

1. Typescript with holograph corrections, 23 pp.

2. Carbon typescript, 23 pp.

d) Titled "The Virgin Commando". First draft. Typescript and

xerox of typescript with holograph corrections, 84 pp. (//32).

e) First draft titled "The Virgin Commando". Typescript with

holograph corrections, 79 pp. (#33).

f) First draft titled "The Virgin Commando", June 28, 1968.

Tyf)escript and xerox of typescript with holograph corrections,

124 pp. (//34).

g) First draft titled "The Virgin Commando", June 28, 1968.

Carbon typescript with holograph corrections, 133 pp. (1/35). page 4

SHULMAN, MAX April 1972

h) Second draft revised October 11, 1968. Typescript with holograph

corrections, 126 pp. (#36).

i) Second draft revised October 11, 1968. Typescript, 145 pp.


j) Correspondence to and from Jack Laird (Universal Studios),

March 1968-August 1968. (1/38).

4 CTL and L} TLS

11 11 Box 39 4) Money moon •

a) Typescript with holograph corrections, 5 pp. (//39).

b) Treatment. Carbon typescript, 70 pp. (#39).

c) Treatment. Typescript with holograph corrections, 61 pp. (#40).

d) Treatment. Mimeo and typescript with holograph corrections,

70 pp. (//41).

11 11 5) "The Naked Broker". Originally titled The Postgraduate •

Original screen story and treatment. Typescript with holograph

corrections, 76 pp. (#42).

B) Novel

POTATOES ARE CHEAPER. Doubleday, 1971. (Originally titled A TEN


a) Typescript and xerox of typescript with holograph corrections

and printer's marks, 246 pp. (#43).

Box 40 b) Typescript with holograph corrections, 153 pp. (//44).

c) Corrected galleys. (#45).

e) Note~~, outline, manuscript: Chapter VII. Holograph and

typescript with holograph corrections, Ca. 50 pp. (//46).

f) Discards, Chapter 7. Holograph and typescript with holograph

corrections, Ca. 50 pp. (#47). page 5

SHULMAN, MAX April 1972

g) Duplicates and discards, Chapter 8. Typescript and carbon

typescript with holograph corrections, Ca. 50 pp. (#48).

Box 41 h) Duplicates and d.tscards, Chapter 9. Typescript and carbon

typescript with holograph corrections, Ca. 100 pp. (#49).

i) Duplicates and discards, Chapter 10. Typescript and carbon

typescript with holograph corrections, Ca. 50 pp. (1150).

j) Duplicates and discards, Chapter 11.Typescript and carbon

typescript with holograph corrections, Ca. 50 pp. (1151).

k) Duplicate.8 and discards, Chapter 12. Typescript and carbon

typescript with hmlograph corrections, Ca. 100 pp. (#52).

1) Duplicates and discards, Chapter 13. Typescript and carbon

typescript with holograph corrections, Ca. 50 pp. (#53).

m) Duplicates and discards, Chapter 14. Typescript and carbon

typescript with holograph corrections, Ca. 50 pp. (#54).

n) Dµplicates and discards, Chapter 15. Typescript and carbon

typescript with holograph corrections, Ca. 50 pp. (1155).

o) Duplicates an

typescript with holograph corrections, Ca. 50 pp. (#56).

Box 42 C) "On Campus with Max Shulman". Column for college newspapers,

1966-1971. (#56).

1) "Once More Unto the Breach". Column #1, 1966-1967 Season.

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

b) Typescript with holograph corrections, 4 pp.

2) '"M' is for the Many Things You' 11 Teach Her". Column #2,

1966-1967 Season.

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

b) Typescript with holograph corrections, 3 pp. page 7

SHULMAN, MAX April 1972

10) "Football for Shut-Ins". Column 112, 1967-1968 Season,

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp

b) Galley.

11) "1968: Its Cause and Cure". Column 114, 1967-1968 Season.

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

b) Galley.

12) "Morning I s at Seven ... and There I s Nothing You Can Do About It".

eolunm 115, 1967-1968 Season.

a) Carbon typescript, 3pp.

b) Carbon typescript, '.p>pp.

c) Typescript with holograph corrections, 3 pp.

d) Galley.

13) "Money: The Story of an Engineer". Column 116, 1967-1968 Season,

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

b) Galley.

14) "Was Keats the Bob Dylan of His Day?". Column 117, 1967-1968 Season.

a) Carbon typescript, 4 pp.

b) Typescript with holograph corrections, 5 pp.

c) Galley,

15) 11 Frorn the Halls of protozoa". Column 118, 1967-1968 Season.

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

b) 2 galleys.

16) "The Winds of Change Are Giving Me a Stiff Neck". Column 111,

1968-1969 Season.

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

b) Typescript with holograph corrections, 5 pp.

c) 2 Galleys. page 8

SHULMAN, MAX April 1972

17) "A Boy and His Dog are Soon Parted". Column 112, 1968-1969 Season.

Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

18) "How to Grow Flowers in the Generation Gap". Column //3, 1968-

1969 Season.

Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

19) "I Don't Know How to Tell You This, but You Can't Stay in College

Forever". Column t/4, 1968-1969 Season.

Carbon ty:pescript, 3 pp.

20) "The Pickets That Bloom in the Spring". Column 115, 1968-1969 Season.

Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

21) "Dustin Hoffman, Call Your Office". Column t/6, 1968-1969 Season.

Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

22) 11 0blong Pegs in Ovoid Holes". Column 117, 1968-1969 Season.

Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

23) "Can Parietal Rights Bring Happiness?". Column f!l, 1970-1971 Season.

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

b) Typescript ,vith holograph corrections, 4 pp.

c) Galley.

24) "How to Prevent Students". Column 112, 1970-1971 Season.

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

b) Typescript with holograph corrections, 5 pp.

c) Galley.

25) "Prexy' s Complaint". Column //3, 1970-1971 Season.

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

b) Typescript with holograph correetions, 3 pp.

c) Typescript with holograph corrections, 3 pp.

d) Typescript with holograph corretions, 3 pp. page 9

SHULMAN, MA,"{ April 1972

e) Typescript with holograph corrections, 3 pp.

f) Typescript with holograph corrections, 3 PP·

g) Typescript with holograph corrections, 3 PP• h) Galley.

26) "Money: The Story of Higher Education", Column 114, 1970~1971 Season

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

b) Typescript with holograph corrections, 4 PP•

c) Typescript with holograph corrections, 4 PP• d) 2 Galleys,

27) "Economics, and. Other Unsolved Crimes", Column 115, 1970-1971 Season

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

b) Typescript with holograph corrections, 4 pp.

c) Galley.

28) "Why the Barber Moved to Seville". Column 116. 1970-1971 Season.

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

b) Typescript with holograph corrections, 4 pp.

c) Galley.

29) "Nice Guys Finish". Column 117, 1970-1971 Season,

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

b) Typescript with holograph corrections, 4 pp.

c) Galley.

30) "The Beard of Avon". Column 118, 1970-1971 Season.

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

b) Galley.

31) "Down MEmorary Lane Without a Paddle". Column 119, 1970-1971 Season.

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp. b) Typescript with holograph corrections, 4 pp.

c) Typescript with holograph corrections, 4 pp.

d) Galler, page 10


32) "Everything you always wanted to know about college ••• but were

too classy to ask". Column //10, 1970-1971 Season.

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

b) Typescript with holograph corrections, 3 pp.

c) Galley,

33) "ESP; or Extra-Sensory Pollution". Column /Ill, 1970-1971 Season.

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

b) Typescript with holograph corrections, 6 pp.

c) Galley.

34) "Don't Let Success Get You Down". Column /112, 1970-1971 Season.

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

b) Typescript with holograph corrections, 4 pp.

c). Galley.

35) "Quo Vadis; or Your Chariot In On My Foot". Column 1113,

1970-1971 Season.

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

b) Typescript with holograph corrections, 6 pp.

c) Carbon typescript with holograph corrections, 3 pp. titled

"Roman in the Gloamin'", Column 1/4, 1965-'-1966 Season.

36) 11 ESP Revisited". Column /114, 1970-1971 Season.

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

b) Typescript with holograph corrections, 7 pp.

c) Galley.

37) 11 Room···Mates; or Know YOur Enemy". Column /115, 1970-1971 Season.

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

b) Galley. page 11

SHULMAN, MAX April 1972

11 38) "Tenure; or Old Teachers Never Die • Column /116, 1970-1971 Season.

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

b) Typescript with holograph corrections, 6 pp.

c) Galley.

39) "Empty Cradles in the Old Corral". Column 1/17, 1970-1971 Season.

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

b) Typescript with holograph corrections, 3 pp.

c) Galley.

40) 11 The Preening of America". Column {/18, 1970-1971 Season.

a) Carbon typescript:, 3 pp.

b) Typescript with holograph corrections, 3 pp.

c) Galley.

41) '"Dean'Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry0 • Column /119,

1970-1971 Season.

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

b) Typescript with holograph corrections, 3 pp.

c) Galley.

42) "Groovy Gifts for Grabby Grads". Column /120, 1970-1971 Season.

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

b) Typescript with holograph corrections, 3 pp.

43) "Is There Life After Commencement?". Column //21, 1970-1971 Season.

a) Carbon typescript, 3 pp.

b) Typescript with holograph corrections, 4 pp.

c) Galley. page 12

SHULMAN, MAX April 1972

1952-1971. (1157).

20 TLS


28 CTL

2 Telegrams

1 printed invitation.


Official transcript of Proceedings before the Federal Trade

Commission in the Matter of : FAS Internation, Inc.,

Ferbuary 9, 1971. pp. 1-85. Xerox copy. MS a witness.

Agreement, November 11, 1968, signed by MS and a high school teacher.

Albert, Eddie. Carbon agreement, March 12, 1954, signed by MS and

Eddie Albert.

Amateau, Rod. TLS, September 12, 1960.

CTL to Bruce Lansbury (CBS-TV), July 17, 1962.

Asimov, Isaac. TLS, August 2, 1971.

Clark, Eleanor. TLS, February 17, 1967.

Cooper, Wyatt. 2 ALS, June 6, 1971 and Ca. October 1971.

Corley, Edwin. TLS, November 24, 1969.

Hughes, Arthur. ALS, July 8, 1968.

Hunter, Evan. TLS, January 3, 1967.

TLS, April 26, 1970 with "The Scavengers", Outline for

comedy-adventure series by EH. Xerox of

typescript, 10 pp.

TLS, June 12, 1970 with "Finders, Keepers", Outline

for comedy series by EH. Xerox of typescript, 9 pp page 13

SHULMAN, MAX April 1972

Kerr, Walter. TLS, November 8, 1966,

McGuire, Don, TLS, May 28, 1967.

Penn, Arthur. TLS, Ca. April 30, 1968.

Randolph, A. Philtip1 (League for Industrial Democracy).~TekQ~m ·

no date.

Ratcliff, Jack D, TLS, September 13, 1971.

Ryan, Robert. TLS(form letter with autograph signature), no date.

Seeley, Mabel (Mrs. Henry Ross). TLS, October 27, Ca. 1967.

Warren, Robert Penn. 2 TLS, August 31, 1966 and August 9, 1970.

Warren, William C. (Dean, School of Law, Columbia). TLS,

May 29, 1970.

Uris, Leon. 2 TLS, April 8 and 28, 1971. Shulman, Max #196 1/31/84 Preliminary Listing


I. Printed Materials A. Promotional Materials re: various movies, 1963-1984. [F. 1, Loose] B. Magazines, Good Housekeeping, 7 issues, 1945-1954.

Shulman, Max (1/31/84) Page 1 of 1