Schedule of Services Sunday Worship 9:30 AM TheThe Bible Study 10:30 AM Worship 6:00 PM Wednesday CorrespondentCorrespondent Bible Study 1:30 PM Bible Study 7:00 PM For from you the word of the Lord has sounded forth... in every place. Bible Call (1 Thessalonians 1:8) (618) 667-9603 Vol. 39, No. 27 July 6, 2011


Thursday, September 15 2:00 pm About Sin & Salvation Kevin Rutherford 3:00 pm About How One Lives Phil Sanders 6:30 pm Congregational Singing 7:00 pm Why Don't People Care About What God Thinks? Jim Faughn 8:00 pm About suffering Denny Petrillo

Friday, September 16 2:00 pm About the Church Denny Petrillo 3:00 pm About Human Life and Dignity Barry Grider 6:30 pm Congregational Singing 7:00 pm About Truth and Tolerant Society Mike McDaniel 8:00 pm About Justice (Eternal Reward & Punishment) Phil Sanders

Saturday, September 17 9:00 am About God and Creation Jim Faughn 10:00 am About One's Soul (Man's Nature) Barry Grider 11:00 am About Worship Mike McDaniel 11:00 am About Women's Roles Kathy Pollard The Thirty-First Annual St. Louis Area-Wide Lectureship will be conducted at the Collinsville church of Christ building Page 2 The Correspondent July 6, 2011

Jim Faughn has served the Central Kevin Rutherford was born in church of Christ in Paducah, Kentucky, Zambia. He grew up in Africa, since January 2001. Since December Australia, and the . Kevin 2003, he has also served as one of the has preached for the West End church elders. Jim has preached in gospel of Christ in St. Peters, Missouri, since meetings, workshops, and lectureships 1998. He was a cofounder of the in nine states and has made two Gateway Area Bible Camp for St. mission trips to India. He and Donna Louis area youth, and he annually co- have two children and five directs the summer camp. Kevin and grandchildren. Their son and son-in-law are both gospel Vicky have three children. preachers. Philip D. Sanders speaks for In Barry M. Grider has been the Search of the Lord’s Way, a nationally pulpit minister for the Forest Hill broadcasted television ministry. He has church of Christ in Memphis, taught at and the Tennessee, since 2000. He is a part Theological University of America. He time faculty member of the Memphis formerly preached at Concord Road School of Preaching. Barry has church of Christ, Brentwood, preached in lectureships and gospel Tennessee, and served as Assistant meetings in twenty states and nine Director and Instructor of the Nashville foreign countries. Barry and Celicia School of Preaching and Biblical Studies. Phil and Jackie have one son and two daughters. have four daughters and seven grandchildren.

Mike McDaniel has served as the Kathy Pollard is an instructor in evangelist for the Central church of the Women’s Program at the Bear Christ in Caruthersville, Missouri, Valley Bible Institute of Denver, and since August of 1999. He serves as an directs Higher Ground Encampment, a instructor for the Online Academy of Bible camp for teen girls. She speaks at Biblical Studies and is a faculty ladies’ days, retreats and lectureship member of the Memphis School of programs and has been on several Preaching. He helped begin the A Bible mission trips to Tanzania, Ukraine, and Answer television program and serves Cambodia. Neal and Kathy Pollard as moderator. Mike and Martha have two children. have three sons.

Denny Petrillo is the President of As of Monday, June 27, a total the Bear Valley Bible Institute in Mabery's of five hundred ninety-four Denver, Colorado. In addition, he Minutes distribution packets were left on doors during the month of teaches a number of courses in both the June. These were completed from some who had a carry Old and New Testaments. Denny has over from our May distribution and the team of ladies preached in , Arkansas, working in Edwardsville. That brings our totals for the year Nebraska and Colorado. He also has to three thousand thirty-five packets distributed. We continue to receive phone calls on our Bible Call system, taught at Magnolia Bible College and especially after packets are distributed. We have also had . Denny and Kathy have people return completed BCC enrollment forms that are three children and three grandchildren. included in the packets. I hope to have new distributions boxes with maps prepared soon after I return from vacation, if not before.

Collinsville Church of Christ 1400 Troy Road Collinsville, IL 62234 Phone: (618) 667-6708 Email: [email protected]