Parliament Calendar No. 14(3)/2017-Parl. Government of Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Office of the Development Commissioner (MSME) Parliament Section **** Nirman Bhavan, New Dated, the 2nd July, 2018.

Sub: Calendar of sittings — Fifteenth Session of Sixteenth and Two Hundred and Forty Sixth Session of (July- August, 2018).

Fifteenth Session of Sixteenth Lok Sabha and Two Hundred Forty-Sixth Session of Rajya Sabha (July-August, 2018) is scheduled to commence on wink y4he 18th July, 2018. u9•e. The sittings for transaction of business have been fixed provisionally as under:-

July: 18,19,20,23,24,25,26,27, 30 and 31 August: 1,2,3,6,7,8,9 and 10.

The provisional days allotted for answering Questions for Lok/ Rajya Sabha in respect of Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises are given below for the information and necessary action of all concerned: LOK SABHA (15th Session of Sixteenth Lok Sabha) Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Monday 23rd July • Monday 306 July Monday 6th August

RAJYA SABHA Two Hundred and Forty-Sixth Session _ Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Wednesday 18th July Wednesday 25th July Wednesday 1st August Wednesday 8th August

(Dr. O.P. Mehta) Director (Parliament) Tele No:23063363

To All Officers in Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Office of the DC (MSME). MINISTRY OF MSME MIS — PARLIAMENT QUESTIONS

SESSION : 246th Session RAJYA SABHA QUESTION DATE 18.07.2018


Si. Subject Concerned Printed Version Remarks, if No. Officer Q.No. Priority No. any



SI. Subject Concerned Printed Remarks, if No. Officer Version any. Q.No. 1. MSME units registered in the AS&DC/ 117 country DDG(S&D) 2. MSME units shut down after GST AS&DC/ 118 DDG(S&D) 3. Job loss in MSME sector AS&DC/ 119 DDG(S&D) 4. Reopening of closed Khadi JS(ARI) 120 Gramodyog Centres 5. Loss of jobs due to model JS(ARI). 121 charkhas 6. Efforts to increase MSME AS&DC/ 122 registrations DDG(S&D) MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES


MSME units registered in the country


Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) how many MSME units are registered in the country so far; (b) the State-wise details thereof; (c) how many MSME units are working in Kerala; and (d) the details of loan sanctioned to MSME units by the banks in Kerala during 2014-15 to 2017-18 and bank-wise details thereof?



(a)&(b): The number of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) registered on Udyog Memorandum (UAM) Portal till 12th July, 2018 (since September, 2015) are 48.40 lakh. The registration details of MSMEs on UAM portal (State/UT-wise) are given in Annexure-I.

(c): As per the data received from 73rd round of the National Sample Survey (NSS) on "Unincorporated Non-Agricultural Enterprises (excluding Construction)", conducted by National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, during July 2015 to June 2016, the total number of MSMEs in Kerala are estimated to be 23.79 lakh.

(d): As per information provided by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the details of loan sanctioned to MSMEs are not maintained. However, the amount of outstanding credit to MSMEs in Kerala for the year ended in March during the years 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 are Rs. 38304.39 Crore, Rs.46235.43 Crore, Rs.47099.36 Crore and Rs.49374.77 Crore, respectively. The bank-wise details of outstanding credit are given in Annexure-II.



A, 9 3ft 711-714 .14414-1 211 el 41

it,4741 MIT 3TaTiii*F #W7ziT 117 37d--{ ciiLka : 18.07.2018

71 *Atfa yr rL>JT §.4)1*411

117. aft ii $R114:

WZrT Irpi, WEI 3111{- 3TVPT 3411 Olt 4.0" %cif *t TNT *tat .124:

(T) tqt 71 3r et V** VW v $ I*21' I ci fl ochioqi tart—a' g; (a.) uRtitft R-17z7 t-wg €441.0 wzrt t; can 43tet 71 TA. v-fr TR. t 1 fdldril*chivii t; 31k (Tr) 44 2014-15 # 2017-18* 414.1•1 4poi A' 4aitF vaT V f vaT er 41:41 -fa wur IT T Wzri 31IT FRNIft tWAR 6441ii SIT ?

Trsirg, 311{- 302171 34446 Trz.T T TM' (•i-aciA WRIT) Oft flilibm

(W) 311-{ (Tff) : al 311/TR' .7114,1 (14U+I) rag tiactt7 1:0-ar, 31ti. 311,731. .54:11a1• (Vdittiiveii) 41 •tit9+41 12 aric 2018 aW ittlfa" 317SWIT 2015 # eicfrt) 48.40 WU tl (isqvdi it& ITT Vd-IV*1411i tiofichvit T1 ttaflci otilv (Ttz3-- 7149--irew-wri) 31-141T-Itr{ 1'4441 7rzrr

(7I) : TITIRT Wxf'AT #4*TuT co 1411 et4i (t/v1Lttivii311), i11ra4ic61 3tIT crwishei ctv144 ratio

e1Alc444 45nti ■12„... 2015 it '‘F, 2016 * "3t1WatPra. 71{-1- 64:im1 CidMiilui olschir fV 3trztlra7 it.4144 si atai lAtTot (voqiivti) *i 73 # Vica 311V dotes *r 39iffrA. -a. 449441 23.79 mist t

(V) : 31Tit7r (317413iTt) cow 41 TiviI t 3714:11{, Wititittai4 *tul. a Rt. 71t fl 44 2015, 2016, 2017 3tIT 2018 * 7114 44•111,-,c1 a# * f -TzR 'kw *t TAY WRIT: 38304.39 boils T., 46235.43 cods W., 47099.36 coil* W. AT 49374.77 coil* W tl Witztiktii3 tachimi k—or * tw-a-R atit 3f:10T-II R•Tf 71-7 #11

* * • • Annexure-I

Annexure referred to in reply to part (a)&(b) of Rajya Sabha Unstarred Question No. 117 for answer on 18.07.2018

The registration details of MSMEs on Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (State/UT-wise)

SL Udyog State/UT Micro Small Medium No. Aadhaar Regd. 1 Andhra Pradesh 210337 21491 682 232510 2 Arunachal Pradesh 367 265 13 645 3 Assam 2555 1012 73 3640 4 756633 13494 744 770871 5 Chhattis_garh 17768 4877 157 22802 6 Goa 2470 1042 65 3577 7 Gujarat 408582 74471 3027 486080 8 Haryana 53652 14919 853 69424 9 Himachal Pradesh 4195 1594 140 5929 10 Jammu and Kashmir 3271 714 36 4021 11 Jharkhand 92541 5282 175 97998 12 Karnataka 108067 25452 1230 134749 13 Kerala 52542 8978 359 61879 14 Madhya Pradesh 340679 19270 677 360626 15 Maharashtra 485167 81058 3876 570101 16 Manipur 14787 2418 34 17239 17 Me!hala a 1035 90 3 1128 18 Mizoram 1062 308 17 1387 19 Nataland 336 103 5 444 20 Odisha 65870 6382 222 72474 21 Pun' ab 56436 12470 451 69357 22 Rajasthan 262960 30540 1092 294592 23 Sikkim 241 105 23 369 24 Tamil Nadu 518165 68633 1685 588483 25 Te1an.tana 96794 40576 1012 138382 26 Tri • ura 2500 357 13 2870 27 Uttar Pradesh 559687 34688 1661 596036, 28 Uttarakhand 11254 2704 211 14169 29 West Bengal 130971 11382 498 142851 30 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 2746 642 31 3419 31 Chandigarh 3225 748 49 4022 32 Dadar and Nagar Haveli 1321 639 44 2004 33 Daman and Diu 558 534 42 1134 34 Delhi 46120 12852 528 59500 35 Lakshadwee • 39 5 0 44 36 Puducherry 3908 847 38 4793 Total 43,18,841 5,00,942 19,766 48,39,549 3r1-411--I

Imr 317Rif*Rr 4441 117 fltichi 3-MT 18.07.2018 WI etzfr 7TRT t, * aarT (*) (zr) c 31T411. sq."! di 31TUTT WNW 11:17 Vdivtiltaii * 14 chiul *T PINT (thruf*Ef WA" *W-rfri)

• .34.:1 4 ii mug xr-- r/lizr Tr-- r itt4 MArtZT . 4-41.

1 mitt valtr 210337 21491 682 232510 2 3rwuriv-g 'craw 367 265 13 645 3 3rir7 2555 1012 73 3640 4 flraT 756633 13494 744 770871 5 s ii #i 0 17768 4877 157 22802 6 1114T 2470 1042 65 3577 7 41 'tic' 408582 74471 3027 486080 8 61keiwil 53652 14919 853 69424 9 4eircici ;raw 4195 1594 140 5929 10 774K 30"( 76V7itT 3271 714 36 4021 11 *4 A4siS 92541 5282 175 97998 12 q"1114' 108067 25452 1230 134749 13 *TA. 52542 8978 359 61879 14 Frixf Waltr 340679 19270 677 360626 15 eioltio, 485167 81058 3876 570101 16 R1atcF 14787 2418 34 17239 17 timq 1035 90 3 1128 18 1 01 idi 1062 308 17 1387 19 ell 11 5 336 103 5 444 20 effeerr 65870 6382 222 72474 21 t ar4. 56436 12470 451 69357 1 1 22 A o i4110 262960 30540 1092 294592 Ji 23 241 105 23 369 24 a131 N-41/ 518165 68633 1685 588483 25 avidibrii 96794 40576 1012 138382 fd,141 26 2500 357 13 2870 3cT 27 -{ Tbr 559687 34688 1661 596036 sgtlt95 28 11254 2704 211 14169 29 TOW!' iarrg 130971 11382 498 142851 30 disetivi 31'k fAch)01* Oirr •01,0 2746 642 31 3419 z1$1+14 31 3225 748 49 4022 32 414,0 311T MTi reldt 1321 639 44 2004 33 ZAR' 3ftr . fir 558 534 42 1134 34 140q4 46120 12852 528 59500 35 Milk 4 39 5 0 44 36 11101. 3908 847 38 4793 43,18,841 5,00,942 19,766 48,39,549 Annexure-II

Annexure referred to in reply to part (d) of Rajya Sabha Unstarred Question No. 117 for answer on 18.07.2018 Bank wise Outstanding credit to MSME in the State of Kerala for the year ended March 2015 Balance Sl. Bank Name No. of Accounts Outstanding (in Rs. No. Thousand 1 AB Bank 0 0 2 Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank 0 0 3 Allahabad Bank 1757 1226823 4 Andhra Bank 900 2442743 5 And New Zealand Bankin Grou 0 0 6 Axis Bank 753 12865125 7 Bank Internasional Indonesia 0 0 8 Bank of America 0 0 9 Bank of Bahrain & Kuwait 0 0 10 Bank of Baroda 6612 5842268 11 Bank of Ce Ion 0 0 12 Bank of India 13692 4892289 13 Bank of Maharashtra 344 150382 14 Bank of Nova Scotia 0 0 15 Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi, UFJ 0 0 16 Barclays Bank 0 0 17 BHARATIYA MAHILA BANK LTD. 343 48906 18 BNP Paribas 0 0 19 Canara Bank 118856 39364467 20 Catholic Syrian Bank 26717 17936899 21 Central Bank of India 9116 4138790 22 Chinatrust Commercial Bank 0 0 23 Citibank 11 406326 24 City Union Bank 466 1634125 25 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 0 0 26 Corporation Bank 17489 10054364 27 Credit Agricole Bank 0 0 28 Credit Sussie AG 0 0 29 DBS Bank 0 0 30 Dena Bank 1033 684520 31 Deutsche Bank 0 0 32 Develo ment Credit Bank 0 0 33 Dhanlaxmi Bank 39143 6187972 34 Federal Bank 19312 48533290 35 FirstRand Bank 0 0 36 HDFC Bank 10256 12027575 37 HSBC 6856 1632354 38 ICICI Bank 11773 9350491 39 IDBI Bank Ltd. 2102 7449745 40 Indian Bank 14444 6842912 41 Indian Overseas Bank 32704 15027315 42 Indusind Bank 103708 8197194 3T-141T-II

WARM aralrifta AIR* 4.117 Iii 3M7 18.07.2018 'POT star sun (Er) ircit 44fild 39411"

it 2015 *t TPTRT et* WA' a# * fiv*-7N- 71- wiviiveii ITT tw ar{ w+-Tzrr

w. q. ta ar arg %nal *r err etsr saran Rat ram ti)

1 Tit tw o 0 2 Nar UT* eheenelei tW 0 0 3 ,p4ilelim fw 1757 1226823 4 3Arr t* 900 2442743 5 ill q ro. Lltts- ear Tr 0 0 6 VWW41 if6 753 12865125 7 tra tartra #11-45Yrr 0 0 8 t* 31141 3fief+1 0 0 9 4r45 3111? 40 ei ir cr, 0 0 0 10 t* arm wftr 6612 5842268 ii IW 36Th" theilei 0 0 12 t* af*. litrziT 13692 4892289 13 IEW M' diepo.s. 344 150382 14 tW 3rTEF Rterr 0 0 15 #* 3ft c)41-41 Ter, T14, 0 0 16 4401.4 a* 0 0 17 Mitzi 811411 trw rAfA2.5 343 48906 18 411Tff4k tifteff 0 0 19 V it* 118856 39364467 f 20 411M a fl4.i ** 26717 17936899 3T 21 iTSof tIE ei ql 9116 4138790 22 T41001S4-G. 41•11514404 I* 0 0 23 ftrit ft. 11 406326 24 ttrA 461 m t 466 1634125 25 417eieieleeci ft' grtr 3r-43-wrr 0 0 26 al714)14W * 17489 10054364 27 ii Pic "41114(4 t-W 0 0 28 *We int vdt o 0 29 eiNai tr-W 0 0 30 tRT it* 1033 684520 31 n. fW 0 0 32 aaeimelcVite I* 0 0 33 cm4**ft 39143 6187972 34 %sip! 1*" 19312 48533290 3 5 *FHB' f'W 0 0 36 %pa 441 t* 10256 12027575 37 1.realtiienth 6856 1632354 38 3infirrsrtftril tw 11773 9350491 39 3irtirit3Tt t ik 2102 7449745 40 *FOR i* 14444 6842912 41 30'4 31taffft t'W 32704 15027315 42 454145 ft. 103708 8197194 Balance SI. Bank Name No. of Accounts Outstanding (in Rs. No. Thousand) 43 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China 0 0 44 ING Vysya Bank 333 995128 45 J.P.Morgan Chase Bank 0 0 46 Jammu & Kashmir Bank 165 209676 47 JSC VTB Bank 0 0 48 Kamataka Bank 730 1216236 49 Karur Vysya Bank 894 539430 50 Kotak Mahindra Bank 1186 1403594 51 Krung Thai Bank 0 0 52 Lakshmi Vilas Bank 214 239691 53 Mashreqbank 0 0 54 Mizuho Corporate Bank 0 0 55 Nainital Bank 0 56 National Australia Bank 0 0 57 Oman International Bank 0 0 58 Oriental Bank of Commerce 1848 1343338 59 Punjab and Sind Bank 252 192113 60 Punjab National Bank 12088 12979728 61 Rabo Bank International 0 0 62 Ratnakar Bank 0 0 63 Royal Bank of Scotland 0 0 64 SBER13ANK _e_ic-A-- SRC 0 65 Shinhan Bank 0 0 66 Societe Generale 0 0 67 Sonali Bank 0 0 68 South Indian Bank 22613 40301444 69 Standard Chartered Bank 169 1597551 70 State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur 75 1391194 71 State Bank of Hyderabad 338 334470 72 State Bank of India 17084 14490753 73 State Bank of Mauritius 0 0 74 State Bank of Mysore 1025 467886 75 State Bank of Patiala 31 151827 76 State Bank of Travancore 50609 55385551 SUMITOMO MITSUI BANKING 77 CORPORATION 0 0 78 Syndicate Bank 40654 9707900 79 Tamilnad Mercantile Bank 858 1248926 80 UCO Bank 8709 4083252 81 Union Bank of India 21537 11668578 82 United Bank of India 536 511088 83 United Overseas Bank 0 0 84 Vijaya Bank 7704 4064827 85 Westpack Banking Corporation 0 0 86 Woori Bank 0 0 87 Yes Bank 4373 1582823 Grand Total 632412 383043879 471. F. fq- wr wrg (slid' *v't ii4stil tit W+--TET (WTrk Fait Fi) 43 *EIZIciei #3 WF1511TR AV gITE VTE4T 0 0 44 40 r tJ taw tw 333 995128 45 *ft *rim. tw tw 0 0 46 MAT Tis *Orr it* 165 209676 47 Jvii*ft 211-ert ik 0 0 48 chcn CAI ti. 730 1216236 49 Wff alai & 894 539430 50 wrev dirk! tw 1186 1403594 51 *71 int trio 0 0 52 wk.* ftaur ifw 214 239691 53 Ntitchtih 0 0 54 Th.461 gatkillc IV 0 0 55 Acnciivi AV 0 0 56 *IMff iiii-P91 4i 0 0 57 ■ *RR' sicA litraW tW 0 0 58 3f1f1nW ik Nils clad 1848 1343338 59 t -Arir 46- fiftr ilw 252 192113 60 TiVrE *IMF' f'W 12088 12979728 61 Tilt tf-w icolgmel 0 0 62 ir•114114 t-W 0 0 63 dZIA. itV AV trait 's 0 0 64 44't 4, 0 0 65 firFe t'W 0 0 66 41)*114 tat 0 0 ti mich 4V 67 0 0 68 TRW #F317-4 * 22613 40301444 69 Thi. tut3 t 169 1597551 70 Fte irw 3TIEF 4tl It 4.1S aZitf{ 75 1391194 71 Itr tW 366' $4ti ic. 338 334470 72 Fee t'W 3rrqs- titzrr 17084 14490753 73 Fee tw 341:6" ti on& 0 0 74 Fee itV 3T1EF zlt-iff 1025 467886 75 Fee itV AV la 31 151827 76 ite atV ATE ilicluign i 50609 55385551 77 trhcrlaii Pc14ti*-4- 4,ivi arR. o 0 78 A4te ME 40654 9707900 79 ci virus got aV 858 1248926 80 ze I** 8709 4083252 81 91A,10 ifw 3T1EW tit-4T 21537 11668578 82 cir*es tw 3rIV eliziT 536 511088 83 vi*as 3ilattilui if*- 0 0 84 era-cr tw 7704 4064827 85 dtc m 4114; gai4 TR. 0 0 86 Ifr t* 0 0 87 WIT t+' 4373 1582823 yu litir 632412 383043879 Bank wise Outstanding credit to MSME in the State of Kerala for the year ended March 2016

Sl. No. of Balance Outstanding (in Rs. Bank Name No. Accounts Thousand) 1 AB Bank 0 2 Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank 0 0 3 Allahabad Bank 2041 1435919 4 Andhra Bank 1586 6475110 Australia And New Zealand Banking 5 Group 0 0 6 Axis Bank 2867 22021574 7 Bandhan Bank Limited 0 0 8 Bank Internasional Indonesia 0 0 9 Bank of America 0 0 10 Bank of Bahrain & Kuwait 0 0 11 Bank of Baroda 9435 5891296 12 Bank of Ceylon 0 0 13 Bank of India 15904 4427675 14 Bank of Maharashtra 720 444455 15 Bank of Nova Scotia 11 141189 0 16 Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi, UFJ 0 0 17 Barclays Bank 0 18 BHARATIYA MAHILA BANK LTD. 1472 154244 19 BNP Paribas 0 0 20 Canara Bank 125864 46325728 21 Catholic Syrian Bank 19516 16932131 22 Central Bank of India 11237 5219201 0 23 . Chinatrust Commercial Bank 0 776966 24 Citibank 11 2221789 25 City Union Bank 469 0 26 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 0 10151083 27 Corporation Bank 27470 0 28 Credit Agricole Bank 0 0 29 Credit Sussie AG 0 0 30 DBS Bank 0 636765 31 Dena Bank 1153 0 32 Deutsche Bank 0 4298 33 Development Credit Bank 4 9244337 34 Dhanlaxmi Bank 60790 55147352 35 Federal Bank 16361 0 36 FirstRand Bank 0 16835319 37 HDFC Bank 23368 38 HSBC 7377 1813426 11979225 39 ICICI Bank 14904 7964293 40 IDBI Bank Ltd. 3936 0 41 IDFC BANK LIMITED 0 6295248 42 Indian Bank 21768 14064162 43 Indian Overseas Bank 52212 8235158 44 Indusind Bank 80854 0 45 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China 0 0 46 J.P.Morgan Chase Bank 0 m4-, 2016 A. ar4 R-b-511- wimiivaii acbitir

i. r. it* wr wir vire t'r err tor wizrr mrc, ran gi 1 wilt tw 0 2 311 VI* 4101 gel taIR 0 3 tel181914 I* 2041 1435919 4 siva tw 1586 6475110 5 311tne4143 ROW% fl ATT 0 0 6 UTZ-,tvti f-W 2867 22021574 7 411W it* 0 0 8 ft ter4arg tsitinrr 0 0 9 It* 3RD'' 3TakftW1 0 0 10 t* NU ire* 41 fta 0 0 11 t* gilF V047 9435 5891296 377tH 12 4* 4 .4 0 0 13 it* grIF tfiZIT 15904 4427675 14 1* 3111:W efeitilbs 720 444455 15 4* AV Atd1" tch 441 11 141189 16 fw 3ft &awl iltnifirstft, 71:6-4 0 0 17 41 .71 it* 0 0 18 SIRAZI. #14 r #* 3 1472 154244 19 tveft trfrag o 0 20 'nil It* 125864 46325728 21 =gi Mal P fltir I* 19516 16932131 22 tkff tfg er tF OM 11237 5219201 23 sitgensi-e Wilritzrg I* 0 0 24 fter tw 11 776966 25 m tiatio it* 469 2221789 26 q>74-1.1 944 0* 3frc W Jilt (II 0 0 27 eilit44 ItTR' 1* 27470 10151083 28 C le en a 1* 0 0 29 fl i 4,,111 TA- 0 0 30 ve t* 0 0 31 tRir 4* 1153 636765 32 rtr t* 0 0 33 1pr-I e*Iteft 4 4298 34 II trW 60790 9244337 35 tiSTR" il* 16361 55147352 36 .5 fg 0 0 37 %vci too it* 23368 16835319 38 V ti 41 7377 1813426 39 31401304-434 #* 14904 11979225 40 Sritrafrifft t* f4. 3936 7964293 41 31I 54 40 it-W a S 0 0 42 iltIW tW 21768 6295248 43 tfiRIF 31 atitm tk 52212 14064162 44 *sei3 fW 80854 8235158 45 1#51411e1 Wff WRifftra tt* 3iftffs T.11*01 i 0 46 Av TR* tar tw SI. No. of Balance Outstanding (in Rs. Bank Name No. Accounts Thousand) 47 Jammu & Kashmir Bank 120 126259 48 JSC VTB Bank 0 0 49 Karnataka Bank 828 2115930 50 Karin. Vysya Bank 652 1412088 51 Keb Hana Bank 0 0 52 Kotak Mahindra Bank 1907 3424997 53 Krung Thai Bank 0 0 54 Lakshmi Vilas Bank 245 1060240 55 Mashreqbank 0 0 56 Mizuho Corporate Bank 0 0 57 Nainital Bank 0 0 58 National Australia Bank 0 0 59 Oman International Bank 0 0 60 Oriental Bank of Commerce 2105 1564032 61 Punjab and Sind Bank 517 350809 62 Punjab National Bank 17355 14002729 63 Rabo Bank International 0 0 64 Ratnakar Bank 0 0 65 Royal Bank of Scotland 0 0 66 SBERBANK 0 0 67 Shinhan Bank 0 0 68 Societe Generale 0 0 69 Sonali Bank 0 0 70 South Indian Bank 14708 47308742 71 Standard Chartered Bank 160 1419526 72 State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur 100 92328 73 State Bank of Hyderabad 349 305095 74 State Bank of India 12332 16054814 75 State Bank of Mauritius 0 0 76 State Bank of Mysore 1234 431705 77 State Bank of Patiala 44 160881 78 State Bank of Travancore 52250 77602758 79 Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation 0 0 80 Syndicate Bank 51139 10894423 81 Tamilnad Mercantile Bank 921 1189118 82 UCO Bank. 11922 4432337 83 Union Bank of India 30657 13205437 84 United Bank of India 662 554612 85 United Overseas Bank 0 0 86 Vijaya Bank 14367 6992970 87 Westpack Banking Corporation 0 0 88 Woori Bank 0 0 89 Yes Bank 21025 2814573 Grand Total 736929 462354346 r AT. 4. tw wr arg arTal. *I ti isell Oir 41411+41 (71V 6.71ii 71) 47 WM, Wr wt". tw 120 126259 48 silvtith tett WI* 0 0 49 4.4e4, I* 828 2115930

50 WW{ thW W* 652 1412088 51 *W Fror taff o 0 52 qtlegh 1441 tW 1907 3424997 53 f3 r trrt tw 0 0 54 aipft lirggr if-6 245 1060240 55 Wri*4 0 0 56 1 IR 4.7,0111e fw 0 0 57 A 0191A* 0 0

AIM CI ititrA 41 1 ** 58 0 0 59 31 01161 OrAltrAW tiF 0 0 60 atilireg irW XIV *ITO' 2105 1564032 61 Ewri- ths ilit- a 517 350809 62 xiwrw Aaraw 1 17355 14002729 63 Tril. 4* gicolaraw 0 0 64 ArdiqK fiF 0 0 1 65 it.WW tk 3I1 4-chie as 0 0 66 *iii ch 0 0 67 %Re #* 0 0 68 ti *II* Ale) 0 0 L 69 ii A1911 if*. 0 0 70 Trrstr (rit.nw * 14708 47308742 71 Fest wriT ifw 160 1419526 72 FLIT t* WITF incni4t WW 797 100 92328 73 itr ft 3rIV F4t14114 349 305095 74 fee 4 3T1>V#111-4r 12332 16054814 75 Fee ** WIV WitrWR 0 0 76 Itte **r *1173 1234 431705 77 Tte * 36F Latneilr 44 160881 78 ItE ** 3flEF ;Haul ctat 52250 77602758 79 lia Aril fActi4 ii%-ar a4v-ill TT 0 0 80 gal*c iEW 51139 10894423 g1 ti owl e4c.i*ot ifw 921 1189118 82 IC*1 *'' 11922 4432337 83 ti,q gal i* XIV *WIT 30657 13205437 84 VI* S t'W AV titzrr 662 554612 85 tivgas ..ttlaiifki ii-6 0 0 86 faaln. t* 14367 6992970 87 tTrilt-W i'ter 4,7vi law 0 0 88 Zkft if* 0 0 89 zi-g 4* 21025 2814573 9W 'erg 736929 462354346 Bank wise Outstanding credit to MSME in the State of Kerala for the year ended March 2017

Si. No. of Balance Outstanding Bank Name No. Accounts (in Rs. Thousand) 1 State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur 106 66310.29 2 State Bank of Hyderabad 346 364013.56 3 State Bank of India 12098 18191322.37 4 State Bank of Mysore 1119 452761.70 5 State Bank of Patiala 46 144239.00 6 State Bank of Travancore 64348 61950894.00 SBI and its Associates 78063 81169540.92 1 Axis Bank Limited 3232 18920887.00 2 Bandhan Bank Limited 1 100000.00 3 Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd 17513 13433969.6$ 4 City Union Bank Limited 469 2218011.91 5 DCB Bank Limited 12 32486.45 6 Federal Bank Ltd 30994 57638410.04 7 HDFC bank ltd. 81062 19264656.95 8 ICICI Bank Limited 17839 14204244.88 9 IDFC Bank Limited 15556 136729.97 10 Indusind Bank Ltd 109249 11682072.49 11 Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd 109 110159.00 12 Karnataka Bank Ltd 909 2568720.00 13 Karur Vysya Bank Ltd 644 1121361.64 14 Kotak mahindra bank ltd. 2200 3852316.00 15 r Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd 230 342023.00 16 Nainital Bank Ltd 0 0.00 17 Rbl Bank Limited 0 0.00 18 South Indian Bank Ltd 13274 51926032.58 19 Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd 915 1186588.78 20 The Dhanalakshmi Bank Ltd 70222 13740414.75 21 Yes bank ltd. 16813 2986895.26 Private Sector Banks 381243 215465980.38 1 Allahabad Bank 2039 1431381.00 2 Andhra Bank 1805 6235064.35 3 Bank of Baroda 10810 7319022.45 4 Bank of India 16428 5562943.92 5 Bank of Maharashtra 834 353996.95 6 Bharatiya mahila bank ltd. 1665 137927.08 7 Canara Bank 134003 48036520.11 8 Central Bank of India 10804 3922655.00 9 Corporation Bank 28222 9405972.00 10 Dena Bank 1143 492365.62 11 IDBI Bank Limited 4954 8999421.07 12 Indian Bank 23238 7940337.00 13 Indian Overseas Bank 33970 13635757.00 14 Oriental Bank of Commerce 2185 1469427.35 15 Punjab AND Sind Bank 701 546913.22 16 Punjab National Bank 18449 13744657.24 17 Syndicate Bank 51701 11434962.00 18 UCO Bank 14756 5095652.00 AA; 2017 WI 'Rd er4 Wir4 t FA" t-17' TM/ If tw-arR- war

Fat * wr mg zrn# ti err wrxrr e15r (gmT S. *) 43 allEF 1 Fee * 311V co'.lI 106 66310.29 2 ItZ 1-4' 3T tAlTirg 346 364013.56 3 Fee" tW ,3rSW iltzfr 12098 18191322.37 4 ‘teu tiF sir* 11717, 1119 452761.70 5 Far 1-6 3r1cFr 4R. 1 46 144239.00 6 i'd' tW - 31ftF wilawich A 64348 61950894.00 **43h pr* *1641 78063 81169540.92 1 triAVIT 0* failas 3232 18920887.00 2 itra- 4 s 1 100000.00 3 4411A4+ illiAgo tw s 17513 13433969.68 4 ille ft (lei 11"W S 469 2218011.91 5 Cita * fAfA2.5 12 32486.45 6 *1T-A. ft. s 30994 57638410.04 7 'km wo faF s 81062 19264656.95 t'W 8 3cri-TftmirTfirsfr# 17839 14204244.88 9 311 1041 tAF S 15556 136729.97 10 iSilis * fo iAZs 109249 11682072.49 11 WFir aft WIAT ' . 1 Th .5 109 110159.00 12 cheilca, a* ram- s 909 2568720.00 13 WIT' *RI' tw fA s 644 1121361.64 14 WI-CiF *dui * fa s 2200 3852316.00 15 WA' Reim it* felnld5 230 342023.00 16 4.11cifer it* SA s 0 0.00 17 3Trat4"a *s. IA s 0 0.00 18 1:1131r if1401 if-wfla 1Ads 13274 51926032.58 19 cl elellS di Cl*el ak S 915 1186588.78 20 VaAlfffr tw IArAas 70222 13740414.75 21 WIT 4* fa e5 16813 2986895.26 WA' dtW t t'W 381243 215465980.38 1 felleimia ANF 2039 1431381.00 2 3T1lV it* 1805 6235064.35 3 A*3415-113#UT 10810 7319022,45 4 t 6 36W *fgzrr 16428 5562943.92 5 W 9iTtW iifitl _ 834 353996.95 6 RNA* 44e0 tr'WIQ I Zs 1665 137927.08 7 *RV tW' 134003 48036520.11 8 TY-4-gil-W 3ft Oft' 10804 3922655.00 9 efrcertIM it* 28222 9405972.00 10 tWr 4 1143 492365.62 11 3rlitt*-ant 4954 8999421.07 12 4 qm tw 23238 7940337.00 13 #4117A- 3$3 ha A* 33970 13635757.00 14 &O CR t'W 3ITEIT WUR* 2185 1469427.35 15 4-rc 4§- fiANT tw 701 546913.22 16 tara- AlTMT IrEF 18449 13744657.24 17 R1f1d,s ft. 51701 11434962.00 18 1E+1 tt* 14756 5095652.00 SI. No. of Balance Outstanding Bank Name No. Accounts (in Rs. Thousand) 19 Union Bank of India 36797 16144921.08 20 United Bank of India 605 522995.23 21 Vijaya Bank 12090 6772612.87 Nationalised Banks 407199 169205504.54 1 AB Bank Limited 0 0.00 2 Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank PJSC 0 0.00 3 Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited 0 0.00 4 Bank of America , National Association 0 0.00 5 Bank of Bahrain & Kuwait B.S.C. 0 0.00 6 Bank of Ceylon 0 0.00 7 Bank of Nova Scotia 0 0.00 8 Barclays Bank PLC 0 0.00 9 BNP Paribas 0 0.00 10 Citibank N.A 11 1132473.41 11 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 0 0.00 12 Cooperatieve Rabobank U.A. 0 0.00 13 Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank 0 0.00 14 Credit Suisse AG 0 0.00 15 CTBC Bank Co., Ltd. 0 0.00 16 DBS Bank Ltd. 0 0.00 17 Deutsche Bank AG 0 0.00 18 Doha Bank QSC 0 0.00 19 First Abu Dhabi Bank PJSC 0 0.00 20 Firstrand Bank Ltd 0 0.00 21 Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corpn.Ltd. 7570 2326404 15 22 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 0 0.00 23 Industrial Bank of Korea 0 0.00 24 Jpmorgan Chase Bank National Association 0 0.00 25 JSC VTB Bank 0 0.00 26 KEB Hana Bank 0 0.00 27 Krung Thai Bank Public Company Limited 0 0.00 28 Mashreq Bank PSC 0 0.00 29 Mizuho Bank Ltd 0 0.00 30 National Australia Bank 0 0.00 31 PT Bank Maybank Indonesia TBK 0 0.00 32 Sberbank 0 0.00 33 SBM Bank (Mauritius)Ltd. 0 0.00 34 Shinhan Bank 0 0.00 35 Societe Generale 0 0.00 36 Sonali Bank 0 0.00 37 Standard Chartered Bank 146 1693670.00 38 Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation 0 0.00 39 The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd 0 0.00 40 The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC 0 0.00 41 United Overseas Bank Ltd 0 0.00 42 Westpac Banking Corporation 0 0.00 43 Woori Bank 0 0.00 Foreign Banks 7727 5152547.56 Grand Total 874232 470993573.40 . ft. Wr WM. 4.511 • fi{441 0411441 11if (,.ti.t W. t 19 (1, tici a* 3ift g g +41 36797 16144921.08 20 41, 15 5 ik 3 rc 5 4I 605 522995.23 21. RraZIT if-W 12090 6772612.87 11•04.1cr t'W 407199 169205504.54 1 17* ir'W et g 0 0.00 2 3i7(‘ WI *-Alzra fw .Atimtfi 0 0.00 3 grftWzrr 3ih. L.- '}5 ti*ar yr 1 l s 0 0.00 4 tk. 3iftw 37 T, Aqiref vm fAvsra- 0 0.00 5 it Ow irgftw ig TIF k ti 0 0.00 6 ii* XIV fAell.1 0 0.00 7 t* 31TV*41' t-es1R.41 0 0.00 8 41 of it* 4 el 0 0.00 9 * VW lit trfoRr 0 0.00 10 et'tra7 11 1132473.41 11 44ii.1ai41 * AV griliittrr 0 0.00 12 4414 4 Mal 4>Zr*: 0 0.00 13 Ore linable( 4:14 C ITS i t-C .C. t* 0 0.00 14 Trit 1141 0 0.00 15 Titttlfrit**". 5 0 0.00 16 ~dl4tti 4* s 0 0.00 17 TV trW Kilt 0 0.00 18 *gT ft 4y tttltfl 0 0.00 19 trfttssak tut tas k•tttal 0 0.00 20 thfb t* fA s 0 0.00 21 $1+1411+1 AT eel* • I 71INTA" s 7570 2326404.15 22 W4I4vi VT z5frAtzta" t'W 3ft 4r4 0 0.00 23 ss _ as it* alltig 411A41 0 0.00 24 .17.., til" t* *Mg Vti it131W 0 0.00 25 a il tw 0 0.00 26 Far it* 0 0.00 ■ 27 tir %lit t'W tritiM .,4,41 QIAs 0 0.00 28 $farkw ft. tftwrift 0 0.00 29 ste tw fA s 0 0.00 30 AlTRA 3ifilfa''ii 11W 0 0.00 31 411 it* Aft islail4l dldldl 0 0.00 32 tA 4 0 0.00 33 Itti ton t+' (71Yrt13R7) ff 0 0.00 34 *weft 0 0.00 35 tiltngdl aata 0 0.00 36 *0 wil a* 0 0.00 37 Itrffk mai it* 146 1693670.00 38 M M M c•M.* I .014 UR' 0 0.00 39 Z t* 3iftg er4qtr- t112 et •cis1i4441 fA s 0 0.00 40 i~ TRW **" Ow t-q:reQT rfrea-ffr 0 0.00 41 . (iris 3iI4pt ..s ik s 0 0.00 42 dtt 41 . 41 alim Tali 0 0.00 43 Ttt 4* 0 0.00 it t-6 7727 5152547.56 ya Ir'sr 874232 470993573.40 Bank wise Outstanding credit to MSME in the State of Kerala for the year ended March 2018

Balance Sl. No. Bank Name No. of Accounts Outstanding (in Rs. Thousand) AU Small Finance Bank Limited 0 0.00 2 Capital Small Finance Bank Limited 0 0.00 3 Equitas Small Finance Bank Limited 0 0.00 4 ESAF Small Finance Bank Limited 94581 1722346.98 5 Fincare Small Finance Bank Limited 0 0.00 6 Suryodaya Small Finance Bank Ltd. 0 0.00 7 Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited 14031 224812.05 8 Utkarsh Small Finance Bank Limited 0 0.00 Small Finance Bank 108612 1947159.03 State Bank of India 60408 74486576.44 Sbi and its Associates 60408 74486576.44 Axis Bank Limited 2565 15377673.89 2 Bandhan Bank Limited 2 134709.26 3 Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd 18427 9768949.33 4 City Union Bank Limited 449 2126783.32 5 Deb Bank Limited 46 97626.10 6 Federal Bank Ltd 109594 61255777.46 7 HDFC Bank Ltd. 117666 19146376.57 8 ICICI Bank Limited 1871 6782742.87 9 IDFC Bank Limited 22949 747553.67 10 Indusind Bank Ltd 108735 13555973.40 11 Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd 119 128027.00 12 Karnataka Bank Ltd 902 2545559.00 13 Karur Vysya Bank Ltd 656 1525924.00 14 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. 2674 5103127.88 15 Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd 216 353852.00 16 Nainital Bank Ltd 0 0.00 17 RBL Bank Limited 70 2100.00 18 South Indian Bank Ltd 15556 70567648.45 19 Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd 924 1251850.37 20 The Dhanalakshmi Bank Ltd 79381 11365437.56 21 Yes bank ltd. 2537 5908683.50 Private Sector Banks 485339 227746375.63 1 Allahabad Bank 2102 1472178.00 2 Andhra Bank 1851 8408589.44 3 Bank of Baroda 10011 7735990.99 4 Bank of India 17190 5265245.13 5 Bank OF Maharashtra 975 267065.00 6 Canara Bank 127077 53806104.85 7 Central Bank of India 10124 3872470.00 8 Corporation Bank 24963 7951897.07 9 Dena Bank 1174 509565.75 10 IDBI Bank Limited 5526 9136376.29 11 Indian Bank 29273 10528364.00 12 Indian Overseas Bank 27405 16829828.00 13 Oriental Bank of Commerce 2075 1609217.10 14 Punjab and Sind Bank 723 648643.28 15 Punjab National Bank 20085 12603174.83 16 Syndicate Bank 49575 11649062.00 17 UCO bank 14101 4801501.25 ITT4, 2018 4- tuilRi era a4 air AT fk. iwzr ft-MT sichitu NTT 1 701 ''RA carat *). Tiftt (gam ativ If 1 am, Tafiff agrpie. liw rAMes 0 0.00 2 CM WaYff VON f15- 0 0.00 3 sf4ac wita- Wi .3 tw 0 0.00 4 tttiVitID ref a+igatl**28 fArAZ8 94581 1722346.98 5 cgs qt TRU tgrgto taw s 0 0.00 6 *kg 44 11;13"iff WOW tilF 6 0 0.00 7 3F.no19.1. 1411W 'h 'd fw 14031 224812.05 8 3F6* Aft WOW fw es 0 0.00 9 fSF4t4 1* 108612 1947159.03 1 nridtar itiAZ $1* 60408 74486576.44 .4414.513 AT 3-43* tif 60408 74486576.44 1 viirfro tw g 2565 15377673.89 2 *TR t*fle S 2 134709.26 3 q, tflFl.1 *faRf25 18427 9768949.33 4 fAtt 4P41., ilw fAilles 449 2126783.32 "' 5 46 97626.10 6 t'Sfff 11W s 109594 61255777.46 7 lizighttsill 'ft fattS 117666 19146376.57 8 megfft3u(r{f134 A* es 1871 6782742.87 9 34thriFift fig itiitt-g 22949 747553.67 10 $5t1¢5 it* (ac (•125 108735 13555973.40 11 zwffaitT *wit{ 4* fAfA s 119 128027.00 n qwf C91 tif ZS 902 2545559.00 13 Wft few tw 656 1525924.00 14 to)cst rtifsf ik. 2674 5103127.88 15 NV* mil f'W 216 353852.00 16 OW f'+'S 0 0.00 17 .3111111KW 4 3 70 2100.00 WWI 18 f 3.44 ifw IA% g 15556 70567648.45 19 alirgRig eat CI *PI tik eg 924 1251850.37 20 tr4-64- 7rt t*" s 79381 11365437.56 21 aTir tw faThes 2537 5908683.50 1at itt3. * it* 485339 227746375.63 1 0e061•114 tiF 2102 1472178.00 2 31VT *5 1851 8408589.44 3 fw 30tg lift 10011 7735990.99 3 4 tiF ttbrr 17190 5265245.13 5 triS 31v ,i5iii.s 975 267065.00 6 kali' 65* 127077 53806104.85 7 41*. 36tF etzrr 10124 3872470.00 8 904 il•rT 4* 24963 7951897.07 9 tffrt* 1174 509565.75 10 317$2143Ut fw fArAes 5526 9136376.29 11 i 4141 & 29273 10528364.00 12 tifora. 311474 I* 27405 16829828.00 13 .Hl(l~ccef fw arm 2075 1609217.10 14 tiant xi! Ilftr fig 723 648643.28 15 44- r4 AIR 1T A* 20085 12603174.83 16 114.c. fw 49575 11649062.00 17 TA tiS 14101 4801501.25 Balance Sl. No. Bank.Name No. of Accounts Outstanding (in Rs. Thousand) 18 Union Bank of India 36137 20278353.00 19 United Bank of India 609 506391.78 20 Vijaya Bank 17400 6207875.78 Nationalised Banks 398376 184087893.54 1 AB Bank Limited 0 0.00 2 Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank PJSC 0 0.00 3 Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited 0 0.00 4 Bank of America , National Association 0 0.00 5 Bank of Bahrain & Kuwait B.S.C. 0 0.00 6 Bank of Ceylon 0 0.00 7 Bank of Nova Scotia 0 0.00 8 Barclays Bank PLC 0 0.00 9 BNP Paribas 0 0.00 10 Citibank N.A 12 1452856.12 11 Cooperatieve Rabobank U.A. 0 0.00 12 Credit Agricole Corporate And Investment Bank 0 0.00 13 Credit Suisse AG 0 0.00 14 CTBC Bank Co., Ltd. 0 0.00 15 DBS Bank Ltd. 1 59967.98 16 Deutsche Bank AG 0 0.00 17 Doha Bank QSC 0 0.00 18 First Abu Dhabi Bank PJSC 0 0.00 19 Firstrand Bank Ltd 0 0.00 20 Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corpn.Ltd. 7439 2534477.00 21 Industrial And Commercial Bank of China 0 0.00 22 Industrial Bank of Korea 0 0.00 23 Jpmorgan Chase Bank National Association 0 0.00 24 JSC VTB Bank 0 0.00 25 Keb Hana Bank 0 0.00 26 Krung Thai Bank Public Company Limited 0 0.00 27 Mashreg Bank PSC 0 0.00 28 Mizuho Bank Ltd 0 0.00 29 National Australia Bank 0 0.00 30 PT Bank Maybank Indonesia TBK 0 0.00 31 Qatar National Bank SAQ 0 0.00 32 Sberbank 0 0.00 33 SBM Bank (Mauritius)Ltd. 0 0.00 34 Shinhan Bank 0 0.00 35 Societe Generale 0 0.00 36 Sonali Bank 0 0.00 37 Standard Chartered Bank 104 1432435.55 38 Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation 0 0.00 39 The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd 0 0.00 40 The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC 0 0.00 41 United Overseas Bank Ltd 0 0.00 42 Westpac Banking Corporation 0 0.00 43 Woori Bank 0 0.00 Foreign Banks 7556 5479736.65 Grand Total 1060291 493747741.29 w,ii. 65 'fir arxr isocC*r tiwir 54.14r ITRI (5.oi vry Al

18 if „4'( tAS *IT * qf 36137 20278353.00

19 1,•11* g fiF 311v ilNI( 609 506391.78 20 am it* 17400 6207875.78 vwftir 4* 398376 184087893.54 1 ire liw ?Aft!: 0 0.00 2 3far, waft 4;41: ,grer lw 4laletltfl - 0 0.00 3 3riltrgar is -I s etkar 5 0 0.00 4 tiF 311t8 41 4111, Alreff 4,8 %AM' 0 0.00 5 irsta-its Ita. tzg trir 0 0.00 6 1' 311x8 WAR' 0 0.00 7 tiN 311W AT tql 411 0 0.00 8 IS*0-4 irW dim* 0 0.00 3 *rat 14 AM 0 0.00 10 th WV 12 1452856.12 11 *berrtfga ill .r, zzr o 0.00 12 ltite V cf) rill:iv c U idi-c&ic. *IF 0 0.00 13 Vac al* trA 0 0.00 14 /NM* fiS *, S 0 0.00 15 itifivg fog 5 1 59967.98 16 rir ii* trate 0 0.00 17 Or toh 411 tl 0 0.00 18 th-Ft 39, rirt fag Atrtpril 0 0.00 19 =Fa 8 tw s 0 0.00 20 04141i41 At rgErrt tf*n1=4.1514.' 7439 2534477.00 21 3si-04vi liT qvIaiiiiqui 'mei 3111 wrijgir 0 0.00

22 35+414 ex liF 311W V* 41 1 0 0.00 23 4I.11 0 *ft fig *trwm- wirlilte-gm. 0 0.00 24 Aviith eft tzS 0 0.00 25 Itir WI A3 0 0.00 26 pr nit to qftgrw *-9-41. fafA2.5 0 0.00 27 illtrilts tag two* 0 0.00 28 ole 466 s 0 0.00 29 44TRW 3ilitfam lizff 0 0.0C 30 ter tw 34-ft is141 41( try' 0 0.00 31 Wal AitTRW ft I/if/v=10/.4k 0 0.00 32 4-At 41 0 0.00 33 lartigr JW (0 ti lu,5) 5 0 0.00 34 %Re t* 0 0.00 35 filth* 74-iff 0 0.00 36 waft' 11-w 0 0.00 37 i Ni Mt* f-W 104 1432435,55 38 s fil&it fArso iliVir witiltg-4 0 0.00 39 toF 3;IT c 4.44 cis 1ft Iskr3501 fAfAes 0 0.00 40 Varff triF 3TITF t-.51c '5' 41g-g-41. 0 0.00 41 4r55 s aftg(111- -4. fig g 0 0.00 42 t4,Eft 4%71' 'Fltvl1i1.1 0 0.00 43 It flF 0 0.00 ft tw 7556 5479736.65 yff z1/11 1060291 493747741.29 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES


MSME units shut down after GST


Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that several thousands of MSME units were shut down after the announcement of GST last year, if so, the details thereof; (b) the total MSME units registered in the Country, State-wise, as on date; (c) whether Government has taken effective steps to support and develop MSME units in Tamil Nadu, particularly under GST regime; (d) if so, the details thereof and the total funds allocated in this regard; and (e) the various steps taken by Government to provide incentives and other encouragements to best performing MSME units in the country?



(a): The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium enterprises (MSME) has not received any such report on shut down of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) from the States/UTs.

(b): 48.40 lakh MSMEs have been registered at Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM) Portal from September, 2015 to 12th July, 2018 in the entire country. The registration details of MSMEs on UAM Portal (State/UT-wise) are given in Annexure.

(c) & (d): Government implements various schemes for support and development of MSMEs in the country including Tamil Nadu. Government has taken several pro-active measures for smooth implementation of GST for MSMEs like (i) exemption to Khadi fabric sold through Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) and KVIC certified institutions / outlets, (ii) majority of items produced by MSMEs in the band of 28% tax slab brought to lower slabs, (iii) composition levy extended upto turnover worth Rs. 150 lakh per annum, (iv) quarterly levy extended upto turnover worth Rs. 150 lakh per annum or less, and (v) reverse charge mechanism has been kept in abeyance till September 2018. There are various schemes which are being implemented by Government of India in the country for development of MSMEs (which includes Tamil Nadu). Rs. 6552 Crore has been provided in the Union Budget during 2018-19 for the Ministry of MSME for support to and development of MSMEs in the country.

(e): The Ministry of MSME, with a view to recognizing the efforts and contribution of MSMEs, gives National Awards annually to selected entrepreneurs of MSME, under the scheme of National Awards.

IITTR" rr, at; 3111 RUM. 344101 +1,11M41 Trr 31—eR112*6- ;taw #u*r 118 Scat t* sit414si : 18.07.2018

4=t 4 To To Tot volvii

118. N. 4r.

Wzrr TrEt, :771,9 AT MX* 6444.9 zrF War* *I' y11 *1-41 f*:

WV T wlt- 1=4 7ra 4.411 Tfr tt0 atervrt arw V* To To tvhivii a am 41 4 tft, ;loft a--4401- .rato war t; yra t 04:51 tar it rilt-t-a-fg To To Lir t4wfat- A. ila.•=4-a-R ii-ga-r <41

air tlicbli ci moo; k *Owl' Al ter Writ' * it IRT irir Lr7r t vffirfal. ti¢14di itaro wi.A. 31fr 3ir14■ factilt *FA. Mt *WIT 367 f; Mt ft, at a- eft waT 34-{pr Tritt zt-# 14,ctrIl fdf 4i 3rrafea- *t4 t 4.1r *Arm Tirta. arid' MTV* t vrovia WI RUT *lir WT1 1.4*(16.11T4T* 4.g RI 3-61V qr3rtrri*-4-* *1*-*-1W t7

3ccli VA-, 9 34-{ RUM- 344441 Tr- r (17- 4. Tom fAilim

(W) : 1 A, 9 AT mf..4441 344441 (qaiviikei ) 17.7711/TrzrT17z7 r & TFT, 9 3IIT Atzr* 6441411 (Val V, t /14 IN. tt ite-101 IZTLW 41 t I

(11i) : zrt tvr *" Riciat 2015 It 12 2018 ff*" 6441di 3i TI anv.i (v.k.i) 'it& ITT 48.40 MI Tatnrci4 tilt-fa Fr t evi,di tit& tianchiul • tt ata.-art) 31-T4tr tar TraT t

(7r) vi (a) : *whit d Qom§ .414(-1 tst 71 kielVtiQiii et *tomtit V* fdq,ltl fV fd1 (ref al-a-or0 cif 4.141.-a4tr1 t I *Willi kuiviitoti ifAv *rapt, qiNirciqm fav *1%4 wor Tam t It ft. (I) arra ath tw11441.1 Ara* (*erirrtifr) MIT *abut* wmfata. .eittimi I Thmi mural- # ITV ITT* wzr# ITT We, (11) twetviii galtl icatfact 3rfit*ilr WITIt el" 28% * actii F*W fA.c, el Taw * mot (III) srf . WIt 150 wrar atrt avi *-41 Wtrgr (iv) srfA wIt 150 War W. ZIT 3Trit *IT * q,ldaltR*" ;Idiach At' WtTzIT 71M, 311T (v)Riciot 2018 RV it-471 VT* aqqt-tii tt4rf rer t I Wiketivrii * fdchiti qi f* ty117 t tigd) fag.-.1 4171.1131t ii 4214ii.-.444er1 rth—zrr 71* ITT titiQt1V4-14 *1 tiorticii ti* 1d4,1t ftv a.* 2018-19 * 41.tio .4.11(44 fAv '44 awe 71. 6552.61 chi.iv Vrit UMW itV 21V * t

(f) : * writ. AT 141•1 4.511t1 41 tilamt * are af8a42 . vdivilq4-14 644rA44I ti r Annexure

Annexure referred to in reply to part (b) of Rajya Sabha Unstarred Question No. 118 for answer on 18.07.2018

The state-wise distribution of MSMEs registered on Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum portal Sl. Udyog Aadhaar State/UT Micro Small Medium No. Regd. 1 Andhra Pradesh 210337 21491 682 232510 2 Arunachal Pradesh 367 265 13 645 3 Assam 2555 1012 73 3640 4 Bihar 756633 13494 744 770871 5 Chhattisgarh 17768 4877 157 22802 6 Goa 2470 1042 65 3577 7 Gujarat 408582 74471 3027 486080 8 Haryana 53652 14919 853 69424 9 Himachal Pradesh 4195 1594 140 5929 10 Jammu and Kashmir 3271 714 36 4021 11 Jharkhand 92541 5282 175 97998 12 Karnataka 108067 25452 1230 134749 13 Kerala 52542 8978 359 61879 14 Madhya Pradesh 340679 19270 677 360626 15 Maharashtra 485167 81058 3876 570101 16 Manipur 14787 2418 34 17239 17 Meghalaya 1035 90 3 1128 18 Mizoram 1062 308 17 1387 19 Nagaland 336 103 5 444 20 Odisha 65870 6382 222 7247 21 Punjab 56436 12470 451 69357 22 Rajasthan 262960 30540 1092 294592 23 Sikkim 241 105 23 369 24 Tamil Nadu 518165 68633 1685 588483 25 Telangana 96794 40576 1012 138382 26 Tripura 2500 357 13 2870 27 Uttar Pradesh 559687 34688 1661 596036 28 Uttarakhand 11254 2704 211 14169 29 West Bengal 130971 11382 498 142851 30 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 2746 642 31 3419 31 Chandigarh 3225 748 49 4022 32 Dadar and Nagar Haveli 1321 639 44 2004 33 Daman and Diu 558 534 42 1134 34 Delhi 46120 12852 528 59500 35 Lakshadweep 39 5 0 44 36 Puducherry 3908 847 38 4793 Total 43,18,841 5,00,942 19,766 48,39,549 IrizRTSTT 317Rifta WI* *. 118, faiichl icrii 18.07.2018 WI fOIT 7TAT * STPT 01) 3M i i1 +1411d 39itl"

3iTtiTT 4114.1 tift trf 4117ff wite•tfqe4 1Mr-411" nitiT

WIT. 11if-4zITOW -1' TRFJT 9 ;Mfg 3444.1 3iTtTrf tilt. 1 3fitr vtar 210337 21491 682 232510 31b°livei Atr 2 367 265 13 645 3 311W 2555 1012 73 3640 4 *R. 756633 13494 744 770871 5 II ti41¢ 17768 4877 157 22802 6 7114T 2470 1042 65 3577 7 .Isofild 408582 74471 3027 486080 8 eil41.11 53652 14919 853 69424 9 10#11, STtr 40, 4195 1594 140 5929 10 77;1 3 WIAT 3271 714 36 4021 11 taiReg 92541 5282 175 97998 12 `etic01i 108067 25452 1230 134749 13 *TR 52542 8978 359 61879 14 RIX Vali- 340679 19270 677 360626 15 molitws 485167 81058 3876 570101 16 3TRY 14787 2418 34 17239 17 *WNW 1035 90 3 1128 18 `II Idi 1062 308 17 1387 19 .71+115 336 103 5 444 3 20 31tft rr 65870 6382 222 72474 21 14-4TW 56436 12470 451 69357 22 I1a7t-41lr1 262960 30540 1092 294592 23 C 411"1 241 105 23 369 24 eirlIS .0 518165 68633 1685 588483 25 (4•11.11 96794 40576 1012 138382 26 l'341 2500 357 13 2870 27 3ffi Nrair 559687 34688 1661 596036 28 .51( tol5 11254 2704 211. 14169 29 trftff *MR' 130971 11382 498 142851 30 3rorra- AT f*A4111t TOT Traw 2746 642 31 3419 31 *71t1} 3225 748 49 4022 32 4T42T 3m WaTi tadofl 1321 639 44 2004 33 TAW 311i tra- 558 534 42 1134 34 f4evii 46120 12852 528 59500 35 MHZ:It . q 39 5 0 44 36 lir) R 3908 847 38 4793 fa 43,18,841 5,00,942 19,766 48,39,549 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES


Job loss in MSME sector


Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has any data regarding the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise sector that have shut down since November 8, 2016 till date, State/UT-wise details thereof; (b) whether Government has any data regarding MSME units that have shut down since the implementation of GST, till date, State/UT-wise details thereof; and (c) the data regarding job loss in the MSME sector since November 8, 2016, till date along with the loss to the nation?



(a) to (c): The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium enterprises does not maintain data on shut down of MSMEs / job losses. It has also not received any such report from States/UTs on shut down of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and consequential job losses. However,

30.60 lakh MSMEs have been registered on Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM) portal since 8th

November, 2016 till 12th July, 2018. Out of this 16.34 lakh MSMEs were registered on UAM

since the implementation of GST (01.07.2017) till 12th July, 2018.


31R7 WEI 3ttT RUM 34,14d-I +1Aieiti WA" ITITT 31-aTitikff SPW ti49111119 ice-Ft tA' tfi : 18.07.2018

tqr vaT tAtti. afi id Oh 114 1 ILTI ZIRT

119. At cpRef

1T 114:7T, RFS 3t4 ;Miff 34,q4-i R zr6 t-crT

(w) wzrr *whit * tau' 8 RA'arT, 2016 # 3r4'a-W 4-4 e i TR:1;n 31- Rum- scoot ittg *t * R 36-+I:, 14.571- - c4l,u WZIT t;

*ZIT * t et *chi.41.-a41.1 31A° F4T e f VW VW TR $ ** 11. * #411. 31i*# ikrtaTi-Er Tri-Vekt-4-47 W441fr 611111 wzi-r 3tt-{

can 8 sicid-cf.t, 2016 It 31-4- WW tr r VIT MIT t OW at .4611441 eA" 31i -4. wzrr AT toil Trirc, *1141(.141 Frf2A-0 #.?

3ccli Tar, 9 31t{ RUM 1T-'r R 1 (4-advt Izsit-{) oft Pfliloi flfw)

(w) (7r) : 3111' 711.2i# .14,4-1J1 41,11e141 e 3ttz. art-L71 *lead 3TIV# Tardr TrzmititEr tad sft 9 alt{ Trt7PT i4:4411 (leiq q+14) * 4-4 04' 301. still, 4 ulleitcliA4 41 tiefILTI Zrt4 fk* WWIT 'Cr fILU vita. at' ftI utrrft, 8 ma•-at, 2016 # 12 2018 RW 3TT1TT{ 41140 (Vq+1)I-Mts1 ITT 30.60 RTC'. Vel4 4A4hiu1 gtK11 'ti 87411 ofiqii * chiqircitiei (01.07.2017 ) wr& it 12 s.T.V114 2018 BV 16.34 1:4-1V qdii 3fittr{ 411461 tiTonctvtul lel GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES


Reopening of closed Khadi Gramodyog centres


Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state: (a) whether Government is planning to reopen the closed Khadi Gramodyog centres situated amongst different panchayats of the country; (b) if so, the details thereof; (c) the details of the schemes implemented and progressive works done for the Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) during each of the last three years; and (d) the details of increase in sales through KVIC, if any?



(a)&(b): There is no plan to reopen the closed Khadi Gramodyog centres situated amongst different panchayats of the country. However, to revive the sick Khadi Institutions, Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) implements 'Strengthening of Infrastructure of Existing Weak Khadi Institutions and assistance for Marketing Infrastructure' scheme. The scheme is meant to meet the need based support of the Khadi Sector to nurse the sick Khadi Institutions which have potential to attain normalcy and support creation of marketing infrastructure in other identified outlets.

The details of financial support extended by KVIC under the scheme during the last three years are furnished as under:

Year No. of KIs covered Funds released (Rs. in crore) 2015-16 15 2.99 2016-17 33 3.27 2017-18 35 3.72

(c): The details of the schemes implemented and progressive works done for the Khadi and Village Industries during each of the last three years are as follows: i) Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) is a credit linked subsidy scheme, for setting up of new micro-enterprises and to generate employment opportunities in rural as well as urban areas of the country through KVIC, State Khadi & Village Industries Board (KVIB) and District Industries Centre (DIC). General category beneficiaries can avail of margin money subsidy of 25% of the project cost in rural areas and 15% in urban areas. For beneficiaries belonging to special categories such as SC/ST/Women/PH/Minorities/Ex-Servicemen/NER, the margin money subsidy is 35% in rural areas and 25% in urban areas. The maximum cost of projects is Rs.25 lakh in the manufacturing sector and Rs.10 lath in the service sector. aTT-4-a- R14174, efti 3111 7-11.21-JI 34.1c11 d-1/101+-1

3T ct cf2 - T. 120 3ccii a.) r 01)41 18.07.2018

alb Z51I4 dI14ilE4ld1 4.--0 .311.11

120. 31. f4W-4:1 oTIFTTO: cl-e11 T1g1", (1t3 .3117 TTU4d4 3Tig cb) u 14,1

(F) cren 1-1-c-11Q.-1(-11 tt2Ta. 711-41- dl r Zitaar

(W) Zrit' 'a)- a—C3:1-4-qr 4 (Jr) 10716 cfici c.11=1.1 (14 t zgrt 3tY4-- dAim 3--dra-r 31izi)--J1 ( 41 314*) 4)141Pcid 31,Y-4- f LT dI& ThfA ThrTrl Th—r c4-41I t;.3ttT

(Er) :fit 7tr aTmeidi i t a1q-fa-,Tif - ct,1 1, r (7-4N-r 4X41 ?

Toter, 3t17 Tretzur .544di (4-(4(-14 1:11IT) 111 m

(w) t2r Li-r-iNciI at it4-a- t4- wrti dAid-N.ildi 4,0 4,1 T11-7 T tl a-21-64, TUrrT .114) -2-1T3.11 441 1ic1Nksrqk (1 a) IWAIr 3117 d-IlAtI)di 3171t4 (1311t-Tfr) it?,TUTM- 4Od1,3-k IT #4:2u311 t 31.N.TW TA-f4c-rr taicNui to f-auuto 31TWalff TERT 4)141;c1 tI 't^d111 T41 TrT2-11-311 ItEPT (04) urra 311-42.LIchcli 371-Tlitff $"1 141+1 ÷11c1-110-2Ic11 11N1 qc4 3T f f4tl- 4,0 cb) 3Tm-z-a-Ta- TI14q-r 4-1$1zicir cbio) c tl

ta. 414c t IG1T&ari- 34A-ata- .kic-11 r 741-4G T 4k4i 44 cbc-14 cp dl7 wr-4- :1T21-1-311 r Ti-. 7r-tr 1 - 4.-z7i- (T. ‘4-, 5 #) 2015-16 15 2.99 2016-17 I 33 3.27 2017-18 35 3.72

(w) f cfioi cm . at # Urrtf di. cble1 I c1 taT1 it7 d 174141. iT Chi Fzitu itzir dmi t:

crar - d1 ,(1.idtk T 4wIct-,9 (111:471101) wrt 3117 AId- dl 3A-- fa RI ( r.311-3-Trr) AT WI 3crat fir v~21lU 1r c.N.) 317TR TP-a- 4,11 , 1- 1; Q4) ul +11-41 ti +1ci-11,4 ;stuff FraT1211 MALI! &It- (>11d1c-1 40 25% cT20 21-ftr a-tAt a1 15% 441f c-1 a=1- 1 4-11 tl 3T- T/31T/TI- 3.117211M4-/ Tut tr akq f4Rfici-

Pgatzil- A-ratrffzit i daldflul atil at 35% ar2-1T 21 101 1 a1 25% TrrMa- di +I ti

1-1R21 # 25 RTW Tcrzl .Q4 4)41 4-)7 A. 10 C'11 4-Q TICT4 t : 2 :

ii) Market Promotion Development Assistance (MPDA) — A unified scheme by merging Market Development Assistance, Publicity, Marketing and Market Promotion. A new component of Infrastructure namely setting up of Marketing Complexes /Khadi Plazas has been added to expand the marketing network of Khadi & VI products. Under the Modified MDA (MMDA) financial assistance at 30% of the Prime Cost is distributed amongst Producing Institutions (40%), Selling Institutions (20%) and Artisans (40%). iii) Interest Subsidy Eligibility Certificate (ISEC) Scheme provides credit at concessiona.l rate of interest through Banks as per the requirement of the Khadi institutions. The institutions are required to pay interest of only 4%, any interest charged by banks over 4% will be paid by the Government of India through KVIC to the banks. iv) Workshed Scheme for Khadi Artisans was introduced in 2008-09 to provide financial assistance for construction of workshed to khadi artisans belonging to BPL category through the khadi institutions with which the khadi artisans are associated. This empowers khadi spinners and weavers to chart out a sustainable path for growth, income generation and better work environment. v) Strengthening infrastructure of weak Khadi institutions and assistance for marketing infrastructure: This scheme provides need-based support towards the Khadi sector for nursing the sick/problematic institutions elevated from "D" to "C" category as well as those whose production, sales and employment have been declining while they have potential to attain normalcy and to support creation of marketing infrastructure in other identified outlets. Under this scheme, financial assistance is provided to existing weak Khadi institutions for strengthening of their infrastructure and for renovation of selected khadi sales outlets. vi) Khadi Reform and Development Programme (KRDP)aims to revitalize the khadi sector with enhanced sustainability of khadi, increased incomes and employment for spinners and weavers, increased artisans' welfare and to achieve synergy with village industries. Under KRDP, restructured amount of US$ 105 million has been negotiated with Asian Development Bank (ADB) and funds are being provided to the Government of India to be released to KVIC as `grants-in-aid' under budgetary allocation through the Ministry of MSME. Khadi Reform Package envisages reform support in the following areas: (i) Artisan Earnings and Empowerment, (ii) Direct Reform Assistance to 400 Khadi Institutions & (iii) Implementation of a well-knit MIS The details of the performance of Khadi and Village Industries (KVI)during each of the last three years is given at Annexure-I.

(d): The details of increase in sales performance of entire sector under Khadi and Polyvastra for the last three years is furnished here under:

Year Sales performance % increase over (Rs. in crore) 2015-16 2015-16 1663.98 - 2016-17 2146.60 129% 2017-18 (Provisional) 2508.10 151%

t.) u1u11~ Th41. •k-IV41c-11 (1.di ftWg sk1V4Icii, CMIT, f 1qulilwl.,iI'#49`. Zr

f4F71. co '0) 'qct) J1 ti 31rar-4-a -a Ts114e4-r c-le) tid.4) 3Tafra: EritTri171;rr4'r- 1-(-0.3-1131t T-2.TTEEdT Tart 3 dAid-kildi37E4- cl.c14) 47d1' #Rnftfa. .441k! (1:4-1k!c) Paid fat-zr ÷IVi-1711 6c-t-Ildsch 4-14-2113{1 (40%), f crr4#2.1134 (20%) am cradR) (40%) t 4t-9- 30% 1- <-1%-1 r7E41 t1

di at /T41- #4=24-B11 Ti-N.44+1 tf 1. .41e4 117 DT lActm 1 1T ulIc11 tl TiT2TT3r1 c41) MIA 4 1.1121.9. ifs tl gN1 4 1,1121-ff 31i u311frff 4-77 gRT ' --4131T4i1 (.11) .311-Qd11 I

IV) lirrtt crt1a-rk) f X21 r1 urra wra §q t, TITCA-141 ultrt Sur AT ;slut- T1- bra err chl1lJltl 1 ui,21s fir fv fir ?,A

2008-09 dl7 2f11 L1g qf, 31-1-4 F21T tFOTETilh cilc-licRui f -Cr Mt9-2 ITZT tzITT • 44-14t Wrd—dt Llt r-4t ti

rAMIC Nr.7 U.V.i A h ifiut • ni ; ;MAUR ALM • r rL mural 4-Qd-1 d1 'Er # MUIT a1 60-01c1 Nkwu1/4-1. 1 414-21T3l1 F2IT DOchl f4t1 - Kr" •t),31dIN cbdi 31r t 7-41t 3o-14) WU ,N1d11.- 1d1(c-11411) 1,41t-1 cf.) t,arr 141qui (NA L4 317-4 fir 1-"u10-1 3-1T4R2-7 TPC.IT 141 •f-ic-11 Tifft 31172.14><11 VITU'LlTa- ti 1eri R4Tu3i1 chl 31rt.173-7 err41-T-r0h-TErf •Qci -cmnd Wit fir 4,0-0 cicileniur ItLr f4-41-zi Te?r t I

vi)14rtt TT{ AT 4,1 Cbdi (tarR-trcfr) Er 3 2 r urr-4t Er E GION LT4 tt arm al Yatl eNcl 3-1'1{ , ),31411R( Tdt-dtt cladNI q-ft

tictk,,,41R cnlcil r2rr J,1 Idi1w1dl TIM d I I rdi cr)ci (f r )1T fCNCII I .3TR-gtCf1

▪ 3ta-ifF 105 31aTtrf Er Trig vt"--zra- fir lu, (&11) cr4-va I141 3it" e0.3 3.1,T diF LIdi 3Tral. di'41cV-.1 TIT U..1=1-1 2 64,0e4 mra- -d7 c, 3Idiid 4-1V41c-I1 31TTR • FET ,Lkicbii 4,1 QiNi 3 av4- ff-'4r ttt7a1 1- d-c-11W-ac-I (i) ct)11)dlii 31RI- TRIF4KNu1 (n) 400 wra 4T3r1 1 4cem- ▪ 4-1cii au- (iii) (Well knit) W-1311tW1 cblq-.15c-Mc-1 a1 Tar-{ 4-1V 0-1(-11 1=R- f fTh-TIT aiicrT tl

CIL! # 1;F-z)Th $1.(1.-1 W1-4"1 317 dAidi 4.4 d I (tt31,- EN 621121 31 r-1 a

frr 4 Rii

(Er) fo-aTa- Ad cm. t wr-4)- AR- f4tr- §3 qt* • frr dm! t: 44 it-- r ft.ui .-1 (T. ct,t s #) 2015-16 t c, .1.-1 % 2015-16 1663.98 - 2016-17 2146.60 129% 2017-18 (3-1- 424) 2508.10 151% Annexure-I

Annexure-I referred to in reply to part (c) of the Rajya Sabha Unstarred Question No. 120 for answer on 18.07.2018

State-wise position of PMEG1) during2015-16

Sr. State/UT Margin Money Margin Money Number Estimated No. subsidy subsidy of employment allocated utilized# projects generated (Rs. lakh) (Rs. lakh) assisted (No. of persons) 1 Jammu& Kashmir 4006.80 3781.19 2207 12115 2 Himachal Pradesh 1721.57 1767.26 1077 5134 3 Punjab 3026.80 2902.97 966 7762 4 UT Chandigarh 90.00 87.72 43 323 5 Uttarakhand 1909.93 1740.86 1136 6161 6 Haryana 3747.40 3112.09 1248 7232 7 Delhi 257.35 254.05 256 2048 8 Rajasthan 4188.14 4384.07 1988 14537 9 Uttar Pradesh 17535.32 14456.87 4365 43059 10 Bihar 7118.59 6588.55 2430 19624 11 Sikkim 227.38 186.11 110 397 12 Arunachal Pradesh 200.08 38.85 35 104 13 Nagaland 1255.83 1392.81 623 4998 14 Manipur 2855.92 1213.98 685 2715 15 Mizoram 924.99 1026.35 1134 9072 16 Tripura 2748.26 945.84 642 5355 17 Meghalaya 1250.62 1056.12 603 4824 18 Assam 4969.87 2869.74 3483 9026 19 West Bengal 4765.49 3400.65 1873 12746 20 Jharkhand 3462.64 3559.74 1839 12873 21 Odisha 6282.00 5736.32 2876 17629 22 Chhattisgarh 4303.80 2829.38 1277 9496 23 Madhya Pradesh 7729.40 8117.17 1979 16497 24 Gujarat* 6536.16 6339.73 1419 14960 25 Maharashtra ** 9718.42 5285.03 2497 20161 26 Andhra Pradesh 4496.85 2262.37 642 7740 27 Telangana 2094.00 2217.57 660 7761 28 Karnataka 10846.89 5898.01 2140 17284 29 Goa 159.40 165.43 91 500 30 Lakshadweep 90.00 0.00 0 0 31 Kerala 2731.60 2720.48 1369 9653 32 Tamilnadu 7110.80 5497.54 2463 20836 33 Puducherry 100.00 106.37 65 447 34 Andaman & 158.00 65.11 119 293 Nicobar Islands 128620.30 102006.33 44340 323362 # including un-utilized balance funds of previous year. * including Daman & Diu. ** including Dadra & Nagar Haveli

3fTa%1-1- •sie • • : • took- 1 ; 12 • 414- 2915-16 3TreCa glIll WIT TriM- el tiw4c-ii crrFr Ifta a;Talf'd- a. w.Ti.. ii.-•q/TiEr ii.3-04 a-tq ar-4r ii tit i # (T. (4144 IiR4.10113;1- .0.1.mi (c.z114,44

(. (414si ab all C ./149411 .*1 #.) a-JA3/fi-{ 201-111 4006.80 3781.19 2207 12115 2 fi,a0=ic-i 1,1 ■21 1721.57 1767.26 1077 5134 966 7762 3 i-R7•104 3026.80 2902.97 323 4 •-it.i .0.3q4 R-tq rr..ildid 90.00 87.72 43 5 5 tiiitsls 1909.93 1740.86 1136 6161 6 Jet0-01 3747.40 3112.09 1248 7232 7 1='-F--4' r 257.35 254.05 256 2048 8 1..,1•;-2.117 4188.14 4384.07 1988 14537 4365 43059 9 5rlt 1421 17535.32 14456.87 10 Wr-4- 7118.59 6588.55 2430 19624 110 397 11 qR-u-k5i 227.38 186.11 12 ,31-F311TR TI-2T 200.08 38.85 35 104 13 0-0,0146 1255.83 1392.81 623 4998 14 acftliff 2855.92 1213.98 685 2715 15 fAsA idi 924.99 1026.35 1134 9072 16 i .i.0 2748.26 945.84 642 5355 17 tiiciQ4 1250.62 1056.12 603 4824 18 3{.f 4969.87 2869.74 3483 9026 19 TTN-ar c; im 4765.49 3400.65 1873 12746 20 *-1k•W5 3462.64 3559.74 1839 12873 21 3fl-Rwr 6282.00 5736.32 2876 17629 22 c341,4J15, 4303.80 2829.38 1277 9496 23 a:N..-4. crku 7729.40 8117.17 1979 16497 24 dyi id* 6536.16 6339.73 1419 14960 25 d-ww* 9718.42 5285.03 2497 20161 26 3TVa li 21" 4496.85 2262.37 642 7740 27 c) (-Pim! 2094.00 2217.57 660 7761 28 q.--1 .c.4-, 10846.89 5898.01 2140 17284 29 i cil 159.40 165.43 91 500 30 Futt; 90.00 0.00 0 0 31 .ei 2731.60 2720.48 1369 9653 32 d c.401§ 7110.80 5497.54 2463 20836 33 gpti. 100.00 106.37 65 447 34 .313d-0,1 31t{ fc.1->kk 158.00 65.11 119 293

taiu TITk- • 128620.30 102006.33 44340 323362 ftraUPS 3P;PiT. 21-Gi d,aiut 3fR 7ta"

** Ci cidl`k e4-4t Trit-a State-wise position of PMEGP durin22016-17

Sr. State/UT Margin Money Margin Number Estimated No. subsidy Money of employment allocated subsidy projects generated (Rs. lakh) utilized# assisted (No. of (Rs. lakh) persons) Jammu& Kashmir 3541.26 2621.40 1492 11691 2 Himachal Pradesh 1970.11 2185.27 941 6916 3 Punjab 3504.09 3181.60 1266 9858 4 UT Chandigarh 100 82.84 47 376 5 Uttarakhand 2140.93 2122.33 1345 9890 6 Har ana 3371.31 3383.53 1377 11016 7. Delhi 300 182.41 119 952 8 Rajasthan 5500.99 4641.6 1749 13408 9 Uttar Pradesh 12981.52 14271.05 4074 36315 10 Bihar 6909.77 8336.51 3234 25872 11 Sikkim 200 35.93 27 201 12 Arunachal Pradesh 500 440.34 301 1984 13 Na•aland 1751.68 2007.48 1018 7783 14 Manipur 1741.7 2162.78 1265 8419 15 Mizoram 1253.49 491.96 425 3400 16 Tripura 1578.62 3734.66 2297 17961 17 Me • hala a 1748.1 407.89 329 2632 18 Assam 5636.41 4910.38 6028 31498 19 West Bengal 3680.3 6270.32 3528 26604 20 Jharkhand 4165.73 2654.35 1300 10400 21 Odisha 5201.65 6848.96 3029 20392 22 Chhattisgarh 4493.3 4070.73 1598 12856 23 Madhya Pradesh 8527.32 8346.06 1940 15520 24 Gu'arat* 5398.45 7561.61 1386 11629 25 Maharashtra * 6111.29 6001.36 2325 17799 26 Andhra Pradesh 2336.59 4916.08 1357 14148 27 Telan • ana 2004.86 2561.72 664 6445 28 Karnataka 4941.62 11609.56 3575 30286 29 Goa 371.62 191.44 90 660 30 Lakshadweep 50 00 00 00 31 Kerala 2446.06 3350.68 1584 13068 32 Tamilnadu 5291.23 8213.92 2941 25764 33 Puducherry 150 103.65 66 699 34 Andaman & Nicobar 100 193.46 195 1398 Islands 110000 128093.86 52912 407840 # including un-utilized balance funds of previous year. * including Daman & Diu. a ** including Dadra & Nagar Haveli Mt 2016-17 t' Ct ,t1v1 1;&1‘.41 1. i10-41clli meta 71-rfl•3 vzsffi airfU dill iivzicil law .R-P-a 39srrff47- ,ti /i7 Ri--- T th did 1i1 1`a1 iii.4igt#( .. ei1As1 LIRe1)‘710-113it iloidlli ("1/4)411. (V. el1+41 Al 21) *I. Ti- crr ''r RT.) 1 --d4k 3k 2d-fk 3541.26 2621.40 1492 11691 2 fi.1-11-cici T,Tt2T 1970.11 2185.27 941 6916 3 1.1,711G1 3504.09 3181.60 1266 9858 4 +Iti .U.,-q 0-9' zgldIG 100 82.84 47 376 5 6r14.1445 2140.93 2122.33 1345 9890 6 ,11e4luil 3371.31 3383.53 1377 11016 7 f -,.‘A - 300 182.41 119 952

Tr-T.2T7- 5500.99 4641.6 1749 13408 9 .5c-1,( A,21- 12981.52 14271.05 4074 36315 10 itm- 6909.77 8336.51 3234 25872 11 fly di 200 35.93 27 201

12 3-WcrTM7 trt2T 500 440.34 301 I 1984

13 Gil 1i .5 1751.68 2007.48 1018 7783 14 aftrosT 1741.7 2162.78 1265 8419 491.96 425 3400 15 ‘71 .c1-1 1253.49 16 ftgr 1578.62 3734.66 2297 17961

17 dlalc>ief 1748.1 407.89 329 2632 18 3RT-g 5636.41 4910.38 6028 31498

19 trfodiici----81- 3680.3 6270.32 3528 26604 20 viis 4165.73 2654.35 1300 10400 21 Atm 5201.65 6848.96 3029 20392 22 T1l.t-idio 4493.3 4070.73 1598 12856 23 gitzf Tit2T 8527.32 8346.06 1940 15520 24 d,tov 1 d * 5398.45 7561.61 1386 11629 25 di lift"* 6111.29 6001.36 2325 17799 26 3m-1,T gtu 2336.59 4916.08 1357 14148 27 c.cidi1.-ii 2004.86 2561.72 664 6445 28 cb.icui 4941.62 11609.56 3575 30286

29 J I I 371.62 191.44 90 660 30 mracr 50 00 00 00 31 did 2446.06 3350.68 1584 13068 32 did eidig 5291.23 8213.92 2941 25764 33 1.---tf. 150 103.65 66 699

34 31S-3=11 - 3is1{ .R.r, Qii 100 193.46 195 1398 t-1 171Tk-6 110000 128093.86 52912 407840 q-4" tr 319M *1- 1=1-qzrfi TrftF 31'h- ** qci daft State-wise position of PMEGP during 2017-18

Sr. State/UT Margin Money Margin Money Number Estimated No. subsidy subsidy of employment allocated utilized# projects generated (Rs. lakh) (Rs. lakh) assisted (No. of persons) 1 Jammu& Kashmir 3272.84 6913.15 3753 30024 2 Himachal Pradesh 1785.19 2042.5 886 7088 3 Punjab 3272.84 3930.46 1520 12160 4 UT Chandigarh 100.00 90.07 45 360 5 Uttarakhand 1933.95 2880.98 1613 12904 6 Haryana 3272.84 4167.04 1718 13744 7. Delhi 300.00 150.65 115 920 8 Rajasthan 4909.26 4929.04 1577 12614 9 Uttar Pradesh 11157.41 16866.47 5432 43456 10 Bihar 5653.09 6558.85 2307 18456 11 Sikkim 200.00 46.36 37 296 12 Arunachal Pradesh 500.00 309.42 209 1672 13 Nagaland 1728.96 2672.15 930 7440 14 Manipur 1434.32 1383.87 600 4800 15 Mizoram 1245.66 274.05 249 1992 16 Tripura 1283.75 1892.3 1116 8928 17 Meghalaya 1720.32 118.27 75 600 18 Assam 5351.99 2362.48 2282 18256 19 West Bengal 2975.31 3891.37 1366 10928 20 Jharkhand 3570.37 2439.53 1111 8888 21 Odisha 4462.97 5680.65 2399 19192 22 Chhattisgarh 4016.67 3398.4 1463 11704 23 Madhya Pradesh 7587.04 7631.41 1804 14432 24 Gujarat* 4909.26 12883.63 1876 15008 25 Maharashtra ** 5355.56 8749.73 3329 26632 26 Andhra Pradesh 1933.95 5336.1 1527 12216 27 Telangana 4611.73 4030.21 1190 9520 28 Karnataka 4462.97 6477.94 2115 16920 29 Goa 297.53 149.07 50 400 30 Lakshadweep 100.00 00 00 00 31 Kerala 2082.72 2910.44 1347 10776 32 Tamilnadu 4760.50 9717.58 4095 32760 33 Puducherry 100.00 78.95 44 352 34 Andaman & 100.00 276.95 218 1744 Nicobar Islands 100449 131240.07 48398 387184 # including un-utilized balance funds of previous year. * including Daman & Diu. ** including Dadra & Nagar Haveli 314fta- VW- TR:p. gTIOff d 4 i1VIcil um- k-D-a 3.1-Tar T7. itsrel/ki"Ei (Is th di ii141 .41 # (. e1144 LA41).3101134 illuidlli (W14)4.11 (*. ellisi Al a) c it *149?-0 At it) 30024 1 Tat; 311T Ti2djll 3272.84 6913.15 3753 886 7088 2 RAIITAM 1,1 21 1785.19 2042.5 1520 12160 3 14011•1 3272.84 3930.46 4 kim ,00-ei ati. -r_i,il(e 100.00 90.07 45 360 12904 5 .5tV1816 1933.95 2880.98 1613 13744 6 E.. ell II 3272.84 4167.04 1718 920 7 11"-411 c 300.00 150.65 115 4929.04 1577 12614 8 Tr-a-T-4m 4909.26 5432 43456 9 3rit VIt2T 11157.41 16866.47 10 f=4-p-4- 5653.09 6558.85 2307 18456 200.00 46.36 37 296 11 1W- 44,H 12 31---u117F tit21- 500.00 309.42 209 1672 13 oidu '5 1728.96 2672.15 930 7440 14 31faTI:5 1434.32 1383.87 600 4800 15 ,.71 14g1 1245.66 274.05 249 1992 16 .f -Estr 1283.75 1892.3 1116 8928 17 al>a1MH 1720.32 118.27 75 600 18256 18 31--g-A- 5351.99 2362.48 2282 19 rift-J:1' Gidim 2975.31 3891.37 1366 10928 20 -18.4.5 3570.37 2439.53 1111 8888 21 3ffltur 4462.97 5680.65 2399 19192 22 EArllfidlG 4016.67 3398.4 1463 11704 23 Trt-zr citu 7587.04 7631.41 1804 14432 24 asa--4-rj* 4909.26 12883.63 1876 15008 25 di,11ir,* 5355.56 8749.73 3329 26632 26 31FcC- - ,1- crt2r 1933.95 5336.1 1527 12216 1190 9520 27 )e,1dtk-ii 4611.73 4030.21 28 cpAcst, 4462.97 6477.94 2115 16920 29 atar 297.53 149.07 50 400 30 R-&-rercr 100.00 00 00 00

31 4),(ei 2082.72 2910.44 1347 10776 32 d1d ,i,11§ 4760.50 9717.58 4095 32760 33 tg-ttr 100.00 78.95 44 352 34 31-g-aTR- 3i1-{ 0 GIR 100.00 276.95 218 1744 1al1-1 TI13:k7 100449 131240.07 48398 387184 # ftra- 3i 21W 1 1"e0 T-ftF *Tgur Trta• • **GIC,•0 Lrt ciJR Rit KVI Performance i) Performance Overview of Khadi and Village Industries Rs. in crore) Sr. Particulars 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 No (Provisional) A. Production 1. Textile (Khadi + Poly + 1158.44 1520.83 1624.86 Solarvastra) 2. Village Industries 33331.78 41110.26 47471.20 Total-A 34490.22 42631.09 49096.06 B. Sales 1. Textile (Khadi + Poly + 1663.98 2146.60 2508.50 Solarvastra) 2. Village Industries 40230.58 49991.61 57942.78 Total-B 41894.56 52138.21 60451.28

Market Promotion and Development Assistance Scheme (MPDA)

MDA paid No. of Inst. No. of Artisans Year (Rs. in crore) benefited benefited 2015-16 189.87 1877 Released through KIs 2016-17 325.25 1778 192383 2017-18(Provisional) 187.10 1466 364826 iii) Interest Subsidy Eligibility Certificate (ISEC) scheme Rs. in crore) Year ISEC Issued ISEC Availed Int. subsidy released 2015-16 949.68 422.79 40.07 2016-17 1435.71 517.92 36.39 2017-18(Provisional) 1702.83 575.27 35.85 iv) Workshed Scheme

Year No. of workshed for artisans 2015-16 1279 2016-17 3272 2017-18(Provisional) 1825 v) Scheme for Strengthening of Infrastructure of Existing Weak Khadi Institutions and Assistance for Marketing Infrastructure

Year No. of Kis assisted No. of sales outlets assisted 2015-16 15 15 2016-17 35 117 2017-18(Provisional) 35 - 4,4131ft r oi q*.tiiqo i) 4stia") 4.4i

vAttkr asa-rFw raTi-f -a-r IT1ur311 Fral-r -a- cr), alt ‘=.1- 4-4- (T. coil al) 'f' ii4s4.41 r4s441 wrt .Ti--4n24-0 '7 TrrtzraT 2015-16 189.87 1877 # „AI 2016-17 325.25 1778 192383 2017-18 (3Mrag) 187.10 1466 364826

cr-gro-rrm (T. mot) A-) .41s1. .11111 31T `F Aft! 33-4-4tw. oh GA41,z1 ii1 igl

2015-16 949.68 422.79 40.07 2016-17 1435.71 517.92 36.39 2017-18 (3re4- -4) 1702.83 575.27 35.85 iv) zr 411 J14 1-. Q cl4) r 4-Rs,z41 2015-16 1279 2016-17 3272 2017-18 (3red-a) 1825 v) ail- 41- Odioi (aldl II 3111-TRV 3 SZquio Iii Sl> 4-(Pdi 1-11-ic-11 IA16 T. ÷IV e4c11 cirFi Wr #T-2.474 *.i +1•LV-11 -)G-0 ''r ÷iii 2015-16 15 15 2016-17 35 117 2017-18 (3rA1- Tr) 35 - GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES


Loss of jobs due to model charkhas


Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the model charkhas have made khadi artisans lose their jobs; (b) if so, the details thereof; (c) whether it is also a fact that nearly 1.2 lakh jobs were lost in the east zone alone; and (d) if so, the details thereof?



(a): New Model Charkhas have been introduced long back. It is not true that jobs are lost due to introduction of New Model Charkhas. Rather they give good quality yarn and enhanced wages to the Khadi artisans due to increase of production capacity.

(b): Does not arise.

(c)&(d): No. The total employment under Khadi and Polyvastra for the year 2016-17 and 2017-18 (Provisional) in the East Zone is given below, which shows an increasing trend.

Employment in East Zone

in lakh persons Particulars 2016-17 2017-18 (Provisional) Employment under Khadi 1.05 1.06 and Polyvastra

* *

3ITTF titchit 7T, 31T 3112171. 34:ZPT #1 I el 41 ZTZf MIT 3MTititF ASR. If. 121 3ffi* *r ciptlist 18.07.2018

'a:ifEW WalT3ft wa# 71- 0'6114

121. .4 a 317. NIA-A%

WZrr VI, 9 3 TrtZrg 34,401 Ott 7r#l tr TETT mil` : (V) WiT1 zrF 4:1Wf T Nisct Waft It art 4)1 ,ft *1" ritch ta iai prr (r) 7rft gt, a1FarOft rztkr wzrr (7r) wzrr 7r# 3ft TM t f f 1117 7:1" Mr3171" 1.2 war irt 411144 prr CEO tit e, fr aa4-4tft -qtr f7rr


TENT,30{MA73:r- 344141 V74 7 (t4 ci OM) (aft f1TZt»

(w) atr miss Gir 3rrtsr ftv are. ft zro. Trm wft t wv wYgg *r vrra * *rvir 3exr clam r 7rr-4 (trpir) wzra. *7* # 3I it-4140 &TART 47.1* * VIM NT& ctivOdi *r 1.414

(w) vr:R. 3-64r-

(VT) 3t{ (Er) 11, w#11 re OR. mi. 2016-17 3fti" 2017-18 (31-0A-4) * fNit 3 * TR. il.31.111 P4-.1fAraci t, mt f 40d,t) *r TVA *-1 #1

itti. 74- Ita-arrT (Mar c.44 7t) fkaTur 2016-17 2017-18 (3reit"31) Wirer 3ft{ xi iiA cii-* * 1.05 1.06 3rd I) al di it GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES


Efforts to increase MSME registrations


Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) how many Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have been registered with the department in last five years, State/UT-wise details especially in Gujarat and Jharkhand; (b) how many MSMF, registrations have been cancelled in the same period in the country, especially in Gujarat and Jharkhand; (c) what are the benefits of MSME registration; and (d) what efforts have been made by Government to increase MSME registrations?



(a): The number of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) registered on Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM) Portal till 12th July, 2018 (after enactment of UAM in September, 2015) is 48.40 lakh Prior to that 7.88 lakh MSMEs filed Entrepreneur Memorandum (Part-II) (EM-II) during 2013-14 and 2014-15. The details of MSMEs registered on UAM portal and filed EM-II (State/UT-wise) are given in Annexure-I.

(b): 24,248 MSME registrations have been cancelled in the country on UA1V0 portal till 12th July, 2018 (after enactment of UAM in September, 2015). 25 and 92' MSME registrations have been cancelled in Gujarat and Jharkhand respectively o UAM portal during the same period.

arTa TRW, 9 AT 1:11Arg 34ti +1211e4 1TTA' 3TaRtita. TM' Biagi 122 3Fer. *r : 18.07.2018

1731;9' 311T tialcretut WcIA' *1' WART

122. 41" Erftlig ei i a i,il:

err 111,-71, 3111' RUM 34ge aril * *l t-17T cro .41 W:

(w) Fora- triv at fasTrai- tn-fr cl T-Tr, 9 AT Iowa 4,4I di MT Tfr

MI. $1 *11 ~s sWi ZIT ITZn. t; ftter wa- 3t1T witis rtfitrTrzy. rbtR"-47 air Gar 31:it WM' Altio r * fd"11111 W:1 it gr•tici 311'T viiisis 4 ci vxr ter LAT tioftchiul 1-47 ftv 7rn. f; (4) r LAT tr* tiolIctivm wzrr NMI; AT (E0 caw MT TO tionchiui *1' WA' tq' WzIT WIRT fkq' 71V'?

3Fd--{ 4:11-71', 9 3tk MART 1174 i (i-ciciA Oft We)

(NT) : icolc 311/T11' q11411 (41,4V+1) tit& yr{ 12 2018 RV ( do-4K, 2015 * 41,q4di 311t1f*zi** 41W tilrfff ffpf, 31tf MX* 34:4411 *"1. 48.40 i tl qt.t.t1 t wet 2013-14 AT 2014-15 * 4It1ei 7.88 RTlif 34i041 mod' (ar*-H) (3 7T-II) 44. ftel qtqqai tea tr( tilrfff 3111- tkr4- II 44 m* TLitrif, 9 311T 3:11APT 64,44k4 air wel-{r (Triliter T174 3TT41-I 74' rrwzrr t

(TO : 12 0.1,(413, 2018 aV Pcia-GR, 2015 * tkqqai der * t11' tkqqei trYca- w 24,248 wivtiqaii TsT 1.ionchiul 14:4s l Fit Nett- dkAild 311-{ thsca- ITT wpm 25 Sit 927 1.:diqiivim4 *I 14 chiul 1-4,-4 3Trti Annexure-I

Annexure referred to in reply to part (a) of Rajya Sabha Unstarred Question No. 122 for answer on 18.07.2018

EM-II (During UAM registration SI. No. State/UT 2013-14 to 2014-15) (Since Sep. 2015 to as on date) 1 ANDHRA PRADESH 5213 232510 2 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 50 645 3 ASSAM 4489 3640 4 BIHAR 5142 770871 5 CHHATTISGARH 3258 22802 6 GOA 329 3577 7 GUJARAT 122787 486080 8 HARYANA 3963 69424 9 HIMACHAL PRADESH 1015 5929 10 JAMMU AND KASHMIR 2077 4021 1 11 JHARKHAND 7042 97998 12 KARNATAKA 54720 134749 13 KERALA 29903 61879 14 MADHYA PRADESH 39277 360626 15 MAHARASHTRA 56818 570101 16 MANIPUR 376 17239 17 MEGHALAYA 759 1128 18 MIZORAM 491 1387 19 NAGALAND 333 44-, 20 ODISHA 5810 7247 21 PUNJAB 4419 6935 22 RAJASTHAN 36256 29459 23 SIKKIM 15 3€ 24 TAMIL NADU 259497 5884: 25 TELANGANA 12631 13838 26 TRIPURA 345 287, 27 UTTAR PRADESH 97545 59603 28 UTTARAKHAND 5138 1416 29 WEST BENGAL 26624 142851 ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR 30 ISLANDS 212 3419 31 CHANDIGARH 345 4022 32 DADAR AND NAGAR HAVELI 183 2004 33 DAMAN AND DIU 120 1134 34 DELHI 981 59500 35 LAKSHADWEEP 14 44 36 PUDUCHERRY 172 4793 Total: 7,88,349 48,39,54'; 31- c. 4IT-I

TMT Trear3Turrifta• vrta. R. 122 Mali! 317 { mtg., 18.07.2018 A' ?Orr 7rFr t, acpr (w) ircit *14fAt1 317441T

W.4. 177-41 •-4 4 i ci Siali tOT-II (2013-14 # 2014-15 t 41,,vvor . .hi 1 1 rid-•11, 4 +Jai) 2015 # xr-a• *r u-+-) 1 TI QT wit- 5213 232510 2 3r3trrr-1.i ter 50 645 3 3rirsr 4489 3640 4 WOW 5142 770871 5 5 4141G 3258 22802 6 *far 329 3577 7 +.1.5iiicf 122787 486080 8 *fkqiuli 3963 69424 MIT Ay3i 9 1015 5929 10 2077 4021 $fiit9s 11 7042 97998 12 `hNSca+ 54720 134749 13 ~ 29903 61879 14 Rtzr Tralr 39277 360626 15 alelir"5-, 56818 570101 16 749.177 376 17239 17 Atuniti 759 1128 18 .71'M 491 1387 19 wridiigs 333 444 20 31WOTT 5810 72474 21 WaTC 4419 69357 22 0014-7-110 36256 294592 #1 23 15 369 emit 24 259497 588483 eorihrii 25 12631 138382 f4ttif 26 345 2870 27 3 Tralr 97545 596036 28 65*(15S 5138 14169 29 liW- 47r mg 26624 142851 30 31371W a' fA41 opt cattr *tote 212 3419 TIS1'JG 31 345 4022 ai wiri 6 32 AT4T 183 2004 33 WA' 311T. *a 120 1134 cv 34 981 59500 35 vittla '4 14 44 36 Uttt 172 4793 7,88,349 ..T7: 48,39,549 : 2 :

(c): The benefits of MSME registration are given below:

(i) Can avail the benefits of various schemes of Ministry of MSMEs like Credit Guarantee Scheme for MSEs, Credit Linked Capital Subsidies Scheme, Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme for MSMEs, Micro and Small Enterprises Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP), A Scheme for Promoting Innovation, Rural Industry & Entrepreneurship (ASPIRE), Revamped Scheme Of Fund for Regeneration Of Traditional Industries (SFURTI), Design Clinic Scheme for MSMEs, financial support to MSMEs in ZED certification scheme, etc. and the schemes of other Ministries.

(ii) Getting access to the following benefits / facilities under the Public Procurement Policy: • Tender set free of cost, • Exemption from the payment of earnest Money, • Purchase preference to MSEs. • 358 product items reserved for exclusive procurement from MSEs. • Exemption in respect of prior experience — prior turnover criteria. (iii) Recognizing the importance of MSME sector, a recent ordinance has empowered the Government to provide the MSME special dispensation under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC).

(d): To increase the registration at UAM portal, State Government and Industry associations have been urged through communication, interactive session over video conferencing etc. Also, helpdesks for enrolment of UAM have been provided in various state level conclaves.

*** : 2 :

(7T) : 14 Lit * FA ci t:-

i ‘11-7T, 9 311-T *VW 3441+1 (4 *i 0-01 41 Aol3ifi at.) TiRrot fAv anic 4alut•ii, sl4 c f4crs aacef ii1"441 441.3ta1i, va1qiiq+-14 fAv fdf 4-1 ul Ard-fqtfrOWaT 441.21•11, ‘if* gt{- 34 41 a-Mtct fdchit1 chi spai (Vallrfit-tfiet4.1), al.-4101, 41144,441•1 3ft (-4141.0, Wittrit-W 6440 IFWIIT faV fAit' r tlfld 441.3.41 (4-TfA),

FA- ftrfa 14eiPch WaTrUM. 74- 1441qii kr4"ii FAV e

441•7I.1 I 3tIT 31. 1. 44 i ei 441 *1 47141134 it MIT 33T imp() t I

(i i ) gtP is * galfra ci RTSIWOTT34 qict 3trginTaT t :

•f4:1ff fAI-441 k, •311 d1 TAT * 3171dig. VC, •Kr*V4Tt igN chci I i •358 3c4414 *A-N KraTirlit 41 (Oa 7T* * FA" 1Wiftff I *TO 391TW - Z-43114T al P445 Tiot we'

ki414t1q4ii 4-tg diocci *1. t-clicoli chit) Fr, Va try 311.-41 IT co ichri fa irA ti mai T ftutert1W 311ifffaT Ws (*•111•441) 43 chi q-cih w1g) i ka-+f faq 'Po* kre tl

(IT)Tr:T7 r 34 1+i *it wai tea tr-{ ii..711.hiul 4101.1 * fv aed5, iMg4-0 a 1*. -OadI Ciscl It 'LI fly * MVP( 1:1" 3rTit1t RI4 41 'I **AI 31WMT, 4.k¶ * icho * fV WM-0.1-17qc tdX144 crsi.rcre) (4 Itch A' cAiai-tif aft A- 71* ti

**•111111 MINISTRY OF MSME MIS — PARLIAMENT UESTIONS QUESTION DATE 23.07.2018 th Lok Sabha SESSION 15th Session of 16






Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have spurred the industrial development and are instrumental in removing the regional imbalances in the country; (b) if so, the details thereof; (c) whether the Government has any policy/scheme for promoting the MSME Sector in the industrially backward regions including tribal majority naxalite affected area in the country including Maharashtra; (d) if so, the details thereof along with the funds allocated for the purpose and number of employment generated/likely to be generated therefrom during each of the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise including Maharashtra and if not, the reasons therefor; and (e) the other steps taken/being taken by the Government in this regard?



(a) to (e): A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.

34117 31/1- xrezrif 54. 4 I el 41 Rfiffi- war cllil SPM. TilPtfT *77 3ca. tibia : 23.07.2018

atg 474T4T

*77. PA +iemi1 4rinT:

l5c1 c rl 0-04 *VW *11cl3chi:

W-41' ‘11-71, 9 AT 3VRT 4,44 if Mt Zif gala *1 FIT chl+

*AT TO-1T, as 31IT 34.ter (1oiviitta-14) A' 3t1ced:4W fdgiti t 71f4 wig *ft 34{- 4.1-41-E1 3rfiyff T(*1# 3TFT it #1; Wit fit, awi-4111. wzrr t;

wzrr qw tqr * Awl 14141 air crii col Mt' Ettii •Qci 307119W rfiZ llt%1 Ettt 7 qktvtiqmi 09- wl oolai t-4 tq 411fdP41,11.11 t; zrf 81', F*4111 .4(1 Wzir 31'12 •Qci 11724 r*Er 117411117AIT 4ici t'4 9—A'W 31t 41ur1 **NI iftat+istrita .c1.71.11i *r %dull t 311-{ wfr. wzr1.-Aa 31reeff 1111 li ft-dAt 3f1-{ zrit #t, afi **14, wzrr f; 31'12 (3) 4411- 4.511t1 WzIT 31":1"*-47f JON Mai

3"{t- Tfpf, 9 31/T 3itzfg 3444+1 tI.741 AB M et Rim M-0


Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises are significantly present in all States/UTs and they are the second largest employer after agriculture in the country. These enterprises have supported inclusive growth and development across the country thereby reducing the regional imbalances.

The Ministry of MSME has launched many Schemes such as Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme, PMEGP (Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme), SFURTI (Scheme of Fund for -Regeneration of Traditional Industries), CLCSS (Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme), ASPIRE (Scheme for promotion of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Agro- Industry), and Khadi and Village Industries Scheme for promotion of MSMEs in the entire country including - Maharashtra. These Schemes have special components for SC, ST and North Eastern regions. The Pradhan Mantri Mudra Scheme implemented by Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance has also paved the way for a large number of micro enterprises to access credit. All these schemes have made significant contribution in creating widespread employment opportunities in the country, including the industrially backward areas of the country.

Recently, NITI Aayog has identified 117 most backward/naxalite affected districts as the Aspirational Districts. Four districts of Maharashtra i.e. Gadchiroli, Nandurbar, Osmanabad and Washim figure in the list. Ministry of MSME has decided to send teams of officials to these 117 districts not only to spread awareness about the existing Schemes of this Ministry but also to obtain proposals to set up and strengthen micro and small enterprises in these districts

The Schemes of the Ministry of MSME are central sector Schemes in which specific percentage of the budgetary allocation are earmarked for SC, ST and North Eastern Region's population. Most of these Schemes are demand driven and expenditure is made in the specific States as per the proposals received. There is no such allocation per se State/UT wise. The Funds allocated under . the Schemes of PMEGP, CLCSS, Khadi and Village Grant, SFURTI, MSE-CDP, Tool Room/TCSP are furnished at Annex-I. The number of employment generated State-wise including in Maharashtra, under PMEGP is furnished at Annex-II. Under the Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme, loan guarantees are provided to MSEs which in turn result in employment generation. The employment generated under this Scheme Statewise, including in Maharashtra are furnished at Annex-III.The Ministry of MSME has 18 Tool Rooms which impart training which in turn help in generating employment.

The Ministry of MSME has taken the following steps for the development of MSMEs across the country: • Decided to set up 15 new technology centres at various parts of the country, • revamped SFURTI (Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries) • revamped PMEGP(Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme) • increased the approved corpus of CGTMSE (Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises) from Rs.2500 crore to Rs 7500 crore, • increased the loan limit under Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme to Rs 2 crore, • extended the Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for loan by NBFCs, • set up digital platforms to monitor the implementation of public procurement policy and to address the delayed payments problems faced by MSEs (Micro & Small Enterprises) etc.

WI* 1-31T ariiPc WqW #641 77 f T 37{ itg* 23.07.2Q18 itzTT WW1 g.* (*) (g) 3-FT 4-411ta ftaTur

TNT, V Ar ;rum. 34440 1TMCZT *ET it IT* wrs- et* * tkag 3#-{ far of STW# WATFT gi All- Traratft srafa faAu *1641,1 f*.wr g faia aarzr &MT 3Rfrqww w*. Fair 1.1

14.141'441'41 110114441 * 11 61,1105 *Ad WIT3R wivii4m4 * thy 51,13c dni thflr 4101.1i, tfle+l4 Miro** kw*. 4,1404),FrA (t41i,1114, 54,41.11 thy Wit votitqtiqi (4,11c igrs 4.14cei 41,m1), r 64,1.1 #40* 41.1.11) UT* viailc.4141 *ifT Wg 4.71014 arriv ti zfioanit Ji d 3171-4tita. 01.4011-A Tala:FT at-41 fav feta %ram* I fact-NI ilai1/4; %U PI, Fat *14191+4 4:41Ti 1-4■411fC1 Vtir**41 74I 401611 * aft Or 44.9441 31Trr 344411 * 1A.v. simile A. 34441041C11 asr 711174 ;WIRT gl Trk 304,..1 f14, Wqr # ittgi til ci Or mrrcrw maw3c4..i 7l +IF catO 411.141.1 ?Orr 01

wra- ft71, 41124 mem. * 117 3IfA" fhtthiertioi guffaw Mei arrwier (1+CF4 tT. o i 141 t it f**, 1*-47 gi 4161i165. 'MT Cavil /MT .1st•llt, 3i-11101414 31tT Mit* *T* fi 141lftiV114 412114114 4.* 117 Deg 3fitrwrital at* ,Zr* Tr favl-a ?Aar t fatichl rd-par 44.11/444 * art Or 011,1*4,ci1 ti■eihrui f aW- f1/4 at irpr Ai 9 344011 mrcraT 31'11 a141.141 Taa. TT.4. * FAT. ;mum. Arca 01.

qaiv.iiku4 *I 14 014114 4)14 M f lawat sr-4-ew fatiVka vrerar 311•41. d 7ft, 3TwAftw ..t.rwtria lift Iffrmi. at* wat fAv fa eur Izwxt xitrAlr 44101.114 *Y21. 3mrlta- f 31)17 ki-mr fatqr ll Nirqr ;wird * 3ITIR wWW 'War 7r -dr ti *tifAv- 11774r4Er- ire itti-ari. *It 3rri-e-4 wet itzrr mar ti Am04,711,11, wit 3itt 3T14Tff, 4-ttra, t0ket14-thi1,ft, 441.$0134 * 34*-6 3rrafta trRr aT itarr 3r*,-44-4 fawr WWI 141iotias try-ag tiltemi..4141 34-4w tpci *T e 24- ft ii,f4C aiii& Mitr 441.1•11 *1'e11'414 wur 7rrier WC* *.r f 11410, 1,11elt-4444 c4d11.4, ipq" tl r 41,71011 * 6114105 117-7z -art *Adm. fkalur 14-4T WWI gl VO4i1kt04 * 18 g 3k AftlaTuT AWTW f Diol) xtfluilaitavi *tom 1-Jr fl

eiAleig tir ars * Va-mittai faQ-# thy WWW 331V f: • .4•4-"T * farA.-.4 arml * 15 WV 4.:14 *-0 rvarawr Quiti faar war, • IV * xri•ctipt * faLr fat? •icilchsur itar war, • %Alit fl4l (Sitii*aft 01111i 4411 OW) Wr chtul fir sIWT, • tfl,lldle0et44 (171,4-7T 3flT Mg 34:44+11 * fav 4,11c. witr 1r-4)* fae. 31iryi chi al 2500 Weig V. 41' aami 7500 qvas T. 1*-wT 7T 11 • sl,llc wit& f4ftr 441.1.11 344a. wur t=1. #1;rr A 2 *lb' W. aw aarar war; • 11.4144,41 4,79RT f417 7r4 TO Wei %.1 slirec fait. fatcilt fkzir war, • or lir-ft At. f4,441.-csqo trwrriiif Ai 9 34:5711) 441141 '4111101 *Y 311 It faeirdci apraiw wwizar 394t6ffur * Thy fracei Turfita. ite- 31Tf41 *Oil.*** Annex-I

Annex-I referred to in reply to part (a)to(e) of the Lok Sabha starred Question No. *77 for answer on 23.07.2018

Budgetary Allocation under Schemes (in Rs. Crore)

2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Scheme

PMEGP 1418.28 1050.00 1139.00 1024.49 CLCSS 387.75 290.00 298.00 441.40 KVIC 1973.96 1601.85 2072.00 2001.38 SFURTI 60.00 50.00 75.00 75.00 MS CDP 93.00 100.00 135.00 184.00 Tool Room 96.50 100.00 120.00 105.00 Note: T111 2017-18 percentage of budget earmarked for SC, ST and North Eastern Region population were 12%, 8.20% and 10% respectively. 33r9. 4" erw ran Fri-ifka Ti. 77 i T 3& it4*- 23.07.2018 *t fp:rr 7r4r (wi) (s.) i 3-d{- # *We 3710T-1

Alaar3# awa 4..71 3trieR-(411* V. #)

2014-15 2015-16 elAril 2016-17 2017-18

lea 1418.28 1050.00 1139.00 1024.49 km tiiiktii 387.75 290.00 298.00 441.40 *--i3utflt 1973.96 1601.85 2072.00 2001.38 'I1 60.00 50.00 75.00 75.00 alkti -41g1t 93.00 100.00 135.00 184.00 TA- wxr 96.50 100.00 120.00 105.00 : 2017-18 , 31711Tpa '.t.711 a ?AV %Mita a-Arz FInr: 12%, 8.20% V 10% tl Annex-II

Annex-II referred to in reply to part (a)to(e) of the Lok Sabha starred Question No. *77 for answer on 23.072018

State-wise Employment Generation under PMEGP during 2015-16 to 2018-19

Sr. State/UT 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 No. (upto 30.6.18)

Andaman & Nicobar 1 Islands 293 1398 1744 296 2 Andhra Pradesh 7740 14148 12216 3136 3 Arunachal Pradesh 104 1984 1672 832 4 Assam 9026 31498 18256 8896 5 Bihar 19624 25872 18456 5864 6 Chhattisgarh 9496 12856 11704 6016 7 Delhi 2048 952 920 40 8 Goa 500 660 400 32 9 Gujarat* 14960 11629 15008 3632 10 Haryana 7232 11016 13744 2728 11 Himachal Pradesh 5134 6916 7088 1016 12 Jammu& Kashmir 12115 11691 30024 8888 13 Jharkhand 12873 10400 8888 2464 14 Karnataka 17284 30286 16920 5560 15 Kerala 9653 13068 10776 3712 16 Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0 17 Madhya Pradesh 16497 15520 14432 2432 18 Maharashtra ** 20161 17799 26632 8744 19 Manipur 2715 8419 4800 1568 20 Meghalaya 4824 2632 600 528 21 Mizoram 9072 3400 1992 1424 22 Nagaland 4998 7783 7440 1232 23 Odisha 17629 20392 19192 6184 24 Puducherry 447 699 352 48 25 Punjab 7762 9858 12160 2472 26 Rajasthan 14537 13408 12614 4336 27 Sikkim 397 201 296 40 28 Tamilnadu 20836 25764 32760 4592 29 Telangana 7761 6445 9520 1488 30 Tripura 5355 17961 8928 1864 31 UT Chandigarh 323 376 360 56 32 Uttar Pradesh 43059 36315 43456 12472 33 Uttarakhand 6161 9890 12904 4648 34 West Bengal 12746 26604 10928 3824 Total 323362 407840 387184 111064 # including un-utilized balance funds of previous year. * including Daman & Diu. ** including Dadra & Nagar Haveli 41-w MIT ti law 4. 77 itch' 3F{ Relivo 23.07.2018 it4T WIRT t BTflT (w) 3-a-{ *lad 3rcitr-II

2015-16 # 2018-19* 4111R* thraTtAlit WOW iprar taarg

WM'. 17- 1/TTEr tifAd wan 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19(30.6.16 cam)

1 3iPTIR" r- E, 411i 44ficr 293 1398 1744 296 2 Sill' raw 7740 14148 12216 3136 3 „N.:ru m:lei Wan 104 1984 1672 832 4 31771' 9026 31498 18256 8896 5 ftfr{ 19624 25872 18456 5864 6 0 ,(1419, 9496 12856 11704 6016 7 fa-,-.-at 2048 952 920 40 8 aft 500 660 400 32

9 ,Lula 14960 11629 15008 3632 .1 10 oftgluir 7232 11016 13744 2728 11 %Hlaa waw 5134 6916 7088 1016 12 awrs vi *veil' 12115 11691 30024 8888 13 pitsis 12873 10400 8888 2464 14 gh 17284 30286 16920 5560 1 5 *-Ta. 9653 13068 10776 3712 16 4.. 0 0 0 0 17 wtxr saw 16497 15520 14432 2432 18 siFltlee 20161 17799 26632 8744 19 Trptcg- 2715 8419 4800 1568 20 aylay 4824 2632 600 528

21 fA.5 *OH 9072 3400 1992 1424

22 441 p5 4998 7783 7440 1232 23 3fritsrt 17629 20392 19192 6184 24 lta. 447 699 352 48 25 ti-ATir 7762 9858 12160 2472 26 Amt-iiim 14537 13408 12614 4336 27 di 397 201 296 40 28 ci 91.11 20836 25764 32760 4592 29 ei•Ile1 r 7761 6445 9520 1488 30 I . 5355 17961 8928 1864 31 41/2r1 zitr trftra• irbir 323 376 360 56 32 3E-f cit e' 43059 36315 43456 12472 33 satltli9 6161 9890 12904 4648 34 of f ar *Mg 12746 26604 10928 3824 323362 407840 387184 111064 # aT a# 319fa'- tii6Cf 4 trd ttf$a . " KrU IT* wpm tre4t vira Annex-III

Annex-III referred to in reply to part (a)to(e) of the Lok Sabha starred Question No. *77 for answer on 23.07.2018 Employment Generation under Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises 2017- 2018-19 (upto S No. State Name 2015-16 2016-17 18 30.6.2018) ANDAMAN & 156 1 1046 1162 719 NICOBAR 6066 2 ANDHRA PRADESH 40810 33278 25331 ARUNACHAL 535 3 3431 2016 1187 PRADESH 5704 4 ASSAM 31190 22883 18412 10079 5 BIHAR 49813 40300 33496 587 6 CHANDIGARH 3762 3568 2847 3623 7 CHHATTISGARH 20482 17216 12706 DADRA & NAGAR 192 8 747 439 750 HAVELI 122 9 DAMAN & DIU 774 358 431 7308 10 DELHI 58797 57947 34171 962 11 GOA 7250 5702 3954 12474 12 GUJARAT 65953 60784 54760 5992 13 HARYANA 35397 40475 26100 HIMACHAL 1931 14 17072 15879 10481 PRADESH JAMMU & 9174 15 20427 11189 28927 KASHMIR 8159 16 JHARKHAND 46681 40623 35526 22579 17 KARNATAKA 130211 134636 97892 8614 18 KERALA 93654 92732 50887 2 19 LAKSHA DEEP 364 135 51 MADHYA 11044 20 61842 55215 58155 PRADESH 21904 21 MAHARASHTRA 163498 165904 99261 2888 22 MANIPUR 3782 3433 3986 309 23 MEGHALAYA 2071 2050 1367 288 24 MIZORAM 1431 1091 978 857 25 NAGALAND 6630 4491 4104 8436 26 ORISSA 49981 50778 36766 390 27 PONDICHERRY 3437 2419 2041 4943 28 PUNJAB 38482 31407 27946 5344 29 RAJASTHAN 43269 38249 23326 111 30 SIKKIM 669 641 362 28089 31 TAMILNADU 169197 172932 120441 6918 32 TELANGANA 36119 38703 27651 354 33 TRIPURA 3001 1746 2018 21784 34 UTTAR PRADESH 160445 136013 96637 3138 35 UTTARAKHAND 16086 13455 10557 9408 36 W B 51435 51341 41894 230464 Total 1439236 1351190 996118 R'fw 431T Meta 3T3R• 4. 77 7 3& itaiw 23.07.2018 WI Iii atm 31PT (5) (g.) i 34-{ 445ta" 31T4IX-M

-14. AT mg .54q+1 tfAv 5144c ika *1g IROW AF Rrfa ismani T4a w.4. Tr- ii. wr WA" 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 (30.6.2018 WW) 1 sisino i4 faalsit 1046 1162 719 156 2 3iv vrbr 40810 33278 25331 6066 3 Isuntivi Wait' 3431 2016 1187 535 4 3r417T 31190 22883 18412 5704 5 %1T 49813 40300 33496 10079 6 ti-l1.r- 3762 3568 2847 587 7 o toll 0 20482 17216 12706 3623 8 =Tr Mr 'TaTi Oat 747 439 750 192 9 471W vi tra. 774 358 431 122 10 farr* 58797 57947 34171 7308 11 'far 7250 5702 3954 962 12 druid 65953 60784 54760 12474 13 tcl wii 35397 40475 26100 5992 14 IINiwet Tali" 17072 15879 10481 1931 15 7;;FL it'd wutIT 20427 11189 28927 9174 16 OTRIIT 46681 40623 35526 8159 17 qv qv 130211 134636 97892 22579 18 *TN' 93654 92732 50887 8614 19 71-T014 364 135 51 2 20 RUT situ 61842 55215 58155 11044 21 #.16prisc. 163498 165904 99261 21904 22 71917 3782 3433 3986 2888 23 sltile14 2071 2050 1367 309 24 fAAIM 1431 1091 978 288 25 ,itnt 4 6630 4491 4104 857 26 3111Orr 49981 50778 36766 8436 27 tre-O'r 3437 2419 2041 390 28 err 38482 31407 27946 4943 29 mati-xim 43269 38249 23326 5344 30 fAf#mH 669 641 362 111 31 aTi MO1 169197 172932 120441 28089 32 tleiqmr 36119 38703 27651 6918 33 ATT 3001 1746 2018 354 34 TaTuttr 160445 136013 96637 21784 35 anMIeas 16086 13455 10557 3138 36 Trft1 iana 51435 51341 41894 9408 1439236 1351190 996118 230464 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES




Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) the details of the on-going self-employment programmes being implemented by the Government in the country at present;

(b) whether the Government proposes to relax the criteria and collateral security for availing loans under the said programmes and if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the Government proposes to introduce new women entrepreneur schemes and if so, the details thereof; and

(d) whether the Government proposes to include more rural cottage industries under the said programmes and if so, the details thereof?



(a): Self-employment in MSME sector cuts across different Ministries of the Government of India. Various Ministries are implementing Schemes leading to self- employment in their respective verticals. Ministry of MSME is implementing the following Schemes for Self-employment:

(i) Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP): This is a major credit-linked subsidy programme aimed at generating self-employment opportunities through establishment of micro-enterprises in the non-farm sector by helping traditional artisans and unemployed youth. Any individual above 18 years of age is eligible. General category beneficiaries can avail of margin money subsidy of 25 % of the project cost in rural areas and 15% in urban areas. For beneficiaries belonging to special categories such as scheduled caste/scheduled tribe/OBC /minorities/women, ex- serviceman, physically handicapped, NER, Hill and Border areas etc. the margin money subsidy is 35% in rural areas and 25% in urban areas. The maximum cost of projects is Rs. 25 lakh in the manufacturing sector and Rs. 10 lakh in the service sector. Benefit can be availed under PMEGP for setting up of new units only. The Scheme was launched during 2008-09.

:TRW V$7'1*, WEI 3117 Trtzfif RIW URI 3THRif4# AtT t. 716 347- *1" civtlis 23.07.2018

Ta''''4.11 di ch1451)+1

716. 41 .1-16-ci

air 347 ;mill. zro. Tzr l f

(*) gaits clti FEr-i 0141 * T 4)1451)ai) i'ttr war It; (tr) war *vow 3wa. chicishm 3i#31-6- WET T ?Ay 411.1451 3117 TiTirrfttw Tsrlar ftlfita 3thi. zrit ff, al a-40#1 zzth-r war (a) wzn. *1' #0* milen 34..+44-n if *1# *T idvit 3117 wt. e, afi FR:iiift 'Rau wzir t; 3117 (a) wzn. wr 347r shm• * 3t#*# 307 3TRIV 34441 * tluIAawi* 3117 al FM4- wwr t.?

364'- RS' 3117 71174:1* 34sqai jr et 1.-4 Rilal ft t)

( ) : k Ett4 TZT-I .71d1 3Tri7 *FMK *T 0-vi el 1 I el41 tI SdI oroi o11190- 31 Wet OR' * Tar-00mi *1. FEW. wl TITO ti chitilr:4cl s W-{ 31117 AtzPT el 41 Fa-ilutdlli *Etit- PO-tricAra cl Fent chitlices:Oci *-{ Twr t:

(0 Trznaatt #7417 it../.1 chi st++i (Lnwii 14): Tit Lr+" 3171;Er u1 c.- .crss crivisrai t 34.0z/ tuiqiidici craditl 311-{ dtl Idnt zIAT3it *10141Cri * TLPT 3441d11 t2t MP:MT * # TEr-i1.3tditt 3TaTI7 *7-4T 3117 Wfr 44 Aril .cto s#1Fe4c7 71 18 alt *1' 3T1I Wg 117W I timis-44 4uft WINTIff vi at* * #171# *1' 25 sifava. 3117 Wt. :At It 15 AfdliF ailfArt xat # TrW# folw *Or # argrzfi 3T7Lit# alliW/39#P# .31.101Q/3TM 'Moll W4131741 kii.sqqv +Igen36, 3.17# itrAchl, facciA, rem 149', '1711 30.7 *c 1114 * 'Paw 411•41cq * 35 git11# 3117 Vitt at* * 25 Vit4ra.

e1114c1 sit .e1141511 ti *r 31.1twazz mdici Pailui *Weft ala * 25 elIF. 3117 #4T 114-4' * 10 arar F. ti 4)qm oct,i*cil i-z41,401 ta; Aqaii,71141 * 3taira arzz i#41' T14:IVRT Il*PT,wit 2008-09 * 411Pri 3311* *I a t : 2 :

Since its inception, a total of 4.72 lakh micro enterprises have been assisted with a margin money subsidy of Rs 10007.67 crore providing employment to an estimated 39.36 lakh persons, till 2017-18 (up to 31.03.2018). The (ii) Credit Guarantee Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE): scheme facilitates credit to the MSE units by covering collateral free credit facility (term loan and /or working capital) extended by eligible lending institutions to new and existing micro and small enterprises. The corpus of CGTMSE has been enhanced from Rs. 2500 crore to 7500 crore. Since its inception, more than 30 lakh enterprises have been assisted with a total amount of Rs. 5699.90 crore (up to 31.03.2018). CLCSS facilitates technology (iii) Credit linked Capital subsidy Scheme (CLCSS): upgradation of small scale industries, including agro & rural industrial units by providing 15% upfront capital subsidy (limited to maximum of Rs.15.00 lakhs). Since inception and upto 30.06.2018, a total of 51,019 units have been assisted utilizing subsidy of Rs. 3066.18 crore.

Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY) and Stand-Up India scheme are being implemented by Department of Financial Services, M/o Finance. PMMY was launched during 2015-16 for providing loans upto 10 lakh to the non-corporate, non-fam- small/micro enterprises. Since its inception in 2015, a total of 6,01,713.87 Crore amour, has been disbursed providing loan to 13,22,98,434 units. (Up to 13.07.2018). Under Stami- Up India loan between Rs 10 lakh and Rs 1 Crore is provided to at least one Schedule Caste (SC) or Scheduled Tribe (ST) borrower and at least one woman borrower per bar branch for setting up a Greenfield enterprise. This enterprise may be in manufacturin services or the trading sector.

(b): As per the RBI guidelines no collateral security will be insisted upon by Banks projects under MSME involving loan up to Rs.10 lakh.

(c) & (d): No Madam. However, under PMEGP scheme women are treated as special category and are entitled to a higher rate of subsidy. Entrepreneurs from rural areas an also entitled to a higher subsidy compared to their counterpart in urban areas.

otidr, AT* #, 44 2017-18 (31.03.2018 aW) 4.72 war t. v$--# .3444 di. *). 10007.67 Wit V. *r mirolo RAI *114141 **r 3rapara6: 39.36 WU' e.tactql iitaT

(ii) a51 3t 9 644.1ei. Fbct# zrw Tigrg Tr,g. 31-{ 44L1d11 *1. gra. ra.R.awr (clgdo Rtrr3i c ir1 tr 4 #crfftw wur 7,1:41+7 141 WM- FAT/7iT WRiletg tln *47 *-7 war 311174 Wait tl illoi-Oveiv•tii *1 fetr *IF WI 2500 chill V. # sic icnt 7500 q V. f4717 aT T tl Ta*3I T # 3111t. Raiich 31.03.2018 FW 5699.90 Wit V. .er Tr* *Igo 30 WM' # 3rft 64...414 ti

(iii) WEIT 74-4474" VW" Fitta (ifkraikTITVIT): *Net 15 vifeRrd 3rfior 4,4171F rifaisll (3TRIVFxr 15.00 FRI't.a'W +Ind) 31-47ff *7 TN atfliPtur 3ikelit* CPI 11 r1I d 34:eilda 11144Ancfil 5.-.14444 311711-a WaTaT tl q1V FATT 30.06.2018 aW TN 51019 *ct)iviI WI 3066.18 cm)* W. AWI" 'r 4i

utumilt 3:17 april ( 3t{ i4us-317 iii TERPT cniiii.-ago raw ei#1(441 1 r i tlali Ammar 4.511i1 WzIT ti 94 2015-16 * 4111.1 AT-crwinc, /17- TR/ 9/f1 4444 WI 10 war ww wur xr4m Fay iflq&iealgli 3fflit A. 4 ts 411' 2015 * TIT* 31111T # Relict, 13.07.2018 aW) 13,22,98,434 TWIVIC *-1" W4Ta 6,01,713.87 coils V. *r rfit- farad *t 4 itn-aTet 46- -41:1 • ri ez 34414i VITTitta" W{# 124"7 39apa' ..711M (7141) WI' NW:4C .310.71A (rge) 4.n 411 ath. *Tr. # .(Tw J-0(41 wrift srff et circa *.t 10 mar 34T 1 cfras V. * ttq' Wur it7IT oucti IziF 44,4441 44-4T3it 3rtTar unrqr,

Ittg7 er tl

(a): surdtzr tffi' ftur-fAavii. 3r iii10 vii uaimiivel4 3i7a16 14114ilArg 0.; tWI 4QItt f ffi *TO** amprici ta; fi{ itzfr ..mwdiu I

(70 tr4 (En: dt, Wet I WC*, di an 41 alai 3t-e*W di1 .1136apt failisr *loft -17r TiraT 7TaT b 3 /' iifAisq itAidai Z-{ r 64)4Ii fi 4rol it 71- Afacre (chlirci %Tit) *261 VI al I * 41141-f1 I) I ate 6c,44+11 3ft3LLIci ii @1411 t I





Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government proposes to start Khadi Villages under Centre for Rural Employment and Economic Development in the country; and

(b) if so, the details thereof?



(a): As of now, there is no proposal for Khadi Village under Centre for Rural employment and Economic Development. However, Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) is implementing the following schemes for the development of Khadi and Village Industries in the country:- (i) Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP), (ii) Market Promotion Development Assistance (MPDA),(iii) Interest Subsidy Eligibility Certificate (ISEC) Scheme,(iv) Workshed Scheme for Khadi Artisans,(v) Strengthening infrastructure of weak Khadi institutions and assistance for marketing infrastructure, (vi) Khadi Reform and Development Programme (KRDP).

(b): Does not arise.

* * * ITTIW 4121:31-, 9 1417ig 37P1

rsTr 3raRtita- w{4 - 4. 779 3W{ *r civilig 23.07.2018

osi i cU VW 779. F. *. tifFRT: wwr Tr$7i', 9 3tt{- ;:rtdIrg zrF WA. *r yrr wt4" ft% (w) err ter 14" MAW t1 iai,t 318tT 311fft idyl N1 31Fitffzdi l will. In* t; 311.-{ (zir) witems, al a441ft ~11ti 1T

397 Ti-Tf, 9 AT TIVZITT 44,4i di Z11f (eft ftif)

(W) 311ft RV, 4114.flU1 314 311ift" chiti 4)a-4 Sri M' ara Win fAV *It w+-6ra w-41 ti met End 31'17 41144441di 3rrztir (t-41317-41t) r A. * qc111,0 fAv Tzgtwil ctilq trod W{ TgT t: (I) VitTR*4 i)..71d1 *Val chl4shei 044144W)), (ii) Wan' Itafta" qchiti (Vki411Av), (iii) tir4511 tiTgar (3remrtTit) ImPrxr, (iv) ial4 1=47. ws+-1413- 47014r, (v) 41+1,711i arra *mot *r 3mg3l:a kle41chlu1 3tt-{ 1 uiai * i=4v. tioiticii, (iv) INTa VITT 31U qcoiii chitistw (*3117g1401

(ur) CPR" 41" 33dri





Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) the number of financially distressed/sick Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) during each of the last three years and the current year in the country, State/UT-wise; (b) whether the Government proposes to provide any revival/relief package for the MSME sector; (c) if so, the details thereof along with the details of MSMEs which have sought assistance from the committees set up at district level including the nature of assistance provided/proposed to be provided; State/UT-wise; and (d) the other steps taken by the Government to protect and promote the MSME Sector including control on high rate of interest charged on the loans provided to MSMEs?



(a): The data on the number of sick units for period upto March 31, 2016 are furnished at Annex-I. The data on financially distressed units for the half year ending September 30, 2017 are furnished at Annex-II.

(b): The Reserve Bank of India in consultation with the Ministry of MSME has notified a `Framework for Revival and Rehabilitation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).'

(c): The data on Financially Distressed Units referred to Bankers' Committee - State-wise for r the half year ending September 30, 2017 has been given in Annex-2.The Committees set up to look into the cases filed by these units classify the accounts in three categories i.e. rectification, restructuring and recovery for corresponding action.

(d): The Ministry of MSME has taken steps to protect & promote the MSMEs through various schemes and programmes These include Credit Guarantee Scheme, Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme, National Manufacturing Competitive Programme, Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme, Scheme for Promotion of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Agro-Industry, Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industry (SFURTI) and Public Procurement Policy etc.

STRff 'MOW 1Tair, 3itT aim 3742T d1211e1i1 TriTT 3iaritita 1 It4PIT 784 bcrti t Oaks' : 23.07.2018

mdigtimeii tsd-voci Num

784. "A 31M127 At ITai RIF

aft To.tlt artiplat di $1.

4-Q41 3fri" 71'12TR btidi ai tz1V WdT# cnf Ctt•• d

(T) 21" a1 tic (-NJ (4141 311T .111"E ectio f4-4.14 WIT # TZ-W, 3317# Ndiq.dqd-4) f ilael/TiEr .(10- 4th-qr-{ 1 -At c4-4.41 qd-lq+1q‘14 and lic-kliwikw,ci #I Taff chicl r t; (gT) 44-d4i 6e4stil (4-z11 urita- +11-Al?d4I d 17,Ft" iisyq/#1:1 tivzl 64iii CH41 t; att- (Er) laiktikdii 1 AuTi iii iii c4Ic4 i t17 6e11‘71 fenc-1 cfr(c) Tita. Thlr Ti-if0a. chiGl 31rR 6101cil 31411- .5011: 31T 4 t? 6cdi R-E3 31 arara 3traT Trr it (t444.1i 0.17) oft ilfkim

() : 31 &II , 2016 "1" 3raftf -out Th-T-$""4" c tilstlI 141.11 3i1-4 31-T4CT -1 tl 30 ‘1-d--47, 2017 uical ua4Ter Sli F4-4'f-zr # 3it6T' 31*^tT-II LIT faq vrzr fl

(7gr) : gr{-41-4 ita-4 a44.) c1111eie4 gri- Ft-47 3712:11 3 %.1-1444-i'31itTfta"11 4I ti

( 1T) : 1=4-4t-a f +icr)Cd-44-c-1 31t -t 30 dc', 2017 WItia1IN UTITP ill 3TT4 1-1-11 # R04 I tb-r 1-4) Th't t4TM" 7rita" 'Mat WI cICort4 4-4c114 ili c114-1 q--Ot 40.4di ti

(Er) : q4-1Q+Iv<14 &I I 1 1 f4tA--- 30-{ 44-km. 31ftzfF qd-Wiiqd4 #{&-ToT 3ft-{ Rzi-dre 5611' fl vrrter ii, irarA-#411- tl.1JII TpA- cnIlfshdi, Trft-zr W-AcHiui crolstidi, c.(.1 d-lc4 6441-Ad' 31't{- 4tR-33114- tthi14l1cti iftr zit7A-r (TVA) tiI6S.iQ6n urf qi-rfA-F I Annex-I

Annex-I referred to in reply to part (a) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 784 for answer on 23.07.2018

Data on Sick MSME Units - State-wise till March 31, 2016

Sick Units

State Name No. of Units No. of Units (Micro & Small) (Medium)

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 883 3 Andhra Pradesh 11385 91 Arunachal Pradesh 383 0 Assam 4947 15 Bihar 17671 16 Chandigarh 1226 48 Chattisgarh 6855 13 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 61 12 Daman & Diu 32 0 Delhi 5418 208 Goa 1629 14 Gujarat 42401 178 Haryana 14475 87 Himachal Pradesh 2849 35 Jammu & Kashmir 2864 35 Jharkhand 11051 32 Karnataka 29363 54 Kerala 21702 23 Lakshadweep 0 0 Madhya Pradesh 20564 55 Maharashtra 52202 374 Manipur 1791 0 Mizoram 83 0 Nagaland 512 0 Orissa 15477 3888 Puducherry 1391 7 Punjab 15908 194 Rajasthan 24030 29 Sikkim 85 0 Tamil Nadu 39477 239 Tripura 4877 0 Uttar Pradesh 95859 130 West Bengal 19716 134 Uttarakhand 5347 16 Telangana 7766 81 Total 480280 6011

Source: Reserve Bank of India 31T411.4

Rtq 3Tdrititff- RV *PIT 784 IttiWT 37"( faRiW 23.07.2018 WI ftzu 71-4T t, offaT (w) 3--eT 1- I

d1It , 2016 cicb -tdUl PI i1 31iTht

Tztri vniv4

/1"-- r WI MT Wrctit A' ThIarr .mr-$r-zr1114.441'T Kew 4 RID plural

3.1371-W 3N ul eiit ti +id-J,F. 883 3 3iitT 14-2r 11385 91 3R-u1NR vtqr 383 0 3TffaT 4947 15 1412 17671 16 1;d 1226 48 43, +idlg. 6855 13

i 'i aft odii ' --sd--Al 61 12 evAio 3112 ta 32 0 f4—c-- 4'r 5418 208 dicii 1629 14 dloi(ict 42401 178 4ituii 14475 87 9..:111xler At4 2849 35 ,,io-ek31412 wv:fr2- 2864 35 -iitisis 11051 32 co tco 29363 54 i ei 21702 23 Faritcr 0 0 xitzt IA 4 20564 55 di6isti 52202 374 alfBts-r 1791 0 I,711,tdi 83 0 clioi 's 512 0 3frit2Tr 15477 3888 Vtr 1391 7 14161.3.1 15908 194 U7-4:417 24030 29 fllfr d-r 85 0 ca(qc-ii§ 39477 239 14cAZT 4877 0 belt .4a-ZT 95859 130 riNT face{ 19716 134 z-NlisIS 5347 16 c)(44iwti 7766 81 Tel 480280 6011 Annex-II

Annex-II referred to in reply to part (a) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 784 for answer on 23.07.2018

Data on Financially Distressed Units referred to Bankers' Committee - State-wise for the half year ending September 30, 2017


Source: Reserve Bank of India R1W VAT 31dlitita War itisAi 784 Sltimi 397 Iciic 23.07.2018 Th't ftzri aTFT 81171" (W) •ricrild 3904-11

30 Pc1J-wt, 2017 WFTerZ fly4M-44- Th-t Tkfga. f4-4114 WI. 4:1 4-ictIdd-Ff-cl -r--zrr IT{ Cu-414R 31iWt

.0 .4 Th-r arg tif-Af -1. *ic, e zrO.

34-ga=a-4. 3k 44,441i tcr .4-1.1, 4 3W Cia-`2T 2253 31---crr ct uaqT 78 31-prarr 658 *TT' 5803 Igidig, 258 0. +Nig, 5385 ir,,ki 3317' 4141,4 W---4'r 34

c,dio 3ft c4 74 T., "I' 2604

01 Cli 455

d. s.11 i I d 5022 .1.14-iluil 2381 R..,iii-r4c4 IA vr 1989 .A .4-41 grrR.4 1111 *4144sis 509 cOci can 1342 i-1 1783 FaTercr 0 arcX Li .21 6579 d1.1i1 16409 aRizir 39 altitc144 214 f?1,31id-i 92 clidiRAs 69 Altur 1515 liWr 741 14.41141 3859 7T7F2TTR' 4601 f11Z-4-,,Fi 9 cl c14-11 5191 cVidliol 910 nip. 184 miiksis 1349 sat •IP-42T 12324 tIft24 4..i lim 1231 87062 airc&zr 1ta4' GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES



(a) whether several thousands of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) were shut down due to implementation of demonetisation and GST in the country; (b) if so, the details thereof including the total registered MSMEs in the country as on date, State/UT-wise; (c) whether the Government has conducted any study/assessment about the impact of GST and demonetisation on the MSMEs in the country, if so, the details and the outcome thereof; (d) whether the Government has taken any effective steps to support and develop MSME units in the country including Tamil Nadu particularly under GST regime, if so, the details thereof and total funds allocated in this regard; and (e) the various steps taken by the Government to provide incentives and other encouragements to the best performing MSME units in the country? ANSWER MINISTER OF STATE (INDEPENDENT CHARGE) FOR MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM EN fERPRISES (SHRI GIRIRAJ SINGH) (a): The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium enterprises (MSME) has not received any such report on shut down of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) from the States/UTs. (b):. 48.40 lakh MSMEs have been registered at Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM) Portal from September, 2015 to 12th July, 2018 in the entire country. The registration details of MSMEs on UAM Portal (State/UT-wise) are given in Annexure. (c): No. (d): Government implements various schemes for support and development of MSMEs in the country including Tamil Nadu. Government has taken several pro-active measures for smooth implementation of GST for MSMEs like (i)exemption to Khadi fabric sold through Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) and KVIC certified institutions / outlets, (ii)majority of items produced by MSMEs in the band of 28% tax slab brought to lower slabs, (iii)composition levy extended upto turnover worth Rs. 150 lakh per annum, (iv) quarterly filing of returns extended upto turnover worth Rs. 150 lakh per annum or less, and (v) reverse charge mechanism has been kept in abeyance till September 2018. There are various schemes which are being implemented by Government of India in the country for development of MSMEs (which includes Tamil Nadu). Rs. 6552.61 Crore has been provided in the Union Budget during 2018-19 for the Ministry of MSME for support to and development of MSMEs in the country.

(e): The Ministry of MSME, with a view to recognizing the efforts and contribution of MSMEs, gives National Awards annually to selected entrepreneurs of MSME, under the scheme of National Awards. ***

sorra *ovhi Tourro- 54441 ran 3ralliMF 74* *BAT 795 Rf ovtlig : 23.07.2018

V44liti4.44 e1A At fa; lcitol/ohtidl AM

795. Aft*It afl *. * volt. Titan *ft trioiii 4IWAcuti (341-) Tra, fit qtairt. tiir114101. /41' 3111-.*. Mr& Agri:

weir, wr, ;34r am 3ern *It aar-4 Rr -trr *I* W:

war aar * fati,414,tui v,d * *MT wi" fter, 3tIT FM* (wivtiv ) 4-4 et 7rIT Et;

*-4-4Eft rzito *arr. t 341. 3Tra t fAftr * 9*R-, far * zr- irtitEr 1-mr-Ittw-wiz Sd.t, tionTO t; 71' *whit Araar * wikudwii Llt .41v,da fatViciKul t vow t art at *fit 31f /3 %AT 3itT Alt VI', BrI drii4Itft itr *411. 3117 wzrr gilurprr tF f; *WI *MR * 711, fatarth-{ afkroarlaft, 41 ,4161 4T4** 31-64-ff wpii- tifiqt11 3#7 f4 r+7 * *Itt got* wt* irmq 3#{- .Erft eft vrto T t it 1* Tt t * f4,04 f ft wit** .24 3itT *whit 4:4RT (v) 444)175 WOW Wit. Wier#1 Viik'd13 Weil. *I ctilg.i W4171 Wi* 3itT 34* fet, 1Irtile•1 3714 *-4# * fAv fafil.rd *taf row we' t?

4ctil Trpr, 9 3tT Met* 3 4ai trove *41"- tilt-171 VIM) Oft nRikvi 1:**) (*) ift-71;9 34Z MX* 3-4:471- * Tr All *Tr 7117.74 - AM* ‘Er*, AT MX* 64,41 e, *r Of ert viol lot* wet It

blir-{ 4 5444141 3111118 WIT* (z1 1Lr17*) Elljeff 2015 It 12 Tut 2018 9V 48.40 WM' 1+41lin *14.16.0,1 itzrr ti zo-(rwr rot& (To-- / *Er orr tWt-t-a- *T iztto 39iti a1 fOr Tim *1 (70 411 (Er) : *tow di- Art.4 ofter tow 4 tf4luilq#14 *t tie14d1 aft{- * FAv farA.-0 d *cal *. Attila * VIA% 4114114,44e1 taq 3Erm 1% -v t. Stit: (1) zira 3f1T 411411441141 (*-41srtift)- 3111- *-413*** i11II d OFErratiWr t taro . 71v writ qvi*I tr.{ ‘sc,- (ii) chig: Tret *1 28 TifaVar N41' i44* wfluel ftt 4 'FIRT, (111) #41 viNir 150 MN a-4° WOW, (iv) lefidst 150 ENE WETV err * e•vaait * fa1T lkinch ft* tOrer WiR7,31tf (•,/ fcd* VT* odiat-ti1 Peti-oi, 2018 aw Tafita' wi•RT tl itaiteto4•14 fd.rputta.fAie. 4113R 4 (cavil ctrAchnig, qTael 311Ta tit411t 4a10 *5' 4114110114 NPI: *r ti to 4 ww,dt/.94 1 otrarar qchiti Thq elq az 2018-19 aT 6552.61 ertil V:(13' fa* 7IV * win* 3t{ 4414141.1 *I" elie-tid1 4- 4 k 3414 41A1e141 d1a 14 .tlitchli 41o1.1r 4mi-a 142 4 a# 14141 v,dyel4 ,,014 4-41. tl Annexure

Annexure referred to in reply to part (b) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 795 for answer on 23.07.2018

The state-wise distribution of MSMEs registered on Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum portal Udyog Aadhaar SI. Medium State/UT Micro Small Regd. No. 682 232510 1 Andhra Pradesh 210337 21491 13 645 2 Arunachal Pradesh 367 265 73 3640 3 Assam 2555 1012 744 770871 4 Bihar 756633 13494 157 22802 5 Chhattisgarh 17768 4877 65 3577 6 Goa 2470 1042 3027 486080 7 Gujarat 408582 74471 853 69424 8 Haryana 53652 14919 140 5929 Himachal Pradesh 4195 1594 36 4021 10 Jammu and Kashmir 3271 714 175 97998 11 Jharkhand 92541 5282 1230 134749 12 Karnataka 108067 25452 52542 8978 359 61879 13 Kerala 360626 Madhya Pradesh 340679 19270 677 14 570101 15 Maharashtra 485167 81058 3876 34 17239 16 Manipur 14787 2418 3 1128 17 Meghalaya 1035 90 17 1387 18 Mizoram 1062 308 5 444 19 Nagaland 336 103 222 72474 20 Odisha 65870 6382 451 69357 21 Punjab 56436 12470 1092 294592 22 Rajasthan 262960 30540 241 105 23 369 23 Sikkim 588483 24 Tamil Nadu 518165 68633 1685 96794 40576 1012 138382 25 Telangana 2870 Tripura 2500 357 13 26 596036 27 Uttar Pradesh 559687 34688 1661 211 14169 28 Uttarakhand 11254 2704 498 142851 29 West Bengal 130971 11382 Andaman and Nicobar 31 3419 30 Islands 2746 642 49 4022 31 Chandigarh 3225 748 44 2004 32 Dadar and Nagar Haveli 1321 639 42 1134 33 Daman and Diu 558 534 528 59500 34 Delhi 46120 12852 0 44 35 Lakshadweep 39 5 3908 847 38 47931 36 Puducherry 48,39,549 Total 43,18,841 5,00,942 19,766 p FIW MITKa171f4 -6 ;PR' #. 795 Sgyltia,i 3ccit aiicrl 23.07.2018 *t itzTr 717T 3MT (1N) # Jccit 74ti4f1a 3T141T-

6441 3MTIT 71111-4 DoT 'TT tiAtta Wiletivai4 i10-t4ati Icitui w+. t. rmrtfitr truer Ow I. ri--41-t-a. 64441•1 3f117 1 3iftr wall- 210337 21491 682 232510 3r6vTTVF Taw 2 367 265 13 645 3 31-Fr3T 2555 1012 73 3640 4 Mr= 756633 13494 744 770871 5 a ti 14 17768 4877 157 22802 6 71tai 2470 1042 65 3577 7 vitIci 408582 74471 3027 486080 8 6 'Hui I 53652 14919 853 69424 9 q.,irci Cot Iran 4195 1594 140 5929 10 4;q:, Of WOrt{ 3271 714 36 4021 11 *11.44515 92541 5282 175 97998 12 4Hri ecti 108067 25452 1230 134749 13 *{g- 52542 8978 359 61879 14 xrvzr vrtsr 340679 19270 677 360626 15 di vitas 485167 81058 3876 570101 16 XrfarF 14787 2418 34 17239 17 ANIMA 1035 90 3 1128 18 101)V1 1062 308 17 1387 19 .11'IIP1 3 336 103 5 444 20 31112OTT 65870 6382 222 72474 21 tiW4' 56436 12470 451 69357 22 *0%314-x110i 262960 30540 1092 294592 di 23 241 105 23 369 f1SAM.11g 24 518165 68633 1685 588483 25 a.i.11.11 96794 40576 1012 138382 26 fir 2500 357 13 2870 27 3"MT Ater 559687 34688 1661 596036 28 crlilisis 11254 2704 211 14169 29 xr511 *m13 130971 11382 498 142851 30 3131:17W 3itT 4:11 411i ON' 2746 642 31 3419 31 xi '14 3225 748 49 4022 32 4M AT q-4-4. G 1321 639 44 2004 33 437R' 361- era 558 534 42 1134 reel 34 46120 12852 528 59500 35 mans q 39 5 0 44 36 Vett 3908 847 38 4793 fa 43,18,841 5,00,942 19,766 48,39,549 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES




Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether Khadigramodyog purchases products from private Institutions and sell them and if so, the details thereof; (b) whether certain private Institutions also supply ayurvedic medicines and if so, the details of such Institutions; and (c) whether the Government conducts any quality check of such ayurvedic medicines from time to time and if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?



(a): Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) does not buy any products from private organizations, neither does it sell such products. KVIC only facilitate marketing of products produced by Khadi and Village Industries Institutions and Rural Employment Generation Programme (REGP)/Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) Units assisted by KVIC, State Khadi and Village Industries Boards (KVIBs) and District Industries Centres (DICs) through KVIC Departmental Sales Outlets (DSOs).

(b): No.

(c): Does not arise.

* * *

31"Rff WTS 3k airzraT 3Qildi +1,11e144 RIWORT

Rtitd ASS 4. 854 3T{ *r 23.07.2018 *-4311** F4f71-

854. Afiarjr el +I 01 ctit: err ter, R; 3ft wv7raT 44,444-1 aj 7r-o- war4 *r. yrr crtldl iV: (w) *-71-1" Nit v44441.11 (*-413Trt-4) q,41 *PIT* fav xecrg a 414 d I 3t{ firT 34- 44xidi t 31't-{ 7rit WaiiitteTztkr *--AT t; (w) *-7rr coP,4444 IAA Ti-fliTO. aft 3T171ffitW Warfzli r 3frce 3t{ tilft 142rnif r shr W7a. t; 3t4 (70 *-7rr TraT7r-ter tr.{ 3-4-d. 31r7dftw 4-44-76 t iui i ii 7iV gntcll 3t4 41=4 0, at F441ft- -67711-{r wzrr 3it-{ 7r1t4', oii41 wzrr *Rur t? 39T Tt--Fr, wig AT 711 MT 64,41+1 'MS44 41 (m11 NIA 'at)

(w) 711T-4t 3( 411+1 4_44 31Tzbi (3Tr-Ot # *It 3c-7crrc 451414di t 3 t tt 7rw tr# .5040 At ft' r epidi ti 451141 AT tua.AcistAdi 3TRI* *er3Titilb 41cie1 a 141 3t{ 41141)444d1 44:21134 3t *-41r3Treft Vita glPflur 1.01 oi 4)140bl (NrItarticrirra. TM- 41 I dIIi ch St> di On Vali ) *r wffirlat Trizr arra 3111- ti14-1)4441di Ate 3ft *-dbirtkrt fairraft7r frA (g1vii311) * TrImar # ell 6444 di (rAI 4.511i1 5c'1lI cl 3c414. %Wiwi **1' 7117:f tl

MO At We





Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) the details of the schemes/ programmes being implemented by the Government for sustainability of khadi and to improve income of spinners/weavers across the country; (b) whether the said schemes/ programmes have achieved the desired results in the country during each of the last three years and the current year and if so, the details thereof, scheme/programme-wise and if not, the reasons therefor along with the reaction of the Government thereto; (c) the details of the funds provided under the said schemes/programmes along with its utilisation during the said period, Scheme/ Programme-wise; (d) the number of micro enterprises and agro industries in the nonfarm sector set up so far under the Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme across the country, State/UT- wise; (e) the amount of subsidy provided under the said programme for setting up of such enterprises/industries since inception of the Programme; whether the Government has also received complaints regarding irregularities in the said schemes and if so, the details thereof,- and (g) the other steps taken by the Government for promotion of Khadi Sector and to ensure adequate remuneration to spinners/weavers in the country?



(a): Ministry of MSME is implementing the following schemes/programmes all over the country through KVIC for sustainability of khadi and to improve income of spinners/weavers:

i) Khadi Grant: 1. Strengthening Infrastructure of existing Weak Khadi Institutions and Assistance for Marketing Infrastructure provides for renovation of khadi sales outlets and providing assistance for strengthening infrastructure of existing weak selected institutions.

• 2. Workshed Scheme for Khadi Artisans for providing assistance for construction of worksheds.

aT1.Ta- +WOK WI, el 311{- Trara .544.11 Act) Rini u-Ra- #. 876 acl tTcam.4S1 23.07.2018

876. 311 31-4-eft di$ditg: )31l ii§c1 21,41 : gto 211~Jr-4a- tr. 24.41,4:

3111- 3rE4c1-1 err

(T) gl.t1 -21r a1 r 4i .i1E11141c11 311{- Td-tht/chcll chic) clIA cb) 31PT a1TffITT 71- Ter 7117a- -r311/cwIct:d11 r ,s7zilt t; (q1f) cFzll .011d- - E-I cl 3th- ciddilo ch.-I 5th Z11- T3r1/Ehl4chd11 cr 1.11 1)11c1-1 1,11d 14)q f, 3t h- zaf2 .t4ld1/ah zlshdi-ull mfr ,rzthrCHIT 31stT laid 0-0, T4zr- call chkul ath c4-41 1,4R-4,41 (UT) .5th 3Mtf d■klci .5E-11 111-a-a-1311/ch1- 4-5sbdiI 34-41-e. zit-a- al cr-d-ra- rz-rt cMI t; (Er) twah-. al cm1r13t-41 ,(1,Adik d ahlz5shdl Sic i 3{T cich 1-1:024 a-1-9- al Tka--ar 311-4- t-f43Ell ii Eh) () chie5cN-1 1,4142T -5-crail-/7-fmt r TQT-rcrffr 5th 4)140)&1 .3frd-a5ra. 'r d l .(1,Frivq(-11 Trfr t; (r) CFzll •WchI( 5th Zit-aM.3# # .3.T4Z15=tadT.3tI T # f2 M1-41- aft 1,416 3T{- 41fa ci-en t;ath- (g) gIiI 2r # 'Zara at-A- abl 1q>1E-11 c) pTht/chc-11 chic) clIc>1) ch) Ett#1 1CIT i1 ct, cT cN..1 317-4 CbGdT 501kr zTV f?

R:k431, (.1 31'1T aTt7raf .5q1di ZIsz1 d1 41 (4-cici4 WM) Oft 1-40

(W) Tk&gT, eiq 3117 3ru4J-i 3 TdT .1-N16.24 rar-4l F'Zif'I'd-d'vr/ --4f 4 mr-zr # TF7 t. d11,4717 -21" 317 a1 Pd-01-Wc1 Rbta1/ci-)144,4-1 t: 1) /Int .39-4M: 11a4.4diki Wit urra TiT-21-r3TI tt ,4y4.Nut k!c4 f4v wra f4s i 4)0 cicilcNul 7-a 1- 4-14-11.-1 chel-loili TV-4 ci 4-14-21134 cNoi tI

2.44)2)-T t cbi dltl f. t1 u 21g- 7*1-# : 2 :

ii) Market Promotion Development Assistance (MPDA) is a unified scheme by merging Market Development Assistance, Publicity, Marketing and Market Promotion. A new component for setting up of Marketing Complexes/Khadi Plazas has been added to expand the marketing network of Khadi & VI products. Under the Modified MDA (MMDA), financial assistance at 30% of the Prime Cost, is distributed amongst Producing Institutions (40%), Selling Institutions (20%) and Artisans (40%). iii) Interest Subsidy Eligibility Certificate (ISEC) Scheme provides credit at concessional rate of interest through Banks in which the institutions are required to pay interest of only 4%, any interest charged by banks over 4% will be paid by the Gol through KVIC. iv) Khadi Reform and Development Programme (KRDP) has been implemented with the financial and technical assistance of Asian Development Bank (ADB) to revitalize the khadi sector with enhanced sustainability of khadi, increased incomes and employment for spinners and weavers, increased artisans' welfare and to achieve synergy with village industries. Khadi Reform Package envisages reform support in the following areas: (i) Artisan Earnings and Empowerment, (ii) Direct Reform Assistance to 400 Khadi Institutions & (iii) Implementation of a well-knit MIS. v) Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI) is being implemented from 2005-06 for making Khadi, Village Industries & Coir Traditional Industries more productive and competitive by organizing these Industries and artisans into clusters. The Scheme envisages providing need-based assistance for replacement of production equipment, setting up of common facility centres (CFC), product development, quality improvement, improved marketing, training and capacity bUilding, etc.

(b): The Khadi and Village Industries programmes have achieved the desired results in the country as may be seen from the increased trend of production, employment creation and sales in KVI Sector. The details of KVI programmes during the last three years and current year is placed at Annexure-I.

The spinning wages of Khadi artisans was revised from Rs.4.00 to Rs.5.50 per hank w.e.f. 01.04.2017 and further enhanced from Rs.5.50 to Rs.7.50 per hank w.e.f. 26.12.2017.

In addition to this Khadi Institutions are also permitted to pass on the margin earned on sales of khadi to their artisans under the new mechanism namely "benefit chart" in order to earn extra margins earned on the products with the artisans.

(c): Scheme-wise details of funds allocation and utilization made by KVIC during last three years and current year is placed at Annexure-II.

(d): State/UT-wise number of micro enterprises and agro industries set up in the non-farm sector under Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme across the country during the last three years and current year is placed at Annexure-III.

(e): The amount of subsidy provided under PMEGP for setting up of such enterprises/ industries since inception upto 30.06.2018 is Rs. 10412.09 crore.

(f): KVIC is national level Nodal Agency to implement PMEGP scheme all over the country. An online grievance handling system for PMEGP has been set up by the KVIC to provide prompt and online redressal. The complaints are received by KVIC regarding non-payment of loan by banks, delay in sanctioning of loan and other related matters under PMEGP from various States. The complaints are redressed by KVIC and its State Offices.

(g): Other steps taken by the Government for promotion of Khadi Sector and to ensure adequate remuneration to spinners/weavers in the country is placed at Annexure-IV.

* * *

GusTIN +1,R-1c11, cr9T-4-, 114uIG1 Lt NI tat-M. 4-c Rai al tl 31-MTR3KF 41-itc.Tr }4e.41 3121tfq tritTRI/ivit Lc>iio13i7 l Tzircrm r art 3417 dAic1)1)J1 t 47d-r-A- t 1-" q +11 f qd-Ig)k! ()gd-Nd-1 -l&) 3-tata" 114-4R1- acqtd,ct) Ti-T2TT3t1 (40%), C r R#21T3it (20%)MTr ctadki (40%) t silts a0 vrlalci cfl 30%fctRci cTh ti

iu Tzfr7 Trf#rtt rnodr vraTrurcrq (31T$---41) .rcbldi al wr-4't #121131'1 fit 3TIa2el 41c-1101+1R t1-4c aRrtA-Wi 1. 41e1(41 6,e11,1 atur uedoi +I.k‘-211311 Tht aY Qd-,--11-*(1 ktt (i) 44,4 ci 3174 74 #21i-44)1u1 (ID 400 wrt TiT2Tr311- ITF4&-T RpR +1Vq4-11 MIT (in) arq f4-6 (Well knit) .Qd-I3iTtLIT 4-)14-cM01 VT III T-iN ItzTr tl

1-14i1d1Ci 371)71)- TEftdir ( ) 14:0-RH1vi 3771Tht 1T cradl() c4-ei+a lid113c1 37Eltul1 3111 Kr4 'F -Q" 2005-06 # 4)444 c4c-i oT ,41 ti ,t-Q,1-1 at 6c-1414G1 Thrt TPC-if T2Tritra. ctRA, 6c-14IG-1 f'OMT44, arraff4 TIMT, .1-14141c-1, crffti-crr 3117 uatar f fiIITWit # 3frearita , P-1(-11 LgM. tl

UTE4T 1 chi qtit7 14 u ldi 1i tl f D.-1(v t- rail &-ta bc-t-iid,ci, syldIN TEa7 31s17 f4ti rafter crP- - +141c11 tl ftufff c.141 MC11 W-41- 317 ch14ih

ct'i 1 1T sjLll F21f 31P)" f 26.12.2017 # 5.50 TCIt # c40Icl-Pt 7.50 T. ufcl ch f rr dl411 tl 3.Tiffit, chiNi) 71121 ITT 31 c 31idiftiT 307 ct,(A c > 3-tzr 31247 "N-it. atata- aTtr-A- u-,11d1,0 rurrerfir cf{ 31fla 31171 tr aft 311--ar 17iTtr tt-fziTt 1ro-rt

(Jr) 1=4-a-ra- c441 tci 7-410 t4 eNto 311 f*7 "Re 'f •Rr vc4 .54vi wr 7417 314V-I1 a1 itzTr tl

(Er) i 4,41 'Cr" T410 O(to -2T' 047a1 IATTdait- 4)1Lishai 34F4F.-t-fk T2Trff:ra' Rta--at 3Krai1 t-fiT 3-411--111- t11 3*IT-HI al l I tI

(g) 311t3T # 30.06.2018 cif' 3Tra1''f/Terat 1 V.Irferff (-1$(1 41 dI 1i1.411 RTNI 10412.09 ch,t T. tl (r) th-3Tr1---4# 2r 3-Tt q74t. TT" rtrZr cilsc.1 KrA-itr tl RNA to 3tt-d7rffficlkui ir Tr --dr31-1ter 1-N4401)01 f •Qc11 3trd-- • ;Torrc 1 T2Trftrff Ohl al ti ITIQd4AL11 t 31-644 'a- t gki Atui 4,1 asTra-m- TEFr-t-ff

Annexure-I referred to in reply to part (b) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 876 for answer on i) Performance Overview of Khadi and Village Industries 2018-19(P) Sr. Particulars 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 (P) (upto No 30.6.2018) A. Production(Rs. in crore) 1. Textile (Khadi + Poly + 1158.44 1520.83 1624.86 305.39 Solarvastra) 2. Village Industries 33331.78 41110.26 47471.20 8657.23 Total-A 34490.22 42631.09 49096.06 8962.62 B. Sales(Rs. in crore) 1. Textile (Khadi + Poly + 1663.98 2146.60 2508.50 231.05 Solarvastra) 2. Village Industries 40230.58 49991.61 57942.78 11958.50 Total-B 41894.56 52138.21 60451.28 12189.55 C. Employment (in Iakh persons) 1. Textile (Khadi + Poly + 11.57 4.56 4.56 4.58 Solarvastra) 2. Village Industries 126.76 131.84 135.92 136.00 Total-C 138.33 136.40 140.48 140.58

Workshed Scheme Year No. of workshed for artisans 2015-16 1279 2016-17 3272 2017-18(P) 1825 2018-19 (P)(upto 30.6.2018) - iii) Market Promotion and Development Assistance (MPDA) scheme MDA paid No. of Inst. No. of Artisans Year (Rs. in crore) benefited benefited 2015-16 189.87 1877 Released through KIs 2016-17 325.25 1778 192383 2017-18(P) 187.10 1466 364826 2018-19 (P)(upto 30.6.2018) 22.76 168 20875 iv) Interest Subsidy Eligibility Certificate (ISEC) scheme Rs. in crore) Year ISEC Issued ISEC Availed Int. subsidy released 2015-16 949.68 422.79 40.07 2016-17 1435.71 517.92 36.39 2017-18 (P) 1702.83 575.27 35.85 2018-19 (P)(upto 30.6.2018) 917.53 319.92 3.75 v) Scheme for Strengthening of Infrastructure of Existing Weak Khadi Institutions and Assist Year No. of Ms assisted No. of sales outlets assisted 2015-16 15 15 2016-17 35 117 2017-18(P) 35 - 2018-19 (P)(upto 30.6.2018) - - P-Provisional faR1W 23.07.2018 * afiw *MT $ffri1PWer- ARS 7igZIT 876 * Mar fen 3Wf 39itri

i) 131141 3#7 4.114114 4r1 * cm M 64-114.1 WT 3T-d-M*R" 2018-19 (314 W. 7r qato 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 (3T.) (30.6.2018 RW)

W. 3011441 1. Wfq out + teffk+Ir elicit-4) 1158.44 1520.83 1624.86 305.39 47471.20 8657.23 411a44 33331.78 41110.26 W 34490.22 42631.09 49096.06 8962.62 . WA 231.05 1. WF4 (arrt +rift+ A icli-4) 1663.98 2146.60 2508.50 49991.61 57942.78 11958.50 2. 0114.1 44 1 40230.58 41894.56 52138.21 60451.28 12189.55 .t.-g-Ild . t o t ( 14d war *) 4.58 1. W4:31' (grer+trif4+ ii tqici ) 11.57 4.56 4.56 126.76 131.84 135.92 136.00 4114 441 di 138.33 136.40 140.48 140.58 Tg-li. ii) a4ritts Tftr 4,1 ti• * fAv- .1>T1‘ tr iiiprrr 2015-16 1279 2016-17 3272 2017-18 (3T.) 1825 _ 2018-19 (ai..)( 30,6.2018 RV)

iii) amp( vizi ( v)

lai l 31-7T#T# WilltPer# #2:t113# eflail cl 4,1 R. *26( 44 (*. Wilq t tr *or 4,&441 wet 44-tual * 7i11:Z13i # 2015-16 189.87 1877 711- 2016-17 325.25 1778 192383 2017-18 (3T.) 187.10 1466 364826 2018-19 (3T.)( 30.6.2018aW) 22.76 168 20875

iv) trmdi Dell 144 (311 ) 14* (w. .0* It) ait 7rflo 3140-W vrcao arrtitaF -rf.r mra- t11t 2015-16 949.68 422.79 40.07 2016-17 1435.71 517.92 36.39 35.85 2017-18 (3T.) 1702.83 575.27 3.75 2018-19 (44( 30.6.2018 4W) 917.53 319.92

v) cobiatt 131141 *URI *1 311111W 41 411W11 tschcfrtui 3ft fdyul., IdITT faV 741g titsleicil lora ultr tielgol vica• f4-A 1 At 71-zwr 14-fur.a1 tr *or 2015-16 15 15 2016-17 35 117 2017-18 (3fi.) 35 2018-19 (3t.)( 30.6.2018 RW) - -3T-4I'd-xr Annexure-II

Annexure-II referred to in reply to part (c) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 876 for answer on 23.07.2018

Scheme-wise details of funds allocation and utilization made by KVIC during last three years and current year

(Rs. in crore) -1 2018-19 (upto 2017-18 (Provisional) 2015-16 2016-17 30.05.2018) Name of the Scheme Budget Fund Budget Fund Budget Fund Budget Fund Allocation disburse Allocation disburse Allocation disburse Allocation disburse (RE) ment (RE) ment (RE) ment (BE) ment Khadi Grant 136.40 168.47 30.00 31.13 19.39 23.80 40.55 0.04 MPDA - - 341.53 335.40 328.31 187.10 340.00 1928! 1SEC 40.07 53.02 49.50 36.39 38.00 39.12 50.00 3.66 i V.I. Grant 40.00 56.45 34.37 31.27 70.00 75.07 110.00 11.76'' PMEGP 1275.68 1300.36 1120.00 1325.87 1195.00 1174.44 1800.64 190.01 KRDP (ADB 66.50 35.61 5.00 9.74 372.80 226.65 80.03 1.87 Assistance) fd-RiW 23.07 2018 V R1W 31FTTFWff WiT TizziT 876 giTzT (71) i 3T-{ a 3F-R•itiL31T4tT- II

R:15# 414 cY ,tIc1 4Kfi3TT- 4- glif 171-Zrr 7RIT f 3114-Ca. 3117 3L1211d1 41-4- (T. c 2:1) 2018-19 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 (31-Af431) (30.05.2018 RV)

di & G11th tskyi C. f4ftr 61.71e. Mit al Ji C. ilt 61J1 ?Alt 3Tr-4-d7 fifdci,UI 31T4-ER- •ri diul 3i-(4."i •4i (IV! 31T4C4 ii ciiuT

PriTt) (3Trel) (31T4) NIS)

Wt. 3T-Ta- 136.40 168.47 30.00 31.13 19.39 23.80 40.55 0.04

c)-11.1g)Q - - 341.53 335.40 328.31 187.10 340.00 19.28

3TITAV 40.07 53.02 49.50 36.39 38.00 39.12 50.00 3.66 i110-Oti)d 1 31-1-1c1 40.00 56.45 34.37 31.27 70.00 75.07 110.00 11.76 litkraTtRITIT 1275.68 1300.36 1120.00 1325.87 1195.00 1174.44 1800.64 190.01 c~i3- (Vtit 66.50 35.61 5.00 9.74 372.80 226.65 80.03 1.87 .f*ielc11) Annexure-III

Annexure-III referred to in reply to part (d) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 876 for answer on 23.07.2018

State-wise position of PMEGP during2015-16

Sr. State/UT Margin Margin Money Number Estimated No. Money subsidy of employment subsidy utilized# projects generated allocated (Rs lakh) assisted (No. of persons) (Rs. lakh) 1 Jammu& Kashmir 4006.80 3781.19 2207 12115 2 Himachal Pradesh 1721.57 1767.26 1077 5134 3 Punjab 3026.80 2902.97 966 7762 4 UT Chandigarh 90.00 87.72 43 323 5 Uttarakhand 1909.93 1740.86 1136 6161 6 Haryana 3747.40 3112.09 1248 7232 7 Delhi 257.35 254.05 256 2048 8 Rajasthan 4188.14 4384.07 1988 14537 9 Uttar Pradesh 17535.32 14456.87 4365 43059 10 Bihar 7118.59 6588.55 2430 19624 11 Sikkim 227.38 186.11 110 397 12 Arunachal Pradesh 200.08 38.85 35 104 13 Nagaland 1255.83 1392.81 623 4998 14 Manipur 2855.92 1213.98 685 2715 15 Mizoram 924.99 1026.35 1134 9072 16 Tripura 2748.26 945.84 642 5355 17 Meghalaya 1250.62 1056.12 603 4824 18 Assam 4969.87 2869.74 3483 9026 19 West Bengal 4765.49 3400.65 1873 12746 20 ' Jharkhand 3462.64 3559.74 1839 12873 21 Odisha 6282.00 5736.32 2876 17629 22 Chhattisgarh 4303.80 2829.38 1277 9496 23 Madhya Pradesh 7729.40 8117.17 1979 16497 24 , Gujarat* 6536.16 6339.73 1419 14960 25 Maharashtra ** 9718.42 5285.03 2497 20161 26 Andhra Pradesh 4496.85 2262.37 642 7740 27 Telangana 2094.00 2217.57 660 7761 28 Karnataka 10846.89 5898.01 2140 17284 29 Goa 159.40 165.43 91 500 30 Lakshadweep 90.00 0.00 0 0 31 Kerala 2731.60 2720.48 1369 9653 32 Tamil Nadu 7110.80 5497.54 2463 20836 33 Puducherry 100.00 106.37 65 447 34 Andaman & 158.00 65.11 119 293 Nicobar Islands TOTAL 128620.30 102006.33 44340 323362 # including un-utilized balance funds of previous year. * including Daman & Diu. ** including Dadra & Nagar Haveli ft-01W 18.07.2018.1-5:- 1" UR" .31-dRiia• War #4:c41" 120 War 597 # 3FT4t1- III

44 2015-16 1.1 vd4J1 i104-141i1 1=4 3114itj Tferfd Tiz areild ii$Hicii um' TifZa' 311a1111w- sT~. ifu-q4/44E1- ihrei kti. d11 +440 &IA 2-1W# Une11,31.113i7 •0.3.686( (c414)44I (''. Mi.'s) A- ) ('. NM *) 4iC iiks.eli 1 #.) 1 ---d:k 3i1T 4006.80 3781.19 2207 12115 2 1',dil tie{ Li RT 1721.57 1767.26 1077 5134 3 turq 3026.80 2902.97 966 7762 4 TrEr 1.,-41 kti' rAdid, 90.00 87.72 43 323 5 5K-Ri4sis 1909.93 1740.86 1136 6161 6 g4iruii 3747.40 3112.09 1248 7232 7 it---4t 257.35 254.05 256 2048 8 TT7F24T- 4188.14 4384.07 1988 14537 9 brit ITa-21- 17535.32 14456.87 4365 43059 10 1g 7118.59 6588.55 2430 19624 11 227.38 186.11 110 397 12 31wirr-4-- u 21- 200.08 38.85 35 104 13 .iidliAs 1255.83 1392.81 623 4998 14 arfarciT 2855.92 1213.98 685 2715 15 1Nal-40 924.99 1026.35 1134 9072 16 Figrr 2748.26 945.84 642 5355 17 ghTiFZi 1250.62 1056.12 603 4824 18 31-47-g 4969.87 2869.74 3483 9026 19 1:Tfk3T ,.i 11 4765.49 3400.65 1873 12746 20 * 3462.64 3559.74 1839 12873 21 ailitTr 6282.00 5736.32 2876 17629 22 t-id16 4303.80 2829.38 1277 9496 23 ait7 li 2T 7729.40 8117.17 1979 16497 24 d3okid. 6536.16 6339.73 1419 14960 25 alwir* 9718.42 5285.03 2497 20161 26 Him- cr'4-2T. 4496.85 2262.37 642 7740 27 c)eidimi 2094.00 2217.57 660 7761 28 om cc6 10846.89 5898.01 2140 17284 29 au' 159.40 165.43 91 500 30 Far& 90.00 0.00 0 0 31 -,.{,,i 2731.60 2720.48 1369 9653 32 d emi§ 7110.80 5497.54 2463 20836 33 11§-ttr 100.00 106.37 65 447 34 3ig-xim 3#7 cb .ait flu Na 158.00 65.11 119 293 Tc'i 128620.30 102006.33 44340 323362 #ftrut 74 4) Trital * 3111 41.1

**d,irA.0 ddk Trita-1 State-wise position of PMEGP during 2016-17

Sr. State/UT Margin Margin Number Estimated No. Money Money of employment subsidy subsidy projects generated allocated utilized# assisted (No. of (Rs. lakh) (Rs. lakh) persons) 1 Jammu& Kashmir 3541.26 2621.40 1492 11691 2 Himachal Pradesh 1970.11 2185.27 941 6916 3 Punjab 3504.09 3181.60 1266 9858 4 UT Chandigarh 100 82.84 47 376 5 Uttarakhand 2140.93 2122.33 1345 9890 6 Haryana 3371.31. 3383.53 1377 11016 7. Delhi 300 182.41 119 952 8 Rajasthan 5500.99 4641.6 1749 13408 9 Uttar Pradesh 12981.52 14271.05 4074 36315 10 Bihar 6909.77 8336.51 3234 25872 11 Sikkim 200 35.93 27 201 12 Arunachal Pradesh 500 440.34 301 1984 13 Nagaland 1751.68 2007.48 1018 7783 14 Manipur 1741.7 2162.78 1265 8419 15 Mizoram 1253.49 491.96 425 3400 16 Tripura 1578.62 3734.66 2297 17961 17 Meghalaya 1748.1 407.89 329 2632 18 Assam 5636.41 4910.38 6028 31498 19 West Bengal 3680.3 6270.32 3528 26604 20 Jharkhand 4165.73 2654.35 1300 10400 21 Odisha 5201.65 6848.96 3029 20392 22 Chhattisgarh 4493.3 4070.73 1598 12856 23 Madhya Pradesh 8527.32 8346.06 1940 15520 24 Gujarat* 5398.45 7561.61 1386 11629 25 Maharashtra ** 6111.29 6001.36 2325 17799 26 Andhra Pradesh 2336.59 4916.08 1357 14148 27 Telangana 2004.86 2561.72 664 6445 28 Karnataka 4941.62 11609.56 3575 30286 29 Goa 371.62 191.44 90 660 30 Lakshadweep 50 00 00 00 31 Kerala 2446.06 3350.68 1584 13068 32 Tamil Nadu 5291.23 8213.92 2941 25764 33 Puducherry 150 103.65 66 699 34 Andaman & Nicobar 100 193.46 195 1398 Islands TOTAL 110000 128093.86 52912 407840 # including un-utilized balance funds of previous year. * including Daman & Diu. ** including Dadra & Nagar Haveli x__2016-17 t• ibyei 'fttrft

311-4-ta alTil ITSffi Jiii..a.i iiveicii ATZ4 11-17 31"-alia .R,[. i10-1/4iE7 ikTei fii" &frfl .81-4i41 ,1141 4-&-igl# 1411.410.10-11311 i..7idni (ui 1b41 (T. elks( al) (T. (4141 #) ''r 'Film f #.1 1 0.1d-.41,3tr 1 111.4 3541.26 2621.40 1492 11691 2 i eil=.16 crtw 1970.11 2185.27 941 6916 3 toliu 3504.09 3181.60 1266 9858 4 kik.1 .4.10-u th --Eitm- 100 82.84 47 376 5 3x1i11SIS 2140.93 2122.33 1345 9890 6 glum 3371.31 3383.53 1377 11016 7. t7-4t 300 182.41 119 952 8 ,th,r.r- 5500.99 4641.6 1749 13408 9 bc-H. 1,1 W 12981.52 14271.05 4074 36315 10 f47{- 6909.77 8336.51 3234 25872 11 1-u,d-i 200 35.93 27 201 12 31WJTTV At21- 500 440.34 301 1984 13 oii., H(.1.5 1751.68 2007.48 1018 7783 14 ail /7- 1741.7 2162.78 1265 8419 15 fdluilidi 1253.49 491.96 425 3400 16 l'isTr 1578.62 3734.66 2297 17961 17 AtIlM+-4 1748.1 407.89 329 2632 18 31-4Ta 5636.41 4910.38 6028 31498 19 urfkaT ,4,111(•1 3680.3 6270.32 3528 26604 20 $41(65 4165.73 2654.35 1300 10400 21 3trft2rr 5201.65 6848.96 3029 20392 22 c.9, +1 16 4493.3 4070.73 1598 12856 23 Ft-4 1,12,2T 8527.32 8346.06 1940 15520 24 dk-1id 5398.45 7561.61 1386 11629 25 dic+Itir* 6111.29 6001.36 2325 17799 26 3i rlc- riAaQT 2336.59 4916.08 1357 14148 27 ,,i imi 2004.86 2561.72 664 6445 28 u-,-i cs.0 4941.62 11609.56 3575 30286 29 dlur 371.62 191.44 90 660 30 a,lu 50 00 00 00 31 4,01 2446.06 3350.68 1584 13068 32 d elc-11§ 5291.23 8213.92 2941 25764 33 IN-4tr 150 103.65 66 699 34 31.---srr-d. 311T fauhluit d1-1 100 193.46 195 1398 TrgiT 110000 128093.86 52912 407840 ftra--A" q155NR 31crzim•Oisr Tff -a- I * Ur 3i1-{ Trta-i ** d,Kir qci State-wise position of PMEGP during 2017-18

Sr. State/UT Margin Margin Number Estimated No. Money Money of employment subsidy subsidy projects generated allocated utilized# (Rs. assisted (No. of Rs. lakh lakh) ersons 1 Jammu& Kashmir 3272.84 6913.15 3753 30024 2 Himachal Pradesh 1785.19 2042.5 886 7088 3 Punjab 3272.84 3930.46 1520 12160 4 UT Chandi•arh 100.00 90.07 45 360 5 Uttarakhand 1933.95 2880.98 1613 12904 6 Har ana 3272.84 4167.04 1718 13744 7. Delhi 300.00 150.65 115 920 8 Raf asthan 4909.26 4929.04 1577 12614 9 Uttar Pradesh 11157.41 16866.47 5432 43456 10 Bihar 5653.09 6558.85 2307 18456 11 Sikkim 200.00 46.36 37 296 12 Arunachal Pradesh 500.00 309.42 209 1672 13 Nagaland 1728:96 2672.15 930 7440 14 Manipur 1434.32 1383.87 600 4800 15 Mizoram 1245.66 274.05 249 1992 16 Tri •ura 1283.75 1892.3 1116 8928 17 1720.32 118.27 75 600 18 Assam 5351.99 2362.48 2282 18256 19 West Bengal 2975.31 3891.37 1366 10928 20 Jharkhand 3570.37 2439.53 1111 8888 21 Odisha 4462.97 5680.65 2399 19192 22 Chhattisgarh 4016.67 3398.4 1463 11704 23 Madhya Pradesh 7587.04 7631.41 1804 14432 24 Gu'arat* 4909.26 12883.63 1876 15008 25 Maharashtra ** 5355.56 8749.73 3329 26632 26 Andhra Pradesh 1933.95 5336.1 1527 12216 27 Telan•ana 4611.73 4030.21 1190 9520 28 Karnataka 4462.97 6477.94 2115 16920 29 Goa 297.53 149.07 50 400 30 Lakshadweep 100.00 00 00 00 31 Kerala 2082.72 2910.44 1347 10776 32 Tamil Nadu 4760.50 9717.58 4095 32760 33 Puducherry 100.00 78.95 44 352 34 Andaman & 100.00 276.95 218 1744 Nicobar Islands TOTAL 100449 131240.07 48398 387184 # including un-utilized balance funds of previous year. * including Daman & Diu. ** including Dadra & Nagar Haveli Mt 2017-18 e, tflw4,41

3ff--4ft-a- TrrfAw ;Pp- 3Tr117 iiveldi mu CAa. 39-ffrfAa W.Ti-. i10-24/1tET ti.3-zi 44-4 dio-f1 iii4g) &eft. rif.40#(*. LIN Aooti ilAdili (wf el (. C41151 Al el ASI 71) *). •FI 45441 1 N. ) 1 7-Xak AZ 2d11 3272.84 6913.15 3753 30024 2 R.HIT-It-f lt2i 1785.19 2042.5 886 7088 3 t.mio 3272.84 3930.46 1520 12160 4 +RI a-l-q T.g1 did 100.00 90.07 45 360 5 orliksIS 1933.95 2880.98 1613 12904 6 01Q-null 3272.84 4167.04 1718 13744 7. 'F'7,- -4'r 300.00 150.65 115 920 8 zi7-472Tra- 4909.26 4929.04 1577 12614 9 bd.( cr-a-2r 11157.41 16866.47 5432 43456 10 ?Orr 5653.09 6558.85 2307 18456 11 .H 200.00 46.36 37 296 12 31- 1311-qa- S4 21 500.00 309.42 209 1672 13 .-Hdligs 1728.96 2672.15 930 7440 14 TrffriT 1434.32 1383.87 600 4800 15 fl.1.0i 1245.66 274.05 249 1992 16 FA-gu 1283.75 1892.3 1116 8928 17 Atlmer 1720.32 118.27 75 600 18 alTraT 5351.99 2362.48 2282 18256 19 trfkar GI411P{ 2975.31 3891.37 1366 10928 20 viiksis 3570.37 2439.53 1111 8888 21 arlItu 4462.97 5680.65 2399 19192 22 ts. .ti id. 4016.67 3398.4 1463 11704 23 Tr c.,--4 crav 7587.04 7631.41 1804 14432 24 djokid* 4909.26 12883.63 1876 15008 25 dlfililr* 5355.56 8749.73 3329 26632 26 3-TTo=Urf21- 1933.95 5336.1 1527 12216 27 c•1 n4 4611.73 4030.21 1190 9520 28 c.00 c4, 4462.97 6477.94 2115 16920 29 41141 297.53 149.07 50 400 30 FATtrCi 100.00 00 00 00 31 X16 2082.72 2910.44 1347 10776 32 d v4c11.§ 4760.50 9717.58 4095 32760 33 g1t- 100.00 78.95 44 352 34 am,n7 3fr{ (41 all,t dLI 100.00 276.95 218 1744 Trav Tel 100449 131240.07 48398 387184 # ftra-A. fAftz6 TrIt--61 * -314r aft 44 uft-a- t cidk Trtai State-wise position of PMEGP during 2018-19 (as on 30.06.2018)

Sr. State/UT Margin Margin Number Estimated No. Money Money of employment subsidy subsidy projects generated allocated utilized# (Rs. assisted (No. of (Rs. lakh) lakh) persons) 1 A & N Islands 188.64 50.85 37 296 2 Andhra Pradesh 3742.74 1489.96 392 3136 3 Arunachal Pradesh 471.6 153.84 104 832 4 Assam 10507.7 1153.43 1112 8896 5 Bihar 10869.49 1981.22 733 5864 6 Chhattisgarh 6339.11 1398.19 752 6016 7 Delhi 282.96 8.19 5 40 8 Goa 605.15 19.32 4 32 9 Gujarat* 7501.95 3271.57 454 3632 10 Haryana 4664.1 799.23 341 2728 11 Himachal Pradesh 2711.4 312.42 127 1016 12 Jammu& Kashmir 4745.12 2000.27 1111 8888 13 Jharkhand 6193.49 731.05 308 2464 14 Karnataka 6939.66 1925.29 695 5560 15 Kerala 3667.38 952.24 464 3712 16 Lakshadweep 47.16 0 0 0 17 Madhya Pradesh 11952.9 1200.25 304 2432 18 Maharashtra ** 8833.6 2522.06 1093 8744 19 Manipur 2544.19 317.99 196 1568 20 Meghalaya 2653.7 90.19 66 528 21 Mizoram 2045.45 242.31 178 1424 22 Nagaland 2825.5 310.2 154 1232 23 Odisha 7719.19 1691.83 773 6184 24 Puducherry 141.48 9.66 6 48 25 Punjab 4617.17 678.86 309 2472 26 Rajasthan 7743.65 1563.39 542 4336 27 Sikkim 188.64 11.29 5 40 28 Tamil Nadu 7438.88 1204.57 574 4592 29 Telangana 7250.96 555.88 186 1488 30 Tripura 1965.99 453.34 233 1864 31 UT Chandigarh 94.32 15.66 7 56 32 Uttar Pradesh 19171.59 5147.15 1559 12472 33 Uttarakhand 2975.4 950.81 581 4648 34 West Bengal 6423.74 1468.1 478 3824 TOTAL 166064 34680.61 13883 111064 # including un-utilized balance funds of previous year. * including Daman & Diu. * including Dadra & Nagar Haveli * 2018-19 thqcH 1Lfl 21" ikrei (30.06.2018

3Tree-a. u-sw 3iril-4 art Cfleldi Vrg . di1D71 41A IP-a 3rq- -Tid.8. i0011/RiEr '4,10A kti. *11'el# (W. el HI Crit T311. i)•31 d Ili ("41641i . +I (W.. gb t '4445,211 4'r Tr.) <4115r gt)

3T3r17---arr <0 qii lu 188.64 50.85 37 296 T174' 2 31194 crkw 3742.74 1489.96 392 3136 3 31 IIT1 1;1t2T 471.6 153.84 104 832 4 3TAF 10507.7 1153.43 1112 8896 5 ft7T 10869.49 1981.22 733 ' 5864 6 0,c11.,L1did, 6339.11 1398.19 752 6016 7 1=-7---4,, T 282.96 8.19 5 40 8 <9

Annexure-IV referred to in reply to part (2) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 876 for answer on 23.07.2018

The steps taken by the Government for promotion of Khadi Sector and to ensure adequate remuneration to spinners/weavers in the country are as follows:

1. Liberal policy has been adopted to fix the target of production and sales of Khadi Institutions. 2. KVIC has been catering to the need of Government Departments and bulk buyers such as, Defence, Health &Family Welfare Departments, Paramilitary Forces and other Ministries of • Central & State Government under Rate Contract (RC) agreement with Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals (DGS&D) as well as supply of Non Rate Contract (Non-RC) items like Polyvastra bed sheets and pillow covers to Railways, etc. 3. One of the key interventions under reform programme is the development and implementation • of the Khadi Mark. The Khadi Mark was launched by the in September 2013 subsequent to notification of the Khadi Certification Regulations 2013. The Khadi Mark not only guarantees the genuineness of Khadi products but also promote Khadi as a brand that connotes social, cultural, and environmental values. 4. KVIC engaged fashion designer of national and international repute for Fashion Designing to make Khadi products more competitive and appealing in the domestic as well as overseas market segment. 5. Tie up arrangement with premier institutions like Federation of Indian Export Organization (FIEO), World Trade Centre (WTC), Indian Trade Promotion Organization (ITPO), Trade Promotion Council of India etc., for invigorating business opportunities in the overseas market by conducting exhibitions and workshops for Khadi Institutions. • 6. A MoU was signed between KVIC and Aditya Birla Fashion & Retail Ltd. (ABFRL), Raymond and Arvind Mills for sale of Khadi fabric in country and abroad. • 7. KVIC has entered into an agreement with M/s. GLOBUS a retail clothing stores chain having its HO in Mumbai for setting up of Khadi Korner a shop in shop concept initially in Globus Showroom at Noida, followed by Globus showroom in Chennai and Ahmedabad. 8. Setting up of modern Khadi Lounge with exquisite Khadi designer garments and V.I. products for making shopping Khadi a pleasure. 9. Launching of franchise scheme to expand the sales distribution network with zero investment. 10. Tie up with e-Commerce platform for on-line marketing through e-Commerce companies like Paytm, Aaarmart. 11. Special efforts to attract youth by introducing attractive T-shirts, Khadi jeans, jackets, kurtis, etc. as well as launching a range of casual wear called vicharvastra specially designed by Ms. RituBeri. 12. Opening of sales outlets at domestic as well as international airports like Visakhapatnam, Lucknow, Ahmedabad, etc. 1.3. Introducing store app through mobile application to facilitate the customers to locate the Khadi India sales outlet at various geographical location to increase foot falls at various stores under Khadi sector. • 14. Introduction of pre-paid Gift Voucher Scheme for corporate gifting including PSU and Government Departments.

3411-IV •

It"- iq 23.07.2018 Act> TIITT 3.1-aRiita• TM t.876 31T7 (U) i aa1 # 3frvl ci 3T-094-4v

21- a1T1= 1/I--dm--# cb ed1 ct).4 fW 3 Ivrt mar 36t1; JP; t: 1. WIT Ti-4,24-r311 3c-UI 3cUld,c1 3fr7 c11) ittfitar 4),(01 f4e- Salt 311:MT4, df ti 2. Mt3i*fr 311 #F2T (3rr{- -411) Trat--$,M 31 c1 RI', 3117 critaTT 3117 'Crd- 3W4 dilic.N) <-4)) ,:4521)e. At{ cOcH) /Tit AT- Cdr (010-3TR-#1 ) 31110- Ohl 31172414)di cM ti" chicif 3ff is 1 t1 3. VTR' chid-15.Ni M 3l7--dr' WA.4.4 TITtralit r f4MTF 3117 tl WT-4.[ all M ET q3iTt 3frUTK4aT M 2013 4I4 2013 ,a)*r am-a. difriG-1),4 Tr71" 4ai.41 f+-zrr d1,41 ivrt 3c at cR 1414-11114,di 4,40i ,Trrter 1^q a1 wra cnl 44141 'at +114-11D4h 3 144cliul cntcll t1 4. 3i1 IT T 341T 3tatrft G1i01k att 3 77141 i 3T1ttMLfid-fC0 31t{ t21m .<1P-1 3117 atatrEsfizr Ll l ti t21-a- %,311*G-1.( Mt. (+Me,' all I 5. Wit #"f2/1"311 41,,ik a1 .2.14111q 31aT1t 13e 1#(r aTRA-4 crit#Er (v4-,3fr$t34). f4,,T <-41L4N 4,4 (s.04), aw{tzr (31-rsstrIt3tr), RR-A-4 (41qk trft-tsr- 3Trit 1-#1- 1,4dri M #14 f TI

6. 2T 3117 1- ,21- a1 wr-l cfli •W'r t-t..arter 3.0 31-rftc-zr f4-5-61-rs ki-n3r7crJ),tai 3117 317-1 f#F4:- Qct) •?-1140 ITT 7:FR-17 f dt 7. ttrarr-Orr 31# 3-1-Fdra-ar c.11 ei 21tT-F Tztrg#r ol4 011Q51 al 3---AqTr 21Tdi wrt s4,101 Iftd s4,1.1

9. 1T# lAtu lvr-4t 4Td-r-A- d-I MT 218-7471. 10. 1)&d-i,31Ralit ri)LiMell" Trrc.4.1-1 tr uuk-t Lo)c.Licil 71-4 c$3{cr1 11. arrwtW tt 21-t-,urer T--4f 31-rf 2 ch.t iar34 cn1 3r1 1c 1t21Er 5-A4-1 gic itglN # f a c) n faqR c1 Gild-14) 41 3rrf deft s3-f ZT 6fr-4-a-T

12. f~211tsIlUrlclal, Mtslcis,, 31 1 3Tr1t Ertq 3itr -44 13. ivra e 3tauta # vilte-0 farwa.. arcT-2.1T-4- a1 urra ftzrr. fir 4,41 wr cldii.) (.1 441E4,1 TA--4=n-zr ,-,(414,21•a• M ai-m-zraf relt Kra

14. till-77k c-PIT litchi f•43-Tralt coskt4 c flf cdt is4LT111-egfq (413-r-R crPtc-111 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES LOK SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 880 TO BE ANSWERED ON 23.07.2018 JOB PORTAL FOR MSME SECTOR 880. DR. PRITAM GOPINATH MUNDE: SHRI SHRIRANG APPA BARNE: SHRI ADHALRAO PATIL SHIVAJIRAO: SHRI ANANDRAO ADSUL: SHRI DHARMENDRA YADAV: SHRI VINAYAK BHAURAO RAUT: Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state : (a) whether the Government has decided to create awareness about the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector at the national level; (b) if so, the details thereof including the steps taken by the Government for creating knowledge, marketing, technical and financial handholding at the grass-root level and the success achieved in this regard so far; (c) whether the Government had organised conclave to encourage dialogue and partnerships among various stakeholders of the MSME sector and if so, the details and the outcome thereof; (d) whether the Government has launched any job portal to bridge the skill gap and resolve unemployment problem in the country; and (e) if so, the details thereof and the extent to which it has been helpful in resolving unemployment problem in the country? ANSWER MINISTER OF STATE (INDEPENDENT CHARGE) FOR MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (SHRI GIRIRAJ SINGH)

(a) & (b): The schemes of the Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) have a component of awareness generation. These schemes are implemented through Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC), Coir Board, National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) and the Office of Development Commissioner (MSME) to cater to various requirements of MSMEs, such as access to knowledge, markets, technologies and finance, handholding support etc. The major schemes of the Ministry are Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP), Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURT1), National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP), Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS), Marketing Assistance, Skill & Entrepreneurship Development Programmes and services offered through Tool Rooms & Technical Institutions. (c): Yes madam. National MSME Conclave (Udyam Sangam 2018) was organized on 27.06.2018 and stakeholders from various fields and parts of the country participated in it and had dialogue on various aspects of MSME Ecosystem. In addition, under National SC/ST-Hub (NSSH) scheme, conclaves are being organized at different locations of the country for coalescing efforts to build better ecosystem for SC/ST owned MSMEs. These conclaves have resulted in awareness about NSSH, Public Procurement Policy and various other schemes of the Ministry of MSME. (d) & (e): Yes madam. A job portal called "MSME Sampark" has been launched. This portal is a digital platform wherein jobseekers (i.e. passed out trainees / students of MSME Technology Centres) and recruiters can register themselves for mutually beneficial interaction.


actre- *WOK 3/1-{ MX* jF1di diAle1,44 FlW irarT 3raltfWa. Wirt iiisd-41 880 : 23.07.2018

wimiimai4 t-q 71v

880. 4. aaar *tarn ait: itli,11 3TfalT 68tu: aft 3ITIFORT4 fZ1Uiufltl4 EITerN: aft 310

4441 WI, WES 3f1T TrtwaT 3WPT ardt c Tfi 4 r (pgi

(5) 4-441 1-Ii

t 3ft eiR 0, at 'a-Ft411- 44(1 3ftF Erfturrai- 4-41 f; (Er) Tar iRct,ii Ara- 311Z 42r * ali4cialtU t-q 14,en 11-{

(T) 4112, 0-, al a--at4-111 zit 1" 3ft{- kW * 4.(1.71411131 coi.1 a1 ui cov (-RD 5Li44 d TO' t? Ocdt

3i1-{ artaar 't,744 att. (t-cidA u8110 (aft it-f)

(w) 311-{ ara:rar owl (Kramper-4) d-ilio4.4 r zitaAT3T1 a1 sAidir.rdi 1 j k4c,4) tl ,tgi4 3tfii 4.1144.1141 3rizta1 (443*11), Gtk.H. 3-41T1:4431- NG-Nii.megft) 3fla farts arrzs-= 4h14ieie1 31T-4-244G0c113i1 Ai) Traa", 611.711i, u1tA1f1Q 3it{ I d cicr, TrFer-sr 3411 '1"q 1-4)4ir olldf ti eixiem r crapr Mawf3i1 a1 crc1ro- a-11) 11,Adili c714srmi (414:4,1101), 141,e4 fAfti- z (ezki1"), 11 41 faPcHiui cri=4-f-cmtwar-*--dr 4,14517,H *ftz Mke +11.4igt i1W4c11, WNTR cry .tqfAcli 4hliisbd-1 kr4. clGralci #4.24rt X114 rrffra fl

(ar): At, 01 ilew 1;tiqti4'o4 ( 2018) WT 31711- 27.06.2018 c h1 ft-4T uTzIT P./T 311{- -21' 3TRIT TM A.-.-1 &It 41 fi,cts-iricoi A WI Ir Jen. l!diQ4-1Q,4 Vt)) 14C41 faftr" t1 311 1TT GlIckflti *11 Tfr-s alfdiM ifelq 39kft6- R(Qc-iq+lqiittci) zfraf cl6c1, kW W. TZirdt iii 3.714fta- i-ciar4 41c41 to-{ *GP) fOi5lar chi.) W +load cf-414* ill +1,1-‘410 3TRTID-a 1-41k ri 4 ti 14Rulld1i-c-12%11 4+4 31-q4fta. Mf4/3 .411'd1 .kiic6M4> 3ft-{1.aik1ikdi .Aidk.ocif tic,J (Et)3f1{ (5): 0- 1 m-diqiiqd-4 OfdicP .311G4 eati fWziT tl 1:1fita- Incei L()v-oldl Itarat (3nfra W-I4iiqdi3 IA el f141 S1 Tefoi LrfNyt$14) 3t1T 1- 441r0i tifitv114h Wzr i1 Ma-TW; fl GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES




Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government is running any scheme aimed at promoting forest produce based industry and if so, the details thereof; (b) whether the Government is making any efforts to promote cottage industry to boost the economy in rural areas and if so, the details thereof including any scheme being implemented in this regard; (c) whether the Government has any scheme to provide/proposes to provide employment through cottage industries in the backward & tribal dominated areas of Jharkhand; and (d) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?



(a): Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) is implementing Honey (Beekeeping) • Mission under forest based industry group of Village Industries with the objective of enhancing income to farmers/beekeepers and tribal people. Under this programme, training is given to the • persons and after training, 10 bee boxes are provided to each trained artisan.

During the year 2018-19, a provision of Rs. 63.35 crore has been made to train and provide 1,31,000 bee boxes to 13,100 persons.

The unemployed persons can get benefit of Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) to establish their own units including units under forest based group of industries viz. Fibre products manufacturing, handmade paper products, cane and bamboo etc.

(b) to (d): To provide employment through cottage industry and to boost the economy in rural areas of the country, including the backward and tribal dominated areas of Jharkhand, Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) and Coir Board are implementing the following schemes: i) Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) is a credit linked subsidy scheme, for setting up of new micro-enterprises and to generate employment opportunities in rural as well as urban areas of the country through KVIC, State Khadi & Village Industries Board (KVIB) and District Industries Centre (DIC). General category beneficiaries can avail of margin money subsidy of 25% of the project cost in rural areas and 15% in urban areas. For beneficiaries belonging to special categories such as SC/ST/Women/PH/Minorities/Ex-Servicemen/NER, the margin money subsidy is 35% in rural areas and 25% in urban areas. The maximum cost of projects is Rs.25 lakh in the manufacturing sector and Rs.10 lakh in the service sector.

aTITff Tke--Sr, 3112 Trarg b4td1 c1-111W-1 elle) 411-1T 3rdriria. 14W. It 901 6c-di 4 cfli artmr 23.07.2018 3meta 3-cifier

901. st TOR TAR- ci-ell TLa-aT,(4q 3112 Aulai 3--craT a-01

(T) c--i 4-1,(cm c40- 1 37c11t m-fi c Ic1I2,01 fV cb ZTfi rr uMl t l t 3112 eIR, i,afi c:-TE-4ft itzt4T c1-0-11 t; (W) <-1-4-11 <1,11d4lul of 3-1*21VP-IT- m ,101,41 OK-1 OR 341)71- c c101c41 ct)) W-11+1 W{ trl aitT zeit 0, #1 Ftu 4LII 3112 Titea of cr, 3iT t l t; ('T) cXII +Nct)17 c1 Ff-{ 1 3117 oidolici) 4FFz #1 aiTel7 3-Cltal1 girc.41d-1 • .).3-1417 zn-7-d-r ct), •<61 t; 3117 (Er) aT--#-4qr Tzt12r, ciq.41 dO,F)- (MI

bd.( Tkg--3T, c1 31Y2 araPT .544d1 .(1-0-44 41141 (-c i71 1;12-117) Oft Rail'ot itiT)

Tgitf 347 ,11144-1),11 31-rz[fia-r ( --41-311-#t) urrAm--1 721-r D1Mu1lcf1zl 3TPT 62z1- d,114-1)4d1 cid 311C-111 a 3-(1'1UT i 3474a. 21,d, (Org1 -411. kilc>1.1) cti.t tl cftruur itZTT u11cl ci2Tr offer bUticl LiWea. 'W)" 10TN-FTEitcHcFt1 faV 011(1 t1

rk 2018-19 ejild-, 13,100 celF4)41i 17Wed Cb' 9-2-TI 1,31,000 TV-FIVIC 6114-4-I 1:-L 63.55 cptls f21 r lA I c-MT#' ti

~tl.,idlit c cAG1 31rtg1ta 3-cltaT TrIkT3r2firt th15a1t 6(-414 d ctild1,71 .5(-41 , c:1(-1 Mitt 3Trit 3 5ci *c4115e11 Trird 3ft=r4t Tzrrfd cmol fV carrwAlt tlstdnt 1a. u-weicba-i (11-curt— Fir) r 7W

(1) (f): Tel.{ 311)-4 t FlrUkki 21 tk dIH. ?o1 J211. itrat 8.-tt Trita- tqf di ul 8.-ttof 3T.2.-zraT-21-r 41 Td-rA. Teel 3117 d-NA mr-zrfiir (443r1 ) M-TT Jaz4)-t 4)14.411c1 cnt 4 t:

i) u a-01 tl,iiIN Tt7.a. (4,1454-,1-1 (IfiQa4711(.11) Tgira 34tz dAdi 4-1 dl 0-icf13t1tii) 3117 171 3KItur (tbrtit) 3rrc..4a1 21" a4-4 of ,14)

T{,a-A 371-A1 TP-TrEraT cbi.) 'Mil 31-4-4:17 71-D7 qcb ul #aK ÷11-4Q ti tildilczl4uif 7121T2fI d,114u1 1 al 141A.44101,11 <11,11d W- 25% MIT 2TOF ktAt # 15% rif411 fl 3{ -r/31--a- r/aftAT311721111Aci-, # 1. c116i,11)/31e-i-1÷14.1c1,173.70 art-A- t#T f421q- 3fifaR1 f Ara-TrfW JAI att A 35% MIT 2Ter att At 25% TFAC tl 3.aWaUT ctlaici faMeHlui 25 ciltq .t,4 7-4 #ar- a-t9" # 10 -r-Er Tcrzl tj • : 2 :

ii) Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI) from 2005-06 for making Traditional Industries more productive and competitive by organizing the Traditional Industries and artisans into clusters. The Scheme envisages providing need-based assistance for replacement of production equipment, setting up of common facility centres (CFC), product development, quality improvement, improved marketing, training and capacity building etc.

iii) A Scheme for Promoting Innovation, Rural Industry and Entrepreneurship (ASPIRE) was launched on 18.3.2015 to promote Innovation and Rural Entrepreneurship through rural Livelihood Business Incubator (I,BI), Technology Business Incubator (TBI) and Fund of Funds for start-up creation.

I. Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC):

i) Market Promotion Development Assistance (MPDA) — A unified scheme by merging Market Development Assistance, Publicity, Marketing and Market Promotion. A new component of Infrastructure namely setting up of Marketing Complexes /Khadi Plazas has been added to expand the marketing network of Khadi& VI products. Under the Modified MDA (MMDA) financial assistance at 30% of the Prime Cost, is distributed amongst Producing Institutions (40%), Selling Institutions (20%) and Artisans (40%).

ii) Interest Subsidy Eligibility Certificate (ISEC) Scheme provides credit at concessional rate of interest through Banks as per the requirement of the Khadi institutions. The institutions are required to pay interest of only 4%, any interest charged by banks over 4% will be paid by the • Government of India through KVIC to the banks.

iii) Workshed Scheme for Khadi Artisans was introduced in 2008-09 to provide financial assistance for construction of workshed to khadi artisans belonging to BPL category through the khadi institutions with which the khadi artisans are associated. This empowers khadi spinners and weavers to chart out a sustainable path for growth, income generation and better work environment.

iv) Strengthening infrastructure of weak Khadi institutions and assistance for marketing infrastructure: This scheme provides need-based support towards the Khadi sector for nursing the sick/problematic institutions elevated from "D" to "C" category as well as those whose production, sales and employment have been declining while they have potential to attain normalcy and to support creation of marketing infrastructure in other identified outlets. Under this scheme, financial assistance is provided to existing weak Khadi institutions for strengthening of their infrastructure and for renovation of selected khadi sales outlets.

v) Khadi Reform and Development Programme (KRDP)aims to revitalize the khadi sector with enhanced sustainability of khadi, increased incomes and employment for spinners and weavers, increased artisans' welfare and to achieve synergy with village industries. Under KRDP, restructured amount of US$ 105 million has been negotiated with Asian Development Bank (ADB) and funds are being provided to the Government of India to be released to KVIC as `grants-in-aid' under budgetary allocation through the Ministry of MSME. Khadi Reform Package envisages reform support in the following areas: (i) Artisan Earnings and Empowerment, (ii) Direct Reform Assistance to 400 Khadi Institutions & (iii) Implementation of a well-knit MIS.

it) f4(r (tea 3-cr)a1T 5-c1tar1 i t 31 X 1 .50-41d%ch f4kr 2005-06#

21F Q" a17 2M dl of .50-114ci +11c1IG-z1 t11'-TT (44)1V-04-11) TZITftri. ockile%G-1 f4wr-41, JAUI4r11 TgarT, 301(-1 IflUulci, 1,-TfraTur 311-{ eaTa-r 1#aitur r rft 3iT424c6c-ii 3TNITfta. 1;gT ch'tG) r2'r LiDcbc*44W1l

di) cl4Ll4cic1, ad-flu! 314twi •Cr4 TERTar miltiawr c2.1c4411e4 ( c4c441ie1 (trt3Trt) mrr rub 31 T flr f-X-04 c61t4 TM-7-AT # ci4Siacici LT4 J,114u1 aqi-Acit E1 4-icad crK-4 18.03.2015 2.1,6 P.M

I. wr41- 31ft4- asratmil-4 3n. tar 3rVt)

fawm- 41,A 1t .-1Vqc1, 1 (41(, 1- u1c1 l4 Wlaih

7l-407 vc, --i t al ti HitITTaKa Vaear 0-1,e) utct, Lifl+RInvra Lc1lall3il tt Tama-a- ci) wra 3t13- ciccicS) 011$' dm, 441.1-1 3t-a-du 50-fleicb Ti7:211-311 (40%), fir liT-211311-- (20%) MIT cradi-ti' (40%) G14 ekci 30% 1- c-iRcf •"f t n) ,senoi Trf4rgt 1:11 I Ligiurriq (3ir-6-44) cm al wr-4t #T-41.3.TI 3rme1cticii.vH d-irt,eicH # tr-{ 4ELn f it sTncii tl #1=2Tr3i1 1 ,1-11A 4 clf42TF E-?-110.1 140c-n tl 4c61" wit 4 cri"42Tar # c•Lnoi aig T skii<6k 47413T fTr sANJil 5T'tra-rtr fA-v 421s t IT t 2T1 tarT f, arraTar artrt # T c 81111 u1-41- M4lzr 2008-09 # 2 4 J1 airr afra F41- *-07 Cblei (14.4k cfrkG) fTr Wra 74 iv)m-aTat{ 11d-rtr 4l-f2Tr3i1 armir{a7- amrrao- . RPC1-1 `Er A- `Jr' 'Oft al .50-c-k-1 +i4-24-Bif Dc-ict)i Lr4 .4)aidire c6di Oct 31-1 .5c4 1-114-1 id-m-emi (.1144044 ) Ti-2ird7T t, qci 31T-z1 WI" 4),0 a1 i- I-1u10-1 311-CATOTd Rpm ÷1V-1c1I -44rt 3-n-rta- TT 1,B4ZTIff tl 5F1 tcldi ci 3aird- 1 1-4). Tsl'aerr .cmPc-i wit it-A- 4).-0 .-0.110Nui i1i fir 4)-.ardt- ti v) VITT AT f4--1T1- ( 3.1-R-ttcfr) w- .504 wr-a 4o-Ile TUFA, (170-1- c-R1) •Qci ga-M# r.R 3171 a Tafiait CN.) 31'i-T tlaiJnt a1 4-0--dtt 4.),(01, 4,1€1,4 ch<,ellul a r4 1 m-fi tio4Rci co,wi a-41" 4-1)dlIc-d1cbcil (itrdZ) ui i chtcil I tail-41fti 3-i7 105 Pi- e1G-1 3TaTtr- t sit,R cR Trfsr Lrfl 1- ,14-1 (utrt) 7)- 11-4tr W-zrr J 12A I 3111" TkArai, .Y4 d1 di Al arrqAd-i 4,31a1-1 atffira- 317Ta artr 1 -v .A1.) t- 1(1- arila - 6t4eiGQ1 c6.u3 ,t0 fi urr-a TETT" (i) m-rtaiR1-- c it 3iRT t T T121F+chiul (ii) 400 14T"e1 #T-21T3ff (iii) da 1 d (Well knit) V3,131*TTI crtml,cmci # Tar? Ez it-47 f 1I di441 tl : 3 :

IL Coir Board:

Coir Board is implementing the Coir Vikas Yojana to cater to the multiple developmental needs of coir industry. Interventions under the following components of the Scheme are taken up during the period from 2017-18 to 2019-20.

1. Skill Upgradation and Mahila Coir Yojana (MCY): Development of skilled manpower in coir industry in different facets of coir production and processing through appropriate training programmes, seminars, workshops, awareness programmes, exposure visits etc. is the major objective under Skill Upgradation and Mahila Coir Yojana (MCY). Only trainings to the unemployed women will be provided under Mahila Coir Yojana. EDP, National Seminar, Awareness programme, Workshop, Exposure Tour may also be provided under Mahila Coir Yojana. The financial assistance for procurement of equipments/machineries may be obtained under the PMEGP scheme by the trained women for setting up coir units. Priority will be given to the trained women under PMEGP. Under skill upgradation and Mahila Coir Yojana honorarium shall be kept as Rs.15, 000/-p.m. for trainer and Rs.3000/- p.m. for trainee subject to the norms of NSQF compliance.

2. Export Market Promotion (EMP): This programme is aimed towards developing and improving the export performance of Indian Coir Sector through various export market promotion activities such as participation in Buyer Seller Meet, sponsoring delegations, participation in seminars and conferences abroad, organising participation in international fairs, extending financial assistance to micro, small and medium enterprises and exporters, presenting Coir Industry Awards on an annual basis to recognize the outstanding performance in the areas of export, domestic trade, R&D, best performing units and co-operatives etc.

3. Domestic Market Promotion (DMP): This plan programme envisages the development of domestic market for coir and coir products through appropriate measures for popularization including publicity and propaganda. Participation in fairs/exhibitions organized by other agencies and organizing exclusive fairs for coir and coir goods within the country are also taken up as steps to popularize the technologies, schemes and services and to increase the awareness of coir products and to enhance its consumption inside the country. The grant provided under Market Development Assistance to State supported organizations and co-operatives to the tune of 10% of their average annual sales turnover of coir products for enlarging marketing network, improving the quality standards, product development / diversification, innovative marketing etc. The grant of MDA which is shared on 1:1 basis by the Central Government through Coir Board and the States / UTs concerned is a major activity under this component of the Scheme.

Apart from the above, national level exhibitions are organized and the Khadi and V.I. Institutions and entrepreneurs can sell their products through approximately 8058 sales outlets run by Khadi Institutions spread all over the country. The products can also be sold through 7 Departmental Sales Outlets (DSOs) of KVIC located at Mumbai, Kolkata, Ernakulum, Bhopal, Goa, Patna and Delhi.

During the year 2017-18, under Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP), 1111 beneficiaries benefitted in Jharkhand State. PMEGP Scheme targets for the year • 2018-19 is placed at Annexure-I.

* * *

II. WZR 4163-

Cb Yltui 3TT42.icpc1 134 WI qtr cNA fli ct)“ ~nldlff~cl 1¢1 t 4-r-11 t c..(c12Tat 2017-18 2019-20 31 R' t d,kio Qjk, ftzl 4 fl 1. Thl2W c1 crd- all I tzR T (TJ:1-41m-rt): ?Lr2 r

-.141211613ifi, ,711drk%chcil chl.elsbc11, 1.N-4-141,31 4n, Alt Wz17 trEq31fi 3711--d-r # ctar-J Vd•air tzr-{ (vdiAcil) t 3 .m.k1 ARzr tl artm err s 3 c1 ,$).(1,31d11( Tritm31't Iffteur itziT ...111Vd111 TifoT cileN zitadT i 3taira. ttitt, ..711dItqcbc-II ct)I

c aft WzR t 14 ti 54(41'4 473T2f1Rii-11 414u1 f#v +1,1Q-1c11 5ThTcz11 r T-21TEMT 1: tr tiWea. a1 r311 giii

111,11,71)Lil 3.tum- TR1 c 1 7rt ti tfi crrzactar RT-41r1 0217 30-c-moi •(r* altF1 1;o1c4-1,Qi.t> 3FT1 J-110-tc0I 3itIstar 15,000/- TcFQ a21T c1t awrif4-41 f4Kr 3,000/- .4.4Q .cifirf alter r #

2. i'z:(17 71"- TT (off): *+i coi sildi ,2z1- sbc11 f4taT A-6-4 a1 3-TruT

ced-ftftratfi 41zind Riter is g-TPT 3t-d-trp Acqi a1 34T4 3i1-{ 34W11 Qci Th-t it-4Rr fARtra, Ertqs c2fILIN, 31---#M-J v-4 itwr#, #4t-fla1 4bi4P61d,c1-) 4"-ARQA, 3iTt• cpi Pulie■ci 1 FT--raT ac) arf 3TMITT IT{ c.N“ 34:01" 7-4,zha4G1ci cn(c) Gimi( Trzil aTruidi allTAZr WAT &kg- f 1 i ci c4IHIP11414c-1 ch.( T117 cn jcil tl

3. Ettff iI( (tiKrdicit): *+I tr4R-1,44-IR Tilt-a- (.1 co t fli aRTU4di # i uwzg 37-1 :Tr-4- t 1 -cr Erk-ff Er{ tl 311-411- -6- #61/i4 amitat araff 2r attaT m-zrT Lrd- •"7:1T fcr it2sPST dlc1 Er 31r d, 0.111-114)4, ft14- 3t4 4c413it Th7fT Fruit MIT 8,w at z r zwu 1 1 Tf#' f"Lrmar aft .5(51q all c)

Gns-Tik fir 3tata" TO. 41N #Twrkt .4-1141 1 T'Lluto c1cci4, TrraT d-110,01, 3c41d, ftt.r#71tfaOttm,- 3ifi4 TarTA. t f 5cuid,I cR 3i1Tra. qrtlft ?4t1 ct)1.(161R io 4P2r-a• wieN Tri-O• ti qd4ly Tr 31-T4M i 1a1Wzr{ a-tt TITU4di •t-licr)R 1:1 tr. ft-47rr tldI ;, 41d-i t, 3ta-ira- (MA11(414 tl

mgrar, 31Rin# 7i-jt r iturra AT der Id11411 di #-4=2-1-r

.5C-4 tRT t-4t urr-411- #T21T311 C'idiaTOT 8058 f 1 c1 t TIN-44,H ti 31-CO

.tcLitc,I enl T1-3, col 1, QC-IIVic1-1, aftcrm, d1lcI1, 14Cc11 #41 Wg- ft21-6 tt3iTt#t t 7 itaTratRr WA- 44,1 (t(& 311) aTruidl # 4-ichei I t I

UPS 2017-18 cA AtTrd--Tit" i)Q1dIN ct)N1Shd-1 (Li)Vci4,4)0) 34747, 1111 *-1 # 7ra1 .5.314-111 ,-44 2018-19 t aTtr tl Ann exure-I

Annexure-I referred to in reply to part (b)to(d) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Ouestion No. 901 for answer on 23.07.2018

Target under PMEGP for the year 2018-19 Rs. in lakhs) Sr. No. State/UT TARGET Pro 'ects Marlin Mone Em 1 to ment 1 Jammu & Kashmir 1898 4745.12 15184 2 Himachal Pradesh 1085 2711.40 8676 3 Punjab 1847 4617.17 14775 4 U.T. Chandigarh 94 94.32 755 5 Haryana 1866 4664.10 14925 6 Delhi 113 282.96 905 7 Rajasthan 3097 7743.65 24776 8 Uttarakhand 1190 2975.40 9521 9 Uttar Pradesh 7669 19171.59 61352 10 Chhattisgarh 2536 6339.11 20285 11 Madhya Pradesh 4781 11952.90 38249 12 Sikkim 75 188.64 604 13 Arunachal Pradesh 189 471.60 1509 14 Nagaland 1130 2825.50 9042 15 Manipur 1018 2544.19 8141 16 Mizoram 818 2045.45 6545 17 Tripura 786 1965.99 6291 18 Meghalaya 1061 2653.70 8492 19 Assam 4203 10507.70 33624 20 Bihar 4348 10869.49 34782 21 West Bengal 2569 6423.74 20556 22 Jharkhand 2477 6193.49 19819 23 Odisha 3088 7719.19 24701 24 A & N Islands 189 188.64 1509 25 Gujarat* 2993 7501.95 24006 26 Maharashtra** 3543 8833.60 28274 27 Goa 242 605.15 1936 28 Andhra Pradesh 1497 3742.74 11974 29 Telangana 2900 7250.96 23203 30 Karnataka 2776 6939.66 22207 31 Lakshadweep 47 47.16 377 32 Kerala 1467 3667.38 11736 33 Tamil Nadu 2976 7438.88 23808 34 Puducherry 141 141.48 1132 TOTAL 66709 166064.00 533671 * including Daman & Diu. * including Dadra & Nagar Haveli

31-T49-1- It-OtW 23.07.2018 cli*A"-• Trail" 301-Zfta- A& 71.901 t alTaT (Zsr) 311T 3rd' d 31"Riti-F 3M411-I Uti 2018-19 L. di s8t11 31Farra" c1 1 W.R. T sIZ- f/T[Er TRT- Zr 4ti- M---4 k 4R4-1 AGIN arfgro* did ils71 d I I i 7TTf 3#4: T2dti 1898 4745.12 15184 2 ii,dircio 1,7?,RT 1085 2711.40 8676 3 4,,1I1 1847 4617.17 14775 4 ,tig 11s.,-41 g-fiq tD1d10 94 94.32 755 5 fi,.' luir 1866 4664.10 14925 6 1t77-41c 113 282.96 905 7 air41--- 3097 7743.65 24776 8 ,ti{sis 1190 2975.40 9521 9 .5rN CtW 7669 19171.59 61352 10 EAlltid10 2536 6339.11 20285 11 arm' .cr-k2r 4781 11952.90 38249 12 1-- di 75 188.64 604 13 3i--k-urr-- cr--w 189 471.60 1509 14 .idilgs 1130 2825.50 9042 15 Trfaicg 1018 2544.19 8141 16 *FAiled- 818 2045.45 6545 17 'Izgr 786 1965.99 6291 ■ 18 datticiu 1061 2653.70 8492 19 31-4=W 4203 10507.70 33624 20 'PO-TT 4348 10869.49 34782 21 trfkaT Gidiki 2569 6423.74 20556 22 *-11.“.s15 2477 6193.49 19819 23 311tur- 3088 7719.19 24701 24 3i-gaTm• 31 cb 4I,t 4 Tray 189 188.64 1509 25 3,.Tkid* 2993 7501.95 24006 26 d1wie** 3543 8833.60 28274 27 Jilui 242 605.15 1936 28 31tes7 T.2r 1497 3742.74 j 11974 29 c)eidik1i 2900 7250.96 23203 30

SESSION : 246th Session RAJYA SABHA QUESTION DATE 25.07.2018


SI. Subject Concerned Printed Version Remarks, if No. Officer Q.No. Priority No. any



SI. Subject Concerned Printed Remarks, if No. Officer Version any. Q.No. 1 Measures to protect and promote AS&DC/ 922 MSMEs ADC(PS) 2 Growth of Khadi Gramodyog JS (ARI) 923 3 Regional studies for promotion of AS&DC/ 924 MSMEs ADC(SM) 4 Demand by MSME sector after AS&DC/ 925 roll out of GST ADC(PS) 5 Details of MSME units AS&DC/ 926 ADC(PS) •



Measures to protect and promote MSMEs


Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state: • (a) whether the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) of the country are reportedly lagging behind due to availability of the products of multinational companies; (b) if so, the details thereof and the reaction of Government thereto; (c) the reason for the higher prices of domestic products in comparison to the products manufactured in China; and (d) the remedial measures taken by Government to protect and promote MSMEs in the country?



(a)&(b): The growth and survival of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) depends on various factors like availability of timely and adequate credit, up-gradation of technology, access to market, supportive infrastructure, high quality of products etc. Competition from both domestic and external enterprises including multinational companies is also one of the importar factors.

(c): Prices of products depend on various factors such as cost of labour, raw materials anc, technology etc.

(d): The Government of India has taken measures to protect and promote the MSMEs with the help of Schemes such as Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP), Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme, Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS), Marketing Assistance & Technology Up-gradation (MATU) Scheme, Micro & Small Enterprises Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP), National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP), Digital MSME Scheme, ZED Certification Scheme.

******** 3T1T8" if,617T, 9 AT MATT 34...444i 41414444 1111' TINT 3regif+7 AUT kiistii 922 Jccii catg : 25.07.2018

TLEFFT, RES aft RIXP:r 34.44 4-4T4 3ft tO. t FA" %V. 31:114

922. 4 gitTra ot4a1041:

WZfr VF4-, FES 3ft Ft.--Zig 344446 3itir WO- 0411 t-crr w1- -41

(W) WC' SiatF4171 . . GilmrAtit 3c414* 37MATFT chivi t TRW, 9 AT RUM' 64,41441 %%sell *I" (ri) wi, a4*ft st11t1 wErr 3 tr-4- Wzir t; (IT) '01F at fdPrAti 3c-4141 RI crot Ertqit-siej +,r+41 *TT chitui

(El) tar 71 loiviivaii 307 a4lat CORI 34*41tIce1411 3arr 1%-q Try

9 31t 74.-TA 34.!444 Wier Olt (4-civil WITT) (4 11RtioI

(W) 3111" (W) : 1111-7, 9 aft 1t7PT 4441+1 411141 3ftaFq. 471-4 117 AT Werra WuT t 3WT, 144tilD4 io14401, 411.41i O", *1614441 3rdt4T, 6(4141 tY 3'W drIchci Mit4* 4fari-wi 7 fAltz. zr ti Et, 3twe 34.414-1 . famA 9-4-risPrar44f114Ji aft 41 et f, ufAfcrafr aft srssu amvg 1:1 ti

(7T): 3c41411 3TiR1 fatrM* f-44' 417f, 'ct*. *1141111 AT 1114,411P 3Tek oudici ITT %Ilk' alicit tl

(Er): au{a- - gErrmi-A. t1,i41It *Mira 4,144,41 onmaiiam, war fAitr (4)%7M 1, CCPS C. el filar On ifiLlii1/440, q4141e1 *16144(-11 31'1{- 114.41 34-41441I OM 41 %Midi, 2T$7f 307 Fa. 34444-1 etvitti 44*1 4444116.1 (141qi1i-451)41), vrfarcrero:rwar 4,141sh41 ('1l1&44141), fiDcel 441.31.11, 4414101 t+loi.ii3fr tr 7,47r, FEs anTri:r Ti-TaTur AT 3ErRT 1%-vr •



Growth of Khadi Gramodyog


Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether the growth of Khadi Gramodyog has increased during the last two years; • (b) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor; (c) the details of khadi products exported and foreign exchange earned therefrom during the said period, product-wise and country-wise; and (d) the steps taken by Government to promote export of khadi products?



(a): Yes, Sir.

(b): The growth of Khadi and Village Industries (KVI) has increased considerably during the last two years. Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) engaged in promoting and developing Khadi and Village Industries through Khadi and Village Industries Institutions, State Khadi and Village Industries Boards (KVIBs) and District Industries Centre (DIC) in the country.

The Khadi and V.I. Institutions and entrepreneurs assisted through various KVI schemes are involved in production and sales activity of Khadi and V.I. products. The performance under KVI sector during the last two years is as follows:

Performance of Khadi and Village Industries Sector Rs. in crore) Year Production Saks 2016-17 42631.09 52138.21 2017-18 (P) 48013.46 59098.04

(c): The exports of Khadi and Village Industries products is done by the Khadi and Villag Industries units directly or through merchant exporters. KVIC does not export directly. Product- wise and Country-wise exports of KVI products during each of the last two years is placed at Annexure-I.

(d): The initiatives/steps taken by the Government, through KVIC to promote the exports of Khadi and Village Industries productsis placed at Annexure-II

* * * 3.0r 1TPT, Mt, 310 alt TaT 64.1di di4IM tl i1.74 73-TT 31—dr"-6 ;Ma- T. 923 acl aTtillir 25.07.2018

+.A14) ,J,11cH lld r

923.311 $0114 e1144:

4-en Tk&-71, M 311{- gq-Uldi 3 CA di dill 4-di# .m-crr 4, •

(m) 4-241 Tra. citil e, dAidi qldt M). qit at. ,iold t; (1i) elfa 0', at 7? T1 0-211 t 3 c4-2-11 chkul f; (Jr) 3rti 3T <)1 wit 3-1crFer F21T 311 a. f'4211. air 3t4 a'qT-ciR F;z101- t; (Er) Witt 3Fcilt `7:fcra- ac)fl .4-Rcb1( q-RT Wd31 .5(51g dig t?

.171i M 3112 Tft7fg=f 3Eldi ,t10-41 air (,k-ut-tA cram° Oft flf1,t1.71

() ti wet 34 (w) f u1 c 4 e, err att-{ ci-}R-i at m-rtRr r4- dA1d-111-1)d1 301#1 ( --413-1T-3741) 2T aY T f 310 d,114-11)di 4-14-21T311, 3-11-T 4114441dt 414. (M-t34-4- 11 of Qidir 3TT t1 cT2TT fir 3-eztaT (tr3B-3- f7) tr IT-At 3tYT dAIJ-Naldi iu i

KiTef 3 F UIaki)dlTEbtatfaRTtL1di l Izlcil 1,11N Tqlt 3 d,11‘11)4Adi 444:41-(i arZIT /Wt 31 I a-17 dAidi 4.1 clf 5FErre .504401 to 1240. a eldl §&; tI 1:47iff 441 ej.k I 1Tfra 3T d1ld1)4.4) d

3tatd 4)1 u41GG1 itZIT ()len t: ZIT- 3t{dT1r qii4ft01W (,k,q cb,4 s al•)

qlt 3 c-I4 KO fat 2016-17 42631.09 52138.21 2017-18(3) 48013.46 59098.04 -ai • (7r) wra AR- dlldilElldi 3-c-trr..4- l'Azr IT4 3.TIT qt(i Tftea 3121 - +1101-a1 fm--zrr Jiic11 ti urrt 3 0,11d-1)4.1)di aTrztIr- Tftc.)- 1 -ztcra- 41- cfrw Ita-ra cpsii ofT1 zgra 3 JAIdi)Elldr3{Tra r ac-LllekcIN a"211. t21c41,( f 3TT4V-I aY 1 1T dI 4I tl TITU-I di ;l (Er) irr4t 3117. dAid-A441 3---ccr4 i f4F It-cr zgrt 3ft{- 301114 -1-1144.( M die 1:1-;T/361g cheicH 317c a[ .1"-II Annexure-I

Annexure-I referred to in reply to part (c) of the Raiya Sabha Unstarred Question No. 923 for answer on 25.07.2018 Performance of Export Rs. in lakh

Sr. Name of the 2016-17 2017-18 Countries No product 1 Handmade paper 3151.93 3217.60 Through agency & products 2 Papad 6940.61 7085.22 USA, UK, London, France, Germany, Italy, UAE, Australia, Japan, Honkong, Canada, South Africa, and Vietnam 3 Khadi (woollen 196.97 201.07 Korea, Muscat, Oman, Germany, Austria, Silk & Muslin) USA, Japan, France, Sweden and through agency 4 Brass & Metal 175.00 178.65 Europe

5 Honey 13349.03 13627.15 UAE, Saudi Arabia, USA, Libya, Oman and through agencies in all over the country. 6 Wheat Grass 44.19 45.11 Jordan, Cambodia, Sweden, Kazakhstan, Sudan, Seychelles, Chile, South Africa, USA, The Netherland, Malaysia, UK, Curacao, Canada, Japan, Thailand, Spain, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Mauritius, Philippines, Kenya, Bahrain, Turkey, Czech Republic, Egypt, Qatar, Bhutan, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Italy, Ireland, Mexico, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Tanzania, Rwanda, Brazil, Ecuador, Norway, Cyprus, Botswana, Bangladesh. New 7 Soap, Shampoo 610.00 622.71 Japan, Singapore, Switzerland, & Lotion Zealand, France, UAE, Malaysia, USA & through agency Kenya, 8 Food items 149.05 152.16 South Africa, Gulf countries, Australia, USA 9 Ready Made 104.50 106.68 Dubai, Kuwait, UK, Canada, Australia, Garments USA. 10 Wood carving 12.50 12.76 USA, Malaysia, & Singapore. products / Wood Furniture 11 Hair Oil & other 169.76 173.30 USA, Canada, Dubai, Sri Lanka, Panama, cosmetics Russian, UAE, South Africa. Middle East 12 Aromatic & 181.80 185.59 USA, France, Europe, Essential Oil countries through agency 13 Leather items 20.50 20.93 USA, Switzerland & Through agency. 14 Handicrafts 1557.09 1589.53 USA, UK, Malaysia 15 Silver Nitrate 8.00 8.16 Malaysia, Italy 16 Pottery item 12.00 12.25 Through agency 17 Katha 255.81 261.13 Through agency Total 26938.74 27500.00 fk7tW2_5/07/2018Trz3--z T VAT 3TaRifig5 #.923 3TraT (JT) _ad' A- .5 evl cPI (T. eil.zsl

W.TF. .5c-tile. M" G-11d-I 2016-17 2017-18 t21- 1 ¢t-clad ci r4,Idisrf 3-117 3151.93 3217.60 7--j-#1- #TQ,4_4,H # 5rt-118, 2 ol-M-5 6940.61 7085.22 v0,-4:rcr, c.,je,o, Th41-, . --irAl-, --d---gt, zkv.t., 3ii-4tf -zir, oit4l.-1,6dI4,idr,4,ol151,f0 0-r 31-,;ftwr at{ -ici.-lidi

3 vrt (3) ati-{ 196.97 201.07 <-1))QQ-41, d-14-41d, 3iA-4-W, .aakt, 3trft---zrr, vTre-, smiwm, shi-r., di c•frt) T4tgj A{- vt4zfr #re,eici-i # 4 taw 30 ufq 175.00 178.65 aft-{ tkt U A- 5 21 f,C, 13349.03 13627.1 7k.7.t.., #--5--4- 3.7--a, 7-#7., c411q 1, 3-fra4iR- s QA ,-4l aTrea-4-F tl- 6 ti k-1 44.19 45.11 ..711 01, .i-,61 ..ii, 5.-1, 4,,ii.t4rcild, Tk-s-m', #21c-ii, fAt, f 013-r 3ittwr, z-F4T(T, Aeocgs, al--zi-r, 1, ,, T.04,1311-, 4).-iii, .Alt-no, 241-gg, 4-4.)0-1, )311TT, 6dI411,11, f-ici.-114-r, airt" r2T-47, 1.4)(41LU, t- zfr, i--Or--, Of, T1ct, dtuIM,rL4, I- A.t, 4-K-k, 3. --d-r -, 0.11*0.111-11, lit- rm-r-491-, -d- --A 3, dlf <11 , -13-1-., RT5t1- 31-T4, ci..7111, .(<1kl, 7Tjt, *4-(IISI, dI& .-iissii-i, Q1c.w41.-ii,

1.0 RThlt G14-c-010- 12.50 12.76 77-41V,TO-Rizrr,A-4- ffaTrigi 3T-Trrd/#wft th-M-q-4- 11 -.-1. 3f147 311-3- 3-1--T 169.76 173.30 7-KT-4=7, c.roisr, s-4, ,:ft40-ileil,-- r, tsill, Tkv.t., -futir .1d z5- cr-4-fraa- artrwr I 12 T -4ttl-a- 3r1T 3i-F42-I4, 181.80 185.59 # --th- .ej,,-..1 3-TA-ftwr, 1:841-,74M- -,aral- 1.-k Rlli- c1 arru-icH tr 13 --J=It •tild-110-1 20.50 20.93 77icv-41-cr, .1. .S 3tt-{ krA-er TrrteicH tri 14 T-faffF,,q- 1557.09 1589.53 TF-4:7, 0, j1-

15 it (FUT u11*_C. 8.00 8.16 #A-ffizi-r, WI. 16 trrdi 12.00 12.25 LTA c Trram' 17 -RI-T 255.81 261.13 v---4:11 Tiff eH 26938.74 27500.00 VI Annexure-II

Annexure-II referred to in reply to part (d) of the Raiva Sabha Unstarred Question No. 923 for answer on 25.07.2018 Initiatives/steps taken to promote the exports of KVI products 1. Assistance would be provided under the Market Promotion and Development Assistance (MPDA) Scheme to the eligible Khadi and Village Industries (KVI) Institutions for participation in International Exhibitions/Trade Fairs held in foreign countries in order to showcase KVI products to foreign countries, access international buyers and sellers and forge business alliances, etc. The eligible items for such participation and the scale of assistance would be as under: S.No. Eligible items Scale of assistance *) Space Rent For KVIs — 100% of the space rent subject to a maximum of Rs.1.25 lakh or actual rent paid, whichever is lower (for one representative from each participating enterprise) ii) Air Fare For KVIs — 100% of the Economy Class air fare subject to a maximum of Rs.1.00 lakh or actual fare paid, whichever is lower (for one representative from each participating enterprise) 2. Participation in domestic international exhibitions at State and National levels wherein KVIs are allowed to participate and market their products. 3. Assistance is also provided to Exporters participating in International Trade Fairs held in India like India International Trade Fair (IITF) New Delhi where stall rentals are subsidized for the exporting institutions. 4. Participation in International Trade Fairs through ITPO, New Delhi where KVI products find wide exposure to International Trade Delegation, Importers, Overseas Buyers, Franchisees, Branded Merchandise Outlets, Retailers, Malls, and Shopping Centres etc. 5. Tie up arrangements for bringing out innovative export quality product designs with NIFT. 6. Tie up arrangement with premier export institutions like Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), Federation of Indian Export Organization (FIEO), CII and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI). 7. Tie up arrangement with premier institutions like Federation of Indian Export Organization (FIE0), World Trade Centre (WTC), Indian Trade Promotion Organization (ITPO), Trade Promotion Council of India etc., for invigorating business opportunities in the overseas market by conducting exhibitions and workshops for Khadi Institutions.Arranging training in Export Procedure and Documentation for Export Oriented Units (EOUs), Institutions and Entrepreneurs in the KVI Sector through these institutions. 8. A MoU was signed between KVIC and Aditya Birla Fashion & Retail Ltd. (ABFRL), Raymond and Arvind Mills for sale of Khadi fabric in country and abroad. 9. Tie up with e-Commerce platform for on-line marketing through e-Commerce companies like PayTM, Aaarmart. 10. KVIC has applied to register "Khadi" as a word mark and "Khadi India" as a Trade mark in 27 classes for various products among 45 classes listed out in the IPR Act at National Level as well as has filed an online application for registering "Khadi" as a trade mark under International bureau in European Union and other countries under 16 different class. ' 25018 FRY #. 923 3TraT (V) i 6rli al- 6 c.Q.1 41T-11 131:1-a 3 17. dAid-04.41di 3 1 fRtatM" 1-1,e1/6(511; a1V cbetcH f4-a-21I afi 1-sritr 30 adilcildi 3(-gIc vreta 6ilicl',31-atrtrzr 1a2TT c.A4cRim Ti-41/ 33-rf cFit 31Tat 4760' 604 Z1 f 2T1 Al 3TrzltD-F 3i-dtrPT AeiI auvr t urn -T§fra3 dAid-kldi (4,43Trt) tit 2rr3T1 1 writ 1 6i f T t1V-1c11 (qd-1Lfglq) 4-Qc1-1 atata. •HVelcil 31:1-Fai c41.(1 1.411 fk!- dial 4-11e1c-11 11-HI 1Tf44-6-Ickis M.Ri. 1:1Ti. 7K i161 1 ttaffM (i) Ma Tat. 31'17 ,111c1-1 14 ,11" t l- it-417:1T 31 1.25 -1-gl- TETz'i M 311.1ta T211a- 1M-(17 MT 100% z1T alwrafa fMdk-11-41. cik-ciR,..r, 14,,tieit -at 3 cocH 1.- (3-ir1r ut ck-rtT 3-ciaT # (rMr,Ifdffti il) (ii) .r-ll Wit 3fr{ .1,11a)4.4)J4 1--- Q f1zIT 311t-Md41- 1.00 -R4 -t■I-H) M 31-1 *cb)c-1)&11 r1-(-11÷1 M $(.11 fM.RTt MT 100% zfl- alltam- 'f TT a kg c114-(-1 .1) .<1e11 011 ait chili 0- (a-Tr# #-# clic4 cr.5t4d1--1 # cl, fcr t- i= v) 2. 4 tri 9 3CattRE 11- 21izAzT1 at 311-4 cl.11 feral i4T f 3 7 dAdi c1c) mir 3174 5c441e, cif 31-Talj0- tl 3. 317-d. 3tatI1 I (3iT13•lleRTIT), fkFA1' 01f,1 cict7 TiT2E-311 ÷e:16 W{T-4 1.1: t t t, 31-Rff al 31Tai 3WPeRF (211qii Acql Al a0r clic) At tl

c 341-47A1chtoI1 ,3*1 iTira dlldilfllJl 4. 31-1-ertbit, Ci3for :11-t7171 307itzf c.IIUlt dlci) 3T-Tird1 El 3tatrft-zr (AilLiFt eft )(113iir, 4-1451*,,i 31137, qtr f rail, aii~l AT qftfti-ir TF:rrf al cAlqu, tl l 5. Q.4q,ba 1RTZT 1#zfra aluru--dr %a-0 Ac I 4I'& celc14-21T cbic-11.1 6. fa-a2T w11-IR TI-61211ele1 0).3kt-ha), 0-TRA-4 lt-gt2H- 311'11 :F 3iTalarOW (I131t011), #1-31T31T 311-{ eh-g-1-2m- 3TIEF 4-ft-zM to zrAr 31t1=F t (it- tr) 0141. udp it-c- TiA2Trat c i Arm zzraA2Tr cfrfrui 7. 7Ji4f TiF2114 Lgtizri 3117 c1-Yt41 it-a-211 Ertl Al (2104-11zi 31-441t1 arA-V Wd0- - eh---tqTa" HP*' 11s_1.1 3fral-d-rt2ra- (vcrAttA), 1 -5a c4ILIN (0.,4.04), air T c2W.ik tiJIacl (AtttlrA), 30 r c..Q.4ILIR T14. 917 trit1SK, rrapr TiT2T1-dt TP1- cooeciri viral c arru4di <)-,413i-rt 31 i c4. 37a-s4fr 5m-T-$74 (t-300, Ava-r3T1- 6q el- 1i f4zfrar - ca-zrr tt 17-411t- al ci-fuErr c..404-2Tr ct,to-li 8.W141- 31 dAld-11141d7 31141a1 3117 31-fr fir it fk. (v61)qq-)307F), tsrus- AT 3T r flrti 4'Ic4 r 3117 itk2T- # 7W-41- 31'ftzit al ididT~ 3-Fcfra 27 .51Rrill al ts-all- w:r a1 `urret Mit 3417 216, 1:1-zrr t a-41 16 itt-g - 417a1711. c 3tagia- 311=z1 2T1 al a-ZTT qs,()1G-t Zera al 31-4-0# G.4.0 t-;-Trrs wcr al "wrer" lisA6t,(.1 f 311-d-Rfta" 31-1-- T aft tb-r-$-g I GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO SMALL & MEDIUM ENTERPRISES


Regional studies for promotion of MSMEs


Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether The Government has conducted any regional studies for identifying enterprising capacity/potential areas in the States for promotion of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in those areas in the country;

(b) if so, the details and the outcome thereof, State/UT —wise;

(c) the steps taken by the Government to increase the contribution of manufacturing and service sector in the said areas; and

(d) whether any package has been announced for the said sector and if so, the details thereof, State/UT —wise?



(a)&(b): The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Institutes under the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) have prepared District ant State Industrial Potential Profiles. List of Districts/ States for which such studies art available may be seen in Annexure-I.

(C): Measures for promotion and development of Micro Small and Mediur, Enterprises are taken under various schemes of the Ministry of MSME such as Prir., Minister's Employment Generation Programme, Market Development Assistance, Cre(:. Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme, MSE-Cluster Development Programme, Cre0: Guarantee Scheme, National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme and th, Scheme For Promoting Innovation, Rural Industry & Entrepreneurship (ASPIRE) etc.

(d): No such package has been announced by the Ministry of Micro, Small an Medium Enterprises (MSME). 3171W *Por TOT, 31t4' MX* 64444 +1711011e4 LTA'' MIT arariiitu UW titvtir 924 3ccit *r cil f1d9 : 25.07.2018

Tfff, WS AT Rum. 3441 war tO. F4tr ailta XL/PM

924. *ft itaa tra,,gFwT:

war Tkirtf, 9 314 givraT zr-6 aar* t'r Tar Oat 1:

(w) WM. ttr Trar tt 644141 argurntirrarar IttaI # V$*, aQ 3ish- *Mg 34,4441* er a-4-rar FA. la ztlal *.r Tram. 4,-01 fib*fit gt-Azr 31tW 311-z11raa" chim t; Zdt * FR4111 11ir awr s 3117. *44.4,1 TualTra 1174T Ow-am war t 3wa Oaf fdfAailui 3ft-T Tlar 3imm. er a warn-wzrr *-a* 30IM 3111

wzrr 3-wa itta * fte' 1*-4f1 itt7 teEterurr tr 7r1 t aft zrftfir, )t 71"- ITEET 7Wzr eg-a7W4:41ft atir WZrr t?

MI 3ih Tit'zi* 34441 1-17771. . (tacI21 VW) oft Rie)

(*) 31tT (73) : 3t1-{ Trtarr 644141 diAlc441 3taft Tr,rt--F, 9 Az lita* ic.tiai faailti 71-fardi D(.41 ilow Tiirrfaa- 3114511M* 1;r1Tfirlw 0'1 fatZkiwtii it Ter Diid, fAv v artazw 31:1a-va 3r1g7*-1 bit 71.

(70 : TizTf, MS 3 TIVRT 344441. * 44-44-4 3111 diAlc•ci *I" farAfroi i..71•1136 *it I* AtTiMilt *Vol 4)149741, 411111A *1614-4c11, 4,fic Ckts **GM chiti chi shm, Slif3c 44,7101, _44 wrepzrtfir-o:rwar trialcalq, c+flui 64ii)+1 74' 3441 it itatig 41•711 (4V-11qt) 3Trfa * TOW *-471 5c5IM ITV fi

(Er) : $7i, WES AT 2417W 3441d1 (Witetivaii) 4-1211e141 f*-4:11. .71 ti tersrurr

tt 74' tl Annexure —I

Annexure —I referred to in reply to parts (a)&(b) of the Raiya Sabha Unstarred Question No. 924 for Answer on 25.07.2018

List of Districts Profile of States/UTs as prepared by Ministry of MSME 1. Andhra Pradesh

Adilabad Ananthapur Chittoor East Godawary Godavari Guntur Hyderabad Kadapa Karimnagar Khammam Krishna Kurnool Mahabubnagar Medak Nalgonda Nellore Nizamabad Prakasam Ranga Reddy Srikakulam Vizianagaram Visakhapatnam Warangal 2. Andaman & Nicobar Islands Andaman & Nicobar Islands 3. Arunachal Pradesh East Kameng Lohit Lower dibang valley Upper Dibang Valley Upper Subansiri District Anjav 4. Assam

Baksa Barpeta Bongaigaon Cachar Chirang Darrang Dhubri Dibrugarh Dima Hasao Goalpara Golaghat Hailakandi (3; I)

1-rr wan 31-eriiit'ff TM' Ti19:rr 924 fAw*-r 3M{- itRiW 25.07.2018 wi fear L*1 (a) * 3m-4. * Tiaffra

diQ I 4 Jima.' karRT NTT *I 4 rorzr1 / Tter allltln 74'0 * ftgr la)turral let Tv:ft 1. Ater Trtar


t 1,1 q 711-47201 •Iig IQR 'X( $4i1414 '3,41' th 414 li NrAUT

r7rT 01, 0 el, t #3W ..1 f re! i 1. .111•11414 ST*TAIT tilT 4.

41-*ITa-4. .4441114 t Ali lei 2. sisailo Lri 41 414 741tr 737 313Fr4 Ti 411411 caftrr Trq. 3. .ii itui iv el Wall'

Tft el iki 81317 1.41.1 Art 3t4t al•I Wet 3171" l4 1.1121R 14di 311— Er 4. 31-Far 11-4iiT alt aci

0 I II


il I


Vt. II. . SORE mrr3ft

+11a41*1 1 MINI taTWIIII Jorhat Kamrup Karbi Anglong Karimganj Kokraj har Morigaon Nagaon Nalbari Srvasa ar Sonit ur Udalgurt 5. Bihar Araria Arwal Aurangabad Banka Begusarai Bhagalpur Bhojpur Buxar East Champaran Gaya Gopalganj Jamul Jehanabad Kaimur Katihar Khagaria Kishanganj Lakhisarai Madhepura Madhubatu Munger Muzaffarpur Nalanda Nawada Patna Purnia Rohtas Saharsa Samastipur Saran Sheikhpura Sheohar Sitamarhi Siwan Supaul Vaishali West Champaran 6. Chandigarh Chandigarh 7. Chattisgarh Balod Baloda Bazar ol WC ft(1#12101 --4f 3fra* fitiHHOf slim it di i i "i7ital' •1 0111 9T-4Frarr Tti2Amg- 3-4-mIt S. %MT 3retzrr wag 3itiarrwrc wiwr Lilt i q 13 it.., 31 r W4Wi 413i7rt te sillIst v1 711IT .

vies .71 5 iis is 14 UF ali fa 1 .111 itrqR2i-a7 el tiilq

7r111. 31 T4-4 3147 artwoilt .IiMAr W4gT ITEM Ifafrzir t s HI

ti 41 li 'WM , t yf ftare. WO 41 fp el NITAT '4R ft 441,1 ( 6. s is q 4 7. ts tics

•Ilei 4 Vigt< 71uTt Balrampur Bastar Bemetara Bijapur Bilaspur Dantewada Dhamtari Durg Gariaband Janjgir Champa Jashpur Kabirdham Kanker Kondagaon Korba Koriya Mahasamund Mungeli Narayanpur Raigarh Raipur Rajnandgaon Sukma Surajpur Surguja 8. Dadra & Nagar Haveli District Dadra & Nagar Haveli District 9. Daman & Diu 1. Daman 2. Diu 10. Delhi Delhi 11. Goa 1. North Goa 2. South Goa 12. Gujraat Ahmedabad Amreli Anand Aravalli Banaskantha Bharuch Bhavnagar Botad Chhota Udaipur Dahod Dang Devbhoomi Dwarka Gandhinagar Gir Somnath Jamnagar Junagadh Kheda Kutch Mahisagar 4p1114431 WIVT 1 4177 milt 4 gig tloicft S4 t 4044 t *0 till , iii vi*-T q, SI 114 *IP1T al +Miler

714-4t *11114 1r il4 14 i1411 03104+114 214141

TWIT Hi+lul.. r 8. 8.r8T vat war( 844i faar 8T8T Ter mirr- trzter ft-gr 9. PrR" Vzt tref 92Ta trEr 10.

11. *IT ~m8 Ift4T 4fxl.ft 7eRtt 12. 7FiT9' 319-409110" ynk-tr 3048

lig Pft .1.88.4,10

1 A tem olET 344111 418 4 3777 1 4.1,fd qq" grieflawr PIT ii -rig t .1.11+I4 tgi ,ip. c zre*Prr Mehsana Morbi Narmada Naysari Panchmahal Patan Porbandar Rajkot Sabarkantha Surat Surendranagar Tapi Vadodara Valsad 13. Haryana Ambala Bhiwani Fatehabad Gurgaon Hissar Jhajjar Jind Kaithal Karnal Kurukshetra Mahendragarh Mewat Palwal Panipat Panchkula Rewari Rohtak Sonepat Sirsa Yamunanagar Faridabad

14. Himachal Pradesh Bilaspur Chamba Hamirpur Kangra Kinnaur Kullu Lahaul Spiti Mandi Shimla Sirmaur Solan Una 15. Jammu & Kashmir Anantnag Bandipora Baramulla Budgam 0iiturr srli-4 si-a-r

%mom arm 4 1441 1 C 111414110 ti.'t Its-4-Jrr fficit 4* 4i r eiiii 13. 5fiAn i gwrar 1**01 51414 +10+114 *11 fIrs-aT


mam 4 4 *I A 14 *7117 tigdff cift*Ta tiq.*-Ra T tent i0 41 RLflvct ft~1111 1forl* 11 4 a 14. filaim irtar ft-grev .-4r 0 Vit 4,1 IV ..7°‘ *1* el 1- *it *RAT vi 1

3-41 15. 7344, rrei wurrr

4 4 i 1111sel W3ITTA Doda Ganderbal Jammu Kargil Kathua Kishtwar Kulgam Kupwara Leh Poonch Pulwama Rajouri Ramban Reasi Samba Shopian Srinagar Udhampur 16. Jharkhand Bokaro Chatra Deoghar Dhanbad Dumka East Singhbhum Garhwa Giridih Godda Gumla Hazaribagh Jamtara Khunti Koderma Latehar Lohardaga Pakur Palamu Ramgarh Ranchi Sahebganj Seraikela Kharsawan Simdega West Singhbhum 17. Karnataka Bagalkot Bangalore Rural Bangalore Urban Belgaum Bellary Bidar Bijapur Chamarajanagar Chikkaballapur Chikkamagaluru Chitradurga slwr 4t Xe;1

9 311 goal eine 1 lei .7



‘3,714101r oaf 117TilW R91tft iliarr ail 4-47K 3irapp- 16. friraix 4 4111 fit gacl) i UMW vial

Tit oak, w-s-arr ittk o erPT kiM f

tVii 41

NA la,i116 t

VI eh Siei t ell 61,1 all6(4aalt

Tr1 f4.

41, Mei 16 1-1-41 ti 1 4a1ut IIil6 el 616 elm( el 1 '1ft:ft 1Ae17« 17. 4101641 ellelelellk 1ei AITAITI brafir ere( imotia t7.-- Tft ta 1 4 left hrl el 1 i 4-4. WS( Wel I ekt iti-S4 Dakshina Kannada Davanagere Dharwad Gadag Gulbarga Hassan Haven Kodagu Kolar Koppal Mandya Mysore Raichur Ramanagara Shimoga Tumkur Udupi Utta a Kannada Yadgir 18. Kerala Alappuzha Ernakulam Idukki Kannur Kasaragod Kollam Kottayam Kozhikode Malappuram Palakkad Pathanamthitta Thiruvananthapuram Thrissur Wayanad 19. Lakshadweep Lakshadweep 20. Madhya Pradesh Agar Malwa Alirajpur Anuppur Ashoknagar Balaghat Barwani Betul Bhind Bhopal Burhanpur Chhatarpur Chhindwara Damoh Datia Dewas Dhar Dindori Guna 4idlul W ..4. 4i4..1 Iffiatf nwr +3a 4a1 FAR raft etIlsieL


filw ct +I lq+.4


tirsfmn crli Ter 371" 7-- is 4141111 18. *-1-7 31774IT vi oT w{ 5I gm-ti .hitit I 5 WIT.RR, - .11 c.itim

to II 5



II mi.( qa *4•10 To{ Natr apions 19. cutlet 9 warcacr 20. 71...7 ROI 3T77 kiivicTI armor 7141ti 31711q1ri it Qii ic 454i 1-1 Mu St4T7 1461./y tx v:01

CIS PI* 4 qi gm VII- Welt 27r Gwalior Harda Hoshangabad Indore Jabalpur Jhabua Katni Khandwa Khargone Mandla Mandsaur Morena Narsinghpur Neemuch Panna Raisen Raj garh Ratlam Rewa Sagar Satna Sehore Seoni Shandol Shajapur Sheopur Shivpuri Sidhi Singrauli Tikamgarh Ujjain Umaria Vidisha 21. Maharashtra Ahmednagar Akola Amravan. Aurangabad Beed Bhandara Buldhana Chandrapur Dhule Gadchiroli Gondia Hingoli Jalgaon Jalna Kolhapur Latur Mumbai Nagpur Nanded Nandurbar Nashik ...II 4it F-41 X111+11414 tel.

a4 ay


WC- -41

A Tirar- ++4t11t Titcm wrilif .ffH rrMT


t1 inn tcle11+1 tar WITT t1 tfi0 A 1#31t41- 4105 el 4TrAlTF ISTIEF firdr tilt itl'+1t1011 ad■iiii0 3,74q airizrr feritUT 21. 4161A1-c. 31-011-474i 31VraT agruarer 3ittirrdm 413' iigro

a GI


V. I

I 4.1(



ul M.11


01 Ir

•II f

4S1WR Osmanabad Palghar Parbhani Pune Raigad Ratnagiri Sangli Satara Sindhudurg Solapur Thane Wardha Washim Yavatmal 22. Manipur Bishnupur Chandel Churachandm Imphal East District Imphal West District Senapati Tamenglong Thoubal Ukhrul 23. Meghalaya East Khasi Hills South Garo Hills West Garo Hills East Garo Hills 24. Mizoram Aizawl Champhai Kolasib Lawngtlai Lunglei Mamit Saiha Serchhip 25. Nagaland Dimapur Kiphire Kohima Longleng Mokokchung Mon Peren Phek Tuensang Wokha Zunheboto 26. Odisha Angul Balangir Balasore Bargarh 3+411,II414 rfiNtris WIT* Tit iid-I If it-wil 21i.1 cfl i1 cllif RNSat Terg7 MM. zrefr zafirg 449 +lief 22. Af5/7 nt ta-ff F69-{ OW ref ft-gr rolet tiftzi i=a-gr Alm tii .iciiir Ora 3-51W1 23. dglc,.7 TO UT* e.ti wrist. Affil ril trWaft 7TRI el, Vf Rni itRr- 24. alllet Joel et mti-,e1 Tlclllt 4 clIcl IClcli yf

el I CI MI A 11141(SI tifi,or 25. .11.1f 5


.1) elf . I di 4; 3 1 Ria rIk.R. tw ..,,...iiii•I ZeRE 1 C at-> 26. 36fgen

3taIR A ,ICllAm i RRIT"‘ Bhadrak Boudh Cuttack Debagarh Dhenkanal Gaj apati Ganjam Jagatsinghpur Jajpur Jharsuguda Kalahandi Kandhamal Kendrapara Kendujhar Khordha Koraput Malkangiri Mayurbhanj Nabarangpur Nayagarh Nuapada Puri Rayagada Sambalpur Subarnapur Sundergarh 27. Puducherry Puducherry 28. Punjab Amritsar Barnala Bathinda Faridkot Fatehgarh Sahib Ferozepur Gurdaspur Hoshiarpur Jalandhar Kapurthala Ludhiana Mansa Moga Muktsar Patiala Rupnagar Sangrur SAS Nagar SBS Nagar Tarntarn 29. Rajasthan Ajmer Alwar Banswara Baran Barmer HaW altr *z-4. 11 14 traVarg 1 u14 Tia'n ul 1 .431

77-41T *11111.1,1 filc4 (At *triirg tomir *Prr{ ale* 4, iir

+141s1 .11 •1•11 131 .1411 io TIPTT91 r 110 14 111 Mr *IN 111 Art to 27. xl-fett 12" 28. xiaT4 313787

gt•11 tdf wit* cm, c 0 10 111 4 ithtfacT{ 27141*Ir ORT4R7, ar4trr 41•01,111e1

3iti-Lnqr 7r4T17 :Mr +34CI111 4fa-zrrai 1,4.1 11 *1 11"1 441741,1" MR 11 lit MIT i-i ia 29. Zlultti 14 31"7-4T 31W4T ti t8 1111-4' * t Bharatpur Bhilwara Bikaner Bundi Chittorgarh Churu Dausa Dholpur Dungarpur Ganganagar Hanumangarh Jaipur Jaisalmer Jalore Jhalawar Jhunjhunu Jodhpur Karauli Kota Nagaur Pali Pratapgarh Rajsamand Sawai Madhopur Sikar Sirohi Tonk Udaipur 30. Sikkim East Sikkim North Sikkim South Sikkim West Sikkim 31. Tamilnadu Ariyalur Chennai Coimbatore Cuddalore Dharmapuri Dindigul Erode Kancheepuram Kanyakumari Karaikal Krishnagiri Karur Madurai Nagapattinam Nilgiri Namakkal Perambalur Pudukottai Ramanathapuram Salem Sivaganga 3i i 41 li Am I W 411 t Vt ecl * I* 77 4141 ifla3r iMt

didimily *Tim 41,* *I tl lt tl el t ttl lei t *I1 eiIc 11$ ttrr. 'ItTc11 4)ilcR

l Mer 1I cif 4 +I* 0,71 ila14 rarrtgrstrtir TrIvr flriit tiw 34zrf 30. SKIS v .1.1 T2111 ial 3011 +.1 4 41 tit fl X1 9 .1 31. ci tiruf 311201Ki .-.1 41 Alict

clISSIel I .2 '•






WU 4 *Pi

# t


Ai S

.11+IMC...I.IR .flel .1 lel 1-4) el tv7rIr- ti,r15..e.4 11.1.119of

%-4-ekr 32. Tripura Dhalai

Rampur Saharanpur_ Sambhal

Kanpur Dehat Kanpur Nagar et

cluilli cavvIalel


fli +SRA *claqi WI' 4, 41 r z1=Ae -{ ely41 atim•ii 32. RIIT traTt r (3-- 1) MTI ( 4*IvfV) trWsft

33. iCTI'l Walt 3117RT 31 16 eli 6 WWI, 41+14c1 tegt

'OM i

3M4 t1



*rtfroai mg (chm•101 rt6ii11tir WTI' (6114t8) *AV 471IT AT5 t1141,14 .1.$4'4t1+1 1i 41-41341a ileiTt twi r *Tg a linefr ally+, t rival

IxIg r y 01,14 of pu4 Ibt6IT t la 0 Mit -au FRIst allor trrF Kannau Kushinagar Lakhim ur Kheri Lalitpur Lucknow Mahoba Raebareli Ramabai Nagar Shahjahanpur Sitapur Unnao Allahabad Ambadkar Ameth Aza jaarh Bhadohi Bahraich Ballia Balrampur Banda Chitrakoot Chandauli Ghazi ur Gonda Jaun ur Kaushambi MahagA Pratapgarh Mau Mirzapur Sant Kabir Nagar Shravasti S ddharthnagal Sonbhadra Sultanpur Varanasi Gautam Budh Nam. Ghaziabad Hapur 34. Uttarakhand Almora Bageshwar Chamoli Champawat Dehradun Haridwar Nainital Pauri Pithoragarh Rudraprayag Tehri Udham Singh Nagar Uttarkashi 4, A

TIN' It atdl.fy Zett of c1,11 War."


i19• 1H1913 MR' 4116.441y tflcilli 4.-..tict genolsi4 3T4TWT Wni 3r4t1

di1vIH+I Cr

3refet 115116'4


• eptiely


t147c •ii 'st Tetgf

al .1s i



WI14•14 713 ul 41

'fia mitt warr airaFet

Itcluttwrrt ii gala


Gltlui tft

711MT Ica FlTK


34. 4ccititig

3ic.4.1 If

U>-41acr ~Rticho 6 g411 01 of


.1 ,0.14 .44mtii+1 6 311T ftiF mr-i-

3-emer 35. West Bengal Bankura Birbhum Burdwan Coochbehar Dakshin Darjeeling Hooghly Howrah Jalpaiguri Kolkata Malda Murshidabad Nadia North 24-Parganas Paschim Midnapur Purba Midnap Purulia Uttar Dinaipur South 24-Parganas 35. tart'. tiTIF

47.71' taVi CIO

‘•I OR War .710141 1 en ciebitif ruc441

;.191-4741-4 en 4.11 sco 24- xriziaT XIT47T- 4•1111 I* Oily 712441. 3i7i wi wilt Afecrft 24- wpm GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES


Demand by MSME Sector after roll out of GST


Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise sector has submitted any demand to Government after rolling out of GST in the country; (b) if so, the details of the demand made by Micro, small and Medium Enterprises sector; (c) whether Government has acceded to their all demands; (d) if so, the detail thereof; and (e) if not, the reasons therefor?



(a)&(b): Most of the demands from micro, small and medium enterprises sector vis-a- vis Goods & Services Tax were related to general exemption, rate reduction and procedural simplicity.

(c) to (e): The GST Council has provided relief to the Micro and Small sector as it increased the Composition limit to Rs.150 lakh, deferred the applicability of Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) to September 2019, approved a simplified GST return regime and also provided relief to micro, small and medium enterprises by reducing rates on large number of items. Kga V*, 9 3TsiT A'LO'FT T1771r 3raTiti*6 3i T •titstii 925 catsi : 25.07.2018

Tri-ff #ar *-( R-r7r,er# ar-4- 3t 3,1171g 344111-1 EttR. 4141i1 *r irt Tri#

925. 3T. lifirWRT

TzIT Tlyg, 9 34{- ZTVPT 3411+i Tilt zrf gril=l f Tn. d

wzrr r# Tuff 3ft{- #wr w{- Rr7ut# * T -#, 3tiT TrtzraT 6444br Ow 4 twrot gitaT t; zit 0, al TR:F4, Res AT 417r4 344141 ittq 4gRI *1 74 7:6* TattIT WzIT t, WziT 4 4.41 1:114). fixr.r4 fAiir t; za 0, ataMitft «IYtI fir t; 3t1T wit **141 Wzir ,toit Lit f?

Sccii 311T 3:11743:f .1441+1..17Z Tit (4-cl c1,1 6r3TR) (

(w) (Tc) : Tipr, 9 31t{ t7r .34,q +I ittg tr 3ritr*-Nr mei* 4.fq 3ft *Wr * VC, * WA'3I *fir Tr{#- wwr# # tiafe cl g11

(70 # : tritsr-4 AT 9 alw u-fa w-4-rF• wit 404 qrw f*Ae wIr 150 Rug itzrr Priqi, 2019 aw Bari qT4 chi .744 (3rr-ff1w) wfi war cpsoil r2iflcI f2,411 oflqiia Real Wit' .40141 di 3ff-{ err 4 493It * w341. 41.01 ffrf, 3th- Ft7r7:r 4484.14 wfi tioci sr4r# ti GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES


Details of MSME units


Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of MSME units which have been shut down since the implementation of GST; the details thereof, State-wise; (b) the total number of new registrations under MSME sector in the financial year 2017-18 and financial year 2018-19 so far, the State-wise details thereof; and (c) what is the amount of loan disbursed by banks, both Public and Private, for the MSMEs in the last three financial years?



(a): The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) has not received any report on shut down of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) from the State Governments.

(b): 15.19 lakh MSMEs have been registered at Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM) Portal in financial year 2017-18 (01.04.2017-31.03.2018) and 4.90 lakh MSMEs have been registered at Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM) Portal in financial year 2018-19 (01.04.2018 till 20.07.2018). The details may be seen at Annex-I and Annex-II.

(c): The details of the outstanding credit to Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) during the last three years furnished by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) are at Annex-III. 3TTTff titghK li,11-1T, WES AT 7it7171 6444d1 diAle144 117.77 1• MIT maRti*-6 tie9441 926 iccti : 25.07.2018

TRNT, 9 AT 7:11.7Zirr 4 a1 ti

926. 41t 3111TO":

WIT TI-71; FES 3th. 3:11.7PT44-1 di 34.41 Zr6 610 1 ¶qT ch d

(Ti) 311.-{ tar W"{ RTIL 4r4 771, 9 3it{ Trtzar 644441 tr *.til*<; ; u-4-41f1 .4u wzrr (1sT') Vi 2017-18 3tIT fa 4144 4* 2018-19 34. VA; 9 311{- rftzPT 34ditff cl on ct■ u I f4V WV; Trr-a-r-{ awiitft 6,141A1 ITT t; 31ti. (70 7TR. faff 4141 ' vg, 9 341. Trtx7r 3 CO al t:62 *114 al 307 4t-41 t*1" 4c11*(1 %-ur *r f4)d.41 TAT *r

RI-71 9 3tri. Frtm-Fr r Tit (ticiA Tam (aft Rto

(w) 44,4-7r, 9 3th MX71' .3 CO ki el er suzi. wif, 9 3it{ 2:rtz

64,404 (qeig*IV414) i er4 *1. 14`a 'CIWF 410 t

(111") fdc-c414 4* 2017-18 (01.04.2017-31.03.2018) zT 64,411.11 MUTT qiitm (+VW-, teriff ER 15.19 MO k.iiktikeii tart-6 Q. 71V 31t{ Tdccildi # 2018-19 (01.04.201P. 20.07.2018 WW) MUTT (wei) Weg VT 4.90 WM WiqtiVaii tart-a 71.7 ti facKul 3iTlitr 1 3th 31W -41T 2 TT tzu 1T ticivcii t1

(70 aTritzr (31743T TO c c ItI zraTT 1;r9ff rAtse) c 4.0 4YtIai ZIT, 3ft 2:117PT (v+-1viig+43) * 4101+1.4 I T *T gcl•tui 317111' 3 ITT tividul ti Annex-I Annexure referred to in reply to part (b) of the Raiva Sabha Unstarred Question No. 926 for Answer on 25.07.2018

Total MSME Registered During Financial Year 2017-18

(01.04.2017-31.03.2018) Micro Small Medium Si. No. State Total MSME Registered 46371 7925 223 1 ANDHRA PRADESH 54519 212 106 101 5 2 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 1709 1184 492 33 3 ASSAM 95709 3340 122 4 BIHAR 99171 8255 6905 1308 42 5 CHHATTISGARH 840 342 16 6 GOA 1198 169994 22531 1012 7 GUJARAT 193537 24300 4859 220 8 HARYANA 29379 1429 506 41 9 HIMACHAL PRADESH 1976 684 295 11 10 JAMMU AND KASHMIR 990 19245 2078 60 11 JHARKHAND 21383 46036 10039 461 12 KARNATAKA 56536 17455 2986 126 13 KERALA 20567 197808 8030 265 14 MADHYA PRADESH 206103 163729 25713 1361 15 MAHARASHTRA 190803 5602 796 17 16 MANIPUR 6415 505 43 0 17 MEGHALAYA 548 636 154 9 18 MIZORAM 799 107 33 2 19 NAGALAND 142 15944 1945 76 20 ODISHA 17965 24687 4187 146 21 PUNJAB 29020 112620 11089 361 22 RAJASTHAN 124070 114 46 11 23 SIKKIM 171 194599 22800 565 24 TAMIL NADU 217964 32290 13525 372 25 TELANGANA 46187 701 589 108 4 26 TRIPURA 108813 9346 450 27 UTTAR PRADESH 118609 4659 915 52 28 UTTARAKHAND 5626 32949 3337 166 29 WEST BENGAL 36452 1457 1188 260 9 30 ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS 1254 271 28 31 CHANDIGARH 1553 583 194 8 32 DADAR AND NAGAR 785 HAVELI 379 238 130 11 33 DAMAN AND DIU 21963 17453 4297 213 34 DELHI 14 12 2 0 35 LAKSHADWEEP 2100 1782 307 11 36 PUDUCHERRY Total:- 1517144 1348419 164021 6498

Source: Udyog aadhar Portal, Ministry of MSME 3r.Ittr-

117Zr 3TaReitff TRW R. 926, fatmi 3rd' 25.07.2018 *I" itzIT MRT t, alTir '8r' ticcit 31T411'

c Mi. 2017-2018 41'4W 4.3 VeiVt1

(01.04.2017-31.03.2018) 10.711:r W.Ti'. Try fa. tilt-t-6 ai kiwi 4 VjT 71i 7925 223 1 3rill dr 54519 46371 106 101 5 2 31Surr4-4 wall- 212 1709 1184 492 33 3 3RTA 95709 3340 122 4 *Pt 99171 6905 1308 42 5 t.t. ii i I. 8255 840 342 16 6 Atm 1198 7 193537 169994 22531 1012 +bawd.2 24300 4859 220 8 6 tii ii 29379 1429 506 41 9 di1r4 el situ 1976 11 10 ,ice AT ws4t-i. 990 684 295 19245 2078 60 11 $IittsiS 21383 56536 46036 10039 461 12 en VI CO 17455 2986 126 13 iei 20567 197808 8030 265 i 14 7(131"SraliT 206103 163729 25713 1361 15 rtoiti 190803 5602 796 17 16 ii tit 6415 43 0 17 mum ti 548 505 799 636 154 9 18 fA 41 01 107 33 2 19 ail II .3 142 15944 1945 76 20 31fOrr 17965 4187 146 21 tiMW 29020 24687 124070 112620 11089 361 22 '001 10 46 11 23 et 171 114 194599 22800 565 24 d QM 3 217964 32290 13525 372 25 el ii 46187 701 589 108 4 26 i1 27 yMtT 118609 108813 9346 450 915 52 28 ictiiiisis 5626 4659 166 29 rArir 4-ITTR 36452 32949 3337 30 alTgr' 3frifAtOsiit 4414,m6 1457 1188 260 9 31 tiila 1553 1254 271 28 8 32 414ti 33ITMIT 6,141 785 583 194 11 33 ZAW 3ft tra 379 238 130 34 s1y,..ft 21963 17453 4297 213 0 35 Flticertf 14 12 2 36 2100 1782 307 11 Vft 1517144 1348419 164021 6498 .7.:-

W1W : 54_441+131 M itseR,Vaittivtaif Annex-II Annexure referred to in reply to part (b) of the Raiva Sabha Unstarred Ouestion No. 926 for Answer on 25.07.2018

Total MSME Registered During Financial Year 2018-19* (01.04.2018-20.07.2018)

Sl. State Total MSME Micro Small Medium No. Registered 1 ANDHRA PRADESH 7188 4673 2449 66 1 2 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 137 86 50 3 ASSAM 1054 727 318 9 4 BIHAR 22918 21799 1070 49 20 5 CHHATTISGARH 3426 2965 441 6 GOA 485 369 108 8 7 GUJARAT 49123 42984 5819 320 8 HARYANA 12528 10518 1910 100 9 HIMACHAL PRADESH 1113 882 209 22 10 JAMMU AND KASHMIR 476 357 111 8 11 JHARKHAND 6733 5990 711 32 12 KARNATAKA 18269 14880 3227 162 13 KERALA 7429 6315 1072 42 14 MADHYA PRADESH 31594 29411 2115 68 15 MAHARASHTRA 127216 114682 12038 496 16 MANIPUR 2694 2425 266 3 17 MEGHALAYA 271 255 15 1 18 MIZORAM 227 180 44 3 19 NAGALAND 132 101 29 2 20 ODISHA 4044 3364 652 28 21 PUNJAB 15736 14045 1645 46 22 RAJASTHAN 37254 33855 3283 116 23 SIKKIM 37 27 7 3 24 TAMIL NADU 67073 59610 7266 197 25 TELANGANA 14987 10934 3932 121 26 TRIPURA 432 405 26 1 27 UTTAR PRADESH 33627 30110 3348 169 28 UTTARAKHAND 2327 1939 352 36 29 WEST BENGAL 8989 7955 975 59 30 ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR 414 304 105 5 ISLANDS 31 CHANDIGARH 848 734 107 7 32 DADAR AND NAGAR 304 228 66 10 HAVELI 33 DAMAN AND DIU 148 78 59 11 34 DELHI 10806 8811 1899 96 0 35 LAKSHADWEEP 2 2 0 2 36 PUDUCHERRY 728 616 110 Total:- 490769 432616 55834 2319 * Data till date (i.e 20.07.2018 10:30 am Source: Udyog aadhar Portal, Ministry of MSME 31T4V-I1

Tr- r rar 3r6Rif*Wff vta- 34-. 926, ratiem 3-MT 25.07.2018 *I' ftqr fit, arn twr 3-m-{ *ig d

W*2018-i9* t 4 ti crci ttaiVtitt+-16 (01.04.2018-20.07.2018)

w.#. - IT- 1 3R. tilt-faviitimmo4 Tovr Ei AuraT 1 3iiIT raw 7188 4673 2449 66 2 3rbuir4W srbr 137 86 50 3 311,PT 1054 727 318 9 4 ideit 22918 21799 1070 49 5 isccn*M9 3426 2965 441 20 6 7itar 485 369 108 8 7 49123 42984 5819 320 4.71.31ticl 8 ellqiuti 12528 10518 1910 100 9 %intim ;raw 1113 882 209 22 10 WAR aft wortz• 476 357 111 8 11 011 ,45 6733 5990 711 32 12 4,0f ech 18269 14880 3227 162

13 4 4m 7429 6315 1072 42 14 7rt/r Atli 31594 29411 2115 68 15 eieiiiwc 127216 114682 12038 496 16 q= 2694 2425 266 3 17 eltumtdi 271 255 15 1 18 .71 Jai 227 180 44 3 19 gildrias 132 101 29 2 20 Aforr 4044 3364 652 28 21 erarar 15736 14045 1645 46 22 t1.71t-s41.1 37254 33855 3283 116 23 Pf44,e, 37 27 7 3 24 caemis 67073 59610 7266 197 a 25 clei,firi 14987 10934 3932 121 26 432 405 'NTT 26 1 27 3mr wbr- 33627 30110 3348 169 28 6ctit149.5 2327 1939 352 36 29 rawri-nra 8989 7955 975 59 30 347fTg. 3k Mc., Gni scrlmtietp 414 304 105 5 31 T.7g414 848 734 107 7 32 zrur 3th-awr Wt 304 228 66 10 33 474-ff aft *a 148 78 59 11 34 %v. 10806 8811 1899 96 35 MIT-4741W 2 2 0 0 36 728 igt-lt 616 110 2 490769 432616 55834 2319 a :- * 3117' a"+" Wr WET (304* 20.07,2018 10:30 W-4) Tita : 34,4d131MIT rtrea",Vilqt4V414 HgIMq Annex-III

Annexure referred to in reply to part (c) of the Raiya Sabha Unstarred Question No. 926 for Answer on 25.07.2018

Outstanding credit to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises by Scheduled commercial Banks

As on MSE Medium Amount Outstanding Amount Outstanding March 31,2015 961174.17 209851.88 March 31, 2016 996424.94 219582.17 March 31, 2017 1070129.48 226269.34

Source: As reported by Reserve Bank of India 317c41-T- III zgrrzr Trgr 3rdriiita- srw #. 926, Fa7MT 3T6T- 25.07.2018 T1 52,41 1.711•1 I t, p171 var crl 444Mo 3174;itr

39C4-6 curl '47 AV cjciptl ter,WEI 31ft 711.074 3CO ch I 4 I 'kyr

dilltg Rw vanmi- wI4- r wwRrr TAT 444,1441 TOY 31 arid', 2015 961174.17 209851.88 31 TTY, 2016 996424.94 219582.17 31 RA", 2017 1070129.48 226269.34

TAW: Irittzr Roi ctatil zraTTIlfta

MINISTRY OF MSME MIS — PARLIAMENT QUESTIONS QUESTION DATE 30.07.2018 SILS1.111:1 i fth SeJj;011 of i6°' Lok Sabha


' Version \I...., IS)111) 1\1/.

1 Nil —1 Nil


Printed Remarks, if SI. No. Subject Concerned Officer Version Q.No. any. 1842 1 ZED Scheme AS&DC/ JS (TC) JS(ARI) 1865 2 Promotion of Women Entrepreneurs 1914 3 Promotion of MSMEs in Foreign JS(SME) Countries 1920 4 Technology Development Centres AS&DC/ JS (TC) AS&DC/ 1998 5 Cluster of Jaggery in Maharashtra ADC" (PS) JS(ARI) 2019 6 Performance of MSME Sector 2023 7 MSME Exports AS&DC/ JDC (MK) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES




Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) the details of the total number of MSMEs that have started to follow the manufacturing patterns as provided in the guidelines of the Zero defect, Zero Effect (ZED) Scheme; (b) whether the National Monitoring and Implementation Unit (NMIU), i.e., the Quality Council of India (QCI) has been following the guidelines on a consistent basis and if so, the details thereof; and (c) whether there is any mechanism put in place to report the periodic effect of the scheme on the environment and if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?



(a): More than 20,000 MSMEs have registered themselves to take up Zen defect, Zero Effect (ZED) manufacturing under ZED scheme.

(b): Yes, Madam. In accordance with the guidelines of the scheme, the Quality Council of India (QCI) have organised Awareness and Training Programmes. developed e-Learning Modules; have carried out Assessments and have awarded ZED ratings.

(c): National Monitoring and Implementation Unit (NMIU) of the Scheme ha been advised to report the periodic effect of the scheme on the environment. ST117 •ti.tchli 4:0-11; 9 31T1T 7:11717T i44441 TINT 31 d *1(5'141 1842 irctt tA. *r c1111ty : 30.07.2018

4441 44 ..71.41

1842. iTj. ei :

r1 3tt-{ #tw--# jc ei 7TH 7rf ¶T wk-4 ft:

(w) tr# v$-Tr, 9 3 TrtwaT iCtel TR- .titsLil *I 64u WzrT g4etc '5**7- (4Tet) * fOrr-qavil 4 fft 7itT fdfAJilui wr 31TR171. 4)icrti 311111- *7 fain t; (a.) WLIT 'qdRion 307 V*Tt (qaima1aTT$70 3.111‘17. STITtzt JUIa 1I tth-vM (c ,4831* itvr-Pae 5T fA441Aci grtn-{ ra tirgg. W{ t 31I7 zrft 0, wai-41ft 641111 err t; (7r) err 441,A.11 xiqiclivi IT{ ;row * *Ey 4*4- wwr AT wit 0, al FR:Noft err AT wit wet, RI wzri

itch V7f, NES 311-{ 71t7ig 04e1411 TTv 4 714t (4-0(171 raTM 1-40

(W) : 20,000 It 3litrW 1111-1T, 9 AT #1..64,44+11 # 4-4-er Tzkrxr loci * cic (Awter) fdrAdiiul 31ETRI4 Fav 3174-3TIEWI tl oir) : el Aril it4nfAt3TI 39TITT, allTetzr 71-4-dr 41 4 (W4711311t) 4,410 ‘71141Vitt-11 3it{ ;TRAM- ctIleift)J1 3TrZlIfaa. fdbL dl t; MISetcbi *T factim ikoqi 71717 t; 3TiVF-41 ii :TAT t 31U *el& 'TM fi

(70 : TIT 471611 T •tlwael ..P141 (t..it1-13utzp 1i4ISatvl riT er-wr * 3T1aitrw spgra. tr ti GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES




Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government proposes to establish a network to create business model for the various products and services to empower women and to increase their entrepreneurship skill in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector;

(b) if so, the details thereof along with the details of the assistance the Government proposes to provide through this network; and

(c) the details of the schemes the Government proposes to implement in this regards?



(a)to(c): Yes, Madam. The Government, through Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), has launched a portal namely "Udyam Sakhi" for encouraging women entrepreneurs and to aid, counsel, assist and protect their interests. Udyam Sakhi network is a platform for emerging Women Entrepreneurs of India to get support, to understand current scenario of industries and to get guidance in various aspects of entrepreneurship. It helps Indian women to start, build and grow businesses and creating business models revolving around low- cost products and services to resolve social inequities.

In addition to the above, the Ministry of MSME is empowering women entrepreneurship through the following schemes:

Coir Board is implementing the Skill Upgradation & Mahila Coir Yojana (MCY) under which programmes like Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP), Awareness Programme, Workshop, Seminar, Exposure Tour, etc. for attracting more women entrepreneurs to set up coir industrial units are covered. The financial assistance for procurement of equipments/machineries may be obtained under the PMEGP scheme by the trained women for setting up coir units or start coir clusters under Scheme of Fund foraegeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI). Priority will be given to the trained women under PMEGP.

NTre 41 4., 9 3ft 311,7P:r iT.141 di 21 lei ti R'W 31-dRi1V6' A PT Tt. 1865 3-6{ cats, 30.07.2018 4-4141* tRT 1865. 411JT-4t Turari' zrrvt;

cml 3117' di41 zrg" Wtgt is (W) "MI 'W"bli rTkkvf,mir,3 xrt-zrxr 37N-r Trft-6-r311- TRIF4det,kui cf,/zra- raiTha-a-t 37-Trdt awr trawl- t- I LJJ c4-IcR-1141 3c4G-01 chic)) cia-116) (:r) zrfd e, ffi a-F-Tmtit Gea,, q;Err 3fYTT4:1- TrrtzrFr +licnN .31IA ar-Ati6felt-fi 4-211 t3tIT (aT) flichR Gaitl r #"4"4" 71 chP-111cici ti .31101 0141 Tit7Rit ,s.qU ctell

371- 3 711,-MT 7117F4 0-41 (t-a WM) (.'ft its), 'WO

(w) (UT) +Ronk arc r r•kil ctl'o AT31 tat *r a-144, ti,tia-M-, ti Izlcil 3IIT Taff TT,\a--Ft, n 3th- Trt-zrp- - 641.)-1 J4711(+41 'ffit--Tf# 'rlIelch *LichtItdc-R. 31-1-431- f+711- tl .3444al till A--d--4k 1-16(13# ITT NLI6Mcil 64411.I11 cicla110-1 tritnZr TrarftA- AT Tri--4- 4-a- TR auTa- 3ffr Trfo-a-r tl ziF 34F-tzr 7Tromil- 3171Fra7131t Tr-grtrm- chi.) t fli ch4-1 c1 Ic1 (414 3cc1rd 3f tla13f1 c410R-11Q-1 31Tta-T 4,(0), ca4ckilei aiisei 4A' 311T- +161,4 di ti

a-zufd-, pt..-Jzr, 7s- AT TP-71-371 .1111c>1-4 qd-0-1Diaci autzwr ztaci T-6T t:

,47417wlg 4> 41-q 3117 Trit-FT cM.“ T-61- sr -Trk 3ta-ira- Tzg 3tkzkitW VW1-$711 tT T41-9V1 xrfp-r3fi1 3417 3iftfW 31-Wiit7 4),(0) tq cif 4,149N-I (t ft), oni4siuH, chleInM, Qq-÷143-li Hit ..144 cw191.0-ii f+-zrr a11cil I 4t4tidlci 34,414 iftr 41,11 (TchA Ftr1f4F chi.) arnar c 4t 4-(4,k-ct !IT cl, qk! 9-51-1ra- Trftqr311- - kaira- *141t-lul 0111-1,,,(AG) t16N4c1l 141,-(1 ‘1Qd1 s31141 34-c46- q-§1-fra- Aito-3# igrzliTrwd-r ti : 2 :

Under the `Mahila Coir Yojana' scheme, which is exclusively for rural women artisans, training in spinning of coir yarn/various coir processing activities is imparted to rural women in regions producing coir fibre in the country. The scheme envisages distribution of motorized rafts/motorized traditional ratts and other coir processing equipments at 75% subsidy subject to a maximum of Rs.7500/- which can be operated by women after completion of a two months' training programme. During the training period, the women artisans are given stipend amounting Rs. 1000/- per month.

Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) is implementing Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP), a major credit-linked subsidy scheme since 2008-09, to promote and set up micro, small and medium enterprises and to generate employment in rural and urban areas of the country. The maximum cost of the project under PMEGP scheme is Rs.25.00 lakhs for manufacturing sector units and Rs.10.00 lakhs for units under service sector. Under the scheme the women entrepreneurs are provided 25% and 35% subsidies for the project set up in urban and rural areas respectively. For women beneficiaries, own contribution is only 5% of the project cost while for general category it is 10%. All the entrepreneurs including women are eligible for 2 weeks EDP after the sanction of their projects from banks for financial assistance to setup their unit. During 2016-17 and 2017-18, State/UT- wise number of projects set up by women entrepreneurs and margin money subsidy provided is placed at Annexure-I.

The entrepreneurs including women entrepreneurs can sell their products through 8058 sales outlets run by Khadi Institutions including 7 departmental outlets of KVIC located at Mumbai, Kolkata, Ernakulum, Bhopal, Goa, Patna and Delhi.

KVIC is also imparting training for skill development through 38 Departmental and Non- Departmental Training Centres under various disciplines. During 2017-18, a total of 35955 number of women candidates were trained.

Under the Entrepreneurship Development Programme-EDPs (IMC/EDP/ESDP/MDP) Scheme, there is a provision of conducting 20% of EDP/ESDP programmes for weaker sections (ST/SC/Women/PH.) of the society. There is no fee charged from participants of such programmes. Besides, a stipend of Rs. 125/- per week per candidate is given.

Under Domestic Fairs/Exhibition component of Marketing Assistance and Technology Upgradation (MATU) scheme, 100% of the space rent is paid for SC/ST/Women/ NER/PH category MSE units limited to Rs.20,000/- (Rs.50,000/- in case of technology trade fair/exhibition) or actual, whichever is less. Under International Trade Fairs/Exhibition component of MATU scheme, 100% of the space rent is paid for SC/ST/Women/NER MSE units subject to maximum Rs.1.00 lakh or actual rent, whichever is less.

4air6c.11 wzrT 4.4.11 fa*-tEr TIT 4,141u1 aq-for34 L 3 eV' 14)1*.si 3c4 14a1 cbi 04 cl I c.) tfi dald-flue FfeRT3it cheli 4-11.1 wat-/ fd%-.)-1 mei # 75"ra-Tur faQ41 .7nd! ti T47 .41,9 al 3iftWaTf 7500 i)4q.) 3TM 75% 7.1-11c.( cr IfiLFudici ,(c.1 3 3. ch41i .34chiu ra&crr 4hc.A-1011 z1 I (41 t Tremt 9-51-49-ur chi 454.),1-1 trjr oRitFT caw d fir +schdi t-1 9-5149-0T 3rdf4 t. eta; TritRT ehI.ldIAl i 1000 -t,44 4 ctr7 g-ftwr 4't sIIcSl tl

4.g141 3.ft{- 44N-0444Idi 3i-rzftzr 3ft-4- di4r4di 34Q44-11 4:h4tW 7-4 m.-IT chic) 3i17 dal -ilui 3fr 16.1) &Ltit al t1,1d111Tp-A" PQ 2008-09 # J14.5.44 4t.0 I i-114159 441,11, 1rara-trt 4,1451-wi (thQ4-iis.711‘1)) cw-1).-cv-bri Tei t-t 3rarmttr traa cf,145N-1 LiRazior f 3-1fir+771tlldlcl idP4u1 qQ 25 (.1149 i)LIQ 341-{ 4:11 at7 * 5*TF1' 10 c1lt9 i)4Q ti TAIT 3tairff +iI ell 64441A441 WRIT: trft at 411441Ar1i r Fturiwr * FA- 25% 3t{ 35% iir4A 3traar cfrui 7r4t ti marrfitzil * f=47 Ntrm 3i-cm 411q),Aail Rwr6air duiei 5% t 7-4ft Auft fAr Tro . 10% ti giitW.311 1rit7 Trgi 3ezigit 3111 TZT&IF chi <1=hI tiR4-11,7to-H3Th ,z-cflaoci 6).) 1L'(-116 344 l'a-wr-tr on1491-0-1 (*tit) 1L tfT7 t I air 2016-17 t eta' Fifa RT 34!--1 M411 •=4RT TZT1fra" 1-01 1 I,3-ed#E1. alter. 31# 31:1.aZtT WT1 g:FlfU g:fr ,t1r4i5 1) a-rt

trit-Fr 3-43rtft 34541 alart aThRw, dllai, ticail, 3117 fa-F4t. ItztF. 4)413Tr$--01- 07 fal-Tlyitzr 3iT3Z#e Tl1 urr-4)- trtzi-r3ft 4am \Li TA I ci 8058 W) j 31-rua-F 317A. 3F:frd WTr +Ichcl t I 3rrt1 farAo-a-i q*111A01 34-9--ira- 38 foi= -pft-zr 31tt-4- ra-grotzr w51-a-Tur trig I4- cti 71F 7514297" TOT- t 2017-18 Sri, c1 35955 e-Oe.rr 3d dll4al~l Ciffifia- ft41- d1t111

3-43p:ft- f --r-4:r onI 54,4-1-t-irct orrtcrtrtiritgritr+ii /v,H ) 31Fira 1di1,31 chk101 cid] (3-1714pff arf73T TTp.a- sT10-10.11P /d-Q el liaCeli d11') 1. Q 20 1;:eiM- tgrch*.tis9141 1;i14tTia" t I V# ,411 .161 f#Trr .311(11 1 -Ft. 3i714r, 1,P 3 d,ci 1 125/- T. 41? Iffi*1 t I

3117 (Qa-Naq,,$) 4-1 b-I c>17Cg2lfA1it i ataird-, FT:Tf -j 7r1/3TT a-twf4z-ai-ar *Ertl- 1"Q F 11 F i*Tr(1. *r 100 criWwa avraw Wzfr .iii ii tl m:117-44 Tth-r@ri. 20,000/- W. R""' TrifA" t-Ni444 FIQ lY1i 471f 71 * 50,000/-T.) 3P-Tar ciFt-cliach 71 3-it Wazi- ftzfr Q

Annexure-I referred to in reply to part (a)to(c) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 1865 for answer on 30.07.2018

Number of projects set up by Women Entrepreneurs and Margin Money (MM) disbursed during 2016-17 and 2017-18 2016-17 2017-18 SI. MM subsidy MM subsidy State/UT No. of Projects No. of Projectsj No. disbursed disbursed set up set up (Rs. in lakh) (Rs. in lakh) 1 Jammu & Kashmir 476 634.15 1188 1718.41 2 Himachal Pradesh 198 422.73 303 765.23 3 Punjab 454 1316.11 580 1861.72 4 Chandigarh 14 25.07 18 32.58 5 Haryana 283 662.57 422 958.11 6 Delhi 40 58.51 43 57.16 7 Rajasthan 314 1250.10 337 1332.04 8 Uttarakhand 296 528.92 327 676.04 9 Uttar Pradesh 1387 5030.05 1492 5417.78 10 Chhattisgarh 319 977.37 327 959.80 11 Madhya Pradesh 512 2100.23 518 2645.46 12 Sikkim 11 11.16 15 19.35 13 Arunachal Pradesh 104 138.50 86 121.22 14 Nagaland 334 626.72 427 1178.34 15 Manipur 223 581.75 237 473.38 16 Mizoram 128 217.30 134 133.83 17 Tripura 452 734.81 261 393.52 18 Meghalaya 142 155.15 31 56.98 19 Assam 1484 1015.53 581 528.41 20 Bihar 915 2115.84 647 1778.56 21 West Bengal 802 1535.21 406 1144.53 22 Jharkhand 292 494.67 215 537.20 23 Odisha 942 2144.02 777 2095.83 24 A & N Islands 22 15.33 38 33.02 25 Gujarat 567 3905.07 1017 7785.33 26 Maharashtra 783 2233.86 1079 3153.11 27 Goa 37 95.36 19 43.08 28 Andhra Pradesh 294 2631.29 719 2761.31 29 Telangana 218 812.76 370 1534.84 30 Karnataka 816 2362.30 580 1853.93 31 Kerala 635 1112.50 525 960.76 32 Tamil Nadu 1248 2955.01 1929 3314.02 33 Puducherry 26 49.20 21 30.98 TOTAL 14768 38949.15 15669 46355.86 394tH faoict, 30.07.2018 * Hla,ttsti 33-drirwa SRA" 1111711 1865 * 3TPT (W) (71) * 39 TY sfret 3iTitr-1 ar 2016-17 Ftn- 2017-18 etTm- giitRT 6eke1 ea amTzuf4-6- 14R411,,f0-113T1- -ifddRc-1 aka TrAt 2016-17 2017-18 W. Mf4a. risaciRd Tna.-4- Tmfera- .44 dRci Ti-rm- flsx .i -i tl• tisk th #. LI 4.7101134 f .3:1-- ((,fity F. t 141W010-1134 Q. pot (,,,„„ F. go .t-i9eu +11541 1 oiJ-d3-cf-)7 476 634.15 i 1188 1718.41 2 f64-11*-161 L1a7T 198 422.73 303 765.23 3 ti- 454 1316.11 r-4. 580 1861.72 4 zi d lg, 14 25.07 18 32.58 5 283 662.57 e04.111 422 958.11 6 4.. 1- 40 58.51 43 57.16 314 1250.10 7 ZTa7.1-5:7 337 1332.04 296 528.92 8 .irli14..8 327 676.04 1387 5030.05 9 6di 11-a-W 1492 5417.78 10 0, .4.idiq, 319 977.37 327 959.80 11 39-t-zr 9--‘4-w 512 2100.23 518 2645.46 12 11 11.16 oi 15 19.35 104 138.50 13 3.Th-ul l -VR 1,42,7T 86 121.22 _ 334 626.72 14 0-1d1i6I8 427 1178.34 15 H 1..7..v 223 581.75 237 473.38 16 ,..,i .oi 128 217.30 133.83 134 452 734.81 17 ftcru 261 393.52 142 155.15 18 Niem 31 56.98 1484 1015.53 19 3.TFT1- 581 528.41 20 1=4--R- 915 2115.84 647 1778.56 802 1535.21 21 tf§"ffai eidit6i 406 1144.53 22 vi.( 4.4s 292 494.67 215 537.20 23 3.1-)-ft7TT 942 2144.02 777 2095.83 22 15.33 24 315.3.11T f44-, ok 4, 4 TI-31-6 38 33.02 2 5 1,iirci 567 3905.07 1017 7785.33 ::6 j.E14.N 783 2233.86 1079 3153.11 27 37 95.36 dual 19 43.08 294 2631.29 28 3TiV vtu 719 2761.31 218 812.76 29 ()(4d00-11 370 1534.84 816 2362.30 30 =60-i d.c h 580 1853.93 635 1112.50 31 dl-tef 525 960.76 72 1248 2955.01 wig 1929 3314.02 33 7---4-tt 26 49.20 21 30.98 14768 38949.15 15669 .T. 46355.86 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES




Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government has signed any Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cooperation in the field of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) with various countries including Sweden and Netherland; (b) if so, the details and the salient features thereof along with the extent to which such cooperation is likely to help Indian MSME sector, country-wise; (c) whether the Government has established/proposes to establish MSME cell in the in major countries for promotion of the Indian MSMEs and if so, the details, thereof, country-wise; and (d) whether the Government organizes/proposes to organize annual MSME fairs/exhibitions for promotion of MSME in major foreign countries and if so, the details thereof, country-wise?



(a)&(b): Yes, Madam. The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India has signed 20 MoUs/Agreements with various countries including Sweden for cooperation in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) sector. MoU with Sweden was signed on rt June, 2015. There is no MoU /Agreement with Netherland. The objective of the MoUs is to promote cooperation between the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises of the two sides. These MoUs provide structured framework and enabling environment to the MSME sector of the two sides to understand each other's strength, markets, technologies, policies etc. The Agreements also facilitate the respective MSMEs to participate in each other's trade fairs/exhibitions and to exchange business delegations, to understand policy and explore markets so that joint ventures, tie-ups, technology transfer etc. could take place. The signing of Agreements does not contain or involve any financial, legal or political commitment on the part of either party.

(c)&(d): No, Madam.

el ti 307 TN-731. .544.H TfaiT 1914 artrur 30.07.2018

f4t211 at klel-NiLitla-1

1914. 43fr arm qcwidi ufrg#:

cH.11 TO ‘31-, 3TraT d1 fur ct)Id

(t.) 11ic4-*( 3 J14.1.8 Titra- Tf1.4 TZL-F, c'itA att-{ Trteldi th a1TrE- -al-aTER- 44.1-10di ,F111-1.1 (<413-11zo ITT ftzrr t; (ur) qia t 311-4- T4R-tt Ad Ef- Ittsrat µii a-a-Tr TT-71r al-FT-J(7 7faTr-4- t; (T) u- ii aTFr4t7- Aar 211 a1 arr-{-41-4 el r-an.fti - f z1T t/(4,(.) 0-. Hsr d(-44,,401 7.7.41-41 cH41 ;; 3117 (Er) clq41 +licht,k Aar 2r1 a=1 lall FIla1 ria f4Q- c)1L÷iqd4 Am/cr&21-1'4-4:6- 3Trzir'da' 1 t/3Trzitftu cb i t aftT Trf - FF4:1-4ft 2T-(41.e ftTr

eiq 3117 gral-ai 6qc1-1 i10-44 ai (-c4c11 Wig) Oft RDilol

(W) AT (a): 11, el -Rg 3i17. 37T1 d-1,11c-N, aTr .d,(crirt 31-Qeic1 3€1-24 0 a1 TrotIr f 4-01G1 Trit-F 431-2T 20 +1<(-1-11(-111.7--d1/4-1=1-1*-11d1. Er{ P=a.R 13- - f ti ,k-cf1Sd 41d-1*-11d1 N=111-id uR isk-di 1 Qkci, 2015 ,i1Q1 Adi.teIS 4 t ,Z-14-IA-11 Wural. c•N 3tt-{ Tr jai 3 1 r 1 cw,41 ti iid1*-1 di q1it4-1 4F-a-rt, liski1P14>Q4) (Zc4-0161D4), c-1)111. 31-Fft 41 trul. Qci-1Q-41Q+1 ct)) )-41c1c) coic) ti a?r-A/u40-1'4-41 a1 aira-r c).1 HP_TF (21(441111 (qc1-41-c1o1) 4,41. 1 rrar tau it7 Rzi-4-rva- ait Tim-4 TF.ZS 3--craT, uY,,41Pc.R (2.,4,--11(41.f1) af-d-Tur Hitt t ,64d 410' trer t'r 3117 # ER fttzr, T1 TIT IA-4:44o

(ar) AT (Er):





Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) the status of work on Tool Room/Technology Development Centres proposed to be set up at Rohtak and Saha, Ambala in Haryana including the stage of construction of building infrastructure;

(b) the number of new Tool Rooms/Technology Development Centres approved/proposed in Haryana during the last three years;

(c) whether the work is going on as per the schedule or is there some delay in completion of work and if so, the details thereof including correspondence with Government of Haryana and , if any; and

(d) the details of the investment made by the Government in setting up each o; these centres and the number of people likely to be benefited from each suci centre every year and the time by which work on these Tool Rooms is likely to b-. completed for full fledged operations?



(a) to (d): Under Technology Centre Systems Programme (TCSP), one Technology Centre at Rohtak (Haryana) has been approved with estimated cost of Rs.125.56 crore. The work in respect of this Technology Centre is as per schedule and its estimated annual training capacity is 8500 trainees.

Rita` Tkirg, 311T g:TtArg a1 4-1 PI I 'I 41 ch MIT 3raRlit-6 1;w- titseir 1920 c-cl ka* *tctl flry : 30.07.2018

4y1 amr-4

1920. 4t gssi:

wan- TT,1-7f, '9 31t alum 54,41d1 7zr-6- a ci I *21' TIT c#4 d1 f4:

(W) 11#4 I u I I 116aW- 3f4TRT TUTRref i*V.,Ila MA' 1,1 -dII cl JkIchiui WEIT/$114,44) n cG) j c j 410-0 wrzt WzIT t MIT 31-Ta. 31a tl tUQ1I i faalSuI * ?tea wzrr t; (zr) 'ara 3 Mil t 4 031 *114-11ull TerfalSitc11 cl M' LIch,tul WitIVA 444 l' *r 14>siall t; (7r) WWI 34hd W14 3Tq st).14 3T74,TITT c Fri zIT acrd WrZt firtiF '04. Tu fk4w zit e, Fa:J41ft 64-fiii WAT t FITT 5-fr IiitT qiult ITTIT err rZ piTt3t4

(IT) *el #WA. .* 41,a-4 TtrTAT *f4V 1%-g- 711T fAtli *1' wilt! 'Wtr t FITT titAFT*" t77-4 - Sfi" a k %del Adii* RraTTP`da- V1A. FITT * tfuj # c4 )14 c(Cl enqch mathri Wit WA' aV 2`r aigrawr ?

37-a-{ '9E1 3 7117171- 3441a1 lvil 44t (t-c cl V317) Iol

(i) • (Er) : c,...14 wurrA chi 0,44 ( 3rd-4-6, TIOW (6 411 I I) 4 125.56 chi)* 3r42TriWu- efidid # ‘Alco1i1c1 Fraftra chi.) TT 39'41-4 +-I I 717T I fq SACO) *-4 4)14 31741 1c1 III el l ar1t We TOT t 3ft **PA cl114 et) 51-511tTur r wrafar 8500 salg ti GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES




Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government proposes to develop the jaggery clusters in various parts of the country including Maharashtra; (b) if so, the details thereof including necessary infrastructure provided in this regard, State-wise; (c) whether farmers producing jaggery were registered for the same; (d) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor; and (e) the corrective steps taken by the Government in this regard?



(a): Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) extend financial support for development of clusters under Micro and Small Enterprises Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP) and Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI).

(b): No proposal of Jaggery Cluster has been approved under MSE-CDP and SFURTI.

(c) to (e): Does not arise in view of (b) above. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES




Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) the details of jobs generated in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises(MSMEs) sector during each of the last three years and the current year, State/UT wise including the State of Gujarat;

(b) the details of the contribution made by this sector to the nation's GDP and percentage contribution made towards the country's total exports during the said period;

(c) the details of the major challenges faced by the MSMEs especially with regard to facilitating their growth; and

(d) the steps taken/proposed to be taken by the Government to encourage the MSME sector and generate more jobs in this sector?



(a): As per the National Sample Survey(NSS) 731-d round conducted during the period 2015- 16, MSME sector has been creating 11.10 crore jobs (360.41 lakh in manufacturing, 387.11; lakh in trade and 362.82 lakh in other services and 0.07 lakh in Non-captive Electricit:, Generation and Transmission) in the rural and urban areas across the country.

Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) is running various schemes to boost employment generation in the country. Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) is a major credit-linked subsidy programme aimed at generating self- employment opportunities through establishment of micro-enterprises in the non-farm sector by helping traditional artisans and unemployed youth. Any individual above 18 years of age is eligible. General category beneficiaries can avail of margin money subsidy of 25% of the project cost in rural areas and 15% in urban areas. For beneficiaries belonging to special categories such as scheduled caste/scheduled tribe/OBC /minorities/women, ex-serviceman, physically handicapped, NER, Hill and Border areas etc. the margin money subsidy is 35% in rural areas and 25% in urban areas. The maximum cost of projects is Rs.25 lakh in the manufacturing sector and Rs.10 lakh in the service sector. Benefit can be availed under PMEGP for setting up of new units only.

The Scheme was launched during 2008-09. Since its inception, a total of 4.72 lakh micro enterprises have been assisted with a margin money subsidy of Rs.10007.67 crore providing employment to an estimated 39.36 lakh persons, till 2017-18 (up to 31.03.2018). The details of job generated during each of the last three years and the current year, State/UT wise including the State of Gujarat is given at Annexure —I.

Tka-71, c 31T gl.C.11#, .64.1,11 <>I ct) Tf3TT 31.9T-41- iccf IT29. #. 2019 3(7-1i del t1. 9-1-trtg 30.07.2018


2019. 411.31-4Y 1:Vara - c0i5c0:

cH-11 eiti 3117 Ur,-7/# 5-41--3Tdi 41 trr ct) ,J1

(.) did" (-Do quil oz1 Trp:r, 3i1T Trteid-1 371-Tf Oa-1l.1-1t d-f3) # 'l.1d1141fTiT dpRIci Vita' .0,3-4-1"-c11.kcLILI Vtt. c1-z11

(.1T1.) aUG1 121. 3c-41d, a1 ,44. A-17 t Kzti Zrct-zir t TM cT # Plt L1)dla1.1c-FiTc11 t219 t.; (TO 4-1‘11aT tra -Er 3c4 10M-1# 4-IGAdgatr4-4 -ts71t4-1 c/-4-11 t 31

(FT) > dile 1 d1 a CO) GlOiCii a-24-r *.4-1 0-9- at t f ,wcw c.H.41 1 3O11' t/6611; oilc) 1,44-(-11W1

.5rk eiti 311-1 WC2171 3-uaT .00-4 J-141 (.-,_4(-11 WITT) nRim .W)

c14 2015-16 W. 31-4f4 t. .(I q-1 fTT dIV Tita-TUT (qciq`Q4-1) 73" Gil 31TT17 a 21--Et1 Qc4. d,1Id31u1a-tt 31ft1 gTQ-1,3-1 3cra1 0 11.10 X11 3 # 360.41 .W1q,- c.Q4111I.( # 387.18 91-111. 9-21T 3 r Ac11311.. 31 362.82 FlTi f4gd- +itikui) 1td- 3111 dit,zldi 644di d1llcizf ct) t'er -cI61 tf l ti gt1Ta-441- cbk6d-I (011i4AL.11) .Qct, Wd war shd-i D.dud 44,4 c121T .31,11k r3r1 41 .1-1,1e1c11 Jk-Tftf t a1 war 3(rat- c11 T24C191 d11U1d-1 # tI 18 u # 31itIT 3.117i u))3 a#1 c.74111. 1:11-q *rit .11-1T2-fT JAid-iiul 01- # 1-1Re1).11c-Il cUdlci W. 25% a2Tr RrOr 1 # 15% aid TI-jt T11- 4 tl 31- 1./3.17aT/Tri'OT3i1/21#1. cF .ta-1 # i-4e-/)e{1,11I/3 /10.9.T z f211si- 41=61-41 .1-1c110c1 7-1241-f071f f ,111,1-fit-11 0-111. # 35% a-211- u-er a-t-91- at 25% TITI:A7 4-11-41 t I 1-11Ae11,IGIT 311tM-9-# (HidirT gr 259-1-W #41- . # 10 FM- TI1-4 tI c1i c1ci 1-$711 Tztrur-r fcr 1)l1'4.311111 ci 311449- 4-icbd1 tl

*41 F&TI. W. 2008-09 eNici 2Stq i Zrr uT-41-1 # 10007.67 cb T. #Tf1-9- d-10-1) •1.11.41 Tei 4.72 FT1:4- ki61z1d1J chi c)) cA 2017-18 cfcb (31.03.2018 rich) 31-qFird- -9- 39.36 7r-g c--Q-414)L1't rhl llvidH itzrr Jizif I f471-9. cnc-1 c.141 # >cF-4T kr4 UPS c't'Id J,1,7N171 llszi ftd- Ezth-r itzir d l zi l ti : 2 :

Coir Board, a statutory body under Ministry of MSME is implementing Coir Vikas Yojna (CUY) for sustainable development of Coir Industries in the coconut producing States. The details of employment generated in coir sector during the last three years are given at Annexure — II.

(b): As per available data, the details of the contribution made by MSME sector to the nation's GDP is given below:

2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Share of MSME in total 29.7% 29.2% 28.9% GDP (in %)

The percentage contribution made by MSME sector towards the country's total export is given below:

2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

% Contribution to Country's total 44.75% 49.86% 49.69% 48.58% exports

(c): MSMEs face challenges like Availability of credit, technology up-gradation, marketing, and infrastructure. Sector face difficulties in mobilizing the capital fund to set up their industries and also market their product in competitive environment.

(d): The Ministry of MSME has taken a number of initiatives for the promotion and development of MSME sector across the country. Ministry of MSME is implementing Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP), Credit Guarantee Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE), Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS), for credit assistance and employment generation.

For Skill development and Infrastructure Development Ministry of MSME is running A Scheme for Promoting Innovation, Rural Industry & Entrepreneurship (ASPIRE), and Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI).

For Quality improvement and to sustain market competitiveness Ministry has started ZED Scheme, Digital MSME Scheme etc. Ministry has also launched many portals to help entrepreneurs in technology up gradation and to promote marketing of their product.

c>i 31t2 aTtem 37134 di i 31-QfM"t cb Rlff4ru- fir, tt .5ct4144, Trzy-z # m--zR 3111-ur Tra-a- fir f fam-rTr (ftart) (pm 0-cid tl f c j e■ Ud-1 WZIT # 3*C1--11 # itzfr tl

3-it 31ITITT t11 4ichoi ET 3c Ul # 41--q dm!

e11d141.-r 1"si71- itzTr `11-11

2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

vi +icrYcl Eft 30-iid, at 29.7% qdw,tiq,14 r ft-4R:rr(% at) 29.2% 28.9%

t21- qki f sar 1AP21-a- 441,rie,k1 fiT dien

2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 42T Tcl ftzfra # 44.75% 49.86% 49.69% 48.58% 070qdieJo

(7T) Tka-w, 3ft Jr-e4.4 3713=1" Ohl 3-craztr-ar, 1,I 4-4 6G-c-l1-IG-1, 1. ulai Vhtzit cNc) 3{U# 3--411-4 Tztrferff Vt-Jra. fAfq .AdIA 3117 ClfdTcrcit Ulcilutul 34. arCi# 1:Tr ctic11

(Er) Tka-w, 3tt-4- d-I t2r 3{-4- kt9- Th4t-j kci fir q5F-TFt 'mg attT dTC-A-41-1 3€1-# df l ct cro4TRatt cr,1 0,÷1 & fTr. Ur Trrttr R4'1#. (40fiaQd-14), f4Q- QUI Rft-A4F (kfNeiAk-f) ctv45.--qd ~ttl t► f4-wru i 31-4T4-4-a-..11 34 Trq-Q-4,1-1 3Trai" 4,11411u1 3CltaT lU 644Pc-II TI-74# F1T# (v4-(4H-1.0 cT2Tr Ut4tldlci 3-CitUff felfir (Tick-f4) tl usura-r a-21-r Tzq# sAs mar, Dd.c>r Cdr, ti 1,r1q111Q 6/.4{Ae1I (-MA #24-r 3c-1-1I4 fduuIG1 Th-t TF4M. -d" cr,tol 1 -cr -T1 qfit7 21T Annexure-I

Annexure I referred to in reply to part (a) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Qn. No. 2019 for answer on 30.07.2018

State-wise position of employment under PMEGP during last three years and current year ( up to 30.06.2018).

Sr. 2018-19 No. State/UT 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 (up to 30.06.2018) 1 Jamtnu& Kashmir 12115 11691 30024 8888 2 Himachal Pradesh 5134 6916 7088 1016 3 Punjab 7762 9858 12160 2472 4 UT Chandigarh 323 376 360 56 5 Uttarakhand 6161 9890 12904 4648 6 Haryana 7232 11016 13744 2728 7. Delhi 2048 952 920 40 8 Rajasthan 14537 13408 12614 4336 9 Uttar Pradesh 43059 36315 43456 12472 10 Bihar 19624 25872 18456 5864 11 Sikkim 397 201 296 40 12 Arunachal Pradesh 104 1984 1672 832 13 Nagaland 4998 7783 7440 1232 14 Manipur 2715 8419 4800 1568 15 Mizoram 9072 3400 1992 1424 16 Tripura 5355 17961 8928 1864 17 Meghalaya 4824 2632 600 528 18 Assam 9026 31498 18256 8896 19 West Bengal 12746 26604 10928 3824 20 Jharkhand 12873 10400 8888 2464 21 Odisha 17629 20392 19192 6184 22 Chhattisgarh 9496 12856 11704 6016 23 Madhya Pradesh 16497 15520 14432 2432 24 Gujarat* 14960 11629 15008 3632 25 Maharashtra * 20161 17799 26632 8744 26 Andhra Pradesh 7740 14148 12216 3136 27 Telangana 7761 6445 9520 1488 28 Karnataka 17284 30286 16920 5560 29 Goa 500 660 400 32 30 Lakshadweep 0 00 00 00 31 Kerala 9653 13068 10776 3712 32 Tamilnadu 20836 25764 32760 4592 33 Puducherry 447 699 352 48 34 Andaman & Nicobar 293 1398 1744 296 Islands 323362 407840 387184 111064 * including Daman & Diu. * including Dadra & Nagar Haveli 394q-1 ft--iw 30.07.2018 41-31T 31—dRia" 0-.5" i'gzif 2019 374 () 3rd al 3f-a5ra ard---41r-t fera-A- cfloi c4 f 3 q-Jam thqd4.41111 kara. tl.,idn c *1- ilsTelci I (30.06.2018 dco)

. T. 2018-19 iis.reutEr ikrzi 417- 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 (30.06.2018 ctcP) 1 0-Fa31sf-t - t 12115 11691 30024 8888 2 a-il m Li 2I r 5134 6916 7088 1016 3 'al I 4 7762 9858 12160 2472 4 t-it1 tio-f 07 zisclar, 323 376 360 56 5 .t-ftitsis 6161 9890 12904 '4648 6 dit-iii C 7232 11016 13744 2728 7. It---4- 2048 952 920 40 8 R1-7"F2IT- 14537 13408 12614 4336 9 3rii 112T 43059 36315 43456 12472 10 *r{ 19624 25872 18456 5864 11 qi).9 397 201 296 40 12 3fTuTm- u2,2r 104 1984 1672 832 13 .-14ligs 4998 7783 7440 1232 14 alfDrg 2715 8419 4800 1568 15 .31 ici-1 9072 3400 1992 1424 16 .F4sTr 5355 17961 8928 1864 17 Nidel 4824 2632 600 528 18 332,f3T 9026 31498 18256 8896 19 ITNrdi c ■illei 12746 26604 10928 3824 20 -fit4.sis 12873 10400 8888 2464 21 3i1it21-1 17629 20392 19192 6184 22 E9, ti f 9496 12856 11704 6016 23 g7C-7 Li 2f 16497 15520 14432 2432 24 dpitIci* 14960 11629 15008 3632 25 dt,iti ** 20161 17799 26632 8744 26 3ini ST 2f 7740 14148 12216 3136 27 (•)eiJitor 7761 6445 9520 1488 28 r-t)i cc!) 17284 30286 16920 5560 29 di CH 500 660 400 32 30 Fareftf 0 00 00 00 31 tc.f 9653 13068 10776 3712 32 d c-idf§ 20836 25764 32760 4592 33 SWF 447 699 352 48 34 3i3tt<41641t6- -4:rfff -t- u TRKT 293 1398 1744 296 323362 407840 387184 111064 * ...,.__

** GIGtI gci cid it Annexure-11

Annexure II referred to in reply to part (a) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Qn. No. 2019 for answer on 30.07.2018

State 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Kerala 1312 861 1629 Tamil Nadu 1483 2383 1059 Karnataka 102 432 287 Andhra Pradesh 879 652 193 Odisha 325 225 375 Others 108 226 89 Total 4209 4779 3632 ftdi-W 30.07.2018 1 R1--W 3Ta171%-a- IT T dT 2019 3-11-aT (W) i 597 at 3f1a-

T1- 3f 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 iei 1312 861 1629 c-irAei.-q 1483 2383 1059 chci cco 102 432 287 31tV I*21* 879 652 193 3i1%21-r 325 225 375 35-Tr-- 108 226 89 Vi 4209 4779 3632 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES




Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether most of the food and agriculture products are exported by the small and medium enterprises in the country and if so, the details thereof; (b) the number of enterprises out of the total small and medium enterprises in the country engaged in exports; and (c) whether these units earn more profit in comparison to other enterprises functioning in the country and if so, the details thereof?



(a)&(b): As per the information received from Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics (DGCI&S), the number of exporters engaged in food, vegetables and agro products has been 8035 in the year 2017-18 and the MSME share in these product exports from India has been 4.17% during the same period.

(c): The profit of enterprises depends on various factors such as cost of raw materials, use of efficient technology, quality, packaging, marketing of finished products, freight & insurance charges, taxes & duties, etc.

aTTTF Nt-71, NQ 3 TrtPT RIW iraTT 3rerili*U 511 - titvii 2023 41' : 30.07.2018

qa1qii4•44 Pt' d

2023. aft qTT-4 Lit :

WWI T7r,- -1.7PT 64t1 ZiF c1144 1 TIcIT f*:

err ter 3TitIVNT istic0 3 TN 3c414 9 glid 'RUM 94,44,111 4a1tI 1 iici al*f 3117 71.124. Faiitft raft wzrr t; ttr yff AT 30.7171- TI 1T .14,444-1 afi .1* cl tietao f; 31tT

WIT 4 *chi*qi t1T 4 wATra-6 i4444-1. ciiii 4 3TftIW RUT iicl f3111.4114 e, a441ft "nit wzn, t?

37d--{ VA, 9 3tt-{ TrtZlIT 341 Th-,571' Wit (tcl ci SraiM Oft 1) I 'al WO

(*) : a I f l fvT I m 3TRL--4R-r 3r1Z *II 44 1Tro-rrAttrwzr vrca. ciait-Lifaq 3rd VW ic4141 X 44 cm: *itsql * 2017-18 8035 tft FT 3r4itr 41tI., 3111-6 3—*7" icvicj q4-iici wi1ii44-13 3117ft4,Ttt 4.17 crretrii

(7r) : 3444di *1 arm tt eildici, 73TR IA 4,e1 dl, 4-113T, c14I 3:TW ki id4upd, 1-41041 thiT 11,e.thI 3.11T WTI VF1Tftt 14*•', chid! t MINISTRY OF MSME MIS — PARLIAMENT QUESTIONS

SESSION : 246th Session RAJ YA SABHA QUESTION DATE 01.08.2018


SI. Subject Concerned Printed Version Remarks, if No. Officer Q.No. Priority No. any



SI. Subject Concerned Printed Remarks, if No. Officer Version any. Q.No. 1. Favourable conditions for AS&DC/ 1706 __promotion of MSMEs ADC(SM) 2. Solar Charkha Mission JS(ARI) 1707 3. Performance and target AS&DC/ 1708 achievements of MSMEs ADC(SM) 4. Schemes for promotion of MSME AS&DC/ 1709 sector ADC(SM) NO DELAY


No. 3(1)/2018-Parl. Government of India Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Office of the Development Commissioner (MSME)) ***** Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi Dated, the 27.07.2018


A list showing Rajya Sabha Questions, which have been admitted for answer on Wednesday the 1st August, 2018 is enclosed at Annexure. The Rajya Sabha Unstarred Questions files may be put up as quickly as possible and should reach today to AS&DC (MSME)/ JS (SME) & JS (ARI). Notices of Admitted versions of the question have already been sent to the sections concerned.

43-z-4-4-1I -7/117 (Duni Chand Chambail) Consultant( Parliament) Tel: 23061044 To

JS (SME)/ JS (ARD/JS(TC)/DDG(S&D)/ ADC (SM)/ADC(PS)/ ADC (AS) Dir. (Parl.)/Hindi Section.

Copy to :-



Favourable conditions for promotion of MSMEs


Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) the steps taken/being taken by Government for creating/providing favourable conditions for the development and promotion of MSMEs under the Ease of Doing Business programme and the extent of success achieved therefrom during the last two years; (b) whether Government has enacted a model legislation for regulating the functioning of MSMEs in the country and if so, the details thereof; and (c) whether the same legislation is being replicated/followed by all the States in the country including Uttar Pradesh and if so, the details thereof and if not, the steps taken/being taken by Government in this regard?



(a): In order to promote the Ease of Doing Business, the Ministry of Micro, Small am Medium Enterprises (MSME) has introduced online filing of Udyog Aadhaar Memorandun (UAM) from 18.09.2015. Since then the total number of UAM filed by micro, small and mediur enterprises is 4931098. In addition to it, the Ministry has also taken the following steps promote the Ease of Doing Business:

(i) MSME SAMADHAAN Portal- for empowering micro and small entrepreneurs acro. the country to directly register their cases relating to payments delayed by Centre Ministries/Departments/CPSEs/State Governments etc.

(ii) MSME SAMBANDH Portal- to help in Monitoring the Implementation of Publi, Procurement Policy for micro and small enterprises.

(iii) MSME SAMPARK Portal- A digital platform, wherein, jobseekers (passed out trainees / students of 18 MSME Technology Centres) and recruiters get connected.

(iv) Digital Payments- to pass on the benefits of the schemes of Ministry of MSME through digital payment gateway.

(b)&(c): The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development (MSMED) Act, 2006 has been already enacted. This Act is applicable to all the States and Union Territories of India.

Kr{a. iTsecTf, 9 3t *MT 34..tIH +1711e141

ZT 7zr 1:11TT 3rerTifta. #19:11 1706 37FT t* *1' : 01.08.2018

wivtiq4-14 aVrar flag' 3T.;+7-

1706. aft 6,(014- f

wzrr wr, gt-{ Furkr- 7i-41 zr6 waTA. AtTn.

*tom,/ qatti 4tit att cot *1 Fezra * ctoct Trg, 34{- atrurg 64...44,11 (14,iittip;44) dit 1¢01 *fAv 3T ItiVtratti ttract witistAto *74* fAv *zit wor 6atki 7W #136w f; i 4.06 t ot4t4 14t/v/il twmitirfAlt ;

(N) WITT iiichlt alr # t+11'tilN3 * cht chiul *). fvv *t atiset critiso aFrwr 3t4 it, at F-44/frotitti wzr t;311-{

(7r) *ZIT 37{ Tall. tqr Traft 14. i cbirkel afi 3Ttrerzfr 71-4T t131I4..1— rfr t; Alt FR,tilft WaTT wzrr kr wit 41-, 'at titchli 4.511AI 14-4tr ;4- wzrr-wzrr 60IV t/011: rr


VA; RES 3t{ Tit-Zrg 54444-1 ik.144 Olt (*do WATT) oft fliAtt.t ft)

(*) : ifsEriT, AZ RUM' 64,40-1 41 1e1 04-1141i cbto) at TRW Lai * ?AV f4•11(41 18,09.2015 # 34q 311117 nvert (717g) iiMRTIW WA' 4froit 31T-411' 1 •41 tl as # Trfg, 9 3117 FURT 34:441. 771 a f+-v Iry eistm,di *r T-F 4931098 71* 3Tfeff6 Alei +-I 4aitl 0+4141i W{# *fi TITF war-4 * ?Ay .md-oDrarf solq f:

I. lteiviivei3 ARitnM w'reg-4,41.1 diAleiOreimaril 3171 t 3111* cl elrffiR' Zl 4-i=an 3Toiioi #11.1. *7-4 f tgrar-T 71 71:sit-TT, AT 94_44 +-I TrItrwa war' * f4vi wivii1/4414 *Wu rag-I:Erg 30 9 * FAT .tri 01 4, a 4t1=4 * crott .-tputri *t H 441 3:1 'ram III ww.twen *14 'cc- LIV , 7ft 41 tsi arg gfilifp18 viiket1kei4 444 *et t id4q1211) 3T1T 9.41cro4 3TrtrA 71Tit* WtTWA I

Iv. %Dept sprew-i fle0 apraTa atzt * Tuvrxr 44- 11+1q.a.:•14 *r Rrsr =rpm'

(u.) A- (7r) 9 at{ aitzrg 54144-1 fa9,ltl (1/4,0-wtiq4-t4 ) 3ii4eiWzin, 2006 WO 3rftrft7ara f*zrr arwwr ti zrF arttrfAtrif arrra Trsfi. 1-170. AT 7rEr ifo•41 #511 tr7 7171, flan ti GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM EN1ERPIRSES


Solar Charkha Mission


• Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has launched Solar Charkha Mission in 50 clusters across the country; (b) whether Government plans to set up 15 new state-of-the-art technology centres • across the country; (c) whether Government has increased budgetary allocation under Prime Minister • Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) for FY 2018-19 by 75 per cent to Rs.1,800 crore, in order to incentivise entrepreneurs, mainly women and SC/ST; and (d) if so, the details thereof?



(a): Yes, Sir. Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) has launched the Mission. Solar Charkha for implementation of 50 Solar Charkha Clusters across the country with a budget of Rs.550 crore for the year 2018-19 and 2019-20. The scheme is envisaged to generate direct employment to nearly one lakh persons. Solar Charkha Units have been classified as Village Industries.

(b): Yes, Sir. Ministry of MSME is implementing Technology Centre Systems Programme (TCSP), to expand and upgrade the network of Technology Centres (Tool Rooms and Technology Development Centres) in the country, at an estimated project cost of Rs.2200 crore including World Bank Loan of USD 200 Mn. to establish 15 new Technology Centres (TCs) and upgrade existing TCs across the country. Trr, c ar31ft711:er7i 34.44M aiAletal 1174 MIT 31-dRialt6 Atm R. 1707 76TtA421'ciillis 01.08.2018

TN' atLCi fir4ra. 1707. 3r. xr+nr *ST: aqrrr #pr, 93ft *LINT v444++ 7ti1 ZIF 4.-dr4 *r yrr wtatf*:

(W) ti14,it ter OTT * 50 *1iv Tit{ via! iitera elf it4T t; Wzrr titc,It ter STT 3rtZT. R-4 U14,4.1)P1 It tri ct 15 RV d,a-A i-111 mit tai (70 wzrr * fttmr irxr molt 30{- 3174r41 IraktirM T .14zel • WI ~ilctiIF.1 FAV 91TR 14-41 471al *Val 4,14 (141M+14.441) afa farnq Wit 2018-19 42h1W sksta 311-4ZW x,175 VfeeTF 616 lchi 1,800 cht)1 Vcr* itZIT t; (Er) Irk ft* F-4-4ift wEttrr wzrr t?

39 1:1:p T, 93#1.TrupT .54:4 ai it T i el 4) (t-ad i ilerri) eSir 1WW)

(w): 41, el TWA, ws- 311 711.71-ff 411ai o1iIMa 4.4 2018-19 T4' 2019-20 * FA" 550 coil* V. * WAZ SIT If 50 #t"{LIttSII qv! * * MITA. #r1{ w{arr trf Wzrr tl 1-4:r few * wr3ur Rrar 041 Rd +41 * f47 SrMai *pm tit favii WAT 7TFT tl itk WW1" F+71:11" *1* 4114A4,441di W:r zfi ad Grid WZIT t I C

(a.): 1i, ATI a zi, 3fh MIT* ev-i ter 317 If 15 at. IA 4,41 (acral)C4A) (erfft) Farrfera *TA" FUT fa44I+110 IA.kiel (ctsi)eii..4)) *At (tffr) derwl 410 * 1:417 200 1 1 4,1 3171410 itaT * fkm Wtri *fgt..' 2200 q v:r* *r 3r7rrf1-F 141141,71.1i *mra- tsr * u14:4111.41 (2.4,11t411.41) *-41 (7* alrr 444 Aca4) W1-4trd ja-rvapd *TA 't fay 444 (ecrolt4411) vurrAt (trAwnit) w{ tI 2

(c) & (d): Yes, Sir. The detail of the fund allocation under PMEGP for the Financial Year 2018-19 is given below:

BE(2018-19) (Rs. in crore) Backward and Plan Scheme PMEGP Margin Money forward linkages General 881.24 36.00 SCC 434.52 STC 198.88 NER 246.00 4.00 Total 1760.64 40.00

The State/UTs-wise targets for SC and ST entrepreneurs are fixed against the allocated funds of Rs.434.52 crore and 198.88 crore respectively, proportionate to their population in the respective State/UT. No separate targets have been fixed for women. However, women entrepreneurs are kept under special category and they are entitled for higher rate of subsidy i.e. 35% of the project cost in rural areas and 25% of the project cast in urban areas.

* * * J

(2T) aft (to: a ,ATI itff .411. 2018-19 * t lT 1i.4 1ftr 31f4ER" izito fa-zrr 7srr mato! TEAR vaii W3rC 3971W (2018-19) (WzIr ct”els *) +iiiA.1 WA che 7i Tiqh 144),71. 411+114-41 881.24 36.00 Vii 434.52 'lii 198.88 Tate{ tlk7 246.00 4.00 1760.64 40.00

MIT Tett 441 f4v. IT771.1. 7#151" it RAL-4 WIRT: 434.52 eels uctrr 198.88 wifif wcr.4 *r 3rrEfta 1 1-4441* 'My TrTzr*Er- Trfzr . Ow. * 74. fAittita. We' 71-7 fi a.Qe1130- fAv tarf WTI Tarr 7rur 124titritff Wft f*-7 7rz gi mufti, &igen rA 4,4 A" hrottir 410ft * 3T 3t{ A 3L>aat iirAi 41 47 311h: tiiknui It* 7 lintilat


Performance and target achievement of MSMEs


Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has identified and graded the States according to the performance and target achievement of MSMEs; (b) if so, position of the States according to the performance and achievements; and (c) which State has given maximum employment in MSME sector?



(a): No, Sir.

(b)& (c): Do not arise in view of (a) above. 317F •ttictwt TLEI-IT, 9 AT 3itTraT 34sei +iItct '1 7T-41. mart 317Rift6- •titsql 1708 37F{- M*1 (-au : 01.08.2018

gaigt vi-14 TrT *14-qt.iii4ai 34T 31i1FRA-7'

1708. 411. BT:

W711' ffpl" , RES 3117 71107M" jctsei Zit z1-6 6101 l *I TIT ch .+ aW:

(W) Wzrr WT4-1. 1140-1 3t1 3ara REPT 3iiiii 31t qtr 14,441 t; (N) e, wrzt_fA"1"- 31 31311TT .threil 'et WzIT-mot 11121, t;

(711 fIT":r 441 1.0 *4 tt ittq. 'tia51 tl.71+nt SIATK f+7. ITV t?

TI-71; 9 A{ Rm171 u 3:Nt nRim P.E)

(w) : 1, Atli



Schemes for promotion of MSME sector


Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government promotes MSME sector of the country; (b) if so, the details of the schemes presently being implemented by Government; (c) whether Government has set up or is planning to set up training centres for MSME sector; and (d) if so, the details thereof?



(a) & (b): The Government implements various schemes and programmes for promotion and development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the country. These include the schemes/programmes such as Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP), A Scheme for Promoting Innovation, Rural Industry and Entrepreneurship (ASPIRE), Credit Guarantee Scheme, Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS), National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP), Micro & Small Enterprises - Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP), Marketing Development Assistance (MDA), Skill Development Programmes, Schemes for financial support to MSMEs for obtaining Zero Defect Zero Effect (ZED) Certification, National SC/ST Hub to provide professional support to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe entrepreneurs, Public Procurement Policy for ensuring 20% share of the MSEs in procurements made by the Government of India and its agencies and the Scheme for supporting MSMEs in the North Eastern Region and Sikkim.

(c) & (d): The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises has various training centres for MSME Sector such as Training Centres of the Khadi & Village Industry Commission, MSME Technology Centres, MSME - Development Institutes, National Institute for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Ni-MSME).

317F 11',$7f, 9 311"( F1/74171 344141 41A1e144 11777 1 3rditiV6 tit9,41 1709 3e-a-{ r mfrar : 01.08.2018

qtiqiik.A414 ittg ?AV 44 %%OW

1709. It tr. c.t aD 10:

wzrr TrEt--wr, RE; AT Trt-zra icodi zrF ocilA yrr 074 ft:

*-ZIT 1.141-11.1411.1414 OR. WI la c4116,1 ter t; tter atieflo tfi atT i-dt zr17-4rart wzrr t; wzrr qd-iviimaii 417 fAv 3r5T4ToT tzlind It-gr zrr Sduit *-{ 1-ft t; attz wit vi, a1a-4*ft rerto wzrr ?

3c4-14 TFT, 34t 7I'MPT 117171" 7 (tact4 WM) Oft nRilot

(W) atk (V1') t3T317 a TLEI-71, FS. 31tZ Rtzr# 34414-1 *OW 311T facpiti * my fd'it" tiYouli4 3112 cwishei .nitilf;-"aci chid) ti 441,mati3rtiehitishea qtrwilt itom chitichei (t114+1401141), 001,r+14, ,u1,41u1 3441141 AT 444fAcii ItalfAr tt 441,71,41 divia 44,3101, ore. 14*s 4acei ( li.11.41), ii i 1.-a41 ul CfrOT9Itrarq 4114151741 (v01Vo-14141), Wir 3t{ 9 344141-che1I-Gt fachlk1 4,1148+41 (V414i14i1W1), fa4u101 fachlti iqtqcn 0.4410, '114TR gl141511+1, 01^C- At) *4)4.c. 7;i1ur4 Alta' 4+o1 FA. 14t-4144 q s71011, 9-4:ata Oin3 t aialtita ,710,71111 64,/.11A441 ot4IckiirzI4h si-4-m• i 1We' ii.41q 39.7113.7.7T. T, 3,17F 314 *444, 3likWitiTI Al' 71# 41411 X114 # K#74# 20 Sif817-F S1Tar qp5VF 41o) fmy ificiatiAct, t.4.(14 cr1M TaireT &fig 311'z Pi44,41 lzeil.w.4-14 I i4$141(-11 *1 441%71011 $1114e1 tl

(70 311Z (E0 :17,t7T, 311{ 3117471" 344141 441011e141 triTf 44divi-t44-14 El-tg F4Lr fafg10-Di +aStiti-ur ti* zrr-41' 3 i 01411441141 anzitzr 1;15Taivr qd-lqi11/4,,i3 04...41114 ft, TiTtrm-, lift7f, 311w ;Th-ZIA 1:44.11W (vW3iTt-q4-1q•tiqdi4)



SI. Subject Concerned Printed Version Remarks, No. Officer Q.No. Priority No. if any

1 Prime Minister's JS (ARI) *272 *12 Employment Generation Programme


SI. No. Subject Concerned Officer Printed Remarks, if Version Q.No. any. 1 Development of MSME Sector AS&DC/ 3010 ADC (SM) 2 Targets under PMEGP JS (ARI) 3031

3 Solar Charka Mission JS (ARI) 3057 4 Multi-Product Retails Outlets AS&DC/ 3061 Director (AM) 5 Export of Khadi Products JS (ARI) 3094 6 Public Procurement Policy AS&DC/ 3110 ADC (AS) 7 MSME Universities JS (SME) 3143 8 Setting up of MSMEs JS (ARI) 3180 9 Employment in MSME Sector AS&DC/ 3202 ADC (SM) 10 Coir Production and Exports JS (ARI) 3206 11 KVIC Schemes JS (ARI) 3210 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES




Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether loans under the Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) are being disbursed to the youth in various States including Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh;

(b) if so, the details thereof during the last four years, State/UT-wise;

(c) the quantum of loans given to youth in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh under the said scheme and the targets fixed/achieved during the said period;

(d) the steps taken by the Government to achieve the said targets;

(e) whether the Government has made any assessment of the achievements under PMEGP, if so, the details and the outcome thereof along with the further steps being taken in this regard?



(a)to(e): A statement is laid on the Table of the House.

5111W *iichtt ITT, 9 AT Tfurg .14.!•441

FHT d1tifnd ;Teta T. *272 iccIt *t cil•Pia 06.08.2018

=Mit 4,1 stiai

*272. 411- 'CRT. zit 414.4161A41111, tt. MftT:

471T VtgT , Ttt-zraT i441+1 Z1F 4411.1 TIP' WI* it:

(W) Ir VETRTilt ofcii *tom col shJi (tnvaii 41) t cid 410 C.cti 71 *fi .k-ur iirdciRct (rr) zit: ft al famd WI{ WW1 art El «ilti wzrr (70 3cPct Malt!' 41ilert dct-ci 441310 I d@d (boil CA) 30-{ 3r1V 'ART W 7134 WI dill 'kx1r fa grzrr iWitaea eati err f; (Er) (WM.( 4cliti R416'- rft-F 4 ta; wzrr 4,4oi 30i are. t (g) W4:11. tnva-144114) W. 3.11-=ffitff WOW' Al 74 3trafzERrI Alt it 4, arq1410 4I t, 31' aft wzrr r 3614 Zeit e, *v. t RAT wzrr tritorrxr ata r 7r

ffsk-JT, FES 311'i MART .34,4141 •t1.7.44 Tit (t-cicIA WM) Oft 11 .41.4 1.46)


(a): Yes, Madam.

(b): Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) is a major credit- linked subsidy programme implemented by this Ministry, aimed at generating self- employment opportunities through establishment of micro-enterprises in the non-farm sector by helping traditional artisans and unemployed youth. The maximum cost of projects is Rs. 25 lakh in the manufacturing sector and Rs. 10 lakh in the service sector.

General category beneficiaries can avail margin money subsidy of 25 % of the project cost in rural areas and 15% in urban areas. For beneficiaries belonging to special categories such as scheduled caste/scheduled tribe /women, the margin money subsidy is 35% in rural areas and 25% in urban areas. Beneficiary contribution for the special category persons is 5%, and for others it is 10%. Thus, it could be seen from the above that both the loan and margin money subsidy components vary from case to case based on the category of the beneficiaries and the geographical location they live in. Further, while the margin money subsidy amount released to the beneficiaries is available with the Ministry, the loan amount disbursed by the financial institutions is available only from 1st July 2016, the day on which PMEGP e-portal was launched.

Details of margin money subsidy disbursed to all beneficiaries including the youth under PMEGP in various States, including Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, are given at Annexure- I.

Details of loan amount disbursed to all beneficiaries including the youth under PMEGP in various States, including Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, from 1st July 2016 to 31st March 2018, are given at Annexure- II.

(c): In view of the aforesaid reasons, the targets of Margin Money subsidy and achievement for all the beneficiaries including youth in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh under PMEGP during the last four years are given below:

( lakhs)

Year Target of Margin Margin Money Money Disbursed Karnataka 2014-15 4512.99 6479.10 2015-16 10846.89 5898.01 2016-17 7941.62 11609.56 2017-18 5462.97 6477.94 Andhra Pradesh 2014-15 2667.87 3492.11 2015-16 4496.85 2262.37 2016-17 4336.58 4916.08 2017-18 3933.95 5336.10

sit-4* 06.08.2018 * RIWMiti*B.1:11F' * SIFT (W) 3-dr43 fVfitrae -

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(an:vur44- -41. Ili ivei (41ma44 ): Wfl" J-N1Q141 coin eta1 1iI ci tV Nr;:pf fie'-Ww-g *T4WJT Diltbl 34.04 41141Cil 3t1T 4i).714111i !Fig '4T *16141(11 a+44, 'T- 74. Trpf 54,44a11ti 4411140 I t 7F1V-Wwf Ta-iloiai it *31'41:R ctioi tI tiftzltaRT3i1*1' 3TRIVFxr et laid Pkii in 044 25 MU' ''qzi" all"' 44-4T kttg A. 10 Nita V:14

41q1* 'N IRO +Jltf ul 444 enoct a=ir 25 Vitliff 3f1T WO itt* 4 15 ealtra ail 7r41 *Ai& wr Nfar iichc) foltsr Avffi tiGiMci Rfarrtff St* ar-q-e4a- Rf'dwrsti fe• 4.1 id-flui 44-0 4 35 vrmra vet A- 2s v1 3r di ifArt Tat ftttr *net* 044 f dii i Thy worrIff 3ia1 ra- 5% F41" 3,1r*flaV zig" 10% tt Tel;W-{ 344and zrd- - Off wur dilrA.i 441 ti14iA 41.1I tr-cw marritzif 4- 40ft.kri' addrAch rna7er 3Trtrrr Err 4.11+4 wr eildi (4, 6141 I o4, 3ifetWa, •44.:41-4 rrft +1100 4-41.814141 kilteii4 • * ta-fr 3-Ergar , Fnifer, farilq rirAr134 wur rAt 1 leni, 2016# 34AT fati f4w 41w-144141 t-tifita. igrrl

ect, kr 311ll Wbr f'dgr 1 4 loft Frarrit-46 +110.1 41.44417MT ti

1 2016 # 31 7i14, 2018 Ti q 31'1t 31T T WaliT iir6d fafA.-1 tisiil 4 vkii 3i-d-ata 71311' get Martiftzfl Th-t ti1Z Ad Wcrr WI-Pekr 3T:14V-114 itzrr 7grr

34W4ff chffilech 3ft31i11 Star (4): 3-*-a 4,140 aucl wr{ mit t- 4 *Uri zsark *Qci ais~ Fay 441- - 411441 kr 3cmfar tw-k-zr er0 fa-Q.7re- f: aria' 71) NI wi ;Mt Rlfzi *i dfkci MI wi A-At etwilect) 2014-15 4512.99 6479.10 2015-16 10846.89 5898.01 2016-17 7941.62 11609.56 2017-18 5462.97 6477.94 3n1r Vra'W 2014-15 2667.87 3492.11 2015-16 4496.85 2262.37 2016-17 4336.58 4916.08 2017-18 3933.95 5336.10 (d): The steps taken by the Government to achieve the said targets are as follows:

• KVIC has introduced PMEGP e-portal wherein the application flow and fund flow are processed online. • The period of default for classifying as bad loans has been increased from 90 days to 180 days for MSMEs subject to fulfilling certain conditions. • The corpus of Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE) has been enhanced from Rs. 2500 crore to Rs. 7500 crore. The ceiling limit for guarantee cover is enhanced from Rs. 1 crore to Rs. 2 crore. Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFC) have been brought under the CGTMSE scheme for loans provided to micro sector enterprises. • Publicity is being made through print and electronic media about PMEGP scheme for the benefit of applicants. • Awareness camps at District level and State level are being organized in order to propagate the PMEGP scheme for the development of micro enterprises. • Exhibitions are also conducted at district/state/zone and national level for providing marketing support to the entrepreneurs/units. • Further, the incubatees under ASPIRE-LBIs/ Tool Room and Technology centers/MSME-DIs under Ministry of MSME, NSIC/NIMSME /RSETI/NISBUD/ IIE or other Institution / agency approved by Ministry would be eligible for assistance under PMEGP on priority basis and without undergoing EDP training, if the EDP component is already included in the curriculum of the LBIs/Tool Room/Training Centers etc.

(e): The implementation of the Scheme during XII Plan has been assessed by the Ministry with the help of Management Development Institute (MDI), Gurugram. Major findings/recommendations of the Evaluation study are given below:

i) Major impact: PMEGP has been able to provide Sustainable Employment for 4 - 5 lakh persons during each financial year. ii) Average Employment per Project- 7.62 iii) Average Cost of Generating Unit Employment Rs.96, 209.00 iv) Average Cost per Project Rs.7, 33,423.00. v) Lack of proper feasibility or viability analysis on part of banks at the time of sanctioning is responsible for NPAs. Key factors for NPA are disconnect among stakeholders, lack of knowledge of running unit and marketing. vi) EDP Training should be done in online mode and training content need to be more relevant and rigorous. vii) For Motivating beneficiaries to repay loans, the beneficiaries, whose Margin Money Subsidy has been successfully adjusted, need to be rewarded with an option of 2nd round of subsidized loan (with reduced % of subsidy) mainly to enhance the capacity (acquiring new technology/machinery).

(17): 3Wff RES6 w{A- t Dv- iiidtoi sam 60IV *WM- fai-viD fad t: • tibrireft 4.71M t-tteg stif %ITT t g 3T1-4 ;IMF VE WO. Wag. 31Y1WATi7 *Teart*"foiicill1 • 31-cfruzi (3) 4E14 * laf af ad vi w-cA. fair TW 3raftrwlqalqiiv.aii rAv 90 #4141chi 180 faW WA' fatil 717TT tUlt STat *t *-1# trf MitT chid ti • 7f,4-771 30T MI 3 4,44 wur swill PRI air (4.7114vaiqii4) 2500 744 6wchi 7500 chils WENt WI" fain 71-411.1 di rill w-d-{*MV 311IVFXr TNIT 1 chills bx171 04»t 2 mils t ark t1 VaT 44-4' *44...eraii f47 WV *tug t FA' FAT 3i764F 44-eMai farfteicil9P,141(Wisnwo+n) RrArr TRIT ti • 3Tr-a-4,0*Frar *fAkollqa14.711,414-44i fik 441 LT"4" creifAq, 'ea t Trrt2r-g7114,tir tl • Tryg, 54_44+4 t 1=4-e. 44.P:TniT TI47 *T4 * 64...aq4 # a MI v-4. 17;4- • Fat ER' .71 i ii•o•hcti Uri ei di v I • 6444 ii.441*44. faLfulerf ii014-1clf t ?AV Deti/117 . -7 /3iAWT uvr ilwati Fut tTT Sft vrafAtIT ef+4 .711c41 • **141 3Trdit*V .Q•i4ft3Tit *3i7-4-6 *3iFira T incr FITT achriiptizft mii4-413Trt-rt qii3Trtift tyr-Orr# 311T4T 4ctiiT3TIsftita"- 3Trzr urarfrw-er wrtu-{ trr unr thltr3ftaiur WET 1t41( di4onift kaira *161.4c1I *fAM ftat Arfk Or* tr-cw qetelbutro- wrivitreur*-41, Witt xiicsiishei =1rfOltttSliPei

12414410w' *41.00 1421-A- 4,1441.-r10 srEtm- 3T14), •stA41141, ai41e1414,441ildirtli4•-■ %•44i (al arqictwi 3TVW* iitsq i"-A•ctokia 444 44 t

7TS te

i. WSW Wird: ion STAV— ft-a. * 41110 4-5 ems Gtr * FA. Tre6 37Nlir *IWV- Truwirg11-1 ii. ;r1W 411.41,Ami - 7.62 iii. tic++lrt ifta *ch14 t1341TE et - 96,209.00 WIT4 t I iv. uffr...s. 4ati),..11011 Are' pudici 7,33,423.00 tl v. t--.•pci *TA 4717T at 3ftT 2l .54 rci TilTTWRT 31117T c•Licio 4 faltsTuT *T 3T3Tra gait& *. FA. ;:calr 'Ere-W.444) Oe•Sii*3114-411"FT*ch1i xi Lrdfd * vi.ttrIt .a*EtTar aFY 3`ria-ar-fa 21trg* r mwr air4v 3 514-Tur ti1.1 dJl *311-r Ti-nu 4TR- 1:1712r TIAtti4M vii. kyr trhiA fag Rraufitz6 tritar Rrsulff fad-1,41 di!Do TO'r tom tipt dr, cf *.T t 'art t, 34' ;Igzr 'PT ItisraT (4 14144411-21c6VFreRfr- *r mod) fv *11.451141-1 'fir (bra wg 4 ektil * cog it tirfEff 7174 '4131Talti (lit I Based on the recommendations of the evaluation study, the CCEA has approved the continuation of the on-going PMEGP Scheme beyond XIIth Plan for three years from 2017-18 to 2019-20 with an outlay of Rs.5500.00 Crores with some modifications, which includes;

(i) Second loan of upto Rs. 1.00 crore to existing and better performing PMEGP units for upgrading with subsidy of 15%(20% for hill areas and NER); (ii) Merger of Coir UdyamiYojana (CUY) in PMEGP; (iii) Introduction of concurrent monitoring and evaluation; (iv) Mandatory Aadhar and Pan card; (v) Geo-tagging of units; (vi) Negative list under PMEGP amended allowing off Farm/Farm Linked activities and serving/selling non-vegetarian food at Hotels/Dhabas. (vii) Dispensing the ratio of 30:30:40 for KVIC/KVIB/DIC. (viii) Cap the working capital component for manufacturing units to 40% of the project cost and for service/trading sector to 60% of the project cost.

For the FY 2018-19, a total of Rs.1800.64 cr budget has been allocated for setting up of about 66,000 micro enterprises providing employment to about 5 lakh persons with margin money subsidy of Rs.1660.64. cr. About 2000 existing units would be upgraded through a 2nd loan with a subsidy of Rs.100 cr.

dr-1414.1 31uRrK r14/15fittfi* antriT xr( itriirov fff iirt 5500.00 chi * tritarer wsi 2017-18 2019-20 4:1- 'tR'4'41*- '120v 12.4 3iT4 milektnkiliAl) i4rJ3—ffi1 Mt' TOM* itV311 14K Zi t

(i) 15% t1 f4 (zrgif kg* v-4- teal- 4:1q* 20%) i1Ic1 6.-No chol aloft %NJ-14,4141 r+Tizli *fi 1.00 chi 5 VT4 F**T 'kW; (1) tilv+tioN1 w4{'- 44,4441 dilowr (#1-vrt) wr it-ow; (Ho *Jai arff atrqi.t.ri air,wro.; (iv) 3if4wr4 3Ti TZircfet---§; (v) $wrpil*r .41; (vi) Lftmaii4t41 345 Ochlilcalch it *1 ti--ektatfd 4is r 411 chef 14 var. elceii AT are 4' +11+11614) 311-4 1:1###/Atisi f'+-zrr wzrr; (vii)* -4314-411*-413TrOt/t34-4ft W 30:30:40*MT-1V (viii)illciloieit hlici *40% RV faP•Hiui T*1-fzi1 *114V- Wig 60% WW it4T/ocum.ii fWR- 4,141eta- tdra-rf>rew ITT ei 1.1

ft wit 2018-19 *1- tf 1660.64 chi *t #11fSW ti MTST7T 66,000 4ist1T34317/ VIITc4 T*7 MIT-4 5 'MU' 0441-40441*fi -OA flit 4.** fA N 1800.64 chi)* S9zT *I TR AWC3ITiftaf4vc 7TZIT tl 100.00 4),(14' .t.,44). 't iif41 col wur psi FaraTaT 2000 qt,..iiknei F*T57T1 3a-sitha %elf olitiatil Annexure-I

Annexure I referred to in reply to part (b) of the 1:,ok Sabha Starred Question No. 272 for answer on 06.08.2018

State/UT-wise details of Margin Money Subsidy disbursed ( Iakh) to all beneficiaries including youth during the last four years Sr. State/UT 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 No. 1 Jammu& Kashmir 3274.63 3781.19 2621.40 6913.15 2 Himachal Pradesh 2237.73 1767.26 2185.27 2042.5 3 Punjab 3190.88 2902.97 3181.60 3930.46 4 UT Chandigarh 61.46 87.72 82.84 90.07 5 Uttarakhand 2153.32 1740.86 2122.33 2880.98 6 Haryana 3012.98 3112.09 3383.53 4167.04 7 Delhi 189.24 254.05 182.41 150.65 8 Rajasthan 5249.62 4384.07 4641.6 I 4929.04 9 Uttar Pradesh 16937.53 14456.87 14271.05 16866.47 10 Bihar 4111.32 6588.55 8336.51 6558.85 11 Sikkim 33.52 186.11 35.93 46.36 12 Arunachal Pradesh 1004.99 38.85 440.34 309.42 13 Nagaland 878.59 1392.81 2007.48 2672.15 14 Manipur 1600.76 1213.98 2162.78 1383.87 15 Mizoram 807.98 1026.35 491.96 274.05 16 Tripura 1333.65 945.84 3734.66 1892.3 17 Meghalaya 971.14 1056.12 407.89 118.27 18 Assam 5397.01 2869.74 4910.38 2362.48 19 West Bengal 6010.11 3400.65 6270.32 3891.37 20 Jharkhand 2871.29 3559.74 2654.35 2439.53 21 Odisha 3945.89 5736.32 6848.96 5680.65 22 Chhattisgarh 2045.68 2829.38 4070.73 3398.4 23 Madhya Pradesh 9241.70 8117.17 8346.06 7631.41 24 Gujarat* 6200.52 6339.73 7561.61 12883.63 25 Maharashtra ** 7843.81 5285.03 6001.36 8749.73 26 Andhra Pradesh 3492.11 2262.37 4916.08 5336.1 27 Telangana 1889.35 2217.57 2561.72 4030.21 28 Karnataka 6479.10 5898.01 11609.56 6477.94 29 Goa 141.76 165.43 191.44 149.07 30 Lakshadweep 28.61 0.00 00 00 31 Kerala 2679.28 2720.48 3350.68 2910.44 32 Tamilnadu 6733.89 5497.54 8213.92 9717.58 33 Puducherry 112.10 106.37 103.65 78.95 34 Andaman & Nicobar 92.32 65.11 193.46 276.95 Islands GRAND TOTAL 112253.87 102006.33 128093.86 131240.07


rim, 06.08.2018 EC. 3" - tuuta- 272 t 3ITaT

f4t11el "FT 4-511 k 4 im 1-ar3i1 tit ci raft Fraufthet et t.i Act mad TA 'ti (wig' . 71) wT 1-1,77r- / *itail.-44 etf 4T7 *401 w. Ti. 1-rv-fiEr 1-rr 111q- 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2621.40 6913.15 1 aq11: AT euft-r 3274.63 3781.19 1767.26 2185.27 2042.5 2 MITI el Ali 2237.73 3181.60 3930.46 3 14-4T4" 3190.88 2902.97 82.84 90.07 4 litr tiara ktg c45ilild 61.46 87.72 2122.33 2880.98 5 ilcititqs 2153.32 1740.86 3383.53 4167.04 6 6 q lin i 3012.98 3112.09 182.41 150.65 7 c. 189.24 254.05 4641.6 4929.04 8 5249.62 4384.07 14271.05 16866.47 9 3E-4- situ 16937.53 14456.87 8336.51 6558.85 10 6ii 4111.32 6588.55 46.36 11 di 33.52 186.11 35.93 12 31--arr-A-g. '7aw 1004.99 38.85 440.34 309.42 2007.48 2672.15 13 opniCts 878.59 1392.81 2162.78 1383.87 14 +in Lk 1600.76 1213.98 491,96 274.05 15 %Altai 807.98 1026.35 3734.66 1892.3 16 1:ti 1 1333.65 945.84 118.27 17 A tIleiti 971.14 1056.12 407.89 4910.38 2362.48 18 3TIPT 5397.01 2869.74 19 tftmi- tura. 6010.11 3400.65 6270.32 3891.37 2654.35 2439.53 20 6ittisiff 2871.29 3559.74 5680.65 21 AittiT 3945.89 5736.32 6848.96 2829.38 4070.73 3398.4 22 0. *Md. 2045.68 8346.06 7631.41 23 74/21- R-411- 9241.70 8117.17 7561.61 12883.63 24 aki i i (I 6200.52 6339.73 6001.36 8749.73 25 diew&c. * 7843.81 5285.03 4916.08 5336.1 26 3iie.1" vtitr 3492.11 2262.37 4030.21 27 c1M, 1889.35 2217.57 2561.72 6477.94 28 q„iScy, 6479.10 5898.01 11609.56 191.44 149.07 29 71t4T 141.76 165.43 0.00 00 00 30 F4T-4-tcr 28.61 2720.48 3350.68 2910.44 31 im 2679.28 8213.92 9717.58 32 carrion 6733.89 5497.54 106.37 103.65 78.95 33 xrft# 112.10 193.46 276.95 34 mseti.i AT 4) sits 92.32 65.11 tc 1 ti k1, fa zrrir 112253.87 102006.33 128093.86 131240.07 Annexure-II

Annexure II referred to in reply to part (b) of the Lok Sabha Starred Question No. 272 for answer on 06.08.2018

No. of projects and loan sanctioned by the bank under PMEGP during 2016-17(from 01.07.2016 to 31.03.2017) as per e-portal report 2016-17 Sr.No State *Loan Sanctioned No.of projects ( lakhs) 1 Assam 3769 10072.90 2 A & N Islands 169 529.84 3 Andhra Pradesh 642 6394.18 4 Arunachal Pradesh 121 488.58 5 Bihar 2560 21398.53 6 Chattisgarh 1690 12006.04 7 Delhi 51 269.07 8 Goa 38 281.18 9 Gujarat 559 11151.89 10 Haryana 1163 8013.06 11 Himachal Pradesh 920 6705.23 12 Jammu & Kashmir 1718 9087.32 13 Jharkhand 1248 7759.10 14 Karnataka 1324 12592.67 15 Kerala 1004 5484.98 16 Lakshadweep 0 0.00 17 Madhya Pradesh 1343 17380.09 18 Maharashtra 3273 24368.26 19 Manipur 943 5558.58 20 Meghalaya 284 1087.73 21 Mizoram 607 1878.75 22 Nagaland 651 4180.19 23 Odisha 2089 13857.57 24 Puducherry 31 204.37 25 Punjab 897 7274.99 26 Rajasthan 1565 13936.85 27 Sikkim 40 148.14 28 Tamilnadu 2392 17597.72 29 Telangana 269 2390.83 30 Tripura 1411 6874.44 31 U.T. Chandigarh 14 86.48 32 Uttar Pradesh 3222 30020.96 33 Uttarakhand 1126 5538.03 34 West Bengal 608 5173.56 Total 37741 269792.12 (*)Loan sanctioned by bank is inclusive of MM. 397417-11 ital* 06.08.2018 * a1- 11' artirwa- #iwrr- 272 *3177r (73") * 3W{ 3Pailtra

totCR'/ 4 W 3174,WIT 414" 2016-17 ( .tic, 01.07.2016 It 31.03.2017) * 4 iirl 41v.iii t ai-d--4ff tw etapo Fdtt- -. tifteil.friot *i titvir 3t4 Wtir

2016-17 W. If. TlsZr 44..1,04 *et tit9441 *-4W etalif Tlrfar k(WRir-13T W. A)

I NWT 3769 10072.90 2 31-gx1T 31t{ tr, ail 4.. v ti +(6 169 529.84 3 311V WT 642 6394.18

4 3T--urr--4a. craw 121 488.58 5 I 6Ii. 2560 21398.53 6 orntidi4 1690 12006.04

7 faroft 51 269.07 8 141 38 281.18 9 d113.71.1114 559 11151.89 10 6R41tu1i 1163 8013.06 11 wall- 920 6705.23 12 ssfa-ais 34Z *wit{ 1718 9087.32

13 viiisis 1248 7759.10 14 4).15C4' 1324 12592.67 15 41,tei 1004 5484.98 16 RA-Tartr 0 0.00 17 Trurcrav 1343 17380.09

18 Ji61t1e.c. 3273 24368.26 19 kt t 943 5558.58 20 tIle141 284 1087.73 ... 21 'al 'OH 607 1878.75 22 wiiiii 4 651 4180.19 23 3ftforr 2089 13857.57 24 x1374t 31 204.37 25 74Td 897 7274.99 26 imi-Il10 1565 13936.85 27 ai 40 148.14 28 cifAmots, 2392 17597.72 29 del Hell 269 2390.83 30 .2il 1411 6874.44 31 iitiii.-4441-4-4-grara 14 86.48 32 3a-i. vrtu 3222 30020.96 33 31i1,1515 1126 5538.03 34 trftxrigig 608 5173.56 .TW 37741 269792.12 (*) 4,a it T-41T6 'VW v,mqo t-1 No. of projects and loan sanctioned by the bank under PMEGP during 2017-18 as per PMEGP e-portal 2017-18 Srno State *Loan sanctioned by No.of projects bank ( lakh) 1 ANDAMAN NICOBAR 241 1044.66 2 ANDHRA PRADESH 2229 23791.95 3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 307 1279.81 4 ASSAM 3265 10332.99 5 BII-IAR 3328 26691.07 6 CHANDIGARH-UT 48 387.88 7 CHHATTISGARH 3553 21937.96 8 DADRA NAGAR HAVELI 1 10.00 9 DAMAN AND DIU 3 33.18 10 DELHI 159 878.11 11 GOA 34 308.74 12 GUJARAT 2139 43481.92 13 HARYANA 2491 18666.02 14 HIMACHAL PRADESH 1183 8793.34 15 JAMMU KASHMIR 5540 30780.33 16 JHARKHAND 1698 11922.69 17 KARNATAKA 3343 29530.33 18 KERALA 2006 12431.76 19 MADHYA PRADESH 2771 33860.28 20 MAHARASHTRA 5184 39261.26 21 MANIPUR 978 5090.66 22 MEGHALAYA 229 963.57 23 MIZORAM 540 1975.60 24 NAGALAND 815 5994.50 25 ODISHA 2848 21144.70 26 PUDUCHERRY 56 333.23 27 PUNJAB 1754 13104.33 28 RAJASTHAN 2568 22595.50 29 SIKKIM 54 304.29 30 TAMIL NADU 5260 38271.87 31 TELANGANA 1899 17779.09 32 TRIPURA 1134 5844.27 33 UTTAR PRADESH 8514 83295.19 34 UTTARAKHAND 2512 13619.40 35 WEST BENGAL 2311 20331.38 Grand Total 70995 566071.81 (*)Loan sanctioned by bank is inclusive of MM. toli t-tereWf 1' * 39-fITT 44- 2017-18 * 4 1101 lel i kdata f* c,enir

KtlTo 44 .7frialfi `'i• * i t.444 i 34' NUr 2017-18 W. Ti. ihrti q)451.1ilt- cpcift I tate .toi3it tr TiiAi (efitsR,. ill

1 3T-sam- 31N- faen tati 241 1044.66 2 .31 ter 2229 23791.95 3 3ivni4ef lAt 31' 307 1279.81 4 3TTPT 3265 10332.99 5 %it 3328 26691.07 6 WV iisper kii =ibldiG 48 387.88 7 tufitifla 3553 21937.96 8 4141 aid Ocleft 1 10.00

9 44TF" 3th- t-a- 3 33.18 10 2rea 159 878.11 11 71'f4T 34 308.74 12 4.1-.7Rici 2139 43481.92 13 oRgiun 2491 18666.02 14 etrucim W' 1183 8793.34 15 F3:1:, 31ti" W•43411T 5540 30780.33 16 viiisis 1698 11922.69 17 ctiei CAI 3343 29530.33 18 im 2006 12431.76 19 71.1A-sr-44r 2771 33860.28 20 mow ,, 5184 39261.26 21 m Li{ 978 5090.66 22 tilem 229 963.57 23 ,If 4.4i 540 1975.60 24 oil II s 815 5994.50 25 3ftitur 12848 21144.70 26 Welt 56 333.23 27 r-T-4 1754 13104.33 28 imotifri 2568 22595.50 29 Pi44,m 54 304.29 30 cirAeorii§ 5260 38271.87 31 aciiii.rit 1899 17779.09 32 Rtr,i■ 1134 5844.27 33 3d,011.Qr 8514 83295.19 34 ilia 4' 2512 13619.40 35 r47grg 2311 20331.38 v144141 70995 566071.81 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES




Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government has taken note that Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), play a pivotal role in the overall industrial development of the country and if so, the details thereof; (b) whether the Government has also taken note that the MSMEs continue to face several problems in production and marketing of their products and if so, the details thereof; (c) whether the Government has conducted/proposes to conduct any study to find out concrete solutions for these problems and if so, the details and the outcome thereof; and (d) whether the Government has any proposal to empower the MSMEs sector to create more employment opportunities in the country and if so, the details thereof?



(a): Yes Madam. The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) play a very important role in overall economic development. As per the data received from Central Statistics Office (CSO), Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation, the share of MSMEs in Gross Domestic Product at current price during 2016-17 has been 28.9 %.

(b)&(c): The Government had set up a Committee with the mandate to give recommendations on the national policy on MSMEs. The Committee looked into various issues relating to the MSMEs such as infrastructure, finance, technology, innovation, marketing & exports, etc. The committee has already submitted its Report to the Government.

(d): Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises implements several schemes and programmes to strengthen the MSMEs & promote employment. Some of the important initiatives in this regard include Prime Minister's Employment Generation programme (PMEGP), Mission Solar Charkha, Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI), A Scheme for Promoting innovation, Rural Industry & Entrepreneurship (ASPIRE), Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme, Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS), National Manufacturing Competitiveness programme (NMCP), Marketing Assistance Scheme and MSE- Cluster Development programme etc.

STET'a 3h Trtzr-xr 3421.§-1 4-1 I el ~11ch Tarr 3TaTe1t7 1;11 - titvai 3010 cd FAIN : 06.08.2018

wr.vTrm-Tr.t. wr chit' 3010. At U42T3T4

SIT V,4* -7T, A 311T 711-'717T 6441 d-1 J-i4T zrd' Gicti yrr eh'

(W) WZrT tqr * tiaidr 31/471iiTT chiii 74' TLEPT, 31111' 7,11:471' 64,,Adi) 39rwr wiz ti Alert 24 I t 311T 4-1 Sy e, R-44111 Warr t; (N) TAT wr# 341 cj 14)q1 1i 1Ta:r.t1T1.vg4. 4t- TraTAT 4 #2# TiaTrei fdLlul•I 4 *-4- 'Ha-N-4114 3TT t 3117 zit e, wzrr t; (7r) 'TM iiict)Ft TT FT itaii-4134 di altsTIPTITTa" riT4 t'q' cr.) murzi-R- cfropl TT TrFaT'd 311-{ qia Zi", #RiiEt wzrr Ferr **id, wzrr zrfturr7r t; (Er) err t1t4,lt TT ter a1 31t MT.Tii•ITZT•t. atq TI al vi dkci .401.1 .5rFara- 3117 qia e, cal Fa4tfr 64gi1 wzrr

R74, REE311t 70.747:f 344-4.1-f 1174- 41fi warrT) oft 111Aii.7t q.6)

(T) 41 el Tr‘4-71; r 311T 711,717:1 344141 tioida 31T1 T VW J-it-cittui 304-TT fl fir iiiiZeicfil 4,14(.144, iii18e1c61 31'7 chi snki i"),441.-c'rot 4-1,11eiti silLd 311 ~I 39-4:17, Tst 2016-17 gluoi 37-4 tri" Elta: 3t-414 4 w1viimdi4 arriltd-rft 28.9 ri- vra. Ter ti

(w) 307 (ar) tita,it laietilai ITT i16_ 4fi1W iiitT faipiflO * FA- tr* tifAfa wr 4-6# cd,411 fdiArvi 4-14.0 err 3T47TTWAT, faff, m 4,44 , pia fr ra41-qui tra °I .Z1Cre 31T1q fatut 317-41 flLa AF:e2a. ti

(Er) Tr,rt-w,wv.i. 347 4:11A-Fr ig_eikf 4-1116 41 dm1tntfl 1;MTR' cr,tsl 3117 4,4 41),A.1134 3117 cbieistoil ctIt.11.-aelui chid! ti ?Orr aT *r aT Trfmtkoi- Trol 7 iluidIIt tytai cbtilsbai Ow1341,4V fittm- xrit9r,Li1i.4114) .3 4,44 d tER.Wri-{ 1-Aq 417-RT (TtrA), arki tl 144.:4) 74. 44'1 rA ri 4-41-1-A. 441.■71a11 (1+-4111i), -reT diFia fAit trec 14.#'s 4114 ti -44 .frdr ( WraTEITIF-g-+---ar 4,145N-1 (tmq.114141), id4urat .141,71.11 3,11-{ Qcf-N4.13-chei•t-Ci fa chlii ch145114-1 tl GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES




Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) has failed to meet the target during the year 2017-18; (b) if so, the details thereof along with the reaction of the Gdvernment thereto; . (c) whether Khadi and village Industries Commission has reduced the target by 50 per cent for the year 2018-19, if so, the details thereof; (d) whether the banks have not approved new applications under the said programme; and (e) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor?



(a)&(b): No Madam. Margin money target of Rs. 1004.00 cr was fixed for the financial year 2017-18 under the Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) at the B.E. stage and the same was increased to Rs. 1170.00 cr. at R.E stage. Against this target, margin money subsidy of Rs. 1312.40 cr. was disbursed to 48398 beneficiaries for the FY 2017-18. This shows higher achievement in terms of margin money disbursement during the year 2017-18 against the target.

The target to set up micro projects under PMEGP during 2017-18 was 58750 taking Rs 2.00 lakh average margin money per project, but the actual number of projects set up was 48398. In this regard it is mentioned that, the number of projects depends upon the average cost of the projects. During 2017-18 average cost of the project increased to Rs 10-12 lakh with average margin money subsidy of Rs.2.71 lakh. This is due to inflation and viability factors, as units with higher project cost are more viable. With the increase in average project cost, the number of projects disbursed during 2017-18 was decreased.

(c): No Madam, the target set for Margin money has been enhanced from Rs. 1170.00 cr to 1760.64 cr. for 2018-19, which is almost 50% higher than 2017-18.

(d)& (e): The applications for financial assistance under PMEGP, recommended by District Level Task Force Committee (DLTFC), are sent to the banks for sanction. The Margin money is disbursed by the KVIC as per the budget allocation made by the Government of India for the project sanctioned by the banks. At the end of financial year, the applications left for sanction by banks are considered in the next financial year as backlog. During 2017-18 banks have sanctioned 79,643 applications, these includes new applications as well as carry forward applications. alT16 V7,- Rig 3k MUFTI 31ra el e:t1SiI 3031

3-ff{ tA. ci1Alig 06.08.2018

17c.Tagit i).31,11 It ttz1G1 chi tichai i 3Tc c7 eig-44

3031. aft Kra. PAT wr, 3k git741 3-cfaT aft zrf sicitA t cetii r4) d (W) 4441 r 2017-18 q7a. col 0,1-i (1-11q4.1141) 3.1-TA M-41(41 4$1 Th7 141‘) al ftm-a. t> i t; (ur) c4-411 3117 ÷kcbli c4- 41 1,41- 41 t; (1T) 4241 err t 3t{ JA1.1-114_11d1 31rth-a-r c.442018-19 50 1,Q2ra cict) cbd-i Ct.&1 411 t zrRii i qtr 4Zll t; (Er) c4-.41 4:0 3•0) coielodi 3.taataHV 3f1-4-4-4- cb) Tt-ta• t; 31 () 4112, 64tii chLii 3 4 11 cbkui

ikkai , F1:1 git713:1 ikrzoi41 (t-ciciA wig) oft ritilim ft-f)

(w) .(/t (W) 0411 ciVrWAIr cpie5cod-r (LNd-iPt11) 34-ata tiT ittzi c 2017-18 c i 1k! 1004.00 cb•() u '1

4151r 2017-18 ej,(1G-1 tflkId4J11.1) ci keraTU 414--af Li IA ei aicill T-ZettF q,.(G) Farzf I4-cac 31hra. 31-rf17 2.00 FRK' TZO §Q 58750 21 U tcj TZTiftlF UR41,71c11311 48398 Oti T'recT 41E, .5c.•.(4..--N t 14, u1A441Q101311- . - U .A01.3T1- 3k1-9" ti 44 2017-18 4R4-11.3-rd1 31#17 2.71 .1s1 .(qt-1 t 311'1T di.-11 41140 Tri%a. 10-12 eii.t.Q t.N41: 47 J131 zrf uteT4

c_44civ ITdThl- c411.(u I prr, c4-41-4, .5Ltkid-1 141A 4-1)01c-11 (+11d1c1 *cOl*ell 3-11tW -czraFir f1-4t dfl 44- 2017-18 ei1J1ci of qa 4ndiAt-1 'Z14.3101134 "s1. NI-it.4241 al cn Zit I

(ur) Jt, 4.)1 Tit 2018-19 oic-11 fWita. FV4 1170.00 c4 t L4

GigA).t 1760.64 cntls t‘LN it 2017-18 r qc-idi a 11.3-T7T 50 lAragiff 3iftW tl

CEO Lit (g) 1f14-40 .11t11 3f-dui-a 1:441-4 •HE,144(11 .DQ 3 cT DocR c.nrelog Rqeialq■ 1) q■-r)rf22r *1- d13 t, .54 T-41-tt gar ,Aidi tl altiTEftfa 141A4-11.,frii +1(cr)ii- gic i vry akTIC 3u-4-ca. 31T1rt- --4-31-rcer gic 4-11M-1 arA ti Iterzr 3 - • al Oki T4t-t-fa ut:dTLT 3iTc lftra - Gicm ci .to4 a 31-4A. 1:14"T 41t al• tl 44 2017-18 t• etliici 4-0. at 79,643 3Tra1 4=7111-t-f t, azir 2rrfl!w GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES




Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government has launched Solar Charkha Mission recently and if so, the details thereof including its aims, objectives and financial outlay for the purpose along with the number of Clusters covered and the number of artisans likely to be benefited therefrom State/ UT-wise; (b) whether the Government proposes to set up 15 New state-of-the-art technology centres in the country and if so, the details thereof; (c) whether the budgetary allocation for Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) for FY 2018-19 has been increased and if so, the details thereof; and (d) whether the Government has set up 4 Portals for promoting Ease-of-Doing Business and if so, the details thereof?



(a): Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) has launched the Mission Solar Charkha for implementation of 50 Solar Charkha Clusters across the country with a budget of Rs. 550 crore for the year 2018-19 and 2019-20. The scheme is envisaged to generate direct employment to nearly one lakh persons. Solar Charkha Units have been classified as Village Industries.

(b): Ministry of MSME is implementing Technology Centre Systems Programme (TCSP), to expand and upgrade the network of Technology Centres (Tool Rooms and Technology Development Centres) in the country, at an estimated project cost of Rs. 2200 crore including World Bank Loan of USD 200 Million to establish 15 new Technology Centres (TCs) and upgrade existing TCs across the country.

aiRa TOW, cdti3 TM-713T .514 di ailiem zilch RTPT 31aRlia Vit T. 305 7 allIV 06.08.2018

94m- 3057. 4r ucil>a Pd-v:

0-411 Tka-W, e.1 al-71-3:1 .544 di d1 zi cp 41 ch. dl ice:

() # 'kit< ft2m- ui iai f rr 3 qi-a 0, at (i(-(-1( 6411,0 C1-4-4 3 Te Fa-zt 3i11-{ 3-tzr ct-Q-11 $-1 si(41.31.1 t-q i i cci i ft-4fizr LA64444 itzTr di I t 3f l'a-At ÷it5.411 a 21T147 ¶h' TiCr t 3117 Tat cfadkI rFT3T f t #01-ram (za) (mi +1.0-)H, Zr fa-TT t21- # 15 31T9-PW T2TTIT ct,i0) Er t 3i 411.-?‘ 0, at a----.1-4-9-ft cd.4U c t; (7) c1-411 it4M 7i' 2018-19 croamtt- 110.1411.( (1)1 (NH ( ) (1.31 3Trtd7 of "1" t 3117 :1#r (4-44t t;atIT (Er) c-ell cf-Ptc) of tdid-k-0' T1 G4Oic0 4 ultej TZTIfirj fcb - 3i17 (-\619-it TAIT( ci-e4 I t?

377 Tka--a, e1 ti 307 at-4# (HA gaiR) (4r fliA(10.1

Tka-71, c1 311-{ grA-1 3747r 1c->H-1 (44 2018-19 1 2019-20 1-- q 550 c4-) tls T. t t21. 2-7 aY 50 risk T-MMI ci-c+{.-CA1 cr)1 f4(r Tai{ol 21T itzET t I T47 'E-c ei laTur .Qct) aT711 cqrAleii (-4_4 Traa- uz f& f Tr ai I (-II t I ,t-IsN T-4.“M I ThT$1- 76- T1:1 of Wrrt-F 1.411 t (N) AR- git4-1c11 .5E1 di I eV.-1 2r 0.17 # 15 G-14) ( (Heil ) (a.41) T2Tritra- chiG) FAT ulti11-1((aci-Gileii.311) 4,4 (tRit) (r)i.) 11t 200 sie“ itkr Atli! Trita- 2200 ct,i)$ LA4.11,7101 eimd tr 2r aj 1,11t1)1)c. (.4-G-11 ) 4)0 (. •t■NcH avAT (2.(1-01(.11"..4i) 1- (4-)14-1 44,) deu r 14cl cb.(0) try 6G-wield c-11,(G)

0°,1) 1-)cR (ec1-01) c.11.31) ) 44, uuliA (a4w÷a) 2

(c): Yes, Madam. The details of the fund allocation under PMEGP for the Financial Year 2018-19 are given below:

BE(2018-19) (Rs. in crore) Backward and Plan Scheme PMEGP Margin Money forward linkages General 881.24 36.00 SCC 434.52 STC 198.88 NER 246.00 4.00 Total 1760.64 40.00

(d): In order to promote the Ease-of- Doing Business, the Ministry of MSME has introduced online filing of Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM) from 18.09.2015. Since then, the total number of UAM filed by micro, small and medium enterprises is 4931098. In addition to it, the Ministry has also taken the following steps to promote the Ease of Doing Business: (i) MSME SAMADHAAN Portal- for empowering micro and small entrepreneurs across the country to directly register their cases relating to payments delayed by Central Ministries/Depaitments/CPSEs/State Governments etc. (ii) MSME SAMBANDH Portal- to help in Monitoring the Implementation of Public Procurement Policy for micro and small enterprises. (iii) MSME SAMPARK Portal- A digital platform, wherein, jobseekers (passed out trainees / students of 18 MSME Technology Centres) and recruiters get connected. (iv) Digital Payments- to pass on the benefits of the schemes of Ministry of MSME through digital payment gateway.

* * * (IT) r, hfi f48. c 2018-19 T f i 1-11t!eicfitll T .3tFatF f 31T -d-a- TT G,Q-I Al-r) t: zi'l7FT di iJ14fli.1 e1.71C. 31TTI1 (2018-19) (,t,Li cfrt # ) #T17U al-- 'r ttwat .tr - tb-11-4 1 i1Ic116-4-1 881.24 36.00 qii 434.52 .t-i 198.88 OtffT 47# 246.00 4.00

VI 1760.64 40.00

(Er) cAck-iio--i 311-4:11At eiq 31'17 git-4:171 diAlcie4 it*T 18.09.2015 RI. 3#PT 31NTTR- Nil ILIA (77di ) cif 31t-A-X$-a"

r11 ti Mittf Tfwa-7T, aisYT Tru4di 3 W di gRI 4'T 1 ' Cr TTY' zzrk-rdi Tei

,t-.zsen 4931098 tl Tflt 3TfdftT c4-1c4i1I4 31TFTAt ch. eioi T .5(51 f:

(i) idiQ.nidi ittg- Rr 4/i10-4-1 311t 2F-dra. # +icaci TriaTA- Tht #rO• cNc) fc v r aTR- T Tka-F 3.0 c>itA 3-41-3:11- Th-t MIT a Gib T qq1 (ii) idi«iidi 44.4q. 3117 c>it 3€13# I LI I Ait (141-440, Lisii411) cR41 ik I (iii) maikl,tiqd4 untg- Qc4-, 1 -Trat cicilUA* 18 qd-1Q+1Qc14 1,4144111c2 141÷1 crffrayi- 12.ff 3117 31--AtTat sl$ (iv) cei c




Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether Federation of Retailers Association of India (FRAI) a representative body of Micro, Small and Medium traders having 34 retail associations across the country has expressed displeasure against Government decision trade/product restrictions for outlets selling multiple products of everyday use and controls on in- shop advertising;

(b) if so, the detail thereof and the reaction of the Government thereto; and

(c) the details of the draft proposals by the Government in this regards?



(a): Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises has not put any restrictim on outlets selling multiple products of everyday use and has also not put ar. controls on in-shop advertising.

(b)&(c): Does not arise.

Near, 9 30 argue' 34,44+1 +Melt! e11q, MIT 31-aria-a 911- 3061 6c-di tO' R1117 : 06.08.2018

W§-ic414 igdo411 fatt

3061. 43bit Tkirdr3-

WWI vg, 9 gti-. 4121-4 3rei 4-4t t-tn. .11 .d

(*) *TT i11‘1-11 qr 4 34 zFtr ofaic4 Tar, A. TIUUT 044 ccI i k-lt1, Gq14141 9i-Er %g1ttro- 4 IA 3441 ciRA 4§-37- -9T-41 idsPr 34-{ p.* 17 fa.ripial ul cei 14 I i/3 (-4 i4 Slfe4t6 ITT i qui44 * 4.11,(1.714n .71c113

FT, Genii fir 3tt-{ r ITT wzrr AA 411 '; 444IZ1TiT 14-41T g* Vriiitr 1,1-'141 IaltiT WZri ?

3cci 4. N4-7T, 'NTS 31IT Tft-zaf 64,e1,11 TRM cll Oftfln4hl1 )

(w) RE; AT X117:13T 344,141 ‘11711eN 4 a1 1 54,4 41 * T30414 ,lel VIM IT( c13gfa4ir We PI t 311{ --Wrat 4 ra 401 'TT sft .4)1$ fAtiAul 4t Tut tl





Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether the sale of khadi products have shown a remarkable growth during the current year in the country;

(b) if so, the details thereof indicating the production, sale and export of khadi products during the last three years and the current year; and

(c) the steps being taken by the Government to promote khadi industry and to exploit/tap its export potential to the maximum?



(a): Yes, Madam. Sale of Khadi products have shown a remarkable growth during the year 2017-18 in the country. It has increased from Rs.2146.60 crore to Rs. 2508.50 crore during 2017-18, which shows around 16.86% growth.

(b): Performance of production, sale and export of Khadi products during the last three years and the current year is as follows: Rs. in crore) 2017-18 2018-19 (P) Khadi products 2015-16 2016-17 (P) (upto 30.6.2018) Production 1158.44* 1520.83# 1624.86# 305.39# Sales 1663.98* 2146.60# 2508.504 231.05# Export 0.11 3.01 3.08 0.77

P-Provisional *includes Khadi, Polyvastra #includes Khadi, Polyvastra & Solarvastra • .41 31T17 eitA 314R grargi Act) Bair 3FeRiltF LrPtT fir. 3094 3 T FTtra 06.08.2018

4.414 3-F-vr-4 'Wu 3094. )3ft alIFT

4it 3KET f#J3rr:

3ft"1- .54-Idi 014) Zi TaTA'c1 cp LiI

(F) c4-Zi roar 37crr-4- .z4t• Trt t; (ur) a-R1-- (11 .s.qU t 31R 31YT T-410 -Isc.r eNto Tara 5acnt 3c-qic,G-1,1141 3117 1 -4:1'FF t 641.(1 t; 3is T (7) gki ura yatTr fi Glom ao.) 3rd f r 36'uwa--a .561q

.5t- t Fuj amr-sr 3 Ji r .1-141 g') (PAt f111.(1,71

(T) TY! .2T at c4 2017-18 t. ej,t1G1 Wit 37-Trre 4.N0-11-4 qf'4 t i of u 2017-18 t' 2146.60 chil$ 2508.50 ct) t 7 f c'1413PT 1 16.86% qit tl

(ur) 3i17 cfrldim 3 art 6c-1-11d,

2018-19(31.) 'Lai bc-Lii4 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18(3T.) (30.06.2018 cid)) 305.39# bt-t-IKO 1158.44* 1520.834 1624.86# ft-Rr 1663.98* 2146.60# 2508.50# 231.054 0.77 f:AzIi7 0.11 3.01 3.08 wZift tilefIc44-1 Trita ifTU-41 1-11e1CI 1 30-{ cH1- *4_ 2

(c): Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) is implementing the following schemes/ programmes through Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) to promote Khadi & Village Industry:

i) Khadi Grant:

1. Strengthening Infrastructure of existing Weak Khadi Institutions and Assistance for Marketing Infrastructure provides for renovation of khadi sales outlets and providing assistance for strengthening infrastructure of existing weak selected institutions

2. Workshed Scheme for Khadi Artisans for providing assistance for construction of worksheds.

ii) Market Promotion Development Assistance (MPDA) is a unified scheme by merging Market Development Assistance, Publicity, Marketing and Market Promotion. A new component for setting up of Marketing Complexes/Khadi Plazas has been added to expand the marketing network of Khadi & VI products. Under the Modified MDA (MMDA), financial assistance at 30% of the Prime Cost, is distributed amongst Producing Institutions (40%), Selling Institutions (20%) and Artisans (40%).

iii) Interest Subsidy Eligibility Certificate (ISEC) Scheme provides credit at concessional rate of interest through Banks in which the institutions are required to pay interest of only 4%, any interest charged by banks over 4% will be paid by the Govt. of India through KVIC.

iv) Khadi Reform and Development Programme (KRDP) has been implemented with the financial and technical assistance of Asian Development Bank (ADB) to revitalize the khadi sector with enhanced sustainability of khadi, increased incomes and employment for spinners and weavers, increased artisans' welfare and to achieve synergy with village industries. Khadi Reform Package envisages reform support in the following areas: (i) Artisan Earnings and Empowerment, (ii) Direct Refoiiii Assistance to 400 Khadi Institutions & (iii) Implementation of a well-knit MIS.

Initiatives/steps taken by the Government to promote the export of Khadi products is placed at Annexure-L

* * * ti

41 3 t ftlid-Nildi (4)jsa-71., eikA3l TN-7M 3~4

.41.711,( 4-ic-11 (qd-ILMQ)- G1101K ict)1÷1 IG1 LT G11.3iN Ti-at. - t1 3M1RaTff VtTl- t G-0 }it.ct) 3T21ta, S 1 uld titRt/wra _ 4W7:1. `P'0.) 1-clio1131t chi 4:2111:1—HT Tr tsitt at{ 3F=flt TdTA" f1T 0'41 "NI ti #21tftra .5c-1114ch 1#211311 (40%), f cii 2.TT2ir311 (20%) - H2T1 cta4K) (40%) t 30%iciRci ti TrfUidi iii) GQ-4101 Tlf4itt urr-Aur vaTrurg-9- (31-157) 4--cRd1 at wr-4'r Ti-4=2.1134 Z 3T1-424icodiGyilt tf1 I) 11c)1 c410-1 2UI 1;I T" until ti 4-14-21T34 T). 4 1.41-a- 31eff0-ff tl gRI 4 1,121-6 31f1 cratrka 6zIIu1 err 6 .Wct)I( 4>c)13irt--44t Tht aFa- -7 iv)wrtr 31'l-{ f midi (t3Trrert) rqi:=4 (1 .CT -41) LT s-am-41- r 3174- a1 Giold.k) coiG1 3117 c14'1r1 ctadR) t TIM got (fZDe.el1s35) 4btc1i F2ir dAid-110d1 Trr2T (ItrdA) 141,4 cb0-1- ctiRi uci fir dIzII tl r ycla Ilta. 41--41 (i)4414 r 3iTz1 t T Tr2G-Kt)iul (I; 400 14Itt #4=211'311 r ccFzraT Tar{ H211" (iii) clef qt. (Well )anit) V713iltT44 4-1V.qc11 VITT 117 faqr{ JR!! tl err 3Furgt Wra- 1 titct I ji iTrt 70/661q mar 3fT4tr-I- a1 12,q z-ry fi

* ** Annexure-1

Annexure-I referred to in reply to part (c) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 3094 for answer on 06.08.2018

Initiatives/steps taken to promote the exports of KVI products

1. Assistance would be provided under the MPDA Scheme to the eligible Khadi and Village Industries (KVI) Institutions for participation in International Exhibitions/Trade Fairs held in foreign countries in order to showcase KVI products to foreign countries, access international buyers and sellers and forge business alliances, etc.

The eligible items for such participation and the scale of assistance would be as under:

S. No. Eligible items Scale of assistance i) Space Rent For KVIs — 100% of the space rent subject to a maximum of Rs.1.25 lakh or actual rent paid, whichever is lower (for one representative from each participating enterprise) ii) Air Fare For KVIs — 100% of the Economy Class air fare subject to a maximum of Rs.1.00 lakh or actual fare paid, whichever is lower (for one representative from each participating enterprise) 2. Participation in domestic international exhibitions at State and National levels wherein KVIs are allowed to participate and market their products. 3. Assistance is also provided to Exporters participating in International Trade Fairs held in India like India International Trade Fair (IITF) New Delhi where stall rentals are subsidized for the exporting institutions. 4. Participation in International Trade Fairs through ITPO, New Delhi where KVI products find wide exposure to International Trade Delegation, Importers, Overseas Buyers, Franchisees. Branded Merchandise Outlets, Retailers, Malls, and Shopping Centres etc. 5. Tie up arrangements for bringing out innovative export quality product designs with NIFT. 6. Tie up arrangement with premier export institutions like Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), Federation of Indian Export Organization (FILO), CII and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI). 7. Tie up arrangement with premier institutions like Federation of Indian Export Organization (FIEO), World Trade Centre (WTC), Indian Trade Promotion Organization (ITPO), Trade Promotion Council of India etc., for invigorating business opportunities in the overseas market by conducting exhibitions and workshops for Khadi Institutions. Arranging training in Export Procedure and Documentation for Export Oriented Units (EOUs), Institutions and Entrepreneurs in the KVI Sector through these institutions. 8. A MoU was signed between KVIC and Aditya Birla Fashion & Retail Ltd. (ABFRL), Raymond and Arvind Mills for sale of Khadi fabric in country and abroad. 9. Tie up with e-Commerce platform for on-line marketing through e-Commerce companies like PayTM, Aaarmart. 10. KVIC has applied to register "Khadi" as a word mark and "Khadi India" as a Trade mark in 27 classes for various products among 45 classes listed out in the IPR Act at National Level as well as has filed an online application for registering "Khadi" as a trade mark under International Bureau in European Union and other countries under 16 different class.

31T4" Q_6.08.2018 t el co Trai 31F11116_01" 3. 3094 i 2irar ((T) 31- 1 alt{ ‘1,11d-N1) d I 3—ur 14Z1irj f i 1 r dl rif#/ball ury

f 2T1 a1 urrt 3117- ma-114.41J' 37cfre Egftff coiA,3i-fftrfRr sl c113T1 Kr4 i'otar3it cict! tip* Fut oquorim zit 31-rf 3171 4760 c, 3t2z1 # Frzrtr$a- 31attzr Aert a1 317T etA trra. urra 31#

(ii) E.,c4I wr4r al-{ d.ricH 4.1 d I. c, (.!- W{RIT 3Tt -a-ST 1.00 cil4s1 .0-1 l 34'0'17 *c41 k1'14 q-eiki f.UI rti151- 100% ZIT ard17 1 --zIT d1 i cik- co 14)i111i AI chdi t (3-117 c)..1 (40 171 34TF # r-i-, td fv) 2. (I 3ft UPI 4-c-R) t "Eir3 rzr 1,1 a1 aar3r c)oi utrt 3 da d1l ill di airaT t 3. 3-TRF 3tattzr c211qii (3.11t3Ttervw), f rc ory cr, Rtf4r311 4-cler fit 1:4Q. Ii isll 41 k=iicf1 t, 1-4 grirff a1 3TRII149. 3-i-Ftrefzi cz1IUlQ 31-A. a1 IIPT ()..) Ulcl Puici4,1 aft .H-R-If tr 7r-A- ti 4. 31Tel-01131I, 4 1 rC r # 34.-4111M celiqk girsrgit 41.i0-11 17-4I 4,11a-i)44)di 3-Fgrat 3i Zr crffafdftr*cam, 31TTIT, fttqr <1-17151,11 311374e, f r311, afst-A 311-4- 2iffer* Glrrft a1 c-eitt-lch > 4H-11-1),71i ti 5. l'4Zl Trral °luso-0.14a fzfra cKf2d 6. fak2T c, 11114 diViAa21Icie4 (..41q14-0), 511T-ART tgtUa. 3F .1&8RIT 4-4-t-1 3iffrMS-42ra' (71:F3itt3.1t), 2ir33T 3fr AT' s72rc3 3tr* 31#, r F t (14- ) TiT-unt urzt c7TraTZT1 4b.411 7. Z;f1t1 *Mel 1-k LiG2ner 3117 'ThT4-211c,11J: f4k2ft qfat a1 cUU FilZl 31474t .401,sici 4—d-14T Pk! tstQl*'3frc6 3fral-Frra- (qkt,3trit), 2h‘-‘ (sd,e-kari1), armdtzr (31-r--ertfr3i1),- al-R-tzr Tfac refttsr, ail uqui 2raT-ZT1 4 tail I TiT2int arrteidi 71t4131-Ft atia1 lz -zfiF 3.-apft zr1 (t3I1'0, #Turait 31stf ki4ks4.-1 a1 gRtaTErr .wurerr 4,id41 8. IT 31f{ JAia-11441.1 31m17r 3tt{- 3 zr f4-4-a.r t-2m- f4. (lakkoarTki-a), tTrct 3ist{ 21" 31# it- 21. at ZW-4/ W151" t itrWzr Qct, \,11 LH. 1:17 FfFT417- f'--zrt- 9. 1)a1d1, arTaTit 1-#1m-taltr ct,d-4P4 c, Trruidi # 311 tT f14U1t1 c f -kt 4,1 Trru chiG-11 I 10. ZWa- 3317 ‘11,11d1 d I 31Rita-r Trpr 4-cR ER- 34cfr3TR afruff'H-zraf # VIVK 45 4farzi7 3cLoc, ik 27 4f6Tzlt at c Tcr d1 Vt. Oitzrr' 3ft{- 2164 dill TIT at Vrtr LTA Tchi f=4e- 3174 FZU 16 f4f* istffr-41 c kdira- 3F-4 ter f Fur 34drerzi k-{1 atazia- -g*t Tcr # "41141" kisAcoskul fll 3ird-g 13114---J aft un-r--F1'40: GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES




Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is a provision of ensuring 4 per cent of the total Procurement done by ministries, departments and Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) from the entities owned by SC/ST under the Public Procurement Policy (PPP) and if so, the details thereof;

(b) if not, the corrective steps taken by the Government to ensure its strict implementation;

(c) whether the Government's e-Marketplace (GeM)/ Public procurement portal facilitates compliance of above provision of PPP and if so, the details thereof along with salient features of this Public Procurement Portal `MSME Sambandh' and the value of total procurement made through GeM so far; and

(d) the other steps taken/proposed to be taken by the Government for strengthening the MSMEs sector in the country?



(a): Yes. As per the Public Procurement policy order 2012, there is provision for 20% of annual procurement from Micro, Small Enterprises (MSEs) by all the Central Ministries / Departments / Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) including 4% from MSEs owned by SC/ST entrepreneurs. (b): Does not arise in view of (a) above.

(c): Government e-Marketplace (GeM) and Central Public Procurement (CPPP) Portals have necessary provision for procurement of Public goods and services under Public Procurement Policy (PPP). UAM linked transactions by MSEs on Government e-Marketplace (GeM) portal have been to the tune of Rs 2904.6 cr till 26th July, 2018. On `WISME Sambandh' portal, annual procurement targets and the details of monthly procurement made by the Central Government Ministries/ Departments and CPSEs from Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) are uploaded.

(d): The Government implements various schemes and programmes for promotion and development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the country. These include the Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP), Solar Charkha Mission, A Scheme for Promoting Innovation, Rural Industry and Entrepreneurship (ASPIRE), Credit Guarantee Scheme, Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS), National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP), Micro & Small Enterprises - Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP), Marketing Development Assistance (MDA), Skill Development Programmes, Schemes for financial support to MSMEs for obtaining Zero Defect Zero Effect (ZED) Certification, National SC/ST Hub to provide professional support to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe entrepreneurs, Public Procurement Policy for ensuring 20% share of the MSEs in procurements made by the Government of India and its agencies and the Scheme for supporting MSMEs in the North Eastern Region and Sikkim.


(W) ced (W) r, qa iocill

(71) ,Hict4 t-4-fIc 114 (4x0 Ftrr 4,4)44 `AP4z 4a4 (4414141) tit 1711Ach- 451114 .-fQ (11111) * ke71-6 tcl M aFq311- 3It 41311 1.44 311-41z1V 17rdtria-

*Kali $-a-114)c Lehi (1') 'I' R:Elt---g 4,c1 RI 26 or 2018 RV 34,q)ai 311111-{ 41140 TT 4-4-41T .4t4-4 2904.6 a).4) 717' * .‘* tl

tffcg 141- *w *whit * +mem / FM • 44 sArAcil OA- 34444-4 4.51 TE4-7f 311{- 41144, JO4 RIFT 34-4. ai diact, tq114 azIlt 3r1zrafi5 We' fl

(Er) : r 31 /Tit7f, W13 3117 341..-4-xf 54_44441 Tiv1R- 311-{ c1114-1 Mv fa ir-irt siiroifi ath. .4)14 owl *I cm 4411;o ci chic!) t *wig ‘Ji di it *•A .t chi 0 " (141"4•71) 41)9th eft Titis11 M1TR', crl q cicioi, d,1 I al) 4:0,11 .(4 344411th 4-41M. 4'71'11 ("ki 'Of 51 471011 -ftC- f4q'S fa eel Terg farA•iluied-fcrtfcr-ww-d-r 4,141shei 4-14141), trE 64_44 4-1-4, t-ci fa chit' c411419,4-1 (1,4-Rtiii -4141,11), fa Li ut.-1 ii0141d1 51.11q), bra idchlii 4,1404i, Ail fga)a-r. -011i1 Swc- ( ) vaTrara- circa *TO- * fAv lvt-Tr, 9 aft Trtx7r 54,44 +11 *1 fa 4144 144 ti t g41..71.11, 39ita7- '3ilfcl 3rd 397Eft T 34241-A441 411.4-{ 144 cif srdrA- chi.) fAv ilwaq 3T74Tfta. onf"a/ 3r:14:Eft oirt.mtia ZW, 31-1{ff 3tk 57{-41- qaP4.1I 4aIt1 t a N414 3t1-4- 9 3-4757:6 wr 20 3ed11-6 f* ,4-t4iTIFAWA- -F cnol qv isf 4 MITrem' 41qtd- ft~f 4-t a1 kvt-Tr caFrr V aTtzrg 444 oil it' di *61" el N7101 q111-Ae1 ti GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES




Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is a provision of ensuring 4 per cent of the total Procurement done by ministries, departments and Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) from the entities owned by SC/ST under the Public Procurement Policy (PPP) and if so, the details thereof;

(b) if not, the corrective steps taken by the Government to ensure its strict implementation;

(c) whether the Government's e-Marketplace (GeM)/ Public procurement portal facilitates compliance of above provision of PPP and if so, the details thereof along with salient features of this Public Procurement Portal `MSME Sambandh' and the value of total procurement made through GeM so far; and

(d) the other steps taken/proposed to be taken by the Government for strengthening the MSMEs sector in the country?



(a): Yes. As per the Public Procurement policy order 2012, there is provision for 20% of annual procurement from Micro, Small Enterprises (MSEs) by all the Central Ministries / Departments / Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) including 4% from MSEs owned by SC/ST entrepreneurs.

3-1117 WI-,9 3111- FtzraT Riw 1' 31-driii*F lag" 4;45411 3110 cc1 ice!, : 06.08.2018

*it .7t X114 AfifW

3110. it 3TRfrili Ate:

413:rt quo J1154-1:

F1T 1:11,4-1, Rig 3ft AVM 34_44+1 4-41 zIT 61 c11 TITT c c1

(w) WWI *11 .71 eh 49114 Alfa ( ) * 3 3T- 1fta* oi I ra/3T cri *r IVA c-c1 a en J121101411, ibIPTI AT 4)4)44 *1,01141 ktti. 345t)a-11 (44) *14) 4altl i1 Fg '1514)4 WI' 4 Ufa-VW (44411 VARVF Ch WE Vratir4 t 3ft Zeit aKi*tft 6441il WIT t; zrit 04, F'r **tic}, cfrol 1:1-1=45-47. chial FAV W4TT T.111111TAW ch4J-I 6611 1V t;

*zrT * t-a-1141C. Lel ti (ItsfUOM-11 49114 trfieff3L1..204-c1 AMUR. t.

39Erra-4 711. Gm la t T, a-4*f1 6441.0 *-zrr 3itT t113ot .41 49114 trIt'ca- *r ov.944 itit9d14 wzrr 3th- 41fur xnt-zp:r 31W RW f4,c1.1 Tv-zr c'r (44 c'r 74; 3t{ (E) ectg mig-clichiul 35,- Wz1T G1144-1 JOIN ITV &JON 7TA' .5ii-cA t?

TL47f, 9 3tiT TIUPT 3441+I i10-44 Tit (t-qc-IA 7317) (41 inilA T40

(w) : 1i l 49 114 an 311-br 2012 39TR 411ft • 4144 J-NR4441/ ftarrieilktzr klici.TQq1 44-9. clif44) talc, wr 20 A-PAW (1/4d-ti-t) ftid4 3TT:Su .7tira/371

(b): Does not arise in view of (a) above.

(c): Government e-Marketplace (GeM) and Central Public Procurement (CPPP) Portals have necessary provision for procurement of Public goods and services under Public Procurement Policy (PPP).

UAM linked transactions by MSEs on Government e-Marketplace (GeM) portal have been to the tune of Rs 2904.6 cr till 26th July, 2018.

On `MSME Sambandh' portal, annual procurement targets and the details of monthly procurement made by the Central Government Ministries/ Departments and CPSEs from Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) are uploaded.

(d): The Government implements various schemes and programmes for promotion and development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the country. These include the Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP), Solar Charkha Mission, A Scheme for Promoting Innovation, Rural Industry and Entrepreneurship (ASPIRE), Credit Guarantee Scheme, Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS), National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP), Micro & Small Enterprises - Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP), Marketing Development Assistance (MDA), Skill Development Programmes, Schemes for financial support to MSMEs for obtaining Zero Defect Zero Effect (ZED) Certification, National SC/ST Hub to provide professional support to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe entrepreneurs, Public Procurement Policy for ensuring 20% share of the MSEs in procurements made by the Government of India and its agencies and the Scheme for supporting MSMEs in the North Eastern Region and Sikkim. -.2-

(g) : 34 cIc1 (W) A. at51a r, spm att Jodi'

(711 t-'114,c Le).it (43:0 FAT 44'l ill4,71rAch Lae' (wtrIttft) ifici,71fAct, 444 crtlfa (1f141,41) i 3igata. T+7311 3t #4.34 tt (44 t rOv arratzrw fi

t-4-114c, telit ( -41') rhea' riT TOT KrE FTE 3441+11 4c1 I I 26 2018 UT' 3714 31TUTT 411401 # itTcy ##a- -A' 2904.6 coils V:17 a-W

"11-1 q.t.! 414 #41r IttR. tr{. *-4. kivl I e141. / F4ITTat1 *II %AP 3441+11 4att1 Tr,4-1T 31t{ 134g4-6 # cinch ty114 Ft'zi 31'1T t21' aT 4-11Pc.r) ig114(wilt 311Talg 141q

(Er) 4-41- a1 qT4ter, R7 34{- 7itzr 3-4-5A1 1 311 fd4tti ero 44 01.1134 A cro49N-t1 chic!) tI ood4 snug-Alt ilai•IFt itom chi 0,a-i Ti'U I fill-qM", cic14 , a,11J-1)4_4-1) cf KrE 64,411A d I #41-14 t'kr 47101 ( .4-4 I t), ote- 4114ce1 tir4 41 14fixr (414(444.tivio, Trtv-etzr faPkilui WftfrIlliTFIVUT 41149nm (•-i14-14141), WI' W4 fa chlii 4'44 5b4-1 (V-1 4-45914), fa 4 ul ai facntti *10 cll 0/rg 4w.104-1, f14).1-c (44-41) 5r-grum- vrca. 4,01 1=47 9- 31'f{ 311XIT 3-4:476. farilq *weld! *1. 'data t, 3944pa 311-{ 39#F4# otaioiQ 34?lfA441 AtaT *10144 ciflArd-w ?Ay 39TLita oilW 391:pa alsrialQ TW, IITTF 3181z' **I cn A7M 4a tit tiaid 444 Na r RE.; 3c0441 it 20 I TP5V6- cfrol oirAct) 4.04 aflf~ err tEdtei' 107 Kr4' I,41T Mg; td TIVAIT 3411+11 I +-I I t). 411.71011 IIA t GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES




Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL & MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a): whether the Government proposes to set up state-level universities dedicated to entrepreneurship and MSMEs with an outreach through MSME clinics on the pattern of agricultural universities and if so, the details thereof ;

(b): whether the Government proposes to set up a dedicated Entrepreneurship and MSME University (EMU) to combine academic teaching faculty with practitioners to nurture entrepreneurship and to produce self-confident entrepreneurs and an army of trainers to create an ecosystem for entrepreneurship and if so, the details thereof; and

(c): if not, the reasons therefor?



(a) to (c): No, Madam. Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) already has specialized institutes which implement various schemes to encourage, nurture and promote entrepreneurship in the country. These include National Institute for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (ni-msme), MSME Technology Centers, MSME Development Institutes, Training Centers of National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC), Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) and Coir Board.

FET# +WOK *0-41, FE1 3IVT alum' Etat di 1I cN4 ei eh MIT T. 3143 391" cilNi 06.08.2018

f44.IS.44.4ic* Li

3143. an' Gieicbi tem:

TzTT c>iti 3 aTMfar 3T13T d1 124t,4-FTA cR cpLii c4 d1

(.) 4-241 4-Rch1( Tfti 1,C4- ITT 41 41q cH3 ci-(411- ch. RICA di TV

ch 'CV Trr2,1 34.41d cii E2rr QdiQ+Il!c1-1 I t •kid-Oci Tatzr f 41-1"arr-g7 ; 3frt qia T.r, dc-4-iGiQft Tzrrt;

(1) tnisrur cbiA MTT 31cFalit .1TR Aftcklir 3q4c41 TGi coi.) 4).-11 cbic.) MIT 644 qcil tritt zr qa-a- 31-- #fW fl-aTcrr 4-,coe,a #ziTh• Ottacl bqd-i azrr qd-Ni-Rd4 itkiitara- -zr ($-(raTz) TZTrfta- CMG) 14-4•IT 3 241-a o, FF#4vcrr 6d--11•0 C1411 t; 31t{

(7) 2a 4, at T4:1 c4-241 qui t?

41,4-41, At{ 3EVU1 btidi laig) qt.)

(w) (ar): It, 41 #‘4----F, Oti at{ 31-Q-71# 3€-01- (qdiQ.Hcf4) 141+1 f cr2j qqi #T2Tra- .54.I%-(1 E44(cll TZR1711 crptcl tl Tat, TrOzr #sa--24, 3117 TfUlgT 3cfdi 1#2.1T - d-0 ), .Qc11Q•tiQd4 IA 4.4 (acfr1161011) WiQ•kiQd-i‘ f Id #f21T, RIP oti 371)71 fir W-Aes (qc-sq1i3r*ft) gf214Tur 311T icc1 3t{ 4Aki1bIlJ1 arrzifia-r (4)43Trt#t) 3ft-{ gleit wls t. 1;f-ft-or qrrfAa- ti GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES




Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government proposes to set up at least one unit of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in each village to check migration of people towards urban areas in search of employment; (b) if so, the details thereof including the number of MSMEs set up during each of the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise and if not, the reasons therefor; (c) the number of people who have lost their jobs in the MSMEs during the said period, State/UT-wise; (d) whether there is any connection between demonetisation and reduction in employment opportunities in the MSMEs; and (e) if so, the details thereof?



(a)&(b): No, Madam. However, Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) is implementing the following schemes/ programmes for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs):

Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP): This is a major credit-linked subsidy programme aimed at generating self-employment opportunities" through establishment of micro-enterprises in the non-farm sector by helping tradition artisans and unemployed youth. Any individual above 18 years of age is eligible. Gener category beneficiaries can avail of margin money subsidy of 25% of the project cost rural areas and 15% in urban areas. For beneficiaries belonging to special categories suc' as scheduled caste/scheduled tribe/OBC /minorities/women, ex-serviceman, physical, handicapped, NER, Hill and Border areas etc. the margin money subsidy is 35% in rur-- areas and 25% in urban areas. The maximum cost of projects is Rs.25 lakh in th- manufacturing sector and Rs.10 lakh in the service sector. Benefit can be availed under PMEGP for setting up of new units only. The Scheme was launched during 2008-09.

titCPIt 41-W, 3111" araig .54.1cH ACP TM' 3rdTeta PV it 3180 3di" cats+ 06.08.2018 Rti 3iti" 7rearar 3Eidif t Tzrrcrar 3180. it iTaT Tent Riat: aft 3r2ftw aft cMfa

3112 ?TeCzr# gilt q ■ i Tql Cad) fbi: c-411. ti'&cl t favg cimgr A 21,.1 0-91 4t 3th- ulcl 1-leileIG-1 Th-t ,t)ct)c) dlic4 a1 chd-I c41c1-1 lcr n 347 g:TC-717i 341 di TR...T.01M t; (w) 41R ck-ricic.ft cmt 341-T ciql qir 311T im / 4-)7-cIR f Tka-7{, c1 311-{ 391,717:f 3Vd# 4t TzTTET-d-r. azu 48, 4, f; ('T) .5th 3raftr 41.00-1 efq 311-T g1Uel-i 33/#1 A •tIo-z4-cik / 1 -## cildll 3i-cra-r tl 1 IIt ult-zrr t; (Er) 4-411 t 3111- 311-{ aTtLiai 311-a1- 31-aAt at cod-11 41v cl-)1 .44-411 t; 3ftt (g) eifa t, ita---etrf 64i t?

iTPT, Rig 314R wie.714" .5W-1 ihrticH Oft fnikii it-f)

(W) 3fYZ (Zr): It, 001 Fzeitr, eiq guidi 3Tisf eiti 311T aiteid-i 31171t Noiqi-Mq) 4=zRt-4/4)1,40.4-1 coN411-3--cid cr>i t> i t:

) Atita3t4t •t,.iii 41149).H (LfWd-I3ollt.11): z1V sup 1,I "1:4Z-f -Th"-g 4-1 4)1 9114-1 D+.1c#11 1.14-0d1c-1 ciliZditl 3117 AT- at Tka-701- 3KITI1 7T11.71g 3TaTf-{ Tlf -a- chid! tl 18 cr4 A 31-Rw 3Trg cbt4 aft zzi-16. LIN tI +11d-IIG-z1 a)-uft -rair2ff d,114 Ul t a1 1-1R1 JiGi I coif 25 cff'd21-ff 311T 210 4til at 15 ti-121--d- aTrr4a- dill +1140 c AwA f I 1 -q114. aloft A ricAd1-31-r21't 3T-q4Lft-d- ..710,11P/3 74 fera-5-r co1/3wc.i- aKJtkt ri-ftf{w facA4idiI,terd4- 3112 kileuckfl Att, att A 35 1:11Z1# 3 210 A-tt A- 25 UM2T# •t-11-41g) tl 1-1Rel),716-1I t 3TRI-W6# eIld1c1 11 d i U i # 25 C•11 4A T. 3117 tlu la-Yq at 10 T. t1 Puri 4 Tr$17:11 111qci4s,N1 f=4Err- tl .4-c2di,c44 2008-09 i 4stim 311ta1• : 2 :

Since its inception, a total of 4.72 lakh micro enterprises have been assisted with a margin money (MM) subsidy of Rs 10007.67 crore providing employment to an estimated 39.36 lakh persons, till 2017-18 (up to 31.03.2018). State/UT-wise micro units set up, MM subsidy allocated & utilized and employment generated under PMEGP during each of the last three years and the current year is placed at Annexure-I.

(ii) Credit Guarantee Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE): The scheme facilitates credit to the MSE units by covering collateral free credit facility (term loan and /or working capital) extended by eligible lending institutions to new and existing micro and small enterprises. The corpus of CGTMSE has been enhanced from Rs.2500 crore to 7500 crore. Since its inception, more than 30 lakh enterprises have been assisted with a total amount of Rs. 5699.90 crore (up to 31.03.2018).

(iii) Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS): CLCSS facilitates technology upgradation of small scale industries, including agro & rural industrial units by providing 15% upfront capital subsidy (limited to maximum of Rs.15.00 lakhs). Since inception and upto 30.06.2018, a total of 51,019 units have been assisted utilizing subsidy of Rs. 3066.18 crore.

Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY) and Stand-Up India scheme are being implemented by Department of Financial Services, M/o Finance. PMMY was launched during 2015-16 for providing loans upto 10 lakh to the non-corporate, non-farm small/micro enterprises. Since its inception in 2015, a total of 6, 01,713.87 Crore amount has been disbursed providing loan to 13, 22, 98,434 units. (Up to 13.072018). Under Stand-Up India loan between Rs 10 lakh and Rs 1 Crore is provided to at least one Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled Tribe (ST) borrower and at least one-woman borrower per bank branch for setting up a Greenfield enterprise. This enterprise may be in manufacturing, services or the trading sector.

(c): Ministry of MSME does not maintain data on the number of people who have lost their jobs in the MSMEs during the said period. However, 49.37 lakh MSMEs have been registered on Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM) portal as on 31.7.2018.

(d): Ministry of MSME has not conducted any study to know the connection between demonetization and reduction in employment.

(e): Does not arise.

* * *

Fit 3iTtai #, 4-1§I 2017-18 (31.03.2018 c-Ich) cict) 4.72 eiNA T. #,&"ai- 311711 10007.67 ctii) T. t'rd1l l ci d-1.41 tr31-TTrfa-d- 39.36 614.Q. c•eiceli ti (41.1 ck-=4w 7er 3117 tiiek 44 t d1'I.-1 L.Nd4ofitz 3tFira- .tlo-24/*T atiarT TZTlitra RIF S1 *chie, 3144fta atri1 +11;:i ) iloidiR TM-0'r 011.144 31-T41.1.-1t ti

itaig 3it{ RES 3q dif c SM1c dlk t~ ldi (44)4age1q*I4): Z -c akr 14-icHIG1 341T eiti 3--cra41 mt t T 39,1-rr4-r-d-r (Altar) Ti-f21-r3r1 gRI #crrft trt) r err ftrzirtiui F2-1T/zfr c-b142irj Mt' cOcii ch.k Lrgi(rPt qq *tut Mt tine tI aofiaqd1qi4 f4R1 Ttar Mt 2500 chitS T. # 61g)Ich.t 7500 T. MT Reif dltll tl 3iTtai # 5699.90 chi) TM Utt # 30 # Mitt 331Ul1' tr.tiV4Ic-11 car di t (31.03.2018 cic01

(iii) .k117 Vt-jr6 4.11441 TERtSf ( kcbliNilq*1): ÷Nc'1i-N4-1Q+I 15 1,11?q17 Yita Wa" (3.1.5M—d-ai 15.00 (.11.0 T. cict) )Cc1 TT Tit 3 dAlAu1 3istdritt

cif; C1 3TitaTt 1,1144)PQ G-G-141 GI 311#1a- 61G11(11 tl # MIT 30.06.2018 cict) Tef 51,019 TMT---4:ff Mt 3066.18 chi)5 T. acoi ti ¢DIt4t r 4 ti

civraattr T Zit" (11qcliqclic114) 31 ilus-31-cr %NT di MT 4041G-cieici 1:4--jtZT tar0. itatra-r SRI fi fr .(E,1 4,k-T-far 3Trgi• 10 eiRg c-14, A.LuT 17-41-a- c..14 2015-16 4 4(10 Lilq&Ndic-11 31Ttg M1. 2015 # 31rta1 (it- tW 13.07.2018 (-NI) 13,22,98,434 T-1-$711 1i 1t'-1 C1-41-a. ch.t cl §k 6,01,713.87 chit T. ti c M r2 .tac-ncr tt J 'I Ttrg-311:1' 1g7:1T M 3taira T2TIftra". (-NG.) # chili ich 3T-qTfta. (mr)) 7E' 3-T14- :--j oicioliP (tuft) t lzit 34'12' chdi chili Qc-r) alftm- -r wgft, 10 c41tA 31 1 chi) T. M anti Atul .,itch tl Trf 64-4d-1 Aci1311- 3121-QT tai 1;iticbcilb

(70: TrpT, 3117 a:rufa:r .54-441 .5x11 3rd' # ,t).71411-t 444.9411 Ti-4tit 3iiMt 4-10 t4stci1 I allit", 31.07.2018 ti 12.T'1 c i 3-gFITT 3-CltaT 31111-17 .114G-1 (zkkRrai) ER. 49.37 (.1141 Q. di if fI Q di thjrfa. ITT JI411 ti

(Er, ):TTP:r, (+I ti AR- git24di 3WI ilciJm a1 .t>41 Gitz4 cb) 3iCA.1 G-I

(T) 'qv .10 66(111 Annexure-I

Annexure-I referred to in reply to part (a)&(b) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 3180 for answer on 06.08.2018

State-wise position of PMEGP durin22015-16

Sr. State/UT Margin Margin Money Number Estimated No. Money subsidy of employment subsidy utilized# (Rs. projects generated allocated lakh) assisted (No. of (Rs. lakh) persons) 1 Jammu& Kashmir 4006.80 3781.19 2207 12115 2 Himachal Pradesh 1721.57 1767.26 1077 5134 3 Punjab 3026.80 2902.97 966 7762 4 UT Chandigarh 90.00 87.72 43 323 5 Uttarakhand 1909.93 1740.86 1136 6161 6 Haryana 3747.40 3112.09 1248 7232 7 Delhi 257.35 254.05 256 2048 8 Rajasthan 4188.14 4384.07 1988 14537 9 Uttar Pradesh 17535.32 14456.87 4365 43059 10 Bihar 7118.59 6588.55 2430 19624 11 Sikkim 227.38 186.11 110 397 12 Arunachal Pradesh 200.08 38.85 35 104 13 Nagaland 1255.83 1392.81 623 4998 14 Manipur 2855.92 1213.98 685 2715 15 Mizoram 924.99 1026.35 1134 9072 16 Tripura 2748.26 945.84 642 5355 17 Meghalaya 1250.62 1056.12 603 4824 18 Assam 4969.87 2869.74 3483 9026 19 West Bengal 4765.49 3400.65 1873 12746 20 Jharkhand 3462.64 3559.74 1839 12873 21 Odisha 6282.00 5736.32 2876 17629 22 Chhattisgarh 4303.80 2829.38 1277 9496 23 Madhya Pradesh 7729.40 8117.17 1979 16497 24 Gujarat* 6536.16 6339.73 1419 14960 25 Maharashtra ** 9718.42 5285.03 2497 20161 26 Andhra Pradesh 4496.85 2262.37 642 7740 27 Telangana 2094.00 2217.57 660 7761 28 Karnataka 10846.89 5898.01 2140 17284 29 Goa 159.40 165.43 91 500 30 Lakshadweep 90.00 0.00 0 0 31 Kerala 2731.60 2720.48 1369 9653 32 Tamil Nadu 7110.80 5497.54 2463 20836 33 Puducherry 100.00 106.37 65 447 34 Andaman & 158.00 65.11 119 293 Nicobar Islands TOTAL 128620.30 102006.33 44340 323362 # including un-utilized balance funds of previous year. * including Daman & Diu. ** including Dadra & Nagar Haveli 31.71413-1 06.08.2018 t F1W fraIT .3.1-61"7" 1;rQ" Ti. 3180 5-117 (-") arrT (yrt 3rk 3 c-ci a 2015-16 * aY0.i arr I w. R. 21.7.4/4ET 21.7.4 443 mrifta Trrfla xr-41- 31-zp-a wrifla art rifiqdr wca- iffaffr 3Tax, rriWa ti m c212S1 71) 21 (V.. Fla 31) LIN o1.11311 2.1"2 ofaut 0+4%1ml tits.eii *RIO ,eta ,11, 34ri- ga fly 4006.80 3781.19 2207 12115 2 .4-i rr4 (.1 craW 1721.57 1767.26 1077 5134 3 Liallai 3026.80 2902.97 966 7762

4 NU 110-44 th U )q, 90.00 87.72 43 323 5 •04.55 1909.93 1740.86 1136 6161 6 6P44iu1 i 3747.40 3112.09 1248 7232 7 1"4z,----4r 257.35 254.05 256 2048 8 RTFP71- 4188.I4 4384.07 1988 14537 9 any sr qr 17535.32 14456.87 4365 43059 10 f=4-7 7118.59 6588.55 2430 19624 II Mf4'ab-71 - 227.38 186.11 110 397 12 amm--4-- sia,zi 200.08 38.85 35 104 13 oidikls 1255.83 1392.81 623 4998 14 aiflyy 2855.92 1213.98 685 2715 15 f1.31 2."I 924.99 1026.35 1134 9072 16 is4tR-r 2748.26 945.84 642 5355 17 tl1cd44 1250.62 1056.12 603 4824 18 31-4171- 4969.87 2869.74 3483 9026 19 t1.5"4aiiIIH-a:r 4765.49 3400.65 1873 12746 20 e lyyyg 3462.64 3559.74 1839 12873 21 3i fir 6282.00 5736.32 2876 17629 22 0,41Heid 4303.80 2829.38 1277 9496 23 ait.71 s azr 7729.40 8117.17 1979 16497 24 As.TRi d -4, 6536.16 6339.73 1419 14960 25 4-iitiz.+4- 9718.42 5285.03 2497 20161 26 art cr-aw 4496.85 2262.37 642 7740 27 (.1 11011 2094.00 2217.57 660 7761 28 4„,,i t s, 10846.89 5898.01 2140 17284 29 .at-ar 159.40 165.43 91 500 30 F41-17 t7 90.00 0.00 0 0 31 *RW 2731.60 2720.48 1369 9653 32 di- A,401 7110.80 5497.54 2463 20836 33 trgt-'4 100.00 106.37 65 447 34 31'.7311" arft a,) 441y 158.00 65.11 119 293 _--4'rcr F4T 128620.30 l'c'i 102006.33 44340 323362 tt fd a msitzs--a- s1 1Wf1t11 Rita- tail atrz 7 "' * aftr x dk Olr State-wise position of PMEGP durin22016-17

Sr. State/UT Margin Margin Number Estimated No. Money Money of employment subsidy subsidy projects generated allocated utilized# assisted (No. of (Rs. lakh) (Rs. lakh) persons) 1 Jammu& Kashmir 3541.26 2621.40 1492 11691 2 Himachal Pradesh 1970.11 2185.27 941 6916 3 Punjab 3504.09 3181.60 1266 9858 4 UT Chandigarh 100 82.84 47 376 5 Uttarakhand 2140.93 2122.33 1345 9890 6 Haryana 3371.31 3383.53 1377 11016 7. Delhi 300 182.41 119 952 8 Rajasthan 5500.99 4641.6 1749 13408 9 Uttar Pradesh 12981.52 14271.05 4074 36315 10 Bihar 6909.77 8336.51 3234 25872 11 Sikkim 200 35.93 27 201 12 Arunachal Pradesh 500 440.34 301 1984 13 Nagaland 1751.68 2007.48 1018 7783 14 Manipur 1741.7 2162.78 1265 8419 15 Mizoram 1253.49 491.96 425 3400 16 Tripura 1578.62 3734.66 2297 17961 17 Meghalaya 1748.1 407.89 329 2632 18 Assam 5636.41 4910.38 6028 31498 19 West Bengal 3680.3 6270.32 3528 26604 20 Jharkhand 4165.73 2654.35 1300 10400 21 Odisha 5201.65 6848.96 3029 20392 22 Chhattisgarh 4493.3 4070.73 1598 12856 23 Madhya Pradesh 8527.32 8346.06 1940 15520 24 Gujarat* 5398.45 7561.61 1386 11629 25 Maharashtra * 6111.29 6001.36 2325 17799 26 Andhra Pradesh 2336.59 4916.08 1357 14148 27 Telangana 2004.86 2561.72 664 6445 28 Karnataka 4941.62 11609.56 3575 30286 29 Goa 371.62 191.44 90 660 30 Lakshadweep 50 00 00 00 31 Kerala 2446.06 3350.68 1584 13068 32 Tamil Nadu 5291.23 8213.92 2941 25764 33 Puducherry 150 103.65 66 699 34 Andaman & Nicobar 100 193.46 195 1398 Islands TOTAL 110000 128093.86 52912 407840 # including un-utilized balance funds of previous year. * including Daman & Diu. ** including Dadra & Nagar Haveli

2016-17 moo. Cdr W. R. tkreifFiEf iis70 krg 31T4' tJ oiffIri g-zi-f-d-

.0oit-t1TPr 5500.99 4641.6 1749 13408 L' 2 idi .9r-a1 12981.52 14271.05 4074 36315 110 f4-6-rt 6909.77 8336.51 3234 25872

rli fit# di 200 35.93 27 201 rT-2 „„ ,- 500 440.34 301 1984 I 13 01J0 '5 1751.68 2007.48 1018 7783 b14 H 1741.7y 2162.78 1265 8419 15 oi icH 1253.49 491.96 425 3400 16 1=1-ERT 1578.62 3734.66 2297 17961

17 da tiiMzl 1748.1 407.89 329 2632

18 314T3T 5636.41 4910.38 6028 31498

19 uthGi

22 6\,..N.id4 4493.3 4070.73 1598 12856

23 xrc-7f 8527.32 8346.06 1940 15520 24 dj,„.1.0d* 5398.45 7561.61 1386 11629

2) J-161t1 6111.29 6001.36 2325 17799 26 3..Tier; IA r 2336.59 4916.08 1357 14148 27 c:i il.-0 2004.86 2561.72 664 6445 28 c4.,,,,i dch 4941.62 11609.56 3575 30286 29 711zIT 371.62 191.44 90 660

30 M- 1IT 50 00 00 00 31 --4---.6- 2446.06 3350.68 1584 13068

32 clPoicHig 5291.23 8213.92 2941 25764

33 17 150 103.65 66 03-6- 4111 699 34 aiga117- 3 oh Gut 100 193.46 195 1398

110000 128093.86 52912 407840 . V # fleAc 3-19-27a- 3W faflzll Flftff *Trcir 311T 4.1 TrItu

3111- cldk FaAt State-wise position of PMEGP during 2017-18

Sr. State/UT Margin Margin Number Estimated No. Money Money of employment subsidy subsidy projects generated allocated utilized# (Rs. assisted (No. of (Rs. lakh) lakh) persons) 1 Jammu& Kashmir 3272.84 6913.15 3753 30024 2 Himachal Pradesh 1785.19 2042.5 886 7088 3 Punjab 3272.84 3930.46 1520 12160 4 UT Chandigarh 100.00 90.07 45 360 5 Uttarakhand 1933.95 2880.98 1613 12904 6 Haryana 3272.84 4167.04 1718 13744 7. Delhi 300.00 150.65 115 920 8 Rajasthan 4909.26 4929.04 1577 12614 9 Uttar Pradesh 11157.41 16866.47 5432 43456 10 Bihar 5653.09 6558.85 2307 18456 11 Sikkim 200.00 46.36 37 296 12 Arunachal Pradesh 500.00 309.42 209 1672 13 Nagaland 1728.96 2672.15 930 7440 14 Manipur 1434.32 1383.87 600 4800 15 Mizoram 1245.66 274.05 249 1992 16 Tripura 1283.75 1892.3 1116 8928 17 Meghalaya 1720.32 118.27 75 600 18 Assam 5351.99 2362.48 2282 18256 19 West Bengal 2975.31 3891.37 1366 10928 20 Jharkhand 3570.37 2439.53 1111 8888 21 Odisha 4462.97 5680.65 2399 19192 22 Chhattisgarh 4016.67 3398.4 1463 11704 23 Madhya Pradesh 7587.04 7631.41 1804 14432 24 Gujarat* 4909.26 12883.63 1876 15008 25 Maharashtra * 5355.56 8749.73 3329 26632 26 Andhra Pradesh 1933.95 5336.1 1527 12216 27 Telangana 4611.73 4030.21 1190 9520 28 Karnataka 4462.97 6477.94 2115 16920 29 Goa 297.53 149.07 50 400 30 Lakshadweep 100.00 00 00 00 31 Kerala 2082.72 2910.44 1347 10776 32 Tamil Nadu 4760.50 9717.58 4095 32760 33 Puducherry 100.00 78.95 44 352 34 Andaman & 100.00 276.95 218 1744 Nicobar Islands TOTAL 100449 131240.07 48398 387184 # including un-utilized balance funds of previous year. * including Daman & Diu. ** including Dadra & Nagar Haveli .14 2017-18 etu - ft del Tr- ran- W. N. t113-4/4ET thrt4 Ettl" 31Ti1a" *HMI Trii-Wa R1f4R" 7,r41 tweftii WII I 41fta. WnWe RA' ti i4Ibil (F. ,tifiA (F. mur 4f1,41..tor36 il.Adiii (GdiRciell eilig 4) 4) it *itself A titse0) 1 sAJ-J-katfir N-ili 3272.84 6913.15 3753 30024 2 1-iir-lei- 4 ,;ivi. 1785.19 2042.5 886 7088 3 1-1.711s1 3272.84 3930.46 1520 12160 4 flt.i .0,-.2.4 -1-q- sig1,4 100.00 90.07 45 360

..ic-1(k95 1933.95 2880.98 1613 12904 _6 6Rentil 1 3272.84 4167.04 1718 13744 1 7. 1:1 --41. 300.00 150.65 115 920

8 U.3-1 4909.26 4929.04 1577 12614

9 idi 1-,1tU 11157.41 16866.47 5432 43456 10 f=4-6-11- 5653.09 6558.85 2307 18456

‘11,1-1 200.00 46.36 37 296

12 3MIT1-4W Sra-3T 500.00 309.42 209 1672 13 oialigg 1728.96 2672.15 930 7440 14 4-1 L-N 1434.32 1383.87 600 4800 -7 15 .71 0-1 1245.66 274.05 249 1992 16 IV- 1283.75 1892.3 1116 8928 17 ala1MN 1720.32 118.27 75 600 18 3(TriT 5351.99 2362.48 2282 18256 19 1TPTa11o1-47T 2975.31 3891.37 1366 10928 20 -11“.q 5 3570.37 2439.53 1111 8888 21 3itt11 4462.97 5680.65 2399 19192 22 isd1fla id 4016.67 3398.4 1463 11704 23 m--zr u,u 7587.04 7631.41 1804 14432 24 j.viid. 4909.26 12883.63 1876 15008

25 J761iN*4- 5355.56 8749.73 3329 26632 26 31-j-v- w 1933.95 5336.1 1527 12216

27 eid110-11 4611.73 4030.21 1190 9520 28 ci,cr i c.c}.., 4462.97 6477.94 2115 16920

29 alldl 297.53 149.07 50 400 30 -a7--aq- 100.00 00 00 00

31 -- 2082.72 2910.44 1347 10776 32 d cioiI5 4760.50 9717.58 4095 32760 100.00 78.95 44 352 33 z5JJ --tr 34 af3t)--4--g-Frm- p ct.,),4R 100.00 276.95 218 1744

.:4'Fizr WT:6 Tcl 100449 131240.07 48398 387184 # f a dl .31-77a- 3l t Flt * 3ttR-

* * State-wise position of PMEGP during 2018-19 (as on 30.06.2018)

Sr. State/UT Margin Margin Number Estimated No. Money Money of employment subsidy subsidy projects generated allocated utilized# assisted (No. of (Rs. lakh) (Rs. lalch) persons)

1 A & N Islands 188.64 50.85 37 296 2 Andhra Pradesh 3742.74 1489.96 392 3136 3 Arunachal Pradesh 471.6 153.84 104 832 4 Assam 10507.7 1153.43 1112 8896 5 Bihar 10869.49 1981.22 733 5864 6 Chhattisgarh 6339.11 1398.19 752 6016 7 Delhi 282.96 8.19 5 40 8 Goa 605.15 19.32 4 32 9 Gujarat* 7501.95 3271.57 454 3632 10 Haryana 4664.1 799.23 341 2728 11 Himachal Pradesh 2711.4 312.42 127 1016 12 Jammu& Kashmir 4745.12 2000.27 1111 8888 13 Jharkhand 6193.49 731.05 308 2464 14 Karnataka 6939.66 1925.29 695 5560 15 Kerala 3667.38 952.24 464 3712 16 Lakshadwee. 47.16 0 0 0 17 Madhya Pradesh 11952.9 1200.25 304 2432 18 Maharashtra ** 8833.6 2522.06 1093 8744 19 Mani ur 2544.19 317.99 196 1568 20 Meghalaya 2653.7 90.19 66 528 21 Mizoram 2045.45 242.31 178 1424 22 Nagaland 2825.5 310.2 154 1232 23 Odisha 7719.19 1691.83 773 6184 24 Puduche 141.48 9.66 6 48 25 Punjab 4617.17 678.86 309 2472 26 Rajasthan 7743.65 1563.39 542 4336 27 Sikkim 188.64 11.29 5 40 28 Tamil Nadu 7438.88 1204.57 574 4592 29 Telan ana 7250.96 555.88 186 1488 30 Tripura 1965.99 453.34 233 1864 31 UT Chandigarh 94.32 15.66 7 56 32 Uttar Pradesh 19171.59 5147.15 1559 12472 33 Uttarakhand + 950.81 581 4648 34 West Bengal 6423.74 1468.1 478 3824 TOTAL 166064 34680.61 13883 111064 # including un-utilized balance funds of previous year. * including Daman & Diu. ** including Dadra & Nagar Haveli ak 2018-19 47 elocd litcrpVtcfr- Tf (30.06.2018 W. #. (1.34414Er 110-41 etq R-047 aiiDo 9+--a• JT1f4-4' tioNcir A11 1 Ift-d 31ITITfta* TriiA- (Ts% 2T-4t *114141 (1i.- ti 41 .71.1r3ft il,Adiii (0,414,-feil 41 en al-) elm 4') 4t tie,q, iiiseto - 1 344AT-gr far, ,sili 188.64 50.85 37 296 :411:r 1-4:ff, 2 3111,T Va- -U 3742.74 1489.96 392 3136 3 31-Furfq-a Si w 471.6 153.84 104 832 4 3r7ia=r 10507.7 I 1153.43 1112 8896 5 F4-6-n- 10869.49 1981.22 733 I 5864 6 tiatidid, I 6339.11 1398.19 752 6016 7 f=4-F-A,. j- 282.96 8.19 5 40 8 Titar 605.15 19.32 4 32 9 to141(-1* 7501.95 3271.57 454 3632 10 6Reiloll 4664.1 799.23 341 2728 II 2Hitiei craw 2711.4 312.42 127 1016 12 01,1,1-1, 3N- cn7d-N 4745.12 2000.27 1111 8888

13 Si145 6193.49 731.05 308 2464 14 dr,,i cct, 6939.66 1925.29 695 5560 15 -T-a- 3667.38 952.24 464 3712 I---- 16 F49.- ,1 47.16 0 0 0 17 a1€-a Sia@r 11952.9 1200.25 304 2432 18 cji614/N ** 8833.6 L 2522.06 1093 8744

19 dif1s4 2544.19 317.99 196 1568 20 uic.f et 2653.7 90.19 66 528 21 0. 14d1 2045.45 242.31 178 1424 22 ,jail .5 2825.5 310.2 154 1232 23 3T1Th-gTr 7719.19 1691.83 773 6184 24 Ergtft 141.48 9.66 6 48 25 Lis,11c4 4617.17 678.86 309 2472 26 ZiaT2T5" 7743.65 1563.39 542 4336 27 d-i 188.64 1129 5 40 28 (-11-Acq.-11,5 7438.88 1204.57 574 4592 29 (104 110-0 7250.96 555.88 186 1488 30 f4-1- 1965.99 453.34 233 1864 31 ,t-it-1 Tr- -q- migldio 94.32 I 15.66 7 56 32 3d1 1;r-a-v- 19171.59 5147.15 1559 12472

33 3K-15 2975.4 950.81 Al 4648 34 Ilttff3T cid11t,1 6423.74 1468.1 478 3824 166064 `.t;c4 34680.61 13883 111064 r■ ■ __c_ __,:._ _ _ . .-. .-, , -





Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government has any proposal to integrate vocational training into the school curriculum while revitalizing the education imparted in Government schools to enhance job creation in the country and if so, the details thereof; (b) whether the Government proposes to introduce cluster development mechanism to align the micro, small and medium enterprises' growth with the job-creation agenda and if so, the details thereof; (c) whether Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector has immense potential in employment generation and if so, the details thereof; whether large number of employment opportunities are created with use of relatively less (d) capital in the MSME sector and if so, the details thereof, State-wise; (e) whether there is ambiguity on the data of employment generated through MSME sector and if so, the details thereof; whether to boost the MSME sector, a separate policy and sector-wise policies are required (f) and if so, the details thereof; and The steps taken by the Government to frame separate policy and sector-wise policies to (g) boost the MSME sector?



(a): Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, has a development scheme aimed at vocationalisation of school education. Its main objectives are to enhance the employability of youth through demand driven competency based vocational courses, to bridge the divide between the academic and applied learning and reduce the dropout rate in schools. The scheme includes vocational education in schools, capacity building of vocational education teachers/skill trainers, development of competency based curriculum and teaching learning material, development of management information system for monitoring and evaluation, and taking up innovative programmes under vocational education.

3T77 11,47T, 9 34{- 21trig 4401 *rw mu 3rerliik6Qsa ti tsar 3202 tO. (milts) : 06.08.2018

3202. *ft 31T44174 NgTsg: Aft tr. *. 1T1:31-: 9t 3rrETR-ira wret* 5rar*R- -ra: taw ao,n,i14- Afr trsj arca: eft AfirtJT 31TtrIT aR01: faT StnIT- f ieraer aftwiff v

Aft wieflo TWIT eh ei•

wzrr 111--if,m; 3t4 xrcaru 64q+1 Trtr zip ball *r tql

(W) WzIT 717 t/r 7 tlai+litttoicri zl 4:14 W44 P; 44 I ef ei • 421. 7r A . Barr 4,aijiraci efrtcl fac,,fieN q, *UT sm)*01 3117f T4' 3t{ z> e, aR41#1 Ezthr wzrr (110 WzIT favR itIto *Tzt 7TIT 7,471, 9 AT Rtzfif chRi *Wad W{4- tg *iv! Err4-3T *-4* zrit 0, cut u— rWEit witr wzrr t; (u) wzrr 747T, 9 3ft 77172rA 44-4 .T*4 *I 37rrT TillTrATO' t 3ft zit e, ar aR4-4Err rettu err t; (Er) W1T croicoici, izzr 11 mar:zyt Rua fdiqiiv,1-13 * * wort wfi ktiaci qi allot t gh. zift e, FR:41ft .(1.7.1-a-r{- -eft wqr t; (W) wzrr t Rit-zr* 1 a f w *41fr- wren * 4,14 3r-'ear zit e, afi c c dtft Ezttu wzrr t; (w) wzrr viivtiqo-14 417 WI ‘Aciflooi tO" t7 V** 'TM EttA"-M2 311-dlqibdi 3117 z e, u-a:r4Efr .40 W T t; 3111" (15') tita,it di T ktg ulctiloo tu; zEzr* 3117 atw-wr{- raqi o41t chi.) wzIT *WA' 30Il 7TV t? Scat Trpr, 9 3ifirzu..-waz 444.9 wzr (tqcv4 017) egt f+1Rii,31

(W) : PTO' titmlt * Fr174- #71,47 fachm riAlei+4 a1 Erw L tl faa,lti alai 01 t, Dtfchl qzr te cfl 51wrr c.qatil4leh.cul ti stia .1-per 64aq'ZI1 F1 Ttif trite it-1717T 117 Yr-Vita' otIcliIIRch 41045FIN1 * %ARV ?Fait tt 49717T 611a1C11 tar, iNTRIV tea aTT171.:*7 %MIT r tly 31.7T tireFT ille6 511"TT 4r4- # 4513' aTA' 4{ i WIT crlioi tlifAm tl oqatiact, f r r, ctict•tinal 1 T T lt filvwlf*tuF Aft'OrW `'st $91:17T fAailut, 11-13TaT 3ITTITIP47 4104144 L4 RraiurSTRIA-Tar ate.qicho 47 g4147 myoll SP3Tigt WI" factliti ir* atcvelictmi GeicRiact, 5149T * (led alasia 04,i all sbei. *t W{RT tl : 2 :

(b): Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) has adopted the cluster development approach as a key strategy for enhancing the productivity and competitiveness of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in the country. The clusters play an important role in creation of employment opportunities also. (c) to (e): Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises implements several schemes and programmes to strengthen the MSMEs & promote employment. Some of the important initiatives in this regard include Prime Minister's Employment Generation programme (PMEGP), Mission Solar Charkha, Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI), A Scheme for Promoting innovation, Rural Industry & Entrepreneurship (ASPIRE), Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme, Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS), National Manufacturing Competitiveness programme (NMCP), Marketing Assistance Scheme and MSE- Cluster Development programme etc. The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, conducted a survey of unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises (excluding construction) during its 73rd round (July, 2015 — June, 2016). As per this survey, the total employment in the MSME Sector is 1109.89 lakh. The State/UT-wise distribution of the employment is given in Annexure-L

(f) & (g): Steps have been taken for policy development in the MSME sector. The Government had set up a committee with the mandate to give recommendations on the national policy on MSMEs. The committee looked into various issues relating to the MSMEs such as infrastructure, finance, technology, innovation, marketing & exports etc. The committee has already submitted its Report to the Government. •

: 2 :

(7s) : WA; 9 aft ;MATT 644141 iisfle141 ku A WI' 311-{ RR; (l+alqii4) 3t-4144,di ufercritraiwar 44141 tA. fav iloc-ctui iu1411a Tic"' 371771T ervit-ci 3T-4-417Y er # aft .1-(6,04,0 3fitr*7 ft'PTA . fl

(#) tT () : 9 ki Aur-# 64401 412flefq 4.511i1 1‘6T, 9 AT At. 64,4•11 341 Awar fat; safTh.r.i 441.1.11 34.T itisbi-it a,191l ci 1 ii 71dT fi itiir r t I ai6r-040 tro-At sl on#4-41. 41,1+ishei (41q.93,41,11), TRNI fAwA,

• 34'11+11 IFT4ITTT * 1 47 1 I 121. tfkleir (t-Lt)1 ), e1c10-1119, 4.J14N1 .34.411+1 V4 54+4 llc tA r 9lvleii (vi-4144-0, 443e dika 'iWftr ,41,mol, 51,13c q.s cl vI•11 VfaTql-ifrOTWaT chl4Shii VeHifikit), 44 viol! 3T1T chi sh+i 4,14shoi 4,1,414-0.1.11 44.11(44 FTFT .niqicHt4 4cifit 3rd 731 1{ 2015- 2016) NFA-gft 6444‘1-6 5-1-4-+) Tileffur chimi mu Erntir iraduur 3T rTr vaiqtqaii att-g 1109.89 ccig tl /017 4-1W-4TT idcRul four #zn.

(w) 3ft (U) : vaiqtiqm 4-1-4. 4 f4v w-4-4 3011' glv f I tiichli Krw tiflfd d t, fait wivtivaii aT LTA irrazr a,te1 Fav 3ritit3r itifT

7RiT tl faftrA. 414,41 lit 31Vit{VRT, co, 4,t4 O0.-419, murm Kr4. fa,110 *cinfa qi 311iAt- 1.1.41e. ititr Annexure-I

Annexure-I referred to in reply to part (c)toke) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Ouestion No. 3202 for answer on 06.08.2018

As per 73rd Round of NSS Report on Unincorporated Non-Agricultural Enterprises' (June 2015- June 2016)

SI. No. State/UT Estimated no. of workers (1) (2) (3) 5598878 1 Andhra Pradesh 40844 2 Arunachal Pradesh 1814541 3 Assam 5305034 4 Bihar 1685507 5 Chhattisgarh 2300267 6 Delhi 160351 7 Goa 6115595 8 Gujarat 1905369 9 Haryana 642748 10 Himachal Pradesh 1087551 11 Jammu & Kashmir 2490794 12 Jharkhand 7083735 13 Karnataka 4463350 14 Kerala 4874459 15 Madhya Pradesh 9074600 16 Maharashtra 292215 17 Manipur 190549 18 Meghalaya 62359 19 Mizoram 176610_ 20 Nagaland 3325621 21 Odisha 2478902 22 Punjab 4632279 23 Rajasthan 44696 24 Sikkim 9671945 25 Tamil Nadu 4015787 26 Telangana 294983 27 Tripura 16519294 28 Uttar Pradesh 659880 29 Uttarakhand 13545924 30 West Bengal 38890 31 A & N Islands 128910 32 Chandigarh 36329 33 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 14438 34 Daman & Diu 2765 35 Lakshadweep 183882 36 Puducherry 110959881 ALL • •

RtwZiB1T 3rerlif*-6 #. 3202 Diichr ecci frrlict: 06.08.2018 ftzu 7r4r t * arm (ar) (1) amt 3r1411.- I

3011ftra *-T.91 644 A 'TT 'Q k. ii kit R4 * 73 411" (7,F, 2015-7; 2016) * 311RR"

F.4f. 1al1Pci-r- rti:kr ti-tq• MT:WAR 4~ *r *mg!

(1) (2) (3) 3rter wair 5598878 2 31-banWg wal. 40844 3 3T l• 1814541 4 ?OR. 5305034 5 umnii 1685507 6 2300267 7 7It4T 160351 8 4., iict 6115595 9 OR tuun 1905369 10 IIIIV(4 ST 3i 642748 11 77::; Vi wsxfir 1087551 12 frrra 2490794 13 chrt cal 7083735 14 *TR 4463350 15 Rtxr 74-3r 4874459 16 efelii°1. 9074600 17 TrPtcST 292215 18 Atm.! ti 190549 19 •71 i 41 62355 20 •11411 's 176610 21 30t1TT 3325621 22 Rid 2478902 ' 13 tioii-cilai 4632279 24 ii 44696 . 25 ci moil 9671945 26 doi9ldi 4015787 4*(1 27 294983 i 28 397 sitv 16519294 29 3r1i14sig 659880 ' 30 trftxr tffra 1354592- 31 34Fr17 iri 45114 94,1611i ITal:6- 3889; .

32 Ti 'i 12891 33 41411 Va.' RT21T 6tioil 3637 34 TJT-4 Lri *a- 1443' 35 mrd:tcr 276: 36 trft 183887 TR. 110959881 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES




Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government has introduced any market development scheme in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector especially for coir products; (b) if so, the details thereof along with the Union Government's share paid to the State Governments under the scheme during each of the last three years, State-wise; (c) the details of the total quantity of coir fibre produced and total value of coir products exported during the said period; (d) whether the Coir Board proposes to double its exports in the next couple of years, if so, the details thereof along with the steps taken/being taken in this regard; (e) whether the Government proposes to extend these benefits to the coir producing farmers and its labourers and if so, the details thereof; and (f) the steps taken/being taken by the Government for upgradation / modernisation and for solving the marketing problems being faced by the coir industry in the country?



(a)&(b): The Government through Coir Board is implementing a Scheme namely Coir Vikas Yojana (CVY). One of the components under this scheme is Market Development Assistance (MDA) which provides assistance to Coir Units through State Governments for the development of coir industry and improve the marketing of coir products. An assistance of 10% of average sales during the preceding 3 years is provided to the Coir Units. The MDA is equally shared by the State Governments concerned and by Coir Board, on behalf of Government of India. Central Government Share of MDA released to various State Governments during 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18, is as follows:

MDA - Year wise amount sanctioned (Rs. in Midis) Hindustan Coir & Showrooms Total Year Kerala Tamil Nadu Karnataka Orissa of Coir Board 197.17 1183.69 2015-16 800.00 89.74 95.89 0.89 792.34 2016-17 400.00 106.12 100.00 1.24 184.98 NIL NIL 2017-18 NIL NIL NIL NIL 382.15 1976.03 Total 1200.00 195.86 195.89 2.13


Rice tits ( 3itT 2:1‘ziaT bcidi Act) TM 3reritita. Tt. 3206 eat tO' 6r RIM' 06.081018 3c-4140 T 1T fAZIM. 3206. 14t coimicoiwr

Aft eft. TcHR: cmi RiAgr,eiti3 a:rtvg .5Wd1 4141 TfT 471,J) TE1T titchlt TWaT, e1 3ttT aTe.71x1 3tr1aT At-A- (coir) 3Tr.f- Ter ff co)3 611.711,( c;) 73fra 41 (ur) e-11. , 0-, al ar-49-il zwtti-r c-441 azu faa-ra cilc-1 scr-zlw zftaar 3j'aira ,00-24 Trw{1 t-i.(coo( ft-fFr faqi dizu (aT) bro yalt bc-tilfaci (coir) 9i{ diN1 MIT fA-zfrafie77" *z1T. (coir) 37774t i r Gel t; 4R (IT) c4-411 (coir) tsn T 3fraTraft Th-t 41,1_01 Th-r 3T1-{ 4 coeo er211- *4-1 N-IT 4-e4I M-4-aT 53TV dJt. t/.561v 5TT t; -)- aft f4-qR +1'(M.( FraltTh-t ThzR' (coir) 3c-41141 c41(4 141+11G-Ii a-2TT T t 311T 4-IRt c4-41 t; 3f1-{ (VT) t2T a1 Th''-zR (coir) 3-41t4 +WU faquici TraTfq.Tha- bc-G--14-41/3Tit i f 4zII mar 3-arq 41q riyanT


M%31 alUrar threl a (i-cicIA WM) oft 1-411.41.1 Mf) cr)N4 (q (tW): cbqi airaTar fact)N-1 (#1.4talt) Gildict) ic4 TO. t1 3t-dulF ErdTh-t a1 41 -t) (TFgtV)- `412.1i 34:1t3T zt co) fir co4K 3T-EFT-41 E faquic-i RlecTR#f .(10-41 #rt.743:c # sm--rs- 451. T-Jt tl alTi7 .cif,141cIr ti fird 3 c4til 41i1G-I 311 I t r 10% +iVqcti Ct T- 157:1t f Tr lit~hlt *1 aft # 'ugly t4'sEir ÷id-nd 1F tI rZl ,k-RcbRi kr4 chqi qtt glil Th$71r tl '44- 2015-16, 2016-17 F2.11- 2017-18 cYiIc1 f4f-a T5ZT .Nicili•(' ..Ta Wiglq it it-mr t:

Wi M - R:Zitta 41rag Vit (*t14 MI 451 A fi'v*Strilai ctRii V-4

44. girl caricila clui Cch 3itit2lT cirLii allsi' Zi iftei 'Fa 1183.69 2015-16 800.00 89.74 95.89 0.89 197.17 792.34 2016-17 400.00 106.12 100.00 1.24 184.98 41 2),c-0-I 2) -el 2jscq-1 2017-18 2],c-24 2j,1 2),,- 1976.03 Fa 1200.00 195.86 195.89 2.13 38215 : 2 :

(c): The details of the total quantity of coir fibre produced and total value of coir products exported during the last three years are as follows:

Year 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Fibre Production (MT) 549300 556900 559400 Total Value of Exports 1901.42 2281.65 2532.28 (Rs. Crores)

(d): Coir Board has targeted to double the export of coir and coir products from India within the next two years. There has been an increasing trend in the exports of coir and coir products year to year. It is expected that the trend will continue during the coming year. The Board plans to implement vigorous and target oriented export market promotion programmes for achieving the target. Some of the steps taken in this regard are as follows:

• Providing financial assistance under the International Co-operation Scheme to exporters/entrepreneurs as reimbursement of expenditure subject to item-wise ceilings for taking part in delegation/BSMs, participation in fairs and exhibitions abroad. • Organization of specialized exhibitions in India in order to showcase the capabilities of Indian coir sector before the global buying community. • Organizing participation in international fairs held in India. • Organizing workshops and management development programmes for skill development in the areas of international marketing, regulatory & commercial documentation in export, INCOTERMS, export finance; currency risk management etc. • Undertake publicity propaganda.

(e): Coir Board and KVIC provided financial assistance, technical support for setting up of Coir micro enterprises with project cost upto Rs.25 lakhs under Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP). In addition, Coir Board has been implementing an Insurance Scheme for the coir workers of the country against death and disablement caused by accident. Under the scheme, the entire premium amount of coir workers of the country was borne by Coir Board. The scheme has been merged with Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY).

(f): Coir Board launched the Coir Industry Technology Upgradation Scheme (CITUS) with the objective of extending financial assistance to set up modern infrastructure facilities to the production units and to modernize the existing coir units by establishing 'State of the Art' plant and machinery. Under the scheme, Coir Board shall extend financial subsidy of 25% of the cost of admissible items of plant and machinery procured by coir units. The upper ceiling of the financial assistance will be Rs.2.50 Crores per coir unit/project. (70 f437 't•a" uw'f es (id cr cneii tht*oi *( vi Wfa• 11 V cb4ii

2017-18 V4 2015-16 2016-17 559400 Th-TPT 3c-4Ieta1 ( al) Za) 549300 556900 2281.65 2532.28 fazitt cif TR eke-t4 WRI 1901.42 cotI 71')

(Er) cb4ii 3Pr4 441 at atr{- -a- 41 4)41.4 kr-4- 4,24)4 3dard 4tsSM 41.0 MT F4-71 ct)41.4 Kr4 chzlt 3azird1 C1 a1 40( ;4'4 tl 3TRIT fTrf CfCa- 31Firaft 4-4 c t l i 0i1,11 Ttafti 4)41.4 41A t'r Tyr IA16 c t qq, 35ral-frrt7r Fa-71 3arapf1 1 --zfrff 441011.4 TralM- chlLfchdil ..01414.1 u).4.1 r =410101 tl *4-1 #411- al 31:51Q" TT Tea abdi :

• i 17 of sif?1- -W diser/41q41wi, 414)1) Kr4 cr--qW a1 atm &Kul( 311tWdav This 31 4-fici cx1,44 t Afc c u a1 qe114-14)1/3QP441 1 kat,g FUNT kjita `14tzT aeii i • +1d149. aTrriZi 4Tat-ar3r1 crit Egffra cr,o1 5-04- 41 aTRa ftql4414-li W i;r--42W N 3Trzrl-z-a- • air-4-a- al 31Tzln.a 3iR4ffRE aleil al- 3TiaT (4.-ti I • 3i it 1-W- 41a-ict) mir f TSa al 41 0- 44) ucluloi 'Fzfra¶ i ItIVT, oi el Ate, 31T1 :; fi a1 ct)ltew i T 1 4,14211c'11i mil Er-41.m f4m-r4:r s1ki4 3fferita• I • AVET-Liiiii I

cbe4( wlss 31 3iTtift craWatt. 4 1'1 chi sooi (tfledi PILh) i 3i 25 eika 4.14 der) t 14114i aiGii cis i cJiel Tke-71- 3-zrat T2.1Tcr#T ci 1"q. it4M- cichAeR ÷1141(11 4-1 TAt 3fraft, cha-li TEI-E--d-r §4 .tt4-4A zrr k2T chip coach) t di] 04.24 c441Gi 4,441i 3rr tai ti Tfr 441,1-1 t21- c 41414 chi q, *1. TrFiker uffr15T c 1 4R-ii 74" ail tl Amt TETT ( t

(Er) 6w-ii * ThTvu1 1 3TTg'rl 31 ar TP-1TT TarfiZra- Kr aT2flci Mita w faeadim wiltwT2:11 1 31-1rif4w T fie f42 -4'i Er 41V41(-11 3t2zr 644 ai ittlYPW( bc-G-H4G1 (iit*c.W 2 c +t1 *44 .441,14 c1 31dira c4,44.4 ulss 0,41.4 Sa111 cur 44,41 Kr4 atqfloll .4414)14 ark efidicr . "1- 25% 1 r4t4T +0'41g adll I ittzr til lzlcli r 314# 3T1trwaar ffldii 2.50 at).4 441 Iffa cOaii *at>13/4RaLill >ldfli GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES




Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government is providing rebate through Khadi and Village Industries Commission on the sale of khadi and khadi products in the country and if so, the details thereof during the last three years; (b) whether on the recommendations of the various Committees, Finance Ministry has asked to find an alternative of the rebate scheme and if so, the details thereof; and (c) the details of new scheme launched by the Government for the promotion of khadi and to provide assistance to khadi artisans to enable KVIC to fight market competition in the country including Assam?



(a): Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) implements Market Promotion and Development Assistance (MPDA) scheme for promotion of Khadi programme. Under the Modified MDA (MMDA), financial assistance at 30% of the Prime Cost, is distributed amongst Producing Institutions (40%), Selling Institutions (20%) and Artisans (40%). Out of this, Khadi Institutions pass-on certain discount on sales of khadi and polyvastra to the customers to enhance their sales during the year.

Disbursement of MMDA to Khadi Institutions during the last three years are as follows:

Disbursement of MDA Year (khadi & poly) to KIs (Rs. in lakhs) 2015-16 17776.68 2016-17 32525.86 2017-18 17258.00

(b): The MPDA scheme was started during 2008-09 in place of the Rebate Scheme. Under rebate scheme, Government was providing rebate on sales of khadi products, while under MPDA Scheme, MMDA is provided on prime cost of production of khadi. The rebate scheme had been discontinued from the year 2009-10.

317-a" T7f, RIS 3ft Tryx-xr 3414d1 Rt-wrar 31dRift-ff 73R' t 3210 3R' cialisi 06.08.2018 44-1 .11 3TRI1aT *1 el .710114 3210. 4ft TAW chi: 311,TTF4M 3041: 47IT FE1' 311-{ g31717f 3444a1 Zr6G1c1IA TM' chIdi ÷licbk Tf4T . 3117 ZffT4i 3i=94 c4 W1- 34 3C J[3TTTNT girtew tr 1,110-1 ch,t t affT Zit T, (1) .a=t-. ciz1 cH-11

RIO 31itT7 4T f49- 4-1.)11eizi A- We d~ X11 facnQA4 rd-A- irtr e, aT--4t4csr v.-1U 311.-{ (aT) ml esig)1c11 201 31'1-4- TAT-4'r 5V-Erwr-4- r16R1c1i S141Qf f tl t4 t qartr cP z1)...710-11 d 3TTPT TTIta afi elf OMR 4-11d-10-11 f 1-3i1 Ti-ug Glom!

41:pf, FE1 311h. Arzig 34iid1 rizrs (-cIcIPI ARM (4ft PRilvl

Eirt atIT 4,114-1.11dr. 3Trz11-gr ( --41.3{Tt4ft)art 4,144-H Qci fawr-4:r 4-16k di (v.1-1,41g1R) TtsraT 4,(cH (0-1Qa-i&Q) i atata", TIT 30 icrf -2rF- del fa--4rzr .-I.-2Tr311 (40 31-fuff), 1rr 44mnit- (20 I;Ift-a-) MIT chadlil (40 ClfAUF) 611t4 faciQci

-Ti-gr c1,1 3P7-41 ft-11 f4V u-r-4'r 3117 ~icFlak-4 del f r tR- 7-d• 3#1- ti

did tR. 416 iS114) zipirr34 ga-1 ciiul 4re f4 ii Sri ti 614 4#21734 WI +I (lit)! (49141 T ref" (*.Lit! enig 711 2015-16 17776.68 2016-17 32525.86 2017-18 17258.00

(a): d-14155'1Q TzgIPT 1:17 cicl 2008-09 t elt-a" ft-zu ZITI .-ond-1 t. 31 J-47 ,t-kellk 711141- 3T-71-4- zfir mar 3i V411'J-Igli: Wt. 30-1140-1 tIT c>ildlcr ITT 41 TERM' oh 2009-10 # cid chi 1:-zrr d1441 tTTI : 2 :

(c): No new scheme has been recently launched for the promotion of khadi programme. However, Ministry of MSME is implementing the following schemes/programmes all over the country including the State of Assam, through KVIC, for the promotion of khadi and assistance to khadi institutions and khadi artisans: i) Khadi Grant:

1. Strengthening Infrastructure of existing Weak Khadi Institutions and Assistance for Marketing Infrastructure provides for renovation of khadi sales outlets and providing assistance for strengthening infrastructure of existing weak selected institutions 2. Workshed Scheme for Khadi Artisans for providing assistance for construction of worksheds. ii) Market Promotion Development Assistance (MPDA) is a unified scheme by merging Market Development Assistance, Publicity, Marketing and Market Promotion. A new component for setting up of Marketing Complexes/Khadi Plazas has been added to expand the marketing network of Khadi & VI products. Under the Modified MDA (MMDA), financial assistance at 30% of the Prime Cost, is distributed amongst Producing Institutions (40%), Selling Institutions (20%) and Artisans (40%). iii) Interest Subsidy Eligibility Certificate (ISEC) Scheme provides credit at concessional rate of interest through Banks in which the institutions are required to pay interest of only 4%, any interest charged by banks over 4% will be paid by the GoI through KVIC. iv)Khadi Reform and Development Programme (KRDP) has been implemented with the financial and technical assistance of Asian Development Bank (ADB) to revitalize the khadi sector with enhanced sustainability of khadi, increased incomes and employment for spinners and weavers, increased artisans' welfare and to achieve synergy with village industries. Khadi Reform Package envisages reform support in the following areas: (i) Artisan Earnings and Empowerment, (ii) Direct Reform Assistance to 400 Khadi Institutions & (iii) Implementation of a well-knit MIS.

Performance of MPDA, ISEC, Strengthening of Infrastructure of Weak Khadi Institutions and Workshed Scheme for Khadi Artisans during the three years is placed at Annexure-I.

New initiatives have been taken by KVIC to market the Khadi and V.I. products produced by Khadi Institutions and artisans in the country including Assam is placed at Annexure-II

(a-r) 7grier chi 9,di f 61 M a aidTERt-p- dI4 t mit 3.ttT TrA-1J1 :rer T' wt. Ti-mrait MIT Wit

chi .r16 d Itf tTt-11-31-*It TrrukH am-P - I 0. -1 Trita- 2r 3 d-o-1 oh1e111-0--cicl chi •t61 (I) is1141 31714T-4:

4-110 c4,Hoi zg-r-41- T fa uid fAv ,4-1 ur-4't ch,o I w- i;rratTra- atrr d01101 chJ-Ryil NUTT a-Ta" at4 f4-Q- i61 t 2. ci,4-*t frati:3r ura JRl t. f4tr a ft T- 1--a=r tl 41.7114 #411-4. 4161i1cit Coi41410-ctiztli Ttder-M. fir Q=1-) tic cpc1 I fa4u101 41-1.k-IIP:g-rt 1-61.3113.11- del -T4rucar 1 -Qr V4 a-IV lca, en) zg-rt 3 dA e,!41.11 4 u cri dmi I T-R-n-ftra Vc1-15?)V (Qd-11:<)4Q) 3t#F6 dna (,11d1c1 tit 30 1;11-d" c11 fir .r16144(11, TOIT3It (40 CffaWa), f r4#2-Tr3i1 (20 burr) err 441.31.41 (40 70- t

(iii) 641,71 Trf4r41 (311-FT4) # l t- 41 45el1s71

-"4- CR. Atli!~rr3~fi <114 4 Ciird. 75-61- #1 :dTTT 4 cr-Su-a- 1;r3Trita- czi I of am-a- 4-1011( =a-r-4--r 441-uoi it T1, asa-raTa- I (iv) urt TrrT 3th- fir 4,145bai (317g#1,) fAta--4- TUA., ea Tich,(1 cD 31rzr a1 a 3itT ,k)oldik a1 40t chc-q1ur 1:41t1- TIT4 ch) lkisAnci WTA. (!ci d-11.1-1)4:2-1)d1

7121" (f .4) f47i f2 r fa.--1-4-{ 4.01 r '161 '1C11 eh 411 t1 7grel TUT (I) chi.F)dkl- 3i-rzr Vci (ii) 400 TfrT4t #ftiTalt Cff-zfai F2-1T (Hi) c)c,iit (Well knit) Q01-3rr$7-41- ch i e-1-1o1 afi TIR ÷1614-icil 4lAcheA4d1 d,l did t I

ci4T 3TrOW, 4,41.71 islt ti -2i i3rl 3rr rya .y =mu, UT41- . ci4-*g T-Q41" Wi" zzlIRT 3 f)--41" dI I t I

31-FgTIMa- 4 u-r-a 4t-41311 3r1T cl Ultr 3-11•T 3>-41. f iii e,a 4 KlitT-11 ******* Annexure-I

Annexure-I referred to in reply to part (c) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 3210 for answer on 06.08.2018

Performance of MPDA, ISEC, Strengthening of Infrastructure of Weak Khadi Institutions & Workshed Scheme for Khadi Artisans during 2014-15 to 2017-18

Market Promotion and Development Assistance Scheme (MPDA)

Year MDA paid Number of Inst. Number of Artisans (Rs. in crore) Release through 2015-16 177.76 1877 institutions 2016-17 325.26 1778 192383 2017-18(P) 198.46 1439 247985

Interest Subsidy Eligibility Certificate (ISEC) scheme

Year ISEC Issued Bank Finance Int. subsidy released (Rs. in Crore) Availed (Rs. in Crore) (Rs. in Crore) 2015-16 949.68 422.79 40.07 2016-17 1435.71 517.92 36.39 2017-18 (P) 1702.83 575.21 36.70

Scheme for Strengthening of Infrastructure of Existing Weak Khadi Institutions and Assistance for Marketing Infrastructure

Year Number of Ms Number of sales Funds disbursed assisted outlets renovated (Rs. in Crore) 2015-16 15 15 2.99 2016-17 35 117 8.08 2017-18 (P) 34 49 7.91

Workshed Scheme for Khadi Artisans

Year Beneficiaries Fund disbursed Covered (Rs. in Crore) 2015-16 1279 10.72 2016-17 3272 21.27 2017-18(P) 2874 15.00 P-Provisional 3941T-I fa-4* 06.08.2018 ch MIT 3raTTirwc3 t;11F• 3210 * aim (7r) t 3 a1 .11Cef cl 3r0T-1 citl 2014-15 # 2017-18 eTM- Q4-it-11g1Q, 3-TTVW, 4,4-kTilst 31-1,-TRV6 tvAlchui ITT zgra ch la,4 dori

gimp( ii6144di kf (tai alk afirar-- f+-- zrr .t-i+-zmail- tr crIAIJIii 'r ,rks4ii dp-ii QH591t: 414.c.., -11

(T. 75 at)

2015-16 177.76 1877 -is -zirait :a- -ri--r •T•tr 2016-17 325.26 1778 192383 2017-18 (3T) 198.46 1439 247985

0111A 41 tri-Tar Wilt)! y (311-0W)

atTV l'ziT d I el I 44) i-ti sZil 01 o f isSl

(. -tg A") ftff (T. ' --- t5 (-. W---5 4)

4) 2015-16 949.68 422.79 40.07 2016-17 1435.71 517.92 36.39 2017-18 (31) 1702.83 575.21 36.70

44 (11101 ct) el 01)4 4S1I 4) TiTtiT311-- T 3TTIITIV V1iT31t Cr, U1 anr 1a 4Ut.1 #41fi.

3hirrov4.11411- -r34 4114.1c11 44fiT 'A fi6n1cll VTLd oic31cpci fir ---0' iif ci ci qi Tgra Ti-f41-34 41 .-i4.s,--11 (*,,“! mils if) 4ts.-qf 2015-16 15 15 2.99 2016-17 35 117 8.08 2017-18 (30 34 49 7.91

451 icl cI I,fldi,C fAV Vlg t- ldi 4-14. m--41- 1%-e- 7re. iifacifIci f4ftrzri (IK. warmil chi s Tir) 2015-16 1279 10.72 2016-17 3272 21.27 2017-18 (30 2874 15.00 31--3FT Annexure-II

Annexure-II referred to in reply to part (c) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 3210 for answer on 06.08.2018

The steps taken by the Government for promotion of Khadi Sector and to ensure adequate remuneration to spinners/weavers in the country are as follows:

1. Liberal policy has been adopted to fix the target of production and sales of Khadi Institutions. 2. The spinning wages of Khadi artisans were revised from Rs. 4.00 to Rs.5.50 per hank w.e.f. 01.04.2017 and further enhanced from Rs. 5.50 to Rs. 7.50 per hank vide KVIC circular dated 26.12.2017. 3. KVIC has been catering to the need of Government Departments and bulk buyers such as, Defence, Health &Family Welfare Departments, Paramilitary Forces and other Ministries of Central & State Government under Rate Contract (RC) agreement with Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals (DGS&D) as well as supply of Non Rate Contract (Non-RC) items like Polyvastra bed sheets and pillow covers to Railways, etc. 4. One of the key interventions under reform programme is the development and implementation of the Khadi Mark. The Khadi Mark was launched by the President of India in September 2013 subsequent to notification of the Khadi Certification Regulations 2013. The Khadi Mark not only guarantees the genuineness of Khadi products but also promote Khadi as a brand that connotes social, cultural, and environmental values. 5. KVIC engaged fashion designer of national and international repute for Fashion Designing to make Khadi products more competitive and appealing in the domestic as well as overseas market segment. 6. Tie up arrangement with premier institutions like Federation of Indian Export Organization (FIEO), World Trade Centre (WTC), Indian Trade Promotion Organization (ITPO), Trade Promotion Council of India etc., for invigorating business opportunities in the overseas market by conducting exhibitions and workshops for Khadi Institutions. 7. A MoU was signed between KVIC and Aditya Birla Fashion & Retail Ltd. (ABFRL), Raymond and Arvind Mills for sale of Khadi fabric in country and abroad. 8. KVIC has entered into an agreement with M/s. GLOBUS a retail clothing stores chain having its HO in Mumbai for setting up of Khadi Korner a shop in shop concept initially in Globus Showroom at Noida, followed by Globus showroom in Chennai and Ahmedabad. 9. Setting up of modern Khadi Lounge with exquisite Khadi designer garments and V.I. products for making shopping Khadi a pleasure. 10. Launching of franchise scheme to expand the sales distribution network with zero investment.

it4*- 06.08.2018 ei Trafr 3rati*ff C143* #. 3210 Krif (71) * 3-e{ a 3iegfira.

ura 0-q ThaecM- 1:1711-c-6 1-11R1$ #Pti.-4# e,FINI .561Q dItl 1. 7vrt #mrai-Th 3F4T-1 3ct-iie,01 AT WI t fAttft-d-

2. urrtr q) . ttdt- 01.04.2017 tr 4.00 .k,t-w cht 5.50 W:TV 1;1 - fhir d Rif T44 3i-FT-dT iii it-"IW 26.12.2017 t" trtri 7TT 5.50 OGIch,t 7.50 --(1V CIF4 c 3. ttaTtlt ALTA *C1-4' <116(1- 1- t- TIM (HR-41-)FaTVit.k Tur, TarT2,--4 3 trfta--R- c i u i 1'a-wt., ant ttf -w aft vci 37-71. Lr4 LITAcirl 4s 2Slz AR- (401-3iTT)) Tre. 4 HIV 31r1ch(11 r 1 3TT t 4. T:ftTR" 3 F:Firja- 6-.(-10711-- atr 'r ar fawru 4)141 0-0410-1 t I art' #1k TUftf 171,3-11°10-1 fd1- 44-i 2013 ow, Pcp-at, 2013 at 31-R-a- Itzti di.24i I T§fra IfTt Unt 37-crgt dII aciF aft glis gitr cl I t "1) 11J-11Dcli, aft LNIcRui at-->z- ft W. Tita. chid I tI 5. --4T31411- Trwt--zr 3i17 at4Eva- -zr ctioN 1 r Ohl 3rf - off 3iTW4. f r1 f.1 f d ii r311T 3 u&fibcrrua.

(.141R11 tr i 6. E-r-4'r 1;1--21.-11 tra --riRifc>ii3T1- 3Tiztja- ct fd.-4e1 tsi Mk at ce4cNitzt 3T-a-u-41. 7-e f aTR-tzr (v41.3.3.4), • (s6,04), 31R-tzr cnl4I tip tidIaa1 (arrert-A, N4zr tritisrq, 3llfa. #T4134 d13111. f+-ZIT 7. Mgr 3fft rdtu a1ura aut-c-zr fir QsQ2.c.i (Q.sfiQt-n,arr, bi-g- aft Sit --1Ac>.÷1- r.1 Qc1-, .thi-1$-I1cl 7111-10-1 q TfallaTT TT fi 8. t3TrfI AT 316th c, a lC a1 deiloc>i 2T1 3TP-Trur-d-r fiL-r-g-r defIcm 2r1 r a 1 TzTrE4- r 3rat1T -cur qQ tg- ZT mai tilt #471-# d(4104-1 Trr2r .k-14-4$41-11 ura 13.3ii$0-1t a-Ft MIT I1 sn f4Q' 311-A-a4ft adI fm 4,n4-14!-1141 37-crRt. TfT2T 3f 41 urt F41-14-- r 10. r-41 facto] -a-k a f r ter r TITT3T f'+-Err 11. Tie up with e-Commerce platform for on-line marketing through e-Commerce companies like Paytm, Aaarmart. 12. Special efforts to attract youth by introducing attractive T-shirts, Khadi jeans, jackets, kurtis, etc. as well as launching a range of casual wear called vicharvastra specially designed by Ms. RituBeri. 13. Opening of sales outlets at domestic as well as international airports like Visakhapatnam, Lucknow, Ahmedabad, etc. 14. Introducing store app through mobile application to facilitate the customers to locate the Khadi India sales outlet at various geographical location to increase foot falls at various stores under Khadi sector. 15. Introduction of pre-paid Gift Voucher Scheme for corporate gifting including PSU and Government Depaitments. 11. Itttvg, 31RTFlt L fall Trruia-i layulo 1 -cr Lc4c441 7111" ti .3-1171 12. 3-7+15 't"1--& UTa- fir, alt ch.( too-ft 1,1 3Tr4gra- fV f'sr (-0-1 azir cH-A 0-11Hch 4).3.131W ch) mar ch10-11 I 13. fd. 1 c+Lgo-li), 316J-leoGrid„ Ertff 3t{ 3tatrEstrzr ITT 1•9l • (40-ii I 14. Ur4t a-tT 31 a- +<. t a !pc. 1,1 altitf=d-w mr--4- urt 34rW armra- f4v tr chiaii 15. '1l-Q-4T-zr T T1 •-kchi,11 Trfta chit-Pt f1f zJ1 f4v- cfr# f c116z41 414-r ch.fril MINISTRY OF MSME MIS — PARLIAMENT QUESTIONS

SESSION : 246th Session RAJYA SABHA QUESTION DATE 08.08.2018


SI. Subject Concerned Printed Version Remarks, if No. Officer Q.No. Priority No. any



Si. Subject Concerned Printed Remark No. Officer Version s, if any. Q.No. I Financial assistance under RMA JS (SME) 2513 Scheme 2 Order from Air India to KVIC JS (ARI) 2514 3 Implementation of CITUS in coastal JS (ARI) 2515 Maharashtra 4 Condition of cottage industries JS (ARI) 2516 5 Total investment made in MSME AS&DC/ 2517 sector Director (AM) 6 Financial assistance to MSME units AS&DC/ 2518 in West Bengal ADC (SM) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES


Financial assistance under RMA scheme


Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) the details of MSME units which received financial assistance under Raw Material Assistance (RMA) Scheme; (b) the number of MSME units from Kerala State which applied for assistance under RMA; (c) the details of amount and name of such units from Kerala which benefited under the Scheme; and (d) the initiatives taken by National Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Hub, the details thereof?



(a): During 2017-18, 3593 MSME units received financial assistance of Rs.5938.80 crores under the Raw Material Assistance (RMA) Scheme of the National Small industries Corporation Limited (NSIC), a Public Sector Undertaking under the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises ( MSME).

(b)&(c): Forty-Two (42) MSME units from Kerala State received financial assistance of Rs. 92.11 crores under the RMA Scheme of NSIC during 2017-18. The details of these units arc given at Annexure.

(d): National Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Hub (NSSH) has taken a number of initiatives which include special subsidy for SC/ST enterprises under the sub-schemes of the Hub namely Single Point Registration Scheme, Special Marketing Assistance Scheme (SMAS) and Performance & Credit Rating Scheme (PCRS). In addition, the Hub is also organising training for capacity building/skill development and handholding support for SC/ST entrepreneurs. series of State Conclaves are being organized under the Hub at different locations across the country to take cognizance of various endeavours by the Central and State Governments to boost the participation of SC-ST entrepreneurs in the supply chain of CPSEs and Central/State Government Departments. SUM tlice/It WI', 9 3111' J:117zPT 5444 di 4-Melt! il7ZT HaRiita ;rtta. 14.. 2513 3-T{ 4-4 08.08.2018 3111-VFV 741aT ffra '06141di 2513.4ft *. err TLIRT, 3tT RtArg 34,44+i Alt zrf 4-60 yrr w171- (w.) cfrcall tiididfl .fl614401 (31RErxrv) Itzftr Cl$c1 1a4141 VW6 *-{-4 wrgt 1TT,9 3114311.711:1" 344.141 OTIVzif 5T =NT W4T t; (wr) Tr2zr- 3111VaTZ * vied iwidcii t171 %cif!) 111--if, WEI 3111" Tit-43:1" t+15-41 3Tra4W itzrr t; can ffr Fkrxr doct *r tWrfzri OR'-*U" TI1 err TT% air uttu wzrr t; 31t-{

(Er) i16044 3i a. ■31 I 3ti" 391Tr4-6 .7161.7111-a q11.7 ;It W Taft WIT t?

177r, 9 A- RUM 34 +i Trizr ai (taci4 ;131111 Oft Plnim (W): 44. 2017-18* 4 t10, TLINT, 9 AT MATT 311f1ar •ett farm tittqf iLisbai Till* 9 64441.11 iWarg (3WMTV) 1417r 31Fka 3593 Trfir, 9 31t 711.2PT 34.414-1 (qai V.414+13) Wffircei '*t 5938.80 Wit' tioNdi Vit' 01 (111) 311-{ (in: 44. 2017-18* 4 'Owl q•Ivii3Teffit "6131RV317* 44VT 3edata*-{ff.174 r *21- 0411 ti (42) Vaivtivaii VWFII *t 92.11 chi)* wzre- Rr fdr1144 Irma. 01 IP; *chioti• 31-1411" ?OTT 11'4111 (V): Alq14-4 3T"4-frrd'a *ATM 313171,f4ff oirionfa i (Volm•tiqt-Ivx1) Wra Trt trff tri • ww 41r 311' lzgrall afield: mettoi T4PT, faltar ramum 4:2Prxr (timmykii) 3 c Pogicoi irct wur 112:di lzgrg (tt-fibrrtm)*3174ff 34.:EiaiI*1 tsr glliA et ti oti.4) 3rurwr, 64,441A411 k My w -e-(- 1aAu,r+tvrg am' trar lint R" fAV Taft 311711faff t T6T 4,41v44 MIT 4urar{T7z- r *whit t fd11-176' t't 3TrElf4tirgr 11- .14..441A441 Nrafratt WC4.*MV 41•-4 3tIT IWzr •tlictliii cow i'+'"V 7TV 1x11ir..1 irzfrflI WT *1.71101 '44 t faV ttr iR tr{ t 3iFiVa• I17-zr . erv-witarar3uzfrra-a*r 7riftti Annexure

Annexure referred to in reply to parts (b)&(c) of Rajya Sabha Unstarred Question No. 2513 for answer on 08.08.2018

Si No Unit Name 1 ARTECH GROUP (CONTRACTING) 2 ABDUL RAHIMAN T.A. 3 ARTECH REALTORS PRIVATE LIMITED 4 A F INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LIMITED NEW 5 BRMSCO GARMENTS PVT. LTD 6 ERNAD ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES 7 EKK INFRASTRUCTURE PVT. LTD. 8 FAROOQ CONSTRUCTIONS 9 GOOD TIME HOUSEWARES 10 HYCOUNT PLASTICS & CHEMICALS 11 HENRY AND FARAD PVT LTD 12 HARI & GOPAL 13 INSIDE PLUS 14 INTER ELECT ENGINEERS PVT LTD 15 INDTECH INTERIOR & CONTRACTORS PVT LTD 16 JAYALAKSHMI ENTERPRISES 17 KVJ BUILDERS & DEVELOPERS PVT.LTD 18 K.V JOSEPH AND SONS PVT LTD 19 K.T MATHEW AND COMPANY 20 M A M POLYMERS 21 M D ESTHAPPAN INFRASTRUCTURES PVT. LTD. 22 M D ESTHAPPAN 23 MAXPACK TAPES & PRODUCTS PVT LTD 24 MARYMATHA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 25 NEO POLY PACK 26 NECHUPADAM CONSTRUCTIONS P LTD 27 OUTLOOK COMMUNICATION P LTD 28 PERUMALIL GRANITE CONSTRUCTIONS 29 PAN PACIFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES PVT LTD 30 RETHNA PACKS 31 R P C PAPER MILLS P LTD 32 RDS PROJECT LTD 33 RAJESH MATHEW AND COMPANY 34 S K BOILERS P LTD 35 SOFTLAND INDIA LTD 36 SREERAMA INDUSTRIES UNIT 1 37 SREERAMA INDUSTRIES UNIT 2 38 SREERAMA SCAFFOLD SYSTEMS 39 ST. THOMAS RUBBER INDUSTRY 40 SILPA PROJECTS & INFRASTRUCTURE I PVT LTD 41 SHARADA LUGGAGE INDUSTRIES 42 SANSON CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES era, 08.08.2018 T571*.. flITT 3TaRilta WM R. 2513 * STPT (130 aft (7r) * o14 Ic1 34-141z- w. wi. oct,14 wr RTA 1 3iTt* Tr (ob-gilW,Ii) 2 31-i-g iftAlW eft 3 3Trta7 crrWfellas 4 V VW *•-soit-czertit ArItCs 5 sia-ticry diit 'et.' Were s s 6 t3iTiVgirt iainein'di 34sioi 7 44141 o•-soits.trit 1ii* c s fa. 8 lzbliW *lrever- r 9 71:5" C15+1 613t1 tIti 10 Sliara3c teufh.rti 4-g q,c-44 11 .ill tis rFir4 srwic s 12 git tig +1141m 13 *•iiii*s call' 14 07 ocictc. i fa+itf WOE s 15 i<1, i 11.44 it m a-Ctf vtrazs 16 olgetifer ictsfl*A01 17 a,~,,1 far5tf 43. 40,4 SII5 a5 18 At .1 to iig *r VITOZ S 19 ter 49 '03 cioirft 20 VA V VA' iiifel+i tf 21 WI' gt Mi-C1,-,44. i101,1-ca-T4 Trr&C 5 r4I 22 lrff gt Vt-tit-si.t 23 crti 41 tuff issits.reii utsac. 1M- As 24 eildiciliiccrY1W *tat 25 Obit tiVT tt-W 26 414mi *IVVIR;4' VTOU¶ 11Zs 27 3Tr3ZR;* cho-i.P4AM. I;ITI*C S 28 IliftairAelartISC *11741MT- 29 44 -AT$Th,ch rAqR.11 tifdtlot virsrte f ZS 30 term traw 31 3ig rft Tft tlizrzfA vii crrra-a- s 32 3Trithrir- v1--4cc- SA s 33 17-44r 9,43- *qt. 34 We' t 41.14.1e1 MI* C fcl1AZ5 35 tii!tcas ifliii fA1 s 36 Anileit ist al 44,1Ac. 1 37 AftiTTFT ist-4).71 WPC 2 38 411-mr i-eliiole.g. ttc+-tiMUil tll 39 .k.tia 211pm 14T iSta 40 Min:11. " Al— Ve lig s.iiiii-cctzii Sirrad" IA s 41 qT11-41. R47 ista



Order from Air India to KVIC


Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Government has asked depai inents to place maximum orders to Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) for providing sustainable employment through micro enterprises to rural artisans; (b) if so, the details thereof; (c) whether it is also a fact that the KVIC has received an order worth Rs. 8 crore from Air India; (d) whether it is also a fact that this was the third successive order from Air India to KVIC; and (e) if so, the details thereof?



(a) & (b): No, Sir. However, Government of India, issued Gazette Notification dated 26.3.2012, called Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) which was effective from 1.4.2012. Overall procurement goal of minimum 20% by CPSEs from MSMEs has become mandatory from 1.4.2015. As per the notification, all Central Govt. Ministries, Departments and PSUs shall compulsorily procure minimum 20% of their annual value of goods and services from these MSEs registered with DIC or KVIC or KVIB or Coir Board or NSIC or Directorate of Handicraft and Handloom or any other body specified by Ministry of MSME.

In addition to the above, KVIC has written to the Minister of Human Resource Development for issuing an appeal to all employees and establishments under Ministry of HRD for wearing Khadi one day in a week voluntarily. KVIC also requested Primary and Secondary Education Departments of State Governments for introducing Khadi as School Uniforms suggesting to consider issuing guidelines to all the schools for promoting use of Khadi in School Uniforms_

3iTTR- WI; 9 3th. TIVZIW 44.:&141

iwzr, 4111r 3far11f1-a• izta' it 2514 08.08.2018

ter It si Idl 3112 d.CIJ1 3111-zft4 (J.-431TM *1 .311*

2514.4ft Kra-. di Vicrulet:

Tarr Uzi, REs3th Atter 341a1 Tat ZI-Fad1.l r TErr 4 GI •

(*) wzrr zro- t faairift cbl•nali• 41. 4:12t-IT t 111/ WA it tidci 314W W1-4 1-ALI isii41 3t4 *Mai 444 di mrzerff (tetwiti:11) al ticiRcb' mirk' fgv t; (Tin nit ft,a1 E#1 szito *zrr (70 wan- zr-f a#1 1i t 1 tcaic AT .11 3ITZItaT 1 try 0-3411 11 8 chi)* WAT 31th

(Er) Warr zrK 34t . f ts1141 3th 4114-1 4,44 31TZNT arl VZR 441. Arca L cI, WT-4 try ZI' cfttiiI t";30-4. (V) Zit Fatott wzrr t? 397 wts 3th MART' 64,44Ji 1hi41.441 (raci4 Vaig) 11ikil7I F46)

(i) 3t4 * wet mer, an-{a Litchi' TrsEr-g ath. RE/ i fAv vitro]. (atvAc.) 1lop44 3iftrfry-4r 26.03.2012*1 own 2.1' at .764, 01.04.2012 it Met 01 wiqtimaii 4141viii 40111 a-Ticia-1 20 ixfAra Fifa' wrcrur (ulcrtogc) *1* Rit-zr 14,61) 1.4.2015 3if4014 et zrzrr t 13T 1-4,0-4r * 3911R . ., 41.r4 Fift kivileitiffOrrzr 114-1- * 3445h di oftv*R0 *Deli 54.:141di zrr te13irreft zrr *-41314-41 Irr a)-A' •zrr vrimii3rrel1 zrr Tfa"51-Fxr Mrr @=J4bttii fAairraZi ZIT WI, RE" 3th Trt-zr-if 34..444i a-111(4,11 441111 rafAra.c ar+-fit3WT fAchiq rialt-a- 5 4-I 09311 V( it-413# *317-4 arfgrw Tff4.1- . * ..tociai 20 seravra- 3r1War4 fcr wcrur ort*-70 Wtati

44h1 i 3TQ1I I, *-4T3Treft kilaia liFTEW Rchlii Tit WI I'd 411'1 +121101q 311M TrIft chkr.11114A FITT TZITc4T3ft *1 +11,01* > Kr+- t4Rocr, uildn 'ii' 3t c'01141 q, fAv fAisi 14,413ti 1. 44,SA,4,7e1 tql4 ErAtirr 04141 tA• fae- loft fa-tufAtv- arfl 4,14 tr-{ faultwr4 fAv 0141 tp *TO. * fkv. Urizr. vrAltrw .kr4 murfiaw ftiT itarr-41 # a#1 31:11111- %tit tl : 2 :

KVIC has been catering to the needs of Government Ministries/Departments such as Railways, Defence, Health & Family Welfare, Paramilitary Forces and other Central & State Government Ministries. The total supplies made by KVIC to various Government Departments/Agencies during the last three years is given below:

Rs. in lakhs Year Total Govt. supplies made 2015-16 718144 2016-17 6696.13 2017-18 7577.04

(c): Yes, Sir, Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) have received an order worth Rs.8.00 crore from Air India.

(d)&(e): Yes, Sir, this is the third successive order of supply of amenity kits consisting the items of Hand sanitizer, Moisturizing Lotion, Face Wash, Soap- Sandal, Lip Balm, Essential Oil, Eau De Cologne, Tooth Paste, Tooth Brush, Foldable Mirror, Cotton and Silk Pouch of first class and executive class, received from Air India to KVIC. The details of orders received and supplied during the last three years is as follows:

Rs. in lakhs Orders received from Year Supplied to Air India Air India 2016-17 797.54 525.43 2017-18 797.54 818.02 2018-19 836.54 71.90 (as on 31.07.2018)

* * * : 2 :

tibrieitr let , z$9T, taltvzr crd eitarr 4,e,441.1, NOM*. c t -cr4 r *whit * d-iAlciti. kilimq1aarrall 3tra-q14,034 *1 tffr mtdl1fr #-1 faiid 41i1.1 ibtr41N4M44I a

(70: It, 3111' 31171*(*-413iltift) VW* .4141 8.00 cm* *04l air Malt 51Tuff tl

(Er) 311T (g): 41, ATIzrf VAT* *113ft* 7414y44110.1- Ara., t4F4T4T, F19'-ifsci, ftcr WM, *i11t141e1 MAW, *A 4,1(4141.4 (Eau De Cologne), z~ Z, Z:4" Pr, ‘Arsv act it, srtm *ft v4- tm44,,f2a 41uft*- mica tr4- ifr4trr %el gag, 311-a/Ttl fadici ct•a" MO* atm AIL-21311-4Rn" T4' 3ntigzil 'tftit 11At4 t.7i f: (ter Nrar 44 VITT i in #511L-U1 3Trali VzIT*Iggi W14143f11:TA 2016-17 797.54 525.43 2017-18 797.54 818.02 2018-19 (31.07.2018*i 826.54 71.90 ilVM"*31 --1.-43-R-) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES


Implementation of CITUS in coastal Maharashtra


Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has recently launched Coir Industry Technology Upgradation Scheme (CITUS) in the country;

(b) if so, the details thereof; and

(c) how Government proposes to implement CITUS in coastal Maharashtra?



(a)&(b): Government has launched Coir Industry Technology Upgradation Scheme (CITUS) under Coir Vikas Yojana (CVY) for promoting acquisition/adoption of new and innovative technologies in coir production and processing, its successful incubation, demonstration and commercialization by setting up of coir production units with larger investments. The Government provides financial assistance, to the tune of 25% towards the cost of plant and machinery subject to an upper ceiling of Rs.2.50 crore per coir unit.

(c): The Scheme is intended to extend the support to the coir industries in all States in the country including Maharashtra. In the State of Maharashtra, the development and promotion of coir industry are being monitored/ implemented by the Board's Sub Regional Office at Sindhudurg. Implementation of the scheme will be monitored by the Coir Board and the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Government of India. #117#1-+T{ Tilts -sf, Wig 311t3Tv1713441ei T174 FM 317Tii1t6 TR" #.2515 3-d-{ t* culla 08.08.2018

wetzr 6RpNs. 1413TretiFfr 404-q-Lm

2515. 4ft -(1.mll-imp( trff:

WzrT $7i,WEpt{ RUPT 34-44-1 gt41 zif WM*Ai 4t) :

(*) *MT -dicnii ter al I tt W41%14,44 di 1, 4tI f cI Jowl 440 ail •; (s) zrf4. zi; 'at FM-4/ft raft WT t; 3117 (ar) oat.' *AT icoldi 9144-C14 ‘7101 *It i4,4111?-act *7*T 1 tiitTart t?

IT,4-71,9r3kR/2171- 34.:441 th3-4.1.1141 (taciA RSTR) oft f)N1,71 fitf-61

(W) 3t (N): fir #*-4-{ 3c-4140 r+15-46. tiFt#1:1-4T ct),t WW1 3C414•1

~iti4-4) qt3r1T 4-1414-icidi (*old fect) Lityili114)4.11 VITuff *1-47317r41* Wqrdi **14) #1:5-R ST-40"A" cia.c4114)-eui * itV" *WI"fdariti +.41.7141i (A4131* *31.1#46*717 3444141 04.:1411.1441 drel 41 fri FAIT (TbirteRVIT) B1' tl *z17 octliS 2.50 chi)* r. 3rftwa-g tf ii * 3rv11 Thi."4 34.4- *01041 tt gra ftv 25% 4t fathei srdlw chic!)

(ar): Few .*T ftzr 416iti 5. d Alt t Tf3ftT177-4ft**zr{di• '1. .t1614-1c111747a.*74T tl memos Ti7z1- flttra 3r1-4-t412:1 ameilm-zi saw Wzr-T 3-4:zft-4 fachiti #411Wtf eiTaftell4i/abia414-clem ftliT tl .4-441.1-t ato+.454-clapri *I'Wzri'Att 3ftT ITFA, FEJ 3ft1-#12171'34_4441 (W-mtiq414) sTrra 011141 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES


Condition of cottage industries


Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state: (a) whether the condition of cottage industries in the country particularly in Odisha has worsened during the last three years and the current year; (b) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor, State/UT-wise including Odisha; (c) the corrective measures taken/being taken by Government to revive and promote cottage industries in the country including Odisha; (d) whether Government plans to establish more cottage industries in the backward and tribal areas of the State; and (e) if so, the details thereof?



(a): No, Sir.

(b): Does not arise.

(c)to(e) 'Cottage Industry' has not been defined under the Khadi and Village Industries Commission Act, 1956. However, the broad contours of 'Cottage Industry' is covered under the 'Village Industry' vertical of the Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC).

The Village Industries under purview of KVIC are broadly classified under seven groups for the purpose of implementation of its programmes which are as follows:

1. Agro Based & Food Processing Industry (ABFPI) includes industries viz. Pulses & Cereals Processing Industry, Gur & Khandsari Industry, Palmgur Industry, Fruit & Vegetable Processing Industry, Village Oil Industry, etc. 2. Forest Based Industry (FBI) includes industries viz. Medicinal Plants Industry, Beekeeping Industry, Minor Forest Based Industries, etc. 3. Handmade Paper and Fibre Industry (HMPFI) includes industries viz. Handmade Paper Industry, Fibre Industry, etc. 4. Mineral Based Industry (MBI) includes industries viz. Pottery, Lime, Plaster of Paris products, Stone Crushing & Carving etc. aiga *W M.( 3itT 7INZIOT Tra-Zi TrAT 3raRilta- T. 2516 ‘21. aTtigi 08.081018

"at 3-441 grr 2516. 4i1 eaa 1 4-010: c-411 Trs4---84, d-I41 7:17 dry t.r UI cb141 f is

() itTra- ci tfic-j, it21-Elm-T 3r11%-ur al-, OR 3-111--4 .Lsi.osi t; (w) 411a 0-, at aT--#'4'tit 3ftit21T Rita. 717(Y41- W-41t tbR I t; (a-r) 3T1it2rr 71-1t-a- 2r a1 TeR 3€117T cnl lic-I•k■sT t4 721T 371Th-t fv g1.(1 TIV/iq 3171-zIt Mir tApikI t; (Er) (tell *4-1 .(1.3-41 itrat 3117 atal- at AT 3rfI1T-trt TZTrilta c.b.(c) t; 3117 Eztiv 4q-41

ens RIOT, i9 311 a( Tai .5Wd-I .0.744 ARIT) (4t nRitoi q$)

A1,ci 1 1

(TO: TP3i cl .56c-111

(IT) (W): 01-4- 37:117( M-11- i r at{ 3itztaT 3.Tfel -431., 1956 t 3tauca IIR2-1117 0-10 'f=--zrr dmr I 821Tter, TeR 37-)--4 cAfluct, TritEn- to qwti. alid-0411dt 31141a1 (4)4131t441)alldilwl dr at-aira- cbcii 0-41- tI

lava 3111 4.11c1)0J1 31l Id( aiata. dAid-Wdli ZfiW-44 . chi shdi. cbM 1,M qq Trgre 31a--4F f T tr quffT-a- itzfr f: 1. q2fa 31nirr47 L14-14-chiui .54-1)d1 (osiiklt-htibi(t) a1 34117ifi c>i t 31-aT7 kt-i4-(hi I TOT, d,t5 307 4a1511i11 3€rfidr, rlig:1715 Yezitlf, 1416 Kr . 1.14-14-tNul 5CltaT,- dAldi c1 3q:A7rk=zritrrfA-a- 2. 3111.11i{aewldl (v(4)413Tr) a1 3-117r 3iIEN11zr EN.). 3€uIdT, gigar4-A1-1160 (>i ti 3Trafta 5-dr-dr5--c-zi-rf 21-rfto• 3. chid's,' AT rh-rfa-{ 34d1 (-c4maiinvi-r)3i-r4) A- 3-11-d-r (JR-Ad c4-4J1,71 3111-71, thlWaT 3Ktur 2rftra- 4. /3If'd'a 311111fta" (A:d-14134) a1 37:1)-4 fir te, 3trEF tlf{-41- ec qic,, t2TZ chdl lTd clef-cher 2Tri1 2

5. Polymer and Chemical Based Industry (PCBI) includes industries viz. Leather Industry, Non-edible Oil & Soap Industry, Detergent Powder, Candle making, Cottage Match Industry, Plastic Industry, etc. 6. Rural Engineering and Bio-Technology Industry (REBTI) includes industries viz. Non-Conventional Energy, Bio-gas plants, Carpentry & Black smithy, Electronics, etc. 7. Service & Textile Industry (STI) includes industries viz. Electronic and Electrical devise repairing, Machine repairing, Plumbing and other servicing works, Sweater Hosiery, Band aid cloth and other textile products etc.

Most of the activities of these Village Industries sub-sectors can be covered under the activities taken under Cottage Industries.

It may be seen under Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP), enterprises are created every year for which Margin Money subsidy is provided. Large part of the village industries come under the PMEGP.

PMEGP is a credit linked subsidy scheme, for setting up of new micro-enterprises and to generate employment opportunities in rural as well as urban areas of the country through KVIC, State Khadi & Village Industries Board (KVIB) and District Industries Centre (DIC). General category beneficiaries can avail of margin money subsidy of 25% of the project cost in rural areas and 15% in urban areas. For beneficiaries belonging to special categories such as SC/ST/Women/PH/Minorities/Ex-Servicemen/NER, the margin money subsidy is 35% in rural areas and 25% in urban areas. The maximum cost of projects is Rs25 lakh in the manufacturing sector and Rs.10 lakh in the service sector.

Coir VikasYojanais being implemented by Coir Board to cater to the multiple developmental needs of coir industry. Interventions under the following components of the Scheme are taken up during the period from 2017-18 to 2019-20.

1. One of the components under this scheme is Market Development Assistance (MDA) which provides assistance to Coir Units through State Governments for the development of coir industry and improve the marketing of coir products. An assistance of 10% of average sales during the preceding 3 years is provided to the Coir Units.

2. Skill Upgradation and Mahila Coir Yojana (MCY): Development of skilled manpower in coir industry in different facets of coir production and processing through appropriate training programmes, seminars, workshops, awareness programmes, exposure visits etc. is the major objective under Skill Upgradation and Mahila Coir Yojana (MCY). Only trainings to the unemployed women will be provided under Mahila Coir Yojana. EDP, National Seminar, Awareness programme, Workshop, Exposure Tour may also be provided under Mahila Coir Yojana. The financial assistance for procurement of equipments/machineries may be obtained under the PMEGP scheme by the trained women for setting up coir units. Priority will be given to the trained women under PMEGP. Under skill upgradation and Mahila Coir Yojana honorarium shall be kept as Rs.15,000/-p.m. for trainer and Rs.3000/- p.m. for trainee subject to the norms of NSQF compliance.

5. 3it-{ ZQilzlci 3TTQ1T1t7 3CT17T (111414184) a1 3-Qtd.T -c4+151 54117T, 3TUITti Sri t RIF 310T, tat urn, Adiciri) elo-Ile-11, Ter Tf141 3-414, 14.111-"Cct)3111.7T - T 2101T 6. 411‘111u1 iof1T- 4-111,11 c1 '1144 cl 64.1 I (3TRtere131T3')- # 7114 RrFra.:

1-1.0411 c114314-1 4-1441, m-ret T 6.01coR-d-2T, tl 7. TIM' AT TeatjT cildid: Oci-Ocht-1 31'IT it7t 640),(4 di tddici cfreoi, TRitt 1d-Ftd-dici cfrfrn, dl 3tt4- 3WZI Au! cbNI, 414-64 07ti, GIs c4-(412T aty-{ 3iTzr- c14-1 3c UIC irf 2TT cr tI

,J,11 3€11-g 3Tr im-a-{ TeR. yfrait ataurF RIF zr1=41tRrzifi ti

Tpw chi4odi ( Q4A1111) 31dd c1 dulI ar +1410 t f rriThaCt 3-reit ci Trda. ,311c11 f4Kr 3iff17 dkfl 41141g) C1-4T7 f7Tdt- tl dAid-110d1i csil arru-r 111qcf4aLf1 31-17T tl

INIT7 4-i41 ,iv-1d114 4177 c13140-kfl zir4'r 317 JAwi q.1 'alt (4,c1131TOT) 311Tiic 7 3IltaT b (tt3ITT) i arrarar. # 317 21 11 41,01. 3IPRI r 4:21TETT 72TT 4lvtd14 3T-44:14- 4:P7 qc4, tl 4-11.141c-ei 4urr 7TaTi2it atat a1 11Relloic11 61dIci ?ST 25% MTI. 210 01" # 15% #111# dicfl 411l c M-# tl 3T7T/3177T/aTtM3T11/22Ttft i .twti 44- 4N-TP44- ./1701-d-{ a-fiq f42114- .51-Prt # r4-41rF ararrfftl dAidAui 41-41 at 35% 721T 34 25% 31r A7 4-114141 tl 14ReilAcil zr 3Tf0m-73:r al 25 7TUT a1--9. a1 io . R111 tu4l tl

WZir{- 61 {iii ch4li .5-41t4 311q241c1lc-11311f W1- CP fA-e- CP4R 14mm zn771 41141irci ti .(&) tl 4-4d1 Ere41 t 31 2017-18 2019-20 4i 3i r e,l,oci 2 itzIT Aid! tl

1. *+I 4 d1 c 3i747 GUAR fawr-4r 41,1,4(-11 qct, tl GUS afi crk-R 3-cAur 1--4mm qt! 3t ct'eli 3Ft1T-41 faquH +Kok) diTtzldi chzIi tl 1 tk-4-qt 3 C44? eNio Ata. f4- "r Et 10% 4--if

171-al7 tr art tl

2. -1t21-7 tr4 g:ift7T cbei.e zit77T (I, ): 31:1-zp IftaitrT ct)i414).H1-, otIdTtqcficli cbielstkH), Q4h■Lit-11,T1i 31r1ci airtwa:r # -t-114G1 > LI44-c tUI

11- 3fr # c1, 34:frar # TUR t2Ta- d11 1Tcfrei.( zn-a-a-r 317-47 Skip tl atIt-Rr 3t747 c),(10idiR w1tar3it m-fi fr vrffraffur ideal .7111:J111 71:0T MR:17 zr1-77T 3t747 fi, 44:R1 44,11 ei., ..711,11.tscbc11 411 sbc1-1,.T4f211e41, q44-IL1.- 4 d,sR air alita-r 3ia#a Ski err c I 61-1c-u1. /g7r2fiGiR4-41 thqul (1,1)c-H-jp)d f4-41-4 ct).11 41 r T2TTcf7 Cftif07 g:ritRrall 111qclis.711f1 3i747 UIii I ,111c-1) tl ITIQ4.=1)11) 31-747 i;rftf-Oa- 31-113.11 crT2rf#---ar 1 7Rraftl ml2ra -74 Trtar ch4l t ealvicit 3tata. i cif 4 c-4-ki, aggra- Jima)) 3T017 1;110. 'f E i i 15,000/- 4 4f 1..111- .111 72TT cftarairftzti ci fc f 3,000/- TIT7t4 TIT a1 'cull ,311qd111 : 3 :

State-wise details of Margin Money allocated and utilized, job opportunities created and number of units set up under PMEGP Scheme in the country, including the State of Odisha, during the last three years and current year is placed at Annexure-I.

In addition to the above, Ministry of MSME is implementing the Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI) for making Traditional Industries more productive and competitive by organizing the Traditional Industries and artisans into clusters. The Scheme envisages providing need-based assistance for replacement of production equipment, setting up of common facility centres (CFC), product development, quality improvement, improved marketing, training and capacity building etc. Ministry has approved 72 clusters, out of which 36 are functional as on date. The scheme has been appraised and approved for continuation during 2018-19 and 2019-20, for which Rs.350 crore has been sanctioned.

Details of the number of SFURTI clusters sanctioned to the various States across the country, including the State of Odisha, since 12th Plan period is placed at Annexure-II

* * *

ftro-4 cfloi uwl 3ft ucl

5CRAT 31jittT Tka-71, J=I-Q71-F 3-CR:f di lic>I 1-It 4 fd I cl 3TY-4- dR ctMt-t.i) IT?)c-1 4).0) ikit-ktdid 3eztar aTgl-T 3c-t-I I ekctl 311-4- crfd-fcmff i 11; 4, t-R, id Ytt 1Wir 41d1 (Trk-fA.) 4)141;c4ci ti -cR.:1-1 .5cLitc,1 .5t4cfr(ul. 1 +11,11 T4'4T 44,1 r T1 9T (4NLP•k-11 ), cLIK 7.147T 5 1d fdUuIci LI-fa-TcrT 3117 ai-j:17T f d1 UT4Titf 3-TTaq cbc-II 3111-11ft7 +Weld] 1717 cni.1 1 r art ti diAlt>141 72 4-64-a I1 31g-Afk-a f at A- 36 3E7 FitM1 # c1 2018-19 3117 2019-20 t 4110 4-Qd-I

TUA. f d1c l icbd 31T4ta"1Ii T d I t f tV 350 cpils JTLT fi 12t Z117-71- Sic Ertf 3111%+IT- 7it-7 I o-zi. 411-t-a" 4-11s-II r Gelii dleil I Annexure-I

Annexure-I referred to in reply to part (c)to(e) of the Rajya Sabha Unstarred Question No. 2516 for answer on 08.08.2018

State-wise position of PMEGP during 2015-16

Sr. State/UT Margin Margin Money Number Estimated No. Money subsidy of employment subsidy utilized# projects generated allocated (Rs. lakh) assisted (No. of (Rs. lakh) persons) 1 Jammu& Kashmir 4006.80 3781.19 2207 12115 2 Himachal Pradesh 1721.57 1767.26 1077 5134 3 Punjab 3026.80 2902.97 966 7762 4 UT Chandigarh 90.00 87.72 43 323 5 Uttarakhand 1909.93 1740.86 1136 6161 6 Haryana 3747.40 3112.09 1248 7232 7 Delhi 257.35 254.05 256 2048 8 Rajasthan 4188.14 4384.07 1988 14537 9 Uttar Pradesh 17535.32 14456.87 4365 43059 10 Bihar 7118.59 6588.55 2430 19624 11 Sikkim 227.38 186.11 110 397 12 Arunachal Pradesh 200.08 38.85 35 104 13 Nagaland 1255.83 1392.81 623 4998 14 Manipur 2855.92 1213.98 685 2715 15 Mizoram 924.99 1026.35 1134 9072 16 Tripura 2748.26 945.84 642 5355 17 Meghalaya 1250.62 1056.12 603 4824 18 Assam 4969.87 2869.74 3483 9026 19 West Bengal 4765.49 3400.65 1873 12746 20 Jharkhand 3462.64 3559.74 1839 12873 21 Odisha 6282.00 5736.32 2876 17629 22 Chhattisgarh 4303.80 2829.38 1277 9496 23 Madhya Pradesh 7729.40 8117.17 1979 .16497 24 Gujarat* 6536.16 6339.73 1419 14960 25 Maharashtra ** 9718.42 5285.03 2497 20161 26 Andhra Pradesh 4496.85 2262.37 642 7740 27 Telangana 2094.00 2217.57 660 7761 28 Karnataka 10846.89 5898.01 2140 17284 29 Goa 159.40 165.43 91 500 30 Lakshadweep 90.00 0.00 0 0 31 Kerala 2731.60 2720.48 1369 9653 32 Tamil Nadu 7110.80 5497.54 2463 20836 33 Puducherry 100.00 106.37 65 447 34 A&N Islands 158.00 65.11 119 293 TOTAL 128620.30 102006.33 44340 323362 # including un-utilized balance funds of previous year. * including Daman & Diu. ** including Dadra & Nagar Haveli 3T-T4V-I %ow) 08.08.2018 t ihTei TralT A*1-_#.2516 t aiTaT (al) #_(31 bd.( at

Ms!I 2015-16 tflq44,31"01 w.Ti. R-rriTiEr Tk-Tzr &,1 - 3iT4ita. A. 2"rt u 4.A '0" 4 eii1 i iiveicil rrrpr ipci 31ga1rP4'ff 3707 arat +114141 TrAi rl1 i41# 14 eils.,tork 1. i.loidiii (mitil T. k (eilisi T. '#) ii I (cd.a.z, ''r it.) 1 oia-41,31'1-4- 2a:ftT 4006.80 3781.19 2207 12115 2 9,eil-r-01 cr-h- 1721.57 1767.26 1077 5134 3 it--r4 3026.80 2902.97 966 7762

4 44t4 tIati tip cl4ldlg, 90.00 . 87.72 43 323 5 .5diltsiS 1909.93 1740.86 1136 6161

6 f. ZHU!! 3747.40 3112.09 1248. 7232 7 it-Fgr 257.35 254.05 256 2048 8 '117T-P-1TF 4188.14 4384.07 1988 14537 9 .ork IA .4. 17535.32 14456.87 4365 43059 10 MTR 7118.59 6588.55 2430 19624 11 p9hdi 227.38 186.11 110 397 12 317171-4T u 21- 200.08 38.85 35 104 13 ci du As 1255.83 1392.81 623 4998 14 Trfayt-.5 2855.92 1213.98 685 2715 15 fdloiltdi 924.99 1026.35 1134 9072 16 fl-gr 2748.26 945.84 642 5355 17 t-11 M 4.-1 1250.62 1056.12 603 4824 18 3.TuT1 4969.87 2869.74 3483 9026 19 rifkr4T sidii(q" 4765.49 3400.65 1873 12746 20 41.4.zsis 3462.64 3559.74 1839 12873 21 3i19t21i- 6282.00 5736.32 2876 17629 22 c..9,akid, 4303.80 2829.38 1277 9496 23 art,-zr Atli 7729.40 8117.17 1979 16497 24 Jj,,tud* 6536.16 6339.73 1419 14960 20161 25 diVtIE ++ 9718.42 5285.03 2497 26 3i-iV u a qr 4496.85 2262.37 642 7740 27 c)eidlidt 2094.00 2217.57 660 7761 28 mica, 10846.89 5898.01 2140 17284 29 di cii 159.40 165.43 91 500 30 R-aratcr • 90.00 0.00 0 0 31 d,tci 2731.60 2720.48 1369 9653 32 dI e1-q 7110.80 5497.54 2463 20836 33 gr. fr 100.00 106.37 65 447

34 353air - ailT vl 4Ii 4 158.00 65.11 119 293 Tro7 128620.30 102006.33 44340 323362 Tel # ftr--64 qlEr Tft-a- * Gd1UI att 41,4 Tad- ** 41ex v4 odk ticFlta State-wise position of PMEGP during 2016-17

Sr. State/UT Margin Margin Number Estimated No. Money Money of employment subsidy subsidy projects generated allocated utilized# assisted (No. of (Rs. lakh) (Rs. lakh) persons) Jammu& Kashmir 3541.26 2621.40 1492 11691 2 Himachal Pradesh 1970.11 2185.27 941 6916 3 Punjab 3504.09 3181.60 1266 9858 4 UT Chandigarh 100 82.84 47 376 5 Uttarakhand 2140.93 2122.33 1345 9890 6 Haryana 3371.31 3383.53 1377 11016 7. Delhi 300 182.41 119 952 8 Rajasthan 5500.99 4641.6 1749 13408 9 Uttar Pradesh 12981.52 14271.05 4074 36315 10 Bihar 6909.77 8336.51 3234 25872 11 Sikkim 200 35.93 27 201 12 Arunachal Pradesh 500 440.34 301 1984 13 Nagaland 1751.68 2007.48 1018 7783 14 Manipur 1741.7 2162.78 1265 8419 15 Mizoram 1253.49 491.96 425 3400 16 Tripura 1578.62 3734.66 2297 17961 17 Meghalaya 1748.1 407.89 329 2632 18 Assam 5636.41 4910.38 6028 31498 19 West Bengal 3680.3 6270.32 3528 26604 20 Jharkhand 4165.73 2654.35 1300 10400 21 Odisha 5201.65 6848.96 3029 20392 22 Chhattisgarh 4493.3 4070.73 1598 12856 23 Madhya Pradesh 8527.32 8346.06 1940 15520 24 Gujarat* 5398.45 7561.61 1386 11629 25 Maharashtra ** 6111.29 6001.36 2325 17799 26 Andhra Pradesh 2336.59 4916.08 1357 14148 27 Telangana 2004.86 2561.72 664 6445 28 Karnataka 4941.62 11609.56 3575 30286 29 Goa 371.62 191.44 90 660 30 Lakshadweep 50 00 00 00 31 Kerala 2446.06 3350.68 1584 13068 32 Tamil Nadu 5291.23 8213.92 2941 25764 33 Puducherry 150 103.65 66 699 34 A&N Islands 100 193.46 195 1398 TOTAL 110000 128093.86 52912 407840 # including un-utilized balance funds of previous year. * including Daman & Diu. ** including Dadra & Nagar Haveli 74 2016-17 1.11Q,14,31101

T.Ti. R-rftliErR-17,-. -zr al-i- xreitff *r 7rt watt, a At risitkil ART Traara- q- -ArrAa- Ara-a- aiot TRW dial) 14 ti 010134 i.71 Ili 1441 iii#-41 a A'avar (.44 el' '-t- A".) (eIlisi Z. at) (Quist T. A-) 1 7F4k-T2d11i- 3541.26 2621.40 1492 11691 2 %,H1=40.1 1.ia,1 1970.11 2185.27 941 6916 3 tiv1161 3504.09 3181.60 1266 9858 4 #1:1- ii.3-4 ati- -Eig1 ,11, 100 82.84 47 376 5 .5cliksis 2140.93 2122.33 1345 9890 6 ,Ri.itt-tit 3371.31 3383.53 1377 11016 7. c74 300 182.41 119 952 8 i1 i-urF 5500.99 4641.6 1749 13408 9 oat Lir 12981.52 14271.05 4074 36315 10 f4--ER- 6909.77 8336.51 3234 25872 11 Vi-tqcodi 200 35.93 27 201 12 31-Tvil-1W ct2T 500 440.34 301 1984 13 .-id11gs 1751.68 2007.48 1018 7783 14 acrfang 1741.7 2162.78 1265 8419 15 ot idi 1253.49 491.96 425 3400 16 fir 1578.62 3734.66 2297 17961 17 Aute-k4 1748.1 407.89 329 2632 18 3i--41--sr 5636.41 4910.38 6028 31498 19 trNaT 4iditc>1 3680.3 6270.32 3528 26604 20 *-iiiiLis 4165.73 2654.35 1300 10400 21 3r1ft2tr 5201.65 6848.96 3029 20392 22 u-4 -41-3-r-6 4493.3 4070.73 1598 12856 23 A-t7f 1;121' 8527.32 8346.06 1940 15520 24 d3,71.itcr* 5398.45 7561.61 1386 11629 25 eivit ** 6111.29 6001.36 2325 17799 26 3itecr u--2r 2336.59 4916.08 1357 14148 27 c)eiditoit 2004.86 2561.72 664 6445 28 ci-wt cct, 4941.62 11609.56 3575 30286 29 dilut 371.62 191.44 90 660 30 MT& 50 00 00 00 31 ttc>i 2446.06 3350.68 1584 13068 32 cao.-11§ 5291.23 8213.92 2941 25764 33 TgWr 150 103.65 66 699 34 iii 31)7 qcb)641i a)LI 100 193.46 195 1398 Trav 110000 128093.86 52912 407840 # f c E ars iffi Oisr Trta• * 30 1(4 TrrEa ** v-4' c-Hti TtA- . TritF State-wise position of PMEGP during 2017-18

Sr. State/UT Margin Margin Number Estimated No. Money Money of employment subsidy subsidy projects generated allocated utilized# assisted (No. of (Rs. lakh) (Rs. lakh) persons) 1 Jammu& Kashmir 3272.84 6913.15 3753 30024 2 Himachal Pradesh 178519 2042.5 886 7088 3 Punjab 3272.84 3930.46 1520 12160 4 UT Chandigarh 100.00 90.07 45 360 5 Uttarakhand 1933.95 2880.98 1613 12904 6 Haryana 3272.84 4167.04 1718 13744 7. Delhi 300.00 150.65 115 920 8 Rajasthan 4909.26 4929.04 1577 12614 9 Uttar Pradesh 11157.41 16866.47 5432 43456 10 Bihar 5653.09 6558.85 2307 18456 11 Sikkim 200.00 46.36 37 296 12 Arunachal Pradesh 500.00 309.42 209 1672 13 Nagaland 1728.96 2672.15 930 7440 14 Manipur 1434.32 1383.87 600 4800 15 Mizoram 1245.66 274.05 249 1992 16 Tripura 1283.75 1892.3 1116 8928 17 Meghalaya 1720.32 118.27 75 600 18 Assam 5351.99 2362.48 2282 18256 19 West Bengal 2975.31 3891.37 1366 10928 20 Jharkhand 3570.37 2439.53 1111 8888 21 Odisha 4462.97 5680.65 2399 19192 22 Chhattisgarh 4016.67 3398.4 1463 11704 23 Madhya Pradesh 7587.04 7631.41 1804 14432 24 Gujarat* 4909.26 12883.63 1876 15008 25 Maharashtra ** 5355.56 8749.73 3329 26632 26 Andhra Pradesh 1933.95 5336.1 1527 12216 27 Telan_gana 4611.73 4030.21 1190 9520 28 Karnataka 4462.97 6477.94 2115 16920 29 Goa 297.53 149.07 50 400 30 Lakshadweep 100.00 00 00 00 31 Kerala 2082.72 2910.44 1347 10776 32 Tamil Nadu 4760.50 9717.58 4095 32760 33 Puducherry 100.00 78.95 44 352 34 A&N Islands 100.00 276.95 218 1744 TOTAL 100449 131240.07 48398 387184 # including un-utilized balance funds of previous year. * including Daman & Diu. ** including Dadra & Nagar Haveli 74- 2017-18 4t.I0i w.Ti.. TruliEr AZT 41-1. 31ree-a r 4 livt) ''r 4 4114-1c-11 ATZT ki 3WriD1 airlla- wrA alrrl a:r- 41.11 u1011311 t)Oldlli rif40 i41l#-4i 'r rts4ii ( t i1 TO (ii w. a4) (eii-tg T. al) 1 7TaT-T2,+11.t 3272.84 6913.15 3753 30024 2 cr- r 1785.19 2042.5 886 7088 3 4011,51 3272.84 3930.46 1520 12160 4 TrEr R-1- 1 ati- .#FTT 100.00 90.07 45 360 5 .5thRsIS 1933.95 2880.98 1613 12904 6 ,D4111-,11 3272.84 4167.04 1718 13744 7. itTt, 300.00 150.65 115 920 8 TraF2IT- 4909.26 4929.04 1577 12614 9 brit u&21- 11157.41. 16866.47 5432 43456 10 itER- - 5653.09 6558.85 2307 18456 11 q14-‘odi 200.00 46.36 37 296 12 3rk-urr L1t2T 500.00 309.42 209 1672 13 ddli .s 1728.96 2672.15 930 7440 14 alf6TEg 1434.32 1383.87 600 4800 1992 15 .31 -1 1245.66 274.05 249 16 fzg-{r 1283.75 1892.3 1116 8928 17 t.i1Q•P-, 1720.32 118.27 75 600 18256 18 3iTrai 5351.99 2362.48 2282 1366 10928 19 rrfka 644lic•i 2975.31 3891.37 20 .iiiuis 3570.37 2439.53 1111 8888 19192 21 3iiit2rr 4462.97 5680.65 2399 22 E9,1414-1d16 4016.67 3398.4 1463 11704 23 arc,- 4- rrtzr 7587.04 7631.41 1804 14432 24 Vild* 4909.26 12883.63 1876 15008 26632 25 diVil ** 5355.56 8749.73 3329 26 3.1tv u421" 1933.95 5336.1 1527 12216 9520 27 c)emmi 4611.73 4030.21 1190 28 cbd csa, 4462.97 6477.94 2115 16920 29 di14I 297.53 149.07 50 400 30 Fa1& 100.00 00 00 00 31 pia 2082.72 2910.44 1347 10776 32 cifdlMciI§ 4760.50 9717.58 4095 32760 33 1.--'4-# 100.00 78.95 44 352 34 3t.--31-r- 311{1- - 4,1.1it alL1 100.00 276.95 218 1744 74-4:k 131240.07 48398 387184 Tci 100449 fttc.5\c,) 3TLIT 211S1 *r 31f"-{ 44 Rita-

**coe,o Trita State-wise position of PMEGP during 2018-19 (as on 30.06.2018)

Sr. State/UT Margin Margin Number Estimated No. Money Money of employment subsidy subsidy projects generated allocated utilized# assisted (No. of (Rs. lakh) (Rs. lalch) persons)

1 A & N Islands 188.64 50.85 37 296 2 Andhra Pradesh 3742.74 1489.96 392 3136 3 Arunachal Pradesh 471.6 153.84 104 .832 4 Assam 10507.7 1153.43 1112 8896 5 Bihar 10869.49 1981.22 733 5864 6 Chhattis arh 6339.11 1398.19 752 6016 7 Delhi 282.96 8.19 5 40 8 Goa 605.15 19.32 4 32 9 Gujarat* 7501.95 3271.57 454 3632 10 Ha ana 4664.1 799.23 341 2728 11 Himachal Pradesh 2711.4 312.42 127 1016 12 Jammu& Kashmir 4745.12 2000.27 1111 8888 13 Jharkhand 619149 731.05 308 2464 14 Karnataka 6939.66 1925.29 695 5560 15 Kerala 3667.38 952.24 464 3712 16 Lakshadweep_ 47.16 0 0 0 17 Madh a Pradesh 11952.9 1200.25 304 2432 18 Maharashtra * 8833.6 2522.06 1093 8744 19 Mani ur 2544.19 317.99 196 1568 20 Meghalaya 2653.7 90.19 66 528 21 Mizoram 2045.45 242.31 178 1424 22 Nagaland 2825.5 310.2 154 1232 23 Odisha 7719.19 1691.83 773 6184 24 Puducherr 141.48 9.66 6 48 25 Purfab 4617.17 678.86 309 2472 26 Rajasthan 7743.65 1563.39 542 4336 27 Sikkim 188.64 11.29 5 40 28 Tamil Nadu 7438.88 1204.57 574 4592 29 Telangana 7250.96 555.88 186 1488 30 Tri ura 1965.99 453.34 233 1864 31 UT Chandigarh 94.32 15.66 7 56 32 Uttar Pradesh 19171.59 5147.15 1559 12472 33 Uttarakhand 2975.4 950.81 581 4648 34 West Bengal 6423.74 1468.1 478 3824 TOTAL 166064 34680.61 13883 111064 # including un-utilized balance funds of previous year. * including Daman & Diu. ** including Dadra & Nagar Haveli Tsi' 2018-19 t thrdrOficit *".1 (30.06.20 8 ti f=2.ift 31TEI)

.4:i. ii /*Er 41,79 ai 3fiejtat art A-41 irt iivekii ;FR 41.Dcf 31g341f4.F WM TrAt d1a.1- &IA I.A441.7mr311- i..,tdiii 44 41 .4.1140# (cAS44 ‘''t TO ( 1 w. al) (pit w. 71.)

1 3taTra- .attricpcii( triT Trav 188.64 50.85 37 296 2 3thr Aker 3742.74 1489.96 392 3136 3 3R-uir4F citi 471.6 153.84 104 832 4 3g1aT 10507.7 1153.43 1112 8896 5 1 i 10869.49 1981.22 733 5864 6 4s, ,kidto 6339.11 1398.19 752 6016 7 1tF-41- 282.96 8.19 5 40 8 4<41 605.15 19.32 4 32 9 3.,Rici* 7501.95 3271.57 454 3632 10 i.livti 4664.1 799.23 341 2728 11 9,d-iiT.4(4 u 21- 2711.4 312.42 127 1016 12 .Ad-,11-2a:Frz 4745.12 2000.27 1111 8888 13 *irosis 6193.49 731.05 308 2464 14 coo ,.0 6939.66 1925.29 695 5560 15 -,,oi 3667.38 952.24 464 3712 16 Fg-Ttrcr 47.16 0 0 0 17 alw Aker 11952.9 1200.25 304 2432 18 4-114i ** 8833.6 2522.06 1093 8744 19 arftEg 2544.19 317.99 196 1568 20 At4icH 2653.7 90.19 66 528 21 idi 2045.45 242.31 178 1424 22 dii4s 2825.5 310.2 154 1232 23 3ffitur 7719.19 1691.83 773 6184 24 130-tr 141.48 9.66 6 48 25 Li.,ii..4 4617.17 678.86 309 2472 26 -41.'14-211V 7743.65 1563.39 542 4336 27 1d-1 188.64 11.29 5 40 28 d (q.-11§ 7438.88 1204.57 574 4592 29 c)eiditoi 7250.96 555.88 186 1488 30 Firgr 1965.99 453.34 233 1864 31 9, zi dio 94.32 15.66 7 56 32 brit qtr 19171.59 5147.15 1559 12472 33 .5kiiNsis 2975.4 950.81 581 4648 34 1--Tfka:r Gidlim 6423.74 1468.1 478 3824 111064 V 166064 34680.61 13883 q-cEr 217 Trita- 3itt. 4.1 TfrO- ** e,K.“ L•r - 4-idk TriWa- Annex-ure-II

. Annexure-II referred to in reply to part (c) to (e) of the Rajya Sabha Unstarred Question No. 2516 for answer on 08.08.2018

State wise list of SFURTI clusters (till 31.3.2018)

Amount SI. State District Name/ Product Category Sanctioned No. iRs, in Lakh) 1. Andhra Pradesh Chittoor Kalamkari Products Handicraft 121.49 2. Andhra Pradesh Vizianagaram Coir Mattress Coir products 266.58 3. Andhra Pradesh Chittoor Coir Products Coir products 112.03 4. Andhra Pradesh Krishna Pedanna Kalamkari Handicraft 261.00 Painting 5. Andhra Pradesh Krishna Kondapalli Wooden Handicraft 132.85 Toys 6. Assam Majuli Majuli Handicraft 137.30 7. Assam Barpeta Metal ware Handicraft 143.99 8. Assam Manas Handloom Dress Handloom 140.5 9. Assam Mirza Handloom Dress Handloom 143.99 10. Assam Moran Handloom Handloom 211.76 11. Bihar Madhubani Painting Handicraft 147.89 12. Bihar Rohtas Pottery Handicraft 127.87 13. Chattis Raipur Dry Flowers Handicraft 93.15 14. Chattisgarh Bastar Docra handicraft Handicraft 98.03 15. Gujarat Bardoli Blacksmithy Handicraft 118.57 16. Gujarat Banaskantha Samvedna Coir Handicraft 149.99 17. Haryana Panipat Multicraft Cluster Handicraft 122.29 18. J&K Anantanag Crewel Embroidery Handicraft 380.00 19. J&K Budgam Embroidery Handicraft 375.00 20. J&K Srinagar Honey Honey 299.80 21. Jharkhand Gumla Honey & Food Honey 254.24 Processing 22. Jharkhand SanthalPragna Khadi Khadi 15■ 23. Jharkhand Koderma Agarbatti Other 127.4- 24. Karnataka Davangerc Hariharakhadi khadi 130... 25. Karnataka Belgaum HudliKhadi Khadi 132.81 26. Karnataka Chikballarpur Sidhalgatta Khadi Khadi 132.01- 27. Karnataka Bidar Woodwork Wood & Furniture 145.37 28. Karnataka Hasan HaralakattaCoir products Coir Pith Block and 148.54 Manure & others 29. Karnataka Tumkur Tumkur Coir Pith Block, 740.86 Manure, Rubberized coir, furniture 30. Karnataka North Kannada Kumta Coir Products 149.36 31. Kerala Neyatinkara Katakkada Coir Furniture 144.08 32. Kerala Balussery Balusserry Coir Products 109.02 33. Kerala Allapuzha Haripad Coir yarn &Fiber 284.03 34. Kerala Tirrur Virgin Coconut Oil Other 245.89 35. Madhya Hosangabad Bamboo Bamboo 149.44 36. Madhya Pradesh Jobat Natural Dye Other 112.65 37. Maharashtra Sindhudurg Bamboo Bamboo 149.89 38. Maharashtra Beed Banjara Handicrafts Handicraft 98.09 area-11 tFtw 08.08.2018 t 31cc1R1itff 1;19T tit94I 2516 t 3IPT (IT) () t Sit al 5 re1<1 3M--44-11 tis A31.0_3.2418 Ft)

.2:i. Tzfrfj Tft ii‘.7zi 1 ---6-r lidi/.5r-k-ii i:1-1:41 (. eit.ksi *) 121.49 1. afra rear 1 ---r T molldi'4 .5c4lek F4=FrffrFa- 266.58 2. 3111-1 TT 2T 1. ,,leic1,, Rd1 4,444 d1 441 3Fart 112.03 3. 311i1" 14 .4- f --r 'P 4'& .5c-1414 theft 3TCf- Te 261.00 4- 31-iiii 17-4-21" 71711- ewa-r a onclio,111 1A4+t.F1 T-4.FNrF7 132.85 5. 3.11v,1" 1;11' Tt-tr1T cb sitar •Rtt1 t c.ilc) T4:aft-Fzr 137.30 6. 3T a:WI wrer THFEr 143.99 7 314,1air 4R-c -d-r qr-q ed7 FFN-)7c:r 140.5 8. 3TF-F d4lli-1 t-4---3T ti T21tTEIT 143.99 9 3R13T irai- t--F t-F T.241.-Err 211.76 10. arggir 31)-1- P-1Th-TErli r21V7it 147.89 11. fo.R ;111-4-41 R1041 .rfqrFzr 127.87 12. f4R RtS-FTF fircer t i-d`--d1" F41917,17 p72rF-.1- 93.15 13. u--4T44 TRY ik T-6. 98.03 14. a .,,,i d i 0 zircit 6)(111 FftrF:1 F4Fzr 118.57 15. iirtic-i isiits fit ci.isk TTefrpa- 149.99 16. JI,N.,,-1 Gic1iii4 ioi T 4,44. --4=Fif41-F:r 122.29 17. ,E,,4 1-11ALIc1 .1-1c.- 4114K. ci-e11-Ct TiffrFCr 380.00 18. ..sid-q,3istr 31----oraT cp-4,4 ts4 T4=ftrF-1• 375.00 19. ,,ki-a- 3f1T M2df1t Gis ticii ttt Tr2 -Fcr 299.80 20. ,id-a.j, AT W2 .t 41a717 21-F4 2TZ7 254.24 21. vi“sis vpifFT 2164 3117 8n G! 1.1./-ist-cirilit 217. 150 22. $.11(,,si5 #24TR Li,t frii 'Mt 4AI 127.44 23. *.11.4./si5 *41 5.0-11 ararca-et 3-T:r 130.5 24. cbAdcr, dOcluld VftTT Wra 7gr141 132.82 25. coo cr, .ciiiIi1.1-1 WI- ivrt 1111-1 132.03 26. q.,ci dct, cboi piRiiii. f#QTz4-g-d-r-ds-d-r -41- ail 145.37 27. qui) do> ft-t- ,r6t R.1t wr 4-11.1-110 148.54 28. cr, IG-1 f..t rucbie I 3c41 <7,)t ftr4 c..ciiiciti 31'1i Lici AZ 3wri- - fe:RT c..ciiico, 740.86 29. ,i, cl, TIF TITT u, at .1511 , t.sistis cri.e-R, 1:01--{ 149.36 30. qui' .5xii ct.)G1 TiaRT cilq-li ot-414 144.08 31. d,tei 0.)4ilicriti c.neci-crisi r.644 trAtii 109.02 32. d .0.i WTtr# .4rWr 11414 be-IIG 284.03 33. .4,5.1 3TRLIT5lif ell:1g criq.4. Al 311{ t 245.89 34. c1 oi f'4---T R..lw 01Q41c4 Ac4 3N-4- 149.44 35. ur_,..4 gT21djlaid, 4141 cii+i 112.65 36- arczi cf-a2T )--4-6 CreeW 3-it 31-1 149.89 37. d-IWIe 'ci-S-4 61. N4 <41+1 98.09 38. 4-isit1O: af15 cii of iti ZiFFIff Frafl-F--r 39. Maharashtra Sawantwadi Sawantwadi Coir Products 149.34

40. Maharashtra Pendur Pendur Coir Products 149.34 41. Manipur Ningomthong Bamboo, Reed Bamboo 135.75 42. Odisha Ganjam Bell Metal Handicraft Handicraft 121.20 43. Odisha Mayurbhanj Non Timber Forest NTFP 159.36 product (Bamboo) 44. Odisha Khurda Fruits& Vegetables Other 132.05 Processing 45. Odisha Balasore Stone Carving Handicraft 235.15 Handicraft 46. Pradesh Betul Pottery/ Teracotta Handicraft 148.55 47. Punjab Bhatinda Honey Honey 265.24 48. Punjab Hoshiarpur Wood Inlay and Lacquer Wood & Furniture 250.75 49. Rajasthan Dausa Stone Carving Handicraft 110.50 50. Tamil Nadu Tirupur Kangayarnlchadi Khadi 130.5 51. Tamil Nadu Selam Sarkar Steel Wood & Furniture 142.85 52. Tamil Nadu Salem Salem Coir Furniture 298.91 53. Tamil Nadu Madurai Madurai Coir Furniture 299.72 54. Tamil Nadu Tirupur Palladam Grow Bag Coir Grow Bag 289.9 55. Tamil Nadu Dharmapuri Dharmapuri Coir Pith Block/ Grow 148.25 Bag 56. Tamil Nadu Kanyakumari Nagercoil Coir Products 149.06 57. Tamil Nadu Dindigul Dindigul Coir Products 291.62 58. Tamil Nadu Tirupur Kangayam Coir Products 289.19 59. Tamil Nadu Thirunelvelli Tenakashi Coir Products 273.71 60. Tamil Nadu Coimbatore Pollachi Rubberized Coir 662.24 61. Telangana Warangal PembarthyMetalware Handicraft 149.96 62. Telangana Mehboobnagar Mothkurlkat Handloom 143.38 63. Telangana Ieeza Gadwal Handloom 198.55 64. Tripura West Tripura Bamboo Utility Bamboo 272.21 65. Uttar Pradesh Bhadohi- Hand knotted carpet Handicraft 130. SantRavidas Nagar 66. Uttar Pradesh Deoria Crochia cluster Handicraft 101.", , 67. Uttar Pradesh Mirzapur Carpet Weaving Handicraft 112.1 68. Uttar Pradesh Azamgarh Mau Pottery Handicraft 121.- 69. Uttar Pradesh Chitrakoot Herbal Products Other 245.25 70. Uttar Pradesh Sultanpur Baraulia Medicinal Plant Other 225.21 , Cluster 71. Uttarakhand Dehradun Aipen Art Cluster Handicraft 103.39 72. West Bengal Murshidabad Muslin and other khadi Khadi 192.50 Total 13817.92 149.34 ‘1141.( .5(414 39. ,11,1.0 .014c1(11 g'l tilUciUlsll

149.34 co+..ii 3c-414 40. .:1-1.1ti er---7 el--7 135.75 41. aTfarg M71)71P-1171 c.1141, tiT alit{ 121.20 42. 3.ifit2Tr djold4 tg %lig --47fti-cc- r T17th17-41- 159.36 43. atitur a-1 4ka-ta tz purt RTgr qa 5cgt4 .-i a (114.41 (Nit-1) 132.05 Arsur 3174- 44. 70 MF 3117 .F11Z.I.m1 4R.1.F46tu 1 235.15 45. 3.1-)t-27 611ei4t CE(4.R. 0wbIlr Ft,Frfr fiWp:r 148.55 46. yitqr *qF c.1 ci tai col ci T.-47N-1-P:r 265.24 47. Ljoi 14 3Titu @iF4 2TT 250.75 48. 1...i.700 N1-z111175 7Mit oi 0 3117 MIN TT +114-114 110.50 49. 717 211F 41-4-0 ARTT ocr,i,ler prf-Fcr 130.5 50. cl rA eid q 'n-97 c I, iziJi wrtr wer 142.85 51. ciPei.-q 4Tr-43T ,k-koR FtrF T- -.g.r MT ,141dilci ch*1. Lhcffzlt 298.91 52. ci fAei.-q TOT( Tr.- Tr 299.72 53. diA(>10-11 ar Tr-St ci- 2.1( WOW 289.9 31r di 54. cal c.10-0§ f -kigT c7-FWP 0041 4 al c64.-k mit 44,114, /31)" 148.25 55. c-1 e.k-n§ qthgt- vatcor fer4 tif 149.06 56. clfalM,li 4h.-441.k,Hi didi(cr,l$,,, c.r>+.-R .5e4t4 291.62 57. <-1 lull§ flr-j1W t-gra-SF «d11 <644 .5t-4i4 289.19 58. caeroi§ l'A-9T 273.71 ‘112-1.4. 5c-414 59. ci P cic11§ t -FF-F'dr41-. " r-o-raft 662.24 60. Clfd M?Ici 121.43 68. Sri( 12,11 3Tra'aPT d-Ila thZtr T4ft2iFZr 245.25 69. .5c1.< crav l' i- -t-z- T-4-7 .5c-41e, 31-F-zr 31F4 225.20 70. brit Lik2T tc-c-11Wit 6K1D1il 31114i11i1 +141A <1-ei÷di 103.39 F4,FrfFcr 71. .hrlil 4s15 4.05,0 LaGi art 4ei.k- 192.50 72. trft3T eid11(,1 U2 -a-4g .a2it-T 31'17 3.Tr wrt. Wf-4r 13817.92 S'c'' State wise list of DPRs presented approved in 26th SSC of SFURTI on 29.5.2018

Financial assistance Products Sl. No State District TA proposed (Rs. in Lakh) Craft Baramulla Weaving & 1 J&K Development 248.37 (Pattan) Embroidery Institute Craft Pulwama Hosiery 2 J&K Development 216.46 (Pampore) Cluster Institute Centre for Skill 3 J&K Khistwar Essential Oils 196 Development Jammu Hassan MSME 4 Karnataka Coir Products 147.21 (Javagal) Foundation Hassan MSME 5 Karnataka (Gudakanha Coir Products 143.43 Foundation 11i) Jajpur Traditional 6 Odisha FMC 119.17 (Haripur) Dress Mayurbha Sal Leaf & 7 Odisha FMC 139.80 nj (Udala) Honey Foundation Ludhiana 8 Punjab for MSME Honey 150.00 (Doraha) (FMC) Tamil CPGPPI, Palmgur& 9 Krishnagiri 149.84 Nadu Chennai Palm Products Tamil ITCOT 10 Krishnagiri Coir Products 286.96 Nadu Chennai Uttar EDI, 11 Azamgarh Pottery 111.65 Pradesh Ahmedabad Uttar Lucknow Food 12 CBRTI Pune 112.77 Pradesh (Chinhat) Processing 1t9fT 29.05.2018 c 2641R-Trcimil wkla - 31-q-q-1itd41413ik 41 u=i 1R

1,44-cii ci

.Ti.. ,(10-24 Dui L 6c-414 it÷tvq(-11-- 14 (c•iksi F. #)

.31d-41,307 ciiiitc.-61 f-tTur fir ga-r-- 3 1 248.37 T2 d)1,( (Uric-i) TiT2TFT -7d-rt

-dis 3117 lieicild-11 1r,,Icr itm-Ri- tat- cl-c1.-<..4. 2 216.46 M-2 .t (-i4Ili ) TiTZTM • .4 tht. aTgl 31t{ 1t2c1c11 31a2ZIT c)ei ' .2 i i#FR 3 196 cicit-idl. a-Fal. cpd, F4:w (oiciidi6) ko-N,Liqc14 ctR4.4..5041c, 4 147.21 ITTS-1-QT

ct-wI t.c.t) ,.4-10 lc1-1Q.kiqci4 clieli .5c-1-11d, 5 143.43 (d.OchiciEc>,A ) th-T3 21- 31-Yft2Tr 7a-g-{ -,qcvi4i 144,44sidid 6 119.17 () itur - 3ftforr Trzkrata• kLoqd+41 ,tilei t Zit 7 139.80 (.551("11) 3N. 21 ,4 4031161 erzTrar 1.,41Q ÷N.1-1 21.4 8 (4).(1 ,1) ()q.1-1 ) 150.00 'ILr th-rtt21W ctiAeic11§ ctiwial) 4 01 3Ti EITRT 3tYT 9 149.84 t, T-)'-‘1 til di 50-11e, clMO I§ cpt.0 1 11). 31 3fter4t31er WziT 6c1.11e, 10 286.96

.5r1,( T21- 3-1T1d1alT tgr3Trt, Prcef t 11 111.65 3ITTRT41- ed7 3r1i Li '2T eitcloi. A 3fRt3Tit tyva 12 112.77 (RolVt.) liu) 1,H44-r-Piol GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES


Investment made in MSME sector


Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state:

(a) the amount of total investment made in MSME sector in the country including Kerala during the last four years, State-wise; (b) the total number of employment opportunities generated in each State during the said period; and (c) the details of steps being taken by Government to encourage investment in MSME sector in the country?



(a): The investment made in MSME Sector is predominantly Private investment and the data on the same is not maintained centrally.

(b): The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) has a Programme called Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP). The details of employment opportunities generated under this Programme in different states during the last four years have been given in the Annexure-I

(c): Ministry of MSME also implements several other schemes and programmes to strengthen the MSMEs and promote employment. Some of the important initiatives in this regard include Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI), Mission Solar Charkha, A Scheme for promoting innovation, Rural Industry & Entrepreneurship (ASPIRE), Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme, Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS), National Manufacturing Competitiveness programme (NMCP), Marketing Assistance Scheme, MSE- Cluster Development programme etc. Apart from these, employment opportunities have also been created under Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY).

The National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO), Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, conducted a survey of unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises (excluding construction) during its 73rd round (July, 2015 — June, 2016). As per this survey, the total employment in the MSME Sector is 1109.89 lakh. The State/UT-wise distribution of the employment is given in Annexure-II. NITff Tow; RES 3th- 211.744" 644469 +I eft4 irizr 47111T 311Rii*FASPr *itstil 2517 3-41" tA" : 08.08.2018

TrpT, RES 34T 3:117PT 3411H 44-g +i1 arzn. sr

2517. 4ft 'VIA. 6-4

WZIT VaT, 9 aft ;Mfg 34_4.1411 Tit Zq aicllel 'et TEIT q4+1

fkiraR avi1 * atm Ft" 3it{ 7:It7T3T 34.!444 04a 1*7 'Z1V TR' fAa/T 1751- *T 1174-WIT. 04410 W4T t; 3 3raft Ovid Trazr 4 %/c1.1 31 F(liftF sq. f; Uzi, 31/1' 1:11711i Et-tg Thtli klc-tiQd cfrol * faV TdRT 30I1 chgeii TT T4T

377T RT,F7=1, 9 3 i 7:11.-43T 64..+4.1-1.174 A-41 (.4-0(11 AliTT) 0111111.thyi .0)

(w) : vaivilq04 # We- 7ry 1- sr gist( 1-. .711 Sadsr #1# # 3th- *0 tie+ d 3rrw# 4444 w:r aft s--4 71# fi

(ri) : 3tt{- AIWA ) 4-1211eiti tfT4T Wtird-Filr chi OW (tflvei4.71141) elloicti ch14.15t)ii tl It wiT T56 * 4ttio fartk.crl WTI* v-41- Ch 51144 d d 3(44 .0•71 31-4TRI facRui 3941T-I 14th 7P1T

+1,iielq MI 3M-ZrA .14,44 TIVWF 3111- tluldilt i Aoloi * 1=47 Ti" 3174 T tilufai136 3t1T 4114sbeil er aft RT2T, ti Tiitr al 'r art T-6 Tr-swvi- rrral a 41i4lAct, 1-4-4-4-yrr t. FAitr tfi ell.71011 (+7124), 17!stra- latT VT-43n; as WTAF', 64,441At1i 7;11 34:4W R-ecta' ziYar (mi".11,1i), lac Cs 1417r, c f44,s 4,1e.c.i id-41A t-44-1 ip34144 ved-fcrOre-A-w-er shoi (Qedvelifii41), fa4.10 00144cH 441001, vmviii-4-0i-ci fach1+1 4,14144 3irit 111 el I avid+ 31faitWer, At11-4401 TrAT zef7RT (thaiqd-faii) 3i14F 3r4-41{ 1:PF We- fi

ti l+1 agar4411-714 LT4' chi snei ctv14-1 a-0440 3rg* 734 zl{- (..71e114, 2015-7,4, 2016) 4 311:17116a 44,44411 1.944,0 1=47L 44161:7 31111WAW UT' 144Tur 3TTTIT, a-tq' 1109.89 7TUI tl Wczr- MET siiI i Wa-'3T 4TT ITT4tT-H a?i' 84-11 7rZfr tI Annexure-I

Annexure-I referred to in reply to part (b) of the Raiya Sabha Unstarred Question No. 2517 for answer on 08.08.2018

State-wise Employment Generation under PMEGP during 2015-16 to 2018-19

2017-18 2018-19 Sr. State/UT 2015-16 2016-17 (upto 30.6.18) No. 1 Andaman & Nicobar 1744 296 Islands 293. 1398 12216 3136 2 Andhra Pradesh 7740 14148 1672 832 3 Arunachal Pradesh 104 1984 8896 4 Assam 9026 31498 18256 18456 5864 5 Bihar 19624 25872 11704 6016 6 Chhattisgarh 9496 12856 40 7 Delhi 2048 952 920 400 32 8 Goa 500 660 15008 3632 9 Gujarat* 14960 11629 2728 10 Haryana 7232 11016 13744 7088 1016 11 Himachal Pradesh 5134 6916 8888 12 Jammu& Kashmir 12115 11691 30024 2464 13 Jharkhand 12873 10400 8888 5560 14 Karnataka 17284 30286 16920 3712 15 Kerala 9653 13068 10776 0 16 Lakshadweep 0 0 0 2432 17 Madhya Pradesh 16497 15520 14432 8744 18 Maharashtra ** 20161 17799 26632 1568 19 Manipur 2715 8419 4800 528 20 Meghalaya 4824 2632 600 1424 21 Mizoram 9072 3400 1992 1232 22 Nagaland 4998 7783 7440 6184 23 Odisha 17629 20392 19192 48 24 Puducherry 447 699 352 2472 25 Punjab 7762 9858 12160 26 Rajasthan 14537 13408 12614 4336 40 27 Sikkim 397 201 296 4592 28 Tamilnadu 20836 25764 32760 1488 29 Telangana 7761 6445 9520 8928 1864 30 Tripura 5355 17961 56 31 UT Chandigarh 323 376 360 12472 32 Uttar Pradesh 43059 36315 43456 12904 4648 33 Uttarakhand 6161 9890 3824 34 West Bengal 12746 26604 10928 323362 407840 387184 111064 # including un-utilized balance funds of previous year. * including Daman & Diu. ** including Dadra & Nagar Haveli 31-4-41. -11 iTW #3;IT 3T-aRil*# TR" #. 2517 ii4+1 6ccli ft-4* 08.08.2018 et Ref' * giT7r (Y) * 6c-di # r1 3TT4V- I

2015-16# 2018-19*eil# Te--6 ii f= TIWTT/-

w.Ti. Tr-- rAfEr VI d 9 ti. 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 (30.6.18 d46) I 343TrF . 3th- fA4,10 i 4,v +raTF, 293 1398 1744 296 2 arftx ram- 7740 14148 12216 3136 3 3rsurrvg Tr 104 1984 1672 832 4 31## 9026 31498 18256 8896 5 fOrT 19624 25872 18456 5864 6 •ti i4 9496 12856 11704 6016 7 SZCPA 2048 952 920 40 8 7frar 500 660 400 32 9 bsitici • 14960 11629 15008 3632 10 fileiiuni 7232 11016 13744 2728 11 14.1isic( 14/1" 5134 6916 7088 1016 12 79,-*17fri' 12115 11691 30024 8888 13 wosig 12873 10400 8888 2464 14 41•Acd, 17284 30286 16920 5560 15 *TR 9653 13068 10776 3712 16 Raggrcr 0 0 0 0 17 MX' Taw 16497 15520 14432 2432 18 41(+1i1IG ** 20161 17799 26632 8744 19 +I NI 2715 8419 4800 1568 20 Elleitl 4824 2632 600 528 21 ,s1 ibl 9072 3400 1992 1424 22 Oldli s 4998 7783 7440 1232 23 3$i 17629 20392 19192 6184 24 447 699 352 48 25 tiaTW 7762 9858 12160 2472 26 th.14-.1110 14537 13408 12614 4336 27 ftrriaui 397 201 296 40 28 d owl 20836 25764 32760 4592 29 el 11011 7761 6445 9520 1488 30 rivil 5355 17961 8928 1864 31 /ITT Mi d kt4 mi 414 323 376 360 56 32 3di- Vt/T 43059 36315 43456 12472 33 idi1i95 6161 9890 12904 4648 34 4ft# ii-Jrr# 12746 26604 10928 3824 323362 407840 387184 111064 # 3T7 6 t11 c11 * 47rff 3ft mod, 01 ** 41411 AT Oac4) tiAc1l Annexure-II

Annexure-H referred to in reply to part (c) of the Raiya Sabha Unstarred Question No. 2517 for answer on 08.08.2018

As per 73rd Round of NSS Report on Unincorporated Non-Agricultural Enterprises' (June 2015- June 2016)

SI. No. State/UT Estimated no. of workers (1) (2) g 1 Andhra Pradesh 5598878 2 Arunachal Pradesh 40844 3 Assam 1814541 4 Bihar 5305034 5 Chhanisgarh 1685507 6 Delhi 2300267 7 Goa 160351 8 Gujarat 6115595 9 Haryana 1905369 10 Himachal Pradesh 642748 11 Jammu & Kashmir 1087551 12 Jharkhand 2490794 13 Karnataka 7083735 14 Kerala 4463350 15 Madhya Pradesh 4874459 16 Maharashtra 9074600 17 Manipur 292215 18 Meghalaya 190549 19 Mizoram 62359 20 Nagaland 176610 21 Odisha 3325621 22 Punjab 2478902 23 Rajasthan 4632279 24 Sikkim 44696 25 Tamil Nadu 9671945 26 Telangana 4015787 27 Tripura 294983 28 Uttar Pradesh 16519294 29 Uttarakhand 659880 30 West Bengal 13545924 31 A & N Islands 38890 32 Chandigarh 128910 33 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 36329 34 Daman & Diu 14438 35 Lakshadweep 2765 36 Puducherry 183882 ALL 110959881 3 rlitT-111

Tr- r I1 T 3MTTif+"a' ITM" 1*. 2517 %Jail dccti lj1.t, 08.08.2018 *t 71aT air (7) *r Jrcii 34- ti4 ci 3T:TitT-11

3TFAITSTF ifr-tfit 34(1.1. tr{. lIdVtIVii R' t 73 et' (Ti, 2015-7,F, 2016) * 317T{

K7i-. 7m7i4E7 c ci Ett7 31.i niWu 8rfi+1 4.1. tlistil

(1) (2) (3) I 3614. Taw 5598878 2 3177rrerg 'raw 40844 31 3 1814541 fa514. 4 5305034 5 ti i4 1685507 r 6 2300267 7 litaT 160351 14IVCI 8 4 6115595 9 511Alun 1905369 10 1411491 Wbr 642748 11 WM, vir wort7 1087551 12 Vlitsis 2490794 13 ■ chef ect 7083735 14 *-7W 4463350 15 m Tall 4874459 16 4101A1°G 9074600 17 RftTi" 292215 18 eitorm 190549 19 fAriloi 62359 20 •II'll .s 176610 21 3IINIT 3325621 22 tr717 2478902 23 tiairznai 4632279 f4,4141 24 44696 25 ci ow; 9671945 i 26 (),4411,41 4015787 4-(1 27 a 294983 28 TaT Tali 16519294 ' 29 irliltSiS 659880 30 75-'17f tJ1TR 13545924 31 3t5711a- I'd c:1a74. OW Ralf' 38890 32 411' ti 128910 33 4144.1 TE FRIT oft 36329 34 47T4 vi tra. 14438 35 RttrOl . tr. 2765 36 Vt. 183882 i 110959881 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES


Financial assistance to MSME units in West Bengal


Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state: Bengal in the (a) the details of fmancial assistance extended to MSME units in West last two years; (b) whether MSME units are not getting required financial help; and (c) if so, what steps Government is taking to help these units? ANSWER


(a) to (c): The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises provides financial assistance to micro and small enterprises through the following major schemes:

i. Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP): This is a major credit-linked subsidy programme aimed at generating self-employment opportunities through establishment of micro-enterprises in the non-farm sector by helping traditional artisans and unemployed youth. ii. Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS): This is a credit linked subsidy scheme for Technology Upgradation of Micro and Small Enterprises. iii. Credit Guarantee Trust for Micro & Small Enterprise Scheme (CGTMSE): This scheme provides collateral free loans upto Rs. 200 lakh both term loans and working capital facility to the Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) through Member Lending Institutions (MLIs). iv. Micro & Small Enterprises - Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP): This programme aims to enhance the productivity and competitiveness as well as capacity building of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) by adopting the cluster development approach.

The details of financial assistance extended to MSME units in West Bengal under the above schemes during the last four years and current year are given in the Annexure.

34Tre 114-7T, 9 3T1T 7iC.7}T 4-melet 11371‘. Yratiiita UR" 2518 TM' t4" tfi : 08.08.2018

trWaft Fr C.711,1 3441a4 41614/c11

2518. 4fr7Tt qTiFT era:

WilT WI; 9" AT .14.:114-1 *It ZIV fa cr41 chId

(W) fAalci air 71 Etft3f1 6;41101 *I*- 4T,PT, 9 aft MAW 34,44ai r+74.41 WI model c'r JTidc11 i -t1Wacii *7 7.2111T W4T t'; (7:4") *ZIT 173T, 9 307 RUFF 34,14-1 T*Tf76 *1. 3iT414W farni.1 i-161qc-11 at is t; 314 (7r) zrit ga. r+-rg-zri tst Tre-4. ch-t fA-e- cb4a1 TUT ref' t?

.iccH Vii', 9 AT 3T4.7171- 64414-1sTITZt- (i-c1c1,1 Oft nf141.71 f46)

(ii) (71r) : Trsit-Tf, 3.11T 711.77f 64.144-1 dille141 Trsarif AT 9 ieLtiaii fAo-olAraci arazr 4.A.Airoi1 RTE 14" idcflil *16144ci1 A4M chid!

i. =TR*eft 41.7a. wrziwr (thrxrrAch):. zr.g. trw wsur chiiichm ra-tictA 54,a4zr tw-4.04ict ail.AdiK 71'36 *r cht cl tfr-f' itfig 1:Lit-Tf 64,4.4aiN T217TRT WT* * 31-4717 tt4T tl 11. titz 11- c.ei ;4'411 4-A..-II( 411.(rwiftwriT): 1:1,4-71" 3th" REI 34+0011 1 u14,

34 chi *A* ciecT ftr-d* cicielIcrt 44 * 4(10 q.9."471- sId1 lei Wikomtbiii t*Ttzlf tf 74 ei 64414i 39411" 14" 7T4T #.1 Annexure

Annexure referred to in reply to part (a) to (c) of the Rajya Sabha Unstarred Question No. 2518 for answer on 08.08.2018. i. Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP):

Margin Money Margin Money Number of allocation utilized# Units Year (Rs. in crore) (Rs. in crore) assisted (Target) 2014-15 60.1777 60.1011 3397 2015-16 47.6549 34.0065 1873 2016-17 36.803 62.7032 3528 2017-18 29.7531 38.9137 1366 2018-19 64.2374 14.6810 478 (upto 30.06.2018) # including un-utilized balance funds of previous year ii. Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS):

Subsidy Number of Amount Year Units benefitted (Rs. in crore) 2014-15. 27 3.1361 2015-16 27 2.3784 2016-17 19 2.0081 2017-18 17 1.5722 2018-19 10 0.9713 (upto 30.06.2018) iii. Credit Support Programme (CGTMSE):

Approved Proposals Amount Year approved (Rs. in crore) 2014-15 15273 997.69 2015-16 17792 781.04 2016-17 14802 825.81 2017-18 10535 864.32 2018-19 2027 193.76 (upto 30.06.2018)

iv. Micro & Small Enterprises - Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP):

Amount released to set up Common Facility Centres Year (CFCs) and Infrastructure Development (ID) Projects (Rs. in crore) 2014-15 2.2863 2015-16 5.2149 2016-17 0.5398 2017-18 5.6413 2018-19 0.00 (upto 30.06.2018) IT,74 411TT 3regiitF Alai titstil 2518 Diichi 39-{ ita*- 08.08.2018 -11- itzIT 7TFT t, t* sun (w) It (7r) i 3-ft 7 tlq cr 3f i. VITT4441" .osioih( *Laid chi ohm ( voi4 ):

oil oi TrA 3iTte7 44-pziloi *r gri• iielelcil laT17 W*TFAI Wit (4).04' W. 4) Jii wi 44t# ti kii944 1 (Ft-10 (hi * W. 4) 2014-15 60.1777 60.1011 3397 2015-16 47.6549 34.0065 1873 2016-17 36.803 62.7032 3528 2017-18 29.7531 38.9137 1366 2018-19 (30.06.2018 W 64.2374 14.6810 478 #ftra-A- 31-trzswa- Osr Tr51 *did

gq,s tet 17T ( Let

,h TAT Wit Fr4TWa IWITzlY t'r tity41 (wite w. A) 2014-15 27 3.1361 2015-16 27 2.3784 2016-17 19 2.0081 2017-18 17 1.5722 2018-19 (30.06.2018 W) 10 0.9713 iii. sl'1 *161oldl Shei (t~lallcrle+rvti ):

4* 3TT:11f46 litc1I,4 311sti"46 1T51 (-+-1 W. g) 2014-15 15273 997.69 2015-16 17792 781,04 2016-17 14802 825.81 2017-18 10535 864.32 2018-19 (30.06.2018 W) 2027 193.76

ii lei 10-4-1 Vain. **4. ( Q kti41) AT 3T-44{V4T ichiii tinashriiI (3TritI) Parita 4,01 * fAv 1,1cdoi tr 7r-4- TTIW (wtt-g w. A-) 2014-15 2.2863 2015-16 5.2149 2016-17 0.5398 2017-18 5.6413 2018-19 (30.06.2018 w 0.00