11 · 2016 Peter Ax, the Promotor of Phylogenetic Systematics

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11 · 2016 Peter Ax, the Promotor of Phylogenetic Systematics 2016 · 11 11 · Februar 2016 Editorial ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. i Peter Ax (1927–2013): List of scientific Publications compiled by Peter Ax & Rainer Willmann ................................................................. 1 Peter Ax, the promotor of phylogenetic systematics 56th Phylogenetic Symposium 2014 in Hamburg, Germany Willi E. R. Xylander From the interstitial to phylogeny of the animal kingdom ............................................................................................................................ 7 Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa Peter Ax and the System of Metazoa ........................................................................................................................................................... 21 Michael Schmitt Hennig, Ax, and Present-Day Mainstream Cladistics, on polarising characters ......................................................................................... 35 Walter Sudhaus From the cladogram to an explanation of anagenesis in an evolutionary history perspective, exemplified by the mammals ................. 43 Stefan Richter Peter Ax’s views on homology – a comparison with Remane and Hennig ................................................................................................ 67 Additional Rainer Willmann List of scientific Publications compiled by Peter Ax & Rainer Willmann 11 · 2016 Peter Ax, the promotor of phylogenetic systematics 56th Phylogenetic Symposium 2014 in Hamburg, Germany ISSN 1618-1735 Herausgeber/Publisher Short Instructions to authors Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Institute: Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz, Germany Chefredakteur/Editor-in-Chief The scientific journal PECKIANA publishes congress contributions and outstanding theses in predominantly English. Willi Xylander Guest editors are invited for editing congress contributions. Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz — PF 300 154, 02806 Görlitz, Germany Email: [email protected] The author(s) transfer their copyrights of the manuscript to the publisher to allow, e. g., open access. A copyright transfer declaration is mailed to the authors with the confirmation of receipt of the manuscript. If such a declaration is not received, the authors should contact the publisher. The author(s) must arrange any further authorisation necessary Herausgeber dieses Bandes/ Guest Editors for reproduction of figures etc. prior to submission of the manuscript. The cover letter must explicitly confirm that all Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa, University of Hamburg & Stefan Richter, University of Rostock, Germany named authors have agreed to publication of the work, and that the manuscript does not infringe any other person’s copyright or property rights. Titelbild/Frontcover The print space of the journal is 165 x 231 mm or 81 mm width for one column. The basic font is Times New Roman. Peter Ax in summer 1966 (Photo kindly provideed by Renate Ax) • Figures and photographs: are to be submitted in high-resolution digital form (with a minimum resulolution of 300 dpi). The prefered file formats are PSD (Photoshop) and TIFF. Please do not reduce the layers to one layer. Costs incurred by printing colour photographs or figures must be borne by the author(s). Layout • Diagrams and line illustrations: Should be supplied as high-resolution digital files. The print space of the journal, should be kept in mind in the Jacqueline Gitschmann, Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz, Germany preparation of tables and graphs. If you scan line drawings, select a resolution of 1200 dpi for the final figure size. 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Editum 12.02.2016 Alternatively, correspondence and media can be sent by normal mail: the Prof. Dr. Willi Xylander, Editor-in-Chief of PECKIANA ISSN Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz 1618-1735 PF 30 01 54, 02806 Görlitz, Germany Editorial i Editorial entitled: ‘From the interstitial to the phylogeny of the animal kingdom – Peter Ax as a scientist and academic When Peter Ax died on May 2nd, 2013, we lost a great teacher’. This is followed by an investigation by Andreas zoologist who left his mark in various areas. He was Schmidt-Rhaesa of the reasons that made Peter Ax write specialist on flatworms, an important researcher on the a three volume book on the phylogenetic relationships
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