International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 7, Issue 12, December 2017 648 ISSN 2250-3153

Post , Through Treated with Pulmonary Rehabilitation – An Evidence Based Case Study


M.P.T (Orthopaedics), M.S (Education), M. Phil (Education), Ph.D (Physiotherapy), The Principal, Sree Balaji College Of physiotherapy, Chennai – 100., Affiliated To (Bharath) University, BIHER , Chennai – 73.

Abstract- Introduction: One tenth of the patients receiving MV undergo Respiratory distress, an a acute emergency situation requires (Kollef etal 1999) mechanical ventilatory support and tracheotomy. Rehabilitation Use of mechanical ventilation, development of with residual pulmonary and neurological means needs critical pneumonia, use of tracheotomy explain more hospital costs analysis when adopting customized physical . Aims & (Winslow etal 2003) Objectives of this original research was to evaluate the impact of An improved exercise performance was highly evidenced pulmonary rehabilitation on quality of life of this subject. with PR by ACCp/ AACVPR (Ries etal 2007) Materials & Methodology: After gradual weaning and the Strength training component in PR increases muscle mass subject getting discharged to home daily domiciliary and strength (Ries etal 2005) physiotherapy from 10.02.2017 to 28.05.2017 and he was getting treated at the rehabilitation centre as an outpatient from Aims & Objectives of this original research was to 1.06.2017 till 30.09.2017 with twice a week frequency in evaluate the efficacy of PR on QOL following weaning from MV Chennai with principles of pulmonary rehabilitation. Results of and tracheostomy pre and post PR were analyzed on QOL SF 36 P<.01 Keywords: ARDS, Thacheostomy, Pulmonary Conclusion: periodical evaluation, feedback, functional activity Rehabilitation, Dyspnea, Vital Capacity, Anxiety based exercises, combining pulmonary and neurological therapy can facilitate due rehabilitation in a shorter time frame. Past History H/O Mr.XXX, Aged 55 years was on ventilatory support Index Terms- Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Tracheotomy, through tracheotomy for respiratory distress from 02.02.2017 till Mechanical Ventilation, Respiratory Distress, Quality of Life 08.02.2017 was known type II diabetes and CAD with EF of 55% as on 08.02.2017, he was treated with due for rlessilla and pseudomonas aeruginosa. Known smoker and an I. INTRODUCTION alcoholics, his complaints since June 2017 were inability to walk ince most human ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress unaided frequent falls and lowered energy levels. BMI: 24Kg/m2 S Syndrome) patients require mechanical ventilation, several pulmonary ventilator strategies (Amato etal 1998) based on massive alveolar collapse, cyclic reopening, over distension O/E of the occurring during mechanical ventilation to decrease − Left hypertonicity legs > arms lung injury during ventilation (Borges etal 2008) − Bilateral hamstring tightness Pulmonary insults can lead to a varying degree of − Spirometer VC- 1200 CC respiratory compromise and failure described as ARDS (Ware − Balance in standing needs support and Mattey 2000) and reported with a mortality rates between − Vastus Medialis left weak > right 40% to 60% (Declue and Cohn 2007). A smoking history is − Hip Abdomen – 2/5 particularly associated with respiratory complications (Berlly and Ext – 2/5 Shem 2007). Cindy etal 2012 in a meta analysis evaluating the − Knee Ext – 2/5 effects of exercise training on measures of physical activity using − Abdominal muscles moderate accelerometer proposed thrice a week and 6 months duration to − Exaggerated lumbar lordosis obtain significant results and changes in behavior (Vanhelst − Bilateral upper extremities 3/5 2012). − Low exercise tolerance Tracheotomies may be performed to ensures a safe and − Reaction time was decreases patent air way in patients to facilitate mechanical ventilation for − Nil visible deformities / soft tissue tightness except respiratory failure (Heffner 2008) while there are complications resisted cervical spine movements including death, associated with tracheostomy, its performance  But he was treated with daily domiciliary physiotherapy has become common (Kapadia etal 2000) from the time of discharge from hospital till May 2017 by some other physiotherapist International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 7, Issue 12, December 2017 649 ISSN 2250-3153

 And he has been attending this centre and is treated by the June to September 2017 author with weekly twice frequency during the period from

Treatment & Clinical Prognosis

Problem Identified Exercises Outcome Measures

June 2017 I. Incentive Spirometer Outcome measures moderate I. Dyspnea on exertion II. Active exercises with mild reduction in fatigue, able to walk with II. Motor power of LE 2/5 resistance in all postures confidence still wobbly and fear of III. Balance disturbance 1 set of 10 exercises with rest 15 fall, requires monitoring IV. Fatigue on mild exertion minutes duration

July 2017 Physioball based Pilates exercises Started attending office and regular  2 occasions had fallen down started, balance training 2 set of 15 walking for 10 minutes with  Vital capacity was 1200 CC exercises 3 repetitions 20 minutes monitoring

August 2017  Floor level exercises with core Able to drive car, social activities he  Getting up and down from low level strengthening of upper and has started with improved confidence, chair findings tough lower extremities for 5 walking duration was increased 20  Anxiety in open environment. repetitions, 20 exercises 25 minutes minutes

September 2017 Dynamic resistance in standing, Vital capacity was 3600 CC, level of  Coming down the steps, ramps, has sitting on ball manually and using fatigue has come down, able to walk difficulty Physioball with 5 repetitions: Set of on different surfaces and new places  New places, surfaces balance, with 20 exercises 30 minutes duration fear he gets disturbed for walking

Hypothetical Questions from this Case Study Were: B. Inactivity leads to deconditioning, mainly caused by I. Pattern of prognosis post respiratory distress, treated with breathlessness, which can lead to an increased fear of mechanical ventilation and tracheotomy later? exertion, avoidance of physical and social activities adding II. Neurological rehabilitation on balance, motor power and further isolation and depression accompanied by a reduced functional activities how effective are factors involved and health related quality of life (Core Hay etal 2014). An RET available with evidence? with 2 years follow up where reduction in health care III. Pulmonary rehabilitation evidenced clinical modalities and utilization with PR was recorded (Guell etal 2000). Muscular duration of prognosis and factors influencing? functional disorders are reversible with moderate to high intensity rehab exercises (Sala etal 1999) ie 60-80% peak Table on Results of Pre and Post – Rehabilitation of the subject work rate are sufficient to elicit adequate physiologic with paired ‘t’ test using SF 36 QOL questionnaire training effects in 30 minutes (Nici etal 2006). With endurance exercises of the leg muscles being the main focus Pre Post SD SE t p (Bogdanis etal 2012) upper limb exercises should be Score 68 31 21 12 3.08 <.01 incorporated to facilitate daily activities such as dressing, washing and carrying groceries (Nici etal 2006). A. Spirometric values improve with physiotherapy as supported by (Divisi etal 2013) but few studies found no significant improvement with spirometer (Bobbio etal 2008). Patients C. Adherence to pulmonary rehabilitation by smokers remains who are liberated from MV and have their tracheotomies less than that of ex smokers (Youg etal 1999). 6 weeks tubes removed have the best survival (Engoren etal 2003). pulmonary rehab had low hospital admission in a one year Chatila etal 2001 who evaluated 25 survivors of a ventilator follow up (Griffiths etal 2000). Griffiths etal 2000 reported rehab unit found mild moderate in pairment in quality of life PR to be cost effective and resulted in financial benefits. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 7, Issue 12, December 2017 650 ISSN 2250-3153

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[27] Guell R, Casan P, Belda J, et al. Long-term effects of outpatient AUTHORS rehabilitation of COPD: A randomized trial. Chest. 2000;117(4):976–983. [28] Ries AL, Kaplan RM, Myers R, Prewitt LM. Maintenance after pulmonary First Author – Dr.S.S.Subramanian, M.P.T (Orthopaedics), M.S rehabilitation in chronic lung disease: a randomized trial. Am J Respir Crit (Education), M. Phil (Education), Ph.D (Physiotherapy). Care Med. 2003;167(6):880–888. The Principal, Sree Balaji College Of physiotherapy, Chennai – 100., Affiliated To (Bharath) University, BIHER, Chennai – 73. Email Id: [email protected], [email protected] , Phone: 99400 47137.