120 Bollettino di Zoologia agraria e di Bachicoltura, Ser. II, 39 (2), 2007 Boll. Zool. agr. Bachic. 30 August 2007 Ser. II, 39 (2): 121-129


The Author would like to express his gratitude to dr. Giorgio Baldizzone (Asti, Italy), dr. Paul Sammut (Rabat, Malta) and dr. Paolo Triberti (Verona, Italy) for the loan A. GUGLIELMINO, M. OLMI of material.

REFERENCES A host-parasite catalog of world Ra z o w s k i J., 1970 - Cochylidae. In: Am s e l H.G., Gr e g o r F., Re i s s e r H. (Ed.). Microlepidoptera ( Chrysidoidea): second supplement Palaearctica. 3. - Verlag Georg Fromm & Co, Wien: 1- 528. Ra z o w s k i J., 2002 - Tortricidae of Europe. Volume 1. Tortricinae and Chlidanotinae. - Frantisek Slamika, Bratislava, 1-247. Ra z o w s k i J., 2003 - Tortricidae of Europe. Volume 2. Olethreutinae. - Frantisek Slamika, Bra- Abstract tislava: 1-301. - This paper is a second updated supplement to the host-parasite catalog of world Dryinidae published by Guglielmino & Olmi (1997, 2006). Forty one Tr e m at e r r a P., 1995 - Cochylis sannitica sp.n. (Lepidoptera Tortricidae) a new of Co- new records of relationships between and Dryinidae are listed, chylini. - Redia, LXXVIII (1): 131-135. including thirty six new relationships discovered by the authors. Tr e m at e r r a P., 2003 - Catalogo dei Lepidoptera Tortricidae della fauna italiana: geonemia, distribuzione in Italia, note biologiche, identificazione. - Boll. Zool. agr. Bachic., Ser. II, 35 Riassunto - Catalogo degli ospiti dei Dryinidae (Hymenoptera Chrysidoidea): (suppl. 1): 1-270. secondo supplemento. Tr e m at e r r a P., Ba l d i z z o n e G., 2004 - Records of Lepidoptera Tortricidae from Krk Island (Croatia). - Entomol. Croat., 8 (1-2): 25-44. Questo lavoro è un secondo supplemento aggiornato al catalogo degli ospiti dei Tr e m at e r r a P., Sa mm u t P., 2007 - Lepidoptera Tortricidae of the Maltese fauna. - Boll. Zool. Dryinidae pubblicato da Guglielmino & Olmi (1997; 2006). Vengono elencate agr. Bachic., Ser. II, 39 (1): 1-34. quarantuno nuove segnalazioni di relazioni tra Auchenorrhyncha e Dryinidae, delle quali trentasei sono nuove relazioni scoperte dagli autori.

Key words: Dryinidae, Fulgoromorpha, .


Dryinidae is a highly specialized family of Aculeata which is widely distributed in the world and includes approximately 1500 species (Olmi & Virla, 2006). At present some Dryinidae species are used in biological control programs as their hosts, Fulgoro- morpha and Cicadomorpha, include many species able to cause considerable damages to their host plants. Guglielmino & Olmi published a host-parasite catalog of world Dryinidae (1997) and a first supplement to this catalog (2006), where 767 and 157 new relationships between Auchenorrhyncha and Dryinidae were listed respectively. Recent researches realized mainly in tropical areas permitted to discover new rela- tionships, resulting in an updating of the above catalog. Pr o f . Pa s q u a l e Tr e m at e r r a - Università degli Studi del Molise - Dipartimento di Scienze Ani- mali, Vegetali e dell’Ambiente, Via de Sanctis, I-86100 Campobasso (Italia). E-mail: [email protected]

Accepted 10 May 2007 122 Bollettino di Zoologia agraria e di Bachicoltura, Ser. II, 39 (2), 2007 A. Guglielmino, M. Olmi: 2nd supplement of host-parasite catalog of Dryinidae 123

Material and Methods Catalog

For ease of use, this supplement is compiled in the same format as the 1997 and Pa l a e a r c t i c Re g i o n 2006 catalogs of Guglielmino & Olmi. All the papers dealing with relationships between Dryinidae and Auchenorrhyncha published after 2006 were taken into consideration, but Fulgoromorpha only the quotations treating Dryinidae at species level were listed. The classification of the Fulgoromorpha and Cicadomorpha used is based on that Ci x i i d a e of Nast (1972, 1987), Asche (1985), Oman et al. (1990), and the suggestions of Dr M. Stiller (personal communications). The systematics at the subfamily and tribe level Cixius cunicularius (L.) adopted in this paper has to be considered provisional because in some cases the posi- Dryinus niger Kieffer (Dryininae) tion of some genera is controversial (for instance, Exitianus is considered belonging to - Finland (Väänänen & Vikberg: 2007 in press). Stirellini (Nast, 1972; Hoch, 2004) or Athysanini (Oman et al., 1990); Paradorydium is considered belonging to subfamily Dorycephalinae (Nast, 1972; Hoch, 2004) or Eu- Is s i d a e pelicinae (Oman et al., 1990). The classification of the Dryinidae is based on that of Olmi (1984; 1993; 1994; Ommatidiotus dissimilis (Fallén) 1999). For each relationship the following data are given: formicicolus (Richards) () – The host Auchenorrhyncha species, and its family, subfamily and, in many cases, - Italy (!) tribe; – The Dryinidae species, subfamily; Tr o p i d u ch i d a e – The country/ies where the parasitization was recorded. – The author who gives the parasite record is followed by the year of publication of the Ommatissus lybicus De Bergevin paper. When the author uses old Auchenorrhyncha and/or Dryinidae names the names Bocchus hyalinus Olmi (Bocchinae) are given in brackets and are preceded by one asterisk (*) if referring to Auchenor- - Oman (!) rhyncha, or two asterisks (**) for the Dryinidae. – If there is no author given the relationship is a new record discovered by the authors herein based on their research. A newly recorded relationship between the Dryinidae Ci c a d o m o r p h a and Auchenorrhyncha is indicated by the symbol (!). A known relationship reported for the first time for a country is followed by the symbol (!!). Ci c a d e l l i d a e Gonatopus secundus (Fenton, 1927) is now considered a junior synonym of Gonato- pus testaceus Cameron 1888 (Olmi, 1998). For this reason, the host record of Acanalonia conica (Say) in the U.S.A. attributed to Gonatopus secundus by Guglielmino & Olmi (1997) is here assigned to Gonatopus testaceus. Scaphoideini

Scaphoideus titanus Ball Gonatopus audax (Olmi) (Gonatopodinae) (*) - France (!) (Thunberg) (Gonatopodinae) - France (Malausa: 2004) - Slovenia (Malausa: 2004)

(*) Gonatopus audax (Olmi) was reared from S. titanus by Dr Jean Claude Malausa (INRA, Valbonne, France) (personal communication of Dr Malausa). 124 Bollettino di Zoologia agraria e di Bachicoltura, Ser. II, 39 (2), 2007 A. Guglielmino, M. Olmi: 2nd supplement of host-parasite catalog of Dryinidae 125

Af r o t r o p i c a l Re g i o n Ci c a d o m o r p h a

Fulgoromorpha Ci c a d e l l i d a e

De l ph a c i d a e Ag a l l i i n a e

Delphacinae Agalliini

Falcotoya aglauros (Fennah) Austroagallia cuneata (Distant) Haplogonatopus katangae (Benoit) (Gonatopodinae) Gonatopus maritimus Olmi (Gonatopodinae) - South Africa (!) - Namibia (!)

Matutinus vitticollis (Stål) Deltocephalinae Gonatopus acutus (Olmi) (Gonatopodinae) - South Africa (!) Athysanini Gonatopus amoenus Olmi (Gonatopodinae) - South Africa (!) Caffrolix cyclopia (Cogan) Gonatopus operosus Olmi (Gonatopodinae) Sogatella kolophon (Kirkaldy) - South Africa (!) Gonatopus acutus (Olmi) (Gonatopodinae) - South Africa (!) Colistra n. sp. (Stiller, in press) Gonatopus festivus Olmi (Gonatopodinae) Gonatopus maritimus Olmi (Gonatopodinae) - South Africa (!) - South Africa (!) Gonatopus similis Brues (Gonatopodinae) - South Africa (!) Exitianus nanus (Distant) Deinodryinus paulyi (Olmi) (Anteoninae) Syndelphax nigricaudata (Muir) - Namibia (!) Haplogonatopus katangae (Benoit) (Gonatopodinae) - South Africa (!) Exitianus okahandia Ross Deinodryinus paulyi (Olmi) (Anteoninae) Syndelphax n. sp. (Asche, in press) - Namibia (!) Gonatopus vannoorti Olmi (Gonatopodinae) - South Africa (!) Exitianus taeniaticeps (Kirschbaum) Toya ceresensis (Muir) Gonatopus vulgaris Olmi (Gonatopodinae) Gonatopus acutus (Olmi) (Gonatopodinae) - South Africa (!) - South Africa (!) Gonatopus amoenus Olmi (Gonatopodinae) Deltocephalini - South Africa (!) Recilia cotula (Cogan) Gonatopus communis Olmi (Gonatopodinae) - South Africa (!)

Doraturini 126 Bollettino di Zoologia agraria e di Bachicoltura, Ser. II, 39 (2), 2007 A. Guglielmino, M. Olmi: 2nd supplement of host-parasite catalog of Dryinidae 127

Aconurella aethiopica (Cogan) Or i e n t a l Re g i o n Gonatopus ridens Olmi (Gonatopodinae) - South Africa (!!) Ci c a d o m o r p h a Gonatopus vulgaris Olmi (Gonatopodinae) - South Africa (!) Ci c a d e l l i d a e

Aconurella compta (Naudé) Deltocephalinae Deinodryinus paulyi (Olmi) (Anteoninae) - Namibia (!) Athysanini Gonatopus cornutus (Benoit) (Gonatopodinae) - Namibia (!) Exitianus indicus (Distant) Gonatopus fortis Olmi (Gonatopodinae) Gonatopus maurus Kieffer (Gonatopodinae) - Namibia (!) - P. R. China (!) Gonatopus maritimus Olmi (Gonatopodinae) - Namibia (!) Stenometopiini Gonatopus ochreus (Olmi) (Gonatopodinae) - Namibia (!) Doratulina sp. Gonatopus schenklingi Strand (Gonatopodinae) Macrostelini - P. R. China (!) Cicadulina theroni Van Rensburg Gonatopus afer (Olmi) (Gonatopodinae) Ne a r c t i c Re g i o n - South Africa (!) Fulgoromorpha Paralimnini Ac a n a l o n i i d a e Elginus saltus (Naudé) Gonatopus cornutus (Benoit) (Gonatopodinae) Acanalonia concinnula Fowler - South Africa (!) Dryinus alatus (Cresson) (Dryininae) - Mexico (!) Eupelicinae Acanalonia conica (Say) Paradorydiini Gonatopus testaceus Cameron (Gonatopodinae) Guglielmino & Olmi Gonatopus secundus Olmi Paradorydium spatulatum (Naudé) - U.S.A. ( : 1997, ** (Fenton). : 1998, Gonatopus karibibensis Olmi (Gonatopodinae) **Gonatopus testaceus (Cameron) - Namibia (!) Gonatopus nearcticus (Fenton) (Gonatopodinae) - Namibia (!) Ne o t r o p i c a l Re g i o n

Ci c a d o m o r p h a

Ci c a d e l l i d a e 128 Bollettino di Zoologia agraria e di Bachicoltura, Ser. II, 39 (2), 2007 A. Guglielmino, M. Olmi: 2nd supplement of host-parasite catalog of Dryinidae 129

Deltocephalinae References

Balcluthini As ch e M., 1985 - Zur Phylogenie der Delphacidae Leach, 1815 (Homoptera Cicadina Fulgoro- morpha). - Marburger Ent. Publ. 2: 1-910. Gu g l i e l m i n o A. & Ol m i M., 1997 - A host-parasite catalog of world Dryinidae (Hymenoptera: Balclutha incisa (Matsumura) Chrysidoidea). - Contrib. Entomol., International 2 (2): 165-298. Anteon micros Olmi (Anteoninae) Gu g l i e l m i n o A. & Ol m i M., 2006 - A host-parasite catalog of world Dryinidae (Hymenoptera: - Mexico (!) Chrysidoidea): first supplement.- Zootaxa 1139: 35-62. Gonatopus breviforceps Kieffer (Gonatopodinae) Ho ch H., 2004 - Fauna Europaea: , Cicadomorpha etc. - Fauna Europaea version 1.1, - Mexico (!) http://www.faunaeur.org. Ma l a u s a J.C., 2004 - Les grands principes et stratégies de la lutte biologique: application au cas Deltocephalini de la cicadelle vectrice de la Flavescence dorée, titanus. - Actes de Mondiaviti, le mondial de l’information et de la communication viti-vinicole, Bordeaux, Palais des Congrès, 1-2 décembre 2004: 21-24. Planicephalus flavicosta (Stål) Na s t J., 1972 - Palaearctic Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera). An annotated check list. - Polish Gonatopus caraibicus (Olmi) (Gonatopodinae) Scientific Publishers, Warszawa, 550 pp. - Argentina (Virla: 2000) Na s t J., 1987 - The Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera) of Europe. - Ann. Zool., Warszawa, 40 (15): 535-661. Ol m i M., 1984 - A revision of the Dryinidae (Hymenoptera). - Mem. Amer. Ent. Inst. 37: I-XII + 1-1913. Fulgoromorpha Ol m i M., 1993 - A new generic classification for Thaumatodryininae, Dryininae and Gonatopodi- nae, with descriptions of new species (Hymenoptera Dryinidae). - Boll. Zool. Agr. Bachic., Delphacidae Ser. II, 25: 57-89. Ol m i M., 1994 - The Dryinidae and Embolemidae (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea) of Fennoscandia Delphacinae and Denmark. - Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica 30. - E.J. Brill, Leiden, 100 pp. Ol m i M., 1998 - New Embolemidae and Dryinidae (Hymenoptera Chrysidoidea). - Frustula Sogatella kolophon (Kirkaldy) entomol. (1997), N. S., XX (XXXIII): 30-118. Ol m i M., 1999. Hymenoptera Dryinidae - Embolemidae. Fauna d’Italia XXXVII. - Edizioni Gonatopus concinnus Olmi & Virla (Gonatopodinae) Calderini, Bologna, 425 pp. - Mexico (!) Ol m i M. & Vi r l a E. 2006 - Familia Dryinidae. In: Fernandez F. & Sharkey M. J. (Eds.), Introduc- ción a los Hymenoptera de la Región Neotropical. Editora Guadalupe, Bogotá: 401-418. Om a n P.W., Kn i g h t W.J. & Ni e l s o n M.W., 1990 - (Cicadellidae): a bibliography, Acknowledgments generic check-list and index to the world literature 1956-1985. - C.A.B. International Institute of Entomology, Wallingford, 368 pp. Vä ä n ä n e n S. & Vi k b e r g V., 2007 - Dryinus niger Kieffer, 1904 ja Gonatopus solidus (Haupt, For the identification of some Auchenorrhyncha species, the authors are indebted 1938), kaksi Suomelle uutta pihtipistiäistä (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea: Dryinidae). - Sa- to Dr M. Asche (Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany), Dr C. Dietrich (Illinois hlbergia, in press. Natural History Survey, Center for Biodiversity, Champaign, Illinois, U.S.A.), Dr M. Vi r l a E., 2000 - Aportes al conocimiento del complejo de enemigos naturales de Exitianus Stiller (ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute, Pretoria, South Africa), Dr V.M. obscurinervis (Insecta - Cicadellidae). - Bol. San. Veg. Plagas, Madrid - España, 26(3): Gnezdilov (Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Science, St. Petersburg, Russia). 365-375. Special thanks also to Dr A. Polaszek (The Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom) for sending material of Ommatissus lybicus De Bergevin, Dr Jean Claude Malausa (INRA, Valbonne, France) for sending material reared from Ball and Mr Simo Väänänen (Vantaa, Finland) for sending pictures of Cixius cunicularius Pr o f . Ad a l g i s a Gu g l i e l m i n o , Pr o f . Ma s s i m o Ol m i - Dipartimento di Protezione delle Piante, (L.) parasitized by Dryinus niger Kieffer. Università della Tuscia, Via San Camillo de Lellis, I-01100 Viterbo, Italia. This study was supported by a grant of the University of Tuscia (funds named “ex 60%”). Accepted 10 May 2007