Yellowstone Science a Quarterly Publication Devoted to the Natural and Cultural Sciences
Yellowstone Science A quarterly publication devoted to the natural and cultural sciences Predator Restoration Realities Wolves: The Next Generation Early Yellowstone Narratives Probing Old Faithful Volume 3 Number 3 Remembering Ten Even in a group of wolves death personally. This that were, because of the historic beautiful animal, its offspring, circumstances, extraordinary, and the resource they are a part of Number Ten stood out. A large, deserved better than such mindless hu- gray male with Hollywood-perfect aggression, but man violence. But it would be too easy, photogeneity, he arrived in Yellowstone he didn’t run away, either. and ultimately quite destructive, to make from Alberta on January 19, and was His behavior brought him great admira- too much of Ten’s death—to turn this placed in the pen at Rose Creek with a tion and high hopes for what he might wild animal into a martyr to human fool- mother and daughter pair, Nine and Seven, bring to the Yellowstone wolf population ishness. The wolves are already over- who had arrived on January 12. Nine, the gene pool, as it brought fear that this was loaded with symbolism that has little to mother, was believed to be in estrous, and just the sort of behavior that might get do with their real lives. The illegal killing was herself regarded with special interest him killed. of Ten may be symptomatic of many for that reason. Nine and Ten got along No secret had been made that wolves things, but it also might be viewed merely famously, and signs were good that they would be lost in this project; the officially as proof that a few people haven’t learned had mated by the time their pen was announced projection was that 20 per- to use their firearms responsibly, rather opened on March 22.
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