Missa Jubilate Deo Be Joyful in the Lord

Ut in Omnibus Glorificetur Dei. from Missa xvi, and Agnus Dei from Missa xviii (Deus Genitor alme) appear in the Graduale Romanum of 1908 and are in the public domain. The Memorial AcclamationMortem Tuam appears in Jubilate Deo, which was issued as a “personal gift” of Paul vi to the Bishops and heads of religious orders of the world on April 14, 1974 and is in the public domain. Excerpts from the English translation of The Copyright © 2010, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Cover illustration courtesy Corpus Christi Watershed, www.ccwatershed.org. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Simple Latin License, 2020 Society of Saint Odo of Cluny, www.zelanti.org. Form of the You are free to download this document and share it with others, so long as it is not changed in any way or used commercially. v1.6 Kyrie

K 7d==4p==56P==6p-6p-===4p===5pH==6p===6p.==-||==-4p==56P==6p-6p-===4p===5pH==6p===6p.==|| ý- ri-e, * e- lé- i- son. R Ký- ri- e, e- lé- i- son. //////8u M 5d==0p==2p=-===23P==3pH ortem tu-am3===-3p==3p==3p==3p==2p====3p4q5P==3p==3p.==;= annunti-ámus, Dó-mi-ne //////////////////////0u Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. We proclaim your Death, O Lord,

7d====8p===67P====5p==5pH==6p==6p.==-||====8p===67P====5p==5pH==6p==6p.==-||/=V Christe, e- él - i-son. R Christe, e- él - i-son. ///////////////////////////////////4u 5d==0p=-=23P==-=3p===/33p==3p==3p==3p==3p==3p====-4p==3p=-=23P=-=2p.==+==03x3p13x1p==2p-2p==-0p==A0P==0p.== et tu- am re- surrecti- ó-nem confi- témur, do- nec vé-ni-as. //////|| Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. and profess your Resurrection until you come again.

Agnus Dei

7d===4p==56P==6p-6p-===4p===5pH==6p===6p.=-=||==-4p==56P==6p-6p-===4p==57P==5p==-46x6p46x4p-5p35x-4n3n2n==/||V Ký- ri- e, e- lé- i- son. R Ký- ri- e, e- lé- i- son. //////////////// Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. A 7d===4p==4p====45P=-=5p.==-+==-5p===5p==5p===4p==5p==3p====4p==-5p.==+ gnus De- i, * qui tol-lis peccá-ta mun-di : ////////////////////////3u Sanctus Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,

S 5d==4p==-=4c.3p.=-=+==4p==-=4c.3p.==+=2pi====3p==-=4pi==4p==4pi===-4p==4pi===-4p==3p==-4p.=| anc-tus, * Sanctus, Sanc-tus Dóminus Deus Sá-ba-oth.////// //2u 7d==4p==5p==6p==4p====54C==4p.===||===4p==4p===45P=-=5p.==-+==-5p===5p==5p mi-se-ré- re no- bis. Agnus De- i, * qui tol-lis//////////////////////////////////////4u Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts. have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away

5d==2pi==3p===4pi===-4p==4p==4p==4p==3p.===5pi==4p=-4pi==3p=2p.=-|==2pi==3p=-=4pi=-=4p===4pi==3p=--4p.==|/ Ple-ni sunt cæ- li et terra gló-ri- a tua. Hosánna in ex-cél-sis. ///////2u 7d==4p==5p==3p====4p==-5p.==+====4p==5p==6p==4p====54C==4p.===||===4p==4p===45P=-=5p.==-+= peccá-ta mun-di : mi-se-ré- re no- bis. Agnus De- i, * ////////////5u Heaven and earth are full of your glory. in the highest. the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God,

5d==2pi==3p==-4p===4p====4p===4p==4pi===3p===5pi-=4p-=3pi===-4p=-3p=-2p.=-|| Be-ne-díc-tus qui venit in nómine Dómini. /////////////////////////////////////////// /0u 7d==5p===5p==5p===4p==5p==3p====4p==-5p.===-+==4p==5p====6p==4p====54C==-4p.===||= qui tol-lis peccá-ta mun-di : dona no-bis pa- cem. /////////////////////// Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace.

5d===0p===2k3K=-=3pi====3p===4p==3c2l==-23P. Hosán-na in ex-cél- sis.2===/||/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Hosanna in the highest.